davidwhornii-blog · 8 months
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Mushroom and Camembert Wellingtons
Try elevating your football weekend appetizers and hors d' oeuvres by making this amazingly delicious (vegetarian) dish. Easy to handle and pass around during the game or at half time. Of course, you could be a traditionalist by serving this at a more formal dinner, but where's the fun in that! Watch your football enthusiasts inhale these mini Wellingtons and ask what the wine pairing is.....Yeah, I don't think so, but you get my point. Enjoy!
For this recipe, please go to:
For hundreds more delicious recipes and mouthwatering food images, please go to:
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bemychentleman · 1 year
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Chanterelle Risotto Savory and cheesy chanterelle risotto. This is a sublime vegetarian dish for dinner parties. You can substitute Romano for Parmesan cheese and porcinis for chanterelles.
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zegalba · 8 months
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Funki Porcini: Fast Asleep (2002)
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goblinfables · 8 months
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a little extra for Fungi Friday!! some little minis and a snail lol
update: added these as stickers as such over here lol
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mouseshouses · 8 months
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Twilight in the porcini forest
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magicalgrimm · 2 months
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I think about him all the time
Also, I tried out line less artwork 
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slimetony · 2 months
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Dine with me
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dogstomp · 5 days
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Dogstomp #3221 - October 26th
Patreon / Discord Server / Itaku / Bluesky
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alanna-arts · 5 months
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balkanradfem · 7 days
So, I had a bit of a soup accident.
I went to the forest to look if there's any mushrooms. It's been the rainiest spring we have ever seen, and I figured this means some mushrooms might have decided to spring up; at first I didn't find any, but then I stumbled on these guys right here!
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I was extremely pleased, felt super proud for making the assumption and then it working out, and my garden is not yet producing a lot of food, so this was perfect to fill up my diet. I decided to make a soup! Altogether I found 4 mushrooms, they were all growing close to each other:
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They looked very good cut up too, I took a picture of that as well:
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Some of them stained slightly pink when I cut them, but I didn't worry about it too much, some species stained blue and it was okay, I haven't seen the pink stain before but they were supposed to stain black in my mind, and maybe pink was just a hue before it got to black. So, I made a soup, blended it, tried it, and… it was disgusting.
Absolutely inedible, horrid, awful, treacherous soup. Upset and confused, I ate a few spoonfuls to see if it's poison. I didn't end up feeling sick or vomiting later, so I concluded it's not poisonous, but it was still, completely inedible due to its horrid taste. I had to throw it away, which is extremely rare for me to do.
So what went wrong? I am lucky to have a mushroom expert as a friend so I asked her, and showed her the pictures. She explained there was in fact, a bad bolete mushroom, called 'bitter bolete', and it looks like a nice good bolete, but, the sponge is slightly pink, and it tastes horrible. It's not even poisonous, it just tastes bad! And ruins the taste of everything it's in. Which is exactly what happened to me. I had never run into the bitter bolete, so I had no idea this could even happen. I should not have ignored the pink stain!
I bet you all thought I was going to getting poisoned at the start of this post, but no, it is not the poisoning, I just wasted some mushrooms. It happens! I feel good about the situation because after this I will Never ignore a pink stain, and will understand that it is the death of a soup if I put that in.
I ended up eating bread all day that day, because I had no backup plan for lunch, but the next day I went to my garden and made an actual garden soup! More will be revealed in my next post.
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mycoblogg · 10 months
FOTD #103 : penny bun! (boletus edulis)
the penny bun (also cep, king bolete, porcini or porcino) is a basidiomycete fungus in the family boletaceae. it occurs naturally across europe, asia & north america, but has also been introduced to southern africa, australia, aotearoa & brazil. it grows in association with the roots of both coniferous & deciduous trees :-)
the big question : can i bite it?? to answer, i will quote a part of the b. edulis wikipaedia - "boletus edulis, as the species epithet edulis (latin : 'edible') directly implies, is an edible mushroom. the flavour has been described as nutty & slightly meaty, with a smooth, creamy texture, & a distinctive aroma reminiscent of sourdough."
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b. edulis description :
"the fruit body has a large brown cap which on occasion can reach 30 cm (12 in), rarely 40 cm (16 in) in diameter & 3 kg (6 lb 10 oz) in weight. it has tubes extending downward from the underside of the cap, rather than gills ; the pore surface of the b. edulis fruit body is whitish when young, but ages to a greenish-yellow. the stout stipe, or stem, is white or yellowish in colour, up to 20 cm (8 in), rarely 30 cm (12 in) tall & 10 cm (4 in) thick, & partially covered with a raised network pattern, or reticulations."
[images : source & source] [fungus description : source]
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mushroomgay · 8 months
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Porcini, cep, penny bun (Boletus edulis)
This is the absolute gold-standard of wild fungi, and was a wonderful gift from my neighbours who came home from mushroom hunting with their family with far too many.
It's incredibly hearty and flavourful and can be used in any mushroom dish - risottos and stews are especially good. My favourite use is to dehydrate it, as I'm doing here, in order to have it for months to come to add to soups, stews and broths.
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lindagoesmushrooming · 5 months
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goblinfables · 8 months
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Mushroom Monday!!
here's some little guys! had insane fun making these so there WILL be more, probably going to turn them into stickers lol
Little Amanita | Morel | Big Porcini | Chanterelle
update: stickers have been made real lol
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mouseshouses · 2 years
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Tonight we feast!
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