#pools are totally fine tho
romanestuffsposts · 4 months
What if the reader gets to close to the pool and accidentally falls in? 🥺
Hi there love!
Well, let’s see..
Warnings : scared, accident, little reader falls in the pool, comfort, kisses, pet names,
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : a sunny day with an open pool don’t make good friend sometimes
You had a long winter. Usually you love the snow and winter in general but this year it was long, you need your winter but you need your summer too.
Today is the first day where the sun peer his nose and you couldn’t wait any longer. You instantly went outside to play after a good layer of sunscreen.
You daddies of course had an eye on you but they had to do things too. The sun wasn’t planned on the schedule but they couldn’t keep you inside anymore so they had to reschedule the day. But that’s totally okay with them.
When one is busy doing what was planned the other is looking at you and playing with you sometimes. But when your Papa heard something falling inside the house and your Daddy cursing afterwards, he decides to go check on him. He lets you alone after a kiss on your forehead and after telling you that he’ll be back soon.
You keep playing with the ball in the meantime but unfortunately you send him too far away and he ends up in the pool. Your Daddies removed the pool cover this morning so the ball wasn’t stopped by that, it dive immediately into the water.
You sigh and walk toward the pool, you kneel down and try to reach it. Of course your arms are too short so you look around you to find something that could help you but sadly couldn’t find anything. So you decide to try one more time and if you can’t reach it then you’ll wait for your Papa.
Only this time is one too many..
You touched the ball with he tip of your fingers so you bend over a little bit more and fall into the water. You gasp as you fall and immediately try to yell.
When your Daddies heard you yelling outside they immediately let down what they were doing to run toward you. It’s your Daddy who’s the first to spot you in the water and doesn’t hesitate to dive in the cold liquid.
‘’Oh my god!’’ Steve yells just as Bucky jump in the pool. Fear immediately run in their veins at the first yell they heard until they’re sure you’re totally fine. And even after that they’ll still feel that feeling under their skin for some times.
Your Daddy wraps his arms around you and pulls you up, you immediately take a hold around his neck and cough your lungs out. ‘’You’re okay my love, I’m here, hold onto me baby I’m getting you out’’ he whispers in your ear before dropping a sweet kiss on your temple.
Your Papa reaches for you and lift you up to help your Daddy ‘’my sweet girl’’ he breathes out and hugs you so close you can’t breath anymore. ‘’Are you okay, princess ?’’ Your Papa asks just as your Daddy walks to you. You sniff and nod
‘’What did you do near the pool baby ?’’ Your Daddy asks, not in a harsh way because even tho you knew you couldn’t be near the pool alone he knows that what you just lived is a good lesson.
‘’ ‘m ball’’ you mumble after resting your face on your Papa’s chest. You cross your ankles around his waist and point at your ball that is still in the pool.
Your Papa sighs and brushes your hair behind your ear ‘’you know you need to wait for us baby. We don’t do that to annoying you but to protect you. Do you understand ?’’
You nod and snuggle closer to him ‘I sorry’’
‘’It’s okay, little one. What matter is that you’re safe but we need to know that you understood what happened here and why we’re so strict with you about our safety rules’’ your Daddy softly says, his knuckles stroking your cheek
You nod your head ‘’yes i undestand’’
‘’Perfect’’ he kisses your forehead ‘’we go back inside ?’’ He assumes after what happened you would be tired or scared to leave their arms maybe but it’s the total opposite
‘’But the sun is still here daddy’’ you explain as you point at the sky. You wiggle away from your Papa arms and looks at them ‘’can i have my ball pease ?’’
They both chuckle and your Daddy strokes your hair ‘’I’ll get it for you’’
You smile when you see both of them are staying outside to play with you. They won’t let you out of their sight for a long time and they want to be ready to take you back inside if you get too tired because of your little accident earlier.
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russellsppttemplates · 6 months
hey! this is my first time requesting something so i’m not too sure what to ask for !
would love to see some oscar fluff tho 🥹🥹
Note: I'm happy you sent in a request, feel free to always share your ideas! 🫶 also, this was totally not written from personal experience 🙄
Tw: reader accidentally gets hurt
Dating an athlete meant that your holidays would often include adventurous plans like hikes and trails. For this afternoon, Oscar wanted to check out a hike near the beach where you could walk along the coastline.
"You don't have to go if you don't want, love", Oscar assured you as you put on your sports bra, "I want to, it's supposed to be very beautiful and it's a nice change of scenery from the pool", you smiled, getting your trainers, "these should be okay, right? I only have sandals and flip-flops and those are definitely not appropriate footwear", you reasoned, "yes, I don't think it will be slippery, more dusty I think", your boyfriend offered, grabbing his own trainers so he too could lace them and you could get going.
It started quite easily, the steps carved into the rocks from erosion clear and well limited, making you follow Oscar quite easy, "wow, look how blue the sea is!", he gasped as you reached a balcony like area looking out the coast line, waves hitting the rocks and turning into white foam.
"It says here the water line can go up and cover all of those rocks completely", you read on the wooden and metal informative plaque, pointing with your fingers, "Osc!", you squealed when you noticed he was taking a photo of you, "at least warn me first so I can sort myself out!".
"You look beautiful, love", he smiled, shoving his phone back in his pocket and circling his arms around your waist.
"I am sweaty and shiny from the suncream and my hair is all tangled from the wind", you pouted as you tamed down the little hairs that never seemed to lay flat unless they had a lot of product on them.
"You look lovely, believe me", he stole a quick kiss, "let's continue?", he urged, pulling you with him.
The trail started to shrink as the flat ground approached the line where the rock stopped and a couple of feet wrong and you'd be down in the rocky wall in no time, "can you hold my hand, please?", you murmured to Oscar, stretching your hand out while the other one was already grasping the safety steel railing chord, "here, I won't let go, I promise", your boyfriend assured as he laced your hand in his.
"We climbed all of this, so now we have to go down, be careful, okay?", he warned after you had taken a rest break to admire the view.
"It's fine, I'll be careful", you added, getting up and following him down. You didn't see one of the steps, so you went right over it, not measuring the distance properly and falling on your butt.
At the yelp you let out, Oscar was quick to turn around and help you, "are you okay, Y/N?", he asked, checking over any injuries, noticing a little cut on your thigh and a graze on your elbow.
"Just bumps and scratches - and a sore butt", you pouted, accepting his hand to be pulled up to a standing position, "can you walk all the way back or fo you want me to carry you?", he wondered, "I'm fine to walk", you smiled, kissing his cheek and carrying on.
As soon as you arrived back at the hotel, Oscar stopped by the reception to ask for a first aid kit, taking it with you to the room so he could help.
"I'm sorry it stings, love", he pouted, kissing your thigh to distract you as he made sure the wound was clean and disinfected, "but it's looking good", he kissed your thigh one last time before moving up to your arm, seeing you had already cleaned it, "I can't put the protective band-aid", you explained, having him help you with it too.
"We can stay here for a bit before you go to lunch, how does that sound?", he suggested as he pulled you to cuddle him, "that sounds good", you kissed his lips before making yourself comfy, "my clumsy girl", he kissed the top of your head.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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Oh my goodness Jake Seresin!!! How much is your going rate for bribery? (Seriously tho I obviously don’t want you to be under any pressure and like you’ve probably got other priorities but wow I’m in love - total sucker for the innocent character becoming more confident and experienced)
Wake Up, Kid
Notes: Going rate is a soul, but if it's previously promised, we can discuss first borns. Reader's callsign is Gambit (only used a couple of times). No y/n; no physical descriptions.
Based on this post
Warnings: unrequited love to allies to lovers; angst; ends happily
Summary: It was the closest he’d gotten to you, staring down the bridge of his nose at you. 
“What do you expect? That this is all going to be easy? That you’re gonna get up there and everything is gonna just click? It takes work. It takes perseverance, and practice. You’re wasting valuable time. Wake up, kid!” 
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“Wake up, kid.” 
It was chuckled at you then, a handsome smile curling his lips. You didn’t know Jake Seresin well at the time, despite your best efforts. You’d been following him around, asking him questions and disguising your budding attraction as curiosity. You’d asked him questions before, but this latest one was a goad.
You wanted something out of him—an answer that was more than one word, or a shrug. This question had been purposely stupid, and he seemed to have mistakenly taken it as a measure of your intellect. He turned to you with raised brows, his eyes cool as his toothpick shifted between his smug lips. 
“You really think that’s possible?” He scoffed. “Wake up, kid.” 
“Wake up, kid!” 
It was snapped at you, then. A cruel look twisted his otherwise handsome features, irritation bright in his gaze. He didn’t seem annoyed—he seemed downright pissed. It was the closest he’d gotten to you, staring down the bridge of his nose at you. 
“What do you expect? That this is all going to be easy? That you’re gonna get up there and everything is gonna just click? It takes work. It takes perseverance, and practice. You’re wasting valuable time. Wake up, kid!” 
His gaze swept you once more before he whirled away, storming down the tarmac, away from you. 
He hardly gave you a second thought, a second look. You stood stalk-still for a moment, embarrassed and stunned, the blood rushing to your shock-stricken face. 
“...C’mon, kid.”
It was spoken gently, with that charming, irritatingly attractive curl of his lips. You knew better than to trust it. Hangman had been nothing but an asshole to you since you arrived on base. He told you to wake up, and you had. You’d stopped mooning after him. You’d come to realize that for as smart as he was, as quick as he was, he was fallible, and cocky. As you gained a greater understanding of yourself, your job, the limits of your skills and craft, you'd found him less and less attractive. 
Well, less attractive personality-wise, anyway. He was still frustratingly handsome. 
Now, Hangman leaned against the bar beside you, his sweet gaze trying to draw you back in. You nearly fell for it, too—but you shook your head a touch. 
“No thank you.” 
“One game of pool!” He urged. 
“I don’t know how to play.” 
“I’ll teach you.” 
“I’m fine.” 
“Then come watch me win.” 
“No thanks.” 
“...C’mon kid.” 
He took a step closer as he said it, dipped his head in to drop his voice to a murmur. Your fingers flexed around your glass. 
“You want someone to swoon over you, I’d recommend getting a hand mirror.” 
Hangman whistled low, slapping his chest over his heart as he leaned more heavily against the bar. 
“Look,” He said after a moment. “I’m sorry, alright?”  
You frowned, casting a skeptical gaze in his direction. He did look a apologetic as he gazed at you from under the sweep of his lashes. 
“I was…” He trailed off, searching for the right words before he offered, “An ass.” 
“Yes, you are," You agreed as you turned back to your beer.
“...I said I was an ass.” 
“Not sure that’s changed, Seresin.” 
He didn’t answer for a moment. Then, finally,
“So that’s an absolute no to pool?” 
You turned to him, stunned and irate—but your annoyance broke when you found him smiling at you. You couldn’t help the way it triggered your own smile, and you turned away from him, shaking your head. 
“You get away from me Seresin, or I’m putting my phone on the bar and telling Penny it’s yours.” 
I need you to wake up. You gotta wake up, kid. 
It was a figment of your imagination, you were sure of it—a hallucination as you’d made an emergency landing, your oxygen running low. Your body had been put through the wringer, battling blood loss and a concussion. You could hardly make out his voice over the beeping monitors, and the footfall of doctors and nurses. 
You’d asked about him when you’d come to in an empty room, but your nurse told you that she hadn’t seen anyone. You’d tried to push the disappointment down, to focus on what she was telling you about your progress, your health. But it was so strange—it was like you could hear his voice so, so clearly in your head. 
You gotta wake up, kid. 
It had been a rough sound—a plea, the likes of which you’d never associate with Jake Seresin. 
I need you to wake up.
Your fingers flexed in the sheets, a wince twisting your face up at the feeling. It was surely a phantom feeling, a false memory—the heat of his palm and fingers twined around yours. 
A shaky breath down in, then pushed out from his lips. A broken, determined, godless prayer. 
You gotta wake up, kid. 
It must have been a figment of your imagination, some fabricated solace in what you’d believed to be your final moments. 
You gotta wake up, kid. 
You hadn’t thought about it in years, but as he twisted around to look at you for the third time in the middle of the detachment briefing, it sprang back into your mind. The sound of those words, the ring of what was surely a false memory played through your ears. It was chased by the sound of the hospital monitors, the months of recovery. It made your stomach lurch as you turned your attention back to the admiral at the front of the room.
It didn’t matter, anyway. It really, really did not matter to you that Jake Seresin had been the last person you’d been in contact with as you’d grappled with control of the craft that day. It didn’t matter that he’d told you he’d see you on the ground, that things would be fine. It didn’t matter that you woke up alone, and that he hadn’t bothered to check in on you once. It didn’t matter that you’d once been on the way to considering him a friend—and that he’d made it clear that he didn’t give a damn what happened to you. 
It certainly didn’t matter that Seresin was turning around to look at you for a fourth time. 
“The hell is he looking at?” Was grumbled beside you. You couldn’t help the twitch of your smile as you glanced at your wingman, Baker. 
“Bet he likes the look of you,” You teased. Baker snorted, slouching down in his seat and leaning into you a bit. You hardly noticed as he tipped his head toward yours, as if he was trying to get a better look at the Admiral. It was a moment of quiet between the two of you before Baker muttered, “He’s looking again.” 
“Quit looking back.” 
“I should do something.” 
“If you lick my cheek, I will not hesitate to give you a whack in the sack.” 
“That was one time.” 
“Don’t make it two. And just ignore him. S’what I’m doing.” 
“Not ignoring him well enough if you noticed him in the first place…You know him?” 
You couldn’t lie—Baker could always tell when you were lying. 
You used to think that you knew Jake Seresin. After that night at the bar—after the urging of C’mon kid, and that smile that always hit you right in the heart, you and Jake had waded into a tentative friendship. You hadn’t mooned over him like you had before…Well. Not in the same way. You’d mostly managed to keep a lid on it in his presence, and hadn’t even dared to voice any lingering interest to your friends. But you’d realized quickly enough during your recovery that Seresin cared just enough about you as he needed to, and dropped you when it seemed you wouldn’t return to service. He was an emotional deadweight. You’d spent the last three years convincing yourself that you were glad to be free of him. 
“Used to,” You finally offered. 
“I thought you couldn’t play pool.” 
Your heart skipped a beat, but you didn’t let your concentration slip. You didn’t let your hands shake with nerves like they would’ve back then. You pointedly ignored the warmth radiating from him, and the scent of his cologne as it wafted toward you. You just jabbed your stick forward, whacked the cue, and sank the six ball. 
“That was a long time ago,” You insisted as you straightened. 
“Yes it was.” 
You rounded the table, away from where he’d taken residence at your side, your gaze fixed pointedly on the table. You bent at the waist, lining up your shot, and fighting off a smile as Baker stepped up beside you. 
“This guy bothering you?” He asked. 
It was wholly unnecessary, but also hilarious. 
“Nope,” You answered simply, jabbing the cue ball. The shot just glanced off of your intended target, just barely missing the mark. You sighed through your nose, turning to find Baker holding two bottles of beer. “One of those mine?” 
“Sure is,” He passed one over. 
“Thank you.” 
“I don’t think we’ve met.” Jake’s voice was just a little too loud, and a little too pointed. You had to hide your amusement with a swig. 
“Don’t think we have,” Baker agreed. The two went quiet, and you felt each of them turning to look at you. 
“You gonna do that honors?” Baker pressed. You shrugged, eyeing Jake dispassionately. 
“No need. He’s never had a problem speaking up for himself.” 
Jake’s self-assured smile stayed frozen in place, even as his eyes narrowed a touch. Then he forced his lips to widen to an award-winning-put-me-on-a-poster-Uncle-Sam-Wants-You grin, chin tipping up, despite the fact that he was already taller than Baker. 
“Oh,” Baker chuckled, grinning. “Bagman? Yeah I heard’a you.” 
“Can’t say it’s mutual.” 
“Baker,” He waved to himself before nodding to you. “And you clearly know Gambit.” 
“Sure. The kid and I go way back.” 
The Kid. It made your stomach flip with equal measures of elation and queasiness. You pushed the gulp of beer down painfully, your eyes beginning to water from the exertion. You chanced a glance at Baker and found his dark brow knitted together, lips twitching with a frown as he looked down at you. It was a mistake to look at him—Baker knew you better than anybody. If there was even a hint of upset or discomfort, he would catch on it. 
Before he could, you shoved the pool cue in his open hand and nodded toward the table with a mutter of, “Your turn.” 
You turned from him, walking back to lean against the wall and watch. You forced your body wide—legs pointed outward, arm propped up against a ledge—rather than curling up and hiding yourself like you would’ve back when you first met Hangman. He took it easy, drifting steps toward you as if he was wary of spooking you, nearing in your periphery as you watched Baker sank the eleven.
“What do you make of the run?” Jake asked, leaning beside you.
“Should be fine.” 
“You say fine or fun?” 
“The roar of the jets finally getting to your ears?” 
Jake huffed a soft laugh beside you, shifting from foot to foot. 
“...Can we take this outside?” He asked after a moment. 
“It’s my turn,” You answered, straightening up as Baker rounded the table to pass you the cue. 
“What about after the game?” Jake pushed on, undaunted. 
“I got next game!” Pym warned as he rounds into the room. “Gambit owes me a rematch.”
You couldn’t help but smile then, glancing back at him. You'd worked with Pym on your last detachment, and had gotten a little more involved than you’d normally allow yourself with one of your fellow service person. You turned toward the table again, letting yourself gaze at Hangman from beneath your lashes as you set up your shot. 
You fired at the eight ball and sank it.
He didn’t know when to quit. 
He lingered through multiple games and hung around for over two hours, waiting for Baker and Pym and the others to trickle out without you. 
“You got a moment now?” He asked as you paid up your tab. 
“Not really.” 
“Someone, uh,” He looked around at the dwindling barflys. “Someone else coming out of the woodwork for a game?” 
“It’s been a long day. I’m tired,” You excused, heading for the door—and hearing Hangman’s footfalls chasing you down. 
“I’ll drive you back,” He offered, darting around to the front of you, walking backward and trying to catch your gaze.
“I’d rather walk.” 
“I’ll walk with you.” 
“That’s not necessary.” 
“It’d be my pleasure.” He reached back blindly, pushing the door open and letting you both out into the night. 
“And it’d be my hell—Look, Hangman,” You raised your hand to staunch his argument. “Whatever you’re selling, I’m not buying.” You stepped around him, walking determinedly away from him. 
“Who’s selling anybody anything?” Jake asked, half-jogging after you. “Would you slow down? And what the hell’s with the attitude?—Hey,” He caught hold of your wrist, giving you a tug to try and slow or still you. “C’mon, kid—” 
“Don’t!” You snapped, yanking your wrist out of his grip and turning to glare at Jake. “Do not call me that.” 
Heat rose to your face at your outburst, and you drew in a deep, cool breath to steady yourself. Jake’s smile dampened. His expression was slowly shifting to confusion, his brow furrowing. 
“...Alright,” He agreed softly, “I won’t.” 
You clenched your jaw, turning away from him and beginning to walk away. 
“Lemme walk you back,” He insisted again, catching up. 
“I’m a big girl, Seresin, I can take care of myself. Have been for a long time.” 
“I know.” 
“So you can go back in and find someone else to give you attention for the night, seeing as that’s only as long as you need it.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“Oh, please,” You scoffed. “The second someone stops giving you the attention you want, you drop them.” 
“Hey!” Jake snapped, gripping your wrist again and yanking you back toward him. He kept his grip tight, even as you gave your arm tug after tug, trying to get him to let go. “I don’t know where the hell you go that idea, but you are dead wrong.” 
“Bullshit,” You spat, even as Jake tugged you closer by his grip on your wrist. “You’re a narcissistic, self-centered ass. You don’t give a damn about anything or anyone but yourself!” 
“You know that isn’t true.” 
“Do I?” You scoffed a bitter laugh, “How the fuck would I know—”
“I told you I needed you to wake up, kid!” 
You stopped struggling, your heart stuttering in your chest as you stared up at Jake, stunned. Your eyes searched his face for any falsehood, but you can’t find any, not a single spec. You finally yanked your wrist from him, backing away slowly as you shake your head. 
“You weren’t there,” You managed. 
“Yes, I was—” 
“I woke up alone—” 
“—I was reassigned, I stayed for as long as I could—” 
“—You weren’t there, the nurse told me no one was there—” 
“—They were wrong,” Jake insisted, closing the gap, taking hold of your shoulders to still you again. “They were wrong, I waited for you to wake up, I needed you to wake up.” 
“Why the hell didn’t I hear from you?” You shook your head, “Why didn’t you reach out, or—or call—” 
“You didn’t, either, so I didn’t think you’d want me to.” He swept his tongue across his lips, shifting from foot to foot. “I heard that you were doing well from other people, I just resigned myself to it. It drove me crazy, letting you go.” 
Your breath caught in your throat, your eyes prickling with stunned, stubbornly uncried tears. 
“Then you shouldn’t’ve. You shouldn’t have, the one goddamn time you decide to let something go—” 
Jake’s hands raised to cup your cheeks, drawing you in and covering your lips with his own. You felt your knees go a little weak, your hands grasping at his shirt as you pressed your lips to his. Jake smoothed a hand down your side before curling his arm around your back, drawing you into his chest to steady you. You puffed weakly as he broke the kiss, his forehead tipping to rest against yours.  
“Don’t think I’m making that mistake twice, kid.”
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amethystfairy1 · 2 months
hi I'm back again already lol, bc u really ought to know all the great things about ttsbc that I was too lazy to write out last time lmao.
Also! totally fine that ur not doing skizzpulse, you should write what inspires/motivates you (personally very motivated by them xD I've written ~90k words of skizzpulse myself rip)
Anyways, good things! You! you're the good things! I honestly can't remember when I last sent an ask in for the lil guys, so I'm just gonna say something I loved about each of their recent arcs.
First, Treebark. There's been so many identity reveals but I think this has been my favorite thus far. Ren going all protective boyfriend and fighting over Martyn was SO GOOD, plus soft kisses and they can just hold hands now without Ren being afraid he'll figure it out. Also loved Martyn seducing his entire family while being terrified out of his mind by big dog people with knives, like, I'd be a little out of it too. but the fam doesn't even notice but Ren did and is all supportive and comforts him, offers to take him home. I love how well they can read each other, like they're just in tune. they're soulmates, your honor. and, AND this means we can have double dates where they all know now! so excited :)))))
Zedango. this is what started me reading your stuff (the first fic I ever wrote was actually my own tt zedango ficlet, btw. that feels like an eternity ago now) I love how they've simultaneously progressed and devolved into slightly unhealthy relationship territory. something about not everything being perfect all the time just adds so much depth and realism to their relationship, as well as keeping the plot tense without feeling like you're making up problems just to have something to write about. AND THEN Tango doing the blazeborn courtship rituals was just so aaaaaaaa (THEY"RE SO ADORBSABLEEE) Tango setting aside his disgust with his claws to take care of Zed even tho its uncomfortable for him, and then Zed recognizing that and having all the warm fuzzy fondness for his bf was so sweet. Doc's notes about the rituals were on point, with how he reassures Tango that they're normal, healthy things and saying he's always open to having a conversation about it. (tho, i doubt Tango's ever taken him up on that offer lmao)
The other fic that's been in my head is ur most recent one, Handshakes and Headaches. I highly doubt we'll get a cub reveal in this next chapter, but ig we'll see soon enough. I loved how Cub just knew instantly that Grian was a hybrid and was just going in spirals putting it together that he was cuteguy, then him coming to the wrong conclusion about whether Scar knew, too, was just perfect. Tho, if he did think Scar knew and was cool with it, I wonder what he'd do first? Tell Scar his own secret, guess Grian's secret in front of them? I feel like he would think the safe thing would be to confront Scar about Grian being Cuteguy, and then if/when Scar admits it and says he's cool with it, Cub would feel safe(r) revealing his own identity. Maybe not right away, but sometime. Also, that would mean everyone in Hot Cave knows about hybrids and undercity, so he wouldn't have to glamor while he works (tho, that would also require revealing to Zed... they don't seem super close, but it's kinda obvious that Zed's chill w/ the undercity people, considering he's dating Tango and Cub knows that).
Also! now that Hypno knows G and Scar are safe, I really wanna see him revealing to Scar and Scar being all supportive and stuff :)))) Hypno wasn't someone I knew I needed in this world, but I'd die for him now. (ALSO the casual mention that his scales are dry and flaky rather than smooth and taken care of??? Hello?????? Someone get him some proper self-care ASAP, maybe take him swimming at a private pool or something idk. I feel like the moment Scar knows, he's going to be on it with the cookies and love and support. so excited hehehe)
anyways, I'm probably forgetting something, but whatever. I'll be back with more art soon (maybe I draw Hypno, since I've never done that before and electric eel hybrid sounds cool. Actually, I've decided, I'm gonna do it now. remind me what that looks like pls? or I go reread, whichever happens faster lol)
Ok that's all, have a good day!
Petition to get Hypno a private pool 😆
I'm so glad you love the slightly unhealthy but also very loving Zedango situation we have going on!
I LOVED YOUR TT ZEDANGO FIC! I'M STILL WAITING FOR THE SEQUEL!!!! 😭 /j you don't have to write one if you don't wanna BUT KNOW THAT I LOVED IT!
Ren being a protective boyfriend is all I need sometimes! It's just good fun! Thank you so much for telling all about everything!!!
I would actually LOVE to see how you would design Hypno if you do feel like drawing him! That sounds amazing! Electric Eel hybrid time!!!! 💖
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marvelnatr · 11 months
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One rule 18+ MINORS DNI
Wanda had hired you as her assistant, As months passed you fell more and more in love with her. She couldn’t love you as much as she wanted to. It was forbidden to sleep with someone she hired. But she couldn’t help but ignore the rule. You were caving and she was too.
WARNINGS: hickeys, drinking, Dom!wanda, Sub!reader, fingering, strap on use, pet names, praise, office setting, littleeee degrading
Y/N’s POV:
Glancing at the clock I realized how late it was getting. Most of the people in the building had left except for a few stragglers and my boss. Wanda Maximoff. My mind wandered back to the first day I met her. Her strong presence filled the room. The way my heart would skip a beat when her eyes met mine. The woman was intimidating. But she was my boss, when I signed the contract I signed away my feelings. My mind was pulled back as Wandas office door closed. She glanced over at me “you’re still here Y/N?” I nodded “yes ma’am just finishing up a few things” she nodded folding her blazer over her arm “have a nice night Y/N” my eyes looked up and met hers. Her eyes smiled at me but her face stayed straight. I’ve rarely ever seen the woman smile. She nodded at me and headed out to the elevator. A few seconds later Maria walked up to my desk “why are you still here?” I shrugged and she rolled her eyes “get your shit, you need a drink. It’s Friday night” Before I could even protest I was pulled up by Maria. My bag and coat in her hand.
We arrived at the bar and I sat down at a table with Maria ordering my drink as I glanced over at the bar to see the all too familiar red hair. Wanda sat there sipping her drink, her eyes trained on the pool match in front of her. Maria nudged me with her elbow “you’ve gotta stop staring at her” I looked at her “I am not” she laughed at me and set her drink down “you’re totally gawking at her” rolling my eyes I took another swig of my drink and stared at her. her eyes met mine and she excused herself from her small conversation, heading over to our table “may I sit?”. Maria nodded and Wanda sat next to me.
Wanda’s POV:
I sat beside Y/N and holy shit she looked beautiful. Maria and I made small talk as she listened. I could sense she was nervous. The way she held her drink on the table. The nervous unsteady breathing. Abruptly she spoke out “will you excuse me for a minute?” I got up and she slid out of the booth. I glanced at Maria and she shrugged. Well fine okay I’ll go check on her. I quickly followed her and knocked on the bathroom door she was in “Y/N? Are you okay?” she opened the door a little flushed and I walked in “are you okay hon? Are you feeling a little sick?” Swallowing thick she shook her head no and smoothed down her dress “n-no ma’am I’m okay, thank you tho” I nodded and gently wet a paper towel, dabbing her cheeks gently in attempt to cool her off. Her eyes fell to my lips and I watched her for a second, smirking at her I lowered my voice “oh Y/N. Do you have something you wanna say to me darling?”. Trying to hide the blush on her cheeks I pulled her closer to me “come on darling” whispering she watched my eyes “I-I signed a contract saying I can’t”. I watched her. The way her thighs clenched together, the redness on her cheeks. I couldn’t take it anymore. The way I craved her. Mumbling I pushed her against the wall “fuck the contract”
My lips met hers as I began to kiss her. Our mouths exploring one another’s. A small breathy moan left her mouth. Holy fuck it was hot. Pulling away I watched her “fuck you’re hot” Y/N shook her head “you’re drunk” laughing I shook my head “oh no darling I am very much sober” blushing I placed my hand on her lower back and whispered in her ear “lets get back to Maria”. Y/N followed me, her hand linked in mine. I walked up to Maria and gently placed the company card on the table. My best friend smirked at me “hey you behave yourself” I laughed “when do I ever?”
Heading to my car I opened the door for her and helped her in, kissing her neck gently I whispered “are we going to your place or mine?”. Blushing she whispered “y-yours?” I nodded and got in the drivers side and drove to my apartment with my hand rested on her thigh. Y/N’s squeezed her thighs together and cleared her throat. Chuckling I glanced at her at the red light “what’s got you so worked up hon?” Whining a little she shifted her legs. I laughed at her and continued my drive home.
-Time Skip-
Y/N fell back onto the bed, her breathing trying to steady from us kissing seconds ago. I smirked and straddled her, leaning down in her ear “tell me darling, why were you flushed that pretty shade of red in the bathroom at the bar?” Kissing her ear she whined and I looked at her “I expect an answer detka”. Y/N arched her back and breathed out “I-I was pleasing myself” smirking I ran my hand up and down her leg “and what were you thinking about while pleasing yourself?” her cheeks blushed that bright red again and I laughed as I held her jaw, making her look in my eyes as I dragged my thumb over her lip. Y/N’s flustered voice finally spoke “y-you”
My eyes blew with lust as my hand trailed up her thigh. I glanced in her eyes asking for permission. A nod and a breathy “yes please” fell from her mouth. Sliding two fingers into her I groaned “holy fuck you’re soaked. We’re you this soaked in the bathroom? Did you have your pretty little fingers pumping in and out of your swollen cunt while thinking about me?” Y/N let out a loud moan “h-holy fuck yes!” I smirked and pumped my fingers in and out of her, watching how she squirmed and gripped the sheets. Every time my fingers curled up into her she screamed a little out of pleasure. Leaning over her I began to kiss her neck. Leaving hickeys along the side of her neck. Biting her ear gently I whispered “cum for me darling, let me hear how good I make you feel”
Y/N’s eyes rolled to the back of her head as her legs closed around my hand, spreading them back open I tutted “ah ah ah, keep them open love” whining and shaking she grabbed my bicep, holding onto it as I watched her cum “there we go, good girl, look at you doing such a good job” blushing her chest rose and fell, her breathing steadying as she relaxed. I gently pulled my fingers out and licked them clean “you taste wonderful my darling”. After I had cleaned her up I got her water I cuddled her close to me. Kissing her head and stroking her hair as I whispered “I want you to be mine” Y/N looked up at me “w-what?” I gently looked in her eyes tucking some hair behind her ear “will you be mine Y/N?”. A smile painted over her face as she blushed and whispered “yes”
-bonus scene-
Y/N’s POV:
I sat beside Wanda doing my paperwork. Every once in a while she’d lean over my shoulder and kiss my neck while running her hand up and down my thigh. Teasing me slightly and getting me worked up just to leave me on the edge. Her favorite thing to do was tease me. It drove me wild. After an hour from her last check in she was grumbling at her computer. Murmuring curse words at her screen, probably directed towards an incompetent email. I looked over at her and whispered “everything okay mommy?” Wanda looked dead in my eyes. Her eyes full of a look I knew all too well. Wanda sat back “go lock my door”, obeying her order I got up and locked the door. As I turned around I could see the strap she’d been hiding under her slacks all day. Walking over to her she stood and bent me over her desk “you have to be quiet for me detka, you wouldn’t want anyone knowing how much of a slut you are for me would you?” I shook my head no as she rolled up my dress and slid my panties down my thighs “good girl”
Taking her faux cock and rubbing it against my tight hole she slowly began to slide in. Clenching around her I bit my lip to stifle any sounds. Wanda grabbed a hold of my hips and started fucking into me. I gripped the desk as her hand made its way to my mouth, covering it to silence my whimpers. My adrenaline rushing through my body as the thought of us getting caught and the way she was fucking into me made me so incredibly worked up. She knew it did. Leaning down she whispered in my ear “god baby, you look so fucking beautiful like this” clenching around her strap I began to shake a little. Her fucking into me becoming more and more deliberate. Wandas breath fanned my ear as she growled “cum”
My knuckles turned white as I gripped the table and came, cum dripping down my thighs while my body shook from my orgasm. Wanda gently pulled out and rubbed my back “great job darling, you did so well for me” panting Wanda cleaned me up and gently picked me up, leading me over to her couch and gently laying me down on it. Wanda pulled a blanket over me and kissed my head as she whispered “goodnight my perfect girl”
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
I'm the anon who sent the ask about finding it hard to trust former antis.
jmtorres says the following in the notes: "certainly not everyone has a responsibility to be friends with ex-antis, but if ex-antis get treated shitty for their former beliefs, will they have motivation to stick to their new community or will they think about going back to their old community?"
This gets at the heart of the issue: if a reformed anti is at risk of sliding back into their earlier pattern of harassment and fearmongering, I don't see why anyone needs to accommodate them unduly and centre their needs over those of their victims and the community at large. ContraPoints talked about something similar in a recent video that addresses the transphobia of Megan Phelps-Roper, a former spokesperson for the Westboro Baptist Church who went on to become one of their loudest critics. I'm not saying antis are exactly like bigots, only that there are parallels. And I'm not sure why people are assuming that exercising caution is going to be super-obvious and make the ex-anti feel bad. It's more like a private rule for me, something that makes my fandom experience a little better, like keeping difficult and unstable people at arm's length. I also assume that most people won't publicize that they used to be antis out of embarrassment, so privacy works both ways.
Also, there totally are things that ex-antis do that strike me as red flags. One thing is seeking authority by organizing community events, with all the gatekeeping that entails, immediately after their "conversion" or whatever. It's fine to be suspicious in that situation. Why is a former bully so keen to jump into a leadership role?
I think the trouble here is that "anti" covers everyone from active harassers to dumb 14-year-olds who parroted certain kinds of widespread "Porn Bad Tho" ideas before growing the fuck up.
I think it's hard to unlearn really heinous behavior but not especially difficult to get over dumb ideas once you have exposure to counterarguments.
For my own social life, I find that people who've dipped a toe in the anti pool are usually not ready to be on my level where at some social gathering, my friend is like "Ew, how can you ship Wen Ning. He's full of holes. It would all just... ooze out." and then I make this face
while she goes "No. No. NO." and I outline the plot of my future epic.
Having swum in those waters recently usually makes people awkward around the uninhibited. Others not being embarrassed embarrasses them. So I won't end up being buddies, but I wouldn't assume they're going to backslide all that much.
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melverie · 1 year
I think I've pretty much covered everything important now, but I'll probably still edit this entire thing from time to time. I'm linking this post back to itself so those of you that'd rather reblog can check for updates every once in a while (last updated: September 25th 2023)
-> guide for Obey Me Shall We Date? -> intimacy raising guide
Things discussed on here currently include:
card building
leveling vs Devil's Tree
skill level & Joker
Azuki-tan Wallet & Magical Score
basically, most of the stuff from the first game still applies
the smartest thing you can do is to actually focus on building the UR+ demon cards you get card pieces for in hard lessons and/or both memory and demon UR cards that are in the main summoning pool, since you'll always be able to raise those cards' skill level without having to use jokers, meaning you'll also have an easier time to max out the entire Devil's Tree completely
if possible, build at least one UR(+) demon card of each sin, I'd recommend two minimum tho
if you don't have any UR(+) demon cards for a specific sin, use SSRs
for early game, you can also use SR cards if you don't have anything better, but make sure to swap them out as soon as possible
get your UR(+) demon cards to level 70 minimum and your SSR ones to 60 minimum
check your cards secondary sin. For example the following card is a UR wrath card with lust as its secondary sin, meaning for lust stages, it'll act like an SSR card
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the above also holds true for memory cards
only build SSR or UR(+) memory cards; but again, for early game SR and even R memory cards are perfectly fine
get your memory cards to level 50 minimum and try having at least one memory card per sin
focus on your demon cards first and your memory cards second
unlike in the original, it doesn't matter much which characters you choose since sin-specific glow sticks don't exist in nightbringer. That being said, you should still level cards of multiple characters since you can only use one demon card of a specific character in battle
if you want to use them, prioritzie giving your Jokers to event cards instead of the ones from the regular summoning pool
max out you card's Devil's Tree asap. You don't need to get the last 'sin up's if you don't want to (though I'd definitely recommend getting them), but make sure to get the very last 'rank up'!
to unlock Max Level Caps, your cards need to have Skill Level 3 or higher
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DISCLAIMER: I'm probably not 100% correct on this but from how I understand it, this is the main difference between the two:
Leveling raises a card's strenght for ALL sins, which is more helpful for using that card in stages boosting a different sin than its own and is generally more useful in the long-run
Maxing out a card's Devil's Tree does also help in raising the card's strenght for all sins, but since it focuses mainly on the main and secondary sins, it's more useful for stages that correspond with their sin
Whichever one you decide to focus on first is up to you. Personally, I'd go with leveling tho
generally speaking, I'd advise you to focus on the cards you can get card pieces for in hard lessons, as well as the ones in Chapter A and M. Since you can get them anytime, you can raise their skill level more easily than that of an event card
Devil's Trees of certain UR(+) and SSR cards can give you Jokers, with UR(+) Devil's Trees giving you either one UR or one SSR Joker per tree (afaik) and SSR Devil's Trees only giving you one SSR Joker per tree (again, afaik), though they usually require skill level 3 or higher just to unlock that reward. If you happen to have a card that's already at that skill level and has a Joker as an unlockable reward more power to ya, but otherwise it just kind of defeats the purpose
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Pop Quiz rewards include a total of 5 UR Jokers, as well as 5 SSR ones. Out of them, f2p players will most likely only really get 1 UR and 2 SSR ones as long as they play every stage daily
The ranking prizes also include SSR and UR Jokers. Realistically speaking however, f2p players will unfortunately never place high enough to receive them unless they have done nothing but safe resources for several months
your To Do List also gives you SSR Jokers for reaching 100% in a certain amount of Devil's Trees. It might also give you UR and even UR+ Jokers later down the line, though I haven't done those yet so no guarantee. You can 100% the Devil's Tree of N cards if you want to go after those, but tbh I think there are better ways to spend your resources
this one's for VIP members only, but apparently the VIP-exclusive job has a chance of dropping two SSR Jokers per shift
lastly, you can get the ones from Akuzon once you have enough Ravens
there are five main ways to get Ravens (as far as I know, at least): daily surprise guest gifts, :D jobs, Devil's Trees, events & summoning. Let's go through them one by one
DAILY SURPRISE GUEST GIFTS You'll be able to get up to 2 Ravens a day from your surprise guests, which, yes, isn't a lot (it'd take you about 3.5 years to have enough Ravens to raise the skill level of one UR+ card just once), but you should definitely get them every day regardless since they're super easy to get
:D JOBS After finishing a shift at the Clock Tower, there's a chance you'll get 2 Ravens as a reward (up to 4 if you have two characters working). Item drop rates actually increase if you choose a prefered character, so make sure you always have a shift with two prefered workers running to maximize your chances
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DEVIL'S TREES Some cards actually have Ravens as an unlockable reward in their Devil's Tree. UR(+) and SSR cards give you 10 Ravens for 20k Grimm though they usually require skill level 2 and up. Meanwhile, SR, R and N cards give 2 Ravens for 6k and do not need a higher skill level Whether you want to use your Grimm and materials just for unlocking Ravens is up to you, though I'd advise against it
EVENTS For Pop Quiz events, you'll be able to receive 10 Ravens per part, meaning 50 in total. However, most f2p players will probably only get up to 20 Ravens as long as they clear all stages every day during the given time frame. Celestial Blessings can give you up to 63 Ravens, though how many you actually end up getting is entirely down to luck and your resources Either way, events are definitely useful for getting more Ravens, but they definitely shouldn't be your only method of getting them
SUMMONING If you pull a card that already has its skill level maxed out, the game gives you a Raven instead. The best way to go about this would be to summon a bunch in Chapter G since you only need Grimm there. It definitely is an incredibly hefty investment considering the number of cards in that pool, but totally worth it in the long run and most likely also the best way to farm for Ravens. I'd definitely start working on it as soon as possible, even if that means sidelining building your cards a little. You can also use the Azuki-tan Wallets to get more Grimm quicker and speed things up
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not 100% sure on this but fever time seems to run slightly faster. If you have trouble with the faster speed, you might consider not collecting the fever tokens in the first place. However, you'll also lose the combo by not collecting them. This has been a PSA
if you prefer, you can hit the little edit button right next to the skip/start button(s) and switch the controls to up/down. The advantage of up/down is that you can hit the actual items as they hit the line
personally I have it set to left/right with my fingers positioned as seen in the pic below, since it helps keep in mind which side does what + sometimes during a song my thumbs wander to the middle of the screen, meaning I'd mess up with up/right controls. It all comes down to personal preference, of course, but maybe tapping like that'll work best for you, too
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you can also dim the background and turn of the extra stuff that pops up once in a while if you find it too distracting
notes you have to hold actually end automatically and give you a 'perfect' if you keep your finger on the screen. Here's a video to demonstrate
if you have trouble with hitting the screen at the right time, mash the screen on both sides as seen here. You just need to pay attention to long notes and obstacles
something that helps me every once in a while is turning the sound of entirely. I also sometimes just put on an entirely different song. It certainly won't help everyone but it might be worth a try
you can still win battles even if your estimated rank is D. It depends a bit on how well you do in the rhythm game, so it's best to compare the estimate with your actual result and decide based on that. If you usually finish with a perfect combo and almost all hits as perfect, than it should look something like this
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if for whatever reason you want to restart a battle but don't want to lose your AP or items, you can fully close the game and start it back up again. If you used items you'll still be using them if you restart this way. Just make sure that you close the game before the loading symbol shows up, otherwise it'll save your result. The game starts loading shortly after the stage's boss disappears. If you did everything correctly, this screen should pop up after you tap the start button:
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if you're stuck because your cards are too weak, use the Flower Staffs. It's probably best to save them for later seasons tho, but I also used them to get to lesson 10 on day 1, so do what makes you happy
save your resources; don’t use the Blossom Flower Staff if you can win with a Bud one
buy the defeat flash sales if you need more Flower Staffs. It's also the cheapest option for getting more Blossom Flower Staffs. As long as you do your daily missions you'll be able to buy it almost every day. Keep in mind that you actually need to get a D-Rank for this flash sale to pop up! Depleting your health bar does not work!
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keep in mind that you can use both items when sweeping. You just need to hit the little 'Support' button before sweeping
the Azuki-tan Wallet is a GODSEND. Use it if you need Grimm; it'll give you about 15k per win in an S-Rank stage
the Magical Score is also a godsend. Only use it on lessons in hard mode that give you UR+ card pieces though! It'll give you 3 card pieces per sweep, making farming for new UR+ cards so much easier. You'll need 9 Magical Scores to get the card, 17 if you want to raise it to skill level 2 and a total of 54 if you want to bring it to skill level 5
keep in mind that you can use both items when sweeping. You just need to hit the little 'Support' button before sweeping
the Azuki-tan Wallet is a GODSEND. Use it if you need Grimm; it'll give you about 15k per win in an S-Rank stage
the Magical Score is also a godsend. Only use it on lessons in hard mode that give you UR+ card pieces though! It'll give you 1 to 3 card pieces per sweep, making farming for new UR+ cards so much easier
skip battles instead of sweeping. You'll level your cards and have a chance to meet with Surprise Guests. Every 50 times you use a character in battle or every 50 time you meet with a (specific) character, you'll get 50 AP, which let's you skip more battles and meet more Surprise Guests, which gives you more AP, which let's you skip more battles and meet more Surprise Guests, which gives you more AP, which le--
Surprise Guest interactions seem to be the same as in the old game, except for Satan's for some reason? Anyway, here's all his interactions: - B to S-Rank - high five -> hair rub -> chest tap chest tap -> chest tap -> face tap - C-Rank and lower - arm tap -> arm tap -> chest tap - home screen - "I want to talk to you" chest rub -> face rub -> hair rub "*yawn* Time really flew by as..." chest rub -> hair rub -> hair rub "Did a cat come through here?" face tap -> face rub -> chest tap
send out friend requests! You can get up to 50 AP a day from friends, so always make sure that your friend list is full My main account's ID is 2342023493 if you'd like to send me a friend request! As long as my friend list isn't full, I'll accept! Just a fair warning though, I regularly check if the people in my friend list are still playing actively
Feel free to add more or ask questions in the comments or in asks (or shoot me a dm if you prefer)! Also if there's anything else about the game you'd like me to mention in this guide, let me know!
Also please tell me if any of the links shouldn't work
Best of luck to all of you!
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bl00dclipse · 2 years
Been thinking a lot about stoner!Abby
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CW: weed, smoking, almost smut :3, cursing, making out
Word count! 914
Proofread? Yes. No. Sorta
Abby is in bold
Reader is in italics
Ellie and Dina in normal
Thoughts in red
A/N: i haven’t seen anyone writing about stoner!abby so I decided to write about her :3 this is kinda a mix between stoner!abby and dealer!abby. I might write another part of anyone wants it. Also wanted to say thanks for the support I have gotten on here!!Requests are open :)<3
Abby never really seemed like the person that would smoke. Yet here you both are in her room rolling up together.
“Pass me the grinder” Abby says while reaching her hand to you. You pass it to her and watch as she puts a couple nugs into it. Strong veiny hands grinding them up. You watch intensely as her arms flex with her movements. “You’re drooling”
You look up at her suddenly feeling your face heating up. She chuckles while opening up the grinder and starting to roll up a joint. She sticks out her tongue, sealing the joint. “Here” she brings it up to your lips. “Huh? No you rolled up so you take the first hit” you say pushing the joint back to her. “Fine” She grabs her lighter, lighting up the tip of the joint.
You watch as she takes a hit and inhaled it. You observe her face carefully as she exhaled. She’s so hot and you can’t stop thinking of how her beautiful lips would feel on yours. How her muscular arms can lift you up and fuck you just right. Just then Abby placed the joint between your lips, bringing you out of your dirty thoughts. You take a long hit before exhaling. “Fuck that’s good” you say. “Only the best for my girl”
You feel your whole body get hot at her words. So much hotter than you’ve ever felt before. Hands slightly shaking and panties totally soaked. Maybe it was just the weed infiltrating your system but you felt really horny.
“Wanna see something cool?”
Once again Abby pulls you out of your thoughts with her words. “Yea what is it?” She gets up from her bed and reaches her hand out for you to grab. “You’ll see” she says with a grin on her face. She pulls you out of her room and to the end of her hallway. “A basement? Are you gonna murder me?” She lets go of your hand and grabs your chin to make you look up at her. “That’s the plan”
You giggle as she grabs your hand again tugging you down the dimly lit stairs that reveal…weed? She’s growing her own fucking weed. “Abby what the fuck” she smiles widely while showing off her various plants. “Where do you think i get all my weed?” “I don’t know I always assumed you got it from a dealer”
“I’m the dealer baby”
“Fuck” you say under your breath as you watch her roll up another joint. You feel your wetness pooling in your underwear once again. The ache starting to get unbearable just from watching her arms move around. “Why are you looking at me like that” she says turning towards you. “Like what?” You say, looking up at her face. “Like you want me to fuck you”
“Shut up no I’m not” you say looking up at her again. “I don’t know babe that’s what it looks like” she says while walking towards you. You awkwardly giggle before speaking again. “You’re crazy..it’s really hot in here abbs can we go back up”
And just like that you guys are hand in hand again walking up the basement steps. You guys walk into the living room and you sit down on the couch. “You hungry?” “Not really but I could go for a snack” “you have me” you giggle at her words. “Come here then”
You didn’t actually expect her to go to you but to your surprise she did. She grabbed your hips to lift you up. Legs around her waist and arms around her neck. “Abbs you’re gonna drop me oh my put me down” you squeal. You look at her face and she’s quiet. Is she gonna kiss me? Fuck she looks so pretty this up close
“Can I?” You don’t answer, instead you smash your lips onto hers. Tongues exploring each others mouths.she tastes like weed, not that you’re complaining tho. She pins you up against the nearest wall and starts kissing a trail from your mouth to your neck to your collar. Using her hands to lift up your shirt exposing that you don’t have a bra on. She massages your breasts while going up to kiss you again. “Fuck abbs” you groan.
Now you’re laid on the couch, legs up and Abby between them. “You’re so wet for me baby” she says while her fingers graze over your clothes cunt. You moan and squirm around a bit. “Touch me Abby please I need-”
Who would be knocking at our door at this time of day? Abby gets up with a groan. She wasn’t very happy about the interruption either. However, she still walks to the door to open it with you at her side after you’ve put your clothes on.
Ellie and Dina. Of course. “You guys wanna have fun?” They say holding up a bag of weed. You were already having fun with Abby but you can’t blow off your dear friends who came to visit so damn late at night. “Sure” you say with a smile. They walk inside and you go to the kitchen to grab them some drinks as they start rolling up in the living room. You feel someone’s presence behind you. You realize it’s Abby as you feel her strong arms wrapping around your waist.
“I’ll give it to you later babe” she says kissing your neck.
Great now I’m horny again
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yeonjun4beagles · 1 year
Hello, how are you? Do you still taking requests? If you do Can I request something?🥹How Yeonjun would react and be with a very shy type of girl? Maybe someone not only inexperienced but very timid and blushy? Someone who would feel intimidated and overwhelmed easily by him and sexual interactions even tho she loves him so? Also I loved how he manhandled Taehyun, I can't imagine what he would do in control of someone shy and small🥺Thank you If you would read me. I hope I didn't ask something that you wrote already, maybe I missed it.🥺🫂have nice day
a/n: hi there ^^ im doing fine and yep im still taking requests altho im a bit slow at it 🥲 im sorry for taking too long but i hope you'll enjoy reading it! reblogs and feedbacks are much appreciated btw 🫶🏼
i think yeonjun would be a total tease while still being a sweetheart, if you get what i mean? he would totally tease you for being so innocent, so pliant, so submissive for him. "what is it that you want, pretty girl? you want me to help you? be more specific, love~ how can i help you when i don't know what's wrong?", he'd say, a foxy smile adorning his plush lips, his eyes swallowing you whole. he'd also shower you with so many kisses, content with seeing your cheeks redden from just his kisses. and oh he would live to teach you everything he knows, turning you into his perfect little cockslut <3
i'd say he would totally use your innocence to his advantage, his corruption kink kicking in. "do you want me to teach you, angel? you wanna make me feel good? yes, good girl. come here, angel. open your mouth for me", stuffing in his fingers into your mouth, giving you a little taste oh what his cock would feel in your mouth. his eyes would darken seeing how your lips wrapped around his digits, your saliva pooling at the corner of your mouth, some of them already dripping down your chin. yeonjun firmly holds your chin, demanding your eyes to look into his, seeing his sweet little angel being so submissive, all for him.
still, yeonjun would be so gentle with you, making sure you're always comfortable along the way, knowing how everything is so new to you. "you doing okay, baby? do you like how good i'm making you feel? use your words, baby". at the end of the day, nothing matters to him more than you comfort and pleasure in that moment.
god there's so many more things i can say about him istg 😩
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pumpkinsy0 · 11 months
Headconnons about....
Buck, Dally, Darry and Tim (in Buck's bar) Buck is serving them the beers [since he owns the bar] hanging out, playing pool and getting drunk.
•first off it started as tim and darry drinking while buck is just making comments here n there tending to the bar
•talking about life, maybe how pony n curly gettin they smooch on 2gether maybe not, point is they r connecting over how fucked up their lives r, poor sad old men
•but then dallys ass alllways has to ruin shit ohhh boy🙄🙄
•tims just like “dude u look like shit” and its bc for the 100th time that weak him and sylvia broke up awwww</3333
•darry thinks dally rlly shouldnt b drinking especially w his track record of how aggressive he gets but its dallas tf he gonna do????listen??????
•quick context but a while ago i said that tim and buck r kinda like business partners cause tim still has family from haiti so yada yada buck has rum imported from haiti and tims like “give us that rn”
•imagine that whole drunk scene from that spongebob movie and thats exactly how they (rlly mostly tim and dally, darrys still a single mom who works 2 jobs who loves her kids n never stops) got drunk, darrys like on the brink of tipsy but not rlly he still needs a few drinks to get there
•at first everything was generally fine, dallys hitting on guys n gals cause whatever, tims actually dancing konpa which is rare to see him do cause hes not much of a dancer, darrys awkwardly in a corner cause he dont do to well in situations like these poor old man </33
•at least once tim went back to the bar for water but then a song started playing and he went “OH FUCK THIS MY SHIT🗣️🗣️”
•BUT OF COURSE somethings always ruined and tim and dally start getting competitive, drinking games, getting them even drunker and playing pool of course
•TOTALLY unrelated but darry and tim were watching each other playing pool and were like “aye he kinda has a nice ass no homo tho”
•now it WAS a battle between tim and dally but darry was secretly joining in a bit and won everything so take that how u will, nobody but him n buck know bout that one
•buck is maybe a BIT tipsy bc he was drinking w them a bit cause theyre all his buddy in some way shape or form, but he can pull himself together just fine after working at a bar for over 6 years he seems pretty sober
•at some point tim and dally start almost getting into it but darry picks them up by the collar of their jackets n just goes “stop” n they do cause darry can b rlly scary when he wants
•eventually its gettin a lil too late and so darry goes home and picks tim up and leaves dally there cause dally already has a room there he’ll b aight
•tims just mumbling random shit in creole and darrys goin “yea its alright man” and maybe took a slice of bread n some water for tim on the ride home
•dally passed out and its not until like 1 am that buck kicks the guy awake n says “cmon man i wanna hit the bed and need to close up” hes groggy but whateva
and that was the end of that🫶🏽🫶🏽
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darkwingphoenix · 25 days
Meme Time: @loominggaia AU
Morgause after gaining her own soul, 6020:
ALSO Morgause after gaining her own soul, 6020 (She is feeling a sad song for the first time):
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Cyana and Angeline's daughter Amber when her parents are making out at the dinner table (She's allowed to eat 4 fudge rounds a day, as she's a fae and burns tho sugar like a fire does moths), 6020:
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Angeline's 1st anniversary gift for Cyana, 6021:
King murdering the Evangeline Siege Dragons, 6024:
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Saraia playing her saxophone in front of Cobalt as Evangeline Capital Burns, 6025:
Cobalt, traumatized from Saraia attacking:
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Amber Fanaka (Cyangeline sirene babby) doing standup comedy just ROASTING Evangeline Kingdom, 6041:
A Part Of One
One Of Her Tour Ads
And Another Part
Saraia, when her goal FINALLY happens, and Cobalt abolishes slavery in Evangeline forever, but the Zareenite Industrialists need to get taken down a peg or 20, 6045:
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Angeline telling Cyana she's able to use magic since she can become a fae, 6019:
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Frederick 25% of the time:
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Frederick 74% of the time:
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Frederick 1% of the time:
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Azadora when meeting Skylie for the first time since she became an adult, 6030 (Skylie left the Hollow for like 12 years to do shenanigans with Saraia, and Azadora's like 6 foot 8 for no reason except tall genes)(Skylie stops growing at 5 foot 6):
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Isaac when he realizes Skylie stole the Divine Executioner for "research", 6030:
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Tomato when Skylie gives Cinnamon a Zareenite attack drone she can see through telepathically, 6030:
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CINNAMON when Skylie gives her the attack drone:
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The 1st Gen FGG when Skylie turns Mankind's Disgrace into atoms with her Divine Annihilator (Made with 100% Original Divine Executioner), 6032:
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Winnie and OJ trying to spill all of their dad's shit, 6042:
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Gaia explaining to Disgrace why he died in the divine afterlife, 6032:
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Angeline throwing Amber into the large pool in Uekoro Palace, 6021:
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Amber when Cyana won't turn into a sirene and play with her because she's yelling at Angie for yeeting her (She was totally fine), 6021:
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Skylie, Saraia, and the 2nd Gen FGG when they encounter bandits (Saraia is singing and King is the DM), 6036
Skylie Right Before She Lights Disgrace's Ass, with the Divine Annihilator, 6032:
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Skylie talking to Cyana and Angeline after dying for the first time as a divine, 6033:
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The World Athenaeum after Saraia makes the Perytons: That's the last monster, RIGHT, Saraia?
Saraia, making the world turtles, leviathans, and having Skylie make hilichurls:
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Angeline grabbing the poison Cyana bought to poison Marghan, 6042:
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daintyzerose · 9 months
Every Month of 2023 ✨
A million thank yous to @seokmingming and @pookiez for tagging me 💕
rules: link your favourite and/or most popular post from each month this year <3 (it’s totally fine to skip months!) and tag some CCs you love!
its offically the start of 2024 and i would like to begin this year with a list of all the gifs i've created in 2023!! my giffing journey had a bit of a rough start since it was my first time making them... but overall i loved how i could see the improvement while learning step-by-step. tho tbh there were some gifsets that shouldve been kept in my drafts- EHEM. anyways, thank you sm to all my mutuals and followers for popping up in my notes and giving amazing tags on my creations, truly appreciate it!! and my sincerest wishes for everyone to achieve even greater things this year ♥
January - July:
this is funny bc I created this blog in June solely for reblogging zebi content while boyz planet was still airing... so these months I basically didn't exist LOL
most popular — ricky's "young & rich, tall & handsome pool boy"
my absolute fav — zhang hao's zb1 1st fancon
most popular — hanbin quoting "I'm tired to death"
my absolute faves —gyuvin's bday gifset, hanbin's drama OST recording behind, matthew & taerae's "you're a yogurt shake for me", yujin & hanbin's tiktok dance in london, and ricky unleashing his nyang attack
most popular — gyuvin & hanbin "connected like 2binz in a pod!!"
my absolute faves — ricky's moving portrait 'mystery' version, cutie princess ricky, and zb1 red carpet gifs! (one of my biggest gifsets w/ higher qlt)
most popular — ricky's hypnotizing magic smile
my absolute faves — makeup artist zhang hao and ricky in Crush MV (coloured version)
this was the month where i took a break from giffing in order to focus on my studies at school as well as enjoy the holidays w/ my family! priorities just had to take over a lil before doing more gif making this year (。・ω・。)ノ♡
time to tag some of my fave creators! (no pressure to participate, its for funzies): @pookiez @gyuvin-kims @haob1n @seokmashu @sung-hanbin @frostyhao @snowhao @jeonwon-wonwoo @bestleader @y-eontan
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quodekash · 11 months
HOLY SHIT GUYNAWA ARE GOING TO KISS GUWOREHSDGPIOVBREDB okay okay I need to actually press play on the episode frick shit shit frick
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oh yeah thats right, he got shot
I genuinely forgot
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guy is looking at nawaaaa
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man that whole thing was very confusing BUT I KNEW IT WASNT SAIFAH
wait does that mean
does that mean saifah's gonna get out of jail, but name's gonna go to jail??
I wanted jail boyfriends
I was so hopeful for jail boyfriends
they were the fourth element
the fourth nation of the boyfriend nations: bathroom, rooftop, jail, pool
we can't have the four nations if there's no jail boyfriends!
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y'all please tell me im not the only one thinking this feels like a breakup scene
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noooooo he has to be alone in jail without his jail boyfrienddddd
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just let them be in love in jaillll
or also like. outside of jail. outside of jail works too
oh man my brain is gonna give me so many fits for these two and I will write none of them probably
I may do dot point fics like I do with guynawa tho, who knows
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AKA EACH OTHER BECAUSE THEYRE LITERALLY ALL THAT THEY HAVE LEFT OF THEIR FAMILY (which btw they never fully went into the backstory of why their parents are dead, unless my memory is just being a shithole and they actually did explain this at some point but I feel like I would remember if they did)
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I- idk what to say
I just want to hug him
he needs a hug
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I mean if it were me I would be mortified
but its not me (omg not me like the show) so I can appreciate it for how freaking ADORABLE it is
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omg is it saifahname time
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kiss through the bars, kiss through the bars, kiss through the bars
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I mean. sure, okay, thats fine
I love them too much to care whether their relationship is romantic or platonic
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sorry, sorry, I know I literally just said I dont care if theyre romantic or platonic
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Saw your rb about asking for punk bands; I'm not suuuper involved in the community (my town doesn't really have a present punk scene and I've not had the luck to find great online punk communities unfortunately) so a lot of the punk bands I listen to are either local or queercore punk bands specifically. Tbh tho, I think trying to look for "well know" / staple bands is the wring approach to the subculture, since often when a band becomes too popular they often lose their messaging in favor of marketability (ie: the question of whether Green Day is still punk or not). If a band is advocating for punk values in their work, they're generally punk imo
HOWEVER, I love giving music recs so here are some bands!!!
1) Dog Park Dissidents - My favorite, I really vibe with their messaging and their music personally. Also, banger cover of Toxic
2) Pansy Division - this is probably the most famous queercore band, they're not my favorite but I really like "Fem in a Black Leather Jacket" and "Blame the Bible"
3) Worriers - they're not as classic punk in the music style but they do have that gender fuckery enby swag
4) Pure Hell - long story short, found them in a punk zine in my school's archive, searched them up on spotify and I vibed w it. They're def more classic punk, like loud heavy drums and all
5) Partner - another queercore band, this one is for the wlw. They also lean a bit pop punk vs more classic punk but it's really good driving music for me
6) Dream Nails- they're very riot grrrl, I like "Corporate Realness" and "Swimming Pool"
Enjoy, and sorry for the very long ask LOL
no, it’s fine! thank you for the recommendations, i will for sure look into them!
(also i’m totally not nerding out rn bc i absolutely love ur art no i’m totally normal rn)
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dullahandyke · 9 months
Also I'm gonna try making one liveblog post again ‼ heres case 2 part 2
Was prompted to go into nikolina's cabin but I paused for a sec and sighed and panned to the right and there sholmes was hanging off of a desk bug like. It took several moments for me to gather the strength to engage with him
Sidenote I hate the new names for the Russian characters... pavlova? For real? What were their og names I'm gonna Google it
Ok borchevic isnt that much better but it's not fuckin pavlova!! So
Also I love the susato sprite where shes turned to look at something in the background with u... all the sprites of characters turning towards things of interest r so nice it rlly makes the space feel real. Adds on to the killer cinematography in here
Also also I need to get more like sholmes. This is a bad thing but at least he is not masking (I also dont do a lot of masking but I could do less of it)
DHHWJWJAK HIS FALLING ANIMATIOM IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWED BY HIS BOXING ANIMATION.... he is so comical and animated I love it. Need that to be me
Hes so real for that tho. Singing is so fun if u keep me from singing I'll kill u dead
Also I love his little cap flip animation. A bit stupid but that's fine
(I already have plans to add a sholmes sticker to my laptop once I finish this game)
Everyone has headaches 🤨 I personally blame a gas leak. Those r always happening on old shit arent they
Nikolina has dresses n shit in her wardrobe she didnt before... what did she unpack or something ? Maybe the cat did it. So helpful
Also the bookshelf being in the cabin is so cool the way it's set into the wall like that... dream house feature. Fuck a pool I want a book hole
I like the solution to the locked room being the ship tilting that's nice and fun
'Isnt there anyone who can help me out of this mess' ryuu calls. Deep breath. Pan left. Sholmes is hanging off the coat rack
Love sholmes w the tiara... u just know iris has So much fun doing dress up w him and he is equally as delighted
Btw the logic and reason spectacular continues to fuck
Asougi on the floor during the spectacular.... :(
Also poor nikolina she seems so scared
Love how susato knows Facts and Knowledge... RIP girlie you would have loved pub quizzes
Ryunosuke naruhodou objectum ally... 'well if the teapot is her friend that's fine, we're all different' ryuu I trust u w my life
LOVE IT WHEN RYUU DOES THE SPECTACULARS hes getting in the facking groove!!!!!
Also love how smooth all the sprites r... the mocap so awesome
We need to get ryuu and susato some kittens.... they would love Cute Kitten Video Compilation
Sidenote I love asougi's shin things. Cunt-tastic
I have to say this is rhe first aa game that I'm not watching a playthru of or cheesing with a walkthru and I'm having fun yippee!!!
I do wonder how long the case is gonna be tho
The percussion in all this music is so awesome
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Wait hold on a sec. If ryuu was being framed then that means there was someone else who knew ryuu was stowing away
Sidenote but I've been wondering, what did ryuu tell his family about him going to London? Becauss it seems like literally only he and asougi knew if they weren't even letting susato in on it. Did he tell them he was going somewhere totally different? Did he just disappear? Is he now on the missing persons list? I mean I Guess he could be an orphan but theres that whole ryutarou thing and I'd imagine he would need at least one additional family member to pull that off
We need to get susato access to wikipedia I think she would love it
We also need to get sholmes access to a fidget cube
Ryuu? We can get him access to a nice hearty meal. He deserves it
Ryuu getting distracted by strogenov's beefy arms... 🤐🏳️‍🌈
Nikolina... she looks like a small sad kitten
Wahhhhhh asougiiiiii... so niceys to nikolina...
Whenverr they show asougi I get so sad.. . RIP gayboy I loved u
The final deduction of the wardrobe.... :(
The music is fucking w me too...
I know she killed asougi but cant we let nikolina go.... everyone is being so hard on her she is 15
Case over.... AAAAAAA!!!! now I am hungry but bubbles is atop me so ig I'll just answer texts... if shes still not up by the time I'm done then we'll see about starting case 3 but doubtful
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lilymatthews · 1 year
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Welcome to Aurora Bay, [LILY MATTHEWS]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [MARGARET QUALLEY]. You must be the [TWENTY-FIVE] year old [WAITRESS AT TEJAS CANTINA/GRAD STUDENT AT AURORA BAY COLLEGE]. Word is you’re [OUTSPOKEN] but can also be a bit [ENTITLED] and your favorite song is [BLOOD AND BUTTER by CAROLINE POLACHEK]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [OCEAN CREST APARTMENTS]. I’m sure you’ll love it!
*Trigger Warnings: Drug abuse, drug overdose, divorce, drowning
Full Name: Lily Matthews Nickname(s): Lil, Lils, Lilypad (her parents only) Gender: Cis woman,she/her Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Birthday: April 29, 1998 (25) Religion: None Nationality: American Ethnicity: White Hometown: Houston, Texas Current Residence: Ocean Crest Apartments Length of time in Aurora Bay: 3 months (as of 6/30/23) Occupation: Waitstaff at Tejas Cantina Education: Currently enrolled at Aurora Bay College working towards a Linguistics MA
Height: 5′6 Tattoos: Three butterflies under her right titty Piercings: Both lobes Scars: (tba)
Mother: Addie Matthews Father: Darren Matthews Siblings: Xavier Matthews (32) Pet(s): A teeny tiny little 4-year-old rat terrier called Norma Jean
+ Outspoken, intelligent, witty, sympathetic - Entitled, sarcastic, judgmental, insecure
@xaviermattthews — Lily's older brother
@lorelailewis — Cunty besties
not a bitch unless she gets pissed off then she's a stone cold bitch
great gf tho, very loyal would never cheat
pop princess. looooves pop music always blasting charli xcx on the way to the clubs
fashion girly. can be caught online shopping at 2.30am squinting at the screen 3 inches from her face
good artist but doesn't rly do much with it
drink fiend. always has like arizona tea or kombucha with her
genuinely loves linguistics and is fascinated with language (ideally wants to do research with language and apes) but she's not super ambitious so she has to work extra hard to make herself go out and do her research projects and work on her thesis and is secretly very anxious about her future in the field bc of it
between feeling like she could never possibly live up to what xavier's accomplished on one hand and on the other being pressured by her parents into "doing better" than her drug-addicted brother, she's developed massive insecurities about what she actually wants and who she is
almost drowned in the gulf of mexico when she was 12 after hurting her ankle and then going swimming after she was told not to. when she’s especially stressed or in a bad headspace she’ll have drowning dreams and it takes a while to fall back asleep. is totally fine with pools and will go into the water at the beach up to her waist but being fully submerged in open water will start giving her anxiety usually
Lily wasn't planned, which is ironic considering she wound up the golden child before she even turned ten -- Xavier, eight years older than her, went off the deep end when their parents divorced and by the time he overdosed five years later, Addie and Darren had both all but written him off and set about channelling all their hope for the future into Lily
She was six years old when their dad left and tried to compensate by becoming super-dad to her, and Lily was too young to understand the dynamic shift between her dad and her brother, or why it affected Xavier the way it did
Her teens were easy in a lot of important ways. She had a lot of friends, usually had a boyfriend, did well in most classes without having to spend all her time studying, and her parents got her pretty much whatever she wanted
In other important ways, her teen years were incredibly difficult. Her parents often used her against each other, which as she got older and started to see it saddled her with a weird type of guilt and resentment. Meanwhile her brother, whom she idolized growing up, was off doing drugs and, eventually, getting famous
She got an English degree right out of high school at the University of Houston but took a couple years after that to try and figure out what exactly she wanted to do, before finally deciding on Linguistics only last year
In that liminal space in between, she worked a waitressing job at an upscale restaurant and lived with her boyfriend whom she'd started dating her sophomore year of college. It was a healthy relationship and her parents loved him, and in the end it was him wanting to start settling down together before either of them were 25 that led to their breakup
It was a combination of that breakup one year ago, and her brother getting sober just about a year before that, that spurred Lily on to making a huge change in her life -- that being, moving to Aurora Bay to finish her MA, and to try and reconnect with Xavier
She's been here three months, is just settling into the new routine of things, and still hasn't contacted her brother to tell him she's in town
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