#brain go brr with new au
ya-boi-haru · 2 years
Another Eternal Duo theory/headcannon/AU:
Firstly, this combines a couple of concept ideas I have such as:
• While Foolish is immortal (being a Demi God of Undying/Death and all) Eret technically isn't, they just age significantly slower. (For example: while she may look in their early 20s, they may actually be 166)
• The whole "3 cannon life system" is actually a type of curse inflicted on certain people, it's more common around the land of Dream SMP.
Onto the theory:
During one of Erets and Foolish's adventures, something went wrong; one slip up, a miscalculation, one too many powerful monsters... Eret got hurt. Badly hurt.
Foolish found them, barely alive and he panicked. The damage was too great for potions, Eret ran out of Totems and Foolish wasn't one to carry them around - why would he need them. Eret had mere seconds of life left in them.
Now Foolsih was a powerful Demi-God - we've seen what he can do with lightning - His immortal ability was limited only to himself, then again he's never tried to project it onto another person. First time for everything and it was now or never.
Concentrating on a force he wasn't even aware of, Foolish channelled his power and was able heal Eret. It took a lot out of Foolsih and he ended up passing out himself.
When Foolsih came to he found himself in a house on a bed. He learned that some townsfolk near by found them passed out and took them back to recover. They explained that his friend (Eret) came to a couple hours before him, confused and couldn't remember anything. She got startled and scared and ended up running off to make sence of everything.
Foolsih tried to go after Eret but she was long gone by then.
Little did the duo know was that by reviving Eret, Foolish upset an unspoken balance with the world, the cycle of life. His power of immortality was meant for him alone and by sharing it he messed with the way of it. Eret was so far gone that by reviving her, it was basically recreating the soul all over again, thus she had no memory of anything before the incident.
Foolish eventually found Eret (in the DSMP) and realised she still didn't remember anything of their time.
He also learned (thanks to the Egg) that Foolish's immortality was limited, and he - and Eret - had the "3 heart curse" - Until XD gave Foolish his immortality back.
Thank you for coming to today's brain brrr theory
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Yaaaay updated Skylar sign :D
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ofgravitation-moved · 2 years
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@riotmade​​ said: kaito was always careful of showing his kids' faces on the internet -- - keisuke and kaito's public instagrams never had their faces in them, at least ; just off angles. tiny hands holding theirs, the back of their heads. carefully scrutinized to be sure that they were out of the public eye as much as possible ( especially with how insane dynazero fans could get ). this included paparazzi, of course. part of being a hero was that you could always be caught unawares, and unfortunately, being married to the number three hero didn't make anything easier for the support tech CEO. it's for all of these reasons that kai leans down, adjusts the hood on the stroller that he's currently pushing the one year old akari in so that it's a bit lower than it really needed to be, before continuing on the walk that would take them to the coffee shop, falling in line with ochako once again as they make their way. " -- so, anyways. enough about me, how's your preparations for the hero gala going ? you excited ? i know kei has been going crazy trying to find us some matching outfits or something. " he shrugs.  
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she had one too many things on her mind to begin with, the gala? was honestly the last thing on ochako’s mind. hazel eyes glance down at akari just as kaito adjusted the hood on the stroller, good. the paparazzi were coming out in droves lately as the countdown to the gala drew closer yet with each passing day. the eyes of the world were beginning to center around the heroes as the days got closer-- ochako hated this time of year. 
it was like living beneath a microscope. where each and every move you made publicly was watched and criticized. then judged again, not only by your peers, but also by the rest of the world. no matter how many people she’s saved or defended in the last year, the only thing uravity has been known for lately was being akari’s surrogate. and while that was a blessing and gift she could give to two of the people she cared very dearly about in this world, it’d done horrible for her career as a rescue hero. something, she was still trying to fix.  
her gaze shifts to kaito briefly, and the corners of her lips do turn up into a smile. to see kei and kaito in matching outfits would be a picture perfect moment, surely. but, even though the thought brings a smile to her face, ochako still shrugs a shoulder, stuffing her hands into her jacket’s pockets. “ my manager hasn’t shut up about the gala for weeks now. it’s bad enough i’m already doing so many engagements each day on top of patrols-- ” ochako looks out ahead of them again, eyes constantly darting around, just in case. you never could be too careful, anymore. 
sighing, ochako shakes her head, evenly. “ i mean.. i guess i’m excited? but i just hate all the glitz and glamor that goes along with it! i gave the agency so much publicity last year,  this year they’re going way over the top. ” she thinks back to last year when mina dropped everything to come and make sure a pregnant ochako was literally the belle of the ball. “ i think my agency even hired a makeup team, and i am wearing some crazy expensive dress by an international designer? i’m scared to see the heels they picked out.. they’ll probably cost more than my apartment.. ” wary eyes slide towards kaito, and they soften a fraction when they meet his. and she laughs, genuinely. 
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“ but seeing you and kei all matchy-matchy? that’ll make my night for sure! ” if anything, at least once all the hero duties of the evening were out of the way, it’d be a night they could all enjoy together. something, that due to busy schedules, didn’t happen as much as they all would’ve liked. “ i know deku’s excited! ” 
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idakyrie · 1 year
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(This is part of an AU and a LOT OF TEXT asdfg) WHAT IF.... That weird deformed shape of Fake Peppino (AKA Bruno) is actually that way because of a brain problem (known as TBI)? That would explain that peculiar way of behaving (Silly? Goofy? Childish? Doesn't think straight? Doesn't know what he's doing? Almost 0 common sense, that almost permanent expression on his face, that strange way of moving... He is doing his best to stay on his feet and not melt completely (even if it shows a bit), he can barely speak coherently, among many things (WE MUST PROTECT HIM).
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I'd like to think that the brain is the only organ he has, because the rest is just... Mmh, slime? amalgam? xD, it could be a HUMAN brain that Pizzahead (his creator) got (I like to think he is actually someone insane in a bad way and too different when it comes to his lab, just pretending to smile, hints of psychopath), that brain belonged to another chef, here I clarify about getting 2 adns: Peppino and Bruno (this last I mean the one from the abandoned pizzeria and yes, he is dead, where the hell Pizzahead was going to get that brain from? Actually dead for trusting a humanoid pizza)
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So Fake Peppino has 2 adns? Yeah, that makes sense... Although Peppino and him don't look quite the same (Although Pizzahead's goal was that, to be the perfect impersonator), except for the clothes BUT here comes my favorite part, his stable form. 
Actually, his brain problem can be treated, he would still have 2 forms: stable and unstable, this unstable form is the one we all know, it would be present whenever he feels threatened, in danger or any other negative emotion (although he can take any form whenever he wants and be a mix of both forms).
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Some history: Bruno is the first "clone" to be created, it went well, everything was perfect and one more minion... UNTIL... Pizzahead has a complicated, abusive, stupid, manipulative and ignorant attitude, basically he never treated him well, it started with scolding and even abuse (And yup! it was Pizzahead himself who caused him great injury) Why? He is a demanding and perfectionist guy, the clone had to come out EQUAL to Peppino (the irony is that he hates him and only does it to fuck up his life, to be able to replace him with some of the SO MANY clones out there) at the time he thought it was a GOOD IDEA to mix both adns and come out the same as the original, I repeat that this guy is an idiot?
Something funny is that after that he made other prototypes of clones (Classified as second generation idk) but these... None came out well, they are aberrations and can be found in a frozen chamber, he doesn't want to relive that moment and kept trying until he finally succeeded, the famous Peppino clones that can be found everywhere in the lab, inferior versions, weaker and more animal behavior than the first "clone".
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Here comes another problem, Pizzahead paid more attention and was nicer to those clones, making Bruno jealous and annoyed, he never received a good treatment from him (Still he was loyal) and he had to fix and clean up all the atrocities the clones did, that means ALL the time, he could not defend himself and lived in silence, developing a great hatred towards them, precisely his behavior changes drastically to the most aggressive, just hearing a "croak" makes him angry (MODO BERSEK GOES BRR)
Many years enduring physical and emotional pain until he ends up in what? In an abandoned pizza restaurant? Just him being abandoned being very bad in all aspects? Completely alone for years, the only contact he had with others were those clones that invaded his "new home" (explaining why there are so many peppino corpses in that pizzeria).
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(that girl in the image is an oc of mine hshs)
Bruno still has that silly and innocent personality, sensitive but at the same time disturbing if something bothers him. Paternal sense, playful and a big fan of Peppino, sometimes he annoys him by imitating him HAHA. Does he keep that frog behavior? YES! It's not as obvious as the clones because he knows how to control it. 
At the beginning he doesn't like to be touched, after all the problems he went through he doesn't even know if there are good people in this world, so gaining Bruno's trust is a bit complicated but if you talk nice to him (as you would do with your pet XD) the interaction will be effective. 
Does he have traumas? Besides he doesn't want to see Pizzahead and the clones again, or there will be a massacre, it's the first time someone is nice to him, he's afraid of abandonment and losing the little progress he has made... AND NEVER EVER SEE OR HEAR ANYTHING RELATED TO ANY LABORATORY AGAIN, his life was hell there, anything related either scares or angers him.
If you have any questions, you can ask and also, sorry if there are errors in my English, it is not my native language, I hope you can understand ;w;
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munchkin1156 · 1 year
New au infodump?
Dystopian au go brr
This is going to be a dystopian (:0 shocking) sci-fi world with a borrower Tommy who has a special wristband that lets him sizeshift, a gift from a long lost friend.
The au is mainly sbi centric (because I have a very very hard time writing anything else, though believe me I will try one day), other than Tommy there will be avian hybrid Philza, piglin hybrid Technoblade, and shrunken phantom Wilbur who got shrunken due to technical issues with a device he was tinkering with (and now needs to figure out how to get back to normal size).
The sbi are all first class, first district people, which, though it does make them seem stuck up and posh, they don’t actually know about the crumbling world of the lower districts.
Tommy’s been forced to steal to survive, and while shifted into human form, accidentally loses his way and finds himself in the higher districts, where he runs into Phil.
…you can probably guess that Phil’s hybrid brain goes to ‘child-its-child-why-sad-keep-safe’
Phil offers to take Tommy to his house, wanting to help him as well as pry information out of him to try and find out why he’s so scrawny
Tommy (reluctantly) takes up the offer because free food and a chance to steal something of actual value so he can get a lot of money, two birds with one stone in a way…
Oh and I forgot to mention that the sbi is kinda famous/important…
So they go to the sbi’s house and Tommy meets Techno and Wilbur, who are also enchanted by the blond. When Tommy sees Wilbur, he loses it for a moment, thinking that he’d finally found another one of his kind, until Techno explains the situation and Tommy feels ashamed he let his instincts control him like that and almost force him to shift.
They have dinner and game night, over which they bond with Tommy a lot, and even offer him to stay for the night ‘cause it’s dark out.
Tommy says yes, knowing how dangerous it is to walk the lower districts streets at any given point, especially at night, and they set him up in his new bedroom the guest room.
In the middle of the night Tommy wakes up from a nightmare and accidentally reopens a stab wound that he got a couple night ago (I did say the lower was dangerous after all), therefore his body shifts down to borrower size in order to heal it faster.
He can’t shift back until it’s healed, and now he’s at a upper class house with people that have been nothing but kind to him, though he knows that once they see him for the pest he is they’ll kick him out.
. . .
That’s about what chapter one should be, though I won’t start it for a while, homework is murdering me and I used to be at a really chill school with basically none of it so….
Please please please ask me about this, I would love to answer shit about it :D
Taglist under cut: (it’s not long, tell me if you want to be added :])
@i-am-beckyu, @brick-a-doodle-do
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originalaccountname · 5 months
Pls enjoy the fact that I liked your 'chuuya had an ability that increased the power of other abilities' that I may of wiggled it slightly in my own chuuya stories.
Thank you for sharing you thoughts.
I honest to God love all of your series (I know I've said this before) but they always bring me so much joy when you update them. They are just so good and make my brain go brr in such a good way.
Found you via the goose stayed cause you have such cool ideas that I love seeing you add to.
Thank you for sharing your ideas with the world.
ouARGH I've been assailed with compliments!!!!
Honestly that's the dream, to have other people get inspired by my ideas/headcanons and run with them. What's better than other people giving you what you wish for instead of having to make it all yourself. Especially in this case, where it's very much based on the text and I'll argue until proven otherwise that it was 100% what Asagiri was implying.
I want to do more with that AU so bad but I need more ideas first for that... I need to spread my agenda that ADA Chuuya would get nerfed like an RPG enemy you recruit as one of the "good guys". He's still the backup in dire situations but in a fun new way.
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premamelody · 1 year
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some more wof au doodles
trying to play around with limitations hivewings made on silkwings like wing binds and chains
also experimental othermind replacing Solver drawing go brr
i honestly have no clue how the othermind brings dragons back, idk uh, witchcraft or smth ill think of it one day
n and cyn who is named cicada. her name wasn't cicada before but she changed it to be more hivewing like in inspiration of tessa who's named tawny, i was legit gonna name her tsetse but then i forgor lady tsetse exists. i had fun with trying to experiment with funky posing. figuring out damages and restrictions on everyone was also cool. this image is a SLIGHT error because something happens at their metamorphosis so they shouldn't have wings but now i changed it as a second metamorphosis.
eld j. wanted to experiment with the othermind more. think of the as except its jungle themed. othermind fits perfectly as the as. mindspace is killing this idea fr fr. this au started because i pointed at a lot of things with my wings of fire brain and went 'WINGS OF FIRE ARC 3 OHHH MAHH GAHH'. also practicing new shading style i accidentally found out a day ago
v and lonomia (uzi). they are the bestest of friends. stingers of hiveminds are different than regular hivewings. they're sharper and sometimes drop venom. they're totally besties someone help them
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“I am the Monster I was Born From” (Part 1)
Hello again :D It’s been a while hasn’t it? Well, don’t you worry my fellow DreamSMP enjoyers. I have returned with a very new AU that is actively making my brain go brr. So if I have to suffer through it, so do you :D
Anyways, lets get on with the trigger warnings cause this au is a little messed up:
Content Warnings Ahead: Read at your own discretion! 
-Small violence between an adult and a minor (34 + 16) -Mentions of Blood
Viewer discretion Advised! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
“I am the Monster I was born from”
-The main character of this au is a Child of Dream. His name is Justice, and he is currently being raised personally by Philza. However, Mumza, Technoblade, and Nikki also participate in raising Justice. 
-Justice is the closest to Philza and Mumza, since they are both the most direct in raising him. Mumza often calls him “Mommy’s little devil” since he was always a little menace as a child. 
-However, outside of that little group, he was very isolated. After all, he is a child of Dream and he looks a lot like him. He has almost glowing green eyes. The familiar fanged smile on a cute little toddler face, cute little nubbin horns on his head. There is so much of Dream in him, and a lot of people don’t like him because of it. 
Official Looks: Eyes: Bright Green, glows when it’s super dark Hair: Black, almost shiny black. Has a few white streaks in it. Blemishes: Freckles across his face, a small little scar on his chin where he fell down the stairs and hit his chin. There are also other very minor scars as well.
-Tommy often avoids him or ignores him. He’s the one that has the most active reaction around him. If he’s hanging at the house he will interact with Justice, but it’s often pretty awkward and Justice would just move on to something else instead.
-Ranboo doesn’t really LIKE Justice per say, but he tolerates him. He understands that this child isn’t Dream, but it’s difficult to look at him and not flinch at the eyes and the smile on his face. 
-Tubbo doesn’t mind Justice all that much, outside of the adults, he’s the only one that hangs around Justice for a considerable period of time. Mostly because him and Michael are really close, as well as Justice being close with almost all the kids on the server. 
-Otherwise people are really neutral around him. Only one that kinda tries more to have a smaller relationship is Fundy.
-He has no relationships/doesn’t know them is the following people: -George -Sapnap -Karl -Sam -Quackity -Punz
--Justice had always wanted to learn how to fight, but he was never really allowed to. Despite almost everyone having the chance to teach him. Phil always said no, he wasn’t allowed to. At least not until he was considerably older.
-In this Au, Dream is dead. He died when Justice was around 3 years old but he never raised him. Philza had him since he was a baby, and told Justice that Dream wanted nothing to with him. It took a while for Justice to come to peace with that, but he has accepted it as a part of himself. That doesn’t stop him from wanting to know more about Dream though. 
-In his desire to know about Dream, he keeps pushing for stories. But he rarely ever gets anything. Techno never talks about Dream, only a pained look on his face appearing whenever his name is mentioned. Sometimes even yelling at Justice to shut it if he pushes to hard. Phil always says “Maybe when your older”, and Nikki and Mumza barely knew Dream enough to give anything of substance. 
-He asked Tommy once, when he was feeling particularly brave. Tommy lashed out at that, putting his arm against his neck and choking him. Pinning him against the wall and looking Justice dead in the eyes saying “Don’t you ever fucking mention him to me again or I will MAKE you regret it.” Afterwards, Justice always avoided Tommy. He was terrified of Tommy.
-It wasn’t until one day, he went up to Phil’s attic to get something. When he found a small little box labeled For Justice : From Dream. He wasn’t sure what to expect, the handwriting was unfamiliar. He opened the box, and found a few items inside. The first was a Mask. The iconic mask that even Justice knew about. It was covered in dust, almost barely able to see the smiley face etched in the mask with black paint. Chips and cracks of wear and tear. Even faint traces of blood that Justice tried to ignore. He always heard about the mask, and even found a few very old paintings of Dream and a few of the members of the Kinoko Kingdom.
-Another item was a collar for what seemed to be for a small pet. There was a metal tag that held the name “Patches” on it. He had no idea what this was.
-The third item was a key. It was rusty, but he could almost feel the enchantments radiating off of it.
-The final item was a letter, a letter he assumed was written by Dream. It reads as followed: Dear Justice,
I hope that you will be seeing this someday. I told Phil to only give this to you when you are ready, but honestly I dunno if he would. I told him it was up to him, and I would get it if he never gave this to you. 
First off, I know what Phil is going to be telling you. He’s going to tell you that I didn’t want you. That I basically left you to him and wanting to have nothing to do with your life. And I want you to know how untrue that is.
I love you Justice. You are my whole entire world, my heart truly started to beat when I held you in my arms. I never really knew what it was like to love something so whole heartily until I saw you look at me. I love you so much, and I am so sorry I could never be your father.
Because I would have rather you hated me than loved me because hate is so much easier.
I wanted you to never long for me. Phil is your father now and I want him to be EVERYTHING that I can never be. I want you to never feel like I was missing from your life. And TBH I don’t even know WHY I am writing you this letter. I don’t even know if I want you to have this. But this is for just in case. Just in case maybe your ready to hear how much I love you. I hope to see you again someday, but I dunno if I am ever going to make it out of here. 
I did a lot of bad things, and I hold a lot of regrets. But you, I could never regret having you. 
I left you a few things, I hope Phil doesn’t destroy any of them. My mask, I should hope is pretty obvious. Feel free to do what you want. Shatter it, keep it, hide it. Whatever. I don’t care, it’s yours now.
Patches collar should be in their too. She was a fiercely loyal friend to me, and I adored her dearly. I hope she will be a dear companion for you. All you have to do is simply call her name and she will come. Her favorite food is Cooked Salmon, so I hope you can give her all the cooked Salmon she deserves. She was the closest thing I had to a friend. 
Finally, the key. It’s to my home, though Techno would laugh and say I am homeless. Everything there is yours. Every item, book, and weapon. It’s all yours. Do with it as you will.
I hope Phil never taught you to fight. I hope you never have to learn how to pick up a weapon and I hope you never become me. I had to fight since I was young. Fighting is all I know, and I do not want that for you.
I hope you have a good life, and a long one. Don’t become the monster I became. 
Love, Dream
Part 2 Coming Soon :D
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darkstalker1247 · 1 year
Hydraulics AU: Ink Demon character desc.
Names: The Ink Demon (official title), Bendy (shortened name, only used by trusted friends -so like 2 people lmao-), Inky (Joey's nickname, do not use this name around it)
Pronouns: it/its (woo neopronouns go brr)
Appearance: The BATDR design but drippy and it has a thick lizard tail and snake tongue
Can melt, stretch, and squash to fit in small spaces
Snake-like tongue can taste the air and sense nearby lifeforms
Can travel through ink puddles
Body is constantly producing more ink
Can use ink to create different minions and weapons. It does not use the weapons and the creation of a new minion requires a new soul. It can also store pre-created minions in the ink. 
Poor eyesight
The classic heartbeat sounds
Personality: Poor fella's basically a sopping wet cat. Joey's whole thing with locking it away really did a number on its brain. It's usually pretty calm though. Just don't present yourself as a threat or mention Mr. Drew, and you should be just fine. If you fail this, run and pray for mercy
Once again, feel free to ask questions! Sammy's desc. is up next!
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awkwardgtace · 8 months
what inspired you to make the Kamia family mafia au?
so this one is kind of funny to me
A friend got me into magic the gathering, which in turn meant I was following the sets as they released. One of these sets was the streets of new capenna and the setting was mafia families.
That alone didn't do it though, then a youtuber i've been following (Jonathan Young) did an album for the set that was all themed. I started listening on repeat and brain went brr on how would a mafia gt scenario go.
After that it was a bit of trying to figure it out cause I didn't want to make my ocs the "bad guys" but like mafia families aren't good guys. So I figured what if we go into they're not heroes or good, but they aren't the worst. Still a mafia family, still have all of what that means to be one, but in a world where the giant mafia families treat humans like a commodity, my blorbos see that as wrong and use their power to try and stop it.
I actually have a bunch of ideas of the mafia au in my head still.
How Alessia meets Ash and Delphia
Some more about how Sola and Luna being giants born human effects them
How Vitus wound up in the city in the first place
Rhys meeting Vincent
probably more I can't think of that have popped into my brain a very fun au for me
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oh! if u still feel up to talking id love to know more about ur stitched minds au or admit your sins ive been seeing u post about them and alwayz been rlly curiouz!! -plushpyro
HIIIII!!! ofc ah'll luv to talk about it!! ← loves to talk about their aus, both new & old
stitched minds au is basically. wouldn't it be funny if Merasmus casted a Fusion spell at the Engineers & they fuse. but everything went wrong in the process because the Fusion wasn't a Willing one so the Fusion into existence falling apart & without many memories.
it's basically about a failed Engineer fusion living & learning about the Mercs around them, have a lot of crisis & try to figure out how to unfuse so their creators can get back to their normalish lives. au deals heavily with gore (stitches' whole existence), identity stuff, dealing with emotions as a bystander (stitches having to deal with buried memories of their creators & their emotions) & a lot of trauma finally being unpacked (though a bit unconstantly).
admit ya sins au is an AU of Spy's Disguise & Emesis Blue. in which SD!RED Engineer, The Bartender & "Dell" are the same person. SD!Spy has to deal with hallucinations of the SD!RED Engineer & (not-so hallucination) the Sawmill Victims. SD!BLU Engineer deals mostly with the ghosts of the Sawmill Victims as they try & drag him with them, while meeting The Bartender a few times because he Basically Cheated Death.
it's mostly focused on the Sawmill Victims though. & The Engineers. because ah Love them <3
thamk u sm for askin!!!!!! ← very happy & is willing to talk more about aus if asked because brain go brr
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hypermoyashi · 11 months
AHOY! READER ASK MEME TIME. A2, B4, B7, C9, D6, D10 :]
Hello!!! Thank you so much!!!
A2. How did you find your first fic?
I think I was between the ages of 10 and 12 and I was googling about Inuyasha and a fic popped up. I think I wanted to see what happened after the anime cut off and discovered fanfiction to fill that whole through google of all things. That was how I found ff.net.
B4. Who is your current favourite author? What is their best story?
HO BOY this is a hard one. I've generally really enjoyed a lot of writers, so I'm gonna cheat here and name multiple (fair warning that it is All Trigun at the moment because that is what I currently have brain worms for):
The Celestial Evening Series by tragic_unpaired_electron
kinder, gentler by skittidyne
before tomorrow ends by chuuyasoup
in the woods somewhere by halfdemonvash
In the Next Life by orcelito
come and see by avoidingavoidance
There are, of course, lots of other fics I love in other fandoms, but these are ones that have stuck out to me and currently make my brain go brr. There are probably lots of really good one-shots I'm missing because I tend to get brain worms more over longer fics, too. This list also probably has a bias towards fics I've followed a long time, because the longfics and one-shots I binged over a few days are ones I have a harder time remembering, though I do tend to go back and reread them.
B7. Which character is your favourite to read about? Why?
Right now? It's 100% Vash. Not only does the fact that the fandom largely writes him as trans or at least Not Cis make my enby, doesn't identify with my gender assigned at birth self very happy, but he's honestly such a complex and interesting character. There are so many different interesting things you can do with him, and there are a lot of subtle aspects of his character you can really dig into in fanfiction. I'm also just... a sucker for characters with a lot of struggles getting support systems, hurt/comfort tropes, and found family tropes, all of which Vash is great for.
C9. What show did you really try to watch, but you just couldn’t?
Hmmmmm there are a lot? I've completed 300~400 anime in my lifetime, not even counting Other Kinds of Shows, but I've dropped more than I've finished. Naruto comes to mind because I think I watched maybe 500 episodes of that for a friend, and like, I liked parts of it, but it was such an inconsistent watching experience that I ended up never really liking or really finishing it. I didn't have nostalgia to get me through it lol.
D6. How many bookmarks do you have?
612 right now! Granted, I've had my AO3 account for about ten years now, so it's not too impressive when you factor in how long it's taken me to get there.
D10. What is one story idea you really want to read but no one has written yet?
This one is haaaard because if no one is writing an idea I want to read, then I tend to write it myself. I guess a Vashwood SWAP AU is one? I technically haven't posted the Vashwood part of my SWAP AU, so I would say it counts lol. But on a serious note, I think there are a lot of cool AUs that would work really well for Trigun, but I don't see too many that try to take new and fun takes on the characters. I've seen a couple here and there, but a lot of people tend to stick pretty closely to canon. Which is great! Lots of really great fics like that out there! But it's also fun to just get wild with it sometimes, so I'd like to see more AU fics that just go ham and have fun with some outlandish and creative ideas.
Thank you again for the all the questions!!! It was really fun answering all of these!!
[ Fic Reader Ask Meme ]
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ya-boi-haru · 2 years
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@theeretblr wanted a new MC Skin for their Hardcore world and i loved the challenge, twas really fun to make!
Since you can’t see or do all the details on a mc skin, i also added the rough sketch version i did for a better look at it :3 (also made one with the purple cancer ribbon <3 ) (i hope i uploaded them properly)
* After being “teleported” back to their spawn the cause of “death” is still in affect for a couple seconds. (ie, if they’re about to drown, they spawn back coughing up water (and soaked); If it was to a mob/weapon, they spawn back with the wound/s quickly healing themselves)
*Erets cloak was actually a lot longer, however, in the water temple when they got stuck on something - causing a “teleport” - turns out their cloak got snagged on something which made them stuck, so they cut it shorter with a sword (they kept tripping on it anyway)
thats actually all i have for now but will continue if i think up anymore :)
i am also totally adding this to my list of Eret cosplays (putting me at 14 cosplays, im so excited)
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delightful-hatter · 2 years
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It's way to early for this-
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Okay so, idk if you’re taking in new possible aus but fuck it Brain Thoughts Go Brr. The gist is that Danny actually puts in an effort to keep his identity secret, *especially* from his enemies. A side effect is that 1) no one knows he’s a halfa, not even Danny and 2) he accidentally finds himself adopted by several ghosts, because think of it. A new ghost just pops up in Amity one day and starts protecting this town with his (after)life. It’s pretty easy to figure out his obsession, but 1/3
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my good friend I am always taking new AUs
and this would change like the whole vibe of the show and his relationships with other ghosts and I love that so much
also the animosity really would be lessened by the fact that they don't have this 'you're part human you're different from us you're just protecting all your human friends because you're still human' mentality, instead it's like 'oh god this poor ghost kid copped a fucking protection obsession, he probably died in this town and now the whole ass place is his haunt like what rotten fucking luck'
he's still seen as an annoyance and in the way but it's not like, personal you know it's more like 'okay I get why you're doing this but I still need to kick your ass about it sorry kid'
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fastlikealambo · 2 years
the very first moment I beheld him, my heart was irrevocably gone.
link to chapter one.
link to chapter two.
link to chapter three.
link to chapter four.
 Eddie Munson x  Fem Sinclair! Reader Regency AU                                                            Chapter Five
Summary: After years apart, childhood friends Lady Sinclair and Lord Edward Munson find themselves thrown into the Hawkins social season. With marriage and wealth on the line for them both, they must come to terms with their shared past in the face of scandals just around the corner.
Warning: This is a bridgerton rip off, this is a sandition rip off, this is a jane austen rip off. This is cheesy, overly dramatic, overly romantic. There will be fainting, there will be duels, there will be ballgowns.  If you are looking for historical accuracy, look away, it will not be found here so argue with your modiste. Does this story take place in regency england or america? The answer to that question is yes.  All I know is soft black girls in tiaras makes my brain go brr.
Trigger Warnings: Violence,  PinV,  The kind of heavy breathing and people sniffing each other that’s only found in period dramas,  Jason Carver is his own warning.
Warnings for this chapter: Mentions of child abuse, intimidation.
Minors and ageless blogs, dni.
Dearest Readers,
 Just when I thought our season would lack scandal, it would appear I was proven wrong. Rumor has it that our Diamond has the suitors of our season drawing pistols at dawn for a chance at winning her hand. Though both men were unharmed, only one walked away a gentleman and it was not Lord Andrew.
 Word has reached me that our Lord Andrew has the honor of a codfish and cannot restrain himself from putting his hands on women’s bodies when not one such lady has given him permission.  I, Lady Hawkinsdown, enjoy drama but you do know what I enjoy more?
Lord Andrew has retired to the country to avoid accountability but let my words ring out from sea to shining sea: Lord Andrew is now in social exile and let no one in search of a good marriage be steered in his direction now and forevermore.
On to more pleasant topics, shall we?
The Hopper Ball is just around the corner and I am most excited to see what will transpire among our guests. 
Especially our younger guests, who seem to be ready to insert themselves in the drama of the season.
Let’s hope they’ll emerge unscathed.
Lady Hawkinsdown
“Have you checked the stables? What about the gardens?” 
“They’ve already checked. All of his things are gone and he didn’t leave a note. You don’t think-”  Before Erica could finish that terrifying thought, you put your hands on her shoulders.
“ I’ll find him, I promise. You’ll be back to tormenting each other by tea time.” You said, grabbing your cloak.
“I want to come with you.”
“And I want you here, Robin will keep an eye on you. Before you say it, I know you are not a child, Erica.”
“Then don’t treat me like one!”
“I made a promise to always keep you safe, I need you to stay here.” You said, firmly but realized Erica already had her cloak on.
“You were going to go regardless of what I said, weren’t you?”
“ I thought that was clear.” Erica said with a shrug.
“Lady Sinclair, there’s three boys looking to speak to you. They say they have information about Lord Sinclair.” A servant ran in, followed by three rather sheepish looking boys.
“ You must be my brother’s new friends, Dustin, Mike, and Will.  Please do you have any idea where my brother is? I just need to know if he is safe.”
“ He made us swear not to tell you but I want to go to his wedding!” Dustin exclaimed and Will clamped a hand over his mouth.
“His what?!”
All three of them started talking at once before you let out a most unladylike whistle, bringing them to silence.
“One at a time.”
“He’s gotten close to our other friend, Max Mayfield. Her stepfather is a piece of shit so Lucas got it in his head that he would run away with her and get married.” Mike explained.
“They’re probably at the church right now.”  Will chimed in. 
 Funny, you had started the day trying to stop a death but now before breakfast you were contemplating killing your little brother. 
“I’ve always wanted another sister.”
You contemplated taking the reins yourself as the carriage approached the nearest church at a glacial pace.
You had failed your mother and father.
You had men fighting over you and now had multiple people’s futures in danger.
You were starting to wish you had never come back to Hawkins.
“There they are!” Erica pointed out the window and you saw the pair looking very sad and very not married on a bench outside the church.
“Oh shit.”  Lucas muttered.
“Oh shit is very much right, Lucas!”  You stormed up to the pair, grabbing them both in a tight squeeze ignoring their protest.
“You’re hugging us to death.” Lucas said, voice muffled.
“You’re lucky that’s all I’m doing. Have you any idea how worried I’ve been? Erica cried!”
“No I didn’t!”
“ I’m sorry, you’ve just been so busy with diamond stuff. I didn’t think you’d notice.” He said while you guided everyone back into the carriage.
“You think I wouldn’t notice my little brother marrying without a marriage license, a witness, or an inheritance? You could have jeopardized your futures, both of you. I don’t care how busy I am Lucas, you come to me, understood? I could have helped you! ”
“Sorry.” Max and Lucas muttered in unison.
“As for you Miss Mayfield, your friend Mike said that your stepfather is dishonorable, is that correct?”
“He’s a piece of shit, Lady Sinclair. He’s always been vile but ever since my stepbrother was hit by a carriage and killed, he’s become violent.”
“ That settles that then.  I will send him a letter informing him that you are being taken under the wing of the diamond of the season to learn more ladylike manners and  I’ll include a financial incentive for him to stay away. You’ll live at  Buckley Hall and once I have married by the end of the season, you’ll move in with us at our estate.  Does this work for you, Max?”
“You mean you’re not gonna send me back home?” Max asked quietly.
“Absolutely not.”
“Thank you, Lady Sinclair.” Max said with a soft smile.
“Yes!” Lucas exclaimed.
“And once we return home, no riding for a week and Erica gets to use your lucky mallet for pall- mall.”
“Shall it be two weeks? You did a good thing but you lied to me, Lucas Sinclair.”
“Ugh, fine.”
Between letter writing, filling in Robin, and getting Max settled, you were in no mood for a ball but social engagements still called.  You attended the event alone, the rest of your family much too tired to join you. 
“Are you enjoying your season, Lady Sinclair?” Patrick asked politely as you danced.
“It has been interesting to say the least Lord McKinney, but I am enjoying my time here.”
“ Might I be so bold as to inquire if you are enjoying your time with me?” 
You looked up at him in soft contemplation but nodded nonetheless.
“I have and I do hope we can spend more time together my lord.” You said, curtsying as the dance came to a close.
“I look forward to it.” The lord said, kissing your hand.
“I believe I have the pleasure of the next dance, Lady Sinclair.” A voice said and the pained look in Patrick’s eyes made you turn to see a blonde man there.
“I do not believe we have been introduced, I’m Lord Carver.”
You froze at the name but refrained from making a scene, allowing him to escort you back to the dance floor.
“You must have been a late addition to my dance card, Lord Carver.” You said, attempting to hide your disgust.
“Very late, but I couldn’t help but see if I could steal a dance with the diamond, especially after making your brother’s acquaintance.”  He said and your stomach dropped but you continued the dance.
“Have you met my brother, my lord?”
“No but I did come across him and a lovely young lady outside the church this morning, alone and with no escort. Imagine my surprise when I saw their wedding attire, I thought you were the only one on the marriage mart this season.”
You couldn’t breathe.
“What do you want, Lord Carver?”
“I have been denied a wife by that freak of a duke and I think you will do nicely.  You will marry me, have my heirs, and do all that is required of a wife of my stature.”
“And if I refuse your most gracious proposal?”
“ I cannot not ruin your fortune but I can destroy any future happiness of your brother and  the safety of his friend with one word to Lady Hawkinsdown. You have one day to make your decision before I make it for you.  Unlike Andrew, I have no stones for you to unturn Lady Sinclair. “  Jason whispered in your ear before leaving you on the dance floor.
You were going to be sick.
You left the ballroom, the noise roaring in your ears as you found the nearest door outside, taking in the night air in an attempt to calm your breathing to no avail.
The sound of the door opening and a match striking made you turn around on unsteady legs.
“ Shit, I didn’t know anyone else was out here!” Eddie said laughing, lighting a pipe before he realized who was actually in front of him, eyes narrowing.
“I’ll make it easy for us both, Your Grace.” You said, voice empty and head swimming as you forced yourself to stand straight up. Eddie cleared his throat and  merely moved to the side as you marched by, nearly at the door before your legs gave out on you, your head narrowly missing the balcony floor,  if not for Eddie’s arms around you.
“Lady Sinclair, are you unwell? Look at me, Sinclair!” Eddie  said, coldness giving way to panic. You were fading fast, scared, overwhelmed and confused by the day’s events but you couldn’t help but your hand on Eddie’s face.
“ Will you marry me, Your Grace?”
The horror on Eddie’s face is the last thing you saw before you fainted.
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