#police patrol
ladymiraclewings · 6 months
Lucie: I wanna join the Police Patrol and going into cool missions and also playing cards and stuff... Paul: Well, we don't just play cards... Badge: Paul, can you grab a fresh pack ? We literally only play cards so much that the numbers have faded.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Radio Police Seek Interfering Corpse," Montreal Star. June 6, 1933. Page 3. --- EDDIE CURTISS, engineer in charge, and other officials of the Montreal police radio department are in the throes of an intensive search for a corpse. And they don't know what kind of a corpse they are looking for. Friday night, which has become known in police circles as hold-up night in view of the many hold-ups staged recently on Friday nights, the radio transmitter at police headquarters suddenly went dead. It was dead for three hours until a service man finally managed to get it in working order again but could not discover the cause. Yesterday James Carlisle, radio engineer of the Northern Electric who worked on construction of the radio at headquarters, was called in to try and solve the mystery. After a minute inspection he decided that the disorder resulted from a short circuit on the transmitter wires, probably caused by a large green fly, a bee or some other insect lighting on the wires. His departing words were "Try and find the corpse."
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townpostin · 1 month
Thieves Steal ₹1 Lakh from Ration Shop in Jamshedpur
Ration shop in Govindpur, Jamshedpur robbed, thieves flee with ₹1 lakh. A ration shop located at Bhola Bagan Chowk in Govindpur, Jamshedpur, was robbed last night, with thieves making off with ₹1 lakh in cash after cutting through the shop’s shutter. JAMSHEDPUR – A ration shop located at Bhola Bagan Chowk in Govindpur, Jamshedpur, was robbed last night, with thieves making off with ₹1 lakh in…
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whats-in-a-sentence · 8 months
Blakeney had the men for the task but refused to cooperate. He explained to Leefe:
To do so I should have to resort to violent measures which for the present would be unwise and likely to make the natives retaliate and moreover from the various Patrols I have made in and about that locality I am convinced the Natives only use that portion of the country as a passage down from the range to the Sea on fishing excursions.
"Killing for Country: A Family History" - David Marr
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tenth-sentence · 8 months
They began patrolling the Darling Downs.
"Killing for Country: A Family History" - David Marr
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bogglle · 8 months
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sam and max cozy style
(sam was drawn by the wonderfully talented @corndog-patrol)
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lunarlagomorph · 9 months
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reblog if you are a true MUSICHEAD
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fure-dcmk · 1 year
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osaka police department's golden boy
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henk-heijmans · 6 months
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Police dog on patrol, Hamburg, ca. 1955 - by Hans Meyer, German
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Nissan Silvia Highway Patrol Car, 1965. In 1965, with the opening of the Daisan Keihin Road, the CSP311 Silvia was selected as a patrol car by the Kanagawa Prefectural Police. Since the speed limit on the No.3 Keihin was 80km/h, it was decided that a car capable of performing well at high speeds was needed for law enforcement. The Silvia, with its top speed of 165km/h, fitted the bill. This was the first time anywhere in Japan that a "high-performance" sports car had been put on police patrol, so it became front-page news. Two Silvia Patrol Cars with standard police lights, sirens, police radio, overbumpers and upgraded suspension to better cope with high speed patrol, were delivered to the Kanagawa Prefectural Police HQ on December 9, 1965.
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mochinomnoms · 4 months
I read a book yesterday that had one of the character telling another, “Your teeth are sharp, you have a predator’s instincts, and your blood is howling.” And I think using that to flirt with Floyd would work wonders.
(The book was ‘Devil’s Candy’ btw)
I'm so sorry to argue against this, but I actually think Floyd would kinda hate anything poetic when it comes to flirting? He strikes me as someone who prefers bluntness and honesty from someone. If you're flirting with him? Tell him that straight up! If you like him, don't hide with flowery words, he's upfront (mostly) with his feelings all the time! It might be at other's expense, but still!
Or be mean to him. He get's a kick out of it. Also kick his ass. If you do it successfully, he's gonna be chasing after you to either make out or try and kick your ass in return. And then make out.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"SAILING MOUNTIES BACKTRACK TRAIL BLAZED BY AMUNDSEN," Toronto Star. October 9, 1942. Page 3. ---- Conquer Northwest Passage in 22-Year Voyage Through Ice-Jammed Lanes North of Arctic Circle - Second Time in More Than Four Centuries --- ROUTE OF EPIC VOYAGE BY "SEAGOING MOUNTIES" --- Sydney, N.S., Oct. 3 - (CP)-Sgt Henry Larsen, skipper of the R.C.M.P. patrol vessel St. Roch, now in Sydney after a history-making 28-month voyage through the northwest passage from Vancouver, disclosed some details of the odyssey today.
"It was hell at times and more bay. than once we practically gave up hope of ever getting out." the skipper said. The purpose of the voyage - the first west-east trip through the northwest passage in history -was not disclosed. It took Roald Amundsen an even three years - from 1903 to 1906 - to force the passage from east to west. Larsen paid high tribute to his crew. "None of us could have made the passage without full co-operation of the others," he said. Making up the vessel's complement were Corporal M. F. Foster, chief engineer. Vancouver, Constables W. G. Peters. second engineer, Winnipeg: F. S. Foster, mate, a native of England: W. J. Parry, cook, Victoria; P. G. Hunt, seaman, and E. Hadley, wireless operator, Saskatchewan, and Jack Doyle, Campbellton, N.B.
Lost Crew Member The only thing to mar the trip, Sergeant Larsen said, was the death of Constable Albert Chartrand, 36, of Ottawa. who died from a heart attack and was buried at Pasley Bay. Members of the vessel erected a large stone cairn and cross at the grave on the shore overlooking the bay. His place was taken by Constable Doyle of Campbellton who was picked up at Pond Inlet where he had been stationed for three years. Sgt. Larsen said he and his crew had spent their first Christmas and winter at Walker Bay after setting out from Vancouver. They touched at Demarcation Point, Point Brabant on Baillie island, Coppermine, Cambridge Bay and retraced their course from Point Brabant in Queen Maud Gulf to Walker Bay after ice had hemmed them in for weeks. Pushing on early in August, 1941. they reached Pasley Bay, remaining there for 11 months before the Arctic ice again broke up to make progress possible. Storms Were Hellish "We struck a bad season. The storms were hellish at times but we managed to weather them and the ship stood up well," he said.
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kirbsto · 2 years
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S5 ST except it’s just a Welcome To Nightvale radio show where Steve and Robin Ominously relay the happenings of the apocalypse to whoever tf decided to stick around
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whats-in-a-sentence · 8 months
She got back inside without a scratch. But the attack was not over.
Just as another fiery missile lodged in the thatch, and Mrs. Uhr was preparing for another sortie, the sound of galloping hoofs, a couple of shots and a ringing cheer, fell upon the ears of the besieged, and a mounted detachment of military police, which had been patrolling in the neighborhood, made its appearance, and the savages melted from sight – except the few who lay dead around, to bear testimony to the strenuousness of the fray.
"Killing for Country: A Family History" - David Marr
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dawnscraft · 11 months
I just realized that just like how Grian and Scar never left the desert of 3rd life, Martyn and Timmy never left that weird little shack they called a police station on EVO
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samzier · 1 year
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