#police chase woke me up 10 minutes in
danixion · 1 year
dont you hate it when you’re having gay dreams and the fucking cops wake you up
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metaldragoon · 2 years
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410/2023 KM done for the year Lots of events have happened over the past two days! Mostly bad, but, oh well.  You may notice I have done but a baby’s run, which is what I’ve done both days since last I run, as I managed to somehow gain 15 pounds in the two days I was visiting my mother so it’s just, not feeling great to run.  I already lost 3 pounds since yesterday so I’m certain I’ll shed it off quickly especially since I’m going to be conscious of it for a bit.  Anyways! I almost hit a wolf going 120km/h, he ran in front of some car going the other direction, and then picked up speed to avoid that by running directly in front of me.  Definitely did like a 40 foot skid and was turned like 20 degrees sideways, but, at least for those few seconds the wolf managed to live.  Who knows if the next care didn’t just drill it.  I went for my fat run yesterday and it’s a shame since the weather has been so beautiful the past two days, I wanna go fast!  Anyways, today I woke up and my mom informed me her brother died, which is very sad.  I didn’t see her other message until lunch time since I mute my emails, but she emailed me last night about it saying “doctors say he’ll make it through the night” and then to already know the result was a bit of an oof.  I am not particularly heartbroken, I was not very close with him, I met him twice.  Once I went to his place, he lived in Niagara Falls so I was there for three weeks between Gr.7 - Gr. 8 summer break, but I didn’t really talk with him.  He had 2 daughters I mostly hung out with there and he was just old man spending time with my mother, but truthfully it was at worst the 2nd best holidays of my life.  The other time, his daughter happened to be moving west and driving through Winnipeg, which is where I was living at the time, so he picked me up along the way so that I could also move west.  He then told my mother I was ungrateful so I assume he didn’t like me.  But! that said my mother has not had parents for over 45 years so it’s just been her and her two brothers for most her life, and so for that I am sad that she is suffering and without someone so important to her.  After work today, driving home, two lanes, light turns red, and the guy stopped beside me got rear-ended! That is... accident #4 I have witnessed in real life I believe.  Some old white lady in a minivan rammed in to him, I could see her slamming the wheel after in frustration and then, y’know, cars were just sitting there, light changes green, and she speeds off.  A hit and run, folks!  Well, of my three other accidents I have observed one of them happened to me, in not-a-particularly-similar situation, but a hit and run none-the-less! And I was such an idiot and deleted the license plate I wrote down so I never was able to get my revenge... but not today! I took chase after our criminal!  I made sure to keep my distance so she wouldn’t panic, we were in the city and I am but a normal grey sedan... the most unassuming predator.  I followed her for like 3 minutes until I got close enough to read her license plate, pulled over to write down the information in my NOTES APP, and then returned to the scene of the crime.  Our blue subaru would be so happy to know I tracked that witch down and his insurance would not have to take the hit! And then he wasn’t even there anymore! Good grief.  So I headed to the police station, ready to file a witness report, I only know where one station is from my previous hit-and-run experience, and I don’t have data on my phone, so I’m not sure it was the closest but it was like 10 minutes out of my way.  Get out my car, and some fella tells me police station’s shut down today on account of two officers were murdered today.  How inconvenient for me personally.  So, now it’s the weekend and we have to wonder if I even care enough to return by Monday when the station will re-open.  RIP to Uncle Cameron!
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docnomore · 1 year
I fell asleep last night around 10 PM. Mrs. Doc woke me a few minutes after midnight with chest pain, tightness of the throat and numbness of the left arm. She wasn’t sure what to do. The nearest ambulance is roughly 35 minutes away. I woke our son and convinced her we should go to the ER. The hospital is roughly 25 minutes away. I didn’t call for an ambulance and instead, drove her/ us. I passed three law officers: 2 Sheriff’s Deputies and one city police car. I also drove up on a 3rd Deputy. When I say I passed them, I mean I was doing about 75 MPH inna 35 MPH zone - and no one thought to give chase. I honestly hoped to get pulled over so they could give her a ride legally going at speed and use their radio to call in their pending arrival. That did not happen. Still, I yielded for red lights and then got us back up to speed.
The EKG, what I needed to see, showed she was having PVC’s (PreVentricular Contractions). Normally, it feels like your heart is pounding or “skipping a beat”. The Sarcoidosis in the lungs and surrounding tissues triggered her asthma. I can’t hear when she’s wheezing. The asthma and irritation of the Pericardium made her chest hurt. I struggled to find a pulse on her and when i could, it was weak, rapid and thready. Thus, my reviving my days of ambulance and race car driving.
We were in the ER a little over 4 hours. It was the usual work up: EKG, Pulse Oximeter, chest X-Ray, cardiac enzymes (twice), and a breathing treatment and then shown the door. We arrived home at 4:30. The morning alarm clock went off at 5. We worked and at the end of business, I went outside and worked until 7 PM. It’s almost 10 now and I’m about ready to sleep. Been a long day. Wondering if I can find for a reasonable price, an EKG unit I can keep at the house. As we get older, our health issues get more complicated and our health declines. The city has cameras at the stop lights. Blow through a red light and it’s a $158 fine. I blew through three or four. Having an EKG unit at the house could save us money in the bigger picture. Given the lack of response by law enforcement and those cameras, I’m more than a little disappointed and frustrated. In my anti authority mind, they neither protect or serve. They are there only to harass at will and increase government coffers. I’m tired.
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stolenatbirth · 2 years
So, lets start my life story of abuse and the pathological and narcissistic family of lies!! First Lie!!  I was told my whole life, I jumped off my 2 story porch on 115 Morrison Ave, Somerville, MA.  My phone number was 627-666-9334! I jumped for my sneaker and landed on my head, 2 stories!?!  Mary Voto “said” she ran up and down the street holding my head together til her mother arrived!  We only had one car at that time! Johnny Voto was a truck driver for Olympia Trucking at the time!  They supposedly brought me to the hospital!! This was a lie  of a lifetime I would have been dead at 2 years old, if that happened my skull was too
Soft to live through a fall like that!  When I confronted John Voto he was Deputy Chief of Police of Tewksbury, MA.  My fake brother in 2022 on a phone call brought up the story!  He “denied” that happened at that house.  He said, which was the first pathological lie from him.  This is a loser  fake brother that has known
For years I was taken at birth.  Such pure evil! 
Somerville at the  time of my childhood was called slumberville.  It was a poor city!  Where we used to play sports on the streets and swim in the city pool when I was open and “if”we didn’ make it there!  The fire hydrant would do!  We used to steal carts from Johnny’s Food Master for go cart wheels so we could have fun!  At 6 years of age my cousin (we used to call each other that). Mickey Ma221 and I used to throw rocks at cars!   We got caugjt one day as the man from one of the cars chased us o 125 Morrison Ave, my abducted house!  We were hiding under the porch when he found us!  He asked where we lived.  I said, upstairs!  Mikey said he lived there too because he didn’t  want to get into trouble!  But as I have always told the truth to adults I said he lives around the corner!  Well that didn’t go well.  That’s when the beatings started coming!  The abuse from Johnny was horrible!  At 7 years old I loved playing with matches.  My friend Damien McCaferty who lived 2 houses away actually was flicking matches in his front yard!  It was a dry summer so the grass went up and caught fire.  By the time it was put out we burnt a 10 by 20 ft section of his yard!  Well his dad  came over and told Johnny Voto that night what we did!  Well,  Johnny took my hands and put them over an open flame on the stove to burn.  So I would learn my lesson as his wife was screaming out of the top of  her lungs!  I was concentrating on not to cry
and ignored the pain!  This guy wasn’t going to break me. I learned how to block the pain  out.  That didn’t stop me from playing with matches a couple of weeks later while I stayed home from school.  I was in  the back porch flickering matches in the trash and it went up in fire.  I watched it for a minute and woke  Mary and said the porch is on fire!  We  put it out as the rails  to the porch were charred from
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tatooedlaura-blog · 3 years
set somewhere around Unrequited, that interim time when fighting fear in the daylight is one thing but battling it alone in the dark is another ...
Our Moment Chapter 1: Five Words (post-Leonard Betts) Chapter 2: Sidebar Nonsense (post-Memento Mori) Chapter 3: Interim (floating somewhere around Unrequited)
It had been a longer case than normal, draining in every sense of the word: physically, mentally and emotionally, but they were almost there, he could feel it. Finally seeing a connection, everybody moved, organized chaos, Mulder and Scully amongst the throng of officers storming the building, guns out, ready for anything.
As with everything they ever did, it wasn’t easy. The suspect ran, hid, fired, threatened, ran again, fired some more, was finally taken down by one of the local cops but there was a foot chase first, that had them all running, searching, wishing his ass would just collapse and die in the middle of the street.
But it was done and sooner rather than later, they were de-briefing in the conference room, getting their paperwork in order. Looking around for Scully, to ask her what his writing said, he saw a glimpse of her back as she disappeared out the door. Usually she would have said something about going so, instead of letting her be, which she probably wished he would, he stood to follow, excusing himself from the talking crowd.
Scanning the front parking lot, he didn’t see her but deciding he might as well enjoy the unseasonable warmth of a Tennessee winter, he turned left, following the sidewalk around the building. Another turn left and he spotted her, sitting on the hood of their rental, facing away, small, hidden by a sea of police vehicles and employee parked Fords and Chryslers. He measurably widened his stride when he noticed her hand held up to her face.
He could see the blood dripping from between her fingers and down onto the pavement. Making it to her side, he pulled out one of several handkerchiefs he’d taken to carrying in his pockets and held it out to her, “take this.”
They had a routine, he helped, she let him.
It wasn’t long before the handkerchief saturated, Mulder touching her shoulder, “I’ll be back in a second with something else.” Seeing her nod, he ran back to the front door, asking calmly for some towels and getting them almost immediately, thanks to the helpful front desk officer and his mad organizational skills. Heading back Scully’s way, he was breathing heavy by the time she took his offering and dropped the soggy handkerchief to the ground. “Is it slowing down any?” Muffled ‘yes’ reached his ears but behind the wadded green towel obscuring half her face, he saw her skin sallow, white and translucent, veins beneath a blue map of fear. Now in front of her, he rested his hands on her thighs, leaning forward to kiss her forehead, smelling the iron tang of blood four inches below his nose, “do you want to go to the hospital?”
“Probably but I’d really rather just lay down for a few minutes, then get some orange juice or something, anything with some sugar in it.”
One last kiss and he pulled away, hand off thigh and up to towel, holding it for her so she could put her arms down, which she was grateful for. Every few seconds he’d move and check, finally finding the flow had slowed to a trickle, then finally stopped all together. Gently wiping away the smears from her chin, “I need maybe another half hour inside, then we can go or I can drop you at the hotel and come back.”
Desperately wanting a bed, she shook her head, “if you could just go find me something to eat, I’ll stay out here and wait for you.”
As he held her elbow, watched her slide from car to ground, “are you sure you don’t want a hospital?”
“I really don’t but thank you.”
“Fair enough.” Soon, she was settled in her seat, tilted back, coat near in case she got cold, “I’ll be back in a few. Don’t go anywhere.”
Eyes already shutting, “I won’t.”
Tossing out the browning handkerchief, he carrying the clean towel he still had back to the station, having left the other with Scully. Handing it back to the officer, “thank you. I think we’ll need to keep the other one so if you’ll let me know what I owe you for it, I’d appreciate it.”
Shaking his head, “they’re just shop towels. We have boxes of them in the back.”
“Thank you.”
“Did you need any help out there? Something happen with your car?”
Another shake of his head, “no, we’re fine but thanks.”
Mulder then headed back towards the room of officers, finding the meeting over and the chief watching him approach, “everything all right? I saw your partner go, then you.”
Needing to be blunt because she wouldn’t be back in to help them finish, “I’d like to keep this quiet but Agent Scully has a medical condition that caused severe nosebleeds and she felt one coming on so she left. She’s out in the car now and I need to get her some juice first, then I’ll be back to finish up our end of the paperwork.”
Everyone had been cooperative, treating them well and even now, instead of irritation, the chief showed genuine concern, “is she alright now? Do you need to take her to the hospital?”
Looking around quickly, “she actually has cancer and the most the hospital could do would give her some juice and remind her that this kind of thing will happen.”
The chief liked the pair of them and crossing his arms, attentive, “is she getting treatment?”
Mulder really didn’t want to talk about this anymore, his mind divided between juice, Scully, paperwork, and Scully, “she is but with her type of tumor, surgery isn’t an option and the treatments aren’t doing much.” Needing to extract himself before he began sobbing in the large man’s arms, he inhaled slowly, “but we deal with it. Do you have anything I can take out for her?”
Having lost his wife to cancer several years ago, the chief recognized the look in Mulder’s eyes and knowing to end the conversation, he nodded, “come with me.”
Soon, Scully had her juice and crackers, Mulder returning inside yet again, this time determined to finish everything in under 30 minutes. As he watched Scully drink, he could see her color wasn’t returning as quickly as it should and the vacant look in her eye told him to hurry the hell up.
Thirty-four minutes later, he was shaking hands with the chief, accepting the man’s ‘good luck and God bless’ before leaving for the last time, opening the driver side door and driving off, his partner asleep in the seat beside him and even though he would never tell a soul, he actually checked to make sure she was breathing before anything else.
That action would haunt his sleepless nights for weeks to come.
She stirred once the car hit a pothole and looking up at his, blinking, “are you done?”
“Yeah. I’m going to pick us up some food first, then I’ll get you home.”
“I’d like a cheeseburger, if possible.”
Bag of food in hand 10 minutes later, Scully was nearly asleep again by the time they got to the hotel. Getting out of the car, she stumbled her way directly to her door, leaving behind bag, coat, shoes, and food. Smiling as he gathered their things, he followed her through her still open room door, shutting it with his foot, “do you want to change first or eat?”
“Eat, please.” Holding her hand out, “sorry. I didn’t even think to grab the bag. I just thought door and bed.”
“I’m keeping track. Once you get better, you’ll be my slave for a few weeks and we’ll call it even.” Saying it with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes, he handed her a napkin, “you’re gonna need this.”
Dinner was quick, inhaled more than chewed, Scully unfocused as she chewed, her body exhausted, her mind slow enough to allow sleep if she could just lay down. Halfway through her second burger, she suddenly put it down, “I need to go to sleep.” Mulder tossed her the pajamas from the top of her luggage and after quick changing in the bathroom, door open, who cared, she crawled under the covers, apologizing as she went, “I’m sorry. I just … I need to lay down.”
“It’s fine.” Continuing to eat at the small table, “I’ll clean this up when I’m done and go back to my room but I’d like to leave the door between us open, if that’s all right? If you need anything, you can just yell for me.”
She was already halfway to dreaming but pretty sure she mumbled ‘okay’, she stopped caring, her muscles relaxing, finally, horizontal so much better than vertical.
Good to his word, he ate, cleaned up, covered her better with her blankets, kissed her twice on the forehead, then disappeared next door, opening the door between their rooms enough to hear her but not enough to disturb with the light of the TV.
Her clock read 11:52pm when she woke up. Groggy math concluded she’d been asleep for about five hours and rolling over, she saw the adjoining door open as promised, faint light fluttering from some late-night B-movie Sci-Fi flick no doubt. She tried to go back to sleep, but a restlessness had settled, her mind beginning to churn with thoughts she didn’t want and emotions she didn’t need. Another glance at the clock told her she’d killed six minutes.
Standing, she shuffled her way over to the adjoining door, pulling her side open more, then slowly pushing his, standing for a moment, watching him read the book propped on his vee’d knees. Leaning on the frame, bringing back a rush of memories from their first night together, years ago, running request submitted and denied in the middle of the Oregon wilderness, she cleared her throat, causing him to turn in her direction but not startle, which she would question at another time. Once he’d focused in on her in the darkness, she asked quietly, “want to go for a drive?”
He was having the same flashbacks and tilting his head at her, “you okay?”
“Can we just … I want to get out of here for awhile … ignore my brain …” head now against the frame, “I woke up and now … … … yeah.”
Tossing his book to one side, he stood, grabbing his wallet and keys, “let’s go.”
She loved that he didn’t ask anything, didn’t inquire, didn’t turn loose his psychology degree on her midnight suggestions, but instead, reached for her back and held the door.
“Any destination in mind?”
Settling into the passenger seat, shoes off, feet tucked under her, crisscross style, “anywhere but here.”
“Midnight wandering. Excellent.”
They drove in their typical silence, comfortable, comforting, depending on Scully’s frame of mind, for almost ten minutes before Mulder reached over, tapping her thigh, “how’s your head?”
“Attached.” Eyeing his hand, now dangling over the console, fingers still easily within tapping range, “nose is stuffy but the taste in the back of my throat is gone, so that’s something.”
Finger against her again, this time fingernail catching on the fuzzies of her flannel pants, “you scared me. A lot.”
Left hand shifting so she could stoke his knuckles, weaving in and around them in soft, satin fashion, “I’m sorry. I was doing fine. I felt fine until it just … happened.”
Hand finally moved enough to squeeze her knee, both shocked at his action and both wanting him to stay, “just … don’t do it again, okay?” Now he slid his hand over to wedge in at the bend behind her knee, “fingers are cold.”
They were most definitely not cold.
Another five in quiet, Mulder shifting to get more comfortable, left hand lightly on the wheel, right hand firmly on her and she returned to his knuckles, ventured to that little round nubbin’ bone in his wrist at times, until, “what will I have to do while I’m your slave? Are you going to make me clean your bathroom and feed your fish? Or will it be more of a Princess Leia thing? Gold bikini, ball and chain, looking hot in the corner when your friends come over?”
How he didn’t crash, he would never know, “do you own a gold bikini?”
“Like I’m going to answer that.”
Genuine grin out the windshield, “I think it’ll be more that I’ll make you watch movies with me and go play miniature golf and maybe, just maybe, I’ll force you to go to dinner with me.”
“Oh, the perils of slavedom in Mulderworld.” Resting her head back against the seat, “huh. Did you realize,” reaching her hand to the ceiling, pushing a panel back, “that we have a moonroof.”
Quick glance up, “I did not. I wonder if I paid extra for that.”
“The Bureau may have and I’m okay with that.” Studying the sky above, “I’m thinking that we should find a nice, quiet sideroad and turn the car off and open this up and see what there is to see.”
Giving her leg another squeeze, “I believe when I was sixteen, that was the line I used to get to second base.”
“I’ve always enjoyed baseball.”
He looked at her, face turned up still, smile faint but there, “how can you still shock me after all this time?”
“I’m amazing.”
Finding the sideroad and turning, “I’ve known that since the beginning.”
Her smile grew wider as he turned off the car, “you were weird at the beginning but intriguing enough to keep around.” Finally looking at him, “and I guess I’d use the word amazing … at times.”
Restarting the car just to get the roof open, he turned it off again, the sounds of night filling the car, “I’d like to talk about baseball again.”
Now she laughed, putting her seat back, “talk to me about the stars.”
Hating to do it, he removed his hand from her and matched her tilt back, scooting a little to the right so his head was near hanging off the rest, pretense of seeing out the roof better and all. She did the same and soon their forehead were almost touching, shoulders were. His hand missed her so it went searching again, this time finding her upper thigh, resting lightly, not allowing gravity to work in his favor, to pull him closer to third-base territory, “what do you want to hear about them?”
“Everything. Nothing. I just like to hear you talk, especially in the dark.”
Wondering if confessions were the name of the game tonight, “Sam once told me that she made a wish on every star, not just the shooting ones.”
“That’s an awful lot of wishes for an 8-year-old.”
“She had a lot of time on her hands apparently.”
Turning her head so she could kiss his nose, she returned to her side of the car quickly, “I wish I had that kind of time. I don’t think we’ve stopped long enough to have an actual conversation in months.”
Finally connecting his forehead to hers, “is that why we’re out here talking about stars?”
“Possibly.” Silence reigned again until Scully’s hand shot up, “shooting star!”
“Make your wish.”
Once she’d squinched her eyes shut, made her plea to the starry gods, she said, absently, into the shadows, “I know it won’t come true but I don’t think it hurts to ask.”
Twisting to his right side to face her, switching hands on her leg, quiet cursing that the console separating them dared to exist, “it never hurts to ask. I’ve been screaming the same wish for months. Someone’s bound to answer me, if for nothing else, just to shut me up.”
If she looked at him, in this instant, in this universe, she would fall apart, cracked pieces in his hands with no hope of re-assembly. Keeping her eyes on the sky, “my favorite constellation is the Southern Cross. You can only see in in the southern hemisphere but one day, I’m going to go to Australia and I’m going to sit there, on a beach, all night long, just to stare at it.”
“Whirlwind world tour?”
“I’d like that. I’ve got six other continents to see. Might have to start as soon as I can.”
“If I offer to provide breakfast and lunch, can I come?”
He watched her nod and smile in the starlight, “I never thought you wouldn’t.”  Catching his gaze at her out the corner of her eye, “you’re not looking at the stars anymore, Mr. Mulder.”
“I’ve got a better view down here on Earth, Miss Scully.”
Shaking her head, “the things you say sometimes.”
“Hey, I’ve slept in your bed. I’m allowed to call you ‘pretty’.”
Shifting to face him instead of the stars, she wondered if she dare share how much those nights still sat in the forefront of her mind, first before her diagnosis and second after he’d driven her home, taken care of her as she was sick, kept her warm as she came off her first round of chemo, “twice, actually, I’ve let you sleep in my bed.”
Moving his hand from her leg to run along her hairline, brief stop to rest his palm over her neck, “I think, someday, we should do that again, have a sleepover of epic proportions: scary movies, ice cream, pizza, and pillow fights. What do you say?”
Instead of the smile he’d been hoping for, he watched her face tighten, forehead wrinkle, nose flare, then contort back to normal Scully, just as her eyes filled with tears, which began falling immediately, “I’m scared.”
Sliding himself forward, hand still on her, he tugged gently at her neck until she moved towards him, “come here.” Meeting her lips for a brief moment, he went back in for another before resting forehead against hers, “I’m scared enough for both of us so maybe we should take turns. I’ll be scared Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and you can do Tuesday and Thursday.”
Wanting another kiss, she remained still, “what about the weekends?”
“We can share those. We’ll stay at your place one weekend then at mine the next. We’ll deal with it together. How’s that sound?”
Still crying, she almost laughed at the depth of the burden of solitude she didn’t know she carried until Mulder offered to carry it with her. Desperation nearly moved her to his mouth again but fighting it, she let out a wet, crackling sob before sighing, “thank you.”
“You’re not alone, I promise.”
Another shuddering breath out, she forced herself to back up, return to her own space, but found she couldn’t get far, Mulder’s hand still firmly on her neck, “Mulder.”
“I think we should talk about baseball again.”
Shutting her eyes against his searching look, she ignored the sudden tingling up her spine, “my head’s a mess right now. I don’t think I could separate ‘baseball’ from fear and I don’t want to ruin … it can’t be done like this. I’m sorry.”
She felt him pull away, then kiss her forehead lightly, talking into her skin, “you’ve got a dirty mind. I just wanted to discuss this year’s lineup for the Sox.”
Finally, she did laugh, gently bumping into his head with hers, “I’m more of a Cubs fan myself but talk away.”
“The Cubs? Really? What the hell is wrong with you?”
As they both separated, settled back into their own seats, Mulder’s hand back on her leg, “to be fair, that’s the first team I thought of.”
“Thank God. I thought I was going to have to rescind everything I just promised you. Although now, our Sunday fear sharing is going to be filled with baseball games, both live and from my couch.”
“I’d like that.” Silence between them filled with crickets chirping and frogs croaking, Scully reached down her leg to find his hand, lacing fingers together, pulling his knuckles to her mouth to kiss them, one by one, before, “I’d like that a lot and by the way, pretty sure you already rounded first.”
“Ahh, yes,” grinning upwards, “yes, I did.”
Her voice pulled him back from his amusement, “yeah?”
“I’m finally tired.”
With a chuckle, he looked over at her, “ready to go back?”
“No, but we probably should or we just sleep out here tonight and pray we don’t get eaten by bears or overzealous hunters.”
Mulder snapped his seat back up, “home it is.” It took twice as long to find the hotel because Mulder hadn’t paid attention as he was driving but eventually, they found their home away from home. Both were sleepy at this point and once inside Mulder’s room, Scully headed, heavy-lidded, to the adjoining door but stopped when Mulder spoke, “thanks for asking me to go for a drive.”
“Thanks for driving me.” Knuckling a knock on the door frame where she’d been leaning a few hours earlier, “it’s Friday now, right?”
“Yeah. My day to worry. Now go to bed before you fall down.”
With a nod and a smile, she disappeared into the darkness.
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oureuphoria · 5 years
Worst of You - JJK 01
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You meet him under horrible circumstances but that doesn’t stop you from developing a very abnormal and completely unsolicited crush on your local hot police officer™. Too bad you have a bitch of a best friend, anxiety and an inability to learn from your mistakes which cripples your chances to be with the man of your literal dreams. Oh, and he has a lifetime’s worth of baggage at 23.  Or “I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong.” “Cool, I’ll let everyone know that you’re moving in then.”
Genre: fluff, angst, comedy 
Pairing: officer!jungkook X collegestudent!reader
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: Mentions of violence (stab wound), mentions of anxiety, swearing
Note: I was watching B99 and I was like ‘Woah, Jungkook would be a hot cop,’ and now we’re here. 
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If someone had asked you to write a novel about the adventures of your life, it would be extremely thin. Not from your lack of experiences (although it is a pressing factor) but more so from your inability to think about yourself for longer than 3 minutes without feeling sick. You were not a particularly hateful person, especially not towards yourself, but you were an active and anxious thinker and your mind was often boggled with thoughts about what you could’ve or have done wrong and it was exasperating.
For example, occasionally, your professors would allow students to spectate professional research experiments and that month, you were selected (out of pity because Alex was selected and the Professor knew she was your only friend). You knew this was supposed to be an “interesting learning experience” but it was a complete and utter bore. At first you’d convinced yourself it was only boring because you were hungry, then you began to realise it was boring because your singular braincell could not comprehend such complex material on an empty stomach.
So, you left the room to go to McDonald’s, for educational purposes of course. That was where you went wrong because instead of peacefully enjoying your McChicken you were dealing with your phone which was blowing up with messages from Alex about how you were missing ever so much from the research lab. However, it seemed to you that perfectly cut fries were more interesting than watching microscopic cells bounce around in a microscope for an hour.
It turned out that watching microscopic cells bounce around in a microscope for an hour was worth a lot of credits and you wallowed in self-pity for the mere 24-hours that followed that realisation.
You had fucked up once again, only three days after witnessing all 3 minutes of the splendid research experiment. It was a Saturday and you were standing outside your dorm building watching a student yell at a stray cat. It was around 2 in the morning and you were sneaking back from your late shift at the convenience store. Usually, you would have been terrified and confused but you were so tired that you violently pinched your arm and blinked rapidly, hoping it was just an illusion. When the peculiar scene didn’t disappear, you realised this was real but it was too late since the man was now sprinting after you across your quiet and empty campus.
Four years ago, if someone had told your 16-year-old self to participate in your P.E classes because you would later be chased by a crazy man at 2am then you surely would’ve listened. But unfortunately, no one had done such a thing and you were beginning to realise just how regrettable that was. Your running performance was mediocre at best, definitely not fast enough to out run this man across an extremely large campus and you were beginning to lose your breath.
Your only option was to quit while you were ahead and either find somewhere to hide or use your very non-existent combat skills to karate kick the man into the other dimension. Naturally, you hid behind the giant administrator building. As you were finally behind the safe confines of the old brick wall you moved to reach for your phone when you heard an alarming scream. As much as your brain wanted to relish in the relief that the scream wasn’t coming from you, you couldn’t shake the instant guilt. You called the police and tried to sound as reliable as possible but your voice was dripping with fear and you stuttered over your words like a toddler.
Once you were able to clearly see the student, lying on the lawn in pain with what appeared to be a stab wound the guilt completely consumed you but part of you couldn’t even believe this was real. Students woke up from the deafening sounds of sirens and it wasn’t long before this would become a commotion so the officers made quick work of the scene, the ambulance moving him to their van and the police officers continuing their reports. You were asked to go to the station where you would be further questioned by another officer and you didn’t quite understand the need for that escalation but you compiled nonetheless. You didn’t need the police and your conscience to think you were guilty.
You were seated in the backseat of a police car, behind two male officers. Their conversation fell numbly to your ears, your mind already submerged deeply in thought. You didn’t snap out of your trance until the officers repeatedly called for you. “Did you know the boy? The one who was, uh, attacked?” The officer was trying to find the right terms and you commend him for that much, but the last part felt more like an unsure question than a statement and that didn’t sit well with you. “No.” Your answer deadpanned the chance of a conversation, the silence after being the proof. The drive continued for about 3 minutes before you stood at the information desk where you were asked to join the secretary on a walk to the interrogation room. “The officer will be with you shortly. Would you like anything to drink?” She spoke curtly, the annoyed look on her face told you she’d already done this too many times. “No thanks, I’m fine.”
You were confused and guilty and scared. None of this made any sense, you - who never, ever, experienced anything outside your boring routine - was now being questioned for an attack? You were convinced you were borderline insane and that this was just a horrible dream. But, with every tic of the annoying clock on the plain wall behind you, you grew less convinced that this was anything but reality.
“Hello.” The officer walked in, and suddenly you felt like you were in some sick, twisted rom-com because that man might have been the most beautiful man you’d ever seen. You didn’t mean to become distracted but he looked like he’d just walked out of a magic mike production and you were frankly astonished because this had to be a dream. His eyes were dark but they shined in the light beautifully, however the furrow in his eyebrows scared you enough to stop staring at his eyes. His build was clearly very developed, he looked like you could bench press you 40 times over and not even break a sweat. Or maybe he was just really fucking hot.
“My name is Officer Jeon and I’m here to ask you a couple of questions, I don’t want you to feel afraid or pressured, just answer me honestly and you’ll be fine.” Although he’d meant to sound soft and reassuring his words sounded more like an indirect threat. A threat that you heard loud and clear. You gulped quietly, the dryness in your throat mocking you as you recalled rejected the offer for a drink. You nodded when you realised he was expecting an answer but it clearly wasn’t enough. “I need you to use your voice at all times in here, this could be used in court and we need you to be very clear so nothing is misinterpreted. Do you understand?” You wanted to cry. All you’d had in plan for the night was to get to your dorm, eat some 99 cent ramen and go to sleep yet here you were at 3 in the morning in an interrogation room for an attack you weren’t even sure you ‘witnessed’. “Yup.”
“Great, then let’s begin. Can you start by stating your name and age?” “Y/N, L/N. 20.” You nearly stuttered which would have been beyond embarrassing. You seriously couldn’t even manage your own name? “Alright, Miss L/N. Why were you out so late?” You paused for a moment to rehearse your answer but you couldn’t quite get it all out. “I work at a convenience store.” You gestured to your name tag for effect and he nodded, writing something down in his notepad.
“How often do you work there?” The question was irrelevant, unrelated and the first tell-tale sign that you were not a witness; you were a suspect. However, you were too tired to notice. “Twice a week. 4pm-2am.” “You live in the dormitories, correct?” You nodded but he gave you a pointed look that reminded you to use words. “Yes.” “2 shifts a week can’t possibly sustain you. How do you pay your dorm fees?” This was when your tired brain began picking up on the fact that you weren’t just a witness. “I tutor high school kids. It pays enough.” He didn’t reply, just wrote something down in his notepad again - an action which was beginning to make you anxious.
“When you were interrogated by the field officer you told him that you were hiding behind the administration building when you’d heard the victim scream, why were you hiding there?” “I was hiding from the uh, a-attacker.” “How did you encounter him before that?” “I already answered this…” You were visibly nervous which couldn’t have looked very promising. “Then you won’t mind answering again.” His tone was menacing and if you weren’t already very intimidated by his role and demeanour then his strikingly good looks would have done the job. You’ve always been very intimidated by attractive people which proved to an insane burden.
“I was returning to my dorm block when I saw him yelling at a cat, he saw me and began to lunge my way so I started to run but I’m not very good at running so I hid behind the building instead. I was in the process of calling the police when I heard the scream and I didn’t move until the police came.” He seemed unsatisfied with your answer but that was understandable. Your monologue wasn’t confidentially given, you stuttered and stumbled over your words consistently out of anxiety, but he didn’t know that and probably thought you were the very thing you had been running from.
“How did you know that the man chasing you was a student? You said he was in the initial questioning.” “I wasn’t sure. It was 2am and he was standing on a student campus, outside a student dormitory. So, I assumed he was a student.” Your tone was a little vindictive, possibly from the frustration of being labeled as a suspect for a crime you were positive you didn’t commit. “Did you know the student who was attacked?” “No. When can I leave?” The question came out rushed and on impulse but you didn’t care. You were far too tired to. “When I ask all my questions.” You nodded absentmindedly, focusing on the plain table instead.
“You think I did it, don’t you?” Tears were welling up in your eyes but you were too dehydrated to cry.  “Right now you’re only a minor suspect, these are routine questions we have to ask and I really don’t see the issue with them if you’re truly innocent.” That surely shut you up, and made you feel a little stupid. Normally a question like that would never come from you but your exhaustion was taking a toll on your patience, and it was a heavy toll at that. “I’m sorry.” His angry features softened at your shaky voice. “How about we continue this tomorrow. Is 2pm okay for you?” You spaced out again, which was probably why he wanted to continue the interrogation the next day. “Is that okay?” He repeated, this time more pressing, you nodded but were quick to once again correct yourself and mutter a quick “yes” before you grabbed your backpack and suppressed the urge to Naruto run out of the room.
You walked out of the double doors only to be met with the dark night sky and a creeping fear that there was someone following you. You walked home from your shift every Friday and Saturday night and until that day nothing extremely bad had happened. Yet here you were cowardly glancing over your shoulder with every chance you got. You hated walking at night because your paranoia constantly slowed you down and what should’ve been a 10- minute walk turned into a 23-minute walk. It didn’t help that your recent encounter kept replaying in your head, the image of the poor victim on the floor vividly appearing every time you blinked.
As you rolled yourself up in a blanket burrito to escape the dark amiss of the night (more or less your own thoughts), you began to lull yourself into a soft sleep before your roommate, Alex, rudely barged into your room with little concern for your sleep.. “What happened? Why did you leave with the officers? Everyone’s talking about it you know, you’re on everyone’s snapchat story and your clothes really aren’t that flattering.” “A student got attacked and I was the only kind-of witness. The officers wanted to do some further questioning and how many times must I tell you its the uniform.” She sighed in relief before crushing you with a hug. “I’m glad you’re okay.” You suffocated under her grasp but you knew better than to try to fight Alex. She left the room to allow you to sleep but not before rambling about how she assumed you had turned into a rogue murderer.
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amberwild420 · 4 years
one step back, two steps forward (pt. 13)
liar, liar pants on fire
The day was beautiful. Warm sunlight penetrating the windows, birds chirping on the balcony rail.
 You know………the typical scene out of the shoujo manga. But unlike the typical scene of a sweet girl waking up at the sound of the birds, our sweet Parisian girls did wake up like that.
 In the Tom and Sabine bakery, Marinette woke up after Tikki had used “akuma” alert while on the other hand…………….
What is wrong with you?!
Kaylan groaned in pain glaring at the smiling woman above. Apparently Mama Veronica had pulled her rather forcefully, and woke her up with the bitter taste of pain.
 Oh good you’re awake. Breakfast will be ready in 10 minutes.
 Veronica smiled like a bright sun, ignoring her daughter’s pained and heated glare. Sighing, Kaylan had no choice but to wake up.
Just as Kaylan set foot in the class, the shrill loud cry of a certain lair made her grimace.
One peaceful day is too much to ask. Especially when you have to share same space as these brain dead people.
 Kaylan ignored the commotion and tried to get to her seat.
  Keyword: tried.
 Kaylan! You really are the lowest of the low!
 Kaylan looked at the blogger with droopy eyes. The scene looked comical, one was screaming like a market shrew and other looked like she would drop dead with exhaustion any moment.
 Please don’t tell me I just did something that Lila said I did.
 Kaylan said making Marinette snort as she sympathetically stared at her.
 To think you will go as far as to go to Lila’s house just to threaten her!
 Alya shouted at her making her sigh. Loudly.
 What time was it again?
 I said what time was it? Or have you never heard of ‘innocent until proven guilty?
 Are you trying to prove yourself innocent? Let me tell you Lila never…………
 AS I was saying, if you think yourself of a journalist…………….
 I am a journalist!
 Kaylan ignored the interruption like a pro and continued.
 ……………you must not blame anyone to be guilty after hearing one side of the story while ignoring the other. So what time did I supposedly came to her house?
 Alya gritted her teeth, trying not to explode. (Which is pretty much useless as she just exploded on Kaylan the moment she arrived.)
 At night of course! You thought that you could hide just because you hid the shadows! Ha!
 Kaylan looked blankly at the tabloid reporter. Yawning, she pulled something from her bag. Swallowing two tablets of painkiller, she turned towards the seething reporter who hated being ignored like air.
 How many witnesses do you have? Do you have a photo evidence? Or the record of the conversation or the ‘threat’ I issued to Lila? Did Miss Rossi saw me threatening to her daughter? How did I threat Lila? Did I used violence or did I just gave her a verbal threat? Why Lila didn’t called the police when I left after threatening to get a restraining order? Or to get me arrested for breaking and entering? Or did Lila opened the door herself? If she did then why did she opened the door for me, when it was clear as the daylight that I despise Lila? Did she had an ulterior motive as well?
 Kayla asked so many questions in just one breath. The whole class was silent for a moment. Alya wanted to say but stopped when she saw the look in Kaylan’s eyes.
 You say you’re a reporter. But all you have ever done is to write a tabloid. All the questions that I asked are the standard questions that a normal reporter or a police officer would ask.
 Kaylan turned to her seat before putting her head on Marinette’s shoulder and whining about having a migraine. Alya gritted her teeth but didn’t say anything. But she didn’t forgot to throw a glare at the pair.
As soon as Miss Bustier finished the lesson, she started her ideology once more.
 Marinette. How many times do I have to tell you to be a good example? Lila and Kaylan fight and you aren’t stopping them.
 Marinette frowned at her teacher’s words.
 When did they even fight? She might be ladybug but she isn’t a god to know every single thing that happened in this world.
 Miss Bustier, I have a question. When did Lila and I had a fight? As far as I remember, there was just a slight misunderstanding that got solved later on. What are you trying to say, I don’t get it?
 Kaylan gave sincere looking fake smile to her teacher who discreetly looked at Alya, baffled. The smile on Kaylan’s face turned more meaningful.
 Of fucking course, it has to Cesaire.
 Is Miss Bustier trying to say that we are so immature that we need Marinette to help us realize our mistakes or are we intellectually dead that we don’t understand what mistakes we have made?
 Kaylan fired again making the teacher flustered. Her eyes flashed with cold fury before it turned warm again.
 It seems like some people like make misunderstanding between people. I hope Miss Bustier can ignore it this time, don’t you think so Lila.
 Kaylan looked at the liar who flinched lightly. Kaylan’s threats came back to her mind.
 Ah, y-yes!
 See! Even Lila admits there was no fight then how can Miss Bustier say that. Are you underestimating us or are you overestimating Marinette?
 n-no I just…….
 Just what? Don’t tell me you are like those teachers who listen to gossip and use their authority and bully students?
 n-no, that’s not….!
 Or are you like those teachers who just enable bullying and think they are doing the right? I’m sure you’re none of them. Am I right Miss Bustier?
 Kaylan gave her a sunshine smile that made her drenched in cold sweat. For some reason, Bustier couldn’t control this girl like her other students. She was like a predator, meant to be on top of the food chain.
 Miss Bustier hurriedly greeted and left wiping sweat off her forehead. Kaylan gave a sweet smile to the dynamic duo who looked away, one more fearful than the other.
In the morning:
After so many days of brainstorming, Lila finally had an idea. Sure that girl was harder to grasp than that goody-good Marinette, but she finally had an idea.
 Just as she saw Alya entering the class, she let her tears fall before running and bumping into Alya.
 But Lila just ran away making the other girl chase her. By the time Alya got her, Lila started hiccupping.
 Lila what’s wrong!? What happened? Was it Marinette? I swear to god if she……
 No! It wasn’t her! It wasn’t Marinette. It was…..just…..
 Lila looked around before whispering to Alya. For a second, Alya blanked out before she walked away in rage. She didn’t see Lila smirking, neither did she saw Chloe hiding in the corner, turning off her recorder and walking away.
Waving at Marinette, Kaylan walked down the familiar path before she stopped and expectedly looked at the person hiding.
 Sighing, Chloe walked out.
 I can never sneak on you.
 You can try but…..it’s useless.
 Kaylan smiled before waiting for the blonde to say something.
 I thought about it.
 I want to ask you a favor.
 I had an idea you’ll agree so I already made the arrangements. Get you schedule and I’ll give a time that will work for both of you.
 Thank you.
 Kaylan smiled softly before patting her head.
 You should be proud of yourself. Not many can walk this far. I’m sure she’ll be proud as well.
 Chloe smiled a little before looking up in determination.
 I’m sure.
 Saying goodbye’s to each other, both girls walked away. One happy at her progress and other happy for the progress.
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pollonetr-igthe · 3 years
Get to know meme
I was tagged by @coffee-at-chanel thank you <3
What colour are your eyes? Dark brown, typical Asian eyes
What instantly tells you if a person is good? How they act around in their environment I guess (can you tell I don’t have much friend? Lol) seeing them with their friends and family.
Do you have a recurring dream? Not really, I rarely dream. If I do, it’s somehow always a horror show. I’m being chased by something/someone, or I have to get out from somewhere before anything bad happen.
What is the most interesting class you have taken? Music history. Back in university we have a kind of free choice of class to maximize our credit, so I chose the one I will enjoy the most.
How often do you find yourself daydreaming? Lol, when did I not?
Name/Nickname: Valerie, that’s a full first name. Parents and family calls me Vali.
Zodiac: Cancer
Height: 153 cm or 5 ft.
Nationality: Indonesia
Favourite colour: Blue, particularly Navy Blue
Favourite season: in Indonesia we only have two! But if I have to choose from the four seasons, I always love autumn or fall. Not too hot, not too cold, just cozy <3
Favourite animals: and now this I don’t know how to answer. Because I like animals, they somehow don’t like me back lol (maybe I am a bad person). If I have to choose (again), cats.
Favourite fictional characters: way too many. Tv shows, books, comic books, movies. Where to choose from? Aaaaa! Okay, from TV any iteration of Clark Kent (Smallville, Superman and Lois, Lois and Clark, Arrowverse). Books, I have to go for my first book, Harry Potter series and it’s the main trio, I really can’t choose between those three. Comic books, well not the western one, Mangas. My all time favorite (and very typical weaboo according to the internet) Naruto. Now into movies.. hmm maybe the one I watch over and over, Evolution. I love Professor Harry Block (played by Orlando Jones)
Tea, coffee or hot chocolate?: coffee all the way.
Average hours of sleep?: 4-5 hours, and it’s not straight up. I will fall asleep for 1 or 1,5 hours and the woke up about 10-15 minutes, then sleep again. My body is not very healthy right now lol.
Cat or dog person: cat
Number of blankets slept with: 1
Places ancestors are from: I’m a half, I have a Chinese ancestors from my grandpa’s side.
Dream trip: New York, London, Tokyo / Kyoto (I love big cities)
Blog established: I totally forgot, maybe when I was I university. First time I’m getting to know these fandom things. So, 2012?
Random fact about yourself: hmm, that I’m a cold person? My parents always scold me that I’m too cold to approach and responding to someone IRL. I’m not too good socializing. Am I too typical?
Three ships: only three? This is cruel! Lol. Okay, all time favourite Sam/Dean, sam and dean, the winchesters, the bibros, the wincest. Yes, yes, I can smell the judgement coming, they are fictional characters people, so yes I can ship brothers! The most recent one, if you can’t tell from all my reblogs and posts, Daniel/Max, Max/Daniel, Maxiel. And, Nace (Ace/Nancy Drew from the CW)
Last song: Backstreet Boys – Larger Than Life
Last movie: The Candyman (Yahya <3333)
Currently reading: None, I’m a very lazy reader, I have read list that I haven’t cross (do fanfics count? Because I read that a lot almost every night before sleep)
Currently watching: Police University (Korean dramedy), Titans (dctv, hbomax), Stargirl (the CW), Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol (a new one!), Tensei shitara slime ni natta – tensura for short (anime) and Boku no Hero academia (anime). Will be much more when the fall season series starting to drop lol.
Currently craving: any type of noodles
I tag: @coconutshygame @neverpossess 
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marauder-exe · 4 years
AU list!
hi! These are a bunch of Au’s that i could write,and you could request! (reposting because it didnt work the first time)
Fake dating (My personal favourite)
Coffee shop
Modern Royalty
Running From The Police
Rebel Against The Goverment
High School
Law school
Road Trip
Arranged Marriage
Professor-Student (of age)
More detailed
21.You were singing/playing guitar/etc. in the park to protest the war and a policeman tried to dismiss you for 'disturbing the peace' but you argued that you were promoting peace and things got heated and next thing you know you're being arrested for assaulting an officer. You intrigue me, so I'm here to bail you out and maybe take you on a date?
22.the nice one who everybody loves with the grumpy and strict one that the students hate and the students wonder?????????how what the fuck
23.we just had a one-night stand but a massive storm hit so now we’re snowed in, hello awkward
24. i sit at the rental booth at our local ice rink and watch you teach children how to skate
25. alternatively, i watch kids teach you how to skate because you’re a terrible skater
26. i’m running late to an important interview/meeting and you accidentally spill your hot cocoa all over my outfit
27. you’re my hot ski instructor and i’m failing the bunny hill
28. i slip on some ice and you’re the stranger who catches me
29.  i gave my winter coat to a homeless person and come into your store to warm up
30. our friends rent a cabin to go skiing and we’re the only ones who stay inside
31. you’re the asshole of our group and we don’t get along, but then i find out you make soup for the local shelter
32.we’re waiting in line for the club when you complain that your roommate stole your gloves so let me warm your hands up with mine
33.my family invites you to join our holiday meal as an obvious setup and i’m so sorry
34.the power goes out in our apartment building, but i’m not prepared for this, and you come to check on me
35.i’m having a snowball fight with my friend in the park and i hit you instead
36.a storm is delaying our flight home and i’m afraid of thunder, please talk to me while we wait
37. we’re both in small claims court and i got into a huge fight with the person suing me but you stepped in to hold me back before security got there
38. i drove two hours to the closest video rental store that’s still operating and you were checking out the only copy of the movie i was after
39. i hit you with my car but luckily you’re okay, but we should still exchange information i guess
40. i was worried about buying something off of someone creepy from craigslist but oh no you’re hot
41. my friend talked me into playing a drunken game of spin the bottle even though we’re all adults and now we have to make out
42. we both decided to take a [yoga/fencing/cooking etc] class and we’re the only two assholes not taking it seriously and everyone else is giving us dirty looks but we keep grinning over at each other
43. my date just made a scene in public and got arrested and now i’m stranded in a city without a ride home
44. sharing a cab together
45. you’re trying to get me to sign a petition and i have no idea what you’re talking about
46. you’re drunk at this festival and dancing on the table and when you eventually fell i caught you
47. we both play this stupid game online and you keep beating me every single goddamn time so i called you out and you are pretty cute but can you not
48. im a bartender and you just came in here without shoes sat down and ordered a chocolate volcano and idk what the fuck that is and im scared to ask
49. we are neighbours and every night at 3:14 am you start yodeling for no fucking reason??? why???? is that you yodeling??? its been 2 months???
50.im a pizza delivery person and i just delivered a pizza to someone in the middle of a satanic ritual and they gave me their number???
51. i woke up this morning to find you sitting in my living room with a goat in a poncho??? who are you??? why is the goat wearing a poncho??? how did you get the goat in here i live on the 12th floor???
52. we work out at the same gym and you always look super legit but i know you sing hannah montana in the shower and you know i know
53. im a cashier and i saw you stuffing you pants full of potatoes and i would stop you but you already have 27 and i want to see how many you can fit
54. its 4 am and im drunk as fuck in a mcdonalds and you have been watching my trying to eat this burger for 30 minutes
55. i was playing beer pong with a coin and i accidentally threw it right into your eye at a party
56. i’m at the beach and some kids thought it was funny to bury me in the sand when i dozed off can you please dig me out
57. it’s unbearably hot and we’re both fighting over the last handheld electrical fan at the shop at the amusement park
58. hey i just met you, and this is crazy, but i get sunburned really easily so can you please help me put sunscreen on my back?
59. thunderstorm after a menacing heatwave and we’re both getting weird looks for dancing in the rain
60.i have no idea who you are but you just fainted right in front of me holy shit dude you need to drink more in this heat
61. we both chased after the leaving ice cream van like ten-year-olds and now we’re both out of breath and a bit embarrassed
62.i clearly reserved this deck chair by putting a towel on it why on earth are you lying on it who the fuck do you think you are
63. My friends bet I wouldn’t buy these three weird and questionable items and you’re my cashier.
64.Once a week I go visit the pet store just to stare at the cute kittens and puppies and you’re the nice employee who always lets me hold them and wait I think I’m going to cry hold on.
65.You’re the DJ of the University’s radio station and every time you give an opinion on a current event I have to call and argue with you because could you seriously be anymore wrong?
66.We both wait tables at the same restaurant and you’re always mad at me by the end of the night because I make more in tips
67.We have the same class and once a week you wear this graphic shirt I don’t understand and I really want to ask you about it.
68.We both work at the same craft store that literally has no customers so we have nothing to do and I’m always reading at the register but you always have to criticize my book choice what the hell?
69.I’m working the concession stand for this week’s home game and this is the fifth time you’ve come back for snacks wait are you flirting with me?
70. we’re at a bookstore and you and I seem to have similar taste in books have you read this one? How about this one?
71. you look like you need help and I’m a professional roller/ice skater but I don’t want you to feel bad about how much you suck but wow you suck
72. You ordered your food before me and they gave you a drink you didn’t want so you gave it to me
73. We’re sitting at adjacent computers in the library and I’m taking extra care not to look at your screen out of respect but what the fuck do you keep laughing at
74. as a joke I yelled out “happy birthday to someone!” in this store and you called back “thank you!” who are you
75. You heard me talking about a TV show in class the other day and now you’re passionately yelling at me about how good it is we’ve never actually spoken before
76. It’s 10:30 at night and I left my glasses at home so I can’t read any of these labels and you’re one of the only people in the grocery store and GODDAMMIT DO YOU HAVE ANY TOMATO SAUCE WITHOUT CHUNKS
77. We go to the same support group; I have social anxiety and you’re a kleptomaniac who sorta stole my heart
78. You thought you were alone at the bus stop so early in the morning so you started passionately singing Fall Out Boy but your Patrick Stump impression could use some work and I’m not really afraid to point that out
79. I’m an artist and you have a really nice face so would you mind if I drew you?
80. We’re rival up-and-coming singers and every time one of us releases a new single the other does a cover to try to make it better; we’re always trying to top each other and out-cute each other, but half our fans aggressively ship us; our agents use this to their advantage and decide we should do a duet because it’ll be popular; unfortunately now that we’re in the same studio and I’ve seen what you’re like I really wanna know what your lips feel like
82. We were both stood up for dates at the same nice restaurant so we decide to eat together and split the check but I dunno you’re pretty interesting aside from your distractingly enormous eyebrows
83. We met at a mutual friend’s cheesy masquerade party and we agree that the only good thing about this party is the masks so you can’t judge a book by its cover only now that we’ve been talking I want to see your face but I don’t know how to ask
84. You used to date my friend who absolutely hates your guts after a messy breakup and now you’re flirting with me and I really shouldn’t be so interested in you but I am
85.We pass each other every day while we’re biking on the same path so we’ve started smiling at each other and one day you’re stopped because you’re having an asthma attack so I offer you my extra water bottle and now we’re talking and now I’M the one who’s breathless
86.I lost my little sibling in IKEA and I need your help finding them
87.I'm a private detective hired to follow you, but you're endearingly boring and mostly I just like watching you and oops, I sort of find you adorable.
88. You've been sketching me for half an hour now, and just shuffled up to hand me the finished product and it's TERRIBLE but you just wanted an excuse to talk to me.
89.  I'm at an art exhibit and I just badmouthed the art, because I don't get it, okay? And it turns out you're the artist. I'm so sorry, maybe I could get you coffee and you could explain what it was supposed to be?
90. We're the only two people who turned up to an underground gig and it should be awkward, but the band is amazing and you asked me to dance and hey, there's nobody watching but us.
91.  You live in the apartment next to me. We're not supposed to have pets, but I KNOW you have a cat. I'll make you a deal, I won't tell, if you let me pet it.
92.  I punched you because I thought you were insulting my friend, but it turns out you know each other and it was an inside joke and I'm so sorry, let me drive you to the hospital?
93. We both wanted to rent a bike for an hour but the only one they have is a tandem bike
94. I’m on a terrible date and you’re my waitor please help me
95.Our dick landlord just evicted us both
96.I’m your neighbor and I can hear you fucking someone who  shares my name
97. You’re sort of famous and we vaguely know each other through bumping into each other all the time but the media thinks we’re dating
98. Your roommate cheated on me and I just threw your laptop out the window thinking it was his
99. It’s 2am on the night of my 21st birthday and we gotta fix this fucking mess by morning or else we’re fucked
100.Fuck you and your bee farm I’ve had enough
Feel free to use any of these as your own! If you wanna request you could drop an inbox saying ‘ could you do ____ AU with this character’!
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wordsfromthesol · 5 years
Out of Place (1/6)
Author: @wordsfromthesol Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader Summary: Meeting Dick, and the rest of the batboys.  You’re confused, since you are nowhere near Bludhaven or Gotham. Some tragedies, some battles, etc. Happy ending because I’m a sap.  Warnings: Language, blood and torture and other injuries Word Count: 1.5k A/N: First post ever, I’m almost finished with the story and hope to post the rest soon. 
Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6
Why you had let yourself stay up until four in the morning was beyond you. Why you thought it was a good idea to start a movie at two in the morning was also a choice you questioned. Alright, it was definitely time to try and sleep. You made your way to the bedroom when suddenly you heard a faint knock at the door. What the hell. It’s 4 am, who is at my fucking door. You grabbed your gun, because whoever it was sure as hell shouldn’t be there. Glancing through the peep hole you see a man clad in a black and blue spandex costume sunken down at your doorstep, covered in blood. Great. You threw the gun onto your kitchen counter and opened the door. Slowly you dragged the man into your kitchen. Fuck, this dude is heavy. Where is all this blood coming from? After finding the zipper to this impossibly tight costume you pulled it down around his waist. A huge cut along his abdomen was revealed. Shit. You ran to the bathroom and gathered all the medical supplies you had. After cleaning the wound, a realization hit you. I’m going to have to sew this. Fuck. You grabbed some string and a sewing needle. This doesn’t feel right. String? Wait! I have fishing line. Granted you used it to hang Halloween decoration, but it should work better than string. Just as soon as you finished sewing up the cut you heard another knock at the door. Police? You cracked the door open, just enough so they couldn’t see the man bleeding out in your kitchen.
“Is there a problem, officers?”
“Well, we were chasing a man. Think he ran this way.” The officer glanced down at the blood on your doormat.
“Strange, I just woke up for my morning workout. I haven’t heard anything.”
“Right…well, let us know if you have. It’s a dangerous place.”
“Will do, thanks officers!”
Officers, yeah right. Your dad had worked in the government since before you were born. You knew the mannerisms of the police. Those two definitely were not police.
Alright, one giant wound down. You glanced at the masked figure. Who knows how many more to go… You noticed a bruise forming on his jawline. At least that one’s an easier fix. You wet all your dish towels and threw them into the freezer. Turning back to the man -- slowly dying in your kitchen -- you began to wipe him down with a washcloth, searching for the source of all this blood. Making your way up to his shoulder, you notice a hole in his skin. Is that a fucking bullet? Alright, blood is coming out of the wound and it doesn’t seem to be near any major arteries. You cringed and plunged your fingers into the wound. The man’s body tensed, but you quickly pulled the bullet out.
“Sorry, sorry. But…that kinda had to come out.” To your surprise, the man slowly nodded at you.
“Wait, wait, you’re awake? Shit. Okay, hang on.” You grab some water, some lovely 800mg ibuprofen you had leftover from when you sprained your ankle, and some melatonin. You shoved the pills into his mouth without even thinking and handed him the water. You didn’t know if the medicine helped or not, but soon the masked man was passed out once again. Alright…guess now we continue. You carefully rolled the man to his side and located another giant gash. Round two. After rolling him back, you noticed more blood. Fuck. You pulled the suit completely off. Great, now I get to stitch up a naked man. Another gash was found on his thigh. You searched once more and cleaned up all the minor scraps. Well, at least the fucker is alive. Opening the freezer, you pulled out a cold dish rag and placed it on the darkening bruise.
You grabbed your deflated air mattress and set it up next to him. After rolling him once more onto the flattened mattress, you plugged it in and inflated the thing. Well at least he will be a little more comfortable. Your mind fought with what to do with the stranger.
Should he sleep in my room? What if he wakes up and tries to kill me? What if he wakes up and freaks out, undoing all of your hard work? What if he needs help in the middle of the night and you can’t hear him because you shoved him in the living room?
You had decided, pulling the air mattress into your bedroom. You laid down in your bed, but the moment was short lived. He soon started thrashing in his sleep. Fuck. You ran over to him and held his wrists. Fuck. He was burning up. Quickly grabbing the rest of the frozen dish towels, you placed them over his body. His head, his stomach, his neck. The nakedness was starting to get to you. Not that he wasn’t ungodly attractive, but you kind of needed to focus. Ha…I got it. Chuckling to yourself, you pulled a lovely fluffy pink robe out of your wardrobe. Carefully, you wrapped him up and threw the blanket to the ground. He was seeming to cool down. Still, you couldn’t move from his side. Suddenly you felt a hand grab yours. Welp, guess I’m sleeping on the floor.
Sleep came in quick spurts, never more than thirty minutes. You were too afraid this stranger was going to die in your bedroom. Finally, you wriggled out of his grasp and went to the kitchen. Nearly 10 am. Fuck. You called into work and claimed to be ill. Turning on the coffee, you decided cooking would best distract you. Sausage, biscuits, gravy, eggs, and pancakes littered the kitchen island.  
You sat on the couch and chose a movie to occupy your time. Once you finished eating, you realized that just sitting here was not helping. Turning on your PlayStation, you hoped that occupying your hands would help distract from the dying man in your bedroom. 
An hour passed and the masked man slowly walked from your bedroom. Quickly, you got up to help him.
“Uhm…good. You didn’t die in my apartment.”
He glanced around, and then down at your robe. He looked up and raised his eyebrow.
“Oh, that. Well. I had to find out where the blood was coming from. Very clearly, I am not similar to your size…and I didn’t really want to leave you naked.” He nodded silently. You continued, “I made plenty of food. Not sure what you wanted or liked. Anyways…help yourself!”
He slowly made his way into the kitchen. You grabbed a plate and some silverware and placed it by the buffet of food. “Oh, there’s coffee too”, you placed a mug next to the machine. Walking into the living room, you grabbed your own empty mug and filled it to the brim. “Alrighty, so I don’t know if you’re mute or in shock or whatever. But I looked you up last night. Nightwing, huh? Bludhaven? Isn’t that kinda far from here?” He barely acknowledged you were talking as he made his way to the table. Cool, you save this dude’s life and now he’s either refusing to talk to you or he can’t talk to you.  You unpaused your game and decided to just give him some space to realize what was going on.
“So…you like superheroes”, he stated as he glanced around the apartment and nodded towards the game you were playing.
Shocked the man had spoken, you turned towards him. “Well…I…FUCK!” The distraction had just led to your character dying.
Chuckling, “Sorry about that.”
Glaring at him, you set the controller down. “So…you can speak. Great.”
“Well, I had to see what you were about. I’m whelmed”
“Whelmed? What we making our own language now?”
Smiling, he grabbed his stomach.
“Right, so you had some pretty bad cuts.” Gesturing on your own body to location of his wounds. “Oh and a gunshot wound here,” tapping your left shoulder. “I stitched you up…not sure if I did it right, all I had was fishing line…” Trailing off you heard a faint laugh emerge from the man’s mouth.
“Fishing line…that’s actually pretty smart.”
“Okay, well. If you aren’t going to die on me, I’m going to run to the store. You clearly need clothes other than the spandex, and I’m going to need more medical supplies to fix you up. Sizes?” You grabbed your purse and keys and headed for the front door.
“Oh…and don’t snoop through my shit” You called out as you walked out.
You tried to be as quick as possible, you did not like the fact that this masked vigilante was alone in your apartment. Shit, you idiot. You thought as you remembered you left your gun on the coffee table.
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deanwinchester1979 · 4 years
The Apology- Part 1 Dean x Reader
Dean Winchester x Reader
There isn’t any smut or even fluff, this story is all about Sam getting kidnapped in a hunt gone wrong. As the reader and Dean, whom are dating, search for him they discover he was taken to an abandoned building infested with vampires.
I just wanted to post this one first because it’s my shortest and it’s actually done to see if people are interested! Trust me, I have way more smutty and fluffy fanfics waiting to be posted!
He always seemed distant. He was lost in his thoughts all the time, chasing them away with whiskey. He did it so often I studied it, for instance how he does 3 ice cubes with about 4 seconds of liquor. I knew he wouldn’t be himself after everything he’s been through. I mean we got into this business because of death. 
“Hey, it’s all going to be okay. We’ll get him back.” I supported Dean and gave him my most comforting smile. The twinkle that hung in his green eyes were just so startling, that every time I saw them, it was like the first time. Falling all over again. It was like he was having a competitive staring contest with the melting ice cubes in his glass. “He’s been gone for a week. Everything is a mess and I don’t think he’s coming back, (y/n),” Dean still didn’t break his stare with the now 2 ice cubes and 2 seconds of liquor, he just brushed a hand through his short ruffled hair.
It was the next morning in the rundown hotel room when I woke to Dean searching things on his laptop at the table. I probably laid there for 30 minutes just watching his cycle: Type something, stare for a few minutes, take a slug, repeat. I finally decided to get up, given it was 10:48 in the morning, it was a late start for me. After the morning routine, Dean was still at the laptop but now with the whole bottle. “Hey, did you get any shut eye?” I slid my arm across his shoulder and rested my chin on his other. His eyes didn’t lose the ‘revenge seeking glare’ on the screen filled with hundreds of windows. He gulped back some Jack Daniels and shook his head and let out a not much reassuring breath. “I’m going to take that as a no,” I patted his bicep and got up from his figure. Sliding on my worn out leather jacket with boots and grabbed my wallet from the nightstand drawer. Opening the door with a creak caught his attention from the artificial light. “Where you going, got a hot date?” He questioned with a rough voice given he hasn’t said anything in 10 hours. “No actually I was going to the diner down the street for a hot meal, if you want to call it a hot date.” I laughed at my last comment, finding my puns entertaining, so did Dean. “I was just about to ask you to come with me, they’re known for their pie.” I winked, acknowledging the fact that pie was the only thing he’d never shoot down. His eyes lit up with that twinkle again. With a smile vastly spreading across his face, he threw his own worn out leather Jacket over his shoulder, wasting no time to get out the door. Before we jumped into his car, “You’re not driving,” he divulged clearly. 
“If you want me to pay for your pie, then yeah, I am driving. Oh c’mon just let me once.” I begged, he threw me the keys with a simper. The classic black 1967 Chevy Impala roared to life as Dean was about to give me instructions.
“No need,” I lifted a hand, “My dad didn’t take me to the shop everyday for nothing.” I glanced a smirk at Dean and rolled out of the lot, as the same time his eyes did.
We sat at a booth in the corner with a view out the window of Lebanon, Kansas’ streets starting to fill with cars rushing to and fro. Dean just stared out the window watching them pass by, I wanted to know what he was thinking. I wanted to be a part of his thoughts so he wouldn’t torture himself with his imagination. 
“Hey, what’s up. What are you thinking?” I tilted my head a little to attempt to get into his peripheral vision. He just steadily lowered his head down, resting his cheek upon his shoulder. I knew he was going to say something, that’s his ‘about-to-say-my-deep-thoughts’ look.
“I don’t know,” He shrugged his shoulders, “I guess I just can’t stop thinking about Sam, and how if he was here he’d be telling us to get up and do our jobs.” He raised his voice pausing at the end waiting on himself to say his next sentence. I knew he was aggravated with the circumstances right now but, he loves his job more than any human being ever could.
We work together in this line of business, hunting down what really does lurk in the night. Monsters. Saving people, hunting things that’s our business. I guess the title sounds a bit more larger-than-life than what it really is. We move from cheap hotel room to the next, looking for cases of mysterious deaths or occurrences in towns, mainly the small ones. We don’t even get paid, not even a thank you, lucky if I even get called crazy. It’s not a job most realistic people set out to maintain, but it’s a job. And hey, someone needs to do it, and we’re the best for it.
“But, if I had just been two seconds earlier he actually could be sitting right here,” He pointed next to him, “If I had just-” I decided to end his self torturing.
“No, Dean you do not have the right to beat yourself up about this! It’s not your fault, we just need to be more careful and prepared next time. And we will go on hunts, and we’re still going to look for him. We’re going to find Sam, don’t worry, we are going to get him back. So stop beating yourself up and be the guy that I know and love.” I placed my hand over his folded in front of him and just gave him my once again head tilt but with a sweet smile, to show him he’s important to me. Once our hands were tangled together, he finally looked up at me and into my eyes. The waitress brought out two steaming plates of apple pie slices that we ordered when we walked in the door. His eye twinkle was back again. I couldn’t help but just smile at him like a mom does when their kid is laughing and playing. Falling all over again. He was going for the fork and didn’t bother putting down a napkin, I put my hand out stopping him from scooping up a huge apple slice. He looked up at me like I just took away his new Christmas toys and told him to visit with family. I couldn’t help it but laugh. “Dean, it’s steaming hot, you’re going to get excited, take a bite, realize it’s 1000 degrees and spit it out, maybe shed some tears.”
“What’s wrong with that?” It took him a minute to realize I made a joke of him, “And hey! I don't cry, and if I did they’d be man tears.” He puffed out his chest like he was attempting to impress me. And sure enough I caught him huffing on the hot bite he just shoveled into his gorgeous mouth.
“Okay whatever you say, Man Tears.” I said jokingly, starting to blow on mine.
The pie was gone after two more slices, it even looks like he licked the plate entirely clean, they might not need to wash it. Dean leaned back resting his hands on his flat stomach, ”God, I’m stuffed.” He released a huff of breath filling the air with an apple pie scent. I felt so full, I was about to take a nap right there in the booth.
We walked to the car, interlocking arms from devouring so much pie the force of sleep was overpowering. I offered to drive the 4 minutes back to the motel where the dense mattresses were, but he wanted to. So I let him drive his pride and joy. 
He unlocked the room with the rusted key and pressed firmly against the door so it would budge. We didn’t need to flip the lights on because the sun had a perfect shine right into the curtains leaving fairy dust in the air. The police scanner was going off with sheriffs ranting on about a Code 6, 44, and 24. It seemed Dean knew exactly what they were saying, I definitely needed a brush up on my scanner codes. All I could understand was 44, it meant kidnapping. He threw the pie we brought back for later on the table and grabbed the duffle bag from under his bed. He grabbed the radio and pushed me back into the car. “10-7, We’re 20 minutes till the abandoned barn off of Lincoln Road. Code 77, Out.” Dean had heard every word and disguised numbers and knew what was happening while he threw the bag in the back seat and rushed the engine as quick as the keys could.
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Chapter 7- The Brave and the Bold
I do not own D.C Comics, and I only own my OC and my versions of the plots.
"Evie, you're still in Gotham, correct?" Diana asked me through my earpiece. I sat up in my chair and pushed the button to answer her.
"Yeah I'm down here," I said. "I was just about to leave to go back to the Watch Tower. Why?" Currently I was reading the newspaper, looking for any big events where a crime could take place. I was due to go up to the Tower for my monitor duties in about an hour.
"Good, stay down there. Green Lantern is heading to Central City, where there was a report of a stolen truck full of radioactive isotopes. Are you available to help him?" She asked.
"Sure, I can be there in 10 minutes," I said.
"Thanks Evie, it's much appreciated." Diana said.
"Yeah, sure," I said while tying the laces on my boots. There was a click on the other end, signaling she hung up. I threw my coffee mug into the sink and ran out to my fire escape and climbed up to the roof. From there I jumped onto my ice disc and flew towards Central.
Within ten minutes I was in the city's limits. I pressed my ear to activate my communicator. "Hey G.L, you there?"
"Yeah, I'm here. Head towards the bridge. It looks like Flash is chasing the stolen truck now," Green Lantern said.
"I'm on my way." I flew as fast as I could to get to the bridge, and just as I came up on it I saw the truck Flash was chasing drive over the edge. In a blur of red Flash had gotten in the truck and saved the two men from going into the water. I was about to try and stop the truck from hitting the water but G.L beat me to it.
"Lose something?" he asked, levitating the truck using his ring.
"I was handling it," Flash said, seeming a little offended that we had to step in and help him.
Green Lantern and I both looked over at the rest of the bridge and the small fire that was leaving a trail of smoke in the sky.
"So I see." Green Lantern said.
"What are you guys doing here?" Flash asked us.
"G.L is responding to a police call and I'm his back up," I said, floating down to stand next to Flash on the bridge.
Green Lantern followed and set the truck back onto a stable section of the bridge.
"Someone hijacked a load of radioactive isotopes." We opened the back of the van doors and saw containers that had the radioactive isotopes in radiation containers. Yikes, imagine what trouble they can cause if these things had gotten away.
"No wonder these guys were in such a hurry," Flash said picking up the two drivers by their collars. The man in the glasses started to stir, and he opened his eyes and seemed very confused as to where he was.
He blinked a few times and he let out a groan. "Oh…where am I?" He asked, rubbing his eyes, almost as if he had a headache. The other man Flash was holding stirred and woke up as well.
"You hijacked a truck and drove it off a bridge," Flash said setting the men down on their feet. "Any of this ringing a bell?" He asked, getting in the face of the dark haired man in glasses.
"What?" the man asked, sounding utterly confused. He looked around as if he would be able to find the answers written somewhere on the bridge. My gut was telling me that this man really had no idea what we were talking about.
"Before we start accusing them of anything, why don't we figure out who they are first?" I said, stepping forward, trying to relieve some of the tension that was mounting.
"Let's see some I.D," Green Lantern said. Using his ring he took the men's wallets from inside their jacket pockets. "Professor Arthur Chin and Dr. Mark Stevens," he read. "Both work at the River Bluffs Research Center where the isotopes were stolen from."
I raised my eyebrows, now I definitely knew they really didn't know what they were doing. I couldn't see these two respectable men who worked at such a high end research facility all of a sudden become truck hijackers. Just glancing over them I could tell they seemed genuinely scared.
"Man, and I feel guilty when I take paper clips from the watchtower," Flash said, crossing his arms across his chest.
"That's you? I can never find any when I need them," I said.
"Can you focus?" G.L glared at us. "Let's see if we can get to the bottom of this." We decided to call an ambulance to take the doctor and the professor to the hospital so they could be checked out and make sure there are no internal injuries that need to be taken care of. Once the ambulance left and workers started cleaning up the bridge, G.L put us in a green bubble and we made our way over to the research center.
The center sat alone on a cliff, facing the ocean. I thought it was a really nice and peaceful spot, that is, until I walked into the facility itself. The inside of the building was all painted steel grey, with no decorations or anything to make the office look nice. Once we were led to the actual laboratory the building became really unpleasant. The entire place was full of stainless steel counters that reflected off the harsh fluorescent lights, and the walls were lined with different cages filled with monkeys, some ranging from tiny ones that could fit in your palms to a giant gorilla, who sat sitting in his cage listening, as if he could understand us.
The scientist we were meeting was Dr. Sarah Corwin. She worked with both the professor and the doctor, but quite frankly, I didn't trust much of what she had to say. Her entire appearance was cold, she had bright blue eyes that were framed by dark rimmed glasses and dark hair that was pulled back in such a tight bun I though her forehead was going to tear into two. She wore a simple lab coat over a tight black dress.
"I'm sorry. I can't explain their behavior," Dr. Corwin said after we asked her what she knew about the professor and the doctor. "They're both highly respected experts in their fields," She continued saying.
"They certainly don't fit the profile of armed robbers," G.L said as he looked over their files. It sounded like he didn't believe what Dr. Corwin was saying, and quite frankly neither did I.
"To be fair, they've been under enormous pressure to finish their current project," Dr. Corwin said. "It's possible they simply snapped under the strain." I quirked an eyebrow and crossed my arms over my chest, having a bit of a hard time believing what this girl was saying. "I wish I could help you, but frankly this whole things seems…so preposterous."
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Flash walk over the cages to look at the monkeys.
"What exactly is their project on?" I asked. If these two guys, who had perfectly clean records, would resort to armed robbery as a way to deal with their stress then this project better be really important.
"That's classified information," Dr. Corwin said, grabbing the file out of Green Lantern's hands. I narrowed my eyes and glared at her.
Behind Dr. Corwin, flash walked over to one of the bigger cages where a fully grown gorilla was sitting. "Want one?" He asked the gorilla, offering him a banana that God knows where he got it from.
The Doctor turned around and saw Flash offering the gorilla a banana and her cheeks flushed a deep red. She stalked over and snatched the banana out of his hand, and pointed at a sign on the wall that said 'Do not feed the lab animals.'
Corwin seemed to compose herself. "If you'll excuse me, I have work to do." And with that, she turned around and walked out of the lab.
"She seems a bit suspicious, or is that just me?" I asked. Flash only shrugged his shoulders and we all turned and walked out the door.
"Are you staying with us Evie?" Green Lantern asked.
"Sure, I have nothing else to do today. Besides, I'm intrigued." I said, stepping outside and squinting my eyes from the sudden sun.
"Yeah, Evie wouldn't leave her favorite people behind, would she?" Flash said, throwing his arm over my shoulders. I rolled my eyes at his antics, and kept walking away from the facility.
After going to the lab we went back to Central City, looking for more leads in the investigation. That is, we would be investigating, if someone didn't get hungry. The second the three of us walked into the park, he got a whiff from a hot dog cart, and that was the end of that. He ran over to the cart, practically dragging me and G.L with him.
"We're supposed to be conducting an investigation." Green Lantern said, crossing his arms and looking very grouchy.
"Can I help it if I have a hyper accelerated metabolism?" Flash asked. "Besides, it's just a little snack," He said lifting up his entire armful of food.
"He has a point, Green bean," I said, nibbling on my own hot dog. Green Lantern only rolled his eyes and became even grouchier.
I looked up from my hot dog when I heard sirens in the distance and they were coming closer. "Uh-oh," I said, shoving the rest of my food into my mouth.
"Now what?!" Green Lantern said, obviously not liking another distraction. Suddenly, people started running from the direction the police car was going.
More and more people started running by us and we could hear part of what they were saying. "There's a gorilla on the loose!" One blonde man yelled.
"Did he just say gorilla?" I asked, not quite believing what I was hearing.
"I'm on it," Flash said, throwing all of his food at Green Lantern.
"Wait, I'll go…" Green Lantern started saying but Flash had already taken off.
"…with you." He finished. I looked at him, already jumping on an ice board.
"No worries Greenie, I'll help him." I said. I flew as fast as I could to try and catch up with him, but the speedster was too fast. I only was able to catch up to him when he stopped at the park and changed direction. I decided to follow the officers, incase anything serious happened and they needed help. The officers were wearing patrol gear and their swat gear.
It looked like they were chasing after something silver, but it moved too quickly for me to get a better look at it. By the time I flew around all the officers the silver thing was gone and all I could hear was the screeching of tires. I went over to the street and saw a man sitting on the ground.
"Sir, what happened?" I asked him, hovering a few feet above the pavement.
"I don't know, but something pulled me out of my car, it looked like a gorilla," He said, rubbing his head. Okay, he must have hit his head because as far as I know, gorillas can't drive cars.
I decided to follow the direction his car went anyway. After a few seconds of flying and dodging lampposts as fast as I could, I caught up with Flash, who was chasing a car…with a gorilla driving.
"Are you seeing this?" I yelled at him, trying to make my voice carry over the wind whipping in my face. Flash grabbed a rake and sped up, throwing the rake in front of the car, wrecking the tires. The car sped out of control and crashed against a dumpster and landed on its side.
I jumped off my disc and stood next to Flash. The gorilla leaned out of the car and landed on the ground.
"Easy, boy," Flash said, walking over and tried helping the gorilla and making sure I wasn't hurt. "We'll have you back behind monkey bars before you know it."
"Uhh, Flash, are you sure we should be going near him? He could, ya know, rip our faces off." I said, standing a few feet behind him.
Flash only shot me a look before putting his hands on the gorillas arm.
The gorilla rolled around and said, "Get your stinking paws off me you filthy human." That's right. The gorilla said that. Said! As in, speaking plain English. Flash and I both jumped back a few feet.
"Say what?!" Flash exclaimed.
"Did you slip something into my hot dog? Cause if not I may have hit my head on something," I said, staring wide eyed at the silver gorilla.
As we were standing there, there was a soft shooting noise and seconds later, electricity enveloped me and my body felt like it burst into flames. The pain was absolutely unbelievable, it felt like my body was on fire and being electrocuted at the same time. All I could do was scream, I couldn't move or feel anything other than the white hot pain.
I don't know how long the pain lasted, but it felt like forever. I remembered the day I got my powers, and the pain I felt when the chemical machine exploded. Then I saw myself, but it was like looking at myself from outside my body. I could see everything happening to me, but it wasn't me. I was walking along a hallway, but I was slowly melting onto the floor until I was a big puddle.
Suddenly I was in Gotham, flying around the city, when my body couldn't move. I was just stuck to my ice, until it started melting and I fell through. I was falling and falling until I saw a bright light at the bottom. As I fell through the light I landed on the ground and tried picking myself up, but I kept slipping.
I looked down at my hands and realized that I was see through, and cold. I was made of ice. I was finally able to stand up on my feet, and I was trying to think of what I could do next. I heard a noise, getting louder as it approached me. I looked up and saw that it was one of Batman's batarangs, and it was heading straight for my chest.
I tried to move but I couldn't, and the second the batarang hit me, I broke, shattering into a million ice shards.
I opened my eyes to see a bright white light right above me. I groaned and blinked, trying to make my eyes used to the light. Suddenly a face was over mine. "Hey, wake up," the man said. I looked at him, but only for a few moments as my head seemed to pound the longer I kept my eyes opened.
The man looked fairly old, probably around his late 50's. He had a neatly trimmed mustache and haircut that was a beautiful silver. He had piercing eyes that seemed to look right through you.
"C'mon, you're in my spot." He said. I sat up and looked around me, not recognizing where I was. I saw red out of the corner of my eye and saw Flash, he looked like he was slowly coming too.
As I looked around, I noticed more men were in the room with me, all wearing ratty clothes, and not looking like very nice people.
"Where am I?" Flash asked. He walked over to me and helped me up.
"I have no idea," I said, holding my head. There was a loud clanging noise and we looked at the front of the room, where there were metal bars.
"Flash, where the hell are we?"
On the other side of the bars were two men, one in uniform and the other a man wearing black pants, a tie, and a white dress shirt.
"You Justice League hotshots think you can do whatever you want," said the man, putting his hands on his hips and looking angry, quite angry. "Not in my city."
The officer stepped forward and put handcuffs on Flash and I.
"Hey!" I yelled. Flash tried protesting but he was cut off by, who I assumed, was a detective.
"Let's go, red. You too frosty."
Frosty? I thought, how rude.
"You've got a lot of explaining to do." He said. I was walking next to Flash and at this point I was seriously freaked out.
"Flash, what happened? All I remember was chasing the car with the gorilla in it," I whispered.
"I don't know, Evie. It'll all be okay. I'm sure," He said, being quite serious. That freaked me out the most, Flash being serious.
We were both taken to an interrogation room, where another man in a suit stood in the middle of the room, next to a table that had a really old t.v. on it.
"Sit!" The first detective said, pushing us into the two chairs at the table.
"Hey, easy. What did we do?" Flash yelled. The uneasy feeling in my stomach grew when the two men walked over to the t.v. and put in a VCR tape.
"This is a surveillance tape from the police impound," said the first detective. The screen flashed on and showed a surveillance feed of the truck that we stopped earlier that day. The back of the truck was open and the rest of the radioactive isotopes were still in the back. "See that stuff?" The detective said, pointing at the yellow barrels. "The isotopes from the robbery you two and Green Lantern broke up? Watch."
Flash and I sat there, looking at the screen. A few seconds passed and I noticed something different on the screen. Two barrels of the isotopes were gone.
"I don't understand," Flash said. The detective walked over and leaned between Flash and I.
"Too quick for you? Let's try the freeze frame." He said, rewinding the tape and pressing play again, this time in slow motion. The video showed Flash carrying one barrel of the isotopes…and I was flying next to him, carrying another one.
My heart quickened as I looked at the screen. What were we doing? I don't remember going back to the truck, let alone stealing the barrels.
"Recognize anybody?" He asked us. I glanced over to Flash and saw that he had the same look of disbelief on his face.
The detective walked over to the other side of the table and sat down. "Why'd you steal the barrels?"
"We didn't!" I exclaimed. "I mean, those are our bodies but we didn't know what we were doing."
The detective raised an eyebrow. "Oh, so you stole the barrels without knowing what you were doing?"
I wanted to face palm myself. "No, you're just twisting what we're saying."
The detective continued to glare at me some more, then he looked over at Flash. "Let's go over this again," He said.
"There's nothing to go over. We're innocent," Flash said, sounding even more frustrated than I was.
"So that's not you on the tape?" The detective asked.
"No. I-I mean, yes," Flash said, not quite sure how to explain what was on the tape. "I mean, I don't remember!"
"Where did you stash the isotopes?" The detective asked us yet again. It was pretty obvious he didn't believe us. I mean, why should he? We have only saved the world countless times, why wouldn't he treat us like criminals?
The blonde detective stepped forward, finally speaking up. "Just tell us your side. I'm sure the DA will understand. After all, you're a hero after all."
"Was a hero," the other detective said. "Forget his statement. We've got the tape."
"He's right. If you want to help yourself out, you got to do it now." The blonde detective said, walking over to the coffee pot and pouring himself a cup. Okay, now I'm done.
"Would you two quit the good cop, bad cop routine? If you're going to charge us with anything you would have by now. Just because you have the tape doesn't mean anything. I'd rather sit in jail then confess to something I wasn't responsible for, so you can take your tape and shove it." Flash stared at me, shocked by my outburst. Oops.
The detective across from me looked even meaner than he did before. I may have stepped over the line, just a little bit.
"I can't think," Flash said, thankfully breaking the shocked silence that had enveloped the room. "I'm tired, and hungry." He held his hands up to his face, almost like he had a headache.
"Maybe some coffee will help. How do you take it?" He asked, holding a mug of steaming, probably crappy, coffee.
"Cream and thirty seven sugars," Flash said, turning around to look at the blonde detective. I rolled my eyes.
When the detective turned around, obviously thinking he was joking, Flash said "No, really."
Suddenly the door opened and someone said the greatest sentence I had ever heard. "Put it in a paper cup. He'll be taking it to go." Dramatic and poetic? No. But it was still amazing to hear anyway.
Green Lantern walked into the room, holding a file in his hand. He threw the file on the table and the grouchy detective picked it up. "You actually posted bail for these lowlifes?" He incredulously asked.
"Hey!" I said. Excuse me, but I am not a lowlife.
"If they were really guilty do you think you could have held him here with a pair of handcuffs?" Green Lantern asked.
I smirked and took some moisture out of the air and used it to make water and put it over the handcuffs. Then I froze it and pulled my hands apart, the freezing cold easily snapping the metal.
Flash had already gotten his off and was twirling it around his fingers. Green Lantern led the way and we walked out of the department. I was pretty quiet, since I could sense that Lantern wasn't happy.
Once we walked outside, Flash was the first to speak. "Thanks for sticking up for us in there." *SMACK*
"Ow!" Flash said, rubbing the back of his head after Lantern slapped him.
"What were you thinking?" He yelled at him.
"I wasn't thinking anything," Flash yelled back. I just stayed where I was on the stairs and hoped that if I didn't move neither of them would notice me.
"Obviously," Lantern said as he started walking down the street.
I followed a fairly safe distance behind them, close enough where I could hear them but far enough I wouldn't be in range of a head slap.
"Look, if we wanted the third degree, we would have stayed in there."
Oh no, don't drag me into this argument.
"Like we told 'em, we don't remember." Flash continued. I decided now was the time for me to speak up.
"Alright, let's start with the last thing you do remember," Lantern said, continuing his fast paced walk.
"Look G.L, the last thing I actually remember is seeing you in the park and then flying off. Everything after that was just a weird acid trip." I said, remembering the visions I saw before I woke up.
"Yeah…after we caught the gorilla it told me that…" Flash said but he was cut off by Lantern.
"The gorilla talked to you?" Boy, did Lantern look at us like we were crazy.
"Yeah, it did!" I said, coming to Flash's aid. "It called us filthy humans. I mean, for a talking gorilla he was kind of rude."
Flash glanced at me and was trying to fight a smile. "She's right. It talked right after we stopped his car."
We had stopped walking and Lantern was full on glaring at us. "And I'm supposed to believe this?"
"Hey, we all got a Martian's phone number on our speed dial," Flash said.
"Yeah, we should get a benefit of the doubt here," I said. Lantern must have realized we were right, albeit he still looked a little skeptical.
"Let's check it out. Together this time." Lantern powered up his ring and flew behind Flash, who had already whisked away.
"Hey!" I called. I jumped on my ice disc and flew after them.
The three of us went back to the park where the original call came in, where the gorilla was on the loose. When we got there we saw there were still police in the area, apparently the gorilla wasn't caught.
"Looks like he's still at large," Flash said, once he stopped running.
"Or maybe he made like a banana…and split." I said.
Flash chuckled and we followed behind Lantern, who was using his ring to look for any clues about where the gorilla had gone to. Flash went looking in the bushes and I went on the other side of the sidewalk, looking for footprints or fur of any kind.
"Wait. I've got something," Lantern said. We walked over to him and saw that his ring was illuminating a giant footprint, of what I assumed, was made by a gorilla. He raised his ring and his beam of light followed a trail of gorilla prints.
"Of course the prints would lead to a dark tunnel. Why wouldn't they lead to, oh I don't know, somewhere bright and cheerful?" I grumbled. We all walked towards the tunnel and Lantern lit it up with light.
Standing in front of us was a silver gorilla standing on its legs. He was so tall that his head was practically scraping the ceiling. Did I mention that he didn't look happy to see us?
He let out an enormous roar that shook the tunnel and he started beating on his chest. "Oh no," I squeaked. Suddenly Green Lantern used his ring to zap the gorilla back, and sent him tumbling out of the cave. He sat up and instead of fighting back, he just sat on the ground.
"Was that really necessary?" He asked.
"I don't know, was scaring us really necessary?" I muttered. I followed Flash and Lantern as they walked out of the tunnel and closer to the gorilla.
"Okay, so he can talk." Duh, Lantern. That's what we've been trying to tell you. "Who are you?" He asked.
The gorilla stood up and walked over to us. "My name is Solovar," He said. "I'm chief of security for Gorilla City."
"Gorilla City?" Flash asked him, disbelief written all over his face. "You have got to be kidding."
"I assure you this is no laughing matter." Solovar said.
"Go on." Lantern told him.
"Safely hidden from humanity, we apes have lived in peace for thousands of years," Solovar said, looking up at the moon. "Until the black day when a power-mad genius named Grodd tried to conquer our city with advanced mind control technology." Well, that explains the doctor and professor from earlier, along with Flash and I, I thought. "We were able to thwart his evil plot but we couldn't prevent his escape. It wasn't until later that we discovered he had also stolen our city's security plans. Grodd has sworn terrible revenge on all who reside in Gorilla City."
Great, a power hungry gorilla wants to destroy a city full of other super smart gorillas. Why exactly are we being involved in it?
"So that's why you're here?" Flash asked him.
"Yes," Solovar growled. "To stop him from carrying out his threats."
"If it's true he has a mind control device that could explain the isotope thefts, and your memory loss," Lantern said, looking between me and Flash.
"He needs those isotopes to power his devices," explained Solovar.
"Alright, so where is Grodd?" I asked. Solovar stepped away and towards a bush behind him. Well, I thought it was a bush. As soon as he came closer to it, the bush disappeared and a bike took its place. Well, not just any bike, but a super fool futuristic bike.
"My investigation showed that Grodd had been carrying on an e-mail correspondence with a local scientist, Dr. Sarah Corwin." Solovar said, handing Green Lantern some papers out of a gold case.
"I knew there was something weird about that lady." Flash said.
"I hate to say it, but I totally told ya so." I said, crossing my arms in front of my chest. I didn't like her from the start, and now I have actual reason not to like her.
"We better call the others." Lantern said.
"Why?" Flash asked. "You think we can't handle one dumb old gorilla, no offense." He said turning to Solovar. "It'll be a piece of cake." I actually face palmed my head.
"Could you not insult the bad gorilla in front of another gorilla?" I asked him, elbowing him in his ribs. "I would like my arms to remain in their sockets." I turned to Solovar, "No offense."
And, for the second time that day Flash ran off, leaving the rest of us in the dust. I learned my lesson for the day, I stayed behind with Lantern.
"He's very fast." Solovar said.
"Yeah," Lantern said, obviously sounding displeased. "What were you gonna say?"
Solovar picked something up from the gold container in his hands. "These headbands will protect us from Grodd's ray." He held up a thin silver band that had a circuit board on the inside of it.
"Do you happen to have one in black?" I asked. The gorilla only looked at me and I scrunched my nose a bit. "Alright, silver it is." I took the band and out it on my head but under my ponytail. I felt a bit ridiculous.
"We'd better catch the kid before he gets into any more trouble." Lantern said, putting his headband on.
Solovar told us that he believed Grodd was back in Dr. Corwin's lab, so that's where we headed. We got to the building we assumed Flash had already gotten there. Lantern flew up to a window to see if he could see anything. "Great, Flash is out cold and Grodd is in there with Corwin." He called down to us.
I pulled my staff off my hip and extended it. "Hey G.L, you got the wall?" I called up to him. He floated down and nodded. Using his ring he blasted a giant hole in the wall and we all stepped through.
"Don't move, Grodd." Solovar said, holding up a gun. I winced a little bit at that, I really hate guns.
The black gorilla stood up to his full height, and I saw he was wearing a gold helmet on his head. "Solovar, you're a fool to come here." He said.
"You can't control us while we're wearing these." Solovar said, gesturing to the headbands.
I looked over at Flash and saw he wasn't wearing a band. Oh, no. Please don't let Grodd notice, please don't let Grodd notice, I chanted in my head.
"Actually, I wasn't thinking of controlling you," He said. Oh great, he noticed. The red button on Grodd's helmet glowed red, and Flash sat up, wearing an uncharacteristic scowl on his face. "Destroy them."
Flash immediately went over to Solovar and quickly threw a punch, strong enough to knock the gorilla down.
I jumped on an ice disc and rose up to the ceiling, trying to get out of the way and think of a way to stop Flash. Lantern used a force field to prevent Flash from hitting him, but Flash only bounced back and grabbed the gun that Solovar had dropped.
"Flash, snap out of it!" Lantern yelled. Flash must have noticed me because he shot up towards me, hitting my board and shattering the ice. I started to fall, but I was quick enough to grab onto the ceiling beam. I swung myself up and crouched on it, trying to protect myself from the blasts.
Flash was distracted from me and turned his attention to Lantern. I looked over and saw that Grodd and Dr. Corwin were escaping. I made another disc and flew down and chased after them. They got to the door, but I froze it shut.
"Hey monkey breath! Don't move." I yelled. Grodd turned to me and looked furious. "Oh, I wasn't talking to you." I said, and looked over at Corwin, indicating I was talking about her. Grodd looked even more furious. He picked up a piece of concrete that had fallen during the fight and threw it at me. I put up and ice shield but the force was too much and it threw me back. When I sat up, Grodd and the doc had already left.
I walked back over to Lantern and saw him standing over Flash, who was out cold. "You guys okay?" I asked.
"I am, Flash…not so much." He said. I could already see a bruise forming on Flash's face. Ouch.
Solovar and Lantern ran through a door and I stayed behind with Flash, who started groaning and stirring a little bit. A few minutes later I heard a really loud buzzing coming from the other room of the lab. I stood up and walked towards it when I saw a bright yellow light coming.
I ran over and put Flash and I into a strong ice sphere, but the second the light touched it, it melted. The light hit us and it felt like a really weird prickling sensation, almost like my entire body had fallen asleep and I had pins and needles everywhere. As quickly as the light came, it vanished and I collapsed on the floor.
I woke up, with yet again, another small headache. I groaned and rolled over on my back to see G.L and Solovar standing there.
"Good, you're awake." G.L said, lending a hand to help me up. I took it and he hauled me off the ground.
"Geez, what happened?" I asked, rubbing my temples.
"We don't know."
"Well that's comforting," I snapped. Lantern only gave me a look. "Sorry."
Flash was laying a few feet next to me, groaning.
"The mind control, is he still…" Lantern started to ask Solovar.
"No. This should protect him." He said, walking over to Flash putting a band around his head.
Within seconds Flash sat up, now wide awake. "Who? What? Where?" He spluttered, trying to get a grip on his surroundings. We all looked down at him, hoping he would remember what happened. "Oh, man, not again." Flash said, rubbing his head. "What did I miss?" He muttered.
G.L only put out his hand and helped pull Flash off the ground. "That dumb, old gorilla got away." G.L said, referring back to what Flash called Grodd only an hour before.
"Go ahead, rub it in." I looked at Flash, then back at Green Lantern.
"There isn't anything to rub in. It could have happened to any of us. No hard feelings, right G.L?" I said, giving him a pointed look. He only sighed and shook his head.
"This time, we're getting some backup." He said. He reached up to his comm and called the Watchtower. "Green Lantern to Watchtower. Watchtower, come in." He waited a few seconds to see if he got a response. "My comm link's off line."
Flash and I both reached up to check ours, and lo and behold, mine only gave a small static noise, and nothing else could be heard. "Same here." I said.
"And for good reason." Solovar said, walking over to the opening in the wall. We all followed him and saw the city was still there, but there was a haze in the sky. It was moving, and I assumed it was a shield or something.
"Man, what is that?" Flash asked the silver gorilla.
"It's just like the shield that protects my city." Solovar said. "Nothing can get in…"
"Or out." I said, finishing his sentence. Great, now we have no way to contact the team and let them know where we are.
"Unless I can shut down the generator." Green Lantern said. We all raced into the back room where the light came from and saw the generator was still running. It was a giant ball of light that was being held in the air. Lantern held up his hand and used his ring to try and penetrate the light, which would cause the shield to go down.
His green light only hit a shield surrounding the generator and created a bright light, but it didn't do anything more than that.
"Not even a scratch." Flash said.
"Gorilla technology is highly advanced." Solovar said.
"Yeah, no kidding," I said, still in awe over the generator.
"Come, let's find Grodd." Solovar said, leading us out of the room.
"Are we sure we want to go back and find the crazy, super smart, mind controlling gorilla?" I asked. And as usual, I didn't get an answer. "Right, good plan everyone."
"Oh relax Evie, we can handle him again." Flash said.
"Again? We didn't handle him a first time." I said. He thought about it for a second before accepting that I was right. We walked out of the building and into the rest of the city. Except it didn't feel much like a city. It was dead quiet, with not a single person out walking, well, except for the four of us.
"Weird, am I the only one creeped out here?" Flash asked, sensing that the city was too quiet. "Where is everyone?"
"Nope, I don't like it either." I said.
"Perhaps the shield frightened them." Solovar said.
"Could be, but usually when a city looks this empty flesh-eating zombies are involved." Flash said.
"Seriously? You just had to say that? I swear to God, Flash, if I see a zombie I'm whooping your butt." I said, taking out my staff.
"You two watch too many movies." Lantern grumbled.
"Shh! Listen." Solovar said, sticking his arm out so we stopped walking. We could hear voices, lots of voices. And they didn't sound too happy.
"Well, the apocalypse has started…I call Batman on my team." I said. Lantern rolled his eyes and Flash chuckled. We hurried closer to the sound and saw a giant mob gathered in the amphitheater, staring at a screen that had a live feed of Grodd on it.
Grodd raised his arms above his head and the crowd did the same, screaming and cheering for him. "We're too late. They're already under his control." Solovar said.
"Uh, how many of these headbands you got left?" Flash asked him.
"Two." He said, simply.
"That's not gonna be enough." Flash said, eyeing the mob up. We pushed our way through the crowd up towards the front. Grodd silenced the crowd and began to speak.
"People of Central City, the age of hairless simple-minded humanity is over. Today, a new age dawns. Today, Grodd rules." He finished and the crowd erupted around us.
"Guys, we have to figure out a way to snap them out of this." I said, hoping that no one would realize we weren't cheering.
"Humans are slow, ugly, immoral, and have an unpleasant body odor."
"Hey! Who are you calling slow?" Someone yelled from the crowd. It took me a second to realize that that someone was Flash.
"What are you doing?" I hissed at him as the people around us became silent and looked at us.
"Flash, don't heckle the supervillain." Lantern scolded.
"We don't have to listen to this."
"Humans are inferior creatures," Grodd continued, thankfully he hadn't heard Flash. "fit only to serve at my whim. But after Gorilla City falls, you will be the paving the stones on which I will build my new empire!"
"Hey, monkey boy, why don't you go climb a skyscraper?" Flash yelled, even louder than before. Great.
Grodd must have finally noticed us. "Intruders! Destroy them!"
We all made a circle and had our backs towards one another. "Couldn't keep your big mouth shut, could you?" Lantern asked him.
The people just kept coming closer and closer, and I didn't know what to do. Yeah, they were trying to destroy us, but they still were civilians. I can't just go and punch them in the face.
"We need some breathing room." G.L flew up and created a trench around us, forcing the people in the mob to slow down in order to get to us. "Make yourselves scarce, I'm going after Grodd." He said and flew up into the sky.
People started climbing the trench, and they were doing it pretty quickly. "We need to do something." I gathered some water from my staff and coated the inside of the trench with it, then froze it, making a solid sheet of ice. One man started slipping down the ice, and they were having trouble getting a good grip.
Suddenly, two girls that Flash knew (I don't even want to know how) started throwing rocks at us. I put up some ice to deflect them off of me and started making ice in the trench thicker, so it would be harder to climb up.
Suddenly an explosion went off above us and we saw guards aiming missiles at G.L. "Would you excuse me?" Flash said, leaving me and Solovar on the mound surrounded by a mob. We kept trying to keep the mob away without using too much force, but it became too much.
"Flash is coming back, you stay here and I'll go with Lantern." I told Solovar. Before he could respond I was already on an ice disc and flying up. I flew next to G.L and he was frantically looking around. "What's wrong?"
"Grodd got away. We need to meet up with the others." Lantern said, sounding disappointed. Lantern used his ring to follow Flash and Solovar's trail and we found them in an alleyway a few blocks away from the mob.
"Grodd got away again." Lantern said, interrupting the conversation Flash and Solovar were having. "But if he used his rocket bike, my ring can follow his trail."
"I've gotta get me one of those." Flash said.
"What would you need a bike for? You're already fast. If anything, the bike would slow you down." I asked, putting my staff away and making step back onto an ice disk.
"Yeah…but I would look cool. Besides, chicks dig guys on bikes." Of course. Flash is thinking about how attractive he would be. What else is new?
Lantern used his ring to follow the trail of Grodd and the rest of us followed behind him. We had travelled a few miles before I recognized where we were at. "Isn't this near the military base?" I asked.
"Yeah, and the trail is heading directly towards it." Lantern said.
"Great, a crazy monkey with a genius level IQ and mind control technology went to a military base where they store military grade weapons. Could this day get any better?" I said.
"Yeah, we could have zombies." Flash added to my little rant.
"Enough you two." Lantern said, landing next to Grodd's motor bike. Well, looks like we are finally here. "He must be inside."
"Okay, so what's the plan-" I started to ask, but a movement out of the corner of my eye stopped me. The guard came out, and pointed gun at us.
"Stop, in the name of Grodd." He yelled before shooting at us.
"I thought the saying was 'Stop in the name of love'." I yelled over the shots. Solovar jumped over to the soldier and knocked him out with one swing. If only I could do that, my days would be ten times easier.
"Hurry, before Grodd finds out we're here." Solovar called back to us, before he broke the barrier. Suddenly a loud alarm started blaring, and I thought it was the intruder alarm going off.
"Something tells me they already know we're here." Flash said. I started to agree, until I actually listened to the alarm carefully. Wait, I know that sound. I could feel the color draining from my face as I realized what the sound was.
"No, that's a launch alert." G.L said, confirming my fear. I don't know how I could forget about that noise, I used to hear them all the time when I was in the military.
Suddenly four missiles were blasted off from their launch pads and shot into the air. "Guys, those are nukes." I said, immediately recognizing the shape and designs of them. I looked at Lantern and a mutual understanding was passed between us.
"Evie and I will go after the missiles. You stop Grodd!" Lantern yelled, already soaring towards the missiles. I jumped on a disk and shot after him.
"G.L, we have to get the control out from the middle of the rocket, it's the only way not to set it off!" I called to him, trying to make my voice heard over the rushing of the wind past my ears. We each caught up to one of the rockets and went on either side of it.
Lantern used his ring to cut a square right where the detonator was, and I used my water to slash through the wires, rendering the missile useless, just before it caught fire in the air and flew down to the ocean. Well, one down, three to go, I thought.
We caught up to the second one and did the same thing, taking out the control box and exploding the rocket before it hit land. We looked back at the rocket just in time to see it explode, but a piece of metal flew off in hit G.L right in the face, rendering him unconscious and sending him straight to the ground.
"Lantern!" I screamed. I glanced up at the other two rockets, but decided I needed to save G.L before he became a green pancake. I surfed through the air as fast as I could, trying to get to him but he was too fast. I gathered my water from my staff and sent it around him, creating a platform of ice for him to fall onto. He woke up right as he hit it.
"Are you okay?" I asked, making sure he didn't break anything in the fall down. "Let's just go." He said, taking off at super speed. I followed him, going faster than I ever had before.
"NO. I'm too late!" Lantern said, seeing the missiles almost make it to the city. I thought for a second, before thinking of something really stupid.
"Make a slingshot and throw me." I said.
"What?" He asked, looking at me like I was crazy.
"Just do it!" I yelled, seeing the missiles get closer to the city. Lantern actually listened to me, and he made a giant slingshot out of his ring energy and put me in it.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
"Nope." This is the dumbest thing I have ever done, but there is no way we would make it there in time just by flying. I've always wondered how fast a bullet traveled, and I think I just found out. I flew through the air, catching up to the missile in seconds.
As I entered the airspace around the town I saw that J'onn had already taken out the detonator in one missile, and Diana was trying to stop the other half of a missile that Hawkgirl had broken in half. I may not like her, but I knew it was the right thing to help her.
I flew down and grabbed the back of the missile while Diana was trying to push the front. I used all the water I had around me and froze it to the edges of the missile and pulled the ice up. I couldn't tell if it was helping or not, but I had to at least try something.
We were heading to the ground, after crashing through a couple buildings. I was pulling with all my might and I kept putting more ice and water around it, pulling every molecule up and trying to relieve the force.
I felt the missile hit the ground, with Diana holding the front of it. Which was great, except that meant the back flew up…and hit me in the face. The edge came up and cracked me in the forehead. I lost concentration and my ice melted, which meant that all the pull from the back end was lost. The missile came apart and the back end was thrown up, and since I was still holding onto the edge, I was catapulted through the air, and landed on the ground.
As if that wasn't enough the entire piece of missile rolled right over top of me. It was completely dark and my ears were ringing. I tried lifting the metal off me but I was in no way strong enough. That seemed more like a Superman worthy job. I thought I could hear yelling, but my ears felt like they were clogged with cotton, it was all muffled.
There was a loud groan coming from the metal moving and there was a sliver of light. I reached my hand over to the edge of the missile where the light was coming from and felt someone grab my hand. Still disoriented from hitting my head I tried to crawl my way over but my legs were stuck. Suddenly a green light enveloped the missile and the hand that had grabbed me lifted underneath my arm and dragged me out.
I blinked at the sudden bright light and felt someone grab my face. …Evie…you…alright?" I blinked some more and saw that the person holding onto me was Batman. "Evie! Are you alright?" He asked again and I winced at just how loud his voice was.
"Why are you talking so loud?" I asked. He only looked at me, but his hands were still on my face. "Bats?" I whispered.
"You have a concussion." He said, dropping his hands from my face and standing up. I tried standing up only to fall back down again. Bats bent over and picked me up bridal style. Normally I would be throwing a fit, but between my head feeling like it was going to explode and the bruises and cuts that littered my body, I didn't worry about it.
Bats suddenly looked up suddenly and put me down. "I need to go help Diana." He said, before rushing off. I looked towards the direction he headed and saw the other half of the missile lying on the ground with no Diana in sight.
Bats slid down and started digging near the missile and I realized why. Diana was crushed underneath of it. I somehow managed to stand up and walk over next to J'onn. "Diana?" I weakly asked.
J'onn walked over after a minute and laid a hand on Batman's shoulder, signaling that there was nothing he could do. I just stared, tears filling my eyes. Just cause I didn't like her, doesn't mean I wanted her to die. I mean, I should have done something more, I could have tried harder to stop the missile, I could have-
My thoughts were cut off by the sound of metal being lifted. I jerked my head up and saw Diana lifting the missile off of her and throwing it aside, with the detonator in hand. I let out a breath that I was holding and thanked whatever being there was that she was alright.
We all helped each other stand up on the ridge that was made by the missile and looked at the citizens of Gorilla City.
"The fates were kind today. Your city is safe." Diana told all of them. The gorillas al cheered as they learned their city was safe again. I was standing in between J'onn and Batman when I realized that I was starting to get a little dizzy. Not wanting to seem weak, I stood there, trying not to puke on all the happy gorillas.
I saw Diana shift and walk over to Batman and kiss him on the cheek after saying something to him. I would have laughed at his really red face, except I noticed the feeling inside of me. Now, I could blame this on the concussion, but when she kissed him I felt this burning in my stomach. Was I jealous? I mean, why should I be? We're all only friends. Right? Another wave of dizziness came over me and I couldn't take it anymore.
Sorry Bats, but I'm about to make you a little uncomfortable. I took a step sideways and put my head on his shoulder. I felt him immediately tense up at the close contact but I really didn't care. "What are you doing?" He asked, his voice sounding harsher than normal.
"I really don't feel good and the world is spinning, so just let this happen." I said, really quietly. His muscles relaxed a bit and he turned his body a bit so it wasn't so uncomfortable for me to lean on him.
"Evie, come on, we are going to one of the main buildings to talk with the, uh, silver gorilla…?" He trailed off, not quite sure what his name was.
"Oh, Solovar? He's nice." I said. I stood up straight and blinked a few more times.
"Are you good to walk?" Bats asked me.
"Yeah…I'm sure I'll be fine." I said, before taking a step and feeling no ground beneath my feet. Apparently in my concussed state, I didn't see the end of the trench right in front of me. Two hands grabbed my arms and pulled me back before I could fall on my ass, and probably concuss myself some more.
"Here." Bats said. He picked me up bridal style again and I started to protest before he stopped me. "Just let it happen Evie." I looked up at him for a second before shrugging and laying my head on his shoulder again. I had to hand it to the man, he was very comfortable.
We arrived at the building and walked in (or carried in) to see Flash, Solovar and another gorilla standing there waiting for us. "You can put me down now." I said. Bats gave me a look and he seemed a little reluctant to do so. "Seriously, I feel a bit better." He set me down gently and I wobbled a bit, but it was a definite improvement from the last time I tried to stand on my own feet.
"I'm sorry we misjudged you." The gorilla with the scar over his eye said to us. "We can never repay you for all you've done."
"No biggie." Flash said, taking most of the credit for himself. He deserved it though, after the day he had today. "What's gonna happen to Grodd?"
"I'll show you." Solovar said, leading us over to a cage on the side of the wall. "The feedback from his helmet completely wiped out his mind." Grodd was just sitting in the cage, holding a banana in one hand and pushing a tire swing with his other hand, a completely blank look on his face.
"I almost feel sorry for him." Lantern said. Yeah, I did too. I mean, sure he almost killed us but he just seemed so…empty now.
"You have my solemn word that he will receive the best of care." He turned and led us down the stairs and out the building.
I heard Flash and G.L talking in the back but my head was hurting too much to understand it. "Can we just go home now?" I mumbled.
Bats put a hand on my shoulder and led me towards his jet. "I'll take you back to the Watchtower now and get you fixed up."
"Don't you have to go back to Gotham?" I asked, gently sitting in the jet.
"It can wait until tomorrow night. You need to fix your head first."
We took off and I leaned my head against the window.
"Thanks, by the way." I said.
"For what?"
"Helping me after the missile landed."
He was quiet for a few minutes, and I thought he was just going to ignore me. "You really should be more careful. You're lucky you weren't killed." He said, and I was thankful he was keeping his voice quiet.
I continued looking out the window and I noticed we were seeing stars now. "Are we almost there? I'm tired." I hated how I sounded like a little kid, but my head was hurt and I was getting tired.
"Yeah, just hold on." He said, landing the jet. He helped me out of the jet and walked into the Watchtower. We were walking for a few minutes but I wasn't paying attention to where we were going. I just assumed we were going to the med bay.
"How are you feeling?" He asked me.
"A little better, why?" I asked looking at him.
"Just wanted to make sure you won't drown." He said with a smirk on his face.
"Whait…what?" I said and I looked around and realized that we were in the pool room. Then, the Bat pushed me in the pool. I landed with a splash and I sunk to the bottom. I immediately felt better and I watched my cuts and bruises heal. I popped up to the surface to see Bats standing above the pool, with an actual smile on his face. A smile, might I add, that looked very familiar, but I couldn't quite place it.
"Feeling better?" He asked.
"Much. My head still hurts but it isn't as bad, and I'm still tired." I said, climbing out of the pool. I took the water off me and threw it back into the pool.
"You should still sleep here tonight, just in case something happens. Someone will be here to help you."
He was probably right, but it still sucked I couldn't go home. "Yeah, you're right." I said, walking towards the bedrooms. I felt like a zombie. My eyes were half closed and I was stumbling around. I thought it was a little weird that Bats was still following me, but I didn't say anything other than a few mumbled words that he couldn't make out. He followed me into the room and I took off my jacket and my boots, and sat on my bed.
"You sure you're okay?" He asked me again.
"I'm fine Batsy. Be careful, you ask too many questions people will think you actually aren't that scary." I teased. He smirked a bit and leaned up against the door frame. "Thanks again for everything." I said, climbing under the blanket and closing my eyes.
"Just get some sleep Evie." Bats said quietly.
The last thing I remember was closing my eyes and mumbling, "Night Bruce."
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diarybutablog · 4 years
Yesterday I had an amazing day!
I’m sorry I didn’t post anything since May but I really felt like I didn't had time to post anything and many things happened and I'll try to write the most important things in the other posts and now I'll try to say what happened yesterday.
The day before yesterday my father told me and my brother to got to sleep before midnight so we could wake up early. He wanted to go with us on a trip to Brighton because i wanted a comic from a Graphic Novel Shop that was there near the train station and also go somewhere to eat. Yesterday I woke up at 11 AM and he wanted to go with us on 10 AM… ALRIGHT. He opened our door to our room (i live with my younger brother in the same room in UK) and just said "So we're not going to Brighton?". To which i responded "Hello :>"… I guess he didn't like that because he just closed the doors. I waited in my room scrolling through Reddit on my laptop and seeing the same jokes reused with different images. I saw a meme where someone said the if you add Mr Bean to anything it will automatically become funny. It was so stupid that I felt weird because I wanted to chuckle for a moment when I saw this stupid picture.
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Suddenly 12 AM came on a clock and I decided to dress up. After I did that I went and washed my hair. I think I was washing it for really long because I came out of the bathroom an hour later. I decided to go to the main room.
It’s not living room because it’s too small.
My dad was as always on his phone on Facebook when I came out of bathroom and I told him that I am hungry so I made myself two toasts, one with butter and pate, and the second with pepper cream. I ate them and drank some soda. My stomach hurt because I don’t usually drink sodas. Anyways, my dad told me that we could go together without my younger brother because he's asleep, so we did. My dad bought 4 tickets for us. Each one of us had one for return and one for going onward. My dad was telling me to keep the tickets somewhere like my right back pocket so i won't lose it heh. When we were riding we discussed Poland and UK as well. After the gossip about horror and thriller movies we arrived. First we went on an expedition to find the Graphic Novel Shop to buy me a comic book but so we were walking and walking and… we found it.
(Kinda i did it because my dad was totally lost)
I was broke but my dad had some to buy me a gift up to 20 pounds. I was searching around and found some cool comic books like the ones about Scott Pilgrim and based on D&D. Also i saw the 13th volume of a series called Giant Days which chapters are called troubles.
(I don't know why they call them troubles heh)
After searching for a while i noticed the comic section called LGBT and i wanted to check if something interesting was there AND THERE WAS! I really liked She-Ra and the Princesses Of Power and I noticed a book written by it’s creator Noelle Stevenson which is called The Fire Never Goes Out: A Memoir in Pictures.
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It’s basically her diary but she adds her doodles and thoughts to it. I highly recommend it to anyone and I think I might do a Twitter thread describing my day but that’s not important now and probably won’t happen. I also saw a little comic book that was about tweets from our lovely Donald J. Trump but ilustrated as satirical pictures.
Basically boomer humor.
I showed it to my dad and he told me kindly that he wasn't interested in buying that for himself or for anyone. After that me and my dad came out of the store and we went to get something to eat for dinner but… my dad wanted to buy a bag and something to put a gift in. We were walking around the stores and he was stopping like every 5 SECONDS to check the next store and see if they sell something to put a gift in. We entered the Pride Shop or something like that and I wanted to buy the mug that was on the exhibition which presented Batman and Superman kissing. Also I was looking at the pride flags and pride pins but I didn’t give any signs about them to my dad because I don’t want him yet to know that I’m trans, or I think I am. When my dad was coming to these shops, I was coming with him to some of them, but if I wasn’t I was just standing outside waiting for for. In one of them there was a Moomins Handbag which I really wanted but my dad told me that he only would buy it if it costed up to 3 pounds but it was worth 8 so I didn’t get it… When I left the Moomins Handbag store I heard and saw two goth kids coming right beside me and I only heard them say that the girl in this conversation had a Moomin faze and collected everything related to Moomins… 
Does that mean that I’ll become a goth kid as well?
We were looking for a place to eat for a couple of minutes and I noticed a place where last year I saw a dude that was playing drums very nicely and it was cool to listen to him. We didn’t stay there for long because we still went to the restaurant to eat something but before we went there a random lady gave FREE COOKIE ICE CREAM to us! While I was walking I held my book without it’s cover because it’s pink and I don’t really wanna go out with pink stuff because I feel like I am showing too much of my secret side with this color. Me and my dad ate these ice creams before we went inside the restaurant but my dad got angry because instead of physical menu to pick up we had to scan the QR code but he was too much NOT FRIENDS WITH TECHNOLOGY that he just came out of the restaurant and I went after him. We were walking and found a pizzeria that we went to last year and ordered two pizzas. Before we got our pizzas we got plates filled with olives, potatoes with onions and cream, eggplant parts and some weird green vegetable.
(Probably a zucchini slices)
Also I got apple juice with 4 ice cubes in it and my dad got one beer like a dad. We were eating our pizzas peacefully and suddenly something amazing happened. A obese young adult lady with red dyed hair FUCKIN’ stole my pizza and tried to run away… and she did, but one of the stuff workers chased her and saw her coming into another pizzeria and… did the same thing, but the whole thing wasn’t only STEALING MY PIECES but also taking someones pizza slice and throwing it at them, scratching one of the stuff ladies arm and when leaving this pizzeria blocking the exit doors and not letting the stuff member that was chasing her leave the restaurant. Instead of being sad because someone took my pizza I started to laugh under my nose quietly so others wouldn’t notice. My dad only saw my smirk and asked me if I feel alright and I said „I think it’s the most entertainment I had in UK so far”. I think I kinda understand why this woman took MY piece of pizza. It was probably because me and my dad sat on the seats next to the exit so it was easier for the crazy lady to take something that was near exit than at the back of the restaurant. One of the stuff members came and told us „I’m sorry but these FUCKING… I mean stupid people will not bother you anymore”. After that she left with the rest of my pizza and gave me a new one FOR FREE! I ate the one piece and we asked the stuff to help us pack the pizza to take it outside so they gave us a pizza box to take with us. My dad before coming out of the store with me asked the Scratched Girl if everything is fine and she said that it’s just a scratch and also asked where were we from, so my dad said „We’re from Poland” and she said „Well… I’m from Russia”. I have no idea what was the rest of their conversation but my dad made a joke that the EASTERN EUROPE was being attacked. If I was good from history I would make a historical joke or a meme now, but I’m not… so not joke for today. Before we left police came to check if everything was ok, but they weren’t stopping us from leaving so we… left. On the way back we were looking at the city of Brighton and right at the train station my dad checked if he had his train ticket and… IT WAS GONE! My dad started to panic but had an idea how to fix this problem. He took his ticket receipt and tried to show it to the woman that was standing next to the ticket receiver. Surprisingly it worked and we waited for our train. When our train came my dad wasn’t sure if it was the right one so he asked me to ask the conductor if we’re in the right one and he said that we were in a right one.
When we were heading back to Hastings I decided to start reading Noelle’s book. It was very touching and nice to read. When we arrived to Hastings I was on the 132nd page and I had to close it for a moment and when we came back home I needed to use a toilet and also I used this situation so I could continue reading this amazing book. I finished the entire 194 paged book in a day but everyone probably would do that. After finishing reading it I wanted to tell my friends about my day because I think it was great. After telling some of my friends how was my day I decided to eat my supper and watch with my dad the second episode of Beastars. My dad did like this episode and the whole show. We watched it because we made a small tradition while I am in UK. One day I read one chapter of one of my Warrior Cats books, and the other day we watch a singe episode of Beastars. After all of that I decided to sit and write my day down as a Tumblr Blog post.
Thank you for reading my summery of my day. 08.08 was an amazing day I probably won’t forget because of this post and maybe because I told my friends about this. As I said I'll try to post tomorrow how my other days have been because there’s so much stuff I wanna get off my chest.
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Aphrodite: So I was in like a zoo or something and I was running from some dude who was chasing me, and the best way to escape seemed to be through the monkey habitat. But it was real dark in there, I mean just pitch black. And I’m not saying I’m afraid of the dark or anything but man was it DARK. Anyways, as I was going through, a grown ass monkey, the size of a tall human came up to me – it was walking on it’s back legs too – and it started talking to me in French. Now I don’t speak French, so I don’t know if it was legit, but it seemed like it wanted to sell me the shirt that it was wearing. And then I woke up. And now I’ll never know what it was trying to tell me.
Hermes: I had an extra arm. It wasn’t anything weird or like that, it was just chilling there. And then someone wearing red boxer gloves came up to me and asked what it was like to have a third arm and I was going to say something really witty, but instead I just held up my extra arm and it was covered in ranch dressing, but you know, even in my dream I can’t embarrass myself like that so I played it cool and said it was my dipping arm. Then I woke up hungry for chicken strips…
Dionysus:  The weirdest dream I ever had… Hah, that’s a good one. So I went to Puerto Rico for some reason and I dreamt that on the way there I forgot where I was going. So naturally I did what everyone would have done and stopped by a gas station to ask where the road that I was on lead to. The guy looked at me a little weird but he told me it was leading to San Juan and that made me remember that I was actually going to a birthday party or something. But just as I was leaving the gas station, the same dude came running after me telling me that I’ll have to pay for those bottles of tequila I just drank and I was all like “what dude” and he punched me in the face and… hold on… this may have happened in real life.
Hephaestus: I dreamt that I was a chicken. I mean physically I still looked like me, but like… I was a chicken. I was all me except that I knew I was a lil chicken. It’s kind of hard to explain, but it made real sense when it was happening.
Hestia: I dreamt that… *sighs* and I don’t even know why I’m telling you this, because I know it’s gonna come back to bite me in the ass later, but I dreamt that I had sex with Athena… It was nothing special, but a little part of me knew it was wrong even while we were doing it. So here’ something I never thought I’d share.
Ares: I somehow avoided my own execution. I was down with the whole thing and all, I mean I probably did something to deserve it or I don’t know but when the people kept putting the loop around my neck, it just kept sliding off so they got annoyed and let me go free. I also distinctly remember finding a half used stick of butter in my sock when I woke up that morning.
Artemis: I dreamt that I was back in high school again and I had to make a presentation on a war of my choice and I chose WW II but when the time came to do it, the teacher got really angry and said that this was not a joke and I should take the assignment more seriously and I was all “why tho” and then he tells me that there is no such thing as a “World War” and I should feel stupid for even coming up with the idea that the whole world would go into war let alone that there would be two wars. And then I said “but it wasn’t the whole world” and he asked me what it was instead and I started naming countries that were involved but when I got to Japan he shrugged and told me to go to the principal’s office because I was clearly making fun of him and I should have done a better job at least coming up with believable fake country names, because “Japan” sounds stupid.
Apollo: It was a horrible nightmare. Everything seemed fine, I woke up in a fluffy bed, and the sun was shining, birds were chirping. I went to my closet to get dressed, I opened it and that’s when I realized I was still dreaming! It was full of *voice breaks* CARGO SHORTS! But that’s not all. They were… they were camouflage patterned!!
Demeter: I got lost in an IKEA but every time I thought I had figured it out, the little arrows on the floor all changed directions and I had to start over. Then some guy came up to me and asked if I needed help, and when I said yes, he just shoved like 20 of those little meatballs in my mouth and left.
Athena: The weirdest? I had a dream that my dad came out to the whole family at dinner by presenting a fried rooster and a chicken and he had us each guess which one he had sex with before we had to eat them. After we all guessed, he stood up on the table and a gigantic banner fell from the ceiling that said “GOTCHA LIL BITCHES” and then he told us he’d slept with both of those because he was friesexual.
Persephone: I made friends with a bunch of drunk young college girls in a donut shop, and minutes after that the news went on and I found out the girls were actually highly dangerous wanted criminals. Then they took me in the gang and we robbed two banks. I killed like at least 10 police guys, it was awesome. After the heists, when we were safe, and we were counting the money, they all looked a bit weird and then the leader of them – Jessica, or something – took off her face! It was a mask she was wearing and they were all me! They were just 6 copies of me. Then I killed them too and ran off with the money.
Hera: I shaved my head. That’s it, that’s the whole dream. It was just the whole process of washing my hair then going at it with an electric razor and then meticulously shaving it by hand with a regular razor. I was alone in a bathroom and I was just calmly shaving my head.
Poseidon: In my weirdest dream, I was pregnant. With triplets! But what was even stranger that everybody seemed to be real freaked out about it, except for me. I was stroking my belly, wearing those stretchy pants, living my best life while people were going out of their way to not cross paths with me on the street. Come to think of it, maybe I should get pregnant for real so everyone would just leave me alone for a damn second.
Hades: Okay now I don’t remember what the dream was about, but the thing that stuck with me was that I kept leaving the house to go somewhere and every time I came back, Cerberus had more and more heads. At first I was just like “hey, is there something wrong with the dog?” but then I kept going out and he kept growing heads and by the end he had to have his own house because his heads couldn’t fit.
Zeus: It… had some bulls in it, but I don’t really wanna talk about it publicly.
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If you care to know
Sometimes things may or may not be posted in the actual story. Sometimes they are. Sometimes we don’t know yet but the plot bunny slams our head into the wall until we’re bleeding out. ...... So, Enjoy this glimpse into the past that you may or may not see in story proper....I’ll stop rambling and get on with it. WARNING-Suicidal idealization and vague mentions of Child Abuse. This is the Nega-Verse after all 
          "If you're going to kill me, just do it" NegaDuck stopped dead. Two hours this kid had been locked up in the room and he'd been kind enough to bring her food for THIS BULLSHIT. Actually, she was looking at the food, beak curled like it was poison.
Run that by me again
" he grit out. She blinked softly.
          "I have a pretty high tolerance level. Not to mention, it's all been administered before. So if you're going to kill me, just do it. That probably won't work. Just give me stomach cramps and make me vomit...I’d prefer not to" She shrugged as she spoke so matter of factly "It would be refreshing if you just wrapped your hands around my throat and squeezed instead of breaking my legs so I'll beg better." The bitterness in her voice was born from a tired sort of resignation and Negaduck stifled the growl building in his throat.
          "Just eat the damn food! You'll need it. I have a point to prove and a bet to win" and the older duck turned to leave her alone with the suspicious bowl of....tuna????? Maybe? It may have been been a born of a fish....once upon a time.
           "Please not alone. Don't go...anymore. I need" her eyes were darting around the room as she curled into a little ball. His sneer got worse. Maybe Pad was right...about her being deadweight but....but there was something else. He's seen it. She robbed those people
. Just by card sharking. She was able to bat those eyes at even him and managed to scramble out out range of his chainsaw. She was smarter than she seemed. But this
          "Just fucking eat. You need your strength. After all, after tonight I can guarantee you'll life's gonna change....
" her little face hardened at that, but she took a bite of slimy sludge and choked it down as he left the room.
An hour later found Gosalyn, NegaDuck and LaunchPad standing outside of a broken down amusement Park. The Child's eyes were riveted on a toy still hanging up and for dear life at a stupid rigged game of 'skill' some plush princess with an over-sized head and a more over-sized cupcake dress. Fucking pathetic. It was dingy and the rhinestones barely had any shine left. But yet,
what caught her attention. Not the obviously more important manic duck with the gas gun waving near her face. Said gas gun went off, hitting the ‘princess’ directly, setting it ,and the booth, on fire. LaunchPad chuckled at the action.
        "Will you fucking pay attention!?" Gosalyn turned back to the masked villain and for just an
her eyes were brimming with murderous intent. "Now. As I was saying. This is LaunchPad" and she looked at the Pelican before raising an eyebrow at the Duck. "I murdered my way through a few crime families to get to you. LP thinks it was a waste. SO were gonna see if it
or not. 10 minutes. Don't let hin catch you and on my word as a criminal mastermind, your suffering will end. Deal?" She considered it. He said he'd murdered three crime families.
A waste?
There was no way that was a waste, he had their
now. For her...what did he mean for her? What did he want from her? End her suffering....she eyed the gas gun on his hip, the one he'd used to start the small fire. A hit like that on her...point blank.... No more.  
LaunchPad cracked his neck, which was her only warning before he lunged. Unfortunately, he was fast. She just barely managed to jump and scramble away before he was on top of her again. Heart full of adrenaline she took off scrambling through the ruined fairgrounds. She wasn't stupid. Negaduck said if she lasted 10 minutes, her suffering would be over. No more prisons, no more poison, no more being used or slammed against walls, no more card sharking for food and getting it stolen practically from her throat. No more
Just that gas gun and by her temple. The man behind her would likely break
enough bones to keep her from going into shock while she slowly either bled out or starved. Nope, no thanks. She wasn't turning to see how close to her he was. Instead  her arms went out, grabbing at a post and using the momentum to swing herself a few feet further ahead of the corner she landed on. The prison issued shoes had metal soles. They weren’t great for running, or
. She'd have issues if her feet were broken. Bleeding and bruised she could deal with....just don't let them break! He was gaining ground again. She could hear him breathing. Nope. Running was a
idea. He had an advantage, he was bigger than her, meaning his legs were longer. No matter how much she dodged, he'd catch up. But dodging was better than running in a straight line. So she tucked her legs underneath herself and rolled right into the both area. She heard his grunt of frustration and chanced a look back as she stood up. He was right there slamming his body through a booth as he chased her. Smashed through. But the yellow tape she'd glanced behind him....Hmmm, ideas but she didn't have time to think to much. She at least learned how to slow him slightly, taking off again to slide beneath another booth. She was able to get up and start running again a few second ahead of his destroying the thing. And now she was looking for yellow.
She took off right for it. Yellow tape....police tape....condemned building. And He was smashing everything. She slid under the rotting wood, the grey sleeve of her uniform tore off as she entered, but there was blood rushing in her ears and the 'door' wouldn't hold back the sentient tank for long. She took off running in a random direction to get an understanding of where the hell she..... Was that her? She raised a hand and so did the duck in the mirror. She could see the exhaustion in the set of her shoulders. Her short hair was an absolute mess, suffused with dust, dirt, debris and so frizzy on would think she'd stuck a fork in a socket. Rage grew in her at seeing the thing in the mirror.... She'd be dead soon. That was a comforting thought. More comforting than the ominous banging sound growing. She took off again, deeper into the mirror maze. It was actually a few minutes until she heard him again. He must have taken off the other way. She felt the blisters forming and something wet. Hopefully the shoes wouldn't leak the blood. That could be problematic. He was carefully walking through the mirror maze, lurking around and looking for her, armed with a crowbar. "Ya still in here kid?" He asked. "Don't worry, I'm just gonna crush your skull nice and easy. Real quicklike, kay?"           "Liar!" He stopped and looked around at the echoing voice. Gosalyn scrambled down from her little perch up in the rafters and counted a few more times before standing in front of a mirror. If her math was right, he was about twenty five feet away and the mirror she was in.... *Shhhhhhhhhh*. She grinned as he smashed the mirror she was in. "Awwwweeee, Sorry Mister Launchy Pad. Not quite. Try try try again” She giggled before scrambling back up to the rafters. As predicted he came to the spot her voice had come from. But luckily, he wasn't looking up. She scrambled across the rafters, using her smaller stature to her advantage as she crunched a few numbers before pulling the same trick.
Alright, she wasn't going to get him to punch through mirrors until he was dying of blood loss. The man wasn't that stupid. She got a firm layout of the land as he slowly peered around corners for her. She let the drop be heard this time and he TURNED on his heel as he heard her. "
Over heeerrrrreeeeeee
" The mirror in front of her shattered and she was smugly looking up at a seething bird. He was using the crowbar so she
wasn't going to have him collapse of blood loss. She had a better plan anyway. She giggled, turned and took off running. He snarled and took off running after her. She was still giggling. Slip, slide, he was chasing. The back of her grey shirt went the same way of her sleeve as he caught her by her collar. But she had what she wanted, sliding down the tunnel as.....
Gosalyn smirked as she heard him attempt to break through the glass.....and run into the stone wall. "
, bye" It didn't take her very long to bounce her way back to NegaDuck, skipping. The duck raised his eyebrow as he saw her coming back alone.
          "Where's LaunchPad?" He asked. She pointed in the vague direction of the house of mirrors. Negaduck was.....completely unworried. This kid wasn't
psychotic, nothing of any real weight to permanently injure the man had fallen by his line of vision, and she was unarmed. So whatever happened to LaunchPad...he'd be fine...If not incredibly pissed off. Nega raised an eyebrow looking at the kid.
          "I won. So just....kill me....End my suffering" She ordered.
Welp. She was right about a Gas Gun to her temple, though she'd gotten the hilt of it instead.
She woke up and clutched at her pounding skull, finding bandages. "Oh calm down. The fracture's a hairline"
          "What's going on?" She demanded the man sitting in the chair. She felt something.....hard pressing into her and pulled out "
" She was transfixed for a moment, tracing at the porcelain doll in the pastel blue ballgown.
     "Life changing....permanently.” She jumped, and looked over at the Masked Mallard, his costume stained with blood. “No one's gonna fuck with you no more.  You're the ward of 'Lord' Negaduck." He sneered. She locked up. 
       “For how long?” Her voice sounded as dead as she wished she was. “How long...until my Grandfather comes for me. Until you get bored? Until-”
        “He’s dead” The duck interrupted her tirade.“I killed him when he came talking about the rent you were supposed to pay him for food. Since you were
and seeing as how you’re mine now, that money comes from me.....and I don’t pay for shit.” Well, that explained the blood. She checked the pretty blue dress of her doll for any unsightly spots of red. 
          “Kill me” She ordered. “That was the deal. I win. I die. Make it fast” He glared at her
 LP couldn’t catch you so I won the bet. You’re useful. I don’t kill useful shit....not till I get it’s worth. So, Doll is the cute shit you’re getting, and don’t bug me.” Gosalyn reared back to, face twisted in something nasty, but she traced the dress of the doll again. 
          “You Don’t
cute things do you?” She asked.
          “No” He snarled. “And I managed to stomach getting you that doll....and
a boutique. It’s yours.” She chanced a glance down. Her new nightgown was ruffled, and
 But it was a distraction...
Oh thankie wankie”
He snarled. She’d be dead before he changed his mind, she could see his hand twitching for the Gas gun on his hip. 
          “Listen here ya lil
.  It’s fuckin impossible to make me do something I don’t wanna. So since you’ve proven you’re gonna be useful, I aint checkin you out till then.”  There it was, the wicked gleam he’d seen before, aimed at him this time. She wasn’t gonna break him. She hugged the doll close and
          “LOVE YOU DDDDDDDDAAAAAAAADDDDDDDY”  NegaDuck Shuddered. Outside the door, LaunchPad bit back a snort. This kid was good.
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freddiesaysalright · 5 years
Dancing With Ben Week 10
A Ben Hardy x Reader Fic Dedication Dance - Waltz
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Summary: Reader is one of the pro dancers on Dancing With the Stars. It’s her second season on the show, and this time, her partner is none other than Ben Hardy. Will they win the Mirror Ball? Maybe they’ll win something even more meaningful!
Word Count: 3.8K
Tag List: @psychosupernatural, @someone-get-a-medic, @twigleektribute23, @ionlyhavepicturesofflowers, @asquiresofftime, @caborhapch, @iwasnothingbutacityboy, @a-kind-of-magik, @anxious-diabetic, @royalblueviper, @toms-irish-girl, @doingalrightt, @borhapqueen92, @angiefangirlworld-2, @ziggymay, @pink-lemo, @riddikuluslypotter, @wearewiththebands, @i-was-born-like-this, @prince-lucifer-v, @mariekuuuuuh, @teenwolflover28, @minigranger, @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls, @theprettyfandom, @sam-mercurry-sixx, @reddies-stanlon, @irlkell, @deakyismydad, @kimmietea, @lelifesaver, @simmisblog, @crazylittlethingcalledobsession, @kyleetheeditor If you want to be added, let me know!
A/N: This gets sappy as fuck, y’all. Enjoy!
Week 1  Week 2  Week 3  Week 4  Week 5 Week 6  Week 7  Week 8  Week 9
Week 10 here we go!!!
You woke to the harsh sound of your phone ringing, only much earlier than the time your alarm usually sounded. Bleary eyed, you snatched it up and looked at the screen. Ben stirred beside your and cracked an eye open. 
“Who is it?” he asked groggily. 
“My dad,” you said, brow furrowing as you swiped to pick up. “Hey, Dad.”
“Hi, sweetheart,” he said brightly. “Glad you’re up. Wanna come over today? I haven’t seen you in a while and I miss my little girl.” You could hear him slurring his words.
“Dad, it’s four in the morning,” you told him. “Are you just getting home?”
“Yeah, I left the bar a couple minutes ago,” he said with a sloppy chuckle. “So how about coming over?”
“I have rehearsal today,” you said, sighing. “I’m in the middle of a season of the show.”
“Just for breakfast,” he insisted. “Hell, bring your partner if you want.”
The color drained from your face. “How did you know he was here?”
He barked out a laugh and you heard his tires screech as he parked. “I didn’t! But I do now! He your boyfriend?”
“Yep,” you said shortly, embarrassed. 
“Even better!” he said. “I’d love to meet him!”
“I’ll invite him,” you said. “What time?”
“Y’all can sleep a little longer,” he told you. “How about around ten? I probably need to sleep some myself. Ha!”
“Sure thing, Dad,” you said. “See you then.”
“Bye, honey!”
With a soft beep, the call ended. You rolled over and looked at Ben. 
“You are absolutely allowed to say no to this, but would you want to go to rehearsal late so we can have breakfast with my dad?” 
He cocked an eyebrow. “Really?”
You nodded. “He’s a bit eccentric, but he’s friendly. I know it’s kinda soon, but -” He cut you off with a kiss. 
“I’d love to,” he said. 
You went back to sleep for a couple hours before getting up and getting ready to go to your dad’s house. He still lived in the house you grew up in, south of LA, in Costa Mesa. It was why you took Ben to Newport Beach that day after Clark kissed you. You’d grown up escaping to that beach whenever things were difficult. It was your solace. 
You drove out there, pulling onto the curb. You frowned when you saw your dad’s car was not in the driveway where he usually parked it. 
“That’s weird,” you said. 
“What?” Ben wondered. 
“His car isn’t here,” you said. “But I definitely thought I heard him park while we were on the phone.”
“Do you have a key?” he asked. “Maybe he parked it in the garage.”
“Yeah, let’s go in,” you said. 
You walked up across the lawn, unlocked the door, and went inside, Ben close behind. You looked around the living room and saw no sign of your dad. You walked into the kitchen, but he wasn’t there either. When you looked out into the garage, his car was also not there. 
“I’m gonna check upstairs, just to be sure he’s not here,” you said. 
Ben nodded and followed you up. You poked your head into your dad’s bedroom, but it was empty. The duvet was rumpled and the pillows were squished. It was also warm, so he had at least been home. 
“I wonder where he could have gone,” you said, joining Ben in what was once your bedroom. 
He was looking around in amazement. You had moved out at eighteen to pursue dance in earnest in Los Angeles. Your dad still had your room exactly the way you left it. The walls were a soft yellow, and the furniture was old and tan. Your bed had pale green comforter and lots of pillows. Pictures of you and your friends hung sporadically around the walls, alongside posters and little art pieces you thought were cool. 
“A Queen poster,” Ben said. “I like that.”
“I have several,” you told him, pointing them out. “At one point in middle school, I printed pictures of Roger Taylor off the internet and made a collage.”
“Where is it?” Ben wondered with an excited smile on his face. 
“The ceiling,” you said, pointing above your bed, laughing a little as he hopped on the bed to gaze properly at it. “I don’t know why I didn’t take it down. It’s so stupid.”
“I love it,” he said with a teasing grin. “You really were that big of a Queen fan?”
“My dad actually got me into them,” you told him. “My parents met at Queen concert and were big fans.”
“Very cool,” he said. “So does your mum not live here anymore?”
“My mom passed actually,” you replied. “She was killed in a car accident when I was ten.”
His eyes went wide. “Oh - I - I’m so sorry.”
“It’s alright,” you assured him. “But the reason I love Queen’s music so much is because it makes me feel connected to her. It got me through losing her and missing her. It still does.”
“Wow,” he breathed. “That’s...really special.”
“Yeah…” you said with a small smile. “She never understood why I was a Roger girl, though. She was all about some John Deacon.”
He chuckled. “Did she put him on the ceiling?”
You laughed. “Nah, she didn’t have quite my level of dedication.”
He started to answer, but then you got a text from your dad. It said “go outside.” You told Ben and then headed back down the stairs and out the front door.
Then you heard it. Your father’s car barrelling down the street and an impossible speed for such an old piece of machinery. Then the sirens. Ben shot you a worried glance. 
“Oh, God,” you sighed.
All you could do was watch as your dad came hurtling past the house. He honked and waved at you excitedly as he passed in a flash. The wailing police car came not far behind, whizzing by just as quickly in pursuit of your father. Ben gaped at you.
“Was that -”
You turned around and went back inside, heading for the garage so you could open the door by the time your dad looped back around. You pressed the button and just in the nick of time. The door rose as your father whipped into the driveway, coming to a screeching halt in the garage as you closed the door behind him. He cut the engine, grabbed what appeared to be grocery bags from the front seat, and stepped out of the car.
“Hi, sweetheart!” he greeted warmly. 
You smiled at him and walked over to take the bags. “Hi, Dad. Where have you been?”
“Grocery store,” he said as if it were obvious. “I invited you over for breakfast, passed out, and when I woke up again, I realized I didn’t have anything to feed you.”
“And why were you being chased by police?” you asked.
“Ran a red light,” he said with a shrug. “Not that big of a deal, but you know what I always say. Outrun ‘em if you can.”
You sighed, shaking your head as you took the eggs out of the bag to check them.
“Wow,” you said, impressed. “You didn’t crack one.”
“Years of practice,” he said smugly. “Who’s your pretty friend?”
“Oh, sorry!” you gasped. “Dad, this is Ben, my boyfriend.”
You father extended his hand, and Ben shook it, looking friendly but a little bewildered.
“Nice to meet you, Ben,” you father said. “I’m Eddie Y/L/N.”
“Nice to meet you too, Mr. Y/L/N,” Ben returned.
Your dad waved that off. “Just call me Eddie, son, I don’t need all that. Well, y’all come inside and let me get a good look at you.”
Ben moved to take the bags from you and you both followed Eddie into the kitchen. He immediately started pulling out pans from the cabinet. In the sautee pan, he spotted his glasses.
“There those fuckers are!” he cried, putting them on.
“You drove without your glasses?” you questioned.
“Why do you think I didn’t see the red light?” he returned.
Ben placed the groceries on the counter and Eddie thanked him. You observed, and saw that your father was still a little shaky.
“Dad, why don’t I cook?” you suggested. “You take a seat.”
“Alright, sweetheart, go ahead,” he agreed, plopping down into a chair at the table.
“How can I help?” Ben wondered.
“Can you just start some coffee?” you asked.
He nodded and began brewing. You popped some bread in the toaster before you got the eggs and bacon out of their packages. While you and Ben worked, Eddie watched you. It was a rather domestic little scene there, and he liked the way Ben looked at you. When the coffee was done, Ben poured some into three mugs.
“How do you take your coffee, Eddie?” he asked.
“Black, thank you,” Eddie said. 
Ben brought the cup over and set it in front of your father. Then took a seat beside him.
“C’mere, Ben, lemme look in your eyes,” Eddie said.
Ben smiled and obliged. He leaned forward, and Eddie put his hands on either side of Ben’s face. They held each other’s gaze for a solid thirty seconds before Eddie released him.
“You’ve got a good soul,” he said.
“Thank you,” Ben replied. 
“Yeah, it’s a shame you’re not better looking.”
You snorted. Ben laughed heartily. 
“That really is too bad,” Ben said. “But at least Y/N likes me.”
Eddie chuckled. “So, tell me about yourself, Ben. What do you do?”
“I’m an actor,” Ben told him. 
“Oh, what would I have seen you in?”
“He was in Bohemian Rhapsody, Dad,” you interjected, bringing them plates and setting them in front of them. Ben thanked you softly. “Remember when I took you to see that?”
Eddie’s eyes went wide. “Whaaaat?! Oh, yeah, I see now. You look pretty different without the wig, but you played Roger Taylor, didn’t you?”
Ben nodded. “I did, yeah. Had the time of my life.”
“I bet,” Eddie said, taking a bite of his eggs. “I loved that movie. It really brought me back. They were just incredible.”
“Y/N tells me you met her mother at one of their shows,” Ben said.
“I did,” Eddie said, solemnly. “That was the best day of my life. Until Y/N was born, of course.”
You smiled at him.
“There’s a picture from that day up on the mantle, if you wanna look,” he continued.
“Oh, absolutely,” Ben said.
He got up from his seat. You followed him over to the mantle, grabbing the framed photo and allowing him to hold it. He gazed at your parents’ smiling faces in awe.
“She’s beautiful, your mother,” he said. “You look just like her, Y/N.”
“Thank you,” you replied. “Dad always said he never drank after he met her. He wanted  to remember each moment.”
“That was true,” Eddie said. “I didn’t even touch a bottle when Kara was alive. Then she went, and...well, things changed.”
Ben replaced the photo and together you returned to the table. He looked at Eddie.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I wish I could have met her.”
“You would have loved her,” Eddie said. “Everybody did. I was the luckiest man in the world because she let me be her husband.”
Ben took your hand and looked at you. “I’m beginning to understand that feeling.”
You could have melted into a puddle.
The three of you spent the rest of breakfast on happier topics. Your dad was especially interested in Ben and what it was like to be an actor. Ben was so sweet and patient. It went better than you had even imagined. You got through breakfast and said warm goodbyes. As you drove back to Hollywood, Ben held your hand.
“I like your dad,” he said.
You giggled. “He likes you too.”
“I’m glad to hear it,” he said. “Seriously, thank you for bringing me. I feel like I know you so much better now.”
“You were so good to him,” you returned. “So thank you.”
“Of course.”
When you reached the studio, it was almost noon. You parked and got ready to rehearse, the producers rushing Ben away to do his interview for the video package. They would be telling him about the week’s theme since it was a little different.
Ben sat back in the leather chair while the producers set up the sound and cameras. They put a mic on him and he waited patiently until they finally started.
“So, this week is dedication week,” Kelly explained. “Who would you like to dedicate your dance to? It can be a parent or a mentor or anyone you feel has had an impact on you.”
Ben considered this. His head swam with everything you had done for him, beyond teaching him to dance. You had become his friend. You pushed him to be a better person. You made him laugh a lot. And you loved him so sweetly. He could think of no one more deserving of a dedication dance.
“Y/N,” he said quietly.
Kelly’s eyes went wide. “What?”
“I want to dedicate my dance to Y/N,” he told her.
“Why Y/N?” she asked gently.
“Because...I love her.”
“You love her?”
He nodded. Tears pricked his eyes as his heart swelled with just how much. He took a deep breath and tried to blink them back.
“Where is this emotion coming from?” Kelly asked.
“I just…” he trailed off and released a half sigh half laugh. “I don’t even know how to describe her. She means a great deal to me. I want to dance with her forever.”
“Can you tell us more?”
“I don’t know,” he answered with a chuckle, wiping his face. “I’m turning into a mess just thinking about her.”
“She’s made me a better man,” he said through a sniffle. “If I can give her a dance in her honor...it’s not much, but it’s something to show her how much I appreciate it.”
Meanwhile, you were on the floor of the studio, sketching out some ideas for the routine. You wanted to know who he was dedicating his dance to before you got too far into it, but you had some things in mind already. 
The door pushed open and you beamed at Ben as he walked in. With a sweet “hello” you got to your feet. You cocked your head in confusion when you saw his eyes were watery. You guessed he had gotten emotional talking about his dedication. You wondered who it must be. Ben didn’t say anything yet. He just grabbed you by the shoulders and pulled you into a hug so tight the breath left your lungs. 
“What’s the matter?” you asked.
He eased his grip on you so you could inhale, but he did not release you.
“Just need to hold you for a bit,” he muttered.
“Okay,” you returned, rubbing his back.
You stood there in his arms for what felt like hours. When you broke apart, he smiled at you.
“So, who are you dedicating this dance to?” you asked.
“You,” he said.
Your heart nearly stopped and you blinked. “Wh...me?!”
“Ben...I don’t even know what to say,” you said. “I’m touched and honored and just - wow, thank you so much!”
You hugged him again. It felt like your heart twirled in your chest. Just when you thought he couldn’t make you any happier, he did.
“So, what kind of dance have we got?” he asked.
“A waltz,” you told him. “To ‘Tennessee Whiskey’ by Chris Stapleton.”
“That’s perfect,” he said.
You started rehearsal. It seemed that Ben had his groove back, as he took to the waltz like a pro. It was just the basics, but it turned out you only really needed the afternoon for him to get them down. He had a great frame and his footwork was light without bouncing. You were impressed with him.
Over the next few days of rehearsal, as you put your routine together, it started to seep into you how much it meant that Ben was dedicating his dance to you. Most people chose someone with more significance - a parent, child, or teacher. Ben had so many important people in his life. Out of all of them, he chose you. You were struggling to find the words to thank him. 
You were really locking everything in the day before dress rehearsal. There was one part of the dance that you both loved and hated. Ben had his hands on either side of your head, caressing you gently as you stepped through the dance. You rolled your head as you went. But the way Ben looked at you through this portion always made you ache for his kiss. His intense, focused eyes, with so much love for you burning behind them made it hard to breathe.
“Perfect,” you breathed as you ran through it.
Ben came to a stop. “What?”
He was still holding your face, looking at you.
“You’re perfect,” you repeated so he could hear.
“Well, I think there’s a few steps I could make better,” he said.
You smiled and shook your head, taking his hands in yours.
“Not the dance,” you said. “You.”
His cheeks went pink. Then he leaned in to kiss your forehead.
“I’m far from perfect, love,” he said. 
“You’re perfect for me,” you whispered.
You fell into an embrace. Holding each other tenderly before agreeing to get some water.
When it was time for dress rehearsal and camera blocking, you were feeling great about the dance. You were still completely in shock that Ben was dedicating his to you. It was one of the sweetest things anyone had ever done for you. 
You came over to where Ben was getting fitted for his shirt, and he was frowning as he spoke to Alex in wardrobe. They were clearly disagreeing about something.
“What’s going on?” you wondered.
“Ben doesn’t approve of his outfit,” she said, rolling her eyes.
You looked at Ben expectantly.
“They don’t want me to button the shirt,” he said, exasperated.
“Why can’t he just button his shirt?” you asked. “I told you weeks ago, we’re not exploiting him. If he’s not comfortable, we need to change it.”
Alex groaned. “The audience would -”
“The audience can suck it up,” you said firmly. “This isn’t Magic Mike. Can you just let him be comfortable?”
She glowered at you. “Fine. Button up the shirt.”
“Thank you,” you said irritably. You looked at Ben and smiled. “Anything else?”
“You look beautiful,” he said with a smirk.
You had a pink, flowy gown with a wide slit. The fitted, glittery bodice had a plunging neckline. It was sexy and sweet. You beamed at him.
“Thank you,” you replied.
By the time you and Ben were up to run through camera blocking, Ben had his shirt buttoned and had gotten a vest. He looked ridiculously handsome. The dance went perfectly and you were ready for showtime.
When the show came, you and Ben were going third. Now that the numbers were dwindled, that was toward the end. You were honestly so excited for this dance. You wanted to redeem yourself after last week. 
As the video package played and you watched Ben’s interview, you gasped at his emotion. The audience collectively “awww”ed. You felt him squeeze your shoulders from where he stood behind you. 
“I love you,” he whispered in your ear.
“I love you more,” you returned.
Before anything else could be said, it was time to dance.
The dance was perfect. It was another moment where it felt like you and Ben alone in the ballroom. Many dancers had a “ballroom smile” which was the fake smile they wore while dancing. Your smile was absolutely genuine. Every twirl, turn, step, and lift made you happier than you ever thought you could be. Because you were with Ben.
When you finished in your dip, you held Ben for a moment before he help you upright. The ballroom erupted into applause as you joined Tom to receive your feedback from the judges.
Carrie Ann had to dab at her eyes with a kleenex before she spoke. 
“Sorry,” she choked out. “That was just so beautiful. You had me going with the video package and then you did that dance, and it was stunning. Technique wise and emotion wise, you told a wonderful story. It was honestly really romantic. Probably one of the most romantic routines I’ve ever seen on this show. We really felt what you feel for Y/N. Excellent work, Ben.”
“Thank you,” he said bashfully.
“Ben, that waltz was absolutely fantastic,” Len began. “You had great frame, you led your partner, and your footwork was incredible. Not only that, but you touched our hearts with it. I can confidently say that you are a dancer. A real dancer. Well done.”
Ben nodded and put his arm around you.
“That was exquisite,” Bruno began with uncharacteristic calm. “It was so romantic and sweet - like you were making love to her. And these two are right, your technique was flawless. We were all very moved by it, and that you dedicated it to her. You are an amazingly talented young man.”
Again Ben thanked them and you went to the skybox to get your scores and talk to Erin.
“That was beautiful,” she said as you approached. “I’m gonna need a kleenex too!”
“Thank you,” you said with a smile.
“You two are so cute,” she continued. “I think everyone just wants to know what’s going on between you?”
She held out the mic for either of you to answer. You and Ben exchanged a glance.
“We care about each other,” you said. “Very deeply. There’s not much else to it, honestly.”
Erin laughed. “Well, it’s vague, but we need to get your scores now.”
All three scored you a ten. You and Ben shared an excited hug and then waited for the elimination time. When it came, you stood on the stage, shaking with nerves. If you made it, you and Ben would go to the semi-finals. He held your hand tightly.
“The first couple that is safe and will dance in the semi-finals is…” Tom said. He waited a long moment. You held your breath. “Ben and Y/N!”
You screamed, jumping up and hugging Ben around the neck. He picked you up and spun you around. You were almost there. So close to the mirror ball. But that was also one step closer to the journey ending, and you still had no idea what that meant for you and Ben.
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