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The votes are in and the new Polyamory Flag is here!
The intention behind this design was to create a simple, bold tricolor, with a contemporary approach to traditional vexillological (relating to the study of flags) elements from the original “Pi” flag.
It takes the best of the original flag, including its color symbolism, and improves on those elements of the Pi flag which alienated viewers.
A white chevron flows outward to depict the growth and possibility of the non-monogamous community. It sits asymmetrically on the flag to reflect the non-traditional style of polyamorous relationships.
The heart reminds us that love in all forms is the core of non-monogamy.
As in the original polyamory flag:
Red stands for love and attraction.
Blue stands for openness and honesty.
However, this redesign also makes thoughtful alterations:
Gold represents the energy and perseverance of those in the non-monogamous community.
Purple to represent a united non-monogamous community.
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goodlost · 1 year
It's here — the polyamproud polyamory flag vote has begun! My thoughts so far:
I'm glad that each finalist flag has a different design concept. It's good that we're not choosing between just differently colored 3/5/7 striped flags.
I like how two of the designs leave room for people to place their preferred symbol in!
I've seen multiple comments online expressing not liking any of the designs. I think that should have been an option to vote for, so we could get an indication of how many people feel that way!
I've also seen comments expressing frustration over the limited selection. On one hand I agree — many people had put in effort to submit their designs and I would've loved to see them all! On the other hand, I know that that will make voting less optimal. That's because the votes would be much more spread out, and so the winner will be selected by a smaller majority and therefore by a smaller part of the community.* **
[* A solution to that can be to do elimination rounds where we vote multiple times, and after each time the flags that didn't garner enough votes get eliminated from the next vote. But that will make the process much longer and will run the risk of people losing interest over time. Bottom line is I think the way it ended up being makes sense, even if it means making some sacrifices.]
[** But I would love for polyamproud to post the designs that didn't make it! Maybe after the vote is concluded.]
It could be great to see the voting figures at the end — how many people voted, from how many countries.
Lastly I'm left wondering how accepting the community will be to the winning design, considering a not insignificant number of people are frustrated. I guess in the end it maters less which design wins the vote, and more which flag(s) the community will actually end up using in the long run.
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leisurelylazy · 1 year
Poly flag voting is still going until Nov 22! Im Heart Continuum Gang, I quite like this design! The sunset gradient, the color meanings, the open space for symbols, and the noticeably distinct curved lines make it feel very unique & nice to look at.
Ive got similar reservations about the method they used and limited selection, but i think the four options covered a pretty large range of flag styles.
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Im guessing either this flag or tetra flag will win out
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beatificbug · 1 year
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borderlinevamp · 1 year
Also one more note about this whole thing:
The fact that polyamproud had no choices that’s had the same meanings or colors of the original flag, almost makes it seem like they are actively trying to distance themselves from the established community and flag. Like because it doesn’t fit “their” definition of polyam, a flag popular and flown during the aids crisis doesn’t even deserve a nod. Its real wild and why it annoys me so fucking much.
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stickthisbig · 1 year
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ranocchiowo · 1 year
okay does anyone else who wanted to vote on the new polyam flag just not really vibe with any of them? having only 4 options is weird enough but idk none of then really scream polyamory to me lol
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ineffable-gallimaufry · 11 months
i guess the thing with the new flag that bothers me is the policing aspect to me. like one organization can just roll up, denounce a flag i was generally okay with (if there was one thing i would do it would be to desaturate it slightly) and replace it with something that so many people had no say in (and i keep looking at it and it keeps hurting my eyes so much it's giving me a g*damn headache). like there's diversity in the polyam community, many things out there and to have an organization just come in and replace a flag with history that's been around for so long with a flag that replaces many key aspects!
i don't like the new polyam flag. it's hurting my head, i just don't like this at all. i never got to vote, probably thousands of polyam people with different opinions were cast aside because they didn't have internet or weren't online at the time or any other reason. corporations should not be able to squish us in a singular box, and i am sick of pretending they can.
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The decision to begin your journey into polyamory is a big one. Sometimes it involves going slowly, and at other times throwing yourself in headfirst. But one thing I know for sure is that when you know, you know for sure. For some of us, polyamory just makes sense. 
But sometimes, when you're certain about something, it can be difficult to see that other people don't feel the same way. 
When it comes to Polyamory Red Flags, something that's important to recognise is when you're dating someone who, for whatever reason, simply isn't willing or able to continue on this journey with you.
You need to be aware of Pretend and Uncertain Polyamory.
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newexcalibur · 1 year
there's this new polyam flag i keep seeing recently that looks SO similar to the flag of the Philippines and it is so extremely disorienting . Where am i
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gen-is-gone · 9 months
okay having actually looked it up, the whole redesigning the poly flag thing was just fucking disgusting, entitled bullshit from start to fucking finish and I'm honestly appalled that nobody told fucking ~polyamproud~ where to shove their concern troll fuckery.
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[ ID: the polyamory flag. It consists of three horizontal stripes: blue, red, and black, with a pi symbol in gold emblazoned in the center stripe. ]
THIS is the polyamory flag. It was made by Jim Evans in 1995. The blue stripe represents respect and open communication between partners, the red stripe represents passion and love, the black stripe represents solidarity and community. The pi symbol not only speaks to the infinite potential partners and types of relationships poly people can have, but was specifically a COVERT symbol meant to connect the community without the risk of discovery and discrimination by anti-poly monogamists.
The fact that ignorant assholes want to destroy it for not being pretty enough to look good on hogwarts house style merch like all the other ways queer flags have been coopted by capitalism is fucking pathetic, and the fact it got far enough to put to a vote is enraging. That fucking soft colors uwu heart shit is not my flag and btw I'm poly, not polyam.
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polyamoryfacts · 1 year
What do you think of the newest polyamory flag that just dropped? (at polyamproud dot com)
Oh, didn't realize the results were in, thanks.
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(ID in alt text)
I think color-wise, it's prettier than what we use now, but it is a little top-heavy for me. I have never seen a chevron (that's the triangular part) designed like that.
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NEW POLYAMORUS FLAG FOLKS! The tricolor Polyamorus flag created by Red Howell was the winner of the Polyamproud vote.
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yeehaww-sims · 10 months
hi, we'd (sys) like to request a few flags this enbian flag: https://www.lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Enbian#/media/File:Enbianflag.png
the outherine flag: https://www.lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Outherine#/media/File:Outherine.png
both feminine flags: https://www.lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Feminine both masculine flags: https://www.lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Masculine the abroromantic flags (no preference for any of them so you can just do one lol): https://www.lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Abroromantic
this polyam flag: https://static.wixstatic.com/media/076531_82f351d1731d499abe325971b503d661~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_556,h_332,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/076531_82f351d1731d499abe325971b503d661~mv2.png this anattractional flag: https://www.lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Anattractional#/media/File:Annatractional.png this allion flag: https://www.lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Allion#/media/File:Allion.png the mesquin flag: https://www.lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Mesquin#/media/File:Asterian_Mesquin.png
the label non-conforming flag: https://www.lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Label_Non-Conforming the fluid-fluid-fluid flag: https://www.lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Fluid-fluid-fluid sorry thats a lot of flags but if you do them thank you in advance
Happy pride month! Not too many at all, not even the most I've gotten before sdfjkldfslkj. The Enbian flag and the PolyamProud flag had been done previously, they're in part 1 of the requests!
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The rest of your requests can be found in the part 2 file!
[SFS] | [MF]
[Original flags post]
Currently finished requests below:
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magis-ghast · 1 year
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New polyamory pride flag!!
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anxious-fandom-bean · 2 years
hey, so, idk if the polyam community on tumblr is aware of this, but there's a worldwide vote planned to decide on a new polyamory flag.
the site is
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