dramioneasks · 5 days
Vow - silveritas - E, WIP - When Hermione returns to Hogwarts for her Seventh Year as Head Girl to Draco Malfoy's Head Boy, she's prepared for anything. Or so she thinks. But when a portkey takes her to Malfoy Manor just days before the winter solstice, she finds her whole world flipped on its head as she's plunged into a secret marriage with the one person she'd never expected to like, let alone love.
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Portkey Rubber Bullets; Unfair, But Practical
Harry, getting shot: Ow, what the fu—
Harry, now somewhere else entirely: —ck? Okay what, that’s not fair, is he serious with with?
Sirius: No, I am.
Harry: Oh shit, he got you too?
Ron: And me.
Tonks: Everyone in the Order, really.
Voldemort, singing to himself: Badda bang badda boom, I present to you your doom.
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wixabear · 1 year
Portkeys - were once (or still idk) used to get to your house, as in the big iron keys doubled as portkeys that opened your house and transported you there.
Activated when you say the name of your house.
Hence. Port + Key.
I'm pretty sure this isn't the canon history of them.
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hawthornsword · 2 years
In the wizarding world, you must have a license to apparate because it's so easy to splinch yourself. But, what if you also can't fly a broom because you're afraid of heights and falling to your death? What if you get motion sick and throw up on the Knight Bus? And portkeys can be expensive and hard to schedule. So what do you do if you must travel somewhere that doesn't have a floo connection?
There should be a side-along apparition service like Uber/Lyft.
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1watchhour · 8 months
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Which is better: Apparition, Floo Powder, or Portkeys? Dive into the magical world of transportation with our blog and decide your favorite way to travel! Click the link to explore.
↓ ↓ ↓ Article Link ↓ ↓ ↓
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pinemai · 2 years
Wearable Portkeys?
Considering portkeys have to be concealed as average-looking, they must be pretty easy to lose. And especially considering they're not cheap, I don't think anyone wants to lose them. The solution? Wearable ones!
Imagine wearing a bracelet or something, that automatically whizzes you to school/work at 9am and automatically sends you home at 5pm, or something like that. Never need to worry about transport, or being late. The work's done for you.
Ok, ok, you'd have to make sure you weren't in the toilet or getting changed or something at the set time. And there's no flexibility for hanging out with friends etc. But you could take it off, leave it in a locker on days like that.
Just a thought.
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kkginfo · 2 years
PortKeys LH5P Touch Screen Monitor - KKG INFO
PortKeys LH5P Touch Screen Monitor – KKG INFO
The PortKeys LH5P is a 5.5-inch HDMI-only monitor with a built-in Bluetooth module. Its maximum brightness is 1700 nits. It comes with a mini-USB port for camera control and a 5-pin motor camera control port, which also doubles as a DC 7-24V power output port. The camera has a 1/4-20″ mounting point and a USB Type-A port for uploading LUTs or updating firmware. There is a battery plate compatible…
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thatslytherinqueen · 2 months
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Who ever made this and posted it, thank you! 😊 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 it's made my day!!! Love the reference to lilo and stitch which is one of my favourite Disney movies 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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likeabigcat · 4 months
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Seb: "I'm still surprised that a professor would entrust me with anything, given my detention record." Rose: "Spend a lot of time in detention, do you?" Seb: "Just enough to keep me well-rounded."
Thumbnail art for @ohemilyrosa <3
instagram: likeabigcat
DeviantArt: likeabigcat
Twitter: likeabigcat
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kirke-is-my-name · 1 year
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I had to
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artzyleen · 4 months
These bloopers are fcnk hilarious , that Sebastian and Natty mutation lmaooo
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serpensortiamaxima · 12 days
What a delightful drama I've woken up to this morning, eh? I still have thoughts I've not seen being brought up so buckle up.
People aren't upset about the summer update. That whole thing is a symptom, not the cause. What people are upset about is the state of the game itself and how much it is lacking and has been lacking since the beginning.
In the past decade or so, we have gotten more and more accustomed to being sold unfinished games, but with the promise that "don't worry we'll patch it in later updates", and then this never happened. In fact, if Hogwarts Legacy had been an excellent game with its holes patched up and they decided to grant us this free update? The reception would have been, much, much better.
And, excuse the harshness but I do wonder how capitalism-rotten your brain has to be to miss that it's about the principle rather than the update itself. We should not allow corporations to get away with always giving less and less to their clients. Ever. And I can already hear the counter argument of "you can't always get what you want!" and again, that's not my point.
The point is that corporations aim for cost effectiveness. Especially for a free update, they're not going to look at what the community wants really, they will pick the one thing that requires the least time and the least resources because they will have to pay for the time and production cost of a new feature. They know that free updates don't bring in new players. A free update is a way to do community management and get some hype, it might bring in some sales, but never enough to make profit.
Customers aren't upset about the update itself, they're experiencing now the frustration about the game they've always put on the side so far, due to this habit I've mentioned above, of expecting fixes and patches and regular updates from a game, especially one so recently released.
It only takes a quick glance at what's happening with EA in general to see a similar pattern of new content being botched or overpriced, only to receive intense backlash. And that backlash is necessary. Staying complacent and simply accepting your fate as a gamer customer is exactly what corporations are hoping for, because then they don't have to do more. They receive this feedback that it's fine, that they can just do the bare minimum and expect their customer base to eat up the new content in gratefulness. Really? Do we really want to trigger this loop of always getting less and less for something that not only has been bought but that the customers don't even own?
This isn't a Hogwarts Legacy issue, it's an industry wide trend, and we should recognize it as such.
Now, to my last point: mods. I got into modding Skyrim in 2013. Both as an avid user of mods and sometimes to make my own light tweaks for storytelling. For the most part, I'm mostly a mod user and every single time a game I played could be modded, I did so. My current Skyrim save is running on over 200 of them. I only ever play vanilla when I have no other choice. I've quickly touched on the topic yesterday by pointing out how modding requires a healthy and thriving community to work.
There are two main factors to achieve those requirements:
The company behind the game needs to support making mods for their games.
A big and interested customer base
And I guess the hidden third requirement is the coding language and how accessible it is. But I digress. My understanding of the modding community for HL is that it is very small, and therefore limited and that Portkey/Avalanche hasn't provided any resources for modders.
And so, I don't think we'll see a thriving community for HL any time soon, at least not of the comparable kind. And for me, personally, it means that the kind of gamechanging mods I would want to see simply aren't going to happen.
The kind of mods I tend to use are very immersion-focused to allow for a real roleplaying experience, that would include the ability to create new animations, to assign additional dialogues to NPCs, additional routing for NPCs within the map, to allow the player to completely ignore the main quest if they wanted to etc. And I'm afraid that HL is built in such a way that it doesn't have this flexibility even for an experienced mod creator but especially not if the modding community for the game is too small. A lot of these things would require a lot of time, a lot of code, and ton of testing and beta play.
And that doesn't mean that there can't be good mods made, but if the player base wanted to have more mods of a very high quality, we would still need to put pressure on Avalanche to tell them that if they're not ready to provide us with new content, the least they could do is make modding more accessible on their game.
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lilac-ravenclaw · 2 months
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Hello! With finishing Hogwarts Legacy recently, I wanted to draw my mc, Raven Fawlty. Used Procreate to draw her, and I'm super happy with how she turned out. ✨🌙
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If anyone is interested, I created a playlist on Spotify. Music that reminds me of my MC and her personality, things she's going through, or her relationship with Sebastian. I'll continue to add songs as time goes on. Hope you enjoy!
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⇩ Find more of my art here ⇩
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General Info
Name: Raven Fawlty - { reason for her name for me } “Ravens” often represents ancient wisdom, transformation and intelligence. The name “Raven” means “dark haired or wise”. “Fawlty”… honestly this was a gimmick at first. As I love the show, Fawlty Towers with John Cleese. Ran in the 70s, with only a handful of episodes, but it was hilarious and it was the first name I could think of when creating my character.
Birthday: January 29, 1874 { The Raven was published in 1845 }
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Sex/Gender: Female { she/her }
Ethnicity: Latina and English
House: Ravenclaw
Stalk: Dark Brown
Wood type: Willow
Core type: Unicorn Hair
Flexibility: Reasonably Supply
Wand Length: 12”
Handle: Checkerboard - Blue
Patronus: Black Bear
The Black Bear is known for their adaptability and resourcefulness. Others will see her as a fierce opponent who will protect herself and those close to her. Only those close to her will know of that softer side she usually keeps hidden away.
Physical Appearance
Eye color: Violet
Skin color: Tan/light brown, with olive undertones.
Hair: Long length and black, usually worn in a braid.
Height: 5’1” (155cm)
Weight: 110lbs (49kg)
Body type: Hourglass and petite
Birthmarks: small mole on the face, left cheek
Fashion style: Loves wearing a comfortable trouser, but will still wear a button up blouse and a skirt. Doesn’t care for the traditional school robe, but favors a nice blazer/jacket when needed.
Accessories: Pierced ears for small earrings, (wears a pair of snake gold snake earrings Sebastian gave to her as a birthday gift).
Place of birth: Somewhere in the UK
Childhood: Grew up in orphanage in London. Doesn’t know who her parents are, or her real name. She has a love for literature and took the name “Raven” after Edgar Allen Poe’s poem, The Raven. The orphanage she resided in was very strict and had a harsh living environment. The caretaker was mean to the children, much like a Miss Hannigan from the show Annie. So much so, that is how Raven acquired her last name “Fawlty”. A homonym for “faulty”, meaning of faults, inadequate, or wrong. (Which is also why the show, Fawlty Towers, got its name too.) Unknowingly to be a future Ravenclaw, took the insult of a name as a challenge to succeed and learn all she could and be the best version of herself.
Family history: Her father originally from South America and went to Castelobruxo, a wizarding school in Brazil. Being from the heart of the Amazon rain forest, he had a profound love for magical creatures. Which is where Raven gets her love for magical creatures as well. He had traveled all over the world and eventually made his way to Europe where he met Raven’s mother, was also traveling abroad as well. She had also attending Hogwarts in her youth, being a former Ravenclaw too. She loved astronomy, and music literature (her mother, Raven's grandmother, was a music instructor). It is unknown what happened to her parents in their untimely death, and how Raven ended up at the orphanage. **Keep in mind, Raven herself doesn’t know this. I just wanted to write this down to know where she gets her personality and interests come from ☺️**
Notable events/milestones: Raven always knew somehow.. she was different. Though, according to the wizarding world’s standards, it took a little longer for her powers to emerge. Even small things would happen here and there, without her realizing what had happen and that she was the cause of such strange occurrences. Until one day when the orphan keeper (the person who runs the orphanage) was “disciplining” one of the children and Raven stepped in to protect them and that enough was enough. She had forced a large shelf to fall over onto the orphan keeper… it was as if what she was thinking became a reality. Afraid of what would happen, Raven ran away, seeking shelter where she could. As Professor Fig was assigned the task of giving Raven her letter and bringing her to Hogwarts, it still took no time at all for Professor Fig to find Raven even though she was missing from the orphanage. She was hesitant at first but overall wasn’t scared at all, and actually was relieved to know there were others like her. A whole world like her just waiting to be apart of and that was the happiest day in her life.
Other notes: She had studied with Professor Fig for the duration of the summer before starting at Hogwarts. Having only gained her powers after the school year had finished. He had become the first father figure to Raven.
Psychological Traits
Personality type: INFP (Mediator) is a personality type with the introverted, intuitive, feeling and prospecting traits. These rare personality types tend to be quiet, open-minded, and imaginative, and they apply a caring and creative approach to everything they do.
Personality traits: intelligent, witty, adventurous, warm, courageous, emotionally intuitive, and quick-thinker.
Introvert/Extrovert: Sometimes both. Loves to be around her close friends, but doesn’t mind spending time alone reading a good book or flying on her broom.
Hobbies: Star-gazing, tending to the magical beasts in the Vivarium, reading, and singing.
Loves: Flying on her broom and singing in the choir.
Morals/Virtues: Values being compassionate and always being there for her friends/loved ones at a moment’s notice. Tries to do right by them and stand by their side when times are tough. She knows what it feels like to be alone in certain situations and doesn’t want her friends to go through the same thing.
Phobias/Fears: Being trapped in a “cage” and being forgotten.
Love Interest: Sebastian Sallow… From the very beginning she felt like there was some sort of connection, but was a bit too oblivious to see it at first. He’s very charming and almost flirtatious with other girls, so figured she wasn’t any different. Sometimes she will catch him sneaking a glance in her direction during class, while studying in the Library or at mealtimes in the Great Hall. It was so easy to stand by him and help him find a cure for his sister without even a second thought. It may have been foolish, but Raven knows what it’s like to have no support when at your lowest. To feel like all hope is lost. She can understand losing your parents at a young age.
Parents: Deceased, Names Unknown
Grandparents: Unknown, Names Unknown
Best friends: Poppy Sweeting and Natsai Onai
Friends: Ominis Gaunt, Garreth Weasley, Amit Thakker, and Imelda Reyes
Rivals: Leander Prewett, not in a bad way. It's mostly a friendly competition when playing Summoner's Court.
Enemies: Peeves the Poltergeist, damn him for catching them in the Library!
Clubs: Crossed Wands, Summoner’s Court, and Hogwart's Glee Club ( was super hesitant in trying out for the school's choir, but her best friends Poppy and Natsai gave her the confidence she needed to try out).
If you’ve made it this far then thank you so much for reading. Hope you enjoyed learning about my MC✨💙
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Some Hogwarts Legacy character sketches because I miss them </3
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Me too, Sebastian..
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4everflowercore · 1 year
Well, well. I trust you were meticulous in your efforts. After all shortcuts only ever lead to shortcomings.
I’m obsessed with this man already.
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a-m-lestrange · 3 months
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"We meet again Richard Jackdaw."
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