#poly todobaku
gojou-violin · 2 years
K there’s something about omegaverse MHA that just makes me 💗💗 so bear with me for a moment. MHA manga 360+ spoilers ahead!
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Shoto and Kacchan are very protective of you. It’s their job as your Alphas to protect, love, and cherish their omega, so how could they not give you everything? A bigger apartment for the three of you to share? Done. A custom size bed so that all three of you can fit comfortably? Done. Scenting as often as they can before missions because you worry so much about them? Done. Mating as often as they can because you’re irresistible? Done.
But they get busy and overwhelmed, too, sometimes. Work steaks then away for days at a time, they can come back from missions all bruised and bloodied, and they can bring some of their sadness and anger home with them— Which are all things you’re prepared to deal with; But what you never expected was that it would catch up to bite YOU in the ass.
They were gone for three days already. It was unbearable. No scenting, no holding, no mating, no kissing, no nothing. Just you in an empty apartment. Waiting. For them. And in the middle of the night on the fourth day, you felt hands on your body as you slept, convinced it was them, so it hardly bothered you… Until you were pulled from your bed and dragged out of the apartment, kicking and screaming and calling out for your Alphas.
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The two of them had never been so anxious in their lives, and everyone around them could see it. The second they saw you in Shigaraki’s hold, a hand around your neck, one finger away from sudden death, something snapped within them. Their omega……. How could anyone take what was theirs? How could anyone threaten to destroy such a precious thing? How could anyone expect to live after scaring you like that? They were livid. Bakugo nearly lunged then and there to try to grab you and rip Shigaraki’s head off, and, surprisingly, Shoto nearly joined him, until Aizawa stopped them both to warn them against it.
The two of them are inconsolable. They fight against Aizawa, protesting his warnings, trying to push past while growling because this Alpha instincts are boiling up inside of them to the point that they see red. Bakugo's so hotheaded normally, it's impossible for him to see any kind of reason when he's like this. But Aizawa's right. If they did anything while you were up there in Shigaraki's grip, you'd be dead before they could get to you.
Bakugo tugs at his hair furiously. "Shoto-- Do... Do... something..." He's trying so hard to hold himself back, but they can both smell how terrified you are, even from where they're standing so far away. "The smell-- Shoto-- Do-- Do something!"
"You can't," Aizawa tries to remind them calmly.
But Shigaraki doesn’t think that’s too fun. No, no, no. Run at him! Full power! And if they won’t do it, he’ll force their hands. So with a smirk, he drops you off the roof of the building he’s standing on.
Bakugo and Shoto move as one. They speed at you as fast as they can, Bakugo flying through the air, Shoto skating on the ice he can barely force under his feet in time to keep up with his desperation. Still, he’s the one who managers to catch you. While you’re screaming and falling, he’s the one who thinks to use his Quirk to put a slide under you at the last second. Sure, it still hurts when your ass lands on the ice, but it’s better than having them lose you.
Bakugo doesn’t waste a second before turning around to take his shot at Shigaraki once he knows you’re safe with Shoto. Everyone knows it’s stupid. Hell, Shoto’s shrieking, “Baku— No!” while you’re in his arms, passed out, your breath shallow.
Shigaraki got what he wanted.
A hero.
A victim.
Kacchan fights to the best of his ability for as long as he can, using his anger to fuel him just like always, but it's stronger now that his Alpha instincts have kicked in. Someone tried to hurt you, his omega. No one would ever hurt you. Ever. He made that promise a long time ago when he first scented you while you were hiding in his arms, telling him that you were ready. Shigaraki had to die. If not for all of his past crimes, then for this alone.
You aren't awake to see it. Bakugo and Shoto are both thankful for that in the moment. You don't see the way Shigaraki smirks oh-so-wickedly as he lands the finishing blow. You don't see the way Bakugo's body flies back through the air and lands on the ground with a loud thud. You don't hear the cry that comes from Shoto. You don't feel the way he puts you on his back so that he can carry you over while he goes to check on Kacchan. You don't see your Alpha's bloodied body. You don't see how everyone else immediately jumps into action. You don't hear Shoto as he tries his very best to get Bakugo to wake up while he's sobbing.
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When you do wake up, it's over-- It's been over for a bit. The conclusion doesn't matter to you so much as your Alphas' safety, which is the first thing on your mind as you race out of bed, despite your aching head, and you run out of the room to find your back in your large apartment, like it was all just a bad dream. But was it? No. You wish it would have been a bad dream. Everyone wishes that it was just a dream... Because Shoto's standing there, bandages over his hands and right eye, dark circles under his eye to show that he hadn't been sleeping, wearing casual clothes to let you know that he wasn't expecting to be called away to work any time soon.
"Where's Kacchan?" you question quietly.
Shoto has to catch you in his arms again when he takes you to see Bakugo's body. The Alpha in him is in excruciating pain when he hears you cry out Kacchan's name. The pheromones radiating off of you are even worse than when you were so scared the other day-- Shoto feels like the only way he can console you now is by holding you as you cry while he tries to use his own scent to make you feel better. It hardly works.
The only thing that makes you feel better is tucking yourself up next to Bakugo's body, like a sad puppy that sits at the foot of their owner's bed when they're sick. He isn't warm. That's the first thing you notice. Even though they've been keeping him in a freezer in the morgue until they can decide what to do with him, you knew that if he were alive, he would have still been warm due to his Quirk, and he would have kept you warm, too.
"They've been in there for days, Todoroki," Ida whispers. "You have to take them home."
But Shoto's already tried. He can't get you to leave the morgue unless it's for an hour or so to eat lunch and dinner every day. Other than that, you're always tucked up against Kacchan, whimpering like sad omegas do, nuzzling him with your nose like it would get him to move magically. Shoto doesn't know what to do. He keeps you warm the best he can; But he can't get you to go home where you should be.
They have to drag you out.
Ida does it because Shoto can't bear to do it. He picks you up off the table, with Shoto's permission, of course, and he starts to carry you out, which is when you realize what's happening, so you fight back, scrambling to get out of the Pro-Hero's arms while whimpering and calling out for your Kacchan. Shoto feels like he's being stabbed again and again every time you whine. The Alpha in him is screaming to give you everything you want because you deserve the whole world, but they just can't let this continue anymore. You have to move on. You have to go home. They need to finally put Bakugo to rest.
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At home, you're just as bad. You start to get a fever-- Not from being in the morgue for so long, but because of withdrawals. Neither you nor Shoto really know what's happening before it's too late because neither of you had to ever even think of dealing with this before. The fever hits first, and then the loss of appetite (which Shoto just tries to attribute to you missing Bakugo), then the shivering, then the clawing, crying, insomnia, nightmares, etc. Shoto only figures out what's really happening when you fall out of bed one afternoon, trying to crawl your way out of the room to go find him, and he finds you on the floor, sobbing, clawing at the scent glands on the right side of your neck, complaining that it hurts so bad you can't breathe.
"Sho... Sho, help me," you plead. "It hurts, Sho--" You're panting desperately. "It hurts so bad!"
He pries your hands away from you and hugs you tight. "It's okay," he coos. "It'll be okay. It just hurts 'cause he hasn't scented you in so long."
You cry harder. "It hurts--"
He still tries to shush you to get you to calm down the best you can, but it's no use. Bakugo always had the stronger pheromones between the two Alphas. He scented you first all those years ago, biting down and claiming your right side as his, and he'd made sure to nip at that same spot every time since then. But now you felt like you were dying without him there, and the omega inside you was in agony without his Alpha presence on and in you at all times.
Shoto tries to fix it by scenting your left side to make up for the loss. It helps just enough to get you to stop crying and scratching at your own skin, but it isn't enough to mask the lack of Bakugo on your right. You want your Kacchan. You miss your Kacchan. You can't live without him... There's nothing Shoto can do about that...
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katsukidynam1ght · 2 years
y’know i alluded to this in spark plug and i will definitely write more abt it in the future but i wholeheartedly believe bakugou is not the “i have feelings for this person and i don’t understand it so i’m going to not think about it” type??
like. okay. boy has been focused on being a hero for his entire life. his main emotional outlet is anger. and it’s very true that he struggles to process things. but at his first battle training at UA, he had the self-awareness to look at everyone else and realize that he wasn’t going to be good enough to take some of them. he is reflective, even if it doesn’t seem like it.
so when he starts getting closer with kirishima, and when he faces uraraka during the sports festival, and when he and deku finally start working their shit out after kamino, he recognizes that things are different and he knows that there’s some feeling there that he’s not familiar with having.
and that doesn’t bring avoidance, because he’s katsuki bakugou ffs. in his mind, there’s this whole “what kind of man would i be if i ran from this instead of facing it head-on?” going on.
that doesn’t mean he’s going to walk right up to them and be like “i’m in love with you and i want you to like me too” because that’s not his style. but it does mean that he’s going to focus more on what these feelings mean, and if it’s something he can allow himself to have. (not in a sexuality way, but in a “can i have this while still fighting to be number one” kind of way. and if the answer is no, if they’re too much of a distraction, he’ll shove it aside faster than he can say all might.)
i think for some people (kirishima) he does make the first move. they’re equals, they’ve been equals since they met, and he knows that if kirishima doesn’t feel the same way, he’ll find out now and they can be done with it.
but for others (midoriya, uraraka, people he thinks perceive him as unlovable) he doesn’t address it with them. he’ll think about it himself and wonder what it would be like, but he’s not going to make the first move. (and in the case of uraraka, i personally like to think that she flat out tells him he’s in love with deku, and he gets pissed off because yeah, he knows, but he’s also in love with her and it’s confusing and frustrating.)
(and then there’s people like todoroki. and todoroki is fucking clueless. and bakugou hates him for it. so he makes the first move there, too, and todoroki has a whole Moment. i’ll be writing that later.)
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I wrote a new fic guys! Although not of any fandom you might have expected lol. Here’s a little snippet from my new MomoTodoBaku fic “In This World, We Made a Home”
Shouto woke up to the sound of the shower spray pattering against the curtain and the sound of the fridge opening and shutting as Bakugo made breakfast. He couldn't help but groan, rolling off the futon and out of the warmth of the quilt.
He padded out to the kitchen, quietly got a cup of coffee, and sat at the counter, slowly coming to life as he sipped his coffee.
“Some day I’m going to throw that shit out and replace it with dirt. You wouldn’t even taste the difference.” Bakugo rolled his eyes, throwing the fruit and veggies into the blender and pushing the button.
Shouto always thought it sounded like a muted chainsaw, or perhaps a rabid squirrel.
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andypantsx3 · 7 months
If you were to do a story where the reader dates Shouto and someone else, who would you like to pair up with him?
Like a poly situation?? One million percent Shouto x Reader x Bakugou. I am such an unhinged little TodoBaku shipper you have no idea. I love their canon dynamic so much, love that Shouto is like the funniest foil to Bakugou with how unperturbed he is by him.
I think the two of them arguing over you, even though you're all going to end up together in the end, would be the funniest fic ever.
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queenangst · 7 months
Fandom Trumps Hate 2024: My Hero Academia!
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Bidding for @fandomtrumpshate 2024 opens this Tuesday, March 5th at 8am ET! There are 22 creators this year offering BNHA fanworks!
Fandom Trumps Hate is an online multi-fandom auction of fanworks, to benefit progressive nonprofits. For more information about FTH, check out their blog.
So, before bidding starts, here's a roundup of all the BNHA offerings this year! This is a summary and not comprehensive. To see the offerings in full, check out the BNHA fanworks tag.
Not interested in BNHA? No problem! There are plenty of other fandoms, and fan offerings. Check them out here.
Potato_pods (AO3) - 10-20k words, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: Dabihawks, open to a lot of pairings/themes.
Domoz (Art blog) @domoz - Banner, Book cover, Comic, Drawing/painting/etc, minimum bid $5.
Ace (AO3) - 20-50k words, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: Angst, whump, emotional h/c, trauma exploration/recovery/bonding, mental health issues
Tierfal (AO3) - 5-10k words, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: EndHawks and TodoBaku; EndHawks+Jeanist or TDBKDK. Lighthearted action-heavy stuff, also angst, AUs, or pretty much anything.
Blackat_t7t (AO3) - 5-10k words, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: M/M or gen fic. Angst and h/c, canon divergent AUs. Anything focused on All Might or Deku.
Blindinglights (AO3) - Offering 2 BNHA works. 10-20k and 5-10k words. Especially interested in: KiriBaku, BakuDeku, ShinBaku, TodoBaku, KiriDeku, KiriKami, ShinKami, BakuKami, KiriBakuDeku, TodoBakuDeku, Todo/Deku, ShinBakuDeku, ShinKiriBaku, ShinBakuKami, and KiriTodoBakuDeku, SeroRoki. AUs (college, coffee shop/cafe, camboy/porn star, "and they were roommates", villain AUs, yakuza, vampires, etc; I love AUs!), enemies to lovers, break up/getting back together, friends to lovers, single parent/kidfic, omegaverse, dub-con, incest, angst (with a happy ending), online dating/blind dates, fake dating, pro heroes, mind break, canon, and age gaps.
Wander_wren (AO3) @wander-wren - 5-10k words, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: Izuku, Bakugou, Shinsou, Hawks, Dabi, Todoroki, Sero, and Kirishima; multiships. Trauma and trauma recovery, heavy angst with hurt/comfort. Canon or no-powers AUs, Omegaverse and BDSM AUs. Established relationships and platonic/found family-esque dynamics.
Roxi2star (AO3) - 5-10k words, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: Tododeku, Kiribaku, Shinkami, Dabihawks, TDBKDK
Achievingelysium (AO3) @queenangst - Hey, that's me! Less than 5k, minimum bid $10. Especially interested in: Whump, H/C, emotional, healing, coming-of-age and new adult. Found family, friendship, characters taking care of each other. Monster-of-the-week/mission-fics, epistolary, identity, canon divergence, future fic, ambiguous relationships, slice of life. Dadmight, platonic BKDK, Dekusquad, Class A girls, Class A.
Starburstsunshine (AO3) - 5-10k words, minimum bid $5.
Jane (AO3) - less than 5k words, minimum bid $10. Especially interested in: BakuTodo. Also any of Kirishima, Iida, Ochako & Deku; Kaminari, Jirou, Sero and Kirishima; Shinsou/Monoma; Momo/Kendou; Iida/Sero; Iida/Shouto, Natsuo/Hawks & Aizawa/All Might. Love all platonic dynamics.
One-fandom-became-all-fandoms (AO3) @one-fandom-became-all-fandoms - 1k words per $10 bid, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: (Romantic): BakuDeku, BakuTodo, TodoDeku, BakuTodoDeku, ShinKami, KiriKami, EraserMic, MomoJirou. (Platonic): Most other pairings. Gen/No pairings, poly-ships, non-hetero ships, BDSM, voyeurism/exhibitionism.
Quillifer (AO3) - Less than 5k, minimum bid $10. Mature and/or Explicit works. Non-traditional omegaverse and genderbending.
Luna_SelfIndulgentKitten (AO3) - Offering 2 BNHA works. 1k minimum for every $10, minimum bid $5.
Helix_Stomper (AO3) - 20-50k words, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: queer romance/ship fics, angst with a happy ending, misunderstandings, pining, idiots to lovers, genfic. Dadzawa with Quirkless/Vigilante Izuku. Most BNHA queer ships; Bakugou or Aizawa focused. Class 1A bonding, Pro Hero AUs, etc.
Yikesohdear (AO3) @livelikeheroes - 5-10k words, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: Character/relationship studies (including platonic relationships!), Canon-adjacent AUs, slice of life, angst and hurt/comfort
Ternary (AO3) @ternaryflower53 - Less than 5k words, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: queer, ace&aro, and disability themes. Trauma recovery and emotional hurt/comfort. Dadzawa adopting someone, Quirkless Midoriya and exploring quirk(less) discrimination in fic. Fave ships: Midoriya/Todoroki, Midoriya/Shinsou, or those three as an OT3.
FillyBoy (AO3) - Less than 5k words, minimum bid $5. Especially interested in: Dark tropes, SFW, NSFW, Fluff.
Juurensha (AO3) @juurensha - 5-10k words, minimum bid $5. Interesting and unique AU's, Romantic Comedy situations, rarepairs, side characters being fleshed out. Dabi/Hawks, Todoroki/Izuku, Shigaraki/Natsuo, Todofam without Endeavor, Rei/Inko, Shinsou/Iida
Lydia (AO3) - Less than 5k words, minimum bid $15. Especially interested in: Fantasy or College Alternate Universes, and tend to drift from established canon a lot. Found families and romantic relationships as well.
AzzaBynes @azzabynes - Fan poetry. Less than 5k words, minimum bid $10. Especially interested in: Symbolism, neurodivergence (particularly autism, ADHD, OCD, and touch aversion), coping mechanisms, in-universe politics, asexuality/aromanticism, worldbuilding, pairings with interesting narrative consequences (for example, Bakugo/Midoriya has more narrative consequences than Iida/Midoriya, but it's not a hard line), angst with a happy ending
DarkTenshi17 (AO3) - Offering 2 BNHA works. 5-10k, minimum bid $5.
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searenbound · 1 year
Poly todobaku x reader is just a constant peacocking contest to see who can spoil the reader most.
Oh Shouto bought takeout from that expensive place they like earlier in the week? Cool, Katsuki made that super complex recipe he got from their mother from scratch.
Shopping? Shou paid for that sexy gown for the next hero gala. Kat picked out and paid for the accessories and alterations.
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lewisshipsthings · 2 years
Top Ten (Or So): Bakugou Fanfics
I’m a multipshipper–especially, for some reason, when it comes to Bakugou from My Hero Academia. I just love to see him put in such an awkward and completely-out-of-his-comfort-zone situation like Romance.
So without further ado, here are fanfiction recommendations arranged by Bakugou couple:
(Edit: I added a reading break, because this was a very long post to scroll through on my mobile.)
Bakugou/Iida: Breakneck Speed by chiropterology. This is the fic that made me make this list. Because I never, ever would have considered BakuIida as a ship if I hadn’t read this fic. I thought it would be cool to help others discover the delight of a previously unconsidered ship, and decided to make this list. The story is unfinished, and looks like it never will be finished (the author hasn’t been active at all in more than two years), but for me it was worth it for how hilarious and awesome it was.
Bakugou/Momo: My favourite fic with these two isn’t romantic at all, but still has great interactions between the two of them. I’m not gonna write the whole fic name because it’s extremely long, but it’s You know that thing where an orchestra swaps instruments…? by Sif.
There’s not that many great fics that are romantic out there for this pairing, and the one I like best I actually put in the Poly section below (“Love like a common cold”). But Leaf Water by smol_bird is a sweet little one-shot for these two, and I liked it quite a lot.
Bakugou/Ochako: I used to be into this ship a lot, but not so much anymore. It makes it difficult to recommend fics properly, because I don’t reread them anymore. That said, there is one Kacchako fic I still read whenever it updates, and that’s Seeing Double by knifekirby. This is one of the best (*the* best?) fantasy AU I’ve read (but mixed with the original MHA world! And yes, at one point you get two Bakugous at once). The world building is fantastic, barbarian Bakugou is epic, and the dragons are so awesome. It’s unfinished, but updates keep coming after long breaks, so there’s lots of hope.
A runner up could be A Different Perspective by House_of_Pixels. I quite like mind-sharing and soul-bond type fics, and this is a really cool one of that genre.
Bakugou/Deku: I have the opposite problem as with Ochako here. I’m a big bakudeku shipper, and I’ve read so many and have so many favourites depending on my mood that it’s hard to pick only a couple to recommend. But still, if I had to pick one, I think I’d go with (may the bridges i have burned) light my way back home by Chrome. It’s slow burn (my favourite), and the romance is subtle and difficult. Quite beautiful, in my opinion. It’s unfinished, and I had thought it was going to remain so forever, but it recently updated after a long, long break this year, so there’s hope!
For a one-shot (and thus finished) fic, try Do Not Disturb by surveycorpsjean. I’m a manga reader, and there have been so many developments between Bakugou and Midoriya recently, but the fics haven’t caught up. This story takes place after Ch. 322, and Katsuki is SO in character–caring for Izuku in the way he does in recent manga chapters, while still retaining all his amazing strength and gruffness.
And finally, a runner up: for a long and finished fic that I don’t think is getting nearly enough love, try zero-sum game by roadtripwithlucifer. It’s dark and angsty and adult and there’s lots of sex (one of the tags is “Sex as a Coping Mechanism”), but it’s fantastically written, and man do you get all the feels with this one.
Bakugou/Todoroki: I tend not to seek out todobaku, but will enjoy it if it’s in the bookmarks or works of an author I really like. So I’m not aware of the full breadth of options for this pairing, but there are a few I’ve found that I really enjoy. cruel to be kind by shaekspeares would be the first one I’d recommend. It’s a very long, slow-burn one-shot, and the first section is devoted to Bakugou struggling with PTSD (something I personally really like reading fics about) and has almost no Todoroki at all (an indication of its slow-burn, and a point in its favour for me).
Another would be and even the cake is in tiers by supercrunch, which I also mention in the poly section below. It has multiple endings, one of which is todobaku, and it’s one of the funniest fics on this list.
And finally, as a runner up, I have to recommend A Real Fucking Problem by Ellessey. It has, um… a LOT of masturbation, lol. I read fanfiction more for the romance than the sex (not through lack of horniness, but lack of interest in written word to deal with horniness). But this fic has such good characterization for Bakugou, and is so, so funny, that I don’t even mind the mammoth amounts of sexual content.
Bakugou/Froppy: All the Same Broken Parts by Seeress. There’s not many fics for this ship–it’s quite a rarepair. But I happened on this one, and I'm very glad. It’s so sad (though happy in the end), but I found it quite lovely and excellently written.
Bakugou/Camie: The Freaky Friday sitch! by orphan_account. Like with Momo, my favourite fic with these two isn’t romantic, but it’s hilarious, and these two are a fantastic duo. Bodyswapped Camie in Bakugou’s body is just *chef’s kiss*.
For a runner up that is romantic, you could try our friendship goes beyond your average kind of bond (but not because we’re gay) by wonhaebunny. I could actually see it happening something like this in canon, plus there’s a lovely bit of Bakugou & Kirishima friendship on the side.
Bakugou/Kaminari: My favourite BakuKami is actually in a bakudeku fic, Permanent Ink by Maxime. Fortunately, the little bit of BakuKami in that fic was so delightful, that they wrote another pure BakuKami fic, Tango for Two, Electric Boogaloo.
Bakugou/Shinsou: letting it linger by Ramabear. Nosy classmates, early-morning Shinsou staring, demi-sexual Bakugou (my favourite kind of Bakugou). It’s super cute and I really enjoyed it.
Polyamorous: Love like a common cold by supercrunch. My two favourite Bakugou ships, BakuDeku and BakuMomo, with a side splash of Todoroki. It’s a fantastic and very funny bodyswapping fic that you should definitely try out. The same author also wrote and even the cake is in tiers, which has an ending with todobakudeku, and is hilarious.
Gen: I’m always on the lookout for good Gen Bakugou fics, but I find it surprisingly hard to find ones I like. Here’s a couple I really loved:
A Little Demonstration by AnonymousTwit. Bakugou’s epic fights are one of my favourite parts of his character, and this gets at that glorious feeling exactly. It’s like the Joint Training Arc, but *more epic*.
Social Media: 101 by WindsChild8178. If you’re ok with Mistuki being abusive and a whole lot of angst and PTSD for Bakugou, then you really should try this fic. WindsChild is a fantastic writer, and this is one of the few fics that I remember vividly no matter how far between updates. It’s unfinished, but WindsChild puts a lot of work into each chapter, so it tends to be a long time between updates. I still have lots of hope it will be finished.
Note on Bakugou/Jirou: I love this ship, it’s probably in my top 3 Bakugou ships, but I haven’t yet found any fics that really, really stand out–enough to put them on this list, at least. Feel free to recommend one!
Note on Bakugou/Kirishima: My shipping is a mystery even to me, and it always has been. Why do I not like KiriBaku when I like almost every other Bakugou ship under the sun? I have no frickin clue. I have no rational reasons against it–it’s cute and sweet and there’s more canon moments with them than almost anyone else besides Deku. I do not blame anyone for liking this couple, I just happen not to myself, so I have no recs. If you really like kiribaku, feel free to reply with some recs of your own. :)
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My hours have been cut back at work so I suddenly have more time to rp and I've been ghosted by most of the people who started rps from the last time I posted!
As usual, I'm looking for bnha rps!
I'm 26 so I'd prefer to rp with other adults.
These are the ships I want this time! (Hoping that adding more might get more rps?):
-MonoKami (can play either but prefer Denki)
-MonoShin (Monoma)
-ShinKami (Denki)
-TodoDeku (can play either)
**BakuDeku (Deku)
-TodoBaku (Todoroki)
-SeroRoki (Can play either but prefer Todoroki)
-IidaYama (Aoyama)
**BakuYama (Aoyama) (I've got a fantasy plot for these two that I really want to use!)
-TodoKami (can play either)
**ShigaZawa (Can play either but would prefer Shigaraki)
-ShigaDabi (Shigaraki)
**ShigaHawks (can play either)
-EraserHawks (Can play either but would prefer Hawks)
**DabiHawks (Hawks) (I've got a pirate plot for these two that I really want to use (its also flexible enough to include other ships))
-EraserMic (Mic)
(Character in brackets is who I'd like to play)
**ships I want most
I'm very open to other MxM ships (especially pairs with the characters above) and poly ships (honestly I'd love to do TodoBakuDeku or ShigaDabiHawks) ! I'm also open to rping multiple ships in one rp (I love writing multiple characters and world building, especially for fantasy aus)
I'm mostly looking for fantasy or supernatural aus since I get bored of canonverse rps easily, but I'm open pretty much anything.
The only thing I won't rp is smut (leading up to it is fine but a timeskip is necessary)
I write third person, semi lit-lit (depending the plot/scene). I'm not picky when it comes to reply length or slow replies. I'll also send you random plot ideas, memes and ship art once I'm comfortable with you (kind of like a cat bringing dead mice tbh)
RP will take place on here (I don't have discord and don't want it.)
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zombieumbreon · 2 years
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All works are NSFW 18+, all stories are works of fiction and may contain materials not everyone finds suitable. This is a dark content safe space. Meaning we will occasionally have stories containing non-con, heavy bdsm themes, drugging, blood, step-cest, public sex as well as other themes.
All characters are over 18.
Pathetic\Outdoors- Jirou x Female Weresheep.
Mirror\Helpless- Momo x Male Reader.
Branding\Cock Worship\Daddy Kink- Shoto x GN Reader.
Masturbation\Virgin\Panty stealing- EraserMicXf!reader Totally posted the wrong one
Almost Caught\Dacryphilia\Accidental Stimulation- Sebastian x Grell x Reader
Handj\Public\Cock Worship- Hanta
Spread Wider|Allorgasmia|Cucking|Degrading- Shindo
Electrostimulation\Outdoors\Cucking\degrading- Denki
Roleplay\Outdoors\Seduction- KiriBaku
Spectrophilia\Against the wall\Edge play Ooikawa
Pregnancy|Breeding- Kirishima
Body Painting\Stripper\Thigh Riding- Kakashi
Dacryphilia|Against the wall|Poly- Bakusquad
Somno\Edgeplay\Cock Worship- Hawks
Cucking\Degrading\Breeding- Shinra
Love Potion|Poly|Breeding- Shinso
Agrexophilia|Cock Worship|Knotting- Koga
Impact Play\Abduction\Edgeplay- Kuroo
Heels\Formal Wear- TodoBaku
Anon\Mask\Pictophilia- ?????
Knifeplay\Dacryphilia- Stein\Undertaker\Mahito
Exhibitionism|Body Painting|Poly- Soul
Outdoors\Gagging- Sesshoumaru
Edgeplay\Blackmail - Shinso
Begging\Helpless\Kidnapped- Bakusquad
Glasses\Cucking\Oral- Sohma men
Sensation Play|Poly|Impact play- EraserMic
Helpless\Hunter-Prey- Kurama, Hiei
Glasses|Sensation Play - Original Character
Blackmail|Tied Up- Kirishima
Agrexophilia|Begging- Kuroo
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findyourrp · 8 months
꒰ 20+ request ꒱
🌿 beau, twenty three, they. writing is semi-lit to full literate, 3rd person pov. makes aesthetic servers for my writing. dead dove 🕊️ content warning : age gaps, slight underage, incest, noncon, somno, drugging, kidnapping.
fandoms : oc x oc roleplays, jujutsu kaisen, my hero academia. pairings : (my muse in blue)
daughter x dad, brother, uncle.
younger sister x older sister.
brother x older sister or mother.
sakuna x my female oc.
sakuna or gojo x yuuji.
shoto x touya or enji.
poly todocest (all three)
doubles : oc x oc rp’s (mxm, mxf, fxf) oc x canon (i can write gojo, geto, sakuna, toji, dabi, enji) ALL oc faceclaims MUST be anime/manga. canon x canon (bakudeku, todobaku (i can write either) more todocest)
contact : my discord is muttphilia
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gojou-violin · 1 year
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✧ fanfics ✧ | perfect timing ~ poly!todobaku | deku and his toy ~ izuku midoriya | happy birthday, darling ~ keigo takami | number one fan ~ masaki mizushima (manual) | baby bunny boy ~ bunny!hybrid izuku midoriya | catch your breath ~ tamaki amajiki
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✧ headcanons ✧ | alpha!bakugo x omega!reader x alpha!shoto 1 (manga spoilers) | alpha!bakugo x omega!reader x alpha!shoto 2 | yandere!shigaraki | eating you out | shigaraki's fingers
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✧ links ✧ | kitty | training | counting | scratches | gauze | switch
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| last updated: 25 july 2023
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w0rmm1lk · 9 months
Rules! + Poly ships
Hi! please make sure to read the rules fully if you plan on requesting anything!
Will write :
BNHA characters
Platonic x reader
Romantic x reader
x male reader
x female reader
x gn reader
polyamory (willl list ships i wont do in the "will not write for" section.)
Fem x male reader
Masc x Male reader
Gn x male reader
Fem x Gn reader
Masc x Gn reader
Gn x Gn reader
Fem x Fem reader
Masc x Fem reader
Gn x Fem reader
Character (1 or more) x reader
character (1 or more) x oc
Will *NOT* write:
adult x child
student x teacher
sibling x sibling
character x character (this is strictly a character x reader blog)
religious themes that do not include shiozaki.
ships i will NOT do for Polyamory fics
bakudeku (i just dont ship it)
togadeku (vaguley ship it but i prefer not to write unhealthy dynamics)
todomomo (idk how i feel about it +idk how I would write it)
togachaco (do ship but will not write for same reasons as togadeku)
todobaku (dont ship it)
todobakudeku (will not write for todobaku or bakudeku so why would i write em together lol)
ships i WILL write for polyamory fics
hotwings (only in context of before S6)
tododeku (though i wont be great since I dont fully ship it, I’ll probably do better if writing for S5-6)
any ships not listed i may still do! feel free to ask by sending a message or in the requests! <3
If you would like specific pronouns to be used for reader (not she/her they/them or he/him) then please include in the request! along with if reader does not identify as Nb, male, or female!
i am willing to do neo pronouns but i may struggle a little bit at firdt!
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luffythinker · 10 months
we've all failed to notice TodoBakuDeku as a ship
https : //www.pinterest.com/pin/ 209276713928503411 /
i do enjoy todobakudeku but in the sense that deku is both of their boyfriends and todobaku are like this is our boyfriend but we're not necessarily boyfriends too, but they kiss sometimes
i just love to think that while bkdk are going through their years of will they won't they (before The Apology), izuku and shouto get closer and start dating, bakugo thinks he missed his chance but SURPRISE izuku is poly and does want to start something with him (after The Apology)
shouto is not jealous so he's cool with it but Akatsuki has a hard time to learn that yes he has to share, he is Not the one and only, and eventually he does warm up to todoroki
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andypantsx3 · 8 months
andie that shouto bakugou blurb you just posted oh my god i’m going stupid crazy. that’s the dream right there oh i’m gnawing at the bars of my enclosure!!!!!!!!!! just thinking about how sweet both bakugou and shouto would look post showers :( i need to chomp on them and shake them around like chew toys
Omg I'm sooo pleased you like it. Ever since I read Rest's poly fic I have been plagued by poly thoughts lmao. I need the TodoBaku arguing like divorcees x Reader dragged along for the ride dynamic so badly I might explode lol.
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aceing-on-the-cake · 8 months
Not sure if this is something anyone would be interested in, but I was thinking of writing fanfiction collaboratively with someone, maybe where we just collaboratively write chapters together, maybe where we switch perspectives back and forth and each write a characters perspective, maybe where one of us mainly writes one fic and the other edits and then do that the opposite way on a separate fic.
I'm not really stuck on any of those options and if you have a different idea I'd be down to explore that, I just honestly I think want to try working with others, I think it'd be fun.
Anyways, if that sounds interesting to you here's some possible fandoms I'm in that I'd feel comfortable enough writing about as well as ships or basic plot ideas I'm ok with writing
(I'm aroace spec, I'm fully down to explore aromantic and ace identities in any of these fandoms and with any of the characters in it as well as explore plots that don't have to do with romance, sex, or shipping at all if that's what you're looking for)
Stranger Things
Platonic Stobin (in conjunction with Steddie or without Steddie at all)
Possible Tropes/Plots Could Explore
any of the characters recognizing their queerness
Vampire Eddie
Steve and his relationship with his parents (getting into his c-PTSD and having him heal from it, hurt/no comfort pre-series exploration of some of his trauma in general, hurt/comfort where his pre-series trauma is explored with lots of found family healing mixed in, up to you)
QPRs!!!! (like for literally any pairing, but especially Stobin, you let me explore aromanticism and asexuality and I will provide you with cake, frogs, and my undying devotion)
Steve and any exploration of his gender
Dean & Sam (platonic exploration of their relationship)
Sam & Castiel (platonic exploration of their relationship)
Dean & Jack (platonic exploration of their relationship as parent/kid)
Destiel + Drowley (not something I've done before or even really read much of but I saw one fanart and now I'm interested in possibly exploring it)
Possible Tropes/Plots We Could Explore
female winchesters (trans Sam, gender fuckery with angel or witch magic, baseline born that way au, transport to another universe into opposite gender body, literally could be anything I just really really like gender fuckery with these two)
Fix-it for destiel confession (I'm aware this has been done many times before, but with as many times as the show lead us on about these two I feel it can always be done again)
Pre-series Destiel
PLATONIC dean & sam & castiel where Cas goes to the past and fixes some trauma of the boys. I repeat, PLATONIC, I'm really really really really not into underage
Literally anything to do with Sam/Rowena, it's a really minor ship and I think honestly anything you wanted to do with that I'd be down
Platonic exploration of relationships (Sam and Dean actually talk for once in their goddamn lives, hurt/no comfort exploration of every reason Sam and Dean should just talk for once in their goddamn lives, Sam and Castiel becoming friends, hurt/no comfort of Sam being hurt by Castiel, Dean becoming a decent parent to Jack and apologizing, hurt/no comfort exploration of Dean not being a decent parent to Jack, etc)
anything to do with fucking over John Winchester. Fuck that man.
*any of these ships I should preface with I'm not really down to write anything underage, specifically sex. I'm not against that for any of these ships, but I'm only down to write that kind of content in an adult AU*
Bakudeku (qpr, married, dating, aromantic bakugou and bisexual deku, asexual bakugou and gay deku, I literally don't care, you put these two together I'll probably be down to write a version of them)
Momojirou and Kamijirou poly relationships
Honestly pretty much any poly ship you want
Possible Tropes/Plotlines to Explore
Anything to do with exploration of BakuDeku's realtionship (hurt/no comfort exploration of kids, hurt/comfort bakugou redemption arc, platonic BakuDeku qpr exploration, etc)
That's honestly it, I am still interested in this fandom but it's not one of my top ones so I don't got a lot of ideas for it. If you do and you still want to collaborate I'm definitely still down, I just don't really got much myself.
Good Omens
*want to preface this with I haven't watched the second season and refuse to until the next one comes out because I don't want to spiral into a depression over these gay men. Doesn't mean I won't write from a point after the second season or that I don't know what's happened in general, but I haven't watched it personally myself*
*that's it pretty much lol, that's all I'm down to really focus on*
Possible Tropes/Plotline Ideas
AUs in general (coffee shop/bakery, tattoo artist and florist (look, florist crowley and tattoo artist aziraphale would slap, fight me), human AU, etc)
Hurt/no comfort crowley pining after aziraphale and vice versa
Hurt/comfort crowley to an aziraphale inevitably betrayed by heaven
Percy Jackson
*should be noted, I never read the books when I was younger so my main understanding of the fandom comes from mutuals and watching the new show. I'm perfectly willing to look up generalized plotlines or even read ahead in the books themselves (I can usually read a book in 1-2 days), but like while I enjoy this fandom, and I'd like to explore this fandom, if you're a long time fan full up front, you probably know more about this fandom than me*
*I'm just gonna put it up front, I again, don't do underage, and all I know of these characters so far is them as children. I don't mind exploring romances for these characters, but I'm not comfortable writing or posting underage sex in regards to these characters*
Percy & Grover (platonic exploration of friendship)
Grover & Annabeth (platonic exploration of friendship)
Nico/Will (don't know much about this one, because again, haven't read the books, but it fits the tropes I think are cute for relationships and I'm willing again to read up on the books themselves or read plot synopsis to catch up)
Possible Tropes/Plotlines
literally anything to do with religious trauma, I'm aware that the kid's trauma comes from Greek gods, but like religious trauma hits for me no matter the form, so I'm absolutely willing to explore this
exploration of Annabeth's relationship with her mother from her perspective and not Percy's
AUs (normal kids au, different pantheon of gods au, grown up college kids au, etc)
Some Things I Think I Do Decent As a Writer
Internal thoughts
Emotional Expression
Some Things I'm Not Good At As a Writer
sex scenes (not against writing them but I am the kind of ace that sucks at writing smut, so if you're good at it, awesome, would welcome the help)
Heavy action (I can write a little bit of action but long, drawn out fight scenes? Knowing where everyone is and keeping track of all that? My worst nightmare)
Setting Descriptions (I have aphantasia (can't visualize things in my head) so to me all stories exist in a black vacuum with just the characters in it and only relevant objects, so if you're better at creating descriptions of things around the characters and settings, then yeah we might work well together)
Fluff, I can write it, but I'm not great at coming up with fluff. I'm much much more a hurt/comfort guy
A Couple Of My Hard No's
I don't write noncon or underage unless it's specifically addressing a character's trauma or abuse, and even then I prefer less show more tell. If you want to explore a character's trauma dealing with experiencing and healing from either of those, I'm ok with that, but I won't ever write it in a positive manner.
Permanent main character death unless already such in canon (I can write hurt/no comfort but at the end of the day they're my blorbos and I just need them to live)
Permanent amnesia trope (same deal as above, I need my blorbos to be happy or at the very least to have them at least remember each other even if they're in pain)
I think that sums it up. These are relatively generalized guidelines, my main goal here is honestly to work with someone else creating a collaborative work together. If you've got a different plotline or even a different ship than the ones listed feel free to hit me up anyways and we can talk it over and there's a good chance I'll be on board.
Feel free to message me here in direct messages or send me a friend request at my discord username: cassemiah.
Reblogs are greatly appreciated so this leaves the sphere of my mutuals!
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idefkimjustasimp · 1 year
My rules, characters I do, fandoms, ect
Hi!!! 👋 I am Charly and here are my fanfic rules and stuff!!!! :)
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yes I will post art sometimes
No asking me to do anything I'm not comfortable with
Okay here me out but I've seen this b4...so NO FLIRTING WITH ME!!!!
Nsfw (only a little and if I feel like it)
Sfw (obvi)
Aged up (ex: aged up south park x reader)
X reader
ANON EXAMPLES TO USE (idk if others use any of these so don't hate If I stole one I'm sorry):
🦈 anon
South park:
Kenny, Stan, Kyle, Creek(poly or not), Butters, Clyde, Token
Any ships
Literally only harlivy, or batman x joker idk the other ships that well
2d, noodle, Russell, ace, murdoc
2doc, and any other ship except noodle x anyone but y/n
All brothers, diavolo, barbatos, simeon, Solomon, (maybe thirteen idk yet)
No ships AND NO LUKE!!! HES LITERALLY 13 (yes to an aged up Luke tho)
Literally anyone but mineta, and eri
Bakudeku, kiribaku, todobaku, tododeku, denki x deku, I can't think of more but when you request I'll let you know
Anyone!!! :)
Any ship except shipping family members together
The Umbrella Academy (Tua)
No ships please!!!!
Welcome home
Only wally that's it
No ships
Camp Camp
David, max, Gwen
Max x anyone but David and Gwen
David x gwen, David x reader, David x Daniel
Camp cretatios
Any ship
Byyyye i can't think of more!!!!
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