dreamiara · 1 year
we can start their polification with jessica the half of the song is in english anyway
LMAO REAL !!!! but i actually thought about it once and i think icey from żabson could be a good introduction
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pollenallergie · 10 months
if he’ll suck a titty and he’s in my city, then he can come over and we can get a little silly
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rotomblr-island · 2 months
sylvan should NOT have won this rap battle 💀
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a-b-erracja · 2 months
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nie chce mi sie
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nonenglishsongs · 4 months
Top 40 Tuesday - #1 in Poland | Kubi Producent, stickxr, bambi & Fukaj - Woda Ksiezycowa (Polish)
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kitixie · 1 year
Little Girl Gone
Little Girl Gone / T.S. (pt. 1)
part two: here
Synopsis: Having been several years since you’d last seen your favorite gangster family, you return to Small Heath a changed woman with a stronger attitude than you had when you left. 
information: this will be a multi part story! idk how many parts exactly, but there will be more!
warnings: none for this chapter!
please leave all comments and reccommendations below! thank you for reading!
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“Aye, what does a woman have to do to get a whiskey around here?”, you shouted, rapping your hand on the bar counter. 
You were seated at The Garrison, it was your first stop back in town. You had lived in Small Heath most of your early life, but five years ago you were forced to leave due to your fathers death and your mothers general distrust (and dislike) of the Shelby family. Your mother had kicked you out a few days ago, claiming that you were old enough to be married now, and that she wouldn’t stand for you staying in her house if you weren’t going to look for a husband. 
“Calm down Lady, I’ll- Holy Shit! Y/N, what are you doin’ back!”, a man's voice rang out, making you and the rest of the bar look in his direction. 
Arthur Shelby had always been one of your favorite Shelby siblings, and for good reason. He was loud, funny, and typically a gentleman if you caught him on the right day. You leaned over the bar and wrapped your arms around his neck, nearly bruising him in the process. You had hoped your whole journey here that he would be the first Shelby you saw, and luck had worked out for you this time. 
“Arth, I am sure glad to see you! It’s been a long time, aye?”, you spoke, removing your arms from him and sitting back on your barstool. 
“Hell, it’s been about, what, five years? You don’t show your face around these parts for five fuckin’ years and then you just come back?”, he said, staring you in the face, with a somewhat more serious look in his eye than you had expected. 
‘Yeah, had some family troubles, but I’m back for good now,” you swallowed, “how's all the Shelby’s doin’?” 
“Eh, the usual. Tommys about to run himself ragged, Pol acts like she owns us all, I’m workin’ here now, I actually own the place!” he said, spilling out most of that information in one breath. 
You took a quick survey of the bar, noticing how the decor and table setup had changed since you’d seen it last. The floor was still the same sticky, slimy feeling though. 
“Glad to see you doing well, Arth. Now, please get me a whiskey an i’ll be outta your way!” you spoke, glad to have reunited with Arthur, but not glad to have been out in public this long. 
“Ah, ah. If you think I’m letting you get out of here without seein’ Tom, you’re messed in the head!” He joked, but as you watched him move towards the window to the private room, you realized he wasn’t joking. 
You had not come prepared to see Thomas. He was the only one who never got a goodbye, even though the rest of them didn’t know they were goodbyes at the time. When you were being forced to leave, you managed to sneak over to Watery Lane and have one last conversation with all the Shelbys before you left, and you never told them you were leaving that night. Thomas had been on business, but got home a few minutes after you left. You had regretted not speaking to him then, but now that regret had turned into a fear after hearing about the man he had become while you were away. You had heard things about Thomas Shelby, and they were not things any girl would like to hear about her long-time crush.
‘Oy, that Tommy Shelby is a real whore’
‘I heard he gets around Small Heath like its a full time job’
‘He pays them ya know? Every girl he fucks gets paid, even if theyre not workin’ for it!’
Those were all just some of the things you had heard, and those weren’t even the things you had heard that were related to his newfound habit of murdering those who crossed him. You’ve had your eyes on Tommy Shelby ever since you were 16. Now aged 21, it had been a long enough time that you realized what kind of person you needed to settle with, and logically, he wasn’t it. 
While this entire catalog of thoughts was running through your head, your eyes watched as Arthur got closer and closer to that window. You knew you weren’t ready to see him yet, if you ever would be. So acting on those primal prey instincts, you ran. You hopped off the barstool, and started pushing your way through the crowd of bar patrons, finally having the door insight. You wrapped your hand around the handle, and pulled it open. Stepping into the cool air of the night, you took a deep breath and closed your eyes as you closed the bar door behind you. Just as you were stepping away from the door to begin your walk to the apartment you were renting, you bumped into something, or rather, someone. 
“Thought I’d let you run from me a second time, aye?”
“I-I-”, you stammered, not having any idea what to say, now that you were staring at the face of one Thomas Shelby. 
“It’s okay, I’d be nervous too if I ran into someone I left in the dust five years ago.��, he laughed, letting a puff of cigarette smoke roll out of his mouth. 
“Tommy, how did you even know I was out here? I watched Arthur and left before he even opened the window, I don’t underst-”
“Shh. I have my ways, ya know I have my ways.” he spoke, that cool, gravelly voice still hadn’t changed, even after all this time. 
You finally looked up at him, releasing the death stare you had on his chest. He was more handsome now, if that was even possible. His dark hair styled perfectly, like he had touched it up before meeting you outside. His hat was missing, which was a rare occurrence, but you were enjoying the unobstructed view of his face. He was lean, only muscle was visible through his white shirt, and his pants hugged his legs perfectly. He was beautiful, especially in the face. You could see more defined freckles in the glow of the street lamp, along with more defined lines carved into his forehead. You continued to study his face, while his studied yours. You had definitely matured in your time away, but not only on your face. Your lips had gotten fuller, cheek bones more pronounced, and hair longer; but you had also grown tits and an ass. You knew you had assets, and fully planned on using them to your advantage, just not on Tommy Shelby. 
“My God, Y/N, I’d say you grew up…”, he trailed off, eyes looking all over your face and body. 
“Yeah, that tends to happen to people as they age, Tom.” you laughed, feeling suddenly insecure as you stood under his microscope. 
“What are ya doin’ back in town? I imagined you ran off and got married or somethin’,” he spoke, “But, I don’t see a ring on that finger so either that can’t be right or you married a poor bastard.” 
“Not married Tom, never was. It’s part of the reason I’m back in town, but-” 
“What are ya doin’ tomorrow evening?”, he cut off, not even letting you finish explaining how you didn’t want to talk about it right now. 
“Nothing I know about, why?”, you asked, having no idea what was about to come out of that pretty mouth of his. 
“Join me for dinner, yeah? I’d love to sit down and have a chat with ya, but I got to go handle some business right now.”, he spoke, suddenly sounding strained. 
“Uh, I guess I’ll get dinner with ya, where at?” 
“My place, I’ll come pick you up tomorrow at 6, Goodnight, Y/N.” Tom spoke, brushing shoulders with you lightly as he passed by, heading back into The Garrison.
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loverhymeswith · 1 year
Let's Be Alone Together || Part One
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x F!Reader
Summary: Ever since Tommy swore an oath to your dying husband, you've been a part of the Shelby family. Two years have passed and the two of you are still weighed down by grief but perhaps you can find solace in one another's company.
Word Count: 1.2K
Warnings: ptsd, mention of death, implied drug use, language, not beta-read
A/N: My first Tommy fic after embarking on a rewatch of Peaky Blinders. If there's interest in this, I have more chapters in mind!
Part Two
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“Where the fuck is Tommy?”
Arthur Shelby’s commanding voice cuts through the buzz of chatter. Gradually, the small crowd gathered in The Garrison’s snug falls silent. Not as quickly as they would have done for Arthur’s younger brother, but he has their attention at least.
Glaring at the occupants of the private side room, the eldest Shelby brother takes another breath. “I said, where the fuck is-”
“We heard you the first time, Arthur,” Pol pauses her chain-smoking to interject. Even with the cigarette now resting between her painted fingers, her burgundy lips are pursed, displeasure evident in the fine lines of her face. “Shouting louder isn’t going to make him magically appear. Let’s just get on with it.”
Sitting quietly in the background - quite literally, you are tucked away in the corner of the room - it strikes you that they should have noticed earlier. The presence - or lack thereof - of the head of the Shelby family rarely goes unobserved. After all, Tommy is usually the one to call for council. For him to be missing, something must be wrong.
All eyes are fixed on the centre of the room as a discussion breaks out between Arthur and John on the merits of waiting for Tommy, so it’s easy for you to slip away. You’ve often wondered why you’re invited to these family meetings in the first place. A sense of duty to your late husband, perhaps? Ensuring you don’t feel left out? Or maybe it’s just their way of keeping an eye on you. 
Two years have passed since Tommy swore an oath to your dying husband as they fought side by side in the Somme, and still the Shelbys treat you as one of their own. Pol, the family’s matriarch with a temper to match the size of her heart; sweet Ada who treats you like the older sister she never had; Arthur and John - a pair of brothers watching out for you as you navigate your way through widowhood. 
And then there’s Tommy. 
Tommy, who delivered the news of your husband’s death in person and held you while you broke down. Tommy, who put a roof over your head and food on your table when you could no longer afford the cost of rent. Tommy, who gave you a job and a purpose and a family.
You owe a lot to the Shelbys, but none more so than Tommy.
It’s likely your imagination, but sometimes it feels as if he acts differently around you. Like he’s more open with you than he is with the others. Maybe it’s the loss the two of you share. The grief that, given half a chance, might have swallowed you whole had Tommy not saved you. 
But who is there to save him?
The streets are quiet at such a late hour, the rain having long since driven everyone inside so there’s no one around to witness your hurried approach to Tommy’s front door. You rap firmly, but you’re not surprised by the lack of response. Instead, you slip the spare key from your coat pocket. The one given to you for emergencies. The door opens with a soft creak.
Climbing the stairs, your heart races. The sweet scent of smoke fills your lungs and you hesitate at the bedroom door, suddenly fearful of what you might find on the other side. Tommy's habit isn’t quite the secret he’d like to think it is, but he’s usually so careful not to let it affect his business.
Upon entering the room, your eyes immediately fall to the bed. Tommy is stretched out across the mattress, but this is no peaceful slumber. Impossibly long, dark lashes kiss his pale skin as sweat beads across his creased brow. The muscle in his jaw works as his scarred fingers clutch at the rumpled white sheets. 
“Tommy,” you murmur softly, once, twice, three times until his eyelids twitch.
A familiar yet unnerving pair of bright blue eyes fly open and his hard gaze instantly meets your own, his chapped lips parting as he rasps your name. “What are you doing here?” 
Fighting off the instinct that makes you want to reach for him, you hold your position a few steps away. “You’re late for Arthur’s family meeting. They’re all waiting for you.”
In a flash, he’s sitting up, curses roughly spilling from his mouth. The movement startles you, not least because he’s dressed in only his undershirt and slacks, the sweat-dampened fabric clinging to his skin. He seems vulnerable like this - without the armour of his sharp suits, so perfectly tailored to the hard lines of his body. 
Of course, you’ve noticed him. Despite your history, you’re far from immune to his striking appearance. Thomas Shelby has both the look and will of a Greek God. Beautiful and damned.
When Tommy’s attention lands on the pipe discarded on the bedside table, the briefest flicker of shame mars his fine features but it’s gone just as quickly. With a soft groan he begins to straighten himself.
“Do you need anything?” You ask, averting your gaze. Without waiting for an answer, you add, “I won’t tell anyone.”
You raise your head in time to see his lips twitch but there’s no smile for you. Not today. “What would I do without you?”
Your cheeks grow warm and you turn away to fetch a damp washcloth from the adjoining bathroom. The weight of Tommy’s gaze follows you across the room. “I should be the one thanking you,” you call over the sound of the running water.
Tommy waits until you’re by his side again before replying. “I promised him I would take care of you, didn’t I?”
“I think you’ve already gone above and beyond.”
A beat of silence passes between you, not awkward but not quite comfortable either. The scent of the smoke is slowly dispersing but a heaviness lingers in the air. Searching for something to say to offset the tension growing in your chest, you perch on the edge of the bed and angle your body towards him. 
“They haunt me, too,” you murmur, offering him the washcloth. “The nightmares.” You might not have witnessed it first hand like Tommy, but at your steadfast request he had painted an unflinching picture of your husband’s final moments. Enough to ensure you plenty of sleepless nights.
Tommy’s piercing eyes search your face and you’d kill for an insight into what he’s thinking. To know what’s going on behind that unwavering stare. Despite your outstretched hand, he’s making no move to take the cloth from your hands. 
Tentatively inching closer, you reach out and press the cloth to Tommy’s brow. His eyes shutter, feather-like lashes brushing his delicate cheekbones. Only when you’re certain he’s not going to push you away do you continue, smoothing the cloth along his temple and down to his jaw, carefully erasing the evidence of his troubles.
When his skin is clean you move to pull away, but Tommy places his warm hand over yours, keeping your hand and the cloth pressed against his skin. 
“Does it help?” you wonder, almost breathlessly as you nod to the discarded pipe. Time might be ticking as the family waits but you find yourself in no hurry to return to The Garrison. 
“I used to think so,” he tells you, firmly holding your gaze. “But now, I’m not so sure. Now…” He trails off. Turning his head ever so slightly, Tommy tilts his jaw until his lips brush against the tips of your fingers.
“And now?” you prompt hoarsely, as his warm breath fans your skin.
“Now, I think it might be better to feel something rather than nothing at all.”
Taglist: @a-reader-and-a-writer @crysxtal
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agendabymooner · 1 year
keeper ! alex a. x ofc (kpop idol!ofc)
"and she my backup like to say she was my plan b. kinda ironic 'cause with her, i'd start a family."
summary: in which polly jintara berkshire, whose friend was an ex of an f1 driver, juggles her role as a blackpink member and alex albon's girlfriend. OR this is just a series of photos showing how down bad the couple are for one another ❤️
content warning: chatfic + tweets, use of explicit language, a lot of dirty jokes (nothing graphic), alex albon is a blink, references to stormzy songs, fluff
note: the title and quote is referring to my favourite tobi and manny song. anyway enjoy xx (i hope my jokes are funny enough)
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tagged blackpinkofficial, boamckinnon, thepolsci
liked by nicholaslatifi, jennierubyjane, roses_are_rosie
alex_albon kicking my feet when thepolsci pointed and winked at me tbh 😍😩 have my kids pinned by alex_albon
thepolsci no U HAVE MY KIDS 🥰 liked by alex_albon
landonorris absolutely shameless
georgerussell63 this isn't who we are, alex 🤦‍♂️
user1 bro who did you even go with 😭
alex_albon latifi 😊
user3 alexander albon, driver on sundays and a blink every other day 💖
user4 lad i think it's a spider not a snake?
user5 shhhh don't ruin it for him. he's just being himself <3
user6 i just want him to show up one of these days in an interview and begin bonking the other drivers with his light stick like pLEASE ALEX
williamsracing cool stuff alex, but why didn't you take me there -logan liked by alex_albon
alex_albon big kids only, sorry mate. i'll bring the merch to you tho!
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tagged thepolsci, ygentertainment, blackpinkofficial
liked by jennierubyjane, boamckinnon, logansargeant
user2 we gotta humble him- booooo get back in the car albono
charles_leclerc tell her she's very cool liked by alex_albon
alex_albon she doesn't need reminder 😎
jennierubyjane do we go to you for free marketing?
alex_albon no, you'd have to give me pols for the whole year then i can do free advertising
williamsracing this is not what your pr manager taught you and you know that alex
roses_are_rosie don't worry, your level of coolness heightened a little! liked by alex_albon
alex_albon phew! i thought i brought her down to my level tbh
thepolsci don't say that to yourself, you utter dickhead
alex_albon ily
alex_albon my real skincare routine is money on loop 🎼
thepolsci when we reach 8 figures you can have my kids liked by alex_albon
alex_albon are we talking combined salary for the next few years bc we can start the process now???
oscarpiastri touch grass
logansargeant this is not who we are alex
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tagged thepolsci
liked by pierregasly, lance_stroll, danielricciardo
user3 now this- this is the standard
user4 are you talking about the picture or the guy who posted it?
user3 yes.
thepolsci screaming crying wailing
thepolsci on my knees frfr 😩😭 liked by alex_albon
alex_albon stay there 😇🏃‍♂️
user5 ALEX ?!!!
user7 if my gf is a baddie and a keeper i'd be down bad too 😭🤭 don't make fun of my boy like that
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tagged alex_albon
liked by logansargeant, roses_are_rosie, jennierubyjane
user1 tbh a trip to paris doesn't hurt 🤔
user2 i want him or i want to be him idk 🧐
user3 ain't no way these two just made stormzy references on their posts
user4 girl serenaded alex with sidemen diss tracks before it's no wonder she posted this with a uk rap song 😭
alex_albon never!!!! liked by thepolsci
thepolsci ily bitch
alex_albon aren't you the sweetest 😩
thepolsci say it back 🥲
alex_albon thx buddy 🤩
thepolsci nvm i h8 you
user6 this is an emotional rollercoaster wtf 😭😭
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bloodpen-to-paper · 6 months
QSMP Awards 2024 Summarized
-The audio was scuffed for the first half. I don't mean a little crispy. I don't mean with a slight echo. It was fucked in every way imaginable. The audio sounded like it was going through a blender. Then it kept getting too loud, then too quiet (so much so we couldn't hear), all while being way too crispy. Charlie Slimecicle monologued to the audience while the team was trying to fix it but since the audio was both too crispy and too quiet we couldn't actually understand anything he was saying. This carried on for about 7 minutes with him holding two microphones, neither of which was working, before the stream crashed (again)
-All the staff are apparently Cucurucho, with one of them being a "main Cucurucho"
-Missa wore a "Quackity my beloved" shirt. I could not explain to you what the blazer over it was supposed to be.
-Everyone else at the ceremony was shown through discord call. I'm convinced Charlie has never seen German or Lenay's faces cause he did not know it was them until Quackity said their names
-The screen was supposed to switch between showing all the people on the discord and it kept switching between the same four people. If I have to hear Q, Charlie and Missa chant "Foolish" or "Pol" ever again-
-Mariana showed up and Charlie immediately went into bitter ex mode. He also hit on Mariana. Multiple times.
-We got a patented Ironmouse "coño" and chat lost their shit over Luzu existing, as expected
-Mariana looked like Michael Jackson, Bad's background could've been the set of Breaking Bad, Roier had a ski mask, lots of people learned what Lenay, German and Vegetta's looked like for the first time, and Mike had a kawaii filter
-Somehow Bad didn't even get nominated for Best Cucurucho Jumpscare, showing that even non-red carpet events can produce award snubs (congrats to Bagi!)
-Though I yearned for Maximus getting nominated for his Eh Vegetta prank, we all knew the win had to go to Vegetta for the mines
-The audio eventually became bearable but the echo never fully left. At some point there were like three or four overlaps of Vegetta giving his acceptance speech
-Acau won for Best Death from getting killed by an enderman (in my heart Foolish's accidental death by Pomme's sniper that got him eliminated from the elections won, but we did get Quackity dying to a fly as a nom so I feel complete. Also congrats to Acau!)
-The Qsmp shop is officially open! We got eggie merch :]
-Quackity forgot to roll clips for the Best Purgatory 2 Moment nominees and almost read out the winner before we got the montage (Wuant won! It was the clip of him being told he lost and he accidentally did a flip. They weren't able to get the acceptance speech on stream so we saw it from Quackity's phone)
-Funniest QSMP Moment nominees were all fucking hilarious, its hard to pick just one but Maxo winning for when he respawned after a lore-heavy moment in Pierre's bed to his own moans being remixed into a song absolutely deserved the win
-Saddest QSMP Moment was unnecessary and the admins will be hearing from my lawyers for making me relive Dapper's first lost life, Dia de los Muertos and the end of Purgatory 1 (Jaiden and Roier saying bye to Bobby won, Roier changed his screen to black and white and held up what looked like a mini Cucurucho being used as a cross)
-Best QSMP Original Song was played prematurely when the category was Best Language Exchange, and we got a spoiler for the winner (YD and Hugo's exchange won and YD's audio was muted so we just saw her Vtuber model getting excited)
-The aforementioned Best Qsmp Original Song had Gordinho Gostosinho looping aggressively over Charlie singing the Juanaflippa song, which I hope to god gets clipped cause it was hilarious (I'm glad the Roier and Cucurucho rap got nominated). Charlie was very confused why they had him announce his own win.
-Best PVP unsurprisingly went to Etoiles for his colosseum Code fight, after all he is the Best🔥 (the other noms were great too, we had Philza vs Tubbo in Purgatory, Bad and Maxo eliminating El Quackity from the elections, and a cute sparring session between Pac and Richas)
-Best Qsmp Fails went to Fit for that time Pac's internet cut out during their date (of course he bragged about his Brasilian boyfriend after learning he won for best loser)(also if it was up to me Quackity's fly deaths would've been added to this category just sayin')
-The audio problems were revealed to have been roleplay the entire time. Yep. All part of the lore.
-Speaking of, most of the winners who were in the discord call could not be heard so they had to give speeches through Quackity holding his phone up to the mic
-Best Roleplayer went to Roier for his Doied arc (the screen prematurely showed him before they could read the announcement, and his speech was him kissing the camera)
-Worst Server House went to Mariana accompanied with the classic clip of him reacting to the admins roasting his started base; Mariana was part of the discord call but left at some point so he couldn't give a speech, to which Charlie jumped on the opportunity to roast his absence like a shark smelling blood (they rightfully nominated Quackity for his clip of Acau reacting to his failure of a starter house, and apparently Carre's base is just his bed on a dirt plot)
-Most Iconic Clip went to Pac for stealing the Qsmp Logo (the other lovely noms included Foolish and co. accidentally closing their house door after a creeper came in an attempt to shut it out, and Tina reacting to a mob giving Felps a blowjob)
-The Most Bankrupt Islander went to Niki for being broke, we stan (during the nom montage we got a passa tudo mention)
-The Creator Who Spent the Most Time on the Server Award went to Bad, which was shocking to no one, although they did use his Barbie Girl clip for the nom montage (they also used Fit wearing a wig for his clip)
-The Qsmp cake for the one year anniversary had the text "FELICIDADES ALBERTO". We do not know who Alberto is. Pol was losing it.
-Tubbo won for The Creator With the Most Deaths (106), while The Creator With Fewest Deaths went to Philza (he only had 1!). Philza was able to be heard through stream but the hosts didn't know this so they would hear him from Quackity's phone and repeat what he was saying even though we could hear him
-Everytime the camera cut back to the hosts Charlie, Quackity and Missa had more cake on their faces
-Most Distance Traveled (in Minecraft) went to Etoiles (6,000+ km jfc)
-Creator With the Most Mob Kills went to Pierre (162,960 mob kills. what the fuck.)
-They accidentally read the award for Creator With the Most Damage Taken (Foolish) during the Best Builder announcement, confusing the shit out of everyone, especially cause the screen showed Mike instead of Foolish. I am still unclear who won Best Builder
-Creator With the Most Blocks Placed went to Mike!!! (MIKE WIN VAMBORAAAAAAAAAAA🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷)
-We had to uncomfortably sit through Missa feeding Charlie cake (and just Charlie in general)
-There was an In Memorium segment of the passed eggs (Quackity shat on a grieiving Charlie for Flippa only lasting 11 days, but in Charlie's words, "to you it was 11 days; to her it was a lifetime"). Charlie commentated and had nothing to say about Trump because he didn't know jack shit about Trump (though he did make a wall joke which is exactly what Maxo would have wanted godbless🙏)
-The stream ended with the discord people saying goodbye, while Roier was holding up the mini Cucuruchos and didn't move the entire time. I know he wasn't frozen because he blinked.
-Maxo sent in his acceptance speech video last minute and Quackity hyped it up as a mysterious final entry but Charlie guessed it was Maxo and spoiled it on accident
-Speaking of, Maxo's entry was him walking around heaven looking for Trump </3
-Charlie gave a heartfelt speech about the people he met through the Qsmp, all while looking like ate out frosty the snowman <3. Missa simpy thanked Alberto (we still do not know who Alberto is)
-Tubbo wasn't present in the discord call because he thought him streaming meant he couldn't join. After the stream Quackity called and Tubbo realized he was allowed to join the whole time
-We ended on a montage of various moments, with a message of excitement looking forward to the next year!
And of course, here are the screenies I managed to nab of the hosts slowly deteriorating into cake
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nerdasaurus1200 · 3 months
A wee ficlet inspired by @frozenwolftemplar’s most recent fic
"Morning sunshine.." Eugene mumbled as he met Rapunzel just outside the royal kitchens.
Neither of them had managed to go to bed last night, there was far too much to do. Eugene had to manage guard reports on some break ins and Rapunzel was up to her ears in paperwork as she attempted restore the power of Saporian nobles within Corona.
"Less talky more coffee, Gee bug." Rapunzel grumbled, and Eugene couldn't help but chuckle. She was always so adorable when she was sleepy and cranky. At least they would have a peaceful breakfast to wake themselves up.
Or so they thought.
As they opened the doors they noticed a figure leaning over the table eating a banana cream pie.
"Cass?" Rapunzel asked, slowly blinking to try and focus her vision. Eugene tilted his head and squinted at the woman. She certainly looked like Cass. Green eyes, short curly hair, icy skeleton face…..but something seemed off.
“Morning Raps! Morning Gene!” The woman greeted chipperly, and Eugene did a double take. When did she start calling him ‘Gene’? What happened to Fitzherjerk???
“What are you wearing?” Eugene must’ve been dreaming or something cause he couldn’t even recall the last time Cass had worn brown.
“What do you mean, I always wear this.” The woman shrugged.
“I’ve never once seen you wear a coat in my life, but good to see you trying something new.” Rapunzel yawned as she made her way towards the coffee machine Varian had invented. She was far too tired to question Cassandra’s fashion choices.
“Yeah, and since when do you wear corsets and clown shoes?” Eugene added.
“Can’t I start, Genie beanie?” Eugene’s face scrunched up and the woman giggled hysterically.
“WHAT IS HAPPENING?!” Eugene yelled, startling Rapunzel.
“I wasn’t asleep! What?!” Rapunzel quickly said, and suddenly a familiar icy laugh was heard in the corner.
“Alright, Pols, that’s enough. You’re gonna break him.” Cassandra scolded gently.
“Oh come on, Sandy, look at his face! He’s totally falling for it!” The woman who was now clearly NOT Cass protested. Eugene and Rapunzel turned and saw Cassandra sitting in the shadows, in the far corner of the kitchen.
“What the…two Cassandras…?” Rapunzel mumbled, “Which one’s real and which one’s the dream?”
“I think you mean nightmare.” Eugene corrected.
“Not a nightmare, or a dream.” Cassandra assured as she took off her cloak and stepped out of the shadows, “Just my sister.”
Both Rapunzel and Eugene blinked a few times as they processed this news. Rapunzel turned to look at Polyxena while Eugene’s eyes remained fixed on Cassandra. He knew he was exhausted but something was different about her too….
“Sister?!” Rapunzel repeated.
“Yep! Me and Sandy here are twins.” Polyxena explained.
“This is AMAZING!!!” Rapunzel yelled a little too loud and pulled Poly into a tight hug, “Eugene, isn’t this amazing?!”
But Eugene barely reacted to Rapunzel’s words. Instead he remained transfixed on Cass’s hair.
“What are you staring at Fitzherbert?” Cassandra crossed her arms and gave him a death glare.
“Your hair…” Eugene mumbled, “It’s longer now!”
“It’s so….SO PRETTY!!!” Eugene squeezed Cass in a tight hug, “Spiky, look at her! Cass’s hair has never looked better!! All those hair care lectures finally paid off! Look at this! Look how bouncy her curls are!” Eugene lightly pinched one curl between his fingers to demonstrate just how bouncy Cass’s long curls were now.
“Eugene, stop that or you lose the hand.” Cassandra warned.
“Where’s Lance, he’s gotta see this!!” Eugene scrambled out of the kitchen, “LANCE! THERE’S STILL HOPE FOR CASSANDRA’S HAIR!!”
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slaughterwrites · 7 months
god has blessed me with an hs matchup blog WHEWW. anyway i would like a matchup so ill drop shit here: im afab, superr energetic and love to laugh at shit. Ideal hangout is messing around at an empty playground or walking in a park, or chilling and doing absolutely nothing. high energy music is literally my fav, esp rap metal. love rambling about random shit to ppl, and making them a dummy in demonstrations (like throwing clothes on them and telling them to act like someone else) and i love poking fun but in a friendly way :3 dunno what else to say but as an extra i loveeee playing w pols hair and letting them dump stuff to me,literally anything. Ok BYEE and cool blog 🥳
I cant choose between nepeta or gamzee UHHHHHHEHEJSJJDJIEJJWJW
Okay I thought for awhile and i match you with GAMZEE!
He would love your personally and how energetic you are
He loves going to empty playgrounds with you and messing around
Whenever you dump cloths on him he takes them and dumps them back on you and it turns into a war of who can throw the most cloths on who
He could listen to you ramble for HOURS omfg its insane and he loves it alot when you play with his hair he finds it relaxing
He thinks your music taste is super cool and would also play his music lol
He also loves listening to your music while high af and thinks is the BEST thing ever
Thats all I really have i hope you like it
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
/co/, the "Comics and Cartoons" board on 4Chan, went through Totally Spies episode by episode, and put together a comprehensive list of every possible sexual fetish that's present in each one.
4Chan gets a bad rap because of /pol/ but they really manage to pull off some wild stuff
both perverted and fascinating stuff
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444namesplus · 1 year
abl aci acr age aid aki ala all als alt ami ana ann ant ape arc are arm ato aun aur aut avi awa axi bab bac bai bak bal ban bar bas bat bea bec bee bel ben bes bet bia bik bil bin bir bit ble blo blu boa bod boi bol bom bon boo bor bos bot bou bow bra bre bro buc bul bum bur bus but buz caf cag cak cal cam can cap car cas cav cel cen cha che chi cho cit cla cli clu coa coc cod coi cok col com con coo cop cor cos cou cov cra cre cro cub cul cur cut dal dam dar das dat daw day dea deb dec dee del dem den des dia dic die dir dis div doc doe dol dom don doo dos dov dow dra dre dro dru dua duc duf duk dul dum dus dut eac ear eas eat ech edg edi els env epi eur eve evi exa exi exp eye fac fad fai fak fal fam far fas fat fea fee fel fil fin fir fis fiv fla fle fli flo flu foa foi fol fon foo for fou fre fro fuc fue ful fun fur fus gai gal gam gan gat gav gaz gea gen gif gil gir giv gla gle glo glu goa goe gol gon goo gor gow gra gre gri gro gul gur hai hal han har hat hau hav haw hea hee hei hel her hid hig hik hil hin hir hol hom hoo hop hor hos hou hug hul hun hur hyp ico ide idl ido inc inf int iri iro isl ite jac jai jak jan jav jaz jea jee jil joe joh joi jok jos jum jun jur jus kee kem ken kep kha kic kil kin kir kis kit kne kni kno koh kyl lac lad lai lak lam lan las lat lav law laz lea lef len les lev lie lif lik lil lim lin lio lis liv loa loc lof log lon loo lor los lou lov luc lum lun lur lus mad mai mak mal mam man mar mas mat may maz mea mee meg mel mem men mer mes mic mik mil min mis moc mod mol mon moo mor mos mov muc mus myt nai nam nav nea nec nee nes new nex nic nin nod non noo nor nos not nov nud nut oat obe odd odo oka onc onl ont ope ora ott our ova ove pac pag pai pal pap par pas pat pea pec pee pes pic pie pik pil pin pip pit pla ple plo plu poe pol pon poo pop por pos pou pra pre pro pul pum pun pur pus qui rac rag rai ram ran rap rar ras rat rav rea ree rel ren res ric rid rin rio rip ris rit roa roc rod rol roo rop ros rub rud rui rul rus rut sac saf sag sai sak sal sam san sav sca sco sea see sel sem sen sep sex sha she shi sho shu sic sid sig sil sin sit siz ski sla sli slo sna sno soa sod sof soi sol som son soo sor sou spa spi spo spu sta ste sti sto suc sui sun sur swa swi tac tai tak tal tan tap tas tax tea tec tee tel ten ter tes tex tha the thi tho thu tic tid tie til tim tin tir tob tol tom ton too top tor tos tou tow tra tre tri tro tru tub tuc tun tur twi typ ugl uni upo urg use vai var vas vei ver ves vet vic vie vin vis voi vot wad wag wai wak wal wan war was wat wav way wea wee wel wen wer wes wha whe whi who wid wif wil win wip wir wis wit wok wol woo wor wra yan yar yea you yua zer zin zon zoo
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Tankhun exaggerates the unsettled shudder he feels as he walks into the bodyguard’s lounge, an attempt to diffuse the tension in the air just as much as the unease coiled in himself. The scattered acknowledgements he recieves amid the destracted cohort of bodyguards only serves to fray his nerves further.
Arm materialises at his shoulder immediately, voice low and tense. “He won’t stop watching the news, Sir. We’ve tried to take the remote from him but-”
Tankhun knows then what he needs to do. He sighs loudly, with a dismissive flail of his bejewelled wrist.
The pink, sequined shimmer of his jacket sways into Big’s line of sight as Tankhun snatches the remote from his limp hand with a dispassionate tut.
“Enough of that.”
The TV screen blacks out on the revolving headling: Bystander, mother of two, shot twice by Theerapanyakul mafia thug.
Big blinks up at him, dread carved plainly into his face. His arms, now spilling loosely into his lap, make no move to form a wai or other acknowledgement. He simply seems drained. Bereft. Resigned.
Tankhun tuts louder, stomps his foot, shakes himself a little in a tantrum because what use is that? “Up!” he demands. “Up, up, come on! You have somewhere to be.”
Big doesn’t rise, his legs numb with dread - not until Arm and Pol flank him. He almost stumbles, but they take him by the elbows.
It doesn’t help.
"I already-” his voice cracks. He can barely keep up with their echo of Tankhun’s determined stride. “I already know what Chan will say. About- About smearing the family name- I-”
Tankhun stalls in his aggravated pace, casts an unreadable look over his shoulder.
“I’m not taking you to Chan,” he says, and tips his head to the door they have stopped in front of. It’s then Big starts to pay attention to their route, and his stomach drops further. This is the door to Khun Kinn’s rooms.
Big freezes.
It doesn’t go unnoticed.
“Khun, please-” he starts as Tankhun mercilessly raps on the door. It swings open almost immediately, and Big feels his heart stop.
He hasn’t faced Kinn’s wrath in a long time. The sight of it, the experience of it - smashed glass and barbed cusses that unpick Big at his seams for how much it reminds him of-
That forgotten fear floods him. A whiskey glass thrown at his head, a savage fist against his cheekbone-
“Big!” Porsche seems to fill the entire doorway, buzzing with the need to surge forward and-
Porsche’s arms are around his shoulders. Porsche is hugging him. There is a hand at his neck, not threatening, just-
Porsche is- holding him?
“Tankhun, thank you.” Kinn’s voice sounds somewhere far away, and Big feels his body react. Even as Porsche’s solid, tight, embrace flexes tighter around him, Big’s muscles lock with worry.
Then, the door is clicking shut on Tankhun, and Big is on the other side.
He shivers, and keeps shivering, and keeps shivering, and keeps-
“-Big,” Kinn says (again?)
There is a ring on the hands that come up to clasp his own. He knows better than to resist.
“-Look at me.”
The tone of his voice, the way Kinn is looking at him, is - Big has only seen that kind of deep-browed concern on his face when Kinn has been speaking to Porsche after a difficult scene. But this isn’t- Big never-
“Shhh.” Porsche rematerialises at his side, pressing in to ghost the rim of a water glass over his lip. Between one blink and the next, Big is being pushed to sit down. “Drink up.”
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pattern-noticer · 2 years
epic rap battles of history:
Pol Pot vs mutilated and tortured Cambodian peasant
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amateurchefstuff · 3 months
Peix blanc amb miso de sèsam
Ingredients: 4 lloms de lluç/rap/orada… Salsa: 4 cullerades de miso d´arròs integral (o el que trobeu, per a ells segur que no és el mateix, però…), 2 de mirin, 2 de vinagre d´arròs, 2 de llavors de sèsam daurat, 1 cullerada de mostassa en pols. Preparació: El peix el farem al darrer moment, a la planxa, i el salsejarem per sobre. Possem en un cassó a foc lent el mirin i el vinagre. Escalfem…
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