#pokespe better powers AU
savebatsfromscratch · 11 months
No.26. “You Look Awful,” “Don’t we all??”
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51140125
Words: 1,640
Cws: Near failure, almost giving up, overworked, minor swearing if you’re a Catholic like me
Notes: I really wish I hadn’t rushed this one, because this sort of thing makes me absolutely rabid, but it’s still pretty good as is. :) A LITTLE Better Powers AU because I am insane about them. (Powers of these five listed at the end.)
Prompt: No. 26: “Sometimes I get so tired; I don’t even know myself.” Seeing Double | Working To Exhaustion | “You look awful.”
The door slammed open, and Blue looked up as Red pushed his way into the room. Blue raised an eyebrow. Red’s hair was full of leaves, his face was covered in scrapes and bruises, and his hat was on sideways for some reason.
“You look awful,” Blue commented, watching as Red slid into the chair next to him.
“Don’t we all?” Red asked him, laughing tiredly as he rolled his eyes at Blue.
Blue shrugged, even though he knew it was true. Red was by no means the only trainer in their group with dark circles under his eyes and hair filled with sticks and leaves. (Blue hoped that his own hair, at least, looked a little bit more put together, but he knew that he was just as scraped up as Red was, that was beyond hope.) Just because Red had bandages replacing his fingerless gloves on one of his hands didn't mean that he was the only one who looked awful among them.
Yellow, for example, had clearly been crying before she'd walked in. She was trying to put on a brave face as she walked through the door, but Blue knew her far too well to ever buy it. When Green followed her, she was missing all of her usual snarky glow, and Blue noticed that part of her hair was a little shorter and more tangled than the rest. (If her text earlier that day had been true, she had run into a probable ex Rocket owned Scyther and got a little unlucky.) Ash... Well, Ash looked about as good as he usually did, but he always looked a little beat up, so that wasn't really a good sign to Blue.
And Blue knew that he himself looked tired as hell. (Or, if he somehow didn't, he must've learned how to put on some hell of an act in the free time he knew that he didn't have.)
Seeing that no one was starting the meeting, and it was clear there would be no more small talk, Blue sighed. “We're all here now, right?” Blue asked, tapping a stack of papers on the desk in front of him to organize them more cleanly, then, when everyone had nodded those tired nods of theirs, he continued, ”I guess I’ll start,“
Ash sighed loudly, as if he had been hoping for something a bit more entertaining, but Blue ignored him and continued to speak. “I suppose I'll start with my week's notes, and then we can go around the table,” once again, the others nodded, but it was somehow even weaker this time, as if the reminder of what had gone on in the previous week had been nothing but discouraging for them (if that was true, Blue actually had something to agree with them on, shocking). “I tried looking for a hidden base,” he continued, pulling out a sketched map of the region and gesturing to several red Xs he had drawn on it, “but I wasn't able to accurately trace any grunts back to one place, I kept getting called to help with other things,”
“They're getting better at hiding their movements,” Green agreed, opening a notebook of her own and pointing at some cursive scribbles that Blue couldn't read from his distance away from her. She pointed at a couple and Red raised his eyebrows like it was shocking. He whispered something, and Green made a face as he reminded her of a detail, and her earrings clicked against themselves when she moved her head. ”I swear they're catching onto me, specifically, it's like they're disappearing the second they run from a battle,“
“Maybe your gears’ outta date,” Ash muttered, crossing his arms a little tighter to his chest, clearly thinking about the friendships he had made with various Rocket Grunts in the past, “I still think we should be actually trying to talk to them,”
“Bad mood today eh,” Blue muttered, but Red was already glaring at Ash, so clearly the youngest of their region wasn’t the only one having a bad day.
“Yeah, like you ever try to talk-,” Red started, cutting himself off when Green gave him a look. He gave her one right back, “I only meant-” he said indignantly, now actually getting cut off when Green interrupted him as she continued to speak.
“I’m worried they’ve got more researchers on their side,” she said, ignoring Red and Ash’s muttering as she closed her notebook again. She looked to Blue earnestly, and he had to suppress a yawn as the room’s attention was directed towards him once more. “Do you think you can ask Daisy or Gary if they can snoop around in the researcher world a bit? We absolutely cannot lose the technical advantage again,”
Blue nodded distantly, and he jotted that down in his notes for the next day. “Yeah. I think so,” there was a pause as he wrote, and then he nodded to Yellow, who had been sitting rather quietly at his side, “Do you have any major news for us?”
Yellow fidgeted with her hair for a moment before answering, and then nodded, flipping through her sketchbook before slamming it down on the table. “I don’t know if it has to do with the Rockets,” she admitted, and Blue tilted his head to see a sketch of a very upset looking Beedrill, “not for sure anyway, but if they have really good researchers again then they’re definitely experimenting on Pokemon, this Beedrill evolved directly from a Weedle I rescued the other day,”
Red inhaled sharply through his teeth, and Green made a face. That wasn’t natural at all, and it couldn’t be at all healthy for the poor little Pokemon. Even Blue, who normally found the focus on Pokemon a bit inappropriate when human lives were at stake, found himself cringing. That was way beyond anything they’d done to Pokemon close to Giovanni before, were they getting bolder?
“The Beedrills’ fine now,” Yellow hurried, trying to correct the worry in the room as if it was her fault and not Team Rocket’s, “I gave her some rare candies to try and catch her up and she’s doing much better now, but…” she trailed off, and it was clear that she had heard a lot more from that Pokemon’s memories than she was letting on, “I don’t want it to happen to any more Pokemon than it already has,”
“I should hope not!” Red interrupted, looking almost offended on behalf of the bug type, no matter how much dislike he had for that particular species, “Forcing evolution like that is evil!” 
For a very stupid, very impulsive moment, Blue almost wanted to bring Ve and Red’s evolution stones into the argument, but he held his tongue. There was no time for that here. They were already defeated enough without going at each other’s throats. (At least, not this early in the meeting anyway. Arceus only knew how, but they always seemed to dissolve into fighting as these things went on.)
Green looked entirely taken aback by Yellow’s story, but she finally managed to find words as she put her hand on Yellow’s shoulder. “Do you want me to try and devolve the Beedrill?” she asked quietly, and Blue cringed at the mention of her special power. This all had gotten worse when that had happened, and they all knew it.
“No thank you,” Yellow seemed to be forcing a smile, but she held Green’s hand to her shoulder with one of her own, much smaller, hands. “She’s doing alright now, I would have messaged you if she really needed it,”
Green nodded and leaned back in her chair, pulling her hand away from Yellow. Yellow’s hand stuttered in the air for just a little bit longer than it should have at the absence of Green’s, and then she hurriedly tucked it back into her lap again.
She stared down at her desk, and there was a moment’s pause before Ash cleared his throat to speak. “I’ve just been fighting,” he said, and for the first time in the meeting Blue realized that his feet weren’t up on the table today (this stretch of time really was taking the fight out of all of them), “I don’t have anything especially important to add,”
He nodded to Red, and Blue couldn’t even force himself to probe more at those words for better information. The tiny spark of fire that Ash had had at the beginning of the meeting was totally gone, and he seemed almost defeated as he slumped back down in his chair. (Had it been the confirmation that Team Rocket was getting stronger again that had broken him?) Red seemed to notice this too, and he sighed heavily before he spoke.
“I don’t know how much longer we can keep doing this, Blue,” his eyes connected with Blue’s, but Blue looked away. No matter how strong his powers had made him, Blue knew that Red could still break, “I- I hate to say it, but we would need a miracle at this point if we wanna win,”
To Blue’s horror, even Ash nodded at that. 
Blue took a shaky breath in. Whatever he said, he knew they had to believe him.
“Then, believe me, we’ll get that miracle,”
The awful feeling of Ash’s power stopped pulling on his soul.
Before this, before all of this, Blue had never been the positive one. Deep down, he knew it wasn’t right for him to be that way. He was a trainer, a teacher. He was supposed to tell truths that those who looked up to him needed to hear.
But these weren’t people who looked up to him.
These were his friends.
And if they needed him to lie to believe it, that’s what they were going to get.
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savebatswingaus · 8 months
Wings of Warriors - Warrior Cat Wing AU
There's been a prey thief at large, and Hollyleaf finally catches them.
I made this for this daily in scratch writing camp: In a galaxy far far away, a meowing polar bear is... STARVING. What an unfortunate result of climate change. Today, your mission is to bake a lasagna in order to feed the starving polar bears. But first, you'll need ingredients! In the comments, write 1 aspect of worldbuilding, 1 antagonist, 1 lesson, 1 line of dialogue, and 1 turning point. Then, claim one of each from five different people so that you have the five layers of your lasagna story. Make sure to write at least 300 words (you don't want undercooked lasagna, do you?) to earn 300 points! (Brownie points if you feed a polar bear on the daily team lasagna :3) My comment was: Worldbuilding: Discuss the details of a fictional species. Antagonist: A childhood enemy that got worse over time. Lesson: Main character learns that they can work as well together as they can alone, should they choose to. Dialogue: “But- but that’s not fair!” Turning point: A character discovers a stronger motivation to do something.   I was gonna write Pokespe (Hoenn) fic, but I couldn’t find a worldbuilding that fit what I was going for, so I’ll have to shelve that for later. Enjoy some Warrior Cats wing au! I guess! Words: 1,057
Fic under the cut or in the link in the title. :3
Hollyleaf crept quietly along the mossy forest floor, folding her dark crow wings tight to her back as she did. She kept her claws in, but felt her nose twitch as she sensed something in the air. That had to be it! That had to be who she was looking for.
Over the past few days, Thunderclan had been losing prey like down feathers on a fledgling kit, and Hollyleaf had promised herself that she would get to the bottom of it. In this dark forest night, she bended in well with the dark ferns, which was something good she could say about her dark fur, at least. She opened her mouth to allow the scent to mix better with her memories. She was sure that she recognized it from someone, but for some reason she simply could not muster up from where.
She could hear them, chewing messily on whatever they had stolen from the pile now, clearly unaware that they were being tracked. Hollyleaf lashed her tail in rage. How could someone, who she was now sure was a cat, betray the Warrior Code in such a way? To steal away food from those that truly needed it, for what reason? Some inability to hunt for the group?
Hollyleaf snarled, and the sounds from the shadowy figure before her stopped. Good, she thought, They'll be scared before I catch them.
She leaped forward, fangs bared, claws out, and wings spread, and landing where the figure had been meer moments before. She hissed and whipped around as the large shape rolled away to the side, still masked by the dark sky above the and scent of all of the mice it had been pigging out on. 
”Who are you?!“ She hissed, leaping forward again, but still somehow missing as the cat dove away. She'd only seen one other who could move that fast in battle, and she didn't very well like having the matchup with another cat, ”Why have you been stealing prey?“
The cat didn't answer, and Hollyleaf snarled again, spreading her wings even wider as a way to threaten the larger cat. But they seemed to be trying to turn their face away from her, so she wasn't even sure if they'd seen her. 
”Answer me!“ She shrieked, jumping forward in an attempt to pull the larger cat down, but missing as large powerful wings sent them over her. Immediately she whirled around, but her claws raked on air as the cat scrambled up a nearby maple tree. 
Hollyleaf hissed and followed after them. It was too tight in the forest to fly up, but if she could get them into the sky somehow... Sure, the moon was dark tonight, but maybe Star Clan's light would allow her to see the face of the cat she was fighting, and therefore reveal the identity of Thunderclan's thief. 
Just her luck, the bigger cat seemed to have the same idea, as he climbed higher and higher in the tree. (An extra bonus of which was that, by the way they were climbing, Hollyleaf was now pretty sure that this cat was a Thunderclan cat, which made her even more irritated. 
”Hey!“ she yelled, egging them on as the two cats reached the highest point in the tree, ”Fight me, you thief!“
The cat did not even pause when they reached the top branch of the tree, though the speckles of starlight down from the sky began to bring their pelt into a recognizable state. Orange-ish, with stripes. Large barn owl wings that spread open with a power unlike any other as the cat leaped into the sky.
Hollyleaf jumped after him, feeling the wind tear through her fur as she fought to keep up with the thief. He was unbelievably fast for a cat of his size, and something in Hollyleaf's brain was doing its best to connect the clues, but something else seemed to be doing its fair job to keep her from the truth. She wanted to hiss at that side of her mind, but she had enough on her paws already as she fought to keep up with the bigger cat.
See was so focused, indeed, on all of that nonsense, that she didn't even notice the clouds coming in overhead, slowly blanketing the familiar pelt back in a layer of shadows. They were fine with her, her crow wings and black fur had her blend very nicely into the dark, and the panic she could smell on the larger cat told her that they weren't a fan of that part of their chase.
The cat dove for the trees, and Hollyleaf swooped after it. She felt her face turn into a grin. She was gaining on them for sure now. 
She felt her claws latch in their pelt, and her nose immediately filled with their scent as the two crashed through the tree layer. Her eyes widened as the cat yelped.
“Lionblaze!?” Hollyleaf shrieked, her claws still deeply rooted in that orange fur as the two landed in the branches of a large pine, ”Why have you been stealing our prey?!”
A crack of thunder overhead came with a sudden heavy downpour of raindrops that broke right through the needles onto her fur. But she hardly noticed them, instead shivering from wingtip to claws from the force of utter betrayal she felt in her heart. How could someone like this, her brother, break the Warrior Code so egregiously?
How could Star Clan be so cruel?
“Well,” Lionblaze started, his voice shaky and scarred, “I had to do it,”
“But why?!” screamed Hollyleaf, shaking her brother like he weighed nothing as thick lightning bolts raced across the sky, picking up leaves and branches like nothing as the wind grew. “What do you mean you “had to?” Are you insane?!”
Lionblaze flinched, and his wings shivered, but Hollyleaf did not allow him to move, a traitor like him could never be considered a friend to her, even as the clouds began to spiral down around them. Even as the rain began to wrap around an ever growing horror. 
As Lionblaze struggled to speak, Hollyleaf felt blood pound in her ears, even flat against her head as they were. Her heart felt broken. In this storm, she could only find one constant.
Life wasn't fair.
Here's what I used: Worldbuilding: Each person has some sort of wings. Some people have robin wings, others have California condors. Some people are bat-like, some people more comparable to flying fish- although those aren't true wings. Try to envision a society where this is normal. - Starthorn https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33415323/comments/#comments-230085246 Antagonist: The protagonist's brother - silverlynx- https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33415323/comments/#comments-230064624 Lesson: Life isn't fair -BookLover209 https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33415323/comments/#comments-230086800 Dialogue: “Well, I had to do it.” - Magnolia012 ( https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33415323/comments/#comments-230088935 Turning Point: A sudden natural disaster shakes the setting. - Sunclaw68 https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33415323/comments/#comments-230047423
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wyverewings · 2 years
Wyvere’s Revised List Of All The Fics/AUs/Original Projects They Want to Create
So, it’s been a while since my original post about all my projects, and a lot has changed since then.  I’ve ditched some projects, thought of some new ones, and I’ve even wrote some stuff for two of my fics!
And so I’m doing another post about my projects, so you folks can see some updates to some of the projects, and also some new projects!  Also, it’s recommended that you read the original post so you can get some context for some of these.
Reflection: So this is the Super Paper Mario without Mario thing on the old post, but I’ve renamed it since then (and also since I first named this post).  It’s still got the same premise of Super Paper Mario without (most of) the Mario elements and the heroes being Bleck’s minions.  Now, I've actually written stuff for it, so please check that out!
Pokemon fan region: This one still doesn’t have an official name, and it also doesn’t have much more stuff about it since the original post.  I would like to explain some lore and show off my own fakemons, though!  Basically, there’s a new type of form called Mutant Forms, which are mutated versions of Pokemon with different types (for example, a Water/Fire Larvitar).  They’re not really the same as regional forms, though, as they’re genetically engineered hybrids with the DNA of other Pokemon.  Spoiler alert: they exist for the same reason that the Pokemon/human hybrids like the main character exist.  Oh yeah, and here’s some fakemons! (one, two, three)
The Void Wyrm: Okay, this one won’t be explained on this post because I do not want to spoil Hollow Knight if you haven’t played it.  I’ve already made a post about it here, so if you haven’t played Hollow Knight and wanna check out what my fic’s about, go play Hollow Knight (or watch someone stream it) right now, then check it out.
Together Under the Moon: Another Pokemon fic, this one is about a pair of characters who are kind of obscure but I do like, namely Will and Karen from the Johto games.  Anyway, the main plot is about how they first met as young Trainers, and all their adventures together, it’s not really any big story, probably mostly slice of life, or as much slice of life as can be for Pokemon Trainers.  There’s some elements of the Pokespe manga, some headcanons about the characters which they do kinda need because they’ve only got some developed characterization in Masters, and dumb little additions (for lack of a better word) for the characters that kinda only exist because I’m a dumb little otherkin.
The Reborn Warrior: This is gonna be one of my smaller projects, as it’s only gonna somewhere between 5 to 10 chapters.  So I’m gonna be working on this currently both for that reason and because Kirby is my current hyperfix (alongside Super Paper Mario) and this is a Kirby fic.  Namely, it’s about Morpho Knight, who has recently turned back into their puffball (called Asteri in this fic) form and finds a baby Asteri who they adopt.  There’s more stuff for the story, but I don’t want to spoil it.  I will mention that this takes place long before the current Kirby canon, and there’s some backstory for Morpho Knight and their whole nature.  Anyway, like Replica, I’ve written some stuff for this!
Earthbound Cryptid AU: Like The Reborn Warrior, this won’t really be too big of a project, probably even less so because I don’t even have any plans for fics.  It’s probably just gonna be a small thing I do for fun.  Anyway, it’s basically just the Chosen Four but cryptids/magical creatures.  Idk about what I’ll have Jeff and Poo be, but I’ve already figured out Paula and Ness.  Paula is a mothman mainly because I think Mothman is speculated to have psychic powers and/or is connected to UFOs, and I think it fits her well.  And Ness is a Loch Ness Monster because... well, take a guess.
Original Projects:
Age of Monsters: So, I've been realizing that the Fantasy Kaiju concept of kaiju in a medieval fantasy setting might not work as well as I’ve thought.  I’ve also been thinking of having my kaiju story be inspired by... goodness, this is silly... Kirby: Right Back at Ya.  I can explain, I swear.  Okay, so it’s implied in the show that Kirby is a monster created by NME, and I’m thinking of having my protagonist having had been made into a kaiju by some villains.  Honestly that might be more interesting than just a fantasy setting with kaiju.
Monster RPG: I’ve actually thought of more story for this!  The main concept is still there, but I’ve thought about some characterization and plot.  I won’t spoil too much here, but I’ve been thinking about the characterization for my characters, though a lot of it is rather spoilery.  Unfortunately, I still have no name for it...
Dragon Semi-Sandbox/Metroidvania: Like the Monster RPG, I’ve expanded on my concept for this.  Basically, dragons live in peace with some faerie people, but an army of elves seek to conquer the realm, and the protagonist has to keep the realm safe.  I’m glad I have a basic plot at least, even without too much lore.  Though I still have no name for this one...  Also, I’m thinking I may have this be a sort of semi-sandbox when I actually make it, kind of like Super Mario Odyssey or Kirby and the Forgotten Land.  Probably planning a bit too far ahead there, though...
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liya4kar · 4 years
Liyada’s Pokespe AU Masterpost
I decided to do a Pokespe AU Masterpost because I have a lot of them and unfortunately never get to speak of them with anyone because nobody knows them. And doing a master post with also help me to actually keep track of all of them.
I’ll also probably do one post for the more developed AU where I can develop them fully, as I’ll try to keep this post short.
If you want to send me an ask about any of them, please do! I’d love to speak of them more~ If you want to know more about a character in an AU, or how some events happen, I will love to answer you!
Also, every work relate to those AU will be tag on my blog, you can find the tag name at the beginning of each AU, as well as the related fics if there are any!
The Magical Dexholders AU
The Magical Pokémons AU
Humans Gods AU Number 1
Humans Gods AU Number 2
Kagepro AU Number 1
Kagepro AU Number 2
Kagepro AU Number 3 (Though the only link between this AU and Kagepro is the idea behind Ene)
Yorozuya no Lack-Chan AU
Legendary Dexholders AU
Blond Family AU
One Piece AU
Natural Spirits AU
Ducktales AU
1. The Magical Dexholders (Will have a special post)
(Fic for it: The Magical Dexholders)
Tag: #The Magical Dexholder AU
A canon-compliant AU, where all the canons adventure has already taken place, and when a new adventure arises. Except that this time it’s not an Evil Team but the Darkness Force of the Evil that is so Bad that They stole the Snack of a Four Years Old Child, and that the Dexholders are not fighting with their Pokémons but with their Magical Powers they obtained from some random strange sassy colorful creatures, and they fight with the power of Friendship, Anime, and Protagonist on their side.
Aka a total self-compliant Magical Girl AU where I put whatever strange idea I have. 
In this AU, you can find:
Sassy little creatures
Characters being dumb
Diamond and Silver bonding over their passion for Proteam Omega while fighting The Darkness of the Evil that is blabla Snack of a Child blabla.
Blue and Yellow kicking ass.
Hippie Celebi (oops this one is a spoiler)
Not all the characters are Magical Holders right now but they will all appear up to Sun and Moon at least. Maybe SWSH if I or someone finds a way to incorporate them. (Though if you ask for the destiny of any specific character of this AU in an ask, I’ll surely answer!)
Some people bonding over their friends being dumb (Or how Pearl, Green, Crystal, and Y ended up in a group chat with a Satanic God) (Ooops Spoiler again)
2. The Magical Pokémons (Will have a special post)
Tag: #Spe Magical Pokémons AU
This AU, though created before the Magical Dexholders, is actually linked to the Magical Dexholders. Technically, they happen in the same setting and meet at one point. But of course, when I wanted to write a fic for it alongside the Dexholders, I realized I actually have no time to write it! Ahah-
Basically, still a Magical Girl AU, still a parodical AU where the only goal is to have fun and laugh, but this time it’s not the Dexholders that are the Magical Boys or Girls but their Pokémons! Well, not all of them. Two per Dexholders. Do you realize how complicated it’s to manage all the DH? So all their Pokémons? No way- So only two Pokémons per DH.
Warning, this AU happen before Black was released from the Light Stone. But Sun and Moon are already out of the Ultra-Dimension. Respecting the timeline? It’s my AU I do what I want. (Mainly cause this AU was created back in 2018 actually)
In this AU, you can find:
Pokémons doing dumb sh*t when their trainers are not in sight.
Black being the only humans having powers because he was in the Light Stone when Reshiram received powers, and now he can sometimes go out of the Light Stone when the situation is desperate enough.
Also when Black activates his power he wears a white wedding dress.
Yellow also joining sometimes?
3. Human Gods AU Number 1
Tag: #Spe Human Gods AU Number 1
I always found weird there were only Pokémon Gods in the Pokémon Universe. So what did I do? I created not only one, but two Humans God AU! And here we go for the first.
So. Once Upon a Time, there were Human Gods. But they were not really nice. Actually, they wanted to destroy all the Pokémon Gods and to at best, reduce Pokémons as slaves, at worst killing them all. Of course, the Pokémons Gods did not agree, and after a (little) war, the Humans Gods were sealed by the Pokémons Gods and erased of mainstream history. But of course, things are not that easy, Humans Gods still have secret followers and are planing for their return.
Centuries later, when those followers are finally close to getting back their Gods and need to steal some old parchments for that, they are noticed by Cynthia who asked the help of the Sinnoh Trio. Of course, nothing works like expected, and when the Human Gods finally break their seal, they need bodies to reincarnate in and it’s really convenient that Diamond and Platinum are just right there. Now, the Humans Gods free and ready to put their reign of terror in place, it’s up to Pearl (who saw his best friends lovers possessed in front of him yeah!), the other DH, and the (for once) united army of the Pokémon Gods to stop them before it’s too late. Oh, and also maybe get Diamond and Platinum back.
In this AU you can find:
Epic fights
I mean there are powerful Gods so EPIC FIGHTS
Even more angst
Maybe Major Character Death. To see.
Development of Pokémons and Humans relationship
Did I mention Angst?
4. Human Gods AU Number 2 (Will have a special post)
Tag: #Spe Humans Gods AU Number 2
And yeah, there is a Number 2- They are not the only AU that ends to have several versions of it at the end.
So. Basically, like in the previous AUs, thousands of years ago there was a war between the Pokémons and Humans Gods, each other judging the other being invasive and dangerous to the other being. Normal Humans and Gods also participate in this war. But on both sides, some start to lose faith in this conflict and believe that cohabitation is possible. Things become more complicated when Gods from both factions start to bond. Together, they decide to end the was so everyone can live peacefully together. If the Pokémons Gods accept it pretty well, the Humans ones don’t, especially after one of the most vehement deity simulated a Pokémon attack, and they decide to end the war by using a magical machine to destroy the Pokémons Gods (the one used in the Kalos war is a less-powerful derivate of it).
 As the Humans Gods working for the peace don’t have much time left before the arms use, they take an extreme measure and seal their fellow Gods to the price of their own life. The Pokémons Gods then decided to end the war and to let the Pokémons and Humans live together without interfering with them anymore. They also used a bit of their power to grant the last wish of the Humans Gods who sacrificed themselves, who wanted to see a world where everyone can cohabitate. The said Humans Gods, no longer Gods, reincarnate as normal Humans once in while, still having a little fragment of their powers, 
Thousands of years later, the seal finally breaks, and the Humans Gods come out, some planing their revenge, some wanting to see how the world has evolved in their absence before taking a decision. Obviously, the DH gets involved. Either by meeting the gods and decide to help or fight them depending on the situation or by being one of the reincarnated Gods themselves.
What do you find in this AU:
Angst, surely
Some DH in God versions with cool designs
Human and Pokémon relationship development
Lore created from crap by me, with some inspiration from the real world but with also a lot of invented stuff, because hey it’s my AU and I do what I want
Magic. Everywhere.
5. Kagepro AU Number 1 (Aka the Fidel to the Kagepro Plot)
Tag: #Liya’s Spe Kagepro AU 1
I used to be in Kagepro a lot last, so OF COURSE, I ended doing an AU of it. Wait, not only one actually- I’ll list them by “How close to the Kagepro plot they are”.
So, in this first one, it’s basically “We replace the Kagepro characters with Pokespe characters”, though some things change, depending on the personality of the chosen characters. But they still have the same powers as the originals Kagepro cast.
Here the main cast!
Red as Ayano
Green as Shintaro
Blue as Takane/Ene
Yellow as Haruka/Konoha
Prof Oak as Kenjiirou (Ayano’s father)
Platinum as Kido Tsubomi
Diamond as Seto Kyousuke
Pearl as Kano Shuuya
White as Momo
Whi-Two as Mary
X as Hibiya
Y as Hiyori
What you can find in this AU:
Angst, I missed you!
Family relationship between several characters because ships are great, family is better.
Major Character Deaths. Like, they all die at some point but come back to life because of time loops reason!
Damn, there is so much angst possible with this one.
6. Kagepro AU Number 2 (Aka I take a lot of liberty from the original plot but you can still see the Kagepro influence) (Will have a post)
Tag: #Liya’s Kagepro AU 2
So... How to explain this one... 
It’s my most developed Kagepro AU, and so my more complex one. Too complex to even summarize it in this post (I try and stop when it became longuer than all the previous AUs combined ahah-), it’s why it’ll be the first one to have its post. Please be patient, I’ll link it as soon that I'll post it!
It also follows the canon, though some events/characters interactions change.
What can you find in this AU:
Angst, to change
Four DHs that are not all related being a found family because I can.
Major Characters Deaths. Once again.
Friendships too. Friendships are great.
7. Kagepro AU Number 3 (aka there is nearly no link to Kagepro by this point)
Tag: #Liya’s Spe Kagepro AU 3
So. In Kagepro, I always loved Ene. And all the angst include by everyone believing you are dead while you are transformed into a virus/computer program.
So basically, there is a crazy scientist organization that is doing all sorts of experiments on humans, to get immortality. Those experiments are killing nearly all the people who go through them, the rare survivors being broken beyond repair and not immortal at all. If they took random people at first, they end up taking more different people, from all backgrounds with all kinds of lives, to see if there is any difference. They tend to socially isolate their prospect guinea pigs before simulating their death in an accident.
One of this experience include separating the soul from the body: they transform the brains data into informatical data and transfer it in a computer. Like any of their experiments, there is a lot of death. But for once, it succeeds, and they end up with one person with their body in a coma while their “soul” is on a computer. Thrilled by this success, they do other attempts and end up with two other survivors. All of them are determined and stubborn people who have some people they hold dear to see again. At some point, the organization decides to try to kill the bodies to see if the informatical data stay, and the three of them decide to run away on the Internet, so the scientists can’t try this new experiment. They change of appearance, name, and end up in the computer of the BW Agency, and after some misunderstood, end up working for them.
White is glad to have three artificial intelligence helping with her work, she did not remember her software supplier having programs that powerful.
On the meanwhile, Pearl, Shauna, and Green are glad to not be experiments anymore, nor do they mind helping White with her work, though they would like to get their bodies back one day.
And far from the Agency, Platinum, Blue, and X, after a rather strange meeting, end up investigating their friends' mysterious deaths of their friends with the help of Lack-Two.
What do you find in this AU:
When was the last time I saw you; Angst?
Pearl, Shauna, and Green are doing shenanigans. And also end being close friends/found family?
White is also joining them in shenanigans
Funny and light with White and the three “Yes yes we are AI, absolutely not humans!” while the others are more on a dark, crime movie atmosphere
Also, some characters don’t cope well with their friends' deaths
Do we tag Major Character Deaths when someone believes someone else is dead even if it’s not the case and that the reader knows it?
8. Yorozuya no Lack-chan AU
Fics for it: Dogwalker Lack and The Begining of Yorozuya no Lack-Chan
Tag #Yorozuya no Lack-chan AU
Got a drabble request once and ended up doing a whole AU of it because meh why not? Like you can say with the title, it is somehow Gintama inspired.
So basically, at the end of BW2 Lack-two got fired from the International Police and start doing odd jobs for a living. He even created an agency for it, who do any work from you as long that you pay. He even has two employees, who he doesn’t really pay, aka Whi-Two and X. Yeah.
What do you find in this AU:
Furry Neko Sun
Characters being dumb
Do you wanna laugh?
Characters doing odd jobs
9. Legendary Dexholders AU (Will do a post about this one)
Fic for it: Giratina
Tag: #Legendary Dexholders AU
Being an immortal god can be boring after a few thousand years, especially when nothing had happened for a while. And one of the advantages of being a God is to left a copy of yourself while you are wandering around in a human body.
Aka several Legendaries Pokémons decide to just reincarnate in humans and, of course, they had to end up becoming Dexholders and have a complicated life. Well, at least they did not have that much fun since the last drinking contest between Kyogre and Lugia five hundred years ago.
What do you find in this AU:
An AU firstly created to be funny but the only fic I wrote about it ended up being a character study fic
But at the end, the Legendaries Pokémons are just doing shenanigans
Arceus is so done with them
Also feature mainly the main Sinnoh Legendaries Pokémons because I love them but there are also a few others
10. Blonde Family AU
Fics about it: Don't listen to others confessions or you'll end as responsible as them and To be a Cousin
Tag: #Spe Blonde Family AU
What if several blonde characters were related? Aka the AUs where Yellow, Pearl, Bianca, and Y are all cousins, and Emerald is the son of Palmer but neither Em nor Palmet know it until Ruby and Sapphire decide to investigate what happened to Emerald’s parents.
In this AU, you find:
Yellow, Pearl, Bianca, and Y are cousins, pretty close to each other, but when they see each other it usually ends up in a catastrophe
Emerald could not care less about his father because he has a found family but Ruby and Sapphire still decide to investigate (notably to kick their b*** if one of them is still alive and abandoned Emerald).
To Palmer’s defense, it was an adventure before he met Pearl’s mother, and Emerald’s mom ran away without telling him she was pregnant
Either cousins doing dumb cousins stuff together or Ruby and Sapphire going on a hunt to kick Palmer’s a** while Em and Pearl look and eat popcorns.
11. One Piece AU
Fic about it: Bonding on the Grand Line
Tag: #Liya’s Spe One Piece AU
With this AU, we arrive in the AUs that don’t take place in the canon world! The other AUs where all somehow link to the canon world and the canon adventures of the DH, except for the Kagepro number 1. But starting from this one, they all take place in other worlds!
This AU was created for the Pirate Summer Event of the Pokespe Art Community Discord and but I like it so I’ll probably write more about it if I find time to.
So basically, your One Piece AU, that happened 20 years before the death of Gold Roger (so 40 years before Luffy & Co.). To protect his best friends, Pearl ends up becoming a pirate, captain of his own crew (with the Sinnoh Gym Leaders!). And being a pirate on the Grand Line is not always easy.
What do you find in this AU:
Pearl's and Cheren's friendship. I’d die for it.
Pearl, Cheren, and the Sinnohan and Unovan Gym Leaders doing shenanigans
But also a bit of angst because hey, you know me now
Also other characters but I need to plan more their role in this AU
12. Natural Spirits AU (there will be definitely a post about this one)
Tag: Spe Natural Spirits AU
There are two beings on Earth: Humans and Natural Spirits, magical beings close to nature, each one of them being connected to a natural concept. The Natural Spirits stay hide in their cities, with only a few humans knowing their existence, and tend to despise the humans, destroying the planets at a ridiculous rate. But the Natural Spirits society is complicated, and as the human society, is far from perfect.
X, a prodigy Spirits, can’t take the pressure anymore and isolate himself far from his city, near the human town. Whi-Two, another Spirit, have a strange fascination for the humans but never go through the forest and the human town frontier. Until the day when they each meet one human, and befriend them, despite the warnings they had heard since they were children. Hiding that they are not humans, they end up joining their two new friends to a rather strange place call High-school. 
Pearl and Sapphire have rather normal lives. School, homework, friends... But since they met two new people in the forest, things start to become more interesting. Especially with the wave of people trying to take over the world... Wait, what?
What do you find in this AU:
A friendship between four characters who never met in the canon
But all the other DHs and several secondary characters have their roles
And some of them are also Natural Spirits
High-school life
Magic too
Both Humans and Spirits teams trying to take over the world and the four friends had to stop them every time
Also, the Natural Spirits society is like humans one, very far from perfect
Secret identity problems like hiding to your human friends that you can actually speak to mushrooms.
13. Ducktales AU (Will have a post because there is so much to say about this one)
Tag: Spe Ducktales AU
Ducktales, Woo-Ooo!
I love Ducktales. I have been hyperobsessing on it recently, so of course, I had to make an AU out of it! Special thanks to Vex who supported my random brainstorming in her DMs.
So... Basically, once upon a time, the richest Duck of the world, Prof McWak, had four grandchildren, two pairs of siblings: Green and Blue, and Red and Yellow. Like any normal family, on their weekends they used to go on ancient temples with deadly traps and fight monsters to get new treasures. When Prof McWak died, the four cousins, now young adults, continue to go on adventures, while Red, Yellow, and Green found their own families. But everything ends one day when, following some disastrous event, Yellow disappears, more likely to be dead. The three left cousins argue and end up splitting up, Blue founding her own company, Green becoming the CEO of their grandfather empire, and Red leaving with his new-hatched son and Yellow’s egg, never contacting his cousins again.
Ten years later, Diamond and Pearl, two cousins who grew up as brothers, accidentally break into the infamous McWak Enterprise CEO manor and met his oldest daughter, Platinum. After she brought them in a self-proclaimed adventure, when the trio became good friends, they have the surprise to find that first, Diamond’s Dad/Pearl’s “Uncle” Red and Platinum’s Father Green are actually cousins and that since they blew up Red’s houseboat during their adventures, they now get to live in the McWak Manor.
What happens next is history.
What do you find in this AU:
The Kanto quartet, the Sinnoh Trio, and Moon being all relatives because FAMILY TROPE YEAH
Pearl and chibi sassy Moon investigating Yellow’s disappearance
Family, Humor, Adventures, Angst AU
Red and Green need to learn how to communicate
Also, Sinnoh Trio adventures because those three are too precious
It’s all for the moment! I’ll probably add more AUs as I’ll inevitably create more. Thank you for reading this AU Masterpost!
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bubblytarts · 4 years
What about the rivals and friends in the Emissary Au? What are their stories?
Anon you’ve made me very happy for asking about my au *simp eyes emoji*
And oops, it has a lot of characters in it. Hope you don’t mind this going under the cut!
The stories and goals of protagonists, rivals, and other friends:
Red - As stated in a previous post, Red wants to go on a journey through the Kanto region. He would like to be friends with both Blue and Green, but they both seem to be fighting off his advances. While he originally elects to ignore Team Rocket, he can’t stand by once they start hurting Pokemon. (His starter is Charmander)
Blue - Blue wants to prove to his Gramps that he can be the strongest trainer ever. He and Red used to be friends, but Blue’s bluntness pushed the two of them apart. He sees Red as the only obstacle between him and greatness. Not so fun fact is that his greatest fear is ghosts - including ghost types. (His starter is Squirtle)
Green - Taking inspiration from pokespe, Green is a thief. She knows it’s wrong to steal, but doesn’t mind doing it in order to keep her head above water. She makes off with the last starter from Oak’s lab, and later runs into Red and Blue when she steals from them. While she seems open to being friends with Red, Blue gets on her nerves. (Her starter is Bulbasaur)
Ethan - Ethan wants to become the strongest trainer who ever lived. His goal is to beat Lance and become Champion, and then challenge Kanto after that. He gets caught up in Team Rocket not because of justice, but because Proton criticizes his battle skills. (His starter is Cyndaquil)
Lyra - Lyra originally just follows Ethan to help get an egg for Professor Elm, but then sticks with Ethan in order to raise Togepi herself and also to make sure Ethan doesn’t get himself killed. She ends up getting separated from Ethan and Silver when she decides to help Eusine hunt for Suicune, which rapidly goes wrong. (Her starter is Chikorita)
Silver - Silver, like Green, steals his starter. His goal is to stop Team Rocket at any cost. He reluctantly teams up with Ethan and Lyra at the Goldenrod Radio Tower, and gets dragged along. He’s reluctant to become Ethan’s friend, but even more reluctant to tell him why he hates Team Rocket so much. Silver also hates how Ethan has absolutely zero strategy in battle, and it gets them into many arguments. (His starter is Totodile)
Brendan - Brendan originally starts challenging the gyms to prove to his dad that’s he’s strong. But as time passes, Brendan realizes that Hoenn isn’t perfect, and through talking with Steven, decides that he’s going to become champion so he can make the world a better place for both people and pokemon. He also primarily fights Team Magma, and in the Battle of Sootopolis, fights with Maxie. (His starter is Treeko)
May - May is Birch’s daughter, and immediately inserts herself as Brendan’s new best friend. She travels with Brendan because Birch can’t handle her raw, chaotic energy. May has no idea what she wants to do when she grows up, but she’s okay with that. She’s more about enjoying the experience. In the Battle of Sootopolis, she fights with Archie, which is a much more dangerous fight than Brendan’s fight with Maxie. (Her starter is Mudkip)
Lucas - Lucas is Rowan’s assistant. He’s a bit uptight, and doesn’t appreciate Dawn and Barry’s antics. Originally, he was sent on a fetch quest by Rowan and Dawn’s mother to find her after she ran away from home, but then decides to play tour guide to help Dawn live her life the way she wants to. (His starter is Chimchar)
Dawn - Dawn’s mother is very rich, and very overprotective. Overprotective to the point that she’s having the family move to Kanto so Dawn can’t go on her journey around Sinnoh. So, she runs away from home with her friend Barry after stealing from Rowan on accident. Cynthia convinces her to actually try to make something of her journey, and Dawn gains a lot of confidence as she fights the gyms and Team Galactic. (Her starter is Piplup)
Barry - Barry convinces Dawn to run away from home. He wants to rush through all the gyms to get strong enough to fight his dad, but Dawn convinces him to slow down and enjoy the journey. According to his list of fines, Team Galactic should file for bankruptcy. (His starter is Turtwig)
Hilbert - He’s a genius. Hilbert is an excelling student, but has more of an interest in staying a kid than learning to be a businessman or politician. He goes on his journey with his twin sister, Hilda, and friends Cheren and Bianca. He’s also the first one of the group to trust N despite being the King of Team Plasma. Hilbert ends up becoming the champion of Unova, but ultimately meets a terrible fate. (His starter is Oshawott)
Hilda - If Hilbert’s the brains, Hilda’s the brawn. She’s very driven, and is striving to become an entrepreneur. But of what, she’s not sure yet. She also is very accepting of N, and realizes that he doesn’t quite realize how little power he has in his situation. After the defeat of Team Plasma when Hilbert goes missing, Hilda is the one to recruit Rosa and Nate to help find him. (Her starter is Tepig)
N - The King of Team Plasma. N asks the twins to join the team, and is slightly disappointed when they refuse, because they seem like nice people. That being said, N doesn’t get along very well with Cheren. Over time, he starts to realize that maybe Hilbert and Hilda are better people than his father. Once Hilbert goes missing, N goes into hiding to avoid being the next victim, all while searching for his best friend. 
Nate - Nate wants to be the new champion. Or at least, he thought he did. As Nate and his friend Rosa are forced to help Hilda fight off Neo Team Plasma, Nate realizes that battling isn’t really for him. Instead, he finds that he enjoys pretending to be someone else for stealth missions, and that translates afterwards to a love of acting. (His starter is Tepig)
Rosa - Rosa wanted a cute pokemon and to travel with her best friend. She didn’t mean to meet N, or later Hilda, or get caught up in Neo Team Plasma’s plot. But she finds that she’s a rather good leader. Plus, there’s Colress, who seems to be pulling the strings on the opposing side, yet doesn’t seem to believe in their goals himself. Rosa is the only one on her side to consider that Colress could be a hero if he tried - however, he disagrees. (Her starter is Snivy)
Calem - Calem has amnesia. That’s the problem with him trying to tell his story. Calem woke up passed out on the steps of Sycamore’s lab with Serena and Shauna staring at him. He accompanies them on their journey hoping that traveling Kalos will trigger his memories to return. All he remembers is that he needs to tell the professor something important. Maybe it has something to do with his irrational hatred for Team Flare. (His starter is Froakie)
Serena - Serena wants to be champion. She planned on traveling the region with her best friend, only to get two extra passengers. Calem, who is contributing nothing to her journey, and Victor, who wants to take photos of everyone but her. Over time though, Serena comes to appreciate both of them as her close group of friends - and Victor maybe more than friends. But Team Flare is awfully suspicious, and a passionate person like Serena isn’t going to let them get away with whatever they’re planning. (Her starter is Fennekin)
Shauna - Shauna, on the other hand, loves her new friends. She’s ready to make memories with Serena and the others, but is also one of the first to realize that maybe there’s a reason Calem showed up right when Team Flare really started to bother the region. (Her starter is Chespin)
Elio - Elio has always lived in Alola, and is thrilled to be hosting Selene for the summer. While they both start the Island Challenge, Elio quickly gets sidetracked by worrying about Team Skull and forming a rivalry at first sight with Gladion. Elio is much more interested in working under Nanu and getting him to arrest the gang members. He quickly realizes that won’t happen. (His starter is Litten)
Selene - Selene is Dawn’s younger sister. Dawn managed to stay in Sinnoh, but Selene was forced to move to Kanto. She convinced her mother to let her spend a summer in Alola with Elio and his mother, and then of course found a loophole with Kukui to go on her Island Challenge. Selene spends lots of time with Hau and Lillie, and also helps to convince Guzma that Lusamine is not going to provide him with the help she’s promising. (Her starter is Rowlett)
Victor - Victor actually makes his debut in Kalos. He’s a photographer trying to photograph famous people in the region, and follows the Kalos party in order to best find the gym leaders. Along the way, he falls in love with Serena, and when he heads back to Galar, she gives him a present that sets in motion the future. During his sister’s Gym Challenge, Rose recruits Victor to be his and Leon’s personal photographer, which puts Victor in incredible danger - even if Rose doesn’t realize quite how much power Victor brought from Kalos. 
Gloria - A feisty trainer ready to take on the Gym Challenge and Leon. She feels like something isn’t quite right in Galar, and willing to work with Sonia to figure it out, but not if it gets in the way of her training. Along the way, she becomes good friends with Marnie, and has a friendly rivalry with Bede. She may also have a slight crush on Hop, but that’s not her biggest worry. (Her starter is Sobble)
Hop - Hop has always wanted to challenge his brother, and doing it with Gloria by his side is perfect. However, as he continues to lose to his rival and fall behind, he loses confidence. It takes saving Leon and the world to make Hop believe in himself again. (His starter is Scorbunny)
In addition, there’s a little girl. She has a large straw hat and a Pikachu. She appears all across the regions, talking about things that have happened, and things that are yet to come. She seems kind, but perhaps she knows more than she lets on. If so, some terrible predictions may come to pass, but the return of old foes? That’s not possible, right?
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Pokespe Supernatural AU!!!! for the AU Contest
In this world, professors are like Men of Letters and each one takes several students and train them when they are young. Professor Oak trains Red, Green, and Blue and they become very well known in the hunting community. When students turn 18, they’re allowed to leave the hunting life if they want to. Red decides to stay, but Green decides to leave and go to college. Blue, a powerful witch, also parts ways with Red but continues to hunt on her own. She keeps in contact with Green and they make sure the other is safe. Red, shaken at his friends’ decisions, drops off the grid and aims to become the best hunter.
  “Yeah, I know. Love you too.” Green sighed as he ended the call and shoved his phone back into his pocket. On the floor below him, the party raged on. Drunk students shouted and laughed and the pounding beats of Bill’s latest favorite techno track fused into a muffled cacophony that quite frankly wanted to make Green bang his head against the wall. Bill, one of Green’s few friends, had wanted to celebrate his early graduation by throwing a small house party. However, with the help of some party-animal students, it had soon evolved into the current three am and still going strong rager. Green made his way downstairs with the intent of congratulating Bill, saying goodbye to Daisy, then going home and trying to cure his impending hangover, in that order.
Bill wasn’t hard to find. The usually mild-mannered genius was dancing half-naked on a table, his sister trying to convince him to get down and put on a shirt. Green caught her eye and she motioned him to come over.
“Are you leaving already?” she shouted, trying to be heard above the crowd. He nodded. She instantaneously burst into tears. He blinked as she threw her arms around him and sobbed loudly into his shoulder. Perhaps his sister had more to drink than he thought she did. “Green! Don’t go, please, it’s scary here!” she wailed into his ear. He gently, but briskly, detached her arms and took a step back. “See you tomorrow, sis. And congratulations, Bill!” He had to shout the last part, but Bill didn’t seem to notice as he swung his shirt over his head. He sighed as he turned and started fighting to get to the front door. He needed to get better friends.
As soon as he stepped out, a gust of cool wind greeted him and washed away the stench of alcohol and sweat from the party. The house he was renting was a ten minute walk away, a great way to cool his head after some questionable alcohol-fueled decisions. Aside from the faint music behind him, the night was silent and still. It reminded of those nights his grandfather used to take him and Daisy camping before he was old enough to be a part of the Professor program, before he knew what really went bump in the night.
Green soon arrived at his house, one of the many perks of having a famous relative.The quaint one-story home had been conveniently vacated right before he started school and he was currently paying a dirt-cheap rent to someone who lived in the recesses of Canada. He fished the key out of his pocket and inserted it into the lock, but the door swung open at his first touch. He tensed. He never left it unlocked. He fished out a hidden gun from the shrub by the door. One lesson that had been drilled into him was to always keep an emergency stash of weapons around the house. This was only one of the many hidden both inside and out of his house. He took a deep breath to calm himself and stepped in.
Inside, nothing had been touched. The hallway was still as empty as it had been when he had left for the party. He held his gun out and methodically swept each room. The kitchen was spotless Same with the bathroom. The living room could have used some work, but it still showed no signs of an intruder, supernatural or otherwise. He crept towards his bedroom and tightened his grip on his gun. He started counting to three in his head to kick down the door. Before he could get to three, the door swung open by itself to reveal Red’s sheepish face. “Green. Nice to see you. Could you not point that gun at me?”
Green’s house was just as Red expected. It was painstakingly tidy with little to no personal touches other than the framed photos he kept on the nightstand. He was pleasantly surprised to find that his friend still kept the one that was taken when they had first started training with both of them, Blue, and Professor Oak. A bigger surprise was a recent photo of Blue and Green, both dressed to the nines and smiling arm-in-arm for the camera. Or in Green’s case, not frowning. Green noticed him staring, quickly crossed the room, and tossed the frame into a drawer. As he brushed past, Red caught a whiff of alcohol clinging to Green’s loose black polo shirt. He’d never taken Green for a college party boy.
“Are you drunk, Green?”
Green put his gun down. “I think I’m the one who gets to ask questions here. Where have you been, Red? It’s been two years, yet Blue and I have heard nothing from you. Not even a postcard to tell us you’re alive.”
“Well, you know how it is…” he trailed off lamely, rubbing the back of his head. Honestly, he’d just been so upset the first couple of months that their trio had split that he’d just drove around the country aimlessly, hunting mindlessly. His whole life, his friends had been there right at his back and keeping him going, so that when they decided to leave the life, to leave him, it had felt like getting a limb ripped off. And then one month had turned into three, then a year, then two years in the blink of an eye without his friends. But here he was, sitting on Green’s bed and avoiding his expectant eyes.
“Ah, whatever. It’s good to see you again,” Green muttered. He awkwardly clapped him on the back. “So why are you here?”
“Well, ah, you see…you might want to sit down for this,” Red stuttered out and twiddled his thumbs. Green raised an eyebrow, but dutifully took a seat on the bed. “Your grandfather might have been…kidnapped?”
“WHAT?” Green shouted as he leaped up off the bed. He immediately reached under his bed, pulled out a duffel bag, and started stuffing clothes into it. “Stats. Now.”
Red dutifully rattled off information as the duffel bag was filled. “About last week I was checking in after a hunt, but he never picked up, which is really strange because someone is in his lab at all times. So I thought I’d swing by and check on him. But the lab had been busted open and no one was there.”
“Demon presence?”
“Yes. Sulphur scattered in the lab. I checked around the usual hotspots, but all I got was a name - Team Rocket. The Professors knew nothing about them and neither did our informants. Which is why I’m here.”
Green tugged the zipper shut and swung the bag over his shoulder. “You drove the Impala here, didn’t you?”
The Impala had belonged to Professor Oak was younger, but it had become a gift for the three of them when Green, the oldest, had turned sixteen. They’d spent two happy years laughing, bickering, and sleeping on the worn leather seats. Then when Blue and Green had left, the car naturally went to Red. He nodded.
“Then come on, we’re going to New York to pay Blue a visit.”
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alolatrainersemina · 8 years
(Hardenshipping/SMA) A Pokespe Weird Creatures/Monsters AU Idea
A headcanon discussed with my friend :D
*yay first post! *just jotting stuff down *SMA just means that this is pokespe Maxie/Archie, whilst SAM is pokespe Archie/Maxie *spoilers for the entire pokespe RSE arc are all over the place; please proceed with caution *alternate spe ending involved
So basically Archie is this sea monster creature with anemone/Nihilego-like white tentacles, but he keeps a human form and can hide the tentacles with his willpower. Being a sea creature also means that his sea/water related instincts, like navigating in the ocean and swimming, are stronger than others. Oh, and tentacles. They look and at most times are innocent (you can play with them *ahem*) but can also be very destructive.
Maxie is this Great Demon that can only be injured or killed by sacred Arceus things like holy water, blessed weapons, that kind of stuff. The basic requirement nowadays is to just avoid churches (sacred-ish places) and historic museums (where all the "sacred" things are stored now). If injured or killed by other methods, he'll just regenerate within minutes of time. He has a demon tail, wings, and horns that could release flames containing his own memories (i.e. memory lighter; plugging these spe settings in there right now). He can also manipulate flames to create mirages that affects sight (sorry Blaise).
The two of them start off as normal kids but realize that they're not human somewhere around their teens. Archie doesn't have anyone to trust in as he was growing up so he develops a calm and manipulative nature in order to protect himself. He tries to live off like a normal human. He does. On a side note, Archie has always had an interest in marine biology and ocean/water science related topics; it doesn't have anything to do with him being a sea monster but being one does help him a little as the affinity to water does exist. He forms Team Aqua sometime later in his adulthood. Everyone in Aqua thinks he's just a normal human that's kinda scary and strict. The grunts and the three admins are all human. Well, there might be a really minor grunt or two that's not.
Maxie hides his identity from the public too. Like Sea Monster! Archie's tentacles, demons can hide their horns, wings, and tail using will-power. Unlike Archie, he already finds some company during his teens, though, foes at first but friends after a fight or two later because he's the Great Demon and not just a regular demon so monster people are attracted by his aura or something.
(The Great Maxie used Great Demon Charm! The opponent monster has been captivated by his greatness! Would you like to nickname your new monster person? *no that's not what really happened*)
He gets to lead a bunch of people that secretly hide their monster-ness. As more and more monster people join along Maxie, he meets smaller demons Courtney, Tabitha and Blaise; this was probably when he was in his mid-twenties. Smaller demons can also use the memory and mirage flames (plugging these spe settings in again), but it takes a little more will-power and they regenerate slower. Somewhere around that time Maxie founded Team Magma, because now there's too many monster people around and they have to find a way to not look too suspicious, so why not just say we're this big secret organization thing that wants to expand land! (Maxie wants to do this anyway, being the land dork he is, and somehow convinces everyone that expanding the land and getting Groudon on their side will help.) They manage to design their uniform into demon-horned hoodies because it makes using will-power to hide their own demon horns easier. (I dunno, monster mechanics. Actually helps other monsters maintain a more human form too. Might be magic-cast hoodies.) ↑Spe has a lot of weird stuff (like the memory lighter and Guile's sword and armor), let's just add magical hoodies into the list too! It just works. I guess.
Then time passes, the RS chapter happens, Archie meets Maxie, and supposedly they develop an interesting relationship (*ahem*). And then stuff goes wrong, and the Sird Showdown happens. Archie unleashes his sea monster destructiveness on Maxie, revealing himself as not human thinking that this'll be over with anyways since it's him or Maxie, but to Archie's surprise Maxie doesn't budge at all when Archie proceeds to finish him. (The only thing Maxie tells Archie is to keep his Magma clothes.) Sird's like “this is interesting you are so much more evil than I thought!” and starts to do that voodoo thing shown in the Emerald chapter, when all of a sudden a Great (naked) Demon Maxie with horns and wings and his tail appears before Archie and behind Sird and goes "Guile Hideout sounds like a pretty badass name" (or, depending on when he revived, the line will vary - c'mon he's the Great Maxie he needs to show off), which shocks the other two people. (Whether it's the naked part or the "dear Arceus Maxie's not human" part...*and this is why you keep people's clothes*) Sird runs because it's just not wise to mess with what is apparently a demon even if you are a super cool and manipulative and evil villainess. Archie still has no clue what just happened. Maxie feels great because no more Orb Syndrome (you know, the haunting condition that plagues Spencer the old guy and Archie, mentioned in the Emerald chapter) after regeneration, and explains what he really is to Archie. (While getting dressed.) Archie is now kind of Guile and kind of not Guile; he hasn't gotten rid of the Orb Syndrome yet so he still has to be in that armor in order to sustain himself. Maxie reassures him that everything will be fine.
By the way everybody else recovers because Celebi is amazing to all the "good" people; the Three Fires are already reorganizing Team Magma. They still believe in Maxie because MAGMA IS FAMILY *no* (spe Magma feels like that though) Aqua on the other hand is thinking about disbanding. Archie has done some unthinkable stuff in RS after all, like betraying and dumping your admin into the sea *blame the spe author*
Meanwhile Maxie and armored Archie finds some discreet place to stay over the night (Great Demon Maxie used Flame Mirage! No one notices them). The two of them discuss futures and decides that they'll have to apologize to their team first about their plans to make the world a better place failing and destroying the world accidentally. Archie has to do a LOT of apologizing because of what he's done in the RS chapter. And then they'll figure out how to rid Archie of his Orb Syndrome. They also manage to blurt about their lives hiding the fact that they're not human and sympathize with each other.
And then they go through it all, Emerald chapter still happens because Archie needs Jirachi to recover. But instead of Guile Archie wrecking everything and summoning a demonic Kyogre, Sird does all the bad things secretly and frames Archie (FOR EVIL! *I'm sorry Sird fans*). Archie and Maxie and the entire Magma team's monster identities also gets revealed in the process - it was done to make them look really bad - and everyone is mind blown and falls for it for a moment. But Magma and Aqua have been doing good things contributing to the world lately; they decided to reform. So the kids believe that they mean no harm and ask them to be one their side; Sird has stirred some problems in the Battle Frontier secretly and now it’s affecting everyone. Archie and Maxie, along with the others, sort out whatever mess Sird was making to prove a point. Everything works out in the end and Archie recovers, (the protags get their wish too), the world is not destroyed, happy endings for everyone!
↑That's most of it.
Thoughts: This was such a long drabble… I’m sorry if you got here and had to read that much > < I hope you liked it. I really disliked the spe RSE ending with the whole “make Maxie and Archie super evil for no reason and then let them die” plot. The whole build up to it was just horrible - they weren’t like this in the original games - and my friend thought so too, so the two of us kinda made up an alternate ending where stuff does work out while adding some special touches to it. The main goal was to not let Maxie die when they fought for the armor and the sword. Archie would’ve been so much less crazier if Maxie haven’t died, even without the hardenshipping/weird creature settings. (cue Archie’s flashback in Emerald chapter) Having both of them alive also wrecks Sird’s plan in a sense that they failed to achieve "the full evil” that Sird wanted them to have. We need more happy endings with villains in pokespe ahhhhh this is why headcanons exist right? Gotta fix ‘em up!! I’ll probably come up with more cute things pertinent to this AU (this counts as an alternate universe, right?) sometime in the future; thanks again for reading all this! ;O
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savebatsfromscratch · 2 years
Okay fine. Fine. I will talk about my 'Pokespe Better Powers' AU publicly.
(Basically, it's an AU where the dexholders other than Yellow ALSO have magical powers??? Also Yellow's power gets buffed a little bit because I was annoyed of how it was written in Fire Red Leaf Green compared to the Yellow series. It's not completely fleshed out yet, but it's very fun for me, so here goes.)
Source for the names (in the 'Main Dexholder' section. The others are headcannon): https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9dex_holder
Main Dexholders:
Red: He's "The Fighter" so I gave him super strength. It's nothing fancy, but I'd imagine it would take a second to get used to.
Blue (male): He's "The Trainer" so I thought it would be cool if he could like... have a commanding presence? Like he could tell someone to "stand up" and they would. (This would be able to be resisted, particularly if you had warning, but it would also not be able to be used on more complicated requests.)
Green (female): She's "The Evolver" so I thought it would be really cool if she could evolve and devolve (also mega evolve) Pokemon... just at will. The Pokemon would have to be okay with this of course, but the trainer is not to be consulted.
Yellow: She's "The Healer" and because she already canonically has a magical power, I think that it would be cool if I just gave her less of a cooldown. (Doesn't pass out quite as much, I think.)
Silver: He's "The Trader" (Or the Exchanger, whichever you prefer.) So I think it would be cool if he could swap the places of sentient things. (Like Pokemon and people.) He could tap one, run across the room and tap another, and they would swap places. It would have to be on a certain timer (like five seconds for Pokemon, ten seconds for people... or something), but I think it's cool. :)
Gold: Uh... Sooo Gold is "The Breeder," right? (Or the Hatcher. But I read it with Breeder first and this is going to be EXTRA cursed if you don't keep that in mind.) Okay so... TW for mentions of Omegaverse (SKIP IF YOU MUST.) What if he was like... able to have children uhhhh both ways? Yeah I know it's crazy. I made it up 'cus it was funny. qwq I swear it's mostly a joke. He seems overpowered anyway, so I didn't want to give him anything ACTUALLY good (even though he is my favorite).
Crystal: She's "The Catcher" (Or the Capturer, I think) so what if she could like... produce Pokeballs out of thin air? Like toss her hand up, and a Pokeball comes down into her waiting hand. (This is especially fun if there are just... berries disappearing off trees as she does this.)
Emerald: He's "The Calmer" and because I didn't want anything that made his cool mud shooting thing obsolete, I thought I could just enhance it by giving him the ability to get the mud he needs at any time he wants. Just... summoning mud from any place he wants.
Sapphire: She's "The Conqueror" so how about she has the ability to unleash a burst of confidence on her side or a battle, and a feeling of overwhelming dread on the other? (Not that that doesn't happen already.)
Ruby: He's "The Charmer" and I think that the Pokemon move "sweet kiss" describes what I'm getting at well enough. (Either that or something similar to "charm speak" from the Heroes of Olympus series. Which allows the user to basically persuade who they are talking to do do anything. The only problem there is that it's a bit too similar to Blue's power.)
Pearl: He's "The Determiner." I... I don't really know what to do with this information so I'm just gonna buff the power that he has. (Meaning his ability to see what move a Pokemon is about to use.) I know that kinda sucks, but I have no ideas man. Feel free to suggest some!
Diamond: He's "The Empathizer" so I decided on the ability to feel other people's emotions. Sort of the way Jayfeather can in Warrior Cats? If you know what I'm talking about?
Platinum: She's "The Understander" so, because I am very bad at coming up with powers, I decided on the ability to understand any language, written or otherwise. (Not including Pokemon languages though.)
Black: He's "The Dreamer" but he's not the only one. Because of this REALLY COOL narrative choice (seriously that could have some cool aus about it), I think it would be interesting if him and White could read each others thoughts. (And appear in each other's dreams.) Like, when both of them want too, they can hear all of each other's thoughts, but to make it so that White isn't always overwhelmed, that can also be turned off. There is still an 'emergency call' thought beam (?) though. So if someone gets stuck they could ask for help even if the other one wasn't planning on listening to their thoughts in that moment.
White: She's ALSO "The Dreamer," and I basically gave a rundown of her power in Black's entry lol. Just because they are connected.
Blake: He's "The Arrester" so I thought that if he wanted too, he could create chains out of nothing. Like, *taps something*, *draws hand away and a chain follows it*. If he closes his hand, the other end of the chain attaches to his wrist, if he taps something else first, it attaches there.
Whi-two: She's "The Liberator" so I thought she could be the other end of Blake's 'law of science breaking' so she gets rid of the chains that he creates. They dissolve and stuff. I bet it would be pretty. :)
X: He's "The Loner" (lol Professor Oak that's so mean). I couldn't think of ANYTHING for this power, so I had to ask my mom and she said "invisibility" and I think that's pretty good.
Y: She's "The Flyer" and even though I already based this AU in a wing AU (don't worry about it lol), I thought it would be neat if she could turn her arms into wings at will. (And also fly with them... obviously, otherwise the power would be dumb.)
Sun: He's "The Saver" (which sounds kinda cool until you remember it's about money). Because of this disappointment, I decided that he should be able to sense when there's a coupon or a discount on something if he wants too. Like, Person 1: "I want this desk but it's really expensive. :(" Sun: "There's a discount in the IKEA in Viridian City. Try ordering from there."
Moon: She's "The Mixer" which is about medicine, so I decided to make it about poison because of course I did. ...anyway I want her to be venomous.
Bonuses (some from Pokespe, some not):
Wally: First off, Wally is perfect. Second off I want him to be "The Captivator". Partially because it sounds really fricking cool, but also because it starts with a 'c' like the other trainers from his region. I think that this power could be used to draw everyone's attention onto himself. (Letting other people, I don't know, sneak across a room without being noticed.) This might put him in danger though, to be honest.
Shawna: This is probably gonna sound stupid, but I think a name like, "The Designer" would fit her pretty well. Her thing could be a (powered down) version of the Evillustrator from Miraculous Ladybug. (If you aren't familiar, he draws things and they appear in real life.)
Tierno: This is ALSO gonna sound dumb, but how about "The Dancer?" (Mostly because he likes dancing and I had no other ideas.) A possible power to go along with this would be giving him higher agility and speed than your average human. That could be VERY helpful in a whole array of situations!
Trevor: Because I gave the other two in his group of trainers dexholder names that start with the letter 'd', I'm calling him "The Decider." I can't really think of a power that matches how cool that name sounds, but maybe a little bit of a time slow? It would be very limited and would probably need a fairly long cooldown though.
Ash Ketchum (from the anime): I think the name "The Victor" fits him fairly well. So how about SLIGHT (and I do mean SLIGHT) HP drain on his opponent's Pokemon if he wants too.
Koya (from Pokemon DPA): I'm gonna call him "The Changer" because of his character arch in DPA. BUT, the power is gonna need some prefacing. I have another AU that I have had SINCE I FOUND these series (so like... six years ago?) that I seem to be physically unable of letting go of. Specifically for Koya. (As he is usually the main character.) Because of that I want him to have fire and dark powers. Meaning that I want him to be able to control fire, but that fire doesn't give off any light.
Hareta (also from Pokemon DPA): Maybe "The Befriender"? That might sound dumb. Well, in Pokemon DPA, Hareta sort of has this weird ability where he can become friends with (almost) literally anyone or anything. I don't know if that was on purpose, but that's pretty much what the power I'm giving him is. It's not gonna change much, but the character needed a nerf in comparison to the other ones.
Mitsumi (still from Pokemon DPA): I like to call her "The Gambler." I think her power could be better luck with slot machines (or in general), because she really likes them but she's really bad at them and it makes me feel sad. :(
Jun (last one from Pokemon DPA... or in general): I think he could have another 'double name' situation. I'm gonna call him "The Gambler" along with Mitsumi. This, again, will be the same power, making him more lucky. However, I am now deciding that when the two are in a battle together, they can choose to basically 'flip a (figurative) coin'. This will let them be 1. even MORE lucky (for that battle), or 2. UNlucky (for that battle).
Feel free to come up with your own powers/upgrades lol. This is very fun. :)
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savebatsfromscratch · 3 years
WHUMPTOBER DAY 17 - Her life is in good paws (Her brother’s)
Prompt: “Now smile for the camera” / doctor’s visit / CPR
Please read the Ao3 one instead of this.
Jayfeather keeps his powers I don't care.
*Her life is also in her mother's paws, the title sounded bad with that in it.
AU where Hollyleaf survives. (I love making AUs of my own AUs.)
Rip to the Pokespe fic I was gonna write for this one, Warriors is my best friend.
I am extremely productive today. XD
Tws: Medical setting, Implied/Referenced Character Death
Words: 1,499
Jayfeather listened intently, hearing the sounds of his sister breathing peacefully. He sighed, blind eyes no doubt clouded with sadness as he trailed his tail over her sleeping pelt. He had almost lost her. What an awful truth that would be. (Distantly, he wondered if Star Clan had protected her, before remembering that they most certainly had. What with their ranks coming down to fight along with the clans. He shivered, grey tabby fur fluffing out to the sides as he remembered.
The flash of sight that he had received as Half Moon led her cats down to help. It had been extremely helpful to see (so he could dodge blows and aim his own slightly better), but horrible to actually witness the death and betrayal that had happened around him.
He felt a tail rest on his shoulder and jumped slightly before recognising the familiar scent of his mother. He didn’t know how she had gotten so close without him noticing, but he supposed that it might have something to do with the thinking he had been doing.
“It’s alright Jayfeather,” she meowed, “We did our best.”
Oh, she thought he was sad about how few they had been able to save. Now, it was true, he was truly sad about that, but it had been the cause of that he had been thinking about. And as he thought about it, (leaning onto Leafpool’s shoulder), he began to wonder if something like this could ever happen again. Surely not. Surely Star Clan would prevent such a thing from happening again? (But of course, they had not prevented the first, how would they prevent a second or even third?)
He sat there, tail tip twitching slightly as thoughts raced through his mind, each a slightly different flavor of worry. But luckily for him, Leafpool seemed to notice this, asking quietly if he was okay, and not stopping her own feelings of concern even when he told her he was. How could he have ever doubted her of loving him? (Of course, he knew exactly how, but with how jumbled his emotions were even without that… he didn’t want to remember.)
So they stayed that way. Mother and son leaned on each other, the last awake in the medicine den of a recovering clan. Bramblestar was on the night watch, letting his clan get rest after the virgil they had endured last night. (One full of crying and mourning, not silence and hope for their loved one’s souls.) So now it was just him, his mother, and the one he thought to be his father awake. Jayfeather thought that was oddly poetic in some way, and as Leafpool wrapped her tail around him further, he shut his eyes. (And though it didn’t do anything to what he ‘saw’, it did help him rest.)
He was lucky to have this clan, lucky to have Bramblestar as his father, lucky to have Leafpool as his mentor, lucky to have the powers that Starclan had let him keep. (He hadn’t had the time to ask them why they had left them with him, but he had the feeling that it might have had to do with how Dovewing had felt when hers had become dulled. Or maybe some sort of thanks to the three of them for their service to the clans. Whatever it was, he was thankful for it.)
“Jayfeather-” Leafpool started, pulling her tail away from him and standing. He looked up at her, and though it did not change his perception, it let her know he was listening. (That and the angling of his ears towards her.) “I just wanted to say that you’ve become a fine medicine cat,” he nodded appreciatively as she continued, “-and I know you probably already know that, but I just thought that you might want to hear it from me.”
If this conversation had taken place a few moons back, or even earlier in the day, when he had some sleep in his system, Jayfeather might have made a snappy comeback at her, but now… “I know all I know thanks to you,” He told her, unsure if the cause of his truthfulness had come from sleep deprivation or worry, “You are quite the fine medicine cat too.”
“Thank you Jayfeather,” she purred. “But you got something wrong, I didn’t teach you everything you know, you learned some of it yourself,” She playfully swatted him with her paw, “And I think you did a wonderful job teaching it back to me.”
He pawed the ground awkwardly, not quite sure what to do in the face of such a genuine compliment from the one he regarded as his mentor. “T-thank you-” he told her, fur fluffing in embarrassment, “I didn’t realise that you thought that-”
“Don’t worry about it,” she meowed happily, before suddenly becoming serious once more, “We need all that gathered knowledge, and that was just proven for us.”
Jayfeather nodded, thoughts suddenly dark again as he remembered where he was, “That’s true,” he admitted, “We did need all that we knew.”
There was a short pause, the comfort of the den being broken by oddly delivered lines and half finished hopes. But Jayfeather was glad to have had that moment of calm, no matter how short, and upon looking into his mentor’s heart, he saw that she felt the same. Both pelts sparked with awkwardness, but there was a layer of warmth under hers. It was a nice sort of warmth too.
“You’re worried about your sister,” Leafpool mewed softly, her voice kept low in case anyone could overhear their medicine cats discussing how they felt about their patient’s survival.
He sighed, he was worried about Hollyleaf. (And so, he nodded to let those thoughts be known.)
“You shouldn’t be.”
He tilted his ears towards her, cocking his head to the side in confusion, why shouldn’t he be worried about Hollyleaf? She had nearly bled to death, and it had taken both medicine cats and Lionblaze to staunch her bleeding. How could he not be worried about her?
Seeming to sense his questions, Leafpool continued, “She’s in good paws, yours, and as long as you remember that, you should be able to help her just fine.”
Stunned, Jayfeather widened his sightless eyes, but before he could ask if she really meant it. (All the while knowing that she did.) Leaf pool reached a paw onto his shoulder, “You should get some sleep,” she told him kindly, “I’ll take the night watch.”
- - - - -
It had been several moons since that fateful night, and now Hollyleaf was due to be released back to her warrior duties. (And in her opinion, she should have been back to work at least a moon ago, but both medicine cats had told her that she was wrong until now.) Now she just had one more check-up to go through.
“I don’t know why you have to do this,” she was complaining (even though she knew exactly why), “You both know that I’m fine.”
“Yes we do,” Jayfeather meowed, nose buried in his sister’s fur as he sniffed her for any sign of infection, “But we just need to make sure.”
“You know that don’t you,” Leafpool laughed, her tail tip twitching as she cleaned the moss from an older nest, “You tried to be a medicine cat first you know.”
Jayfeather felt a playful twinge of annoyance radiate from the black pelt he was currently cleaning. (For he had moved from sniffing to swiping the fur back from its proper position, knowing that this was a way to find wounds that he hadn’t already scented.)
“Of course I know I tried to be a medicine cat,” Hollyleaf said indignantly, but even without Jayfeather’s powers, Leafpool could obviously hear the playful tone in her meow. (Obvious due to the amused purring that floated from the words.), “You were my mentor, remember?”
“I know that.” Leafpool purred, “How could I forget my worst student?”
Hollyleaf made a false indignant gasp, and Jayfeather felt himself purring good-humoredly along with the two she-cats as he found no further injuries on his sister. “You can get out of the den now,” he told her, “You’re fine.”
“Finally!” She meowed triumphantly, jumping to her paws so quickly she nearly hit Jayfeather with her tail. Without apologizing however, she padded for the den entrance, but before she left, she called back to the two medicine cats and their now empty den, “I knew I would be safe in your paws!”
Jayfeather dipped his head to her, and heard Leafpool doing the same behind him. He felt warm inside. This was the best way this could have ended, and he was glad for Leafpool’s encouragement. But as he thought about the whole experience, a short cloud of doubt passed over him, was everything really fine? Sure, it might feel that way, but it was impossible to stay that way forever.
…Wasn’t it?
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