fallingtowers · 7 months
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scholars and historians looked at this period of history and were like what if we went as hard as we possibly could. what if we gave it not one or two but THREE of the best names imaginable
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tonyrossmcmahon · 2 months
The Popes who encouraged sinfulness!
In the tenth century CE - the sinfulness of the popes reached new depths in what was termed The Pornocracy as Tony McMahon discovers
For two thousand years, the leader of the Roman Catholic church has been the Pope in Rome. We think of the Pope as a voice for morality. But in the tenth century CE, the reputation of the Popes hit an all time low. The papal palace was turned into a brothel and sinfulness was actively encouraged during a dark period referred to ever since as: The Pornocracy. It’s also termed the Rule of the…
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thetemplarknight · 2 months
The Popes who encouraged sinfulness!
In the tenth century CE - the sinfulness of the popes reached new depths in what was termed The Pornocracy as Tony McMahon discovers
For two thousand years, the leader of the Roman Catholic church has been the Pope in Rome. We think of the Pope as a voice for morality. But in the tenth century CE, the reputation of the Popes hit an all time low. The papal palace was turned into a brothel and sinfulness was actively encouraged during a dark period referred to ever since as: The Pornocracy. It’s also termed the Rule of the…
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poor-boy-orpheus · 5 months
Been reading about popes, as one does. Here's a few things I've learned:
My boy St. Anterus was only pope for 43 days before he kicked it.
The last pope to be born in Africa (St. Gelasius I) was pope way back in 492 CE.
The practice of popes not using their real names when they become pontiff originated from one pope (St. John II) who didn't want to use his birth name (Mercurius) because of its association with a "false" god. The practice wouldn't become mainstream though until Pope Gregory V in 985.
Stephen/Stephanus/Stephen II was named pope and 3 days later he died. It was so short that he didn't even officially take office and most lists don't count him.
Formosus was on trial 7 months after he died. He was being tried for perjury and allegedly ascending to the papacy illegitimately by a later pope, Stephen VI. Formosus was found guilty and sentenced to execution (despite already being dead) and they annulled all of his acts as pope. They buried him in a cheap grave, then dug his body up and threw it in a river where it later washed up on shore. This pissed off everyone else so much that they later had to rebury him with Christian rites and Stephen then got sentenced to prison where he got strangled. The whole thing was so embarrassing that later, Pope Theodore II convened another synod that annulled the synod that annulled Formosus's papacy. Even later than that, Pope John IX held two different synods, both agreeing with Theodore and annulling Stephen's trial -then went further and prohibited all future trials of corpses. AND THEN Pope Sergius III held ANOTHER Synod and overturned the rulings of both Theodore and John, reaffirmed Formosus's conviction, and had a new epitaph inscribed on the tomb of Stephen praising him for his work.
All the stuff above was so embarrassing and so many new popes kept getting elected that nobody respected the papacy for almost a century. The popes became super corrupt and got rules by a small group of aristocrats paying them off. This era becomes known as the "Pornocracy" and "Rule of the Harlots" which just sounds sick as hell (but was actually very bad for everyone).
The first pope to canonize a saint didn't take office until 985 CE (this was Pope John XV and he canonized Bishop Ulrich of Augsburg in 993).
Adrian IV is the only pope to have been English (Anglo-Saxon specifically).
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chainsawpunk · 2 years
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Sam Lipp, Pornocracy 2, 2022, oil on steel, 66 x 24 x .75 in (167.6 x 61 x 1.9 cm)
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deusvervewrites · 1 year
Something for Future Toga, Shiozaki for All, and any AU where Shiozaki and Himiko are close in some way - that is, how their unlikely friendship could start.
Himiko: What's your plan? I know I'm not normal, everyone is at least put off guard, everyone but you. What's your deal?
Shiozaki: I'm Christian, and aware of what the Church has done in the past.
Himiko: Like what? Did they try and exorcise dolphins?
Shiozaki: No, they succeeded. In 1596 they were infesting the port of Marseille, and an exorcism was how they chased them off.
Himiko: What.
Shiozaki: That's not even the weirdest thing the Church has done - the late Pope Formosus was so hated by his successor Stephen IV he was exhumed, tried, mutilated, and thrown in the Tiber river. The Romans strangled Stephen for it and rehabilitated Formosus, but that was just the prelude to the period known as the Roman Pornocracy.
Himiko: Do tell!
The weird part is that while I cannot confirm the 1596 exorcism, I can do it for Formosus and the Pornocracy.
What is the church on
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neverneverland · 1 month
Only through the honest act of sexual bonding are men able to break the taboo, confront the truth, the weakness, the unmasking, and this makes it possible to enter into the realm of the sacred and into love, the reciprocal exchange of weaknesses and strengths. The essence of sex is not an attachment to human form, but is the absolute abstraction of the transparent dilation of our existence. Desire doesn't always come from the longing to possess, or even to be possessed. Desire comes from the excessive novelty which makes all hope of a possible fornication be like the promise of a new life.
— Catherine Breillat, Pornocracy (Semiotext (e) / Native Agents), 2008.
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cosmicmote · 3 months
on sale today:
the lines of separation long ago carved out
and no longer hidden
every opening of a seashell
the horizon to another world
but can you cross over, oh no
the energy-governing-organ holds sway
where and while the emperor rules;
between night and morn certainly rings true
and relatable, a type of exile and hermitage
at least the tempest and opening there-in;
the forces of undivine -
a cameraman rode a bicycle through wastelands
not all that different than our own
so that civilization may look at its own ruins and
the term bodies can be defined loosely, less failingly
but also minds and spirits left in ruins, spanning waters and lifetimes. they aren't always ours
permeating all aspects of vita,
we have called it pathocracy and now add
pornocracy to exploit and feed on kids, striving to legalize
and reframe so that
the corruptions are everyone's but those on top
as if, as if
a trunk as pillar can transform and transplant
but it can't give up its nature, biologically
or otherwise
what is living
but a simulacrum on plundered screen!
tarot and gibran and life inspired in a world full of patchwork nickelodeons
words ©spacetree 2024
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daily spread from procgen tarot: https://watabou.itch.io/procgen-tarot
and https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/gazas-wasteland-seen-via-bicycle-after-six-months-war-2024-04-04/
further: https://www.amazon.com/Between-Night-Morn-Kahlil-Gibran-ebook/dp/B0065YDH9Q/
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venicepearl · 11 months
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Marozia, born Maria and also known as Mariuccia or Mariozza (c. 890 – 937), was a Roman noblewoman who was the alleged mistress of Pope Sergius III and was given the unprecedented titles senatrix ("senatoress") and Patricia of Rome by Pope John X.
Edward Gibbon wrote of her that the "influence of two sister prostitutes, Marozia and Theodora was founded on their wealth and beauty, their political and amorous intrigues: the most strenuous of their lovers were rewarded with the Roman tiara, and their reign may have suggested to darker ages the fable of a female pope. The bastard son, two grandsons, two great grandsons, and one great great grandson of Marozia—a rare genealogy—were seated in the Chair of St. Peter." Pope John XIII was her nephew, the offspring of her younger sister Theodora. From this description, the term "pornocracy" has become associated with the effective rule in Rome of Theodora and her daughter Marozia through male surrogates.
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dryas-glacialis · 8 months
Pope Valentinus was elected as the 100th pope in August of the year 827. His election was exceptional in that he was only ordained as a priest after being elected pope. On top of that, his election was the among the first in which the Roman nobility was allowed to participate, after their involvement had been forbidden in 769 by the Lateran council, which ruled that only the clergy was to take part, and then again made possible in the Hludovicianum in 817. Valentinus himself had been born to a nobleman known by the name Leontius; not only had the nobility participated in the electoral process, they'd managed to get one of their own elected.
Later, in the 10th century, during a period known as Saeculum obscurum, "the dark age", alternatively the Pornocracy or the Rule of Harlots, papacy became essentially a plaything of the corrupt aristocracy. That period is still considered one of the lowest points of the papal office by many.
Prior to his papancy, it was noted that Valentinus was unusually close to Pope Eugene II, who came to be his predessor. This prompted rumours of the nature of their relationship to circulate, and the two were sometimes dubbed father and son, other times lovers.
Pope Valentinus, praised for his piety and purity of morals in Liber pontificalis, gave up the title of Pope only a month after his election, not long before passing away in the 10th of October 827.
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rebeleden · 1 year
Watch "Crazy Facts About Historical Figures. #historicalfacts #ytshorts" on YouTube
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metalshockfinland · 2 years
DOCKER'S GUILD Release 'Pornocracy' Single + Video, Ft. Joel Hoekstra + Amanda Somerville
DOCKER’S GUILD Release ‘Pornocracy’ Single + Video, Ft. Joel Hoekstra + Amanda Somerville
We’re finally getting close to the end of the series of DOCKER’S GUILD videos from the new album “The Mystic Technocracy – Season 2: The Age of Entropy”. Pornocracy (Saeculum Obscurum) is episode 2.17 of the saga and is part of the “Into the Dahr Cages” and narrates the fall and corruption of Lucy Higgs. The song features Joel Hoekstra on guitars and Amanda Somerville on vocals. MUSICIANS: Elisa…
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kaxen · 2 years
Merriam Webster pointed out that pornocracy is a word and I need to use it somewhere at some point
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thebeatifulones · 2 years
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neverhere93 · 4 years
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His stimulus package is very very generous! Lol #awesome #men #Trump #president #photo #pornocracy #instacool #tweegram #picoftheday #vote #Biden #instadaily #nice #lol #prilaga #self #repost #man #Ronjeremy #cool #male #instalove #fun #amazing #instagood #beautiful #funny #2020 #election2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/CCmD0H5A8oW/?igshid=z70b1zt9qxbp
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maeborowski · 5 years
FUCK !!!!!!!!!! YOU !!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YOUUU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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