tsukuyomii45 · 2 years
Modern AU ObiRin HCs
Modern ObiRin Headcanons:
-Obito would be a detective sergeant, and I think that the police officers or detectives he's leading would be the Akatsuki members, lol, while Rin would be a doctor! Yup; Sakura and Ino are one of her little first-year residents~ Given that Obito is an Uchiha, of course, his family owns the headquarters and the police academy (a tie-in to the Konoha Military Police Force) - although Obito made his way up to the top by himself. While Rin's intelligence and love for medicine got her to be a great doctor in Konoha Hospital (in a modern AU you can say it's the best hospital XD).
-They're technically the couple that are best friends who fell in love - the typical "marry your best friend" type of couple.
-They've been best friends since childhood - their first meeting was during elementary school and they have been stuck together ever since. They did everything together! They become a couple when they're older though - probably during college or after college, (Obito definitely fell in love with her during junior high however), and as they grew older - they start to know better and feelings only grew deeper and the next thing they did was overcome the fear of ruining their friendship with their romantic feelings for each other, or the fact that they'd be in different schools (Rin in medical school and Obito at the police academy), and took the step to become an official loving couple that supported each other's dreams and goals.
-They both know how to emotionally support each other during the hardest times, especially when they're facing hard cases (Rin's medical cases and Obito's crime investigations) from their work. They'd come home and easily know how to comfort one another - sometimes without words spoken.
-Obito and Rin would split cooking with each other. That's right, Obito definitely knows how to cook! They both think that the other's cooking is better, lol
-They're the type of couple that would watch medical dramas or crime dramas and crack jokes at the inaccuracies; which is probably one of their favorite non-intimate moment to have where they just sit down and relax by the TV together.
-(NSFW) They definitely roleplay together in the bedroom as their respective jobs - you know, Obito gets to "arrest" Rin under the charges of being "naughty" and that she needs to be punished, and Obito gets to be Rin's patient who is in need of "sexual healing~" (yup, think of that Marvin Gaye song).
-Their favorite places to go for a date is a quiet beach where it's just the two of them - because Rin loves collecting shells and enjoying the ocean sunsets; and they also love exploring nature - it's their own personal way of escaping the realities that they face in their work.
-Obito definitely proposed to her by that beach, too, during that golden sunset with the gentle sea breeze blowing by and it's just the two of them, with the love of her life down on one knee holding a beautiful seashell ring box.
-When they have a late shift, they always make sure to check in on each other every now and then because they'd miss each other - like a lot. Especially Obito; if he's at home while Rin is held up at the hospital, he gets pouty, and vice versa if Obito is held up at the precinct.
-They like massaging each other, especially after a long day at work. It's one of their ways of taking care of each other. Obito would massage Rin's feet while she rests back on the couch (he'd brush kisses on her ankle) and tell her how much he appreciates her and that she's amazing for working so hard, while Rin would massage Obito broad shoulders and back by having him lay down on the bed on his stomach - and she'd always massage him with her lingerie on~ and also brush kisses on his shoulders while she straddles him and whisper praises into his ear. It always ends up in the two of them being intimate, which is what they love.
-They even got all freaky in the shooting range, where Obito was showing Rin how to fire a gun, and then some sexual tension developed because he was standing behind her and holding her hand while the two of them were being as careful as they could, and after Rin landed a few good shots, she decided that this was a good time to get all touchy and nasty with each other, lol.
-Obito tends to visit Rin at her work whenever he can; and Rin gets teased by the nurses when her man stops by to visit her at her office in the hospital, and he's always holding a bouquet of flowers.
-Remember that Obito is by default, a very intimidating person who can scare criminals shitless during interrogations. He's not afraid to get his hands dirty in order to draw out the truth and answers that he needs. He's absolutely scary. Yet of course, only his favorite doctor gets to see his sweet and romantic side because they both make each other melt.
-Rin would always, always prepare a lovely bento for Obito to take with him to work before she gets ready for her day, because Obito loves her cooking and loves anything that makes him think of her in between dealing with stressful cases.
-Last but not least, they definitely, definitely, got freaky in each other's office - which is something Rin initiated because she's a kinky freak. They did it in Obito's office at the precinct, and they did it on her cot at her doctor's office in the hospital, because it's nice to have fun in the middle of work. And yes, they never get caught - although there were several occasions that almost did, hehe.
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zuzu-draws · 2 months
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Long-Haired Obito Art Request for @lucynda ! Your ask was a bit too long for me to post so i'm answering it in this way ;D This version of Obito is like...one of the most vicious and brutal renditions of him ._.
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anannua · 2 years
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full art is on twt
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sweetyaoigirl · 2 years
Someone: You can't like Obito. He killed many people and he is the main villain !
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sneakertin · 2 months
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uhh so hear me out: obkk dbh au. the classic cop/android duo cus you know. kid obito hating kid kakashi for being so uptight and kakashi always following "the rules" even when he doesn't like them or doesn't want to cus he's scared that disobeying will lead to some sort of demise.
also, obito wanting to become hokage to be acknowledged and respected. except here he becomes a police officer because it's a respectable job, and he also loves helping people.
it's basically just the plot of the game. obito is forced to work with kakashi, they develop their childhood dynamic, kakashi goes deviant, they fall in love etc etc
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this is so ugly but i want to add it
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ranking naruto characters by how good they would drive if they knew what cars were:
sakura: 4/10. technically she does have a liscence but god knows how she got it on account of the sheer amount of traffic violations she racks up every time she gets in a car. drives a honda civic and brags about it even though its literally not that fancy. exclusively plays true crime podcasts while driving but blasts them like at hard rock volume. thinks turn signals are a mark of the devil and that all speed limits are marked by at least 15 under the real limit. you will get to your destination on time. but at what cost.
sasuke: -5/10 the man cannot drive. he gets negative points because hes a terrible influence in the passengers seat. the main people he steals rides from are naruto and sakura and they are ultra-possesive of the aux cord so he doesnt get it often but when he does he WILL be playing the minecraft soundtrack. tells people to hit old ladies crossing the street for "extra points." doesnt mean it.
naruto: 2/10 weirdly cautious but it might be warented because he is awful. drives five under the speed limit at all times but not on purpose he nust doesnt know how to read a speedometer. if sasuke is in the car with him they WILL get pulled over because naruto got so distracted he almost hit a tree. plays country music and drives a slugbug
kakashi: 8/10 drives a mustang and is so so anxious every time he gives anyone a ride because he doesnt wanna be responsible for killing them. no one is allowed to play music when he is driving because it scares him. when hes alone he drives like a madman because he has no regard for his own life <3
obito: 1/10 drives like hes actively being pursued by the police. thinks he is good enough to drift. he is not. his trashy little nash rambler has been on its last legs for 4 years and its a miracle it hasnt given up completely because he slams it into fire hydrants at least once a week. plays taylor swift exlusively. any attempts to change this will end with you kicked out of his car. which might be for the best.
rin: -6/10 cant drive and actively makes a game of giving bad directions to the driver. she thinks its fun. tells people to hit old ladies crossing the street for extra point and means it. if given the aux she will play "10 hours of silence occationally broken by falling medal pipe" because that is uniroincally her favorite song.
tsunade: 5/10 refurbishing a old mozda named tangerine. shes gotten weirdly attatched to it and keeps humanizing it to an uncomfortable degree. uses her knowledge of the human body to draw comparisons between rumaging atound in the car guts and actual surgeries she has preformed before. also she doesnt use turn signals.
orochimaru: 10/10 cant drive but instead of hounding people for rides he takes the bus. literally the most normal about transportation out of everyone on this list so he gets full points.
hiruzen: 3/10 drives an electric car because he feels bad about his carbon footprint even though hes not actually making that much of a difference :/ has hit bikers on multiple occations
danzo: 7/10. hes actually a pretty good driver but i have to take away points on account of the fat that he uses his white windowless van to kidnap children and transport assassins to kill his rival politicians.
minato:-700/10 drives a cybertruck
kushina: 2/10 cant drive but at least shes a decent passenger. will deliver devistating insults for the drivers honor and also shoot at any cars that deserve it (she carries around a pistol). only okay at helping with directions but thats fine because at least shes not actively working against the driver.
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comikadraws · 2 months
New Naruto plothole just dropped
Or at least it will be a plothole until we string together a theory.
NOTE: The colored version of the Naruto Manga is often INACCURATE. I am using a more accurate translation in this post because these specific panels are severely affected by the mistranslations.
As you can see in this poll, the majority of people think that Shisui's body was never found.
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The poll results probably speak for themselves, as there is also a significant percentage believing the opposite. The reason? There's an inconsistency in the manga. We know for a fact that Shisui's body can no longer be found and that Shisui himself intended for it to disappear.
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But the problem is, if Shisui's body was never found, then how does Yashiro know that Shisui jumped into the Nakano River?
And while we are at it, Itachi looks a little more surprised than he probably should be at the mention of Shisui's suicide. The conversation surrounding Shisui's disappearance was inevitable and should have been expected. But perhaps the mention of "Nakano River" was what surprised him here.
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EDIT: It is also not the case that the suicide note mentioned anything about the river (I checked the Japanese raws for that, too).
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But also, if Shisui's body was indeed found by the police, why does everybody conveniently gloss over the fact that his eyes were missing? After all, the lack of eyes indicates that his Sharingan was stolen. It's a piece of evidence that would otherwise point away from Itachi.
The Theories
I'm also curious as to what everybody else is making out of this. So far, my mutuals and I have already collected a few theories. I won't turn it into a poll this time, though, as the options are slightly more complex and I'd like to add more of them if anybody would like to share their guesses.
Of course, I am adding pros and cons, though, and will discuss any new theories, haha.
Shisui's body was not found but somebody else witnessed Shisui's death and informed the police
- Novel-compliant, as Obito manipulated Yashiro in the novel and may have informed Yashiro here as well
Shisui's body was found but the police omitted and disposed of the evidence
- Possibly because they had beef with Itachi and wanted him arrested
Shisui's body was found but the missing eyes were considered a diversion
- The police considered that the missing eyes might just be Itachi's attempt to divert attention from himself by making it look like another motive had been at play or to imitate what Shisui would have done
- The body was disposed of later, possibly by the police, Obito, Danzo, or another party that wanted to prevent Shisui's resurrection as an Edo Tensei
- It's weird that the eyes are not brought up regardless
Shisui's body was not found but somebody provided a fake body
- Itachi might have either faked the body or the eyes so nobody would suspect Sharingan theft
- I have no idea how he would do that
The police worked with ninja hounds or Sharingan to follow Shisui's trail
- Shisui's body was never found afterward as the trail ended at the cliff
- They should have encountered further evidence to incriminate Itachi, such as Itachi's (or some other person's) scent lingering on the suicide note and at the Nakano river or blood
- Itachi would know about these methods in the investigation and the evidence he's left behind, yet chooses to say "I haven't seen him lately" and the police chooses to withhold the evidence regardless
- They must have encountered evidence of a fight (between Shisui and ROOT) and Shisui's escape attempt that would be in Itachi's defense and don't mention or consider this either
- The police requests cooperation with ANBU which would require the exchange of any further evidence (exposing all the available evidence to Itachi as well)
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belit0 · 11 months
holaaaaaaaa 🥳 espero que este teniendo una bonita semana ❣️
I have a little request, how the Uchihas would react if they're at the beach with their s/o and she says she wants to do the deed and can't wait until they get back to the house?
Hola amoraaaa, bonita semana indeed (o intentando!) Vos como estas? :) Espero que bien!
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- It depends entirely on his mood. Indra, per se, doesn't like the beach, so from the start, they would go to an area with no people or as few as possible. If for some reason he feels indulgent (seeing (Y/N) with little clothing certainly helps the cause) and a little daring, he would fuck her without hiding, no towel to cover them or tent to crawl into, as anyone afraid of dying (or being reported to the police), can leave this blog right now. Sand in complicated areas is solved later, and a quickie is not denied to anyone.
- Inside the sea. Like the previous man, Madara does not enjoy the beach either, he prefers other types of landscapes. The calm of a lake, the natural perfume of a mountain, the charm of a forest. If he is there, it is only to fulfill (Y/N)'s wishes, and if he has already been dragged to the beach, what does one more line do to the tiger? He pulls her into the water to a suitable depth, covering their hips, wraps her legs around his waist, and the rest is history.
- Ideally, nude beach. Izuna, on the other hand, loves it. There's something about the warmth of the sand and the coolness of the water that always gives him delight, and if he can get a few good hours of sun, he feels like a king. If they're on a regular beach, Izuna is prepared for anything. He has those waterproof igloos that you can use as small tents to shelter from the sun, and a good hiding place for other things. If visiting a nudist beach, he fucks (Y/N) in front of everyone, because it never hurts to put on a good show.
- Too shy for this kind of things, but with such a hunger to satisfy his wife that makes him move mountains. Obito has no preferences when it comes to vacations and free time, any place where he doesn't have to think about responsibilities is good for him, but he's not a fan of outdoor or public sex. How much she wants to do it clears up any doubts he might have, but he prefers to do it with much dissimulation, move the whole camp to a clear area and have no one see them.
- His cup of tea. Shisui misses no opportunity to show off and modestly display the attributes that life gave him, be it the physical state of his body or other things. (Y/N)'s proposal fits him like a glove, hell, he was going to ask for it himself before, and nothing embarrasses him. He's got her riding him ( still wearing clothes) and pretending sweet little affections while in a crowded area, hand on the butt and kisses here and there. People start to move away willingly because they know what's coming, and Shisui regrets not having an audience.
- No. Plain and simple, no. Itachi also has a compelling need to please his (Y/N), but he also has boundaries of his own that he's not willing to break or transgress. He doesn't mind the place itself, they've had sex in different landscapes and left marks on more bodies of water than he can count, it's the exposure factor and the lack of cover, having people around, the possibility of someone showing up and seeing his girlfriend in a vulnerable position. He just doesn't like it.
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lydiacatfish · 1 year
Actually you know what speaking of naruto (I made a post yesterday) I find it to be complete bullshit that Itachi and Obito wiped out all of the Uchihas in one night. Sure, all the guys at the police station and the ones who were home. But it was still early enough in the evening that Sasuke was out doing whatever. You're telling me no one was out grocery shopping or visiting a friend or getting dinner?
And even then, there had to be Uchihas who weren't in the village. People to on vacations. And besides, they were a whole clan of trained ninjas. No one was on a mission? Absolutely none of them? When there were enough of them to staff an entire city's police force??
That's not even getting into people who were biologically Uchiha and not part of the clan. What, no one married out? No one decided to leave the clan and become a farmer or something? Not a single dumb 20 something went out on a mission and sowed his wild oats in a foreign country? You gotta be kidding me
A few years post canon some random civilian from fucking Hot Springs Country shows up at Sasuke's house like "I don't know what's going on with my kid's eyes but everyone said you might help" and some random teenage girl has the fucking sharingan because some random idiot couldn't keep it in his pants. 20 years post canon and a dark haired merchant's kid has the same issue. Some guy comes up to Sasuke on the street and is like "my family has been keeping this quiet, but I'm pretty sure grandma was an illegitimate member of your family and we heard you're really lonely so do you want to come over for dinner" and he's just like. Why not. And yep that old lady looks a lot like Sasuke's old neighbor before she died, just aged up a few years. Wild.
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seoheesoo · 6 months
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What if Sakumo were alive and how Kakashi's life would have changed after Naruto was born
[Part 6]
"I can't believe it's been nine months already!" - Obito said excitedly.
The teenagers arrived at the Namikaze family's house. Kakashi raised his hand to knock, but the front door suddenly opened. A young woman came out of the house.
"Tsunade oba-san!" - Kakashi smiled at the woman, who looked at the three teenagers with a surprised look.
"Kakashi! Look how you've grown!" - Tsunade extended her hand and patted the guy’s hair. - "Have you come to visit Kushina?"
The teenagers nodded.
"Come in, she just woke up", - Tsunade stepped aside. - "I'll go see Sakumo-san for now."
Obito and Rin bowed to the woman in farewell.
"Why do you call Tsunade-sama an aunt?" - Obito immediately asked as soon as the woman disappeared around the bend.
"Because Jiraiya is my uncle", - Kakashi shrugged and entered the house.
"So what?" - Obito screamed. - "You're always like this. You can never answer a question directly. You're annoying!"
"Be quiet", - Rin shushed him. - "You'll wake up the baby."
The teenagers took off their shoes and walked into the living room. The door to the bedroom was slightly open. Obito and Rin knocked and entered the room, while Kakashi hesitated at the entrance.
"Obito, Rin!" - he heard a woman's voice. - "Glad to see you."
"Kushina-san!" - Obito rushed to her first. - "How are you?"
The woman was lying on the bed. Traces of fatigue were visible on her face. She smiled softly at the worried teen and squeezed his hand tightly.
"I’m fine", - she reassured the guy.
Obito did not take his eyes off her, in which anxiety was noticeable. At the same time, Kakashi finally entered the room. While Obito and Rin were talking to Kushina, Kakashi moved closer to Minato.
"Do you want to hold him?" - asked the Fourth Hokage as soon as Kakashi was nearby.
Hatake nodded uncertainly. Minato smiled encouragingly at him and held out the child. Kakashi carefully picked him up and pulled him closer.
"Hey Naruto, wake up", - Minato bent over the baby. - "It's time to meet."
The child in Kakashi's arms began to stir. His eyelids fluttered and after a moment he opened his big, blue eyes. Kakashi turned his back to everyone and pulled the mask off his face with one hand. His lips stretched into a gentle smile.
"Hello Naruto", - he said softly. - "My name is Kakashi."
Naruto blinked.
"I’m so happy to finally meet you", - Kakashi leaned over the baby and touched his cheek with his finger. - "From this day on, I will be your big brother. And I will always be by your side. I give you my word."
"Kakashi! I want to hold Naruto too!" - he heard a loud voice behind him and quickly pulled the mask over his face.
"Wait", - he muttered and hugged the child tighter.
"Hey, that's not fair!" - Obito immediately pouted. - "Give him to me."
Kakashi shook his head stubbornly. Minato and Kushina laughed.
"Come on, Kakashi, let Naruto meet his other siblings", - Minato put his hand on the guy’s shoulder.
"Okay", - Kakashi muttered displeasedly and handed the baby to Rin.
Three years have passed since Naruto was born and four years since Minato assumed the post of Hokage. Konoha was rapidly changing under the leadership of the Fourth Hokage. The first thing Minato did was remove Danzo from all affairs and abolish the Root. As soon as Kakashi turned seventeen, Minato appointed him head of the ANBU. Not only focusing on changing the ANBU system, Minato also advocated reforming the police department. By concluding an alliance with the head of the clan, Fugaku Uchiha, with the support of Obito, Minato was able to change the attitude of the elders and residents of Konoha towards the entire Uchiha clan.
In addition to changes within the village itself, Minato actively advocated signing peace treaties with other villages and ending bloody wars. The long-awaited peaceful era of shinobi has arrived.
Kakashi was patrolling the borders when he suddenly felt familiar chakra. He stopped abruptly, and his team members immediately froze nearby.
"Go ahead, I need to check something."
Having waited for their nods, Kakashi headed towards the supposed location of the familiar chakra. He landed silently on a tree branch and glanced at the ground. In the middle of the edge of the forest stood a child. Kakashi jumped down. The child turned around and shuddered in fear.
"Naruto", - Kakashi called him quietly.
The boy covered his face with his hands in defense. Kakashi mentally cursed. The child had never seen him in his ANBU uniform before. Kakashi removed the Hound mask from his face and then quickly pulled off the black mask as well.
"Naruto", - he called the child again. - "It's me."
The boy slowly moved his hands away from his face and turned his gaze to the guy.
"Kashi nii-chan!" - with the speed of the wind, the boy rushed at Kakashi and hugged him tightly around the neck.
"I’m sorry I scared you", - Kakashi said softly, stroking the child’s back soothingly. - "What are you doing here? And why are you alone?"
Naruto was silent, still trembling slightly from the emotions he had experienced. Kakashi decided not to put pressure on the child, giving him time to come to his senses. After a few seconds, he felt a familiar chakra approaching. He quickly pulled his black mask over his face and carefully broke the hug from the boy.
"Genma, captain of the Hokage's personal guard", - Kakashi turned to the arriving guy and deliberately emphasized his position. - "Would you like to explain why the hell the son of the Fourth got lost in the forest alone?"
The guy put his palm forward and frowned.
"Do you remember that five days ago the Fourth sent me on a mission to Hidden Sand Village? I returned an hour ago and was immediately informed that Naruto had escaped."
"Escaped?" - Kakashi clenched his hands into fists. - "So, what did your incompetent subordinates tell you? Isn't it their responsibility to protect and monitor the Fourth's son? How could a three-year-old child escape from their surveillance? Do they even understand the danger they put him in? What if something happened to him?"
Genma jumped off the branch and came closer to the guy.
"According to them, in recent days he began to run away more and more often. And it became more difficult for them to find him."
"They also have the audacity to come up with excuses for themselves?" - Kakashi’s cold voice cut deeper and sharper than any dagger.
Genma glanced worriedly at his right hand, which was beginning to gather chakra. The accumulated chakra crackled and enveloped the guy's entire arm in blue bolts of lightning.
"They were very unlucky that it was not the Fourth who found out about this, but me. Minato sensei could have spared them, but I won’t", - Kakashi growled in a slow and low voice. - "I'll kill them."
"Kakashi, stop", - Genma took a step forward, standing in the guy’s path completely without any fear. - "You're scaring Naruto."
Lightning flashed and disappeared. Kakashi turned around and met the gaze of frightened eyes. Hatake dropped to one knee in front of the child.
"This is the second time I’ve scared you, I’m sorry", - Kakashi bowed his head guiltily.
"Kashi nii-chan, I didn’t mean to", - sobbed Naruto.
Big blue eyes filled with tears.
"I ran away and now you’re angry with me", - the child said in a broken voice, rubbing his eyes with small fists.
Kakashi's heart sank. He extended his hand and hugged the boy tightly.
"Naruto, I'm not angry with you", - he whispered, feeling hot tears on his shoulder. - "Listen to me carefully, Naruto Namikaze, I will never be angry with you. You will never disappoint me. And you should never be afraid of me. I will always be by your side to lend you a hand or lend my shoulder. I will always be behind you, protecting you and guiding you. You should never worry about this."
The boy's small arms hugged his neck tighter. Kakashi could feel the child's heart beating fast in his chest.
"Do you promise?" - the boy asked in a quiet voice.
"Promise", - Kakashi vowed, putting all his love and devotion into one word.
"I knew I would find you here", - Kakashi heard Guy’s voice, and then felt Might sit down next to him. - "You weren’t near the gate and I didn’t find you in the apartment. You usually meet me after missions. Something happened?"
Kakashi could feel his excitement. Guy knew him too well, he could read all of Kakashi's hidden feelings just by looking at him. Hatake felt Guy's hot hand gently squeeze his palm.
"It’s interesting how much has changed in the village in the three months that I was gone", - Guy decided not to put pressure on Kakashi and decided to continue the conversation, giving Hatake time to find the right words. - "Did Naruto acquire some new techniques? I can't wait to meet him tomorrow and show him some new moves."
Kakashi snorted quietly. Guy loved Naruto very much and if it were his will, he would spend every free minute with the child. Kakashi liked to watch them train while sitting under the shade of a tree with a book in his hands. Guy and Naruto were very similar to each other in Kakashi's eyes. Both had immense energy and literally glowed from within, like two bright suns. And usually, when Guy went on long missions, Naruto's company brightened up the days of waiting for Kakashi. But not at this time.
"I’ve been having nightmares a lot lately", - Kakashi said in a hoarse voice.
Guy tensed.
"Every night I dreamed that I was losing everyone I cared about. Father, Duy-san, Obito, Rin, Minato sensei, Kushina-san, Jiraiya ji-san… They all died right in front of me, and there was nothing I could do to save them. I just watched helplessly as they left."
Guy silently listened to Kakashi's monologue. Hatake could feel how carefully and tenderly Guy squeezed his hand.
"And every night I woke up with a scream in my throat", - Kakashi sighed heavily and turned to face the guy. - "But, you know, there was something that helped me break out of these nightmares and come to my senses."
Guy waited with bated breath to hear the continuation of the story.
"You", - Kakashi finally said.
Guy's gaze warmed. The tense shoulders relaxed and the corners of the lips curled into a soft smile.
"Thinking about you brought me to my senses", - Kakashi continued. - "You know, my brain never formed nightmares about you. Because I know better than anyone that I simply won’t be able to stand it if I see something happen to you. I can and I was able to survive nightmares about all the people close to me, but I know very well that if something happens to you, I will break."
Kakashi pulled Guy's arm, forcing him to move closer. And then put his head on his shoulder.
"You are my anchor, Guy. Always have been. As a child, you always brought me down to earth when I acted like an arrogant kid. In my youth, when I was drowning in the blood of my enemies, you pulled me to the surface, not allowing me to choke. You became my support and my strength."
Guy gently ran his hand through the Hatake's hair.
"I often think about the future when I look at Naruto", - Kakashi admitted. - "This child was born in such a cruel world, but I want to change this world so that he does not have to experience the horrors that you and I once went through. I want his whole life to be filled only with happiness, joy and love. Sometimes I worry that he is too energetic and that it might put other people off. But, you know, this child is special. There is something in him that, on the contrary, attracts other people to him, makes them follow him. Very soon he will go to the Academy. Because of his parents' status, I was afraid that the other kids might shun him, but he manages to befriend every kid he meets. He has already made friends with Itachi's younger brother, the Kazekage's son and the children of Ino-Shika-Cho."
Guy smiled. Kakashi's voice changed when he spoke about his little brother. Guy could feel Kakashi's boundless love for Naruto.
"These are peaceful times, but sometimes this calm scares me."
"I understand what you mean", - Guy nodded.
"It’s like everything can collapse in an instant. It’s like this whole world is an illusion."
"That’s not true, Kakashi", - Guy objected softly.
"I want to believe", - Hatake sighed tiredly and closed his eyes.
He felt like he was falling asleep. And he knew that next to Guy, all the nightmares would finally recede.
"I missed you", - Kakashi said. - "Three months is too long. I was afraid that you wouldn't come back."
"I will always come back to you", - Guy gently hugged him by the shoulders. - "In this world and in all others. In this life and in all others. In every reality and in every universe, I will always return to you. Only to you."
Kakashi smiled.
"Sounds like the most serious promise", - he teased the guy.
"This is my self rule", - Guy lifted Kakashi’s face and softly kissed his forehead.
"Maa", - Kakashi pulled off his mask and covered his lips with his own, feeling Guy’s happy smile. - "I love you too".
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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n0-n1c · 2 months
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After months spent taking care of a baby and restructuring the police force, Fugaku is ready to fistfight a god. He isn’t alone; Mikoto is itching to return to active duty. She has been staring longingly at her collection of blades and giggling softly, probably imagining stabbing someone. And then the Fox roars in incoherent rage: “MADARA!” They look at each other. Two pairs of Sharingan flash. A crazy ancestor will do.
#rei and tobi au; or: bad things still happen in this au. due to obito abandoning him madara comes for the kyuubi personally. october 10 leaves the village in shambles and naruto an orphan. but at least the uchihas have a cool moment!
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I feel like the only 'stupid' thing Itachi and Shisui did was listen to Danzo. Particularly in the novels he's so mustache-twirlingly evil they both should have assumed anything that came out of his mouth was a lie until proven otherwise. The whole problem with "but what if it snowballs into a war" -- Killing the Uchiha clan also puts the village in a very similar situation.
You've taken out one of four noble clans.
You've taken out the scariest dojutsu users in the world that nobody wants to meet on the battlefield.
You've taken out the police who keep the village stable internally.
You've shaken the people's faith in their leaders by making it clear that they're producing murderous shinobi that they cannot control.
You've shaken the people's trust in each other by choosing the nicest possible kid to do the job.
It is a miracle that this didn't spark the next conflict.
...But we're also talking about a 12 year old kid in a complete state of panic, likely perpetually stuck in a triggered state by the threat of a bigger conflict which he has devoted his entire life to stopping. A little kid who is visibly deteriorating, and whose thoughts are rapidly becoming distorted, based on what we know about his beliefs regarding Sasuke, and I have a sneaking suspicion that excessive praise of his thinking exists solely to justify what happened. We can say Itachi was a big fucking nerd and history buff all we like but there are only so many hours of the day that his mission count tells us he was not using to read books.
What I'm saying is yes, this was an awful choice that more than likely created more problems than it solved, but blaming him rather than the people who exploited his trauma is not just a dick move but morally bankrupt.
We don't know whether a war would truly have broken out or not. But going by the evidence in canon, it certainly would have.
One thing most people repeatedly keep forgetting is Obito's presence who Itachi thought was the Madara Uchiha. We know, and it's canon, that Obito attacked Konoha the night Naruto was born for absolutely no reason. He didn't have to do it other than because "he hated the Shinobi world" yet he did. He was strong enough that even Minato thought the man who fought him was Madara himself.
It wasn't hard for Itachi to assume he could be Madara as well and if he attacked Konoha under any circumstances, it would be impossible to stop the damage the war could cause. So, when Obito told Sasuke he was also plotting war, he wasn't exactly lying. It lies in synch with his previous actions too.
Itachi knew it very well. He knew Konoha, with all its army, wasn't ready to confront Madara Uchiha.
Having said that, neither Itachi nor Shisui were "stupid", because as outsiders, who have seen and known all the consequences, we can assess the circumstances more objectively than Itachi and Shisui did.
I've said it many, many times before — the possibilities of any form of conflict followed by the massacre (which could not be much because Konoha still stood strong and police weren't the only ones guarding the village and Uchiha clan was also on its decline, as Itachi stated) could be curbed because Konoha is insanely powerful.
An internal conflict, along with Obito fueling the fire, would be much worse than any of the possibilities you've stated. Why would Konoha Shinobi accept Uchiha, especially if they attacked and overthrew the government? Why would they not view Uchiha as a threat? Why would they ever accept if Uchiha ever won (by mistake) and one of them became a Hokage?
The dissenters of the Hokage would side with the Uchiha. The others would be against them. It's a perfect recipe for a disaster and Itachi knew it well enough.
Itachi was never given a choice to solve the problem. He was only given the options about which side he wanted to choose and sacrifice. It was never about whether he wanted to have things done his own way. It was always about Konoha making him a scapegoat because its leadership was too weak. Uchiha clan gets away with a lot of shit it put Itachi through, but while they were absolutely the victims, they were not innocent in how they treated Itachi. That also includes Fugaku and Mikoto.
You're absolutely right about the last part. The massacre created more problems, but the people who should be called out are Fugaku, Hiruzen, and Danzo. Itachi was only a pawn.
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bimgtt · 5 months
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someone says the truth,
in Sasuke's revolution case sasuke holds no power,
no power to rule 5 villages politically, economically or administrative way or day to day life activity of shinobi villages, his hokage was a metaphor to honor itachi, he is no traditional hokage who has power to rule village ,
sasuke is far from it, that's why people mistook sasuke's revolution as some dictator, how can be dictator when he hold no power to rule them, would just control certain aspects while becoming common enemy and acting like obito with group from the shadow, could have a base like pain's ame village or ochimaru's otogakure,
Just watch over the villages like a shadowy villain bearing hatred while punishing the corrupts shinobi individuals who hurts the peace and prosperity and use children for dirty deeds and causes war and plundering the weak, he would punish this people and sasuke would take the blame so other innocents don't suffer for their corrupt people crime similarly like itachi for konoha's corruption to protect the peace or askeladd for wales and coward price canute so that peace in wales remained from vinland saga
but sasuke will never hurt innocents like askeladd unless there will be unfortunate innocents in the crossfire accidentally not like how askeladd uses innocents for his cunning goal but necessary or itachi's innocents sacrifice for greater good but in case sasuke will be frank and will only confront necessary target cz sasuke hates killing unnecessarily even for any important morally grey decision he will not kill innocents but will come with another way cz he can as he has supreme reincarnation power from legendary sage,
where sasuke will sacrifice his everything to protect peace of the shinobi world from war and violence and punish and judged corrupts like mixture of lawyer and police by creating deterrent of killing 5 kage and war hero, and shinobi villages will hate him, wanted to capture him together and work together for common goal and when they can't defeat him will fear but still fight but fear him would listen to his warning through villages new leaders after the death of previous 5 kage,
sasuke will become common enemy by establishing his name like madara by killing 5 kage and war hero and a little bit confrontation or mighty power of showcase by that people would fear and hate him like madara whom they feared or hated so much that become comrades after so many wars cz they share same pain,
along with watching over or maintaining or manipulating a little bit from shadow like a obito when necessary also he can lead his own organization like Akatsuki using his loyal shinobi like orchimaru and kabuto or taka or deserted and abandoned, abused and discriminated shinobi people etc.
So sasuke's revolution isn't anything like dictator or ruler with power and politics but more like a supreme autonomous rebel, knight or samurai or police or vagabond warrior in the shinobi world context nothing to do with politics but with justice and law and judgement and punishment on his own term using his supreme power of fear and hate though his supernatural or warriors power,
sasuke is no dictator, his revolution only lies in law and policing and keeping peace and punishing evil and nothing else he will rule even villages will follow their own rules but when peace and justice and innocent lives will be disturbed he will judge and punish the real culprits cz village won't and thy are partial but sasuke is impartial,
this is was sasuke's revolution based on itachi's life of self sacrifice mixture of madara as common enemy and obito's shadow influence, he called it hokage cz other hokage said itachi's way is true hokage way which is self sacrifice for greater goods and he did it better like 1st hokage,
only this is why he named it hoakge to honor itachi and prove he was real hokage than actual hokage but nothing to do with konoha's typical hokage resides in village and rank missions and collects money from patrons by controlling children shinobi mission slavery camp while maintaining fascist laws for village and military dictatorship with daimyo's funding,
another difference sasuke will not sacrifice innocents people like itachi but will hit at actual point so that innocents won't be hurt or maybe sometimes unfortunate collateral damage but never like how itachi fall for danzo and killed unknowing children of uchiha, that's why sasuke will be with full autonomy with his judgement and punishment,
this is why sasuke never once said in his revolution that he would rule shinobi people politically, economically or structure basis,
but like a supreme vagabond warrior or knight or rebel or executioner or self proclaimed police for peace and justice using his indra power
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undertoweyes · 2 years
Rewatching Naruto as an adult and noticing:
1. That Konoha, and the other shinobi villages, when you think about it are pretty much military dictatorships.
2. As much the Itachi plot twist is good as fuck, sasuke is still a mentally unstable person who actually needed psychological support and not a marriage, especially with an equally emotional wreak of a wife. The same goes for Naruto.
3. Speaking of the Uchiha, they weren’t exactly marginalized as they say, I mean, they were the military police force of Konoha
4. Is no one gonna address the Uzumaki genocide/diaspora??
5. Is actually very comprehensive Naruto being a disaster of a father, he never had a consistent father figure in his life. Iruka may have tried, but he couldn’t be all the time for him.
6. I still fail to see why the story needed the aliens
7. Kaguya is a pretty lame final boss. Madara was the perfect flawed villain the story needed.
8. Of all of the main Uchihas, Obito has the most interesting arc (i’m sorry Itachi, but since the revealing of the plot twist his arc only became about this)
9. There’s no way Suna accepted Gaara as the Kazekage in a 3 year gap after passing the last 11 years witnessing a psychotic rampage throughout the village. The only logical explanation I have for this is that deep down the Kazekage is a hereditary position.
10. Naruto was just ideological blinded as Sasuke, to the point he was willing to risk other people’s life, but since he was (mostly) on Konoha’s side the story doesn’t show him like that. Of course, that doesn’t excuse the terrorist acts Sasuke made.
11. I still cannot accept the fact that the it was never explained who took care of Naruto when he was born.
12. It’s also pretty sad that we never got to see what a child between an Uchiha and a Hyuuga would look like
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prinzgnomeovonchaos · 3 months
The time travel brain rot continues:
So the Uchiha massacre is happening and Sasuke is getting traumatized like in canon, but unlike canon he manages to activate a mangekyou sharingan that yeets him straight into the past (idk I think it makes sense if your trauma activated magic eye somehow reflects that trauma, so like all sharingan share the base abilities and then everyone gets one fun trauma induced addition like mind control (shisui), dimension travel (Obito), and in this case time travel for Sasuke) let's just say that Sasuke's eyes overshoot any sensible goal by a mile
Let me set the scene: konoha is right in the middle of being build, the hokage hasn't been elected yet, Madara is already beginning to loose his mind. The original konoha Uchiha compound is a busy construction site when suddenly a clearly Uchiha child with bleeding eyes pops into existence and collapses right then and there.
Madara is right there immediately and imagine the emotional whiplash of loosing your beloved baby brother and being driven to madness in your grieve while you are simultaneously building the village that was meant to protect him, and there is the mirror image of your lost brother as a tiny child, lying in the dirt, already traumatized enough to activate his eyes. Madara is not having a good time or implementing healthy coping mechanisms, what he is doing is latch on. That's his baby now. The voices in his head (zetsu) need to fuck of for a moment or forever.
(Hikaku is so conflicted, like this surprise baby is SO suspicious but he hasn't seen Madara be that engaged since izunas death... Actually noone here saw anything, we are not informing the other clans about this, that's clearly.... Madaras cousin whose mother just dyed... And Madara tool custody. Yeah.)
In another universe Madara tries to become hokage, in this one he focuses his attention on his new ward. Who is so small and so unresponsive and kagami get out of his bed, if you want to play you better wash up first! This alone defuses a lot of tension in the village actually!
Is tobirama suspicious as all hell? Yes. Does he refrain from doing something stupid after hikaku guilt tripped him? No, hikaku had to also make some logical arguments, point is Tobi won't interfere.
Zetsu on the other hand... Let's just say at some point Madara catches on to him trying to get rid of Sasuke to retraumatize Madara and Madara turns him into paste.
Madara turns into the Uchiha children's collective uncle dara, his new priority besides being head of clan is going back to his roots of making sure children get to grow up safely. And if some of those children are sometimes from other clans because his brats are making friends, then that's fine.
He also gets invested in other parts of the village, like of course the academy and also with a clear(er) head he puts his foot down on making the police a mixed clan project.
Now back to Sasuke. Can you imagine the whiplash? And idk about you, but loosing your whole clan and then being plopped right into what seems to be a different version of your clan has to be bad for your sanity. And then you realize that the guy taking care of you is the literal boogyman??? Idek what that would do to you. But also the boogyman is really nice, and his new cousin is really nice, and where Sasuke was a sweet, sensitive child before, and a cold loner in another future, here he grows up to be very serious and studious and very selective about who he trusts. But he also does grow up with people he trusts and who help him. Instead of wanting to be a revenger who does it all on his own, his goal is to be a protector and helper for his chosen people. (The girlies still swoon and he still ignores them)
50 years later Madara is not known as the first nukenin, but as the somewhat overbearing grandpa that will beat up your jonin sensei if you tattle a grave enough offense. Hashirama and tobirama are still around too, because the first got to step down in a reasonable time and the second was never nidaime. Instead kagami got the hat and btw Danzo dies mysteriously. Maybe it was Madara. Maybe he deserved it. IDC. Fuck that guy.
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anonenot · 8 months
It's kinda funny how all the racists try to blame Tobirama in their own racism.
Uchihas aren't another race, they just the same as Senju. They all have one ancestor, and Kaguya obviously wasn't thousands and thousands years ago for evolution split up Senju and Uchiha enough.
But it so easy to make Uchiha another to blame Tobirama. So easy to change their race so Tobirama's haters can be racist as hell. (Because changing the race of character is already racist enough, ask Hollywood)
But well, my dear Tobirama's haters, I have a really bad news for you. Your the most precious Madara is racist and sexist as hell... because if you make Uchiha another race, these words are totally unforgivable.
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What? No one asked him or made him, he said it by his own will. Unless Uchiha just another clan as Senju, he is racist.
Oh, what you are saying?
What Madara was the victim of Senju? So did Tobirama, his little brother Itama was killed by five Uchiha (and one of them looks Tajima-like so...)
What, Tobirama did a lot racist comments? But he didn't.
First of all, please, take a dictionary and look in it. Yes, Tobirama kinda disrespectful and discriminatory but ISN'T racist. Uchiha aren't another race as blue-eyed or raven-haired aren't another race, and not any discrimination is racism.
Secondly, he didn't said anything too much. He commented on Sasuke? Well, you all would be so happy to see the bastard that make you kill your precious student some minutes ago and now talking that this Uchiha has a question for you. You'll be furious, won't you? And Tobirama just offended them.
Actually, Sasuke did ask about his opinion and "what do you mean evil" and Tobirama calmly answered. And he is a bit respectful for their power of love!
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Some haters says that he started the discrimination. Well, if they learnt the history, they would know that police&army have so important role that sometimes it's them deciding the ruler of country and government.
Did you get it? Tobirama gave Uchiha the force to stop him. He gave them a power and put them above all the Konoha's clans. He literally gave them a chance to silence Madara-2 by themselves... Because Madara-2 would be fatal for the clan's reputation like Obito did. And now it's him who started the discrimination?! Maybe it were lazy bastard Hiruzen and radical trash Danzou that twisted Tobirama's ideals, weren't they?
But that about evil part? Yeah, Tobirama is quite harsh person...
Like really harsh.
He roasts Minato for technique's name.
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And he calls Minato and Naruto idiots. Poor Minato is roasted to shame and excuses.
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His brother isn't exception.
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What? Is it gokage meeting? Nope, it's time to roast elder brother again.
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Who are you? The shinobi's ancestor? Well, it won't save you from roasting because you gave so nice advice and sooo in time! You were so helpful!
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I mean I'm so in love with his harsh manners but yeah, he really talks a lot of shit because he could and who'll stop him?
So, then we know that his manners shouldn't be trusted, that we'll see in his action?
Idea of peace (and of course he is roasting his father, yeah, typical japanese respect for parents)
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His respects for Madara. Yeah, he is kinda respects him and take him as example to rule as much as brother... And Hashirama is best hokage for Tobirama.
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Moreover, he is glad for Hashirama's and Madara's peace, even after Madara's attack on the most precious Konoha and all 4the Shinobi's War. He smiled!
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And last but not the least he wanted to save Sasuke from the death. He easily agreed with idea Uchiha inherits Hashirama's idea of Hokage and gave another example of Uchiha.
I can see why he can be hated. Yeah, he talks a lot of shit in harsh manner. He kinda provoked Madara with his talks with Hashirama (but I have more questions to spying Madara). He created the Edo Tensei that takes sacrifices, so his mind is twisted. He is definitely hipocrite with his "i created and prohibited" and "make your reputation to another kage... SHUT FUCKING UP!"
And yeah, Tobirama is kinda prejudiced to Uchiha, it's hard to deny.
But it's not him the racist in but his haters that labeled him as one. (And stop hypocrisy. It's both of them are racists in your definition or no one of them)
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