#pro sasuke revolution
bimgtt · 11 months
One thing is even if naruto acknowledged itachi's words not bearing everything alone that doesn't matter to Sasuke bc naruto is align with the system, like him also his friends they are blinded by WOF of Konoha, so they can't understand why Sasuke's revolution is important
Sasuke understands that the ninja system and missions based on usage of warfare, spying and proxy wars and WOF created autocratic blind and extreme nationalism like hokage's words are final laws who can change anything on a whim or may not reform anything from past hokage's mistakes as their blind amoral loyalist nationalism refrain them for any reform the best examples are
Hiruzen who did not reform anything for uchiha or Naruto who still teaches children endure and die for the village bc they are your family, child soldiers custom, unnecessary chunin exam ,
so for these reason sasuke can't align himself with these villages bc they have different types of ultra nationalist propaganda like WoF from Konoha, WoR from Iwa etc. where you can't choose different ways of life even if those ways of yours are harmless to the overall village population and you can't follow or advocate your ways bc corrupt and prejudiced and autocratic kage and elders will not let you go against any custom of shinobi as you just have to act and endure like a blind loyal tool without no question according to those kage and elders otherwise you will be executed or marginalized in your respective village even accept being bullied and shunned and hatred from villagers for their war trauma scapegoat like mainly kekegenkai clans and jinchurikii , you have to endure oppression from shinobi system and its shinobi and kage bc enduring for greater good and greater goals means being ninja that lies being align with the village where you can't advocate individual or certain group rights otherwise you will be targeted by corrupt and fascist and nationalist and autocratic people like Onoki, Danzo, Raikage, tobirama, Hiruzen and konoha elders and Suna elders, Kurotsuchi etc. who will do anything to maintain their respective village hegemony many examples in the whole naruto series for such these scenarios and mindsets and principle values for examples:
1.rin dying for greater of the village without relying on kakashi as she is blindly indoctrinated from the childhood even kakashi in the waves arc saying how "we" as shinobi are
2. Itachi being indoctrinated with blind nationalism of WOF which clouded his moral judgement and couldn't help him saying how segregation and confinement to one job were dangerous policy from authority and pure injustice for Uchiha and then daily bad words from villagers, even tho Uchiha also suffered so much from wars and missions and invasions
3. Sakumo hatake's suicide, amegakure and small villages being pillaged, naruto being shunned, jinchuriki practice, zabusa and haku's yuki caln genocide, uchiha clan genocide, iatchi and shisui immoral spying on their own people, neji's father death, hyuga slavery and curse, Madara being ostracized by tobirama from being hokage bc of sharaingan power without given any chance and proof for at least as beginner, child soldiers practice, immoral anbu spying practice, supressing your emotions for missions, glorifying your ancestors as Gods and WOF like propaganda without knowing their bad sides and betraying or opposing and leaving village means death, hokage's words and judgement are constitution no one can oppose, covering uo genocide, grooming and indoctrinated child soldiers in exteme belief of WoF propaganda like itachi, shikimaru, rin, naruto etc. and so on
Sasuke knew most of the people live in this shinobi framework which destined to bring disaster and inhuman and injustice to certain groups of people and individuals and disagreeing to opposition and different views where change and reform can't be possible in the long run as they all are in village circle blinded by this propaganda and shinobi system which is casuing child soldiers practice, jinchuriki practice, various tragedy, bullying, mass killing, genocide, systematic and direct oppression, cycle of hatred among clans, individuals and villages in the shinobi frame work, for the sole reason why Sasuke have to be alone for his revolution bc whole shinobi worlds are blinded by shinobi customs and propaganda in shinobi framework or shinobi system
So to cure the darkness that shinobi system created without time to time reform or fact checking, Sasuke have to be alone bc everyone is blinded by the system and stupid enduring meaning of the shinobi, so revolution is important no bloody it is bc people alrady died bc of this blind nationalist system that created only violence after violence down the line, either you maintain and judge it with impartial executioner like Sasuke or abandons this fascist and stop being ninja,
Being alone is necessary for Sasuke's revolution bc all of the shinobi people are blinded by shinobi village system, even in peace time child soldier still in practice where children still taught in ninja academy about fighting but not history of its dark side, in konoha shinden mirai still glorifies 3rd hokage without knowing his dirty secret and many house women talking about their children being in ninja academy but why chidren needs to go to ninja academy or shinobi missions only adults can go as it is peace time meaning nor kakashi nor naruto did not change a thing still practicing child soldier shinobi custom, bc of this non changing mindset of shinobi from these villages which is why Sasuke has to bear his Revolution alone so he could slowly uprooted it little by little and thus he can completely change the past of this shinobi village system no he will slowly destroy it to the core until shinobi start to live like normal civilian people so past will be totally transformed slowly
For sole reason why sasuke has to bear darkness alone in his revolution as darkness of the village causes proxy and cold wars or genocide or cycle of hatred, personal tragedy, brainwashing people immorally etc. which causes more and great war geopolitically down the line in the shinobi world and why changing the past of the shinobi system is necessary as everyone is blinded by the system
so in easy term sasuke has to do his revolution solely alone to be impartial as everyone is blinded by the system and behaves like blind brainwashed tool where no will understand his point how dangerous they have become under shinobi system and by becoming a darkness that darkness that shinobi system has been using for its villages hegemony and its interest and to destroy the past that current shinobi system has been based upon that caused so many inhuman acts and injustice that made everyone blind and ignorant to the truth and humanity and created paradoxical aspect in its nature and core
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Naruto: "I want to be a dictator so people pay attention to me". People: "So inspiring! Ball of sunshine! Hero!"
Sasuke: "I want to be a dictator to rebuild the village without darkness and reform the shinobi world". People: "Criminal! Evil! Curse of hatred!"
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sasucaty · 1 month
"fuck konohars" we all say in unison.
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Have we forgotten this panel too soon? “Remember that it’s Sasuke who defeated Orochimaru and freed us all. When you’re out I want you to spread the word, tell everyone you meet... A man is now among us who will bring stability and peace. You got that?”
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lira456 · 11 months
Rwandan Genocide parallels to Uchiha clan genocide
Hutu led country government discrimination towards minority Tutsi ethnic group of people
Senju led Konoha discrimination towards minority Uchiha clan
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How fans of different fictional worlds react to these worlds' existence:
Middle Earth: I'd love to spend an evening in the Bag End with hobbits and elves as Gandalf prepares for his fireworks. ✨💫
Narnia: Strolling in the woods amid the murmurs of the giant trees, waiting for Lucy, Edmund, Peter, Susan, and Aslan to show up will heal my soul. 💐🥀
Wizarding World: I can't wait to get my letter to Hogwarts.
Naruto World: I support Sasuke's revolution. Fuck Konoha. Do you want us to be international criminals in order to help you change the system? I'M IN.
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sinnbaddie · 7 months
The Naruto ask! 4, 6 and 19
Putting a cut here so y’all don’t have to scroll because it is rather long!
4. are the romantic undertones between naruto and sasuke intentional or accidental?
I want to say fully accidental because Kishimoto just cannot write romance but I can’t help but think that some scenes are just… too romantic to not be intentional. The moon/sun theme, naruto saying he would die with Sasuke if it came to that, the cover art of them having necklaces with each others faces, etc.
There are just too many instances where they fit together a little too well, I mean even dude bros call them gay, which is a feat in of itself.
So, while I can’t say for certain if it was either, I can say that if there was intention to it, it makes the canon couples look incredibly bad imo.
6. what makes the Naruto ending bad?
I’m rewatching rn and am currently in the beginning of the war arc, so I’m refinding out that there are just… so many things Kishimoto ruined with the way he ended the series.
My biggest gripe of course is Sasuke. He is one of my favorite characters and has been since the beginning. After freshly rewatching the scene where he nearly kills Sakura and knowing how his arc finishes is frustrating. Sasuke deserved justice, he deserved revolution and his clan’s name cleared.
If we’re following canon where Sasuke lives, then I think a full dismantling of the system – changing the way the entire village worked would’ve been a good start. Destroying the leaf was not the way to go about it and he was intent on it because he was (validly) emotional. It’s a huge disservice to Sasuke and readers to not see revolution happen because it pushes this idea that the oppressed have to conform to their oppressor, it’s super nationalistic but that’s more about the entirety of Naruto instead of just the ending.
Personally for me? Sasuke and Naruto dying at the end of their last fight would’ve been a more appropriate ending than Sasuke assimilating to the oppressive village that committed genocide against his clan for “peace”. I’m incredibly upset that Kishimoto wrote Naruto not actually doing anything for Sasuke and the remembrance of his people (lets also not forget the Hyuga), it feels disingenuous to Naruto’s character that he “went back on his word”.
It was set up so well for Sasuke and Naruto to die in the end and to make them continue living just backtracked on both of their writing.
19. pettiest fandom opinion you've blocked someone for?
Almost always for disliking my faves. I just recently blocked someone for disliking Might Gai and some others for shipping characters I don’t like together😭
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leportraitducadavre · 1 month
Hi there.
Were you Pro Sasuke from the start or was it a gradual process?
Always liked him, but I started understanding his character and actually siding with him the more I grew and understood the world around and beyond me.
It's a process, I believe, even those who side with Sasuke might not understand everything he encompasses, as he develops through the series as Kishimoto's own knowledge grows or shifts; Sasuke is a catalyst for Kishi to explore the part of him that actually wants things to change, that is quite done with the injustice of the system he grew up with and that every single one of us is forced to be part of and Naruto is the part of him that... well, that society tells you needs to win, that squashes revolution and guarantees the status as it currently is, only with more superficial inclusion.
I think being pro-sasuke/uchiha (with what it actually implies) is always a process thing rather than a "first impression" deal, you need to unlearn things that are taught to you from a small age, even if you do side with him from the get-go (I never thought Itachi was "a good brother" or whatever bullshit his fans state) you need to come to terms with the notion that "victims" don't look the exact same way that society wants you to believe, they have the right to defend themselves, look for reparations and bring change through force and still be victims.
This requires a far longer response and this was quite hasty, but I have little time now to reply thoroughly, might return later to expand on this.
The same (but in reverse) happened with some other characters or ships of the show.
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madara-fate · 7 months
Being recent on Tumblr and in the Naruto fandom in general (I've been there for 04 months), this fandom has really made me see all the colors.
As a die-hard fan of Sakura and Sasuke who didn't particularly care about the prospect of them as a couple before, I tended at first to subscribe mainly to individual pro sakura and pro sasuke accounts, something I I quickly regretted it because lord, these two fandoms suck. I love both of these characters and it's very difficult to see their two fandoms being so vicious towards each other. If you don't like one of them, why talk about it? why make so many passive-aggressive comments to provoke the other party? They despise each other so much that it's difficult to have a moment of peace for those who truly love both.
And then, let's not even talk about the strange takes they have about them.
I swear if I ever come across something like "Sasuke was right" or "Sasuke Revolution" or "Sakura deserved better - that is, she deserved everything except Sasuke - or "Sakura lost all its development", I'm going to lose my shit.
Their views are biased, self-centered, misinformed and so oc for many that it sometimes makes you wonder if they even understand the characters they say they love. It seems more like they… project their problems and their insecurities onto these two and it's frankly disappointing to see. They like the fanon version of Sasuke and Sakura that they have built in their head and not their canon character and it's quite sad that such characters are reduced to stereotypes by their respective fandom. Not all of them are like that of course, but I've encountered so many of them that it ended up exhausting any good feelings I had towards these two fan bases.
All of this ended up pushing me towards the SS fandom because it's easier to find fans who like both characters. And finally, even though this fandom also has its own absurd points of view that sometimes make me want to throw myself out of a window as well as a blatant bias towards one of the two characters that bothers me, it's still better than the shit I've seen before. here at least I don't have to worry about reading crap like "Sasuke is toxic", "Sasuke didn't do anything wrong", "Sakura objectifies/is obsessed with Sasuke", "Sakura is poorly written" etc and I admit it's a relief. Plus, it's nice to see the fans celebrating them and their relationship, which is what I signed up for after all.
Not to say one is better than the other because the whole Naruto fandom is shit anyway but at least there is more room to like these two characters without getting attacked in this fandom than in the other two.
I couldn't have said it better myself.
You know, your experience of the pro Sasuke and pro Sakura fandoms hating on each other, essentially being what pushed you towards the SS fandom, kinda echoes what pushed me to being a SS fan as well. When the series ended, I was fully neutral on them, but I definitely expected them to get together because it was just obvious. But after seeing some of the absolutely absurd takes that a lot of the fandom had towards them, it made me want to defend them because what they were saying just wasn't true. So much like you, I was also pushed towards the SS fandom due to fandom hatred.
And yes, the SS fandom also has it's fair share of absurd points and biased takes, as I've certainly had to argue against some of them before. Yet, it's still better than the toxicity and the sheer delusion exhibited from a very loud portion of the anti fandoms.
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generouskittensong · 4 months
Hi guys, I'm ranting a bit. It's sad that the SK fandom can't even be called a fandom anymore. I don't think that there are 20 people left are SK fans. Compared to the other couples there are only two couples that make sense. One is Sasuke and Karin and Tsunade and Dan.
Kishimoto made fun of every other couple especially spit on SS faces with Gaiden because let's face it Kishimoto detests SS and he showed us a lot through the manga, Gaiden and even made fun of SS in interviews, he has even said that he wants to divorce them because they are not compatible with each other.
Do you guys have Twitter?
I also have Twitter. I don't particularly like Twitter because of those nasty, trashy Sakura stans. One of the worst fans in the world are Sakura stans, and don't even get me started. How on earth do men like this garbage? For me it will always be wild. Sakura Stans are always thirsty, self-insert, middle-aged women who aren't good looking but want a hot guy like Sasuke and who have never accomplished anything in their lives. I swear I hate these people so much I want to throw up.
I hate this garbage character so much, I get even more annoyed when I have to read stupid comments about whether I like Sakura or Karin ON MY KARIN INSTAGRAM PAGE. Can you read? The account is called Karin! How the hell are you asking me this question? Or if I post other characters. The account is called KARIN!! I hate Hinata and Sakura. Both pointless, useless characters who accomplished nothing in the entire series. Both deserve to be cannon fodder. I also hate Team 7. A toxic team. Sasuke is not happy with Naruto and Sakura. He should have traveled the world with Taka, unlike T7, Taka is loyal to Sasuke. Taka didn't force Sasuke to do anything, they accepted him as he is while T7 wanted to create their own version of Sasuke for themselves in order to be accepted by him. Sasuke chose Taka for himself while T7 was chosen for him. That alone is the difference. Sasuke, who developed a new power for Karin and later told Tobirama that the Sharingan only reacts when the user develops "deep feelings" for the person, talks a lot about Sasuke's feelings for Karin. Just “biting someone to heal” is so sexual.
Biting is sexual and of all the possible techniques, Kishimoto chose this one for Sasuke and Karin. We've never seen Sasuke as intimate with anyone as he is in this moment and Karin is the only girl who made Sasuke laugh. After the genocide, Sasuke never laughs, only at Karin in the 2nd Chuunin Exam in the forest. really this smile is the biggest proof already. who ever imagine that part I sasuke would have a soft smile like Karin has developed a power for sasuke. Kishimoto knew exactly what he was doing. Same with Sasuke's reaction when he found out that Karin was an Uzumaki or that he only apologized to Karin WHILE a few panels before he told Konoha 11 clearly and clearly that he doesn't apologize to ANYONE. And his apology wasn't just "sorry." He chose a form of apology in Japanese that is used in two variants. Summanakata which is used by Japanese boyfriends to say sorry to their girlfriends. Kishimoto knows exactly why he chose this form for Sasuke. SK is the only couple that has a base in the series. I'm anti T7 but pro Taka/Hebi. I am anti-Itachi, anti Konoha, anti Naruto but pro Sasuke and his revolution. Pro change.
Sasuke is the best character in the entire series. No, I don't like Hinata. I don't like slave owners. Neji was right about everything. Sasuke, Pain/Nagato, Madara, they were all right. I'm also anti-Minato but pro-Kushina because she was the victim but I also don't like Kushina who called her murdered clan members "savages". In my opinion, Kishimoto is the best author who has brought so much politics into a story for teenagers that I find it funny how the majority didn't understand a story for pubescent boys. I like Karin as the only woman besides Konan in the entire story. You can throw the rest of the women in the trash can.
The manga just hints that Sasuke and Karin have already had sex. That's what Suigetsu meant twice and Kishimoto also talked about it in a databook in which he insisted on continuing to read the manga because it clarified what "exactly happened between Karin and Sasuke". There are "hints" here and there that indicate that this couple was already a couple before we saw Karin for the first time in the manga. The side text that talks about Karin how Sasuke was the only one who "recognized her" and in Sasuke's eyes "Karin is the strongest kunochi" says a lot about their relationship, not forgetting that Sasuke has not recognized anyone from Team 7 and Naruto until fights for the final battle for Sasuke's attention while Karin has already officially received it from Sasuke. There's a lot to say but I'll leave it at that. Likewise, I'm on the side of the "antagonists" because they had everything right compared to the fascist system called Konoha and the other 4 nations.
Sasuke at least saved Karin from the bear in the Forest of Death and she had a reason to immediately appreciate him. When Sakura was first interested in him, it was not based on any personal interaction or knowledge -- only that he was the aloof, cool genius who all the other girls fancied. I always felt Karin's flashback (so late in her story) was to reinforce her parallel to Sakura. She's the anti-Sakura. She is not Sakura 2.0. But oh well, now I stop my ranting :) Thanks for reading if you read so far.
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
A Theory of Justice by onepieceofharry
BEHOLD! Baby sasuke loves Itachi, baby sasuke loves his clan and his friends, baby sasuke loves REVOLUTION.
A pro-Uchiha coup fic for the ages.
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bimgtt · 5 months
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someone says the truth,
in Sasuke's revolution case sasuke holds no power,
no power to rule 5 villages politically, economically or administrative way or day to day life activity of shinobi villages, his hokage was a metaphor to honor itachi, he is no traditional hokage who has power to rule village ,
sasuke is far from it, that's why people mistook sasuke's revolution as some dictator, how can be dictator when he hold no power to rule them, would just control certain aspects while becoming common enemy and acting like obito with group from the shadow, could have a base like pain's ame village or ochimaru's otogakure,
Just watch over the villages like a shadowy villain bearing hatred while punishing the corrupts shinobi individuals who hurts the peace and prosperity and use children for dirty deeds and causes war and plundering the weak, he would punish this people and sasuke would take the blame so other innocents don't suffer for their corrupt people crime similarly like itachi for konoha's corruption to protect the peace or askeladd for wales and coward price canute so that peace in wales remained from vinland saga
but sasuke will never hurt innocents like askeladd unless there will be unfortunate innocents in the crossfire accidentally not like how askeladd uses innocents for his cunning goal but necessary or itachi's innocents sacrifice for greater good but in case sasuke will be frank and will only confront necessary target cz sasuke hates killing unnecessarily even for any important morally grey decision he will not kill innocents but will come with another way cz he can as he has supreme reincarnation power from legendary sage,
where sasuke will sacrifice his everything to protect peace of the shinobi world from war and violence and punish and judged corrupts like mixture of lawyer and police by creating deterrent of killing 5 kage and war hero, and shinobi villages will hate him, wanted to capture him together and work together for common goal and when they can't defeat him will fear but still fight but fear him would listen to his warning through villages new leaders after the death of previous 5 kage,
sasuke will become common enemy by establishing his name like madara by killing 5 kage and war hero and a little bit confrontation or mighty power of showcase by that people would fear and hate him like madara whom they feared or hated so much that become comrades after so many wars cz they share same pain,
along with watching over or maintaining or manipulating a little bit from shadow like a obito when necessary also he can lead his own organization like Akatsuki using his loyal shinobi like orchimaru and kabuto or taka or deserted and abandoned, abused and discriminated shinobi people etc.
So sasuke's revolution isn't anything like dictator or ruler with power and politics but more like a supreme autonomous rebel, knight or samurai or police or vagabond warrior in the shinobi world context nothing to do with politics but with justice and law and judgement and punishment on his own term using his supreme power of fear and hate though his supernatural or warriors power,
sasuke is no dictator, his revolution only lies in law and policing and keeping peace and punishing evil and nothing else he will rule even villages will follow their own rules but when peace and justice and innocent lives will be disturbed he will judge and punish the real culprits cz village won't and thy are partial but sasuke is impartial,
this is was sasuke's revolution based on itachi's life of self sacrifice mixture of madara as common enemy and obito's shadow influence, he called it hokage cz other hokage said itachi's way is true hokage way which is self sacrifice for greater goods and he did it better like 1st hokage,
only this is why he named it hoakge to honor itachi and prove he was real hokage than actual hokage but nothing to do with konoha's typical hokage resides in village and rank missions and collects money from patrons by controlling children shinobi mission slavery camp while maintaining fascist laws for village and military dictatorship with daimyo's funding,
another difference sasuke will not sacrifice innocents people like itachi but will hit at actual point so that innocents won't be hurt or maybe sometimes unfortunate collateral damage but never like how itachi fall for danzo and killed unknowing children of uchiha, that's why sasuke will be with full autonomy with his judgement and punishment,
this is why sasuke never once said in his revolution that he would rule shinobi people politically, economically or structure basis,
but like a supreme vagabond warrior or knight or rebel or executioner or self proclaimed police for peace and justice using his indra power
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Hate is not a curse, it's a normal human emotion. Maybe don't make a business out of killing people and exterminating families and you won't be hated.
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watermelonsloth · 1 year
No, Sasuke Did A Lot Wrong
(Disclaimer: There's nothing wrong with liking Sasuke as a character or sympathizing with his backstory. I'm also not talking about all Sasuke fans, only the extreme "pro-sasuke/anti-konoha/anti-itachi" fans.)
I'm getting pretty sick of the defenses used by Sasuke fans to justify his behavior throughout shippuden. The defenses themselves are fine enough, Sasuke did have plenty of reasons for his anger and resulting actions, but his fans always seem to be trying to absolve him of blame. The worst of them even act as if you're some morally reprehensible monster if you dare say Sasuke made a lot of terrible decisions that hurt a lot of people. God help the poor soul who dares to like Itachi or Tobirama.
I'm not going to defend Konoha or their actions here and, from what I can tell, no one else is. The entire shinobi world is fucked up in a frustratingly realistic way, so it makes sense that anyone trying to do something to fix it would immediately earn audience sympathy and relatability. However, most of those characters are villains. Why? It's not because the Naruto series is pro-violence, authoritarianism, war, or complacency. It's because they're terrorists. They react to personal wrongdoing, sometimes perceived but often not, by creating violent plans that are undeniably extremist. Madara and Obito basically wanted to hard reset the world by placing everyone into an eternal genjutsu and Nagato wanted to nuke the planet every time a country asked for war until all conflict disappeared. Those are objectively bad plans that would put the world into an even worse state and I hope I don't have to explain why.
Sasuke's "revolution" was no better. As a quick reminder, these were Sasuke's plans to "fix" the shinobi world: first he wanted to destroy Konoha, then he wanted to become a tyrant over Konoha, and lastly he wanted to act as a threat so dangerous that the world was forced into cooperation to fight him off. Not one of these plans is good. All of them would catch many innocent lives in the crossfire and none of them would build a better world. The best argument to defend Sasuke's goals is "complacency to wrongdoing makes you just as guilty as the wrongdoer." Ignoring that that argument is flawed, especially in the context it would theoretically be used, that argument still wouldn't change the fact that his methods are violent and extremist.
What makes all of this worse is that Sasuke's goals are also extremely hypocritical. Tell me if this sounds familiar: to prevent future conflict, one Uchiha erases a group of people because select members of that group were a potential risk. That Uchiha, in this process, agrees to take on all responsibility for this action and all anger resulting from the fallout. Was I talking about Sasuke's initial goal to change Konoha? No, I was talking about the Uchiha Massacre. His goal to become a feared tyrant over Konoha to reform it into a more peaceful state according to his image bears a striking resemblance to Danzo Shimura, of all people. His final plan is the only one that can be considered uniquely his, but if you simplify it to its core(an individual taking the burden of all of the world's hatred onto their shoulders), then it mirrors the intention of Madara(and sort of Obito, but mostly Madara). Sasuke is repeating history by mimicking the solution that he's already experienced being in the crossfire of, the goals of a monster he scorned for his morals, and the plan he personally watched fall to pieces.
Of course, this is a post about Sasuke's actions, not the plans he never enacted. The most he could be punished for is conspiracy. So, let's talk about what he did. I'd say for all of part 1 and the start of shippuden, Sasuke's worst offense is being a bit of a snarky jackass. He wasn't cruel, he had a set of morals that he consistently held himself and others to, and he deeply cared for his friends and allies. His interactions with Itachi were upsetting, Orochimaru manipulating him was tragic, and his struggle to decide between his friends and revenge was interesting. The most morally skewed thing he did was his fight with Naruto, but even that was forgivable. The start of shippuden maintains him being mostly in the clear: he nearly kills team Yamato, he kills Orochimaru, he starts traveling with some morally questionable people(scaring the crap out of some civilians and stealing a sword in the process), and he fights and kills Itachi. Again, he's not exactly a stand up citizen, but he remains just and easily forgivable. The Five Kage Summit arc is where this changes.
After learning the truth about the Uchiha Massacre and Itachi's true role in it from Obito, the Five Kage Summit arc begins with Sasuke joining the Akatsuki(a.k.a technically a mercenary group, but better called a terrorist organization considering their, at this point known, goals). The arc is easily a shift in the story's direction(for better or worse), meaning a shift in the main characters, and easily an arc I'm going to discuss in more depth in the future. Sasuke's character shift is revealed to be downward when he and the rest of team Taka attack and "kill" Killer Bee. I don't care how much you like Sasuke or how much you agree with his anger, you cannot justify him attacking and attempting to murder someone who has done nothing but be a jinchuuriki. Soon after Sasuke's role in the attack is revealed, Karui, Omoi, and Samui leave to Konoha to tell the Hokage about the planned five kage summit and that Kumogakure is taking the responsibility of Sasuke's punishment out of Konoha's hands. This is the arc where Sasuke undeniably becomes a criminal and his crimes have victims. Say what you want about Konoha and complacency and injustice, but let's make some things clear.
Killer Bee had nothing to do with the Uchiha Massacre.
Kumogakure had nothing to do with the injustices Sasuke was fighting against.
The samurai of the Land of Iron had nothing to do with shinobi affairs.
Team Taka didn't deserve to be betrayed for being "too weak."
I didn't make this post to complain about Sasuke or make him out to be a bad character. Actually, I think he's one of the best written within the series and he's among my favorites. Sasuke is a morally complex character, a fantastic foil to Naruto, an impactful warning on what happens when someone is consumed by hatred and abandons their humanity in pursuit of their goals, and the end of his arc was really nice(until Boruto ruined it, but that's another rant for another day). I get so upset about people making Sasuke out to be an innocent or wholly justified character, not only because those same people often take an undeserved moral high ground and talk down to/shame people for having problematic favorites as if Sasuke isn't problematic, but because it doesn't give his character the credit it deserves. Sasuke is such a good character because he and his actions are imperfect. He's good because he is morally complex.
The Naruto series is about a boy who is ostracized by his home and targeted by a terrorist organization for something he has no control over. He responds to his circumstances by building connections, finding peace, and making an attempt to change both himself and the world around him rather than giving into his anger and lashing out. Naruto and many other characters struggle to maintain their humanity in a world that seeks to destroy it. Sasuke's story is not one of a tragic hero burning his perpetrators and the world that allowed them to the ground. His story is about a hurt and manipulated child abandoning more and more of his humanity under the assumption that it'll somehow help him do good in a bad world until he becomes the bad. His story ends with him confronting that humanity and coming to terms with it because there was still someone waiting for him with a hand held out.
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lira456 · 1 year
Sasuke's revolution is 100 percent effective and has foresight only demerits is you have to kill few super powered shinobis like 5 kage and naruto well warcriminals, maniac killers, ignorants, hypocrites like them deserved painful death who belived in their own village interest without giving damn innocent lives and crimes like massacre morelike genocide,child soldiers,invasion etc, anbu culture etc.
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Thing is Sasuke's revolution had its merits, we know through many revolution and lessons of violent wars and loss and human greed today we achieve constitutional republic where also prioritizes lives and rights of minorities like uchiha clan civilains(not rebellious faction who planned the coup but innocent children like izumi uchiha and yashiro's 7 years old son who did not agree and know about the coup) or vulnerable and naive child like rin and ryogi and boruto who would indoctrinate to the system without knowing truth of shinobi past, even think of its honorable to die for the village, sad ending,conclusion and execution and future. That's why support sasuke's revolution, his first task to create deterrent and make 5 villages hate him and some might fight against him and defeat them only killing the strongest shinobi would be enough to slowly shinobi losing their desire to fight against him and but they will stick together for assistance and in case of shortage of power if sasuke attacked suddenly with that sentimental fear, then slowly sasuke would go for social,law related change then political then with progress go for the economical change and they go for the continental and international change thus totally destroy the shinobi system and past, only new way chakra usage with strict laws and regulation for every sides with equal footing so that no one used it for wrong purpose or be questioned immediately, sasuke needs only 60-100 years to destroy this system and create another one to make people used to the new system without no existence of shinoi army,ranks,missions or structure or kage dictatorship, for that long he needs to acquire immortality and reincarnation with powerful able bodied chakra power like demi god of shinobi only problem jigen and momo even he can destroy kara organization completely.
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Now you people know why sasuke said i am all alone and can bear the darkness of five villages because in past sharingan named power was connected with uchiha clan which caused genocide because of obito's wrong doing because he was an uchiha and uchiha were falsely accused because of sharingan power even people with no sharingan, if sasuke became all alone meaning no connection with five shinobi villages or other villages in public(he might have recruited orchimaru and taka and small numbers of white clones though) punish corrupt kages like kurotsuchi then no one will harm konoha, becuase he is also enemy of konoha with no secrecy becasue of his killing 5 kage deterrent from the past and all alone with no ties with any of the shinobi villages(might create his own organization like one that akatsuki and kara) and also his plan has nothing similar like danzo he would not wipe out entire country,clan and village because of his objective even don't use children others for his biddings only magical creatures like bijjus who should have eliminated by hagoromo because their power caused destruction they better off dead completely if hagoromo did think good of the mankind, wher danzo would sacrifice total or other or stick with them like parasite for his dream and village, sasuke would only take agency by his own hand without killing or sacrificing innocents, only judge,punish and execute the wicked ones like danzo,five kage and kurotsuchi who would be main perpetrators of violence,conspiracy,discrimination,inequality,power imbalance,greed, personal ambition and dream like hashirama's,selfish desire,resources and benefit seeking in unfair ways,wars,invasion,paranoia,systematic discrimination, corrupts dictators among kage and daimyos, corrupt shinobi etc. which danzo would never do he would just destroy other people community based on person and aspect and assumption and for his greed, which sasuke would never, he would take agency for the revolution he wanted to execute like batman a global threat with no ties to any shinobi villages, more like in itachi's way without causing genocide or mass killing that's why he would work from the shadow
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justsasuke · 3 years
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