strayarte · 5 months
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In 1947 the United Nations drafted a plan to partition the land of Palestine in order to CREATE the state of Israel. While this plan got a majority vote in favour of the partition, many of these countries voted as such due to threats from Zionists. Here are some instances of the coercive campaign that resulted in the creation of the occupying state of Israel.
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lsismore · 3 months
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jonesposting · 2 months
One thing I’ve seen a lot of in the wake of the shooting there are people quick to spin conspiracy theories and pin that stuff on the alphabet agencies, you know CIAFBI whatever, and I just wanna say: these agencies aren’t some big bad conspiracy driven conglomerate of evil geniuses. There are people with the audacity and the money to do whatever they believe is good for their bosses. They are doing the dirty work for the capitalist class and they would be incredibly dumb to kill one of their own. True, on the outside Trump has beef with them, but really he’s just stirring one more pot of conspiracy to entice voters.
That the secret service failed to spot or prevent the shooter from doing his thing (a terrible job) is not because they were in on it or wilfully ignorant, it’s probably because they just fucked up. Simple as that. Human error. Because, as I said, they are not all knowing evil geniuses always one step ahead, that’s action movie shit. They are just very powerful people with a ton of budget and basically no regard for humanity. They do the American capitalist war machines bidding at home and abroad. They couldn’t care less which neoliberal fossil is elected next election. They serve the oligarchs either way.
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necromanceyourgays · 1 month
transphobes truly end up tripping over themselves when you ask them “What is a man”. If they say “someone with XY chromosones” they were quite literally admitting that mpreg is real
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alexanderpearce · 2 months
oh thank god the fascists didn’t win in france
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azzydoesstuff · 5 months
my goal? making people as confused about my ideologies as possible
"yeah so anyways this is my baby"
"aww, he's cute!"
"he? HE's cute? my baby's a girl. don't assume my daughter's FUCKING gender"
"oh, i'm so sorry! sh-she's cute!"
"yeah, that's why i'm raising her to be a milkmaid. that's the only kinda menial labour i want my girl to get"
"if she wants to, of course! i won't deny her dreams if she ever decides to do some other work!"
"oh, okay"
"also if she ever gets pregnant she better not get a fucking abortion-"
"what the fuck"
"-UNSAFELY from an UNTRUSTWORTHY person because that would be DANGEROUS. i'll make sure she gets a successful procedure at a NICE hospital if she ever needs it"
"but that will be paid with OUR OWN money because i don't take HANDOUTS from the FILTHY LIBS-"
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the-timewatcher · 1 year
Hey, quick question to non-Polish* Tumblr!
* (not for people who live in Poland, rather than just people born in Poland/of Polish descent)
Compare and contrast these two ways to phrase the same question.
A: "Should the government agree to the decisions made by the EU on the subject of migrant relocation?" B: "Do you support the admission of thousands of illegal immigrants from the Middle East and Africa, according to the forced relocation mechanism imposed by the European bureaucracy?"
I'm putting it here because Tumblr polls have a character limit.
Don't try to be cheeky, answer honestly. Reblog for a better sample size and unless someone explains it in the notes, I'll do so in a week.
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thisismyrocket · 2 years
ecofascists do exist (unabomber probably) but not every person disillusioned with modern society and distraught at ecological catastrophe is one. like me having a dislike and distrust of the human species in general for making my life very bad via continued trauma, marginalization, and oppression, is, i think, maybe, not exactly a cornerstone of fascism.
like if i was saying kill all humans unironically or was advocating for population restrictions instead of just “hey all you jerks should be nicer and treat your home better” and “humanity is not the problem capitalism is the problem” you might have a point???? but u dont lol sucks to suck reactionaries
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bringerofworlds · 8 days
some venting under the cut
i am a very big proponent of never saying or allowing yourself to believe that other ppl are 'npcs' or do not have inner life but my god the writing group i went to today tested that principle of mine to the very brink
in the discussion portion we ended up sidetracking a bit into like, robots, cyberpunk, climate change, whatever whatever, and like this one sort of middle-aged woman was like 'yeah i think our species is terrible; i like the robots better, they can have the planet' and she went on about how she felt bad about all the trash she makes or whatever
like girl the decision that the coffee u bought would be served in a cup that would outlive your children was made decades before you were born
you feel bad for driving your car but you did not build the roads and you did not determine the price point of electric cars
you don't hate humanity, you hate what a small portion of humanity has done to the world
this woman was writing in her own words a "social justice book" and i just... I cannot
corporations have sold your own guilt back to you as a pacifier. you blame yourself and other people for something you have no control over, and you think it makes you a good person to feel that way, but little do you know that your self-flagellation is a billion-dollar industry that BP, Exxon, Chevron, came up with to ensure their own survival
And even when someone tells you this, you cling to your belief that you are at fault because it feels morally safe. and you want to write a book about justice?
and on the other side of the table is a fifty year old man, who when you say you're writing a "social justice book", responds that he "doesn't think he believes in social justice"
god. how insightful, sir. how profound. how brave of you to stand on the very farthest edge of the human race; at your back is millennia of evolutions of society that can only be summarized by the majority of people trying to make life better and easier for the majority of people, and to claim you "don't believe in social justice." say more, great philosopher.
i'm not an optimist, i am not a hopeful person, but god how i am bored to death by ahistorical cynicism and the feeble pseudo-logic people use to exculpate themselves from taking any action
sometimes I think people only write stories about Chosen Ones who save the day so that they can reassure themselves that in a world where Chosen Ones don't exist, they don't have to do or think anything of importance.
*edit; forgot to mention the one lady who said she was writing a romantasy book with AI. the fact that that did not even rank on the initial list of top reasons why this meetup pissed me off is genuinely quite impressive.
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lisablasstudio · 2 years
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Mondays, I spend most of the day working on @mondaysimage and often find works for use in a later post. Today’s discovery was a series of posters made by the Berkeley Political Poster Workshop, in 1970, under the direction of Malaquías Montoya, artist, professor and activist, and major figure of the Chicano Art Movement. I then found a review of a show of these works, in London, 2016. I particularly like the perforated holes on either side of the paper, and the gradation of color in the text. I’ve always loved this maxim, #peaceispatriotic, as the language has a beautiful ring to it. Here’s a bit of description from the review by @clairevoon @hyperallergic : “In May 1970, students at the University of California, Berkeley, came together to form the Berkeley Political Poster Workshop, which produced hundreds of silkscreen designs. Under the guidance of Malaquias Montoya, a leading figure of the Chicano Art Movement, the workshop class was the largest of its kind in a period that witnessed a proliferation of similar groups, especially on Bay Area campuses. At UC Berkeley, students created vivid and colorful images of resistance in response to the increasing political tumults and traumas, from Nixon’s ordered bombing of Cambodia to the Kent State shootings that occurred just days before the workshop took root.” https://hyperallergic.com/272933/the-urgent-protest-art-of-the-berkeley-political-poster-workshop/ #malaquiasmontoya #ucberkeley #printmaking #1970s #politicalposters https://www.instagram.com/p/CkrjefqMysu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pixelgeschwader · 2 years
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__save the date — 05-11-2022 — @cutiebielefeld — vortrag und diskussion with @usama taraben(#gegenstandpunkt) __ UKRAINE KRIEG – seine drei macher und ihre gründe ... . . . . . . #poster #posters #posterdesign #posterseries #typography #typographyposter #typographylovers #typographyaddict #worldoftype #lecture #lectures #utopia #utopiatravel #utopiavisuals #graphicdesign #politics #wandzeitung #affichen #politicalposters #ukraine #ukrainewar #prüfedeinargument #cutiebielefeld #leftiesbest #organisieren #kaempfen #gewinnen #analyseundkritik #trennschärfe (hier: Cutie) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjqQd-kMHE5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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astronomodome · 2 months
Sorry for politicalposting on my mcyt blog. However I feel like this is significant what the hell man
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defrostedvertebrae · 7 months
unfortunate to see the nonhuman blog to awareness politicalposting reblog spam pipeline
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reg1ment · 2 months
i need to stop politicalposting or i’ll just get more mad. peace and love and touching grass for me today
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necromanceyourgays · 2 months
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sorairomuffler · 5 months
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max — 23 — any pronouns
art: @mafuaato
sideblog: @936kdr
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extra info bcos i felt the need to overshare
- my name is max (yes, because of sam and max) but i also go by a few different names too so i might switch up sometimes
- i identify as trans, and i have no pronoun preference currently. thats all there is to say about the gender. my identity can be summed up much easier by my #.mxcore tag.
- i'm a leftist but i try not to politicalpost here for my own sanity
- i have a lot of interests that change on a whim. sorry.
- i've been an utaite fan since 2012, but i don't really engage in the fandom. sorry if my entire blog being mafu-themed gave the wrong impression.
- no dni or anything, just dont be a bigot.
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