#poseidons kid
timemachinechaos · 1 month
Poseidon beeing the stormbringer god and all, that could mean Percy really likes storms, or like is connected to them in some way.
Like maybe it's his vision. Let me explain what I mean :
So Perrcy & Sally & Paul (& probably Annabeth) are on a road trip or something and they have to take turns behind the wheel. At some point Sally and Annabeth are asleep in the backrow with Percy driving and Paul riding shotgun.
And a storm catches them. A really strong, absolutely pouring, sound of the rain hitting the car owerpowers the sound of radio, can't see 10 feet, raindrops the size of a egg (overexaguration), storm.
And Paul says : "Hey, Percy maybe we should switch? Or pull over as soon as you get the chance? I know you've only recently started driving and these are terrible conditions."
Percy, confused, says back : "What do you mean Paul? I see everything just fine. Or at least no different than an hour ago. I'd like to keep driving if thats okay? Don't want to be late for mom's thing (a booksigning or something)."
And Paul is looking at him confused, not knowing if he should say anything - ultimately he decides to let Percy keep driving. And it goes well, Percy passes the other (stopped) cars (because some people aparently think it's safer to stop in the middle of the road or a tunnel than to drive to the next exit or gas station), starts turning into the long turn in time... He really does drive like if it's a normal, sunny day.
(And the car seems to stick to the road as if the rain wasn't there either but that's a whole other story)
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justsmth2 · 4 months
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re-reading pjo rn and this scene is always be funny
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jazzyaintjayz · 4 months
i think we should normalize demigods growing up to be average people. bc rick really went out there and said george washington and harriet tubman were demigods but just think about this for a second-
"ah yes that gas station attendant is a son of hermes, god of travelers"
there's simultaneously so much and so little potential here
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softestaries · 5 months
Sally at the beginning of the episode patiently trying to coax Percy away from the pool edge so she can teach him how to swim VS Poseidon throwing Percy in the deep end and sending his secretary to inform him that he can in fact breathe underwater.
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yendts · 4 months
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Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon
Jason, Nico, Thalia
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confusionmeisss · 5 months
“your forbidden son, who should’ve never been born.” oh im sorry but who- who broke the pact first???? twice over by the way???? right exactly!! speaking privileges are revoked for u now sir.
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timelessbian · 5 months
poseidon being so whipped for sally that he lets her keep him on magical speed dial this is literally the funniest change the show could possibly have made
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johnconstantinesdick · 4 months
I get the criticism of the Hunters of Artemis from a narrative perspective—it sucks that it essentially boots interesting female characters out of the story—but it always baffles me when people viciously hate Artemis for *checks notes* doing damage control.
Like. Thalia explicitly goes with Artemis to avoid the prophecy, and I definitely think that’s the reason Artemis tried so hard to get her to join—hell, you can view the hunters trying to recruit Annabeth as a way to get Thalia to join. And Bianca? You can’t convince me that Artemis didn’t guess there was something up there and react accordingly.
If Percy or Nico were even a little bit girl-adjacent you bet your ass she would be all over them to join. No one actually wants to risk the Great Prophecy happening, and Artemis is doing a hell of a lot more to stop it than anyone else.
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8thmuse · 5 months
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(idk if anyone made this comparison yet)
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eternallovers65 · 5 months
Annie: doubts about Athena a little
Athena: lets a literally demigod killer inside her temple to punish her daughter
Percy: my father is a deadbeat dad who always ignored me and I care more for annabeth than him and will not ask for his help
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fandomfairyuniverse · 6 months
Hermes carrying Medusa’s head up to Olympus: lol this going to cause soooooo much drama
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lilislegacy · 2 months
Um this is sooo random and is probably gonna get like 3 notes, but can we headcanon the Roman and Greek students at New Rome University starting a little baseball league? Or softball. Either one. I may or may not have been inspired by grey’s anatomy, but that’s besides the point. I think I just love it because it’s friendly competition between the Greeks and Romans that they can do to blow off steam, and get out all their built-up energy. Also it has absolutely nothing to do with being a demigod. It’s a totally normal human thing. It’s not dangerous or violent, it’s not life or death, it’s not combat training, its not gonna bring back trauma or stress them out. It’s just fun.
Percy mentioned once that he has a good arm and that if he played, he would pitch. So Percy could be the Greeks’ pitcher. And that’s all I‘ve got because i don’t actually know baseball that well. But i just think it would be so dam funny.
Just a bunch of young adult adhd demigods, in jeans and jerseys, smack talking each other in ancient languages. Over freaking baseball. And like everyone at the college, and in the legion, and local families could come and watch. It would just be such a fun community thing. Maybe even the gods show up sometimes
It brings me joy. Okay?
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acoraxia · 8 months
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erlang with a beard
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suns-apollo · 5 months
that man is still so deeply in love and it shows
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No one says 'no' to a God. That's what you've always been taught. But maybe, no one's just ever really had the chance. or A retelling of Poseidon and Amphitrite, if it were a little bit more modern and a lot more geared toward those of us who are total sluts for enemies to lovers. This one's for you, babe.
Tags: Skz, Stray Kids, Stay, Lee Minho, Minho, SKZ au, skz as greek gods series, lee know, minho x you, minho x reader, greek mythology, modern greek au, skz fluff, skz smut, skz angst, skz fic, skz fanfic, skz x you, skz x reader, femreader, y/n, enemies to lovers, greek gods, Poseidon
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Light Smut
Warnings: Exhibitionism, Spit as Lube, Virginal Sex
🌊 Euclid by Sleep Token 🐚 Bad Habits by Nerv
Title: Wave After Wave
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"Oh my gods, he's literally the hottest man I've ever seen."
You glance up from gathering wood for the celebratory bonfire at your sister's uttered words, and follow her gaze to the man reclined by the roaring fire next to your father.
You can't quite make out his features from here-they're made wavy and indistinct by the heat of the flames-but you know he's handsome, incredibly so.
Why wouldn't he be? He's one of the fucking Big Three after all.
You say as much, scoffing under your breath with a slight smile in your besotted sister's direction.
"He's one of the major Gods, Thetis. Of course he's going to be incredibly good looking. They've been made to appeal to every single one of the five senses." You hit her ass with one of the sticks you carry, and she gives you a little glare with a pout of her lips. Your voice turns teasing. "You're no better around him than a pitiful human, weak for his charms and falling right into his traps."
She crosses her arms over her ample bosom and pouts some more, even as you shove some of the gathered wood into her waiting arms. "Well, can you blame me? We only ever see sailors here, or the minor gods, if we're lucky. But one of the Big Three?" She huffs, following after you, trying to balance the bundle of sticks as she hurries to catch up. She's slightly out of breath when she says under her breath to you, her eyes flickering back to the man beside your father once more, "And I would argue he's the best looking out of all the Big Three."
You shoot her a sharp look. "Don't let anyone hear you say that, Thetis. Father will have you punished for blasphemy."
"You cannot punish me for saying the truth." She rolls her big blue eyes, lined with long, dark lashes, and flips her blonde braid over her shoulder. Her round cherubic cheeks are pink from exertion, her red lips pursed into a perfect pout.
You'd be shocked if your father didn't do his damndest to secure Thetis the God's hand before he leaves here tonight.
You set your logs down beside the fire and catch your breath, brushing the bark from the front of your finely made dress as you glance at your younger sister once more.
"You'd better go and charm the man then, because I'm fairly certain Glauce has already staked her claim." You motion with your head to your sister, who is practically in the God's lap, her long dark hair twined around her fingers as she leans over to playfully whisper something in his ear, the seashells around her neck dipping between her bare breasts.
Thetis's eyes narrow and she pushes past you with a huff. "We'll see about that."
You watch her go with slight amusement, content to enjoy the games of tonight from afar.
You've never been interested in the Gods like your sisters, nor marriage, and you have every intention of living your life out on Naxos, dancing and remaining free for the eons.
Being tied down as a Big Three's wife, constantly scrutinized and judged, cheated on with mortals?
No fucking thank you.
You adjust one of the ornamental pins in your hair with a sigh, trying to stop it from digging into your scalp, and wish for the thousandth time that you could let your hair down.
The breeze off the sea is calling your name, and you itch to pull off this ornamental gown and untie your hair and dive into its welcoming, azure depths.
You crave the silence the deep brings.
You turn at the sound of your father's call and see him approaching, his hands tucked behind his back.
You give a brief duck of your head in deference as he walks toward you, a dip of the knee to show your respect.
He places a finger beneath your chin, guiding you back to your feet. "Rise, child. I have something I wish to discuss with you."
You wait patiently for him to continue, your gaze holding his. The breeze tugs at your skirt, twisting it around your legs, as if it's a silent invitation to follow it into the embrace of the sea.
Your father's lips lift into the hint of a smile as he strokes his hand down your cheek. "My beautiful eldest, the coveted rare pearl that adorns my crown. I always said you would be a blessing from the Gods, and I was right."
You cock your head, nodding slightly. "Thank you, father. I hope I have made you proud."
"You have, my child. You have." Your father sighs, and his eyes soften slightly as he takes you in. "As have your sisters." He glances out at the sea, his eyes following the rise and fall of the waves for a moment.
Finally, he says, "He has made a decision."
You watch him-the way his brow furrows in thought, the way his dark eyes reflect the blue of the sea-and then you reply back confidently with another duck of your head, "Thetis will make an excellent wife for him and a stunning Goddess of the Seas."
Your father meets your gaze once more, and there's something there now that unsettles you, his lips curving down seriously, his expression somber.
"It is not Thetis who has been chosen."
You stare at him, confused. "Who then? Glauce? Maera?"
You cannot imagine one of your younger vapid, vain sisters ever catching the God's attention, but stranger things have happened.
Something sad flickers across your father's face, and he reaches for your hand.
Your stomach drops at the expression.
"He has chosen you."
You feel as if you've just been barreled by the waves, thrown beneath the surface, crashed helpless over and over again against the sharp, jutting cliffs.
You can't seem to catch your breath.
You're drowning.
Your father gives you a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes.
"Poseidon has chosen you."
Minho watches you for a moment before making his presence known, his body hidden in the shadow of the column.
This is one of his favorite versions of you-sitting beside the sea, your feet buried in the sand, your dress wet as it clings to your curves, hair down and free, tangled slightly from the salt water.
He likes to imagine this is how you looked as a child, roaming the beaches of Naxos, causing mischief, dancing barefoot into the night.
Now, you are his queen, and yet, he still sees that untameable girl in you, even till this day.
You laugh out loud and splash salt water back at one of the dolphins as it breaches near the shore, showering you with a wave of the sea, and Minho's mouth curves into an unbidden smile as he steps out from behind the pillar.
He approaches you quietly, content to watch you admire the dolphins as they breach and play, fins the color of smoke cutting through the turquoise water like butter on a warm day.
He'd known, the moment he had the mansion built, that the secret cove beneath that let him have free access to his beloved sand and sea would quickly become his favorite place to spend the time.
As soon as he'd met you, he'd known it would be your favored place of refuge as well.
You were similar in that, escaping to the sea when everything became a little bit too much.
You glance up as he approaches, giving him a smile that almost blinds him, and not for the first time, Minho can't quite believe that something so beautiful, so perfect, belongs to him.
He is much like the sea-turbulent and fickle, intimidating and dark, dangerous when provoked-and you have been the only one in eons of years that has dared swim below his surface to explore the depths beneath.
He finds himself grateful for that every single day.
He sits down in the sand behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, tugging you back against him. The salt water on your dress dampens his pants, but he can't bring himself to care, burying his nose in your hair that smells of sea and sand and sun, running his lips along the curve of your neck just to taste the salt on his tongue.
You give a little hum of approval at his touch and lean into him, and Minho chuckles.
Glancing out at the dolphins playing in the waves, Minho's lips pull up into an amused curve.
"And what have you taught your little pets today, sweetheart?"
You lean your head back against his shoulder and he admires the way your nose crinkles as you give him a teasing smile, arching a brow.
He lets a finger trace down your throat, playing with the seashell strands you wear around your neck, his cock immediately paying attention to the way they disappear between the valley of your breasts, your skin sparkling with the sea.
"Oh, you'll love this one." You chirp back, standing up as you wave to get the dolphins attention. You glance over your shoulder at him, grin turning wicked. "I've taught them to flip you off."
You raise your hand, and a few of the dolphins immediately use their tails to propel them above the waves, their sleek bodies upright as they wave their fins in tandem back at you.
Minho chuckles, standing up, his arms going around your waist once more, as he leans in to murmur against your ear, "I don't think your trick is quite as impressive as you think. They lack fingers."
You give a little shrug, and lean back against him, and there it is again, that devastating smile that leaves Minho feeling like he can't breathe, like he's just gone beneath the waves and can't resurface.
"Well, you have to use your imagination a little bit." You whisper back, expression cheeky, as you tilt your head to be able to kiss the line of his jaw.
"Oh?" Minho remarks in bemusement, his brow inching upward as he looks down at you in his arms. He takes a fingertip and traces slowly down the column of your throat, the skin he leaves in his wake shining with conjured droplets of sea water, shimmering in the afternoon sun. "I can think of a lot more things I'd rather use my imagination for right now, sweetheart."
He lets his finger dip between your breasts, and he doesn't miss the way you shiver at his touch.
His lips curve into the start of a smirk.
"Like imagining you out of all these clothes."
You pull out of his arms and turn to face him, walking backward slowly so that your feet disappear into the frothing waves of the sea, your gaze never leaving his.
Something mischievous comes across your features as you stare at him, standing knee deep in the water, your dress like a living creature wrapped around your legs, the dolphins frolicking against the sunset.
"That can be arranged." You tease him, arching a brow, as you slowly slide the dress down one of your shoulders, revealing a swath of perfect skin.
And without another word, Minho leaves the shore behind and joins you in the waves.
It's clear that though he may have chosen you, he doesn't like you.
Not in the slightest.
The man can't even look at you as you pull up to the mansion bordering the sea, and you're grateful-not for the first time during the drive-that he'd left the Stingray's old fashioned top down so that instead of focusing on the oppressive silence between the two of you, you could hear nothing but the wind whipping in your ears, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore.
The hum of the car purrs to a stop as he parks in some sort of underground garage cut into the seaside cliffs, and you're not certain whether you should let yourself out or wait for his move.
He doesn't look at you, or seem in a hurry to leave the car, so you remain still, your hands folded in your lap, your eyes ahead.
Fuck, this is awkward.
What does one say to an all powerful God that has just taken them-unwillingly, you might add-from the only home and family they've ever known?
Fuck if you know.
You clear your throat, and decide that if he won't break the silence, you will.
"If I may-" You start to say, startled to a stop when he gets out of the car abruptly, not even bothering to look in your direction as he stands.
"You'll be shown to your room. You'll be expected for dinner every evening at 8 sharp. It's on the veranda overlooking the sea, your maid will show you where. Feel free to go where you will, just don't go alone."
It's like he's talking to the wall, his hand on the open door, his eyes on anything else but you.
You feel the anger from earlier bubble upward into your throat as you regard his obvious disdain.
You reach for your own doorhandle.
"You've brought me all the way from Naxos, and I know no one here. Certainly you're not just going to leave me alone on our first night together-"
"I have work to do." He says coldly, cutting you off, and without another glance, shuts his door, before stalking off toward the stairs that must lead up into the mansion above.
You stare after his retreating form in shock for a moment, before you growl beneath your breath and get out of the car, moving to open the trunk where your luggage is stowed.
"Fine." You hiss beneath your breath. "I'll see myself to my room then."
And in that very moment, you decide you will ask the Great God Poseidon, one of the Big Three, for nothing so long as you both shall live.
It's going to be one long fucking eternity.
He doesn't like it.
He doesn't like how you make him feel unsettled, as if every inch of control he's ever struggled to gain in his own damned, immortal existence is thrown out the window as soon as you walk into the room.
He's had to claw his way here, to where he is now, in charge of his own life, in charge of his own sea, and he doesn't intend to lose that, not now or not ever, and definitely not because of a pair of fucking beautiful doe eyes.
He'd known it as soon as he saw you-dancing with your sisters on your father's little island-that he was never going to escape your grasp.
You hadn't even looked at him, for gods' sake, hadn't even given him a moment of your attention, and he was instantly bewitched.
And Minho did not bewitch easily.
And now, here you were, in his house, in his domain, soon to be in his bed, and he was absolutely fucking terrified of what that meant.
You were his, and he didn't know if he could fucking handle that.
"Fuck." He swears beneath his breath, running his hands through his hair in an agitated motion, his elbows resting on his knees as he sits, collapsed in the sand.
The night is muggy, the warm air heavy with the saltiness of sea water, and he stares at the dark crests of the waves, rising and falling like a giant being breathing peacefully in slumber.
His fingers find a shell in the sand next to him, and he hurls it into the waves, watching as it disappears beneath the surface in a ring of ripples.
The water is reflecting the stars of the night sky back to him on its surface, and it feels as if he's sitting in the middle of a constellation, but his head is no clearer than when he first left the mansion for the cove beneath.
His mind wanders to you-are you settling in for the night? Your perfect skin sliding between the silk of the sheets as you curl up in the middle of the large bed, alone?
He wonders, briefly, what your hair looks like when it's not ornamentally pinned, what you wear when you sleep, how your face looks crinkled and barely awake in the morning.
He wonders how it would feel to hear you say his name-not his name gifted by the mortals, but his given name-in a murmur against his skin, your perfect breasts free from the sheer material of your dress, your hands, or gods forbid, your lips, on his aching cock-
"Fuck." He swears again, more vehemently this time, and falls back against the cool sand, staring at the jagged rocks overhead.
He can't lose his cool every time he sees you, he's worked too damn hard to get where he's at, and he's a fucking god for hell's sake. He needs to pull it together and stop thinking with his dick.
It's going to be one long fucking eternity.
"You know-" You remark offhandedly as you glance out over the sea, red from the setting sun. You can smell the salt in the air, courtesy of the Stingray's open top, and the warm air whips your hair as Minho speeds along the deserted oceanside highway.
Minho glances over at you, a slight curve of amusement to his lips, a silent signal for you to go on, as he maneuvers the sports car around a curve.
You let your fingers float outside the open window, weaving along in the breeze like a dolphin skimming and jumping through the waves.
"-I hear skinny dipping is even better at night."
Minho chuckles, the sound low beneath the rush of the wind. "Oh? Who told you that?"
You shrug, biting back a smile, as you admire the way the nail polish glints on your fingers in the rosy tint of the sun, the flash of the pearl on your ring finger.
"A little fish."
Minho gives you another amused look, but it's clearly exasperated, his brow arching. "You're not getting out of this party, you know."
You sigh and let your head fall back against the seat.
"Well fuck."
Minho chuckles again, and reaches over with his free hand to rest the warmth of his palm on your thigh, his other hand easily maneuvering the car through the twists and turns of the road.
He gives your thigh a little squeeze, and you glance down at his hand-the tan, smooth skin, the rise and fall of his knuckles, the perfectly trimmed nails.
Your eyes flick to his other hand on the wheel-the golden glint of his wedding band contrasting the strip of inlaid pearl that matches your own.
Your skin heats underneath his touch, even though the fabric of your dress acts as a barrier.
It's a thin, flimsy barrier at most.
"I promised Hyunjin we'd be there." Minho sighs regretfully, and you know he's dreading this soiree just as much as you are, even more so. "But I swear to you, sweetheart, after this, no more parties for another decade."
You give a little laugh and squeeze his hand. "I'm going to hold you to that, your highness."
Minho smiles, his gaze moving down to your hand resting over his own. His eyes catch on the wedding ring you wear, and he raises your hand to his lips, brushing a light, lingering kiss across your knuckles.
"I know you will."
Your gaze drifts back longingly to the sea, fingers still encased in the warmth of his own.
Minho gives your thigh another squeeze, and when you turn to look at him once more, he gives you a dangerous smirk, perfect teeth flashing and dark eyes glinting.
"However, skinny dipping is never off the table, sweetheart. So trust me when I say I'll be holding you to that too."
You grin back at him.
"I would expect nothing less from the God of the Seas."
Dinners with Minho are unbearable.
You spend the majority of your time on the veranda watching the waves crest in watercolor beneath the setting sun, the sleek, almost apparition like forms of the dolphins darting in and out of the frothing foam.
He never talks, and you never ask.
It's easier to eat in silence and excuse yourself to your room for the rest of the night while your new husband disappears gods knows where to do gods knows what.
Tonight, the dolphins are especially playful, leaping and chittering to each other, and you find yourself watching them longingly, wishing you could be as free as they seem to be, bound to no one and nothing.
The sound of a fork scraping obnoxiously across a plate draws your attention back to the table, and Minho is watching you, his expression unreadable, fork held loosely in his hand, his empty plate before him.
You hold his gaze, refusing to back down, as you set your own fork down next to your barely touched food.
His features remain blank as he wipes his mouth with the linen of his napkin, the maid scurrying in to quickly clear his empty place.
You've never noticed, but his eyes are dark-dark and stormy like the sea at night-and they're uncharacteristically cold, no warmth lurking in their depths.
"Do you like them?" He asks suddenly, voice flat, almost uninterested, as he waves away another servant approaching with more wine in a decanter.
You stare at him, schooling your expression. "Like what?"
You know you're addressing him casually, you should watch yourself-he's your husband and a god-but you can't seem to bring yourself to care in the face of his aloofness.
He won't give you anything, so you won't give him anything either.
He lets his gaze scan your face, giving nothing away, then motions with a glance toward the sea below.
"The dolphins."
You give a little shrug and glance down at your food, scraping it around your plate. You have no appetite suddenly, not when you can feel Minho's gaze boring into your skull.
"They're beautiful. The freedom and joy they possess intrigues me."
"Then you can have them."
You jerk your gaze back up to his in surprise, your mouth dropping slightly open, but he's already pushed back from the table, no longer looking at you, as he motions for one of the maids to begin to clear the table.
"I have work to do. You may retire when you are ready." His voice is emotionless, and he doesn't spare you another glance, as he turns and strides away.
You watch him go, anger beginning to bubble in the pit of your stomach. Your mouth tastes of bile.
'Then you can have them.'
He thinks he can just give living creatures to another just like that? Like they're property? Like they're his to own? Like they do not already belong to the sea?
Fuck him.
You push back from the table angrily and fling your napkin on the ground.
If he thinks he can give and take that which is not his, was never his, so easily, then you'd like to see him try.
You are not so easily tamed.
And it was time he knew.
"I've never seen him this happy."
You hide a smile behind the rim of your glass as you take a sip of your drink, following Hera's gaze to Minho where he stands across the room, discussing something with his brothers.
He looks fucking delicious tonight-dressed smartly in a navy three piece suit, his thick, dark hair smoothed back, his sun kissed skin golden beneath the lights.
Maybe these parties aren't a complete waste of time after all.
"What can I say?" You muse as you let your gaze fall back to Hera beside you, a smile gracing your lips now. "I'm good for him."
She gives a little tinkling laugh, raising her glass to meet your own with a gentle clink of cheers.
"I'll drink to that."
You take another long sip of your drink, and when you look up once more, Minho's gaze catches your own from across the room.
You arch a brow in response and mouth silently to him, already knowing the answer, Having fun?
He gives a slight shake of his head with a roll of his eyes, and you grin.
He holds your gaze, and with a miniscule movement, tilts his head to the side, his eyebrows raising in a silent question, as a smirk curves his lips.
You turn to Hera, setting your now empty glass down beside hers on the table, and touching her arm lightly to draw her attention.
"I'm going to use the little goddesses room."
She nods, turning back to her conversation with Aphrodite, and you excuse yourself from the room, noting that Minho's already managed to slip away from his own conversation on the other side of the room.
He's nowhere in sight.
The sounds of the party fade away as you slip out of the gaudy ballroom and make your way down the quiet hallway.
You're just passing the large, glass doors that look outside onto the darkened veranda and sprawling garden, when he finds you, coming out from the shadows and startling you slightly, his hands going on either side of your head as he traps you against the wall.
"Jesus, Min." You breathe out, your muscles relaxing, as you try your best to glare up at him. "Give a girl some warning."
His teeth flash as he grins in response, the expression dangerous, his dark eyes meeting yours in a predatory fashion.
"Where's the fun in that?" He murmurs back, as he lifts a hand to play with a strand of your hair, his fingers brushing over the seashell comb you wear. "I like when your hair is down."
You tilt your head back against the wall and look up at him, a smirk flickering across your lips. "Should've thought of that before you RSVPed us to this stupid party." You tease in a low voice.
Minho lets out a sigh. "Yeah well, I have duties and so do you, but right now-" His eyes darken, his body pressing into yours, flattening you against the wall at your back. "-right now it's just you and I, sweetheart."
"And about a hundred other people just in the other room." You retort back, reaching up to straighten the shell broach pinned to his suit jacket.
"Fuck them." Minho growls, leaning forward to run his nose up your throat, and you tilt your head back to give him better access as he begins to suck kisses into the skin beneath your jaw. "They can miss us for a couple of minutes."
"Speaking of hair-" You breathe out, as he continues to litter your skin methodically with love bites, his teeth making your skin tingle and your breath catch.
You reach up and run your fingers through his dark tresses, loosening the gel and mussing the strands until they fall around his face. You let salt water coat your fingertips, dampening your skin and wetting his hair until it looks as if he's just been for a swim.
"-I like yours best when it's wet."
Minho pulls back to smirk at you, his brow arched, his eyes dark.
"I like you best when you're wet, sweetheart. Especially for me."
You hold his gaze, his words sending fire like heat skittering across every inch of your skin.
"Well, then you're going to love what you find between my thighs."
"Oh?" Minho's smirk grows, his pupils blowing at your words. He leans into your space, pressing you back against the wall once more, his knee going between your legs to nudge them apart. "Show me then."
You hold his gaze, reaching down to lift your dress to give him access. His eyes never leave yours as he leans forward, and slides a hand between your upper thighs.
You let out a stuttered gasp when he touches you, and you can feel the way you instantly coat his fingers, and it crosses your mind that maybe you should be embarrassed at how worked up he's already gotten you without even touching you, but you can't be, not when Minho pulls his fingers back and studies the shiny, sticky skin like it's one of the seven wonders of the mortals' modern world.
"Beautiful." He murmurs beneath his breath, still watching the way your slick slides down his fingers as if entranced.
You admire him for a moment, admiring you, and then your lips curve upward into the start of an amused smile.
"I suppose I do not need to mention the irony of a Sea God being obsessed with fluids?"
Minho's dark eyes flick to you, his fingers still raised. He arches a brow.
"You do not." He replies back pointedly, and then, holding your gaze, bends his middle finger so that he can dip it between his lips, licking it clean of your juices with even, long strokes of his tongue.
You clench your thighs together, suddenly in desperate need of friction as you watch him slowly, methodically clean his fingers, all the while, his eyes never leaving yours.
"Although-" He muses, pinning you beneath his heated gaze, his lips curving up into the hint of a smirk as he sees the flush of your cheeks, the subtle movements of your legs. "-if given the choice, I would choose you over the sea any day."
You shake your head teasingly, as he backs you up a few steps further down the hallway, away from the party in the ballroom, stalking you like a big cat, his movements lithe and fluid.
"That's shocking, coming from you."
"It's true though." He insists in a low tone, before he cages you in once more, his hands coming down forcefully on either side of your head, making you jump. "Every word of it."
Without warning, he slides his hands down your body and palms your ass before he lifts you up, fingers digging into the backs of your thighs.
You give a little yelp, and cling to him, your arms going around his neck for support.
He looks up at you, his eyes the color of the sea before a storm, and the sudden hungry look on his sharp features makes you shiver.
"Now. Be a good girl, sweetheart, and let me feel how wet you are for me from the inside."
He pushes your skirts aside, and hefts you a little higher into his arms.
You gasp when you realize for the first time as he shifts you, that your back is no longer pressed against the solidarity of the wall, no, your back is pressed against the cold pane of a window-the French doors to the garden.
"Minho." You hiss, struggling in his arms a little bit now. "Someone will see."
"Let them." He growls back, his voice sending a shiver of pleasure down your spine, before he bucks his hips and sheaths himself fully inside of you in one smooth motion.
You cry out, your back arching and your head falling back against the glass, safe to let your body react how it will in the strong embrace of Minho's arms.
"Fuck." You pant out, your hands tangling into his hair, as he continues to thrust in steady strokes.
"Oh gods-" He groans gutturally, his fingers digging into your thighs, keeping you in place. He looks up at you through dark strands of hair, his lips parted, as if he can't quite catch his breath, as if you're the most beautiful, wonderful thing he's ever seen.
When he speaks again, his voice is hoarse, his words punctuated by harsh gasps that match his rhythm.
"Fuck, sweetheart. There's no one, no one-mortal or God-who can instantly make me lose every last shred of control like you can."
You tug on his hair to make him meet your eyes as both of your lips part in pleasure.
"Does that scare you?" You breathe out, your chest rising and falling as you heave for breath.
His lips curve upward into the start of a smile, and his voice takes on a tone of amused honesty that rings through your very being.
"Not anymore."
It fucking terrifies him.
This thing you possess that makes him lose his mind, his every last thought, his final shreds of dignity and willpower.
But he doesn't know how to control it-or himself-and that scares him. So instead, he's avoided you, and obsessed until his feelings have grown sour, and forced a wedge between you that might never break.
It's easier to deal with you as an enemy from afar than someone who has the power to destroy him right?
It's been eight weeks-two months-of silent dinners, but who's counting?
He glances at you down the table-a table much too big for two people-and notes the way your eyes scan the horizon, looking for the dolphins.
Stupid fucking dolphins.
You've never once looked at him the way you look at those creatures, but then again, has he ever really given you reason to?
He clears his throat, and before he can talk himself out of it, announces, setting aside his fork, "I have work that must be seen to. Enjoy your evening."
He stands, pushing back his chair, and turns to leave, but before he can escape, you say, without turning your head, "Stimulating dinner conversation as always, husband. I so enjoy our time together."
He freezes, and something akin to annoyance bubbles in his chest as he stares at you, refusing to look at him, your eyes fixed on the sea.
"To have a conversation with one another, wife, requires you to engage in one." He replies back coolly, watching you for your next reaction.
He's not disappointed.
You whirl to face him, eyes flashing with anger, hands going into fists on top of the table.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I was unaware you wanted anything to do with me, and I certainly didn't know you wanted to speak with me."
Minho grinds his teeth, and he feels a muscle clench and flicker in his jaw as he regards you.
He shouldn't flame the fire, but he's intrigued by this side of you, this fight, and interacting is interacting, regardless of the tone of the words being said.
"Forgive me, but I am not one of your precious dolphins, so I merely assumed you would find my company boring and droll."
His tone is sharp, goading, seething.
You stand, shoving your chair back so forcefully that it tips over onto the cobblestone, and glare him down with the force of a thousand suns.
If he were not a God, Minho probably would've been dead.
"I hate you."
He feels his lips curve upward into the start of a taunting sneer as he leans over the table toward you, palms flat against the cloth.
"Oh? Do you? Careful there, sweetheart, the line between hate and love is no thicker than the edge of a sharpened dagger."
"Oh, there is no mistaking the feelings I have for you. I hate everything about you." You spit back, words sharp and pointed.
Minho settles back down into his seat casually, crossing his leg over his knee. He sees surprise flicker across your expression, before the fury takes over once more.
He motions for you to go on with a wave of his hand. "Go on then. Tell me all the things you hate about me. I do love a good discussion." He leans forward and makes a show of listening, his chin propped on his fist.
He sees the way it pisses you off, and it makes something inside of him lurch.
Your gaze is hard as you begin.
"I hate your arrogance. I hate the way that you just assume that everyone-mortal and god alike-want to fall at your feet."
Minho watches you, the way your chest heaves with impassioned breaths as you lean forward across the table toward him, the way your hair is falling loose from the carefully curated style he's sure your maids spent hours on that morning.
He prefers it down.
His cock pays attention to the way your breasts fall heavily when you lean, the open neck of the dress you wear gaping open, revealing the necklace of seashells dipping between your cleavage.
You narrow your glare in on him, and Minho realizes you've begun speaking once more while he was distracted.
"I hate the fact that you make me come to these goddamn dinners every night, just so you can make me into a fool."
He arches a brow. "Well, I hate the fact that you agree to come to dinner, if you're simply not going to even try to engage in conversation with me."
Your expression grows murderous.
"You have never once shown any interest in speaking to or getting to know me! Not once!" You fire back, eyes flashing. "And that brings me to my next point-I hate that you dragged me here, away from my home, away from my family, just to lock yourself away in your office and not even have the honor or decency to show me even an ounce of kindness!"
Minho feels himself start to grow irritated as your voice rises in volume, and your anger flare.
He clenches his teeth and breathes out slowly, staring you down.
"Honor and decency?" He repeats back, his tone cold, his words firm. "Kindness? When has the world-or the Fates for that matter-ever been kind? I hate that you are so naive that you would think the world would be handed to you like a polished pearl within an oyster. This is not Naxos."
"I hate the way you talk down to me, belittle me, as if I am a sheltered little girl who knows nothing." You retort back, staring him right back down. "I am a goddess of the sea, and now your queen, and you would do well to treat me as such."
He feels his lips twist upward into a humorless smile.
"Oh? Is that so? If you were a queen, you would not be addressing me in such a way, which in turn, proves my point that you indeed know nothing of the world."
"Bullshit." You hiss through clenched teeth. "Your views on life-and marriage-are dated and archaic."
Minho arches a brow. "Interesting. Do tell me more about my own views, sweetheart."
Minho watches the way you clench your hand into a fist, your knuckles whitening.
"I hate when you call me sweetheart."
"And I hate when you're contrary just for the sake of being contrary, sweetheart." Minho retorts right back.
You glare across the table at him.
"I'm not fucking doing this." You finally growl out, before you turn your back on him and head for the winding stairs that lead off the veranda, and down to the hidden cove below.
Minho follows you, his steps right behind yours.
When you reach the beach, you whirl on him, fury written across your features.
Minho stops, but he doesn't back down.
"What else?" He goads, watching you carefully.
You stare at him for a long, hard moment, and then he sees you take in a forceful breath.
"I hate the way you hold a fork. And that you decorated my room in jewel tones and that you've never even once asked me if I prefer my coffee with or without sugar. I hate the way the same exact muscle flickers in your jaw every single time when you're holding in your irritation about something."
Minho smirks. "Oh? Is that all?"
"No." You retort back immediately, holding his amused gaze. "I also hate the way your hair always looks like you've just come in off the sea-tousled and damp. I hate the fact that you wear white button down shirts so casually, and I hate that I've noticed that one of your cheeks dimples slightly when you smile."
Minho stares at you for a moment, caught off guard.
You take the opportunity to barrel on, stepping closer to him, your bare feet digging into the wet sand.
"I hate that I know that you prefer when I wear my hair down, because I've seen the way you look at me when it's not done, and I absolutely fucking hate that I care in the slightest what you think of me."
The sea crashes wave after wave behind you, as if agreeing with your tirade.
Minho stares at you some more, completely unsure of what to say.
"I hate-" You take in a deep, gulping breath, and your expression sobers a little, the fury ebbing slightly. "-more than anything, that you have an effect me, I hate the way my body betrays me when you're around, the way my heart pounds, the way I look for you in a room when I enter, even though I know you won't be there."
Minho swallows.
"I hate the way you say my name-not the name I was given as a goddess, but my name-and the sparks I feel dance across my skin when I hear it on your tongue."
You sigh, and glance down at the sand at your feet, your toes dug beneath.
"But do you want to know what I hate most of all?" You ask, in a quiet voice, as if you're not really asking Minho, more just putting it out into the universe.
So he doesn't answer, just watching you, waiting for you to continue.
The waves crash against the shore, and when you look at him, your eyes have darkened, no longer with anger, but with regret.
"I hate, more than anything, that I can't make myself hate you."
Minho stares, all the words he was preparing dying on his lips, his brain buzzing.
You don't-hate him?
Fuck, maybe, that means-
He doesn't allow himself to finish that thought.
Surging forward, like the impatient sea at high tide, Minho crashes his lips into yours, and you stumble with the surprise force of it, both of you tumbling down into the soft, wet sand.
Minho doesn't stop, pressing you backward into the shore, his lips like fire on your own.
You let out a soft little gasp of surprise against his mouth, but you don't push him away, and he experimentally dips his tongue between the part of your lips.
Your breath audibly hitches, and the sound goes straight to Minho's dick.
Fuck, you're just as responsive as he had imagined you would be.
Carefully, he lets his hand trace down the arch of your neck, the line of your shoulder, and he hesitates for a brief moment of unsurety, before he lets his palm cup the swell of your breast.
You arch your body up into his touch, and open your mouth wider for his tongue, letting out a little whine as he begins to massage your breast.
"Fuck." Minho breathes out against your mouth, pulling back slightly so he can stare down at you splayed beneath him on the sand, your hair loose, your lips raw.
Its the fucking most beautiful sight he's ever seen.
He lets his hand trace down the line of your hip, your thigh, to the material of your skirt, wet now with sea water, sticking to your skin.
He has the sudden crazy urge to slip a hand beneath the material and see just how wet you are for himself.
Instead, he glances up at you, watching him carefully, and murmurs in the form of some start of a question, "Can I-?"
You nod, sucking your bottom lip between your teeth, and Minho wants to reach up and free the plump skin from its constraints.
He doesn't, because before he can move, you say softly, "You don't have to be gentle with me. I know what this entails."
He follows the length of your body back upward, until, he's straddling you again, his hands sinking into the wet sand on either side of your head.
He looks down at you and sees your nervousness in the way your forehead crinkles slightly, the way you obstinately suck on your bottom lip.
Fuck, maybe there's a few tiny things he's let himself notice about you too in the weeks he's done his due diligence of avoiding you.
"You've been prepared?" He asks, still watching you carefully.
You nod again. "Yes. Our governesses. They said-"
You hesitate, and Minho feels his heart leap into his throat.
"They said what?"
You glance away, avoiding his gaze, and pink rises in your cheeks.
Minho doesn't think he's ever seen you embarrassed before.
"They said it might hurt." You whisper back, still not looking at him, your eyes focused too intently on the way your fingers, stretched out at your side, dig into the sand in anxious movements.
Minho blows out a breath.
"It might." He admits quietly, and you flick your gaze up to his, and he sees determination still your features. "But, did they also tell you then, that if done right, it can be extremely pleasurable for you?"
You cock your head, holding his gaze. "No. They said that you-"
"Fuck me." Minho immediately shakes his head, even though the words make his already unbearably hard cock ache.
He leans closer to you, his nose brushing yours. He can smell the salt water in your hair, see the way your pupils blow at his nearness.
He watches the way your throat bobs with a swallow, and brings his hand up to your cheek, stroking a fingertip along your jaw, glistening with sea water.
"I want to wring your body of every ounce of pleasure imaginable before I even think about satisfying myself."
Your lips part in surprise at his fervently uttered statement, and Minho smirks, staring down at you-the way your chest has started to heave with your breaths, the way you're squirming slightly beneath him.
Signs of arousal. Arousal for him.
He brings his hand up to his mouth, and holding your gaze, spits into his palm, wetting his fingers slowly, one by one, as you watch.
"You're wet." He remarks offhandedly, and he pointedly gazes down at your dress, the water puddling beneath your hips from the waves lapping at the shore.
You stare back at him and give a little hum of assent in your throat in reagards to his observation. "Mmm."
"Tell me, sweetheart-" He expects you to prickle at the nickname, but you don't, your eyes instead darkening at the way the syllables roll off his tongue. "-are you wet in other places?"
You inhale sharply, and Minho practically groans when your eyes flicker to his.
His lips curve into the start of a smirk. "I thought so."
He slides his hand down your body once more-the one he'd wet moments before-and moving slowly to give you a chance to change your mind, slips his fingers beneath the drenched material of your skirt.
When he touches the wet heat between your upper thighs, you both inhale sharply in tandem.
"Fuck, you weren't kidding." Minho groans, leaning forward on the one hand he still has planted in the sand, as he carefully begins to explore you with a finger at a time. "Wet enough to drown in."
"Minho-" You gasp out, arching your body up into his and putting delicious friction on his cock, as he cautiously works you open. "Fucking gods above. Shit."
Minho's lips curl up into an amused smirk as profanities continue to fall from your lips in an unending, pleasure driven stream.
"You know, for such a pretty little thing, you have an incredibly filthy mouth, sweetheart." He remarks, making you gasp and jolt as he curls a finger experimentally.
He wants to memorize the way you look up at him in this moment, your vision hazed with pleasure, your expression soft.
"I grew up in the presence of sailors." You reply back with a slight shrug, as Minho pauses, taking you in. "Does it bother you?"
He arches a brow, leaning forward to put his lips against your ear, and as he does so, he adds another finger, making you whimper and squirm beneath him.
"On the contrary, sweetheart. I could listen to you sing my praises in profanities for the rest of my immortal life."
"Minho, please-" You beg, your hands tracing up his body, your body writhing in the damp sand.
He stares down at you. "Please what?"
"Please, just give me more."
His lips curve, and his dick throbs at your desperate plea.
He would love nothing more.
"You and I are like the sea, sweetheart. The waves never cease. There is always more to give. And I swear to you, if I have to spend the rest of my eons exploring every single inch of you, I will gladly do so. Over, and over, and over again. Wave, after wave, after wave."
You bite back a smile as you stare up at him.
"I hate that you're so dedicated."
He smirks.
"And I, sweetheart, hate that I ever believed myself capable of staying away from you. I intend to remedy my mistake every single day from here on out."
You lean back against Minho's bare chest, admiring the way the sunset plays off of the waves, your mind quiet and your body content against the warmth of the sand.
You feel him press a kiss against the crown of your wet hair, and you glance up at him, arching a brow as you ask softly, "What was that for?"
He glances down at you, amusement in his dark eyes. "I have to have a reason to kiss my wife?"
You give a little shrug and bite back a smile. "No, I guess not."
He angles his head to press a kiss to your lips, lingering for a moment. You can taste the salt on his tongue, the sun warming his mouth.
He tastes like the sea.
He pulls back, and you grin at him. "I just find that you usually have a reason for everything."
Minho rolls his eyes. "I hate that you think I can't just be spontaneous."
"And I hate that you stopped kissing me." You quip back playfully, and he growls, leaning over to kiss you again, wrestling you back into his arms as you giggle and squirm against the sand.
"There. Happy?" He asks when you separate once more.
You glance up at him, and raise a hand, letting sea water coat your fingers as you push back his hair.
His expression softens, and he leans in to kiss you once more, hand tangling into your hair to tug you to him.
You'd worn it down. It was his favorite after all.
Out at sea, against the setting sun, a dolphin breaches.
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