#pollux and sirius up next
starsspeaker · 5 months
Animal Twilight Pt 1
The Fili Pfeper Boys!
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Sheepturus and Deerca at your service,,
Based Arcky off a Soay Sheep cause there are really only so many shepherd animals that look orange tinted. And also bc the power of fluffy boys shines through him.
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Meanwhile we have Spica as a Greater Kudu. His horns are full of knowledge and magic.
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Although rarely, the sorcerors sometimes butt heads over small matters, but that leaves their situation far more tangled than before-
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therealvinelle · 9 months
From what I can tell, in the actual books there's just one line from Sirius saying Alphard left him some gold, and not much other canon mention of him. How did Alphard become such a big character in your fics/Tom Riddle's love interest?
You know, that's a very good question.
The true and full story behind how Alphard Black became an important character in our fics is laden with a lot of spoilers and back-and-forth, though I will say it wouldn't have happened at all if @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin hadn't already used him in When Harry Met Tom. When we later then needed to add a character for The Man Who Would Be King, Alphard's name lent itself easily and on discussion we found he was the only that really fit the role we needed a character to play. He went on to become a surprisingly large part of secret fic, now we've imprinted on him like baby ducks and he's in everything.
So, what makes Alphard Black so fitting for what we need him to be?
We have little to go on from canon, but compared to some of the other characters fandom has decided on characterisation for, we at least have something to go on when we make stuff up. Oh, we have to conjecture, fabricate, and headcanon away, and for every possible Alphard Black we draft up someone could have used those same clues to create a different Alphard, but we would both be following certain constraints.
By contrast, characters like Alice Longbottom or Abraxas Malfoy have very strong fanon characterizations, a lot read into them, but I'd argue we have just as much, if not slightly more, to go on with Alphard Black.
With that said, here is the information we have on Alphard and how Muffin and I used every bit of it to make up as much as we could.
Teen pregnancy 1.0: Pollux edition
Alphard's sister was born when their father Pollux Black was twelve, and his father married her mother. Going by his young age, I assume this was so Walburga wouldn't be a bastard. Walburga, by her painting's ravings, appears to have spent all her life in 13 Grimmauld Place, she feels a connection to "the house of my fathers" and always had a strong sense of Black identity she tried to pass on to her sons: I think it's a very fair assumption that the Blacks raised the baby, and not her mother's family (as her mother would have been in Hogwarts as well or else a statutory rapist, either case spells a grim homelife for Walburga).
Now, Alphard's birthdate is unknown since he's struck off the family tree, but it was sometime between 1925 and 1938.
Muffin and I have decided that he was born the next year, since this gives Tom a dorm mate, and more importantly it gives Alphard a teen father, one who learned nothing from last year and assumed no responsibility. Tom now has a fucked up dorm mate, and we didn't have to (completely) invent a character.
You now have two kids raised by family members not their parents since their father is a literal thirteen-year-old, and the generational age gap is so narrow that when Walburga starts school her paternal aunt Dorea is canonically a fifth year. They want for nothing materially and the family does step up, but the complete parental absence in their life has an impact.
For the sake of funny, we thought Arcturus Black, who is already raising Lucretia and Orion, is our candidate for raising his cousin's spawn. Now Walburga's marriage to her second cousin is to someone who was raised alongside her, which is funny and so awful. Another feasible candidate is Cygnus Black, Pollux's father and currently raising four kids, but... not as funny.
Teen pregnancy 2.0: Cygnus edition
Cut to 1951. Alphard is a happy bachelor, his father has stopped having kids (legitimate ones anyhow), Walburga's happily married to their cousin, and then... their brother Cygnus does a booboo.
Bellatrix is born, Cygnus is thirteen. Andromeda's birthdate is unknown, but must have been while he was in Hogwarts because Narcissa is born in 1955, while he is still seventeen.
The same problem as with Pollux arises with Bellatrix: who wants baby? And, as with Walburga, I think a fair argument could be made that the Blacks took her in, not the Rosiers.
There are many options here (and can't rule out the Rosiers), but I think it's fair to assume Bellatrix went to live with close family.
Per the Black family, this gives us three options that I find feasible: Walburga, Alphard, and Pollux.
I don't think it was Walburga, I think that would inevitably have come up in canon, either as Walburga lost her shit when Andromeda eloped, handled her grief differently after Regulus died if she had surrogate daughters, or Sirius had a different dynamic with Bellatrix. The Orion-Walburga-Sirius-Regulus family unit doesn't come across at all as having had three nieces raised alongside the boys, so Walburga's a no.
Which leaves us with Alphard, Pollux, someone in the Rosier family, or extended Black family raising Bellatrix.
Pollux, per his wild youth, might not be topping the lists. One could posit that Pollux wants a second shot at parenting and would take in his granddaughter based on this, but he already has Cygnus if he wanted a second shot at parenting. Still, he's a candidate.
So is Alphard, however, who is living alone and has no wife to worry about, no children of his own, and a pile of gold. Per his choice to give Sirius gold after he ran away, one can also assume he's one to come through for family, which fits with taking in his much younger brother's daughter.
TL;DR: we can't prove Alphard Black didn't raise the Black sisters, or at least care for them in their early years, but someone must have and it might as well have been him.
Let there be no pregnancies and no marriages
We then enter the bit that had Muffin go "oh, gay. I will use him in my fic" long before any of the detective nonsense to come up with the above, which is that Alphard did not marry. Now, that could mean anything, perfectly straight people don't marry and gay people do marry.
However, from 1938 through 1960, no Black heirs are born. Which isn't necessarily a long time, on the contrary, Cygnus has been supplying the family with children for years now, luck just had it so they're all daughters who can't pass on the family name.
Still, taking a step back, Orion, Walburga, Alphard, and Lucretia (who married a Prewett) are all adults who are just not having any children. The Orion and Walburga are perhaps not even married, we don't know when they married, and it could be they married specifically because neither of them had found anyone else to marry and there were no sons. Alternatively, they married earlier but then did not have children until they were in their mid-thirties. Considering Lucretia's childless marriage, it might be some Blacks struggled with infertility.
A bit of nerding about why I think Walburga waiting so long to have children is odd
The tldr for Western European demographics is that if you can afford to have children and provide for your family, you will marry and have children early. The upper classes have historically married and had children much younger than the lower classes because of this. The mother's education will also impact when she has children - higher education means having children later.
I think we see this reflected in the wizarding world, in that education is both low (arguably nonexistent, considering the curriculum at Hogwarts) and in magic making material considerations Muggles must make obsolete. And we do see a lot of young parents - Lily and James are both 20 when they have Harry, Andromeda is maximum 24 when she has Nymphadora Tonks, Molly Weasley is 20 when she has Bill, Narcissa is 25 when she has Draco, Fleur would have been 23-25 when she had Victoire, Harry and Ginny are 26 and 25 when they have James Sirius, Hermione and Ron are 26-27 when they have Rose...
Young is the norm.
And with the Blacks, who were lineage obsessed, and where Walburga is never reported to have had a career keeping her busy, I find it very interesting that Walburga doesn't have children until she's 35.
There are three possible explanations I can see:
Walburga and Orion didn't want to have children, and waited for Alphard or Cygnus to get on with it, only for Cygnus to only have daughters and Alphard to have no children at all (bit unlikely since they had two sons, a couple who pointedly did not want children would have called it quits after the first)
They had fertility issues
Walburga and Orion did not instantly marry, but waited for years until it became clear Orion wasn't going to find anybody else, Alphard apparently not either, and Cygnus said "fuck you all, I've contributed three kids already", at which point Walburga and Orion were both single, both cared about the lineage, and went for it.
We've gone for option 2 since it's just funnier to have a pair of cousins all over each other at Hogwarts, "Aren't they-" "Yes and they're very happy together :)", but I think option 3 is pretty feasible too.
Either way, you can read into Walburga and Orion from the late births of their children and you also get free Alphard characterisation, because his choice not to marry starts to look rather pointed.
Back to Alphard
While the Blacks were not dying out at the time, they also weren't swimming in children. Only Cygnus was passing on the family name, and that was exclusively to daughters, and he went on to have no more (legitimate) children after leaving school. Pollux wasn't having any more (legitimate) children, and while there are and grandfathers uncles on the family tree who could do the deed they were quite old, many unmarried, and most importantly they canonically had no children.
We're down to Alphard, Orion, and Cygnus having to pass on the family name, with Orion and Walburga a decade into their marriage with no sons to show for it. Sure, Cygnus could have sons, but that would be placing all their dragon eggs in one dragon basket (and indeed, he had no sons).
Why doesn't Alphard marry?
The family must have brought it up, if not pressured him. Alphard not marrying in a world where arranging a match would have been the easiest thing in the world looks to me like a deliberate refusal.
The giving of the money to the Sirius
This all brings us to the one thing we know for sure that Alphard did in his life: he willed money to Sirius after he'd been disowned.
We know Alphard was not a blood traitor prior to this, or he'd have been burned off earlier.
I frankly take this to mean Alphard most likely subscribed to pureblood supremacy, or at least he did not mind it enough to do anything else to cross his family. Giving money to Sirius isn't a political act, it's an uncle providing for a family member who has suddenly lost everything.
(And, if we assume Alphard himself is gay: it's an uncle who sees his nephew run away from home to be with his best friend, and perhaps drawing a few conclusions of his own about the strength of Sirius's friendship to James. There are many ways to interpret his choice to support Sirius financially, is what I'm saying.)
It also seems a distinct overreaction to me that Walburga would burn him off the family tapestry for something like this, and... it seems very much like one angry, mourning, woman's way of hurting a brother she can no longer confront. If she had been hoping Sirius wouldn't make it out in the wild and be forced to return, then Alphard giving him money would be a betrayal of the highest order.
Walburga putting a cigarette to her wallpaper isn't the same as the entire Black family disowning Alphard posthumously, it's an act of grief and anger.
Where we make things up wholesale
I'll go ahead and assume Alphard was gay, had a good and stable but slightly fucked up family life, and got overly attached to his dorm mate Tom Riddle as a stranger to all of this who perhaps seemed above it all. I also vote he raised Bellatrix, Narcissa, and Andromeda, because it's a more interesting option than Pollux. (In case you didn't notice, Muffin and I subscribe to the Black family being as fucked up as we can reasonably make them.)
Vinelle, what was the point of this?
My point is that we may not have any canon appearances to go on with Alphard Black, but we do have dates, biographical facts, what he did with his will, a few statements from Walburga's insane painting and other characters, and a whole lot of imagination. And an obsessive tendency.
And a willingness to say "Mm, no. Can't read. Sorry, that fact's just wrong." when we don't like things (more specifically, Sirius's phrasing making it sound like Alphard died not too long after Sirius ran away from home, which would make him dead for The Man Who Would Be King, a fic that takes place in 1982. We will assume Sirius meant "gave", not "left".)
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metalomagnetic · 5 months
Snippet Canis Major
Voldemort remembers the other Sirius. Also, a little glimpse at Orion/Walburga, because I never tire of this toxic couple.
Usually, it was Arcturus or Pollux that showed up when their children got in trouble. Cygnus, especially, was often in trouble, so Pollux’ face was the most familiar to the students.
In Voldemort’s sixth year at Hogwarts, Atticus Bulstrode, the Head Boy, invited Walburga to Hogsmeade, the last in a lengthy string of boys asking her out. Only this time, she accepted.
When he heard, Orion challenged him to a formal duel. Atticus laughed, rolled his eyes at his fourteen years old opponent.
“Quick!” He was shaken awake by Abraxas, in the middle of the night.“Orion is killing Bulstrode in the trophy room! You have to stop him!”
He reached them just in time, he disarmed Orion, and rushed Bulstrode to the Hospital Wing, where they found Dumbledore asking the Matron for a sleeping potion.
Atticus was lucky- Dumbledore was more often than not away from Hogwarts, chasing Grindelwald, rumour went, but he was there that night, apparently suffering with insomnia.
The professor kept Atticus alive until the Healers from St Mungo arrived and took the boy with them.
“It wasn’t me,” he said, hurriedly, stained in Bulstrode’s blood, lingering in the Hospital Wing. Dumbledore peered at him from under his half-moon glasses. Dumbledore always liked to blame everything on him. “I only brought him here after-”
“I know,” Dumbledore assured him.
The next morning Atticus’ father came thundering, his yells easily heard from where Voldemort was spying, near the Headmaster office.
He wondered if maybe this will be the time when a Black actually suffers consequences. After all, Bulstrode’s name was ancient, they were a rich, influential family, and surely, at least on account of that, Dippet would do something more than detention and points taken, which was the usual punishment for Blacks.
Only, this time it wasn't Arcturus that came to fix his son's issues.
It was the infamous Sirius Black. A tall man, with wide shoulders, long black hair hanging around his face, deep circle under his too intense eyes, mouth twisted in a snarl. Orion walked behind him, his gaze fixed on his older relative. Voldemort watched them, hidden by a pillar. Orion never seemed small; he carried himself with such arrogance and pride, his head held so high he seemed a foot taller than he was. Yet right then, Orion looked small, trailing after his grandfather, quietly, as Voldemort observed them disappear up the stairwell leading to the Headmaster's chambers.
They left Dippet’s office not even a quarter of an hour after they entered it.
As soon as they emerged from it, the gargoyles closing the door behind them, old Black slapped Orion, the noise echoing down the hallway.
“Next time you pull something like this, do it on a weekday, you fool! If I’m woken up again at this ungodly hour on your account on a Sunday, you will be very sorry for it.”
“Yes, Grandfather,” Orion answers, in that unfazed tone of his.
The old man narrows his eyes. “What was it about, anyway? How did he provoke your ire?”
A second worth of silence. “He tried stealing from me.”
Orion gets hit again, harder this time. The heavy family ring rips the skin at the corner of his left eye, and that pure blood of theirs makes an appearance.
“Then why does he still have hands?” the old man hisses, enraged. “If someone attempts to take what is yours, you cut off their hands, boy!”
He slaps Orion again, just as harshly.
“Yes, Grandfather.” Orion doesn't take his eyes off his grandfather, doesn't wipe away the blood running down his cheek, his hands held behind his back.
Sirius Blacks huffs in displeasure, before turning on his heels and marching down the hallway. “Weakling,” he mutters.
Nothing happened to Orion. Not even the usual detention. No points taken.
Sirius Black insisted it was a formal duel, that the challenge had been accepted, and it was all done honourably, Slughorn told Voldemort, when he called him into his office to give him the Head Boy badge, temporarily, until Atticus recovered and would be able to return to Hogwarts and his duties.
“When Armando reminded him duels are illegal at Hogwarts, formal or not, Mr Black said rules are just words on parchment; that he’s a wizard, and he follows laws of magic, not of men.” Slughorn sighs, rubs at his temples, and then he takes a caramel out of his newest bribe-sweets bag that Abraxas gave him. “He told Mr Bulstrode that if he wants justice, then he should challenge him to a duel, and solve it like wizards ought to. Of course, Mr Bulstrode has more than one brain cell, so he refused and let it go.” He sighs again, points a sugar coated finger at Tom. “This is why I always told you not to seek trouble with Blacks. We’re lucky he’s apparently taken to drinking lately, locked up in his Manor, that he lets Arcturus handle most of their affairs, who is much milder and reasonable. But, once in a while, he gets out and you do not wish to run afoul of him.”
No one in the common room talked of it; only Walburga complained she was looking forward to going to the newly opened teashop in Hogsmeade, and demanded to know what was Orion’s problem with Atticus.
“A Quidditch thing,” Orion told her, with a shrug. “Don’t worry, Waly. I’ll take you to Madam Puddifoot’s.”
“I don’t want to go with my baby cousin, don’t be ridiculous! Malfoy, you will take me!”
Abraxas backs away, slowly. “I can’t, Walburga. I’m busy, I have to study,” he says, hastily, when Orion glares at him from behind Walburga.
It was the only time mild-tempered, well behaved Orion did something so outrageous that his unhinged grandfather had to come and solve it, so it was the only time Voldemort saw the man.
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ena341polaris · 3 months
Why the Artw boys would suck as a roommate
Arcturus loves cooking and everything hes makes tastes great! But that also means he would make your apartment an ingredients household... want a bag of chips? None! Make it from scratch! Just wat a simple meal that doesnt require cooking? Too bad! All you have is a frozen slab of steak and bell peppers. Also dishes would pile up so quickly and ants would be a huge problem.
Arcturus would definitely bring in lots of stray animals (not that helping strays is a bad thing!) But every weekend, you would be on the couch doing whatever and suddenly arcturus comes barreling through the door with 100 squirrels that have rabies. And Arcturus would be like "No it's okay! I've only gotten bitten 40000 times!" And you'd be like "Arcturus we need to go to the ER now".
Also Arcturus is the type of guy to sleep next to you without you knowing (as proven in his card Spring curve) at first it would be adorable. Until it's the middle of the summer, it's hot and this fluffy ginger boy is sleeping on top of you like a weighted and heated blanket. Which basically means you will get cooked alive from being snuggled up to Arcky. (But tbh I would love to go out like that)
Spica is probably the boy equivalent of a beige mom. Everything is white, carpet, walls, tiles maybe a little tan or grey but mostly a sleek white. Which is aesthetic until you start feeling the effects of white room torture kick in.
Spica has suuuupppeeeerrrr long hair as we know and he would probably leave hair everywhere! Not that it would be intentional but also since his hair is so long it would get on everything he also probably has like 100 hair products taking up most of the shower. Also your house would smell like strong black coffee grounds 24/7 not matter what you did. Febreeze? Nope, didnt work. Opening the windows? Still smells like coffee.
Speaking of coffee, he doesnt sleep much. Which means when your getting you beauty rest Spica is up in the kitchen making his 725th coffee of today. Hes also very busy, hes always on a computer writing and there are files cabinets everywhere, Like absolutely everywhere. You find paperclips in the fridge and pens and pencils between the couch cushions. He would also probably be very bossy, forgot your homework? Spica lives in your household just waiting to scold you for it 😅.
Hes sleeping all of the time. Like all of the time. He probably doesn't do many chores himself but that probably wouldn't matter because he would hire a maid to do it all. He would also 100% fall asleep on top of you keeping you trapped for god only knows how long. He would also never cook, he would. A: Get fast food B: Beg you to do it or C: hire a chef.
But honestly I feel like Alpheratz would be a good roommate otherwise.
You see Pollux could be a good roommate. He seriously could be... if it wasnt for his luck. He could be cleaning dishes and the house would catch on fire. Speaking of houses catching on fire, Pollux doesn't know how to cook and he would probably light the house on fire. Multiple times. Pollux could be looking out the window and suddenly all the power goes out. Hes also a lil broke boy, so he definitely would not be paying a lot of bills. He would also probably blast anime music in his room for multiple hours at a time.
And Castor would probably break into your apartment every now in then to bother you or Pollux. I also feel like Pollux would start accidentally calling you mom and embarrassing you when people come over. He also would ask you for lots of money.
Honestly, I feel like Vega would be a very clean, quiet and calm roommate. He would cook, pay bills, do whatever you expect a good roomate to do. But I feel like Vega, if he moved in with you, would start being very affectionate. Not like a "hi... your pretty" I feel like he would become much more possessive and get mad whenever your brought Sirius over or another guy. He also literally states in his lines that he wants to monopolize you. So for him, you being his roomate essentially means he gets to hang out with you whenever, even when your busy doing something like dishes. He would walk up to you and start talking to you a lot.
We can all agree by default that Sirius is a very creepy and flirty roomate. He would break into your bedroom in the middle of the night to scare you or just bother you. He would steal your soaps in the bathroom, he would basically do all these little things to get you a little upset with him. Despite that, he would pay the bills after you begged him to enough. He would cook (not as good as Arcky but still, he would)
He would definitely turn into random animals or into the household pet if you had one just to get your attention. Also say goodbye to privacy because now that you live with him he wants to know everything about you, what your doing and where your going. All of that. Also he probably runs a mafia so theres probably going to be lots of random scary looking people appearing without warning. Hes also going to be very flirty, I'll let you decide if that's a pro or a con.
He would also try to get you to do some sort of rituals with him or something like that.
Note: I made this at 11 at night so if theres spelling mistakes tell me in the comments
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yesterdays-xkcd · 7 days
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Interestingly, on a true vertical log plot, I think the Eiffel Tower's sides would really be straight lines.
Height [Explained]
Caption: Top of observable universe.
[Black Hat is standing on top, throwing a black kitty down.] Black Cat: Mrowl!
[Map of the universe from observable universe to Earth. Each area of item is labeled. Labels left to right, up to down:]
(46 billion light years up) Hubble Deep Field Objects One billion light years: Great Attractor. Antennae Galaxies (colliding). Andromeda.
Holy crap lots of space.
One million light years: Magellanic Clouds. Edge of galaxy. Galactic center. Crab Nebula. Orion Nebula. Horsehead Nebula. Romulan neutral zone. The Pleiades, duh!. Rigel. Betelgeuse. Ford Prefect.
[Three arrows are pointing up above three lines labelled “expanding shell of radio transmissions”.] Edge of federation sector 0-0-1.
Pollux. Arcturus. Missing WMDs. Sirius. Barnard's Star. Alpha Centauri.
One parsec:
One light year: Oort Cloud (?). Bupkis. Comet which will destroy Earth in late 2063. Pioneer 10. Voyager I. Eris (All hail Discordia!). Pluto. (Not a planet. Neener neener.) Neptune. Uranus. Saturn. [Two arrows labelled “life” point to two moons, one next to Saturn and the other Jupiter.] Jupiter. Asteroids. Mars. Venus. Sun. Mercury. Spaceship Planet Express: Hey, a heaping bowl of salt! Spaceship Discovery One: Open the fridge door, Hal. Moon. Human altitude record (Apollo 13). 2nd place: Snoop Dogg. Space elevator - One of these days, promise! Geosynchronous Orbit. GPS satellites. Lunar lander: In retrospect, they shouldn't have sent a poet. I have no idea how to land. International Space Station. Space junk.
Official edge of space (100 km): Meteors.
1/10 ATM: High altitude balloons. Airliners. Shuttle Columbia lost.
1/2 ATM: Cory Doctrow [In an hot air balloon]. Everest. Helicopters (6000 m). Cueball: Woo Python!
[A vertical scale is drawn along the right side of the picture, starting at 1 km and getting progressively smaller and smaller.]
1 km. 800 m: Burj Dubai (~800 m). 500. 400. Eiffel Tower (325 m). 200. Kites. Great Pyramid (140 m). Pop fly. Redwood (115 m).
100m. Oak (20 m). A person in the oak: Hey squirrels! Tallest stilts. Brachiosaur (13 m). Giraffe (8 m).
[Megan and Cueball holding the kite are labeled:] Folks.
Title: The observable universe, from top to bottom: on a log scale.
Caption: Sizes are not to scale, but heights above the Earth's surface are accurate on a log scale. (That is, each step up is double the height.)
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pomegranateboba · 6 months
Hi! This is my first time requesting so sorry if I did anything wrong. Can I request the boys with an MC who has bad experience with gun noises? Like if they even here a chip bag pop open they hit a dead sprint out of the room. If it makes you uncomfy you can just ignore. Have a good day/evening/night!
Hello anon :)
Summoner who dislikes gun/gun-like noises
He was carrying a stack of books, and just so happens that the heavy dictionary at the top of the pile fell onto the ground with a loud thud
He set the rest of the books on a table to pick them up, and was going to ask you for help when he saw you backed up against a pillar a good distance away from him
He noticed how you stared in the book in slight fear and shock, and he immediately went over to ask if you were okay
He didn't know you had this condition, he's really sorry
Gave you a hug as an apology
Made sure that he didn't accidentally trigger this again, and he would always be there for you if you ever need his comfort
He was holding a heavy stack of papers and he may or may not have put the papers down way too loudly
He saw the way you flinched violently and turned pale
Immediately apologised, pouring you a glass of your preferred drink while rubbing circles on your back to calm you down
Promised he would be more careful next time
He is worried about what had caused this fear of gun-like noises
You are always welcome to come to him if you need anything
He was opening this bag of chips Pollux gave him, and it accidentally exploded
You struggled to move away from the sudden noise, moving 10 kilometres away from him
He felt bad, he didn't mean to scare you like that
Invited you back to his side, where he hugged you while you both shared whatever was left of the exploded chips
He says its the bag's fault for being so troublesome, he secretly he feels bad
He himself had been startled by the way the stupid bag exploded too
He was just showing how he could shoot things from a far distance, so he shot an apple on Alpheratz's head
He turned around and suddenly you were 10 metres away hiding behind a tree
When he realised he wasn't sure how to feel
Why didn't you tell him about this sooner? But he also felt bad for not asking
Apologised over and over again, giving you this half-melted chocolate bar as an apology
Was really clingy for the rest of the day because he felt bad for making you scared
He never apologised to Alpheratz for putting an apple on his head and then shooting it, giving Alpheratz the heart attack of the century. His summoner is obviously more improtant
Vega already knows about your condition, so he would literally never
And if he ever did, he would feel so bad. Like "I don't deserve you" feel bad
May distance himself from you and everyone to question his whole purpose in life
How could he be your protector if he is the one making you scared?
You have to go to him yourself and tell him its okay, otherwise you will never be able to talk to him ever again
You 2 will get yourselves some jelly (mostly for Vega to calm him down)
He is very careful with what he does, and if anyone scares you again whether on accident or not, make sure you tell them to lock their doors
He likely found this out on his own somehow, so he also would be careful about what he does
And if he ever did, he will also fall into depression, except its all internal and he rainbows the pain of hurting you away
He avoids using his gun around you, due to obvious reasons
Will probably tease you about it, but when its serious, he's actually doing his best to comfort you
Anyone who dares take advantage of this fact will face his wrath
Gets you earmuffs for fun
Remember to hydrate yourselves and get enough sleep :)
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elynnss · 4 months
binary stars
“I want at least three.” 
Cassiopeia twinkles above. Sirius follows the zig-zag of it down to Perseus, then Taurus, then Gemini. Castor and Pollux take turns flashing. 
“Oh yeah? And how many does she want?” 
The serpentine line of Draco flows down to Ursa Major. Part of him wants to sit up and turn to see Andromeda, but he’s comfortable on his back, with James a warm line of warmth along his side. 
“I’ll convince her. Being an only child is lonely. They need someone to play with.” 
“You wouldn’t play with them?” 
“Course I would! All the time. They’ll be quidditch players before they can speak. But I won’t be around to play all the time.” 
“Oh please. You’ll be the stay at home wife while poor Lily goes to work. I can already see it.” 
James just laughed, elbow knocking into Sirius’. It should have been freezing with the cracked stone of the Astronomy Tower at their backs and the cool October wind in their hair. But James was like an inferno- a sun amongst stars. Sirius wasn’t cold at all. 
“Nah. I’ll be a pro quidditch player. She’ll never work a day in her life if I can help it.” 
“Oh, you know she’d hate that.” 
James sighed, dreamy. “Yeah. Yeah, she would.” 
Lyra, Cygnus, Cepheus. Silence sat comfortable between them. 
“Do you want kids, Sirius?” 
“I’ve… never really thought about it.” 
He tried very hard not to. Kids only ever made him think of closets and family dinner and the flick of unfriendly wands and his own eyes staring back at him, big and wet with tears as he pleaded, pick me up, S’rius-
“Nah. Nah, I don’t think I will.” 
“Really? You don’t think Moony would ever want one or two?” Somedays, Sirius thought Remus didn’t even want to be with him. With them. Not for lack of love, but for that persistent, unyielding fear that someday his claws and teeth would finally sink into one of them. He sincerely Moony would tolerate something as helpless as a child in his life. 
“Maybe. I think he’d be scared, though.” 
James hummed. He didn’t need to ask what he’d be scared of. 
“And you? C’mon, they could be cousins, Sirius.” 
“I don’t think I’d be a good dad.” 
Hercules. Bootes. Ursa Minor. 
“I don’t think that's true.” 
“Don’t have the best example, do I?” 
If he squinted, he could see Mars. 
“I think that’d help you know what not to do then, no?” 
He did shudder a bit, then. Sometimes, there had been smiles, a hand on his head, a fountain of sparks to make two little boys laugh. It all got too mixed up, too jumbled to know which hands and which sparkes had been good and which had hurt. 
James only hummed at his silence, unfazed. This wasn’t the first time they’d spoken about this, or something like it. 
“Godfather, then. You two can babysit. How many can you handle?” 
He thought of James, happy but alone in a giant house. He thought of a set of three sisters, of the one who’d been left behind. 
He thought of nights just like this, with a different boy on top of a different set of ancient stones, pointing at the same constellations as they named their cousins and aunts and uncles one by one. 
“Two. Or four. Keep it even. One always gets left behind when it's uneven.” 
Sirius had a brother. He did not have a brother. His brother was asleep, countless stories below. His brother was next to him, staring at the sky. 
“Alright, Pads. Even numbers it is. I think I can convince her into that.” 
Sirius knew he would. Knew Lily would sigh and give in, as if she wasn’t just as excited. Knew that one day, James would host dinner for all of them at Potter Manor with a horde of rambunctious children at their feet. 
And Sirius would take them outside and point out stars, help their little hands trace out constellations. And his heart would ache- impossibly full and impossibly hollow as he stared up at the night sky- just as it did now. 
His side was warm. His brother was miles below him. His brother was right beside him. 
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sleepytwilight · 4 months
An actual date
Pairing: Lilith x Sirius (I'm not good with romance)
"you good man? You've been pretty moody this entire morning." Pollux noticed Sirius change in demeanor.
"You noticed? Hah.. nothing particularly special—"
"I heard from Vega, you got rejected when you asked Lilith on a date. He was mocking you."
"..ouch." Sirius sighed. "I'm not in the mood, don't let others see my like this. I'll just know they'll make fun of me."
"Well I'm trying to help you." Said Pollux as he grabbed Sirius arm. "Come on, I set a playdate for you with Lilith."
"What? Why would she accepted—"
"Alright listen here you smarty-pants. She misunderstood your intention, she thought you were talking about dates, the fruit. Since she just learn that term of date and dates but the thing is she can't tell between them... And she don't like dates like me so-" Pollux faked a cough.
"Ah." A bulb lighten up as Sirius understands what's going on. "Oh... ... Well...."
"Yeah yeah I know. You guys need to communicate better I swear to God..." Sighed Pollux.
A little while later, Sirius is wearing his casual outfit. Pollux gave him a basket full of food for the picnic and a fresh bouquet of white lilies.
He saw Lilith waiting patiently at a picnic blanket.
'Pollux really prepared everything...-' Sirius is impressed by Pollux managed to do everything in such short time.
Lilith wears a yellow ruffle and white shorts. He never seen her wear that kind of clothing, to be honest he always seen her wearing the uniform or her only clothes that she have.
"Summoner." Sirius greet her with a smile. "For you, my lady." He handed Lilith the bouquet.
"Lilies..!" Lilith happily took it and smiles. "How did you know this is my favorite?"
"That... I noticed your scent match with lilies." Sirius quickly thought a lie, he can't just tell her that it was Pollux who chose it.
"You noticed?" She chuckles. "Thank you! I use that kind of perfume that use lilies."
"You mean I use a lily-scented perfume?" Sirius corrected Lilith. "But good job, you improved a lot at your accent." Sirius faked a cough. "May I?"
"Oh- ah right, you may take a seat." Lilith invited him to sit down next to her.
The silent was louder than Sirius thought it would be. Sirius is supposed to good at this but he feels nervous around her.
A minute had passed, they still haven't talk about anything-
Both stop when they synced.
"You go first." Sirius offers.
"Ahaha... Uhm... Sorry for rejecting you yesterday. I thought you were talking about the fruit."
"Oh, it's not a big deal. Everyone made mistake." Sirius laughed, he is not fine actually. Last night, he thought he made a horrible mistake that he could not sleep. The fact he wears concealer to hide his dark circles. "Anyway I brought lunch."
Sirius checked the basket, there are bottle of wine, two glasses, sandwiches and pancakes...
'yep, definitely Pollux and Arcturus who made this.' Sirius can recognized Arcturus homemade sandwich signature. He just hope Lilith won't notice a thing.
"Oh! Did you asked Arcturus and Pollux for help?" Asked Lilith as she look over the basket.
Sirius lost his chance to impress her again- Ahem..
"Not at all! They're the one who planned all of this. I just follows the flow." He said.
"Oh... So you didn't want this date?"
"No no, that's not what I mean. What I mean is that I was planning to take you on a expensive restaurant but they insisted I should take you out on a picnic! So I agreed because I realized you maybe like.. nature more?"
"Oh!" Lilith nodded in understanding. "Indeed you're correct! I don't enjoy being served in expensive restaurant, it overwhelm me a lot."
"I am always correct haha..!" Sirius is thankful that Lilith rejected him yesterday because that expensive restaurant was his idea in first place. "I thought since you're a princess, you'll like being treated like a princess but I just thought maybe you prefered something else."
"I mean you could've ask me but you worked so hard and even noticed the smallest thing about me, I'm happy." She smiles. "And you even brought my favorite wine!"
"Oh, of course. Since I only got my eye on you." Behind his smiles, he is in fact feels guilty for not knowing anything that Lilith likes or dislikes, he's going to give Pollux tips for this later.
Lilith chuckles, "I'll pour the wine, you can help by taking out the food." Said Lilith as she took the two glasses and the wine.
"Wait, Summoner. We have magic, why don't we just use it?" Sirius snapped his finger as the bottle of wine float and pour it into the two glasses by it self. "Impressive, right?"
"Very!" She beamed. "Magic is truly fascinating."
Sirius chuckles at her reaction, he couldn't get enough everytime she is impressed by something simple.
He took out a sandwich, try to feed her.
"Summoner, open your mouth."
"Oh-!" Lilith took a bite without hesitation, just like he expected, she will never hesitate when it come food. "Delicious! Feed me more, please!"
"Gladly." Sirius wipe the bread crumb from her lips with his fingers. He know has realized how soft is her lips is. "Right, Summoner... ... Uh—"
"You know, Phera also feed me like this and he called me good girl. At least he didn't call me good dog anymore but it's pretty weird. I'm pretty sure I am a woman now." Said Lilith. "Since Spica taught me the different because girl and woman in term-"
"That's enough Summoner, I understand...-" Sirius cracked a smile. "So you say you went to a date with Alpheratz hmm?"
"A date? Oh no, he just took me in a room and feed me cookies." Smiles Lilith, she in fact did not realized it was a date.
"... Well, my lady. I'll have a talk with Alpheratz, I'm pretty sure that bastard is stupid for calling you a good girl..."
"Shouldn't he call me good woman then?" Asked Lilith. "Should I ask Spica—"
"No, no. Don't ask Spica." Replied Sirius. "Just everytime Alpheratz try to invite you to somewhere, can you reject it? Nothing serious of course but don't you think you might waste him time since he's a very busy sorcerer..."
"Oh... If you say so then alright." She nodded.
The date went successful, they both had a good time. Sirius managed to get what he want, same with Lilith.
Pollux and Arcturus celebrated as they were watching them just to make sure everything went well.
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another-lost-mc · 2 years
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Relationships: Platonic or one-sided feelings towards Summoner (MC) Characters: Sirius, Spica, Alpheratz, Pollux, Arcturus, Vega Warnings: SFW; some questionable behaviour including hints of stalking, obsessive thoughts, and manipulation/deception (mostly Sirius) Word Count: 2700 Headcanon: The Sorcerers when Summoner (MC) gets sick Note: re-posted from my main blog here.
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Symptoms and Panic
Vega is the first sorcerer to recognize your sneezing and runny nose for what it is
After finishing a task in the mana lab late that night, he takes a detour past your room. He can hear your congested sniffles through the door
It doesn’t surprise him that you don’t show to the guide meeting the following morning
It surprises everyone else though, and when calls and messages to your Stella Tab go ignored, it creates a bit of chaos amongst the group until he explains to the others what’s happened
In normal circumstances Spica wouldn’t dream of entering your room without notice, and certainly not without your permission, but when he knocks and hears only silence he leads the rest of the sorcerers inside
Spica has to quickly evict Arcturus and Pollux whose panicked spitfire questions startle you from sleep
The other sorcerers have to try not to stare at your pale face and bright red nose with a mixture of sympathy and alarm; they don’t want to worry you but you look dreadful
Vega approaches your bedside and  gently touches the back of his hand to your forehead. He feels your rising temperature warm his skin
When he quietly relays to the others the likely cause - a common Mid-Eartheim illness - Spica directs them all back to the committee room to create a plan for your care
At Vega’s insistence, Spica defers to his recommendations for symptoms you might experience, which ones are typical and which ones might mean a more serious progression of your illness
Alpheratz considers casting a spell to analyze your condition and seeing if he can soothe your symptoms with magic, but he hesitates. He doesn’t want to accidentally make your illness worse which stops him from offering
Based on the way the others are acting, he’s not sure he’d be permitted to even try
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The Road to Recovery
Arcturus and Pollux
After their initial panic is calmed (somewhat), they volunteer to be in charge of preparing your meals - you spend a lot of time in the kitchen with them, after all, and they feel they know your food preferences best
Vega’s suggestion for bland, palatable food goes ignored and they prepare a normal brunch for you, laden with some of your favourite sweets in an effort to cheer you up
They realize their miscalculation when you barely glance at the tray of food before rolling onto your side and going back to sleep
Arcturus sends Vega a message asking him to come to the kitchen; Pollux is too embarrassed by the blunder to do it himself 
Vega shakes his head at their failed attempt to prepare a meal for you and begins writing down a list of foods to try, mostly bland crackers or toasted bread and warm broths and soups
If you normally eat meat, Alpheratz has already spoken to them and arranged to have fresh chickens delivered from his favourite butcher in town
Arcturus goes to his garden and handpicks fresh vegetables and legumes for your daily soups
The first day or two, the soup is warm but blandly seasoned, a fresh broth prepared for you to drink with a straw if you’re too tired to use a spoon
They aren’t always able to watch you eat personally, so the other sorcerers send them feedback after your meal times so they can adjust the next day’s recipes accordingly
As you slowly improve, they create more fulfilling stews to help you regain your strength and nurture your returning appetite 
They’ve arranged with Spica so that at least one of them is available every day to prepare your food personally, with most of the other sorcerers too busy with other tasks in your care (and fear that their questionable cooking skills will make you worse)
Pollux won’t admit that he nearly cried tears of relief the first afternoon you asked them if they could make a small batch of your favourite pastries for you
After you’ve recovered, two of the sorcerers have memorized the details of your preferred soup recipes; the others have recorded them in their private journals 
Vega makes a point of specifically telling him that he’s not to nap in your bed (he would deny thinking about doing it if asked)
He is put on a rotation schedule with the other sorcerers to keep an eye on you, trading daytime “shifts” with Spica
He’s the first one that noticed on the second day that your cheeks are flushed even more, and you’re shivering underneath the pile of blankets you’re nested in
He feels the heat radiating off your skin when he checks your forehead the way Vega showed them
He worries when you push away your evening bowl of soup, but when your watery eyes glance up at him, he focuses on trying to get you to sip water and mouth on ice chips instead of forcing you to eat like the others might
You don’t seem to mind leaning against him when he maneuvers you out of bed so it can be changed. He orders clean, dry linens for you each morning so you can rest comfortably
Some mornings when he’s the first to check on you, he ponders the strange black hairs that have started appearing on your bedding. He makes note to check the laundry room for any malfunctions or contamination
He thinks about the way you’ve borrowed his dress robe in the past, snuggling into the warm lining on visits that take you to cold and windy towns. He would always tease your weak disposition but hand the robe over without protest
He decides to visit his preferred robe maker in town and places a rush order for several blankets made with the same plush material you enjoy
After sorcerers from the medical ward help you bathe, he takes care to gently guide you back into bed and under the covers including the new blanket on top of the pile
When your fever breaks and you start kicking the heavy blankets off you in your sleep, he gathers them off the floor and has them all cleaned 
He folds one and places it in your closet; he keeps the rest in his own bedroom - just in case you should ever join him for a nap
Spica has many of his responsibilities redistributed to others while he and the guide committee sorcerers focus on nursing you back to good health
Other staff and sorcerers at the academy notice the subtle change in his demeanor despite his best attempts to hide how his worry affects him
No one dares to make a comment when they pass him coming or going from the direction of your bedroom, a cup of tea in one hand and a book in the other
The first morning he visited you, he brought you a cup of his favorite coffee hoping you might be tempted to drink some like you sometimes do
You offered a weak apology when you pushed the cup away, mumbling something about the strong smell upsetting your stomach
He thinks the small smile on your face when he cleared his throat and apologized, a blush appearing on his pale cheeks, was worth the embarrassment at his obvious oversight
After consulting with Vega, he decided to find a tea blend that you would find easier to drink
Spica looked through the collection of bagged and loose leaf teas in the kitchen personally, pulling jars from the cupboard and setting them aside in consideration
Arcturus and Pollux had enough good sense to ignore him while they prepared your meal, glancing at each other every once in a while and trying not to grin when they heard Spica muttering to himself as he brewed experimental cups of tea for you
Eventually he decided on a loose leaf green tea, sweetened with honey and candied ginger
He watched with obvious pleasure as you carefully sipped the tea from your cup until it was gone
After moving your empty cup away, he settled into the chair at your bedside and opened the book he brought with him
He selected a new book each day from his own personal library, collections of poems and short stories about Polaris and other sorcerers of legend
Spica would read quietly, the gentle cadence of his voice helping soothe your tired mind and lulling you into a light slumber 
His tea brew joined the collection of recipes the other sorcerers would refer to should you ever fall sick again
When you recovered, he gladly leant you those books when you asked to borrow them
Sirius and Vega
When Vega begins helping the others navigate your needs on the road to recovery, Sirius feigns indifference as everyone else worries in their own ways
As soon as Spica announces changes to the visit assignments and other guide committee tasks, Sirius is the one trying to sabotage the others’ ability to spend time with you
He volunteers Vega for additional visits, sends Pollux and Arcturus on errands when they’re not busy preparing your meals, and makes sure that Alpheratz’s naps (when he’s not in your room) are quickly discovered and result in harsh reprimands from Spica
Vega seems to run into Sirius every time he’s been assigned a routine visit to one of the towers. His mood darkens when he sees the smirk on Sirius’s face as his eyes flash purple
On his journey back, Vega overhears in town that Sirius’s latest play has been postponed due to sudden illness. His fingernails dent the skin of his hands when they unconsciously ball into fists at his side
With Vega disposed of and other sorcerers busy elsewhere, Sirius visits you without worrying about being interrupted
In the afternoons after your lunch has been delivered, Sirius sits on the edge of your bed, ignoring your feeble protests as he lifts spoonfuls of broth into your mouth (he pretends not to notice the provided straw so you can feed yourself)
He teases you when broth trickles down your chin, but the hand that dabs it away with a soft handkerchief is gentle
He often sits silently in the chair at your bedside while you nap, ankle crossed over a knee as he reads through the script for his play. He uses a pen that doesn’t scratch too loudly in the harsh quiet of your room to scribble notes on the paper 
He doesn’t get much work done - he is too focused the rise and fall of your shape under the blankets, your rhythmic breathing and the soft sounds you make in your sleep
He checks his Stella Tab occasionally, having turned it to silent when he first arrived; he types quick responses if Spica demands an update on your condition in their group chat, but leaves Vega’s messages to him on read
Sirius takes it upon himself to swap your bottles of bath products with the kinds he uses, a unisex blend of musky sweetness that won’t draw suspicion if the others notice. After a couple days of having your bedding washed and some baths with a sorcerer from the medical ward assisting you, your skin and bedding start to smell like him
Almost a week has passed when Spica announces to the sorcerers (his gaze lingering on two in particular) that nighttime observation is no longer required now that your fever has broken and you seem to be on the mend 
You are starting to push for your own independence as your strength recovers and Spica wants to respect your autonomy
Sirius and Vega both silently disagree with his assessment and continue to sneak in to see you at night time anyway; you’re still sleeping deeply and not easily disturbed so long as they’re quiet
Vega considers himself lucky that he gets to spend most of those last few nights with you. Sirius is distracted by the work he’s ignored and other obligations in town once his play performances are scheduled to continue 
Vega sits next to you and keeps a cool compress pressed against your forehead for your comfort more than necessity
Each night he’s spent with you, Vega hears the sound of footsteps that pause in the hallway outside your room. He watches the shadow under your door freeze until it eventually slinks away like it was never there
Sometimes Vega falls asleep at your side, dreams filled with broken memories of a time long past
A stormy night rattles your bedroom windows and balcony door and it jolts him awake. He confirms you’re not woken by the noise. Vega glances to make sure the windows are all properly closed when he sees a hulking black shape on the balcony outside. Vega approaches the door as quickly as he can without disturbing you, and during a flash of lightning the shape has disappeared. It’s a rare night when he pulls the chair to the balcony door away from your side. He stares into the night with a hand on his sword, listening to your breathing mingle with the patter of rain on the glass
Vega resists the urge to reach for his sword again the next morning when Sirius stops him in the hall and asks how he slept, his golden irises glinting knowingly. Vega ignores him and keeps walking, teasing laughter echoing behind him
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On the Mend
When you’ve recovered and are cleared to continue assisting the sorcerers with missions, you blink in confusion when Sirius and Vega both insist vehemently on accompanying you
You spend a lot of time helping Arcturus in the garden after being cooped up in your room for what feels like ages
Pollux is eager to make up for lost time and keeps suggesting trips you can take into town together, but the other sorcerers have to remind him more than once not to overwhelm you so soon with his antics
You’re equally embarrassed and grateful at the care your friends showed when you were sick but you’re sure that despite some of your hazy memories, nothing too embarrassing happened (you hoped)
You offer flustered thanks and apologies to each of them, most of them secretly pleased with your praise but insisting that they were simply doing what needed done
You decide to surprise each of them with a small gift: a trinket or snack reflecting each sorcerer’s preferences
Arcturus and Pollux don’t bother hiding their appreciation when you approach them, eagerly inviting you to share the bakery snacks you bought for them
Despite his preference for coffee, you are pleased with your gamble when you see that Spica decided to keep his new tea set in the guide committee meeting room. He makes sure that containers of green tea leaves and candied ginger are always available for your use
You take Alpheratz to dinner at his favourite restaurant. He looks content as he slices into a piece of perfectly cooked steak. You laugh and agree to order dessert with him when he insists. You’re so surprised when he offers you a spoonful from his own plate that you open your mouth willingly, letting the bittersweet chocolate taste settle on your tongue 
You’re not sure what to buy for Vega, and he keeps insisting that all he needs is you to stay happy and healthy with them (with him). He doesn’t look like he’s slept well since you became sick and you remind him that he needs looking after too
He awkwardly accepts the clumsily wrapped package you offer him. You beam pleasantly when you notice him wearing his new pair of gloves the next day 
Sirius is the trickiest sorcerer to surprise with a gift. He has exquisite taste but has the ability to buy his own clothing and accessories (you are usually the one turning down his offers to buy you things)
You are at the apothecary in town to restock some of your personal supplies. You pick up bottles of shampoo and shower gel, fragranced with the subtle sweet smells of sandalwood and vanilla 
On a whim, you turn to Sirius and offer to buy him bottles of his own as a gift. You’re confused when he laughs delightfully, worried it was a silly idea after all, but his mysterious smile soothes your doubt and he accepts without hesitation
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lemme-just-oops · 2 years
How would the Boys react If the mc got turned Into a Baby (1-3 years ) because of a mistake in a spell for example :)
Alpheratz: This man has never seen or interacted with a baby, so all he can do is return you to your normal age. This may take a few attempts, but he eventually gets it within an hour.
Arcturus: You are in amazing hands! He knows how to treat kids and you will have the most amazing day in your life. Babyfood has never been this incredible, and while Spica tries to find a way to reverse your situation, he will play with you. Has mastered the baby language, which distracts Spica the whole time though.
Pollux: The responsible thing would be to bring you to Spica, but instead you will be his child until someone else asks about you. You will be carried around all day, and since you do not have your adult teeth yet, he will give you so much candy! (POLLUX NO) Prepare to be taken to a zoo too. Also, he will need a picture of you and him to give his family a little shock. (When he sent the picture to Castor, Castor replied: "Was it kidnapped from the hospital or playground?"
Sirius: Not only were you humiliated by your accident, his laughter also mocks you. Did not even hesitate to take pictures of you to rwmember it. He may also attempt to take a video, but he is laughing so hard, the video is blurry. Though he could transform you back, he transforms himself into your older version, picks you up and carries you around like a doll.
Spica: He looks at you, and immediately begins to dial a few numbers. How did this even happen? His first person to call nearly was Sirius, until he realized that Sirius would not be willing to help. So, he called Schedar for help. Instead of helping you, the principal treats you like the grandchild he never had. All the while, Spica is busy trying to find a solution for you. If you get tired, act grumpy. That way, he will lay down next to you and hold you (so you do not fall off), and eventually fall asleep as well.
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liviavanrouge · 8 days
Topaz(2nd Life): *Beams* Alright, everything is ready!! Operation: Tea Time is a GO!!
Rigel: *Chuckles* Am I still invited?
Topaz: *Gasps, quickly grabbing his hands* OF COURSE!! You helped me after all!
???: Am I early?
Ruby: *Waves, her hair in buns*
Topaz: *Beams, hurrying over* RUBY!! YOU MADE IT!
Ruby: *Smiles* Of course, who would miss the beloved Topaz's tea party
Topaz: *Turns and beams, quickly running off* ARCKYYYYYYY!
Arcturus: *Laughs as Topaz hugged him, spinning around twice before stopping*
Topaz: Guys!
Sirius: *Chuckles, pressing a kiss to Topaz's cheek* Hey, Angel Baby...
Topaz: Sirius, were in public
Spica: *Shoves Sirius away* Don't kiss my baby sister so casually.
Ruby: Good afternoon everyone
Sirius: *Looks blankly at Ruby*
Arcturus: *Glances away nervously, still feeling the bad vibes from her* Ah...
Alpheratz: *Yawns, not bothering to greet her*
Vega: *Glares at Ruby coldly*
Pollux: *Turns away, carefully fixing Topaz's hair* Hmph!
Topaz: Ah...w-well, why don't we begin!
Spica: Great idea *Shoves Ruby to the side, walking to the table*
Ruby: *Looks down, keeping the dark magic from flowing needing to play her part* Sorry for standing in the way...
Topaz: *Grabs Ruby's hands, beaming at her* Come on, Ruru! Ignore their rudeness, I'll stay your friend no matter what!
Ruby: *Stares in shock, following Topaz*
Topaz: Tea party time!!
Topaz: *Beams, walking beside Ruby* Next, I'm gonna do a picnic! I have to prepare everything with Rigel's help of course!
Ruby: Topaz, can I ask you a favor?
Topaz: *Turns around curiously then smiles wide, her eyes sparkling* OF COURSE RUBY!
Topaz: *Takes Ruby's hands* You can ask me ANYTHING!! I'm so glad you're opening up-
Ruby: Can I have your appearance?
Topaz: Huh?
Ruby: Blond hair....sparkling vibrant green eyes........I want it
Topaz: *Blinks in surprise* Oh...really? My appearance isn't all that special...
Ruby: *Smiles, her eyes turning from blue to red* I want it. Now...please, Topaz
Topaz: Well, if I could give it to you, I would but there's not much of a way to do that
Ruby: *Grins widely* Right...right..of course, there's no way...
Topaz: *Hits the ground, quickly pushing herself up* Huh...
Spica: *Stares her down, his gaze cold*
Arcturus: Topaz!
Vega: Spica, what is the meaning of this?
Sirius: *Quickly kneels beside Topaz* Angel...
Topaz: *Stares at Spica* Big...brother...?
Ruby: *Peeks out from behind Spica hugging his arm then grins smugly at Topaz* Sorry, Topaz~
Topaz: *Stares in shock* Ru..by...
Ruby: *Giggled quietly, looking down at her* Checkmate.
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bittersweetcanary · 1 year
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Arcturus’s Onesie Party
The entire Quide Committee was invited to another surprise party by Arcturus, a surprise as in it was quite out of nowhere for no particular event or reason. As per usual Vega didn’t bother to respond but Pollux and the Summoner were on board immediately! They managed to convince Alhpetraz to join them, offering snacks and a comfy spot to sleep. Spica agreed to join them for a short break from work. Vega agreed to join after the Summoner did- pfft!.. And Sirius decided he’d join in as well…
Pollux and the Summoner arrive first, Polly in a calico cat onesie with Summoner in a unicorn onesie. They were immediately welcomed into Arcturus’s room, he’d already set everything up… Arcturus wore a chipmunk onesie!
Spica is punctual as always, arriving on time and in his pajamas! A peacock onesie. Vega follows after him in a polar bear onesie, his cheeks obviously tinted red only grew a deeper blush when the others glanced at him.
… After an hour of Arcturus anxiously worrying, wondering if the others had forgotten, and trying to no avail to contact them… Then they finally showed up… Alpheratz walked in, Sirius in toe in his gray cat onesie, and Alphy in a lion onesie. Alphy immediately takes a makeshift bed for himself, turning away from the others with an annoyed huff as Sirius oh-so gracefully takes a seat with the rest… Just what happened between them? Arcturus had asked but neither would give a direct answer…
Spica looked between the two, giving a concerned expression nearly matching Artcurus’s  “... … Did something happen, Sirius..?”.
Sirius smiled, responding evenly “Alpheratz just needed a little help choosing a onesie.”
Arcturus and Spica glance at one another, a bit confused but nod. “Alright… But next time try to be punctual, you worried Arcturus.” Spica spoke sternly to both Alpheratz and Sirius.
Alpheratz yawned in response while Sirius just smiled.
As everyone settled down Arcturus pulled out a board game, setting it up on the low table everyone but Alpheratz was sat at. Each person picked a figure to represent themselves and soon enough they’d begun…
… … 
Once the game was finished and a winner had been decided Pollux decided he wanted Alpheratz to join in, and he began to pester the slumbering lion onesie-wearing lump. 
“A L P H E R A T Z ALPH ALPH ALPHERRRTTTZZZ!!!” Pollux yelled as he shook Alpheratz. The Summoner quickly covered their ears, the others watched Pollux with slight annoyance… Then out of the corner of the Summoner’s eyes, they saw something gleam in the light of the dim bedside lamp…
Sirius had a small bell with a blue ribbon attached to his hand, he glanced at the Summoner, motioning for them to keep quiet as he moved closer to Pollux, carefully tying the bell to the short tail of his onesie that immediately started jingling as Pollux moved about… The Summoner couldn’t help but laugh at this, their giggling spilling out as Pollux turned, confused as the jingling sound continued whenever he moved… 
“W-what’s that sound?! Summoner… Why are you laughing so much…” Pollux whined, looking about for the sound as the others attempted to stifle their own laughter except Alpheratz and Arcturus.
“Poll-” Arcturus spoke with concern as he scooted closer to Pollux before Sirius intervened, causing the Summoner to begin laughing harder… “Oh Arcturus, did you bring any cookies? I’d love one right about now” Sirius asked with a small smirk as Arcturus paused to think…
“Oh no, I think I forgot them in the kitchen!” Arcturus, easily swayed to a new subject, a small worried frown on his face as he hurriedly left.
Alpheratz rolled over to see what was happening, his furrowed brows and small frown gave away just how annoyed he was but as soon as he spotted the bell from behind Pollux he chuckled. “Pollux- I think you are hearing things…” Alphy spoke teasingly.
Pollux whipped around to face Alpheratz, his cheeks puffed up, and he slammed his hands down on the edge of Alpheratz’s makeshift bed.
“HEYYY! Do you have something to do with this?! What did you do!!” Pollux’s whined turned to a grumble followed by a scowl as his cheeks tinted pink. 
Sirius snickered as Pollux grew more agitated as the bell continued to swing and jingle. Spica was having trouble choking down his own laughter… Spica looked away as he covered his mouth and coughed.
As Sirius snickered Pollux turned his rageful fit toward him, scooting over to him with furrowed brows. “Sirius!! Was it you?! What’d you do!!”. The bell continued to jingle, nearly causing Pollux to jump each time as he looked for where it was coming from…
“I did nothing! I’m innocent Pollux…” Sirius faked a pout, slowly he glanced at the Summoner who hadn’t stopped laughing, now lying on their side. “But… I think the Summoner may have had something to do with it… Why else would they be laughing so hard?”
Pollux turns to the Summoner, easily convinced by Sirius… Pollux looked as if he might cry as he choked out a question “... Summoner… Did you do this??”, his eyes were big, round, and glossy as tears formed on the edge of his eyes. Pollux looked like a kicked kitten in his calico onesie…
The Summoner quickly stopped laughing as Pollux stared at them with one of the saddest faces they’d ever seen… Their laughter stopped abruptly as they stuttered out a response. “Oh, Pollux- I didn’t- It was Sirius, I saw him tie the bell to your tail…”.
... … The Summoner began to comfort Pollux, untieing the bell for him as he leaned into their hug. The others looked a little guilty, except Sirius because why would he?
… …
Finally, Arcturus got back with a plate piled high with vegan chocolate chip cookies with some glasses of oat milk on a fancy silver tray, he set them on the low table as he watched Pollux, who still had his head tucked into the Summoner’s shoulder. “... Summoner… Is Poll okay..?” he asked softly, moving to sit beside the two, he placed a comforting hand on Pollux’s back.
Alpheratz reached over and gave Pollux a pat on his head. “Hey… Boy, it was just a prank…” but his attempt to console Pollux was but for not as Pollux grumped out something inaudible and scooted to the side of the Summoner furthest from Alpheratz and Sirius.
Vega was just watching everything from his spot at the low table. Wide-eyed and tight-lipped, he looked like a startled puffed-up bear cub beside Spica, constantly glancing from one person to another while regretting being there. Spica and Vega shared a glance before quietly taking their share of the cookies and oat milk.
Slowly Pollux calmed down with the help of Arcturus and the Summoner, totally not the sweet cookies doing. Pollux got the most cookies.
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@lynxindisguise, @impishtubist, and @spindrifters I finished deep-frying my corndog for youse, but I’m pretty sure I accidentally used vegetable oil instead of lard.
Word count: 1.1k
Sirius Black sat down on a bar stool, it was late at night.
He ordered firewhiskey from the barman. It burned down his throat. He had just returned from an Order mission with Remus and Edgar.
The door of the darkly lit pub opened, and a man in a dark trench coat entered. Sirius watched him from the corner of his eye. From what little he could see of the man’s face, he appeared to be middle-aged, and blond. He looked familiar, though Sirius couldn’t exactly place him.
His eyes seemed to focus on Sirius for a bit longer than necessary, in an almost hunger way.
The man sat on a stool next to Sirius, and it clicked. He had seen him at the hearing of Evan Rosier Sr., as the court scribe.
It was the Junior Assistant to the Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge.
“Mr. Fudge, you know, I’d never think to meet you in a place like,” Sirius gestured to the people behind them, who were conversing in low tones.
Fudges eyebrows shot up.
“Mr. Black, I wasn’t expecting anyone to notice me here. You’re Pollux’s grandson?” Fudge asked.
“Yes, Sir,” said Sirius tautly. He knew he ought not to lie to a government official.
“I had a meeting with him and Arcturus the other day, did either of them tell you about it,” Fudge fiddled with his fingers.
Sirius was about to snarl a reply, when something occurred to him.
Grandfather Pollux had always tried to foster political ambition in him and his cousins.
It would be the paramount blow to the knees to assert his political ambitions by shagging the minister’s assistant.
“Yes, Mr. Fudge, my Grandfathers, Pollux and Arcturus had a conversation about the new Werewolf regulations with me,” said Sirius unimportantly. He had to sell the illusion, at least for the first night.
“Right, so neither of them will have any problems with me being here with you?” Asked Fudge.
“No, they will not, sir,” Sirius nodded.
Fudge seemed to relax, and ordered two shots of Pogrebin-vodka.
It would be worth it in the long run, and Fudge wasn’t that unattractive, compared to Remus, at least.
Sirius downed his second drink of the night, deciding he might have to be drunker for this to work.
Two hours later, Sirius rushed out of Cornelius’ fireplace, onto his patterned rug, and then onto his bed.
“Sir, where’s your wife?” asked Sirius.
“She and I don’t share a room,” he replied.
Cornelius took off his clothes, revealing his fleshy body.
Sirius let his eyes rest on Cornelius’ naked form.
“Sirius, come here,” commanded Cornelius.
Sirius obeyed.
Whimpering, crying, and giggling filled the amorous congress of Cornelius’ bedroom that night.
Sirius awoke partially naked, his trousers were on the floor and covered in cum.
Cornelius was lying next to him starkers.
The sheets were made of linen, comfortable whilst not being too hot.
Cornelius snored loudly.
His forehead was pounding, but he had to think.
Now that’d grinded corn with the man, how would he make Cornelius help him in his mission of making sure the new regulations on the parents of underage werewolves didn’t get passed?
Sirius used a cleaning spell on his clothes, got dressed, then reapplied the raspberry chapstick he always kept in his pocket.
Remus' favourite flavour was raspberry, Sirius shook his head, he doesn’t deserve to still be in my thoughts.
It took an hour of waiting before Cornelius awoke from his deathlike slumber.
“Siri, you’re still here?” Asked Cornelius, getting up.
“Yes, I was waiting for you to give me the all clear,” replied Sirius.
“Before you go, can we make an arrangement… for you to come back next Saturday?” said Cornelius.
Sirius shook his head.
“Sorry, I have to babysit a friend’s offspring for the weekend, and the week after that. she’s gonna be in the Netherlands, looking for a house because of the new regulations on underage werewolves,” said Sirius.
“Well… technically the laws haven’t been passed yet,” said Cornelius slowly.
“She’s getting a head start, it’s only a matter of time, everyone knows it’s guaranteed a majority vote,” replied Sirius.
“I think I might be able to do something about that,” Cornelius had a guilty look on his face.
“Really, Niels,” Sirius kissed him on the lips.
Cornelius blushed.
“Now, Sirius, you better leave, I have to get to work,” said Cornelius.
Sirius checked his watch, it was 8:15.
“Oh..you sure we don’t have time for one more thing?” Asked Sirius innocently.
Several minutes later, Sirius and Cornelius were in a tight shower together.
Soap suds washed down Sirius’ legs as he was fucked.
Moaning, intermixed Sirius’ shrieks seemed to be the revealing atmosphere.
Eventually Niels decided that he really ought to be at work, and Sirius was getting dressed again.
When the flames in the fireplace turned back to red, Sirius opened the bedroom door, and sauntered out of it.
He walked down the stairs two at a time, in the sitting room a six year old girl was drawing a picture. A woman was sitting on one of the sofas, presumably her mother.
“Who are you?” She shrieked, grabbing for her wand.
Sirius didn’t blame her, he’d probably be alarmed too if a strange man entered his house without his knowledge.
“Mrs. Fudge, I work with your husband, I was sleeping in the guest room,” said Sirius.
She seemed to calm down at that.
“Oh, thank Morgana. He’s always having co-workers drop over for the night,” she said, more to herself than to Sirius.
“I’m Elaine,” she set her wand back down.
Sirius sat next to her on the couch, and attempted to make small talk.
A large ginger cat meandered into the sitting room, and sat down next to the little girl.
“Crookshanks, look! I made a drawing of you,” the girl presented the picture to the cat.
“Oh, Rosalie, let me see it,” said Elaine.
“Wow, even I couldn’t draw a cat better than that,” said Sirius, which was half true, as he was horrible at drawing.
“Thanks,” said Rosalie.
Crookshanks jumped into Sirius’ lap, and he almost screamed.
Sirius hesitantly pet the furry cat, letting it sniff his hand.
The cat moved to Elaine’s lap, and Sirius said his goodbye, holding back a snicker.
Later that evening, Sirius went to Godrics Hollow.
He had just gotten done explaining his affair with the Junior Assistant to the Minister for Magic to James.
“…Sirius, I don’t really blame you, I mean if I wasn’t engaged to Lily, Amelia Bones would be on my bucket list,” said James.
Sirius laughed.
“Don’t let Edgar hear you say that,” Sirius replied.
“Or Lily, for that matter,” he added.
Sirius ran his hand through his hair, and sat down.
Just a normal, inconsequential day in the life of Sirius Black.
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pomegranateboba · 6 months
Hiii girlie pop skibidi toilet bom bom jgwwkvwiwgwiwbwiw (wow i am so funny)
Can u make the ArcTwi boy with the Summoner who makes weapon like, yk, machine gun and the summoner, with the magic they learned, added some extra stuff to the machine gun and... Well...
Anw have a nice day girlie pop ily 🥰😘😘
hello pookie anon 🤩what extra stuff though 🤨 I'm just gonna assume its like glitter or something and not whatever I'm thinking rn (milk-) I don't know what to name this headcanon 💀
He turned the corner and was hit with a face-full of orange glitter
And the orange glitter turned him into an orange juice machine
Yeah now you have Arcky the orange juice machine
He was not expecting that at all
He knew about your machine gun, he knows about your passion for making weapons
But why Summoner. Why.
Free orange juice I suppose
Time to go collect the rest now that you have placed orange juice machine Arcky in your room
You found him in his office
"What do you need, Summoner-?"
He was cut off due to green glitter in his face. Now, he's a ladle
He was disappointed but not surprised at your behaviour
He feels weird no doing paperwork because he is now an inanimate object
Now we have ladle Spica, what next
You placed ladle Spica next to orange juice machine Arcturus and went outside
He was just asleep under his tree, why do you have to do this
He didn't notice anything
You gave him red glitter and now he's a spatula
He didn't realise what was happening until he woke up as a spatula on your desk in your room, placed next to ladle Spica and orange juice machine Arcturus
He assumed it was Pollux or Sirius at first, but then again he was in your room
He suspected that machine gun
Ah well, Spica can't nag him if he's a spatula, also Spica is a ladle now
He went back to sleep
Pollux was just trying to find Arcky
He cam up to you after class and asked you where Arcky was
And then pink glitter occurs
And poof now he's a toaster
Pollux was speechless. Not like he has a choice. He's a toaster now.
Somehow, he wasn't surprised
Wants to ask you what spell you used after he's not a toaster anymore
You placed Poaster next to Spadle, Alpatula and Arcky (I don't know how to put Arcturus and orange juice machine together-)
4 down, 2 to go. Gotta get them all, as the wise people say
Poor guy, he just wanted to go out with you
You gave him the glitter treatment
And from the blue glitter was a teaspoon
You always knew he was the little spoon
Vega was just...no
He wanted to go out, no? So you placed him in your jacket pocket so that he can hang around you
Time to find the red flag
It actually wasn't that hard to find him
He was in his room, trying to fix his hair
Someone had put something in his shampoo and now his hair is all wonky
You managed to sneak in and purple glitter him
He was actually trying to avoid you, because he saw how you glittered Arcky
But due to plot, he is now a meat grinder. Why? Idk.
Sirius was like: *surprised pikachu face*
Or it would be if meat grinders had faces
You happily skipped back to your room with Sirius the meat grinder in your arms and Vega the teaspoon in your pocket
We got them all >:)
Plot twist: Rigel was your accomplice
Only for Sirius though, he was the one who messed up Sirius's stuff
In return for helping you, he was spared from the glitter treatment
That machine gun scares him
More peace and quiet for him, so he didn't object
He didn't wanna help at first, until you pulled out the gun
He's just gonna pretend nothing happened and that he was not involved
But if you tell on him, he will find you
I feel like this is less about the machine gun and more about the kitchen utensils-
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Prongsfoot Week
Day 7: Write/Draw/anything for this ship.
sweeter than candy (on a stick)
Warnings: around 4k words, is NSFW (blowjobs).
Can be read on AO3 here.
James’ lips are stained red, shiny with sugar and spit—and Sirius can’t stop staring. 
It’s a wonderfully sunny though bloody cold Sunday afternoon in November and they’re doing homework in the dorms—Peter and Remus have taken to ‘Weekend Walks’ around the lake, which really means that they talk about everything and nothing while Wormy sneakily tries to get Moony to give him homework answers. It’s a solid, well-choreographed dance — Pete’s far too clever to be hard working, and Moony does have a tendency to preach about the topics that will be discussed next week — that, quite honestly, neither Sirius nor James wish to witness. And besides, for them weekends are usually reserved for the planning of assorted mischief and general tomfoolery to be executed on school days.
Usually, yes, because the Defense essay really couldn’t wait today: though Sirius was planning on doing it at breakfast tomorrow, James has taken pity on their ever-nervous Defense professor Michael Burgary and made the decision to make it easier for the bumbling buffoon. It might have something to do with the running bet all the seventh years have going on how long the bloke will last — Sirius has two Galleons on March twentieth, whilst James bet five that Burgary will make it to the end — but, of course, James will never admit that. 
“Can’t bear the thought of him having to order us to write a better one, really,” he said earlier today, grave and pitying and therefore successfully convincing Sirius to do what he wants to do, as is usually the case. “Let’s just ensure we get a good grade, and then he won’t have to talk to us as much. Poor bloke’s already so uncomfortable.”
Sirius would probably be a bit jealous of James seemingly having taken a liking to the twat if Burgary didn’t sweat so much, didn’t constantly look five seconds away from bursting into tears, and also wasn’t a practitioner of the lost art of the comb-over. He hopes he won’t have a receding hairline before turning seventy: both his grandfathers still have a full head of hair, even if grandfather Pollux’ locks were thinning the last time Sirius saw him.
Afternoon sunlight filters in through the small windows of their dorm, highlighting the auburn sheen in James’ messy black hair and the warm undertone of his brown skin. He’s sitting oddly, like he usually sits—one leg resting on the floor with the foot under his arse, and the other propped up; his crotch is in full view. The way he’s leaning over his essay is an absolutely outrageous display of subtle flexibility, and his left hand is holding the quill almost clumsily. It’s as if it’s too small for his veiny, quidditch-calloused hands. 
He’s also sucking on a lollipop, which makes matters significantly worse. 
The pale plastic sticks out of the corner of his mouth and sometimes he just sucksat it, loud and lewd, before using his tongue to shove the damned sweet to the other side of his mouth; the hard candy will click against his teeth, and then James will purse his lips, covered in the sheen of artificially dyed sugar, and suck again. It is obviously the latter that Sirius can’t help but focus on instead of his painfully unfinished Defense essay. 
The thing is, Sirius knows what burning feels like. He once fell off father’s old broom when he was ten and landed in the patch of firenettles mother grows for her own version of Pepperup; he once tripped over his own two feet and fell hands first into the crackling hearth. He knows how the heat won’t stop, knows how the blistering feels, knows how the sensitivity will remain for months even after the burn salve and the essence of dittany. Knows the sheer pain of it, that sharp tone of agony that lasts for days if left untreated. 
And somehow, for some absolutely ludicrous reason, Sirius is certain that swallowing glowing embers burns less than witnessing James Potter suckle on a fucking sweet.
James drops his quill and fingers the plastic of the lollipop absentmindedly, takes the damned thing out of his mouth with another obscene sucking noise and puckering of his red, wet, shiny lips. Then he licks it, wraps his tongue around it, and slurps it back into his mouth.
Sirius is burning. He’s burning, and his balls aren’t blue but they’re red-fucking-hot, and if he doesn’t tear his gaze away in the next second he’ll go from ‘uncomfortable but manageable’-hard to ‘Morgana’s tits this is painful’-hard. All he can think of is that fucking lollipop as his weeping dick, James’ absurd mouth around it, swollen and soaked with spit and precum, and Sirius—
James, the oblivious prat, taps the lollipop against the very bottom lip Sirius has been wanting to bite for the better part of an hour, like torturing his best mate without knowing it is helping him think. Then he sucks the candy back in his mouth, wetly and terrible and hotter than a Merlin-damned ashwinder. 
Sirius whimpers. Out loud. And instantly wants to die.
“Pads?” James asks, and Sirius scrambles to put on an oblivious expression. “You alright?” 
“Yeah,” says Sirius, lying through his teeth. James has taken the lollipop out of his mouth, again, and is tapping the bulbous candy against his bottom lip, again. “Just stuck on a sentence, you know…” 
“You’re never stuck on sentences,” James points out. He pops the lollipop back in his mouth, pushes his essay aside, and shuffles closer. “Let us see, then.” 
Sirius fashions his mouth into a scowl and glances at his parchment. He’s only written half of the duelling method of his choosing, a creative offense strategy, while James is likely already on his conclusion considering how in the zone he was while Sirius stared at him and that fucking sweet. And though it could be a bit embarrassing — Sirius has never liked lagging behind James, always needs to meet him with every step — he’s far more preoccupied with hiding his stiffy than with the abysmal state of his essay. 
James sucks absentmindedly on his lollipop as he reads the paragraph Sirius managed to write down. It’s loud, and though it should probably be a little bit gross it’s actually really hot, and Sirius has to squash down the urge to kiss him. Heat is coiling in his lower belly; he adjusts himself discreetly, suppressing the moan that follows the pressure of his hand. 
“It’s fine,” James murmurs eventually. The lollipop slips back out and he shoots Sirius a little smile that kicks Sirius’ heart into a riotous pace. “There’s no need to make it perfect right now, anyway. You can always write the final version later.” 
James never needs to write drafts, as almost every essay ends up perfect on the first try. Sirius, usually, doesn’t need to write drafts either, but he’s been a bit distracted. 
And hot under the collar. 
Just a little bit. 
“Right,” he manages, “it’ll be fine.” 
“It will,” James says brightly. He pats Sirius’ shoulder, then slides his hand to the back of Sirius’ neck and squeezes. “You’re brilliant, ‘Rius. I see many more O’s in your future.” 
Sirius makes a disparaging little noise, contemplates whether or not he should ask James to stop holding his neck because the touch is killing him, wishes desperately he were alone so he can wank himself raw to fantasies of getting sucked off by James Potter. His dick throbs. 
Sirius utters, a bit strangled: “You’re more brilliant.” 
The smile brightens. Sirius feels a sudden, absurd need to lick James’ teeth. 
“Funny,” says James, “I always say that about you.”
Sirius smiles back and James does his funny little nose-scrunching thing that he always does when he’s a little bit amused and a little bit happy. Then his hand travels upwards, up the back of Sirius’ head, and his fingers tangle with the hair Sirius has been considering growing out. 
“You still look a bit flushed,” James muses. Sirius feels the pull at his roots, knows James is twisting locks around his longer fingers like he is wont to do. It usually reduces Sirius to a puddle; now, he wants James to yank. “You sure everything’s okay? Is something bothering you?” 
Yes, Sirius thinks, gaze dropping to James’ shiny red mouth. Something is bothering me. You’re sucking on a lollipop I wish was my prick, and now I’m so horny it’s all I can think about. 
“Nah,” says Sirius. “Just, erm—a bit warm. That’s all.” 
“You can take off your shirt,” James says. He laps at the lollipop, sucks at its side for a bit. “You wear another underneath anyway. It’s not like you’ll be naked, if that’s your issue.”
“Right,” Sirius says. “Yeah.” 
James smiles at him again and puts the lollipop back in his mouth. Then, to Sirius’ grief, he takes his hand out of Sirius’ hair. 
Starts to fiddle with the buttons of Sirius’ shirt. 
“You’re hot,” James says, lisping past the lollipop between his teeth and utterly oblivious to the implication behind his own damn words. “But you weren’t about to take off your shirt, so I’m doing it for you.” 
Sirius hems, high-pitched and choked. James’ fingers are warm, brushing briefly against the bare skin at the base of Sirius’ throat before travelling down and only touching cotton. The fiddling and gentle touches spark goosebumps and, to Sirius’ complete and utter horror, pebbling nipples and an increase in the throbbing of his dick. 
Eventually, James reaches the last of the buttons and Sirius is almost relieved that it’s almost over. But then one of James’ knuckles presses briefly against Sirius’ crotch, and before Sirius can even try to lock his muscles in place, his hips jerk forward. James pauses for less than a second before he releases the final button and, without asking, slides the shirt off Sirius’ shoulders. His palms brush down Sirius’ bare arms and it takes every last inch of willpower for Sirius not to start whining. 
“I see the problem,” James murmurs, voice low and smooth like molten chocolate. He’s smiling around the lollipop, closed-mouthed and small, an intrigued tilt to one corner. 
“Do you?” Sirius whispers, shaking. 
James’ smile widens, and in pops his singular dimple. If Sirius wasn’t so utterly baffled by the lack of shock and disgust coming from James he’d have genuinely entertained the notion of kissing it. 
Then a large, veiny hand lands on Sirius’ crotch, fingers slipping under the fly and playing with the pull of the zipper. His entire body tenses, trembles, and his next breath is expelled choppily. 
“What are you doing?” 
“What do you want me to be doing, Sirius?” James asks, tilting his head in faux-curiosity. He’s stillsmiling, like this isn’t weird, like this doesn’t cross any unspoken boundaries for him. “Is it still too warm?” 
Sirius is quite certain he’s gone bright red. He nods, unable to speak. 
“Words, Sirius,” James murmurs. 
They come out breathy. “Yes, it is.” 
James’ eyes darken and the button of Sirius’ trousers pops open. The zipper is slid down, and James pauses, sugar-shiny lips pursed again, rubbing the waistband of Sirius’ trousers between his thumb and pointer finger. 
“Take them off,” he says quietly, and Sirius does, scrambling to get the black wool down his arse and off his legs. 
He kicks them at the last bit, throws them aside, and turns to stare at James. James, whose gaze has apparently been caught by the erection tenting Sirius’ briefs, pupils dilated and dark eyebrows pulled together. Sirius can’t find the words he probably should say; his mind is far too busy reeling, far too busy thinking of James’ mouth and the sudden turn of events and oh fuck, this is happening—
James looks up, takes the lollipop out of his mouth, and smiles. 
“Here,” he says, and he reaches out to push the sweet against Sirius’ lips. “Take it.” 
Sirius wraps his mouth around the lollipop, ever-obedient, because there’s truly nothing he wouldn’t do if James asks nicely. It’s cherry, sickly sweet and a bit tart, bit bubblegum-esque, artificial flavouring and colouring. He sucks at it almost desperately.
Then he promptly chokes because James’ hand is on Sirius’ crotch again, pressing down, and— 
“Would you like me to suck you off?” 
Sirius closes his eyes and wonders what absolutely incredibly good thing he did to deserve something like this—his wildest dreams coming true. Tilts his hips up, so that the pressure increases. Whines. 
“Words, Sirius.” 
“Yes,” he gasps around the goddamn lollipop, blinking sluggishly and daring to take a glance at James. “Yes, yes, please, I would like that very much, I—”
James deftly shoves the briefs down until they’re caught under Sirius’ balls, tilts his head again, and grips Sirius’ prick tightly. Moves his hand up, then down. 
Sirius damn near chokes again. It’s a rough glide because of the callouses on James’ hand, dry because of the lack of lube, almost uncomfortable—but it’s the best thing he’s ever felt and his hips jerk up again. He falls back on his elbows, tilts his head to the ceiling, and moans.
James whispers something Sirius has no energy to translate. There’s a sudden wetness between James’ palm and Sirius’ prick; the next slide goes so much more smoothly, sound positively obscene. He feels the flat of James’ thumb rubbing at the head and Sirius whines, pants, collapses onto his back. 
“Oh, Sirius,” James tuts, voice low. “We’ve barely started, love.”
Heat spreads through Sirius’ veins like warmed honey, slow and viscous. His head spins a little. “Hmm.”
“Then again,” James whispers, “how much time do we have, really? Moony and Wormy can barge in at any moment. Then they’ll see us, won’t they? Maybe it’s a good thing your control is already shot—”
“James,” Sirius breathes. James has ceased to move, index finger tapping absentmindedly at a spot just below the head, and Sirius can’t fucking— “James, c’mon…”
“Or,” James continues cheekily, “you’ll burst right as they open the door. See you come all over yourself, or in my mouth, and who knows what they’ll think?” 
To his complete horror, the thought of their friends seeing him fall apart is agonisingly arousing. He can almost see the shock on their faces, the confusion, maybe the mild intrigue—Sirius’ next exhale comes out in bursts and he lifts his hips slightly, desperate for a little friction. He’s certain that the aftermath of it would be incredibly embarrassing, even if Sirius can handle the jesting, but at the moment…
Well, he might combust. 
James makes an amused little noise in the back of his throat. “Oh, you like that, don’t you?” 
He moves his hand again, lightly, slowly. Sirius keens, shivering, and briefly and dazedly muses about potentially kicking James’ thigh for being annoying. Decides against it in the end, because suddenly a gust of air floats over the head of his prick, hot and damp and delightful—
“Let’s see how long you can last,” James whispers, lips brushing over sensitive skin. 
Before Sirius can so much jerk his hips he’s being swallowed down; not particularly smooth, with James’ mouth going lower in little bursts as he adapts. If Sirius focuses — something that takes an embarrassing amount of strain to do through the thick cloud of pleasure — he can feel the pressure of shallow swallowing and skin-covered teeth, the chilliness of cooling drool beginning to pool at the base of his cock. 
James’ tongue tickles him, exploratory, teasing. Sirius stuffs his fist in his mouth, bites down on his knuckles until he’s sure that any more pressure will break his skin; the moan that rumbles out from deep inside his chest sounds muffled and muted.
Then the heat disappears.
Sirius bites back a whine, lifts his head and meets James’ eyes. He’s confused and a little bit dazed and very, very turned on and wondering, almost a bit angrily, why James has stopped.
The view that greets him almost makes up for the lack of physical stimulation. James is on his knees, toned arms easily holding him up—he’s hovering right above Sirius’ weeping prick and is grinning like the devious little shit that he is, sharp teeth and full, bruised lips, pupils dilated and irises alight with heat. 
“You shouldn’t muffle all those pretty sounds, love,” he rasps, voice hoarse and low, and Sirius’ hips jerk. “I want to hear you.” 
Sirius groans, reaches out to curl his hands around one of the feet of the bed behind him, and startles so badly when James’ hot mouth surrounds his dick again that he produces a pathetic, whiny hiccup. James hums and takes him deeper, far quicker than before, hollows his cheeks and swallows and only gags a tiny bit. Perhaps Sirius, one of another life who let his arrogance and misery guide him maybe, would’ve been offended by how little James seems to be struggling—or jealous, wondering if James did this before. 
This Sirius—the one who catalogues the shades of gold and green and brown in James Potter’s irises, who marvels at the jagged curves of James Potter’s Adam’s apple, who wishes to brush the tips of his fingers over the raised veins and tendons strung across the back of James Potter’s hands… this Sirius does not give one flying fuck, actually, because James is taking him like a Merlin-damned champ and Sirius is simply melting into a puddle, becoming one with the rug, will have to be scrubbed out of the fibres by a particularly annoyed elf later today. 
It’s to be expected, anyway. He’s been waiting, got pulled into James’ orbit a month into their first year and has stayed there ever since. Sirius admired from afar but closer than most, relished in the sound of laughter, the warmth of an arm slung over his shoulders, the feeling of a knee pressed against his own. And it wasn’t like this at first, never, just felt that urge to remain close and hold on and hiss at the threat of being ripped away, but then there were growth spurts and deepening voices and then one day James smiled crookedly, ran his long fingers through Sirius’ hair and pressed his thumb against the hinge of Sirius’ jaw, and—
The tip of James’ tongue twitches, rhythmically brushes against sensitive and thin skin. It takes a momentous amount of effort to suppress the ever-mounting need to jerk his hips up, to increase the friction or lessen it or keep it going or stop it entirely, and Sirius groans deep inside his throat, muscles already starting to tense. He could sigh, dispel some of the tension, try to relax—but he wants to whine and twitch and hold himself back just barely, keep himself on that delightfully agonising edge that he was so easily dragged towards. 
Sirius is panting and his head is reeling. He can barely register the coarse braided fibres of the rug digging into his shoulder blades and pressing against the back of his head, or the end of his abandoned quill tickling his jaw; the feeling of James’mouth around him is better than he ever imagined, absolutely nothing like his own lube-slicked palm, and he can’t think of anything butJames’ mouth and the tightening of his balls and the coiled, ever-growing knot of an incoming orgasm in his belly. It’s amazing, this, the end-result — or better yet, beginning — of years of hopeful musings and months of looks and smiles and subtle talking that Sirius interpreted as casual, meaningless flirting but prayed was true and purposeful. 
This can’t possibly be just for a laugh. And even if it was, Sirius won’t ever be able to truly think of it as such. 
James makes another one of those absolutely obscene slurping noises, one thumb stroking the sharp jut of Sirius’ hip and the other stroking the base of Sirius’ cock. There’s another finger teasing Sirius’ perineum, like James is considering doing something morethan taking a dick into his mouth, and that thought – combined with one last, slightly out-of-practice swirl of the tongue – causes Sirius to tip over the edge.
His vision whitens out and his back arches as the wave of pure pleasure crests and washes over him; it feels endless, yet somehow far too short, and if he distantly registers some sort of keening groan that must come from his own throat. His fingers and legs tingle, feel like jelly, and Sirius inhales, exhales, and allows himself to jerk a little as his cock spurts. 
A long time coming, he thinks through a haze of syrupy feeling, breath stuttering in his chest and limbs lax with that temporary exhaustion of an orgasm. He’s too limp to even snigger at his own pun, can barely lift his head to look as James swallows and licks him clean from any come that leaked. He’s been wanting this for years, and dammit if it isn’t worth the wait. Sirius wants to kiss James, wants to mould his own mouth to James’, get lost in the movement and the taste and the tiny huffing breaths that always accompany a good snog. 
But James leans back upright, and as Sirius blinks at him blearily from the floor he wipes his mouth, stuffs Sirius’ prick back inside his underwear, and hands him the trousers. When Sirius simply stares, brain still full of cotton, he pats Sirius’ thigh and nods at the garment. 
“Put them on,” he murmurs. 
Sirius forces the blood back into his limbs, always listening—stumbles upright and steps into the trousers, yanks them up and over his arse and zips them up. He’s only just closed the button and sat down again when the door handle jiggles and twists. 
As their friends appear in the doorway, James leans back over his essay whilst Sirius remains leaned back on his hands, twitchy, with the breath punched out of him. Peter breezes in with a skip in his step, jumps on his bed with a satisfied sigh; Remus remains standing in the doorway, head slightly tilted to the side and eyes a bit narrowed. 
“Merlin, Pads, you look flushed,” says Peter. He snatches several textbooks and some stray bits of parchment from his bookbag, spreads the materials out over his crimson sheets. “The last time I’ve seen you this red was when we played some Quidditch last summer.” 
“During the heatwave, you mean?” Sirius drags a hand through his hair and shrugs when Peter nods. He hopes it looks effortless and casual. “Er—yeah, I’m hot.” 
“Your vanity never fails to amaze me,” Peter shoots back. He grins and fishes a quill from his bag. “It isn’t that warm in here, though.” 
“I run at high temperatures.” 
Remus steps into their dorm slowly, eyes on a quiet James before they linger on Sirius. His nostrils flare, and his eyebrows lift, and then he stalks towards his bed. His foot collides with Sirius’ as he goes. 
The behaviour doesn’t make any sense from an outsider’s perspective. But it does here, for Moony, because — and there’s an excited twist in Sirius’ gut — he can smell it. Must be even if Peter didn’t, because Peter’s sense of smell is surprisingly human, even as a rat, but Remus is not fully human, and—
“Made any progress on the essay, lads?” Remus asks, a forced casualness to his tone. “Wormy’s been nagging me about the ideal subject matter—the lazy git.” 
“Work smarter, not harder,” says Peter loftily. He’s still grinning. “Merlin forbid I start thinking, you know. It’d be over for you lot.” 
“I’m almost finished,” James says quietly, clearing his throat when his voice breaks, and Sirius bites down on the insides of his cheeks to keep himself from smiling. “Padfoot is stuck on a sentence, though.” 
Remus’ brown eyes flick between the two of them. “I can imagine.” 
James sends their friend a grin. The combination of swollen, bruised lips and straight white teeth makes it particularly roguish—there’s an edge to it, hovering between smug and daring. His eyes are like chips of flint. 
“Gave him my lollipop to cheer him up a bit,” James says cheerily. “He’ll manage, our Pads. There’s some O’s in his future. I can taste it.” 
Peter rolls his eyes exaggeratedly with a muttered, “Merlin, don’t we know it”, but Remus’ only reaction is the slight tightening of his jaw. James tilts his head, still grinning, and holds eye-contact until Remus’ gaze flicks to his bag.
“That’s nice,” he says. “Hope it helped.”
“It will,” says Sirius. Remus looks at him, and so does James, and after sharing a conspiratorial look with the latter Sirius gives the former a fat wink. “I’ll return the favour when he needs it.”
It’s a delight to see James’ cheeks flush red from his peripheral. 
Yeah, Sirius thinks, stomach constricting pleasantly. I’ll return the favour, absolutely. 
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sleepytwilight · 1 year
What About a Pollux x reader where they both have had a hard time recently so they go out to town to cheer up and find a candy shop that becomes their place/their thing
Short- because I am bad at writing fluff.
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You are having a hard time in adjusting your life in Neb Aula.
People confuses you and you also confused people. You try your best in adjusting it, but you always felt something missing.
Then Sirius became homicidal maniac and destroy the tower. Even he's the one who destroyed it, Queen Tets clan has been mentally and physically bullied by the other clans. It pissed you off because they blame it on Queen Tets and accused them for helping Sirius.
As a guide member, Spica send Pollux you off to help the clan.
It's a lot of harder than you think. Other clans won't just give up on picking a fight with one of the Queen Tet and whenever a fight happen, you or Pollux had to break it. Mostly you since they also attack Pollux.
Until one day, Pollux was absent from school. So you decided to visit him in his dorm.
You knocks on his door. "Pollux? Are you in?" There was no response. You lean and place your ear against the door. You could hear someone's sobs.
"Pollux... Please let me in." you plead worriedly. Again, No response. So you decided to kick the door.
Once you kicked it, you found Pollux sitting in his bed with tears in his eyes. "S-summoner what?!" Pollux exclaim your name in completely shocked.
"Your door is locked so I kicked it." You said then make your way to sit next to Pollux. "Why are you crying? Did the students mock you again..?" you frowned.
"No..." you look again at Pollux in his eyes. "... ... Yes, yes." he knew he can't lie from you. "they just having trust issues so uhm..."
"Doesn't mean they have rights to hurt you." you frown again. "Now tell me the names and I'll punish them."
"No.. I don't want to depend on anyone when it come my problems." he let out a defeated sigh.
You nodded and comfort him anyway. It was a comfortable silence.
"Want to run away from here?" you broke the silence by your suggestion.
"W-What?" he look at you waiting for you to say it's a joke. But you face remain serious. "No way, you're not kidding?!" you nodded.
"We can't do that... I can't do that." Pollux reject your suggestion.
"..." you are thinking a way to cheer him up. "Hey, you like sweets, right?"
Pollux tilt his head. "Yeah?" he reply
"Great, let's raid a candy store!" you exclaim happily but it left Pollux in surprise again.
"You mean rob? Spica will kill us!" Pollux quickly turned down the robbery idea.
You slightly chuckled. "Just kidding, let's go to a candy store. Sweets always make you happy." you smile at Pollux.
Sorry if this didn't reach your expectations- Yep I really should learn how to write fluff 💀
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