#poor fundy
accursed-worm · 2 years
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silvermoon424 · 10 months
It's always wild to me when I hear about the "Pokemon is literally demonic" Evangelical moral panic of the 90s/2000s. I grew up Catholic and despite Catholicism's MANY flaws hating Pokemon is not one of them. My Catholic parents happily embraced my and my brother's Pokemon fanaticism and the same was true of my classmates at my Catholic school.
Pokemon cards did get banned in my Catholic school though... because older kids were taking advantage of younger kids and pressuring them into bad trades. They were like "Pokemon may not be demonic, but it is causing playground scuffles so we gotta shut it down" lmao
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shinyhappysims · 3 months
Anonymous forum post on housewivesofsimerica.com
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I’m posting here because I am… desperate. I’m at my wits end. I want out of this life. The worst part is that it’s no one’s fault I’m in this mess except mine.
I literally could have been playing in the Windenburg Simphony but I turned down the opportunity to play at backwoods churches for only a few simoleons. I thought I would be rewarded by turning down a “worldly” opportunity to glorify God. Instead we live in this gigantic house that looks a hot mess because we ran out of money to continue renovating. On top of that, we can barely afford to feed our boatload of kids.
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Growing up I never really thought of being a mother. I knew I would most likely be one eventually but I never thought much of it until I actually got married. I saw myself having three, but my husband wanted at least five, so I submitted to him on that decision. After having two sets of twins in a row, I thought he’d be satisfied, but he wanted to try again for #5 immediately. Once again I submitted, thinking at least we’d be getting it over with. I then had triplets. I had the number of children my mother had over the course of 19 years in 5. I now have more children than my younger sister who married a year before I did and consistently has a baby every 18 months. There is no feasible way to care for 7 babies at once. And get this, my husband wants more. He wants to try for one last baby. I’d honestly rather die. I can’t tell anyone this. All everyone ever does is drone on about how abundantly “blessed” I am, and that’s probably how most of the women on this site will probably respond to this post.
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God must be playing some sick twisted prank on me. I hear wailing infants and and squealing toddlers at all times. In my dreams. In my sleep. In the melodies I play on my violin. In total silence. I cannot escape. I often find myself looking out the window, wondering what would happen if I just jumped. Probably just a broken leg and a really annoyed husband.
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Don’t get me wrong. I love my husband, but we could never love each other more than he loves himself. He doesn’t really take care of the 7 children he had a hand in making. I genuinely don’t think he can even tell the difference between half of them. I’ve grown fearful of his touch. I don’t want to do anything that would cause us to create another disposable life. He doesn’t see much value in the children at this age and probably won’t care about them until he can teach them to play violin and be exactly like him. His hubris is far too high to admit we’re living far beyond our means. I sometimes wish I never met him. The both of us could’ve gotten better partners.
I am a failure of a woman. I am not fulfilled. This was not my calling.
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Raphaël: Are you coming to bed, ma belle?
Imani: …Yeah. One minute.
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clarkes-and-god · 9 months
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"Momma, Neveah's being bad and crying! I told her to not do that but she's not listening. She's being a noisy little shit! You need to tell her off!"
"Too loud! Up please!"
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"Mandy, stop saying those words! They're not nice, you know that. She's just scared of the storm, you girls need to be nice to each other."
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"But Daddy says she's a noisy little shit! You need to tell her off or Daddy's gonna be mad. She's being mean to Daddy!"
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"She has a point, I can't fucking concentrate with all that yelling. Can you shut her up?"
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"Mom, what does "sexual immor-ally" mean? My booklet says we need to flee from it but we didn't learn about that at school. And where's whoredom? Why do girls go there? Are boys allowed too?"
"Sweetie, why don't you go onto the next question and I'll-"
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"God, can't you control your own kids? She's still crying! Mandy was doing better at it than you, fucking hell."
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"Thank you Daddy! I love you!"
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"I can't believe you can't manage your own children, it's like a damn zoo in here. All this crying, and you can't even teach that idiot! God, maybe you should just put them back into school if you can't make them behave. Mandy, do you think Mom's doing a good job at looking after you?"
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"Uhhh.... no? I think?"
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"Your own daughter agrees with me! You go put them back in school, ok? I can't deal with them being this awful, those fucking liberal teachers are better at this than you."
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"Baby, it's just because it's storming, and they can't play out. They'll be better when-"
"Just go do it! And shut that kid up!"
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under-the-eye · 5 months
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Penny’s Prayer Journal
I need your guidance. I don’t understand why my family always treats me like I’m stupid. Like just because I’m a girl that I can’t read certain books or use a telescope or ask questions of the world. They want me to act like Iris and Isla, always doe-eyed and soft-spoken and like they don’t even have a brain in their skulls. But I can’t! My brain is always working, always thinking, always wanting to learn. I have questions! And I don’t believe this drive for knowledge would exist in me if you didn’t put it there, Watcher.
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I’m always alone. Everyone at church and at the co-op act the same as my family. Guys won’t talk to me, either looking down on me and being condescending or acting like I’m so far beneath them they won’t even notice me. All the girls act like my mother and my sisters. Mom says my siblings should be my best friends, but I don’t have friends in or outside of my family.
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When my brother gets a physics project to work on, everyone flocks to help him do it, so he just sits back and lets everyone else do the work. But if I want to just look at the stars, I get scolded, even though I actually want to learn! I don’t think it’s sinful to state facts, and the fact is that I’m smarter than him, but I’m not allowed to use it. 
Please help me. 
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Later that night…
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underhisplumbob · 5 months
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from the simstagram of Dina Colbert @biblicalmotherhood
Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours. Some people find it sad celebrating holidays without grandparents and aunts and uncles but we love a small tight knit celebration. Plus with our family growing bigger each year, I doubt we'd be small for long.
@motherandwifeinchrist: your turkey looks so good, how do you keep it juicy but low fat and low calorie @biblicalmotherhood: reply to @motherandwifeinchrist: thank you and I actually don't. My husband loves it with all the trimmings so us big girls only have a side of veggies with some bites mixed in. @Dinaishot: we missed you at thanksgiving, we'd love for you and your whole family to join us next time. [deleted by original poster]
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sigynsilica · 1 year
I think where my parents went wrong was by claiming my original, raw, authentic self is my most beautiful.
By this they meant that I shouldn't get tattoos or dye my hair or put on flashy makeup or wear outlandish clothing but I took what they taught me and ran.
Now I've carved out the true, most vital and holy essence of myself and my physical manifestation reflects how I am exposed to the pure knowledge that Me runs far deeper below the surface than just what my body looks like. So now I'm capable of dipping my hands in the very clay that makes up our universe and shifting everything they've ever known to align more perfectly with what I want my reality to become.
I think if I hadn't taken that and made it my core philosophy my parents might actually have had the good Christian girl they'd wanted, and not this eldritch abomination who is the purest and most vibrant form of self they could possibly have taken, growing ever stronger and more perfect every moment.
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blehfundiesims · 7 months
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Martha's pov: It's important to remember that the watcher sometimes sends us challenges as parents. The other day, I repeatedly told Kindness that she could not go outside as it was too cold. However, while I was setting the twins up for nap time, she was able to sneak out! Luckily, I quickly noticed she was missing and pulled her back inside. I made sure that she knew that the watcher would be very upset at her for disobeying me and, by extension, her father, and that if this behavior continued, the watcher would stop blessing her. She, of course, was convicted by this and asked me to pray with her in our prayer closet. So thankful to the watcher for giving me the opportunity to lead my little ones back onto the righteous path. I know that this will not be the only time my children challenge me in their lives, but I have faith in the watcher to help guide them.
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sims-and-counting · 1 year
Praise the Watcher, it’s my precious Hubby’s birthday! We had a sweet little party with just our family and some friends from church. I wanted to have as many people as possible, but Sam wanted something low-key and quiet. But I made him a wonderful cake anyway - aren’t I talented?
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Since we were dressed up for Sam’s birthday, we took some precious maternity pictures! Every time I’m pregnant I thank the Watcher for this blessing, especially for this baby that’s due any day now! It’s every woman’s greatest purpose to be a helpmeet and mama and I’m so happy to be fulfilling the Watcher’s purpose in my life.
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fundielicious-simblr · 9 months
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Claire having her last single daughter get engaged definitely added to her good mood that she felt at all her kids and grandkids being in town. She and Ryan (as well as those who Claire manages to ask) have been praying for Celeste in the recent years since her younger siblings have gotten married and started their own families. When Reid came to them to ask for permission, she did shed a few tears of happiness (and relief). She made sure to let facebook know that she's getting to be mother-of-the-bride one last time, and because Reid doesn't have facebook she tagged his mother.
Liked by Celeste Paulson, Macie Collins, and more
Picture 1: A group picture of Ryan, Claire, Celeste, and Reid
Picture 2: A picture of Celeste and Reid after the proposal
Caption: "After much planning, Reid got to propose to our dear Celeste close to Harvestfest weekend! He’s such a wonderful young man that we’ve had the pleasure of getting to know, and we’re excited to welcome him into the family! All of us (but especially Celeste) are over the moon!"
"We’re celebrating over here as well, Celeste is a wonderful girl. You and Ryan raised her up so well! We can’t wait for her to join the family!" - Nikki Robbins, Reid's mother, Celeste's future MIL
"This is the day that every parent prays for! May the Lord bless the happy couple." - Christina Fitzgerald, family friend of the Paulsons
"We’ve already thrown ourselves into wedding planning, can’t wait for another family wedding!" - Valentina Townsend, Claire's oldest daughter.
"So happy for them! Can’t wait to see the ring!" - Andrea McGowan, Newcrest Baptist congregation member
"Thank you everyone! I’m so thankful that the Lord has led me to the love of my life so that we may spend the rest of our lives together!" - Celeste Paulson
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nanoa1foryou · 2 years
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... I mean, he is there, but was it really that important?
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shinyhappysims · 6 months
Happy Starlight Jubilee!
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We celebrated by taking all the kiddos to visit their grandparents over in Henford! My dad is 66 now and getting a tad forgetful. He kept mixing up Layla with Galilee, which is Nnadi’s youngest daughter. Mix ups are bound to happen in this huge family of ours. I hope to be as blessed as my parents in the same regard.
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My mom not so subtly reminded me of my “duty” to be submissive to Anwar and that includes keeping my body the way he likes it. I gained a lot more than usual when I was pregnant with the twins and I was more focused on their health, so I wasn’t too focused on my own. I had already beat myself up about it several times, but Anwar promised me that he loves me regardless of what I look like. Mom just said that even if that was the case, my body is a temple and I should treat it as such.
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Once I was out of the hot seat, my mom turned her gossip onto Sochima. She’s almost 24 and has had no prospects. My parents are worried because all of us were married or engaged by that age, except for Chidi. Once again, my mom implied the problem was her weight. I could tell the topic was making Sochima cringe a bit so I made Mom drop it. Silly me for wanting a drama free holiday.
Yours, Isioma <3
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clarkes-and-god · 1 year
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Mark and Rose Swan's Instagram (@the.swan.family):
Our youngest daughter is now engaged, praise God. As her father, I am confident she has been raised well and will be an obedient and pleasant wife to Tobias, and a caring but firm mother to any children they are blessed with. Of course I have talked to Tobias about the responsibilities of being the headship of a household, and he is well aware of his duty to ensure his wife and children walk in the path of Christ, and to provide for them both physically and spiritually. The wedding is set to take place in six months, a few months after Cherish turns 16, and her and Rose are already enjoying the feminine activities of wedding planning and picking out dresses, although I am taking care to make sure they avoid excessive frivolous spending, as women are not financially minded.
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commaclear · 2 years
dude fundy and dream are so cute will they please send the "do you like me" note soon. also is it an intentional paralel to the wilbur and quackity situation or is it just a coincidince that theyre both enemies to lovers/holding hands in the playground
Like father like son... ig the unlablled apple didn't fall far from the homosexual tree
They both have a type and that type is "irredeemable asshole except to me <3"
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under-the-eye · 5 months
Adam has proposed to Chastity Shearer! 
It was the most romantic thing– he invited her (and me and Johnathan of course) out to the romance festival, where they shared some sakura tea while Johnathan and I watched from a respectful distance.
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Then he led her over to the wedding arch and got down on one knee. She was so surprised, but of course she said yes!
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She was so elated she jumped right into his arms!
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I’m so happy for both of them– Adam has always been strong in the Irisite faith, and Chastity is just as firmly convicted to follow Mother Iris’ example. As a pair they will raise many beautiful warriors for the Watcher, I’m certain of it! I can’t wait to see Chastity as Adam’s bride!
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stephspencer10 · 6 months
Poetry & Songs by Stephany Spencer-LeBaron: Bio Ballads in Verse for Better or Worse
Poems/songs I wrote: Bio Ballads in Verse for Better or Worse              Circa 1958: 11 of my parents’ ultimately 14 children(I’m age 12, middle row, 2nd to left) Bio Ballad in Verse for Better or Worseby Stephany Spencer-LeBaronI was born some time agoAway out in the sticksIn Mexico’s Rocky Mountain RangeIn 1946.Then raised in Mormon Fundy cultsWhere self-righteous hicksThink it sinfulWith…
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