#poker date night
ahellalottafandoms · 2 months
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Tell me Eddie Diaz isn't already deeply in love with his best friend!
That is a look of pure adoration and love right there!!
He's already there. He's just waiting for Buck to catch up. (Which is hopefully soon, either the season finale where he has his "Oh" moment or the beginning of season 8! 🤞🏻)
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rosstrytobe · 1 month
Thinking if in s7 epidose 1, Chris was forshading just in part Eddie love life there are some points that are really interesting:
1) The first girl that Chris brings at home, eating pizza and playing videogames is Penny, a blonde girl that he met at math class (as Eddie told to Buck) and Eddie say that he doesn’t get if it was a date because it seems to him that they were just hanging out as two male friends do (👀👀). Even though from the scene we know Christopher and Penny are smiling so they both are enjoying this date. Even though Eddie can’t see it because he was behind them and watching them afar
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Now, It's pretty obvious who they are referring to because videogames and pizza is what Buck, Eddie and Christopher did from the past 6 years. Penny is blonde as Buck and him and Eddie smiled everyday when they are with each other because they enjoy their time with each other
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The math class also is a methaphor because in the past seasons we saw that neither Eddie and Buck knows anything about math until Buck died and when he came back he knew all the answears and he was a jenious at math. That brought them to their first poker date night togheter as Chris and Penny dated because they met in math class. Even though neither of them knew it was a date
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Eddie watching Chris from afar it can be also a methaphor of the fact that now he can’t see what he have with Buck because he doesn’t think that what they do is romantic coded or anything but then Buck line came and it's very important because Buck is the first one who are saying that there is just ONE CASE where there's underlying sexual tension and Eddie face to that was speechless. Almost as he got what Buck said but he doesn’t want to think about it. So what Eddie did? He just change the subject
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Because if we think about it, in episode 5, Eddie didn’t think Buck and Tommy was interested in each other in a romantic way. Also, Eddie didn’t think Tommy was gay in the first place and it freak Eddie out a bit but then he just proceed to support his best friend because nothing will ever change his bond with Buck. As he tried to change the topic and talking about something else. But then at the bachelor party Eddie couldn’t hide his feelings and from his expression is pretty obvious is jealous of Tommy
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But what Eddie did in next episode? Instead of understand why he was a little mean to Tommy he put himself in an emotional cheating relantionship with a copy of his dead wife (💀💀). Again, he's trying not to think about it and putting that feeling away. Changing the subject
2) The second girl Chris was talking to, she was a black hair girl who we don't even know her name (👀👀). As we don't know Marisol last name. And the first thing we see about her is her jealous towards Penny because Chris was two timing her. As now Eddie is doing it to Marisol with Kim. And if Tim wasn’t jocking with the Vertigo post, we know Marisol (the nun) will break Eddie illusion to bring back Shanon on his life and of course they will break up in the end (😍🥳)
3) Buck talked with Christopher of why he was seeing more than one girl and how it was wrong for his sake. Christopher answer that he doesn’t care about them because he knows they will leave him in the end as his mom did. Eddie heard them and later he give his son the Shannon letter and with that. It seems Christopher have his closure with his mom (We don't know it yet until the last two episodes airs)
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Now, from Ryan interview we know Buck is going to meet Kim and I think if that's so. Then Buck would try to tell Eddie how it is wrong for his sake and his relantionship with the nun (lol) as he did for Christopher. But I think also, that as Christopher didn’t listen to him. Eddie won't listen to Buck either. Because Eddie is still missing Shannon in some ways and seeing her in Kim face made him again romanticed his marriage with her. When we know the memories he played weren’t happy ones but where we saw there were problem in their marriage. Problems in wich Shannon asked Eddie to divorce him before dying
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But as Christopher have found his way to close that chapter with the letter. Kim is the key to Eddie to have that closure with Shannon and realize why he can’t commit to any women he's been with or have what he though he had with Shannon. Because he have to go deep into himself and understand something he didn’t understand before (as his sexuality or his feelings for Buck)
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live footage of me last night:
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meowdyjac · 10 days
After obsessively watching every single Sam and Max media, I’ve made some headcanons. (Alt has dialogue if you can’t read the writing >x<”)
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This is based on all of the dialogue from the games that insinuated that Sam has a pretty bad love life and Max instigates him to date more knowing it will fail. Max has definitely been Sam’s new years kiss for at least 7 years. (Sam is in love with Max, but doesn’t realize it)
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He actually did do those things after snapping that pic. (He’s gonna show Sam later when the 4th album is finished)
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matan4il · 1 year
Eddie counted.
Eddie counted because for three minutes and seventeen seconds his heart was in his throat and he wasn’t breathing properly and he felt the passage of time in a way he hadn’t experienced it since he was shot and the world slowed, and narrowed down to Buck, just Buck, right in front of him, across this unreachable distance.
I’m okay, I’m fine, nobody touch me
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feral-peacock · 1 month
Edmundo Diaz is far from perfect. He has made, and will make many mistakes.
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llama911refugee · 4 months
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Watch as our newest Sub Eddie Diaz, pays all that he owes, after losing everything during poker night.
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toughpaperround · 1 year
Poker nights - a 911 Rec List (3/3)
6x13 'New Feelings' / 'Mixed Sensations' or some such
All because a person dropped a set photo, and then there was the show promo - there are even *more* fics:
"Leveling Up" by @lamardeuse (M, 6k) in which Auntie Hen helps out
"we might just get away with it" by @markofalover (E, 4k) in which velvet!Buck has Eddie squirming and it's adorable 🔥
"called my bluff (and saw through all my tells)" by @swiftiediaz (E, 2k) in which Buck shows all of his cards to Eddie
A tumblr fic from @ghosthunterbuck (unrated, <1k) in which Buck ponders on some things
Great fanart from @murdochia
And finally, a fic written about the aftermath of this poker evening, "We're Not Software Development" by FandomFeels17 (unrated, 2k)
Part 1, Part 2, Masterlist
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spotsandsocks · 1 year
Date night
Date Night 2k G
I did not mean to write this I had a thought here and then was enabled (not that it takes much ) by the tags left by @singlethread and @canonicallyobserving911. I have tried to build in some of the speculation and ideas flying round here too.
Eddie goes on a date, post Poker night date and Marisol has some insights on him and Buck.
The plan had been simple enough: get Buck out of his flat, introduce him to people who would understand what he’d been through, the people who had helped Eddie get through what he’d been through too. If Buck didn’t want to share how he was feeling with him, maybe he’d talk to someone else. Eddie would be happy if he just started talking to someone, anyone, normally you can’t shut Buck up but for weeks he’s been so closed in. Apart from that brief glimpse in his kitchen where he hadn’t lied but hadn’t exactly told the truth either, Buck isn’t talking. Eddie misses the part of his friend that’s gone quiet  but more than that he’s worried about him. Hence the plan. 
The first inkling that he’d miscalculated had hit him when Buck had opened the door to him looking like that, like a film star from the old movies Eddie had watched with his abuela and abuelo.  He hadn’t expected Buck to scrub up quite so well, which was again stupid in retrospect, Buck is hotter than hell on his most casual days what had he been expecting when he said ‘Dress up for me, you need to look good. I’m taking you out somewhere fancy,’ Buck had fulfilled the brief and then some.
He’d even let some of his awe slip past his lips once his brain had come back online. He distinctly remembers staring and then saying ‘wow’ Buck had beamed and looked about an inch taller as he’d preened under the praise and attention. It had been a flash of the old Buck.
Eddie hasn’t had anywhere near the same reaction to his date tonight. Marisol looks nice, she’s technically very pretty; nice face, nice hair, nice dress, nice smile. Nice nice nice. 
He’s been there, he’s done nice, it didn’t end well. 
He knows he doesn’t want nice. He’s starting to think he wants something else. Someone else. 
Poker with Buck had felt, well it had felt a whole lot of things. Nice hadn’t been one of them. He’d felt alive sitting next to Buck, watching him win hand after hand. He’d felt proud that Buck had come with him, that people watching could see Buck smile at him with eyes brighter than they’d been for weeks. He’d felt hot and breathless watching Buck’s confidence grow, pull those chips towards him with his strong capable hands, fingers curling round them then playing with one chip, twirling it through his fingers. He’d been fascinated by the way they moved, surprisingly 
dexterous considering how big those hands were. 
He feels a little hot again now, this restaurant should probably get their air con checked. Marisol is saying something about her job he thinks, so he nods and smiles, takes a bite of whatever he’d ordered. 
He wonders what Buck’s doing for dinner tonight. He hopes he’s gone out to see Maddie or Bobby or someone rather than hiding at home.  At the poker game he’d felt hopeful  like maybe Buck was coming back to him a little bit.
At the poker game he’d been having fun.
Tonight sitting opposite this perfectly pleasant woman he feels bored. 
He refocuses on his date who says quite kindly, 
“Why are you here?” The half twist of her smile is also kind and a little knowing. 
“What?” He frowns more confused than anything.
“Why are you here?” She repeats, “well physically at least, not sure I have your full attention.”
What does he say; because his aunt’s been nagging him to start dating again and “get on with his life”,  because it’s been more than a year since he had a date, because  he’s getting older and it’s what people expect from him, because  she fits the mold for who he should date, because  he still had her number from where they fixed up her house, because  it seemed like the best of his very limited options. 
Or maybe it’s because she doesn’t make his heart race and his palms sweat, because she has brown eyes not blue and because she’s safe and won’t break his heart. 
Or is it because Buck might have thought the poker night was a date because when he said goodnight to him there’d been a moment when Eddie had thought how soft his lips looked and how close they were and Buck had looked at him and he’d looked back and his heart had skipped a beat and then he’d said goodnight with his eyes fixed on his shoes and left.
There’s a lot of reasons why he’s here tonight and one reason why he shouldn’t be. 
The most honest thing he can say is sorry so he does. 
“I'm.. I’m  really sorry I shouldn’t have done this. I’m just not ready to date.” 
Eddie says the words with the memory of soft lights and large hands holding cards in his head. He says the words with the feel of soft velvet under his fingers and the scent of the whiskey on Buck’s breath as he’d lent in to whisper in his ear at the table. 
“Is it that guy?” She asks with another small smile, “the one you came round to mine with, Buck wasn’t it? Did you just break up or something, this a rebound date?”  
Eddie’s heart lurches “What? Why, why would you think that? Me and Buck we’re not, we’ve never… no… no.” 
Marisol sits back in her chair, “Oh! It’s a ‘I'm in love but I haven’t told him’ kinda thing then.” 
He hasn’t got an answer to that. Not that she was asking a question, it’s more of a statement.
Eddie shifts uncomfortably in his seat.
“It’s fine Eddie. I understand, I was surprised you called, I kinda assumed you were with him then.”
“Why?”  His heart is in his throat waiting for her answer, if he’s that obvious a stranger thinks he has feelings for Buck then it’s more than likely Buck suspects, more than suspects after poker night. 
“Well the way he looked at you was a big clue.”
Wait what? The way Buck looks at him .
read the rest on AO3
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tracfone · 2 years
Glados, watching chell knock on the door of the wheat field shack: oh thank god, finally someone who appreciates my interests--
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so that poker scene was a date, right??
idk how they would explain all. of. that. in a heterosexual way.
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rosstrytobe · 2 months
Tommy i must say:
Thank you to treat Buck with the princess treatment and also you're really smooth ❤️
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disasterbuck · 1 year
You Should’ve Just Kissed Me
Set after the Poker Date Night, Buck overhears Eddie talking about being set up on a date and wonders aloud why Eddie doesn't just explain that he's already in a relationship - with Buck. | 2,345 words | Read on AO3
Climbing the steps to the station's loft, Buck made his way over to the table where his teammates were sitting and talking together. Choosing a seat beside Eddie, he sat down just as the man was saying something about his Tia Pepa.
"So now I have this girl's number and if I don't call, there's going to be hell to pay," Eddie said with a sigh.
"What's going on?" Buck asked, grabbing some food for himself.
"Eddie's been set up," Chimney explained. "Blind date."
Choking slightly on the mouthful he'd just tried to swallow, Buck coughed and then turned to face Eddie with a frown.
"You what?"
"Tia Pepa just won't take no for an answer," Eddie explained, shaking his head and stabbing at his own food with a fork.
"Uh... have you tried explaining to her that you're already in a relationship?" Buck asked. "With me?"
Eddie's eyes snapped up to meet his as everyone around the table suddenly fell silent.
"I'm... what?" Eddie asked, giving a half-hearted chuckle as his eyebrows pinched together.
Glancing around at all the eyes fixed on them, Buck felt a nervous shiver run down his spine.
"Dating me?" Buck said, but the words came out like a question. Eddie was staring at him like he'd just announced a desire to quit being a firefighter and get a desk job somewhere.
"We're not dating," Eddie said.
It took a moment for the words to make sense. Of course they were dating! Eddie had asked him out to the poker game and they'd worn their fancy suits and giggled the whole way home! Why was he-
"Oh," Buck said suddenly, eyes widening. He leaned closer and lowered his voice, asking, "Was I not supposed to say anything? Did you want this to be a secret?"
"There's no secret!" Eddie exclaimed, looking around nervously at the faces still staring at them. "I don't know what you're talking about."
Of course he shouldn't have said anything. Eddie either wasn't ready to come out or didn't want people knowing that they were an item until they were sure it was going to last. Buck should have thought before he spoke, but like usual he'd let his mouth run away with him and now Eddie was extremely uncomfortable and he'd possibly ruined everything.
"I'm sorry," Buck said, pushing back from the table and abandoning his food. He was so ashamed he couldn't bear to be here for a moment longer. "I, uh... I made a mistake."
Trying to flash a reassuring smile at everyone, he quickly headed back down the stairs to try and find something to distract him.
Behind him, he heard voices:
"Eddie?" It was Hen. "You know, none of us would have a problem with it if-"
"We're not dating!" Eddie snapped, and Buck felt the shame strangling his neck and spreading up his face. "I don't know what he's talking about!"
Buck had restocked all the trucks by the time Eddie found him. The task had done a shit job of distracting him and he'd been going over everything again and again in his head, wondering what he should have done differently and if there was a way to salvage the situation.
He'd also been surprised by how much it hurt to hear Eddie vehemently deny dating him. Was Eddie ashamed of him? Did he think their date had been a mistake that shouldn't be repeated? They hadn't really talked about it since it happened...
"Hey," Eddie said softly, leaning against the side of the truck as Buck closed the doors and had nothing left to distract himself with.
"Hey." Buck fixed his eyes on a spot somewhere on Eddie's chest so he could avoid looking in the man's eyes.
"Are you okay?" Eddie asked.
"Why wouldn't I be?" Buck asked with a fake laugh, crossing his arms and looking away at the other side of the room.
Shifting on his feet, Eddie inched a bit closer to Buck before asking, "Why did you say we were dating? Was it just... I mean, were you offering to lie to help me get out of the blind date?"
Buck looked over at him sharply, eyebrows drawn together in a confused frown. Before giving any kind of response, he looked around the room to see if there was anyone near enough to overhear their conversation. Once establishing that they were quite alone, he fixed his gaze back on Eddie and his frown morphed into a bit of a glare.
"You know no one can hear us, right?" he asked.
Eddie blinked at him.
"Like, sure," Buck continued. "If you don't want anyone to know yet, that's fine. But you don't have to be quite so rude about it."
Eddie's lips parted slightly in a way Buck was sure meant he was confused. But what the hell did he have to be confused about?
"Buck," Eddie said slowly, cautiously. "You actually think we're dating?"
Buck felt his blood go cold as the words reached his ears and settled on his chest like a heavy weight.
Eddie was being serious. Eddie was asking him if he really thought they were dating, which meant that Eddie didn't think they were dating. Which meant...
Buck had made the wrong assumption.
"Oh," he whispered, staring in horror as Eddie's confused expression became filled with pity. "Oh my god, okay. I made a mistake. That's... I'm so sorry."
Almost tripping over his feet as he began to back up, Buck looked around in search of something, anything that could get him away from Eddie right now. Could he just run? Would Eddie let him go? He knew they'd have to have a conversation about it at some point, but the thought made him want to shrivel up and die.
He couldn't believe he'd thought the poker game was a date. Of course it wasn't! Eddie wouldn't take him on a date somewhere with other firefighters! He was way too private for that. And Eddie had never even said it was a date, so why the hell had Buck assumed?
"Buck-" Eddie began, but Buck pulled away from his outstretched arm.
He had to get out of here. He was about to have a meltdown and he did not want to do that in front of his best friend.
His best friend, who he'd thought might feel something for him, but who clearly didn't. Fuck he was such an idiot!
"Buck, wait," Eddie called out, and Buck realised he was already halfway across the room. He wasn't even aware of his legs moving.
The door to the bunk room appeared ahead of him and he hurried towards it, shoving it open with his hands when he reached it and almost collapsing inside.
For a brief moment he thought he was safe. But – damn it! – Eddie followed him.
"Buck, stop," Eddie snapped, slamming the door behind him and then just standing there, staring at him.
Buck was trapped. He had nowhere else to go.
"It was the poker night, right?" Eddie asked gently as Buck swivelled uncertainly on the spot. "You thought it was a date?"
"Is there anything I can say to convince you to forget about this?" Buck asked desperately.
"No," Eddie said, and Buck sighed hopelessly. "You need to know something about that night."
"I get it, okay?" Buck said. "It wasn't a date. I messed up–"
"I wanted it to be," Eddie burst out quickly, interrupting Buck's tirade. "I... wished it was. The whole night."
Buck fell silent, feeling a bit whiplashed with everything that was going on. He watched anxiously as Eddie took a step towards him, the man's dark eyes looking extremely serious.
"That whole night," Eddie continued. "I was thinking about kissing you. I kept telling myself to just do it, to just risk it. But I... I couldn't. Not without knowing for sure how you felt. Without knowing if you wanted me, too."
Buck continued to stare as Eddie slowly came closer and closer towards him. He felt as though the cogs of his brain had ground to a halt, leaving him unable to think or move or speak or do anything.
"But... you do, don't you?" Eddie asked cautiously, his feet bringing him right up into Buck's personal space. "Why else would you think we were dating unless that's what you wanted?"
Eddie's gaze dropped to Buck's lips and Buck gulped nervously. Despite thinking he and Eddie had been dating for the past few days, he still found it extremely overwhelming to have the man standing so close and staring at his mouth.
"Buck?" Eddie prompted, reaching a hand up to gently rest against the side of his face. "I need you to tell me what you want."
Slowly, as if in response to the heat from Eddie's hand, the cogs in Buck's brain began to turn again.
"I want you," he said.
No sooner had the words left his lips than Eddie closed the distance between them, kissing Buck with a passionate abandon that left him breathless. Buck responded instantly, his hands coming up to seize Eddie's shoulders.
Buck felt like his body was on fire and Eddie was make of sparks; like he was being flooded with so much electricity that it was short-circuiting all of his nerves. He clung desperately to Eddie, giving over control of the kiss as the other man devoured his mouth.
Then, without warning, Buck burst out laughing and made their mouths break apart.
"What?" Eddie asked as he pulled back slightly, a smile on his face. "What is it?"
"Sorry – " Buck gasped out, feeling tears prick his eyes as the hysterical laughter tore through him. He buried his face in Eddie's shoulder as his body shook and he gasped past giggles. "I'm sorry, I don't – "
Unable to get the words out, Buck gave up and just tried to ride the wave. A moment later, he heard Eddie snort a laugh as well and suddenly the two of them were giggling uncontrollably and had to sit on one of the bunks lest they fall to the floor.
A few minutes passed, their laughter gradually petering out until they were able to get ahold of themselves again.
Buck sat up straight, his hands still twisted tightly in Eddie's shirt, and looked into the man's gorgeous brown eyes. Eddie was looking back at him with such a fond smile on his face that it made him blush and duck his head a bit.
"Am I that bad at kissing?" Eddie joked.
"No!" Buck cried out, thumping him on the shoulder.
Eddie let out a soft, much more controlled chuckle than before and slid a hand behind Buck's head, drawing him close so that their foreheads were touching. They sat like that for a moment, breathing quietly with their eyes shut as they simply soaked in each other's presence.
Neither of them were sure who made the first move after that, but they found themselves kissing again. This time it was a lot less frenzied as they each took their time, licking and tasting and caressing the other's mouth. Buck slid his hands across Eddie's chest and sighed happily when Eddie's arms tightened around him.
When they finally drew apart again, licking the excess saliva off their lips, they met each other's gaze and smiled warmly.
"So," Buck said softly.
"So," Eddie echoed.
"You should've just kissed me," Buck said. "When you took me home that night."
The corners of Eddie's mouth drew up in a wider smile and he squeezed one of Buck's hands tightly.
"I will next time," he promised.
Buck felt a shiver of excitement run down his spine at the words. He and Eddie were going to go on another date – a proper date – and they would both be on the same page this time. Buck could kiss Eddie whenever he wanted.
As if to prove his own point, Buck leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss to Eddie's mouth.
"Buck," Eddie whispered, fingers tight where they gripped his. "I'm in love with you."
Buck felt as though fireworks had suddenly been set off inside his chest. He didn't think he'd ever felt so happy in his entire life, and he instantly felt tears well up in his eyes again. He tried to fight them back and he tried to speak, feeling like a complete mess.
"Oh my – You really – Eddie, I – Oh my g– You – I love – Fuck! – I love you too!"
Eddie was grinning like an idiot as a sob wrenched itself out of Buck's chest. The other man gently untangled a hand so that he could reach up and wipe a tear away with his thumb, making Buck's chest ache even more from the tender act.
"Move in with me," Eddie murmured, the words low and almost hesitant.
Buck open his mouth to say yes but only managed a quiet sob. He opted instead for nodding his head fiercely, then grabbed Eddie's head in his hands and kissed him again.
"Buck? Are you in – Ohhhhhh my god I'm so sorry."
Buck pulled back from Eddie and glanced over to see Hen hurriedly backing out and shutting the door again. He huffed a laugh and then looked over at Eddie, his chest squeezing painfully as he started to panic.
"Sorry," he said quickly. "Do you want me to … ?"
"Hey." Eddie took his head gently in both hands and stared directly into Buck's eyes. "I am not ashamed of you. I love you. I denied it before because I didn't know you thought it had been a date. But I absolutely, unequivocally want everyone to know that we're together now."
Feeling giddy, Buck said, "I am so in love with you."
"Likewise," Eddie said with a grin.
When they eventually left the bunk room and made their way back up to the loft, they were met with cheering and wolf whistles from the rest of their teammates. And although they both blushed, neither of them let go of the other one's hand.
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impostorsshow · 1 year
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I'm not procrastinating I'm not procrastinating I'm not pr-
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sibylsleaves · 1 year
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glimpseofsanity · 6 months
Remember this one time I told a guy I liked more dominant and confident men and then he proceeded to treat me like a dumb little girl and I just lost it.
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