#poor sable lol
faeriefrolic · 9 months
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Sable is NOT having a good morning at all 😭
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sablegear0 · 7 months
TIL my computer is not powerful enough to run Glaze lol
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
I've been waiting for this! Darling almost gets caught by the Unknown before the fog gets them. Darling thinks she's "safe" (away from the Unknown) before going on trial and seeing it again. I think Unknown would be happy to see a previous almost victim.
I was originally going to make this a concept but I don't think that would do it justice. So, here's a one shot :) The cool thing about this killer is I don't have to do much research since you're meant to not know anything about it.
Gender is Gender-Neutral as I just... Never said any pronouns- I got too focused on the spooky.
I got really into this, sorry it isn't fully spell checked 😅 I am my only editor, lol.
Reoccurring Nightmare
"Yandere!" The Unknown Story
Pairing: Dubious intentions
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, "Obsession", Stalking, Kidnapping (Technically), Grotesque descriptions, Primarily just horror themes, Violence, Dubious intentions.
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Sometimes people get into things they shouldn't. Sometimes you come across something that you shouldn't have known about. Unfortunately, accident or not, there is still consequences.
Poor you probably didn't even mean to get involved with The Fog or The Unknown. If anything, you just wanted to know what happened to your lost friends. Mikaela and Sable have been gone for a long time now....
The search for your friends accidentally got you involved in a darker scheme than you thought. Unbeknownst to you, simply searching got you caught in the crosshairs of something... otherworldly. You had no clue until it decided to strike.
It started with an uneasy feeling. The constant feeling of being watched. Perhaps that was just you being anxious... You are worried about your friends, after all.
But as your research and leads got deeper and deeper... You began to realize you were too deep in this web. You kept finding research and articles about strange phenomenon. Things like dark fog and cryptid sightings.
The entire time the feeling only ever got worse.
Days turned to weeks as you looked over the information you had. The police never bothered to help and you kept finding rabbit holes. No matter how much calming teas or meds you take, you can't shake your anxiety.
Are you being followed...?
Are you insane?
In the middle of the night you hear noises. Things like skittering or... voices. You swear you see silhouettes pass your window or banging across your walls.
You haven't gotten enough sleep... Maybe you're just hallucinating?
Your fears kept getting worse as you continued on. You kept thinking you heard the voices of your friends outside. Yet there was nothing ever there.
Your mind felt coated in a mental fog. You just couldn't think straight. Why did it feel like you were seeing things?
One night marked the conclusion of your fears....
Late at night you kept scrolling through research. At this point you were too far gone into this rabbit hole. There had to be something that took them... right?
You freeze when you hear something speak. You look around, yet once again nothing's there. The voice sounds corrupted... inhuman... you can't read it.
The voice croaks again, sounding oddly familiar. You shoot up from your seat and look around. However... You begin to breathe heavily when there's nothing...
Except for a sudden bang.
Your gaze shoots to your window, seeing something skitter off. The brief glance you got wasn't enough to tell you what it is. Yet you can tell it's playing with you...
It's taunting you....
You quickly run through your house in search of a weapon. Something... Wasn't right. With the amount of research you've done, you have your suspicions on what's wrong.
But you're still unable to comprehend it...
Let alone what it wants.
The voice croaks from outside, thumping hitting your walls. It's trying to find a way in. Your heart won't stop racing.
You grit your teeth, grabbing a knife from the kitchen to defend yourself. It's all you've got right now.... However, if this is what you think it is...
It doesn't really matter....
You grimace at the voice, the gender swapping between a distorted male and female. You can't decipher it. It's all a threat you can't fight....
With a loud crash, an axe smashes through your window. You jump back to keep your distance. Although... You freeze when something crawls through the broken glass.
It looks... Twisted. The cracking of bones fills the room, leaving you unnerved. The...Creature twitches and cracks around until it goes from all fours to on its twisted legs.
You feel bile bubble within you at the sight. You don't even dare look at its face. It's a twisted mimic of some sort of man.
That thing isn't human, however...
Nowhere close to it.
"I-I have... something... for you...!"
You brandish the knife as if it would do anything against it. Even if you had a gun, you doubt it would kill it. Black smoke pours into the room as the creature snaps and twitches closer to you.
"S-Stay... still...!"
The creature echoes before swinging the fire axe. You dodge it but the weapon manages to snag your knife. You curse to yourself as you dodge.
Not like it would've helped you anyways.
The creature turns around to look at you, a twisted grin never leaving its face. Your fear excited it. Such wonderful prey.
However, as you both plot your next move, the fog continues to fill the room until there was nothing but darkness.
You panic, having only vague ideas of what this meant for you. However... When you awoke, your adrenaline began to settle. You were left in a forest...
With nothing but a campfire in front of you...
Along with your two missing friends.
The two are filled with surprise when they see your shaking form on the ground. You stare back at them in confusion. Then...
You begin to cry.
Mikaela and Sable quickly run over to you and embrace you. You sob into them, calming down from your near death experience. Such a thing Mikaela and Sable have grown used to by this point.
They comfort you, rambling about how they didn't expect to see you again. They express concern and worry. After all... No one tries to get here on purpose.
You were happy to find them, even if it isn't safe here. All that mattered to you was the fact you were away from the creature. You never had to see it again...
Even if you had other issues to deal with...
But you could face those with your newly found friends by your side, right?
By this point you've gotten used to these new trials. These loops of death and illusions of escape was supposedly what Mikaela and Sable had been going through the entire time you've been looking from them. You were sent from one hell to another....
Yet you were quickly beginning to adapt.
Perhaps you were always meant to come here. If you stopped looking for your friends, would it still happen? You aren't sure... But does it matter anymore?
All you know is death now.
However, with Mikaela and Sable you could get used to the cycles. With them... You felt you could get through this. At least here... you could comprehend most horrors.
Every trial seemed to blend together eventually...
Then you saw it again.
You could never forget the twisted body and unnerving aura. You nearly freeze again in the middle of a generator when you see it shambling around that decrepit movie theater. You fidget with the wires as best you can but you're soon thrown off.
Upon roiling across the dingy movie carpet, you look up to see the very same creature you thought you escaped. It crawls on all fours towards you with that same cracking sound. Your memories flash before you...
Aren't you used to death at this point?
"Fo~und... y~ou~!"
The creature coos in a distorted voice... Shuffling closer in a rapid pace.
Your scream to echoes through the trial as it advances, your mind flashing a reminder that whatever happens... There's no escaping it now.
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silver-heller · 5 months
*Inserts a scenarios/shenanigans I did to Orchid Jewelries au:*
Sable Family: *Eating dinner.*
Mother (I haven't named her yet.): *Sipping her wine.*
Maire: *moves her fork to grab the food.*
Lawrence: *Stabs his fork at the said food she was about to grab.*
Maire and Lawrence: *They both lift their heads and start glaring at each other for a deadly hour. Before it took a while the other to speak.
Maire: Excuse me, I got here first. 
Lawrence: You're excused, and I got here earlier first. So keep your paws away.
Maire: *rolls eye* No wonder why many ladies aren't interested in you anyways.
Wick: *is covering his mouth to prevent letting out a snort.*
Lawrence: Says the girl who couldn't cook properly.
Sookie: Guys please not now!- Maire! what are you-
Maire: *Throws a dessert towards Lawrence hitting to his face.*
Wick: *He cannot contain his laughter anymore so he unintentionally began laughing loudly. Only to get another drink thrown at his face.*
Sookie: *Throwing a fruit both at Lawrence and Maires face, she is really close to hitting them in the ground.*
siblings: *Starts throwing food at each other.*
Mother:  *Standing up, she was ready to scold them.* All of you! Stop at this ins-
Maire: *Accidentally hits a pie towards her.*
Lawrence, Wick, Sookie: *Gasp.*
All of them: *Currently having a war where they throw food at each other.*
*After an hour the family had a food fight, obviously the room was splattered in a mess  everywhere, so they sent the  maids to clean it. The mother scolded Maire. They argue and Maire was grounded for weeks, with the father who didn't participate at the family dinner being occupied at his work.*
*Eventually he came back home and saw the mess, scolded Lawrence and was also grounded for about a month, Lawrence wanted to snap back, however sucked it up and obeys his father's order to go back to his room. Wick and Sookie just went back to their room after changing their clothes after the whole fiasco somehow smeared the food into their clothes, and also when their Father finished scolding them and grounded them.*
Edit: This is just a random script I wrote for pure boredom, and for fun. Note; This is basically the past, only a timeline, where the siblings are still young to this and Maire is still in presence before she left. And before Sookie gets married.
Fact: Lawrence and Maire do not like each other at all, it's easy to tell on their looks. But they do have to tone it down in public, where they both fake being 'normal perfect sibblings' at eachother.
Maire during her childhood doesn't smile a lot, her mother had to keep forcing her smile 'properly' during occasions or when a fan asked for Maire to sign. She managed to hold into it although it hurted her teeth so a long break was required.
Nowadays in the present after she left, Maire is able to hold her smile longer, there 3 types of smile! (She does this to loath her mother. After all the suffering she putted to her.):
1. Fake smile
2. Arrogant smile
3. Genuine smile (Very rare.)
Thats all Have a good day/Night!
Lol, I love the chaos. Definitely a very dysfunctional family. Poor Mairie. I get where she's coming from, I'm not much of a smiler either, and neither is Silver.
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whumpeewhumpwhump · 1 year
(AI-less) Whumptober Prompt 9: Scar reveal/Interrogation/Presumed dead
(Apologies for having the wrong date on yesterday's, didn't realize until just now lol. Here's a fun lil time with some more OCs from the book i finished writing earlier this year. Poor man going through it. Hope you enjoy!!)
Prompt 9: Scar Reveal/Interrogation/Presumed dead
Ackerly grunted as his head snapped back, thanks to the punch Baul delivered to his jaw. He took a couple breaths and readjusted his position in the chair he was shackled to before he brought his head back up and glared at the man before him.
It had been 20 years. 20 years since Ackerly had faked his death and spirited two children away from the wrath of the new tyrant. For all those years, he had worked hard to blend in, to keep his charges safe—even going so far as to separating them when he first arrived to Sommersee. They had been safe for all those years, only for his hard work and planning to disappear in an instant. All with Baul, now the Right Hand to the King (King being used very loosely by Ackerly), appearing at his smithy with Ackerly's ward in tow.
He should have known that Sable would take after her parents, he had just hoped she gained the traits that would have kept her safe. The last thing he wanted was the stubbornness or curiosity. He couldn’t bring himself to blame her. Ackerly told her virtually nothing about who her parents were or where she came from, originally. Or even who Ackerly really was. All she knew was that he was her uncle and her parents were killed 20 years ago during the Coup and that Baul was to blame. 
Sable didn't know the danger, which was Ackerly's fault.
Another grunt as another punch drove into his stomach. He coughed and turned to spit up blood before resuming the position. Baul wasn’t alone, of course. In the dungeon cell stood at least four King’s Men, dressed in their maroon tunics emblazoned with the now royal seal of the Morrigan family--a Griffon. Outside of the cell stood the Prince who was accompanied by another guard that looked around the Prince’s age. Baul’s protege, Ackerly surmised. 
Baul’s protege stepped forward as Baul pulled back. She whispered something in his ear as he took a rag from one of the guards and wiped his hands. With a nod, Baul dismissed her and turned his head, “So glad you could join us, Princling. It’s about time you’ve learned something while you have me as your tutor,” Baul turned back to Ackerly, but still addressed the Prince. “Pay attention, Your Highness. If you wish to become ruler one day, you have much to learn,”
Without warning, Baul struck out and delivered two punches to Ackerly, one to his jaw and another to his stomach. Ackerly sat doubled over a bit longer, absorbing the pain. He wouldn’t give the man the satisfaction of hearing his cries of protest.
“Back to the questioning, then,” Baul continued. “Tell me. You and I both know the existence of this resistance you call the Schism. All I need from you is their location,”
This again. Ackerly couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled up in his chest. Despite the pain, despite the blood that seeped from his split lip and most likely broken nose, Ackerly laughed. “You know,” Ackerly said, voice raspy, “For a Right Hand, you really don’t live up to your predecessors. I already told you, I know nothing of this resistance,”
Baul nodded as he paced around Ackerly. Ackerly couldn’t help the spike in his heart-rate when Baul came to a stop behind him and placed his hands on Ackelry’s shoulders. Ackerly hid a flinch when the Right Hand squeezed uncomfortably. “You know,” Baul said, echoing Ackelry, “For someone at my mercy, you do tend to talk quite a bit. Unfortunately, your type of talking isn’t the kind I want. You keep playing hard to get. Pretending that you aren’t who I know you to be,”
Baul released Ackerly’s shoulders moved to Ackerly’s front in two strides. The Right Hand planted his hand on the back of Ackerly’s chair and settled until the two were almost touching noses. Ackerly couldn’t stop himself from leaning back.
“Admit who you are,” Baul growled, “and tell me where the resistance is based,”
Ackerly took a couple of breaths before he pulled back and spit in Baul’s face. He watched smugly as blood mixed with saliva slowly trailed from Baul’s eye. For a moment, Baul stayed where he was before he slowly stood up straight. His protege handed Baul his rag, which he used to wipe it all away.
Calmly, much calmer than Ackerly expected or wanted him to be, Baul nodded towards something behind Ackerly. “Martes, if you please,”
The hairs on the back of Ackerly’s neck stood as the presence of something appeared behind him. Ackelry strained to look behind him, only catching a glimpse of a shimmering cloak. Suddenly, a figure was standing right next to him. At first, it was hard to look at them. The cloak that they were bundled in shifted with the shadows of the cell, but that's what gave them away.
Ackerly’s heart started beating even faster. His breathing quickened. He had heard of people like the one that stood next to him. Fae-touched under the employ of the King. People with Blessings—rather, Curses—used nefariously. In this person’s instance, their Curse could be used for interrogation.
Ackerly had a dreadful feeling that he was going to figure out what this man’s powers were sooner rather than later.
He had expected Baul to make a threat first. Expected him to ask more questions, but Ackerly had made him much angrier than he had thought. With only a nod as a warning, the person—Martes—struck out a hand much faster than Ackerly could react. Their hand grabbed Ackerly around the nape of his neck and suddenly, his body was on fire. Every nerve in his body, starting with the nerves in his neck and spiderwebbing outwards, was alight with unimaginable pain. His entire body stiffened. His eyes widened, straining to pop out of his skull. 
For a moment, Ackerly couldn’t breathe. His lungs stopped working and yet sound still escaped him. Not screams, but a strained whine. Only when he remembered how to take a breath did the screaming start. 
Ackerly didn’t know how long Martes inflicted this pain on him. His vision came in and out due to the pain and the fact that Ackerly had them squeezed shut once the pain got to its peak. Once the pain did stop, though, Ackerly’s entire body went limp in his chair. His breathing came uneven and shaky as tears flowed unchecked down his cheeks. His muscles spasmed like he had been electrocuted. Everything still hurt.
“See how fun that is? A new toy, courtesy of the King.”
Suddenly, Baul was in Ackerly’s vision. Ackerly leveled a withering glare at Baul. It was all he could do. In another world, he’d be able to get out of his binds and take on the man in front of him. Another time. But he was old now. His body already felt tired and achy. Ackerly didn’t know how much longer he could hold out.
“You won’t tell me about the rebellion,” Baul said, “That’s fine. We can revisit that. You won’t admit who you are, which is also fine. I know another way I can prove it once and for all,”
Ackerly grimaced as Baul reached towards him. He was expecting more physical pain. More torture. Not for Baul to rip open the front of his shirt. Ackerly heard a gasp come from the Prince when he realized what had been revealed. 
“There it is,” Baul said. “Those friends of yours mingled with the fae, right? They must have driven themselves crazy trying to heal that. It’s nice to see that even with magic, I left you a reminder,”
Ackerly spared a look at his now bare chest. In the center was the scar he tried to ignore for 20 years. It was a large, jagged, star-shaped scar that rested right over his heart—a killing blow to anyone. He remembered the incident like it was yesterday. Baul in his prime ambushing Ackerly with four other goons. Ackerly fighting back as best as he could with what he had on hand, but Baul ultimately getting the upperhand and running him through with Ackerly’s improvised weapon—a dagger long shard of glass.
Ackerly was the first casualty of the Coup. Really, it was thanks to Baul killing him a day too early that he was able to accomplish what he did.
But Baul didn't know that.
The smile on Baul’s face was almost feral. “I really believed you dead all these years. My greatest victory. I killed one of this Kingdom’s untouchable Knights. I had heard whispers that you had survived, but I was a fool and dismissed it. It couldn't be true. I was the one to deliver the mortal blow. I was the one who watched the light die from your eyes. I was the one who put down the Terror of the Hill. Shame I couldn’t put my pride aside. But it’s no matter. I’ll be more than happy to kill you for a second time,”
A lump formed in Ackerly’s throat, but he breathed through it. If he was a distraction from Sable’s true heritage, that was fine. If he died and she survived, fine. 
But something in the back of his head tingled. The daughter of his best friends wasn’t going to let him die here. As much as he hated the idea of her marching into the Keep and breaking him out, the more and more he thought about it, the more and more it seemed the most likely outcome. 
And who was he to tell the daughter of the former Hands of the King what to do.
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aceofwhump · 2 years
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
Thanks for the tag @hold-him-down!!!
1. Are you named for anyone?: I am actually! My real first name is the feminized version of my fathers.
2. When was the last time you cried?: The day I watched The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies I sobbed my heart out. That was, what, 4 days ago I think? I'm now about to watch LOTR: Return of the King and I suspect I'll be crying then too. Nearly cried multiple times two days while watching Fellowship and any allusion and mention to the events of the hobbit gave me feels. BUT! I did not cry. I'm quite proud of myself for that. Oh wait. No I lied. I definitely cried when they found Balin's tomb in Moria and Oris skeleton was there next to the tomb.
3. Do you have kids?: Nope. Not at all and I don't want kids. I'm never going to have children. I've got my cat: Sable. She's my baby. For now and forever all my children will be cats.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?: Lol yeah I do. Far too often. I need to tune it down sometimes lol.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?: Oh interesting. Umm... I guess either their tone of voice is they speak first. I'm very conscious of people's tone of voice. If they don't speak I'm usually noticing style of clothing.
6. What’s your eye color?: Blue
7. Scary movies or happy endings?: Happy endings definitely. But I love scary movies and so many of them don't necessarily end happily. Although now that I think of it a lot of my favorite scary movies do end on a positive/happy note (as happy as a horror movie can be lol). So yeah happy ending. I love me a happy ending. Don't enjoy movies that end sadly.
8. Any special talents?: Uhhh yes? Let me see...I can play the trumpet and the bugle (pretty much the same instrument just a bugle has no valves). I can crochet. I can pick a padlock. I can operate a 1940s era switchboard and field phones. I can untie any knot you give me no matter how complicated (my sister uses this weird super power of mine all the time when her box of necklaces get tangled together. I've never not been able to untie a knot). Do photoshop skills count as special talents?
9. Where were you born?: Ohio in the USA. Not getting more specific than that sorry.
10. What are your hobbies?: My main hobbies are crocheting and historical reenacting. That's where I put all my time and money. Some other things I enjoy as a hobby are photoshop editing, writing, reading fanfic, watch tv/movies, and seeing musicals at the theater.
11. Have you any pets?: Yup! Got a cat named Sable, my weird little rescue baby. And I've got a dachshund/jack russell mix named Penny. She's 13 years old and still a spitfire.
12. What sports do you play/have played?: I don't play anything now because I'm super lazy and poor and all the leagues around me cost like $200 to play but I played softball and volleyball in high school. Volleyball is my favorite sport. I miss it terribly. I was a libero. Did basketball for a year but ended up hating it. And on occasion I'd play touch football with the neighborhood guys. I couldn't pass for shit but I'd catch anything thrown at me. Also, and I'll fight you on this, but marching is a sport and I was in marching band all throughout high school and college. I consider that my main sport.
13. How tall are you?: 5′7″
14. Favorite subject in school?: History!!! I loved that subject so much I took two history classes at once in senior year and then went on to get two degrees in it.
15. Dream job?: I'm gonna be really borng here for a second but I don't think I have a dream job anymore. Mainly cause I really don't want to work. I want to have enough money in my life to never have to work at all. But since that's not the case, my dream job is something related to history. Something where I can sit all day surrounded by historical objects. Spending the day by myself, only having to talk to someone on occasion, where I just get to sit at a desk and look at historical stuff. My dream job is quiet and peaceful but has fun times with a few coworkers. I get to do something that gives me a sense of purpose and fulfillment. And pays really well so I can afford to travel and buy all the stuff I don't need but so desperately want.
tagging: Anyone who wants to do it!!!!
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sable 4, vert 5, gold 5 from the heraldry asks for sae?
Sable (Black) - Constancy and Grief. 4– Has your OC always feared the loss of the same thing - perhaps a loved one, a valuable artifact or a carefully nurtured reputation? Or do they look back with amusement on what once felt important to them?
Okay so like. Deep down/subconsciously, I think Sae’s always been ✨terrified✨ for Gondor, and I think that never quite really goes away for a really long time. Less subconsciously, she’s worried about her family almost the entire time while she’s trying to get back to them. (Finding Enerdhil in the houses of healing w black breath & learning that Dirhaval is missing in Osgiliath does not help this)
Vert (Green) - Hope, Joy and Fidelity. 5 - If your OC could be granted one wish for the future, but could only wish on behalf of another person, who would they choose? And for what would they wish?
This one. This one is mean lol, there are so many people that Sae cares about but– If she had to absolutely pick one person and one wish only. For one person specifically, it’d be Faramir, son of Ondoher, to finally go have rest after death. If it were for a singular group, it'd be for for the ghosts that linger in the bath-houses for the same reason. (Unless I’m a clown and there’s a quest where you actually put them to rest, because I don’t remember.)
Or (Gold) – Worthy Ambition. 5 – What does your OC consider to be the noblest or most admirable ambition for a person to hold? Perhaps spreading a particular religious faith? Or improving the lives of the poor? Or even perfecting their own martial skill?
I think that for Sae, the noblest thing for a person to do is to help other people without expectation of gain, so like, to someone to devote their life to that, she really respects it.
Especially with regards to education? Like, I imagine that Education ™ in Gondor is held extremely high regard, and she really respects those who go out of their way to educate those who may not have those resources. (Something something, faramir quote, something something, wisdom, something something.)
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2,3,7,8,15,16,17 for the OC WIP ask game :)
Thank you!!! Ahh this made my day, I can't wait to dive into this!
Answers are under the cut to spare all the poor scrollers-by XD
2. What part of your OCs creation and writing, are you most proud of?
In general, I'm proud of the narrative arcs that I put my characters through, and how they grow and change over time. Dynamic characters who change in response to what they go through always strikes me as one of the most important parts of writing (if a character isn't influenced by what they go through, then why is what they go through worth writing about to begin with? there's a reason we don't write full stories about characters going to the grocery store, unless something interesting happens) so I've worked very hard to implement this into my works.
3. Who is the hardest OC to write
At the moment, I'd say Quinn. She herself is a very complex character, which is tricky enough, but she's also dealing with a "requited love but time has passed so they're still figuring things out" sort of thing with her love interest, so it's hard to rein myself in from them immediately falling in love lol
7. Were any of your OCs names inspired by another piece of media, if so, what media?
I have a character named Ophelia after Hamlet, and another who in-universe named herself Quinn after Harley Quinn (see above). Aside from that, I mainly connect to a lot of historical and mythological figures, more than I do other media characters.
8. Which of your ocs is the most fun to write?
I mean... they're all fun, in their own ways. I do my best to try something new with each of them, so there's always something I look forward to when I write. But that being said, I really like writing for Jasper, they're such a fun character and their empathic abilities are really fun to explore.
15. Who is your oldest OC in terms of when you created them?
So... I've got to dip into something that I haven't actually posted, but it's an OC named Persephone (Percy) Michaels that I wrote to go along with MCU Loki. I actually wrote the first couple chapters of a fic for her, but never posted it (and it needs a rewrite anyway). She's gone through a lot of changes since her creation (2018?), but she's still the same OC at heart. I'm sure I'll post her story eventually.
16. Do you have a favourite OC?
Kinda goes back to what I said about which one's the most fun to write, I love them all in their own ways. At the moment I'm pretty partial to Madison, Indigo, or Jasper, though. It's a very tight race, I truly do love them all. I'm also DYING to share my OC Lydia with you all, but I need to close out a fic or two before I can start something new. The joys of writing longfic...
Even looking through my Google Doc that outlines all my OCs (even the ones that still only exist in my mind), it's hard to pick a favorite. I want to tell their stories so badly! I'm literally looking through this going "Ooh, I do love Sable... and Iris... and Cleo... and I'm dying to share Atlanta's story but nobody's gonna read that bc of the pairing... I could probably write Winter's story a little faster than the rest but it would still take me a while... Citron's too..."
I... have a lot of OCs. And whole stories for every single one. Remember what I said about my obsession with a good narrative arc? Yeah...
17. Do you have a least favourite OC?
I actually answered this one here, thanks to my absolutely wonderful friend @can-of-pringles (love you bestie!!)
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aritamargarita · 2 years
Me patiently waiting for golden reader to just snap and go crazy in the ring with some poor soul 😍😍
everyone would be scared and she’s back to smiling “😁” LIKE MA’AM YOU JUST APPLIED THE TORTURE RACK TO SOMEONE???!!!!!! WHY ARE YOU SMILEY?????? she just had a moment she just had a moment!
idk i think it should be sable. gotta let her know SHE BOUT TO TAKE THE BUMPS!!!!! to be in this business you need to make sacrifices her and jacqueline cut her extensions together lol
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vylad243 · 5 months
Nyx here
Ouch! Poor Zephyr 🥲
I guess the it can be somewhere around the chest or back :)
Sable was even dragged into the mess lol
Lmao 😭
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batarddusoleil · 1 year
Still absolutely wild to me that sable's entire friend group can be so into ideological purity that they turn on someone basically on a dime and fully ostracize them (and even tell total strangers online not to interact with that person?) When like. The entire time I knew them, sable had a p much constant habit of picking at people they didn't like for any reason and looking for every excuse to get them kicked from groups, even if they'd been there much longer than sable themself had
Also the time that sable. Y'know. Straight up denied that someone had been getting abused by their mother just bc they thought the person was personally annoying & the person had complained once about not wanting to go to chemo appts w their mom (bc their mom would verbally and emotionally abuse them the entire time) lol lmao
Idk I'm not saying you can't draw a hard line and curate your social media experience or even the people u wanna be around but. Like. Idk it's just exhausting being ready and able to snap on people at a moments notice. It's like straight up cop behavior, literally policing the friend group over what people are allowed to fuckin post or write or think about complex topics on their own fuckin accounts, and feeling like ur under constant scrutiny, that at any moment these same people ur joking around with could turn on you next bc you disagreed abt something or made a joke in poor taste. No grace. No hesitation. You either grovel for forgiveness, or you get cut off. And those who continue interacting with you afterwards will be Monitored, bc you are Tainted, Consorting With The Enemy but not in so many words.
Idk man. I'm fuckin tired of binarist thinking, of a lack of nuance, of turning on people bc they're kind of annoying or they're into yaoi or they're cringe or whatthefuckever. I'm tired of being judgemental of the people around me.
Im not telling anybody to drop them or cut them off or whatever bc demanding ideological purity from anybody is inherently fucked up, but like. Take what they say with a grain of salt. Fuckin ask yourself from time to time, when it comes to interpersonal conflicts, "is this really worth it?"
Also if ur still in that group obviously this goes without saying but. Don't. For the love of God fucking don't show them this post lol. I don't care enough anymore to get lectured or dm'd about how posting this was hurtful or whatever. If anybody in their group wants to talk privately abt this shit, sure, my dms are always open, but like. If sable wants to use this as evidence that I'm like a horrible person or I hate them and I'm out to get them or whatever then that's none of my fuckin business, I'm literally just some guy on the internet posting on my personal blog about my experiences with someone I used to be friends with and eventually drifted away from. What material harm can this cause? What consequences? Who cares? I'm not even @'ing them. I don't even have a following lmao none of this matters!!! Genuinely I just wanted to get it all off my fuckin chest bc it's been rankling for a while
0 notes
sadcatjae · 2 years
Young Master Kamiiki - Arrow Removal
Masterlist I was inspired by this post to write about arrow removal. Probably not accurate but I really wanted to indulge myself lol These characters and this world is from a new novel I've been plotting out. The lore isn't important at all here but I did want to beta test the characters a lil bit O3O . CW: Blood and gore, arrow removal, medical procedure, mentions of abuse, mentions of drug use/abuse, fever, restraint.
“Young master!” Ruri rushes forward, panic stark upon her face. Her charge, the scion of the Kamiiki Faction, stumbles into the main house, only saved from falling by the sturdy servant supporting him. 
Kosuke’s wild sable hair is dull and damp, sticking to his deathly pale face. His pair of sharp, mean eyes are heavy-lidded and absent, and by his groggy glances, he doesn’t seem to register his surroundings. 
Heart palpitating, Ruri notices the lord’s right shoulder, drenched in blood, and from his back she spies a feathered arrow shaft. 
“How could this have happened?!” she gasps, feeling faint. “Someone call for the physician! Quick!”
A passing servant sprints ahead to notify the doctor. 
Meanwhile, Ruri assists in carrying the semi-conscious lord inside, fretting and asking question after question. Since the master and mistress of the estate are away undertaking their Arbiter duties, this old maidservant will have to care for the young master in their place. 
“The young master was fooling around with his friends,” Giiki, the sturdy servant grunts, his expression dark. “They caused a fight with the wrong people and this was his punishment.”
“Who are these people??”
“I won’t say.”
“And why not??”
Giiki takes one look at the older woman who's almost spitting fire. “Because I fear for their safety…”
Ruri shoots Giiki a glare. “You would defy your mother?!”
“You can punish me later. Help me carry the young master to his quarters.”
They don’t dare rest the injured man on his bed, lest they agitate his wound, so Giiki sits on the bed and holds Kosuke upright instead. The lord sways in his arms, cold sweat dripping from his delicate jawline. 
In the dimness of his waning consciousness, Kosuke feels the incessant throbbing in his shoulder. Like someone’s exerted a great pressure upon it and is refusing to release him. He groans and tries to push away those strong arms, feeling suffocated, but they are unmoving. 
“Young master, you must stay still,” Ruri chides worriedly, preparing a basin of fresh water. “The physician will be here soon.”
The maidservant dunks a clean cloth into the water, wrings it out, and dabs it over Kosuke’s clammy brow. How many times has this foolish boy returned home in a sorry state? Because of his poor temper and (terrible) personality, Ruri is certain that one of these days she will keel over from stress alone.
Just as Ruri finishes cleaning her young master’s face, the physician hurriedly enters with his signature leather bag. One look at his patient is all he needs to know that the situation is dire.
“Physician Asa! Oh, please help the young master! He’s lost so much blood…”
The doctor immediately sweeps past the fretting maidservant and prompts Giiki to move Kosuke deeper into his arms. The position ends up with Kosuke’s head resting upon the servant’s wide shoulder, and those strong arms wound around his waist, keeping him secure. 
The wounded shoulder is exposed from the back where the arrow shaft sticks out. Judging by how short the shaft is, the arrowhead is buried much too deep to simply pull out. 
Asa grimaces and quickly washes his hand in the water basin, before cutting through the bloodied fabric to expose the wound. “The arrow is too deep. I will have to detach the shaft and see if the arrowhead has struck bone.”
Ruri kneels beside the bed, taking the wounded man’s hand into hers. “I told you to stop getting into fights, young master,” she scolds, though her tone lacks severity. “When you have recovered, I will be sure to have the master and mistress discipline you for this!”
“Insolent…” Kosuke slurs, glaring at a hazy blob he assumes is his noisy maidservant. “No supper for you…go to bed hungry…tell me what to do…“ Dissatisfied grumbles peter out as he dips out of consciousness again. 
Giiki and Ruri both watch in silent apprehension as the doctor carefully cuts the shaft with a pair of sturdy scissors. From the way he handles the task without even causing his patient any pain, it’s clear that he is well practised in this operation. 
But in truth, removing the shaft is the easy part. Asa pushes out a steadying breath and glances at Giiki. “Hold him tight. I have to feel around inside and it won’t be pleasant for the young master.”
The sturdy servant returns a serious expression, his grey eyes unnaturally dark and thunderous. “Yes,” is all he says in that deep, rumbling voice. He tenses his arms, squeezing Kosuke tight against his chest. The latter stirs and protests weakly, raising his head to scowl at the big lug. 
“Release me,” the lord huffs, knocking his forehead into Giiki’s cheek. This seems to have hurt the injured man more, despite his malicious intentions. “Ow. What are you made of? Stone?”
Giiki stares down at those arrogant pair of eyes, so easily full of wrath and sadistic glee. But in this moment, they are glazed over and feverish, making him appear uncharacteristically soft. The servant swallows and says, “You can bite me if it hurts too much.”
A puzzled expression ripples across Kosuke’s face. Before he can respond, he jerks and cries sharply as Asa nimbly cuts an incision to widen the arrow’s entry point. “Ahhh–!! W-What are you doing to me?! It hurts! Stop it at once!!” 
Without pausing, Asa pushes his finger into the incision, gingerly feeling around the arrow head. Kosuke’s sharp cries deteriorate into mindless howls, his spine arching and legs kicking as incomprehensible pain erupts in his back. 
Thanks to Giiki’s efforts, he’s locked in place, so all he can do is writhe minimally and choke on his cries. 
After what seems like aeons to Kosuke, but in reality is only a few seconds, Asa removes his hand and wipes it on a clean cloth. His expression is troubled. “It hasn’t struck bone, but the arrowhead is the kind to cause more damage upon removal. The only solution is to push it all the way through.”
Ruri winces as her young master pulses bone-cracking squeezes around her hand, but the doctor’s words instantly numbs her to the pain. “All the way…” She truly will faint this time! “Must you do this??”
Giiki simply stares down at the raven haired man, who is panting weakly against his chest. His cheeks are shock white and his eyes are misted over. Pale lips quiver in fear, indicating that Kosuke understood the physician’s diagnosis. 
A pinch in Giiki’s heart makes him stroke the small of Kosuke’s back. A silent comfort. 
“Unfortunately, this is the only way to avoid irreparable damage.” 
“At least give the young master something for the pain!”
“I do not know what substances he has imbibed,” Asa says, frustratedly. “I dare not risk accidentally poisoning my patient.”
“But surely–”
“It is not worth the risk,” Asa says sharply, ending that line of discussion. Does she think this is ideal for him too? What doctor enjoys seeing his patient in pain?
He pulls out a delicate looking tool from his physician’s bag. It’s a specially designed set of pliers that should clamp onto the arrowhead securely. The thin length of the steel clamps afford the physician dexterity he could never achieve with hands alone. But even with a tool like this, the procedure is difficult to endure for even the most seasoned of warriors. 
And the Kamiiki scion is not a warrior, but a pampered young master who had never earned a callous in his life.
The doctor slips a leather strap between Kosuke’s teeth, urging him to bite down. “Giiki,” Asa says, “Remove his robe and turn him so that I can access the front.”
Giiki gently slips the bloodied robe down to expose the lord’s wound and angles the latter’s torso as guided. There’s a flicker of upset in the servant’s strong, handsome features. 
Kosuke’s head lolls this way and that, held upright only by Giiki’s large hands, clamps tight upon his arms. Ruri holds down his legs, and in this way, all four limbs are secured. 
As the lord stews in his fever and confusion, Asa makes another incision in the front, creating an exit for the arrow. Fresh blood dribbles down Kosuke’s torso, creating a rather shocking contrast against his skin. Ruri’s quiet weeping joins the lord’s weak groans, muffled by the leather strap held loosely in his mouth. 
“Giiki. Ruri. Hold him tight. You must be strong now to prevent further suffering for the young master. Do you understand?” The doctor glances between the servants sternly, and they both give him a nod. “Very good.”
Wasting no more time, Asa inserts the tool into the wound and clamps onto the buried arrowhead. 
Kosuke stiffens, eyes snapping wide in panic. He lets loose a series of terrible guttural cries through the strap clenched tight between his teeth. His colour turns ashen as the arrowhead is forced through his flesh, carving a path into his shoulder. Blood bursts and bubbles from the exit incision, painting his front red. 
And then the arrowhead catches on something. Something hard. And Kosuke’s visions turns white. The gut-churning agony takes on a ruthless edge. It feels like a white-hot blade digging into his flesh, searing him from the inside out. The pain is excruciating, gnawing, impossible to bear. 
Kosuke screams and strains away from the pain, delirious, desperate. The pain chases him, hounds after him, and stubbornly churns forth its furious attack. He’s dimly aware of Giiki calling his name and forcing him upright, causing another mind-numbing burst of agony. 
He sobs loudly. Pleads incoherently. The leather strap slips from his mouth. Saliva tinged pink with blood rolls down his chin. 
But the doctor remains stoic, pushing the arrowhead in deeper, inch by excruciating inch. 
By the time it’s halfway forced out of the front incision, Kosuke is unable to make a single sound. He simply sags in Giiki’s grasp, shaking and dripping sweat. His breath comes ragged and scorched, and there’s an unhealthy flush upon his otherwise ashen face.
“Hurts…” Kosuke whimpers, tears cascading down his cheeks. “Giiki…hurts…”
The manservant’s heart twists. While Asa pauses in the procedure to reposition himself, Giiki frees a hand to gently wipe those fever-flushed cheeks clear of tears. “Physician Asa has almost finished, young master,” he says, softly. “You are bearing the pain so well. This servant is in deep admiration of you.”
“Just a little more, young master,” Ruri encourages, keeping a strong grip upon the lord’s trembling legs. Her eyes shine with tears. “Endure for a little longer and you can rest.”
A hopeless sob breaks from Kosuke’s bruise-bitten lips. His reprieve is short-lived. 
This time, the doctor uses the clamp to pull the arrowhead out from the front. Due to the shape, it tears the wound wider with every merciless tug. This pain is too unbearable for the delirious lord, and his weak cry stutters before he slips into oblivion. 
Asa moves quickly, yanking the rest of the arrowhead out in one fluid motion. A spray of blood splatters his clothes, but he pays no mind. He hurries to disinfect and suture the wound while his patient remains unconscious.
After the last stitch has been made, Kosuke is bandaged and allowed to rest. 
Giiki cradles the lord’s limp form as he sets him down upon the bed. He stares for a moment at that pinched, feverish face, and then goes to wring out the cloth in the basin. 
Ruri speaks with Asa in low, urgent tones, while Giiki dutifully wipes down his young master’s trembling form. He removes the blood and sweat from Kosuke’s clammy skin, until he’s finally clean and dry. 
When Giiki wrings out the cloth (a grimace at how red the water’s become), he feels a light tug on his shirt. He looks over to see Kosuke gazing up at him with bleary eyes. Despite the recent bathing, tiny beads of sweat glimmers upon his brow like morning dew.
Those pale lips move. Mouths something only Giiki can understand. 
Years of abuse and vitriol are instantly forgotten by this servant, whose affections for his foul-tempered lord had been quietly cultivated in the background. So of course, faced with a rare display of vulnerability from this malcontent, Giiki gives a subtle nod and sits at his young master's side like a dutiful dog. 
Reassured, Kosuke drifts. His hand remains latched onto his Giiki's shirt, however. Obstinate, even in sleep.
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damnasstyles · 3 years
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famous!harry x photographer/spanish!reader
Word count: 2.4k
genre: fluff
based on: Finisterre by Vetusta Morla.
a/n: this is set before the golden music video was filmed. it has like one paragraph of angst. this is such a special work for me and it took me sooo long to get it right, i hope you like it! please reblog and give feedback! 🤍
a massive massive thank you to @lollypopsx for always being incredibly awesome and supporting and creating the beautiful heather! i love you so so much lols! x ❤️
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“Desde que tú llegaste, todas las piedras me dan abrigo. Y ahora tu cuerpo es patria, tengo aguijón y un buen enemigo” Harry walked into the living room to see you dancing to the music Alexa was playing. Swaying your hips like a summer breeze, moving delicately through the room like nobody was watching, feeling like the main character of your own music video. Thinking of him. “Es nuestro himno ahogado, rumor de sables que yo te canto. Los haré resonar como una herejía en el campanario” You sang sweetly, dancing your way towards Harry. He had a bright smile plastered all over his face, dimples on full display. He understood none of the words you sang but seeing you so happy and carefree was his biggest joy. You reached out to him and grabbed his hands, pulling him towards you, smiling wide. He let his jacket fall onto the floor as well as his bag and started dancing along with you.
“Sobre un cajón de pólvora duermo cerca de tu mirada. Y este olor a combate es la brisa fresca de tu mañana” You sang as you placed your hands on his cheeks and he placed his on your waist, keeping you close to him. “You don’t understand anything, do you?” You giggled while the music continued playing and the both of you kept swaying back and forth like you were on a dance floor. “No, I don’t. It sounds so dreamy though” he smiled mesmerised and looked deep into your eyes. “But I’d love to know what it says. Pluuuus,” he pecked your lips sweetly with a smirk on his face “I can improve my Spanish to swoon your parents next time we visit” He smirked, looking into your eyes, never letting go of you. He pulled you impossibly closer to him by your hips and you placed your face on his chest, feeling his loving heartbeat on your cheek. He felt like home.
“This is the chorus now” you informed him. “It says: I don't care if the earth is flat, if the forests burn or the sea boils. What difference does it make when you're near? Gravity is suspended”. You lifted your face from his chest, singing the next verses looking into his eyes. “They'll close the doors on us, they'll mock the most sacred. Poor them, they don't know it yet, but we've already won” Harry intertwined your fingers and lifted your hands between his chest and yours in an effort to feel you even closer to his heart. Both of you kept swaying along to the music filling the room, floating to the rhythm of the song as you stared into each other’s eyes. It doesn’t matter what happens, it will always be you against the world, together. “Does it really say all that?” his smile still spread on his face, refusing to disappear anytime soon. This is happiness, he thought. She is home. “It does”, a stupid love grin plastered on your face. “Hmmm... I have already won” he thought out loud. “I got you” his heart felt full of love and adoration towards you. You blushed and your heart fluttered before continuing singing for him.
“When the sun goes out, don't be in a hurry. Take my hand and come, we'll sail together to the abyss of Finisterre” As the chorus played, you saw Harry’s face light up with excitement. “I understood that! That’s that place we went to! When we visited your parents, right? It’s the first option we have for the Golden music video. Fin…finis…finistair was it?” You started crackling out loud. "Aw, man, I just butchered it, didn't I?" He started laughing along with you.
"Yeah, but you were so cute!" You placed your hands over his cheeks and squeezed them together, still a giggling mess. He kept his hands on your waist and pinched you lightly at the feeling of his face being smushed. You squealed, unable to stop giggling from the happiness that was filling your heart. "Aye, don't make fun of me! Y'know I can't do that sexy thing you do with your tongue!" A cheeky grin plastered all over his face, so proud of his naughty innuendo. "Oh my God, Harry!" you chuckled throwing your head backwards, a soft blush making an appearance on your cheeks. He took advantage of the access he was suddenly given to your neck and dived into it, blowing raspberries as revenge for poking fun at him. You squealed once again, trying to pull away from his embrace. "Okay okay I'm sorry!" You laughed, managing to break free from his raspberry attack.
"You mean the rolled r's?" As the music kept playing, both of you kept swaying to the rhythm, holding each other close. “Yeah, it’s very sexy” he tried to roll his tongue, but it sounded more like a hoarse dog. You giggled and rolled yours perfectly. “As I said, wonderful tongue” he leant in and pushed his lips against yours into an intense yet soft and sweet kiss. “I actually had a meeting today about the Golden music video and the location. We’re between that place and the Amalfi Coast, in Italy. What do you reckon?”
As the song continued playing, you looked at him wide-eyed. “Wait, are you serious? You’re considering Finisterre for the Golden music video location?” The thought of having such an overlooked place featured in such a huge video excited you. You wanted people to appreciate the breathtaking scenery you grew up cherishing and that, through the last couple years, had become even more important to you due to the memories Harry and you had created there.
“Yeah, it’s a great place for it. It has amazing views and lighting, and the history about it being the end of the world and all that could translate extraordinarily on video. What do you think?” Finisterre meant the place where the world ends, the end of the world, so you couldn’t exactly picture what that had to do with Golden, a song that was the complete opposite of that darkness that came from the world coming to an end. “I mean, the place is beautiful for any music video, but I can’t see how it’d be good enough to convey Golden”.
“Well, that exact opposition is what makes it the perfect location. No matter how much darkness surrounds us, there will always be light, and for me that’s you” he placed one of his hands on your cheek and stroked it gently with his thumb. “You’re my golden light in the middle of all the darkness that there may be.” Your cheeks turned the brightest shade of red while your smile grew wide, and your heart fluttered. Fuck, this man was something else. You pushed your lips against his in a loving and affectionate kiss as time stopped around you and the song came to an end. Your only focus was on his presence and the fluttering feeling he caused on you. You were in love with this man. There was no doubt in your mind that he was the one. The one you wanted to share the rest of your life with. The one you wanted to raise children with. The one you wanted to go on adventures with. The one you’ll always come back to whenever you’ve had a bad day – or a great one. The one you wanted to share the littlest of things with – and the greatest ones. The one. You had always known, but this domestic scene, so full of love and adoration towards each other, simply made clear that that there was no doubt about it. “I love you”
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“Yes, that would be a great shot. We’d need a drone for it and do it quick when the wind hasn’t picked up much yet, but she could be with her arms open, hugging the darkness and covering it with golden light”. Harry talked Ben and Gabe Turner, who would be directing the Golden music video. You were all at the top of the Finisterre lighthouse, your hair blowing in the wild wind, but you didn’t care. You had long forgotten the conversation going on next to you, too focused on what was ahead of you: a dangerous abyss and a never-ending ocean, full of mysteries, stories, and memories. Down below were a handful of curious tourists, couples taking silly pictures, photographers trying to capture the pure essence of the calm, warm and golden sunset, and the wild, dark, and dangerous sea colliding at the horizon. A storm was fast approaching, though the sun refused to be covered behind those big grey clouds until it had fully set. The wind had started to pick up slowly but surely, making it more difficult to maintain a conversation at a normal volume. The three men decided to conclude their discussion on shots and video concepts for the day and make their way to the van that would take you all to the hotel, but you didn’t want to leave just yet. Once at the bottom of the lighthouse, you could see that all the tourists, couples and photographers had already left, a few drops starting to fall. As the directors and Harry walked towards the van, still discussing their ideas, you turned around and headed the other way, towards the cliffs.
“I can see this video winning a Grammy, Styles. There’s a lot of potential here” Gabe promised, opening the door to the van and stepping in. “Yeah, and YN being the main character in it, she may even get calls to appear in other projects or even go further. It could be her jump start in the industry, if she wants that of course" Ben added, joining Gabe inside the vehicle. “Give us a call if she decides to give the industry a thought, we’ll be glad to give her a hand” offered Gabe. “Thanks for the offer, guys, but I don’t think she’s interested in being part of the industry. Are you, reina?” He turned around, assuming you were following not far behind, only to not see you there, but to see you running towards the abyss. The colour drained from his face in mere milliseconds, feeling that, suddenly, it all was happening in slow motion. He screamed your name as loud as he could as he started sprinting towards you, the persistent mist turning into mizzly rain.
“YN, don’t do it!” He yelled running as fast as he could, but you couldn’t hear him over the loud wind and the furious waves against the abyss. The crashing of the waves against the cliff splashed water into the wind, carrying sand and its saltiness through the air. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath once you stopped at the edge, opening your arms in a titanic-like position, the raw and icy air filling your lungs and the cold rain hitting your face. It smelt like seaside, chaos, danger, destruction, freshness, early morning runs to school, late nigh dog walks, jamming sessions with no one watching, warm summers with loved ones, walks with grandpa along the pier before passing, childhood adventures in the summer nights, going fishing with dad and grandpa for the first time, sailing alone –
“Cuando se apague el sol no te apures, toma mi mano y vente, navegaremos juntos hacia el abismo de Finisterre” Harry shook you out of your trance. You opened your eyes and turned your head towards him, his hand engulfing yours and intertwining your fingers lovingly. He seemed a bit rushed, hair messy and damp from the increasingly abundant rain. But his eyes didn’t seem rushed. They had a fond, swift gaze that masked the fear he had felt rush through his veins seconds before. As he approached you, his fear had changed into confusion and then into comprehension. You were never going to jump; you were simply letting the home feeling this place radiated sink in further into your soul. Once he realised that, he observed you for a few moments under the chaotic downpour, admiring your presence and acknowledging how deep in love he was with you. You were the perfect missing piece of his puzzle.
A child-like grin covered your face at the realisation. He’d just quoted that song. The one he’d arrived home to while you were singing and dancing carefreely in the living room. The one you’d translated to him on the spot. The one that had made him realise you were it for him. The one that had led to this trip altogether. “Ya me da igual si la tierra es plana, si arden los bosques o si hierve el mar. ¿Qué más dará cuando tú andas cerca?” You continued his quote shifting your body to face him. The rain starting to feel like a waterfall. “Gravity is suspended” The same smile took over his face, and both your hearts beat at the same rhythm, overwhelmed with love towards one another. He understood. Without sharing a single word on it, he understood. He understood how important that place was to you. The meaning it held to both of you. This is where it’s you two against the world.
“It’s pouring” Harry giggled quietly, both of your hands intertwined and his eyes never leaving yours. “Do y’want to stay out here a little longer or do y’want to get back to the van?” He lifted your hands towards his lips and kissed them sweetly, his gaze still on yours. “It’s getting late and we’re soaking wet” you giggled as well, feeling the rain soak every single piece of your clothing. “Let’s head back.” Both of you started your little sprint towards the car, hand in hand, not caring about the rain, the chaos, or the storm around you. As you approached the car, Gabe opened the door for you to step in quickly and before he could comment on how drenched you both were, Harry announced “I’m sorry, guys, change of plans, we can’t film here.”
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Reina: queen, pet name and royalty title
This is the song translation: 
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The place: 
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taglist: @lollypopsx @mouthfulloftoothpastehs @thismaydestroyme​
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I’d like to give @lollypopsx​ a special thanks because, without her, this writing would have never been finished. Thank you so much for your constant support and help, it’s honestly unmeasurable. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!! 
If you liked this, please, like, reblog and consider donating to my ko-fi 🥰
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howl-core · 3 years
I love your account so much! Quick question (that could definitely have a long answer): which era of fashion do you see HMC inhabiting? There are certain context clues, like velvet and petticoats, but it seems DWJ kept it intentionally vague. She mentions the world being a fairy tale brought to life, but what kind of storybook, is my question.
Hi!! Oh my god I’m so sorry it took me this long to answer this😭….. but still! Thank you:D I LOVE this question, especially because we don’t really have a definitive ‘canon’ answer. I’m so curious what Diana herself would say... but even though we sadly can no longer ask her, I think in some ways not knowing can be even better, because it gives us so much freedom! Since you seem amenable to it, I would love to indulge in a long, needlessly thorough answer, to make up for how long it took me to reply:
I think there are two factors to consider. Number one is, “If Ingary is set in an era based on one from our world, what are the clues in the text we can use to help narrow down which era(s) it could be?”
The second factor is, “Ingary is a fantasy land, so does it mirror an era from our world at all? And in what part of our world?”
However, regardless of which “factor” you ascribe to regarding Ingary, it’s helpful to have as much textual evidence on hand about clothing in Ingary as possible when forming an idea of it overall. I skimmed through my copy of HMC and tried to find as many notable descriptions of clothes as possible (which was not as labor-intensive as it sounds, I promise!! By now I know the story very well so I already knew roughly where to find everything.) Here is what I found:
- The hat shop!! Right off the bat, we learn that there are hats made of straw, felt, velvet, and silk; they can be decorated with veiling and ‘hidden twinkles’, feathers, flowers and fruit made from wax and silk, and that they can be wide-brimmed, or bonnets, or ‘smart’.
- Clothing items mentioned in the Mayday scene: “Trailing silk sleeves”, “trailing cloaks and long sleeves and stamping buckled boots they would never have dreamed of wearing on a working day”
- The iconic blue-and-silver suit, of course, is on separate occasions described as “fantastical” and “flamboyant”; on Mayday Sophie observes that “His [Howl’s] sleeves trailed longer than any in the Square, all scalloped edges and silver insets.” When Sophie is mending it after the Green Slime Incident, she cuts it into triangles. It is unclear to me whether the suit actually consists of triangles of fabric, or if Sophie is just cutting triangles out of it: “She hobbled up and fetched the blue-and-silver suit, which she spent the rest of the day cutting little blue triangles out of in order to make a patchwork sort of skirt.” (p. 107) “Poor Lettie! Sophie thought, putting brisk, tiny stitches round her fifty-seventh blue triangle. Only another forty or so to go.” (p. 168) When Sophie and Michael accidentally gigantify it, we learn that it has “a frill of collar” as well as silver buttons. (p. 183-184)
- The grey-and-scarlet suit — Presumably similar in style to the blue-and-silver one?
- The Witch of the Waste is described as wearing: “A sable wrap drooping from her elbows and diamonds winking all over her dense black dress... the lady’s wide hat [had] real ostrich plume dyed to reflect the pinks and greens and blues winking in the diamonds and yet still look black.” Interestingly, while I guess I could picture this ensemble in a 19th or 18th-century style, the first thing this description made me think of was actually more like a 1940’s prima donna/movie star look lol. (perhaps even a bit like Lady Dimitrescu😳)
- p.101 “[Lettie] was wearing a dress of the same kind of pinks and white as the crowded apple blossom overhead. Her dark hair trailed in glossy curls over one shoulder,”
- p.6 “There was one deep rose outfit [Sophie] made for Lettie… which Fanny said looked as if it had come from the most expensive shop in Kingsbury.”
- In another appearance (p.157) she is described thus: “Her hair, instead of being orderly chestnut curls, was a rippling mass of red, hanging almost to her waist, and she was dressed in floating flutters of auburn and pale yellow.”
- p. 151: The soldiers at the palace are “splendidly dressed” in red and wear white gloves (the ones upstairs wear blue instead of red)
- p.51: “Outside stood a personage wearing a stiff white wig and a wide hat on top of that. He was clothed in scarlet and purple and gold, and he held up a little staff decorated with ribbons like an infant maypole... Scents of clove and orange blossom blew into the room.” (Michael also mentions that he thinks this person is the Chancellor’s clerk)
- Michael wears “his best plum velvet suit” to see the king (p. 68)
- The clothes Howl buys Sophie and Michael: “Several pairs of silk stockings; two parcels of the finest cambric petticoats, with flounces, lace, and satin insets; a pair of elastic-sided boots in dove-grey suede; a lace shawl; and a dress of grey watered silk trimmed with lace that matched the shawl... the lace alone was worth a fortune.” “Michael unwrapped a handsome new velvet suit.” (p. 122)
- Mrs. Pentstemmon’s estate: The trio are greeted by “an elderly footman in black velvet”; Mrs. P herself wears “a gold-mesh mitten, on a gold-topped cane. She wore old-gold silk, in a very stiff and old-fashioned style, finished off with an old-gold headdress not unlike a crown, which tied in a large old-gold bow beneath her gaunt eagle face.” (p. 143)
- Howl’s black ensemble includes “a long jet pendant” as his earring (his single earring?? king) on p.184
…Ah fuck I bet there’s more but that’s enough for now. I think I would want to make a separate post talking about the hints we get about the world *itself*… But one that pops out to me is actually that Howl having an indoor toilet is described as a kingly luxury, lol. That definitely helps us narrow down the time frame. We know that indoor toilets of some kind do exist, but having one is very rare. (I kind of don’t like to treat this as canon lmao… somehow I can’t picture the streets of Market Chipping flooded with chamber pot contents, as realistic as it may be) That puts it probably a little before the 1700’s or earlier, if we are comparing it to our world’s timeline. Interestingly:
“In the 18th century, the first public water supply networks (examples of old water supply piping pictured above) were installed in London by private companies. They served limited areas of the city, allowing the wealthy to access fresh water on tap.” According to the same article, “The S-bend was introduced to the design of flush toilets by Scottish inventor Alexander Cumming in 1775. This modification allows for fresh water to sit in the toilet bowl, at the same time as preventing sewage water and fumes from rising into it, generally improving hygiene. The basic technology has been in use ever since.” (Wild I never knew this lol… trivia night here I come!!)
…So that seems to put us roughly around the 1700s?
That mostly checks out with the descriptions of the clothes, I think! Both of these slides seem to at least somewhat match the descriptions of big/trailing sleeves, boots, the “suits”, and general elaborateness:
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And these fantastic timelines are certainly compatible with the descriptions of dresses and hats that we get!
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Additionally, although the heyday of European fairytales was a bit earlier (1500’s-late 1600’s), lot of fairytales were still written roughly around this time — Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve published the first official version of La Belle et la Bête (Beauty & the Beast) as we know it today in 1740, Johann Karl August Musäus published the Volksmärchen der Deutschen between 1782 and 1787; and Grimm’s Fairy Tales, or Kinder- und Hausmärchen, was first published in 1813. So this would absolutely work as a time period around which to base a fractured fairytale such as HMC, although the 1500’s and 1600’s would also work… If I weren’t deciding to base this entire argument around ONE mention of a toilet………. but anyways. That’s Option One. (Cannot believe I’m basing all this off a toilet…)
But anyway. Option Two — ignoring *our* world’s timeline entirely— is… me doing whatever the hell I want. And that is, essentially, one big historical mishmash! CHAOS!! A Frankenstein-ed together Victorian, Georgian, Elizabethan, and Edwardian tilt-a-whirl of frocks and finery, along with a dash of style that has no equivalent in our world at all!
I must admit, the Ghibli movie has a bit of influence over my idea of Ingary — I absolutely love the post-Industrial Revolution, quasi-steampunk aesthetics of Ghibli’s Market Chipping, and the mid/late 1800’s fashions that the characters wear! I could easily see the Hatter sisters wearing those lovely side-buttoning Victorian boots, and my god, that film did hats SO much justice. I also adore Markl’s little waistcoat+bow tie+trousers combo in the movie and usually mentally give Michael something similar to that, just in different colors. But overall, I don’t see Book!Ingary being steampunk or post-Industrial, as much as I love it in the film. Perhaps little elements of that here and there, but again, I see it as a big mishmash of multiple eras. I love picturing the King’s guards with frilly Elizabethan collars, pageboy/squire haircuts (even though the King’s chancellor has a white wig, suggesting a more Georgian aesthetic) and puffy little breeches. Lol. I think of Lettie’s pink dress in the orchard as very mid-late 1700’s, perhaps similar in design to the 1763, 1785 or 1790 dresses in the dress timelines above. Mrs. Pentstemmon I imagine in full, damely Victorian splendor. Somehow, as I mentioned before, the Witch of the Waste seems almost outside of this timeline entirely, like a grand 1930’s movie star.
And as for for Howl and Sophie… Well, I actually have a project pending this May Day for my official headcanon of Howl’s blue/silver suit and Sophie’s gray dress;) So perhaps you will see that then! But for now, I will say that Sophie’s grey dress has a fairly consistent design in my mind, but Howl’s suit changes a LOT. Sometimes I imagine him in these very crisp 1700’s clothes, almost like Lestat, but sometimes it’s more of a costumey, wizardly, elegant-but-slapdash getup. Like, the blue and silver patches on his suit are all made from different fabrics, almost like a quilt. And rather than the prim silver-buckle shoes of the Lestatcore version, he wears taller, pirate-y boots — elegant and very well-made, of course, very debonair, but much better for dirty work and running around. That’s how I imagine it anyway.
…Oh god, this got SO long lmao. But I hope I was able to give you the kind of answer you were looking for! I LOVE hearing and seeing other people’s versions of Ingary and its chaotic cast of characters. Do feel free to tell me yours, I’d love to hear them! Sorry again that this was so late, thank you for asking<3
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juniperleafdelivery · 2 years
eighteen 🦦 - PAiNT BALL FiGhT GO 🎨🔫
* alright, let's say all of the outcodes are competing (that's deimos's crew, sable, sumeru, and hyperion) (juniper and pine chose not to compete)
* and i'll just say who wins and who gets out first
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First of all, here are the rules: you get hit once, you're out. Any form of projectile weapon is fair game as long as it shoots normal paintballs. So you can use a gun, bow and arrow, or even a slingshot. And magic of any kind isn't allowed.
With that out of the way, the winner would be... Sumeru! While he doesn't have the best fighting skills, he's both very agile and amazing with a bow.
Hyperion would just barely loose to him. They're both very competitive and are evenly matched in fighting skills. However, Sumeru has better aim and managed a sneak attack on Hyperion.
As for who gets out first... poor Sable gets taken out within seconds of the game starting. Anubis shot him straight in the face lol. But Sable did manage to shoot Anubis back. So they spend the rest of the game sulking together
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tetedurfarm · 4 years
nonbinarydave mentioned you on a post “Hey, what color rabbit is this?”
@rusasi-ma Whatchu mean he's a cutie pie ;_;
i mean sure he’s a rabbit ofc he’s cute but colour-wise he’s ugly as sin lol.  either from poor nutrition or genetics or what, that colour is just very very poor for  a sable :p
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