#possible yakuza 6 spoilers
hardcore-gaming-101 · 3 months
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Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name
This article will discuss spoilers for Yakuza 6 Before we talk about Gaiden, we need to establish that Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio went under some changes after the last main game entry. Studio and series founder Toshihiro Nagoshi had a title change in January 2021, and then left a month after Lost Judgment released with series director Daisuke Sato to form a new studio at NetEase. Another big shake-up this would lead to is the main series writer Masayoshi Yokoyama taking the reins of the studio, meaning the guy in charge of scripts and story direction now had a lot more responsibilities. All of that might explain the weird place the modern series has found itself in. Gaiden was announced alongside Infinite Wealth and the Ishin remake, all released within the span of a year. That is, frankly, insane. Hearing that they apparently finished the dev cycle on this one in six months on the tail end of Infinite Wealth‘s development also helps explain a lot about this smaller scale entry for the series. An experiment in creating a more compact Like A Dragon that was somewhere between a Kaito Files style DLC and a full release, Like A Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name is a curious beast that it a bit troubling as a possible blueprint for future smaller releases from RGG, but a surprisingly solid entry in its own right – even if it is still as padded out as most major releases.
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 10 months
LAD GAIDEN: Gathered Thoughts
Before I get into this proper, I just want to say that I’m not a professional reviewer or anything. And I’ve never really done a ‘write up’ for any of the RGG games before this. I’m just a dude with some very emotional thoughts. Yadda-Yadda. The best TL’DR of everything I can give? Gaiden is absolutely amazing. It has quickly become one of my favourite RGG games of all time, and I’d like to do a replay when less emotional overall, and Plat it.
Short Sweet: No Spoilers Version
Gaiden was touted (from what I recall) as a little bit of side content to give Kiryu some more context, or possibly something else to do. Instead, we got a short, but incredible game with stellar acting, amazing characters, fantastic writing (some of my favourite RGG writing since 0) and fun mini games, the best version of the Coliseum they’ve managed to do; wonderful sound track, two new styles (Agent Style is an absolute blast) and a finale that left me so emotionally distraught my mum came into my room to hug me when she heard me crying.
If Gaiden has any cons (and again, please keep in mind this is all just my personal opinion) it’s that the side content in regard to substories are mostly tied to content to build up the Joryu Clan in the Coliseum, including a somewhat tiresome gang mechanic. It’s nothing like the slog fest of annoyance Judgment’s was, but I have never been a fan of the gangs in these games and this one was more contained and shorter. Thanks to the game itself being much shorter.
The pacing in the beginning is a little bit odd too. But once the game itself picks up, it hits very well and doesn’t slow itself down.
My only other ‘gripe’ if you can call it that, is that the live action cabaret is uncanny in a way I really did not enjoy. This is not the first time that RGG has done live-action (the intro is live action briefly too, and has a beautiful, seamless transition to Kiryu that I really liked) but the hostesses have a strange stiffness to them as they talk at a camera (Or well, Joryu since it switches out to first person) and I just never adjusted to it. No disrespect to the actresses, or Kson, but I just couldn’t get myself to mesh with it.
Oh, and I found the Karaoke really hard for some reason in this one. Go figure.
And you can dress Kiryu up, which renders fully in game and in cutscenes. Greatest. Mechanic. Ever. And I’m just going to put a special shout out to Akame here. One of the most fun characters they’ve done yet. 10/10. Love her.
That’s about as spoiler-free as can be. So, I’ll wrap up this fast summary with ‘highly recommend, check it out if you get a chance’.
Everything below the cut is going to include spoilers, and lots of them. Screenshots too, as well as links. (Including for Yakuza 5, 6 and 7 in particular) so if you want to read me rambling for far too long, keep going. Otherwise, take care!
Extensive Thoughts Version
I’ve been trying best to think about how to put down everything I want to say, but I can never quite agree (mentally) on the best way to put it. The summary version up top does say it all, in a way, but Gaiden was so much more than it promised. And in a good way.
I’m one of those people who came out of playing Yakuza 6 feeling a weird mix of hollow and annoyed. For a supposed ending to Kiryu, so much just felt utterly unsatisfying and I was irritated (again a personal thing) with how Yakuza 6 felt like some weird Haruka punishment. I realize completely that this is all a personal interpretation; but 6 just did not sit well with me.
It remains the only Yakuza game I have yet to replay.
I guess one could ask ‘did we need Gaiden’? And honestly? I’d say yes, we did. If you’re one of those people who felt as annoyed with 6 as I did, and (let’s be honest) a little thrilled but also somewhat stumped by Kiryu diving into 7 to have his cameo and ‘day saving’ appearance and vanish again.
But I don’t want to ramble too much, this is already going to be longer than something anyone wants to read on Tumblr. So let me conclude by saying this game completely patched up the ‘meh’ feeling 6 left with me, and mentally wrecked me in the process.
In a good way.
Gaiden’s real strength is it’s writing. The characters have that grittiness and desperation that drew me in so hard to Yakuza 0. They feel like the Yakuza I know from these games, and that energy carries through every scene. There’s a greyness to them that is extremely well done, and anyone who follows me knows how much I love my morally grey characters.
(For those who do not know jack shite all about me; I love them. I love my grit and grey morality a lot). Anyway!
On the title screen, you’re presented with four characters. Kiryu (ahem, Joryu). Nishitani III, Tsuruno and Shishido.
It’s sleek, elegant and draws you right in. Also gives you a good clue as to what lies ahead (in a way). But I’m going to be coming back to that, so let me move on for a moment.
To keep this as contained as I can, I’m going to link to a post write up I did for a scene in chapter two. That summarizes to a degree what I really loved about this writing. Like 0, you are never 100% sure who is on Kiryu’s side. Or. More accurately, who is going to stay there. Tsuruno starts out the same way the others do. Kiryu can cooperate, or they can attack Morning Glory. Or he can kill Hanawa. Kiryu is often presented in Gaiden with choices that aren’t exactly choices. But that’s hardly new.
Same is true of Hanawa. But as it pans out, both of them stay firmly on Kiryu’s side after certain points. Hanawa’s loyalty is secured when Kiryu saves his life; and Tsuruno gives up fighting the stubborn wall that is Kiryu’s loyalty (if loyalty by complete necessity) to the Daidoji.
The Daidoji are something else that is done better here than in 6 as well. In 6, they kind of had this boogeyman in the shadows element that made so little sense until they have their reveal in the ending and take over Kiryu’s uh..non life? After he is forced to fake his death and go under their control. (They are also funding Morning Glory, a fact they remind him of any chance they get, and the hit squad on it remains until chapter 2 and Kiryu makes the deal with the Boss). The observation itself doesn’t cease completely, however.
As we’ll see in the ending.
But one of Gaiden’s real strengths, IMO anyway, is the characters. Gaiden’s story is built around them the same way any RGG game is, but in a way that is representative of the story itself too. Kiryu’s job in this game is to assist Watase in the dissolution of the Yakuza. Watase (from prison) is fully aware this is not going to go well, and rallying assistance is the only way they can even hope for it going off without too much of a body count.
One of the biggest hurdles in achieving this is the existence of Nishitani III. An ex-Jingweon mafia member who eventually revitalized the Kijin clan and became its patriarch. As well as taking up the Homare Nishitani mantle. In previous games, I’ve found they sort of shoehorn in the Jingweon when it seems convenient, but I think it works well enough here. It isn’t dwelled upon all that long, and it’s decently believable for a backstory.
Is giving Nishitani III a personal grudge against Kiryu necessary for the role he serves here? No clue to be honest. But it’s no gripe and it doesn’t impact the story all that much. The issue at hand is that Nishitani III is (in Watase’s eyes) one of the people who won’t accept a dissolution, and they want him out of the way. Eliminate Nishitani and the biggest dissenter is out of the picture.
I touched on it in this post here, but the TL’DR of all this, is that they are not at all correct in this assessment.
(I should mention Hanawa’s arc here, but I’m going to save it for a bit later). Instead, I want to get my thoughts out on the final boss of the game. As the real issue is not just Nishitani III, but Shishido.
Shishido’s story is that, at the age of 15 his father sold him to the Kijin clan as a slave to amend his own massive debts. A fact that is shown in a flashback where he’s collared and chained up, forced into playing Russian Roulette, amongst whatever other established horrors Nishitani III can come up with. (Nishtiani’s thing is the beautiful, ostentatious Castle. A boat of every element of sin, debauchery, and pleasure you can think of. Including gambling, human slaves, the coliseum and of all things, the place you can dress Kiryu up in his funky outfits).
Shishido is an amazing fucking character.
(I ran out of image space but his character design absolutely fucks too)
He has fast become one of my favourites, and it’s no surprise. His set-up for being the final boss isn’t made immediately obvious but over the game you notice him following the general formula for it, (see this ask I got here for more details if you’re so inclined) and boy is the payoff so worth it.
Shishido climbed his way up and up in the pursuit of survival. Anything the man has to his name he earned through very literal blood, sweat and tears. Shishido is young, but he is very much a Yakuza of the old. A fact that is commented on by Kiryu in game. It’s no mean feat either to from slave to Watase Family Lieutenant, with the man’s physical history is written all over his face.
(And I adore him. But that’s hardly important for a review eh 😉)
In the games final chapter, we learn that Shishido is against the dissolution of the Yakuza, and considers Watase, Tsuruno, Kiryu and any other traitors. Shishido is the embodiment of what Watase was so concerned about in the first place; a Yakuza who has known no other life and has no way assimilating into the world without it. Not to mention, Shishido feels he earned his place in this world. Why should he have the rug he worked so hard to install ripped out from under him?
He’s not wrong to believe this; and the others around him don’t think that he is either. The issue is that the world is moving on without them. Everything Shishido worked for doesn’t matter when that ending is coming; and there is so little they can do to change or stop it. Shishido might’ve thrived in the old days; but the modern world doesn’t have a place for him.
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With this being a tie-in game, we know this is a foregone conclusion. We know the days of the Yakuza as they once were are well and truly over. But that doesn’t lessen the impact Shishido has at all. I made a comment to myself in the recorded playthrough (I recorded the finale but it’s a blubbering disaster, so I doubt I’ll post it) that “Shishido fights like a dying man”, in the endgame.
Or, as Saejima more accurately puts it “He’s like a cornered animal right now.” But having a little bit of time on my hands to reflect (well somewhat, I just finished the game yesterday after all, at the time of posting this). I think Kiryu does in a way to.
The final boss battle is a recreation of the Aizawa fight in Yakuza 5. Shishido has 4 phases and 12 health bars. And just like Yakuza 5, it’s amazing. With Kiryu fighting him through the Omi Headquarters until he’s kicked right out of the building. My words don’t’ do it justice, and it’s absolutely the kind of thing one has to play (or watch) for themselves.
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When Shishido is defeated, he is grabbed and choked unconscious by the Daidoji Agent Yoshimura (who I took to calling ‘diet Jingu’ because he fights with a gun and runs away from you like a lil bitch-and was the one who left Hanawa to die and tried to kill Kiryu for trying to save him). Who then throws Shishido in his trunk to be a future “Daidoji Agent on a very short leash.” To bunk with Nishitani…his old Master. And the one Shishido worked so hard to get his life away from. I have no idea if this is going to be touched upon in future games like Infinite Wealth, but it hit me like a train.
The Yakuza is over, but Shishido isn’t. And this leads us right into the finale. Which.
This mother fucking goddamned sob fest finale.
I touched upon it here. But I just. Can’t do it justice with words. I don’t think that I ever will. Kuroda’s acting in this is unlike anything I’ve witnessed, and it’s amazing. He’s not just sobbing; he is breaking down completely and heaving over a tablet of his kids visiting his grave. With Ayako and Taichi noticing they’re being monitored and assuming their Uncle Kaz (who none of the kids believe to be dead, btw) is watching them. So, they begin talking. Updating him on their lives, where they are now etc.
Taichi is a firefighter, for example. Yuta is still around. Haruto is an adorable handful, and overall, they assure him that they’re all doing really well. They promise to come back tomorrow with a gift. Hanawa explains they had to remove the camera after that..but they did take photo of the gift the kids left behind.
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Kiryu has been vulnerable in the past, but this is something completely unique. He’s broken, alone, and in all respects, a dead man who can’t have the one thing he cares about more than anything in the world. His kids are growing up, and trying to maintain their lives without him, but they feel the big gaping hole left behind by his larger-than-life and fatherly presence more than ever. And god I’m going to tear up writing this.
A drawing Haruto did of the family.
A drawing Kiryu (amidst his utter flood of tears-and mine) turns to show off to Hanawa to brag like the proud, sad grandpa he is. Hanawa questions if this ‘gift’ was just cruelty, but Kiryu promises him that it wasn't. It’s agonizing. It’s through all this that Kiryu admits, possibly for the first time in his entire life, that he is lonely, and that he realizes he needed his kids more than they needed him.
And we know, of course, that by Yakuza 8, Kiryu is deathly ill, and still for all circumstances; alone. Away from the kids eternally. Unless they make some change to that. I cannot stress enough how little justice my words do here. I really can’t. Kiryu may not have been the perfect father, or grandfather. He has made a lot of mistakes in his life, and his tendency to run off to solve problems on his own unfortunately translated to his daughter, Haruka.
Bu goddamnit I can’t say that he didn’t try.
It is clear as day how much he loves these kids. And misses them. No, he wasn’t perfect. Yes, he made a lot of mistakes, but he tried. And he can never see them again even though they know he is out there somewhere and ho man ho boy I can’t.
Remember how I mentioned above that I’d touch on Hanawa? I’ve chosen the finale to do so, because Hanawa and the Head Priest are the only ones who can share this moment with Kiryu. Kiryu also reveals to Hanawa that he kept Yumi’s ring and admits that his inability to be honest with his feelings kept him from confessing and proposing to her.
“Until she was dying in my arms.”
Man, I need tissues. Again. Hanawa is Kiryu’s handler (for lack of a better term) but he very much becomes a friend throughout the game. He’s ruthless. He’s dangerous, but their relationship is an interesting one and I found myself appreciating it a lot.  He doesn’t seem like all that much from the beginning, but their bond is a good one; and over the course of the game Hanawa opens up in small ways and throws Kiryu bones where they are the least expected.
He's eternally loyal to the Daidoji and makes very difficult choices (and threatens Morning Glory in Chapter 2, only backing down when Kiryu submits again) but like I said in the link above, I actually believe him when he says he really doesn’t want to be doing this.
Doesn’t change the fact that he’s doing it, mind. But it’s good writing. It’s really good writing. I love this game. And then as Kiryu sets out for his (much needed vacation) Hanawa gives him a new temporary identity.
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Taichi Suzuki. To which Kiryu is like "Oh. I've used that before. Didn't tell any of you though..?"
Now, I’d like to point out here that Hanawa shares the same VA as Yu Morinaga from Yakuza 5; Hiroki Tochi. This on its own really wouldn’t mean much. RGG has done this sort of thing many times before. Shared VAs throughout the series is normal.
There are some heavy context clues that seem to heavily imply that this is, indeed, Morinaga.
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I cannot possibly confirm this 100% of course, but there’s other clues dropped in the ending that really make you wonder.
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I think it works.
Which is such a fascinating little idea. The kind of thing that could really feel ham-fisted; but if it is indeed the case here?
But we’ll see.
This is already way too long a write up, but I want to make a final note on Kiryu here. Kiryu in this game is something to behold. He’s miserable, he’s tired, and he’s truly a dead man walking. “The Man Who Erased His Name.” indeed. Sure, everyone sees through his fake identity in seconds, but that doesn’t change the fact that Kiryu is locked into this role for good.
Who he is who he might want to be. The people he cares about. He can’t touch them. He can’t do any of that. Kiryu is sassy and ‘done with everyone’s shit’ in Yakuza 5, and that same energy is carried over into this. He has some truly biting ‘IDGAF’ moments, and in the most ‘gangster’ we ever see him (taking over the Castle from Nishitani) it’s both a great window into how he might’ve been as the chairman of the Tojo, and a man who is already dead and miserable, so what does he have to lose?
(I swear I had a better way of putting this..and the internally selfish part of me kinda loved and adored that moment even though I know he’s in pain so uh. Bah, make of that what ya will).
To conclude, Gaiden’s a wonderful game. No game is perfect, and there’s no way this is all my thoughts on it (as I said, I’m still extremely emotional). But it’s everything I didn’t know I wanted, and a fantastic ride.
If you’ve read this far, thanks for coming along for the ride! I hope you enjoy this game as much as I did!
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And I'm gonna cry again. Help.
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simply-whump · 2 years
Kei×Yaku: Abunai Aibou - Whump List
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Whumpees : Kunishita Ichiro played by Suzuki Nobuyuki and Hanabusa Shiro played by Inukai Atsuhiro
Synopsis : Three years ago, a disappearance known as the Joker Case went unsolved, and the file closed. Renewed interest in the case demands a second examination of the evidence. Investigator Kinoshita Ichiro from the Public Security Bureau of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is called on for a reunion of the investigation. However, he is assigned a completely different mission. His assignment is to spy on a gang clan led by its young head, Hanabusa Shiro. (MDL)
Genre : Action, Thriller, Mystery, Bromance (maybe more than bromance)
Other names : Kei×Yaku: Dangerous Partners , ケイ×ヤク -あぶない相棒-
@love-me-a-lotta-whump, you wanted it, here it is !
Warning ! Possible spoilers below !
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Kunishita Ichiro
Ep 1 : Punched, lips bloody — Intense and difficult fight against a boxing champion, remembering traumatic past, ears ringing, punched a lot, knocked out— Wakes up on a couch, face and body bruised — Wakes up from a nightmare
Ep 2 : Attacked, tased, beaten — Dropped half conscious at Shiro’s house, concern for him, face bruised — Wounds treated, talking about his past
Ep 3 : Surrounded by motorcycles, chased — Exhausted, out of breath — Wakes up from a nightmare — Talking about his painful past 
Ep 4 : Worried for Shiro, receives a video of Shiro getting beat up — At gunpoint, shocked, crying
Ep 5 : Getting angry at Shiro — Crying
Ep 6 : None
Ep 7 : Falls out of bed — Worried for someone — Worried for Shiro
Ep 8 : At gunpoint — Shocked
Ep 9 : Emotional, Teary-eyed
Ep 10 : Learning the truth about his parent’s death, very emotional, crying
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Hanabusa Shiro
Ep 1 : None
Ep 2 : Worried for Ichiro, angry — Feeling guilty about Ichiro’s injuries, talking about his past
Ep 3 : None
Ep 4 : Tied to a chair with a bag on his head, hit multiple times, chair with him on it toppled, kicked — Caught a cold, has a fever — Doing yakuza business even though he’s sick, almost collapses, at gunpoint, kidnapped — Repeat of first scene (tied to chair, beat up) — Waterboarded multiple times, hallucinates, unconscious — Saved, half-carried — Wakes up, shocked, emotional
Ep 5 : Face still bruised, looks like he’s about to cry after being scolded by Ichiro
Ep 6 : None
Ep 7 : Razor blade put on his neck — Teary-eyed
Ep 8 : Gun pointed at his head — Fighting, punched hard in the guts, collapses — On the ground, at gunpoint, saved at the last second — Shocked
Ep 9 : Sad, crying 
Ep 10 : None
More Whump Lists
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overdevelopedglasses · 11 months
Tojoctober Day 27 - Letter
(Yeah, you'll blow us all away, someday...)
Alt title is from “Dear Theodosia” which is from Hamilton
This one is quite possibly one of my favorite pieces I wrote for this month, and this is the prompt I teased in Sunday Six... so buckle up.
Daigo reads something from Kiryu, and makes a realization of his own.
Riding down the highway in a very obvious limo, sat 3 members of the most powerful Yakuza group in Kamurocho. Goro Majima and Taiga Saejima sit next to one other, looking grimly at the third person sitting across from them.
Daigo Dojima is not paying attention to the stares of his advisors, as his mind is racing much too fast for his liking. He had gotten out of prison on an early release, but his only thoughts were on the reason why he was let out. He stares out of the limo at the highway speeding by.
“Ya must be tired, just getting outta the slammer. We've been waitin' for you though."
Daigo looks over, and makes eye contact with Majima. The man was using his more serious tone, something Daigo was more used to than most.
“Ya heard, didn't you?" Majima breaches what Daigo assumes is the elephant in the room, the void within all three of them, as the pit in Daigo's stomach sinks deeper.
The other advisor leans into Daigo's view, his face also serious.
“We're on the brink of war with the Yomei Alliance."
Daigo's gaze shifts towards Saejima, taking in what he's said.
“Everyone's chompin' at the bit to get revenge for the fourth chairman." Saejima sits back up. "Ain't no halting that."
“Can't say I disagree, though." Majima's words cut through the air, hinting at the aggression Daigo thinks he's trying to veil.
“So what's yer plan? Sixth Chairman."
Daigo looks out again at the highway, hiding his eyes from the oath brothers. He knows if they got one good look at him, they could tell he was barely holding it together. At least, this predicament was distracting his brain. It'd help to list the facts.
“Takeru Kurusu is dead. His son Tsuneo is behind bars now. And this Koshimizu guy has yet to take full control of the Yomei Alliance." Daigo states, thinking internally that he sounded like a robot.
“So? You sayin' we strike Hiroshima while the iron's hot?" Saejima interjects, hoping to complete the young chairman's thoughts.
“Well… Hiroshima's gonna expect us to come knockin' sooner or later." Majima responds and leans forward, his eye creasing with determination. "Sooner makes a shitton more sense to me."
Daigo turns and meets Majima's gaze with one of his own. “I… don't think we know the whole story."
Sounds of confusion erupt from the two advisors, as Daigo reaches into his jacket and pulls out a letter. One he was handed a few days ago, and instructed not to open until he was safe, and with the oath brother advisors.
With one swift motion, he rips the envelope open and pulls the contents out. He gives the pair a look before opening the paper, hearing the sounds of recognition as Majima and Saejima look down and read what was on the outside of the envelope.
To: The Sixth Chairman of the Tojo Clan
Regarding the late Kazuma Kiryu
“Ya haven't read that yet?" Majima inquires, leaning forward with a curious spark. 
Daigo hesitates. “I was told not to. At least, I was instructed to wait for the two of you to be around."
Saejima looks at the chairman with a confused look. “I'm not sure why. We didn't get that kinda direction. Not to mention our letters had the same shit. But yer sayin that piece of paper is gonna give us the answer?"
Daigo shrugs. "Well, there's only one way to find out."
He glances at both men once again, and with a slightly shaky breath, Daigo begins to read the last words of the Fourth Chairman.
I have a long list of regrets.
I have no business saying it, but, I considered myself your father.
Daigo pauses. Who could Kiryu be talking about? Haruka-chan? He continues, missing the surprised glance between his advisors.
The things I should have told you over the years have piled up like a mountain.
I failed you, though. So much has been left unsaid.
In the past few weeks, I've seen so many different kinds of relationships. Different types of parents.
I saw a parent bound by customs.
Another who never loved his son… and only realized after it was too late.
The two brothers relax their physical appearances, becoming enraptured by the chairman's words. Daigo knew Kiryu had been bouncing between Hiroshima and Kamurocho for the last few weeks, but what had Kiryu gotten up to before his death? Where had he seen all of this tragedy, before enacting one himself?
Children who, above all, wanted to prove themselves. Show their parents they were capable. Prove that they deserved their love.
Daigo swallows. I'm guilty of that, he thinks to himself, before continuing on.
So much grief came from it, the rift between parent and child. I saw it firsthand.
Did these families have no faith in their bonds?
That wasn't it.
They had absolute faith in those bonds.
Even in this harsh reality, they tried to affirm their bonds. Labored, agonized over them. But… that wasn't the answer.
They simply didn't spend enough time together as a family. And it ruined them.
Daigo pauses again, and couldn't help but think of his own father. How many times was he abandoned in the 80s because Sohei Dojima was too busy with the family and their squabbles? He recognized the late Dojima as his father, sure, but he never took care of him like a father did. Sometimes, Daigo doubted he ever loved him.
If you ask me…Nothing is more vital than time. To that end, I think we made the same mistakes they did.
Daigo's heart sinks. Did Kiryu really feel this way for Haruka-chan? Nothing could've prepared him for the next few sentences, and Daigo fails to hide the shock in his voice.
I never expected to become the Tojo Clan's Fourth Chairman. Then I tapped you to become the Sixth.
I considered you my son, but I never thought to actually stand by your side.
Daigo was stunned. This letter… it was to him? In that one moment, everything, all of Kiryu's unexplained actions towards Daigo, since he became the chairman, no, before that…
They all made sense, all at once.
Daigo had to keep going.
It was easy to say I had faith in your judgment. To say I entrusted everything to Daigo Dojima. But that wasn't enough.
Instead of cherishing our time together, I threw it all away. Rejected our bond. Instead of facing my past, I ran. And ran from you as well.
Daigo kept reading without pause, but the advisors couldn't help but notice that his voice was starting to waver.
Thinking about the parents I met… I don't even have the words. I don't have the right to call myself a father to either you or the Tojo Clan.
Daigo wanted to scream, cry out, tell the world that Kazuma Kiryu, for once in his damn life, was wrong. Daigo only had a few words left. 
So, by the time you read this letter, I may already be gone. But please, don't try to avenge me as a son would his father. My life isn't worth that much.
That is my final request of you.
Daigo didn't register that his next breath shakes more than the rest. He didn't notice tears threatening to form in his widened eyes. He lets his hand fall, the letter landing in his lap, before Majima gently grabs it and begins reading it to himself.
Memories flood his mind.
Daigo, as a young kid, and Kiryu reprimanding him for some stupid thing he did, but giving him a life lesson at the same time.
Kiryu, in the back alley by Shine Club, beating the snot out of him.
Kiryu, giving him a somber look as Daigo gunned Patriarch Shindo down.
A shocked Kiryu, as Daigo awakened, rolled out of his hospital bed, and shot the leaders of Black Monday.
Daigo, leaping towards Kiryu, attempting to prove himself worthy of the Tojo.
Kiryu screaming his name as he faded out of consciousness on the rooftops.
Kiryu standing next to his wheelchair, speaking of his reasoning on why he's going back to prison, with a solemn yet determined look on his face.
For as long as Daigo could remember, Kiryu was his guiding light. He sometimes joked to himself that Kiryu earned his epithet not from Sohei, but from his consistent protection of Daigo and the Clan. The Fourth Chairman was constantly at his side, getting him out of trouble, even if it meant putting himself in even more danger. If Daigo called, Kiryu would answer.
Daigo felt stupid.
He knew of this truth, it’s been within him for years. But, he was never courageous enough to put it into words. With the letter in front of him, he couldn't run from that truth anymore. In fact, he finds himself not wanting to run from it. It saddens him that it took until Kiryu's death for him to find the words, but Daigo decides to hold onto this truth as tight as he can:
Kazuma Kiryu was the closest person Daigo Dojima ever had to a father.
Once Daigo snaps out of his stupor, he notices Majima had finished reading the letter, and he and Saejima were staring at each other. Daigo knew they were each wordlessly mulling over the Yomei Alliance conflict, and the first request of Kiryu's will.
It was only Daigo who recognized the second request of the Fourth Chairman.
Daigo decides to break the silence and tension in the limo.
“Kazuma Kiryu has left a final request to us, a final chapter to write in his legacy with the Tojo Clan."
He glances at the brothers, who return Daigo's intense stare.
“So, I will not let my father's story end in an act of revenge."
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best-underrated-anime · 8 months
Best Underrated Anime Group E Round 3: #E8 vs #E2
#E8: Lesbian vampire & human go on road trip to escape the horrors
#E2: Psychic girl is adopted by Yakuza. Hijinks ensue.
Details and poll under the cut!
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#E8: Vampire in the Garden
During a winter long ago, near-immortal vampires began plaguing the world. As their population grew at an astounding rate, they promptly threw humanity off its place at the top of the food chain. Desperate to avoid extinction, the surviving humans concentrated in their last safe haven—a small city surrounded by an enormous wall. There, they have waged war against the vampires for many years.
In the midst of a particularly brutal attack by the vampires, a human soldier named Momo encounters Fiine, the queen of their enemies. After seeing her try to save Momo's best friend from a rampaging vampire, Momo follows Fiine back to her house. It is there Momo connects with Fiine over their love for music and desire to escape the fighting.
Pursuing that goal of escape, the two decide to journey toward a supposed paradise where humans and vampires coexist—despite being uncertain of its existence. However, Momo and Fiine are being targeted by both races, who they must first evade if they hope to reach their destination in one piece.
This anime came out a year ago, but I literally never heard of it until earlier this summer because Netflix had it. You guys are SLEEPING on such a good series—it’s 6 episodes so it’s short, but it feels like a whole single film. The voice acting is so fun, the music slaps, the animation goes HARD during fight scenes, and it’s just so so good. The art style is pretty, and the scenery makes me lose my mind, it’s SO pretty. I need to write an essay one day about how VitG uses music to carry the story because wow that is 🛐🛐🛐 Also there’s a goofy looking dog named Connie that continuously appears and serves no purpose in the plot. Love that
Trigger Warnings: Child Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Graphic Depictions of Cruelty/Violence/Gore, Racism, Self-Harm.
Child abuse & emotional abuse for Momo’s complicated relationship with her mother. Also emotional abuse for Fine’s past traumas and current strained relationship with other vampires.
This is a vampire anime, so there’s a lot of blood and fighting. There’s also a drug introduced in ep1 that mutates a vampire horribly.
Racism is human-versus-vampire shenanigans.
Self-harm for a scene where a human attempts to feed a vampire and for drug usage as mentioned above.
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#E2: Hinamatsuri
While reveling in the successful clinching of a prized vase for his collection, Yoshifumi Nitta, a yakuza member, is rudely interrupted when a large, peculiar capsule suddenly materializes and falls on his head. He opens the capsule to reveal a young, blue-haired girl, who doesn't divulge anything about herself but her name—Hina—and the fact that she possesses immense powers. As if things couldn't get any worse, she loses control and unleashes an explosion if her powers remain unused. Faced with no other choice, Nitta finds himself becoming her caregiver.
Propaganda 1:
Hinamatsuri is about…
Hina, who is a psychic metaphor for autism ala Mob but imo better. She’s not only a weirdgirl who’s friends are almost all other strange girls, but she’s also into stuff that is just so either unfitting for her age or she’s just really intense about.
Nitta, who deserves all the fangirls and husbando-ing that every other random guy in anime gets. He’s a bachelor who loves pottery and can cook so well that Hina convinces her friends they have a gourmet chef working for them. He’s also a yakuza and is beloved by the aniki for being incredibly tough and scary. (He is gentle as hell with Hina.)
A bunch of other weird girls (Admin: this part of the propaganda has been cut due to possible spoilers)
Propaganda 2:
Hinamatsuri is an absolutely hilarious anime with some of the best comic timing I’ve ever seen. It’s so funny, the various girls are such nonsense.
Hina starts as a violent blank slate and develops into a lazy greedy horrible little gremlin. Anzu starts as a prideful edgy rival but eventually becomes a wholesome overly grateful insecure mess. Hitomi is forced to become more and more competent, independent, and adult because she can't stand up for herself and say no to people asking her for favors.
Nitta is a fantastic viewpoint character because he outwardly takes so much in stride that it’s easy to forget how annoyed and stressed everything makes him until he snaps.
Trigger Warnings: There is child nudity, but only for a Terminator reference. There is some comedic child neglect and slapstick. There is a child who is homeless, but it’s treated very sensitively.
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When reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
If you want to criticize one of the shows above to give the one you’re rooting for an advantage, then do so constructively. I do not tolerate groundless hate or slander on this blog. If I catch you doing such a thing in the notes, be it in the tags or reblogs, I will block you.
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Know one of the shows above and not satisfied with how it’s presented in this tournament? Just fill up this form, where you can submit revisions for taglines, propaganda, trigger warnings, and/or video.
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brokensenseofhumor · 20 days
Okay so uhh HI welcome back to THE PIMON THEORY today we have a BONUS episode, 6.5!!
Chapter 35 spoilers btw!
Once again, shoutout to Alex Scanlations and Taochan!!
Theory 1: Pimon and Ambrose went to Duke of York’s Royal Military School
Ok, so, remember episode 6 where I found out Pimon and Ambrose met at an army school? Well, I may or may not have found the army school in question.
Everyone, I introduce y’all to: The Duke of York’s Royal Military School!
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Duke of York’s is a private boarding army school, located in Southeast England, and was founded in 1803.
Given the year of foundation and the location, it’s very much possible that Pimon and Ambrose met as students in the Duke of York’s.
According to Wikipedia, Duke of York’s school only accepted either children of former/current servers of the British army forces or orphans, and did not accept civilian children until it was granted academy status in 2010.
I’ll assume that Ambrose got in due to his father serving in the British army, while Pimon’s family bribed him into the school (since he is (presumably) Japanese and was presumably at least acquainted with the Yakuza by then).
If you want to read more about the school, here’s the Wikipedia link!
Theory 2: Pimon’s past and his relationship with Ambrose, part 2: Bromantic Boogaloo!
So this one’s gonna be a continuation of episode 6’s theory regarding Pimon and Ambrose’s 50-year-long friendship, bear with me here y’all, I’m cooking.
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More evidence that Pimon has always been the way he is, courtesy of Ambrose
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Apparently, Ambrose also hasn’t changed since army school. Ig that means Ambrose has always been an optimistic yapper
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And here, Pimon questions the war between The Five Grand Organizations and The Royal Dragoons, presumably claiming it useless as a whole. Pimon, you’re a fictional character, you can just say that you really want to kiss Ambrose.
So yea, with this information, it’s more than certain that Pimon and Ambrose kept in contact after army school and even amidst the war between The Five Grand Organizations and The Royal Dragoons, and know about each other’s positions in their respective groups. And even then, they’re basically best friends.
By god, forget about Pimon and Arthur being toxic yaoi, let Pimon be happy and let him kiss Ambrose, expect a oneshot about them on Ao3 from yours truly later.
Welp, that’s it for now, folks! We’ll (hopefully) be seeing you on Episode 7! Sayonara!
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berylb337 · 6 years
Onomichibros + Akiyama & Someya teamups
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latin-dr-robotnik · 3 years
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mfw I realized he saw his home for the last time before the events of Yakuza 1, and now he wanted to go back to it in a post-Y6 context...
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absolutedisasterr · 4 years
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『 Don’t you have something left to fight for? Don’t you have something precious to protect? 』
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cryingcow · 3 years
Yellow Dragon Wandering Chronicles [RGGO] --- Ch. 1
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Side Story | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
[1-1] | [1-2] | [1-3] | [1-4] | [1-5] | [1-6] | [1-7]
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Hello! I was planning to kick this off like a week ago but IRL stuff kicked me instead D: Anyway for tonight and for the next who-knows-how-many weeks, I’ll be posting about one of the main stories in RGG Online / RyuOnline, “Yellow Dragon Wandering Chronicles”, aka “Goda Ryuji’s Travel Log”, aka “The Yakuza 0.5 K-Drama you never knew you wanted: The Tale of the Two Most Conspicuous Koreans in Japan”! This story has a total of 6 chapters split into 39 parts (40 if you count the Side Story linked above), and seeks to answer the question, “What does it mean to live?” I’ll be posting the chapters in whole weekly / biweekly / if IRL permits on Saturday nights like this, to avoid cliffhangers. I’ve got ~75% per chapter finished, so hopefully I finish these before December lol
Spoilers: While you can read this after playing Y2/YK2, it is preferable that you have finished (or at least have knowledge of) the mainline Yakuza Kiryu games Y0 to Y6 to fully appreciate it. Since this is about Ryuji going on a roadtrip around Japan, this will also serve as a roadtrip down memory lane, especially since he visits familiar places and conflicts in Y5 and Y6 :D (some Y7 stuff is also mentioned but it’s minimal and probably not spoiler-y, tho I wouldn’t know since I haven’t played Y7). I’ll be putting notes at the end of the parts, in line with this :D
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[Chapter 1: Yakuza Expulsion]
|In this country, there are two yakuza organizations competing for supremacy in the underworld. One is the Tojo Clan, the largest organization in eastern Japan. The other is the Omi Alliance, the largest yakuza organization in western Japan. The Tojo Clan and the Omi Alliance . . . with equilibrium between these two major organizations, order in the underworld is maintained.|
|And then, 1999. Omi Alliance direct family, the Go-Ryu Clan. Chairman Goda Jin is on the verge of being named the Fifth Chairman of the Omi Alliance. Together with that, it is rumored that Jin would nominate the next Chairman of the Go-Ryu Clan. Meanwhile, there is a man considered the most promising candidate for the next Go-Ryu Clan Chairman. The man’s name is—|
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Yakuza: “Goda Ryuji!! Today will be the anniversary of your death!!”
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Ryuji: “Then bring it on quickly. Heh . . . hurry up or my death anniversary will be over!”
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[ 4th generation of the Omi Alliance, direct subsidiary family Go-Ryu Clan Acting Captain: Goda Ryuji ]
Yakuza: “Riding on your parent’s influence has made you conceited . . . ! Die!!”
{Ryuji kicks the guy’s butt.}
Yakuza: “Hi-Hiiiii . . . St-Stop! No more—”
Ryuji: “Oraaa!!”
Yakuza: “Puhaagh!!”
{The yakuza collapses from Ryuji’s final punch.}
Ryuji: “Hmph . . . boring.”
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Ryuji’s Entourage A: “Incredible, Aniki! Strong as an oni, as always!”
Ryuji’s Entourage B: “Hehe, look at this idiot. His eyes have turned white.”
Ryuji’s Entourage A: “He’s a hundred years too early to be picking a fight with Aniki. This total idiot!”
Ryuji’s Entourage B: “That’s right. This person is the son of the next Omi Chairman!”
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Ryuji: “Hold it.”
Ryuji’s Entourage B: “Eh . . . ?”
Ryuji: “You sayin' all I am is the next Chairman’s son?”
Ryuji’s Entourage B: “Eh? No . . . y-you’re amazing . . .”
Ryuji: “I benefit from my parent’s influence, you say?!?!”
Ryuji’s Entourage B: “Ugiyaaah!!”
{Ryuji’s entourage collapses from Ryuji’s punch.}
Ryuji’s Entourage A: “Hi-Hiiiii . . .”
Ryuji: “. . . . . . tch.”
{Footsteps are heard as someone approaches.}
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Man in Black: “It’s good to see you, young master.”
Ryuji: “. . . What is it.”
Man in Black: “Oyaji is calling for you.”
Ryuji: “Aah . . . ? What for?”
Man in Black: “He wants to tell you in person. Oyaji is waiting at Headquarters. Heh. It must be good. Probably about being the next Chairman of the Go-Ryu Clan. As long as Oyaji is the Chairman of the head family, he cannot serve as the Go-Ryu Clan Chairman at the same time. Is it possible he’s taking the opportunity to remove the ‘acting’ from the young master’s title of Acting Captain? To be the Captain for a while, and eventually become Chairman . . . I’m sure that’s Oyaji’s idea.”
Ryuji: “. . . Hmph. Took him long enough.”
Man in Black: “A car is available. Right this way . . .”
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Ryuji: “Calling me all the way to Headquarters is as expected of ya, Fifth Chairman.”
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Jin: “. . . You came?”
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[ 4th generation of the Omi Alliance, direct subsidiary family Go-Ryu Clan Chairman: Goda Jin ]
Ryuji: “You met with me, it seems like you’re finally willing to give it up?”
Jin: “. . .”
Ryuji: “Hmph. Yakuza have old-fashioned ideas. Saying I’m too young—until recently I’ve been content with the half-hearted position of Acting Captain. If it’s true, I’ll immediately take charge of the family even if I have to put up with being Captain for a while.”
Jin: “. . . Too young.”
Ryuji: “Ah . . . ?”
Jin: “That’s why you’re too young. Ryuji.”
Ryuji: “Did you call me here for a sermon?”
Jin: “. . . I have something to tell you.”
Ryuji: “. . . Haw. Then say it.”
Jin: “Ryuji. I have a directive. Today, in this place you—are excommunicated.”
Next >>>>>>>>>
[1-1] | [1-2] | [1-3] | [1-4] | [1-5] | [1-6] | [1-7]
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tarokro · 3 years
here is my yakuza tier list up to Y6. let me know your thoughts. spoilers for 0 through 6 possibly.
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maddogofshimano · 3 years
The Story of Office Worker Hana’s Kamurocho Manhunt: Hana Boardgame
Major Yakuza 5 Spoilers
New boardgame! I also finished this one up on the very last day haha, I think I had 20 minutes to spare. I have just been too busy!
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This one ruled! I’m really glad I got through it in time. There’s a little recap of the previous section at the start of each of these that I’m leaving out since this is all mushed together into one long string and it’s kind of odd to summarize things in the middle over and over like that!
Summary: Set during Akiyama’s time in Sotenbori, we see Hana doing an important collection for him. It should be simple, but things don’t go as planned when the client fails to show up after a mysterious and ominous phone call. Hana is worried for his safety and takes it upon herself to track him down!
After hearing of the death of Dyna Chair's president, Akiyama had a chance encounter with Haruka.... Meanwhile, at Sky Finance, Kamurocho
Hana: Ah, Chief! Is everything alright regarding the Park-san case?
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Akiyama: ....Yeah. I'm meeting with Horie-kun to talk things over. Hana: I see... This really is... a horrible thing to have happened.
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Akiyama: Mhm... Say, I don't have much time, but I have a favor to ask of you Hana-chan. Hana: A favor? Akiyama: Well, it's time for the 6 month collection on Kiba-san... Hana: Ah, Kiba Shigenari-san.  Last year in May they borrowed 5,000,000 yen. (Tl note: the name is 木場誠也 which could be read a LOT of ways, so that's just what I went with) Akiyama: Yep. That's the one. Akiyama: In fact, they got in touch with me to say that "since work has been going so well, I'd like to repay it at 2:00pm today". Akiyama: However I'm pretty stuck over here in Sotenbori with everything that's going on. Akiyama: But given that it's 5,000,000 yen, would it be possible for you to go and pick it up for me? Hana: Of course that's fine... I will say, it's a little odd for you to be asking me to do collections though. Akiyama: Well, normally I wouldn't ask that of you. Akiyama: But Kiba-kun is heading overseas tomorrow, so if we don't get that money back now we'll never get it back. Hana: So that's how it is... Hana: ....Chief, does the reason you can't leave Sotenbori have to do with Park-san's suicide? Akiyama: ....Yeah. Hana: It doesn't make any sense for Park-san to have killed herself, does it? Akiyama: ....I don't think so. There's some things that are bothering me. I need to talk to some more people. Hana: Of course... Though, if there's someone who wants to kill Park-san and then make it look like a suicide... Hana: Won't asking around about that be dangerous? Akiyama: ....Only one way to find out. Hana: I suppose.... In that case, I'm going to Sotenbori too! Akiyama: Eh? Hana: I'm Sky Finance's only employee. I can't just allow the president of the company to be exposed to danger. Akiyama: Woah woah wait Hana-chan! Akiyama: ......I'm glad you feel so strongly about this, but I really want you to stay in Kamurocho. Hana: What!? But what about the danger....? Akiyama: The Park-san case isn't the only important job we have to do right now, right? Hana: That's.... Akiyama: ...I'll be fine. You know I've got experience dealing with risky situations. Akiyama: Please, Hana-chan. Hana: ...................Fine. Akiyama: Sweet. Thank you, Hana-chan. I'll buy you the most beautiful souvenir from Osaka that I can find! <phone call ends> Hana: ...........Well, guess I'm getting left out of this one. Hana: (....Business as usual. I really would be fine if he let me handle some of the dangerous stuff......) Hana: Well, grumbling about it won't do any good. Back to work......
2 hours later.... Hana waits at the planned meeting spot for the man called Kiba Shigenari at 1:55pm.
Hana: ..............Kiba-san should be here around now.
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<phone rings> Hana: .............Hello. This is Sky Finance. ???: It's Kiba..... I-I'm sorry... I can't come toda-- <phone hangs up> Hana: .....Kiba-san!?
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Hana: (He can't come right now? What's that all about... I'll just call him back real quick)
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Hana: ............. Hana: ........He's not picking up. I wonder if his battery died. Hana: (.........Though, he sounded really serious there. What's going on......) Hana: .............That settles it. His address will be in the client register. Hana: I'm worried, so there's no time to wait before heading over to his house. Hana: Of course he could just be on his way here, so I'll stick up a note on the door for him. <she leaves> Hana: (....So this is Kiba-san's apartment)
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<she rings the doorbell> Hana: (......Looks like no one's home. He must have gone out somewhere) <a man walks up> Landlord: .....What the heck are you doing with my apartment?
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Hana: Ah, are you the landlord here? I was here to meet Kiba Shigenari-san... Landlord: .....Kiba-san? He moved out over six months ago. Hana: Eh!? Really!? Hana: Umm... you wouldn't be able to tell me where he moved to, would you? Landlord: ..........Nah. I don't know. Hana: I see... thank you anyways. <Hana leaves> Hana: (What do I do now.... I guess it's best to head back to Sky Finance....)
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Hana: (But... I haven't heard from Kiba-san yet... I want to be sure he's okay....) Hana: ....Hm? <back at the apartments> Landlord: Heh.... So is it good? This "Crazee Easy Accounting" software? (Tl note: the name of it is 凄井簡単会計 where 凄井 is sugoi but written with the i as 井 instead of the usual 凄い, not that you even see it in kanji much in the first place! hence, I went for crazee)
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Shady Salesman: Sure is. You barely need to touch the computer for this thing to figure out your whole business tax return. Shady Salesman: You know Sugar Bunny? That company's famous and they still use this product. Landlord: Oh, so it is good then. But... It's pretty pricey. Shady Salesman: Yes, but you're paying this much for a product that will last a lifetime. If you look at it that way, we're honestly selling it too cheaply. Landlord: Hmmm....... Shady Salesman: ....This is just between you and me, but the truth is we really are selling it too cheaply, and they plan to hike the price way up next month. Landlord: Eh!? Shady Salesman: But you get it for this price if you buy it right now... If I were you, I'd hate to miss out on it. Landlord: I see... in that case... I guess I oughta buy it... Hana: Oh, landlord-san! Can I talk to you for a minute?
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Landlord: You were here earlier... Why did you come back? Hana: Honestly... this might be none of my business, but... you shouldn't buy that accounting software. Hana: All the features he's trying to sell you on are lies, and a lot of businesses in the area have complained about this software famously being a scam. Landlord: Eh!? This software's a scam!? Hana: Landlord-san! Not so loud! Shady Salesman: ........Hey, lady. If you keep spewing lies we're gonna have a problem.
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Shady Salesman: Don't you know that Sugar Bunny uses this? Hana: But Sugar Bunny doesn't use this "Crazee Easy Accounting"? Shady Salesman: ....What? Hana: I have a little bit of a connection with the Sugar Bunny company, and I've heard from them that Sugar Bunny uses the "Xtraordinarily Effectual Accounting" software. (Tl note: this one is named 驚機サクサク会計 and the 驚機 is odoroki, astonishment, written with 機 for ki instead of the usual 驚き. So, Xtraordinary. This one's actually a better title, the 機 used is also used for opportunity and for machines, so it makes it sound cool and automated. The 井 used by the Crazee software mostly just means well, which is fitting since it's a money pit lol) Landlord: Eh? Wh-What are you saying? Shady Salesman: N....no, this woman's telling you lies! Hana: ...It's not a lie. Or would you like me to call up the owner of Sugar Bunny right now? Shady Salesman: Y-You motherfucker..... Shady Salesman: ...........Don't get in the way of my business!!!! You shitty woman!!!! <fight! Hana thrashes him> Shady Salesman: Uh.... ughhh..... What's with this woman.....
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<he runs off> Landlord: I can't believe I really fell for his lies... I was in a real bad spot. That you so much, miss. Hana: Oh no, it was nothing, really. Landlord: Really... but, you sure know a lot about this kind of thing! I had no idea that software was a scam! Hana: When you've been in the business as long as I have you end up meeting a whole lot of different people in different industries, and exchange a lot of info. Hana: What businesses are using what, which business are rotten, all that sort of stuff just gets brought up naturally. Landlord: Ah, so that's why you knew! I must say that you are a very reliable business owner. Landlord: .........By the way, earlier you said that you were here to see Kiba-san, could you tell me why? Hana: ...Yes. I'm a little worried about him. Landlord: I see.... Landlord: I wish I could help you as thanks for all your help, but I really don't know where he moved to. Hana: Oh, don't worry about that. Landlord: Hmm... What can I do to help....... Landlord: ....Got it! I've heard that Kiba-san is a regular at a bar named "Thor"! Hana: Eh!? Really!? Landlord: Yes, it's a bar down on Taihei Boulevard. The owner there, he might know where Kiba-san moved to. Hana: Thor on Taihei Boulevard..... Thank you so much! I'll head there now!
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Thor's Proprietor: Kiba-san? Ah, he certainly comes here quite often.
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Proprietor: He recently told me that he had finally saved up enough money to repay his loan. He was excited and came to celebrate with a drink. Hana: That's the one! Would you happen to know where Kiba-san is currently living? Proprietor: No, Kiba-san and I don't talk more than as bartender and customer, so I can't say I even knew he was moving. Hana: I-I see... Hana: (......I could go back to Sky Finance, but I highly doubt Kiba-san would show up........) Hana: (I still can't reach his phone, so what do I do now.....) Proprietor: While I may not have heard about the move, I know someone who likely did. Drunken Man: Uhh..... shit..... just lemme.... have another........
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Hana: ....That man, he knows Kiba-san's new address? Proprietor: I don't know for certain, but he'd be the one to ask. Proprietor: However today he's in a particularly foul state, it seems he's drank too much Proprietor: He has an exceedingly foul temper when drunk, so I recommend you stay away for now..... Hana: ....Nah, I want to hear what he has to say. Thank you. Proprietor: W-Wait, miss! Drunkard: Who the.......... fuck're you? Hana: I've heard you talk a lot with Kiba-san, is that true? Drunkard: Kibaa? .....What's it matter. I'm trying to feel good right now... don't need you hassling me. Hana: ....I'm sorry for the trouble. But I'm worried about Kiba-san. Hana: 6 months ago Kiba-san moved to a new place, do you know where that is? <table slam> Drunkard: Shut up!!!! Hana: ....! Drunkard: I don't wanna hear about that anymore! What do you want to use me up and throw me away too!? Hana: Use you up? Drunkard: Despite how thoroughly I devoted myself.... I still had to downsize.... companies like that.... I'm done dealing with them! Hana: O-Oh, I didn't know about that. If you're having some trouble, I could give you some advice... so...... Drunkard: Shut uppppppppppppp!!!!! <banging, glass shattering> Proprietor: H-Hey! Knock it off! D-Do you want me to call the boys!? (Tl note: ketsumochi, the "ass holders" aka grunt level yakuza that do protection work for businesses) Drunkard: I don't care who you call for this asshole!!!! Hana: Please calm down! You'll get hurt! Drunkard: Shut upppp! I am done... with anyone who thinks they can just use me! <fight, he get thrashed> Drunkard: Haa.... Haa......
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Hana: Haa.... Haa...... So have you calmed down....? Yakuza Grunts: .......the drunk causing a scene, is it that guy?
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Proprietor: Y-Yes! Please do something quickly! Grunt: ...Let's go. Drunkard: Hh..... y-yakuza........ Grunt: Looks like you sobered up a little bit. We still gotta get violent with you though. Grunt: Let's head on to the back..... we have something to talk about. Drunkard: Hh.... F-.... Forgive me.....! Grunt: ...That won't do you any good. Let's get going. Hana: Wait! Lower ranking Grunt: Who the fuck are-- Grunt: M-Miss Hana!!?? (Tl note: literally Hana no nee-san, like she's a yakuza herself and higher ranked than him. it’s identical to Kiryu's "Majima no nii-san" in terms of respect, just for a girl instead. Miss Tatsu is just Tatsu-ane, for comparison)
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Drunkard: Miss... Hana?? Hana: .........
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Lower ranking Grunt: ........? Hey aniki, do you know this bitch? Grunt: You fucking moron! Don't you dare mouth off to Miss Hana! Grunt: Ma'am.... Is this drunkard someone that you know? Hana: Yes. You'll have to forgive me for getting a little violent to calm him down. Hana: This man... despite doing his best he ended up having to lay people off, and was upset after drinking too much. Grunt: ........I understand, ma'am. Grunt: Shopkeeper.... since it seems like everything is settled, would you be willing to forgive this drunkard? Proprietor: ....Y-Yes, it's fine. Grunt: It's decided then.... Well, thank you for the hard work, Miss Hana. ....Let's go. Lower ranking Grunt: Y-Yes sir.... <they leave> Hana: ...Whew, good. Drunkard: You.... how the hell do you know those yakuza? Hana: .....They're clients at my job. Hana: The president is out of town, so I've been holding down the fort and checking in on clients, and I've ended up making friends with quite a number of them. Hana: A while back, that man showed up at my office beaten half to death by a hangure gang-- (Tl note: hangure, literally "half grey", and non yakuza crime organizations. They're becoming more and more of a problem in Japan as yakuza laws tighten but don't affect the hangure groups, leading to them taking over areas formerly run by yakuza) Drunkard: You sheltered him from hangure!? Hana: Then when the hangure tried to break in to my office I grabbed them and threw them out and chased them all the way back home-- Drunkard: You threw them out and chased them all the way back home!? Hana: And he seems to feel indebted to me, since he's been calling me nee-san ever since. Drunkard: Such a thing.... I can't even picture it, but, you've been through a serious amount of carnage.....
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Drunkard: ..........What I said and did earlier was inexcusable. So... thank you for helping me. Hana: It doesn't bother me. It's the store you should be apologizing to. Drunkard: Yeah.... Bartender, I'm sorry. Proprietor: ...We're good. It's thanks to that lady that the store wasn't damaged. Drunkard: .....So, what did you want to know about Kiba-san? Hana: .....Oh right! Do you know where he moved to!? Drunkard: Well, I don't know exactly but..... what he said was..... "My new house is 10 minutes out from my old one." Drunkard: And "I love the sweets shop right next to my house." Hana: 10 minutes out from his old place.... and there's a sweets shop he loves close by..... hmm. Hana: ....10 minutes out from that house is roughly 800 meters, so sweets shops that match would be..... Hana: "Western Confections SHOTS" "Yamada's Traditional Sweets" "PARISIENNE Confections" and "Mokoya", would be the four. Hana: If I can find out which of those he's a regular at, that will narrow down where his house is. Drunkard: You... have frighteningly detailed information on the location of all those candy shops. Hana: Eh? W-Well... I'm a secretary and expected to have candy available for clients, so it's only natural that I'd memorize the locations of them.... Drunkard: Woah... that's intense. You're really dedicated to this secretary thing. Hana: Yes, well.... Hana: (Really I just love to eat a lot of sweets... but I don't think one little lie will be bad.) Hana: At any rate you've really helped me! Thank you so much! Drunkard: No, it was no trouble at all. I hope you can forgive me for the problems I caused. Hana: No, no... actually! Here, have my business card. If you're having money problems at your job, come see us! Hana: Even if you don't want to take out a loan, we can introduce you to a good financing company. See you! <she leaves> Drunkard: ....What a nice person.  ............I think I'm going to do my best to stop drinking.
Sweet Shop Owner: Hmmm... Kiba Shigenari-san, huh. Can't say he's a regular. Hana: I see... thank you anyways! On to the next shop!
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Owner: Ah. Stay safe. <she leaves> Hana: ....Seems like it's not PARISIENNE Confections. Hana: (If it's not here, the only other shop within 10 minutes of his old house, "Yamada's Traditional Sweets") Hana: (Whichever he's a regular at will tell me which one his house is close to!) Hana: (I still don't know why he called me. Kiba-san.... I hope you're still okay.) <she leaves> Yamada Owner: ...Eh? Kiba Shigenari-san? ....No, I don't think he's a regular at my shop. Hana: Eh!? A-Are you sure!? Owner: Yep. I see my customer's names very often when they're reserving candy, and I've never seen that name. Hana: I see... Sorry to bother you then. Hana: Well what do I do now....
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Hana: (Kiba-san's current house is "10 minutes out from his old one" and "next to a candy shop he loves to buy from") Hana: (But I've already checked all the candy shops that would fit that....) Hana: (.....It's no use..... I don't know where he is. What to do.....) Hana: (....It's got me wondering.... why am I trying to hunt down this Kiba-san so frantically for) Hana: (I'm worried about him but.... all that happened was a phone call that was a little strange....) Hana: (I think I'm worrying too much.... Maybe I'll throw in the towel and head home to eat a yakiniku bento from Kanrai....) Hana: ....Alright! That's what I'll do! I'm starving! <her phone rings> Hana: Hmm...? Ah, this isn’t exactly when Kiba-san was supposed to arrive.  Hana: Maybe he's calling to apologize for hanging up on me? Hana: Hello? Is this Kiba-san? This is Hana, from Sky Finance. <music cuts out> voice on the phone: Haa..... Haa..... H-Help me...... Hana: !? voice on the phone: Asshole! What are you doing! <impact noise> voice on the phone: Augh! H.... Help m-- <line goes dead> Hana: Kiba-san? ......Kiba-san!? Oh this is not good... What did he get involved with? Hana: (It's like I thought.... Kiba-san really is in danger...!) Hana: (I-I have to hurry and get to him....! But... I still haven't found his house....) Hana: (..........I don't know any more candy stores to check around here.....) Hana: (But maybe... someone in the same profession, like the owner of Yamada's Traditional Sweets would...!) Yamada Owner: Oh? Hana-san, what's going on? Did you forget to buy something? Hana: ....Another time please! I need you to tell me something really quick.... ???: Hey! It's not here!!!! Why the hell did I even come here then!? Hana: !? Owner: Sorry, Hana-chan. Give me just a moment.... Owner: ...Sir, what's wrong? Chinpira: This is what's wrong!! Where's this that's on your flier!?
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Owner: I'm sorry sir, but that product has already sold out.... you'll have to try again tomorrow.... <he punches the owner> Chinpira: Dumbass!! You can make more, can't ya!? Hurry up and get to it!!!! Owner: Ow! S-Stop, please! Hana: Hold it! What are you doing to him! I can't forgive that level of violence!
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Chinpira: ...Who the fuck are you? You think you're going to forgive me!? Huh!? Chinpira: I won't go easy just because you're a woman!!!! Women should butt out!!!! <fight, another thrashing> Chinpira: S-Strong..... what's with this woman..... shit!
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<he runs off> Owner: Thank you Hana-san! You saved me! Hana: Oh it was nothing, I'm well versed in dealing with difficult customers. Hana: What I wanted to ask you before all that was if you knew any other candy shops in the area? Hana: Near here? The closest would be PARISIENNE Confections I believe... is that the one? Hana: No, unfortunately.... Hana: (What now... I need to get to Kiba-san as quick as possible.... but I don't know what other shops to go to....) Owner: ....Though recently there's been a lot of customers like him. I don't know why they want pizza from a confectioner. Hana: .....A sweet pizza? Owner: Yes. It's a product aimed at young people. It sells surprisingly well, largely thanks to the students. Owner: It's being talked about a lot in the news, so I think it's spreading rapidly.... Hana: Pizza from a sweets shop...... that's it........ of course....! <flashback to the drunk telling her it was 10 minutes out and he loved buying candy from the store next door> Hana: (I got it. He loves buying candy from a store, but that doesn't mean it has to be a sweets shop) Hana: (Now that I think of it, when he came by to get his loan he mentioned that he loved "Cafe Parry's"....) Hana: (Parry's would have candy. That means the store he loves buying candy from is Parry's!!) Hana: Thank you so much sir! I'm off! <she leaves> Owner: ......What was all that. She sure was in a hurry. Coffee Shop Employee: Kiba-san? Yeah, I definitely know that guy.... Hana: Really!? Employee: Y-Yeah... he moved into the apartment just behind here, plus he's been coming by all the time. Hana: The apartment back there....! ....Thank you! <she leaves> Employee: ....That woman had a powerful pressure. Employee: It was enough that I ended up telling her about a customer..... I hope she's not a bad person..... Hana: Got it! Kiba-san's mailbox! His apartment number is.... 312! Hana: (I'm coming now.... you'll be safe soon, Kiba-san!)
<she rings the doorbell> Hana: ....Kiba-san! It's Hana from Sky Finance! Are you okay!? Kiba-san!!
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<the door opens a little> Kiba: Yes... My room is filthy.... so forgive me for not opening the chain.
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Hana: ...Ah, Kiba-san, you're alright!? When you called and said "help me".... I got worried..... Kiba: ....A, sorry. That call was..... I was trying to make a joke with a friend I was going out drinking with.... Hana: Eh? Is that really true? Then... is that friend with you now? Kiba: ....Yes. After we went drinking..... Right now he's asleep. I'm also feeling a little hungover, so.... Hana: .....So that's what's going on. Say, for a while I couldn't reach you on the phone...? Kiba: The battery died. My phone's not very good at holding a charge, so it ran out of juice.... Hana: .....Uhhh huh. Though, I suppose it's good if nothing happened. Kiba: I truly am sorry for worrying you..... Kiba: Shortly after we talked, something came up that's requiring a lot of money... so my repayment will have to wait a little longer. Hana: No no, it's more important that you're safe. Well, I should tell the president that right away. Hana: Well, please let me know when you think your repayment can be done. <she leaves> Kiba: ............ ???: Hey, what are you doing. Shut the door already. Kiba: Y-Yes sir.... <inside his apartment> Robber: Good job getting rid of her. How many times was she going to ring the doorbell... what a stubborn woman.
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Robber: Now take this, asshole! <hits him> Kiba: Guh...! Robber: Figures... Even tied up you still managed to make that call. Robber: Of course you still didn't manage to escape. Hehe, Kiba. Thanks for giving me all your cash. Kiba: ................ Robber: Heh, isn't it so frustrating to see all the money you worked yourself to the bone for getting snatched away? Robber: But this is your fault, isn't it? This is the price you pay when you start shouting that you've "finally saved up enough money to pay off your loan". Kiba: Uughh.... Robber: ...There we go. Now even if I leave and come back, you're tied up too tightly to report anything--- <doorbell rings> Robber: ....Hm? Another visitor? <doorbell rings over and over> Robber: !? Hana: Kiba-saaaan! Sorry there's one more thiiiing!! I really need to talk to youuuuu! Robber: Shit, that woman again. And I've already.... well, can't be helped. Hey, Kiba. Robber: Y-Yes sir.... Robber: ....Go handle it. And don't forget the chain. If you say anything funny, I'll kill you. <he goes> Kiba: .........Sorry. What did you need to say...... Hana: Ah, sorry for this one last thing. Hana: Actually, when I talked to the president earlier, he said that there'd be trouble if the repayment couldn't be done today. Hana: So, I think it's in your best interest, if you decide to do the repayment now? Kiba: Uh, U-Um.... Robber: (Don't just U-Um! Get rid of her!) Kiba: I-I'm sorry..... I can't. Please go home..... that's all. Hana: Eh!? This is serious! If I can't get the money from you, then my value to the company is going to decrease! Kiba: .....I can't do what I can't do. <he shuts the door> Robber: ...Alright. Now that that's over with..... <banging on the door> Robber: !? Hana: Wait! Don't run away please! Hana: I! Am not going home until I get that money!!!! <more banging> Robber: That bitch....! Shit! Robber: ....This person doing collections is becoming a real pain. Oi, don't just stay quiet....! Kiba: B-But what am I going to.... Robber: Lie and say you're going to return it. Now! Kiba: Y-Yes sir! <he goes> Kiba: ....H-Hana-san. I understand. I'll return the money first thing tomorrow...... Hana: .....Tomorrow is no good! Please return the money that you promised to, right now! Kiba: .....Eh? Hana-san.......? Hana: ......Do you understand now? Until I get that money, there is nothing that can move me from this spot!! Robber: (Shit..... what a bothersome bitch...... I've got no choice but to silence her by force.....!) <the robber jumps out> Robber: Be quiet bitch!! Hana: ........I sure waited. I hate making a racket like that, but I needed that door open......
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Robber: What? Hana: .....Now! Kiba-san! Kiba: Haaaaaaaaa!!!! <he slams into the robber> Robber: Guh!! <the robber hits the ground> Hana: Nice drop kick, Kiba-san! Now let's get out of here! (Tl note: Hana says "nice drop kick" in english) Kiba: Y..... Yes ma'am! <they leave> Hana: ....Whew, that went pretty smoothly!
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Kiba: Yeah.... thank god that the robber didn't see the memo you left hanging on the curtain..... Hana: "If someone is threatening you to open the door, kick the back of it" Kiba: B-But how did you know there was a robber!? I don't understand.... Hana: Well, I didn't know for sure. Your voice was trembling, your face was pale and you didn't smell like the alcohol you had claimed to have been drinking with a friend...... Because of that, I knew you were lying. Kiba: Th-those are such little things.... Hana: A typo, a missed character, those things can cause a huge amount of damage, so it's my job to notice all the little things. <robber runs up> Robber: Owwww..... This shit.... Hand it over Kiba......!!!!!
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Kiba: Wah!! I-I'm sorry! Hana: Kiba-san! You have nothing to apologize for here! Now let's hurry up and get out of here! Kiba: Th-That's.... I'm sorry.... I just.... threw out my back........ Hana: Eh!? Robber: Kibaaaaaaa!! I'm going to beat both you and that bitch to death....!! Hana: ......If I can't run then I have no other choice, huh.
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Robber: Dieeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! 
<fight, for yet another thrashing> 
Robber: Uh....Ughhhhh.....
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<he hits the ground> Hana: Haa... Haa..... I think it's all over now..... Hana: ....I really need to go back to your apartment to apologize to everyone for being so noisy...... Kiba: A-Amazing...... You took on a robber wielding a sharp object when you were bare-handed...... Hana: ....I already called the cops, so it shouldn't take long for them to arrive. Hana: Then we can hand this robber over together. Kiba: Th-Thank you so much Hana-san..... You truly saved me. Kiba: This was.... because I was so weak willed.... and I'm sorry you had to go through so much danger..... Hana: ....You don't need to apologize. Hana: I'm also certainly a fragile girl, but doing administrative work in Kamurocho means being prepared for danger.
Hana: Haa~I'm exhausted...... And I'm starving......
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Hana: I didn't expect to be fighting a blade wielding robber while on a collection run.... Hana: ..........That's right. I still need to report the the president. <she calls him> Akiyama: ........Hello. Hana-chan? Hana: Good to hear from you chief~. The money from Kiba-san has been safely obtained. Akiyama: Eh? Right now? That took an awfully long time..... You didn't run into any trouble, did you? Hana: .............No. Kiba-san had another obligation come up, so we had to change the time. Akiyama: Aah, that's what happened. Well I'm glad you didn't have any trouble. Akiyama: Seriously, thank you. You really saved my bacon. Hana: Don't even mention it. This is all part of my job. Akiyama: I guess. .....By the way, I'll be here a little longer. When I have a better estimate for returning to Kamurocho I'll give you a call. Hana: Yes sir. Your work is really piling up, so come back soon, okay? Akiyama: Haha... I'll be ready. Well, see you. <hang up> Hana: ......I didn't really mean to lie just then. Hana: ......But if I had been honest, he'd probably send me on even less dangerous work. Hana: .....I won't let the president do all of the dangerous work. I'm also an employee of Sky Finance, after all.
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Bonus time! 
I love Hana. She’s great. I’m glad they didn’t have her getting saved or something, she just got to be bad ass all the way through. 
as usual there’s a bunch of Hana’s thoughts on various things
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Hairstyle I’m very particular about my bun. It’s very important that my bangs are even. Even still the chief has never paid them any compliments... (Tl note: I just learned that buns are referred to as “dango hair” in japanese)
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Bookshelf There’s a big bookshelf in the office. Not that you ever see Mr. A reading one. Still, what an impressive looking bookshelf.
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Elise A club that Mr. A runs. It’s got more ambience than profits... I wonder which of those was the chief’s actual goal?
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New Serena Sky Finance is in the same building as this club. It always seems to have dangerous looking people going into it... Is the store some kind of hideout?
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Karaoke In the past I was pretty bad at karaoke. But I’ve trained hard and have finally overcome my weakness! Now I can go sing with Mr. A!
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Chief The super irresponsible president of our company... At his core he is simply a person who does not want to do any work. But, for some reason he can’t leave things be...
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Kanrai This is my absolute favorite yakiniku bento place! I’m slowly collecting stamps from my visits to earn a free deluxe kalbi!
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Glasses My favorite pair of glasses. These have been my lifelong partner, but I guess I did take them off for a bit when I was skinny...
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Shakedown People There’s always a lot of shakedown artists in Kamurocho, huh. You won’t live long, doing something like that. People don’t seem to think so when I tell them.
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Sky Finance Where I work. It’s always terrifically busy, but the pay is good. The quality of the customers is... well, it is Kamurocho after all...
and finally the music for the board was A Desperate Run
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one-kind-of-cosmos · 3 years
Like a Dragon: Chapter 10 Thoughts (Spoilers)
  I’ll be completely honest, this chapter has me feeling all types of ways, mainly focused and really friggin’ happy (Tears included), I'll talk about both the story and whatever other stuff I did that’s notable, so let’s begin.
First things first, it’s him like... Need I go on? Joon-Gi Han is like, everything, hot, cute, cool, etc., him and possibly Nanba (I’ll get back to him shortly) are this close to rivaling Zhao in terms of how much I like them on a certain level.
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  Enough simping, let’s actually talk about Joon-Gi as a whole as I've done two of his ‘Bonding Events’ so far, if by chance you haven’t played Yakuza 6 skip to the next praise of the chapter. Him being a body-double and not actually some secret twin like Joji in 3 is a really interesting twist, especially that he’s not just the same character as he’s more calm and collected compared to the charismatic, cruel, hot fella that is the dude in 6... And also the first bonding event felt hella gay at the start, love it, keep it up RGG, even if unintentional.
The theme that plays while you’re off to save Zhao in the Liumang HQ is an absolute banger, the trumpets, the... Everything, really, I don’t know my instruments that well. Fighting a tiger wasn’t fun, though.
In general, I absolutely love Party-Chats in this game, you get to not only have a little giggle, but also learn a bit of trivia about a character, like how Adachi in his age can’t really eat a whole bag of chips, but he used to down them like it was nothing... Am I going to be like that?!...
Real quick on the villains: Hope I get to fight Mabuchi again, I wanna beat him up and listen to his bop of a theme, the Yakuza series in general knows how to change my mind on music genres; I'm playing the game dubbed, it’s really good and just... Reiji Ishioda’s voice is just like, funny but in a good way, I love it, please more.
Time for my favorite part, Yu Nanba’s return, high respect to Greg Chun for his voice-acting in that emotional bit where Nanba really wants to know, if Ichiban and the gang still consider him as a friend, even after all he did which, was pretty understandable all the same, it’s just, aaaa, I love him.
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Lastly but not leastly, Zhao, I love their English voice, I heard bits of their Japanese voice, both are like “oh my god, yes, more of this please” and now he’s in my party, I love it. Their first Party-Chat too, Zhao just without warning is like “oh, i loved that movie, especially when-” and Adachi just cuts them off because the old dude hasn’t caught up yet.
Oh yeah, Arakawa is also like, crime dad so cool and interesting, can’t wait to see more
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brokensenseofhumor · 21 days
Well, due to… unforeseen events:
Ladies, gents and whatever else genders there are! We here at BSOH’s Brain Inc. are more than glad to bring back..
Yes, that’s right, folks! After a long hibernation, this series is finally back with its 5th episode!
The tf2 hyperfixating may be strong, but the love for Pimon is stronger.
Spoilers for Chapter 35 btw!!
For reasons, I’ll be using the Indonesian translation for this episode. Massive thank you to Alex Scanlations and the YouTuber Taochan!
Theory 1: Yakuza?
Ok so, amidst my hibernation of this series, I finally ended up with the conclusion that Pimon definitely isn’t the Paimon from the Ars Goetia and he’s really just some guy. I know, lame ass ending to such an amazing theory…
Chapter 35 really changes everything, man. I did not headcannon Pimon as a French butcher for months just for this to slap me in the face.
So, how am I coming to the conclusion that Pimon has associations with the Yakuza?
Plain and simple:
There’s many references to Japanese culture in the first portion of the chapter.
To start:
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He’s wearing a freaking Kimono. I am definitely not internally screaming in Simp Mode right now, nonononooo!! (<- me when I lie)
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Ohhhh, hey Ambrose! What’s that behind you?-
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Why, it’s The Great Wave Off Kanagawa, of course!
I’ll take this time to list some facts about this piece of art:
It was painted in 1831
This technically isn’t a painting, it is a Ukiyo-e Woodblock print (a genre of Japanese art that is made with, well… woodblocks.)
It is the most recognizable Japanese painting ever
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Another painting, this time depicting (presumably) Mount Fuji, and below are 2 katanas.
Also, not to mention, there was a surge in Japanese immigrants in the UK during the Victorian era. There were exactly 264 Japanese immigrants in 1884 (see: Wikipedia, Japanese in the United Kingdom, History and Settlement section).
…so yea, it’s basically safe to say that Pimon is very much Japanese. Yippee for diversity and fanfic ideas ig!
So, now that all these references to Japanese culture are out of the way-
How is Pimon related to the Yakuza?
Well, for a starter point, Pimon literally owns a black market that sells narcotics and weapons.
There is also the fact that the Yakuza is dated back to the 17th Century, while the manga takes place in the 19th.
So, it’s very much possible that Pimon is operating his own business with the help of Arthur, while his “family” is operating back in Japan or elsewhere around the world.
Theory 2: Death foreshadowed?
If this one is true I’m going into a mental spiral, I’m genuinely serious. I’ve had full on mental breakdowns over this goddamn fictional man not appearing in chapters. If Fukui Takumi kills him off, I’m killbinding.
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In these 2 panels, Ambrose (the white chess piece) is beating Pimon (the black chess piece) in a game of chess.
And it’s the way that the second is dramatized that has me rolling. The dramatic shadows, the way it looks like the black chess piece is melting into the board… dear god.
I’m just… ugh. Fukui Takumi, if you kill Pimon, you will not hear the end of it, courtesy of me.
And folks, that is it for today! We hope you enjoyed the grand return of The Pimon Theory, and we’ll see you again on episode 6! Sayonara!
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zizz-asdf-re-r-o-u · 2 years
Leviathan Chronicles- reaction part 2?
So I wrote these things WAAAAY back last year when i listened to Leviathan chronicles for the first time. Here are my live reactions.
Spoilers ahoy!
wow it continues to date itself. "wow! we are the first podcast to feature a kungfu scene!" "after i finish this podcast, i can become a real writer!" oh how times have improved. one of the characters "the beijing olympics happened a few months ago" "if you want, we can give you CDs at our comic con booth!"
yo it had some CREATIVE solutions to chase scenes that i dont think i've seen in recent podcasts. ugh its annoyingly straight
ooh gregor vs rebecca tracking ok im sorry, but i think macallan's crew should head back to leviathan and maybe have anton radio seinshen to figure out what he's doing since gregor know whats going on. ooh tulley is going back to nyc. and macallan's crew is (ill advisedly) going back to Nyc too. hendersen: you in bed with seinshen. ok seinshen bi confirmed? 8D LOL, one of seinshen's aliases is "kristoff laputka" as in the creator's name? xD LOL there's another member that uses alias nobi nakisomething, whose the other co-creator xD seinshen has authentic letters from charlie dickens... which means that dickens is one of the immortals, possibly allied with the rebels. damn toshi is totally different than how tanaka perceives him. also his english doesnt have an awkward japanese accent. WAIT TOSHI HAS BLACK DOOR TRAINING WHAT. HE'S FUCKIN 6 YEARS OLD WHAT? ok that was clever, but why couldnt they have used one of the adults? why is seinshen explaining all of  his secrets to whit & jason (and toshi)? how is this steam elevator operating normally? oh shit 0.0 also there is so much janky gerryrigging in this story LOL aww poor tulley :( if only you hadnt gotten caught up with yakuza or macallan. lol, what a coincidence that the police just happened to be announcing the exact breakin you needed to know. how'd the aliens wind up in africa if the portal was between tibet & leviathan? how the FUCK is jason swinging around the tracking device? why does toshi want to protect jason? i love how this is set in multiple urban cities and unlike other blockbuster movies, the characters attempt to avoid property damage. except for that one scene in india :( why is jason's blood black? WAIT WHAT THE HECK HOW DID MACALLAN CATCH UP SO QUICK BEFORE TULLEY. THEY WERE IN HAWAII. Poor Tulley. im on team Tulley cuz he's mostly innocent. ahh macallan are you still team seinshen? i hope anton is still faithful to seinshen :( "hold onto your hula skirts" lmfao. omg toshi doesnt want to go back to his dad. poor oberlin. lmfao, tulley conveniently sees both helicopters xD and lol clever plan to steal the taxi xDDD damn the driver got those hot dogs fast. lmfao tulley has some serious plot armor & convenience. man and i was just saying this show doesnt commit urban city property damage... i take it back after this helicopter chase scene. ooh this reunion will be fun bc everyone is on opposite sides. oh no i hope rebecca will be faithful to seinshen so that he can stay alive. OH NO GREGOR. OH NO TULLEY. OH NO ANJALI. NOO ANJALI. dammit! yay macallan found the star stone inside the frickin tracker. damn this whole time there was a star stone & seinshen's group had no idea LOL. some tracker you are rebecca. ooh tulley coincidentally show up now! oh wait jason didnt make it to alex's submarine? and wait toshi didnt leave either? PLEASE DONT SHOOT TOSHI! fuck jason and yay tulley! OMGOMGOMG ok tulley pick up toshi pick up toshi.OMGOMG SO MUCH ACTION IS HAPPENING. OH NO ANTON AND SEINSHEN? i wonder if they realized that toshi & jason were still on the ground? shoot. LOL harlequin spent this entire time in a las vegas. but i think he deserves it, hes not focused on either side of the war after all.
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blackinquisitors · 3 years
got angry about yakuza 6 for no good reason again and wrote a review on steam. here it is, and I’ll put it under a read more. spoilers obviously. I just..... I just hate this game so much...
Really disappointing. I still maintain that 4 was the worst in the series, but 6 takes the title of being the worst yakuza game simply because this is supposed to be the final chapter in the Kiryu saga. This is the goodbye we get? This is it? It's incredibly unsatisfying. Despite Haruka being on the cover, she is nothing but set dressing in the game which is extremely disappointing. Her baby has more screentime than she does, but he is also the quietest most docile baby that has ever existed so he's also set dressing. (Side note while I'm complaining- did Kiryu never think to pick up a sling or a carrier for Haruto? Why did he carry him from Tokyo to Hiroshima with no carrier? Also why did we have a whole quest finding baby milk for him when he's a year old and literally has teeth and can eat solid food?) Kiryu's character was also very frustrating as he consistently makes the worst decisions, and thinks with his fists, even more so than the previous entries. y0 Kiryu actually feels a bit more composed than y6 Kiryu, and if youre acting more aggressive at nearly 50 than you did when you were 20, you need to sort your issues out. (The scene where he hands off Haruto to a stranger so he can beat up a random drunk guy for pissing in a gutter- dude, do you perhaps have some anger issues?). This game really highlights how Kiryu is actually not a very good father. Yet again he abandons his okinawan kids because he feels guilty over something or another, and don't even get me started on why that letter was addressed to DAIGO instead of his daughter that he doesn't even properly call his daughter.
With the title "Song of Life", I assumed that the game would explore the idea of cycles of violence and possibly having Kiryu's mantle passed down to Haruka. Daughter of the Dragon, you know? Instead she is made into a teen mom and yet again has no agency in the entire game, and is simply a damsel for the 38028th time. The game's plot feels extremely impersonal to the both of them. Why are we in Hiroshima, a city that neither of them have been to before? Why do we have an entirely new cast of characters with only brief cameos from established characters, instead of including characters from all the previous games as a way to close out Kiryu's saga? Why is the big plot twist a random hidden battleship that would be useless in a modern navy, instead of something personal relating to Kiryu, perhaps the identity of his parents or meeting Kashiwagi, or maybe a reveal about Haruka's character- maybe she had been combat training behind Kiryu's back, maybe she had the same violent urges he did. But we don't get any of that, we get 30 hours of plot that I did not care about, plus the worst ending you could possibly give a protagonist that has been in these games for over a decade.
Also, where the hell is any of the side content? There are apparently dozens of side stories but I found a grand total of 11 after combing through both maps. Where is the crane game, the good arcade games, bowling, gambling, the underground arena? The side content that remains is frankly boring and tedious, and I somehow didn't even unlock some of it? This is especially disappointing since this game came out AFTER yakuza 0 which is universally considered the best in the series, and after yakuza 5 which has an abundance of side content that some people consider to be TOO MUCH. And then 6 closes off two massive areas of Kamurocho for no reason, limiting content even more. Ridiculous.
Minor note on the combat- it's boring. It's not bad, but just really limited. Like they made all the base moves and forgot to add more. Very few heat moves, not being able to carry weapons is lame (not that I used them often, but I should be able to keep a knife in my pocket), and the combat is just repetitive. If it didn't run as smooth as it does, I would but it at the same level as y3 combat in terms of monotony.
Overall, a disappointing end to Kiryu's story on pretty much every field. This game feels like a first draft of a story that they then rushed out. I think they spent too much time on the graphics (which are brilliant, but when the graphics are the best part of your game, you've made a shitty game) and forgot to add anything fun to the games. I think they needed to spend a few more months drafting up a better story because I should not have walked away from this game angry and disliking Kiryu.
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