#poly vs poly
felicitywilds · 1 year
love the character of adam. rose asks to take him with just because hes cute and nine agrees because he can't ever say no to her. nine helps her lie so she can impress him. hes her boytoy for ten minutes and he fucks shit up immediately. this man didnt get more than a single episode in before being kicked out and we never hear about him again. hes only ever a narrative device that tells us it cant ever be more than just rose and the doctor, that no one can come between them, and then a single episode later they meet jack and the narrative says "ok yeah i guess one guy could actually"
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itslilacokay · 10 days
polysticks!! + tco
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i think purple counts so yeah
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jaythes1mp · 1 month
Was just at the AUS vs RSA game and thought about yan batfam x professional player reader
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^ pic I took, shared cause it looked pretty cool
How they would react to the reader being a famous sport player of any kind.
It's unlikely that they would kidnap you due to your massive fan base, as it would attract excessive media scrutiny and unwanted attention internationally, not just within Gotham. Fans from around the globe tune in to watch your games, so your absence would raise suspicions far beyond the confines of Gotham alone.
Based on the extent of their obsession, the Batboys would exhibit varying responses. In cases where their fixation is relatively mild, they might opt for a more subtle approach. Instead of outright kidnapping, they'd each form a more intimate connection with you, feeding you disinformation and manipulating you to question the stability of your career as an athlete. They might even go so far as to create fake evidence of misconduct, aiming to weaken your trust in colleagues and coaches. Each bat independently spinning webs of falsehoods, persuading you about the perilous aspects of your career. The move aims to create doubt and make you feel vulnerable, all while fostering the image of a concerned support system. Where they’re the caring family who just wants the best for you.
The fam, in their relentless quest to isolate you from your world, would orchestrate a web of manipulation to sow doubt and skepticism in your mind. Their goal? To make you question everyone and everything, sowing the seeds of paranoia deep within your psyche. Each bat playing a part in this grand scheme, they'd meticulously feed you false information, twist events, and exploit your trust, all to ensure that you become reliant on them alone, to the point where you’d feel a profound sense of isolation from anything and everyone outside their carefully constructed circle of control.
With a more intense level of obsession for you, the boys become more extreme in their approach, aiming to sever all threads that bind you to the outside world. They'd fabricate scandals, leveraging their influence and connections to spread misinformation and discredit your reputation through the media. Ultimately getting you canceled or thrown out from the league, leaving you vulnerable and isolated. Once they've successfully sabotaged your career, they'd position themselves as your sole support, exploiting the dependency they've forced you into, ensuring they become your only lifeline. The only ones who believed that you wouldn’t actually do any of those horrible things.
If all else fails and their attempts to manipulate and control you have fallen flat, they wouldn’t be above resorting to drastic measures. They'd orchestrate an 'accident' contrived to leave you physically incapacitated, prematurely ending your career against your will. With you out of commission, they'd swoop into the role of a caring, supportive family, ensuring they remain your sole source of companionship and aid. An ultimate move to bind you to them indefinitely, all in the name of protection and care for their "fragile" darling.
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sammy8d257 · 3 months
The new AvA Actual Short: Too Close to the Sun
is all of the Color Gang trying to flirt with Purple as they're flying around
Happy Pride Month
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acquired-stardust · 2 months
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Capcom vs SNK 2 Playstation 2 2001
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sakurm · 6 days
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new member of the fambily..........
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j3llyf1shdust · 8 months
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i added more random stuff to them and cleaned them up. I also added orange and purple.
i added a ship tag so people know that I do see them as tired college students sharing a flat (romantically)
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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the ultimate babygirl /silly /goofy, even
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the guy the man ever y'all<3333
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serxinns · 3 months
Fins and magic~
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Yandere Mermaid 1a x mage gn reader!
Glad to be in @lady-ashfade collab event I hope you enjoy!
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In a world where mystical creatures like unicorns, witches, dragons other animals that people think weren't real are considered rare valuable treasures or pieces of history that need to be protected and cherished, which sounds good but it was way more darker
Since people discovered that even a picture of a creature worth over 200k dollars people started to try and hunt down the creatures and take them to labs to study which can be described as hell and torture so mystical creatures are forced to hide their powers and change their identity to look more "socially acceptable" in order not to get caught
And thats where you came in you're just a regular high school student who lives alone with their pet cat in a small cozy house by the tides and beaches the reason you live out here but you like the water and view and there are more special items that can go to your potions, you would collect seashells washed up seaweed, sea plants and more! To the point people looked at you, some called you weird and some called you an explorer which gave you the nickname sea collector you didn't really mind the name and you honestly thought it was cool!
One day while you were gathering some items on the beach this time it was some seaweed for a potion-breathing potion you heard someone whimpering and smashing around you looked around to see where the noise came from and you landed on a small Rocky Hill peaked down to see a girl with a single black ponytail with Rudy red tail crushed under some rocks squirming helplessly
You looked around to see if the coast was clear and slid down to help her when the mermaid saw you her claws came out and started hissing and growling "Hey hey I'm just here to help you I swear" You slowly went up to her trying to feel of the rock her tails crushed under and you heard her hissed turned into a whine in distress "it's ok...I'm gonna help you I swear!" You said with a reassuring smile the mermaid calmed down a bit still in pain but seemingly trusting the human
You then begin trying to lift up the rocks you manage to pry off 2 out of the 3 rocks the 3rd rock tho was budged in there deep so using your hands was useless, you then got a stick and tried wedging it between the rocks then pushing down on it trying to open the gap enough for the mermaid to finally free itself quickly crawling its way into the water safety while you cheered for her at the end of the shore
You were about to walk away when you saw something shiny and round In the water you squinted your eyes a bit realizing it was a big pinkish white peral shiny brightly in the moonlight you held it observing it looking around to where it came from and saw there you saw the mermaid again smiling at you then disappearing into the sea
It's been a couple of days since you didn't see the mermaid again but her pearl still shined brightly ever since the day it was handed to you
But Other than that, everything's been acting weird around you, like there would be small pieces of jewelry and other stuff suddenly washing up in front of you, whenever you leave your stuff at the shore like your sock, pen, marbles, etc it's suddenly gone never to be returned and you swore you put it far away from the water
Another then if you would multiple figures from, the water watching staring directly at your house for a few seconds then jumping back Into the water .... Yeah after that incident you started making sure your doors and windows were locked up shut before you sleep
Momo couldn't stop thinking about you, your soft h/c hair, your adorable face, your everything! She just couldn't! She would always watch you from afar behind a rock Watching as you observe a piece of an item washing up on the shore momo blushed she had never seen a cute little mage like you she just wanted you to take you down with her so you could be with her forever but reality struck knowing humans and mages can't survive I the water
Izuku was the 1st to know his friend's strange behavior Watching how she suddenly left after the pod dinner and brought a piece of the fish to the shore when he asked her one time she said she was going to feed the shark mermaids which was weird since Kirishima, is the only shark mermaids they know for now
Izuku then talked about it with Iida and I thought it was weird too so the Two boys followed Momo one day and hid behind a rock behind her, a hour has pass as they saw nothing, iida just thought that momo just wanted to watch the humans so when he was about to swim out of his hiding spot nand izuku panicked trying not to blow thier cover all 3 of them stopped when they saw the human
Iida and Izuku couldn't pay attention to what they were doing like they were under a spell, you were so beautiful in their eyes the way you giggled and had fun playing with your pet and ran out, the way your h/c hair flowed in the wind, and the way you were running around without care so free in those things you humans call legs, the 3 mermaids were all so mesmerized by the new human they have to have you heck WANT YOU
Momo turned around and saw the 2 mermaids staring at Her human she snarled at them, causing them to flinch back "Why are you staring at what's MINE" "yours?! Since when did you claimed them?" Izuku said glaring at the female iida broke the two of them up "now its not the time to fight let us go before the other humans see us" izuku and momo both stared at each and reluctantly agreed
they quickly swam back to their cove where they were met with the other mermaid tribe all suspicious and worried about their whereabouts, iida then reassured them it was nothing but Izuku interrupted him saying they saw a kind human, a magical human! everyone then gathered around the three of them asking questions about the mage, "they were so lovely their laugh their hair and everything" "perfect to be a mate.." iida murmured just imagining the possibility while momo glared at the both of them
"Noah they sound so manly"
"and cute!"
"Maybe they'll perform magic with us!"
"Do you think they'll like dead fish as a gift"
Ever since then the mermaid fixation was all on you whenever someone mentioned your name they felt warm and fuzzy they wanted you to be their mate their little mage they would fantasize about you having a cute little mermaid tail would it be black Would it be orange would it be mult color or a great shade of f/c? Yea thatll prob suit you!
But they were all too scared to come up because the two-legged monsters were prob gonna hurt them so they came up with a plan to finally meet you! To be their mate~
you were sleeping soundly in your bedroom the only sounds you could hear were your soft snores, your cat's soft purring, and the waves accompanying your room until the pearl started to glow brightly, you glanced at the glowing pearl and grabbed it, you grumbled trying to find an off switch "Follow the music..." you jumped hearing the sudden whisper in your ear you looked around seeing who was responsible but you heard it again this time it was coming from the now glowing pearl..
"Listen to the pearl follow the music"
You were confused until you heard some music playing You know where and tried looking around to find where was this music coming from, you looked out the window and realized it was from outside but it was cold so you grabbed your slippers, a scrap your jacket, the pearl and your staff and stuffed them in your bag and looked closely out the window one last time to observe where the song was coming from you heard some singing a male singing...
You look quite divine tonight~
Here among these vibrant lights
You slowly open the door and creak the open peeping to see where was the beautiful singing from... realizing it came from the ocean you grab put on your slippers get your bag and staff and quietly go out the door observing the beautiful singing It was so addicting and alluring.
Join delight surround us as we sail~
Signed yours truly the whale~
You then heard multiple people joining in the song not just men but women too... you looked around desperately to try and find the singing voices looking around in the water then suddenly you see it no them
Joy's Mirage's kingdom come
No one left at stake
You then see about 20 mermaids in the water coming together and singing a beautiful song your eyes widen as you go closer as the mermaids all spot you the mermaids are in shock at your beauty giggling and gossiping at one another about you, you then suddenly blush in embarrassment, Momo then swam u to the shore and reached out her hand to you, you hesitated since you spotted her sharp claws but momo gently smiled signaling you they were gonna harm you, you then pulled our your arm to the mermaid and she sniffed it a bit and hugged you tightly
You blushed and were adored by her sudden action it made the other mermaids jealous so they all swam up right beside her with open arms trying to do the same which you giggled "Guys guys! I got enough hugs for everyone" You then went up to each of them and hugged them, they then started to introduced themselves with gifts along side it as a greeting
Izuku: a con shell
Iida: a chain necklace with a cotton cap
Shoto: a shiny small crystal
Tsuyu: a shiny rusty fork
Ochako:some beatiful coral
Bakugo: a Shark tooth bracelet
Denki: a worn out watch and a kiss on your handn
Mina: a pretty pink dead seastar
Sero: a dirty looking doll that look like you
Kirishima: Shiny Rock
Momo: a adorable pearl necklace
Jirou: some sea flowers!
Hakagure: a Musicbox
Ojiro:a Cup!
Sato: some Gold coins
Aoyama: a Mirror!
Koda: a torn up plushie!
You put the gifts in your bag and thanked them when you saw how the sun was going up soon you had to leave "I'm sorry guys I gotta leave soon I got to school in the morning but we'll meet each other every day!" They all whined they didn't want you to leave them so soon! Momo even gripped your hand a bit hard but you Glanced at her and smiled "I promise!" You quickly got her hand out of her grasp and quickly left waving behind her they all waved and shouted bye at you as you left their sight to their sadness
They didn't want to say bye not yet not ever! They'll find a way.. they'll do anything for you to have you by their side forever~
Dolphin divider by @anitalenia (for the cute dolphin dividers!)
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I need more vox x vel x val content because they’re literally the most evil bitches and throuple ever and I love them
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celticcatgirl2 · 10 months
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Oh come on you didn’t have to turn down the friend with benefits offer something tells me Scott would be more than cool with it 😏
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tinukis · 4 months
i hate that im scared to write and i hate that im so picky with fics bc i have very specific needs to be fulfilled and it is hard to meet those needs...
i soooo bad desire zolusan, post wano specifically bc in my head thats when all three get together. wci is when sanji realizes his feelings for luffy– or rather accepts that he is in love with him (two years of pining im so sorry sanji) that and also finding difficulty in accepting his feelings for zoro too so basically: sanji being a mess
but idk zolusan mutual pining but they're all idiots. sanji has his own struggles, but imagine zoro's feelings or luffy's feelings. zoro keeping them internalized because it's not that important and wouldn't change a thing, yet he yearns. luffy... the guy is unpredictable imo. and i think that focusing on his perspective would be a lot of fun. he's already happy with what he has but he wants to be selfish and ask for more. idkidk words are hard but these three live rent free in my brain and they do not want to leave send help
(ALSO. imagine discussing the death pact and luffy finding out about it... unrelated to what i said but im talking about zolusan can u blame me... like. God!!!!!!!!!!! theres this one fanart where zoro does go through with it and luffy finds out and. Sighs.)
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bella-goths-wife · 4 months
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auminii · 1 year
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More poly Dan, Chris and Imposter ❤️
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triglycercule · 1 month
i need the murder time trio to drink eachother's blood after causing an injury. that's so romantic in both my eyes and theirs. i need them to bite eachother and claw at eachother and injure eachother and hurt. and then when they try to patch eachother up make the injury hurt more before finally wrapping it up with a bandaid and a kiss or a lingering glance or DARE I SAY a hug (because imo a hug is much more vulnerable than a kiss). peak of romantism i dare say
i need them to use violence against eachother as a way to keep them grounded or to just let out anger towards eachother i need dust to gouge out horror's eye and then give horror his own to replace it. i need horror to squeeze killer's soul until he can feel the pain but in exchange killer gets to use a knife inside his head i want killer and dust to fight everyday and soon their bones will be littered with scars of the other's attacks I NEED THEM TO HURT EACHOTHER!!!!!!
they share pain and release anger and frustration and all that stuff onto eachother but dw dw this is how they love. but they do genuinely dislike eachother (because no matter how much they love one another they STILL can never manage to get over their differences and that's what makes them PEAK) but they also care for the other two and in their fucked up minds this is a good relationship. not because its not toxic because it definitely fucking is but because everyone is satisfied
i love murder time trio poly
#double post today because i'm genuinely fucking tweaking out over this#it started as me thinking about mtt drinking eachother's blood and then it spiralled#I LOVE MTT POLY I LOVE MTT POLY!!!!! IM MTT POLYS NUMBER ONE FAN#WHO CARES ABOUT RECOVERY AND HEALING AND ALL THAT!!!! MAKE EACHOTHER WORSE!!!!!!!!!#the only people that the trio was worse to than eachother is the world#they may stab and slice and blast eachother but they are together and that's all that matters#PARTNERS IN CRIME I DARE SAY!!!!! PARTNERS IN CRIME I SCREAM!!!!!! BECAUSE THEY LITERALLY DO CRIME THEYRE FUCKING CRIMINALS#DEFINITION OF PARTNERS IN CRIME BECAUSE THEY WOULDN'T FUCKING CALL EACHOTHER SHIT LIKE LOVER OR BF OR ANY SAPPY SHIT LIKE THST#NO!!!! PARTNERS. KEEP THAT SHIT NON EMOTIONAL. AND THEN THE CRIME????#THE GROUP NAME IS LITERALLY THE FUCKING MUUUURDDDERRRR TIME TRIO MURDER TIME TRIO THEY MURDER THEY KILL THEYRE CRIMINALS#i hate when people use partners in crime to describe a group WHEN THEY DON'T EVEN DO FUCKING CRIME#this version of the trio is one of my absolute favorites. i never post about an outright romantic mtt but i love this dynamic#usually my posts are more along the lines of the mtt as a friend group (qpr but i never tell anyone that so only i get to know :3)#ufhhhhhh me when deciding if i like this violently romantic mtt or my comedic silly goofy mtt more#absolutely toxic yet beautifully in love romantic poly VS funny laugh inducing but TRYING (struggling) to heal qpr. which ones better#UGH I CANT CHOOSE!!!! I CANT CHOOOOOOSEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!#killer sans#dust sans#horror sans#murder time trio#bad sanses#bad sans gang#mtt poly#murder time trio poly#horrordust#kist#horrorkiller#what tricule tag category does this go in hmmmm hmmmm#this reads like a rant but i feel like this should be a hc#tricule hc
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kimyoureahellofacatch · 7 months
y'know i have to say as much as scollace scratches my brain as someone who had a terrible homoerotic friendship breakup in middle school mobillace needs more support like. the guys they're based off are literally married it's so cute
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