#poor dream is a classic middle child
void-tiger · 1 year
The concept of prophetic visions and dreams in The Sandman universe is objectively hilarious when you realize it automatically involves Destiny, Dream, and Delirium, and Destiny being absolutely fed up with his younger siblings messing with his domain.
…which is probably why there are far more records of prophetic visions than prophetic dreams but the symbolism in visions is…incredibly trippy and often unsettling. But the earliest stories of either leans more in favor of prophetic dreams.
Dream doesn’t mess with his siblings domains lightly, and either asks permission, first, or has Lucienne keep a record of the tab owed to Destiny over this.
Delirium, however…
Yeah…she’s just that youngest sibling who messes with your stuff and as infuriated as you are with her it’s often as productive as shouting at a baby because she WILL cry and rip her hair out and never grasp why her actions upset you.
(so Dream gets the brunt of Destiny’s Ire. even when Desire Did It.)
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ladyminaofcamelot · 8 months
Re-read Parsifal's Page recently, and a few fun things that stood out to me this time:
Piers was elven at the start of the book. Eleven. And his parents just. Sent him off! With a knight they'd just met! Like Trebuchet. Sir. I understand that he's on The Quest or whatever, but that is a baby.
Parsifal picking Kai up by the scruff of his neck as if he's an angry kitten. Somehow I always forget that this happens and yet it always cracks me up.
I love Piers but watching Parsifal have his sweet inquisitive nature sucked out of him hurts and it's an absolute crime that Piers instigated this.
The scene where Piers gets an axe for Parsifal and mocks the smith's work is ten times funnier when we remember how young he is. Middle aged man who has been at the forge all his life just got roasted and shown up by a child who probably barely comes up to his elbow. Classic.
Parsifal telling Piers, "I wouldn't have thought it of you," after Piers admits to having seen a faery. Like okay I get it but you didn't have to roast him like that.
Piers thinking that the faeries surrounding him and trying to entice him away only for his father to chase them off was a dream. He's probably been surrounded by magical craziness all his life and just. Pretends it's his imagination. Of course I'm sure it doesn't help that his mother's solution to him being sick as a child was apparently to get him blackout drunk. But I digress.
Connie trying to be a girl boss only to be immediately shut down because she is surrounded by people who have known her since the day she was born and remember her teenage horse girl phase.
On the topic of horses, Parsifal's deserves a raise. This man learned how to fight and how to talk polite but certainly not how to be nice to a horse and it shows. It's a wonder he hasn't killed the poor thing.
The fact that if Parsifal had found the castle before becoming a knight who wanted to do great deeds he would have been exactly the sort of person who would ask the question but he never would have found the castle if he didn't want to do great deeds but the country boy who lived in the woods was more likely to ask questions than the knight but the country boy wouldn't have found- you get the idea. Thinking about this cycle absolutely kills me.
Rumor has it that if you listen hard while reading the scene where Arthur forgets Parsifal's name and starts listing other versions of the name as he tries to remember, you can hear Gerald Morris chuckling to himself.
There are few things funnier than Piers going, "I'm going to learn how to be a good servant by watching Sir Gawain's squire," only to have Terence give Gawain the silent treatment, proceed to insult him nine ways to Sunday, then relax and smile and chat like nothing happened after Gawain gets a chance to explain.
Half of Malchance's army turning on him because one of Terence's old friends was there.
Piers being equally capable of identifying ladies in waiting by their clothing as he is at identifying good steel. We focus on how he's secretly like his dad, but it's also not just the speaking french that makes him like his mother. This boy is a mix of both his parents, and not always in the way he thinks.
I never realized how absolutely heartbreaking the scene with the lady who tries to seduce Gawain is. Like, it's funny on the first read, but someone being driven mad because they couldn't cope with their father's grief is so horrifying, actually.
Gawain just knowing that Terence needs to stay with Trevisant without any discussion needed.
Guingalet launching a horse thief 8ft in the air.
Literal children Piers and Ariel not understanding why on earth a man would want to get into a castle full of women.
The absolute wildness of Kai to just. Straight up propose as soon as he discovers that the woman he's in love with isn't in love with someone else. Good on him, honestly. He knew what he wanted and went for it. (Also the way their marriage proposal/acceptance sounds like a challenge is so cute, actually. Like, yes, you lay out those terms of agreement for this life long commitment. It's adorable.)
The absolute weight of Parsifal not trusting magic anymore after the paths he's wandered. The absolute gut wrenching scene that is Piers trying to cry as quietly as possible after Parsifal rejected his gift. I just. Ow. So much ow.
Loved that Connie didn't immediately run to Parsifal with open arms. They had a discussion. His leaving hurt her. But they forgave and made it better. Almost as good as the practical Kai/Connoire marriage proposal.
Trebuchet recognizing a suit of armor he made before even recognizing his own son. The most renowned armorer in faery land, ladies and gentlemen. He has one special interest and we love him for that.
Just the whole message of the book. Things that are given are better than things that are earned, better to be a great husband/blacksmith/woodcutter than to have your praises sung by strangers, ask questions rather than trying to look smart, etc... it all feeds into a general theme of humility that is so poignant and so beautiful, and also reflects one of the running themes of the entire series. That's why I love this book, and this series in general. They're comedic, but they also resonate so deeply that you could think about it for hours.
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mytalemyworld · 1 year
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Every time I rewatch Bir Istanbul Masalı (An Istanbul Fairy Tale), I discover a new thing. This show is a true classic, I mean, It wasn’t necessarily because the show was outstanding, mind you but it hit you right in the feels and something about it gave such a nostalgic quality.
The title is An Istanbul Fairy Tale, however this is very misleading, the producer probably thought that since the poor ugly duckling turned into a beautiful swan and fell in love with the rich, successful and kind male lead, this must be a "fairy tale". I beg to differ. Fairy tales end with an "and they live happily ever after" note. But in this show even after their reunion, their social class differences and the people they go against for the sake of their love cause very dramatic moments and break ups.
The female lead, Esma Kozan, is a university student, an ugly duckling, the middle child of Cemal and Suzan Kozan who are respectively the driver and cook of the prestigious Arhan family. She has been in love with Demir Arhan, the younger son of Arhans. They are childhood friends, even though her family works for his family, they grew up together. The garden between the mansion and her family’s house is a line and may indicate clearly that they should live and stay in their own worlds however that garden became their childhood playground.
Then everyone grew up and their own worlds became more and more different. He turns into a womanizer and doesn’t even remember her name, but she keeps on living in her dream world in which he will notice her one day and love her back.
And meanwhile the older brother, Selim Arhan is just there, after the sudden change in the managemenf of ARC (the company that belongs to Arhan family) he becomes the chairman and her father becomes Selim’s driver. As a perceptive and careful person, Selim closely watches the relationship between Demir and Esma that turns into a dangerous thing for everyone’s happiness. Because his brother Demir is engaged with the daughter of a businessman who is also their business partner.
She starts working in the company, Selim gets to know her more and more. While her feelings start to change and she realizes her feelings for Demir may not be love, Selim can’t help but fall for her too. 
But before anything else...From the very beginning you always have this impression about them. They will become a thing but probably after a great amount of heartbreaks, pain and self-discovery. And this is why it's so exciting.
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Selim: What happened? Esma: Nothing. Selim: Why are you crying then? Esma: I am not crying. Selim: I see. Esma: I was going to join the dance contest of the university but now I can't even move my foot. Selim: What university? Didn't you graduate from the chemistry major? Esma: No. That was my sister Çiçek. I am still a student in Galatasaray University Faculty of Business.
This is their first scene.
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And this happens like 30 episodes later.
It's quite nice to realize that their first dialogue is about her dancing and their first openly flirting attempts, living in the moment scene happen as they dance.
She tries to teach him tango. He is so clumsy and doesn't get it right.
So he was the one who found her clumsy and childish in the beginning but in the end he lost himself to her, became carefree and let himself be clumsy for once.
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capableism · 2 years
Disney+ LGBTQ
Ursula: "The only way to get what you want is to become a human yourself.
Ariel: Can you do that?
Ursula: My dear, sweet child. That's what I do. It's what I live for. To help unfortunate merfolk like yourself. Poor souls with no one else to turn to." 
-"Poor Unfortunate Souls" from The Little Mermaid 
The iconic purple villainess Sea Witch Ursula seduces Ariel into becoming human by the end of her song "Poor Unfortunate Souls." "The only way to get what you want is to become human yourself" To Ariel, humanity is an attractive yet elusive dream. Ursula, therefore, takes  advantage of her optimism and raises the price of becoming human. Ariel must give up her  voice. The ramifications of this lead to Ariel finding love and becoming human permanently. This particular plot beat enforces that humanity comes from physical ability. Ariel views herself as apart from the other merfolk. Similar to how I felt apart from the disabled  community, even at a camp devoted to children with disabilities.  
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Photo by Alif Ngoylugg from Unsplash
The Little Mermaid follows the Disney film formula for "wholesome, family friendly" values. The plots of these films always include a happy ending. Starting in the 1930s, the Disney company took this responsibility to teach children seriously. "According to Sean Griffin, a former Disney employee who focused on queer studies, 'Disney in the '50s focused on representing itself as an upstanding moral organization; that parents could trust to  influence their children's moral development'" (Brown, 3) 
To create this bond of trust Disney stories have simply "mustache-twirling" villains like Ursula juxtaposed against an unwavering hero like Ariel. 
This formula has changed over the years. Frozen (2013) actively subverts many  assumptions about Disney stories. What is socially acceptable has changed as well. Classics like 1950's Peter Pan included a racist depiction of Native Americans. The film simply depicted the social norms of its time.  Griffin states Disney "consistently posited and reinforced [...] an image of American middle class heterosexual courtship" (Griffin 4). Reinforcing these ideals involves not only creating a hero exemplifying these expectations but vilifying the other and creating harmful stereotypes.  
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In defense of these stereotypes, they were not always negative; they were also functioning as a cinematic shorthand of storytelling.
 In 1934, before modern Hollywood, the Motion Pictures Production code, also known as the Hays code, overly censored offensive content. This included banning depictions of a married couple in the same bed in the 1950s. Filmmakers had to build cinematic shortcuts to imply anything romantic. The Hays code is part of history but has disproportionately affected minority representation in films. Interracial marriages and gay relationships? Forget about them. Disney reinforces "an image of American  middle-class heterosexual courtship “(Griffin 4). Villains like Ursula are implied to be in the LGBTQIA+ community. She was designed after the Drag Queen Divine. While Ariel is hyper feminine, Ursula is hyper-masculine. Perhaps a better example of a classic gay villain is Captain Hook from Peter Pan. 
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  "Griffin initially argues that Hook could serve as a positive representation for the gay  community, but a closer look at the film, as well as Griffin's own evidence, paints a darker picture “(Griffin 73). Griffin later states that Hook " uses his cultured dandyism to hide his evil designs" (Griffin 76). This interpretation directly ties Hook's femininity into his villainy." (Brown, 5) Captain Hook's and Ursula's implied sexual orientation is based on gender and sexuality stereotypes. The implied meanings are called Queer coding. Queer primarily refers to the  sexuality spectrum of the community and not gender identities. From The History of Queer Coding: ”Queer coding is a strange thing; it's given us representation where there would otherwise be none. Offensive stereotypes that we still can't shake and storylines that make us  want to yell: he's gay, for god's sake!" (Jessica Kellgren-Fozard)  
Disney still has queer codes today. Frozen subverted tropes of "true love's kiss" by making  Prince Hans the villain and family bonds more critical. Elsa is queer coded to be gay. She has  magical ice powers that she is told to "conceal don't feel," and she learns to “Let it Go” and be  herself by the end. Despite her being the main character, her sister Ana is the one who finds a man. Elsa has no love interest. This opportunity to subvert expectations and have Elsa be gay is lost. From my opinion and experience, children need explicit representation to really identify  with any group they are a part of.
Brown, Adelia (2021) "Hook, Ursula, and Elsa: Disney and Queer-coding from the 1950s to the 2010s,"The Macksey Journal: Vol. 2, Article 43.
“History of Queer Coding”, Jessica Kellgren-Fozard. YouTube
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ao3feeddestiel · 9 months
Chances Are You've Made A Very Poor Career Choice
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/kxmFifT by HeartOfStars The year is 2013. Sam has just taken on the trials to close hell, Dean is simultaneously trying to make sure his brother doesn't die and continuing to process everything that happened in Purgatory, and when they need him most, Castiel is nowhere to be found. In the midst of all this, a case springs up in the middle of Utah involving an ancient pizzeria, possessed animatronics, and the realization that the brothers may have been there before. At the same time, as well as twenty years earlier, the year is 1993. Mike Schmidt has just accepted the job of his dreams. AKA the Supernatural-Five Nights At Freddy's crossover that somehow doesn't already exist (at least, not the way this has been written). Is this an absolutely insane idea? Yes. However, it was begging to be written, so here it is. Enjoy. Words: 3017, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005), Five Nights at Freddy's Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: Gen Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Michael Afton, Henry Emily, Castiel (Supernatural), William Afton | Dave Miller, Marionette | The Puppet, Mike Schmidt (Five Nights at Freddy's), Classic Animatronics | Five Nights at Freddy's 1 Animatronics, Jeremy Fitzgerald, John Winchester, Original Male Character(s), Original Female Characters (s) Relationships: Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Michael Afton & William Afton | Dave Miller, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel & Dean Winchester, Michael Afton & Henry Emily, William Afton | Dave Miller & Henry Emily, Michael Afton & The Crying Child, Dean Winchester & John Winchester & Sam Winchester Additional Tags: Supernatural-FNAF Crossover, yes I understand that that is kind of an insane combination, but also fnaf feels like a thing that could very easily have been a supernatural episode, Alternate Universe - Fusion, Horror, in both the supernatural and fnaf sense, so be careful, Gen or Pre-Slash, honestly you can read the casdean interactions however you want those bitches are weird, Angst with a Happy Ending, Michael Afton is The Crying Child's Older Brother, Sam Winchester Needs a Hug, Michael Afton Needs a Hug, Everyone Needs A Hug, Psychological Trauma, Time Shenanigans, it's confusing but it'll get explained later, Michael Afton Doesn't Get Scooped, Dean Winchester Being Dean Winchester, Season/Series 08, Body Horror, Child Murder, Mike Schmidt Being Funny, really he's a riot, Parent Henry Emily, Hurt/Comfort, Blood and Gore, Springtrap Being Generally Terrifying, good old family bonding time, Bad Parent William Afton | Dave Miller, Bad Parent John Winchester, god these tags are a doozy, Have fun everyone read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/kxmFifT
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 9 months
Chances Are You've Made A Very Poor Career Choice
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/GrSeAKH by HeartOfStars The year is 2013. Sam has just taken on the trials to close hell, Dean is simultaneously trying to make sure his brother doesn't die and continuing to process everything that happened in Purgatory, and when they need him most, Castiel is nowhere to be found. In the midst of all this, a case springs up in the middle of Utah involving an ancient pizzeria, possessed animatronics, and the realization that the brothers may have been there before. At the same time, as well as twenty years earlier, the year is 1993. Mike Schmidt has just accepted the job of his dreams. AKA the Supernatural-Five Nights At Freddy's crossover that somehow doesn't already exist (at least, not the way this has been written). Is this an absolutely insane idea? Yes. However, it was begging to be written, so here it is. Enjoy. Words: 3017, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005), Five Nights at Freddy's Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: Gen Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Michael Afton, Henry Emily, Castiel (Supernatural), William Afton | Dave Miller, Marionette | The Puppet, Mike Schmidt (Five Nights at Freddy's), Classic Animatronics | Five Nights at Freddy's 1 Animatronics, Jeremy Fitzgerald, John Winchester, Original Male Character(s), Original Female Characters (s) Relationships: Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Michael Afton & William Afton | Dave Miller, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel & Dean Winchester, Michael Afton & Henry Emily, William Afton | Dave Miller & Henry Emily, Michael Afton & The Crying Child, Dean Winchester & John Winchester & Sam Winchester Additional Tags: Supernatural-FNAF Crossover, yes I understand that that is kind of an insane combination, but also fnaf feels like a thing that could very easily have been a supernatural episode, Alternate Universe - Fusion, Horror, in both the supernatural and fnaf sense, so be careful, Gen or Pre-Slash, honestly you can read the casdean interactions however you want those bitches are weird, Angst with a Happy Ending, Michael Afton is The Crying Child's Older Brother, Sam Winchester Needs a Hug, Michael Afton Needs a Hug, Everyone Needs A Hug, Psychological Trauma, Time Shenanigans, it's confusing but it'll get explained later, Michael Afton Doesn't Get Scooped, Dean Winchester Being Dean Winchester, Season/Series 08, Body Horror, Child Murder, Mike Schmidt Being Funny, really he's a riot, Parent Henry Emily, Hurt/Comfort, Blood and Gore, Springtrap Being Generally Terrifying, good old family bonding time, Bad Parent William Afton | Dave Miller, Bad Parent John Winchester, god these tags are a doozy, Have fun everyone read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/GrSeAKH
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jonathanvik · 1 year
Starlight Dream - Chapter 44
“It’s going along super well, Chō!” Seina said. “At this rate, you’ll have a true classic. All of Aiko’s friends are talking about your manga!” 
“...” As usual, Chō gave no response, but Seina detected an edge of smugness in the girl’s expression. But Seina didn’t begrudge her this. The pair worked hard to make their creation a reality. And with new manga in short supply, people were eating it up. 
“Thank you, Seina,” Izumi said, abashed. It’s always a pleasure to have you drop by. Despite visiting every few days for almost three months, the mangaka was still star-struck at Seina’s presence. The cost of being a famous hero, she supposed. 
“Yeah, I can’t wait until the next issue! You just had to end on that cliffhanger, didn’t you?” Colten had gotten hooked on the manga, visiting the newsstand every morning, so there wasn’t a chance he’d miss the next issue of Shoujo Jump. 
Seina found it silly that he bought a magazine for a single chapter of one manga. The fairy didn’t care for the other manga in the collected issue, considering them too girly for his liking. Well, whatever. She liked them, so the purchase wasn’t a waste. 
“Yes?” Seina replied, hoping she’d hit the mark on whatever the girl wanted. When Chō tapped her toe in annoyance, Seina realized she’d gotten it wrong, again.
“She’s asking how Emiyo is doing?” Izumi said, supplying his friend’s meaning. He was always more in tune with Chō’s thoughts than Seina. 
“Oh, that. She’s fine.” Seina paused for thought. “I think she’s doing odd jobs around town. I don’t see her that often.” Emiyo lived in another building with another family, a mother and her child. With the former lieutenant's insistent need to keep busy, it wasn’t easy to catch sight of her. Far different from Takako, who enjoyed lounging around and reading manga all day. 
“Right,” Seina said, giving her typical automatic reply. Inwardly, she sighed. Despite her best attempts to become friends, they hadn’t really gelled. The same with Emiyo.
I suppose not everyone is meant to be friends.
“Good plan.” Izumi whipped his brow. It was the middle of summer, and the humidity was killing them all, despite the poor fan in the corner's attempts to keep them cool. Since the vampire’s defeat air conditioning was an almost unknown luxury. “Lunch sounds nice.”
“And ice cream!” Colten added, with Seina nodding in response. For some reason, the ice cream vendor seemed to hate her guts, but Seina tried her best to be friendly with the woman, regardless. 
Before they could leave, a figure burst through the door, surprising them both. “You! Are you Seina?”
“Yes?” Whoever was at the door, she didn’t recognize them. The girl wore her deep purple hair in an elaborate braid that hung over her shoulder. She was tall for a magical girl, standing almost a meter taller than Seina. The newcomer’s broad face wore a deep frown, her eyes fraught with tension. 
“Good, you are here.” A more familiar voice said. Behind her followed the frantic stranger. 
“Takako? What’s going on? Who’s this?” Immediately, Seina sensed something was wrong. A deep foreboding struck her, knowing her peaceful days had finally ended. Much to Seina’s surprise, Liam, Himari’s partner, was hovering behind her. A quick glance revealed that, strangely, Himari wasn’t with them. 
“Too much,” Takako replied. “This is Kyoko. It’s best if she told her story.” 
“Craziness,” Seina said, his voice filled with grim disbelief. 
“Bastards!” Mr. Kiyojiro said, uttering an oath. Chō and Emiyo remained silent, staring down at the floor. 
“Why?” Nothing about the Devil Princess’s plan made much sense to Seina. While she’d known they were villains, the fact they wanted to cause such widespread destruction defied belief. 
“They’re advancing some plan,” Liam said, nodding. “What, It is it’s impossible to say.”
“We have to stop them!” Seina said with feeling. 
“But that’s what they want!” Emiyo said, breaking in. “It must be some sort of scheme to lure you out!”
“Would they go that far?” Mr. Kiyojiro said before shaking his head. “No, Liam is right. They are plotting something else. This goes far beyond anything involving Seina.”
“Chō is right. Going to Starlight Dream is tantamount to suicide!” Emiyo said, her fist quaking. 
“We don’t have a choice!” Seina slammed a fist into her palm. “We’re the only ones who can stop this!”
“If we can defeat Yuuka Tsujikawa, the Mad, we can beat the other Devil Princesses,” Colten said, backing up his partner. 
“It’s suicide! I’m not kidding!” Emiyo replied. 
“Neither am I,” Seina said, her tone resolute. Whatever the cost, she’d finish this. 
“Whatever happens, I’m with you, Seina,” Takako said, finally voicing her opinion. Her partner, Neir, nodded in agreement. 
“Me too!” Liam pumped a paw.
“Thank you,” Seina said, her gratitude overflowing. 
“Crazy, all of you!” Emiyo threw up her arms, but Seina noticed she hadn’t said she wouldn’t help. 
“...” Chō said, sighing. Her response made Emiyo deepen her scowl. 
“Utter madness,” Emiyo said, turning away. 
“Hey, they haven’t beaten us yet. I have some ideas. First, we need to rescue the old queen from her imprisonment. I’m not sure that we’ll win this without her help.” Seina said. Anyone who could scare the Devil Princess was worth having on your side. 
“You really want to free the Wicked Queen? Really? And why am I agreeing to this?” Emiyo said, her tone distraught. “What then? It’s still us against three Devil Princesses!”
“We’ll need to isolate them. Then, they’ll be more manageable to fight.” Takako smirked. “I have some ideas on that front.”
“Okay, if you’re sure.” When Emiyo noticed everyone’s confused glances, she supplied what her friend had said. “Chō has an idea about how we might find the Wicked Queen’s prison.”
“So we have a plan!” Seina said, her mood brightening. 
“A fool’s one.” But Emiyo didn’t say she wouldn’t help. They were in this together. Both Emiyo and Chō had turned their backs on Starlight Dream. 
“We’ll leave in the morning, sunrise. Do whatever you want till then.” Seina figured everyone had something they needed to do first. She won’t dare leave without giving Aiko a hug. 
“Mr. Kiyojiro, could you make some provisions for us?” Seina asked her bodyguard after everyone else had left. It’d be nice to have some snacks when fighting for their lives. 
“More than that. I’m coming with you.” Mr. Kiyojiro replied. 
“Sorry? But..” It was crazy. He’d only get himself killed. 
“I’m not leaving your side again.” Mr. Kiyojiro said, her tone uncompromising.
“But you don’t have magic! You’ll just get yourself killed! Starlight Dream isn’t a place for ordinary people!”
“I don’t care. I’m coming with you.”
Oh my gosh, he’s serious. Yet, his refusal to abandon her regardless of the danger heartened Seina. “Okay.” 
“This is crazy if you ask me,” Colten said, worried. Despite some early tension, he’d become good friends with her bodyguard. 
After a quick smile, Mr. Kiyojiro returned to the subject at hand. “Where to now? Aiko’s apartment?”
“No.” Seina swallowed bile as she prepared to confess her idea. While loathsome, it needed to be done. “I need to do something before we leave for Starlight Dream.”
“Oh?” Her bodyguard asked, curious. Colten also perked his head up in interest. 
“I need to visit my parents.”
“What? No!” Colten said in automatic protest. He’d been there when Seina’s parents had tossed their daughter to the proverbial wolves to save their own necks. “Forget those monsters!”
Her bodyguard, however, said nothing. Instead, he studied his charge, deep in thought. “Are you sure? You don’t need to. No shame in cutting them from your life after what happened.”
“Yeah! They don’t deserve it, Seina!” Colten added. 
“But they’re my family. I want some closure, I guess. I don’t know.” While she hated them, a part of Seina still loved them and wanted their returned affection. She couldn’t bear leaving without at least a goodbye. 
“Okay.” Her bodyguard said, nodding. “Family is still family. But we’ll be here for you.” 
“Yeah!” Colten said. “We’ve got your back!”
“Is this the place?” Colten asked as they approached the hovel, a hut constructed from scrap and other salvaged metals. Hundreds of similar structures surrounded it, a miniature city born of necessity on the outskirts of Osaka. While humanity struggled to rebuild, many lived in such dwellings until the city constructed more permanent, safer residential buildings. 
But her parent’s hovel stood out, tidy, and well-maintained among the more thrown-together hut. Just like her mother to make the best of a bad situation. Seina’s stomach grumbled as her nose caught a whiff of stew wafting from the open window, reminding her of lost times. 
“You can still turn back. You don’t need to do this.” Mr. Kiyojiro said, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder when he noticed tears glistening in her charge’s eyes. 
“No, I got this!” Seina said, slapping her cheeks. If she could face down armies of hundreds of bloodthirsty vampires, she could tackle meeting her parents. With a bold stride, she stepped through the front door. 
“Seina?” Her mother said, eyes widening in shock as her daughter entered. Even after a year and a half, her mother appeared the same plump, homely woman as ever. She was attending to a pot over a gas stove. 
“Hi, mom. I’m home.” 
“Father!” Her mother yelled across the dwelling. A moment later, her father appeared from a side passage.
“Seina! Hello! It’s been too long!” Her father said, giving her a tight hug. 
“It has.” Her mother hugged her next. 
“Hi.” But Seina was less receptive, giving a weak smile. 
“Who are your friends?” Her mom asked, always the graceful host. 
“This is my bodyguard Mr. Kiyojiro, and my partner Colten,” Seina said, gesturing with a hand. 
“Pleased to meet you!” Her father said, all smiles. He flinched as Mr. Kiyojiro returned it with a wintry smile. He had no intention of being friendly.
“Aren’t you the cutest thing?” Her mother said, pulling Colten’s tiny cheeks. 
“Hi.” Her partner said without enthusiasm. 
“Sit. We were just about to have dinner.” Her mother guided Seina towards the dinner table dominating the room and pushed her into a seat. 
“Sure.” Mr. Kiyojiro said, pulling a seat for himself. 
“I’m sorry. If I’d known you were coming, I would have cooked your favorite! But beef stew should suffice.” 
“It will be as wonderful as ever.” Her father said, laughing. The room paused as a baby suddenly started crying. Much to Seina’s bafflement, it was coming from the next room. 
“Looks like we woke her. One moment.” Her mother darted from the room. 
When Seina gave her a questioning look, her father supplied the answer. “That’s your new baby sister, Seina.” Seina blinked in surprise, her sister! Her mother brought out the infant for everyone to see. 
“So cute.” Her eyes boggled as a tiny black-haired girl waved her arms, gurgling in baby language. She beamed, staring the baby in the face. “Hello, I’m your big sis, Seina! It’s nice to meet you.”
“That’s pretty cute.” Colten winced as the baby pulled his long fuzzy ears, but didn’t complain. He rubbed her tiny scratch of hair, laughing. 
“What’s her name?” Seina asked, still enraptured by her baby sister. She’d always wanted a sibling. 
“Didn’t I already say it?” Her father said, confused. “It’s Seina.”
Seina froze, blinking in confusion. She couldn’t have heard that right. “Eh? Her name is Seina, like mine?”
“You named your second child the same as your first?” Mr. Kiyojiro asked, just as baffled. 
“Oh my goodness.” A horrible memory returned, making Seina put her face into her hands. After pushing Seina to her seeming death in the battle pit, her parents promised they would have another Seina to replace her. It seemed they’d done just that, assuming they’d never see their first daughter again. Rage and consternation bubbled like a boiling lake, but she got them under control. “I see.”
“This is going to be so confusing,” Colten said, rubbing his forehead.
“Dinners ready!” Her mother said, apparently not noticing her daughter was on the verge of exploding like a volcano. 
“Sure. I’m starving.” Seina said, her words tight. Food would make an excellent distraction. Besides, she’d enjoy helping to feed her baby sister. It wasn’t her sister's fault their parents were so terrible. 
After everyone seated themselves, her mother poured everyone a generous helping of stew, with the older Seina getting the largest. For all her faults, her mother always ensured her daughter got the most food, regardless of their poverty. Despite still being skeleton thin, she’d been healthier than most other children during the vampires’ cruel reign. 
“So flavorful,” Seina said, delighted. 
“Our neighbor across the street grows herbs.” Her mother replied. “She sells them at a very generous price. Never underestimate what some parsley can do.”
“Your cooking is always the best,” Seina said, taking another spoonful.
“Indeed, you have my compliments.” Considering how much of a strict, avid cook her bodyguard was, it was an impressive endorsement.
Seina watched in delight as her mother lifted a spoon of baby food to little Seina’s lips. It created a mess on her cheeks, and her big sister was ready to wipe it clean with a cloth napkin. They spent turns helping feed the baby, Seina being more interested in attending to her sister than eating herself. Already, she adored little Seina. 
But something odd caught her notice, making her frown. “Is something wrong, dad? You seem agitated.”
“It’s nothing.” He replied. “The stew isn’t agreeing with me.”
“That’s a shame. Could I have the rest of yours?” Seina asked. It was a superb stew. 
“Go right ahead.” Her father said, pushing his bowl forward. 
“Can I have some too?” Colten asked. 
“Sure thing.” Seina poured half of her second bowl of stew into Colten’s tinier one. Despite their size, fairies had a decent appetite. “So, dad. What is it you do now?” 
“I work for a construction company. Do some odds and ends. Help keep their paperwork in order.” Her father replied. He used to be an accountant before the vampire, so the job suited him well. 
“Father’s helping arrange the demolition of buildings too rundown to be any use.” Her mother said. 
“I heard about that. Construction teams are finally pulling down the condemned building for new ones.” Mr. Kiyojiro said. “About time. In a decade, we should hopefully return to the days before the vampires.”
“How old are you?” Her father asked. “Seina was barely a toddler when King Lothaire took over the world.”
“Old enough.” Mr. Kiyojiro said, his tone brooding. As usual, her bodyguard avoided talking about his past. 
“Would you like another bowl?” her mother suddenly asked. 
“Um, okay.” Seina was full, but it’d be rude to reject it.
“Here you go.” Her mother had already passed her one before Seina had even finished speaking. 
“Okay?” For whatever reason, her mother’s warm smile was making Seina ill at ease. The furtive glances her mother kept giving her father weren’t helping. Her bodyguard frowned, also noticing something odd. They all jumped as the front door slammed open. 
A pale, lanky man almost seven feet tall slid inside her parent’s dwelling, his posture cocky. “Well, well. Who do we have here? The nightmare girl herself, Seina Kamiyama.”
“Who are you?” her bodyguard said, already standing. They both noticed the glinting fangs partly hidden in the man’s mouth. A vampire.
“Raheal Dagger. The future King of Vampires.” The man replied, spreading his arms wide. 
“Big talk from a small fish,” Colten said with a snort.
“I’m smarter than Lothaire and Lilha. Seina, I ensured your death well before I made my move.” Raheal made an elaborate gesture with his hands. “I studied you, learned your weakness. And I struck right when I knew you’d be the most vulnerable.”
“Uh, huh,” Seina said, bored. These vampires sure like to talk, didn’t they?
But the vampire seemed convinced of his victory. “Already, you’re dying, Seina Kamiyama. In that stew was a deadly nerve agent made from my toxic blood. Right now, it’s eating you away from the inside, your every nerve failing. In less than a minute, you’ll be dead.”
“Eh?!” Seina said, eyes boggling.
“What?” Colten said, spitting out his stew. 
“And best yet, your loving parents were your killers. I knew you’d eventually come back home. They were more than willing to betray you.” Raheal said, his tone gloating. 
“What?” Seina stared at her parents, horrified. They wouldn’t, not again. 
“You.” Rage filled her bodyguard’s expression, turning murderous by the second. 
Her father only shrugged. “He promised us a lot of money.”
Her mother nodded. “It’d better help us raise little Seina. Don’t look so scandalized, Mr. Kiyojiro. You would have done the same if you heard the amount he offered us.”
“Like hell.” Her bodyguard seethed.
Seina only stared in disbelief, her entire world somersaulting from her parent’s second betrayal. 
“And look at you, talking instead of acting like fools,” Raheal said, chuckling. “This was too easy. How do you feel now? Does every nerve burn? Are you wishing for death, so the pain can finally end?”
Seina blinked. “Um, not really?” Beyond being furious beyond words, she felt fine. 
“How long did you say she had?” Her bodyguard said, leaning forward. “Less than a minute? By my count, it’s been almost two.”
“Really?” Rapheal’s certainty faded, giving the magical girl a nervous glance. “But she can’t be immune. My blood can kill fellow vampires! You gave her the poison, right?”
“I did.” Her mother said, nodding. “In the first bowl and the second.”
“And I dosed mine when I noticed the poison wasn’t doing anything.” Her father added. 
“I hate you! You’re the worst!” Seina said, standing up. Tears burned her eyes, pent-up emotion bubbling to the surface. “I never want to see you again!”
Again, they’d betrayed her without a second thought. She really meant nothing to them, didn’t she? Why had she bothered trying to reconnect with them? When her eyes fell on her sister, Seina, a hard line formed on her mouth. 
“And I’m taking her with me.” She stole her sister from her highchair, bouncing the baby as she began crying. Little Seina had also caught the terrible atmosphere in the room. 
“You can’t take my baby.” Her mother snarled. “She’s mine.”
“No. And you can’t stop me.” A cruel smile formed on Seina’s lips. 
“Yes, it’s illegal!” Her father said, standing. 
“You forget, father. I’m friends with the Prime Minister Kenji Ogawa. I doubt he’ll look favorably on you when he learns about this!” Seina took pleasure in how pale her parents had become. “You don’t deserve her! Both of us deserve better parents than you!”
Her payback satisfied, Seina stormed out of the room. For their sake, they better not see her again. 
“Well, uh, it was nice meeting you.” Raheal said, giving an awkward smile, “I better get going! Have a good night!”
As the vampire turned to leave, her bodyguard acted. With one swift motion, he broke one of the table’s chair legs and hurled it like a javelin. Caught unaware, the vampire howled as the projectile pierced his heart from behind. Raheal collapsed to the ground, his dead body twitching. Both Seinas and Colten watched in wide-eyed amazement. The dirt floor sizzled as the monster’s blood touched it, before dissipating into a black sludge. 
Her bodyguard only shrugged. “She isn’t the only one who knows how to kill vampires. I’m not Seina’s bodyguard for nothing.”
Her parents squirmed as her bodyguard's wintry glare bore into them, tensing as he casually picked up a knife and played with its tip. “For your sake, I better not catch you around either Seina again.” The smile he gave made both her parents shallow in nervous tension. He wasn’t kidding. They flinched as he drove the knife into the kitchen table hard enough to split wood. 
After a grim smile and nod, she left her parent’s house with her friends, refusing to look back. She cradled her sister, offering kind words. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’re happy and loved.” Tears returned. “Better than what I got.”
“Is she tucked in?” Seina asked her bodyguard.
“Little Seina was upset about being separated from her mother, but she’s sleeping peacefully now.” Mr. Kiyojiro replied. 
“What now? A baby is a huge responsibility.” Colten said, fluttering to sit on his partner’s shoulder.
“I hate to leave her, but we still need to leave for Starlight Dream.” A wave of protectiveness washed over her, wanting to guard that little life with everything she had. Now, more than ever, she needed to stop the Devil Princesses for her sister’s sake. 
“I’ll contact someone I know to watch over her while we’re gone.” Mr. Kiyojiro said. 
“You’re still coming with us?” Colten asked, somewhat perplexed. 
“Yes.” That simple word said he won’t compromise this decision, no matter what. Despite how scary the situation was, it brought Seina comfort. Deep in her heart, she wanted him by her side. 
“Thank you.” Tears spilled onto her bodyguard’s shirt as she hugged him. 
“Always.” Mr. Kiyojiro said, stroking her head. 
“Why can’t they love me?” The words blurted out before Seina could control them, her heart-wrenching that her parents could never provide her this love. 
For a long moment, Mr. Kiyojiro was quiet before he finally answered. “Some people are pieces of shit. They don’t understand what they have, so they throw it away without a care. You’re a special girl, Seina, better than they’ll ever be. They’re unworthy of being your parents. But understand this, even if they don’t love you, others can fill that void. They can be your family instead and love you like you deserve.”
“Mr. Kiyojiro.” Seina sniffed, unable to control her tears. 
“Yeah, forget them! You have us, Seina!” Colten said. 
“Thank you.” Tears threatened to slip as a warmth blossomed in her heart. She didn’t think it was possible to love anyone more than this odd pair who’d been unexpectedly tossed into her life. She gave them both a tight hug, happy beyond belief. These two were her real home. 
0 notes
zooterchet · 2 years
Scythian Antiquarians
If two bloodlines combined, Judas Didymus Thomas (wine dealer, the riot at the Temple), JFK Sr. (liquor rally, defeat of Green Beret missionaries in Vietnam), or Shaquille O’Neal (Victorian Black Parliament, Irish and Jewish of Los Angeles Lake, Waragi Bets).
Thoth: Religion, the concept of embezzlement being refused; everyone, has the same amount money in society, or else your investments collapse.  A family of Pharaohs.  Ancient Egypt.  Rank: High Priest.
Amon Goethe: Jewish stage, the concept of Jewish women playing on stage as actresses, alongside Jewish men, ending the bigotry of Jewish men towards their own women, the blooding in fire of the "Jewess", murdering Jewish actors following Haditha in the death camp.  A family of waiters.  The Holocaust.  Rank: SS Totenkopf.
Dean O'Banion: Police networks, the concept of police officers being a lifelong profession, bound to admit own sin in commission of a crime, to save criminal or businessman alike, regardless of own action as a cop, and action of discharge from the force, requiring protection and change of identity, to save others as a criminal.  A family of police officers.  Chicago Prohibition.  Rank: Capo Sigliere, liquor sales.
Wes Craven: Horror movies, the concept of the horror movie villain, being targeted unjustly, by religious bigots practicing village religious belief from Jewish farm croppers.  The sins of a community visited back to itself, the fight against immigrants, the local poor targeting the rich and moneyed and privileged through politics of foreign trade, in the dreams of legend of the own sin.  A family of immigration lawyers.  Late 20th century.  Rank: Director, A Nightmare on Elm Street.
George W. Bush: Absolution journalism, confession of own crimes, to undo the Freemasons and the Morningstars and corrupt regimes.  The concept of import of immigrants under Turkish Caliph laws prior to conquest of the Arab Middle East for labor rules, if the country in power believes in mercenaries and soldiers as slaves, and has the concept of a "subject", the admission of the enemy's retaliation as the own, through Jewish journalists.  War on Terror.  Rank: Black Operations Chief, anti-Saudi, Chas T. Main.
Aleister Crowley: English Catholicism, the concept of understanding others as large units of architecture structure, to place groups and names and context, taking the largest possible room of reference in a building with payment involved to self, then breaking down to groups, to remember names and personal traits, not memorization or relationships.  The modern business.  Rank: Pendragon Mount, MI-6 Rogue Operative, Abwehr.
Cassius Clay: Fraud prizefighting, the concept of defrauding the entire athletics industry, for drafting soldiers to fight for a peace ethic.  Normally, while boxing is supposed to be homosexual, Cassius Clay took the name Muhammad Ali, a racial slur to religion i the combination of leaders, one a pot dealer, Muhammad, the other a police officer, Ali, to waste himself out through bowel infarcating, turning all the female fans of boxing and his matches, into underage dominatrixes.  Heavyweight Champion.  Rank: Sergeant, Israeli Prison Reform, Vietnam War Capistrani Expert, Latino and Chicano.
Reggie Morris: Presidential tradition, the placement of Presidential traditions in joke books, placed through the system in publishing of the worst standards of civil rights leader Presidents, in references to Adolf Hitler, as anti-Semitic jokes and forms and classics, through comic books and television.  The dissolution of Scientology, as posturing Scientologists through live action research, of own police system as Scientology, through attorney's offices of Nixon and the "Pastamancer" principle of "The Southern Strategy".  Obama Administration.  Rank: Presidential Impersonator.
Tom Brady: Books and rigging, the establishment of the cocaine trade, to head coaches, to reveal athletics coaches as child molesters, by getting the minoritarian favors of coaches working with town council and property tax rights and "The Lodge", the homosexual athletes guild, outed for molestation of their own "role sponsors", to label them as pederasts, for defending the molestation of townspeople.  National Football League, War on Terror.  Rank: Quarterback, First Line, New England Patriots.
David Charlebois: Internet print, the concept of pranking anyone attempting to exploit internet agents, through the patronage of Jewish theft and crime, as a willing authorship subject; hence, anything offending a Jewish leader, in jest and play, is taken, and printed with self as villain, reforming the direction of Gentile art in antiquity of military and tradition, as modern and villainously Jewish.  Rank: Fifth Manarch, Robert the Bruce, The Bat's Crest #5, Swordfish, False-French Privateer.
0 notes
solarisensun · 3 years
White Lies
Yandere! Diluc x Sister Reader (Modern Au) 
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- can you tell that I’ve been on a yandere fixtation with all these fics lmao
The love you and Diluc have for each other extends past a simple familial adoration. 
Warnings: Mentions of trauma/mental health, incest, NSFW, yandere themes, dub/non con, obsessive/possessive behaviour 
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For as long as you could remember, it had always been the two of you against the world. 
A pair of siblings shrouded in a past of misery after the passing of both parents in an unfortunate car accident that left them with a ridiculous sum of inheritance that most could only dream about- it’s a classic newspaper headline that gets plastered all over the pages.
Naturally, it brought forth a sea of strangers all vying to get a piece of the wealth in their greedy hands. Distant cousins from different countries showing up at your doorstep, young couples with beams a little too wide looking to adopt new kids, men in sharp dark suits and their endless mountains of paperwork about the family company. 
It made Diluc grow up too fast and too hard. 
The new young head with bold crimson hair and a jaw set in stone to protect the remnants of his family. Even when he was only 18, he’d taken over the seat of your father, holed up in the study until the beginnings of dawn peeked over the gloomy clouds, forged a city of iron and steel around his heart until no one dared to even think of taking a piece of the Ragnvindr name for themselves. 
Of course, even with his armour. There was a chink in it that could shatter it into pieces with a single blow. 
There were rumours about the younger sister, a frail thing as pretty as a painted porcelain doll and equally fragile. Not many have had the chance to lay eyes on her, confined to the mansion with private tutors and home schooled all the way to college. A polar opposite of her brother, a poor child that never quite managed to get over the passing of their parents and was plagued with endless nightmares of the tragedy. It was whispered that she’d wake up the entire mansion in the middle of the night with screaming fits until she was soothed by her elder brother. There are even more tales of how he’d spend hours in her room, the heavy oak door locked with a sole master key and no one would be allowed to enter the premises even in the utmost emergencies. 
From an outside perspective, it must have looked absolutely baffling to see the usually emotionless young man’s face turned grief stricken at a simple phone ring from his sister, even more baffling when he adjourns the meeting that would cost him millions without even batting an eye. 
 It was easy to see how protective they were of each other. But of course, they only had each other after all. It was only natural for a pair of siblings to be this close when they were the only two in the world that shared the same blood.
“You’re marrying her?”  
Your voice is tiny and petulant, small figure brimming with rage twice your size when Diluc closes the door shut behind him in a quiet click. 
“What are you talking about?” He says flatly, darkened gaze turning to your figure by the window where the silvery moonlight shrouds your face in pale shadows. 
Your face morphs into a sneer, fists balled into your silk nightgown and teeth bared. “I’m not as dumb as people think. How long were you going to hide the fact that you and that Gunnhildr girl are set to wed in winter?” 
Bare feet cross the wooden floor as you jab your finger into Diluc’s chest fiercely, “You promised you wouldn’t leave me!” He doesn’t flinch when your tone raises an octave, doesn’t even bat an eye when you scream in his face so loud that the words echo and bounce across the high arched ceiling.
But you know your brother better than he knows himself. 
“I was going to tell you eventually.” Diluc replies, keeping his stony gaze fixed on yours.
The tension in your stiff shoulders seem to tighten even further, “Don’t lie” You look up, bright eyes already turning glossy with unshed tears and it’s exactly those tears that gets your big brother to break. 
His reaction is instantaneous, a heavy sigh escaping his lips when Diluc pulls you into his embrace. The walls around him crumbling into ash and dust the moment your tears begin to track down your cheeks. “I’m sorry. I should have told you earlier.” 
You sniffle into his suit, feeling his arms tighten around your waist as your muffled voice speaks up. “Sorry doesn’t cut it.” 
“What do you want me to do?” 
The moment your fingers creep underneath his suit, watching as his eyes flash with a range of emotions when you push your big brother to the bed where his knees knock against the bed before he lands with a soft thud. The moment he lets out a shaky breath as you plant your thighs on either side of his waist and your fingers work to loosen his tie. 
The moment your lips meet his and it’s like falling back into the yawning pit of addiction again. Even when every little action is wrong, it doesn’t exactly stop the both of you from drawing together like two opposite poles of magnets unable to seperate. 
A low groan tumbles out of his mouth when his gloved grip tightens around your soft thighs, hiking the loose fabric of your dress until it's high enough to expose your barely clothed cunt as you mewl at the touch. 
“Missed you so much.” You murmur, lashes fluttering when he thrusts his hips up so that your core comes into contact with the growing bulge in his slacks. Greedy fingers tangle themselves in his hair, arching your brother’s face towards yours so you can kiss him better. 
Diluc inhaled a shaky breath while looking at your tear stained cheeks, something in the proud lines of his face shattering at the alluring sight of your face. “You make it so hard to breathe you know that? Every single time I step out of this room,” He thumbs away a stray tear across your cheek with an air of breathtaking gentleness that no one would think was capable from the stoic man, “All I ever think about is my spoiled little sister.”
He couldn’t blame you- wouldn’t blame you. Wouldn't blame this insatiable greed that brewed in his chest. You were the only thing he’d wanted in this life, even when he knew that he wasn’t worthy of your love. He supposes that it’s partly his fault that you’ve grown up this way, utterly shunned in the mansion without any friends because Diluc had refused to give you permission to attend a public school (or even step foot outside the mansion).
What would Father say if he saw his children now? Tangled in the sheets with Diluc’s fingers slipped down to push your drenched panties aside so he can feel the familiar irresistible warmth of your little cunt when he curls his fingers in you. What would Mother’s face look like when she sees her precious daughter bouncing on her brother’s cock, spurred on by the iron grip Diluc has around your waist? What would their faces look like?
But dead men tell no tales. 
You know without a doubt that the marriage contract would be cancelled by the next morning. 
Life is upturned the moment Mr Alberich- one of the few trustworthy friends of his late father asks for a favour. 
“Your son is back?” Diluc asks, lacing his fingers together under his chin as Mr Alberich sips on his tea thoughtfully. 
The older man sets down the teacup delicately. “I’m sure you’ve heard many stories of my son, he’s around your age too. But alas, our relationship…” A slight grimace graces his weathered features, “Is not the best and I fear my wife will not cope well with the tension due to her weak heart.” 
“Will it be alright if he stays in your place for a few weeks until I settle things?” 
There are a million reasons Diluc could give to say no. But the Ragnvindrs had always owed the Alberichs one. Mr Alberich was one of the rare few that lent out a genuine helping hand to the children of his deceased best friend. 
His memory of Kaeya is a fuzzy one safe for the time when he’d teased you for clinging to Diluc’s hand when the three of you were younger. Diluc had developed an instant dislike for Kaeya in that very instant. 
Diluc gives him a curt nod, “I will call the butler to arrange suitable lodgings in preparation for the arrival of your son.” 
“Speaking of family, how is your sister faring these days? It’s been a long time since I last saw her.” Mr Alberich’s gaze falls onto the tiny framed picture perched on Diluc’s desk- the one where he has his hand on your shoulder. Your wide beam is a stark contrast to the way Diluc’s lips are pressed into a firm line, with only his eyes that betrayed a faint glimmer of amusement as he stares into the camera. 
“I hope my son’s arrival will not cause any disturbance to her wellbeing.” 
“Don’t worry,” Diluc replies tersely. “Her condition is improving gradually these days, I’ll make sure that she feels comfortable around Kaeya.” 
And far far away from him too. 
“Aren’t you a little too old to be sleeping with your brother?” 
You stiffen at Kaeya’s words, setting down your fork to glare icily at the smirking man seated opposite you. It’d been almost a week since Diluc brought Kaeya in despite your countless protests. Why would you want a total stranger in the house? 
Kaeya wasn’t exactly unpleasant, in many ways he reminded you of Diluc before your parent’s death. Before your big brother seemed to lose any sense of warmth within himself.  Though the similarities ended with an abrupt halt when you took in his tan honeyed skin, the inky blue curls of his hair and the mischievous glint in those eyes that seemed too probing for your liking.
But he was a stranger. Not a Ragvindr. 
Trust no one except for me get it? Diluc’s face is twisted in rage, lips pulled back in a snarl as you whimpered from the force of his strength when he pins your body against the wall. It was the first time you’d seen your normally passive brother this angry and the sight alone made your heart clench in fear. There was a crazed gleam in his eyes blown so dark until only a thin ring of crimson is visible as he towered over you like a menacing shadow, each shuddering breath from your brother’s frenzied shoulders wafting across your tear stained cheeks in warm puffs. Everyone out there is out to get you, unless they have Ragvindr as their last name, you’re not allowed to even look at them.  
“You should mind your own business.” You shoot back primly, trying to focus on the meal in front of you when he huffs out a throaty laugh. 
“Not so brave when your big brother isn’t around aren’t you?” He jabs again and you resist the urge to hurl your plate at him. 
“Do you follow every order from him? Like a good little puppet?” 
“Shut up,” You seethe, slamming your palm on the table and tearing yourself out of the seat and knocking the chairs backwards in a piercing screech. “I have no interest in being civil if you continue to insult my family like that.” 
Something in his eyes gleams wickedly as Kaeya lets out an amused laugh. “Calm down princess, I’m just taking a slight interest in your relationship with your brother.” 
“When was the last time you even stepped foot outside the mansion?” He asks with a tilt of his head. 
You can’t even remember. 
Taking your silence as defeat, Kaeya leans across the table to whisper conspiratorially. “Don’t you want to go outside?” He prompts, tapping his finger on the wooden surface. “I can bring you out if you’d like.” 
Against your better judgement there is a rising wave of curiosity that emerges at his invitation. 
“How would you get out without the staff noticing?” The question slips out of your mouth before you can stop it.
“Meet me at my room tonight-” 
“Ah,” Kaeya leans back into his chair, all traces of earlier mischievousness wiped away like a blank slate of paper and replaced with an air of languid grace. “The master of the house arrives.” 
Diluc frowns but remains silent, instead letting his gaze shift towards you. You can already feel the disapproval rolling off his body in waves when Kaeya shoots you a sly wink. 
“I’m done with breakfast.” You announce curtly, brushing past Diluc and ignoring Kaeya’s fixed gaze on your retreating back. “The two of you can enjoy breakfast together.” 
A large hand slides up your thigh, gliding from your ankles to the hem of your cotton shorts before curling to gently push your legs apart. 
“Diluc?” You blink groggily into the darkness, shifting to turn around on the bed to be met by a solid warmth that hits your cheek. “M’ sleepy.” You complain, trying to wriggle out of his arms when he draws you in closer against his broad chest. 
“Just once.” He huffs against the side of your ear, even through your hazy daze you can hear the dark yearning in his muffled voice but he doesn’t plead, never pleads.  
You could push him away, there’s no denying that Diluc holds a raw power over you the same way you do to him and you find yourself nodding as he slides thick, coarse fingers under your top until they are bunched above your tits. 
“No bra?” He asks, pulling at your nipples and you squirm a little at the touch. “I thought I told you to be more careful now that we have a guest sharing the same roof?” 
Who’s the one creeping into your bed now? You want to retort but the drowsy sleepiness still clinging to your lashes only allows you for a soft sorry as your pretty panties start to turn uncomfortably wet the longer Diluc worships your breasts. 
Growing impatient, you guide his fingers from your chest and underneath the waistband of your shorts. “Please,” You gasp, nuzzling into your big brother’s neck. “Wanna fuck you already.” 
He hums in response, bringing two heavy fingers to rub circles against the damp fabric of your panties as you arch forward in a silent desperate plea, feeling his small smile against your cheek when you pull him closer. 
“You’re soaked.” Diluc rasps in a low tone that makes your tummy smoulder, his darkened eyes running across your face and finally sliding his fingers into your soaked core. “Have you touched yourself these days?”
“No.” You whimper. No matter how many times he’d touched you, there’s still that electrifying spark of excitement and arousal that ignites within your heated body whenever Diluc lays his hands on you. “Been waiting for you.” 
Pressing his fingers into your clit, Diluc starts to stretch your hole as you let out a pathetic mewl, fingers digging into the hard planes of his shoulder. The wet press of something against your thigh forces you to crack your eyes open to see Diluc stroking his cock in tandem to the sinfully loud squelch of his skilled fingers in your cunt and it feels as if your cheeks are threatening to set on fire at how addictingly depraved this scene looks. 
“Diluc,” You press your palm over your mouth, trying to stifle the girlish moans in fear of alerting Kaeya who has his room just down the halfway. “Gonna cum soon.” He grunts in displeasure when your tiny voice is barely audible but makes no move to pry away your hand, instead focusing on the way the pads of his fingers are disappearing in your glossy slit. He’s so close that the long locks of his hair are tickling your inner thighs and the heat of his laboured breaths fanning across your pussy making you writhe in embarrassment. 
‘Keep your legs open.” The tone of his voice brokers no room for leniency. 
Another delicate press against your walls has your legs seizing up as your head falls back against the pillows when you cum, the walls of your pussy pulsing around his fingers. The area between your legs turns into a huge mess of arousal when Diluc slides his fingers out of your cunt and wraps those same wet digits around his cock to give it another few pumps. 
“You’re pretty when you cum.” A rare grin tugs his lips upwards as he guides his fat cock to your swollen clit. The weight of his hardened shaft gliding against your slick folds alone has you trembling with anticipation, even more so when he starts to push himself in little by little, making your mouth fall open in a silent ‘o’.
Excruciatingly slow, far too slow for your liking, Diluc finally nestles his cock in you as you mewl impatiently at the delirious burn- so big, so wide that you can feel your muddles brain going haywire. On days like these, it often feels as if he was deep enough to be felt in your throat. There is a brief moment of pause before he slides his cock out of your pulsating cunt until only the tip is left, making sure that every vein and ridge rubs against the sensitive walls of your pussy and the sudden void of emptiness makes you suck in a breath at what’s to come. 
“Hngh you’re tight fuck.” A sound tears its way out of Diluc’s throat that you think might be a low growl but you’re too out of it to fully focus anyway. His cock somehow manages to touch the deepest parts of your cunt so effortlessly that it makes your head spin. 
Big hands move under you and Diluc lifts both your legs over his shoulder with ease, shifting your hips upwards to his liking so that the new angle lets him hit even deeper until a murky ring of white coats the way his cock is splitting your tiny cunt open. 
You can feel yourself getting wetter each time Diluc slams his hips forward as if he was dying to bury himself in your cunt. “Diluc,” You breathe out into the tiny heated space between the two of you, unsure of what you’re even pleading for from your brother. “Diluc.” 
He almost falls forward at the sound of your strained voice, every instinct in him arching towards you even when you’re already safe in his arms. He could never get enough of you even if he wanted to. Say it again, he wanted to command, but kept his mouth shut. 
It makes his eyes snap to yours instantly, meeting your gaze through years of affectionate familiarity. Makes his grip on your thighs tighten to the point where a dull throb resonates where his fingers are digging into your skin and nearly drawing blood. Makes his cock throb inside your cunt as you whine to pull his rigid body down for a hungry kiss. 
The entire bed seems to lurch forward with every hard thrust that makes you come undone underneath him, breaking away from the kiss to leave sloppy trails of saliva over your chest. You’re so full to the point where every twitch of his veiny cock makes the heat coiling in your belly wind tighter. Diluc is quite literally folding you in half at this point, your ankles at his ears as he pounds another ferocious thrust into your soaking mess of a cunt. 
“You want me to cum inside?” He hisses, sweat dotting his forehead as your vision swims deliriously. “Want your big brother to fill you up don’t you?” Each pump of his cock making sure to catch that sweet spot inside of you that he just knew never failed to drive you off the edge. 
“Yes!” Your high voice is so needy and your greedy cunt sucking on his cock with equal vigour that it makes his pace falter just a tiny bit at the sensation. “Want you to fill me up please!” 
“Fuck,” One of his hands drops from your waist to rub wet messy circles on your clit, petting it gently before getting heavier and you shudder hard enough that Diluc groans at the way you tighten around him. “Go on then, be a good girl and come.” Another purposeful rub of his finger on your clit has your back arching upwards as your climax hits you so suddenly that your eyes roll to the back of your head. 
It feels like you’re about to shatter. Especially with how Diluc continues to graze across your clit and your entire body is shaking. It nearly makes him cum when your velvety insides squeezes his cock in desperate pulses as you reach your high. 
You come apart under him, not bothering to be quiet anymore until Diluc shoves two fingers into your mouth, pressing them to your tongue to stifle your cries. There is a deep groan when he cums after you, keeping your writhing hips still with a savage grip to keep your perfectly still as you clench down around him when a familiar molten rush fills your insides. 
“Gonna cum soon.” His voice gets a little raspier, a little darker. 
“Want your cum” You bob your head immediately, soft thighs closing weakly around his waist to lock him in. “Please.” As if he hadn’t already planned to cum inside of you anyway. Diluc gives you exactly what you want- like he always does. Jerky thrusts losing its rhythm when your pussy clamps around him as he floods your cunt with load after load of cum until you can feel the fluid trickle down your inner thighs. 
“You're made for me,” He hisses between his teeth, still giving your abused cunt a few shallow thrusts through his orgasm to pump his seed further. “Made to take my cum inside you. Mine.” 
It’s a mess that stains your inner thighs and expensive sheets when Diluc pulls out, strings of milky white clinging to the tip of his cock connected to your cunt. The image is almost enough to get him hard again, his adorable little sister looking at him with those glazed over eyes and her cunt stuffed full of his cum. A mess that he quickly cleans up by pushing his cum back into your cunt and giving you a stern glare when you try to shut your legs. 
“Don’t let it go to waste.” He instructs despite your feeble protests, sliding your panties back up again. 
Gently, Diluc yanks your shirt back to place whilst smoothing your hair back. “Go to sleep now.” He says, pulling your pliant body to fit against him sungly like two puzzle pieces attaching back into place. There’s something soft and precious about the way you look at him that makes his chest ache with love. You’re his, it’s a phrase that keeps him grounded and the same phrase that pushes him to his limit to make sure that you’re draped in the best luxuries the world can afford. His restraint reduced to a thin fraying thread when it comes to you. 
Hands, so much smoother and softer than his reach up to cup his face and your delicate fingers run through his hair to soothe down the mass of curls. “Love you.” You smile, kissing him on the side of the cheek with a content sigh, 
“You’re gonna stay right?” You whisper sleepily, your brain still buzzing in gentle vibrations from yoru post-orgasmic haze, further lulled on by his comforting warmth as your fingers instinctively fist into his shirt and he nods. 
A sharp ringing snaps through the peaceful bubble. Instantly, the warmth vanishes when Diluc pushes himself upright to grab his phone off the nightstand and you find yourself missing his presence already. 
Curiously, you lift your head from the blankets. The bright words flashing across his screen are unmistakable in the dimness - Jean. 
“Helllo,” Your brother answers the phone and there’s a faint response that you can’t catch before he’s leaving your shared bed, striding to the cupboard and discarding his t shirt for a freshly ironed button up.
“I’m heading over right now.” He says curtly, sliding on his silver watch and buttoning the last of his slacks. “I look forward to meeting you.” 
The last phrase makes your irritation bloom into something much uglier. “Sorry,” Diluc looks over after he hangs up the call, sliding his hair up with your hair tie to meet another woman. “I have to get to my office right now. An emergency came up.” 
“I’ll be back tomorrow, remember to take your medication.” He says, cracking the door open and the light from the hallway casts his long shadow over your bed. “Good night.” With that, the door clicks shut and nothing can quench the angry purples of jealousy that flares in your chest when darkness descends. 
The stinging hurt makes the back of your eyes water as you slide out of your bed. It’s not a surprise that the door is locked when you try the knob but living in the same house since birth has taught you a few tricks that you keep secret from your big brother. 
It takes a few tries, but the silver hairpin Diluc had gifted you for your 18th birthday does the work as it always does. The mechanics of the lock pried apart when you jiggle the hairpin until the knob gives away underneath metal. 
A bitter sense of determination seems to fuel your movements when you stalk down the hallway, he lied to you. What would he be doing with her this late at night? Why was she more important than you? Despite your best attempts, you can’t seem to halt the growing jealousy brewing like an unstoppable storm.
It was childish to be acting this way but what other way was there to get an edge over your mighty brother than taking up Kaeya’s offer?
The tense voices floating out from the guest room makes you soften your stomping gait and you rub the back of your hand across your eyes to quell the tears. Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry. The thought of Kaeya seizing this chance to further tease you was something that you’d like to avoid. 
It isn’t until you outstretched hand is about to push his room door open when the tense voices bleeds through the slightly cracked open door. 
“You have an interesting medical history don’t you.” Peering a little closer, Kaeya’s back is facing the door and you manage to catch the slightest hint of fiery red over his shoulder. Only one person in his house had hair that striking. 
“Stop with your wordplay and get straight to the point. I have a meeting to attend” Your brother’s voice is tense and low, a seething anger brimming in the undertone that sends fear creeping down your spine. The force of his words alone is enough to have your heart pounding uncomfortably. 
“I received a package from the hospital when I was out in the gardens, Zoloft, Paxil and Effexor? Those words sound familiar to you?” 
“They are for my sister, antidepressants that keep her nightmares at bay.” 
You aren’t exactly surprised at the names, though there were often times when you doubted their effectiveness. Seeing as to how you were still haunted by constant flashbacks that left you caged to the bed when a particularly bad one decides to strike. 
“But you haven’t been giving her the right doses have you?” 
You nearly fall backwards. What? 
Kaeya’s response has Diluc taking a hard step forward, the floorboards creaking under the weight of his foot. 
“The locks around this house are old,” Kaeya doesn’t flinch, instead pressing on with a grim tone. “Guess what I found when I stumbled upon your little cabinet beneath the stairs? Unopened boxes of the same drug from months, even years ago. What exactly have you been giving you precious little sister Diluc Ragvindr?” 
Kaeya returns Diluc’s glare with a gaze as frigid enough to rival the Northern winds. “You’ve been feeding her placebos haven’t you? As if keeping her locked in the house wasn’t enough, you decided to take away her drugs, leaving her weak and uncurable even by the best doctors the world has to offer. I saw through your stupid act the moment I heard the news. How much did you pay the staff to keep quiet? Or did you hold their families hostage?” 
“Diluc Ragvindr,” He sneers, “A psychopath billionaire that cages his sister. How many times did you force yourself on her?”
A sickly crunch fills the air when Diluc lunges forward, his fist connecting against the side of Kaeya’s face and you finally break. 
Your shrill scream fills the air at the sound and your knees give away, as if the weight of the sky was holding you down. The entire house seems to spin on its own axis when the door slams open so hard that it leaves a dent against the wall and you whimper, shying backwards when Diluc approaches you with wide desperate eyes. 
“Go away! GO AWAY!” You scream when he tries to scoop you into his embrace, “Don’t touch me!” There’s nothing but sheer panic in your lungs, the relenting chant to escape resounding in your brain until you feel like throwing up. Tears sting your eyes when Diluc tries to reach for you again until he’s yanked backwards by Kaeya. 
“Stay away from her you sick fuck,” He snarls, “Stay the fuck away from her, the police are on the way and you’re not gonna get away with this.”
“Let go of me.” Diluc doesn’t even flinch when Kaeya pins him down on the floor so hard that his head slams against the wooden floor with a wet thud. “She needs me. SHE NEEDS ME RIGHT NOW!” He roars, pushing against Kaeya’s restraining arm when your sobs continue to reach his ears. Every muscle in his body straining in a fog of murderous rage when Kaeya continues to keep him down with the weight of his body. He’ll kill Kaeya, kill his fucking father as well, kill anyone that sets a finger on your trembling figure curled up against the floor. You’ll understand after he explains, you’ll welcome him in your embrace again. 
With a pained grunt, Diluc manages to break free, already hurtling to you with shaky hands and shallow breaths. “I can explain, look at me, look at me please. I did it for you, to keep you safe in the house.” He pleads softly and your wet gaze drifts up to meet his despite the burning betrayal that feels as if it’s about to consume you whole. Your eyes widen, “You’re bleeding.” 
Even after he’d torn your heart in two, there was a part of you that nearly reaches towards him in an urge to wipe away the bleed matted across his forehead and tend to his wounds. You could feel his agony like your own, even if it was ripping your heart to pieces with each passing second. 
“You lied.” Your hushed, broken whisper makes him halt as Diluc kneels before your huddled body- the husk of a proud man diminished to a miserable fool at those two words.
 “You lied about everything.” 
Sometimes, it’s as if you could still feel the weight of his stare between your shoulders when you're crossing the street. Or the warmth of his presence behind your back when your in line to purchase groceries.
Breaking out of your daze, your son tugs on your pinkie with a toothy grin. “Can I pet the doggie?” He asks politely, crimson hair floating in the breeze and bright eyes gazing so earnestly that you can’t possibly say no. 
“Alright,” You hum, “Be careful okay? Mummy will stay here and make sure to be back by 6.” 
He trots off the moment you give him approval with a wide beam and you turn your gaze upwards to the clear sky. When was his release date again? Had it really been 15 years since Diluc’s sentence? 
Even miles away and with the stretch of time between the two of you there is still a stiff pang that throbs in your heart whenever the thought of him reaches your mind. 
Across the park, your son lets out a delighted squeal and you reach for your book. Blissfully unaware of the silhouette that looms just a few metres away. Maybe those sensations hadn’t entirely belonged to your imagination after all. 
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charmixpower · 2 years
Rewatching season 1 (and actually paying attention to Sky to figure out what the fuck everyone is talking about): Part 4
EP 16:
Icy what is that demented baby you just made?
Musa is sad :(, I'm taking this one comment as more of a joke than an actual barb
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Flora's face I'm screaming
Tecna and Flora know tf is up
Ok it's fart less creepy now that's it's evolved
Musa sees her mother in her dream then calls out for Riven?? Did she see him too?
Tecna being lost in the Internet/too much data makes so much sense if her magic doesn't function properly bc it's synthetic. Ignore me and my headcanons
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The Flora Stan's are winning in this ep
Stella: Maybe Musa can cheer you up! I don't feel so good right now
Bloom: but Stella, at least you know who your parents are
Stella: Yeah, I know who they are, but they don't care much about me. The king and queen of Solaria! But princess Stella? Brought up like a perfect stranger
Everyone: *reacts rightfully horrified*
Stella, realizing she accidentally admitted a negative emotions: Hey! Why all the long faces? I'm way over by now
If she was brought up like a perfect stranger that sorta implies that she was raised by strangers, like a revolving door of maids that never stuck around long enough for her to form a connection one
That explains literally all of her attention seeking behaviors, and her tendancy to quickly form intense relationships (one day and she was already ride or die for Bloom)
With the way ONLY her dad shows up to her princess ball, Luna is probably FAR more neglectful than Radius
Stella: the only time they seem to notice me is when I bring home a bad report card
This might be more about Luna than Radius, because he at least shows up to important milestones in her life. He's not good at being there for Stella but he's at least physically present
Stella: so now I get to dream about my parents *shiver*
Bloom: oh poor Stella *laughter*
Odd reaction but this show has never taken Stella's neglect seriously so expected
Flora did her final on this she really should of been able to save her by now
Why the fuck aren't they screaming in terror???? This thing is fucking horrifying
Flora doesn't wanna leave her gf
Musa's powers have a disco theme
She dresses hip-hop, she sings pop, her focus instrument is classical, and her attacks are disco
Musa is a woman of many talents
Icy: I don't know by the looks of things I think you could still beat us, even if your all split up
Is she being sarcastic?? Or sincere??
Good middle of the night Faragona, thank you for FINALLY doing something about these murderous bitches
I love how the whole school is out here sksjfjsn Musa woke them all up
Musa: hi Kiko.... I don't even know what to say except your such a good bunny
I'm crying 💗💓💞💓💘💓💞💓💝💓
Stormy: at least the weather is kinda nice tonight
It's always raining on Stormy's planet, confirmed
"thanks to you I just had the humiliation of being scolded by Griselda"
Shut up, I'm taking custody of Griselda from the writers, she's getting a character arc
I wonder where the Trix are gonna like....live from now??
EP 17:
The RF music played and I looked up expecting to see Riven doing something stupid.....that's what the RF theme means to me oml
These mfs are just beating the fuck out of eachother. I mean yeah?? But it's really funny
...d-dragons... You think??? You think because Bloom = Dragon, but not just any Dragon. Dragon god. That she can just??? Control them??????
They're having an exhibition....for their first and second years?????? Shouldn't this be for third and fourth years only?
Well maybe first and second years are excluded, and third, fourth, and fifth can go???? 5 year highschool??
Stella: I completely trust our fairy flower child!
If she's letting Flora fuck with her hair then yes she does
"When it comes to your emotions Bloom, your an open book!"
Stella 🤝 Kiko
Call him dammit
If Sky gets replaced with Darcy in CT, he'd still need to be there in CT for the plot to work. Darcy only being able to slide in for the big moment
Still Sky would be confused as fuck
"Simple, their evil they get a kick out of hunting other people."
Propaganda!! Prop-Propaganda!!~
(I love that song)
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Oh my god shit dick actually does have a picture of Dia in his room while he's talking to Bloom fkwbdnsjdns
Someone needs a redemption arc!
*re-tools s2 to be about Skloom ""drama"" (not the dumb and nonsensical kind) about him being a cheater trying to redeem himself*
Tbh I'm thinking that Riven and Musa don't go home for the summer so they have time to bond during those months, so I can move them getting together in s2 earlier than the season finale....and move Skloom back from the s1 finale to slightly before the s2 finale??? Bc trust isn't fixed that easily!!! You have to build it up as a friend first!! Then we can think about romance!!!
("what about the trust between Riven and Musa?" You might ask. Darcy is a lot more low key, so Musa never ends up chased and nearly murdered while evil!Riven doesn't do shit lol. That and Musa was one of the few people who realized that Riven wasn't acting like himself...she knew)
All of this while Stella and Brandon get back together at the s1 finale and just watch the shit show.... Brandon being a certified Sky apologist every now and then
Wait a fucking second, if Timmy knows about Dia he probably knows that Sky and Brandon swapped— TIMMY FUCKING KNEW THE WHOLE TIME?!
"about the girl that I've got to marry, I don't want to, I love Bloom!"
Honestly with the way that Sky dislikes Riven for being a dick to the people around him, and the way he grates against his parents, it absolutely isn't surprising that he doesn't like Diaspro who is 80% classism by volume
He feelings are definitely a little more complicated because they were literally raised together, and that level of having to rely on someone would mix things up, but this isn't surprising
The big problem is being a fucking coward that doesn't want to take responsibility for the bad things he does
Timmy: how about open and honest communication?
Sky: fake my own death, got it
Riven....heard....them talking....and THIS HE DIDN'T SNITCH TO DARCY ABOUT???
Oh my god Riven is such an ineffectual villain it's actually hilarious
Riven lying here like he didn't have a crush on Bloom for the first half of s1....ok
LMAO, several things:
1) Riven is so obviously lying it hurts. Like, Darcy has attempted to kill Bloom and they *go to different schools. Darcy don't know shit about Bloom
2) Riven has been around Bloom before. He knows this is dumb, he's well aware that no one who's meet Bloom before would believe this bullshit
3) Sky is well aware that Riven has a grudge against him and Bloom, and that everything he says will be heavily biased
4) Sky takes this shit PERSONALLY
Riven is terrible at coming up with real things to insult people over, and Sky doesn't understand the concept of not feeding trolls. This amazing
Imagine getting your ass beat by some one that believes in trickle down economics, I would never emotionally recover
Brandon literally dragging Sky off of Riven...... "Dude, we can't get another fuckin mark on our transcript—"
Brandon checking on Sky and Riven 👀
He's such a good guy, but also Brandon will see the most pathetic asshole in the room, sigh, and start dragging them to a better life while working on his apologetics
I'm not wrong!!!!
He does if for Riven both in the beginning of s1 and in s2, and he's always doing it for Sky
Brandon is one of those people who likes poor little meow meows
"you know after you've started dating Darcy, that woman that's attempted to murder us and Bloom multiple times, you've become a real pain"
Oh my god, Brandon is trying to convince Riven he's being manipulated and used... He's the only one here with a fucking brain. Brandon once again up for the "only man ever" award
Ok...points to Griffin for mastering the art of passive aggression, unfortunately Faragona is immune
Bloom is so...idk the word for it, but how adamant she is about breaking and entering is weird
The girls are like, fine, well help you break and enter
3d animation nfnendnsns ah
I know Erendor is supposed to be taller than Samara, but that's objectively wrong. Samara IS much taller than her manlit of a husband
I can't explain, she has the vibes of a tall person, and he has the ones of a short person
Diaspro looks like she's talking to that hologram of Sky...like a phone call. That's definitely unintentional
Dia is so fucking pretty, like goddamn, she's pretty
"And I absolutely forbid you form looking at my boyfriend."
Ok....excuse me Diaspro but wasnt the whole point that Sky and Brandon were told to switch identities because assassin??? We're you not informed of this??? Are you not putting his life in jeopardy by walking around with a picture of Sky and openly calling him your boyfriend???? Do you just not care??? None of this makes any sense love ❤️
"Honey? Are you listening to me?" UM. FUCKING WHAT??
Are you telling me that Sky put it on mute and stood stock still so Bloom would assume he was just a picture??? AND IT WORKED?????
I had to take a break to stop laughing oh my fucking god these idiots
Bloom: Sky is a cheater?
Bloom: no! It's Darcy
I just—does Bloom not see her walking with royalty and official guards? Darcy would have to try REALLY HARD, to trick them. Just saying
Stella bragging about Brandon to the annoyance of Musa and Tecna my beloved
"There the richest royals in the whole dimension!"
Eraklyon is space Britain/Usa confirmed, with all the baggage that comes with that
"I still don't know if your heart beats more for your good looking prince, or the cash he's got"
Musa taking offense, for obvious (and kinda rightful) reasons
"Beauty is wasted If not surrounded by beautiful things!"
She take my money~ when I'm in neeeddd~
Diaspro is so fucking pretty I cannot get over how pretty she is, like goddamn
Diaspro just believes this random ass girl.....ok
God Dia looks good as hell with her cape
Fuck I'm sorry, I cannot shut up about how pretty she is
Why do one of the guards get to sit down
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Bloom just knocks this man tf out
......Bloom is so steadfast in her convictions. Low self esteem in herself but a lot of confidence in her actions
Oh my god Dia is so classicist, she does need a good fight but not like this girlie, please
Timmy: please don't kill eachother in front of the audience
The dragons in this show never look how you expect dragons to look. Bitch that is a hydra with one head, I cannot explain
Why are they color coded
Omg I love my girls they're so fucking nosey. They won't even fly up do they can each see at once
Diaspro's transformation is very low key compared to her personality
She's looks so angry with this beautiful music, they don't understand Dia at all
Bloom: you know when Darcy transformed into Stella she couldn't change the color of her magic and she couldn't transformation
Bloom, watching Dia transform: obviously she just got better at it
Wouldn't it be fucked up if Bloom realized in that moment they Dia was, quite obviously, not Darcy but whoops now Dia is pissed and wants blood
Diaspro said FUCK MAGIC, ran up to Bloom and fucking grabbed her omg I love it here
Actually this spell Diaspro is using looks a lot like how Darcy kept Stella constrained......and Dia's magic seems to be purple. That would explain why Bloom doesn't realize
Ok but Diaspro is really not keeping this lie up at all
I think Dia's transformation is a little too close to her civilian form... Slight redesign might be necessary
Shouldn't the king and Queen be looking for Dia at this point
This is the only episode that understands that Sky and Riven are as petty as eachother
Riven says fuck it, imma get expelled. Ok this has got to be Darcy poking at him
These Dragons are like robots with Wii motion controls, I'm laughing incessantly
How the fuck did Dia and Bloom make it under the fucking arena????? Did they go down the stairs?? I'm crying
Riven: oh fuck yeah, a distraction
Sky: oh fuck no, the consequences of my actions
It looks like Dia has the twin ponytails that Musa has in her s4 fruity music bar look
"Goodness! This girl is nuts"
Tru, in all fairness, your also nuts
Brandon, watching this: ohhhhh, Sky is fucked
Sky is just standing there slack jawed as everything goes to shit is really funny
Diaspro really doesn't know that Sky and Brandon switched names?????? Did no one fucking tell her???? What the fuck is going on????
Sky walks past Dia and she looks so fucking upset, omg
Bloom just kinda collapses...
*Picks up Sky and shakes him around* I have a new pet meow meow, I can't believe there was another one right in front of my eyes and I never noticed
I stg the show says that it was the king and queen that set up the name change, but no one in this episode gives a flying fuck about keeping the ruse up
Brandon: you see what I mean when I say that your stupid shit gets ME in hot water
Riven probably has popcorn at this point
Stella is MADDDDD
Bro she's fucking growling
Bloom gets sad but Stella gets angry
Idk why s4 thinks Stella is slow to fight or doesn't get pissed. Yes she prefers to hide her negative emotions behind laugher and joy, but girl does anger hard when she feels like it
What do you mean when Sky needed help? You mean the Riven bullshit?
Brandon forgets that not everyone knows that Riven is pretty harmless
Stella: sooooo~ who's going to help me plan murder~
Musa: me!!! Me!!!!
Tecna: I already have a place to hide the bodies
Flora: no silly, let's just feed them to my plants 💚
EP 18:
"the one sure thing in her life wasn't real"
Don't fucking diss Stella like that
You think Stella has a revenge dress? Like?? It's fashion and spiteful. Not on the level of like what spawned the concept, but Stella would absolutely use clothes to make a point
It can be only boy shit that making her leave, probably the public embarrassment too
Stella is so angry on Bloom's behalf
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Stella is either sad AF or angry AF and there is no in-between
Bloom wouldn't give up her dream that easily, but she'd absolutely make a split second decision to run away
I think transforming and magic in general has to take fuck ton of energy, bc that's the only reason these characters avoid it so hard. I need to see them losing magic in the middle of a fight to properly sell it tho
I can't believe she'd give up her friends over some fuck ass boy
"You've made your choice and we respect your decision" everyone shut the fuck up I love Mike so goddamn much, he's a fucking dad y'all
Bloom should totally set her on fire
Bloom dress landscapes!!!!
Fragona acting like it's everyone's personal business what Bloom does. Like I know that she knows that Bloom is the main character, but no one else does bestie
Stella: then I'm going to bring her back!
Icy: she doesn't belong at Alfea, but she doesn't belong here either
Icy explaining the Domino plot before it even happens
Bloom channeling her inner chaos gremlin
The Trix attacked her parents. God this has got to be in the top ten most traumatizing things that has happened to Bloom. Period. End stament.
At this point, Bloom should be able to EASILY take Knut. Oh she did... Why didn't the Trix expect that
Do you think the earth people notice this?
That has got to be Darcy's powers....the vortex her parents are thrown into
Icy explaining everything...and for what? Actually, I think Icy just likes monologuing. She loves that energy
You know? After emotionally torturing her and nearly killing her parents....then repeatedly attacking her while she's down. I don't think any other villain would even approach the level of hatred and fear Bloom feels for the Trix in this moment. I think Valtor would come the closest (blinding Aisha for the fear, killing Daphne for the hatred), but it would be a little damped because that's the third time something like this has happened and this is the first so it would be more raw
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Holy shit Bloom has been beaten unconscious and Icy is fucking grabbing at her, this is so creepy (but like in a good way that brings me into the story)
Icy is definitely a little obessed with Bloom and that makes their nemesis status so much scarier. Imagine the person that nearly killed you and your parents being obsessed with you???
Valtor's terrifying stalker connection with Bloom has nothing on Icy's obsession
Bloom goes though the batter with a new stalker every year in s1-3
Hyper empathy is annoying bc a children's show with the worlds worst writing will make me start crying
I cannot help myself!!! What the Trix (esp Icy) is doing to Bloom is just so awful, I need Bloom to get a hug stat
Ahhhh this is such good villain writing, I love the Trix as villains rn, and I also want to see Bloom get bloody revenge
Ok but Bloom having her powers physically ripped out her body must of been so painful
Top 5 most traumatizing days for Bloom right here
Bloomy ;-;
Ok but I am genuinely crying and it is very annoying, why am I like thisssss
EP 19:
They only took part of Bloom's power right? Bc Bloom can get back into Alfea
I love it when Flora has grumpy faces
Grisleda mind your fucking business
🥺 Grisleda being naturally scary but not intending to scare the girls 🥺🥺🥺 she made Bloom tea
This is the only version of Griselda, I have a character arc planned
Fragona: no I know
The LOOK Girselda gives Faragona when she admits that she's been a fucking lying liar to Bloom is impeccable
Grisleda is NOT impressed
Bloom is actually going to attack Fragona and I'm p sure Grisleda would let her
Faragona: OHHHHH, I've done fucked up
Fixing Griffins personality so she's an adult has to be one the first things I do jfc
Stormy is so fucking over board with her attacks. She's such an amazing villain, out of all of them she's the one I love to watch/hate the most. I root for her defeat and have fun watching her have fun and the same time
Wait if Stormy = chaotic evil
Then does?
Icy = lawful evil
Darcy = neutral evil
Icy = neutral evil
Darcy = lawful evil
I lean more towards the first one
Stormy is truly the best pure evil villain in this show. Icy is better for plot reasons, but Stormy's fun is just so contagious it's just fun to watch her
Griffin flinched away from the Trix after they threatened her students......Grisleda would never, anyways
Darcy is the one taking care of the army of decay....ok but what if Griffin is telling the truth, no one CAN control the army. It ends up controlling you. The Trix are blinded by hubris or something, and they were defeated before this could happen to them
Faragona: instead of sending a magic camera to CT, let's just wait
Sky repeatedly calling Bloom.....
It's dedicated at least, he could learn to read the room tho
Tbh the show should of leaned into the Sky Riven rivalry to highlight how similar they are before the cheating this as like a little early warning system
Doesn't Riven know that the Trix have been kicked out
Riven is so loud, and agressive, motherfucker they have magic. Lighting hurts. Cool your jets
Riven: Attacking and nearly killing people is fine, but I draw the line at sitting on a teacher's desk
I think this is the only time Stormy does the nail slice thing and it's on Riven....they had to be some kind of friends while Riven was unaware
"you were fundamental to our success!" He was?
Did Darcy literally summon him here just so they could mock him and throw him into a dungeon??
Riven really thinks he can fight someone with magic
I'd decribe Darcy more as a spider than a snake
Disbursal magic like Musa's wouldn't be that effective, but incineration like Bloom and Stella would be
But, they'd have to be separated before they could be incinerated
That is all
Oh god thoese things are covering the school quickly..... They're not big enough to really hurt yet but that must be terrifying for the freshmen
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Those fuckers definitely nearly killed someone, hopefully everyone could transform :(
"I'll teach you that next year" ok but Palladium my beloved????
Cutting them apart should not do much of anything. You'd need to disintegrate the smaller ones
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Her hair
How the fuck with Diaspro know that shit is going down at RF? If she does, them why aren't more planets reacting to this??? You'd think Solaria, and more, would send people to save their princes and princesses??? Right???
Was Dia just sticking around after everything to demand answers from Sky?
Dia really said "don't be silly, your a prince. Let these peasants fight for you!" Like she doesn't live in the magical dimension
Diaspro just glares and leaves hmm
Anyways why isn't the whole magical dimension reacting to this? The Trix must of done something to outer planet communication right?
They'd probably attack the magical cell towers and electricity plants to stop people from escaping
Teleportation is a high level skill and they're had to be a military on magix's but they're probably more concerned with saving the city that the Trix are also attacking than the schools
Unless the Trix isolate the magical schools???
EP 20:
They should really plan to consolidate troops
Knut: this is no place for us anymore
.....and what, pray tell, made you finally realize that?
Darcy would absolutely treat the army of bugs like her children
Why is Fragona not addressing the whole school?
"and that makes them utterly invincible!"
Bloom defeats Icy with only her magic Winx. She gets Enchantix later. Icy technically isn't that strong rn
This could be adequately addressed by each of the Trix needing multiple people to take them done (one taking on the full Winx club + Griselda, one being taken on by Griffin + Faragona + Saladin, ect) something like that
Fragonda is just guessing at this point
Important question, but why aren't they consolidating power between schools? RF and Alfea should be moving together rn
Bloom must be having an emotional moment here on Domino
Bloom hugging Tecna, "oh Tecna your so great", we love it
Are the Trix fucking with the girls on Domino??
Knut...how are you just realizing this
These schools have barely any students, these are some tiny ass schools
My favorite part about Winx is that it's actually hard to do spot the main character bc all of the background characters look weird as fuck too
Brandon looks a bit like an extra compared to most of these guys
Why doesn't Knut work at RF if that was the first place he thought to go
Why didn't they bring out the dragons sooner....why were the dragons just left in there
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Icy made a ice dragon....dragon fire maybe doesn't inherently mean fire powers?
These girls will do anything before transformation
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omg little heart shapes!!!!
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koo-zy · 3 years
hello! do you have any fantasy/historical jungkook x reader fic recs ?
hello lovely!! i’m so sorry i missed this yesterday :( i was actually planning on reorganizing my tumblr because i feel like no fics are ever going to be able to be found my blog LOL so hopefully that’ll be done soon!!
as for the fantasy/historical fics.. i’m honestly not too sure what “fantasy” (do demons count..? soulmates..? werewolves????) typically includes so i’m just going to include a bunch of fics that hopefully fit in :”) here are the first ones that i thought of + summaries included in their main posts!
also.. i’m sure i missed a lot of amazing fics (mainly because i’m dumb as hell and don’t really know what can be included in “fantasy”) and would like to apologize in advance!! 
@inktae ’s entire masterlist (they have a lot of fantasy fics!)
while this isn’t just jungkook recs, @ficswithluv had a fantasy category a few weeks ago!
@kpopfanfictrash ‘s jungkook masterlist
@fortunexkookie ‘s jungkook masterlist
one shots!
énouement - @littlemisskookie Mulan!AU
War is Hell, but it’s what you had to do to take your brother’s place. Of course, between the days of Hell are little slices of Heaven you’d call your Captain, Jeon Jungkook.
midas - @gukyi 
jeon jungkook was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and the power to turn whatever he wants into pure gold. you were born with healing and invisibility powers but without a cent to your name. so when you’re plucked off of the streets for pickpocketing and assigned to be his minder as punishment, you realize you’re going to have to overcome a lot more than class differences if either of you are going to get what you want.
i will not lose! - @jimlingss Magic!AU
A single bet - use every means to make Jeon Jungkook fall in love with you.
a piece of the moonlight - @/jimlingss Mulan!AU
For your loved ones, the people who are waiting at home, the people who have died - you will fight. And sometimes to fight means to sacrifice: who you really are and the person you really love.
dynasty - @/jimlingss Historical!AU
It’s no secret that the Emperor is infertile. But even so, a girl is selected every three months and brought to become his concubine in hopes of conceiving the next heir. This time, it’s you. And in order to prevent execution, Jeon Jungkook might just aid you in conception.
game of temptation ft. knj, myg, kth - @/jimlingss Succubus!AU 
As a succubus, your beauty is unrivaled and shaped to tempt mortals. But it’s still hard to resist Taehyung, and there’s little you can do once you’ve been coerced to do his bidding for him. This time, you find yourself entering the affluent Kim Household as a housemaid. And these poor humans don’t know your intentions are far from being angelic.
knot today - @kinktae
When your first heat approaches and you are left partnerless, who better to turn to than your alpha roommate that you’ve spent the better half of your life hiding your feelings for?
ego - @luxekook Harry Potter!AU
(..i also don’t know if HP counts LOL)
in which jeongguk is a cocky lil shit and the reader has to take him down a few pegs
stumbling - @hayjeon Prince!AU
an ask in their inbox regarding the prompt: hii! so the royal wedding of prince harry and meghan is today, and since my bias is JK and since i’m such a sucker for royal stuff, can i reuest a fic of bts all being royal of 7 different kingdom, and all of them being invited to jin’s wedding and the girl (oc) is also invited and kookie met her there, and eventually took an interest at her? the girl is also royalty from other kingdom. thanks!
werewolf!jungkook - @/hayjeon
an ask in their inbox regarding the prompt: Werewolf!jk? (im sorry ik it’s overused and unoriginal) where he and his mate have pups to take care of and they’re quite a mischievous bunch!
there for you - @cupofteaguk Hogwarts!AU
Jungkook is always known for doing things unapologetically, and it makes sense given how almost nothing gets under his skin—almost nothing, but maybe there’s an exception that takes a form of a muggleborn with the shy smile and quirky spells.
say you won’t let go - @/cupofteaguk Soulmates!AU
You’ve been eighteen years old for ten years when Jungkook first moves in 
new romantics - @/cupofteaguk Hogwarts!AU
Jeon Jungkook will go down in history as one of the best Quidditch players that ever graced the Hogwarts scene. It seems like he always gets what he wants—his life is very predictable in that sense. What he cannot predict, however, is the newest weekend employee wiping down the tables at the Three Broomsticks.
a cinderella story - @suhdays Modern Cinderella!AU
you are forced to work multiple jobs as you live under your stepmothers roof. unable to move out and strive for complete independence, you do what you can in order save enough. turns out, as a college student that is harder than you thought. so, you distract yourself by joining online chat groups in which you meet a boy that goes to your school. that boy? none other than the rugby star himself, jeon jeongguk. it doesn’t prove to be an issue until he asks to meet you at an upcoming halloween party. he’s never noticed you before so why not hide yourself in order to live your dreams, if only for a moment?
explorer - @1kook Alien!AU
Jungkook does not want to impress the frankly tyrannical ways of his planet on you. He just wants to stay here and keep your couch warm for you, hold your hair back when you wash your face in the morning.
rottenfolk - @junqkook Faerie!AU
a look was as hazardous as chemicals, a kiss as perilous as poison; his eyes and lips felt akin to a cure, but he was purely venom.
the young wolf - @/junqkook Game of Thrones!AU
he was promised to another, meant for another to hold and to love and to kiss. but when his hand lingered on yours for a moment too long to be proper, and when his eyes held yours for a beat too long to be a passing glance, you allowed desire to creep into your veins, to take root inside your heart. perhaps before you might have been permitted to love him freely. perhaps he might have even been promised to you instead. but war was no place for the wants and desires of two people, no matter how much they yearned for it to be.
the lighthouse - @rubycoast S2L!AU
(im not too sure if this is considered fantasy but its one of my favs!)
you and jungkook had one thing in common: you were both lost souls stagnant in the search of some fulfillment. the one of many differences was that your story had been written on your sleeves, while jungkook’s was a story needed to be unriddled.
black magic - @hansolmates​ Magic Uni!AU
a witch with an ambition for learning, you stumble across a crushing spell in the middle of the forbidden section. of course you have to try it out! what happens when the crushing spell not only has jeon jungkook crushing on you, but you crushing on him?
the sea & the storm - @jamaisjoons Fantasy!AU
the sea is a powerful mistress. she is calm and beautiful. she is mysterious and alluring. she is a force to be reckoned with. above all, however, she is lonely. until she meets him. fantasy au.
the lionheart’s oath - @sugaxjpg Knight & Princess!AU
There was no happy ending, no dragon slayer to save the kingdom and get the princess — there was only him: Jungkook. A simple orphan that was lucky enough to be invited into the castle, a former homeless thief that had found shelter in the form of an elysian heir. Now, after twelve years by your side, he was about to lose you to the world you sought to explore.
ghosts just wanna have fun - @/sugaxjpg Psychic & MedSchool!AU
When Jungkook discovered that he could communicate with dead people, the last thing he expected was that they would be there to give him romantic advice.
wartime child - @ktheist Wizard!AU
raising a baby in wartime isn’t easy. but when your baby starts showing signs of magical abilities, you’re forced to ring up the only other person you know he takes after: jeon jungkook.
birth of an empress - @/ktheist Dragon Slayer!AU
partners for three years and friends for longer, jungkook thought you’d remain so until he saw you with the knight at the merchant’s trade.
alternatively, the friendly neighborhood wizard trying to propose to the infamous dragon slayer in the middle of slaying a dragon? now, that’s classic.
series/two shots!
fear in your eyes - @/gukyi Werewolf!AU
(again, idk if werewolves count but hifksdjcx !!!!)
there’s a werewolf in that forest behind your house, they told you, and he’ll eat you before you can even beg for mercy. 
the worshiper series - @/jimlingss 
Long ago, there were gods who resided in Heaven -- existing to watch over and protect the universe. Each of them had their own flaws, trials and tribulations; some which were more sparing than others, but these are their stories...
a promise of freedom - @/jimlingss Wartime!AU
War is cruel and its inhumanity has not spared you. Captured by the enemy, you were brought to the front lines to heal their wounded. But after one night of saving a particular man’s life, he swears to fulfill any wish of yours.
one year, my love - @/hayjeon Historical!AU
You forge a marriage contract with the strangely speaking man who suddenly stumbled into your town with memory loss, but little do you know that he’s actually the lost Crown Prince, and a lot can happen between a married man and woman in one year.
demigod!au drabbles - @/hayjeon
an ask in their inbox regarding the prompt: i have a supernatural au prompt! how bout daughter of hades/loner!reader and son of zeus/bully! jungkook?
into the woods - @/junqkook Goblin!AU
getting hurt and stumbling upon a goblin in the forest leaves you completely at his mercy, though you aren’t sure if that’s necessarily a bad thing.
lionheart - @/junqkook Magic!AU
as a sorcerer, it is of the utmost importance that you keep your magic a secret from everyone. when you become prince jungkook’s servant, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep your identity hidden; especially when you fall in love with him.
a royal exchange - @/hansolmates
she’s the man!au where the princess impersonates her brother yoongi in order to finish his degree on time while yoongi is thrusted into princely duties. jeongguk is in the mess purely through room arrangement
knight!jungkook x princess!reader - @/ktheist
a series with 27 parts!
that’s all i can think of off the top of my head right now :(( not gonna lie, half of these probably don’t even fit into either of those categories and i know there are so so so many amazing fantasy/historical fics out there!! i wish i knew them all but i hope this helped a little bit! if anyone has any fic they’d like to rec, feel free to send it to meee :)
and finallyyyyy i leave my following page open for viewing as well so you can check out all of the authors i follow!! please show all of these authors (and many more) some love! <3
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addictedtomanga · 4 years
Classic shoujo mangas
1.       Skip Beat – ongoing
Sixteen-year-old Kyouko Mogami followed her childhood friend and love interest Shoutarou "Shou" Fuwa to Tokyo to support him while he works toward his dream of becoming a top idol in the entertainment industry. But after finding out that Shou considers her as little more than a mere housekeeper, she swears to enact revenge by entering the entertainment industry herself and beating him at his own game!
However, Kyouko's revenge plan suffers a setback almost immediately when she is rejected by the talent agency of her choice. Fortunately, the president of the agency gives her a second chance, and places her in the newly made "Love Me" section. Kyouko then begins her long journey to stardom, cultivating her skills as an actress and forming relationships with new friends along the way.
! I always loved this one, but it has really REALLY slow-pacing, and its ongoing, so if you haven’t started it yet, I’d wait ‘til it’s done.
2.       Ouran High School Host Club
At Ouran High School, an academy where only the children of the rich and powerful attend, there exists a club consisting of the most elite of the student body: the legendary Host Club. Within the club's room, six beautiful, bored boys spend their time entertaining equally beautiful and bored girls.
Haruhi Fujioka, a poor scholarship student, has no interest in the Host Club—until she breaks a valuable vase in their clubroom. After being mistaken for a boy, Haruhi is forced by Kyouya Ootori to work for the Host Club to repay her debt. Tamaki Suou, the princely leader of the club, eagerly takes her under his wing to teach her the ways of the host. Things, however, are never quite so simple with the Host Club around. Even the most mundane events can turn into huge spectacles with the likes of prankster twins Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin, stoic Takashi Morinozuka, and sweet Mitsukuni "Hunny" Haninozuka. The crazy adventures of the Host Club are just beginning, and Haruhi must learn how to survive in the glitzy world of the hosts.
3.       Kimi ni Todoke
Kuronuma Sawako is completely misunderstood by her classmates. Her timid and sweet demeanor is often mistaken for malicious behavior. This is due to her resemblance to the ghost girl from "The Ring," which has led her peers to give her the nickname Sadako. Longing to make friends and live a normal life, she is naturally drawn to Kazehaya Shouta, the most popular guy in class, whose "100% refreshing" personality earns him great admiration from Sawako. So when Kazehaya starts talking to her, maybe there is hope for the friendships Sawako has always longed for. Maybe...there is even a little hope for some romance in her future.
! A bit too long in my opinion, but its sweet.
4.       Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge
It's a gorgeous, spacious mansion, and four handsome, fifteen-year-old friends are allowed to live in it for free! There's only one condition—that within three years the guys must transform the owner's wallflower niece into a lady befitting the palace in which they all live! How hard can it be?
Enter Sunako Nakahara, the agoraphobic, horror-movie-loving, pockmark-faced, frizzy-haired, fashion-illiterate recluse who tends to break into explosive nosebleeds whenever she sees anyone attractive. This project is going to take more than our four heroes ever expected: it needs a miracle!
! This is super frustrating. I loved everything, except for the ending. Honestly, I don’t recommend reading it with great expectations, just enjoy the story. 
5.       Dengeki Daisy
Teru Kurebayashi is left all alone in the world after the death of her brother, Souichirou. Well, all alone except for "Daisy," someone that she can always talk to and who never hesitates to cheer her up. However, Teru has never met Daisy, she has no idea what he looks like, and her only means of contacting him is through a cell phone that her brother left for her.
In stark contrast to the kind words and encouragement Teru receives from Daisy, she gets nothing but grief from the rude school janitor, Tasuku Kurosaki, who forced Teru to work for him after she accidentally broke a window. But while Kurosaki seems like a lazy good-for-nothing who only enjoys making her miserable, is there more to him than meets the eye?
6.       Kaichou wa Maid-sama
Seika High School was an all-boys school, but it has since turned co-ed. Misaki Ayuzawa is the first female student council president of the school, eventually earning the nickname of the "Demon President" due to her mastery of Aikido and imposed iron rule.
However, Misaki harbors an embarrassing secret—she has to work at a maid café to support her family. If anybody from her school was to find out, her reputation would be utterly destroyed. And after Takumi Usui—the most popular boy at school—discovers her secret, that might just happen.
7.       Special A
Have you ever known someone who was better than you at everything you did? Hikari does. She's known Kei since they were both six years old and he's surpassed her at everything. Now they are the top two students in an extremely prestigious high school, with Kei holding firmly to that number one position, and Hikari is still determined to beat him, no matter what it takes.
8.       Black Bird
Misao Harada has been able to see demons since she was a child and has vague memories of a boy who protected her from these troublesome creatures, vowing to come back for her someday. Now in high school, Misao wishes she could be normal and have a boyfriend. As she returns home one day, she notices a gorgeous stranger has moved in next door. To her surprise, he introduces himself as Kyou, her long-lost childhood friend and first love.
The next day, on her 16th birthday, Misao is suddenly wounded by a classmate. Exposed as a demon, he plans to eat her in order to gain eternal youth. When all hope seems lost, Kyou saves her, revealing himself as the leader of a Tengu clan. Since making Misao his bride will bring prosperity to his clan, he offers her a choice: sleep with him and become his bride, or endure more attacks from other demons drawn to the power of her blood.
! A bit dramatic to my taste, but overall I really liked it
9.     Last Game
Nothing is beyond Naoto Yanagi, heir to the Yanagi business conglomerate. Idolized for his athletic and intellectual competence, looks and wealth, Naoto lived like a king during his elementary school days—then entered Mikoto Kujou, a plain, gloomy-looking transfer student.
Due to her low financial status, Naoto was initially apathetic towards Mikoto. But despite having just arrived at his school, she completely eclipsed him in everything by consistently scoring top marks in exams and placing first in athletic events. After a brief confrontation with her that left him shocked, Naoto vowed to outdo her no matter the cost.
Ten years later, they are now students attending the same college. Having failed to defeat Mikoto throughout middle and high school, Naoto decides they will have one last game: if he can make Mikoto fall in love with him and then break her heart, it will be his victory. However, he finds himself falling in love with her instead...
! One of my favorites! 
I love this one, but beware, its slow-paced
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cherriesradio · 3 years
How MHA comforts your kid after a nightmare.
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With Bakugo, Deku, and Todorki (Gn!reader)
Warnings: mentions of past abuse
Word Count: 1,863
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Info on kids: (take in I got the names off a random website so tell me if it’s offensive)
Bakugo - Daughter, Named Ena, 6 years old
Deku - Twins, Girl: Fumiko, 10 years old, Boy: Akio, 5 years old
Todoroki - Son, Kento, 7 years old
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He had been staying late for work, a habit he had been trying to stop for a while now. At least this time it was necessary because there was a big villain fight earlier that day, and he graciously offered to help with clean up.
Wanting to get the stress off your daughters shoulders, so decided to have a movie night.
Ena had taken a likening to Disney movies, some how. Though she did seem to most admire the villians more then the hero’s. Or the arrogant hero’s. Like father like daughter, I guess.
You pick Ena from school, on the way home she asks if what they showed on the news really happened, and “is daddy really hurt? I’m worried ‘bout daddy.”
You curse under your breath about why the fuck they would play the normal bloody and grim news infront of first graders. Sure, a lot of the kids parents are hero’s, but their parents should tell them that, not a TV.
You look at her at once at a spot light. Her sad face, her knees to her chest in the backseat. You place your hand on her knee.
“Don’t worry sweetheart. Daddy’s gonna be okay, he’s even helping clean up the mess later. So he’s gonna be home later than normal.”
Your happy when you see her get slightly less worried, knowing her dad is okay.
Once you get home you make her some ramen while she talks about her day at the counter.
You hand her the ramen, and offer taht after she does her homework and you check it, you could have a Disney movies marathon.
“What in the world is a movie marathon? Is it liek when those crazy people runnin’ for a while mile in like two minutes?”
You chuckle and roffles up her hair, kissing the top of her head. “It’s where you watch a bunch of movies in a row. We could do Disney.”
She instantly gains a spark in her eyes as soon as you say Disney, quickly squealing and running off to do her homework as quickly as she could.
Once she finished and you checked, her getting all the problems correct as normal, you get on the couch and start.
You go on for hours, at some points she sits down at the coffee table and plays with toys. Though she always ends up back cuddling into your chest, sitting in your lap, head turned to see the movie.
Around 10, she fell asleep. You thanked the lord that she didn’t have school the next day, also a little thankful she did stay up late, she would nap more the next day.
Quickly after you turned the movies off and fell asleep as well.
Bakugo sighed, annoyed that he had to stay till one in the morning to clean.
He was so ready to quickly eat left overs, kiss his little hothead of a daughters forehead, and then cuddle up to you as you slept. But NOPE, you just use to be all cUtE and cuddle with your daughter on the couch
How dare you be a good parent >:(
Though, Era seemed to be clingy tightly to your skin, surprising Bakugo on how you weren’t awaken by her uncut, sharp nails.
He moved to place his hand on her shoulder, his hot touch quickly waking her up with a loud “Daddy!”
You woke up very much startled by to daughter scream.
“Sweetheart what happened?” You say somehow quickly than Bakugo, turning quickly to her.
Era looked up at Bakugo, the slightest bit of relief going through her stressed mind.
“Daddy’s okay? R-right? He’s right there, he’s he’s gotta be okay?” Her eyes flickered from you and Bakugo.
You finally noticed that Bakugo was there, and was probably the one waking her up from her nightmare.
You stood up, hold Era on your hip. You hugged Bakugo, Era’s arms wrapped around both of you.
“What the hell happened?” He whispered, toward Era just barely couldn’t hear.
“She was worried about you, Love.”
Bakugo picked her out of your arms and put her legs around his waist.
“Listen, Babes. I’m never gonna be hurt to bad in a fight. Daddy’s to strong for that!” He smirked, quickly followed with a big grin when Era giggled.
“Daddy’s too great to get hurt!” She cheered, the past tear marks now seeming meaningless to her.
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You were tired as normal after the large effort of getting the twins to bed. You knew you wanted to see Deku today, and also knew that he would get home late as normal.
At least he had lots of time in the day for you and your kids.
You drank some coffee, it was merely nine o’clock and Izuku wouldn’t be home till at least one in the morning.
You layed on the couch, putting on a queit movie as to not wake the kids.
“I’m home!” Izuku called, earlier than he told you.
“Izuku? I thought you said you would be home at one? It’s only 12.” You said while walking up to him.
“I wanted to surprise you, Lovely. I may have been held back, I thought I would come home before the kids even fell asleep.” He said, putting his arms around your waist and kissing your nose.
“Your an idiot.” You snickered at his plan.
“I’m your idiot.” He laughed, raising his hand from your waist. “And your stuck with me.” He said, pointing to the ring on his finger.
You laugh at your silly husband, who somehow still had that wholesome attitude after all the trama and hurt he insured over the years of being a hero.
You both go to bed, cuddle up to each other, kissing the others warm and welcoming touch.
When I the middle of the night you hear soft but quick knocks coming from the door.
“Izuku, could… could you get it?” You ask, him already on his way to the door.
He gently opened the door, to a tired looking Fumiko and a crying Aiko. Funiko’s hand was lightly on his back, holding his trembling body in place.
“Dad, dad I had I really and nightmare. C-can I sleep with you tonight?” Aiko muttered under his breath.
Izuku looked up towards Fumiko, trying to aka what had happened.
“He woke up a few minutes ago. He had a dream, I think you died or something. I tried to comfort him but he just wanted you and p/n.” (P/n: parental name (mom, dad, etc)
“Thanks, Fumiko. Go back to bed, I’ll let Akio sleep with us tonight.” He whispered, kissing his daughters forehead before she went back to their room across the hall.
He yawned and walked back to the bed, Akio on his hip. He gently shook you back awake.
“Lovely? Akio had a nightmare.” He told you, as you turned to face him. You had a sympathetic look on your face, looking into your child’s terrifyed eyes.
You nodded and reached your arms out to hold Akio in your arms. He plopped onto you, his face just far enough to be heard while talking.
“Dad and you are gonna be safe, right? Right, p/n?” He looked up at you. You nodded and wiped away his tears.
Izuku layed back down and run his hands through Akio’s hair, something that had always comforted you during the UA days, and even now.
Akio feel asleep with in minutes, and you kept him to your chest to make sure he wouldn’t get nightmares. Not with you and Izuku protecting him.
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Todorki (warning; ANGST)
He was glad, he could finally get home early for once. He decided not to tell you, similar to Izuku, wanting to surprise you and Kento.
“Dears! I’m home early!” He smiled as he walked into the classic Chinese (?) home, ready for you and Kento to jump in and hug him.
But, instead of being welcomed home with a loving bear hug, he was welcomed with two terrified glares, and and a unmatching one that was filled with heat.
“Shouto, your home early.” You said, wanting to interrupt the silence.
“Dear, why in the world is this bastard here?” He said with a growl.
“I didn’t know you had a son, Shouto.” Endeavor said. His scar seemed to have healed slightly over the years, though it was clearly visible still.
“What the hell are you doing here? I thought you were gonna stay out of my life from now on.” Shouto said, still having to look up at the tall man.
“I’m just visiting. You don’t have to hold a grudge.” Endeavor shrugged and turned back to you and Kento on the couch.
“Kento, right?” He titled his head, lowering his arms.
He picked Kento up.
The man who you had been told abused his children, beat his wife, killed mercilessly, took away the love of your life’s childhood, picked up your child.
Anger immediately pumped into your veins, you quickly tearing a terrified Kento from the old mans arms.
“Get away from my son!”
“You know, I never did think you were good for Shouto.”
You better believe Shouto took care of the rest.
You crattled Kento in your arms, not wanting to let go even long after he fell asleep. You had to keep yourself from holding onto him to hard, knowing that if you held on as hard as you wanted, you would crush the poor kid.
Shouto sighed and walked back in, walking into the bedroom where you held Kento.
“Dear.” He said in the doorway. His voice was soft and familar.
“Yes, love?” You said, peaking up at him.
He walked and sat down next to you, kissing your shoulder. You almost feel the pain oozing out of him. (God I hate “ooze” so much-)
“I’m sorry, Dear. I’ll…” He sighed and put his head in his hands. “I don’t even know. He refuses to retire and the government is a total suck up for him.”
You exhale and Lena on his shoulder.
“We are never letting that happen again.” You scoff in to his sleeve.
“Yes, of course. He’s never gonna come back here, into our home.” He safely added.
“Not that. Of course I’m still never gonna let him in again. I’m never letting that bitch hold my baby ever again.” You said. He gently smiled down at you, admittedly a little glad you had such a hatred of his father.
You grunted as Kento held on tighter to your waist where he had his arms wrapped around, his face wrinkled liek he just ate something sour.
This being familar, him sharing regular nightmares like his father, you softly woke him up.
“Dear? Dear wake up, the scary man is gone. He’s never coming back.” You said as Shouto softly shook his arm, and you shakes his slightly.
“Mh… p/n, Dad… I’m scared. He came back in my head.” He whimpered, tapping his forehead.
He leaned down and pressed his face on his stomach, peaking up with sad eyes at Kendo’s face.
“I know. We all are. But that’s never gonna happen again. We’ll make sure of it.”
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hannxhbarncs · 2 years
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hi everyone, it’s di again! i go by she/her pronouns and i’m in pst. info on my virgo, boss lady producer hannah is below the cut. give this a little like if you want to plot and i’ll DM you! ( open to nsfw, let’s chat! ) ♡  
( tw: car crash, death, night terrors, drugs/alcohol )
Full Name: Hannah Michelle Barnes
Nickname(s): Han
Birthday: September 7, 1994
Gender: Cis Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Zodiac: Virgo
Birth Place: Amherst, Massachusetts, United States
Occupation: Producer
Languages: English, Spanish
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
IMPORTANT BULLETS/HISTORY ( tw: car crash, death )
Amherst, Massachusetts isn’t much to write home about but it was where Hannah Barnes was born and raised, in the middle of trees catching on fire as leaves fell to the ground 
She was the oldest child in the Barnes family with two younger siblings, a brother and a sister, both of whom seemed to have been born with the goal of testing her patience ( which admittedly wasn’t hard to do )
A September Virgo through and through, from a young age she liked organization and being in control of things, especially things she could never realistically control
As a child, Hannah was quiet, she kept to herself. Enough that it made her parents a little worried she would never branch out and be social but in middle school things changed 
Hannah met a group of friends that made her branch out, her personality grew and she was more outgoing than even her parents had ever dreamed
Though the instinct to control and be the mom in the group never dimmed, she quickly became the one who was making sure everyone had their phones fully charged and an exit strategy no matter what situation they found themselves in
The three of them became inseparable - Hannah, Danielle and Natalie. No one ever saw them without each other, like the holy trinity of middle school and high school
College came around and Hannah and Natalie went to the same university in the city while Danielle went off across the country. When they were back in Amherst, they spent all their time together
She was a classic small New England town girl finding herself in New York with her best friend, life was good. She finally felt like she could become who she was meant to be
The summer after their freshman year, the three were heading to a party at Hannah’s request, they’d already pre-gamed and where on a high but they decided to drive - more specifically, Natalie was driving, Danielle as in the passenger seat and Hannah was in the back
None of them saw the deer until it was too late and when Natalie swerved, they went right off the road, directly into a tree. Natalie and Danielle were dead on impact
Hannah blamed herself. It had been her idea to go to the party, it had been her house where they’d drank and smoked, it was her fault and no matter how many therapists told her it wasn’t, nothing would change her mind
It came as no surprise that Hannah had trouble figuring out who she was after the accident. She wanted to rebel, drinking and making poor choices to feel alive but every time she did, the next morning she always felt a sense of guilt. That she didn’t deserve to still be around
That didn’t stop her though. It was a vicious cycle of wanting to forget it all and feeling riddled with guilt every second of the day. The numbness that came with drinking and sex with anyone who looked at her the right way was a welcome distraction 
Hannah left Amherst to finish school and only goes back on the rare occasion. She’s found relief in hiding among the chaos and the constant noise of New York, with so much stimulation around her, it became easy to forget the girl she used to be
Finding ways to control things around her became Hannah’s life line, foolishly believing that being able to control everything would stop the night terrors from coming every single night
When she got the opportunity for this job, Hannah took it, not looking back as she packed up her bags to chase answers that might never be found
Bad decisions are still a big part of who Hannah is. While she tried to hide from her own demons, she runs into the arms of others willingly
Does not make the best decisions though she will constantly give others advice with a bit of a know-it-all pretentiousness
She is determined to bury the chaos of her life under a semblance of control which is why she can be very much a control freak with production and making sure everything runs smoothly
Hannah puts forward a face of someone who has everything figured out and under control but the mess is hardly hidden right under the surface 
Of course, she leans into everything paranormal has a logical explanation but it’s all to cover the fact that she is terrified of anything she can’t explain but will put on a brave face no matter what the challenge is
Producer Friends
Fellow Control Freak
Someone Who Loosens Her Up
Bad Influence/Party Pusher
One Night Stands/Flings
Happy to brainstorm new ideas, a combination of these ideas or anything at all! I’m open to pretty much everything ♡
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rosethornewrites · 3 years
Fics I read this week
Some of these may have been read earlier than a week ago, but I tried to keep it contained. Not sure I’ll keep this up, but I’ll try.
Rated E:
the origin of change, by kissteethstainred, rated E
Lan Xichen said, “Time for regrowth and mourning is, of course, the most important. But there has also been a—frequent—discussion of marriage.” He paused to drink more tea. He almost seemed apologetic when he added, “Your name has been brought up often.”
“For marriage,” Lan Wangji repeated.
Except with Wei Ying in the picture, nothing goes exactly as planned.
Opportunity, by brooklinegirl, rated E
Lan Zhan is jostled slightly and he turns in his seat to see a harried-looking man squeezing in next to him. There isn't an empty seat there, and the bar is quite crowded. "Sorry," the man says, sounding out of breath. "I know I'm all up in your business, I'll move, I promise, I just—" He blows his breath out. "I'm going to lose this seat next to you, that dude over there has been eyeing it, and it's mine as soon as this guy leaves.”
Rated M:
Oxymoron, by feline_somnambulist, rated M
Jiang Yanli was in the kitchen. She hummed softly along to music being played somewhere else in the house, as she shuffled carefully back and forth from the prep table to the giant vat of soup. The house smelled like pork rib and savory broth. As always, she was beautiful in her element, a goddess of her domain despite the limp and the leg brace.
Her phone rang just as Jiang Cheng entered the kitchen. She saw him and smiled as she made her careful way to the phone on the wall-mounted charging station.
Jiang Cheng put the stack of paperwork down on a counter. He got to the phone first, picked it up. It was Lan Wangji’s number. He rejected the call and put the phone in his pocket.
“A-Cheng? Is everything okay?” Jiang Yanli asked, a frown creasing her brow. “Who was that?”
It Ends With the Beginning, by feline_somnambulist, rated M
They fight. They part. Jiang Cheng is hurt. Wei Wuxian comes to help. Wei Wuxian runs. Jiang Cheng is tired of chasing. They fight.
Until The End, by abCEE, rated M
"When I -- when I tied my ribbon around our wrists, I knew what I was doing and I privately honored it." Wei Wuxian's brows continued to meet as he tried to understand where the conversation was going until realization dawned on him. "Wa -- wait! Lan Zhan, is it what I think it is?!!" "It is usually done at the end of a wedding ceremony --" "What-" "But it could have been acknowledged as an engagement." "Lan Zhan!" He cannot believe what he is hearing now. "But my ancestor revealed herself --" "And we bowed… three times. We bowed, Lan Zhan!"
In which wangxian are married since the Cold Pond Cave incident, knows how proper communication works, and had confessed in the middle of the Sunshot Campaign. Things went spiraling up and down from there.
Rated T:
as it should be, by Sienne, rated T
Post-canon Lan Qiren time travels to before the Cloud Recesses lectures. The Cloud Recesses are quiet and peaceful, something his home hasn't been in years. ...In fact, it is too quiet and peaceful.
Judgment Day, by Grace_Logan, rated T
Cornered Wei Wuxian sees only one way out after cluing in on the Jin's plan.
Welcome To Gusu, by perkynurples, rated T
Deep in the lush forests of Gusu hides an aging resort that hosts dozens of children every summer for an unforgettable couple of weeks. It’s where Lan Wangji grew up alongside Wei Wuxian, and when his childhood friend (for the lack of a better term) surprisingly returns years later in the position of Senior Counsellor, seemingly hell bent on causing the same kind of mischief that got him kicked out of Gusu in the first place, but also taller, broader and tanner than ever before, Lan Wangji knows he’s In Trouble. Or, this fic has it all: longing looks over campfires, found family dynamics, ill-timed skinny dipping, teenagers inappropriately shipping their counsellors, camp weddings...
Therapy is a Performative Act, by cinder1013, rated T
“What does your dad think of your comedy?”
“Oh, he hates it, but it pays the bills and I need it to pay for my goddamn fuckin’ therapy.”
Jiang Cheng stumbles into being a stand-up comic and his favorite topic is dear ol’ dad.
sorry, i love you, by moon_thief, rated T
lan wangji was practically seething as he watched it happen. what kind of person could be so careless, unruly, undisciplined-
and then their eyes met.
oh. oh.
Tremble a Prayer, by cqlorphan, rated T
They kiss, and Lan Wangji regulates himself. There are no tears pricking at his eyes. There is no lump in his throat. His hands are undressing Wei Ying, and then Wei Ying’s hands are on his hands.
“What is it?” Wei Ying says, between kisses.
Even with Wei Ying back, Lan Wangji's sadness overwhelms him at times. He tries, and fails, to keep it from him.
The Quiet Work, by ShipsAreLaunching, rated T
Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian get a summons for help from a minor clan in Gusu. When they go to investigate they find a horrible truth, and do what they do best.
Rated G:
Ink Stains Not So Ignored, by Preludian_Staves, rated G
Qiren found something that he still couldn't bring himself to ignore about his youngest nephew's husband.
I’d buy a big house where we both could live, by failed2be_chill, rated G
“Ah, so you want to play with the rabbits and enjoy their soft fur and silly little nose twitches while your poor husband toils in the heat of the day with hammer and nail doing exhausting manual labour. I see how it is. It’s a good job I love you, huh?” Wei Wuxian kisses his husband’s soft cheek.
“Mn, very good.”
Or, married WangXian embrace the practical and symbolic joys of home ownership. Domestic bliss.
Family, by Speechless_since_1998, rated G
Jiang Cheng blinked as his brother while he played with the baby he was holding.
He hoped he had misunderstood, but he had proof that it was true right in front of him.
So he did the only sensible thing that came to mind, "Wei Ying, what the fuck ?! '
"A-Cheng, language!" Shijie scolded him with a stern look.
"A-Jie, you can't really accept such a thing!"
"Why not? He is so cute!" she said, making funny faces at the child, totally in love with him.
Was it possible that he was the only one with a bit of mental sanity left?
A Lonely Guqin (No More), by Asphodel_Meadow, rated G
Wei Wuxian is the first person who makes Lan Wangji want to have a duet.
piercing, by escapingaugust, rated G (read the tags)
Stolen Midnights, by hinotoriii, rated G
There are nights where sleep eludes Wei Wuxian. Where the demons of his past are too loud in his mind, reminding him of that which he could never forget, second life or not.
Not Rated:
Disclosed Regrets, by zLanWuxian, Not Rated
The majority of the cultivation world are pulled into a room that suspiciously resembled the burial mounds. (Their golden cores were sealed too. As to why, nobody knew.)
They are invited to watch Wei Wuxian's life.
What will they do when they find out everything they believed was a lie?
(Or: The characters of Mo Dao Zu Shi watch Mo Dao Zu Shi)
Rated E:
Where You Fell, by Sweet_William, rated E
Years ago, Lan Wangji was a Senior in high school, readying himself for graduation and the coming years studying at the Gusu Lan Institute of Music. Everything in his life made sense, from his role in his family, to a future as a classical musician. The only thing that didn’t fit was the sudden epiphanies he had about himself brought on by his bothersome and flirtatious classmate, Wei Wuxian. When the growing attraction and friendship was cut short by the other boy’s disappearance, he mourned what could have been, but ultimately had to move on. What he didn’t know was that fate would bring them back together again one day, or the reality of how far apart two lives can diverge, how some can find peace and prosperity, while others can fall farther than he ever imagined.
A Narrow Bridge, by FrameofMind and Jo Lasalle (Jo_Lasalle), rated E
Once, Lan Wangji made a choice to step aside. Ten years after Wei Ying’s death, he finds a way back to choose again.
Setting fire to our insides, by StarsAlignNomore, rated E
Lan Wangji dies after the thirty-third strike. Lan Xichen does not handle it well.
*fleabag voice* This is a fix it.
Rated M:
Live Again, Love Anew, by kkanime5555, rated M
“Lan Zhan.” Wei Wuxian finally speaks up.
“Mn.” Lan Zhan hums to show he’s listening.
“I think we traveled back in time.”
“I’ll go, Lan Zhan. I’ll come to Gusu with you.”
Lan Zhan and Wei Ying are soulmates and, upon Wei Ying's death, they are sent back to when they first met as kids on the streets of Yiling. From there, they both are taken to Gusu, where they are raised together, gradually learning of their shared feelings and finding out the mystery of who sent them back in time and why, all while planning how to save the world, preferably with all their loved ones left alive.
A Torn Red Ribbon, by shiroakuma, rated M
The night before they marched into the Nightless City, Lan Wangji was invited to join Wei Wuxian in his tent.
Unbeknownst to him at that time, it became their last real conversation.
In which, a resounding victory against the QishanWen Sect is won seemingly at the cost of Wei Wuxian's life. Lan Wangji still spends some time being heavily injured. Lan Xichen tries to pick the pieces left behind by the war. The Jiang Sect is renowned thanks to the revered Wei Wuxian and the cultivation world is plagued by unknown forces while Lan Wangji meets with Wei Wuxian in his dreams.
Sacrifices Made with Blood, by NocturnalFriend, rated M
Lan Wangji knew it was too late, there was too much blood on Wei Ying's hands already. Still, if he asked his brother for help, surely. There was a way to rescue the man who held his heart?
Or: Trust is not easily given and all to easily shattered. Lan Wangji learns this in the worst way, when Lan Xichen gives into the demands of the cultivation world. Although nobody could have predicted the whims of fate, giving them another chance at righting things.
What makes you sing?, by Fictio, rated M
Madam Yu was never known for her matchmaking skills but she was known for her inherent meddling. Though it still came as a surprise, when on one fine Saturday afternoon, she called Wei Ying and set him up for a blind date.
There She Rose, by Aiiiru, rated M
Many years had passed yet whispers and gossips about YiLing Matriarch still stayed alive like unruly weeds refusing to die.
"That damn Wei Wuxian must have cursed this year's harvest with 'unkillable' locusts" "But Wei Wuxian had died right?" "Didn't you know that her body wasn't found?" "I heard some cultivators saying that during the chaos, some people saw her leaving in a sword, flying away with someone else." "That must be the demon with whom she signed a contract, a female challenging three thousand or was it five thousand cultivators by herself? Hah!! She definitely has ties with evil creatures and ghosts." "I heard from my cousin in Yunmeng that YiLing Matriarch was born shameless." "Some say she was a male but took female form to seduce the ghosts of burial mounds and gain power by starting demonic cultivation" "Shhh! Don't talk so loudly! My cousin knew a man who loudly gossiped about Yilling Matriarch only to be cursed to death the next day"
Visitations, by Vir_Abelasan, rated M
"Wei Ying-" Lan Zhan says, stutters, "I'm sorry."
And now Wei Wuxian sees it, the red rimming Lan Zhan's eyes, the rumpled edges of his blazer. There is an old, familiar urge for him to reach over, to hold Lan Zhan's hand and smooth his hair, to tell him that everything will be fine.
"We're all a bit sorry about this, I think," he says instead, and finds that he means it. For Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji and everyone else in that Guanyin temple, the pain must be unbearably fresh, like skin just flayed open. But Wei Wuxian's chest had been cracked open a long time ago, his wounds licked and cauterized and sewn shut over five long years - Ever hurting, but a dull, constant ache, "It's really alright, Lan Zhan."
Five years after being accused of corporate espionage and losing everything, the Guanyin Scandal breaks open and Wei Wuxian finds a familiar face at his door.
Kiss My Wounds, Bless My Scars, by Pegunicent, rated M
When he is sixteen, Lan Wangji makes a choice. He becomes Wei Ying's bride.
Rated T:
the one where Jiang Yanli visits (and she's a fucking goddess), by ShippersList, rated T (part 4 of a series)
Wei Wuxian’s sister was a fucking goddess so it was a travesty she wasn’t being fucked like a goddess deserved.
Luo Qingyang decided to do something about it.
(Also, family feels and some plotting but that's beside the point.)
obscured in the shade of the willow, bathed in the light of the moon, by cloud_wanderer, rated T
Wei Wuxian leaves the Burial Mounds for the first time to attend his martial brother's wedding, and everything changes from there. (a.k.a. a universe in which Nie Huaisang schemes to thwart Jin Guangshan's plans and ends up saving Wei Wuxian and the Wens in the process)
Wei Wuxian meets Xiao Xingchen and helps found a sect in Yiling.
Inchoate, by Marinelifeclub, rated T
“Where would you even go once you left? Wait a few more years before leaving." persuaded Jiang Fengmian,
“Will I live to see that long?” Wei Wuxian whispered under his breath.
Jiang Fengmian felt cold at those words. He always thought his children would be the ones to heal the scars left by their mother on Wei Wuxian, but just the concise way he spoke about them, he knows that wasn’t true. Now his best friend’s son sat in front of him, confessing to not thinking he will live to see himself become a man. Cangse and Changze must be furious in their graves as the sweet smiling son they raised endured pain because of a jealous woman and a cowardly man. Sighing, he did the only thing he could to make things right and accepted the boy’s wishes.
At age 14, Wei Wuxian left Lotus Pier and never looked back.
Wei Wuxian leaves Lotus Pier and while things change something’s are just set in fate.
Here We Go Again, by Alliandra, rated T
He looked over to where the swordswoman was still fighting, but her focus seemed entirely locked onto that fight so it was unlikely that she could have had anything to do with the energy drain. He was still wracking his brain for something else to do to assist, so this thing didn’t kill them both, but now he was feeling weak, dizzy and currently not far from helpless.
It has been several months since the events at the Guanyin temple and Wei Wuxian is wandering around on his own. After he helps a stranger kill a very dangerous beast he uncovers what seems to be a conspiracy aimed at ending his life. He heads back to Cloud Recesses with his new companion in tow, looking to get Lan Wanji's help in working out what is involved.
Meanwhile, Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling made a surprising discovery under Koi Tower that may well be linked to the threat against Wei Wuxian's life.
Can they all work together to find out what is going on and put a stop to it, before something disastrous occurs?
Nie Huaisang's Ten Steps to Fix The Fucked Up Reality, by cosmic_zephyr (ProudHaikyuuTrash)
1. Find the time travel array in the Nie library 2. Convince (manipulate) Wei Wuxian to use demonic cultivation to activate the array. 3. Transmigrate to the body of your 15-year-old selves with Wei Wuxian and Survive his wrath. 4. Come up with yet another exaggerated, slightly concerning, plan to save Lotus Pier, Dafan Wens and your brother. 5. Use Empathy to make the Wen siblings side with you in the mess that is soon to come. 6. Kill the main Wen family and make Wen Qing the new leader of Qishan Wen so innocent people are not killed. 7. Annoy the hell out of Lanling Jin just for funsies and also a political statement because Jin Guangshan can suck it. 8 Preferably, just for your own sanity, find a way to kill Jin Guangshan and Jin Guangyao. 9. Work with Wei Wuxian and Wen Qing to solve the sabre problem of the Nie clan. 10. Live a happy life with your brother alive and the cultivation world not being the huge fucked up mess in your own time-line. P.S. Matchmake the pining pile of disaster and gay aka Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji.
Aka canon divergence where Nie Huaisang and Wei Wuxian (and Lan Wangji) travel back in time and save the cultivation world.
Deal, by Rahar_Moonfire, rated T
Nie Huaisang wants revenge for his brother. He also wants his friend Wei Wuxian back. Lan Wangji left the Cultivation World after Wei Wuxian's death and hasn't been heard from since. It's a good thing Nie Huaisang has spies everywhere. He has everything he needs to put his plan into motion: the notes, the instructions, the "willing body," and the patience to pull it all off.
Now he just needs to be sure Wei Wuxian survives long enough to pick up Nie Huaisang's bread crumbs, solve the puzzle, and shatter the Cultivation World again. The only person suitable for that job is Black Jade of Yiling, the husband of the infamous Yiling Patriarch, Lan Wangji.
Rated G:
Hadn't gone as I planned, by hamlets_ghost, rated G (part of a series)
Lan Xichen leaves the Cloud Recesses with Wei Wuxian and Wangji to meet his mother.
He cannot stay.
[continuation of 'Hold on to your heart']
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 9 months
Chances Are You've Made A Very Poor Career Choice
Chances Are You've Made A Very Poor Career Choice https://ift.tt/n4mPdZN by HeartOfStars The year is 2013. Sam has just taken on the trials to close hell, Dean is simultaneously trying to make sure his brother doesn't die and continuing to process everything that happened in Purgatory, and when they need him most, Castiel is nowhere to be found. In the midst of all this, a case springs up in the middle of Utah involving an ancient pizzeria, possessed animatronics, and the realization that the brothers may have been there before. At the same time, as well as twenty years earlier, the year is 1993. Mike Schmidt has just accepted the job of his dreams. AKA the Supernatural-Five Nights At Freddy's crossover that somehow doesn't already exist (at least, not the way this has been written). Is this an absolutely insane idea? Yes. However, it was begging to be written, so here it is. Enjoy. Words: 3017, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005), Five Nights at Freddy's Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: Gen Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Michael Afton, Henry Emily, Castiel (Supernatural), William Afton | Dave Miller, Marionette | The Puppet, Mike Schmidt (Five Nights at Freddy's), Classic Animatronics | Five Nights at Freddy's 1 Animatronics, Jeremy Fitzgerald, John Winchester, Original Male Character(s), Original Female Characters (s) Relationships: Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Michael Afton & William Afton | Dave Miller, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel & Dean Winchester, Michael Afton & Henry Emily, William Afton | Dave Miller & Henry Emily, Michael Afton & The Crying Child, Dean Winchester & John Winchester & Sam Winchester Additional Tags: Supernatural-FNAF Crossover, yes I understand that that is kind of an insane combination, but also fnaf feels like a thing that could very easily have been a supernatural episode, Alternate Universe - Fusion, Horror, in both the supernatural and fnaf sense, so be careful, Gen or Pre-Slash, honestly you can read the casdean interactions however you want those bitches are weird, Angst with a Happy Ending, Michael Afton is The Crying Child's Older Brother, Sam Winchester Needs a Hug, Michael Afton Needs a Hug, Everyone Needs A Hug, Psychological Trauma, Time Shenanigans, it's confusing but it'll get explained later, Michael Afton Doesn't Get Scooped, Dean Winchester Being Dean Winchester, Season/Series 08, Body Horror, Child Murder, Mike Schmidt Being Funny, really he's a riot, Parent Henry Emily, Hurt/Comfort, Blood and Gore, Springtrap Being Generally Terrifying, good old family bonding time, Bad Parent William Afton | Dave Miller, Bad Parent John Winchester, god these tags are a doozy, Have fun everyone via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/m3iWRgT October 04, 2023 at 07:13PM
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