#poor douxie
katsspace · 1 year
hc that Douxie can't live more than 3 days max without Archie. like . he's his lifeline. his best friend. his familiar. Archie has been with Douxie for longer than anyone else. like he definitely has separation anxiety. they both kinda do tbf. imagine how Douxie must've felt when Archie got trapped in the hing kong troll market. like imagine the person you cant imagine life without. and then knowing you'll never see them again. just . think about that for a second.
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ashildrofarcadia · 7 months
Happy Birthday Hisirdoux.
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gold-kobold · 2 years
q has been raving to me about until dawn, and while i know pretty much nothing about the game, this video she showed me had AMAZING trollhunters shitpost potential, so here i am, turning everything trollhunters-related again lmfao
Merlin: I don't guess. I know. I never guess anything, I know everything, I do the math. 2 + 2 = You're my friend. Morgana: Mm-hmm, alright-- Merlin: Just kidding, it's 4. *steals her hand*
Angor Rot, to Jim: I'm casting a hex on you now. Have fun getting hexed, idiot.
Barbara: This is what I hope happens to you. *starts fire* Strickler: What the fuck?! That's really mean! Yay! Oh, I love it when you're mean to me Barbara: I know, it's really sexy
Douxie: I think I just want to, y'know, lay down... and sleep! Close my eyes! Merlin: That's pretty cringe of you, buddy.
Jim: *sees Angor Rot outside the school* Jim: Woah! That guy was straight-up looming! I wish I could loom like that
Strickler: Y'know, I went to Blackwoods Pines one year. I thought it was Blackwoods Penis for some reason. Got in real trouble with the locals, I did. They don't let me back there anymore. Could you point to the picture of a woman, please? Jim: Gender isn't real. *points to picture of man* Strickler: *slams desk* NO!
Barbara: I have this weird feeling someone's looming around here Strickler: Well, I'm about to be loomin' over on that bed, you wanna join me? Barbara: ... What???
Draal entering Jim's basement: Home sweet home! Draal: ... I THINK I live here.
Toby: Why is it called a hot water heater? It just needs to be called a water heater. Yeah, I guess it is a little bit hot, but that's just- Claire: Well, it heats up the hot water Toby: Yeah, but like, it's gonna be hot 'cause it's heated up! Claire: Well, would you prefer that the water stops heating after it gets hot???
Jim at the Soothscryer: This isn't the proper ouija board. I mean, there's no yes or no, you can't say goodbye... You're gonna get fucked if you can't say goodbye to a ghost, trust me on that one. Draal: I can get fucked?! FINALLY!
Jim: It's going way too fast, I can't read it. Claire: It's okay, I understand. Toby: I don't! Explain it to me in gross detail! Claire: Well, I'm the only one in the group who knows how to read, and that's the only reason you invite me to your parties. What else is there to explain?
Usurna: You ever put much stock into horror-scopes or anything like that? I don't, but I saw something VERY interesting in the papers today. So tell me, you a Gemini, a Kanker, a Sagita-ray-us? Ah, don't tell me, I looked it up. This is what they said under yours today: 'You will be tried in court under conspiracy for murder'. Jim: I what?
Draal: I have a key right here. And it's called an axe. Blinky: Well, I guess that DOES open most doors.
Strickler: I shoulda known that calling that thing what it was would've made it leave. Strickler: Just like when I called my wife a bitch and she left.
Jim: I'm really glad that you're alive, Angor, but also that's REALLY fucked up. Merlin: I'm not. I'm pretty upset that he's alive considering everything that he's done so far. Angor Rot: That's okay. I'm upset that you're alive too, Merlin.
Dictatious with the Parlok Spear: The ultimate rudeness: Manslaughter Blinky: OOOH, I THINK IT'S NOT MANSLAUGHTER IF IT'S INTENTIONAL--
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prismarts · 2 years
Moppet douxie real live footage after wizards premiere. What the fuck do you want from me I’m just a stunt double please I want to go home and make coffee. No I don’t drink tea what part of any of my personality could suggest I settle for less than 120% anxiety at any given time
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daydream-believin · 8 months
That Was Hot But Maybe Don't Make A Habit Of Doing That Babe
warnings: well. assault. transphobia. some of my more. uh. salacious work. never proof read.
word count like barely over 1k.
“Aren’t you afraid? Out here insinuating that God made a mistake.”
You clutched your red solo cup a little closer to you, trying your best to ignore this acquaintance who thought she had a right to corner you in this living room and tell you what she thought about your sinful lifestyle. Because that’s what you come to house parties for, to give other guests unsolicited advice on their mortal soul. You took a deep breath, schooling your expression as Jessica prattled on.
“Your body is a temple, you know. You can’t just do whatever you want with it. It’s sacred.”
You stared at her thick eyeliner, wondering if she used a stencil or something to get the wing that smooth. Her long brown hair was pulled up into a “messy bun” and a quick glance at her feet proved she was wearing white converse. So, a woman who’s bitter about having never been sold to one direction for gambling money, it looks like. You’d never seen her outside of a professional setting, so this was a curious insight on her personality, if the glaring red flag of this entire conversation wasn’t that already.
“Is that so,” you said in the bored-est tone you could muster.
“It’s a shame, really. You could’ve been a good wife and had a family like God intended, but no man will ever want you until you quit it with this. Such a waste.”
Ah, and there’s the reminder that she doesn’t see you as anything more than your uterus. Jessica swept her eyes over your form, so tight to the wall you were up against that you might have to unstick yourself from the wallpaper after this. You watched her as the look of disgust graced her features. The other people at the party may as well have been shadows, just you and the she-wolf here in this moment.
“And you’re not fooling anyone, hon,” she snorted, “Honestly, anyone can see you’re just a woman who really let herself go.”
“Excuse me?” you said through gritted teeth.
She grinned like a shark, “I said I didn’t think it was possible, but you’ve only gotten fatter and uglier since this whole thing started. You poor girl, letting your mental illness ruin you like this. Maybe if we had gotten you into a good makeup artist--”
She didn’t get to finish her sentence before the fist collided with her cheekbone. Your eyebrows hit your hairline as you instinctually tried to back further into the wall.
Ah. Looks like your boyfriend finally got here.
“Holy shit man! Did you just punch out that chick?”
Doux stared at his still-raised fist, in disbelief himself that he just did that. “Uh…” he trailed, “I’m a feminist?”
You glanced over to her. Jessica was too caught up in gripping her newfound nosebleed to pay any attention to you.
“OKAY,” you grabbed his shirt collar, “We need to go have a serious conversation, right now,”
You headed off up the stairs of the house, pulling Douxie along as you heard Jessica whine,
“Perfect, I got blood on me. This blouse is ruined.”
Well, at least she was madder about her dry cleaning than the getting punched part.
“Did anyone see who the hell did that?”
..Okay maybe not.
“I don’t know, Jess, it happened so fast, sorry. Let’s get you another drink, yeah?” You heard the host tell her. Fortunately, no one at this party was keen on the idea of having the cops called, so you could count on them to diffuse this situation for you.
You quickly found the upstairs bathroom, right where you remembered it. Luckily wide open and vacant. You shoved Doux inside, locking the door behind you. He awkwardly perched on the edge of the bathtub, rubbing his now sore knuckles, as you turned around to glare at him. His gangly legs kind of reminded you of a spider as he stamped his feet in annoyance.
“What. The fuck. Was that.” you stalked towards him.
“I’m not about to defend my need to defend you.” His tone was fast and angry, telling you was still riding out the adrenaline high from instigating a fight. He stood to meet your level. Or slightly tower over it, as it were.
You grabbed his collar again. Douxie stared you down as you leaned into his space, and he pushed himself into yours until your noses were brushing, pupils blown wild.
“I’d say it’s my responsibility, even.”
You aggressively kissed him, clacking your teeth together, but neither of you seemed to care. Your hands pinned his face into yours, and he grabbed your hips, pulling your body closer into his.
Your lips dragged together in a dance. It was amazing how easily he could make your head spin. Douxie moaned into you, and you, not for the first time, wished you could get a recording of that sound to play over and over again. You smiled into the kiss.
His hands roamed up to your ribs, fingers digging into the flesh of your chest beneath him. You gently bit down on his lower lip in retaliation, suckling an apology as he made a noise that could only be described as a hot little whimper.
You started walking him backwards, until he hit the wall behind him. You pushed a leg in between his, and an arm up on the wall beside his head, trapping him against you. Well, not trapping. He was bigger than you and could overpower you anytime he wanted to. That just made it sexier in your opinion.
He pulled back slightly, just to run his tongue over your lips, making you gasp and provide an opportunity for him to push in past your teeth. Doux moaned as he ran his tongue over yours, driving you crazy. God, you loved how vocal he was. And you loved tasting his breath like this.
Douxie continued exploring your mouth like he hadn’t memorized the pattern of your teeth by now and you let him have this bit of dominance over you, considering you were currently boxing him into the wall. He dragged his tongue along the roof of your mouth, and your brain shut off. Nothing was happening except this feeling. He was the only person in the world and--
A loud bang bang bang from someone knocking on the door reminded you where you were. And there were in fact more people here.
You pulled apart, gasping for breath. His face was adorably flushed.
“Just for the record, I wasn’t reprimanding you," you told him breathlessly.
“I can see that now.”
You snickered as he started fixing his hair in the mirror in an attempt to look less disheveled. It wasn’t going to matter when you both walked out together, but sure.
“I know the party just started but we might need to leave already.”
“Oh yeah, definitely. we ‘might’.” You smiled up at him, as you took his hand, “C’mon let’s get out of here before Jessica sees me again.”
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yellowmagicalgirl · 8 months
A discord server I'm in is gonna be deleted soon so I'm gonna start archiving AU's on tumblr. I will be more-or-less copying and pasting directly from discord, so excuse the typos. I made this one up back in August 2021.
AU where Krel, for some reason, goes to Earth without anyone else and something happens that breaks the ship and causes Krel to revert to his core. He lays there, dying, until Douxie finds him, picks him up, and accidentally transfers enough magic to Krel that 1) he can keep Krel alive and 2) the two of them can now telepathically communicate
However, Krel's just kind of stuck like that for a while bc the ship is so badly damaged that it'll take a while for Douxie to fix the ship in order to either call for help or just regenerate Krel's body, and Douxie can't fully bring back Krel
(Aja will probably show up sooner rather than later and once Krel is aware of her, he'll try to lead Douxie to her)
Also because the core already has a hole in it Douxie might gently but firmly tie a ribbon through it and wear Krel like a necklace under his shirt
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Krel is very indignant about this at first, but he's gotta stay close to Douxie to be able to 1) communicate and 2) not die (though this would take way longer)
@MeMe said
If you drew this it'd be funny to like have Krel be like, what if he's like a "ghost" via his connection to Douxie but only Douxie can see him, so like he can emote and stuff to things but can't go farther than like 3 feet from Douxie Sassy ghost Krel I'm just loving the thought of Krel playing the sassy ghost sidekick that gets to shittalk about whoever Douxie is talking to and the poor lad has to fight to either not laugh or groan
(I chose to go in this direction)
Douxie's math grades at the academy inexplicably go up for the same time period as Krel being a sassy necklace ghost
@MeMe said:
Aw now I'm imagining like if Douxie wraps his hands around the core it feels to Krel like he's getting a warm hug Krel: what's in it for me if I help you on your work? Douxie, holding the core close: these hugs :3 Krel, blushing: Fine Douxie: also I'm sure you want something to do Krel: Seklos and Gaylen yeah if I wasn't already cheating death I'd be dead from boredom by now
Unfortunately good luck for if Douxie were to try and practice playing any love songs on his guitar bc his newest crush is perpetually 3 ft away from him
@MeMe said
And can read his mind
(Unless Douxie puts the core down and walks away to practice but then Krel might get grumpy about being stuck there w/nothing to do and no one to talk down)
@MeMe said
He's like "bitch you just SET ME DOWN like I'm just some SHINY THING YOU WEAR" Krel: I'm not an ANTIQUE Douxie: :confusion:
Krel might not be an antique but Douxie qualifies!
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albentelisa · 9 months
Hi! So what if Claire was Morgana's daughter but still meets Jim in Arcadia Oaks somehow? She works at the bookstore along with Douxie since he made it a neutral zone for Wizards.
Wow! That's another interesting scenario.
So, in this AU Claire was born in Camelot. She was 13 during the Killahead Bridge battle.
She is not only Morgana's daughter but her apprentice as well. In this AU she has a vambrace like Douxie with her own set of spells. Claire started her apprenticeship rather early, so by the age of 13 she was rather proficient with her magic. Morgana is proud of her daughter and claims she is more talented than her mother.
Claire obviously loves her mother greatly and also shares her views that all magical beings should live freely without being persecuted. She is also more proactive about her views, frequently sabotaging monster hunts and freeing prisoners from her uncle's dungeons. Claire is friends with many non-humans and learned their languages to communicate with them freely.
She had a strained relationship with her uncle as he is cold and distant and unfairly abuses magical creatures. She is also not a big fan of Camelot knights.
Claire openly dislikes Merlin, who is hostile towards her mother, and criticizes Claire herself for sticking to the shadow magic. She finds him arrogant and unlikable. However, Claire likes Douxie a lot because he's kind and funny. She's also one of those rare people who genuinely enjoys his music. Douxie is pretty much her older brother in this AU.
When Morgana changes sides, Claire doesn't believe in her mother's betrayal. She thinks that her uncle and Merlin framed Morgana or perhaps, there was some misunderstanding. She goes to investigate for herself, walking in during the fight and ending on the crossfire. Both Merlin and Morgana think they have killed her, but the clash of magic has actually transported her into the future. Morgana is enraged and even Merlin is regretful (obviously, he doesn't care about Claire but not to the point of being able to kill her just because).
Centuries after and around three years before the beginning of the canon events, Douxie finds Claire in modern Arcadia where she ended after the magic blast. She is lost, greatly confused, and scared, so seeing the familiar face is such a relief for her. Claire settles with Douxie. She asks him what happened to Morgana, but Douxie has no way to know all the details (as he wasn't present).
Initially, she is homeschooled by Douxie, Archie, and Zoe as there's a lot for her to catch up on. Claire is a quick learner so she adjusts to the modern world rather fast, taking some liking to the theatre, punk style, and music. Douxie decides to enroll her in the proper school for some socialization. She befriends Mary and Darci soon enough and joins the school theatre per their suggestion.
Claire is more closed to people in this AU, so she keeps her contacts to min and tells nothing about her magic to her friends. She is also unaware of Jim's existence at first (even though much like in the canon he has a crush on her. Poor Jimbo).
Despite living with Douxie, Claire disagrees with him about a lot of stuff. For example, she refuses to accept that her mother was a villain, and instead blames Merlin and Arthur for everything. She also hopes to find Morgana or at least learn if her mother is still alive.
Meanwhile, Morgana herself is aware that her daughter is alive and somehow has reappeared in the modern era as her shadow magic allows her to sense her. However, she keeps blocking Claire from sensing her - Morgana has already lived through the horror of losing her beloved child, and she will never push her luck again. Her plan is to reunite with Claire once she is free and has managed to build a perfect world for all the magical creatures.
Claire's search for her mother's presence leads her to Jim who has recently found the amulet (as that one contains some of Morgana's essence). Initially, she isn't that nice to him because a)he's a knight wannabe and Claire has a bias about knights and b)he fights for 'the glory of Merlin' which sounds like an insult to her ears. However, Claire understands soon enough that Jim cares about both humans and non-humans unlike her uncle and Merlin, and warms up towards him (up to eventual romance).
Claire gets in some trouble in this AU, because she's a firm defender of changelings even while those are still Gunmar's allies. She was there when Morgana thought out the concept of changeling which was the way for trolls to escape the persecution from humans. Yes, Claire realizes that modern changelings are on the enemy's side, but she insists they had no other choice. She also can tell the changeling apart from a regular human right away, meaning she knows that Strickler and Nomura are one.
Angor Rot is more of Claire's enemy in this AU. He realizes that she is his tormentor's daughter right away. Initially, he thinks that Claire might be able to liberate him, but Claire refuses to acknowledge that her mother took away his soul, thinking that there could be some excuse or explanation. Later, she'll come to terms with the fact that Morgana had actually committed some atrocities, but that will take time and before that, she manages to make Angor her mortal enemy deadset on getting rid of her.
Claire will recover the Shadow staff but will be reluctant to use it at first as she sees it as her mother's weapon and will prefer getting her own. She will resort to using it only when she realizes that her own powers are not enough and her stupid stubbornness actually endangers her friends. While using the staff she gets a momentary glimpse of her mother's presence, but Morgana quickly blocks it. Still, Claire knows that her mom is alive and seemingly rather close.
Claire will be against reawakening Merlin and once he's around she will be barely able to tolerate him. She will find his list of ingredients extremely suspicious (as she knows enough of potions herself to question what exactly he tries to achieve with that one). Merlin, for once, tells her the whole truth (as he feels that he owes her at least something for blasting her into the future). While Claire agrees that Jim needs a power-up, she is vehemently against ruining his everyday life as she knows how much it means for him. Claire is even ready to go against her own hate and cooperate with Merlin to find a different solution, but Merlin refuses because Claire is just 'an incompetent apprentice' and a shadowmancer.
Merlin still tries to manipulate Jim, but Claire barges in, teleporting Jim away. They have a talk without Merlin and Jim isn't sure he can win without sacrificing his regular life. That is where Claire reveals that she has made an elixir of her own, which will allow him to switch between forms, but his troll form will most likely be weaker than the one Merlin's elixir will give him. Still, Claire respects Jim and gives him the choice between her solution and Merlin's (or even picking none). She would hate forcing Jim to do anything and will stay by his side in any case. Jim takes her proposal.
Claire goes to face her mother, hoping to reason with her, but Morgana is bitter and angry, trapping her daughter with shadow magic until everything ends. Claire breaks out in the end and now goes to fight her mom, hoping to beat some common sense into her head. Morgana ends listening and finally realizes that she might have turned no different from her teacher and brother in her methods and releases the Eternal Night spell.
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oliswamp · 1 year
TOA AU where…
Barbara is a wizard
Barbara and Douxie are like siblings
Merlin is a dick (but what else is new)
James Lake Senior is a polymorph
Jim Lake Junior is a result of intense black magic powered by The Book of Ga-Huel and the desires of his parents
Claire has a spark for dark magic
Eli has a spark for mental magic
Toby might not have a spark but practice makes perfect and he can do very basic spells
Jim is very bi and also trans
Jim and Toby are besties
Strickler and Nomura are Barbara's chosen family and have betrayed Janus Order centuries ago
The veil between Darklands and their world has been torn to pieces in many parts
Kanjigar still dies, I'm sorry :(
and the amulet still chooses Jim, poor Draal, a "dirty impure" has been chosen instead of him
Jim teaches Eli magic
Barbara slaps Merlin
and then many centuries later she slaps him again for choosing her son to be a trollhunter
First chapter in the notes!
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jmeestella · 8 months
The Deep, destiny, and kleb for the ask game
The Deep- favorite sad escene.
Right now I can only think of two:
1- When Varvatos is discovered to be the Traitor and is he's banished of the team (along with his sacrifice before his rescue) in 3Below ; When Krel yells at him about how he hurt everyone I was more tears than person 😭 my poor old man. The found family theme always hits me hard.
2- The end of TH. I thought about the bathtub scene, iconic, We were all traumatized after that, But I love how emotional the ending of TH was, It was a very satisfying ending for me. I hate when things end in "that was the last adventure, There will be no more", but this ending makes it clear to you that this is not the end, that there is much ahead, But it's not a completely happy ending, They won the war and it shows, but they lost many battles and it also shows, But they keep going, they don't think, they will become
2- Destiny- Would I like to live in a world with magic?
It depends, having magic sounds like the coolest thing in the world, But I feel like it's the hardcore version of doing school math, chemistry and physics but only with bigger consequences (I almost failed them all in school in all their levels, If I had magic I would be a walking danger) And it would be even sadder for me 😂 I have many genius friends, I am sure I would be the only dumb ass who can't do anything. That, and I worry about people dumber than me or people who are violent using magic, the disaster sounds clear.
So yeah, Making the decision would take me days
Kleb- Random headcanon.
I am Mexican, And I can't help but look at Douxie and say: yes, he speaks Spanish and he was in Mexico at least once and he loved it.
I don't think he's an elitist of a single type of music, He enjoys, dances and sings every kind of music. So my real point is this: He is a fan of Luis Miguel, He knows all his songs and he sing them all very loudly.
I have seen that many of us want Barbara to adopt Douxie, but hear me out: He also being adopted by Claire's family. I imagine them singing together in Spanish and I think it's one of the most wholesome things I could ask for.
I attach here one song so that you can judge my headcanon for yourselves:
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sonicasura · 1 year
Watched Transformers Rise of the Beasts yesterday so why not have two Transformers flavored Trollhunters scenarios?
Troll or More?
Jim is a Cybertronian that accidentally ends up on Earth during the Arthurian Period when he was just a Sparkling. The misplaced child scans a peculiar depiction of a troll to serve as his beast mode. Jim thinks he's one since they're the only species close to him in retrospect. I.e made of inorganic material such as stone even though he's metal.
Depiction is Beast Jim in design since it honestly feels perfect for this scenario albeit with some minor changes like his hair being Troll Jim's in a more mullet like mane. His armor plating resembles a kilt, arm brace like gauntlets that conceal blades on the side, his spikes are actually pieces to collapsible saber and bow. The drawing in this scenario is actually a jab at King Arthur for his inhuman cruelty towards magic and magical folk.
Jim's true form resembles canon Troll Jim even to his plates mimicking the Eclipse armor albeit dark blue in color instead of black. He usually stays in beast form since it's better to navigate smaller places than constantly crouching or crawling in normal form.
There are shared traits between both. Jim's horns have hollow tips that shoot out smoke to even fire depending on his temper or if he uses a lot of energy. His later vehicle form added tires to the elbows and thighs, car doors for bladed shoulder pad, while the chest plate now has blacked out windows that faintly show the glow of Jim's spark.
Jim doesn't really fit in with the locals as many saw him to be unnatural. Even trolls who either fled or at worst chased the poor boy away with extreme violence. There is one, well, two people who weren't afraid: Douxie and Archie.
Both eventually bump into each other. An encounter that leads to a powerful brotherly bond between the three. One day, they find out Jim can not only survive on a mysterious energy(Energon) but he can live off of ambient magic in the air. Things are good until Merlin discovers the Cybertronian and chases him away much to the other two's horror upon finding out later.
Jim sneaks onto a boat that leads to what would be North America. From there, he became a roaming vagabond who travels across the two continents. Jim inspired plenty of legends or cryptid sightings by accident but his most well-known being the "Night Hauler".
A car carrier type truck that appears at night and has the visage of a monster in the driver seat. Some reports said a large 'beast' rides on the back waiting to hitch a unlucky car for a trip to hell. This was Jim being a little shit as someone tried to break into him once. He just copied a normal one car tow truck though his Beast Alt gave this form some monstrous flairs.
Jim ends up in Arcadia 10 years before the events of Trollhunters. He hides out at a car business and is accidentally purchased by one Barbara Lake. She, of course, discovers her new truck actually being a teenage Cybertronian when Jim decides to give the woman the ride of her life.
The common (unspoken) tradition throughout the series where the unlucky human gets taken on an extreme ride by their soon to be protector. Barbara's was no exception as Jim took her EVERYWHERE. Across the roads, over bridges and even down a rocky cliff like a literal highway to hell.
He expected to scare Barbara off with this but he gets scolded instead. Even when Jim goes into Beast mode in an attempt to intimidate her, she just gives him the mom look. Curiosity overriding common sense leads to the young Cybertronian to become Barbara's protector.
Jim won't be the Trollhunter despite how funny that will be. It's Strickler as our robot boy is completely unaware about trolls being in Arcadia. The soon to be Avocado Dad is trying to figure out what to do during a date and accidentally discovers his girlfriend's car is alive. Jim still befriends Toby and gets adopted by everyone's favorite doctor.
What is different is that he reunites with Douxie who also gets brought into the Lake Family alongside Archie. Jim still a professional chef as the house was remodeled to have taller ceilings then just be reinforced alongside the stairs. Plus he's very stubborn even when he kept shattering eggs at the beginning. The boy is gonna take care of his human mother and new siblings, damnit!
Will any other Cybertronians show up? Yes but probably after Trollhunters or during S3. No clashes between Autobots and Decepticons until later however Jim does meet an Autobot that brings a startlingly revelation.
Overall one hell of a ride from start to finish. What continuity I will use is unknown though. 🤔
My Motorcycle Is A Robot
When Jim is six years old, a friend of his mom drops off a strange black and gold motorcycle as a gift. At first Barbara didn't want it until she figures it could be Jim's when he gets his driver's license. (In California, the lowest driving age is sixteen with the right requirements.)
On one fateful night, Jim and his best friend find out the motorcycle is actually a Autobot by the name of Prowl. (Yes! It's Prowl from Transformer Animated! He ended up in the Trollhuntersverse after the series finale for the show.)
The three become friends with the ninja becoming the protector for both families. Barbara doesn't find out about Prowl until she is chosen to be the next Trollhunter. Jim had accidentally eavesdropped on her first encounter with Blinky and AAARRRGGHH.
Thus he becomes a vigilante to help his mom albeit with Toby immediately following alongside Prowl. Although the cat is out of the bag when Nomura comes over to assassinate Jim. (Both boys sneak into the museum like in canon but to retrieve Prowl's keepsake than take out goblins.)
The Cybertronian and Draal bump into each other as they go to repel the Changeling assassin. Can I just say it was completely awkward between everyone once they could discuss the massive revelation in safety? At least the three are now part of the team.
Draal gets adopted alongside Prowl by Barbara since the two are still considered 'young' despite the vast difference in age. Jim ends up becoming half troll as he dives after his mother in the 'House Divided' episode. Merlin had exploited her love towards her three sons so she follows through with it.
(Prowl shows up instead of Draal so he avoids the brainwashing and canon death. The Cybertronian knows what his troll brother's mindset would lead to disaster without any interference. Angor Rot falls under Gunmar's command early to make up for the change.)
Like with Troll or More, Autobots alongside Decepticons will show up. When it happens is most likely during the Eternal Night with just an Autobot. I don't know which continuity though as much as I love a reunion for Prowl and his old companions, a fresh start would be better.
It's either the movieverse set up by Bumblebee, Transformers Cybertron, Prime albeit with certain parts cut off or something else since I haven't watched any new Transformers yet.
That's it for now! Until next time folks, Autobots roll out and I'll see you back in Arcadia! Here's Prowl, w/o his keepsake Yokotron's Helmet, from Transformers Animated for anyone who hasn't seen the show!
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mysteriesmuse · 2 years
~ ‘Faithfully Yours’ ~
Love Letters Through the Ages 💌📩📫
“Hey Archibald, do you think this is too much?” 
“Hey, Archie, do you think this is too much?” 
“Hey, Arch, do you think this is too much?”  
He’d swear on his fathers future grave that he’d hear Douxie say that sentence a million - No billion- times over the centuries, Archie thought. 
His poor wizard familiar seemed remarkably consistent in calling for him at his letter writing desk. Why must you ask? 
“Well, it all started centuries ago when Douxie, I, and you all parted ways after a remarkably well-successful few decades of wizardly adventures.” Although, it was simply put in Archie’s opinion that having you around made Douxie somehow less impulsive.
After parting ways though the wizards kept in touch. 
Delightful, right?
“No! Blast, I’d be sitting on a horde of Brasher Doubloons and licking fatty sardine oil off my paws. For every time that young Hisirdoux asked me the question, ‘do you think it’s too much?’
Well certainly not D. You’ve only been in love with them for a couple centuries now. You’d think maybe you ought to cut to the chase!” 
“There’s certainly no harm in signing it ‘your friend’ or ‘take care’ or ‘patiently awaiting your response.’”
“Fuzzbuckets,” Arch rubbed his temples.  
“We’ve all been patiently waiting for him to do something. Zoey, and I. TrollMarket. But what we didn’t know, or at least, I never realized until now.
I ‘accidentally’ okay, I know, and maybe not entirely accidentally.  
Found a trunk full of old letter correspondences from Douxie and Y/N. 
And every time after he’d ask me, his dear old wise familiar, for advice he’d scratch out the various friendly signatures and address it ‘faithfully yours’ to you.”
Pacing back across the floor Archie continued, “For centuries! Every single one! 
So, I’ve concluded I’d not be rich, but rather I’d be in debt owing Wendell billions of dollars beyond anyones wildest dreams. Because,” Archie finished, plopping down, “Douxie had some damn sincere game going this whole time.” 
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pinkytoothlesso11 · 2 years
So. I rewatched RoTT yesterday evening.
I know. How on earth did I cope with that? Why would I torture myself like that? It was because the first time I watched it I was purely feeling emotions of betrayal disappointment and anger. So I'm going to give a quick summary of points in the movie, both bad and good, and debunk common issues fans have with that ending. (Surprisingly it was not as bad as I remembered. Strickler sounded a little croaky but not so much and his design was in need of improving on his hair and eyes, but not much else.)
The kill count was insane. Me and my sister estimated that thousands of people, perhaps more, died. And Archie and Charlemagne are pretty much dead. The whole bridge collapsed.
Animation was mostly perfect. The fight scenes were beautiful. The expressions were subtle and more realistic.
Voice acting was faultless almost.
It DID have good character interactions, as well as emotional scenes. And the music was pretty amazing too.
The fight scenes were monotonous after a while. There were too many and I felt a emotional disconnect after a while. It was a little boring compared to the series.
The only death they put significance on was Toby’s. The others were completely brushed over. And of course largely unnecessary. (writers were cruel to poor Strickler especially).
The script let it down. Some lines were good. But not many.
Okay. Onto the common complaints. Bare in mind I don't like RoTT, and do not consider it Canon.
Jim's decision was selfish. He should have dealt with his grief and not used the kronosphere.
No. It was the opposite. It was selfless. Jim loved Toby like a brother. He loved Strickler like a dad. Douxie lost the only remaining people in his life he loved literally. Nomura was a close friend. Sacrifice comes in different forms. Yes the deaths were stupid. But it showed what a strong drive love is. If it was always meant to be, it will be. Jim made a decision collectively, it was not his decision only. Blinky, Aja, so many agreed it was the correct decision. To save their loved ones.
Jim should not have given the amulet to Toby. Unbecoming showed what would happen if Jim wasn't the Trollhunter.
It was foreshadowed a LOT in Trollhunters. I'm in the middle of rewatching, and twice Toby has been first mistaken as the Trollhunter then called for the glory of Merlin. Toby was the one with the most compassion. He was the one who spared Chomsky he was the only one who called Angor’s name when he died the second time. And Jim is right there. He knows the future, he will not leave Toby. Unbecoming was a vision from Merlin. One that was pretty manipulating. Plus, Draal was the one who shouldn't be chosen.
RoTT makes the other series pointless. It undoes everything.
This is what I'm most pissed about. My mum said it would have made way more sense if the movie events happened before the series, so it didn't feel as much like a gut punch. But I've got a way around this. When Jim tells Strickler he'd like to introduce him to his mom, his expression goes from surprise to a warm smile. That's a weird reaction. It suggests Strickler might have an echo of remembrance. Which is how I think retrieving memories is an almost certain possibility. It happens with Claire too. Even Toby’s reaction to the amulet comes across as glee rather than surprise. This is the dude who thought it was a gaudy bauble in Trollhunters and dismissed it pretty quickly.
So yeah. I'm done. It was bad but not world ending. Please don't kill me. I was looking at it with zero emotion, pure logic. I still don't believe it's Canon. Not true to the characters. There's no feeling of timelessness I get with rewatching Trollhunters, no awe. It was a meh movie that had the potential to be great but fell flat on its face.
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megan0013 · 1 year
🌟 🌟 🌟
since i still haven't written more than half of the prologue for the hotel arcadia au and am just hoping to get something out before next halloween (the odds aren't great at this point), have some detailed background info on the hotel and its ghostly inhabitants (under the cut for descriptions of death/murder):
the hotel is built in the mid/late 1920's by the famed architectural team of merlin and morgana - both of whom are rumored to be members of an ancient cult that worshipped the arcane order and were maybe trying to bring them back
1930's: douxie and zoe are the 'bonnie and clyde' of southern california, both are killed in a shootout with police after a bank heist gone wrong. douxie dies on the front steps leading into the hotel, while zoe was able to drag herself into the lobby before succumbing to her injuries
1940's: strickler works with morgana in some roundabout financial way, but when he starts getting a little too cocky she invites him and another business partner, otto, to the hotel for an investor meeting. there's a disagreement between the two and otto, in a fit of rage, pushes strickler off the balcony in his room
1950's: blinky is the hotel manager who is in the wrong place at the wrong time and winds up getting killed during a robbery
1960's: toby is staying at the hotel with his nana, who reminds him to stay on the shallow end of the luxurious indoor swimming pool because he can't swim. unfortunately, he somehow winds up in the deep end
1970's: draal works as a bartender at the hotel, and is stabbed while trying to break up a fight. nomura, his girlfriend, returns to the hotel five years after his death, gets trashed, and forgets to put out her lit cigarette before falling asleep (she is also the granddaughter of strickler's best friend/business associate, so there's a connection there)
1980's: barbara and jim arrive at the hotel with james lake sr, an investment banker who's been stealing from clients and using the funds to support a gambling addiction that's all but bankrupted him. jim's throat is slit in his sleep, while barbara is attacked leaving the bathroom
1990's: claire trips on the hem of her dress as she's descending the ballroom stairs during one of her mother's campaign galas
(the hotel is shut down after that, but the building still need to feed)
2000's: steve and eli are way into the supernatural and decide to check out the creepy stories they've heard about the famed hotel. steve dies after peeing into the fountain outside, slipping on the concrete, and smashing his temple against the tip of a mischievous-looking cherub's bow and arrow. eli is electrocuted in the basement when he tries to turn on an old breaker
2016: detective scott has been obsessed with the hotel arcadia ever since his daughter's best friend (claire) died there, and decides to investigate for himself when an anonymous tip is sent detailed new evidence that may prove the mysterious deaths plaguing the hotel are more than what they seem
he checks in, but does he check out?
(seriously? does he? or does he become another casualty? i'm honestly not sure where that's heading yet)
also - bellroc is the little hellion that incites fury and rage (ie otto and jsl), skrael enjoys playing tricks on people (poor toby did not wander into that side of the pool willingly), and nari just tries to make their victims' transition into the afterlife as easy as possible
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piracytheorist · 1 year
Top five deciding factors on who is a blorbo to you?
1. WHUMP. I'd be lying to myself and all of you if I said that isn't the top deciding factor. Just yesterday I rewatched the first few episodes of Naruto that I'd watched eons ago, and as we were introduced to Kakashi I started thinking "Why was that one the favourite?"... then there came the episode that he used his sharingan for the first time and at the end of it he collapsed from exhaustion... and that was it. That's what I had watched as a 13-year-old or so and said "This one. This is the favourite."
But seriously, most if not all of my blorbos have had canon moments where they get whumped in one way or another and that's what clicks it for me. I don't think I've had a blorbo that I didn't make up whumpy fanfic scenarios for. They're like geodes - they have to be beaten up to show their true beauty :D
2. Some kind of empathy. Look, call me boring, but while I can appreciate a well-rounded villain that gives no shit about how much pain they cause... if I'm to emotionally connect to a character, I need them to portray that same kind of emotional connection to someone else. They don't even have to be perfect heroes with clean records either - Killian Jones from Once Upon a Time and Twilight from Spy x Family are examples of the exact opposite of that - but I want them to be able to understand what it's like for someone else to hurt, and to want to comfort them in some form. It's not a coincidence that it was during season 3 of OUAT that I started loving Killian - when he started breaking through his bravado and showing how much he understood others' pain.
3. Characters who feel a lot in general. I want my blorbos to feel things, even if (in Twilight's case) they try to push them away. It's one of the things I realized while re-discovering my love for Yamato from Digimon. He's a character who felt a lot, tried to repress it, and it came bursting out of him until he accepted that it was okay to feel things a lot. He was also my only blorbo who hid his feelings out of a misplaced pride - and in his case it's understandable because he was a kid; other blorbos who hide their feelings mostly do it for self-preservation after having experienced a lot of hurt, with the narrative implying that they need to grow out of it eventually if they want to be happy. On the other hand, I had blorbos like Douxie, who were unabashedly themselves and never bothered to hide their feelings out of any kind of shame. And I really enjoy my blorbos being so expressive - it allows me some relatable moments so that I can explore my own feelings that way. (Also why whump helps. It forces out a lot of emotions)
4. SAD. I want to look at my blorbo and be like "Aw, poor guy. Now make it worse >:)". Like, I wish they can have a happy ending (Ethan ;_;) but I want them to suffer until that happens. Look, I ain't babysitting them! I'm consuming their content to escape reality, and watching characters go through shit is my way of expressing my own angst, because the world we live in forces us to undermine our own issues all the time and think "It could be worse!" so I've learned to find escapes through fiction. So make them SAD.
5. That said, Angst with a bit of humor. YMMV but I cannot handle a character who is all depression and is never ever used in a humorous way or form. From Killian "I'll flirt with anything that moves, to my own detriment" Jones, to Douxie "can't sing one note worth his damn" Casperan, to Manny "Grim Reaper on stilts" Calavera, to Ethan "Horrible One-Liners" Winters, to Loid "I have a totally normal wife and daughter :)" Forger, while I adore the angst they go through, they're still fictional characters and a tool for our recreation and expression, so they need to have a break where either the characters themselves or the narrative present a more humorous side to them.
Ask me my Top 5/Top 10 anything!
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storm-driver · 11 months
if i may ask. thoughts on the trollhunters movie
how did they do voltron a second time
under the cut for spoiler discussion
I don't think it's the worst "finale" we could've gotten, but it's verily lackluster, considering how great the ending for og Trollhunters was.
I think the worst part is arguably the 'Unbecoming' part during the last 10 minutes, especially since Jim had finally gotten his amulet back and was REALLY ready to throw down again, just like the good old days.
The original series already showed us that Jim not being the Trollhunter wasn't destiny, so it sorta feels like a kick in the teeth for Jim to casually pass it on to Toby. I would want to think the implication is that Jim is going to bear the burden of knowing there was a worse outcome in the other timeline. But that still feels just as bad.
The idea is that the ENTIRE journey we all just went on was null and void. Did it happen? Yes, because Jim remembers by the end and he's going to use that knowledge to make this second shot better. But it feels so cheap at the end of the day.
It was like they wanted to write a little more tragedy into the show, but knew that they needed to give it a big send-off that would leave fans with some decent closure. Unfortunately, the closure comes in the form of having to accept that the massive journey you just went on has been forgotten.
Now, if this had branched into some mega version of "Unbecoming," where Jim has to face the consequences of his actions, I don't think that'd be a bad idea. But it ain't where the series ended, and thus, I don't like to consider the movie when I think about the series as a whole.
Besides the ending, I don't think the whole movie was bad. I thought the opening sequence with tryna get Nari to safety was cool and beautifully animated. There were a few scenes throughout the whole movie that I thought were fuckin dope, like the scene where Jim gets the amulet back while he's gonna fight Belroc. That whole sequence was very hype and it honestly felt earned.
The animation quality for the movie as a whole is immaculate. Nothing looks out of place as far as the original series goes, it just looks like they got a higher budget for the movie and told the animation team to go nuts. Again, it's gorgeous and I'm glad I watched it for the animation alone.
I have always had my faves and dislikes in the voice cast of ToA. Unfortunately, I still haven't gotten past the loss of Anton Yelchin for Jim. His new VA does a splendid job in his memory, but part of why I loved Jim so much in the original series was that passion from the late Anton. Of course, that's nothing that can be fixed. I have no issue with Jim's voice as it is, I just mourn what we've lost. Everyone else in the main cast does a great job, and I have a soft spot for Douxie especially. He was a beautiful addition to the franchise as a whole.
Besides that, I wouldn't want to rag on the movie fulltime besides saying the Steve and Aja sideplot was someone's disguised fetish, so I'm not commenting on that at all. I also thought Aja and Krel's presence in the movie was very weak, considering how fun a sideseries 3Below had been. The Varvatos mech was cool, even if it was just another Pacific Rim. Wish they'd been in the movie more as leading protags.
I'll write down one last thing: I thought the ending of Wizards ended kinda weak, considering how long it'd been since we saw Troll-Jim, and I personally would've loved to see more of that version of him before it got swept away in plot resolution. So not getting to see that side of him for the movie felt like a semi-loss. I don't mind that he got saved. Just that it was too soon and we could've seen more of that troll-ish side like we saw in the original series.
Overall opinion? Very poor quality close to the whole franchise. Not a terrible movie as a standalone. Good animation, bad writing choices. I don't personally think of it as canon, or accept it as a proper ending.
I can't think of much else to say, but if you wanted my opinion on anything I didn't say here, totally okay to respond or reblog with further discussion! The series as a whole means a lot to me and I enjoy talking about it, even if we do a little nitpicking.
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yellowmagicalgirl · 10 months
Akiridion!bodyguard!Douxie AU + Cagemates?
(Akiridion bodyguard AU for reference)
Okay, so, Douxie and Krel take on the role that Krel alone would have been playing in canon!Cagemates. They still end up working with a wizard, though, which is to say that poor Zoe gets captured. In addition to using dark magic and being tortured, she's also having to deal with the sappy terrified couple. Poor Zoe.
(Also: Krel proposes to Douxie in this, because at this point he doesn't care if it means giving up the throne. He wants Douxie to know just how much he loves him just in case they die here.)
Send me one of my AU’s and any other AU and I’ll try to mash them together into something new.
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