#poppys pals
rainydaysie · 1 year
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[click for better quality] DnD Steeplechase AU This could also pair with my other WIP au where different levels of steeplechase can literally change your appearance/height etc. Individual ref/sketch sheets for each of these boyes coming soon B]
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mango-sideburns · 4 months
♫ guess who's back? back again? ♫
I'm about halfway through Steeplechase so it's time for my favourite post of each season: TAZ Out Of Context!
Three arcade workers are hired by one of the richest men alive to steal a building through the intermediary of TV's hottest hunk stuck in a giant cat costume. To do so they slay a dragon possessed by the voice of a "creaky old man" using a clone of said hunk and, oh yeah, a fucking gun, then use the dragon's scales and a secret handshake to buy a bazooka. One of them makes best friends with the heir of a firework family that lives on a barge called the DeBarges' DeBarge and punches the GM in the face (not necessarily in that order). Another one, while dressed like Tinkerbell, used the bazooka to blow up a power box, summoned Batman from the sky to do fuck all, then took a sword (which he pulled out of a stone bc he used his friends high school bully's credit card to buy a lot of merch) to cut the cable him and Batman were using to zipline down. Tinkerbell (who constantly wears a mask unless he's eating spaghetti and whose family is made up solely of broken animatronics) then asked Batman to help hide the beach balls that they turned the building into, and in response Batman turns into fucking Shrek I guess then hides the balls in his costume, which makes him look pregnant and get hounded by perverts. Also the World Arm Wrestling Champion catches a swan diving half naked engineer because he watched some home videos, and in doing so fixed the engineer's broken elbow, somehow.
And that all happens in like. A day. Maybe two.
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spaceistheplaceart · 9 months
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anyone remember how branch can seamlessly adapt to different genres and also how he likes a ton of them. anyway.
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hello trolls fandom
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lonedawn · 6 months
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When you think your little siblings are dead
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bitterkarella · 1 day
Midnight Pals: Carrie
Stephen King: check it out guys! King: they're publishing a book of essays about Carrie! King: we got richard chizmar, bentley little, mick garris, norman prentiss, tom deady, Anthony Breznican Angela Carter: are there any women involved in this King: oh yeah of course of course Carter: King:
Carter: don't you think, steve, that a collection of essays about carrie should include some womens voices King: oh of course! we've got bev vincent Carter: bev vincent is a guy King: King: what? Bev Vincent: yeah its fine, this happens all the time
King: look it's not all guys in this collection King: we also have caitlin kiernan Carter: oh really? caitlin, what do you think? Kiernan: i think that black people have a special gland in their brain that makes them do crime Carter: Carter: i meant about carrie
King: ok maybe the roster for this collection is a little guy heavy King: but, you know, maybe guys have some interesting thoughts about a story heavy on mother-daughter relationship issues and menstrual themes? Carter: King: it's possible!
Carter: ok fine, i would like to hear some of these interesting thoughts that you men have on carrie Bentley Little: did you ever think that maybe you should change the title from "Carrie" to "The Carrie?" Carter: King: King: you know what, i'll take that under advisement Carter: don't do that
King: c'mon guys don't let me down! Tell me your deep thoughts about Carrie! King: people want to know what you think of this story of a psychic teenage girl Richard Chizmar: psychic girl? wait, girls can do that? Mick Garris: whoa thats bad ass Josh Boone: this changes everything!
Chizmar: this whole time, i didn't know girls were psychic Garris: that explains why they're always setting things on fire with their minds Chizmar: yeah i was wondering about that Boone: everything makes sense now Little: guys i really think it would be better if it was "THE carrie"
Chizmar: [reading carrie] whoa whoa whoa Chizmar: what's all this menstruation stuff? Carter: [whispers in chizmar's ear] Chizmar: EVERY MONTH?!?!?! Chizmar: holy shit Chizmar: that's metal Garris: what are you talking about, i want to know too!
Garris: and blood comes out WHERE?? Carter: [whispers in garris's ear] Garris: ha ha gross! Little: this doesn't sound real, i think you're making this all up
Carter: ok so show of hands Carter: do any other men here need the concept of menstruation explained to them? Poppy Z Brite: no i think i'm clear
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yardsards · 1 year
ranking the main taz trios from least to most likely to have all kissed each other on the mouth at some point:
5: coriolis crew. absolutely not. there is about a 0% chance even a single pair of them kissed. i don't think even friendly cheek kisses have occurred. amber is allergic to affection, devo will not shut up for even 5 seconds, and i don't think zoox even has lips. not even to mention the weird distant coworkers but also contentious found family vibe they got goin on. no kissies were had.
4: pine guard trio. it's been a long time since i listened to amnesty but i just do not see it happening iirc. maybe ned and duck at some point like once? definitely not aubrey with either of them. and not thacker (if you include him) either.
3: tres horny boys. counting the stolen century, i think there's an okay chance taako and magnus have kissed at least once. the chance of either of them kissing merle is pretty low but not fully nonexistent
2: thundermen llc. it's happened before and no one knows if it was romantic or friendly/messing around, least of all the three of them, and they're okay with that
1: poppy's boys. these old men have explored each other's bodies on more than one occasion and it was awkward and weird every time but that's not stopping them
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rt-closetcryptic · 8 months
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Fell asleep while I was drawing kickin’s legs
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nightseeye · 8 months
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Dogged of the days + plus a relatable lil buddy!
Also that piloted!dogday by itself:
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jaenessaispas · 7 months
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More poppy’s pals
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ccycloneblogging · 6 months
So, my friend TF saw my post here, and inspired me to make a follow up drawing.
She sent me this:
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Which inspired this:
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ameliadraws135 · 10 months
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Here’s a CraftyDog ship headcannon where Craftycorn would finally have the confidence to confess and ask to go out to a date with him!
But sadly Dogday being very excited and a bit childish thinks that they would have a play date, where they would have a full day where everyone is going to play games and not getting that Craftycorn actually means a romantic date with just the two of them.
The other critters that where hiding behind and a top of the tree, watching them from the distance were a taken a back and a bit disappointed by Dogday’s obliviousness to Craftycorn’s cofession, but Bobby thinks that this was close enough.
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rainydaysie · 1 year
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apologies it's so messy and hard to see but i love them so much you dont understand im insane im insane im insane
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montrosepretty · 11 months
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Haunted, Reckless, Soft
This has been sitting in my wips for ages but now that steeplechase is over i'm setting it free
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hold on wait im unable to Scribble rn but i had this Lights Out interaction in my head and i need to put it somewhere before i forget. Okay so the scene is Howdy, Poppy, Frank, and Wally are all having quiet time in the post office. just vibing.
Howdy: i'm going to say something harsh
Poppy: that's alright. we understand <3
Frank: go ahead, it's better than bottling it up
Howdy, near tears: you're all so boring i think it's actually killing me
Poppy / Frank / Wally: ...
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dismas-n-dismay · 10 months
Let it be known that if I don’t get a fic of Branch helping Viva adjust to society and not living in fear after years of him doing the same thing I WILL explode /silly
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bitterkarella · 1 year
JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: i want you to sssay hello to Rowling: graham lineham Lineham: [wearing foil hat] free masons run the country Rowling: he'sss got sssome great ideasss you should hear
Poe: joanne you don't need to bring him here Poe: like, you really don't Rowling: he hass thingsss to sssay and you're ALL going to hear them Poe: this is really kind of off topic for us here Rowling: EVERYONE will hear them
Rowling: ssssee, yearsss ago i disssmisssed graham lineham'ssss babble as the bad opticsss ravingsss of a lunatic Rowling: but now that the overton window hass sshifted Rowling: i'm proud to sssay thessse bad opticsss ravingsss are quite good actually!
Rowling: go ahead, graham, tell them what you told me Lineham: trans people produce no great films, no music, no art Lineham: they're incapable of doing this basic human thing because they're subhuman Lineham: untermensch, if you will Rowling: isssn't he great?
Lineham: trans books are always universally panned because of their incoherence Billy Martin: Hailey Piper: Eve Harms: Gretchen Felker-Martin: Joe Koch: M. Lopes da Silva: Arden Powell: Lor Gislason: Julya Oui: LC von Hessen: GE Woods: Michelle Belanger: Rain Corbyn: SA Chant:
FT Catulla: Viktor Athelstan: Meagan Hotz: Ziggy Schutz: Rose Sable: WN Derring-Judith: Charles Maria Tor: Devaki Devay: Dayna Ingram: Ori Jay: Ai Burton: Gabriel Valentine: Cosmin-Mihai Birsan: Jei D Marcade: Rhiannon Rasmussen: Max Turner: Taylor J Pitts: Vincent Endwell:
Bri Crozier: Theo Hendrie: Derek des Anges: Briar Ripley Page: Winter Holmes: gaast: Maya Deane: Charles-Elizabeth Boyles: Layne van Rensburg: Amanda M Blake: May Leitz: Alison Rumfitt: Rivers Solomon: Lillian Boyd: Torrey Peters: Taliesin Neith: Daniel M. Lavery: Joss Lake: Aubrey Wood: Jonah Wu:
Daphne du Maurier: Patricia Highsmith: Franz Kafka: Kafka: wait Kafka: why did the camera pan to me
Barker: oh you know why haha Poe: clive Kafka: why Kafka: [hugging blåhaj] i don't know what you mean
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