cristinaecho · 9 days
Hello everyone!
Here I am with another little fic for this Series!
This is just something small and - hopefully - fun. I hope you like it!
Enjoy :D
Alec Hardy/Original Male Character
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olddirtybadfic · 1 year
The Sad Saga of James Morgan and Company: The Trouble Is Made Double
In which James loses his blood innocence (first kill drama) but gains a doppelganger.
This fic contains: Colorful language; possible out-of-character moments for James and Meowth; convoluted occult lore; murderous, occult-powered Jessiebelle; ellipses abuse; original characters; blood and violence (including sexual violence); Jessiebelle slut-shames James a lot; Jessie is still dead; Jesus Hades Christ eleven!me tortured James (and Meowth!) a lot in fic (and then I decided one James wasn't enough); James still has magical powers
*Jessiebelle kidnaps James again. Meowth meets Lenny and they both follow.
*At the dungeon, Jessiebelle has a new guard named Tyrel, who looks down at James mockingly.
Jessiebelle: Tyrel, help me find a way to punish this strumpet. James: I'm no strumpet! I'm still a virgin! Jessiebelle: I would've thought you'd sin with Tylas or Lucian. James: Don't you say their names. Tyrel: If you want, I could dig them up for you. James: I will beat the piss out of you. Tyrel: I'd like to see you try, whore-lock.
*James starts punching and kicking Tyrel. Tyrel is bigger than him, so his fighting doesn't do anything.
Tyrel: You're so soft. Will you love me like the other guards?
*Tyrel grabs James's ass and pulls him down. James bites Tyrel on his dick.
Tyrel: Get this crazy ho off my fuckin' dick!
*Meowth and Lenny come in. Jessiebelle whips James.
Meowth: He fights good, in a dirty way.
*Jessiebelle pulls James off Tyrel's dick. Meowth and Lenny get James out of there.
Meowth: That was weird. James: He grabbed my arse and called me a whore. Meowth: Now I see why you did that.
*Suddenly, a trap closes around James's leg. He shrieks.
Meowth: What's wrong? James: I think Jessiebelle set a trap and I fell into it.
*Meowth and Lenny pry the trap open and get James's leg out, somehow managing to avoid the powder smeared on it. James looks relieved until he sees the powder seeping into his skin. His eyes widen.
Meowth: What's wrong? James: It has poison on it. (winces) I'm starting to think the universe has something against me. Meowth: You and me both.
*James continues to put antidote on the poison.
James: (sighs) I'm just a bad luck charm. If life was a test, I'd get an "F." You're probably better off without me. Meowth: Don't say that. (grabs James's hands) We're stronger as a team. I will not leave you behind.
*They manage to keep away from Jessiebelle and Tyrel for a while.
*Imagine Tyrel made James so mad, he did an awful thing.
*James, Meowth, and Lenny are walking through the woods. Tyrel kidnaps James. Meowth and Lenny follow them (as usual). Tyrel does everything to torture James. Jessiebelle just stands by watching and smiling at the whole scene. Tyrel grabs James's nether areas. James tries to kick Tyrel. Tyrel pushes James against a wall with his foot. James gets away from the wall and punches Tyrel. Tyrel grabs James.
Tyrel: You are a disgrace and dishonorable for refusing to marry Jessiebelle. You must be punished! James: Let go of me!
*James starts fighting like mad. He grabs the pure death knife and stabs Tyrel three times. Tyrel is dead.
James: What have I done? Jessiebelle: (smirking) Congratulations, James. Your first kill.
*James just whimpers.
Jessiebelle: You should be happy. You didn't even like him. James: I drew blood. I killed someone. Jessiebelle: And the really funny part is, I controlled you and made you kill him. (laughs)
*James snarls and glares at Jessiebelle.
James: Leave me alone.
*Meowth and Lenny drag him out of there. James is pale.
Meowth: Are you okay? James: No.
*James begins to cry quietly.
James: I hate Tyrel. And I hate Jessiebelle. (sobs) Meowth: I know how you feel.
*Meowth puts his arms around James. James hugs Meowth. They stay like that for a long time. Neither of them are thinking about Jessiebelle's newest guard.
*Imagine Jessiebelle got a new guard. This guard really surprises James and Meowth.
*Their day starts out just like any other. Walking along, minding their own business, trying to avoid death. Then Jessiebelle grabs James inconspicuously. Meowth and Lenny follow. Jessiebelle takes James to her dungeon.
James: What more could you possibly want to do to me? Jessiebelle: Don't you want to meet my new guard? James: I'd rather not. Jessiebelle: Well, you're going to see him anyway. Evander, you can come out now. Evander: Is he here?
*Evander's voice sounds very familiar to James, but with a different accent.
Jessiebelle: Don't be shy. Come meet your target.
*A black-clad boy comes out of the shadows. James gasps. The boy looks exactly like James. The same hair, the same body type, the same face. And he's smirking evilly and James is staring at him, horrified.
Evander: What are you staring at, James? James: You have my face.
*Evander looks straight into James's eyes. His eyes are an icy shade of pale green, much colder than James's emerald green eyes.
Evander: Not exactly. I have the same Pokémon, too. James: No, you don't. You can't. Evander: You're right. Koffing and Weepinbel aren't the same as Weezing and Victreebel.
*James faints from the shock and from staring into Evander's eyes.
Meowth: What have you done to him?! Evander: He can't handle my Glare.
*Evander pimp slaps James. James wakes up, covered in sweat.
Evander: Did you have a nice nap?
*James just snarls and scowls at him in a very undignified way.
Jessiebelle: Good boy, Evander. Evander: Thank you, Master.
*Jessiebelle pats Evander on the head. Evander smiles like a dog getting patted on the head.
James: If you're so obedient, why don't you marry Jessiebelle? Evander: Because I'm helping her marry you. And I'm not suited to become the sacrifice. Jessiebelle: Leave Team Rocket. Marry me. James: No. I won't leave Meowth. Evander: Come now, the Temple Witch told you you're no good at it. James: That Temple was a trap! You disrespected Tylas's spirit!
*Evander hits James across the face.
Evander: Don't you tell us about disrespect, trollop!
*Evander takes out a Pokéball and releases a Persian.
Evander: Persian, fury swipes!
*Persian scratches James. He cries out in pain. Evander calls out an Arcanine.
Evander: His name is Archie. James: Copycat. Evander: Archie, bite him!
*Archie bites James. James screams. Evander calls back Archie and Persian. He starts beating James himself. He continues to whip James even after he's unconscious.
Meowth: Get away from James!
*Meowth slashes his way in and fights off Evander. He and Lenny get James out of there. He's covered in blood. Meowth collects some of the blood, cleans James up, and takes care of his wounds. James wakes up.
James: Is he gone? Meowth: Don't worry. He's not here.
*James begins to cry silently.
James: Why did she have to get a guard that looks exactly like me? Why did I have to kill that other guard? Meowth: It was self defense. James: That was my first kill ever. Meowth: I hate to say it, but you might have to do it again.
*James looks at Meowth, horrified.
Meowth: You have to kill Evander. James: No! I couldn't! Meowth: But if you don't kill him, he'll kill you!
*James shakes his head.
James: I'm not killing anymore. Tyrel will be my first and last kill. I can't kill Evander. Meowth: Then what are we going to do? James: I don't know. But there has to be another way.
*To be continued….
Moral of the story: If you keep saying "Make it double," one day a fic writer will actually take you up on it.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Trek:Picard Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cristóbal Rios & Seven of Nine, Raffi Musiker & Cristóbal Rios, Jean-Luc Picard & Cristóbal Rios, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Raffi Musiker/Seven of Nine Characters: Cristóbal Rios, Seven of Nine Additional Tags: Missing Scene, Screenplay/Script Format, Male-Female Friendship, Español | Spanish, The Godfather Trilogy References Series: Part 4 of Multifandom Script Fics Summary:
Although I hate this aspect of Star Trek Picard, I decided to write a scene of Cris talking to Seven before loaning her La Sirena in season 2. Takes place sometime between season 1 and 2 but before Cris' return to Starfleet in S2E1: The Star Gazer.
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Ok soooo I’m not opening requests quite yet but theoretically if I were to open myself up to taking requests for owl house scriptfics would anyone like
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It's Magnificent Bastard Monday!
Today's Magnificent Bastard of the Week: Walter C. Dornez
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Total MB Incarnations: 3
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koushirouizumi · 2 months
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02
Inter-national Chosen Shane: ... Daisuke: .... Both: ...... Shane: ...Well, this is it. Daisuke & Shane, facing a coffin: Shane: I asked my former local rabbi to prepare it 'all' beforehand. Even though I hadn't been their student for over ten years... they remembered me and agreed. So it was prepared "without question" from anyone in the "real" world questioning my origins. Daisuke: ... Shane: Once I cross a certain distance, I'm gone for good, so I won't be a bother to you (or Ken) anymore. Daisuke: But, (referring to Inter-national Chosen, Shane's friend and Daisuke's current partner) Hikaru--- Shane: We already discussed the potential outcomes. Hikaru's upset too, I know... but Hikaru said Hikaru would support me no matter what. ... (You know that too, Yes?) Daisuke, Did Know if Vaguely: (Frustrated Internal Sigh) Shane: So, when I walk over around that kind of distance, (waves hand vaguely) I'll likely just vanish in a blip. Because I'm not "going to the other side". Shane: I'm "returning to the ground". Daisuke: I know... I get it... Just.... Shane: ..You brought the stones, right?? Daisuke, Showing a couple: Yeah... Hikaru picked one out- SHANE: Shane: ...Tell Hikaru "thanks" again for me too. Daisuke: I Will. Shane: ...(Slow lop-sided smirk)-- Shane: And... "Thanks" for being a Host that was worth ""haunting"" for a while. (It wasn't actual 'haunting' but) DAISUKE: Daisuke: ...Y-You know, you don't REALLY have to go? We still have room, and Ken's perfectly fine with cooking for you too if you stay physical, and-- Shane: But that's the point, we don't KNOW if I'll be able to stay physical much longer... Daisuke: I KNOW but-- Shane: ... Before that happens, I think it'd be nicer to choose for myself "how". Daisuke: ... ... ... Daisuke, Slowly: ...It was fun. Being ""haunted"". Even if that wasn't "really it" in... (your culture). Shane: Yeah. Shane: ... So, here goes, then... (Remember to place the stones after). DAISUKE, HAD THEM rEADY BUT: (W-wAIT--) SHANE, Already Floating Closer at a Steadily Increasing Pace if Carefully: .... ... ... sHANE, SUDDENLY PULLING BACK: !!!!!! DAISUKE: (?????) SHANE, WHIPPING AROUND: (You CAN'T be serious.) dAISUKE: {GENUINELY SURPRISED} (WHAT????) SHANE: (It wasn't exactly a "zap", but I froze in place temporarily...) It's... blocking me. DAISUKE: ..... (But... you were close to--??!) S H A N E: {STARING HARD NEAR DAISUKE'S DIRECTION} DAISUKE: (...ARE YOU KIDDING?????)
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crayonverse · 2 years
this is so embarrassing for me i completely forgot how to write in my script form oh my ogd
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bittersweetbonbon · 8 months
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desultory-novice · 8 months
...My muse is fickle and HIGHLY opportunistic and hearing @deepseamuse share their idea for a bad ending to Apologies where Adeleine refuses to leave Noir's side at Shiver Star, we~ll...
:guilty cough:
My apologies, Noir Defense Force... Unlike other writers, I have only tragic siblings for you today...
Warning: This story is SO self-indulgent of me 200% pure melancholy, bittersweet Dess (scriptfic) angst
:At the gates, Noir sees his sister off with a pained smile: :But she plants her feet, spinning back toward him:
Adeleine: "...I won't go."
:Noir shakes his head, gently chiding:
Noir: "Adeleine. C'mon." Adeleine: "Not without you, Noir!" Noir: "It's...It's not possible, okay? Not on this ride up, at least." Adeleine: "Okay. Then my going is impossible too!" Noir: "Don't be stubborn. Why're you acting like a kid about this?" Adeleine: "I AM a kid. And you're only three years older, Noir!"  "Are you my brother or are you trying to be dad...?"
:Adeleine is beginning to shake, worry taking root in her:
Adeleine: "...Let's just wait till we can go together, please?" Noir: "We're already here. This is the better option. Trust me." "And I'll find you again soon. I swear it." "It'll be so fast you won't notice I wasn't there the whole time!" Adeleine: "...I don't want us to be separated, Noir." "Not for any length of time!" Noir: "It's not..." "Adeleine, that's..."
:Noir grits his teeth hard, the pressure building in him snaps:  :In a moment of weakness, he voices his own fears aloud:
Noir: "We're going to be separated anyway..." Adeleine: "...Noir? What do you mean by that...?"
:He looks away, regretting ever opening his stupid mouth:
Adeleine: "What is it? What's going to happen?" Noir: "...Nothing. It's nothing, okay?" Adeleine: "Noir!" Noir: "Just forget I said anything, all right?!" Adeleine: "Now who's being stubborn?! Talk to me!"
:He tries to turn away from her, she grabs his hand to pull him back:
:He yanks it away quickly, only for his glove to slip off with it: :She sees his withered, blackened hand:
Adeleine: "...Your hand..."
:She looks up at him in shock and finally sees it: :That's not just his turtleneck pulled up extra high: :The decay has extended all the way to his jaw:
Adeleine: "Your neck too...? "...What is that? I-It's all over you..." "Noir...? Are you sick...?"
:Noir balls his fists, unable to face her: :Facing her means telling the truth:
Noir: "Just go... please..." "...I'm begging you." Adeleine: "N-Noir... Noir, I'm scared..."
:Adeleine is shaken, her gaze unfocused: :Noir kneels down next to her, trying to calm both of them:
Noir: "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I messed up, Adeleine... Badly." "And this time... was worse than all the others." Adeleine: "Y-You're gonna be okay though, right?"  "Tell me you're going to be okay?"
:He take a half-hearted shot at faking the worst lie ever:
Noir: "......Yeah. Yeah, I mean, when have I not been fine? It's okay...!"
:But even if she wants to believe this lie too, she can't:
Adeleine: "No... You don't mean it though... Tell me the truth, Noir!" Noir: "The truth is..." "...I can't stop what's happening to me."  "And I don't think I've got long left. That's why you have to go."
:Adeleine shakes her head, panic taking over:
Adeleine: "Mm-mm. Mm-mm. No, no. Noir, no. Nononono..." Noir: "Adeleine..." Adeleine: "Nononononononononono..." Noir: "Get on the ship, Adeleine." Adeleine: "Nononononononononnononono...!" Noir: "Ade-..." Adeleine: "Wa...-Waaaaaahhhh!!"
:She breaks into childlike, inconsolable sobbing: :Noir bites his lip, realizing she won't leave on her own now: :He gets up, shouts at a guard some distance away:
Noir: "You! This girl's a passenger, right?! Get her on board already!" Guard: "I'll need to double-check with-..." Noir: "She's already cleared for passage, dammit!" "Could we have gotten this close to the gates if she wasn't?!" "Get...her...on...the...ship! Now!"
:Noir is as threatening as your average scrawny teenager: :But he is right about passing through all the gates:
Guard: "...All right. Come on, you." "You had time to say your goodbyes." Adeleine: "Noooooooo!"
:Adeleine cries as the guard lifts her up off her feet:
Noir: "Goodbye, Ade-..." "...Gh?!"
:Noir falls to his knees, negativity causing the corruption to spike: :Adeleine kicks and punches to free herself from the guard:
Adeleine: "NOIR!" Guard: "Hey! Stop struggling!" Noir: "...G-guh! ...H-Hgh...!!"
:Bent over, Noir vomits sizzling black goo onto the ground:  :Cloudy, dark particles rise menacingly into the air: :Adeleine slips free as the guard backs away in shock:
Adeleine: "Noir! Noir!" Noir: "S-stay...away..." Guard: "?! The hell is that stuff?! Shit!"  "Security here; I need the bio team on this, stat!" "We got some kind of potential toxin or pathogen or something! "Tell the launch team to seal the shuttle and go!" Noir: "N-No...!" Adeleine: "Noir... Noir..." Noir: "A-Ade...leine..."
:Adeleine clings to Noir, sobbing: :The "bio team" arrives. Fully suited and fully armed:
Team: "You said there was some kind of contaminate?" Guard: "Over there! It's them! It's the children...!" "I think they're carriers for some experimental disease!" Team: "...Sickos. Thinking they can get by us using kids..."
:As the the security guard masks up and flees, the helmeted bio team leader looks impassively at the two huddled children; Adeleine in tears while Noir, still sick, stares daggers at the leader:
Team: "Hate to do this when there are hardly any of you left but..." "...We can't risk anything getting into this sector. My apologies."
:Flamethrowers are aimed at Noir and Adeleine:
Team:"Squad. On my command-!" Noir: "Rgh...! DAMMIT...!!"
:Noir hugs Adeleine in his arms and squeezes his eyes shut; the Dark Matter Blade is summoned before him as he uses his powers to teleport them away in a swirling vortex of darkness:
:They reappear in the familiar back alleys of the shelter district:
Noir: "...Huff... huff..."  "Adeleine?! Are you here...?!" Adeleine: "Yeah..." Noir: "...You're not hurt, are you...?"
:He touches her cheek with a gloved hand to be sure she's there: :He had never teleported with another person and wasn't sure he could:
Adeleine: "No. But, Noir..."
:She's too shaken to finish what she was saying: :He lets go of her and falls back into the cold snow:
Noir: "Heh... I really ruined everything, huh...?" Adeleine: "Nuh-uh... You didn't. Cause you're still here..." 
:Adeleine nestles up as close as she can to him:
Adeleine: "...Stay. We have to stay together, Noir..." "Mom and dad made us promise to watch out for each other." Noir: "...I know. That's how I know...I messed up as bad as I did..." "And it's all thanks to this stupid thing..."
:He yanks at his scarf, revealing the control gear turned collar:
Adeleine: "Is that...the thing that lets you call your sword...?" Noir: "And some other stuff. Like that teleportation trick."
:Adeleine sits up and attempts to take it off him: :She can't even slip her small fingers through to pry at it:
Adeleine: "Ngh! It's...so tight around your neck." "...How does this come off again?" Noir: "It doesn't. Not anymore. Heh... I told you I messed up..."
:He smiles, blocking his eyes with the back of a withered hand: :He is finally confessing all the things he should have earlier:
Noir: "I thought I could protect you with it. Become stronger." "So, I kept on wearing it... Way longer than I should have."  "And...I used it...to do some really awful stuff..." "Raquelle... I'm the reason she's gone..."
:This day has already been so traumatic for Adeleine she doesn't even know how to begin to react to the news of their friend's death:
Adeleine: "Noir..." Noir: "Whatever justifications I thought I had..." "...I wish I hadn't done any of it now." "You and I could have just stayed as we were." "But wearing it connected me...to something dark." "I feel it now, always at the back of my mind."
:He pulls his hand away, his eyes a thousand yards away:
Noir: "It's like a void... But it's teeming too... Constant whispers..." "It's coming for me, soon. It even has a spot lined up special." "There's no escaping it now... When it gets out, e-...I..."
:Adeleine slips back into the crook of his arm, holding onto him:
Adeleine: "...You're not allowed to leave." "You're not allowed to leave, Noir." Noir: "...I don't want to leave you either..."
:His voice cracking, he turns to hug her tight: :They stay snuggled together in the cold snow: :No more painstakingly crafted illusions and lies: :Just two kids facing a cruel fate with aching honesty:
:After a time, Adeleine whispers softly:
Adeleine: "...I just want to lay here until we become snowflakes..." "You and I...would melt together. Then we'd never have to be apart..." Noir: "...Heh. You're so warm, you'd turn us into water in no time..." Adeleine: "I'd still follow you... Wherever you flowed off to..."
Noir: "...Maybe the ocean. We could finally have that beach trip?" "But, Adeleine, you deserve so much more than that." "Not being stuck with me..."
Adeleine: "Don't you deserve anything nice, Noir...?" Noir: "...That's a silly question."
"...I already got something beyond precious."
It was a most unusual form of salvation...
People who believe in The Theory of the Four Matters have suggested that the various types can counteract or overpower each other, existing in a cycle of destructive mutual domination. Still others believe that when two forms of matter come into close contact, they are capable of peacefully transmuting into a third.
...Darkness and Soul...
Is it any surprise Dream would emerge from their union? 
Those who saw the sleeping "snowflake" children, whom nothing could wake nor separate, nor could anything harm, had no doubts they were protected by a most powerful form of Dream Matter. All that was left to question is, were their dreams happy ones...? 
Though that too could be answered with a glance at their faces.
[Apologies AU Masterpost]
Author Notes:
The last part is based around the theory that Soul Matter is related to life (the soul forms being based around a powerful desire to live) and that art in Kirby is often treated as "the giving of life."
So, in this situation, while Noir is a perfect container for an immense amount of Dark Matter (why he is unusually powerful and capable even as a drone) Adeleine is the same for Soul Matter (why she is unusually good at imbuing life into her creations)
After the disastrous, highly traumatizing events at the spaceport, with nothing left but each other, the two privately but simultaneously wished for time to stop and to never have to be separated. It came true as they fell asleep in each other's arms...
"Will this version of them ever be saved?"
^^; Like the text says, it's a most unusual form of salvation, but in a weird way, they kinda are saved? At least from present dangers (Noir's corruption has ceased while they are like this, and both are protected from starvation or freezing. As implied by the last line, they are living better (?) happier lives than they ever got in reality within their everlasting, idealistic dreamscape.)
Even as I was writing it, I realized once the situation rolled out of hand and Adeleine learned Noir's fate, there was no simple way to solve this. He could force Adeleine to leave him or talk to her until he had convinced her leaving was the best choice, but she would never be truly happy knowing what she knows. (And they were never getting that good of a chance to get her off planet again either.)
Meanwhile she could stay with him and try use all the powers at her disposal (drawing magical hacksaws and drillbits XD) but Noir had only been holding on as long as he had to see her off, and in main Apologies, dies soon after she leaves. She has no means of saving him nor freeing him from eternal bondage to Zero. Not alone, that is.
...But if you prefer your Shiver Siblings alive, conscious, and free of the looming specter of death, luckily, Kirby of the Stars is a powerful enough channel for Dream Matter that he could awaken/free them.
At least, XX number of years later when he finally visits Shiver Star in Kirby 64. Plus, Zero would be gone by then! Though 02.... >.>
(I'm betting there's a crystal shard near them also! You probably have to use the very cursed Burn-Spark power combo to melt the snow to get close enough to the two; red + yellow being the puzzle's color "hint," courtesy of Noir's perpetually ugly scarf XD)
PS: I'm rather shocked how well my fake game hint above works with the power combos, their colors, and Noir's scarf?! Go, muse~!
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cyberspacenine · 12 days
what if i wrote a third scriptfic... or like a diary entry but it's just claudia reviewing the plays put on by the theatre
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dandylovesturtles · 7 months
For the writer ask game! Any or all that you'd like to answer? ^_^
🍓 (how did you get into writing fanfiction?)
🛼 (describe your latest wip with five emojis)
🔪 (what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?)
🏜️ (what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?)
already did the emoji one so I'm skipping that
🍓 (how did you get into writing fanfiction?)
so I've been writing since I was a little kid (my mom has a storybook about a fox that I wrote when I was in kindergarten), and I've also been imagining scenarios with my favorite characters since I was a little kid. a lot of it was the normal sort of self-insert stuff kids do lol. I didn't write any of it down at the time though because I didn't think that was like... a thing people did (keep in mind this was the mid-90s and my family did not have the internet)
I think my first actual interaction with fanfiction was a girl showing me her handwritten Inuyasha fankid chatfic (though we probably wouldn't have called it that back then... scriptfic?) in junior high. it was... explicit. to say the least. lol
my first fanfiction that I wrote myself was a quick drabble thing for Over the Hedge, which I posted on a proboards site for some of my friends (ah shit anyone remember proboards???). I still didn't even know the term fanfiction back then though. I was just really into Over the Hedge.
I don't remember how I actually found fanfiction.net, but when I did I remember getting really excited realizing this is a thing people do, en masse. hilariously I started out reading a lot of National Treasure fanfiction on there, but around the same time I was really starting to get into One Piece, and I finally decided to write something and post it.
it did better than I expected it to, I started writing more and making friends with other writers in the OP fandom, and the rest is history.
🔪 (what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?)
well..... it was for another fandom, but uh.... octopus reproductive organs |'D
🏜️ (what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?)
I love all comments but I especially love ones that are trying to guess what happens next or ones that comment on specific lines they liked!
thanks for the ask!
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cristinaecho · 21 days
Hello everyone!
Here's a new little fic for the series "At Last"!
I hope you like it :) enjoy!
Alec Hardy/Original Male Character
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olddirtybadfic · 1 year
The Sad Saga of James Morgan and Company: I Still Have Questions
If you were (or still are) a regular viewer of Xena: Warrior Princess, you will probably recognize the inspiration for this fic as the season three episode "Forget Me Not." You will also notice that eleven!me completely mangled it.
This fic contains: Colorful language; possible out-of-character moments for James and Meowth; convoluted occult lore; murderous, occult-powered Jessiebelle; ellipses abuse; definite out-of-character moment for Ash; original character; attempted suicide on astral plane/alternate timeline; violence; Jessiebelle is really messed up; Butch and Cassidy are pretty terrible, too; Jessie is still dead; James actually has useful powers (?!); Jesus Hades Christ eleven!me tortured James (and Meowth!) a lot in fic (this particular warning is getting a lot of use isn't it)
*James and Meowth are still mourning Jessie. Jessiebelle is still after James. One day, James and Meowth are walking in the forest when they come across a strange building. It has a sign that says, "Answer Shack: Any questions will be answered, whether you like it or not." It looks like a stone temple.
Meowth: Do you have any questions? James: (thinks awhile). Yes. Several.
*James goes in, but the two guards don't let Meowth in.
Meowth: Hey, what's the big idea? Guard One: Only one inquirer is allowed at a time. Meowth: I don't have any questions. I just wanted to go in with my friend. Guard Two: The questions must be asked and answered in private.
*In the temple, James is standing and looking around. A boy who looks an awful lot like Tylas is standing across from him. James is looking at him with a frightened look on his face.
Temple Keeper Tylas look-alike: What is wrong, James? James: (whispering) Nothing.
*The boy even sounds like Tylas, except his voice is monotone. He's also a witch.
Temple Witch: What do you wish to know? James: Why did all the things that happened to me have to happen to me? Temple Witch: I know what you are talking about. I have been watching you. I have seen you witness the death of your chosen sister and best friend as well as the death of your true love. I have seen you go through pain only a power-carrier can survive. I know the answer to all your questions. It all had to happen to you because you are the Chosen One. If all of that had not happened to you, history would have been changed. And because you are a good bad guy, meaning that on the outside you are a bad guy, but on the inside, you cannot stand being bad. You will kill yourself if you steal one more Pokémon. You will want your Meowth friend to scratch your heart out if your plan to steal Ash's Pikachu actually works. James: No…. Temple Witch: Yes. It may be painful, but it is the truth. You cannot deny it. James: No. I like being part of Team Rocket. I like being evil and nasty. Temple Witch: Admit it. You are not fit to be a bad guy and you know it.
*James tries to break away from him, but for every step backward he takes, the Temple Witch takes a step forward. Even if the Temple Witch weren't taller than him, he'd be afraid.
Temple Witch: You are the perfect one for my experiment.
*Meanwhile, outside….
Meowth: Let me in, NOW!
*Meowth hears James scream. The guards let him in. Meowth sees James lying unconscious on the floor. The Temple Witch stands over him.
Meowth: (screams) What have you done to him?! Temple Witch: I dosed him with this. (holds up a sack of powder) I will take you into what he is thinking and experiencing now.
*The Temple Witch takes Meowth into a back room to show him what James is experiencing in the astral plane dimension. It's mostly what would happen if James had never met Jessie and Meowth.
Meowth: You forced him to think these awful thoughts? Temple Witch: It was necessary. (points to a lonely-looking Pokémon) Look over there. Does that cat look familiar? Meowth: Is that….? Temple Witch: Yes. That is you.
*The cat he pointed to could talk, but….
Temple Witch: What is wrong with this picture? Meowth: I don't know. All I see is a cat talking. Temple Witch: He is talking to himself. This is where you would be if you had never met James, just after Jessie died. All alone.
*Some people take him away.
Temple Witch: Listen. Person taking Meowth away: Where is your owner? Can you really talk and understand us? Meowth in James's dream: She died. Person: We'll have to set up an orphanage. Dream Meowth: An orphanage?! Please don't take me there! Person: I'm sorry, but we can't let you stay on the streets if you used to have a trainer. (takes him away) Temple Witch: That is what would have happened. Now, look at this.
*They're at a mansion, looking through the window.
Meowth: That's James! I don't see anything different about him. Temple Witch: Look closely. At his expression. Look what that woman is doing to him. Meowth: That's Jessiebelle! But she's got a whip and a wand. James looks so scared and sad. Temple Witch: He is not just scared and sad. He is frightened and miserable. Now, watch.
*Jessiebelle closes the door and locks it. James sits, shaking. He's crying. Jessiebelle hits him.
Meowth: Don't let her do this to you! Temple Witch: He cannot hear or see you. Meowth: I don't want to see any more of this. Temple Witch: We are not finished. Look.
*James is in the dungeon. He's doing something with a rope.
Meowth: What's he doing? Temple Witch: He had to tie the knot. Now he will tie the noose. Meowth: What's that supposed to mean?! Temple Witch: He is committing suicide.
*Jessiebelle comes in. She makes James put the noose away. He's now like a slave. He can't talk without permission.
Meowth: She's hurt him so much. Temple Witch: He is not allowed to cry. One tear could mean death for him. Meowth: (crying) Stop! Take me back to reality. I want to see the real James. Not some emotionless, voiceless boy who happens to be the same person. Temple Witch: It is now time to return.
*They go back to reality. James wakes up.
Temple Witch: What both of you just saw and experienced was a page from your life's history ripped out. The page where you met each other. (disappears into a cloud of smoke)
*James picks up Meowth and runs as fast as he can trying to get as far as he can from that temple. Later that day….
Meowth: Why are you sitting on that rock? James: (flat, monotone voice) I'm thinking. (wanders back to the tent)
*James's face is pale and his eyes are glazed over. Meowth could swear on Jessie's grave that an eerie green glow is coming from James's green eyes. Meowth follows him into the tent.
Meowth: If there's something wrong, please talk to me.
*James glances at Meowth, even though he isn't really looking at Meowth.
James: (flat voice) It's just that boy. He looks too much like Tylas. Meowth: (thinking) I wish I had the old James back. Not….this distant boy who looks at everyone with an empty stare and wanders around like a ghost. I want my only living friend back.
*Meowth starts to cry.
James: (flat voice) What's wrong? (turns to face Meowth)
*James's empty stare and the lack of color on his face only makes Meowth cry harder.
Meowth: I'm worried about you. James: (flat voice) Why ever would that be? I'm fine. Meowth: No, you're not. You talk like a robot. You wander around like a ghost. You have that distant look in your eyes. You're almost as white as your uniform. James: (soft, flat voice) I've always been like this. Meowth: (crying) No, you haven't! I just want the old James back. The one who even though he could only smile weakly, he'd smile anyway.
*James is quiet for a minute. Meowth thinks he sees a very small trace of emotion on James's face. When James turns to face him fully, he has that emotionless expression and empty stare back on.
James: (flat voice) There's nothing wrong with me. (sighs) Meowth: Even your sighing sounds monotone. James: (flat voice) Maybe after a good night's rest, we'll both feel better.
*They go to sleep. The next day, James wanders off to that rock he sat on the day before. The twerps notice him.
Ash: It's Team rocket! What are you up to now?
*James doesn't answer him.
Ash: What's the deal with him?
*James turns in Ash's direction. He has that distant look in his eyes.
Ash: He's giving me he creeps. Brock: He looks strange. Like a ghost, except he's not floating or see-through.
*Misty walks up to James.
Misty: What's wrong? James: (flat voice) Nothing. Meowth: He's been like that for hours.
*Misty waves her hand in front of James's face. He doesn't seem to respond.
Misty: He's so pale and quiet. Why is that? Meowth: I don't know. James: (flat voice) It's something I saw yesterday. Misty: What was it?
*James tells her in a flat monotone voice. His eyes are halfway open, like he's in a trance. After hearing the story, the twerps are disturbed and leave. James is trying to support himself by leaning on a nearby tree.
Meowth: I think he's draining your energy. James: (flat voice, getting shakier) I'm fine. Maybe my powers are just going insane again.
*James shakes violently, breaks away from the tree, and runs to a bush to throw up.
Meowth: You sure don't seem fine to me.
*James looks up again while wiping his mouth. He seems to have rejected whatever powder he took in the temple. The distant James dissolves. James breaks down in tears.
James: (crying) That temple witch was Tylas's ghost, being controlled by Jessiebelle.
*Meowth comforts James and then walks him back to the tent to rest. Later that evening, Meowth decides to cook dinner.
Meowth: We're having soup. It'll go down easier for you. (hands James a bowl) James: Thanks.
*The next day, as they're walking through the woods, they come across Butch and Cassidy.
Cassidy: I don't see Jessie anywhere. I guess she couldn't cut it in Team Rocket after all.
*James and Meowth glare.
Butch: You two should go ahead and quit while you're behind. You're not fit to be Team Rocket members. Cassidy: Are you still shitty at training that Victreebel? Did it finally snap and eat Jessie's hair off? Is that why she left you? Butch: Or did all your failures drive her to make a final blast off?
*James's hands curl into fists.
*James zaps lightning at Butch and Cassidy. They scream and run off. James sinks to his knees and stares at his hands.
Meowth: Ha! You sure showed them! (turns to James) James? James: I could've killed them…. Meowth: But you didn't. James: That doesn't matter! (trembling) Meowth: I think you should lie down. James: Let's just set up camp.
*They set up camp. James goes into the tent and lies down on his sleeping bag. Meowth follows.
Meowth: I'm worried about you. First, Jessiebelle tries to kill you, then she kills Jessie, now this. I hate to say this, but maybe we can't fight her anymore. James: What are you saying?! Meowth: Maybe we should surrender. James: No! I'm not going down without a fight. It's even in our motto! "Surrender now or prepare to fight!" I have to live up to it. Even if we lose. (sighs sadly) Jessie would want us to. Meowth: I miss Jessie, too. And we're not even near her grave. James: It's not just Jessie I miss. That temple witch reminded me of Tylas. Meowth: I see a pattern here. You loved Tylas, so Jessiebelle killed him. Jessie is our friend, so Jessiebelle killed her, and….
*James's eyes widen.
James: You're the only one left. (starts crying quietly) Meowth: I won't die. And I won't leave you. James: I will protect you.
*James protects Meowth and they manage to avoid Jessiebelle for a while.
Moral of the story: If a person, place, or organization claims to have all the answers, RUN.
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tss-whumper · 10 months
my whump intro!
hey, gang!! i'm annie, you might know me from my main blog (@prodigal-explorer). this is my side blog, and it's a place for all things sanders sides whump! whump isn't a very big thing in this fandom, but i really love it and i think this fandom has so much whump potential.
to clear things up for anyone confused, whump is basically a genre of fanfic/headcanons/content where characters (they are called whumpees) are being hurt either by other characters (they are called whumpers) or by natural elements such as sickness and weather. sometimes, there are characters who help whumpees feel better, or protect them from whumpers (they are called caretakers). whump is sort of like hurt/comfort, but there's not always the guarantee of comfort. whether or not there's comfort is up to personal preference! when it comes to whump, pretty much any kind of pain/injury/hurt is on the table, so when engaging with it, it's important to read tags carefully, just for your own safety!
with this blog, the characters from sanders sides will be playing whumpees, whumpers, and caretakers in an assortment of ways! characters will not always be named. sometimes it will just be (side a) or (side b), or it will just be labeled as "whumper" or "whumpee" if i don't really have a sanders sides character in mind for the scenario.
more info about my page and what i will and won't write below! (warning: i don't censor any of my words, so proceed with caution if that bothers you. some of the content i mention is very sensitive.)
whump themes/ideas/characters/tropes i LOVE writing:
emotional/verbal abuse
physical abuse
familial abuse
religious trauma
pet whump
whumpee turned caretaker
caretaker turned whumpee
caretaker turned whumper
small whumper and large whumpee
medieval whump
canonverse whump
non-canonverse whump
stress positions
inhumane punishments (especially when they have significant meanings in the story)
sunshine character who is secretly the whumper
whumpers who genuinely think they're doing the right thing
whumpees who are bad people
caretakers who don't know how to be a caretaker/bad caretaker
unreliable narrator
eating disorders
age gaps (as long as they're painted in a bad light)
whumpees of marginalized communities (poc, lgbtq+ besides gay cis white men, disabled, fat, jewish, etc.) because there is NOT ENOUGH OF THAT IN THE WHUMP COMMUNITY. i get it's tricky territory and you have to be careful with it, but why are little white guys the only ones getting rescued and taken care of?
descriptive fics
multi-chapter fics
bullet fics
whump themes/ideas/characters/tropes i WILL write:
whumpee turned whumper
whumper turned whumpee
suicidal thoughts/ideation
boxboy (though i don't have much experience, so i will be learning as i go!)
lady whump (it's not my favorite but i'll do it)
sick whump
wilderness whump
child whump
children whumping children
whump with remy/sleep, c!thomas, and emile picani (i'll write them as any role, whumpee/whumper/caretaker)
whumpee x caretaker (as long as it's not codependent)
toxic whumpee x whumper (where it's clear that the relationship is not a good one)
whumpee x whumpee
courtroom scenes
major character death
unhappy endings
happy endings
bittersweet endings
whump themes/ideas/characters/tropes i WILL NOT write:
tiny whump (just not my thing)
fem side x masc side (especially when the whumpee is the fem side)
any whump involving thomas sanders (like the real person) or any of his friends.
anything relating to bodily waste
detailed descriptions of needles (it just freaks me out lol)
feel free to send in an ask requesting anything you want me to write or react to, as long as it's not in the "will not write" category. if you don't see what you want listed anywhere, just assume that i will write it! there isn't a lot that i don't do, but i will not negotiate with the boundaries i have, so please don't try to convince me!
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batteryrose · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
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Oh wow thank you for thinking of me. I'm still alive I've just been touching a lot of grass lately (unfortunately) and I don't have the quiet and the space to write again yet. but these are my five favourites so far:
on Violence (link leads to AO3) Nokto/Adam. Tags: scriptfic, political stuff, slow burn
long fic with unique format, it was really fun to write at the time. Many topics and themes I wish were talked about in ikepri. Haven't finished it but I don't press myself about it (in hopes I'll continue it later)
Boundless Treaty Nokto/Silvio/Adam. Tags: NSFW, threesome, porn without plot, bunch of teasing going on
The tags should tell enough. This one got good reviews for my friends so… I mean…
Dirty Deeds done Dirt Cheap Nokto / Silvio, feat. Adam Tags: profanities, lots and lots of profanities, suggestive scenes
This one is also pretty fun. I got kinda overboard with the swearing. I have no idea why but when I'm writing these three I tend to write from Silvio's perspective and when it's just Nokto and Adam I write from Nokto's perspective. Have I ever written from Adam's perspective??
Anyway it's about Silvio crushing on Nokto while they are unfortunately in some diplomatique(TM) conflict
What happens on earth, stays on earth.  Nokto/Adam Tags:  Soulmate AU, Suicidal ideation, racism, war setting, implied major character death, happy ending, Nokto’s 1st POV
I feel like I'm the One and Only fan of this fic mannn I think it could be better but the heart is there. Actually no several of my friends were a fan of it too, which is enough. BUT MORE PEOPLE NEED TO READ IT! JUST BECAUSE ITS 6K WORDS DOESNT MEAN YOU CANT READ IT!
Anyway it's a soulmate AU, and also some sort of worst-case-scenario AU, where Yashpari is thoroughly ruled by Obsidian and Adam still serves in its military, and Rhodolite is losing really bad in the war. Nokto is a prisoner being transferred by Adam.
God Between us and All Harm Chevalier/Elfrind Tags: NSFW, war setting, loyalty/devotion love, mutual masturbation
This one was one of my best fic for a while. writing chevalier and elfrind always got me all fucked up. I Need more people to read this because it's not a sexy porn its PORN WITH THEMES. THEMES OF DEVOUR AND SUCH
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It's Complete Monster Friday!
Today's Complete Monster of the Week: Jan Valentine
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Total CM Incarnations: 2
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