#post dreamsmp theory
ya-boi-haru · 2 years
Another Eternal Duo theory/headcannon/AU:
Firstly, this combines a couple of concept ideas I have such as:
• While Foolish is immortal (being a Demi God of Undying/Death and all) Eret technically isn't, they just age significantly slower. (For example: while she may look in their early 20s, they may actually be 166)
• The whole "3 cannon life system" is actually a type of curse inflicted on certain people, it's more common around the land of Dream SMP.
Onto the theory:
During one of Erets and Foolish's adventures, something went wrong; one slip up, a miscalculation, one too many powerful monsters... Eret got hurt. Badly hurt.
Foolish found them, barely alive and he panicked. The damage was too great for potions, Eret ran out of Totems and Foolish wasn't one to carry them around - why would he need them. Eret had mere seconds of life left in them.
Now Foolsih was a powerful Demi-God - we've seen what he can do with lightning - His immortal ability was limited only to himself, then again he's never tried to project it onto another person. First time for everything and it was now or never.
Concentrating on a force he wasn't even aware of, Foolish channelled his power and was able heal Eret. It took a lot out of Foolsih and he ended up passing out himself.
When Foolsih came to he found himself in a house on a bed. He learned that some townsfolk near by found them passed out and took them back to recover. They explained that his friend (Eret) came to a couple hours before him, confused and couldn't remember anything. She got startled and scared and ended up running off to make sence of everything.
Foolsih tried to go after Eret but she was long gone by then.
Little did the duo know was that by reviving Eret, Foolish upset an unspoken balance with the world, the cycle of life. His power of immortality was meant for him alone and by sharing it he messed with the way of it. Eret was so far gone that by reviving her, it was basically recreating the soul all over again, thus she had no memory of anything before the incident.
Foolish eventually found Eret (in the DSMP) and realised she still didn't remember anything of their time.
He also learned (thanks to the Egg) that Foolish's immortality was limited, and he - and Eret - had the "3 heart curse" - Until XD gave Foolish his immortality back.
Thank you for coming to today's brain brrr theory
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Wow... it's been forever since I have made a theory, especially one for the Dreamsmp ...
Well, nothing like the present!
WARNING LONG POST!!! If you just want a summary without all the evidence, will put one in the notes!
So... Strange way to start this off... But I think I figured out Ranboo's other half-
A bloody big thing for me to say, I know! But I really do believe I figured it out.
I don't think Ranboo has actually revealed what it is, and with Dreamsmp season 1 over, I don't think we will ever truely know til he out right tells us.
So I figured I would give it a shot.
What if... Ranboo's other half was a player?
Hear me out-
The idea came to me when thinking about the differences between Ranboo and other players on the server.
Most of Ranboo's differences are his Endermen abilities. Other than that, there have been no hints about his other half.
So how do we figure out what the other half is, if it's only his ender side having abilities?
Then it struck me ... Ranboo is really different to the other hybrids on the server... He actually has abilities because of his ender half. No other hybrid on the server has that. Other than one outlier...
Let's look at the examples first.
Example one: Fundy
Fundy is a fox. He should have the ability to jump high and run faster than other players but he can't. He should have the ability to hold stuff in his mouth but can't!
Example two: Sam
Sam is meant to be a creeper, but he too does not have any real abilities. He does have clones, but that was biologically made with science. Not with his powers. He can't explode, and he is not afraid of cats.
Example three: BBH
BBH is a tall demon. I don't really count hight as a ability, but I will say he has that hight because of his demon ancestory. Though, other than that, BBH has no real powers other than what the Egg gives him.
None of these players have abilities. They have physical changes but other than that... Nothing. No super jump, or being able to explode, or even having demonic powers.
The only one who does is...
Outlier: Foolish
Foolish has a lot of physical changes. He is a 23'3 tall Totem shark. He has the ability to bring the dead back to life, strike lightning, and not being able to die. One of those abilities were given by DreamXD but other than that... The other two abilities are his.
The problem with it though... Foolish is a Demigod. Not a player. Not a Hybrid.
We know Gods and Demigods are different to players because we have seen gods, and they are in creative. They are close to players, but they can't die and can do some crazy stuff with their powers.
So to me, Foolish does not count as an outlier but more of a red herring.
So then, if that's the case. What defines a player?
Well from what we can tell. Players are not a definite species. They can be human like, but I don't think they are actually human. Same can be said with the hybrids, they can look like other species, but that does not mean they are hybrids of that species. They just look fox like, or sheep like, or even creeper like. But at the end of the day, they are Players.
Maybe the definition of being a Hybrid Player is that they are a mix between a Player human type and a Player Sheep type. Kinda like how dogs have different types but at the end of the day, they are still a species of dog.
So then, Ranboo is probably a mix between a Player something, (maybe a Ghast.) And a actual Endermen instead of a player Endermen.
In that sense we could also turn to the reason why Ranboo has a Ender-walking state.
This part of the theory comes from the idea of AI vs player, and the fact players can actually log out.
This evidence can be seen by the fact that:
The Pizza hut incident is canon to the lore and that is in the real world
Wilbur's leaving the SMP showed him logging out. Coming to the real world as a human.
The real world is canon to the SMP. The players, have another world they can escape to. When they do, their bodies log out with them and they disappear til they come back. We know this is also canon because of the planning for if someone logs out while in battle by other players, since the fully vanish if that happens.
Mobs can't do that. They can despawn, but they can't actually leave the world.
So what about Ranboo?
Ranboo can log out, we know this since all players can log out.
But, What if when he does log out, his body remains?
Let's take to account for the reasons why a player might log out.
Main reason is to rest in the real world. This could make sense why some players are saying he is "sleep walking." They might think he doesn't log out to rest, and that maybe in the real world, he is messing with his account while relaxing.
Another reason could be out of fear. Might explain the reasons of blacks out that happen when he starts to panic. The player part logs out of fear, leaving the mob in control.
Last reason could be from the fact of having issues with their game. These are usually quick log outs then log back ins, but even so, there is a lot that could happen there. Maybe a lost of internet, maybe their game was being glitchy. All I know, is that it could be seen as short parts of time to forget what you were doing.
With that in mind, it makes sense why Ranboo might enderwalk. He logs out, his body remains, and that's when the code for an Endermen takes over.
I feel like I can go on forever about the reasons why I think Ranboo's other half is a player, but I won't because this Theory is already too long.
So Imma end it here!
Thank you for reading all this if you did. Sorry for a long post!
I hope you all have a wonderful day or night, and I will see you on the flip side!
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starkid256 · 10 months
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I don't agree with what I said in the music enjoyer post anymore. Don't send me hatemail over it anymore.
Also, don't send don@tion requests in my inbox. I am a minor (and its very clear) so I'm not the right person to send those to. I will delete your ask.
Hi! I'm Star.
-Autism, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression
-They/She/He (in order of preference)
-Bi Aroace
-Page of Light, Prospit, Goldblood (Gempio)
Music Theory
Terfs/Transphobes, Racists, Abelists, Sexists, Homophobes (AKA T.R.A.S.H.)
Pedophiles/MAPs, Zoophiles
Harry Potter/Taylor Swift/DreamSMP centric blogs
NSFW blogs
People who don't believe in seperating creation from the creator
Anti Contradictory Labels
#untitled trio - my untitled trio ocs
#untitled trio robin/#untitled trio kyle/#untitled trio grace - tags for specific characters
#triostuck - ok so hear me out on this one... imagine untitled trio mixed with homestuck
OOC Grumblr blog: @grumbums-ooc
Thanks for reading, and have a great day!!!!!!!!
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mistythedritten · 8 months
20 questions for Writers thing
So I got tagged by the lovely @bleue-flora so here I am!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
Twenty. Which is more than I expected.
2. What is your word count?
90,465 words, which is just over 200 words according to the words to pages website I use.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The DreamSMP
4. What are your top 5 fics? (stats)
By Kudos, Glitter Green, The Retrieval, An Ugly Duck Named Dream, Bound By Black and White Strings, and Rescuing the Rivals
5. Do you always respond to comments? Why or why not?
Almost always, every once in a while I'll get someone who basically wants me to change an aspect of my fic so they can have what they want, like it's a restaurant. Which is different than someone creating theories on what might happen next or talking about how I've written characters. I don't respond to those people mostly because I don't know how? Do I just say "No, I'm not going to write that, thanks for the suggestion," or something?
But most of the time, yes. I love interacting with people who like my writing, it's fun!
6. Angstiest ending for a fic?
That would be a fic that's not done yet! This fic is going to have a bittersweet ending, but we aren't close to that yet.
7. First Fic with a Happy Ending?
That would be the first one-shot I ever wrote, Glitter Green
(I discovered how to embed links today, this is great!)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I did once, I wrote some references to IRL events with Tommyinnit neg, which got two hate comments. I laughed at them and deleted them. I did add tags making it more clear there was Tommy neg, but it was 3 lines at most.
9. Do you write smut?
...yes and no. I have officially dipped my toe into writing it, but I certainly haven't posted any. Yet. I'm still deciding what to do with it. It's not even finished.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Does DSMP and Empires SMP count?
11. Ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, but I also don't go looking for them elsewhere.
12. Ever had a fic translated?
No, but that would be cool.
13. Ever co-written?
Yes! I've got a couple. Zen doesn't have a Tumblr, one author wants to keep her Tumblr separate, and one author doesn't feel like she's done enough to have her name on the fic. (I disagree, but that's her choice.)
I recommend everything they have written.
14. Favorite ship?
Tough choice, I kinda rotate. I keep trying to pick, and I can't.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but probably never will?
Black and White strings, it's been over a year, I'm thinking of orphaning the fic or putting it up for adoption.
16. Writing strenghts?
Hm, I like to write Emotions TM, but is that a strength? Same with dialog.
17. Writing weaknesses?
Flirting and fight scenes. I'm just unfamiliar with doing fight scenes and don't know how to flirt.
18. Thoughts on dialog in another language in a fic?
I've done it in my FarfaDream fic, but if it's something that's not easy to google translate, I find it a bit annoying.
19. First fandom you have written for?
20. Favorite fic you have written?
Also a tough question. I'm not sure. The one that is most self-indulgent is definitely Children of the Realms
And there you have it folks! I would like to tag @citrus-blade @the-final-sif @percy-ils @morgueofstories @azures-grace @unholy-virtue @firedergen and everyone else who would like to!
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silvereestars · 1 year
My Interests!
Here’s a list of all the fandoms I’m in/was into! (WARNING: Very long post ahead! If you want to see what fandoms I’m w/o the reading, just look at the tags!)
EDIT: NEVERMIND, THE TAG LIMIT FOILED ME /GEN /LH I am SO sorry, but the last few fandoms got cut out from the tag list! You’ll have to scroll down to the bottom to see them-
Crowned: These fandoms are VERY near and dear to my heart- and I’m ALWAYS willing to talk about them!
The Legend of Zelda: This is the fandom that introduced me to the internet back in 2019 (I’m a late bloomer, I know- XDDD), and kickstarted me making theories and analyses!
Friday Night Funkin: Hate it or love it, you can’t deny there are some amazing individuals out there! And for you modders out there, this game is actually heavily moddable- and one mod in particular was what caused FNF to blow up in the first place! This is actually the fandom I’m hyper fixating on right now-
Favorites: While they aren’t as important to me as the “crowned” ones, they still managed to hold my attention for a month or so- and that’s something to admire, considering how hyper my brain is!
Animator Vs Animation: This is the fandom that introduced me to Tumblr and AO3 back in the late summer of 2021- don’t worry, @ann-aha, you’re not alone! XDDD
Oh, and I can’t talk about “AvA” without mentioning the rest of the stick figure community! Shout out to Henry Stickmin, Rock Hard Gladiators/Hyun’s Dojo, Hyun, and Gildedguy! :D
Genshin Impact: Contrary to popular opinion, this game isn’t just for “nerds” or people who can afford to splurge thousands of dollars- I managed to complete the current (back then!) storyline as a free-to-player! While I’m not in the fandom anymore, at least give this one a chance?
Undertale: Ah yes, the funny skeleton man fandom /j /lh But seriously, this fandom isn’t all “Sans Fangirls”- just search up animations and artwork! Or, better yet- search up a full play through of the game (I recommend this order for newcomers- Neutral, Pacifist, Genocide) and let the story and gameplay do the talking! ^^
Just Shapes and Beats: Exactly what it says on the tin. Pro tip- once you’ve seen the full story mode, go check out KofiKrumble!
Minecraft: Of course I’d be into this fandom at some point, everyone will! I’m not into DreamSMP (please don’t kill me I’m just not interested in stuff like server-wide wars), but I AM fond of Hermitcraft and Empires!
Normal: I don’t really think about these fandoms too often, but they deserve a mention! 
Harry Potter
Voltron: Legendary Defender
My Hero Academia
The Owl House (hey, while this fandom isn’t one of my favorites, you bet I watched the finale and cried the whole time!)
Doki Doki Literature Club (somewhat- in my master post, I mentioned I hate horror, so I avoid gameplay and stick to tvtropes/summaries- sorry- ^^;)
Kipo & The Age of Wonderbeasts
How To Train Your Dragon
Marvel (The Avengers!)
Trollhunters (and the rest of the Tales of Arcadia! I LOVED that series- except for Rise of The Titans. We don’t talk about Rise of The Titans. /gen /lh)
Carmen Sandiego
“The Big Three”: These were the fandoms I was into as a little kid, and inspired me to start making fan fiction & headcanons!
Kung Fu Panda: Oh my god, I loved this series- and a 4th movie’s coming in 2024!
Big Hero Six: This is the OG- the first fandom I EVER got into! :D
Wakfu: Yugo accidentally inspired an OC (no info- yet! Not unless I learn how to draw!), so it’d be a crime to not include this fandom!
Well, I think that’s all- for now! If you want to learn about favorite characters, theories, head canons and the like- just ask! :D
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wolfmage553 · 1 year
This is kind of an odd theory but I just thought about it:
What if Exandria is in fact a post Project Early Dawn DreamSMP and Campaign One of Critical Role is in fact DreamSMP season 2 taking place over hundreds of thousands of years after the nukes dropped?
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talking-trees-nd · 2 years
Hello, I'm Woodlands_ND!
My main blog is woodlands-nd, and I reblog pretty much anything and everything that comes across my dash there along with my own posts that I talk in. This blog was made in a desperate attempt for some sort of organization, and my plan for it is to reblog original posts of mine to this account. In theory, I'll be able to find them this way. In practice, there's a good chance that I'll forget about this. But I can try!
What I will post here: I will reblog original posts from my main blog, and possibly posts where I add something semi-significant in reblogs.
Fandoms: the main fandom that I will have original posts about will probably be the DreamSMP and minesweeper. For dsmp it will probably be through fics.
url explination: my main username is woodlands, and woodlands have trees in them, and this is a blog for when I talk. the -nd is from my main username and because just talking-trees was taken lmao
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dogin8 · 3 years
People have said how it seems strange or funny that Wilbur talked about a train station that he was unable to leave no matter how hard he tried but Jack Manifold died and came back out of spite,
But, I had a theory, maybe Jack Manifold never truly came back, maybe Jack Manifold is still in limbo. "Well in that case" you might ask "Who is the person we see walking around trying to kill Tommy and claiming hotels?" don't worry, that's still definitely Jack Manifold, but then that's quite confusing isn't it? How can he be still in Limbo but also walking around fully alive on the dream smp?
Well, what if Jack Manifold's personal Limbo WAS being alive, in the same way that Wilbur is trapped in a train station he can never leave, in the same way Tommy is trapped in a colourless void being torn apart and put back together, maybe Jack Manifold is stuck in LIFE, maybe his "punishment" is being forced to try to kill Tommy, but being doomed to always fail.
Jack Manifold is Sisyphus and killing Tommy is his boulder
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pathetic-dumpling · 3 years
I have to make this now so i don't forget but i have some dream analysis/theories!! i'll probs rb this later with more explanations +detail but for now, i'm throwing this out into the world!
/rp /dsmp
dream strikes me as the kind of guy who has never had something good. of course, he had his friends and things he loved, cherished, even, but he seems like the guy who doesn't even know what a good quality of life looks like. it feels like he's always had it rough, had so little, that he doesn't even know that it's bad. the way he said "i don't even sleep" to techno in passing made it sound casual like it was something that's become a common part of dream's life (or always has been?)
dream never approaches the negative parts of his life with anything but a casual, neutral tone. he never complains about grinding for resources, never mentions that he's tired, his houses are barren and empty, and really he had nothing that was his, outside of his armor, for a long time. like, pre-disk finally (and even then- the legitimacy of dream's evil lair being nothing but for show is up for debate). the only exception to this was the Spirit Speech, but those were completely different circumstances.
...has dream ever had a safe place to sleep? has he ever had a home? has there ever been a time where he just let himself rest, realize what's good for him, and what's not? because it really doesn't seem like it
(I'm really excited for techno to teach him)
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Ok, do you know those little lore/theory thingys people have made about Sally the Salmon actually being a Dryaid/Nature Spirit and that's how her and Wilbur were able to have Fundy?
You know how Dryaids are able to turn into trees?
You know how there is only one tree still standing after all of the events that have happened in the Wars?
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call-me-apple · 3 years
"c!Dream is a fraud"
A blend of theory / analysis / creative writing that offers an unconventional interpretation of the prison visit scene from Quackity's 22st of May lore stream. Based on @overthinkingfandom's reading of the scene.
Dream is a fraud, a sham.
Dream is only what he wants you to see him as: the villain, a monster, cruel and heartless. Someone all-powerful, a God capable of denying death. An unhinged madman not to be messed with even locked in an obsidian cage.
Or a helpless prisoner, desperate for any chance of escape.
Even starved and bruised, Dream is still a fraud. But hidden behind the mask is someone clever and determined, someone resourceful.
All Dream can do, stuck in Pandora's Vault, is survive. There’s little else for him here: with his words and image as the only tools at his disposal. Except there’s an issue.
Dream is only alive so long as he's useful.
The book has kept him alive long enough. But now Wilbur is back and Quackity is losing interest in it. But there are other reasons for his torturer to keep him alive...
"It's because you like it! You like torturing me!" Dream yells.
Not an accusation, an acknowledgement.
You see, Dream is good at people. He understands them well. He understood Tommy and Wilbur and Techno and Tubbo and George. Quackity is no exception.
Quackity is a man starved for power. He’s someone who’s failed to wring power out of another man’s suffering before, someone who’s wanted to have Dream at the end of his axe for a long time.
Which is what Quackity is here for: the torture isn’t an act of justice, it is a power trip. Here, in this cell, he can have the almighty Dream on his knees before him. Can witness the one who has cheated him out of so many victories with his wits and his stupid favors finally bend under his will.
Which is why Quackity has made these little trips into a routine.
The issue with routine, however, is that it gets boring.
If Quackity gets bored, he’ll stop. And who knows what will happen if Quackity stops. Who knows what will happen to Dream if he’s not useful anymore.
So what does the fraud do? He makes himself fun.
He can’t break too soon, can’t play the submissive game too much. Broken toys are no fun to play with, after all.
Instead, Dream makes himself a game, a challenge.
He puts up small resistances for Quackity to knock down, to give him that rush of power. To put that sick, satisfied smile back on his face. Things that are easy enough to feel satisfying, but not difficult so as to make the game frustrating. Things like trying to grab at his weapon, like talking back.
Like asking for Sapnap.
Because he knows Quackity won’t listen to his offers. Because he knows just mentioning the man’s name will make his torturer angry, and emotion is what drives us, what makes life interesting, what makes it fun. Where there’s anger, there’s catharsis.
Like calling for Sam.
Because Dream knows Sam isn’t going to come. And Quackity knows it too. But this way, Quackity gets to rub that fact in Dream’s face, show just how powerful he is, just how powerless Dream is.
Like telling Quackity “I am not going to write a note to Technoblade”.
When one says “Dream is ruthless”, that doesn’t just mean he’s ruthless to his enemies.
Dream is just as, if not more, ruthless to himself.
When one says Dream’s mentality is that of “the ends justify the means” it is implied that Dream himself is a means to an end.
He is but a tool on the path to his goal. His suffering – a method.
So long as Quackity keeps playing, keeps wringing sick joy out of his pain, Dream wins. Because it means he's alive for that much longer.
And so, he invites it, because he has no other choice.
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ya-boi-haru · 2 years
Headcannon (refering to characters):
When Eret first left the Nether to go to the Overworld she was so excited to see and explore a new world. However when they came across a village, everyone seemed spooked by them and distant, he didn't know why.
Turns out Herobrine has quite the reputation and it was far from a good one. Stories would describe him with pupiless, white eyes that could burn through a persons soul; eyes that became genetic and now a feature that Eret shares.
When people saw those eyes on Eret, they knew who Eret was - or at least who her father is - and that scared them away, before they could even get to know her and that didn't make him feel great.
So Eret had the idea to get their hands on a pair of dark tinted sunglasses to cover their eyes. If they could hide their eyes, maybe people could relax around them and maybe they wouldn't be so insecure and ashamed about them.
It surprisingly worked.
With their new look, Eret continued to explore the Overworld, travel, learn about new and odd things, they were having so much fun!
Until one day they meet another Demi-God named Foolish. Foolsih ended up helping Eret with some of the ways of the Overwolrd (fighting, monuments, creature etc) they quickly became friends and continued to journey together.
One day, Erets glasses broke and fell off during a fight, it wasn't until the duo retreated and regrouped that Foolsih pointed it out.
"You know, this is the first time I've seen your eyes"
Eret, now realising what had happened, began to get nervous. Foolish was her first friend, she didn't want to scare him away or worse, lose their friendship.
Eret began to stumble over their words, trying to explain that they're not like their father and that they wouldn’t hurt him. But before they could spiral any further Foolsih cut him off, saying that he didnt care what their eyes were a symbol of, or where she came from and they knew Eret well enough by now to know they were a good person. He trusted them.
His response threw Eret off. No one has ever been calm about their eyes before, they always ran away in fear, but for once, Eret showed someone their eyes and they didn't feel self-conscious or worried, they felt safe and accepted.
That moment bonded Eret and Foolish closer and their adventures continued for decades...
It's a shame Eret doesn't remember it.
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nightmaremybeloved · 3 years
dream being sentimental and remembering the exact cords of where he first met techno, leaving the blueprints there thinking one day that he would need technos help 🥺
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netherst4r · 3 years
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insomniaccipher · 3 years
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This is a little odd, cause last stream the messages read ‘’Quick, I don’t have much time. Stay away from the North! A strange metal weapon washed up. It poisons.’  
Small add on:
Also, I don’t know if it’s just me but, the way it’s phrased it a bit weird too “Someone needs to tell him he must go to the north” it feels like half way through, the original sentence got cut off:
“Someone needs to tell him-”
“he must go to the north”
It was kinda confirmed the second time the messages showed up that they are coming from 2 different entitles:
‘’Quick, I don’t have much time. Stay away from the North! A strange metal weapon washed up. it poisons the nature" "no it's not"
The entitles, whoever they are, clearly don’t get along.
“Wake up!“
anyone remember Fundy’s mental health lore stream? cause I certainly do. All Fundy had to do was wake up :)
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anakirui · 3 years
conspiracy theory today because big lore happened on my birthday
(key words: conspiracy theory)
/rp /dsmp
so... c!skeppy wasn't in today's lore stream(s).
and c!sam thinks that c!bad or c!ant betrayed him...
look i may connect everything to c!happyduo at this point but hear me out
these fuckers may be the reason why c!dream escaped, and here's why:
this community post.
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i know it's 5 months old, but that's besides the point-
it's been pre established canon that c!skeppy and c!techno are friends (red skeppy calls c!techno his best friend, c!skeppy tries to deter c!techno from killing him (it was not a canon death tho) during the battle of the lake by mentioning that they're old friends, etc.)
something pre established about bad and skeppys characters though is that they have always had this desire to cause chaos and have control over the smp (while also having other negative traits like their manipulative nature or their heavy sense of materialism/greed)
and what better way to start chaos than by freeing a wanted and universally hated terrorist from jail?
(idk the possibility here that im trying to bring up is that skeppy learns about dream being in prison from techno and gets bad to help, but then bad getting killed by techno could be explained by them not communicating?? idk yeah this is a VERY obvious hole in this- but i think there's different explanations for this theory that can work)
anyways this literally just derived from observation mixed with a deadly amount of villain brainrot
also im pretty sure c!skeppy has been missing from some big lore streams, not because of cc!skeppy, but moreso because of actual lore reasons
he wasnt in the disc confrontation despite having that skeppy jail built for him. pretty sure if c!skeppy was there then we wouldn't have bd island because his (uncorrupted) presence would interfere with whatever paranoia that gave c!bad... oh yeah he also was probably corrupted at the time (the time periods in which red skeppy was active is dubious/unclear asf)
then he wasn't at the banquet despite implying that his character was going to go to it on twitter? and then the end of the banquet in c!bads pov, it has c!bad going on a boat somewhere which is where the (currently still late and unreleased) c!happyduo final egg stream starts. i personally think that c!bad went to bd island which is where c!skeppy respawned after their first canon death which makes me think that's why he couldn't have been at the banquet (but again the stream hasn't happened yet, so we can't know for sure but like... imo idk where else he'd fucking go)
also that damn cat disc canonically went from c!skeppys enderchest to c!ranboo somehow to c!dream. c!happyduo would never let go of that damn disc easily. some shit had to have happened there, maybe like a trade of sorts??? just... why are they so fucking sus please
anyways keep in mind this is a literal crackhead theory uh i would like it very much if it was real i think this is how i cope with a lack of c!happyduo content help
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