#eternal duo headcannon
ya-boi-haru · 2 years
Another Eternal Duo theory/headcannon/AU:
Firstly, this combines a couple of concept ideas I have such as:
• While Foolish is immortal (being a Demi God of Undying/Death and all) Eret technically isn't, they just age significantly slower. (For example: while she may look in their early 20s, they may actually be 166)
• The whole "3 cannon life system" is actually a type of curse inflicted on certain people, it's more common around the land of Dream SMP.
Onto the theory:
During one of Erets and Foolish's adventures, something went wrong; one slip up, a miscalculation, one too many powerful monsters... Eret got hurt. Badly hurt.
Foolish found them, barely alive and he panicked. The damage was too great for potions, Eret ran out of Totems and Foolish wasn't one to carry them around - why would he need them. Eret had mere seconds of life left in them.
Now Foolsih was a powerful Demi-God - we've seen what he can do with lightning - His immortal ability was limited only to himself, then again he's never tried to project it onto another person. First time for everything and it was now or never.
Concentrating on a force he wasn't even aware of, Foolish channelled his power and was able heal Eret. It took a lot out of Foolsih and he ended up passing out himself.
When Foolsih came to he found himself in a house on a bed. He learned that some townsfolk near by found them passed out and took them back to recover. They explained that his friend (Eret) came to a couple hours before him, confused and couldn't remember anything. She got startled and scared and ended up running off to make sence of everything.
Foolsih tried to go after Eret but she was long gone by then.
Little did the duo know was that by reviving Eret, Foolish upset an unspoken balance with the world, the cycle of life. His power of immortality was meant for him alone and by sharing it he messed with the way of it. Eret was so far gone that by reviving her, it was basically recreating the soul all over again, thus she had no memory of anything before the incident.
Foolish eventually found Eret (in the DSMP) and realised she still didn't remember anything of their time.
He also learned (thanks to the Egg) that Foolish's immortality was limited, and he - and Eret - had the "3 heart curse" - Until XD gave Foolish his immortality back.
Thank you for coming to today's brain brrr theory
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koolades-world · 2 years
Random Obey Me! Headcannons
Lucifer really likes human world blue cheese but refuses to admit it because he knows he will be made fun of for it by his brothers
Mammon has his first dollar he made in the Devildom framed and when Mc found it while looking for condoms he was really embarrassed
Idk it’s so funny to me to think of Mc and Mammon about to have sexy time and they need to go look for a condom. Mammon swears he has some so Mc goes digging though a drawer and finds a framed dollar bill while butt naked
“Mammon what is this-”
Levi has neck and back pains from all the gaming he does and really loves massages but is too scared to ask
Satan once stole a pair of Lucifer’s underwear and hung it from the RAD flagpole
Asmo made it a point to introduce Mc into his nightly routine as his face mask buddy, even to the point of doing it over call if they’re separated
This also sounds funny as shit imagine someone like Levi walking in on that
“So anyways, I stomped their skull in and got blood on my new boots. My hands also hurt from wringing the neck of that-”
“Asmo, Lucifer wants to know- HOLY SHIT WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU”
“A face mask, Levi. You could use one”
Beel loves kids and likes it when they use him as a jungle gym
Belphie always kicks people in his sleep without fail. Mammon swears he does it on purpose but knows he doesn't
Simeon does the best hair braids and is regarded the best in the Celestial Realm
Luke hates girl scout cookies since he thinks homemade cookies are so much better
Solomon can be seen leaving Asmo's room at any point during the day but nobody ever sees him going in. Imagine hanging out with Asmo and Solomon just fucking appears and then disappears just as fast
Diavolo's favorite color is pink
Barbatos has a succulent garden and Mc will bring him a new one every time they come back from the human world
Thirteen definitely loves Mexican food and spice in general
Raphael is convinced soft blankets are the best thing to ever exist
Mephisto once accidently knocked over one of Luke's cakes and felt so bad that he sent Purgatory Hall a buttload of money and wrote an article in the RAD newspaper about how great the angels were at baking
Mammon and Lucifer openly hate white chocolate (because it's not chocolate). Satan does too but pretends to like it because Lucifer likes it
Whenever Satan needs a parter to go to the events he gets invited to, Mc and Asmo are his first choices. He's closest with Asmo (Belphie is a second close) and doesn't mind the fanfare
Asmo and Beel often travel around the Devildom together. Asmo can't eat everything he orders since he just wants pictres so Beel is the ideal companion. Beel is also the perfect body guard
Solomon's current favorite liquor is Fireball and always has some on hand, but Luke always hides it because he thinks drinking is a bad habit
Barbatos definitely listens to heavy metal but everyone thinks he listens to classical music
If my grandmothers met the brothers, Beel would be their fav because he would clean his plate but if it was everyone, Simeon would take it home because he’s so charming even though he’s barely clothed
Everyone is so downbad for Mc I think it might scare off other people how much they hover. Like, a lower demon bothering you? Literally anything could happen to them, like they could be thrown in an endless loop of suffering, they could be made dirt poor for eternity, or they could be torn limb from limb <3 gotta love it
Asmo and Belphie make a deadly duo when to comes to trapping people/demons/angels. They both have the power to lure you in, and would probably take turn luring in victims for an evening as some sort of strange brother bonding. They both remind me of angler fish in a way. Asmo lures them with the pretense of sex and Belphie with relaxation, two things people can’t get enough of and they can stay calm enough to pull it off
Solomon has definitely made the brothers swap bodies or something crazy like that, on accident or not, you decide
Whenever Mc is feeling down, Diavolo offers his man titties as a nice pillow to relax on because he read somewhere once humans liked that
Beel is like a bull in a china shop so do not take him anyway where you need to be delicate. Belphie knows this, and will put him to sleep and carry him when they need to go somewhere like an antique shop by promising him a snack afterwards
Beel thinks Satan, Belphie, and Mc make the best weights out of everyone. Satan will just read, Belphie will just sleep, and Mc is like his personal cheerleader. However, he can and will lift all his brothers and Mc and the same time if he wants to, it’s just difficult to get them all in the same place at the same time
Thirteen, Belphie, and Satan got in a prank war once and it had to end in a draw since one party could not best the other. In the end, they made a final, collaborative prank and pulled it on Solomon
Mc once fell down the stairs in the human realm, ended up in the hospital, and sent the entire cast into panic so much that they took turns watching over them
Mephisto and Mc once had a night out drinking together and (somehow) returned to the HoL but were totally smashed. Lucifer forbid them from doing it again, but they still sneak out together and just crash at Mephiso’s place instead
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yandere-writer-momo · 6 months
I need some Karou Phantom on the Opera Headcannons, he lives in my head rent-free
Yandere Baki Short Stories:
The Phantom of the Opera
Yandere Phantom Hanayama Kaoru x Christine! Fem Reader x mentioned! Raoul Katsumi Orochi
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Large hands lovingly traced up and down (your name)’s figure from the other side of the mirror. A dark eye observed her ethereal form prepare for her performance in awe. His beautiful muse, the Apple of his eye… his angel.
Hanayama pressed his lips against the mirror, his eye fluttered shut in bliss. Desire had him in its clutches and he had no interest in stoking the fires that burned within him. He desired (your name). He’s been alone for so many years, rotting in this opera house and he finally has an angel of his own… and he’d be damned if he let that Count Katsumi stole her away! All he had ever asked of her was her loyalty and he knew that devilishly handsome man had entranced her. Hanayama would not let her fall under Katsumi’s spell. He would save her!
Hanayama had prepared for his arrival in his dark dwelling for months now. (Your name) would be pampered and doted on endlessly. She would never need to worry about money or food. And certainly not about him having a fickle heart. Hanayama had plenty of connections to keep her satisfied beyond human comprehension. It’s the least he could do…
Hanayama had trained (your name) for months to perfect her melodic voice. She owed him… she belonged to him! And Hanayama would not let her escape his grasp when he finally has the love he’s always wanted within reach… (your name) was his for all of eternity.
Hanayama began to sing to catch his angel’s attention. His heart swelled with pride when she immediately responded with a bright smile. There she was! His obedient song bird…
Their voices perfectly sung together in harmony, his eye never left her form as she twirled in her beautiful gown in her dressing room. Just a bit closer to the mirror… there!
Hanayama pushed the mirror open and quickly snatched up his prize. His large palm pressed firmly against her mouth as he pressed numerous kisses to the side of her face.
“Oh my darling song bird… let’s go home.” Hanayama huskily whispered in her ear. “You needn’t this life any longer… you only need me and the music.”
(Your name) was still entranced by his magical melody as he pulled her through the tunnel behind the mirror. The mirror gently clicked shut behind the duo that would never be seen again.
This Phantom would never be lonely again… they have reached past the point of no return.
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thefuzzzz · 8 months
Ranking Nico Di Angelo ships as a multishipper with a crazy imagination, a Nico hyperfixation of 3 years, and the willpower of a god:
1. Solangelo - 8/10 I love them!! I adore Will in TSATS and he’s easily one of my favorite characters. I wish Rick had let us get to know Will separately before he was immediately made Nico’s boyfriend, but I love him anyway. I think they’re good for each other and very supportive. I think I spend too much time consuming media of them than their actual book interactions, because in media I hate their fanon portrayals, but I adore them in cannon. I only had the chance to read half of TSATS, but I thought it was cute!
2. Jasico - 10/10 I love them for the same reasons I love Solangelo, but Jason got character development and Will didn’t. Also, they had a cool moment with Cupid that I think about once a week at least. Jason is constantly someone Nico trusts and (I may be wrong) hugs at some point in the series. The only people Nico has shown direct physical affection to within the series (to my knowledge) are Will, Jason, Hazel, and Reyna. This proves how much Nico trusts Jason, even after Cupid. Also they’re silly and dumb and I love them so I’m right always
3. Nico x Conner - 10/10 I FUCKING LOVE THEM SO MUCH. Lemme explain. So when Nico came to camp he stayed with the Hermes cabin, but Luke was already fucked off (I think) so Conner and Travis were probably in charge of the cabin. Conner’s age changes several times, so I headcannon him to be just a tad older than Nico. I think since he knew Nico when he was a kid he can make present day Nico less doom and gloom and know when he’s truly happy. Also, Nico went to a notably strict military school before coming to camp, yk what they say, strict conditions raise sneaky kids. Thats right, these two are fucking nuts. They are little thieves. And I don’t even wanna mention the implications of Conner’s dad (Lin Manuel Miranda) being the god of travelers and Nico essentially being an eternal traveller. They make me so sick I love them
4. Nico x Clovis - 7/10 they were mentioned as friends MAYBE once and I took that shit and ran with it tbh. I don’t even remember if it’s cannon. I just love them. I THINK it was mentioned that Clovis helps Nico with his nightmares, but atp this shit might just be my imagination or a fic I read once. Anyways, Nico is noted as a very anxious person, and Clovis is very laid back. I really like that duo and the idea that Clovis can help to ground him a lot and help him relax
5. Valdengelo - 6/10 while I do adore them, they have hardly any time together or any bonding moments at all (Note: I am a hypocrite over Clovis let’s fight abt it) I do love media about them and consume it at rates not comprehendible by mankind though. Aside from no time together, I think they’re epic. Nico experiences a lot of the same things as Leo, such as losing his mother and general sadness, but they cope in wildly different ways (neither of which are healthy). Also, Nico grew up in the lotus casino. I’m sick of us all acting like he doesn’t understand technology. Let them be engineer boyfriends PLEASE
6. Pernico. - 0/10 I don’t care at all if other people ship them, since it’s fandom and you can do whatever you want. I just personally don’t enjoy their chemistry and see them more as brothers. You do you tho.
Keep in mind this is just my opinion please don’t take anything too personal!! I love all ships (almost.) equally and if you have any fic recommendations for any of these please give them to me I’m desperate
(Also, this doesn’t represent my FAVORITE Nico ship, just a ranking based on how much I giggle when I see them. It does not take many logistics into account)
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patfr8 · 1 year
Hey again Patfr8!
Thank you for answering my first question😚😊 My second question is which characters is going to appear in your golden emperor au? And which ship is going to be in it? Because we saw that inkypages and past shadowpeach was in it😊
I’ll always answer any questions you all have, don’t worry! So here I go
The characters in the AU are the ones you can see in the headbanner in the masterpost (+ some ocs for plot purposes) (yes, Wukong is there even if it doesn’t look like it, I didn’t have enough space for him lmao). Some characters will make small appearances, like LBD.
The main ships (even if the AU is not centered in that) are:
Inkypages (I am literally the CEO of it in Twitter, I made people like it out of nowhere. We are not many but we are strong)
PAST Shadowpeach (sorry, can’t with the present one, seems too toxic to me honestly BUT I respect it)
Silktea (lmao)
Dragonlotus (Ao Bing and Nezha; come on, it’s enemies to lovers, it’s perfect;Nezha 2019 anyone? That movie is great)
Chimera (Red Son has two hands and the triangle is the strongest shape according to all structures)
And before you start saying shit, here I go (x2)
I know about Nezha’s legend, but this is NOT his legend, it’s not even Wukong’s, it’s Mk’s, so it’s not even close to the canon mythology. And maybe he’s an eternal 12 year old with and adult body (cause that way everyone takes him seriously), but let’s be honest, if you stayed alive for millennia, would you still have the mentality of a 12 year old? We all know the answer to that. I’m against his sexualisation, it’s gross. But don’t you think he deserves a little love. Let’s give him that. Someone that will tend his wounds when he comes back from a battle he lost (it seems like that’s what always happens how the f). Let’s give him peace. Also, he must be so tired of being treated like a child it hurts.
Now the second part. Chimera. See, I like Spicynoodles. But I also like Dragonfruit. So I thought. Mk and Mei are such good friends they would want the other to be happy even if that meant not being with Red Son. And when they found out about their feelings towards them, they thought about ,instead of being a couple, being a threesome. And they talked with Red. And she liked the idea! Cause he loved them equally. And wanted to be with both. So that’s how it goes. Mk and Red are dating, Red and Mei are dating too, and Mei and Mk are the best besties in the world (Goldendragon is a great name for their duo)
There’s also small ships between ocs but they are not important, they are just for plot and comedy purposes
If you want the sexualities headcannons just tell me! I’ll be happy to oblige
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myuni-moon · 3 years
Genshin Yandere Cult Masterlist
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General Cult
heart in paradise, body in abyss
> you'd like to think you knew kindness (villain!au)
my lord
> general headcannons with male!reader
the idea of sickness
> you'll devour everything everything in your path, if only to fill the hole left in your heart (villain!au)
cult! zhongli
> he is your greatest worshipper and strongest protector. he'll even prove it to you.
tea time!
> their dearest god goes missing
hello again
> their god has a split personality
good job today too
> you give them headpats for their hard work
sweet dreams
> you give them goodnight kisses
happy family
> he is confused as your husband and xiao as your child
who's a good boy?
> they get jealous of azhdaha/dvalin
pretty boy
> zhongli's so pretty. pretty and yours.
can't and won't
> it hurts the most when you punish them like this
say ahh
> you brush his teeth for him after he experiences some difficulty trying to do so himself
cult! baal
> who knew that a simple click of your tongue could render the god of eternity to your will?
tea time!
> their dearest god goes missing
hello again
> their god has a split personality
> you give her a goodnight kiss
tea time!
> their dearest god goes missing
hello again
> their god has a split personality
good job today too
> you give them headpats for their hard work
who's a good boy?
> they get jealous of azhdaha/dvalin
commissions, commissions, commissions
> you may be a god, but you like to do commissions in your free time
nicely done. don't disappoint me now
> you give them headpats for their hard work
sweet dreams
> you give them goodnight kisses
tell me who
> with him, you'll never be hurt again
in the depths of despair, i had you
> how he met you and why he knows who you are
bruised black and blue
> general headcannons
eyes blue like the atlantic
> childe loves to look at you with eyes as deep as the raging seas
can't and won't
> it hurts the most when you punish them like this
good job today too
> you give them headpats for their hard work
good job today too
> you give them headpats for their hard work
let it all burn away
> their reactions to you dying
you are everything
> he likes it when you touch him
can't and won't
> it hurts the most when you punish them like this
dust from dust
> general cult headcannons
nicely done. don't disappoint me now
> you give them headpats for their hard work
nicely done. don't disappoint me now
> you give them headpats for their hard work
curiouser and curiouser
> voice lines about their god
sweet dreams
> you give them goodnight kisses
sweet dreams
> you give them goodnight kisses
crowning glory
> a prince of a ruined nation is still a prince
from beyond the stars
> general headcannons as a duo with dainsleif
let it all burn away
> their reactions to you dying
let it all burn away
> their reactions to you dying
a god from nowhere
> you take dainsleif as your lover, placing the archons in much scrutiny
from beyond the stars
> general headcannons as a duo with kaeya
still a god nonetheless
> a part 2 to [a god from nowhere]
for the harbingers
> general cult headcannons
cast aside, and for what?
> scaramouche takes his chances, anything for your love. (villain!au)
curiouser and curiouser
> voice lines about their god
La Signora
for the harbingers
> general cult headcannons
under the sea
> general cult headcannons
> general cult headcannons
curiouser and curiouser
> voice lines about their god
curiouser and curiouser
> voice lines about their god
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belovedgamers · 3 years
can we get some eternal duo headcannons for the soul?
Oh goodness okay here we go
Foolish’s handwriting is actually nicer than Eret’s because his hands have to be super steady when he’s engraving things.
Because of Eret’s dyspraxia and dyslexia, writing for long periods of time could be frustrating. She’d make puppy eyes at Foolish to write documents for her. Foolish does end up crafting special grips to help with Eret’s hold of her pens.
Eret taught Foolish how to dance, but he’s since become the better dancer of the two
Eret likes to jump from high surfaces and Foolish canonically has wings, I think they used to both leap off tall places at the same time to see who would land first as a competition, Eret would play dirty and shoot arrows at Foolish sometimes
They used to mine together for resources a lot because Foolish doesn’t like being underground alone
There was this one pyramid building stream where Foolish mentioned Herobrine and a creeper set off, headcanon that through Eret, Foolish met Herobrine several times and Herobrine would constantly mess with him
The Red Banquet is the first party they’ve ever gone to that Foolish didn’t ask Eret to dance with him
Eret is a better shot than Foolish
Eret has a better fashion sense than Foolish but Foolish has a better eye for colors
They are both awful at puzzles but pretend they aren’t
The reason why Foolish is continuously baffled over the fact that Eret hasn’t mapped his Summer Home is that Eret used to do all the maps for their builds, even naming a few
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Obviously idk how Bungie plans to further develop Crow and Young Wolf's bond, but I genuinely hope they stay sort of entwined. The Traveller seems to treat them as a duo and I hope it stays that way.
That hope is purely for selfish headcannon and character development reasons though, of course.
Aside from (hopefully, if Bungo doesn't officially pair him with Amanda) an eventful shippy future for Peregrine-3 and Crow, I sort of want them to end up almost as...a king and knight? Crow has so much messianic imagery tied to him, but, as I've seen pointed out here and there, there's Arthurian imagery too.
Peregrine-3 I've specifically had be very irreverent. She doesn't care about chain of command, nobility, holiness, anything. Everyone is her equal in her mind.
She doesn't understand why people worship the Traveller. She understands gratitude, and loyalty, but not the religious fervor people have for it. Its gifts have brought just as much bad as they have good, and though a second, near eternal life is undoubtedly a gift, it's one nobody necessarily asked for.
She doesn't understand Osiris's cult, especially having met and befriended him only to find he's just a really REALLY smart, powerful, arrogant guy. A person. Just the same as her.
Same thing goes for Mara. Her Majesty's Awoken kiss the ground she walks on and Peregrine does not get it. They throw away their lives in Mara's name without being afforded the dignity and trust of being told why.
But Crow. With Crow, she can see it. He's not...there yet, he doesn't have his legs under him enough to walk his path and he still can't yet see the way, but there's this feeling Peregrine has that tells her he will. That she can bet everything on him. That he's worth more than she can offer and that she's happy to give it without question. And of course it isn't worship, that's not her way, she isn't going to change that much. And it's more than love, though she does love him. I suppose it's a form of trust. A trust that he won't misuse her, that he won't lead them astray, that with her help he can find a way through the dark. Fealty. And since Ager's Scepter is in her safekeeping, I think it'd be fitting roles for them to play. He's not Uldren, but he's still royalty with a kingdom of one👑
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ya-boi-haru · 2 years
A concept i plan to use for Timetraveller Eret AU:
Eret was the Timetraveller before Karl, however things were a bit different for them.
One thing being that Eret didn't have 'The In-between' or 'The Other Side' they had 'Elsewhere'
'Elsewhere' was a beautiful crystal kingdom Eret could go to between jumps, basically the 'In-between' but safer and no Overseer's - there wasn't a need for one then.
Since Eret and Foolish kept meeting up throughout points of time, Eret ran out of excuses and eventually confessed to Foolish what they were. It worked out well, since Foolish was able to help and keep her updated on the times she join and even help keep her secret.
One joke they shared was Eret needing to be 'Elsewhere' at random points. When Eret said "they had to be Elsewhere" Foolish would know what they meant.
However, Eret had eventually lost all her memory and couldn't be a Timetraveller anymore but Foolish, of course, still remembers all their adventures together, but wasn't aware that Eret had forgotten.
So when Foolish tried to reminisce on old adventures with Eret (during the Egg clean up) and they didn't remember, he says "You've been Elsewhere, Eret" hinting at their inside joke...
Eret still doesn't get it, Foolish still doesn't know why.
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could you please do headcannons for being in a polyamorous relationship with David and Star?
You definitely got into a relationship which is both simultaneously the most difficult and the most easiest you've ever been in.
Let me explain: Star is the sweetest, always ready to help you or hug you, always in for some cuddles and fun games. David is a tad more difficult, being used to being the leader, not used to sharing - that's why it can become tricky.
That being said, it doesn't mean it isn't a healthy relationship. Star made very clear at the beginning when she and David decided they wanted to date you, that all three of you had to make sure everyone knew where the line was. Just to make things easier, and to make things work.
Star is definitely the talker, always making sure both David and you are alright, making sure that the plan for that night suits everyone. She's caring you know.
David is protective, the fact that he let you and Star in is obvious enough. He knows Star can mainly handle herself since she's a half vampire, but since you're still human he really wants to keep you save. You're his after all.
Date nights are fun. They're a perfect mixture of what the three of you like, most of the time a combination of a movie (straws are drawn to decide who picks), the boardwalk and then a restaurant (once again, straws)
Star making matching bracelets for all of you
David teaching you and Star how to drive
David would never admit it, but he loved being cuddled by the two of you at night.
Star taking you dancing
They would both absolutely love it if you made them something. Anything. Star would love any homemade jewellery, or just something that made you think of her. David would just love the fact you even considered buying him something.
If you can cook, they'd definitely beg you to do so for them. They don't necessarily need to eat, but to have a homecooked meal made by you? They'd kill for that.
Star being the one to tell you about vampires, hoping she won't scare you, since David might have.
David just sitting there awkwardly, not sure how to act since this whole "show and tell" thing is what he usually does.
They really want you to be completely theirs, I mean - they want to spent eternity with you.
When either duo of the trio go on a one on one date night they always bring back a gift for the one that didnt come along.
When it's late at night there will be so many games played. Cards, boardgames, you name it, you've played it with them.
Star letting you do her hair, David asking the two of you to help him bleach his hair, and David loving it if he can just brush his fingers through yours.
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efoxkitty · 3 years
Alright, with the first demised, let's start a game I like to call "Life or Death" (feel free to suggest a cooler name)
You can either @ someone or join in the chain. Below is a list of people who made it to week 8 and you need to say why you want them to win AND how you would like to see them die.
Let's create some cool theories, headcannons and angst :3
I'll start:
The rebels:
Win: I want to see Scott go absolutely feral. The widow takes all the oppoturnities to avenge his husband and still manages to come out on top to claim the title of survivor. The win for the gays!
Loss: I want Martyn to be the one to kill Scott. They were THE chaos duo, allies since day one and even made a potion monopoly together. The angst here is big. Especially considering that indirectly it would be Jimmy's fault, as he was the one to break this friendship.
Win: Grian deserves to win just for all the traps he tried to set up and failed /j The person who indebted themselves and died when it was too late and couldn't get out, the person with the highest kill count and the most activated tnt stats does deserve to win for all that effort + keeping Scar alive.
Loss: Being killed by Scar. Like just this one time, Scar actually wants to kill/has to kill and kills his old buddy. Or dying to Scott or Martyn, so we know who was the best green out of the red/green duos /j Dying to a fellow blue sword is the real angst :)
Win: Okay but imagine Scar, the person who everyone expected to die first. The one who was the first yellow AND red would be the last one alive. Also I stand by the headcannon Scar has intimidating aura, which is why he survives his encounters.
Loss: The obvious angsty one is being killed by Grian or his trap. But I do vibe with the idea of Scar being killed by Bdubs, who angrily lays his body in the coffins infront of the crastle >:)
Or Scar being killed by Tango. But like seriously, Tango is probably the only person outside of the rebels, who Scar genuinely cares for. And Tango could get revenge for week 6, where Scar nearly blew Tango up.
The crastle:
Win: His double, triple, quadruple agent saga was the funniest arc I've seen and I believe the wandering traitor would deserve to win, especially if him winning that Bdubs, who was the reason he died in the first place, would die. Even more justice for our boy. It would also prove the theory that being with everyone at once IS the key to victory.
Loss: Being killed by Scar. For the reasons I stated before. Or murdered by Bdubs again. Most angst potentional would be dying to impulse OR Etho, considering they had their day 1 alliance and the wool castle arrangement :) Friendship is dead.
Win: Impulse "Be friends with everyone" strategy will be proven superior. With an army of villigers, not only has supplies for himself, but armed others for war, so they would feel confident fighting each other. He watched his allies get slaughtered and did nothing to stop it :)
Loss: Traitors get executed :) Dying to anyone from the red army for obviois reasons. Also to Tango (Revenge for his emerald execution) or Etho, again for the wool castle allignement angst.
Win: The guy who was being made fun of for building a small castle that looks like a toilet and has holes in it proves to be the superior builder as he builds an unbreakable fortress. He wins this one for Cleo.
Loss: Dying to Scar so Scar be like "Good thing he bought those coffins." Or to Tango or Impulse, betrayed by the only people he had left. By the people Cleo warned him about and he told her it would be fine :)
The red army
Win: The red king proves his rp is very cool and poggers and not cringe and lame like his enemies proclaim! He will lead his army and raise to the top, becoming an eternal emperor. Why be a dog, when you can be a god?
Loss: Lissen, I know it's been said already, but Ren getting betrayed by Martyn 👀 I would love to see that. Or even Etho, who would ditch them for his wool castle buddies, oh boy.
Win: The right-hand man becomes the ruler. The king is dead, long live the king. From a simple peasant boy bringing chaos and phantoms wherever he goes, to the most powerful man on the server. Character progression is very cool :)
Loss: Dying as he protects his king from certain death. Or being killed by Scott. OG chaotic duo, I am still not over you being enemies.
Win: They burned down his tree and kicked off his villain arc. He decided to confirm the rumours about him being the hidden anime protagonist and by the power of missiles and alliances rose to the top as the lone wolf of the group.
Loss: Betrayal from the OG village folk. They build not one, but two homes together and even after all their promises and meeting, they chose to murder him. Forever abandoned :(
Win: I really like the meme that's going around of "BigB wins by doing nothing." He would win by being in the shadows and staying loyal and honestly, what an icon.
Loss: Dying to either Grian or Martyn for the "Blue sword alliance." Less sadser death: BigB tragically dies saving his cookie for the last time 07
The wildcard:
Win: Joel saying "I can choose who I will betray." manifesting again, as people fall once again for his empty promises and he watches them all crash and burn. Once again proving that chosing sides is pointless (another Ranboo kinnie /j) and choosing people is overrated. Direct contrast to BigB's strategy. Chaotic arsonist my beloved <3
Loss: I have 2 ways for this one. First is dying to any of the people he betrayed after actually allying with a faction. The second one is dying to Scott specificaly as he tries to assasinate him once again and fails for the second time xD
@pastelicious-nova You don't have to do this kiki, but I would love to hear your thoughs <3
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cyclicalaberration · 3 years
hii can i have some of ur dsmp headcannons maybe for eternal duo or sam? but anyone is fine
Ooh okay so I have MANY
starting with eternal duo because I love them (I'm partially talking about them as a duo and them individually) Eret and Foolish have been travelling together for centuries, but they spilt off a while back to do a couple missions and then they just didn't manage to meet back up until now!
Eret gave Foolish his name. He had a different name as a totem of death but its been lost to time so he chose Foolish, the nickname his old friend gave him, as a reminder that he can make mistakes and that he is a fool.
Eret either has a bit of the wither ability, but specifically in that they kill plants around them, or they are plagued by the lingering wither effect due to how many withers they've killed (TWELVE BEACONS. I FUCKING COUNTED. AND MORE INTERACTIONS WITH WITHERS/WITHER SKELETONS), which makes the skin around their eyes and their extremities grey and flaky and incredibly painful (Actually I have a fic about this but shhhhhhh i love it)
Eternal duo are queerplatonic I make the rules
Foolish has seams! His body is constructed and his joints are more seams than anything else
Foolish has a lot of engravings on his body that he's filled with other metals/left just engraved/encrusted with gems. They tell a story and also just look really cool
Eret adores finley and junior and babysits if puffy isn't available
They're both plagued by nightmares and sometimes will just wander around and talk when they can't sleep.
As for sam, I have a few less headcanons for him, but I have a few!
He has a gas mask for the safety of everyone else, creepers have incredibly toxic breath (either its spores or a gas that's poison to players, I haven't really decided)
I'd die for designs of him with four legs
He can explode and he respawns/reforms after a bit but it hurts a lot and is only really used as a defense in really dangerous situations (creepers are like bees, but he has the player respawn function)
Bonus joke headcanon:
Quackity's las nevadas citizenship form has several checkboxes asking "Are you a dilf?" and "Is your father a dilf?". Fundy stared ati it very very pained for a solid three minutes and checked yes to both of them.
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what are your dos2 headcannons? Also who did you let ascend did you let fane ascend?
Ho boy, buckle up because there is a lot of 'em! Most of my headcannons are meant to either mend the story or make the lore more cohesive so I'll share the most interesting ones, most of them can be found in my fanfiction too. I should probably mention: massive spoilers ahead.
• God King and Astarte are the primordial gods of Rivellon- it's very creators. God King being the God of Death and Astarte being the Goddess of Life. On the same note I came up with another deity to join the primordial duo- Haume, the Goddess of Rebirth. • Void is the home realm of the God King, Hall of Echoes belongs to Astarte and the Veil is Haume's domain. They were originally meant to serve as an afterlife for the souls. • Veil is not a barrier, it's a river of ever-flowing Source beginning and finishing it's current in the Halls. It was meant to be used to cleanse the Souls sent to the void from memories before being reborn. • God King is in truth the creator of the Eternals. He only achieved this by rebelling against the other two gods and stealing their power. He is driven by fear (to a point of being afraid of himself) and descended among his own people as their King to keep an eye out for similar treason (like father, like creations, huh?). • The first Gods possessed tools meant to precisely manipulate Source within the Gods' realms- Rings of Creation. Those were eventually shattered and fell onto Rivellon: >Phoenixes and Idols of Rebirth exist thanks to shards of Haume's Ring. >Aeteran works because it harnesses the power of a piece of God King's Ring. >Alexandar owes his immortality to a fragment of Astarte's Ring that grants him inhuman vitality. In my headcanon he dies only because of Aeteran in the Arena of the One. • Deathfog is based on Source (it's nature is never really explained but visually they're very close). • Alice Alisceon came from a long line of demonologists from Driftwood area. They were meant to keep an eye on the Bloodmoon Island and contain the corruption. She succumbed to the dark knowledge she had during the execution and turned into the flaming undead. • During Fane's romance he creates a Soul Forge between you two, basically rendering his lover immortal. He also romances you in the Academy because he forgot how his bedroom looked like, this workaholic. • Xantezza was the only god to come to terms with loosing power and returned to her eternal self soon after the game's events. She walked the realm as a free spirit. • Fane's wife is the first being to become Sworn, her motive was revenge on her husband . She is the Kraken. • Demonic [language] is a dialect of Eternal language. That's why Fane can understand Anathema's speech. • Every creature in Rivellon has additional circulatory system in their bodies that accumulates Source. Ordinary people have no idea about its' existence but Sourcerers can draw from it freely. It's the reason why there are Source puddles even under long-decayed bodies, it flows like blood. As for the ascension situation: My go-to ending is the Sharing Source one. In my initial party no-one was willing to become the next Divine. The base game doesn't allow your romanced companions to ascend so I couldn't let Fane do it even if I wanted. Storywise, my Godwoken became very conflicted about the thought of his ascension after the talk with Harina. She eventually stepped up to give away the power equally among the people. Hope you expected a long essay, anon 👉👈
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littlefreya · 4 years
FREYA!!! It’s missing August x Ingvild o’clock. So here’s my questions: are there any headcannon as you have about them that you didn’t include but when you’re we’re thinking they up you knew it was a thing? Also, anything we the readers didn’t pick up on that you wish we had? I know writers will often put something in their story and hope people make the connections but it doesn’t always happen. Basically, tell me everything about this destructive duo.
My heart! I’m so attached to my murder babies so whenever someone asks me about them I am a shivering mess. There is a lot I decided to keep out of the story and used hints instead because I wanted people to sort of feel it on their own and interpret it the way they want. I hate feeding my readers with a spoon, but since the story has ended I’m excited to discuss and bring up these little August and Ingvild related headcanons. 
And if anyone has questions about this story or Lines in the Sand don’t feel like you’re bothering! Send me an Ask :D
So heavy Way To Hell spoilers for those who haven’t read.
*Kind reminder, no permission is given for copying my work or my ideas and claiming it as your own*  🖤
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August’s choking kink and how it's deeply rooted in his PTSD Every time August has sex with someone (saves Lacey in his flashback) he gets off from choking them, it’s something that he can’t do without. He does that with Ingvild twice; right before reaching his climax. He can’t control himself with it, it’s embedded in his subconscious.
It’s also mentioned by a woman he used to date (Sydney) when Ingvild investigates her about their sex lives.
“He… he..he choked me,” she answers in a trembling voice, her lower lip quivering, her eyes becoming glassy, much to Ingvild’s delight. “He was hurting me, he was too rough like he enjoyed my pain and he never stopped.”
It started after August murdered Lacey by choking her to death. He is traumatised by it, and while August has always been a rough lover who enjoys inflicting pain, the choking part is actually him replaying that incident in his mind in order to reclaim it. 
I don’t think he is completely over his trauma in the end of the story, he does get over Lacey after falling for Ingvild and in the third sex scenes it doesn’t mention that he chokes and the scene itself is soft, but I think he will always be traumatised. Ingvild doesn’t mind, she is fully devoted and enjoys the power he has over her, so she’s the perfect partner for him in that sense.  
Why did August revive Ingvild after killing her from the first place? August killed Ingvild in the beginning of the story by letting her drown in icy water. He tells himself it doesn’t matter if she dies tonight, that she’s just another dead girl (meaning, like Lacey) but then he goes out of his way to both rescue and nurture her back to health. 
That’s messed up even for August.
Well, August had three chances to kill Ingvild and he couldn’t go with it because again, after Lacey he was full of regret and suffering from PTSD, he couldn’t bring himself to kill another woman. In a twisted way, he believed that saving Ingvild at the lake will undo what he did.  
Ingvild cries when having an orgasm. Some people cry during climax, it’s not so uncommon since orgasm can cause an intense release of emotions. I didn’t explain it in the story but it’s bluntly mentioned that when Ingvild comes she bursts into tears. 
Having never felt anything in her life, she was suddenly feeling everything she held back for years surface, so it wasn’t about sadness or losing her virginity, it was about experiencing everything for the first time. 
August’s dad was an asshole and his mom was very submissive. August’s dad is briefly mentioned. He was killed during an accident while working for the CIA which completely destroyed August’s mom. The way I imagine it, his father was very old fashioned in the worse way and an overbearing dad who treats his son like soldier. August wasn’t allowed to cry and he probably got a beating here and there
His mom never did anything to protect him, being very submissive to his father.   
August never visits his mom after she is being committed to a mental health care centre. A lot of people asked me about it during the story, if August ever went to seek his mom. He didn’t. 
August feels betrayed by his mom, she neglected him. She might still be alive but he pretty much estranged himself from her.  
Sloane was responsible for his father’s death. I didn’t want to put it in there because it was too much, and Lacey was enough of a good reason for August to completely flip. But basically Sloane, who was his father’s partner in the day, made an error that led to his death. It was covered up and August was supposed to find out about it later but I never mentioned it because I felt like the Lacey chapter was perfect the way it was.
Ingvild’s parents  - did Liam tell the truth? Sadly yes, Ingvild is an unwanted pregnancy which was a result of rape. Her mother never came looking for her and Liam lied to Ingvild that both her parents are dead because he needed her to stay sharp, knowing that if she will seek out her mom it will upset her. 
Liam’s face-claim is Mads Mikkelsen’s I don’t know why, but I kept imagining Mads when I wrote him in the first chapter. 🤣 He is not Norwegian like Ingvild, he is also from Denmark but lived in Norway to supervise Ingvild. 
Does August succeed in turning Ingvild into a princess? Baby steps, Ingvild is very practical. August takes joy in dressing her up and spoiling her which she grows to love since that type of care and affection is very new to her and August makes her feel delicate. 
When I started writing the story I planned to have her as someone who is crueler than August and that he was the only person who sees her a sweet princess instead. But quickly she started writing herself and even if she might be cold on the surface she is actually an innocent and vulnerable. 
Loki the dog! It was August idea to get them a puppy, mainly for Ingvild, he wanted her to have someone who loves her purely. August does love Ingvild and would kill or die for her, but it’s not pure, he loves her out of somewhat selfish reasons. He basically sees her as something that he deserves while Ingvild just loves him unconditionally and proved her willingness to die for him. 🥺
Still, August is head over hills for Ingvild, it was his idea to get the matching tattoos to symbolise their eternal union. They won’t get married like normal people do but August sees Ingvild as his wife. 
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mindfairies · 3 years
currently feeling a lot of feelings about Ben and Rose Harvey.
it’s a relationship entirely based on headcannons but... I love my plant parents. I even made a “ben & rose” playlist because I just adore them, really. One song I recently listened to really hit me for this ship so...
I’m in my feels, so here are the lyrics to “One Last Dance” by Us the Duo.
Hundreds of eyes in the room but yours found mine I asked you to dance and by chance our hands intertwined What lasted for minutes seemed like eternity I had no clue this one dance would lead you to me
Fifty-nine years have gone by since you said yes Even now in your hospital bed you still look your best We might be old but there's still one thing we can do Put on a song, let's pretend to dance round the room
Thirty-five hours have gone by since your last breath Memories of dancing with you are all I have left Just a few seconds before it's my time to go Hello, my god and my love at last I am home
*incoherent sobbing*
I do hope we see Rose in season 2, Ben Harvey deserves the world, goodnight <3
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belovedgamers · 3 years
catrina! I hope you're doing well! I really love the newest art u posted! do you have any headcannons about the whole wither cult thing? like was it a cult that was targeting the eternal duo or just some crazy people in a field somewhere killin things? <333
Hiii! Thank you, thank you!
Honestly... not really? Like. We know so little that I basically just use the wither cult incident as a plot device vaksdvdjek I’d love to know more about them! But until then... why limit myself? Infinite possibilities.
That art was meant to be a subtle exploration of the little idea I had of... what if Eret had actually been part of the wither cult? There’s a dubious relationship to Herobrine and Eret is strongly related to the Undying. Their relationship with withers for resources... I very much am in love with the concept of a villainous Eret taking part of even being part of the leadership for a wither cult! 
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