#polyam story
stanningjay · 1 year
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Balance the Scales
A new original story, posting chapters weekly & free!
Cedric & Gideon are two dragon shifters locked in an epic battle of hook-up chicken. They both know they must search for their true fated mates, but somehow can't help returning to each other's arms (and beds). Then they meet Alex, a human barista who knows nothing of the world of shifters, who turns them both upside down.
Balance the Scales is a polyamorous, fated mates, dragon shifter story. The first chapter is here, and new chapters post on fridays! Teaser after the cut.
ao3 style tags: #eventual smut #medium burn #Porn with feelings #NSFW, #fated mates, #dragons, #lovers to idiots to dragons to lovers once again, #threesome, #polyamory, #anal sex, #blowjobs, #awkward first times, #coffeeshop meet-weird #aggressive use of kitchen tongs #marking #no ABO dynamic #non ABO shifters #original fiction #unprotected Sex #ot3
It happened like clockwork. Like my libido was on a fucking timer. When had I become so predictable? The snap of my briefcase rang out in my empty office, a satisfying thunk that felt like closing a chapter. Every time, I told myself it would be the last time.
And then, the ache in my gut would start. It would grow unbearable, and I’d find myself here. Sitting in my office after dark, long after I’d sent everyone home. Staring at my phone. Typing and deleting a dozen texts, all variations on a theme:
U up?
U Busy?
U free tonight?
I used the abbreviation for ‘you’ mostly to annoy Gideon. I texted instead of calling mostly to annoy Gideon. I did a lot of things to annoy Gideon.
Annoying him was safer, safer than letting myself really want him. Because, if I was going to be a slave to my urges, I wasn’t going to be miserable alone. I would dig my fingers into the lingering bruise of our semi-regular hookups so Gideon was just as full of self-loathing as I was.
I was pretty sure Gideon hated me.
I was pretty sure I needed Gideon to hate me, because the alternative was even more painful, because hate was at least something, something deep, fiery and primal.
And, we dragon shifters were nothing if not deep, fiery and primal.
The place between my shoulder blades itched, my human skin wearing thin and tight like an ill-fitting suit. I unbuttoned the collar of my shirt, as if that would help. The urge to shift always rose with my desire to see Gideon. At his place, I could wear the skin of my ancient fauna. I could stretch my wings, the bones in my jaw and skull expanding to accommodate fangs and horns and the armored plates that rand down my vertebrae. Gideon would shift, too. And in our dragon forms, we’d fight. Then we’d shift back, and we’d fuck. The sparring was foreplay, brutal and animalistic. One of these times, I always thought, Gideon and I really might kill each other.
It was the same every time, a constant, but goddamn it if it every time wasn’t the highlight of my life.
Gideon and I had met at a farmers’ market six years ago. A real bougie meet-cute right out of a gay hallmark movie. The small-town farmer and the big city executive. I’d been passing through town on the way to visit my parents, and I stopped to get a pressed juice and a pastry, and some flowers for my mother. And there was Gideon, standing at his little farm stand, haloed in an explosion of color, dozens of flower arrangements and elegant bouquets. He was huge and rugged. Scowling. Beautiful. Putting all the flowers to shame.
I approached with caution, because I could tell he saw me immediately for what I was, just as I recognized him. I looked into his icy blue eyes and saw the beast beneath.
For a several moments, we’d just stared at each other.
I bought some flowers. He gave me his card.
It took me three weeks to work up the courage to call him.
We met for a drink, despite the fact that we both knew we’d never work. It was just my luck—the only other ancient shifter in a hundred miles, and he wasn’t mine.
And I wasn’t his.
That was the thing with ancients. Our power came with a lot of rules, many of which didn’t have much bearing on modern life, except the first, and the biggest. Each shifter born with an ancient fauna only had one mate. A true mate.
It was something you just knew, deep in your bones, deep in your soul, when you saw them. It was an instant, undeniable attraction. Fate. Destiny. Blah blah blah. My parents could—and often did—wax endlessly poetic about the day they’d met. Their story was sweet enough to turn anyone into an instant diabetic
As hot and infuriating and toe-curling in the sack as Gideon was, he wasn’t mine. He wasn’t my destiny. I’d mostly given up on finding my true mate, and I imagined Gideon probably felt the same. We could never have that kind of soul-deep pair bond between us that would allow us to be truly complete. Truly settled. Whole.
But we could absolutely get together from time to time and fuck each other’s brains out. It took the edge off being so goddamn lonely. Kinda. With a resigned sigh, I looked down at the screen of my phone, brushing my thumb over it, like maybe I could feel my way to a better solution.
I hit send.
Read the whole story now by becoming a patron here
Shout me a coffee <3
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alesuggestprompts · 2 years
Slow burn romance prompts and tips
Slow burn romances are awesome but taking so much time for the people involved to realize they love each other can be exhausting for the people enjoying the piece of media.
To make things exiting you have to give the reader/audience reasons to enjoy the slowness of the romance and not strive to get to the point where it becomes canon.
In order to do this, your characters should be involved in the relationship (even if it's not romantic yet) and the audience should feel the reasons why this romance is going to happen.
Here are some tips and prompts on how to do it:
Make them bond
Show how they're unconsciously building their relationship by spending time together. Give them reasons to constantly seek companionship even if none of them is fully aware that they're in love.
Some prompts can be:
They have a common hobby they decided to explore together
They are involved in the same organization (volunteering, community service, defending human rights, local organizations about whatever, but if it's fantasy even thigs like a group of people with the same powers)
They have to work on a project (it can be about their work, education, hobbies, organizations they joined, bringing a dictator down, fighting aliens etc)
They have to take care of a mutual friend
They are in the same team of a competitive sport/field.
They bond over common past experiences
They are going to have the same experience (for example, they bond over the fact that they're going to move in the same town for external reasons)
Give them chemistry
Sexual chemistry is good, but it's not good in a slow burn romance. There are other types of chemistry, however, that can make your romance a lot more interesting:
Intellectual chemistry
Humor chemistry (they easily make the other-s laugh and be happier)
Habits/believes chemistry (they feel more connected by basing their lives on the same principles)
Love language chemistry
Theoretical sexual chemistry (they just view and live sexuality in the same way, more similar and linked to belief chemistry)
Make the audience understand the reasons they're in love
Love isn't merely based on logical reasons, but healthy relationships are based on them too. Chose some reasons for why they're going to be in love and develop them overtime.
They could be - but not limited to:
Great admiration for what other-s do
Cooperation and complicity
Trust and communication
Same life goals
Healthy emotional support
Same life philosophy
They feel good together
Sense of safety
Make it human
Even if relationships have to be based on principles that mustn't lack, like consent and other fundamental things, it's important to not write about perfect ™ relationships but make them good in a human way.
Give characters involved bad days for external reasons, give then some fear, misjudgment or just a moment when they miss their past.
Allow your characters to be good humans and not dreamy perfect partners.
Plus: make it clearly possible
Minorities are unrepresented in medias and often this can lead to a lack of diverse love stories. So when it comes to a slow burn romance, it can be easy to want to rush to it only to be assured that this is going to happen.
To avoid this, make it clear that this can potentially happen without hitting at their romance yet.
For example, if your audience can be scared that this slow burn romance won't become a thing because it's queer and often queer baiting is chosen over actually queer representation, give to the story other happy queer love stories. They can be fully developed or just mentioned, like a character's friend cleary involved in a queer relationship that's often hit at but not important.
Other examples can be mentioning a past where this kind of romance already happened (like a poly character that was in a poly relationship years before) or showing people similar to this character in a happy relationship.
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hamartia-grander · 5 months
So Ashley Graham and Mia Winters were born the same year... Mia was kidnapped by a bioweapon in 2014.... and Ashley wanted to become an agent just like Leon someday..... Mia has a thing for blondes.......... I am yurimagining.......
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shitpostingkats · 1 year
What people think I mean when I say "the Wheel of Time polycule": Rand al'Thor and his three girlfriends.
What I actually mean: Rand al'Thor and his girlfriends and his boyfriend and his girlfriends' girlfriends and his boyfriends' boyfriends' girlfriend. Friendly exes and platonic bonds and casual partners and the shrimp colors of relationships. The most complicated web woven around a single load bearing dumb bisexual of a chosen one. An amino acid. A polycule that stretches from the Spine of the World to the Aryth Ocean.
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laikacore · 9 months
Now available for free, Laika Wallace’s second novella, LOVE LIKE THIS
Link in first reblog to website where you can read it for free as a downloadable PDF or in browser
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cover by laika wallace
She had never known a love like this...
Following Morgan, Cherry, and Laurie after the events of Whisper in the Woods, up until the Christmas after Lured to the Lake. The three girls face and overcome the many challenges of being young adults living together in their first apartment on their own. Together, they come into their own, find support and care in each other and their families, discover a new world, and finally know the depth of love.
Trigger warnings for this story include: abusive families, dysphoria, financial hardships, divorce, homophobia, alcohol, underage drinking.
Link in first reblog to website where you can read it for free as a downloadable PDF or in browser
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tirfpikachu · 2 months
broooo not my ex making posts abt how hard it is to come to terms with being conventionally attractive while having low self-esteem issues and how wild it is to get compliments randomly on their appearance when they go out and how they're worried that their new transmasc boytoy is only into them bc they're hot -_- i'm tired... meanwhile i'm just seen as a gremlin now that i'm not hyperfem... they truly have the biggest issues in the world lol
also they were like "omg turns out i'm not ace i just needed a bf lol" and i'm like yeah. i know. you've been lusting after male characters for years. you were horny as fuck just not for me bc i didn't transition. you only made moves on me when you were bored, lonely or drunk. i always asked if that was the case and you were like no baby it's just your insecurities i don't need you to transition uwu. for 5 years. my trust issues are thru the roof now yayyyyy /dies
#lay text#i'm being mean and petty ugh#my heart kinda hurts but talking w my counsellor abt it helped#it rly helps to have a neutral third party to vent to#also i still think my ex is a good person i don't actually hate them i love them as a friend. but i do hate what they did to me#i hate that they went along w us dating bc they're too much of a doormat. i hate that they thought abt breaking up w me for years#but never told me bc they were worried i wouldn't survive without them financially or emotionally#feels so fucking infantilizing#now i'm so much better off without them despite being broke#that was my first and only real relationship my first time my first everything. i'm so embarrassed wtf i was RIGHT i was right all along#i was right it wasn't just insecurities they straight up never wanted me they wanted future transitioned male-passing me#it was all lies!!! from the get-go!!! meanwhile i did so much romantic bullshit and i was wearing rose colored glasses!!!!#and i was a big dyke. being with a woman who identified as a woman would've made me 2000x happier anyway. we could've just stayed roommates#i'm so bitter guys. i feel so jaded but i'm trying not to be :/#and now they have so much luck in their love life#and i'm just a lonely gremlin dyke who only attracts polyam/casual girls who only want me on the side#where tf is my love story :'( i've been trying SOOO FUCKING HARD to gain my ex's affection for 5 freaking years i was the most loveydovey g#i deserve a love story i think i've really earned it by now!!!!!#so much love to give#now they have it so easy wtf. feels unfair ngl. i'm happy for them obviously they deserve happiness too. but i am still bitter >:/#trying to process these feels instead of repressing them for once. i have a tendency to bottle up angst bc i think i'm bad for being mad#but nope those r healthy emotions!!! i can work thru this#it just sucks#if you read all of this bs i give you a cookie 🍪 <3
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rogdona · 5 months
yesterday i saw someone on tiktok making ocs that could b in a shoujo or smth and i wanna do that really baddddd
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pixelmain · 11 months
Sorry trying to write a story in my head… in polyamory is it considered weird or inappropriate to date someone and also their sibling?
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waterdeepthroat · 8 months
i know i kinda have a reputation to uphold as an astarionposter but like. he's not even my fav character in bg3...
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justaghostingon · 2 years
Love Me too Death Mini Meta
Because i can’t stay away from toons stuff if I tried.
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This scene here really captures the moment when I really began to trust Enrque. Because up until here, he’s working in his own self interest. Yes, he’s going to send a rescue party to bring them back, but that’s because Mercedes is there and he wants her back.
But here, here he is defending Victor, a necromancer who to his knowledge, has done the task he was assigned to do. Sure, he knows he botched the job a bit since Mercedes can’t speak, but he has no idea her life is tied to his. For all intents and purposes, his and Victors buisness is done.
He could easily have made that deal, Victor for Mercedes, and gotten out of having to pay either of them! But he didn’t. He protected Victor when he had no reason to do so and a lot of very pointy reasons not to, but he does so because it was right.
And yes, he is arrogant, and rich, and thinks his money can buy anything. But he uses those blessings to protect those who have less than himself. He stands up to a very real threat and lies his head off to protect a Necormancer the world wants dead. An act which if it had gone correctly, Victor would never had known about.
Bandit lady is right. He is so much more than the arrogant man baby we thought we were meeting. He’s a genuinely good man, and I really hope he gets his happy ending.
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shitpostingkats · 1 year
Final Fantasy XV 🤝 Disney Descendants
Media that to this day randomly makes me furious when I remember they do not end in a polyamorous OT4
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toribookworm22 · 1 year
Heads Up Seven Up (x2) (ish)
Thank you @pure-solomon & @akiwitch for the tags!
No pressure tagging: @minutiaewriter @jamieanovels @winterandwords @authorlaurawinter @inkskinned @mschvs @lockejhaven @pluttskutt @raiphend @tlbodine @rottenbury @writeintrees @firstofficerrose & my open tag!
From that random polyam idea I had that I accidentally went and turned into a short story. (That I may or may not have used for a class. 🤭)
As much as it pained me to admit-- and probably will for at least a little while longer-- we couldn’t be everything to each other. We were good. We are good. We are so good, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be better.
“How would you feel about coming over to mine for ice cream after this?” Wynn tips their head to the side, intrigued. “It was our back up plan if this went badly, but I happen to have a great selection of flavors in my freezer and plenty of bowls.”
I can feel the void shrink as Wynn smiles. “I’d love to. Thank you.”
Just barely, I glance at Ruth. Her eyes shimmer both with unshed tears and the strongest most unfiltered kind of love that is always always enough for me.
I serve her a slice with extra cheese. Before I can pull my hand away, she catches it and raises it to her lips, staining my knuckles with the faintest of green.
Wynn hands her a napkin.
I don’t even know what we’re going to do with more love. Guess we’ll find out.
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watercolor-hearts · 22 days
. [Fictional self-harm and self-unaliving thoughts mention below]
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gay-trans-disaster · 26 days
new book!!!
hey hey, I'm currently writing on a story with wolf-shifters and humans
it's polyam, gay, one of them ist ftm
I just published the first chapter on wattpad and ao3 (actually the first 5 are ready but after that there's a small gap that I still wanna fill with another one)
Maybe some of you are interested and take a look, I'd be happy XD
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grapecaseschoices · 9 months
rotating rotating
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I don't know his name yet. I just have been wanting to use him as a musician for some time. The initial game I had saw him for didn't click, but thankfully I had a eureka moment. His name will probably Argentinian
I know I said no more white boys other than Andy but he's also spicy white [is his pb? idk but I have decided]. So it's okay. And he may be part Welsh inspired by that one AITA post So he's like Black for the British [I can say that because I AM Black. You can't though.]
Anyway, I think he's 21. He went to Stanford for Music - and he probably had that focus in his travel aboard as well - and though he has been told REPEATEDLY that it is not a REAL/safe focus, he got some slack when he got into Stanford.
Though he got some shit still, because everyone knows he is smart. Like REALLY smart. He has a great memory and was really good in all his cources outside of math [cant deside if he has dyscalculia or it was anxiety] --> EITHER WAY this wasn't really addressed as it should've been and it eventually is what led to his dropping out.
[tl;dr he was great with music theory and history and had a great singing voice but stuggled to learn to play instruments & compose -- which led him to feeling like a fraud. Naysayers didn't help either. Funny [in a sad way] thing is, he's not bad at the guitar as he's been teaching himself but he let's his frustrations overwhelm him / he is too nervous to perform]
Uma is his "platonic" soulmate. He is a man in clown shoes. IN LOVE WITH UMA?? What do you mean? He just loved cuddling against them when they were younger and kissing their cheek and would feel the rare rage monster whenever someone else not him and Travis paid them attention and was physically sick when he first left home and it was a phone call from her that made him feel stable. But that's because they are SOULMATES DUH!
In his defense, it was hard to see anything past the friendly bickering turned to [semi-] belligerant UST between him and Travis. Which he was freaking out/in denial about
Also he is SO demi [and just clueless ... but very very demi squared].
Fun facts: Boy has never been able to keep a shirt on. Not when he was a kid, not now. He used to always walk around in his swim shorts because he was always READY for fire hydrant fun times -- especially in the summer. He also loves the rain. Strangely isn't a good swimmer, because he didn't have muuch time for classes, but he loves the beach.
He has no tattoos. Ignore the fc's tatts.
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coffeelovinggayidiot · 2 months
After faaar too long, I've decided to start writing again :)
Chapter one of this story currently on wattpad, and if people like it I'll also add it to Ao3
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