#poor working conditions
inkskinned · 1 year
the thing about art is that it was always supposed to be about us, about the human-ness of us, the impossible and beautiful reality that we (for centuries) have stood still, transfixed by music. that we can close our eyes and cry about the same book passage; the events of which aren't real and never happened. theatre in shakespeare's time was as real as it is now; we all laugh at the same cue (pursued by bear), separated hundreds of years apart.
three years ago my housemates were jamming outdoors, just messing around with their instruments, mostly just making noise. our neighbors - shy, cautious, a little sheepish - sat down and started playing. i don't really know how it happened; i was somehow in charge of dancing, barefoot and laughing - but i looked up, and our yard was full of people. kids stacked on the shoulders of parents. old couples holding hands. someone had brought sidewalk chalk; our front walk became a riot of color. someone ran in with a flute and played the most astounding solo i've ever heard in my life, upright and wiggling, skipping as she did so. she only paused because the violin player was kicking his heels up and she was laughing too hard to continue.
two weeks ago my friend and i met in the basement of her apartment complex so she could work out a piece of choreography. we have a language barrier - i'm not as good at ASL as i'd like to be (i'm still learning!) so we communicate mostly through the notes app and this strange secret language of dancers - we have the same movement vocabulary. the two of us cracking jokes at each other, giggling. there were kids in the basement too, who had been playing soccer until we took up the far corner of the room. one by one they made their slow way over like feral cats - they laid down, belly-flat against the floor, just watching. my friend and i were not in tutus - we were in slouchy shirts and leggings and socks. nothing fancy. but when i asked the kids would you like to dance too? they were immediately on their feet and spinning. i love when people dance with abandon, the wild and leggy fervor of childhood. i think it is gorgeous.
their adults showed up eventually, and a few of them said hey, let's not bother the nice ladies. but they weren't bothering us, they were just having fun - so. a few of the adults started dancing awkwardly along, and then most of the adults. someone brought down a better sound system. someone opened a watermelon and started handing out slices. it was 8 PM on a tuesday and nothing about that day was particularly special; we might as well party.
one time i hosted a free "paint along party" and about 20 adults worked quietly while i taught them how to paint nessie. one time i taught community dance classes and so many people showed up we had to move the whole thing outside. we used chairs and coatracks to balance. one time i showed up to a random band playing in a random location, and the whole thing got packed so quickly we had to open every door and window in the place.
i don't think i can tell you how much people want to be making art and engaging with art. they want to, desperately. so many people would be stunning artists, but they are lied to and told from a very young age that art only matters if it is planned, purposeful, beautiful. that if you have an idea, you need to be able to express it perfectly. this is not true. you don't get only 1 chance to communicate. you can spend a lifetime trying to display exactly 1 thing you can never quite language. you can just express the "!!??!!!"-ing-ness of being alive; that is something none of us really have a full grasp on creating. and even when we can't make what we want - god, it feels fucking good to try. and even just enjoying other artists - art inherently rewards the act of participating.
i wasn't raised wealthy. whenever i make a post about art, someone inevitably says something along the lines of well some of us aren't that lucky. i am not lucky; i am dedicated. i have a chronic condition, my hands are constantly in pain. i am not neurotypical, nor was i raised safe. i worked 5-7 jobs while some of these memories happened. i chose art because it mattered to me more than anything on this fucking planet - i would work 80 hours a week just so i could afford to write in 3 of them.
and i am still telling you - if you are called to make art, you are called to the part of you that is human. you do not have to be good at it. you do not have to have enormous amounts of privilege. you can just... give yourself permission. you can just say i'm going to make something now and then - go out and make it. raquel it won't be good though that is okay, i don't make good things every time either. besides. who decides what good even is?
you weren't called to make something because you wanted it to be good, you were called to make something because it is a basic instinct. you were taught to judge its worth and over-value perfection. you are doing something impossible. a god's ability: from nothing springs creation.
a few months ago i found a piece of sidewalk chalk and started drawing. within an hour i had somehow collected a small classroom of young children. their adults often brought their own chalk. i looked up and about fifteen families had joined me from around the block. we drew scrangly unicorns and messed up flowers and one girl asked me to draw charizard. i am not good at drawing. i basically drew an orb with wings. you would have thought i drew her the mona lisa. she dragged her mother over and pointed and said look! look what she drew for me and, in the moment, i admit i flinched (sorry, i don't -). but the mother just grinned at me. he's beautiful. and then she sat down and started drawing.
someone took a picture of it. it was in the local newspaper. the summary underneath said joyful and spontaneous artwork from local artists springs up in public gallery. in the picture, a little girl covered in chalk dust has her head thrown back, delighted. laughing.
#writeblr#warm up#this is longer than i wanted i really considered removing that part about myself and what i went thru#but i think it really fucking bothers me that EVERY time i talk about being an artist#ppl assume i just like. had the skill and ability to drop everything and pay for grad school.#like sir i grew up poor. my house wasn't a safe space. i gave up a FREE RIDE TO LAW SCHOOL. for THIS. bc i chose it.#was it fucking hard? was i choosing the hard thing?? yes.#but we need to stop seeing artists as lazy layabouts that can ''afford'' to just ''sit around and create''#when MANY - if not MOST - of us are NOT like that. we have to work our fucking ASSES off. hard work. long and hard work#part of valuing artists is recognizing the amount we sacrifice to make our art. bc it doesn't just#like HAPPEN to us. also btw it rarely has anything to do with true talent.#speaking as someone with a chronic condition i hate when ppl are like u have it easy. like actively as i'm writing this my hands r#ACTIVELY hurting me. i haven't been posting bc my left hand was curled in a claw for the last week#this isn't fucking luck. after a certain point it's not even TALENT. it's dedication & sacrifice.#''u get to flounce around and do nothing with ur life'' is a narrative that is a direct result of capitalism#imagine if we said that about literally any other profession.#''oh so u give up 10 yrs of ur life to be a doctor? u sacrifice having a social life and u get SUPER in debt?#u need to work countless hours and it will often be thankless? well i wish i was that lucky''#we should be applying that logic to landlords ONLY#''oh ur mom and dad gave u the money to buy a house? and all u did was paint it white and rent it? huh.''
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thepersonperson · 3 months
I can't believe it's genuinely canon that Geto was jealous of Sukuna being the one to fill up Gojo.
I know Gojo reassured him but we saw he thought of Toji as the last person who satisfied him. No wonder Geto ended up on a crusade against no cursed energy monkeys.
Geto's insecurity with his place in Gojo's life really was his downfall. (On top of not having access to Karl Marx.) He kind of just assumed that Gojo being in a league of his own after awakening meant they could never be together as The Strongest duo.
That insecurity was so pervasive he initiated their break up by objectifying Gojo for his strength. And he later assumed Gojo stopped loving him too.
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But you might be onto something with Geto's jealousy starting with Toji. Though he didn't see Gojo awaken (which was essentially "la petite mort" or the little death), Geto was around to hear Gojo call Toji アンタ (Anta). And that particular usage of Anta was really weird.
(Yeah this is one of those asks that poked my neuroses in just the right way.)
-Content Warning: Brief discussion of teenage sexuality.
-Mangareader(.)to for the raws.
-TCBscans for everything but Vol 0.
(Click images for captions/citations.)
Gojo's You Pronouns
I kind of lost my mind over Sukuna's you pronoun usage if you want to know why this kind of thing matters to me. Thankfully, Gojo's you pronoun usage is much more straightforward. Which is why the use of Anta for Toji sticks out a lot.
Gojo usually uses オマエ (Omae—masculine, informal, between peers or to look down on the addressee) for absolutely everyone. Friends, enemies? Doesn't matter, he's using Omae. It's either that, 君 (Kimi—affectionate towards juniors) with his students, or he avoids using you pronouns to be polite. He has only deviated from this pattern with two people—Uraume with てまえ (Temee—hostile and offensive), and Anta with Toji.
Anta is a contraction of あなた (Anata) and both are used in the exact same way. It's an informal you mostly used by people learning Japanese since normal use suggests a familiar and casual relationship with the addressee. That can be rude depending on the context. In the context of love, it's a romantic thing, colloquially called the wife pronoun as its often used by a wife to her husband. The only real difference between Anta and Anata is the indication of class. As a contraction, Anta is seen as more low class/uneducated than Anata.
So what did Gojo mean by his use of Anta with Toji?
Since Anta can indicate the speaker is casual/friendly, uneducated, or flirting, we'll have to infer what Gojo meant with context. Sometimes, it's easier to look at how other characters use this pronoun to get an idea.
For example, Hanami uses Anata for everyone which is why there's nothing flirtatious about them using it. This is just how they talk in general and they aren't singling anyone out in a special way.
A male character who uses Anta for most people in the way Hanami uses Anata is Ike from Fire Emblem. (I'm so sorry this is the only guy I can think of using this as a default you pronoun and he's from a completely different series.)
Ike uses Ore (masculine, informal) as his personal pronoun and he was raised as a mercenary with no formal education, so the Anta in context is more of him being from the lower class and casual. Anta is also less masculine than Omae, so this is also gives Ike that soft edge to his roughness that everyone loves him for. When he uses Anta while speaking to nobles in Path of Radiance Ch 14, they find it extremely offensive and get pissed because they perceive it as him not showing enough respect. (And he does call them out for being dickholes using Anta which makes them even angrier.)
If I recall correctly, (sorry I only really remember Zelgius and Sephiran's pronouns because it subtly confirms them a queer couple), Ike uses Omae (or Temee? The fudging accessible JP transcript went poof.) for the Black Knight and no one else. The Black Knight killed his father and Ike hates him for this. This Omae is not friendly, it's hostile.
I use this example because it shows how for one character these pronouns mean one thing and other characters it the polar opposite. Gojo uses Omae to be friendly, Ike uses Omae to be hostile. Ike uses Anta to be friendly, Gojo uses Anta to...
I don't know.
I don't know why Gojo uses Anta for Toji. It's really fudging odd and he never uses it again or for anyone else. Gojo for Toji uses Anta then Omae then Anta.
First it's confusion over being stabbed. I think in this context it means more of "hey there, buddy" in the way someone might try to talk down an aggressive person by trying to be chummy.
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At the time, it probably told Geto something was really wrong because Gojo never uses that pronoun.
The Omae he swaps to is normal Gojo usage. He explains how Toji screwed up with killing him in the way he's been talking at all the assassins that came after Riko.
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But internally? Toji remains Anta. This is weird since Gojo usually just sticks to Omae or some kind of nomer when he doesn't know people's names.
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Leading up to this internal monologue, Gojo is not angry. He's extremely zen. So much so that he apologizes to Riko for not being upset she was just murdered. This makes me think the Anta isn’t meant to be disparaging.
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Anta has always been less harsh than Omae in comparison. It can imply a distance between the speaker and addressee or it can suggest they're very close.
I can't tell if Gojo is trying to express a unique kinship he feels with Toji or if he's putting Toji on a pedestal of strength he idolizes and considers himself separate from. Perhaps it's both and this confusion is intentional. Gojo is a teenager figuring himself out in the most traumatic way possible here. My point is that this use of Anta indicates Gojo feels some kind of way about Toji he doesn't for anyone else.
Toji is very special to Gojo.
Most people are aware of Gojo picking up certain habits and speech patterns because Geto. Rereading JJK after learning about Gojo's history with Geto turns a lot of his silly quirks into things that are really depressing.
Toji is second to Geto in terms of influencing adult Gojo's behavior I think. Not just in the paranoia he experiences of being made vulnerable again, but some of his speaking mannerisms. Gojo asking for last words before he kills someone started with Toji.
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He has that same empty look when he does it each time too. This doesn't seem to be like him mourning Toji in the way he mourns Geto by speaking in the way his beloved suggested. It's like he's reliving trauma. And dear lord did Toji traumatize Gojo. The kind of terror in the faces teenage Gojo makes while being hunted and killed are never made again.
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But despite this, Gojo as an adult seems to look back on this awful experience fondly sometimes. When Sukuna starts to make him think he's about to lose, Gojo smiles as he recalls this feeling.
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Satisfaction? Being killed by this guy was satisfying? I suppose it makes sense, this temporary death did awaken him to immense power that made him feel amazing. In that sense, Toji was Gojo's greatest teacher. And as a teacher, Gojo molds a philosophy from that experience and tries to imbue it on his students in a less traumatic fashion. (I say tries because this still killed Yuji by accident and caused a lot of unneeded stress for the second years in Vol 0.)
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As you can see here, Gojo thinks this way because he did die alone despite having strong allies. And because his death made him stronger, he thinks growth can be triggered in a similar fashion. Geto calls him out on how fudged up this “tough love” is.
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Gray morally aside, these beliefs and actions are because of Toji. A lot of what Gojo is as an adult is one giant unhealthy coping mechanism for Toji, fondness included.
When Nanami calls Gojo a Jujutsu Pervert he isn't wrong. Gojo is a freak that gets off to fighting in part due to Toji. It's like this horrible little ball of fear, denial, and horny with him. Thinking about Toji being the last person who satisfied him in that way over Geto isn't out of character. The types of blissed out faces he made during that fight do pop up in the Sukuna fight.
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We also have to acknowledge that Toji is at the got dang afterlife airport with everyone else. For some reason, despite all the pain he inflicted, Gojo admires him on a similar level to the people who didn't want him dead.
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Toji is a lot of Gojo's firsts. His first fear, his first death, his first awakening, and most importantly his first exposure to revolution. Toji is the first person Gojo met that escaped the bindings of Jujutsu Society and obtained freedom. He defied the Zenins and started a life outside of them. His pride and grief brought him back, but for a few years he was the impossible success story.
Though Geto heavily influenced Gojo’s morality, Toji was the basis for Gojo’s revolutionary ideas. It shows in how he trains his students and values the strength of non-sorcerers. He correctly identifies that Toji only wound up this way because of Jujutsu Society, mainly the higher ups, and vows to do something about it.
Is this to prevent another Toji because of fear? Is this how Gojo honors his memory too? Both, probably. Toji basically asked Gojo to be the godfather to Megumi, his son named Blessing, and prevent him from being raised a Zenin. In other words, he gave Gojo his blessing to do better than him and break that awful generational cycle. Gojo has taken that very seriously.
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Megumi knows next to nothing about the Zenins until he's made the head after Naobito dies and Maki massacres them. The fact that Megumi being made the head ultimately triggered Maki's massacre of the Zenin Clan is like Toji getting exactly what he wanted from beyond the grave. A mini revolution made possible with Gojo laying the groundwork by providing a space where Maki can exist without hate.
Geto's Jealousy
As Geto was spiralling, he probably thought back on Gojo’s use of Anta with Toji and got a little jealous. After all, Toji was the reason Gojo grew so much as a sorcerer instead of him.
Can you imagine? The love of your life keeps telling you that together you're The Strongest and that's why he's with you. But he goes off with some dude after calling him something he's never called you and comes back a god. He grew more in those few minutes with this rando than the years he spent with you combined. Inadequate wouldn't even scratch the surface of that feeling.
It was always a one-sided admiration—Toji was a bum who leeched off women as you would expect any straight dude would coming from an immensely misogynistic household. He killed children for money and had beef with an 8 year old after looking at him once. But Geto still might've been envious that a non-sorcerer did more for Gojo’s growth than any sorcerer.
Geto’s Coping
The aftermath of Toji put a strain on their relationship in more ways than one. First and foremost, it made Gojo The Strongest. As I said earlier, this caused Geto to become insecure with his place in Gojo’s life. But what I didn’t mention is that the higher ups exploiting this newfound strength is why this never got addressed until it was way too late.
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As shown here Geto’s condition gets worse because not only is he mentally isolated from Gojo, but physically as well. A horrible little detail—changes in weight can be very gradual. If you're with someone all the time, you'll likely never notice it. Gojo was kept separate from Geto for so long that this difference was noticeable.
They fall out of sync because Jujutsu Society has decided that their labor is more valuable apart. The problem here exploitation. Toji made it extremely clear to both Gojo and Geto that was the problem. Geto unfortunately came to the wrong conclusion on how to deal with it.
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Tags from @nyan-bynary on this post sum up my feelings on this nicely.
#like geto saw a man who was so fucking abused and treated like shit by his clan that he basically ran away and started a new life #where he resents the people who were oppressing him but he still had to work for similar people to make ends meet #and in doing so was made a pawn for the internal power struggles of the higher ups #which hurt the other people lower in the hierarchy as well including gojo and geto #but instead of seeing the hand that guided everything here he blamed the toy in the hand instead #devoting himself to destroy every single toy which unknowingly included himself and the sorcerers he wanted to protect so badly as well
#like in his efforts to gather sorcerers he ended up doing a better more inclusive job of gathering sorceres from EVERYWHERE he could reach #he had the true potential to make real grassroot connections with fellow oppressed people but he was misguided on who the target should be #like it's ironic that the only black sorcerer that we see is in the group of the guy that calls non sorceres 'monkeys' #because it says something about him that his problem actually wasn't racism (against non-sorcerers) #it was the high risk terrible lifestyle forced upon every sorcerer in the name of non-sorcerers #WHO DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU GUYS EXIST AND ARE BEING EXPLOITED LIKE THIS IN THEIR NAME IN THE FIRST PLACE MAYBE TRY TO FIX THAT AT SOME POINT???
#it's all so sad bc the moment he chose the wrong people to blame his fate was sealed and it sucks bc he could've done real good things #gojo was the closest to doing anything remotely revolutionary but he went the too peaceful route and it cost him everything #he didn't organize or protest with enough destruction or maybe he thought he couldn't until it became a last resort
#like I find it funny that despite everything gojo wanted to do bc his form of resistance was so lax he ended up alienating hakari and kirara #and the elders. the divide and conquerers that they were used it to expel them from the school #just ahhhhhhhhh so many thoughts I wish they could've done more I wish I wish I wish
In that post, I joked that Karl Marx could’ve saved Geto, but that wasn’t really a joke. Trying to address exploitation without the theoretical framework to be productive about it is like swimming against an ocean riptide at night. You can recognize that you’re drowning, but not knowing where the shore is or that you need to swim at an angle instead of directly against the current dooms you.
The really sad thing is that Geto never realized that non-sorcerers were exploited just like him. Nanami worked directly alongside them and realized their exploitation was one in the same.
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He realized that this exploitation was a systemic issue. Gojo realized that those in power were responsible for enforcing it. Both of them lacked the drive to be aggressive about that in the way Geto was. Together, the 3 of them really could’ve unionized to obtain the work-life balance they desperately needed.
But that was never going to happen. The higher ups isolated them until their communication skills and therefore relationships deteriorated alongside their mental states. (Notice how even outside of Jujustu Nanami has no friends. He's just as alone as those two.)
Geto's Love
I don’t think Geto ever learned how to love properly after Toji in a very similar vein to Gojo. Though he more outwardly shows affection to his family, there’s this sense of distance he has between them as a cult leader. His children call him Master and do not take his last name. He’s worshiped as a figurehead and for his beauty. And no one really understands him in the way Gojo used to.
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And it must also be noted that the anguish from his family and daughters at his possession did not cause his body to stir. Only Gojo calling his name did.
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It's not that Geto doesn't love his family, he just loves Gojo more despite having spent less time with him. (10 years with his family vs 3 years with Gojo.) Even Geto himself says that his family isn’t enough for him to be truly happy.
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A world where sorcerers are not exploited is what he thinks will fix this. He wants this for himself, his family, and Gojo. Especially Gojo.
Their breakup was caused by Gojo being exploited more than anyone else. Geto has always objected to that. A world of only sorcerers hypothetically gets rid of the labor exploitation Geto hates for every sorcerer. And it also creates a world where Gojo doesn't need to be The Strongest. It's a world where instead of being overworked, Gojo will have all the time in the world for Geto.
This love Geto holds for Gojo underlies his actions. Him setting this ridiculous plan into motion on December 24th is a grandiose romantic gesture. You can feel the resentment and the longing. He tried to fill the Gojo hole in his heart with a new family and hatred only to fail.
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Gojo reciprocated. He always did. But neither of them realized the love was mutual until both of them were dead because work came first.
So yeah anon, Geto was jealous. Both Toji and Sukuna got to know Gojo in ways he couldn’t because being an enemy of Gojo ironically gives them more direct attention from him since that’s a part of work.
Jujustu Society vs Queerness
Even if Gojo and Geto realized their love before everything went to hell, I'm not sure if they would've acted on it due to societal stigma.
Like @nyan-bynary mentioned, Kiara's transness is something the higher ups no doubt rejected. The type of conservatism modern Japan is under does not embrace the open queerness of the past that was especially prevalent during the Heian Era, you know the Jujutsu Golden Age. In a reflection of these politics, the Zenins embody the type of sexual hierarchy wanted by the elders—men run everything and women have children. Even though Hakari and Kiara are a straight couple, they're unable to have children together which is rebellion in of itself. Why Gojo didn't do more for them is kind of baffling.
To be fair, Gojo kind of sucks at sticking up against injustices like this. Hakari and Kiara aren't the only failed in this way. When Geto is verbally discriminatory towards Maki, Gojo doesn't refute his beliefs, Yuta does.
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This is honestly, pretty fudged up. Gojo just lets Geto be horrible and offers a weak "don't do that" as a response instead of arguing for Maki's personhood. And we know for a fact he is strong enough to do something and be taken seriously. After all, he did threaten the elders to protect Yuta's life. He didn't stop Geto until he became a large-scale physical threat. For some reason, that's the only type of discrimination Gojo will act on—violent acts that will result in death.
I think this is because Geto told him he needed a really good reason to kill other humans before he snapped. It took a lot of convincing for Gojo to slaughter the higher ups as the result of this. His inaction here could also stem from Gojo being so used to dehumanization that he hardly recognizes it as a problem. But Gojo did force Nanami to address Yuji as a human child instead of Sukuna's Vessel later, so perhaps he reflected on this exchange and tried to do better. (Despite allowing everyone else from Kyoto to be weird about Yuji.)
Regardless, it's this passive mentality when it comes to non-violent discrimination that makes me think Gojo wouldn't have acted on his feelings for Geto.
There's probably a lot of pressure on Gojo to have progeny of some kind (aka be straight and have babies). I do find it a bit odd we've seen nothing of his Clan to the point that Megumi also knows nothing about it. (Though this was probably to spare him the politics drama for the enjoyment of his youth.) They did spoil Gojo rotten, but that doesn't mean backwards societal expectations weren't thrust on him from birth. He was raised to be a living weapon you know. Suppression of his own queerness was likely a part of that education.
And though Gojo is pretty rebellious when it comes to challenging the status quo, like antagonizing those older than him and letting those younger than him speak freely around him, he still has some toxic ideas from his youth he hasn't let go of. He prioritizes his strength over bonds and allows himself to be exploited while trying to make sure his students don't wind up like him...by having them prioritize strength through pushing their limits.
In other words, Gojo would likely just repress his feelings for Geto if it meant obtaining his goals. A queer relationship would be used against him by the higher ups since it rebels against the expectations of Jujustu Society in a way he hasn't pushed hard against. (I'm so sorry Hakari and Kiara.)
With that being said, it's not all that surprising that a lot of the curse users are openly queer. They've freed themselves of exploitation and expectations. Their genders and sexualities are theirs to control. None of them are shy about it. Larue openly loves Geto, Sukuna will kill you for not respecting his disinterest in romance and sex, Uraume will kill you for not respecting that, Kashimo will hit on a man as he's being killed by him, Kenjaku is Kenjaku.
I don't think it's a coincidence that Gojo is at his horniest when he's fighting other men. It's like the one space where he's allowed to engage that side of himself without fear of repercussion because at the end of the day, one of them is going to be dead anyways. (His flirting with Nanami when they're alone together not included.) Sometimes queer people want their love with violence because it’s the only way they can have their sexuality without guilt. That punishment absolves the sin.
Jujutsu Society as it stands is not compatible with queerness. Gojo has a really fudged up way of expressing his attraction to men as the result of this. And if you ask me, I think Toji is the one who really got his wires crossed.
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cubic-love · 28 days
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odd jester creature spotted in the forest... am i cursed now
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mossymandibles · 1 year
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Blacked out and finally made a short comic scene of Kraw and Sylvaine’s first ‘meeting��.
After Kraw escapes the Black Loch, he unwittingly ends up in Sylvaine’s care for quite some time. He’s in a sort of fugue state at first, unable to speak and behaving completely feral. After destroying some property upon his entry, he finally drags himself into the nearest dark corner to die. Before doing so, he is found by Ari and Sylvaine, who is determined to nurse him back to health by her own means. It seemed impossible to her that he was even still alive in the first place and she was instantly intrigued by his arrival.
I’d say this is about 15 or so years before he finds Gen and everything.
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sas-afras · 4 months
re: radium girls post i just reblogged, because that whole story makes me crazy
something i find extra horrific is the fact that while so many workers were succumbing to radiation sickness, their superiors were HELLBENT on convincing everyone else that the victims actually had syphilis.
this had a twofold goal: the fake culprit being a “social disease” tanked the victim’s status in their community, making it more difficult to get support that could help them sue Radium Corp, and it made other victims who were just starting to get symptoms less likely to come forwards. after all, those girls who got sick before were just loose and facing the consequences, and you’d never want to associate yourself with that.
so many people died because of that social pressure and rumormongering! and to think we only found out the truth so much later!!!
if the higher ups at these companies had their way, we never would!!!
augh!!!!! waugh!!!!!!!!!! screams!!!!
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thesadboy · 1 year
I love you NPCs in Tears of the Kingdom getting surprised when you move stuff close to them I love you Minecraft dogs shaking themselves dry after being drenched in water I love you Sims 2 Sims giggling after calling in sick to work I love you Oshawott throwing its scallop in the air and catching it in its Black and White idle animations I love you Sooza from MSM looking out of breath after playing its part I love you Virtual Villagers doing their laundry once the second hut has been built I love you tiny details in games that aren't necessary to gameplay but give it personality
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kouhaiofcolor · 8 months
I really miss the natural hair community & watching natural hair content generally. That was so good for Black Women; we were thriving at it, too. And as rapidly as it rose to popularity, it’s crazy how dead the whole concept is now. I think it had more to do w all the division created over routines around maintenance than anything else. Everybody was entirely too pushy w trying to make what worked for them personally a staple for taking care of textured hair in general — & that shit walked so that colorism, featurism, texturism & misogynoir could run. Now the same ppl who was riding the wave a few years ago & swearing by all these products, brands, sponsors, wash day & styling methods have put natural hair away as a concept entirely.
Also, why the hell did we waste all that energy prefacing everything w, “Stop doing this and do these things for your hair to grow to tailbone length overnight🤡” — just to go right back to weave and perms? All that researching for what? All the dedication to disproving antiblack/misogynoir notions about Black hair for what? All the redefining of protective styles for what? All the trying to unlearn the belief structures around the colonization of Black hair for what? What did we teach ourselves fr? How did we make things any easier for Black Women and little Black girls? It’s tragic af. The Natural Hair Community/Movement is dead, it seems like. I don’t think we fought hard enough to prevent what happened to it honestly :\
#this isn’t to call out or demoralize weave or perms or anything like that either#I don’t think there’s anything wrong w black women doing any of that#but on the flip side I do kind of feel like#maybe weave is a bit of a crutch for us?#even w an understanding of it being a conditioning via white supremacy & antiblackness#I just don’t understand why it was smothered as a movement#& why black women seem to have like…. kind of just rolled over with it?#it was legitimately good for us before everyone else went to bandwagoning for relevance#and I get that too#but I still feel like we did a poor job at defending & teaching each other first & foremost#non black people definitely got in the way of that#but we also got in each other’s way ourselves#everyone I used to be subscribed to on yt for natural hair content stepped away from it#even those w natural hair grown & maintained beyond their waist or whatnot#the switch right back to unhealthy means of taking care of textured hair was flipped so easily#it just saddens me cus we were working at doing better#esteeming ourselves#our nieces#our daughters#our female cousins and mothers and aunties about the way we take care of our hair#and fell just short of actually taking something tangible from it#it wasn’t about having longer hair#it was about giving textured hair representation in ways it mattered#we were so driven in this & it was beautiful#there is no movement or dedication to this in 2024 tho#proud of black women who were independent thinkers & didn’t fall off w all the chaos#them trends had ppl clambering all over each other#& it ultimately killed the movement#nowadays you don’t even hear from the non black women who were vulturing for clout#i be floored w how sparse any content true to the hash tags are anymore
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angellayercake · 6 months
Why pro memoria???
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redbean-nom · 3 months
watched the first 2 episodes of acolyte and so far i like every character except for the main one lol. (also is her name osha as in occupational safety and health administration??)
#star wars#the acolyte#acolyte#the nemoidian faces look really good#definitely the best looking prequel alien from the last few shows#rather ironic to name Miss Hazardous Workplace Conditions 'Osha' lol#the assassin lady was really cool looking#it was pretty funny to see that the 120bby sith assassins are reasonably friendly to each other#and at least help each other somewhat#and then there's poor ventress (and briefly savage ig) who just get force-zapped a bunch#the conversation between sol and vernesta(?) at the end of ep 2 was also pretty funny#vernestra: well we have to take time to Thoughtfully Deliberate this situation so we can respond wisely :)#sol: SHE IS ACTIVELY TRYING TO KILL ME???#poor guy hope the situation works out better for him#hey at least his new padawan (orange theelin) is smart#anyways might draw one of them idk#more inclined to draw nightsisters and soft wars rn but we'll see#whos the sith(?) cant be plageius bc hes a muun right?#how old is palpatine again? was the acolyte project his Sith Senior Thesis or something like that#unrelated but the scene of the jedi running around the ice planet bareheaded was so infuriating lol#PUT ON YOUR HOODS I KNOW YOU HAVE THEM#maybe i'll draw hats for them all#i found it a bit weird that they basically gave osha the anakin background? having her be *eight* specifically when she got to the temple#felt a bit off#kind of like it's taking away from the caution around anakin's induction? since i think koth was four and that was considered 'late'#so for a non-prophecied random kid to show up at age eight?#on the other hand maybe they only got cautious about age after this whole debacle happened? idk i'll see what happens#ok i think thats all
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onlyymirknows · 4 months
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Sometimes I look at this still and reassure myself that big chinned Reiner cannot hurt me.
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nyaskitten · 4 months
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His cape... clipping through his bandana... Wildbrain when I GET YOU
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softquietsteadylove · 3 months
Gil watches Thena train with Olympia and is very impressed and happy to see the deeply bond between rider and horse. For the dressage au
Thena groaned as she hit the ground flat on her back. It happened to the best of anyone--falls happened, it was part of the sport. But it had been a long time since she had fallen. She blinked up at the sky.
Olympia whinnied loudly, rearing up on her back legs and trotting around in a full circle to check on her rider.
"I'm okay, I'm okay," Thena attempted to assure the mare making an embarrassing amount of fuss over the very small incident. She sat herself up, patting Olympia's massive snout nosing her cheek. "Hey, it's fine, easy."
Olympia cantered on the spot, not convinced.
Thena sighed. Before Olympia started braying like a mule and drawing a crowd, she picked herself up, dusting off her backside first. "Hey, look at me."
Olympia finally calmed, letting Thena hold her nose and somewhat cross her eyes to try and see her. She nudged Thena again, letting her lips and tongue assess her well being in their own way.
Thena laughed, leaning away from Olympia's affection. "I suppose you're fine, then. It is a rather high jump."
They both cast a glance over at the hurdle that had resulted in the fall for both of them. Olympia looked back at her, her tail twitching in response to the implication that she couldn't handle it.
She smiled; her mare was stubborn, and proud. Olympia didn't stop when she was training for something. She was of the same mind, of course, but neither of them were as young as they once were. She ran her hand over Olympia's side, looking for signs of pain. "You're sure?"
Olympia bobbed her head, already shifting in her position to try and get Thena up in the saddle again.
"Yes, yes, you impatient thing," Thena shook her head as she got her foot up first and then launched herself up again. The insides of her thighs were aching. "Last run today, girl."
Olympia immediately trotted back over to her starting position.
Thena eyed the hurdle. Olympia wasn't going to let up, and in all honesty, she wanted to prove to themselves that they could do it, too. She patted the side of Olympia's neck. "Ready."
Olympia took off in a run. She was hungry for it, and nothing would stop her.
Thena breathed evenly, leaning forward and gripping the reins. "That's my girl."
Olympia took the jump head on, launching herself up and over the bar. Her back legs soared over this time, her hooves nowhere near clipping it again. She startled a little upon landing, but she proudly continued on, shaking her head with glee.
"That's my girl!" Thena cheered for her, hugging Olympia's neck from atop her back as they circled the ring. She buried her nose in the soft white hair of her mane, inhaling, horse-smell and all.
Olympia strutted, oozing pride. She whinnied, all but laughing at anyone watching in a taunt for them to try what she had just accomplished.
"Okay, you," Thena laughed, running her hands over Olympia's fur. She gave her sides a squeeze with her thighs, "let's get you home."
Olympia happily slowed to a stop back at the mount, settling in soon enough.
Thena dismounted, sighing as soon as she was on her feet again. Her legs were aching and she was definitely going to have to do some stretching. She ran her hands down Olympia's mane again. "You did great. You know that."
She did; the horse shook her head, her ears flicking. She knew very well.
Thena bent her head to Olympia's, closing her eyes the way she had done all Olympia's life since she was a foal. "That's my girl."
If Olympia could speak, she would surely be returning the sentiment, bending her neck in the semblance of embracing Thena in return.
"Come on," she said gently, stepping down and preparing to lead Olympia back to the stables. She startled, turning and seeing Gil walking over to them, clapping. She blushed.
"I wasn't sure you were gonna make that last jump, but wow!" he beamed at them as he put his hands on his hips. "You were right, she could do it."
Olympia neighed at him loudly. Of course she could!
"I know, girl, I know, I shouldn't have doubted you," he appeased his favourite mare's ego. He looked back at Thena, holding out his hand like a gentleman to a princess.
She laughed at it, but her fatigue convinced her of it and she accepted his hand down the steps. Her other hand held Olympia's reins. "How long have you been-"
"Since your fall," he confessed with a wince. She pursed her lips but he rushed to explain. "I was worried! I was going to go out and help but, well, you and Olympia seemed to have it under control."
She had to smile at that. It was gallant of him to run out to help her, of course, and she would expect nothing less from the sweet Gilgamesh. But he was right, she had it in hand, and Olympia likely would have denied him, anyway.
Unruly and impetuous and at times immature, she could be, but Olympia was nothing if not protective of Thena ever since growing bigger than her.
"Are you okay?" he asked anyway, frowning and eyeing her dragging her feet.
"I'll be fine after a hot bath, or a cold one," she sighed, and he nodded his understanding. Horses were hard work in any form of their care. She tilted her head at him. "It's a little late for you to be here, isn't it?"
"Well," he shrugged, but she kept staring. He offered a sheepish - guilty - smile. "I heard you were still at it, so I didn't wanna close everything up until you were done--just in case!"
She sighed again. He really was far, far too sweet. "I appreciate that, Gil, but you have a long enough day already, do you not?"
He shrugged again.
She was ready to argue with him more, but Olympia tugged at her. They were at her stall already.
"Oh, s-sorry, girl," Thena blinked, letting go of the reins and reaching to remove the bridle from her girl's mouth. "You've earned quite a spa treatment."
Gil lingered at the entrance. "I can give you a hand, if you like. At least get you some buckets, the brushes and stuff?"
Thena looked at Olympia. Usually her 'spa treatments' after a tough day of training were their thing--a girls' night, in a way. But Olympia was nothing if not fond of the club caretaker. She was beginning to think Olympia had somewhat of a crush on dear Gil. "Well?"
Olympia bobbed her head happily, her tail whipping around behind her.
Thena looked over her shoulder at Gil in his overalls. His t-shirt under them was liable to get positively soaked from Olympia's 'shower'. "Are you certain you want to take part in this?"
He laughed, though, leaning off the gate. "I'll get her manicure set!"
Referring to the care kit he would use to scrub and clean her hooves.
Thena looked back at Olympia, who she could swear was eyeing her a certain kind of way. She pursed her lips at her young mare, "I am beginning to think you prefer his company to mine."
Whatever Olympia had to say was lost in her way of laughing at her rider.
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purpleshadow-star · 2 years
Something about rich kid Mike Wheeler and poor kid Will Byers being best friends (and in love), rich kid Lucas Sinclair and poor kid Max Mayfield being in love, and rich kid Nancy Wheeler and poor kid Jonathan Byers being in love, all without a second thought, just makes my heart happy.
It just proves that money doesn't matter. Lucas and Mike and Nancy don't care about the fact that Max and Will and Jonathan don't have money. They don't pity them. They love them for who they are.
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genderhurt · 5 months
saw a lot discourse post about rich kid abuse. like yeah rich children can be abused but so can poor children in the same way? my boyfriend came from an upper middle class family and while i agree that wealth is still capable of abuse, i dont like the "um actually" nature of this argument. i think it also leaves a bad taste in my mouth because literaly harvard students are making this argument constantly (i have the receipts ) whenever the minimal poor student body says ANYTHING about the experience of poverty. i pipe in with "wow its crazy how little i can relate to yall because you assume so much about the average american experience" and these uniquely brainrotted class of newly liberated rich bootlikers hit me with the "ITS NOT ALL RAINBOWS IN MY $11M MANSION IN HOLLYWOOD!!! and then i look them up and theyre legacies. just a reminder that if ur family makes less than 100k a year youre low income by harvards standards, and yet, still only 15% of the studenr body qualify as low income
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Idea: The Fearsome Five are on thier way to a heist, but Negaduck finds out that everyone forgot to grab a bite to eat beforehand because they were all excited and ready to do this, so he just veers off the road to drive directly into the front wall of a McDonald's, jumps out and runs inside through the gaping hole he just made. You hear the sounds of shouting punctuated by revving chainsaw noises and laughing, and he runs back out with a paper sack of cheeseburgers, throws it at one of them so they can hand them out among themselves, and makes a comment under his breath about how he should be asking thier mothers for child support because he's the one stuck raising a bunch of manchildren.
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bigautomaton · 4 months
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Still can't settle on a "Meet The Artist" but I think I might do TWO self portraits for it as a "I have two modes" thing because I wouldn't be lying
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