#poopies cameo!!!
uzumaki-is-empty-head · 4 months
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@shumistar i think i got carried away with this one, lol!
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you know the drill already! alt versions yaayyyy!!!!!!!!!!
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thesoftboiledegg · 10 months
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"Rise of the Numbericons: The Movie" sounds like a wasted episode on paper: it's a ridiculous concept, it's a sequel that nobody asked for, and the two leads are a side character and a one-off cameo. In fact, it wasn't even a cameo. I had no idea that Dan Harmon voiced Ice-T in "Get Schwifty" until today. I thought the writers introduced Ice-T because he wanted to be on the show, but it was just a goofy pun.
But somehow, the writers balanced hip hop, action movies and outrageous antics without going overboard. "Rickdependence Spray" in season five is "going for it" gone wrong--a barely coherent mess that nearly everyone agrees is the worst episode in the show.
Conversely, "Rise of the Numbericons: The Movie" is pure entertainment. The jokes, digs at action movies and running gag that Water-T has no idea who Morty is are hilarious. Water-T's song at the end is actually catchy and the perfect soundtrack to the climax.
The fact that Ice-T voiced himself this time helped, too. Hugh Jackman's role in "How Poopy Got His Poop Back" would've been pointless namedropping if that weren't actually Hugh Jackman.
[Edit: Apparently, Ice-T only voiced Helium-Q? Damn, Dan Harmon nailed that impression.]
And man, everyone really is queer in the Rick and Morty universe! People call Morty the token straight character, but I think he's bi after his weird, unexplained obsession with Bruce Chutback in season five. Wish the series would say it outright, though.
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Evidently, B-plots are a thing of the past. Some B-plots from earlier episodes are classic, but I also like one plot getting a full 20 minutes because it gives the leads more time to develop.
Speaking of leads, one issue I had is that Morty is overshadowed yet again. Rick has dominated seasons six and seven with little time for Morty. Sometimes, Jerry or Summer take his place. And now Morty's overshadowed by...Mr. Goldenfold and Water-T?
You could have edited him out and had virtually the same story. It's obvious that he's only present because people might not watch a Rick and Morty episode without at least half of the duo.
This episode did make me think about Dan Harmon's statement in 2022 that Rick and Morty could go on forever. You can do anything in a show with infinite dimensions to explore. Check in on old characters, develop existing relationships, travel to the craziest planets, make social commentary, see what Water-T's been up to, add another twist to Rick's lore--that one has limits, but a 70-year-old man has a long history.
Still, we've all watched THAT show that dragged on too long, declining so sharply that it almost ruins the classic episodes. People say that Superjail! ended too early, and it's even more lawless than Rick and Morty, but it took the viewer to bizarro land and ended before it went stale. Sometimes, enough is enough.
Rick says in "Promortyus" that he doesn't do sequels. However, after six seasons in total and four seasons that stubbornly refused to give fans what they want (not a bad thing, but fakeouts get old after a while), I think we've earned some follow-ups. It feels like the series is coming full circle as we gear up for the last 32 episodes.
But let's give Morty something to do! He has flaws, but he's the moral heart of the show. Without him, Rick would be a miserable old man in a house full of people trying to out-snark each other.
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aroaceacacia · 2 years
hi! can I ask which stream/vod poopies the endermite is from?
princezamlive "comfort*" (part 1), also makes cameo appearances in itzsubz_ "-=grinding lifesteal=-" and princezamlive "not done yet". all streams from today, feb 12. I think it was only seen in person during "comfort"
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stalkerkyoko · 11 months
was he poopy butthole too "OH wee"
also laughing hugh jackman as cameo
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Spy Kids: All the Time in the World (2011)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
The special effects have gotten better, which technically makes Spy Kids: All the Time in the World superior to Spy Kids 3D: Game Over. In terms of story, characters, plot, humor, action and imagination? This is miles below the promising debut we had in 2001. At home, you can’t watch it in 4D Aroma-scope "as it was intended” but I can’t imagine those scratch and sniff cards would’ve made any difference.
While stopping criminal Tick Tock (Jeremy Piven), OSS agent Marissa Wilson (Jessica Alba) goes into contractions. Her mission accomplished, she decides to call it quits and raise her new baby with her husband (Joel McHale). Soon after, Tick Tock escapes and with the help of a criminal mastermind named The Time Keeper, they begin disrupting time itself. Hours pass away like seconds. The villains' minions attack Marissa's homee, revealing to her step children (Rowan Blanchard as Rebecca and Mason Cook as Cecil) that their stepmother is a spy. With the help of their robotic dog Argonaut (Ricky Gervais), the kids set out to stop the villains.
Want to send your friends to the hospital? Play the “Spy Kids 4” drinking game. Whenever someone says “Time", “Clock”, “Hour”, “Minute” or “Second”, someone takes a shot. If those words are inside a crappy pun, take TWO shots. They’ll be suffering from alcohol poisoning in no time.
Say what you will about Alexa Vega and Daryl Sabara (who appear in brief cameos and I’m sad to say have not become better actors since the previous films) but they had a certain appeal and presence. Their replacements have neither. You don’t care about them. To be fair, the young performers didn’t have a chance. This script and story is appalling. The “smell-o-vision” employed is little more than an excuse to have green fart clouds fly around the screen and poopy diapers tossed at bad guys. It's so juvenile you'll be admit you sat through the film. Wait, that explains it. Who else would accept this shoddy a story but the smallest kids? The kind who will laugh at ANYTHING?
From the first scene, you know the movie’s going to be rough. Marissa is running around, chasing Tick Tock while 9 months pregnant. Does the OSS have no other agents? She practically gives birth while apprehending the villain and then later on, rather than find a sitter to take care of her baby, brings it with her to keep fighting crime! I know what you’re thinking. It’s a movie for kids, you’re not supposed to look too much into it but the movie itself points out how lousy a mother she is by risking her child’s life!
Part of this series’ appeal - part of any spy film’s appeal - are the gadgets. The arsenal of devices our heroes receive is pathetic, but they’re golden compared to their talking cybo-pooch. Ricky Gervais is NEVER funny, though I bet he’s laughing all the way to the bank with this phoned-in performance. His line delivery is lame and the special effects used to make the dog “talk” are embarassing.
There are a couple of twists along the way, most of which you’ll be able to decipher just by looking at the characters’ faces. And then, there's a glimmer of hope right at the end. When we learn the villain’s motivation for all this, it actually makes sense. We have a credible bad guy - FINALLY. Too bad that if you take a step back and think about the plot, you realize the whole thing would've gone the way it does even if the heroes hadn't interfered in his plan. They’re completely useless and the only reason it doesn’t seem that way is because the movie cheats its own time travel rules.
Spy Kids: All the Time in the World gets so much wrong it’s kind of fun to tear it apart but only after the fact. The non-stop flow of horrible jokes and repetitive dialogue makes it painful to sit through. By introducing such concepts as the “spy baby”, it seals the deal. This franchise is done. It’s completely run out of ideas - or at least you hope so. After this, no one would want to see another Spy Kids movie again. (2-D Version, September 25, 2020)
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rainbowchip2003 · 3 years
this is definitely my fav out of the movies!
bam's cameo was so fast i didn't even see him, but it’s still good to know he was there
the pogo stick cup test traumatized me
i skipped the part w/ mgk bc he's insufferable
ehren's in my top five jackass members (along w/ chris, steve-o, dave, and wee man) but i love him even more now
the part where preston accidentally shat himself KILLED ME
my fav new cast members are jasper, poopies, and eric (i hope we get more of him in 4.5!)
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spacedadpicard · 3 years
i won't be posting it bc it's ~just for me, but my friend got me a cameo from JOHN FREAKING DE LANCIE in which he called picard "MR. POOPY-HEAD". YOU'RE WELCOME FOR THIS KNOWLEDGE
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inlightsimage · 4 years
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//-Alright, so at this point in my life, I’ve at least taste-tested every mainline entry in the Classic timeline of Mega Man games except the Legends series. Played Classic across the span of a few years, binged the X series when the Legacy Collections dropped, and did the same when the Zero/ZX Collections dropped as well. Each series has its own merit, except for the Zero series, which is Poopy Butt and I hate it but that’s a rant for another time.
//-Needless to say, I’ve also seen how the story plays out. From Light and Wily’s feud, to the Maverick Wars, the Elf Wars, and finally whatever the fuck Model W was doing in the ZX series. There’s a lot of story, and a lot of it is really good! I fell in love with the ZX series, for example, and I’d love to take up a character from it.
//-I have one huge, massive, INSANELY ANNOYING problem with it, though, and that’s that the Classic series is rarely EVER directly acknowledged in the timeline. What little there is is focused in the X series entirely, with Light appearing for X’s armor capsules + a flashback in Day of Sigma, and Wily showing up in a flashback in X4, an implied ghost in X5, and possibly as a robot in X2 (that one’s weird). Every reference to the Classic series after that is more so a cameo or a callback— the Masters in ZX Advent, for example, being named after Light, Wily, and Cossack, or Konro Man showing up on a comic cover also in ZX Advent. Even when Zero’s past is brought up in the Zero series, Wily isn’t directly acknowledged to my memory. Classic doesn’t matter. Hell, the X series barely mattered by then.
//-But you wanna know how many times Rock himself is acknowledged in the timeline after his presumed death? Across 10 X games, 4 Zero games, and 2 ZX games?
//-Even LIGHT doesn’t ever talk about him in the armor capsules. No “You’ve been forced to carry the torch that Rock left for you. I’m so sorry, X.” No “Previous hero Mega Man.” As far as the extended Classic timeline is concerned, Rock never even existed. The timeline effectively started when Light made X, and Wily Zero, not with the creation of Rock, or Blues before him, or the Double Gear before either of them.
//-It BUGS ME. I know I’m biased, since I love the Classic series means so much to me, but COME ON, MAN. MEGA MAN SAVED THE WORLD ON AT LEAST 11 DIFFERENT OCCASIONS, MANY MORE IF YOU COUNT SPIN-OFFS LIKE MEGA MAN & BASS AND THE GAMEBOY GAMES, AND HE DOESN’T EXIST? He fought aliens! Gamma! Himself! That’s gotta count for SOMETHING even in the future, doesn’t it?
//-This always bugged me so much. I know Reploids are the future and they extend from the X series to the ZX series while Robot Masters are isolated in the Classic series, but I wish their impact on robots with independent thought would be acknowledged. And I wish Rock saving everyone’s ass like 15 different times counted for something.
//-Maybe he should have left everyone’s ungrateful asses to die.
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ffs-abalisk · 7 years
Shorts Scones and Waffle Cones
A collection of AU’s, crossovers, and NSFW shorts for various stories.
Kaiza: - Profile
Of Hearts and Hollows - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
The Den of Umbral Flowers - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Extras - A Quivering Flame - Help Me - That Could Never Be
Flight of the Albatross:
Girl Talk - Leith POV - Ace POV
Baby Boomin’ - ‘Bout Time - “Hey Dad?” - Glass Vase - “He’s Pampering Me” - Don’t Miss a Thing - Uncle Poopy - Law Frightens Children  
NSFW - “Challenge” - “Blindfold” - “Tight?”  - White Hots & Polka Dots
Don’t Threaten Me With a Good Time (Law/Leith) - Part 1 - Part 2
Drabbles - “Towel?” - Future Talk - No Underwear - Riled Up - More Productive
The Ghost of Gray Terminal AU - Part 1
I’ll Give Them Shelter AU - Part 1
Mermaid AU - Part 1 - Part 2
Pokemon One-Shot AU - Punch a Fish in the Face
Teams - Ace - Leith
White Hots & Polka Dots AU - Hot Spots
Info - The AU - Personalities - The Kids - Genetics - Adult Art - Child Art - Hot & Spot Dad
Random One-shots - Queen of Spades - “Admiring the View” - Intimidate Check - Play Dead - Centipedes - Strip Poker - “Don’t Shut Me Out” - Lingerie Shop - “What'chu Makin’?” - “You’re a Writer?” - The Stars and Us - Reasons
Tell it to the Marines:
Valkyrie AU - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Crossover Nobody Asked For - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
NSFW - I Dare…
Drabbles - Surge of Jealousy - Cross-Dimension Daddy
The Nanny AU - Part 1 - Part 2
Civilian Pianist
Crossover - Thank You for Being You
Unlucky Marine
Cameo - Get My Good Side
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wartoothdesigns · 5 years
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Pictures don't do these little fridge magnets justice. I am so freaking happy with how they turned out with the new equipment... Poopies Pants (Cameo 3) and Fat Ass (fact AF printer). I'll be at @fanboy_expo this coming weekend if it your want cool stuff!! #wartoothdesigns #poptart #magnet #tattoo #illustration #art #procreate #digitalart #artistsoninstagram #comic #cartoon https://ift.tt/2GhTVev
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tactful-kind-daedra · 7 years
*Pushes my URL in, then trips and falls over*
Opinions are for Chumps!
My Opinion on;
Character in general:
[[THE SWEET GREEN BEAN AND THE BABY TACTICIAN SON! THINGS DAE LIKES…. and lawyer people too I guess. And Boobversa doing her thang which is usually doing other people’s thangs. Fun times~]]
How they play them:
[[Colin’s pretty spot on with his large list of muses. Multimuse blogs are impressive in my opinion, as I can barely handle doing 1 or 2 muses at a time that doesn’t function as a cameo. When I need my fluffy fill, I know who to hit up]]
The Mun:
[[A poopy butthole. Someone needs to wipe you down, dirty boy~]]
Do I:
RP with them:
[[Fuck to the yes]]
Want to RP with them:  
[[Fuck more to the yes]]
What is my;
Overall Opinion:
[[I know multimuse blogs are intimidating, but everyone should hit this one up. There’s got to be atleast one muse you’re interested it~ Also sexy time fun~ ]]
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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New Post has been published on Gamers Gear Direct
New Post has been published on http://gamersgeardirect.com/index.php/2017/06/29/news-rick-and-morty-making-cameos-in-rocket-league-gang-beasts-and-more/
News: Rick and Morty making cameos in Rocket League, Gang Beasts and more
Fans of Rick and Morty have been clamouring for new information on a third season for quite some time, and while it looks like that’s coming pretty soon with the planned livestream happening on Adult Swim’s site on June 29, you’ll also get to see the two lads in a few games either now, or in the not-so distant future (via Polygon).
On July 5, Rick, Morty, Mr. Meeseeks, Cromulon, and Mr. Poopy Butthole are all coming to Rocket League in the form of car antennas. On top of that, you’ll be able to get some Rick and Morty inspired wheels, and an ‘Interdimensional GB’ boost to fancy up your cars after you grab them in loot drops.
Multiplayer titles Gang Beasts and Move or Die also add some R&M skins so you can battle it out as your favourite character from the show, with the Move or Die skins available now, and the Gang Beasts ones coming at a later date.
Read More »
Source: Video Gamer
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