#poor ordo
thelightismine · 4 months
having recently re-read the Republic Commando books for the fiftieth time (but the first time as a proper adult), amongst many other things that jumped out at me this time, I've been pondering the Many Failings of Kal Skirata™ - and one thing that kept me awake the other night was the realisation that...it takes Kal ages between adopting Ordo and the rest of his brothers, right??
So I went back and did the math. Kal adopts Ordo in True Colours, soon after rescuing Vau on Mygeeto, at 471 days after the Battle of Geonosis (ABG). An excerpt from the scene below:
"I never adopted you formally," Skirata said. It had been bothering him in recent days, ever since he began to think of the war as having a definite timescale. "Any of you." "Does that matter?" Skirata now felt that it did. No Mando'ad would nitpick over the bond between him and his boys, and as far as the Republic was concerned clones didn't even qualify as people, but his plans to give them a decent future had now become very, very specific. [...] "Yes," he said. He reached to grasp Ordo's hand and recited the short, no-frills gai bal manda - "name and soul," all it took to unpick history and give a child a new parentage. Mandalorians were habitual adopters. Bloodlines were just medical detail. "Ni kyr'tayl gai sa'ad, Ordo." Ordo stared at their clasped hands for a moment. He had a crushing grip. "I've been your son since the day you first saved my life, Buir." "I think you boys did the saving," Skirata said. "I don't want to imagine where I'd be without you." Skirata was now busy hating himself for not doing this before, not making the ultimate commitment, and he fretted about his five other Nulls scattered around the galaxy.
And having re-read this section in detail, it now baffles me even further that it takes him - wait for it - ANOTHER YEAR AND ~THREE MONTHS to adopt the other five Nulls??
Yes, that's correct. Kal adopts the other five Nulls in Order 66, in the scene where they all come together 'on screen' for the first time, which is set 940 days ABG. That is 469 days after he formally adopted Ordo.
At the time KT wrote these books, according to Legends, one standard year is 368 days, with 12 months of 30 days each. If I've crunched correctly, Kal adopts the other five Nulls roughly fifteen and a half months later than Ordo.
The meal was as much a rare celebration as a meeting, and the Nulls even had a few glasses of Chandrilan wine. "I should have done this many years ago, adi'ke." Skirata raised his glass. "Ni kyr'tayl gai sa'ad - Mereel, Jaing, Kom'rk, A'den, Prudii. There. It's formal, legal. You're my sons and heirs." "And we won't bankrupt you," Jaing muttered. "Not with the amount you're skimming, ner vod," Mereel said raising his glass in return. "Thank you, Buir'ika. An honor." At least one cause for guilt had been lifted from Ordo's shoulders. He was no longer the only Null formally adopted by Skirata. It was a legal detail, nothing more, but Ordo didn't want to be singled out as the favorite. He already felt he had a far easier time than his brothers.
what do you MEAN you just went on and forgot to do it, despite seeing them and speaking to them regularly for over a year, Kal?! yikes
Reading this back again, all I could think was - poor Ordo. It's explicitly stated here that he had been feeling and still feels guilty. Imagine living with the knowledge that your father had only formally adopted you, and not the other five of your closest brothers, for OVER A YEAR- (I will keep yelling it I'm not over it)
When they all make jokes about him being the Number One Son. When they all tease him for being the favourite. How do you think this knowledge affected Ordo’s relationship with his brothers?? Not wanting to mention it?? Do you think he ever did?? How do you think they reacted if they knew he was already adopted prior to this??
Not to mention, how does Kal not see this as something that might cause an issue for Ordo?? With how much he loves him??
I find their reactions interesting, because if they didn't know, they play it very cool. I'm leaning towards they did know, Ordo didn't just sit on this knowledge for over a year, maybe couldn't - because otherwise, why is no one asking why Kal left him out of the list? Why is their only reaction calm pleasantries?
Possibly because they don't care about formal adoption that much - it's worth noting Ordo's reaction is also to kind of brush it all away: "I've been your son since the day you first saved my life, Buir."
(I think it also opens up a bigger discussion about Ordo's role within his brothers as...almost a shield between Kal and his brothers, able to take the brunt of Kal's...manipulations to spare them the same attention - I wonder if they don't care as much about their adoptive status because it doesn't mean nearly as much to them as it does to Kal, because Kal doesn't rule them as much as he'd like to think he does. It’s interesting how Ordo is both uncomfortable with the position as Number One Son but also sees its…strategic value?? He states earlier in the scene that he'll swap drafts with Kom'rk because it's "his turn" to explore the Outer Rim, but as far as we know, he never actually does this - despite missing each other dearly, often, do the other Nulls willingly take missions that get them away from Kal? Which is why Ordo is almost never shown being anywhere that Kal isn't? Also the irony that so many people laugh at Maze for being a highly trained ARC being "wasted" in an office job, but Ordo also as far as we see never does anything flashier, nothing that couldn't be handled by a less superior officer, nothing that's far from Kal's side...)
I’m just baffled as to how Kal didn’t think immediately after adopting Ordo “and now the other five” - my man, what took you so long?? If you love them all as you say you do??
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trashcanlore · 9 months
Kabbalah in the Worldbuilding of Genshin Impact; Part 2: Descending to the Garden
Written by Sabre (@paimoff on twitter) and Schwan (@abyssalschwan on twitter)
This theory assumes you’ve completed the Fontaine Archon Quests, as well the Narzissenkreuz questlines. If you haven’t, you will be a) very confused and b) very spoiled. 
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A Tale of Four Descenders 
Four entered the pardes (orchard/garden)...one looked and died, one looked and went mad, one looked and cut down the saplings (apostatized), and one came in peace and left in peace [1]. 
This Jewish legend appears in multiple locations throughout the Talmud and its commentaries, and is associated with two pre-Kabbalah schools of Jewish mysticism known as Merkabah (chariot) and Hekhalot (palaces) mysticism. Both depicted visions of the throne of God (chariot) and the heavenly palaces, and provided instructions for how one might ascend to heaven to receive some kind of revelation or knowledge. The orchard/garden represents esoteric Torah (Jewish law) knowledge; this is why the euphemism for apostatizing is to “cut down the saplings.” (I know he says “blasphemy” (which is different), but this is reminiscent of what Dottore says at the end of Winter Night's Lazzo.)
The pardes legend first appears as a warning to scholars about the consequences of teaching about the “chariot” to disciples who are not ready. Though it's not mentioned in this specific text, this process of meditating to ascend to the palaces of God is referred to as “descending” in the writings of the Merkabah mystics [2]. In other words, this legend tells the story of four descenders. 
In the conclusion of the Sumeru Archon Quests, Nahida tells the Traveler about the existence of the “Descenders." Based on the information she got from Dottore in exchange for her Gnosis, she shares that:
Descenders are “external beings, ones that don’t belong to this world”
There are at least four of them, and the Traveler is the fourth 
According to the Fatui, the Traveler's twin is not a Descender
The Traveler is not recorded in Irminsul, but their twin is 
Nahida speculates that the First Descender is the Heavenly Principles, but the identity of the second and third are unknown to her. At that point though, we still didn’t know what it was that Descenders do, or what the exact criteria for being one is, only that it couldn’t be as simple as just being from outside Teyvat. 
The Fontaine World Quest series about the Narzissenkreuz Ordo fills in some pieces of the puzzle; specifically an additional criterion to be a Descender: they must be someone with a will “that can rival an entire world.”
In retrospect, Inversion of Genesis also hinted at the role of a Descender; The Traveler witnesses the results of someone attempting to change fate and/or the world and failing.
Nahida: Changing the world, changing the past, changing the fates of other people... These are not simple things to accomplish. Nahida: What you were looking for is complete annihilation... But this is just a fantasy. Even if The Balladeer is removed from existence, the world will not heed your will. (Inversion of Genesis)
For most people, actually “changing the world” is impossible. But for a Descender, it might be different. 
...Though the results are nothing impressive, this is because the object they chose was pure elemental force, which lacks any will whatsoever. Like the difference between the Director (Lyris) and a Hydro Slime, perhaps?  ...Actually thought of a possible breakthrough during the process... Even though the calculated result is unchanged, but if the refinement method is reflected... If the power of... then maybe we can extract the "will" within. Using this method... resist the impact… (Excerpts from Rene's Investigation Notes)
...The true source of the mysterious power unique to this place that the locals call Khvarena is unknown. But based on its ability to eliminate or reverse the influence of the Abyss (in fact, it is a type of annihilation reaction), the two powers are of the same level, that is to say, they are of the same order in terms of rules... ...In other words, both possess the power to "re-write the rules"... ...Regrettably, be it Abyss or Khvarena, all current users are stuck in an "unconscious" stage of being influenced and overwritten by their power… (Bizarre Transcript)
The Gavireh Lajavard region of the Sumeru desert introduced us to the writings of Rene, a precocious researcher with world-saving ambitions and not nearly enough adult supervision, as well as his only slightly Abyss-corrupted bestie Jakob. Like the Khaenri'ahns before him, Rene was searching for a power that had a “will,” believing it necessary to save Fontaine from an unspecified disaster that we would later learn is The ProphecyTM. During their time in the desert (which was right after the cataclysm), Rene determined that both Abyssal and Khvarena power have a will, but pure elemental energy did not. 
Some time after their trip to Sumeru, Rene and Jakob would found the Narzissenkreuz Ordo, with the goal of finding a way to save Fontainians from being dissolved in the primordial sea-laced floodwaters. They would do this by dissolving all humans in Fontaine with primordial seawater in a controlled manner, melding everyone together into one Oceanid-like being to survive the apocalypse (think Human Instrumentality Project from Evangelion).  Rene had predicted the coming apocalypse with something he called his “world-formula,” and in addition to predicting the doom of Fontaine, it also informed him that “unlike the world depicted in these ancient texts, there will be no more new civilizations born.” The only way this could be changed would be by introducing a new “‘variable’ from outside the system” into the formula (Enigmatic Page 1). Rene’s goal was to become this variable, i.e., a Descender.
Four Worlds 
The Tower of Ipsissimus comes from an old concept from the ancient Fontainian kingdom of Remuria, and was used to describe a powerful will that could rule, sustain, and destroy the world. This tower was designed by the Narzissenkreuz Ordo, and it represents the evolution of the human soul and the infinite mysteries of the world. The Narzissenkreuz Ordo believes that people continuously refine themselves through samsara cycles. These include Hyperborea, Natlantean, Remuria, and the first half of the fourth samsara (Khraun-Arya), which we are presently experiencing. Please take note that these are just names given to these eras by the Ordo based on ancient texts, and this evolution refers to spiritual evolution. There is no intent here to antagonize any research results obtained by the Akademiya. The human spirit undergoes the loss of paradise, the defeat of evil dragons, the original sin and baptism, and finally, freedom from the gods.
The term samsara is typically used to refer to the cyclic nature of reality, and can be used to describe concepts like reincarnation. It is not, however, referring to time loops. There is A Lot to unpack about this note, but for the purposes of this theory we will be focusing on the concept of these “four samsaras” and their relationship with the concept of a Descender, specifically that there seems to be the same number of samsaras as Descenders.
You may be wondering - this is Kabbalah world structure theory and we’ve yet to discuss Kabbalah. Well, it’s time now! But before we can get into specifics, we first need to review some terms discussed in Part 1 and then go through some basics of Lurianic Kabbalah.  Ah, the irony of calling anything about Lurianic Kabbalah “basics.” Caveat that what follows will be a simplification of concepts that are very difficult to grasp (I definitely don’t know what’s going on). 
Creation of the World, Kabbalah Edition  Previously, we compared the “limitless light” emanated by God to create the world to the power of elemental energy, and compared the sefirot of the Tree of Life to the seven elements. The sefirot are components of this divine light (like light passing through a prism and refracting) and represent attributes of God that are used to create the world. The sefirot are traditionally depicted together in the form of a tree, which maps out their relationships with each other. For more details on the similarities between Kabbalah and Genshin worldbuilding, consult Part 1 (link) if you haven't read it yet. 
Kabbalah focuses on describing the relationship between the infinite God and the finite universe and how it was created, with variations between different schools of thought. In this theory, we’ll be primarily focusing on the ideas of the Kabbalist Isaac Luria. The central idea of Luria’s philosophy was a concept he called Seder Hishtalshelut, or “Order of Evolution,” which refers to the cycles of “exile” and “redemption” (creation and destruction) the world is eternally experiencing. In the Lurianic system, time isn’t linear; the world was created in the past, but it’s also being created now. 
The beginning of this Order of Evolution is referred to as the Tzimtzum, or Contraction. This refers to the contracting of the infinite God to make a space where reality could be created. Once this is created, a ray of divine light enters the void and begins to emanate reality. This is similar to the concept of the Pleroma in Gnosticism. The further the divine light gets from the source, the more it starts to break down into separate parts. More specifically, it breaks down into the Four Worlds, which represent stages of the evolution of reality, but also stages of the spiritual evolution of the human consciousness. 
The Four Worlds are:   0. Adam Kadmon - Primordial (Original) Man  1. Atziluth - Emanation   2. Beriah - Creation 3. Yetzirah - Formation 4. Assiah - Action Material reality is distinct from these four worlds; the ‘real’ world emanates out of the fourth world, Assiah. Each of these four worlds have their own sefirot structure, which in themselves contain additional sefirot, on and on, like a fractal. Luria called these recursive structures “tree systems” [3].  In Genshin terms, this is like how we have Irminsul, the world tree, but also the other smaller Irminsul trees in domains.
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(Fun Fact: this schematic is sometimes called Jacob's ladder) The system of the Four Worlds and their nuances are very interesting in themselves, but for the purpose of this theory, we’ll be focusing on the 0th world, Adam Kadmon, and the symbolism associated with this concept in both Kabbalah and general Jewish philosophy. 
Primordial (Hu)Man
The concept of an ‘original man’ is discussed in Philo’s commentary of Genesis, where he describes this being as androgynous, connected to the concept of Logos, and the Idea/Form of humanity in contrast to the ‘earthly man.’ Philo’s definition of the Logos was something closer to the concept of a demiurge-a being responsible for creation of the world. Logos literally means ‘word’ or ‘reason’, and otherwise typically refers to divine reason, or the word of God.  It’s important to note that here the use of the word ‘man’ refers to a human being, not specifically a male person. Though often described as a man, the Primordial Man of Kabbalah is considered androgynous (like the Primordial One of Genshin).
The Zohar (a foundational work of Kabbalah) describes the Primordial Man as the “image of everything that is above [in heaven] and below [upon earth]; therefore did the Holy Ancient [God] select it for His own form.” The Primordial Man is the personification of the 10 sefirot together and represents a microcosm of the universe (macrocosm) [4]. 
Narzissenkreuz: I... I sense "reason." Visitors, are you the successors to Narzissenkreuz, or are you a threat? Narzissenkreuz: Is "Reason" that which grants you such strength? Narzissenkreuz: No, I have noticed. Have you always been in that realm that I pursue? O, you who are equal to a world! (Waking From the Great Dream) Man, as he was before his fall [first sin], is conceived as a cosmic being which contains the whole world in itself (Trends in Jewish Mysticism, pg. 215)
Lurianic Kabbalah considers the Primordial Man to be the highest level manifestation of God that can be conceptualized by humans. The world of Adam Kadmon precedes the emanation of the lower Four Worlds, but each of these worlds have their own corresponding anthropomorphic figure as well [5]. In contrast to the worlds that follow Adam Kadmon, the sefirot of Adam Kadmon are not in a Tree of Life configuration, but rather in the configuration known as “upright,’ arranged in the shape of the human body.
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The concept of a Primordial Man exists in other religions and mythologies as well. There’s the Gnostic Anthropos, Adam Kasia of Mandaeism, the ‘Universal Man’ (al-Insān al-Kāmil) of Sufism who functions as an Axis Mundi, the world-soul of Platonism, Gayomart of Zoroastrianism, and more. The symbolism of the human body as mediator between the divine and the material world is not unique to Kabbalah. Kabbalah’s version of the World Tree and Primordial Man both function similarly to the Axis Mundi; they are the same emanations of the divine, just arranged in different configurations. 
Will and the Primordial Man In Kabbalah, Adam Kadmon represents the will of God, specifically the will to create. The blueprint for the creation of the world is contained within this being/world, all superimposed together into a “primordial thought.”  Within Adam Kadmon, there is no distinction between the individual sefirot, or rather, between anything at all. Everything is contained with this world/thought, but there is no time, no space, and no limitations. WIthout limitations, individual beings and concepts cannot be created. Therefore, the unity of Adam Kadmon had to be broken; specifically into the 10 sefirot, which could then assemble themselves into new configurations and continue the process of creation [6].
Narzissenkreuz: The witness of all, the recorder of all, the designer of all. Narzissenkreuz: Only one who is worth a world can bear that title. (Waking From the Great Dream) If the righteous wish to do so, they can create a world. (Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 65b) 
Back in Part 1, we compared pure elemental energy to Kabbalah’s divine light of creation and the ten sefirot to the seven elements. If we apply this analogy to Adam Kadmon, doesn’t a being that could (theoretically) resonate with all elements and would eventually meet their end by being broken up into many pieces sound familiar? 
At the end of Act V of the Fontaine Archon Quest, Skirk tells Neuvillette that the Gnoses are actually the “remains of the Third Descender.” Neuvillette, the Traveler, and Paimon speculate that this is possible because as a Descender, they would have also had the same unique compatibility with the elements as the Traveler. Neuvillette’s character stories refer to the remains of the Third Descender as the “seven remembrances,” which were used to create a new “order” for the world, with “all fragments of the primordial…driven to devour each other.”
Rene’s notes in the Tower of Ipsissimus directly tell us that there is a connection between the concept of the Primordial Man and Descenders:
"Lies beneath the great sea" is, itself, an interesting phrase. It comes from ancient Sumeru texts, and should be read as "Narayana*," which also means "primordial human." This, too, is my goal, for not all that comes from beyond may be as one that "descends." That title belongs only to wills that can rival an entire world. That is what I seek, the way to become just such a will, one that can protect the world, sustain the world, destroy the world, and create the world.
[*Narayana (Sanskrit: नारायण, romanized: Nārāyaṇa) is one of the forms and names of Vishnu, depicted as sleeping under the celestial waters, and is associated with creation. This reference aligns with Rene’s goal of using the power of the Primordial Sea to make himself a Descender. ]
In summary, we have four Descenders, we have four samsaras, and we have four symbolic worlds that are only able to exist due to the destruction of a 0th world known as the Primordial Man, who represents the totality of the divine Will to create the world and the Idea of humanity. 
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Keep all this information in mind, because before we can discuss the connections between samsaras, Descenders, and the Primordial Man, we must take a detour into alchemy and psychology.
Primordial God Impact 
Genshin Impact has always been about the primordial - it’s literally in the name: 原神, or yuan shen, which means ‘original god.’ Many other in-game items share this descriptor, including primogems (原石), Primordial Seawater (原始胎海之水), and the Primordial One (原初的那一位). The same characters are also used in the note from the Tower of Ipsissimus when referring to the ‘primordial human’:  原初之人, which as it turns out, is exactly the same word used for the Primordial Human Project.
The Primordial Human Project has been mentioned exactly once, in a cutscene from the Shadows Amidst Snowstorms event in version 2.3. There, Albedo refered to his doppelganger who had been wreaking havoc on Dragonspine as the “failure of the Primordial Human Project.” Albedo implied that he is the “survivor” of an experiment associated with the Primordial Human Project and considers it to be related to his origins as a creation of Rhinedottir, aka the alchemist Gold. 
We know very little about Rhinedottir and her motivations. She’s a practitioner of the Art of Khemia, a member of the Hexenzirkel, is labeled a sinner and blamed for the appearance of monsters during the Cataclysm, made a dragon named Durin and sent him to Teyvat during said Cataclysm, where he caused destruction everywhere he went while thinking he was playing, and might have also made Elynas, who had a similar fate. According to Skirk, she, like Skirk’s master, is “pursuing some form of perfection.”
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The Great Work
 Rhinedottir’s alchemical research was focused on the creation of new life and she was familiar with an alchemical text called the Opus Magnum, which she left behind for Albedo to study. The Opus Magnum is a reference to the real life Magnum Opus, or Great Work, which refers to the alchemical process of creating the philosopher’s stone from the prima materia (original matter). The process typically goes as follows: nigredo (blackness), albedo (whiteness), citrinitas (yellowing) and rubedo (redness). Later Western alchemy would merge the citrinitas and rubedo steps into just rubedo, or include additional steps, such as the peacock’s tail stage between nigredo and albedo. Notably, the order of the last two steps in this process is reversed in the version of the process Albedo learned from Rhinedottir: rubedo is third, with citrinitas last.
This reordering isn’t universal in Teyvat: Rene’s notes disparage this choice, saying that Khaenri’ah is distracted from the true goal of the process:
..."Red" is the foundational principle, the philosopher's stone*, while "yellow" represents gold and mortal temptation. Yellow is simply bait. Red is the final goal. However, Khaenri'ah would likely seek the truth for gold's sake before turning that truth into a bread production pipeline…
[*This is the first and so far, only, time the phrase “philosopher’s stone” has been directly mentioned in-game.]
Rene has a somewhat ironic take on the Khaenri’ahn alchemical philosophy, given that Albedo’s character stories specifically say “Khaenri'ah was an underground realm, with precious few natural fauna. As such, its alchemy focused more heavily on the creation of life.” Rene often has strong opinions - but why would he care about the order of the Magnum Opus?
The Chymical Wedding of Rene de Petrichor
A recurring motif of the Great Work is the ‘chemical wedding.’ This refers to a union of opposites; male and female, sun and moon, fire and water, sulfur (Red King) and mercury (White Queen), etc, and is often depicted as taking place in a fountain. Here, in this drawing from a copy of the Ripley Scroll, sulfur and mercury wed and form the androgynous (like the primordial man) ‘philosophical child,’ which is philosophical mercury. 
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Philosophical mercury is the underlying principle or “divine flow” that makes alchemy and transmutation possible. Therefore, the goal of the Great Work was to pin down this mercury into matter through the four (or more) stages of the Great Work and make the philosopher’s stone [7,8]. 
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"The Stone that is Mercury, is cast upon the Earth, exalted on Mountains, resides in the Air, and is nourished in the Waters." (Michael Maier's Atalanta Fugiens. 1617.) The cubes represent prima materia. ;)
The chemical wedding is also used as a motif throughout the story of the Narzissenkreuz Ordo. The Book of Revealing includes a schematic of the “Seal of Chymical Marriage,” which consists of a “Tree of Emanation'' and the “Four Orthants,” and was used to seal the Primordial Sea. The Tree of Emanation component is, of course, a version of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life - for more ramblings, feel free to check out my twitter thread here.
The Narzissenkreuz Ordo is likely intended to be a reference to the real life Rosicrucian Order, and the name of the seal a reference to an important text for this order called the “Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz.”  Other possible references to chemical weddings include Lyris being referred to as the ‘Red Empress,’ Rene using her power to dissolve himself and be reborn through the water, and Mary-Ann and Lyris fusing and eventually producing “pure water” aka Ann.  Actually, when you dig into it, there are many suspicious interactions between sun and moon-coded gods in Genshin lore, as well as the doomed wedding of the Seelie and the traveler from afar. My Name For Now made a really interesting video about this, so if you would like more information and speculation, check it out here.
The Philosopher’s Stone and the Self
The philosopher’s stone is the Holy Grail of alchemy: an alchemical substance that can transmute base metals into silver or gold, make someone immortal, cure all illness, make a homunculus, and more. The stone represents perfection and spiritual refinement, either of nature through alchemy, or of the self (the alchemist) [8]. 
Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychology, considered the steps of the Magnum Opus to represent the process of the individuation of the self from the collective unconscious. The similarities between his interpretation of alchemical symbolism and the ideals of the Narzissenkreuz Ordo deserve their own separate analysis, but in brief: Jung defined the collective unconscious to be the shared unconscious mind between humans, full of basic instincts and archetypes, which are primordial symbols that exist in many mythologies throughout the world. Jung compared the collective unconscious to the alchemical symbolism of water, which he describes as “wisdom and knowledge, truth and spirit, and its source was in the inner man [9].” The process of individuation separates aspects of the personality from the unconscious (the water) and then eventually integrates all components together, to form the individual self, which can now bring “order” to the unconscious (at least on a personal level)[10]. In other words, the Jungian interpretation of the Magnum Opus is that the final product, the philosopher's stone, is the Self. 
If we apply this symbolism to Rene’s journey, it appears he was attempting to refine himself into a philosopher’s stone, which would explain why he was so interested in the work of the Khaenri’ahn alchemists. As he stated multiple times, his goal was to become a “primordial human,” whose will “can rival an entire world.” Rene’s philosopher’s stone is a Descender. 
The Primordial Human Project
After Rene’s failed attempt to dissolve himself in Primordial Water and be reborn using Lyris’s power, Jakob turned to his own research to try to save Rene and complete his rebirth. In his log of this time period, Jakob wrote: 
...I've been interpreting the data in search of a solution and sharing the results with Rene. There has still been no response, but I can already envision his response with perfect clarity: criticizing the Universitas Magistrorum for putting the cart before the horse, neglecting the fundamental principles underlying everything, and diving straight into the details of how to put those techniques to use... How they inverted even the alchemical stages for other purposes… ...It seems that there was an alchemist from Khaenri'ah named "R" who joined a secret order. From what fragmentary records exist, it appears that they made significant headway. 
There are two items of note here; the first is the mention of Universitas Magistrorum, which previously had only been mentioned in a namecard description. The card description reads "O Almighty Sovereign, the Universitas Magistrorum has provided the predictions you requested: The two stars have been captured by the world's gravity…��� which may be referencing Khaenri’ah’s summoning of the twins (Inversion of Genesis). From the context of Jakob’s notes, we can infer that this organization was also utilizing some form of the Magnum Opus for an unknown purpose.
The second item of note is the mention of the alchemist “R,” who is almost definitely Rhinedottir, and the “significant headway” that she and this mysterious “secret order” made. It’s very likely that Jakob is interested in Rhinedottir’s work simply because he wants to make a new body for Rene; the log also mentions Remurian golems and experiments with prosthetic limbs. However, the mention of her and the Universitas Magistrorum in the same context, with Jakob’s commentary on the reversed order of the Magnum Opus, gave me the idea that sparked this whole theory (descent into madness): Is it possible that Rhinedottir’s Primordial Human Project was intended to make a Descender? 
Sometimes, very important lore gets buried in character stories. For example, the first time the term “primordial (hu)man” shows up - which is in Albedo’s fifth character story. 
This art of creation was known as "The Art of Khemia." Albedo had learned of this in his youth from reading his master's notes. The next stage after "soil" is "chalk," which was also something his master had mentioned. "Chalk is the spotless soil, and was used to make primordial man." Now, Albedo understands alchemy in far greater depth than he did in the beginning, and his knowledge on the subject is far more comprehensive. "From soil was birthed chalk." The profundity of this statement is well understood by Albedo now.
Albedo is also the “chalk”; Rhinedottir gave him the title of Kreideprinz, or Chalk Prince. She seems to have a habit of naming her creations after types of soil. Durin was ‘humus,’ the Riftwolves are ‘alfisol,’ and Albedo is ‘cretaceus’. According to her, earth is “the basis of all life” and the “accumulated memories of time and lives,” so it makes sense she’d use soil as the starting material for her alchemical creations. 
Albedo seems to be aware of the Traveler’s unique status, although he never names them as a Descender. During his Story Quest, Albedo studies the Traveler to get insight on how to help an alien flower bloom.
Albedo: The only other life form that, like you, has come here from afar, is the seed that I mentioned. Under the effects of Teyvat's natural laws, it isn't even able to sprout, let alone bloom. Albedo: But after I observed you, I had another idea. Albedo: Imitating you helped to inspire my alchemy, and so... Albedo: Is not nurturing otherworldly life also nurturing the world itself?
Following the experiments he performs on them, he reveals to the player that he lied about some of their test results, and even compares himself to the Traveler. 
Albedo: I made a point throughout of telling them how ordinary the results were... Albedo: But what was that sediment I saw forming at the bottom of the vial? It should not have been there... What could it mean? Albedo: Those born of earth are bound by its imperfections, but those born of chalk are free of impurities... You and I are alike, both composed of a substance that has yet to be fully defined...
This leaves us with questions. Assuming Albedo is similar to the ‘primordial human’, what is his role? Is he a Descender, or is he meant to work to become one eventually, like Rene tried to do?
Let’s return for a moment to the Primordial Man and Adam Kadmon. Earlier, we discussed the symbolism of Adam Kadmon; this being represents the divine will to create, also known as the “primordial thought,” as well as the Idea of humanity. Adam Kadmon is the potential for creation unified together, with no distinctions between any concepts. Hermeticism and alchemy have a similar concept, succinctly summed up in the phrase “the all is one,” which can be found written on one of the earlier alchemical drawings of an ouroboros by Cleopatra the Alchemist [11]. 
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In Gnosticism and alchemy, this symbol refers to unity of all material and spiritual things, as well the eternal cycle of destruction and re-creation as things change form [12]. 
Rhinedottir shared this philosophy, as evidenced by the description for Cinnabar Spindle, Albedo’s sword.
Separate the dust in the flames with joy, and extract the exquisite from the crude. For all in the universe comes from a single source, and all things may be derived from a single thought.
The weapon description also contains instructions for Albedo that likely tie into his expected role as a success of the Primordial Human Project. 
You must pursue that which your elder brother, the one-horned white horse, could not accomplish. Reach the far side of philosophy, and create a new destiny for myself and your brothers…
Albedo’s final assignment from Rhinedottir is to learn the “truth and the meaning of this world,” a phrase echoed by the Abyss Twin in We Will Be Reunited. Knowledge is literally power in Teyvat: both Nibelung the Dragon King and later, Deshret, utilized Forbidden Knowledge, also referred to as a “power of darkness from outside of this world”, believing it to be the only effective power to defeat the Heavenly Principles. In fact, it’s even possible that the Dragon King was one of the Descenders despite presumably being native to Teyvat. The process of acquiring the Forbidden Knowledge could have evolved him to true Descender status, although this power appears to be incompatible with Teyvat, especially in the wrong hands. The power of the Forbidden Knowledge is similar to the metaphorical garden of the pardes myth, where out of four “descenders,” only one was able to safely leave, with the esoteric knowledge gained. The philosopher's stone also represents knowledge-it is the lapis philosophorum; literally the 'stone of wisdom'. Knowledge is also how one ascends in Gnosticism, i.e, achieving gnosis. 
Perhaps this is the true method to create a Descender and Albedo’s future role: once he reaches the far side of philosophy (learns the truth and meaning of the world) and ‘evolves’ and ‘refines’ himself from albedo through rubedo and citrinitas to the philosopher’s stone, he can change destiny. 
This sounds familiar…
Fortuna and Evolution 
Rene’s calculations of the world-formula predicted that following the fulfillment of Fontaine’s prophecy, there would be no new civilizations formed from the ruins, as there presumably had been in the past following similar disasters. Rene believed the only way around this was for him to become a Descender, and save Fontaine from the disaster, beginning a new age. It’s implied in the text of the Book of Revealing (the version in the WQ) that the fulfillment of the prophecy would spell disaster for all of Teyvat, not just Fontaine, but even if that were not the intent of Celestia, we can use this example as an analogy for the world-formula of Teyvat. 
Rene directly compared the world-formula to the Remurian concept of Fortuna: 
Kingdoms rise and fall, and when a civilization is annihilated, a new one will be born after from the ashes, which these books refer to as "Fortuna"... It's somewhat rudimentary, but theoretically at least, it bears striking resemblance to the computational scheme I have formulated and termed "world-formula"...
Let’s spin the wheel of Fortuna and return to the beginning, where we first discussed the four samsara cycles of spiritual evolution and the Four Worlds. Although the samsara cycles don’t refer directly to actual historical events, their names are based on ancient texts. It’s not a large leap in logic to suggest that each of the four samsaras refers to eras in Teyvat’s history- what others in the lore community have been referring to as ‘root-cycles.’ For example, the defeat of evil dragons associated with the Natlantean samsara could refer to the war between the Primordial One and the vishaps described in Before Sun and Moon, or the war between the Heavenly Principles and the Dragon King (which might be the same thing!). The events associated with each samsara must be what ends the samsara, since the fourth, Khraun-Arya, is the current, and represents freedom from the gods, which has not happened yet. 
Given that the Descenders can (theoretically) change the result of the world-formula/Fortuna, it can’t be a coincidence that there are the same number of Descenders as there are known samsaras. In addition, if the four samsaras of Teyvat function like the Four Worlds of Kabbalah, that means that a samsara-ending event would be something that results in the evolution of the world. Apep says that during the war between the Dragon King and the Heavenly Principles, Teyvat was in danger of collapsing, and that the victor of the war would “inherit the right to shape the world”. This sounds a lot like Rene’s definition of a Descender: one that can protect the world, sustain the world, destroy the world, and create the world. The death and disassembly of the Third Descender led to a significant change in the “order” of Teyvat when the Gnoses were created to replace the “ruined” functions of the Heavenly Principles. Put another way, Descenders are able to evolve Teyvat into its next stage of evolution.
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The fate of the Third Descender and ruined functions of the Heavenly Principles suggest another, alarming component to the relationship between samsaras and Descenders. It could be that as part of the process, a Descender must replace or repair an aspect of the mechanisms that maintain Teyvat. Don’t worry about the Traveler though; the fourth descender of the pardes legend gets to leave the garden in peace. 
On the other hand, the first Descender in the legend is the one who dies, and in Genshin it’s the third, so maybe the list isn’t exactly in order. Of course, this comparison to the legend is partly a joke, but it is very interesting that the metaphor for apostatizing is uprooting trees….
Khaenri’ah’s World-Formula
We know from Rene’s notes that Khaenri’ah had their own version of a world-formula, or at least, their records contained information Rene could use to reverse engineer their predictions. We don’t actually know what he found there, but based on the name he gave the fourth samsara and the whole “freedom from the gods” thing, it seems they were trying to evolve Teyvat into the next samsara and make this freedom a reality. We also know that the Khaenri’ahns were searching for a specific kind of power, a power they referred to as both a “perpetual” energy source and a “secret from beyond the skies” that could “throw off the shackles imposed by this world's laws.” This power from “beyond the skies” is thought to be some form of Abyssal power, and the Khaenri’ahns who used it seem aware of a will contained in that power, a “dogma from beyond the heavens.” In fact, it’s possible that this power is the same as the Forbidden Knowledge brought in by Nibelung, which also had an influence on Apep’s behavior when they were infected with it after eating Deshret.
It appears that Khaenri’ah was familiar with something similar to the concept of a Descender, which makes Chlothar’s words to the Traveler in Caribert all the more impactful. 
Chlothar: I never imagined that you, of all people, would deny the Abyss... How ridiculous! Chlothar: We once believed that you would bring new strength and hope to Khaenri'ah. Chlothar: To us, you were the Abyss... A wondrous mystery far beyond our imagination and comprehension... Chlothar: ...And the one who controls the Abyss can control everything! Chlothar: We yearned for that future. We looked to you to take us there.
The Future
As mentioned previously, the Four Worlds of Kabbalah are all precursors to the actual material reality, which will be emanated (created) from the fourth world. Luria believed that our world was not yet completely realized and needed another spiritual push from humanity to be actualized. (The mechanics of this won’t be discussed here - so consider this a teaser for Part 3 of Kabbalah theory.) Therefore in Kabbalistic terms, this fifth samara, this fifth world, would be the final and true reality for Teyvat.
This would be why Khaenri’ah needed a Descender or even merely a power that could defy the Heavenly Principles. That was why they summoned the twins, and why projects like the Primordial Human Project existed. It’s ironic that in their desire to remake the world in the image of their dreams, where they were free from the gods and the Heavenly Principles, they chose in the end to bind themselves to a will from beyond the sky, which ended up in catastrophe. 
As the letter in the Khaenri’ahn ruins of Gavireh Lajavard says: “The gods are untrustworthy and the demons, ineffable. If there is one thing that can pry open the corners of this hollow world, then it can only be human will.”
Congrats on making it to the end! As you can see, this was already reaching a ridiculous word count, so there were some things I had to leave out, or only briefly touch on. So here are some people and concepts I pretended didn't exist so this didn't get (more) convoluted, but you should read about them: Crowley and True Will, Nietzsche and the overman, Zoroastrianism as a whole, but particularly their version of the Primordial Man, William Blake's prophecies (his Auguries of Innocence is a big inspiration for the artifact lore), Schopenhauer and Will, Atman and Brahman, Plato's concept of the world-soul, SWORDS (in Genshin lore), the Holy Grail legend, and shoutout to Otto Apocalypse the real First Descender. I do want to point out that some of the (real) people on this list, like Crowley, either were terrible people who believed terrible things, or had their philosophy used for terrible things. This also applies to other inspirations for the Narzissenkreuz Ordo. Please keep that in mind when engaging with these people's work.
On a lighter note:
Sabre’s Fun Fact Science Corner aka Miscellaneous Stuff I Need to Put Somewhere 
I didn't want to have to get into explaining the lore of another piece of media but yes, this theory was inspired by a binge watch of the last arc of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, transmutation circles and philosopher’s stone and all 
On the topic of FMAB, the The Black Serpent Knights archive description states: “The long years and a curse seems to have robbed them of their reason and memory. Now, all that remains within that armor is the will to ‘fight for something, someone, and some matter.’” Funnily enough, the subtitle of the Knights is ‘Aldric’ - Alphonse Elric, anyone?
Caribert becomes the Loom of Fate to “weave his own destiny anew”, Albedo has the Cinnabar Spindle and instructions to create a new destiny - I’m sensing a theme here 
Rene believed that getting a Vision was a bad thing in the process of actualizing your Will, and resulted in you selling your fate to the world. So he developed a ritual to remove a Vision from an allogene (this is only mentioned in passing by Caterpillar). So even though Albedo has a Vision, he’s not out of the running to become a Descender. But also Rene was wrong about stuff so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  
The anthropomorphic imagery in Lurianic Kabbalah can get pretty bizarre, but in a fun way if you're into Genshin lore. Adam Kadmon is described as emanating divine light out of his face, specifically his eyes, to create the next world. Genshin eyeball lore is my roman empire.
As a full elemental dragon, Apep had a “world” inside their body. Rhinedottir seems to like dragons a lot; I wonder if she considers them to be similar to the primordial human. Also, there's evidence that the Traveler's elemental abilities mimic those of the elemental dragons, rather than the archons.
Toseftah Hagigah 2:2 Babylonian Talmud Hagigah 14b, Jerusalem Talmud Hagigah 9:1.
Introduction to Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism - Part 3/14 - Merkabah Shi'ur Komah & Sar Torah
Introduction to Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism - Part 10/14 - Christian and Lurianic Kabbalah
Jung, Collected Works vol. 14 (1970), Mysterium Coniunctionis (1956), ¶372 (p. 278) via Wikipedia
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dairine-bonnet · 10 months
Carth: ...Simply tell her... that Carth Onasi is waiting for her!
Me, as a player: Hey, Carth, hold your horses! My Revan didn't romance you!:D
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cienie-isengardu · 2 years
"I vote we get a droid," Jilka said, dicing amber root. "Why is Mandalore the only place where everyone does everything by hand?" "The dignity of labor." Besany tasted the bubbling vat of stew to check if it needed more salt. "Hard work's good for the soul. Very grounding." "My soul's fine," Jilka said stiffly. The angrier she got, the faster she diced. "My body is another matter." Jilka looked at her hands, red and sore from kitchen chores, and Ny could almost read her thoughts: How did this ever happen to me? Like Besany, Jilka had worked for the Treasury as an investigator. But unlike her, she hadn't followed a clone husband to Kyrimorut. She was an innocent bystander, set up by a Gurlanin spy to draw attention away from Besany while she leaked government information to Skirata, arrested by the secret police-and sprung from prison by Ordo and Vau. Jilka's life had been wrecked before she even knew why. She hadn't actually punched out Besany yet, but the atmosphere between them was pure ice. It was only a matter of time.
Imperial Commando
#star wars#jilka zan zentis#besany wennen#imperial commando#republic commando book series#republic commando critically#i for one would really feel better if jilka actually ht besanny or anyone#instead of the ' oh a clone boyfriend for me' kinda way of peace poor solution#if that was meant as#stockholm syndrome then it was presented in poor way as we barely see women doing anything outside the kitchen#i would especially be glad if jilka hit besanny when she talk bullshit like this oh the dignity of labor when#i count on one hand all the men book mentioned to actually do anything in kitchen#but also besany is such a hypocrite?#which is not how i'm usually think about her but she didn't mind much when skirata gang (vau to be precisely) killed a woman leaking info#to terrorists in TZ (when she may did so due to fallean's hormones / influence)#and how ordo was oh no besany is so moral persona and so on#but then she stole for like two years needed information to skirata and ordo/nulls#and yeah how republic use clone troopers was morally wrong but how this actually excuse her action?#i'm not even judging her per se#just how she was presented as this oh so morally person but with passing time she doesn't seem to worry about the stolen money#all the murdering and shady stuff#like jusik somehow her moral spin was erased to fit into the clan  heh#and really her pompoust talking about dignity of labor and hard work sounds to me she is not trying to#convince Jilka but herself?#man i'm so so sad the conflict between jilka (victim of besany and skirata/mereel's stealing secret data)#and besany (a person once with high sense of morality that somehow get lost along the way)#was never properly developted beyong a few mention here and there#also besany jilka and laseema were shown to us only on coruscant a whole city-planet#and i'm here to believe that all are okay to live in isolated place far far away from any normality they knew? stuck deep in the forest#yeah because urban people forced to live in the wilderness switch just like that heh
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vodika-vibes · 4 months
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Singing - a request from @wax-birds
Summary: Your soulmate isn’t much of a singer, there’s only one song that he sings, and by this point, you know it by heart. The first time you hear him in person, though, is when the Republic Soldiers come to your home world.
Pairing: Ordo Skirata x Reader
Word Count: 2135
Warnings: None
Prompt: Soulmate AU - you can hear your soulmate sing
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Thanks for your request! I wasn't sure, at first, where to go with this, but I hope you like it!
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You wake to the sound of singing echoing in your head and you groan, roll over, and pull your pillow over your head, as though that will stop the singing and let you fall back to sleep.
It won’t.
It never does.
You still have to try, though. 
The singing continues, unhindered by the pillow, and you heave another sigh as you throw your pillow to the side and sit up.
You blink, blearily, at the chrono sitting innocently next to you. Barely five in the morning. 
Kriff your soulmate, seriously. And not in a fun way.
You swing your legs off the side of your bed and meander your way to the fresher, humming along with the song echoing through your mind. Would it kill him to learn another song? Any other song?
Okay, that’s not fair.
He does know other songs because you hear him humming along to some of the songs that you sing, it’s just that this one song seems to be the only one that he sings regularly.
It’s called Vod’e An.
A Mandalorian battle song.
The only downside is that you’re never going to meet a Mandalorian. Your home planet is so far removed from Mandalorian Space that you’ve never even seen on. Plus, you’re pretty sure that Duchess whats-her-face banned the old Mandalorian culture.
Or maybe you’re spending too much time on conspiracy websites.
You turn the shower on and wait for the water to heat as you peel your sleep clothes off and toss them in the laundry. Since you’re already awake, you might as well prepare for the day.
As soon as the fresher starts filling with steam, you step under the water and start singing. A silly little pop song that has been playing a lot lately. You’re not surprised when the song in your head changes to singing along with you. 
You and your soulmate have always had that effect on each other. Influencing what song the other one is singing. In a way, it’s reassuring. What, with the state of the galaxy, it’s nice to know that he’s still out there.
It’s a shame your soul bond with him is limited to singing, you’d like to get to know him.
Then again, your best friend’s soul bond is hearing his thoughts, and it made her such an anxious mess that she needed to be medicated.
Hm. You should call her.
You linger in the shower for long enough that the hot water starts to cool, and it is only then that you step out, wrap a towel around yourself, and start preparing for the day.
You work at a local boarding school. One of the most elite, expensive, and competitive schools on the planet. Today you have several parent interviews, to see if their child will thrive at the school or if another one would be a better fit.
You finish dressing, apply your makeup for the day, and then finally leave your bedroom. You head down the stairs to the kitchen and kiss your mother on the cheek.
“Morning, Mom.”
“Morning, sweetie. You’re up early.” The older woman beams at you as she sets a breakfast bowl on the table next to a mug of caff, “Everything alright?”
“Yeah. Just woke up.”
“Soul mate again?” She asks with a knowing smile.
“He takes early days, I guess.” You joke, “And then I started thinking about Clo and just couldn’t fall back to sleep.”
“Poor Chloe,” Your mom sighs as she sinks into a seat across from you, “Her parents sent her to an institute, you know. She stopped being able to tell her thoughts from her soul mate’s.”
“I hadn’t heard that.” You reply quietly.
“Her parents are devastated. They’re hoping he shows up soon.” She shakes her head.
“Do you think visiting her would help?”
“No visitors. She can’t even recognize her parents at this point.”
“That’s a shame.” You say with a sigh, before you shake your head, “What are you doing up so early, anyway?”
“Your brother called. He wants me to watch the twins for the day.”
You roll your eyes, “You need to start charging him for this.”
“Those kids are innocent.”
“I know, I know.” She shakes her head, “Those kids don’t have any positive influences in their lives outside of me and your father. We’re taking them to the lake house for the week.”
“You’re watching them for a week?”
“You don’t mind, do you?”
“Mom, you and Dad can do what you like, but you need to do something about this. Or he’s going to keep walking all over you.”
“That’s what I keep saying,” Your dad says as he steps into the kitchen. He kisses the top of your head, and then kisses your mom, before stealing a piece of toast from your plate, “We’re talking to a lawyer to get full custody.”
“There’s no room in your suite for two toddlers.”
“Yeah, well. We’re thinking of moving to the lake house permanently. Now that the renovations are done.” Dad says, “But, we’ll discuss this later, you’re going to be late.”
You blink at him and then glance at your chrono, before you swear and scramble to your feet, “Thanks for breakfast, mom!” You call as you hurry to the door.
“You’re welcome, don’t forget your purse!”
“I have it!”
You arrive at school 45 minutes later. You pull into your space, park the car, and stare in disbelief at the sheer number of people running around.
“You’re here, finally!” One of the young women who works in the office says as she runs over, “You have to come quickly.”
“Why, what’s going on?”
“The Senator’s son ran off. And he called in the Republic. There are soldiers here. They want to talk to you.”
“To me?”
“Yeah, well. You know the students.” She drags you over to a pair of men near the building and then abandons you.
“And you are?” The shorter, and older, of the men asks. 
You lift your lanyard, “I work here. I was told you wanted to talk to me?”
The younger man, still dressed in full armor, shifts at the sound of your voice and tugs his helmet off. His gaze is heavy as he scans your face, “You’re the guidance counselor?” His voice is familiar. Familiar in a way that makes your stomach flip, but you push the thought, and nerves, aside to focus on his question.
“Yeah. I mean, during the school year. Before the year begins I do parent interviews for student placement.” You reply.
“My name is Kal Skirata, this is my son, Ordo.” He nods to the taller man, “Is there someplace we can talk privately?”
“There won’t be anyone in my office if that works.”
“That’s perfect,” Ordo says.
“Alright, it’s right this way.” You gesture towards the main administrative building.
“Why don’t you help the others, Kal’buir? I’ll handle the questioning.”
“Yeah, probably a good idea,” Kal replies. He claps Ordo on the shoulder and then hurries over to another clone.
You wait for a moment, and then lead Ordo into the Admin building and to your office, which is on the first floor. You unlock the door and move to the side to let him in first, before you follow him into the room, and shut the door behind you.
“You can have a seat if you like. The chairs are softer than they look.” You offer as you walk around your desk and sink into your office chair. 
Ordo’s gaze slides around your office. He takes in your degrees, family pictures, and the personal items that you’ve added to make this room yours. “I have to admit, I wasn’t expecting a therapist to be my soulmate. Especially based on how much singing you do.”
“Child Therapist and I like music.” You reply, “I did have to teach myself Mando’a to understand the song you keep singing though.”
He flashes a small smirk at you, “You’re a good singer.”
“Thank you.” You motion at the chair, “Please, have a seat.”
He drops into the chair and stretches his legs out in front of him. Ordo is incredibly handsome and he has a very nice voice. But you knew that already. “So, mesh’la,” He drawls, “What do you know about why I’m here?”
“Not much. I was told that the Senator’s son ran off, and that’s it.”
“Is that what you think happened?” Ordo asks, “That he ran off?”
“We are talking about young Brenton Whills, correct?”
“That’s right.”
“He’s been a regular in my office since he was enrolled here.” You say as you reach into your desk and pull out a thick file to place it on your desk.
“Problem student?”
“No, the opposite in fact. Academically speaking, he’s the perfect student. Intelligent, polite, and able to pick up new topics quickly. Socially, he’s very popular. Plays sports and is on the debate team—”
“And yet you say he’s a regular.”
“He’s an anxious kid. Something of a perfectionist.” You pause, “He hates it here.”
“Some kids just don’t like Boarding Schools, they don’t thrive under the structure and being away from their parents.” You explain, “I kind of got that impression from him.”
“So, in your professional opinion, he ran away.”
“This isn’t a prison, Ordo. If the kids want to leave we can’t stop them.”
“The Senator believes his son was kidnapped.”
“He believes it a lot.”
“I’m sure he does, but that’s not what happened.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I know Brenton. I know him better than his parents. And I’m telling you, he ran away.”
“You’re not worried about him?”
“Send someone to talk to his uncle. He owns a fishing trawler in town. Brenton spends his free time there.”
Ordo frowns and makes a note in his datapad.
“Ordo,” He lifts his head and looks at you, “Brenton has two adults in his life that he trusts, me and his uncle. I’d prefer it if your brother’s didn’t ruin that.”
“Noted.” He makes one more note in his datapad and then sets it on the table. “It’s too bad that the first time I met you was in the middle of a crisis.” 
“Well, it’s not such a crisis, is it?”
Ordo chuckles and stands. For a moment, you think he’s going to leave, but instead, he walks around your desk and leans against it so that he’s on the same side of the desk as you. “Not so much of a crisis that they need me around.” He agrees.
You stand without being asked, and Ordo draws you closer to his body, his hands low on your hips as he pulls you to stand between his legs. You set your hands on his chest plate, one of your fingers lightly tracing the paint coloring his armor.
“I used to fantasize about what it would be like to meet you,” Ordo admits as one of his hands slides up your back and settles on the back of your neck.
“How’s this compare?” You ask as you lean in so you’re pressed flush against his armor.
“So much better,” Ordo replies with a laugh, “because you’re actually here.” He leans in so that his lips are hovering over yours.
“I thought that clones weren’t allowed to connect with their soul mates?” You ask in a whisper.
“We’re not allowed to do a lot of things,” Ordo replies, “Never stopped us before.” He scans your face for a moment, “I’m going to kiss you now.”
“Yes, plea—” You’re not able to finish your sentence as his lips crash against yours in a deep kiss. And it’s almost like something snaps into place. As though a piece of you that was missing is suddenly there.
And by the way that he’s clutching you, Ordo agrees.
He breaks the kiss, almost grudgingly, though he keeps you pressed tight against him. He’s tightly gripping your waist, and you can tell by the look on his face that he wants nothing more than to strip his armor off and claim you as his right here and now, but instead, he slowly releases you.
It’s not what you want, but Ordo slowly puts a little space between you. “We have a home on Mandalore.” He says, “Will you come with me?”
You hesitate, and then you smile at him, “Tell me where, and I’ll be there when I can.”
“On my life.”
He flashes a small grin and kisses you quickly one more time. “Give me your comm code. I’m not giving you up now that I have you.”
As soon as you have his comm code, he leaves. Off to find the missing boy. But you, your elated grin doesn’t fade for hours.
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lazywriter-artist · 2 months
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Be still, Bleeding heart
Warhammer 40k writing practice + Oc lore
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The guardsman froze, yanking their guns to a resting position they stared in confusion. The soldiers stared on in disbelief, they recoiled as their inquisitor in his hulking armor ripped a huge clawed hand forward, throwing one of the men aside who had been attacking one of the xenos.
“STAY BACK” he roared, falling to his knees as his huge armored hands lifted the small xenos pulling the shivering form close to his chest, heaving like a rabid animal. Silence fell over the soldiers, shock and horror at the inquisitor’s reaction. One they had never seen nor expected from him. He practically bristled with rage, palpable as he hunched over the xenos. Incomprehensible fear filled cries wailed from the xenos, at least incomprehensible to the guardsman that looked on, The large clawed gauntlet gently patted the back of the small xenos. Their inquisitor cooing back in that strange language, the men took yet another appalled step back.
“S-sir what are you-?” one man began with a brave step forward, Too far for the inquisitor it seemed.
“BACK AWAY!” he roared as he slammed his fist against the ground, pulling the whimpering xenos closer. He bore his teeth like a rabid animal. he looked pale, Sweat poured down from his head as he clasped the xenos tightly. He huffed and struggled to catch his breath as he again spoke in that strange language, the Xenos’ language, comforting the small shape. The inquisitor had been acting strange while they were cleaning out this Xenos vessel and now hugging and protecting one? their worry was growing.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖
The inquisitor and his men had boarded the t’au ship, it had invaded enemy space and as a member of the ordo xenos it had to be cleansed. Naturally all went as planned, Xenos soldiers set upon them as they boarded, though…something had felt off right away. The way the Xenos spoke was with…a strange distress he’d never heard before on military ships. They cried out something about evacuation, then some words he didn’t quite recognize or at least didn’t recall. Nevertheless, an inquisitor must naturally hold stead fast in the face of resistance. So he pressed on with his men- then it began. Unarmored xenos darted to and fro, some struggled to even hold their weapons- it disturbed the inquisitor. He again heard those words he didn’t recognize, it sent a chill up his spine. It felt- it felt familiar. He couldn’t place why but he didn’t like it, that’s when…it happened.
He rounded a corner, his restless and battle hungry men roaring with cheers at the ease this had provided. His eyes widened at the realization of what lied there. Several of those xenos soldiers loaded smaller shapes and xenos clinging even small little bundles into escape ships- his heart leapt out of his chest. There were civilians on the ship! He staggered backward as words caught in his throat, it all felt too familiar. His skin crawled as he felt himself begin to anxiously perspire, eyes darting all around as soldiers fell and a few unarmed fell. Luckily those already loaded into the Xenos’ saviour pods were able to escape before the bloodbath, but the few left were gunned down to Silverworth’s horror. He staggered forward as his eyes darted left and right, their cries filled his ears- any others. Any others he might not have cared- but unarmed and untrained civilians? It was slaughter. It was barbaric- it- it- it wrenched his heart. Staggering forward he hoarsely wheezed those agonizing words that had caught in his chest moments ago, then his eyes darted back down the hall. One of his soldiers was shouting, then he heard a xeno’s cry out, a lasgun fire and then the sound of a struggle!
In a flash, he rushed to the noise. His heavy armor clattered against the ships floor and walls as he moved with reckless abandon, startling the soldiers with him and the man wrestling the Xenos to the ground. Sure enough as he stomped forward he saw the poor shape, much smaller than the rest but certainly no baby. From his study likely a fully grown Xenos but not by much. It set flames in his mind, he saw red. Rage and painful memories soaked his thoughts as without thinking- THWAP the man was thrown aside with one fell swoop of the back of the inquisitor’s gauntlet.
“STAY BACK” he rumbled, the noises- the words he strung together burned in his throat and boiled in his chest like lava. Dropping down he scooped up the quivering shape in his arms as he tried to catch his breath, hugging tightly to the poor young xenos. Judging by the way the poor thing had barely put up a fight if it had any training it was minor and fresh. ‘Do not worry- they will not hurt you. I will not hurt you-‘ he crooned to the Xenos in its tongue, the T’au empire’s language was complex to some degree certainly but it had always felt so curious against his lips when he practiced it— a fact he dare utter to none, naturally— so it was a rather obvious choice for the language he wished to learn. The smaller shape seemed shocked at its own language ringing back at it from a humans lips, a human soldier leader no less. its lip quivered in fear as a large clawed hand patted their back.
A soldier stepped forward, eyes wide and filled with almost a feral look to them snapped back to the soldier “BACK AWAY” he snarled again, embarrassed to say he bore his teeth like some kind of feral animal- but in the moment he didn’t feel much but rage at the arrogant approach of the guardsman. He slammed his fist, a loud clang following, to let the man know he was serious. He could feel their stares but he didn’t care, his mind focused on the poor xenos, the poor shivering shape that he clung to. It…It reminded him of his son. The way the small child had clung to him as the little one had wailed for him. He could see it vividly now. He could see his son there, there in his grasp, shaking. Shaking and sobbing, begging for his father to ‘take away the pain, please!’ And his heart wrenched as he couldn’t. The blood that stained his shirt and his hands from his little boy’s wounds- it washed away his anger, that…sensation. It sunk its teeth into his heart and tore. Tore so harshly and violently he didn’t hear his men murmuring as tears began to roll down his face, shoulders jerking and breaths skipping as he sobbed. Even the Xenos now looked up at him with confusion as he hunched over their smaller shape, pressed them against his chest plate and sobbed.
This Xenos…he couldn’t allow it. Life so young, something so precious and new to this harsh galaxy. He couldn’t allow it. He had to- no. No, NEEDED to protect it…to protect them. Protect them with his own life, protect them with his last breath, with all his strength in his body- it didn’t matter. He has to protect this small…child.
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Darling dividers by @squishyowl
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kaminocasey · 1 year
Shy Boys Go to Heaven
Summary: Fixer doesn't like how much Scorch cozied up to you. He intends to show you that you're his and only his.
Pairing: Delta Squad!Fixer x F Medic!Reader
Warnings: MINORS DNI 18+; SMUT, Possessive/Jealous!Fixer, P in V (unprotected; wrap it up friends), oral (f receiving), cum eating, Rough sex. (If I missed something, lemme know)
WC: 3.1K
A/N: Guys... I was like possessed while writing this. Lmao. I genuinely don't know where this sudden love for Fixer came from bc literally the man pissed me off yesterday while I was reading. But c'est la vie, right? Anyway... I think I'm gonna start writing more Rep Comm fics. I'm still working on the Ordo x Reader x Mereel one, don't worry!
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“Ma’am.” Scorch winks at you, as he and the other Deltas walk into the medbay. 
“Well, hello boys.” You smile. “Long time no see.”
“Only a few weeks.” Scorch teases.
Sev and Boss both nod in greeting toward you, taking off their helmets, but once you see Fixer’s familiar green armor, your whole body goes warm just as it does anytime you see him. It was still a secret to everyone, including his own brothers, that you and Fixer would hook up anytime they’d come planetside. You weren’t exactly official or anything, but you enjoyed each other’s company. He wasn’t exactly chatty or anything, as he was a man of few words, so you did most of the talking. 
Fixer nods, his helmet still on, but you know he’ll find you later, so you give him a flirtatious grin as you go to help Scorch and Sev stock up on their medical supplies.
“So, when are you gonna join the field?” Scorch teases, bumping you slightly. “We could always use a skilled medic.”
“Leave the poor woman alone, Scorch.” Boss rolls his eyes before walking over to Alai, your pretty coworker. 
Fixer told you once that Alai and Boss hooked up a couple times, but never became anything serious. But he wasn’t supposed to know that, and Alai never told you, so the two of you weren’t the only ones with secrets. 
“When are you gonna stop asking me?” You tease Scorch back.
“When you cave to my charm and good looks and say yes.” Scorch winks. 
With a roll of your eyes, you turn to look at Fixer, finding him more rigid than usual. Why hasn’t he taken his helmet off? 
You let Scorch and Sev do their thing as you walk over to Fixer, looking up into his visor. “You alright?” 
He nods once, which is code for “Not really, but we’ll talk about it later.” and you know it’s a promise. With a soft sigh, you pat his hand and go sit at your desk, pulling up your end of day data reports.
“How long are you boys planetside?” You ask them. 
“Til tomorrow. Why, you trying to join us for a night of fun?” Scorch flirts.
You shake your head with a laugh, but before you can say anything, Fixer tosses Scorch another crate, barely giving the other man time to catch it, and walks out.
“What’s his deal?” Scorch asks Sev, who just shrugs, taking the crate to stock it. 
You know you can’t go after him. If you do, it’ll raise suspicion, which you know is the last thing that Fixer wants. So, you just hope that you’ll see him later.
Later that night, back at your apartment, you can’t stop thinking about Fixer. What if he doesn’t come tonight? What if the real reason he was so stiff and rigid is because he wants to end it with you? You’ve been doing a lot of thinking the last few months, and you’ve come to the realization that you want this thing with Fixer to be more permanent… But if he doesn’t… then, you’ll have to accept it and move on. No matter how much it hurts. 
As you make a cup of tea, preparing for bed, you hear the front door open and you know immediately who it is. You don’t even have to look. 
But, he’s the one who left so swiftly and suddenly earlier, so he can be the one to initiate the conversation tonight, which you know is something he’s not particularly fond of doing. You aren’t going to sleep with him until he talks, though. A conversation has to be had, no matter what conversation it is.
You hear heavy footsteps make their way to your room as you make your bed down. 
“Hey.” You murmur, barely glancing at him in the doorway of your room.
He doesn’t say anything, though. He walks over to “his” side of the bed, but you put your hand up, stopping him. He’s not wearing his armor anymore, but he is in just his bodysuit. You try to avoid looking at his well-toned form, looking him in the face.
Fixer tilts his head.
“Nothing to say?” You ask, quietly, waiting for him to just say something, but he doesn’t. “Of course not…”
He looks down at your fluffy comforter he loves so much, which he’s mentioned a couple times before. 
“Fixer.” You sigh, making him look up at you with those deep warm brown eyes that you adore so much.
He sighs with a soft grunt running his hand through his curls, clearly frustrated. 
“You have to give me something.” You crawl on the bed, settling in the middle on your knees. 
He’s eyeing the soft skin of your thighs that’s showing in your short silk pajama set. It’s his favorite pair, and you know it. Maybe you’re using it to your advantage. He looks like he wants to touch you, but isn’t letting himself. 
“If you want to fuck me tonight… you have to let me in.” You do your best to look at him, firmly.
“I…” He starts, rolling his eyes as he struggles to say what he wants to say. “Ugh. Scorch… knows that I… feel things… for you.”
“And… he flirts with you… to get under my skin.” Fixer’s gripping the comforter, his fists tight. “And it works. I hate that it works, cyar’ika.” 
“Why what?” 
“Why do you hate it?” 
“Because…” He struggles again. 
You crawl to him, running your hands up his chest, making his tight fists let go of the sheets. His calloused hands run around your soft body, pulling you against each other. His eyes are on your lips. 
Stay firm, you remind yourself. Who cares if he’s second in command in one of the most intimidating commando squads? Not you. You are not giving in first. 
“Please, Fixer.” You sigh. “I was under the impression you wanted to end things with me.”
“Oh… That’s not it at all.” He murmurs. “I promise.” 
Maker, he smells so fucking good. Too good. 
“So, what is it, then?” You pull away, sitting back on your butt in the middle of the bed, needing a little space before you cave.
He climbs up into the bed, pushing you on your back, pinning you down. 
“Fixer-” You start.
“Just listen, will you?” He asks, gently, but also strained. 
You nod, letting him continue. 
“You, cyar’ika… are mine. Only mine. You belong to me. The thought of any other man touching you, or even speaking to you…” You hear a low frustrated rumble in his throat. “If Scorch wasn’t my vod, I’d have ripped him apart.” 
You didn’t know that Fixer feels this way about you, but it does something to your insides and goes straight to your warmth. Does he know how you feel about him? Surely, he does.
“Do you understand what I’m saying?” Fixer asks, lowly, his lips so close to yours.
You nod, losing yourself in those brown orbs and breathlessly murmur, “Yes.” 
“Say it then.” Fixer whispers, even closer to lips. “I need to hear it.” 
You think this might be the most he’s ever said in an entire night. And fuck, if they’re not the hottest words any man has ever said to you… 
“I’m yours.” You bite your lip, trying to squeeze your legs together for some sort of release. “I belong to you, Fixer.”
“That’s right.” He smiles, softly. “Good girl.”
Unable to hold back any longer, you reach up, crushing your lips to his. He groans loudly against your mouth, pressing himself against you, making you feel just how hard he is. All from hearing you tell him you belong to him. 
“You like hearing that you belong to me?” He hums.
You nod, whimpering as he grinds his hardened cock against your clothed core. “Y-yes.”
“Good.” He whispers before, pulling away to pull your shorts down, dropping them to the floor behind him. 
“Clothes off-” You gasp as he grips your thighs.
Fixer chuckles, getting up off the bed quickly. “Yes, ma’am.” 
As you watch him drop his clothes with yours, you sit up to pull your silky tank top off, tossing it with the rest. He takes in your naked form and groans, gripping his cock, already dripping precum. 
You start back toward him, eager to get your mouth on him, but he pushes you back again and then, to your surprise, flips you over onto your stomach, pulling you up on your knees and then pressing your face down so that your ass is up. 
You think he’s gonna push his cock into you, unable to wait any longer, but he surprises you once again, by licking a long stripe up your drenched folds.
“Oh, Fuck… Fix…” You groan, reaching above you to grip the comforter, just as he was doing earlier. 
“Taste so good, sweetheart.” He murmurs against your cunt. “Like always.” 
You whimper softly, almost pathetically, when he continues licking into you, his strong fingers, pressing against your clit and rubbing expertly, as always. 
“So wet.” He teases.
“So talkative.” You tease back, just happy to hear him talking. 
He places a swift smack to your back cheek and you gasp sharply into the room. He rubs the spot where he spanked you and then kisses it before returning back to your soaked pussy.
Your moans fill the room as he continues to work your cunt, getting you nice and soaked for his cock, soon you hope. You want so desperately to be filled by him again. It feels like it’s been too long. 
Twenty-six days. But who’s counting?
When he reaches his fingers into you, you feel like you’re about to come right then. It’s been days since you even touched yourself, and you’re pretty sure Fixer can tell. 
He chuckles breathlessly. “So needy for me.”
“Mmhmm.” You groan, burying your whimpers into the covers. 
“So fucking tight… Can’t wait to sink my cock into you.” He rambles.
You’ve always been accepting that he was a man of few words, but tonight… something changed. Like some sort of switch inside of him, flipped the other way. He’s talking, quietly, and Maker, you love his voice. It’s so low, and so sensual, and goes straight to your warmth. 
“Why… wait?” You bounce yourself on his fingers.
“Patience, cyar’ika… Or I’ll make you fuck your own fingers.” He threatens you. 
You whine softly, looking back at him and he grins before burying his face in your cunt again, still thrusting his fingers into you, starting to tease that spongy part deep inside of you. The warm familiar feeling pools into you, spreading all the way to your toes, making them curl and before you know it, you’re cumming all over Fixer’s fingers and tongue, moaning into the mattress.
“Let me fucking hear you.” He reaches up to grab your hair, pulling so that your moans and wet sounds fill the entire room. 
His thrusting fingers gently slow, before pulling out of you. You pant slightly, as you fall to the bed, rolling over to look up at him, smiling blissfully. 
“Fuck me… please?” You whisper. 
“I will, I promise.” He murmurs, laying next to you. 
The look in his eyes is serious now, not playful like it was just moments ago. 
“What is it?” You trace your gentle fingers over his chest, anxiously making lazy patterns.
“I’m afraid that I sounded overbearing earlier…” He stops your hand and brings it to his lips.
This is the softest, most domestic that he’s ever been with you, and you’re almost afraid to move, not wanting it to end. 
“I didn’t think you did.” You assure him. 
“I don’t want to like… own you.” He chuckles. “But… I guess what I’m trying to say is… I want people to know you- we belong to each other.”
Your chest tightens at his confession and you can’t help but reach up and kiss him. It’s different somehow. Like, all of your kisses before were that of passion or lust… this is… sweet… kind. Fixer sighs against your lips, full of content. 
“Next time Scorch flirts with me, I’ll just punch him if you want?” You tease. 
“Actually, yes please.” He laughs and you cross your leg over his thigh. 
This is the first time you’ve ever heard him laugh fully and you try to commit the sound to memory, hoping that you get to hear it more.
“What made you come to this realization?” You ask.
“Oh, I always want to punch Scorch.” He smirks.
You playfully smack him in the chest, making him chuckle. 
“I was on a mission… and I thought for sure we were going to die…” Fixer murmurs, making your stomach churn. “All I could think of was you. Your smile. Your laugh. Your kindness. The way you curl up next to me at night. The way you-” You roll over on top of him, straddling him, grinding your wet folds over his still hard cock. “Keep going.” 
“Fuck…” He groans, gripping your hips tightly. “The way that you cry at holofilms…”
You lift your hips, reaching under you and grabbing his cock, making him gasp. 
“Th-the way y-you…” He struggles.
“Keep. Going.” You encourage him, smiling down at him as you line yourself up with his hardened length. 
“Th-the way you have to stop to say hi to every loth cat-” He groans incredibly loud as you sink down onto him. “Fuck!”
His eyes roll back in his head as he tilts his head back slightly, making you smile. Clenching around him in a teasing manner, he lets out another string of curses. He fills you so perfectly, just like always. But tonight… it just feels like it means so much more. He feels the same way about you, that you do him. 
“You’re gonna be the death of me, not a mission.” He grumbles. 
“Yeah, but what a way to go, right?” You grin down at him, brightly.
“I’ll fucking say.” He starts to buck up into you and you push him back down, keeping your hands against his chest. 
You start to lift up slightly, only to fall back down against him, making him actually whimper. It’s always music to your ears when you get that sound out of Fixer. 
“Maker, Fix… you’re so hard.” You tell him, seduction clear in your tone and his hands fly up to yours on his chest, gripping your hands, creating more support. 
He wants you to take over. And you’re happy to oblige. You start bouncing up and down on his cock, causing both of you to groan with need. 
The sounds leaving the man underneath you deserve to go into some sort of auditory museum, they’re so fucking beautiful. He’s so beautiful. 
“You like when I’m on top?” You ask him, breathlessly, squatting so you can glide up and down on his cock, easier. 
“Stars, yes…” He pants. “So… tight.”
You feel the burn in your thighs but you’re able to ignore it, purely driven by the craving for this man. He must sense it though, because he provides support under you, gripping your ass, helping lift you up and down and you can’t help but smile. He winks up at you and it goes straight to your core. You can tell he’s getting closer with each thrust, though.
“Permission to take over?” He whispers.
“Granted, trooper.” You laugh. 
He flips the two of you over, so that you’re on your back and starts driving into you. 
Oh, he’s definitely welcome to take over. 
“So fucking pretty… and perfect.” He groans in your ear, continuously slamming into you, getting the most perfect sounds out of you. “All mine.”
As he tells you that you’re his, his hips stutter only slightly, filling you up, painting your walls with himself. Normally, he’d start to pull away, but he just keeps fucking his cum into you, and honestly, it’s the hottest thing you’ve ever seen. And then when he pulls out, you expect him to stop, but he doesn’t. 
He travels down your body, latching his mouth to your cunt again and you nearly descend into another realm. 
“Fuck…” You moan, still overstimulated from earlier. 
He’s never done this before, cumming in you and then going down on you again. But you’re not complaining. His tongue feels way too good, but with the way that it's moving in you… it takes you a moment to realize he’s gathering up his cum as he rubs your clit. Before you can even say anything, another orgasm is ripped from your body, and he travels back up your body and taps your lips, clearly wanting you to open your mouth. Oh. You gladly open for him and he lets his cum slide into your mouth.
“Swallow for me, sweetheart.” He smirks.
Who are you to deny a dangerous commando? You do as you’re told, swallowing his cum, appreciating the taste of him like you normally do when you go down on him. 
“Good girl.” He tells you again for the second time tonight, and then kisses you, proudly. 
You both pant against each other, your chests heaving, as you try to come down. He pulls you up to the head of the bed, against the pillows, wrapping his arms around you.
You rest your head on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. You’ve always found it calming. 
“Maybe I should join your squad…” You tease, only slightly. 
“Absolutely not.” Fixer shakes his head as he traces patterns over your bare back. 
“Why not?” You ask, looking up at him, confused.
“Because I wouldn’t be able to focus… I’d be too busy trying to make sure you were okay.” He smiles. “I like knowing you’re here… safe and sound.”
You suppose that makes sense… Even though, when he’s away, you don’t know if he’s safe.
“Can I tell you something?” You whisper, afraid to speak too loudly.
“Anything.” He kisses your forehead.
“Every time you go, you take a piece of me with you, Fix.” You admit. 
“Can I tell you something?” He murmurs.
“Of course.” You answer, nervously.
“Every time I go, I leave my heart here with you.” He admits. 
Warmth floods your veins. “Well, I promise to keep it safe.” 
“I know you will.” He leans down to kiss you again.
You eventually fall asleep like that, holding each other with sweet promises of him returning to you and you keeping his heart safe and sound. 
TAGS: @twistedstitcher27 @misogirl828 @rebel-finn @rexandechosandwich @madameminor @dumfanting @rain-on-kamino @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @brynhildrmimi @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin @padawancat97 @hated-by-me @sleepingsun501 @quigonswife8 @idlenesses @redheadgirl @themcuwriter @ashotofspotchka @sunshinesdaydream @crosshairsimp73 @ariadnes-red-thread @rosmariner @heyitsaloy @starstofillmydream @high-ct5555 @echos-girlfriend @sleepywych @nekotaetae @justanothersadperson93 @brownstalebread @aconstructofamind @book-of-baba-fett @chopper-base @palliateclaw @501st-rexster @dead-poolz @nahoney22 @where-is-my-mind-tho @jediknightjana @erishimoon @witching3 @queen-of-many-fandoms @wizardofrozz
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starwarsanthropology · 2 months
Can I ask for OrdoMaze with 43? :3
The stark, neon lighting of the Coursucant night-cycle is an abrupt shift from the muted golden lights in the bar as Ordo slips out to follow after Maze, a few minutes after he leaves. Just enough lag between exits to keep Kal’buir and the RCs off of them. 
He tracks Maze via his comm’s location tag a few blocks over to a quiet, back alley speeder platform about ten feet above street level. Maze is sitting on the edge of it, leaning on crossed arms against the low bumper rail. 
“Null.” He says, looking over Ordo appraisingly.
“Alpha,” Ordo replies, and then clambers up a drainage pipe to join him.
Maze snorts gently when a screw pings out of the wall, too much weight put on the bracket holding the pipe secure, and Ordo glares at him as he grabs the edge of the balcony to haul himself up and over. The duracrete has a slightly tacky, powdery feel, a decade’s worth of emissions building up into sediment that feels somehow grimier than actual dirt on Ordo’s bare palms. He tries to wipe them off on his kama once he’s seated next to Maze, and then scowls and pulls out a wipe when that doesn’t work.
Maze just watches him, quiet, and then once he stuffs the wipe back into a belt pouch to throw out later, he leans his warm bulk against Ordo’s side. Coruscant doesn’t have much in the way of natural weather patterns, as climate-controlled as it is, but this close to a major skyroad, the vehicles send strong, cutting winds whistling through the buildings. In his armor, Maze feels like a bulwark. Stable, safe. Somewhere nice to hunker down until he has to move on to the next objective.
“So, Besany?” Maze asks, and Ordo checks him lightly with his shoulder. “She’s a good one.”
“Mm. Kal’buir is very eager about us.” Ordo says. “He doesn’t realize that she’s not romantically interested in men.”
Maze laughs, startled. “He’s not very good with people, is he?”
“He’s great with them when it matters.”
“He thinks Besany is flirting with you instead of trying to adopt you like you’re a feral tooka she found dropping presents on her doorstep.” 
Ordo doesn’t have anything else to say, and appearantly neither does Maze, so they spend a long while simply leaning against each other and watching the debris of a city of trillions get buffeted around in the breeze.
“Maze?” Ordo says, eventually. “How good are you for getting read into something confidential? Off the record.”
Maze looks him over, considering. “Is breaking opsec going to compromise anything?”
“No. Only reputations.”
Maze perks up at that. He’s such a gossip, really. All the Alphas are; nosy bastards to their cores, trained to keep track of all their subordinates like mother hens. 
“Read me in, Ord’ika.” He says, and Ordo is almost ashamed when he opens his mouth and the words spill out.
“General Tur-makan got herself pregnant.”
“No.” Maze gasps, scandalized. 
“Mmhm. Kal’buir is furious about it. Maybe would have killed her if it wasn’t for the fact she’s carrying.” 
“Who’s the father?”
Ordo closes his eyes and takes a deep, centering breath. “Darman.”
“Does he know?”
“Don’t think so.”
“That’s karked.” Maze says, awed. 
“Yeah. Kal’buir is shipping her off to Quiilura to wait it out.” Ordo shuffles closer to Maze, who rocks just enough to bump their shoulders before leaning back into him.
“You should tell Dar. Not when it could compromise him, but it’s his to know.”
“Kal’buir is handling it.”
“Skirata is a poor judge of when to share intel. There’s a reason he’s only a sergeant.”
Ordo, suddenly furious, both at Maze for throwing that in his face, and himself, for taking foolish initiative to confide in him, snarls and snaps his fist into Maze’s face. “That’s my father.”
Maze groans from his position knocked flat on his back on the speeder platform, and then snaps upright to slam his forehead right into Ordo’s nose.
Ordo makes a furious, inarticulate noise, hand flying to his face, and Maze just looks him in the eye, steady and calm and ready to drop everything for a fight.
“I’m right. I’m smarter than him. You’re smarter than him. We’re bred to be.”
The bridge of Ordo’s nose aches fiercely, and his nose is gushing after so many strikes to the face in short succession. He pinches it to slow the flow and leans forwards, breathing through his mouth and watching Maze out the corner of his eye. Maze’s nose is bleeding, too, but it’s just a single fat drop slowly traveling down his lip. It shimmers in the light as his breath makes it quiver; Maze’s nose wrinkles up at the ticklish sensation and he wipes it with a knuckle. Ordo is caught by the sight of blood smeared on his lover’s hands and face, almost invisible in the lighting except for how it leaves a damp, shiny smear over his skin. He wants to lick it off. He wants there to be more. He wants, he wants. He doesn’t know what he wants, but it sharpens his teeth and sends off a round of howling hunger in his gut.
He tamps down the feeling.
“I’ll tell Dar, if Kal’buir takes too long.” He concedes, slightly nasal through his bloody nose, and Maze smiles at him, irritated expression melting into something warm and fond. Ordo wants to choke him.
“Good boy, Ord’ika,” Maze says, and instead of choking him, it’s Ordo who chokes on his outrage as Maze tilts up his chin and kisses him, ignoring the blood dripping down his face and into their mouths. He bites him in retaliation, hard enough to split his lip and add Maze’s blood to his between them, and Maze’s hand grips his face and squeezes until he opens his mouth and keeps it open, maintaining a careful threat of pressure at the hinge of his jaw as Maze kisses him stupid.
Ordo is gasping and wheezing by the time Maze pulls away, his nose whistling from where it's clogged with blood. He can taste it down to his lungs, the thick, metallic coating over his airways and mouth and throat. He hopes Maze can taste him in the same way, vindictive or victorious, as he catches his breath, reeling back from the intensity of it.
Mazes laughs, breathless, and Ordo snaps a sharp look to him. It just makes Maze laugh harder, and he leans forwards to cup Ordo’s face in his hands and press a kiss against his forehead. 
“You’ve got— a little—” Maze chuckles, and gestures over the lower half of his face. In the dim lighting, he can’t see color very well, but he abruptly registers the slightly darker shades and wet shine over Maze’s mouth, chin, cheeks. He’s covered in blood from their kiss.
“You, too.” Ordo tells him, and dabs lightly at his face to map the limits of the tacky smear over his lips, chin, neck. There’s a spot at his forehead, too,  where Maze had pressed another bloody kiss to his skin.
“Damn. Let’s clean up, and then I’ll take you back to bed?”
“Only if I get to bloody you up again.” Ordo says, and holds his hand out for a wipe.
“Yeah. It looks good on you.”
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lamaenthel · 10 months
Tivaevae | Chapter One: Ripped At The Seams
Still struggling to emotionally recover from Master Obi-Wan's deception, Ahsoka discovers in the aftermath that twelve-year-old Boba Fett has been locked up among adults in the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center. After convincing Chancellor Palpatine to grant him a pardon, she manages to secure his release on the condition that she serve as his legal guardian. Now, with the help of Master Plo and the Wolfpack, she vows to help him track down what family he has left.
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Fandom: Star Wars Characters: Ahsoka Tano, Boba Fett, Plo Koon, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, Kanan Jarrus, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, CC-1119 | Appo, Dexter Jettster, FLO | WA-7 (Star Wars), Shaak Ti, ARC Commander Blitz (Star Wars), CT-6922 | Dogma, Original Clone Trooper Character(s) (Star Wars), CC-3636 | Wolffe, Clone Trooper Sinker (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Comet (Star Wars), CC-2224 | Cody, CT-5597 | Jesse, CT-4860 | Boost, Aurra Sing, Tobias Beckett, Null-11 | Ordo Skirata, Kal Skirata, Original Mandalorian Characters (Star Wars), Original Droid Characters (Star Wars), Original Jedi Character(s) (Star Wars) Total Word Count: 123,000 Chapter Word Count: 6,751
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"And then Grey was like skoosh skoosh skoosh–" Caleb held up an imaginary carbine and let loose a series of blasts, so enthusiastic about his reenactment that he nearly fell off of the courtyard bench. " –and the SBD just exploded! He got him right in the power core! And then-and then-and then I did a backflip off of his shoulder, and I cut three B1's in half! It was so wizard."
"You did?" Mace gasped, theatrically placing a hand on his chest in feigned shock. He had a reputation for being overly stoic, cold even, but there was nothing that defrosted the Master like his Padawans. Depa had dropped off young Caleb to have lunch with his Grand-Master with a weary gratitude that Obi-Wan remembered well; ironically, it had usually been Mace that would give him a break from Anakin more often than not, back then.
"Sure did," Caleb raised his chin proudly. "Have you ever done that with your commander, Master Obi-Wan?" he asked eagerly, looking at him from the other side of Mace with bright turquoise eyes.
Obi-Wan swallowed his mouthful of salad. "Unfortunately, no," he said with a smile. "I think I might squash poor Cody if I tried, though, I weigh a bit more than you."
"Is that why you're watching your figure?" Mace asked wryly, looking at Obi-Wan's bowl of fresh greens.
"I don't care if they're nutritionally complete, human beings were not intended to survive off of ration bars alone," Obi-Wan grumbled into his salad.
"I didn't jump off Grey, I jumped off the battle droid!" Caleb giggled.
"Ah," Obi-Wan said. "Well, the answer is still no, but I'll make sure to bring it up to him before our next strategy meeting."
"Good idea!" Caleb said with a grin, then shoved a handful of fried tatos in his mouth. His nerfburger had been inhaled two meandering stories ago.
"Well, I'm impressed. That sounds like a very successful first mission." Mace gave him a pat on the back then added an unholy amount of orbakradish paste to his bowl of red turu rice, green peppers and bantha strips.
"Can I have some?" Caleb asked curiously, staring at the bright green bottle his grand-master had pulled from his pocket curiously.
"It's very spicy," Mace warned before leaving a tiny smudge on the boy's plate, then took a stoic bite of his rice bowl.
Caleb carefully dipped a corner of his fried tato in the orbakradish and took a bite. His eyes went wide. "Ow," he said faintly, and held his mouth open. "Aow. Aow."
Mace chuckled, dipped a tato in the cup of vinegar on the other side of Caleb's plate, then popped it in his open mouth. "I did warn you," he said as Caleb furiously chewed. "Orbakradish isn't like capsaicin. For that, you need some sort of cream. To cure this, you need vinegar."
Caleb sighed with relief. "Thanks, Master." He hurriedly popped another vinegar-soaked tato in his mouth, then finished off the rest of the plate with the speed that only eleven-year-old boys could manage without making themselves sick. Mace and Obi-Wan exchanged amused looks while they ate their own meals at a less tornadic pace.
"Go on, Padawan. Time to meditate, then practice your forms at the training salle." Mace patted Caleb on the back and took his empty plate once he'd licked it clean.
"Will you come and– I mean, I would be honored if you would spar with me after your Council meeting is done, Master." Caleb said bashfully. "If you want to. I, um, I know you're busy."
"I'm not sure how long I'll be, but I'll head down to the salles as soon as we're done. I'd be happy to spar with you, Padawan." Mace patted his cheek fondly and winked.
"Okay!" Caleb bowed hurriedly to Mace and then Obi-Wan. "Bye, Masters!" He took off at a run, almost tripping on his robes twice before disappearing around the corner.
"I miss that age," Obi-Wan said forlornly. "They're still so enthusiastic about everything. Once they hit puberty…"
"The attitude, I know," Mace said knowingly. He took a final bite from his rice bowl and reached a hand out for Obi-Wan's dish. "I'm grateful for Depa and Devan. Echuu was a handful. Girls are easier."
"Girls are not easier," Obi-Wan snorted, then rubbed his bald head, textured with a thousand offended bumps. The whole thing was so damn itchy, he'd had to meditate three times that morning just to keep his sanity. Perhaps Lace had some procaine cream in the medbay that he could borrow until all of the hairs had poked through the skin.
"Mine were," Mace shrugged.
"Yours aren't vindictive," Obi-Wan sighed.
"Why would they be?" Mace asked blithely. "I trained them well. They are above pettiness."
Obi-Wan glared at the sky instead of Mace. "Lucky you," he said to the speeder traffic above the Temple.
"I warned you about the consequences of leaving Anakin and Ahsoka out of the loop," Mace reminded him. "You insisted."
"I know." They both stood and began the long walk to the Council chambers elevator.
Mace passed their bamboo dishes onto a waste droid when they passed one then fished around for something in his pocket. "And you are the one who suggested that they go on the mission that 'killed' you," he pointed out, then popped a mint candy into his mouth.
"I know," Obi-Wan huffed. "I understand that my actions have consequences, Mace, I'm not a child."
"Then why are you so upset?" Mace asked.
"I'm not upset," Obi-Wan said automatically.
Mace rolled his eyes. "You aren't at peace, that's for certain."
"I–" Obi-Wan raised his hands and let them fall. "Ahsoka's never been one to hold a grudge at all, let alone at me. I expected the cold shoulder from Anakin, but not her."
"Ah. She's still hurt, then."
"She's got no reason to be hurt," Obi-Wan insisted.
"She discovered your 'corpse,' my old friend," Mace said.
"Please, p-please Bobi, open your eyes, open your… no, no, no, please no, Bobi please–"
"Would you really be so unmoved if you'd discovered hers?"
She fell to the ground like a ragdoll, dead from a single touch. Her limbs were twisted and her yellow eyes stayed open, filmy and veined with black like the rest of the Dark Side corruption that covered her.
He banished the memories. "That's different," Obi-Wan insisted. "We are not meant to outlive our Padawans."
"Yet we do." Mace called the elevator. "More and more often, it seems. And I do not see that changing until this war is over."
That reminded him. "Have you discussed your idea with Master Yoda?" Obi-Wan asked quietly.
"It's difficult to find a good time to propose an assassination," Mace answered. "Especially the assassination of his old Padawan."
The elevator arrived. The two Masters stepped on and began the journey up.
"You've discussed it with Quinlan?" Mace asked.
"I have. He's not unwilling."
"Good to know."
The two fell silent, and Obi-Wan commanded the mental image of Ahsoka's corpse lying at the feet of her killer to stop popping into his thoughts. The encounter on Mortis felt like a dream. He still wasn't sure what had actually happened, what was real and what was a vision, but the memory of Anakin's yellow eyes and his little girl lying dead and corrupted by the Dark side haunted him at the most inopportune moments.
May he become one with the Force before ever seeing such horrors again.
The elevator opened. The two walked down the hall to the inside of the Council chambers and took their seats in companionable silence. They were still a bit early, and no one else had yet arrived.
"Caleb was not supposed to be in active combat yet," Mace said after a few moments. "In case you were wondering. The mission he was assigned was a scouting mission. The droids were a surprise."
"Do you think I'm judging you, old friend?" Obi-Wan asked with a raised brow.
"No, but I thought you may want to know." Mace leaned back with an unreadable expression on his face. "He is very skilled, but I personally would prefer he not be on the front lines until he gains more experience."
Obi-Wan remembered Ahsoka eagerly bouncing off of the transport and straight onto the front lines of one of the most gruesome campaigns of the early war. "I understand," he said gently. "Unfortunately, there's only one way to get experience."
"I'm aware." The muscle in Mace's jaw worked a bit before he settled into his usual serenity.
"Greetings, Master Windu. Master Kenobi." Shaak-Ti's hologram flickered into view and she bowed her head.
The two men bowed theirs in return. "How fares Kamino?" Obi-Wan asked lightly.
"Sunny, for a change," Shaak-Ti said with a small smile. "The cadets have been training outside all day on the landing pads."
Mace smiled at her. "I'm happy to hear it."
"As am I," Plo said pleasantly. He and Depa bowed from the entrance, Yoda hobbling beside them. Depa spared a fond smile for her old Master as she took her seat, which Mace returned.
More holograms popped up; Kit Fisto, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Saesee Tiin, Agen Kolar, Coleman Kcaj, Luminara Unduli, Oppo Rancisis, and Stass Allie were all still on the front lines. Kit's hologram was cross-legged and floating subtly, broadcasting underwater from the ocean world of Klarn.
"Begin, we shall," Yoda said after clearing his throat. "May the Force guide us as we proceed."
Murmurs of agreement followed him.
"May I be the first to compliment Master Kenobi's haircut," Kit's hologram grinned at him.
"Thank you, Master," Obi-Wan deadpanned, resisting the urge to scratch his blasted scalp again.
"We are all very glad to see you alive and well," Shaak-Ti added with a twinkle in her eye. "You should stay close-shaven. You look twenty years younger."
Obi-Wan sighed. He was very aware; it was half the reason he had grown the beard in the first place. Shaak-Ti's tinkling giggle rang like a bell at his reaction.
A round of chuckles echoed her and Mace held up a hand to quiet them. "Our first order of business," he began with a smile, reading off a datapad, "is– oh." His smile disappeared and his eyebrows went up as he glanced over at Obi-Wan. "Padawan Ahsoka Tano has requested to speak with us."
Obi-Wan sat at attention. "She has?" he asked, surprised.
"Go ahead and send her in," Mace said into the comlink in his chair. "Do you know what this is about?" he asked Obi-Wan curiously.
Obi-Wan shook his head. "I've no idea," he answered.
The chamber doors opened and Obi-Wan watched Ahsoka step primly inside, pointedly not looking at him despite his centrality in her line of sight. He crossed his legs and frowned.
"Koh-to-yah, little 'Soka," Plo said. "Why have you come before us today?"
"Koh-to-yah, Master Plo. And thank you for allowing me to speak with you on such short notice, Masters," Ahsoka said politely. She made a deep bow and stood with perfect posture, her hands clasped in front of her. "I wish that this was not necessary, but as a Jedi I am a mandated reporter of abuse. If I witness the mistreatment of a child, I must speak up."
Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow, his ire easing. "What did you witness, dear?" he asked, the epithet slipping out automatically.
Her eyes slid onto him and he was immediately taken aback by how cold they were. "I need to report that there is a twelve-year-old human child being held in a maximum security prison facility alongside murderers, rapists, and violent criminals of all sorts right here on Coruscant," she said icily.
Obi-Wan's stomach dropped. He already knew who she was referring to, and cac, it should have been him reporting it. He'd completely forgotten about his encounter with Boba Fett. He had been so consumed with not just keeping his cover and managing Bane, but blocking the Force bond he shared with his Padawans in order to sell his death that Boba had simply slipped his mind. Force, the shock of seeing a twelve-year-old clone in the middle of supermax dissipated almost as soon as it had struck and Obi-Wan had just… left him there. He felt an alkaline knot of guilt twist around his belly.
There was a smattering of surprised gasps among the Councilors.
"Who is this child?" Depa demanded.
"What could he have possibly done to be imprisoned?" Ki-Adi-Mundi asked, bewildered.
Master Luminara shook her head. "We must contact the Guard at once, surely there was an error–"
Ahsoka held up a hand. "The boy is Boba Fett, Masters. After his failed attempt on Master Windu's life, he was sent to the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center."
Looks of grim understanding passed between the Council members. Mace leaned forward. "He's in an adult prison?" he asked, anger coloring the edges of his voice. "Has he been there since he was taken into custody?"
"It would appear so, Master, yes."
Mace sank back, frowning severely. "I recommended leniency," he murmured, almost to himself. "The Chancellor assured me his age and his trauma would be taken into account. I believed he'd be sent to a juvenile facility at worst."
"As did I," Plo said heatedly. "Adult prison, for a child. This is not justice."
"Padawan Tano, find out this information, how did you?" Yoda asked, frowning.
"Well, Master," she said, turning, and Obi-Wan was slightly mollified to hear her address Yoda with the same frostbitten tone. She still hadn't forgiven him for Dogma. The clone was thankfully still alive, as Shaak-Ti had made enough of a fuss on Kamino to have gotten him imprisoned instead of immediately euthanized, but Ahsoka wouldn't be satisfied until he was back in the 501st. "I was viewing the helmet-cam footage from the prison riot that Master Kenobi participated in, and–"
"Is that footage not classified?" Ki-Adi-Mundi interrupted, frowning.
"The report is, but the footage was not, no," she said. "I watched it multiple times, and after I saw Master Kenobi fighting Boba I checked his report." Her eyes flicked onto him and then back to Ki-Adi-Mundi. "There's no mention of Boba in the non-redacted portions."
There was no mention of Boba in it at all, because Obi-Wan had forgotten about him like an idiot. His cheeks burned with embarrassment. A dozen heads turned and stared at him, and he'd never missed his beard more than he did at that moment.
"You fought Boba Fett?" Plo asked him sharply.
"Moralo Eval paid him to start a brawl with me in order to provide a distraction for his and Bane's escape," Obi-Wan said, staring at Ahsoka. She was very carefully studying her boots. He'd bought her those boots. "After I inserted myself into the escape party I… lost track of him."
"He is very small for his age," Ahsoka said with false sympathy. "I know you had bigger concerns at the time, Master Kenobi."
Obi-Wan's skin crawled like it was covered in ants. All of the extra blood rushing to his face was making his stubble itchier than ever.
"We will contact the Chancellor regarding Boba immediately, Ahsoka," Plo insisted, on the edge of his seat and visibly displeased. "We will ensure the boy is placed into a foster home and receives mind healing. Thank you for your diligence, and for bringing this injustice to our attention."
"Thank you, Master," Ahsoka said with a smile, then bowed to him. Obi-Wan felt irrationally jealous of the warmth in her tone. "But I am not sure that a foster home would be the best fit for Boba. He's young, but skilled at both combat and subterfuge. I'm concerned that he would escape and be at just as much risk on his own." She frowned. "He would likely seek out his father's old compatriots again."
"A fair concern," Kit conceded, his smile long gone.
"Do you have a suggestion?" Depa asked mildly.
Ahsoka clicked her heels together. "I would like to volunteer to serve as Boba's temporary legal guardian until I can reunite him with his family," she said solemnly.
The Council chamber went silent in surprise.
"You're only sixteen," Obi-Wan said faintly. "You can't–"
"Actually, as sixteen is the age of responsibility on Shili, I can," she said frostily. "I am a legal adult."
"It's seventeen on Coruscant," he argued. "You–"
"I believe that if I am trusted to lead a battalion of clone troopers into combat, I should be trusted to safeguard the well-being of a single child," she said, speaking over him. "And according to the most recent immigration statutes passed in the Senate, as a full, dual citizen of both worlds, I am actually considered a legal adult on Coruscant." She smiled at him, all teeth.
"Does he have a family?" Saesee Tiin asked. "I was under the impression that Jango Fett was a loner."
"I spoke with the older clones before coming to the Council, Master," Ahsoka said with perfect poise, and Force did it irritate Obi-Wan to see her use her manners for once. "They informed me that there were members of the Cuy'val Dar – that is, the Mandalorian trainers that Jango Fett recruited to train the clones for war – several of them were very close to him. Under the Mandalorian tradition, some could be considered family."
"What an excellent idea, Padawan," Plo said. "I would be grateful if you would come with me to meet with the Chancellor. I'm certain that you will be able to help me persuade him of the right course of action. We will seek out these Cuy'val Dar together, and reunite young Boba with what family remains to him."
Ahsoka bowed again. "It would be my honor, Master," she said sweetly.
Obi-Wan continued to silently seethe.
"Thank you again, Masters, for taking the time to speak with me," she said warmly, then her eyes flickered over to Obi-Wan. "I do hope that Master Kenobi is not censured too severely for failing to report such egregious abuse of a child. I'm certain he was simply preoccupied with his mission."
That was it. Ahsoka did not get to march into the Council chambers wearing boots that he had bought for her and humiliate him in front of his peers out of childish spite. Obi-Wan's hand slammed down onto the arm of his chair, startling everyone. "A word, Padawan," he said through gritted teeth.
"Of course, Master Kenobi," she said serenely.
He stood and led her brusquely from the Council chamber by her right bicep, ignoring the whispers of his fellow Council members behind them.
"An deach thu às mo chiall?" he hissed once the doors had closed and they had a spot of privacy. He released her arm and glared down at her. "Carson a tha thu a’ toirt eas-urram dhomh?"
"Apologies, Master Kenobi," Ahsoka said politely. "I didn't intend to publicly disrespect you."
He stared down at her. Her refusal to speak Maor-Grásta back to him hurt more than the silent treatment. That was their language. No one else at the Temple spoke the indigenous language of the planet crudely known as Stewjon, not even Anakin, though he had tried to teach him. "So this is how you're going to be, then?" he asked finally.
She blinked at him. "I'm not sure what you mean, Master."
"You damn well do," he snapped, and finally gave in to the urge to scratch his damn scalp. "This is childish of you, Ahsoka. You're better than this."
"Better than what?" she asked, cocking her head. "I've been nothing but polite, Master, but if you find my conduct unbecoming then I apologize. I will meditate on our interaction until Master Plo calls me to meet with the Chancellor." She bowed and turned to leave.
Obi-Wan caught her by the left arm and spun her back around. She hissed in pain and ripped her arm away.
"Please refrain from putting your hands on me, Master Kenobi," she said frostily.
Obi-Wan stared at her, knowing that if he asked what was wrong with her arm he'd get no answer. "I'm not putting my… Ahsoka, please, stop this."
"I'm not sure what you wish me to stop, Master."
"Stop acting like you've never met me before!" Obi-Wan said, raising his voice in frustration.
For just a second, her placid mask crumbled and he saw the devastation she was hiding underneath. The mask reappeared and she looked away, pursed her lips and shrugged. "Recent events have shown that I haven't, Master," she said quietly. "Not really."
Obi-Wan sagged and this time, he didn't stop her from walking away.
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Ahsoka went through her mental checklist again. She couldn't muck this up. If she somehow pissed off Chancellor Palpatine or failed to convince him that Boba didn't belong in supermax, the kid was screwed.
"Do not be nervous, little 'Soka," Plo whispered, squeezing Ahsoka's right shoulder reassuringly. They sat together on a plush bench in a waiting area right outside the Chancellor's office.
"I can't help it, Master," she whispered back. "What if I make it even worse, somehow?"
"I would advise you, respectfully of course, to think of what your Master would not do and try that."
Ahsoka snorted. His aura was a little too gold with humor for the seriousness of the situation.
"Trust in the Force. We are in the right, here, and we know this."
She nodded. "Yes, Master."
"You may enter," one of Chancellor Palpatine's secretaries called from the doorway; a short, plump Human woman with black hair shorn down to the scalp and the pale skin of someone who worked and lived exclusively indoors.
Ahsoka took a deep breath and let it out slowly, then followed Master Plo to the Chancellor's office. He was still sitting at his desk, writing something with an electric pen that showed up as a language she didn't recognize on the left side of his desk.
"Master Koon," the Chancellor smiled, and bowed his head. "And Padawan Ahsoka. My, how you've grown since I last saw you! I must say, Anakin raves about you every time we meet. He is very proud of you."
"Thank you, Chancellor," Ahsoka said sheepishly, ducking her head. There was nothing specific about the Chancellor himself that put her on edge, it was the office. There was just something unnerving about it. The statues of the Four Sages seemed to watch her from their posts bordering the room, and some of the art vibrated weirdly in the Force. Nothing she could pin down, just off.
She peered down at the unfamiliar writing on the Chancellor's desk. "That's a beautiful script," she said, projecting her aura out over the room with green serenity-amiability. It helped block out the weird vibrations of his artwork. "I don't recognize it."
"It's the poet's script," the Chancellor said, his naturally violet aura gone blue with appreciation. "It's an old traditional practice on Naboo. It's never been a spoken language, but one used solely for the arts."
"That's fascinating," Ahsoka said, returning his smile. "Do you write poetry, Chancellor?"
He chuckled and looked down, darkening with humility. "Oh, I dabble," he confessed with a smile. "It's a bit self-indulgent, of course, but it calms my mind."
"Nonsense, Chancellor," Plo assured him. "It is good to know that even in this period of war and violence, our leader makes time to create something beautiful for the galaxy."
Ahsoka was impressed. Plo could give Ob– Master Kenobi a run for his credits when it came to schmoozing.
"Ah, well," the Chancellor shrugged, his smile widening. "I doubt you called for an emergency meeting to discuss my poetry, dear. What can I do for you?"
Ahsoka sat up straight. "There has been a grave miscarriage of justice, Chancellor," she said solemnly. "Boba Fett has been placed into supermax alongside adults instead of a juvenile facility. He is a Fett clone, yes, but totally unaltered. He ages at a normal rate, not the accelerated rate of the troopers." She adjusted her projection to include a yellow ribbon of pity. "He's only twelve, Sir. Every second he spends in that place his life, his- his bodily sanctity is at risk."
Chancellor Palpatine went gray with surprise. "Oh, goodness," he said, immediately swiping away his poetry and summoning Boba's file up to the holoscreen of his desk. "Let me see here– ah." His holoscreen filled up with copies of legal documents, medical records, and crime scene holopics. "It seems that the judge presiding over his case determined that he was too dangerous to be kept in a juvenile facility." He glanced at her. "I cannot say that I disagree. He is unnaturally skilled for a boy his age, from what I have heard. He killed a Marshall Commander."
"Respectfully, Chancellor, Commander Ponds was murdered by Aurra Sing. Boba could not pull the trigger," Master Plo gently corrected.
"I understand the risks, Chancellor," Ahsoka said. "I would like to volunteer to serve as his legal guardian until I can reunite him with his father's Mandalorian family."
The Chancellor's eyebrows almost hit his hairline. "Jango Fett had family?" he asked, going a lighter gray with shock.
"In the Mandalorian tradition of found family, yes," Ahsoka nodded.
"So young Boba would escape punishment for his crimes against the Republic?" the Chancellor asked after a moment of curt silence.
"Boba Fett is but a child, Chancellor," Plo said peacefully. "He was manipulated by individuals that were once acquainted with his father and they used his grief to their advantage. They abandoned him at the first opportunity."
The Chancellor nodded, thinking. "That may be so, Master Koon, but he did kill hundreds of his fellow clones through his actions."
"He did, Chancellor, that can't be disputed," Ahsoka said softly, projecting strong amber amenability at him. "But he's an orphan, and he's twelve. He's exceptionally vulnerable to manipulation by adults that knew his father. They're the only connection he has left to him."
"The cadets that he infiltrated reported that he seemed reluctant to leave them to their fate," Plo piped up. "While his quest was misguided from the start, his target was Master Windu. The loss of clone life and the destruction of The Endurance was wholly unintentional."
"While sabotaging the hyperdrive of The Endurance, he had an opportunity to end the life of clone trooper Rivers," Ahsoka added. "He spared his life and stunned him instead. We truly believe that if not for the presence of Aurra Sing, Castas, and Bossk, he never would have taken that step."
"So you propose instead that I pardon the one who killed hundreds of clone troopers, naval officers, and support staff on account of his age?" Chancellor Palpatine steepled his hands underneath his chin and looked at her sympathetically. "I'm sorry, my dear, but I cannot in good conscience do such a thing. Aside from the morality of it, the boy could wreak untold damage if he escaped your custody."
"I promise he won't!" Ahsoka exclaimed, leaning forward. "Please, Chancellor. I know he made a terrible error in judgment that cost many lives, but he's twelve."
"So you've said," the Chancellor said dryly, lowering his hands. "Ahsoka–"
Ahsoka impulsively reached across his desk and clasped his hands. "He needs rehabilitation, not a life sentence before it's even began," she said earnestly. She wouldn't go so far as to try and mind trick him, not with Plo right there, but her Empathy was stronger with physical touch. She let burnt-orange supplication roll down her arms and flow from her hands onto his. "Please, Chancellor," she said, popping her porg eyes. "Just give him a chance."
The Chancellor's aura flushed copper with affection-agreement. "You do make a compelling argument," he said fondly, withdrawing his hands after giving hers a squeeze. "The Great Negotiator has taught you well."
Ahsoka ducked her head with a small smile, trying not to let him feel the cold shock of hurt that Master Kenobi's nickname triggered.
"Very well." He raised his chin to look over Ahsoka's shoulder at his secretary. "Go fetch Commander Fox, please."
"Right away, Sir." The secretary scurried off and the Chancellor drew up a document.
"I shall grant Boba Fett a full pardon, effective immediately," he said, then glanced up at Ahsoka with a smile. He transferred something onto a datapad and handed it to her. It was a legal certificate declaring her the legal guardian of one Boba Fett.
Oh, kriff, she hadn't actually let herself believe that she'd get this far. She had a kid. She had a shabla kid. A shabla clone kid.
"Congratulations, my dear, it's a boy," he said with a small chuckle and a wink. "I do hope Anakin isn't too cross with you. I can't imagine that he expected to become a grandfather quite this early."
Ahsoka's stripes went hot. Her Master… was not going to be pleased with her, to put it lightly, but she just couldn't leave Boba in there a second longer than necessary if she could put a stop to it.
"Please, 'Soka, you have to get him out of there," Rex pleaded, staring at the screen with an aura gone stark white with shock-horror-outrage. "He's so little. They'll kill him, they'll– osik, what have they already done to him–"
She would have done it anyway, but Force if Rex's begging wasn't compelling. She'd break Boba out if she had to.
But really, Anakin was going to kill her once he got back from Toydaria with that Force-sensitive toddler.
"Commander!" Chancellor Palpatine said brightly over Ahsoka's shoulder. "Please escort Master Koon and Padawan Tano down to the detention center. Boba Fett is being released into her custody, effective immediately."
"Oh. Interesting. As you say, Sir," Fox said, then turned to Ahsoka and Plo. "Ready whenever you both are," he nodded.
"Take care, Ahsoka," Chancellor Palpatine said warmly, standing along with them. "And do be on guard with young Boba. From what I understand, the boy is quite crafty, despite his tender age."
"Oh I will, Chancellor, don't worry. I remember how much of a handful he was." Ahsoka bowed and tried to ignore the way the statues of the sages stared at her. "Thank you again. You've saved a life today."
"And my thanks as well, Chancellor," Plo added, bowing after her. "We appreciate your expediency."
"I wish you luck in your endeavor, my dear." Palpatine winked at her. "And don't be afraid to visit more often. I've got some stories about Anakin as a youth that you might enjoy."
Ahsoka's stripes flushed again and she picked at her thumb's cuticle.
"Alright, General, Commander. Let's get you over to the prison before sundown." Fox slung his carbine over his shoulder and led the way out.
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Boba curled up tighter on his side, willing the pain in his sides to go away. After he'd jumped Hardeen it had been chaos. He wasn't sure if it was the guards or the other bastards he was locked in here with that had broken his ribs, but it didn't really matter. He needed to get better. He couldn't afford to look weak. Prison was worse than a jungle, at least an animal just killed you and was done with it. The predators here liked to play with their food, first.
"Come on, little man, come bunk with me. I know it gets cold at night, you must be shivering with only a lizard to keep you warm–"
At least in solitary Boba could focus all of his energy on healing instead of defending himself. He chewed on his split lip and readjusted his face against the wall so that his black eye was pressed directly against the cold surface.
"Time to go, Fett."
Boba was sitting upright and ready to respond in under a second. Nobody would know by looking at him that he was holding his breath so as not to scream from the pain. One meiloorun, two meiloorun, three meiloorun–
"Go where?" he asked after a few seconds, cool as a caniphant. Fox, on the other side of the bars, had two DC-17 sidearms, a DC-15A carbine, and two vibroblade hits sticking out from his gauntlets. Two pairs of cuffs hung from his belt next to a small canister of capsaicin spray.
Boba could get to the spray the easiest, kick the back of Fox's knee, twist his arm and grab the blaster–
"It's your lucky day, cyar'solus," Fox said, undoing the biometric locks on his cell.
"Don't call me that," he snapped. Damn it, Boba didn't want to go back to genpop yet, he was still too injured. The guards tried to watch out for him; some of them did, anyway, the ones who didn't hiss vod'kyramud when he passed them in the halls. Bossk usually stuck up for him but he was just one man. Boba already had a size disadvantage, but with his ribs fucked his speed suffered. He eyed the capsaicin spray at Fox's belt again. He'd get his ass kicked if he went for it, but they'd keep him in solitary longer. Fox had the frame of a gundark but he wasn't a shabuir, he would just give him another lump or two before locking his cell again instead of rebreaking things on purpose.
Fox snickered. "I'll call you whatever I want. Now face down on the floor, you know how this works."
Yeah, he did. Boba swallowed hard and carefully got on his belly, watching the canister of spray swing closer. The floor was hard but the cold felt good. He took a deep breath and prepared to make his move.
As if Fox knew what he'd been thinking, he walked around him in a wide circle and approached from behind before cuffing him. He pulled Boba to his feet, gentler than he expected. "You're being given a second chance, kid," he said quietly. "Don't kark it up."
"The fuck does that mean?" Boba asked faintly; even with Fox's careful grip, he wasn't able to draw in air properly with the way his ribs were screaming.
"You're getting out."
"What?" Boba tried to spin around and look at Fox, but he kept a firm hold of his cuffed hands and kept him from turning.
"Walk, squirt," Fox said in a bored voice.
Where was he going? Where were they sending him? It hit him then, what had to have happened; Aurra. He knew she wouldn't abandon him. She'd had to make a tactical retreat, that was all. Somehow she'd pulled in a favor or used her connections in the guild, or maybe even kidnapped a judge. He fought down a smirk as they walked past the other inmates, all howling and hissing and complaining about his special treatment.
He was foolish to have given up on Aurra. She really did care about him.
"Stand here." Fox started undoing the locks to the hall that led to the private interview rooms, the ones that prisoners used to meet with their attorneys.
Boba never had an attorney. He had gone through sentencing on his own.
"Alright, walk." Fox took him by the cuffs and shoved him forward through the door. "And be respectful."
"Respectful to who?" Boba grouched.
"Your new mum," Fox snickered, stopping in front of a door halfway down the hall. "Congratulations. You've been adopted."
Boba whipped his head up so fast that black spots appeared in his eyes. "I've been fucking what?" he squeaked.
Fox pushed him inside of the interview room while he was still reeling. Instead of Aurra, the two Jedi who had arrested him were waiting inside; a Kel Dor who towered over everyone, even Fox, and a scrawny orange Togruta with big blue bug eyes and two sabers on her belt. She was taller than he remembered.
"Koh-to-yah, Boba Fett," the Kel Dor said, bowing to him. "I am Jedi Master Plo Koon, and this is Padawan Ahsoka Tano."
"The fuck do you cunts want?" Boba spat, furious at himself for being so stupid that he thought Aurra would come for him. He was such a gullible di'kut. Of course she didn't really care. He was never anything but clout to her, just something of Jango's that she could show off.
The Tog blinked at him, obviously shocked. The little princess obviously wasn't used to bad language. "I, um, I…"
"Go ahead, Ahsoka," the Kel Dor said with a little pat on her back.
She took a deep breath, stepped forward, and then smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder. He felt the tension in his back muscles ease a little, weirdly enough. "I want to get you out of here, if that's alright with you."
"Why the fuck should I go anywhere with you?" Boba asked suspiciously, then backed up so he could keep the both of them in plain view. "You're the cunts who put me in here. Why do you care?"
"We never meant for you to be placed in a place such as this, young man," the Kel Dor said apologetically.
"We want to help you find your family, Boba," the Tog said earnestly.
"Are you both fucking stupid?" Boba snapped. "I don't have any family. The Jedi killed the only family I had."
The Tog and Kel Dor exchanged looks. "I know, Boba," the Tog said. "And I'm sorry for your loss."
Boba looked at his feet.
"Why don't we be on our way?" the Kel Dor suggested. "We have much to discuss, but there's no need to do so on an empty stomach. I find myself craving a milkshake."
"Oooh, I could go for a milkshake," the Tog said with her brow markings raised. "How about you, Boba?"
"I don't want a fucking milkshake, I want to know what's going on!" Boba said, backing up into Fox. He… he needed to get away from these people. They had some sort of weird plan for him, he was sure of it. What if they wanted to send him back to Kamino? Maybe they wanted to string him up in a lab and use him to make more of their precious troopers. Without Dad the longnecks couldn't make them like they used to, and Boba was a perfect copy. "What did Fox mean? He said I was going to meet my new mum, what did he mean by that?"
The Tog bit her lip and looked at him. "That, um, that would be me," she said sheepishly. "I… I'm your legal guardian."
"You're my legal guardian?" Boba stared at her. She looked barely older than him, though she was a lot taller than he remembered.
"Yep," she said happily, rocking back on her heels. "So, what do you say? Ready to go?"
Boba glanced up at Fox, who gave him a reassuring nod. "Not like I have a fucking choice, do I?" he asked sullenly.
"No, you don't," the Kel Dor – Koon, Boba remembered he said his name was – said gently. "But I imagine that you would choose to leave the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center."
"Obviously," Boba said, frowning.
"So." Koon shrugged. "Shall we?"
The Tog smiled brightly at him. He realized that she was nervous, and for some reason that made him feel better.
"Fine." Boba rubbed his wrists after Fox unlocked his cuffs. Whatever. Fox didn't need to help him, he could do this on his own. He just had to stick with them long enough to get out of prison. The second the idiots turned their backs, he'd be out of there. Boba glanced up and met the Tog's nervous gaze. "But I'm not calling you fucking Mum."
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Author's Notes:
MAOR-GRÁSTA TRANSLATIONS An deach thu às mo chiall?: Have you gone insane? Carson a tha thu a’ toirt eas-urram dhomh?: Why are you disrespecting me? MANDO'A TRANSLATIONS cyar'solus: beloved one, the clones' nickname for Boba since he was a special snowflake chosen baby (Thank you Squid_Ink 😘) shabuir: motherfucker vod'kyramud: brother-killer osik: shit OTHER NOTES Mace has a picture of all of his padawans and grand-padawans in his wallet and he shows everyone constantly. It's canon, George Lucas actually told me himself. Palpatine was pretty easy to convince, wasn't he? It's almost like he likes sowing discord between Anakin and his loved ones hmm odd yes very odd indeed Ponds was promoted for plot related purposes ✌️
Taglist: @starwarsficnetwork @soliloquy-of-nemo Dividers: @saradika-graphics
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flatbstanley · 2 months
Tuesday, 9:37 am -- Rider's Rest Trailer Park, Chestnut Ridge
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Christopher: I'm not surprised that woman wants a divorce, Justin. I didn't want to say anything, but I've known she was bad news ever since you told me she had taken birth control. Of course, it's so hard to find a good woman, even here in Chestnut Ridge. They say we have a booming population of young, practicing Catholics, but none of the young ladies are really interested in finding a godly man. I can't tell you how much trouble I've had.
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Justin: How's the real estate market? All the libs in San Sequoia are driving up home prices, and I just can't afford --
Christopher: Not great, brother, not great. But it's worth it for a community where at least some people truly live the Faith. Besides, I could afford a better place if I were being paid what I'm worth. All that work to get a doctorate in sacred music, and do you know what they wanted me to play last Sunday? That contemporary guitar nonsense. I'll offer it up to the poor souls in Purgatory, of course --
Justin: Do you know of any good lawyers in this town? Obviously a real Catholic wouldn't take divorce cases, but the way Taylor's treated me, I'm sure somebody would be willing to take my case for --
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Christopher: I should be a shoo-in for the organist position at the new cathedral when that's built. Now that will be a place where music is treated with the proper reverence. A group of us are advocating for the Traditional Latin Mass to be offered. You should join, of course. Any father should want their children exposed to the true beauty of the--
Justin: We already have the TLM in San Sequoia, but I'm sure Taylor's going to take the kids to some watered-down Novus Ordo as soon as she gets the chance. I really need a good lawyer who can help me --
Christopher: Did I tell you about the plans for the new cathedral? The current church was mangled beyond belief in the Vatican II days, but the new one --
[The conversation continues in this vein for the next 2 hours.]
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timeladix · 1 year
Oh poor Ordo and his gene alteration induced anxious attachment style. He s just like me fr.
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ythankucaptainmccoy · 2 years
Headcanon How the Null ARC’s, Omega & Delta squad react to you asking them to meet your family/how they act around your family.
I know this was only supposed to be Omega and Delta squad, but it hurts me not to write the Null ARCS (BECAUSE THEY NEED LOVE TOO T-T). I took this as a female s/o so there will be mentions of wanting children and pregnancy.
Ordo - This poor man freezes on the spot when you ask him to meet your family. He never imagined that he would be put in this position. He is nervous as hell, but doesn’t let it show. Skirata can’t help but laugh as his son is a battle hardened soldier and can take on any battle situation, but is nervous about meeting your family. When you take him to meet your family it takes him a little bit for him to relax. Once he is sure they aren’t seppie spies he gets along well with everyone.
Mereel - When you ask him to meet your family he gets this sly look on his face. When you ask him why he looks so smug he replies with how your family will adore him and his charming looks. Now your nervous about HIM meeting your parents. When he does meet your family all that cocky confidence shows, and at first your parents are warry, but they quickly warm up to him when they realize how much he loves you. All of the other family members start saying how you would make beautiful babies much to your embarrassment, but Mereel just hugs you close and agrees (cheeky bastard).
Jaing - When you ask him to meet your family he agrees wholeheartedly. When he meets your family they automatically adore him. He is polite, always asking if there is anything he can help with, and his affection toward you is well received. They know he is a clone and dangerous as his line of work is he assures them as long as he breathes that no harm will come to you. After meeting your family he realizes that after all of this is done he wants to start a family with you and tells you as soon as you all get back to your humble abode.
Kom’rk - When you ask him to meet your family he just nods, and it makes you nervous. He doesn’t ask any questions about your family other than there names. When he does meet them he introduces himself with a dashing smile and greets each family member by name, and you were so flabbergasted that he knew everyone that when he turned around he had to shut your mouth with a finger underneath your chin. He whispers to you that he had looked them up and memorized everyone. He doesn’t mention that he was also checking to see if they had any ties to the separatists. Your family and him click like missing puzzle pieces and they welcome him with open arms.
Prudii - Just like his brother Kom’rk he does his research when you ask him to meet your family. He knows everyone's faces and names much to your astonishment. He also helps your mother in preparing dinner which also blows your mind. He laughs when you grumble that he never cooks for you or helps you and his sweet reply of you never ask me too makes you melt. Your father is impressed by his skills with anything electronic and before too long ropes him into helping with some holoscreens. Every family member tells you to bring him around more often which in Prudii’s mind is an achievement.
A’den - When you ask him to meet your family he agrees to it even though you can sense his hesitance. Then before he meets your family he tells you that he doesn’t want to hurt them by taking you away if anything were to happen. You assured him that your family would understand and that you love him, and they wouldn’t hold it against him if you both had to disappear. When he meets your family he can’t believe how much they accept him. When you let slip about one day you and A’den might have to disappear much to your mothers distress your family understands. A’den assures them he would die before he lets anything happen to you, and that is when your family gives him full permission to marry you when you decide to.
Niner -  When you ask him to meet your family he says no. When you get upset with him he tries to make you see reason that he is a clone and that your family wouldn’t approve. After you start crying he decides to give it a chance (when you cry this man can’t handle it). When he meets your family he can’t understand how they pretty much accept him right away. When you bring up that he is a clone and his worry your family seems heartbroken that he would think they wouldn’t accept him. Your mother and father chiming in that it wouldn’t matter if he were a gungan that he is a living being that loves you and that is all that matters. 
Fi - He is so excited when you ask him to meet your family that he asks you to show him pictures and tell him who was who. When he meets your family you mother greets him with a hug that he wholeheartedly returns, and shakes your fathers hand. He fits right in and several of your family members tell you that you should marry him because of how well he fits in, and how much he is in love with you. Fi tells your family how he does want to get married and how he wants children which makes your family extremely happy. As much as you love him he manages to embarrass you multiple times, but by the end your family is laughing as you both leave. (Two days later you and him exchange the Mandalorian Vows and inform your family who couldn’t be happier)
Darman - He just stares at you for moment processing your question then slowly nodding. You spend an entire day assuring him that they will accept him and to just be relaxed. When he meets your family he is so tense that your sure he has to be in pain. Its not until your grandmother cracks a joke that he relaxes and laughs. Your parents get to know him better as he relaxes, and they smile when he starts to enjoy himself. He feels like part of the family by the time food is ready, and when he comments about the food tasting better that what they feed him in the GAR your mother gets downright upset. She makes a deal that him and his brothers are allowed over anytime for dinner. By the end of the visit he is reluctant to leave, and tells you how much he loves your family.
Atin - When you asked him to meet your family he frowns and asks why. When you explain that it is customary for a significant other to meet parents and family he reluctantly agrees. When you ask if its his scars that he is worried about and confirms it you assure him that it doesn’t matter to you and that it won’t matter to your family. When he meets your family he is shocked at how they overlook his scars. It makes him feel better when your grandmother tells you that you picked the hottest of the brothers he blushes... that's right he blushes like mad. He definitely definitely didn’t rub it in Fi’s face later either. He asks you when the next time your family wants to meet as he feels like he truly belongs.
Corr - He is actually the one that asks to meet your family. You think it’s a great idea, and you set it up. Of course he fits right in making jokes and helping with placing food on the table. Your mother beams at you when he pulls out your chair for you. Your father nods and smiles as he sits down. At one point the conversation of his injuries and how he lost part of his arms and his hands comes up. Your family looks sad until he assures them he is okay and takes the synthetic flesh off to show them. The children crowd around him asking all kinds of questions about how he can still be a soldier. At one point while your talking to your mother you look over to see him holding your brothers newborn. He is smiling and when he looks up at you and mouths he wants one you can’t help but smile and nod.
Boss - Down right refuses when you ask, and tries to shut you down as you try to explain. You get angry and have a small fight to which Skirata has to talk to him. Once Skirata informs him how important it is even for Mandalorian courting he changes his mind. He is tense the entire time even when he knows that your family likes him and accepts him. He just can’t seem to relax until the kids start asking him about weapons. That's when you see him relax as he explains in detail the stats of each weapon. When its time to leave your parents tell him how much they enjoyed his company and that they don’t doubt his loyalty and love. 
Fixer - The audacity that this man has is astounding. When you ask him to meet your family he agrees, but once arriving he scrutinizes everything. Your family doesn’t notice it, but you do and you confront him about it. He tells you its just his nature, but he tries to be less judgmental in front of your family. Its not until they start including him in conversation that he lightens up and actually enjoys himself. Once he joins the conversation your family warms up to him, but it is a slow process. By dinner time he is helping set the table and even helps you into your chair. When its time to leave he actually stands there dumbfounded when your family gives you and him their blessing to continue dating.
Scorch - Oh boy this man when you ask is bouncing off the walls with excitement. When you both arrive he hugs your mother as if he has known her all his life and shakes your fathers hand telling him how lucky he was to have you as a partner. They automatically adore him as well as the rest of your family. He is great with the kids and holds their attention, and then during dinner he puts his foot in his mouth when he mentions your pregnant. Everything seems to stop as you glare at him, and he gives you the oh shit look. Then the entire family is congratulating you both and giving their well wishes. By the time the two of you leave your family is talking about all the gifts they are going to buy your child.
Sev - Its like pulling teeth when you ask him as he tells you there is no point. When you keep pressing the issue he blows up which is out of character for him usually he is the calm collected one. That’s when the fight starts, and it isn’t long before Vau has to go in alone and talk to him. When Vau comes back out Sev is behind him, and quietly tells you he will go. Your family is scared of him because of how big he is and how gruff his voice is. It isn’t until your five year old niece comes up to him and tugs on his leg does he soften. He picks her up and smiles...he has a genuine smile and when he looks over to you and the smile you hold he softens even more. By the time you leave he is one of the family and on your walk back home he tells you how he would like to have a little girl one day you smile. You tell him he won’t have to wait long because the reason you wanted him to meet your family was because you were pregnant. This man picks you up spins you and gives you a kiss that steals your breath away.
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dairine-bonnet · 1 year
Amnesiac Revan: Those who defend each time can't win a war!
Bastila *a bit exhausted*: Great Quotes from Great Minds?! Have you been reading that book again?
Amnesiac Revan *trying to be respectful (in her own way)*: It appears that the book contains nearly as much useful information as the Jedi Code does!
Canderous: It appears that this book contains far more valuable information than the whole Jedi Enclave does.
P.S. This is sort of part 2 of this post XD:
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hurryupmerlin · 1 year
@connectionparadox asked and she shall receive. (I mean... after I do that little "nah you don't wanna know that, do you" dance (YES ASK ME ABOUT MY OCs))
A collection of all the info I have about Amiss so far – minus some details. Will edit eventually.
Amiss lives in a slaver's encampment, where he's the general drudge. He can move more or less freely around the camp, but is walking on eggshells constantly. Like all slaves, he wears a shock collar. That keeps him from fleeing.
Around 14 yo (which makes him older than even Ordo), looks about 18 yo
Doesn't age quite normally, but a lot slower than regs
Kaminoan runaway
Lean, gaunt body (very malnourished at the start)
Is a good cook, knows how to keep house
Only got rudimental training, has a shit aim. (Not half bad with a knife, tho)
Distinctive feature: a shy smile that will melt your heart
Knows how to give head, but doesn’t know how to hug without crying
Talent for naturopathy + ships
Wants to become a medic
Gets instantly adopted by Fi
Speaks Basic and Mehiwan (the language of the planet he grew up on) and understands Twi'leki. Later on Fi teaches him some Mando'a.
Fled Tipoca City (Kamino)
>> Where?
Grew up on Mehiwa
The small planet with the slave camp is called Viltriss Utdrag
>> Owned by
>> How Fi describes him:
Fi wonders how he manages to look so small and fragile despite his heritage. He’s undeniably an outlier, although Fi feels the same deep connection to him that he has to every one of his brothers. Amiss features all the characteristics of a clone: The unmistakable face – with the worried doe eyes that constantly remind him of Ordo. The dark hair, tanned skin and exactly the right height. But all his brothers are shaped by training and the battlefield. They have bodies that are used to wearing 40 kilos of armor plus equipment and still move quickly and silently. In contrast, Ami looks like a teenager still, underdeveloped and deliberately kept small. Hunger paints hollow cheeks on his emaciated face, and with his narrow shoulders and an even slimmer waistline, Fi imagines he’d be collapsing under the weight of even the lightest cadet armor.
>> Body marks:
A tally of cuts on his back as an unfriendly reminder for every time he had to be punished because he 'fucked up'
Branding with the slaver's logo on his nape
>> Why Mal?
You go and ask Amiss that.
Fi would rather see him have a crush on a trashcan than on Mal. Ordo just goes *stiff polite smile*
EDIT 01.10.2023 - INFO DUMP
- At the beginning, he says "sorry" a lot. Like, annoyingly often. It gradually gets better once he's around people who make him feel like he's not a total failure and he can stop walking on eggshells all the time.
- He starts looking healthy rather quickly when he regularily gets decent meals. But he never quite mends enough to look like the troopers who had ideal grow up conditions. (author's note: a twink is a twink)
- I haven't decided on the details yet. But after he left Kamino, he was raised in a village, under poor living conditions but with friendly people. The village got in the crossfire of the war and was destroyed. And then the slavers came and took what was left.
- He has problems verbally communicating his emotional and physical needs. So he sticks to actions. (which actually can be overwhelming at times for someone who isn't used to it). He's so touch starved it hurts. So, sometimes, being close to people overwhelms him, too. It's all so difficult...
- It's super rare for him to raise his voice. He usually speaks very softly.
- He wears various layers of brown linen that do a good job in hiding his form
- I mean, that's kind of a sub-sub-plot and also semi-spoiler-y. But true to the Mandalorian wedding vow, Fi takes it very serious to "raise warriors". Which is why it's so important to him that Ami gets combat and weapons training and learns about the Mandalorian culture. Much later, Ami receives his first pieces of looted armor (which will also introduce some color back into his wardrobe) and will eventually look and act like a half-decent Mando. But as for now, that's still a long, looong way off.
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vodika-vibes · 10 months
after all this Ordo goodness, imagine him seeing the reader with little baby Kad/Venku and realizing that this is a sight he really could get used to and…doing something about it 🫣
What I Want
Summary: After a day spent with the Skirata clan, Ordo is quiet, and you curious as to what's on his mind.
Pairing: Ordo Skirata x Reader
Word Count: 679
Warnings: Fluff, some spice at the end
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: Could this have been smut, yes. Is that what you probably intended, nonny, also yes. But I got two hours of sleep last night, and I'm not sure comfortable writing a breeding kink. Yet. I'll get there I'm sure. But I'm sure as hell not doing that research when my husband is sitting across the room.
Divider by Saradika
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It’s been a long day. A very long day. And while you enjoy spending time with your boyfriend’s family, they can be alot. Especially for someone who’s a little happier keeping to yourself.
Which is part of the reason you spent the majority of the day playing with baby Kad. The other part of the reason is that his poor parents looked dead on their feet.
Though now you’re wondering if maybe you should have spent more time with Ordo, because he’s been very quiet since you headed home. You glance at him out of the corner of your eye and note that he doesn’t look angry, more…pensive? 
He keys in the code to your apartment, and you follow him into the well lit room. He’ll tell you what’s bothering him eventually, he always does, you just have to wait him out. Or you can bother him about it.
You sit on the bench just inside the front door and start unlacing your boots, as you consider your options, “Ordo?” You finally say, deciding that asking him would be better than worrying about what he’s worrying about.
“Hm?” He lifts his gaze to meet yours, and something soft and warm crosses his features as he looks at you. “Something wrong cyar’ika?”
He’s clearly not mad, so you push that specific concern back. “I was going to ask you the same thing.” You reply with a warm smile, “You’ve been very quiet, love.”
He tilts his head, “I was just thinking about something.” Ordo replies easily, he holds out his hand for your jacket, which you hand to him. 
“Oh? You’ve been thinking about it pretty hard.”
“Yeah…it’s important to me.” Ordo replies easily, and then doesn’t elaborate. 
You roll your eyes and set your boots on the shoe stand, “Would you care to elaborate?” you ask.
“Hm…” He regards you thoughtfully for a long moment, and then he very gently pulls you to your feet and guides you to the living room. He easily navigates the home you share with him, even though he never takes his gaze off you.
And then he sits on the couch and pulls you down so you’re straddling his lap, and so your chests are flush against each other. Ordo’s hands slide up your sides, and then he cups your face with his hands, “I love you,” He murmurs softly.
You smile at him fondly, “I know, you make it very obvious.” And then you lean in and kiss him gently, “I love you too.”
He hums into the kiss, “Cyare,” Ordo gazes at you with clear eyes, “Have you ever considered kids?”
You place your hands on his shoulders and rub soothing circles against the side of his neck, “Like, in general or…?”
“Our kids, specifically.” He clarifies.
“Ah,” You fall silent for a moment, considering, “I’d be lying if I said the thought hadn’t crossed my mind.” You murmur softly. You move one of your hands to cup his face, “What are you thinking, my love?”
“I watched you playing with Kad’ika,” Ordo murmurs so softly, “And I couldn’t help but think about how you would look when you’re pregnant with my baby.” His hand slides from your hips to rest on your stomach, “You’re already perfect, cyare, but picturing that-” He trails off, and arousal flares in his eyes.
You hum softly, “A baby Ordo,” You muse thoughtfully, “With my coloring-”
“A baby you,” He corrects quickly, “With my coloring.” He kisses you slowly and deeply, “A baby girl as perfect as you are-” He trails off as he rains kisses across your face.
“That sounds perfect,” You whisper to him.
Ordo exhales slowly, and you watch as his careful control crumbles, and you squeak when he lifts you and presses you firmly against the couch, pressing his hips against yours. “We should get started then,” He says with a heated grin.
You release a quiet giggle that turns into a squeal of delight as he leans in to rain even more kisses on your neck and across your face.
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whimper-whumpee · 2 years
I want to write a series of oneshots from Warhammer 40k about this poor little psyker who just gets whumped constantly.
An interrogation when the Ordo Hereticus finds her could be chock full of broken bones, degradation, blood, begging, crying and the like.
After, when she's sanctioned, she is placed with a unit that doesn't trust her and maybe she gets hazed a bit or at the very least not given proper care when she gets sick or hurt. Fevers, black outs from her powers, just left to suffer alone.
Maybe that unit gets wiped out or another superior officer notices her condition and approaches her which makes her flinch. Or maybe she doesn't react at all and his worry turns to anger at the neglect. He takes her to get cared for and touch makes her shake and cry.
She ends up in this new person's unit and has to work through her fear and confusion as this group cares for her. She burns out from her powers? There's someone there with water and a ration pack. She collapses on the field? A fellow soldier carries her to safety and waits with her until she rouses, patting her cheek and calling her.
All of this and I want to have the first unit refuse to call her by her name, only referring to her as psyker or witch, but the new unit insists on using her real name and even gives her nicknames like the rest of them have.
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