#post ep tamaki
milkbreadtoast · 1 year
rewatched a part of ouran hshc ep 24 "and so kyoya met him" and bawling my eyes out mdnfnsndbsndn man even tho theres some stuff that rly did not age well.... its still such a good anime
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zodoods · 8 months
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keep seeing posts ab tamaki suoh’s influence on baby weeb adrien (ty @anna-scribbles) but I think they’re all weebs here’s what I think they would dress up as for Halloween (adrien: tamaki suoh (ohshc), marinette: sailor moon, alya: gon freecs (hxh), nino: tanjiro (demon slayer))
my head canons under the cut
adrien: I think he would enjoy a lot of “old” animes esp stuff like fruits basket like I think these would hold a lot of nostalgia for him I can definitely see him enjoying animes like horimiya (esp bc of that secret identity element) but like . maybe horror/thrillers as well like i think he would enjoy the promised neverland
marinette: i want to say shoujo like I definitely see her watching shoujo and obviously sailor moon elements in her transformation but I think that’s more of a comfort anime for her? I think Marinette would enjoy shounen works as well especially ones that kind of toe the line (ex. Sk8 the infinity). i think she would really like darling in the Franx as well (robot mechs and romance what is not to like—fits with her mecha strike obsession too)
alya: definitely action packed animes especially long ones I see her enjoying jjk, hunter x hunter, bsd and again definitely anything with a superhero component like bnha but I also see her enjoying action-comedies like spyxfamily
nino: big shounen fan, like definitely watched every ep of Naruto and dragon ball z as a kid and I see him gravitating towards fantasy action like demon slayer and chainsaw man. he definitely watched one piece methinks
SORRY FOR THE WORD VOMIT EHFKEFKHEKHF give me ur head canons Too!!
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djkibrit · 1 month
Persona Characters’ School Years (Party-members and Students Only)
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So, as a result of curiosity, I decided to organize every student and/or party-member of the Persona series by the school grade they were in while their game happened!
- General Observations:
 1. I’ve only played Persona 1, 2 Duology and 4 as of now. So I’m not as familiar with P3 and P5 characters. With that in mind, I had to use the SMT Wiki to learn about every student present in the series and what grade they were. So, if you find any inaccuracies, feel free to correct me
EDIT: So, as expected, I did put something wrong (I'm very sorry). As @kotopeachii pointed out, Nozomi is actually a third-year, so I've edit this post to change the image and to correct calculations I've made (Once again, thank you very much for correcting my mistake, kotopeachii ^^)
 2. Also, I’m not considering characters found only in the spin-offs
 3. I only included the students and party-members since they are the main subject of this analysis (and it’s kind unnecessary to put every single adult in the series in this lol)
 4. I made this organization with this tier list made by miru (go check them out!). However the tier list didn’t contain all the characters I needed, so I edited the image and added the rest of the cast (I will put the “sprites” I made in Read More if anyone else want to use them)
 5. There are still some characters in the series we know are going to school during the games but which year they are in is still a mystery. They are: Tadashi Sotomi (the creator self-insert present in P1), Tsutomu Kurouri (better known as Devil Boy from P1), Ken (Eikichi’s friend from P2), Mamoru Hayase (the Star SL from P3)
 6. There are also characters that we can only discover their grade by analyzing information not found explicitly in the games. They can be found by examining: their birthdays (Tamaki from P1 and Mitsuo from P4) or some of their sprites (Yasuo and Sugimoto from P2)
- What Can We Learn From This:
(For the calculations of average, I’m using: Child = 0, First Year = 1, Second Year = 2, Third Year = 3, and Adult = 4. I’m not going to count the non-humans for this)
 1. The Persona Series is predominantly composed of 2nd Years (which make up for 60,7% of the characters included in this tier list). What makes a lot of sense since it’s the “middle” stage of high school, the one that symbolizes the transition of childhood to adulthood (one of the main theme of the series)
 2. The only cast to not include a 3rd Grade character (be it as a party-member or as an npc) is P1 while P4 is also one that doesn’t present a 3rd Year party-member. On the other hand, P4 is the only entry that had 1st Grade party-members in their base game (with Sumire only being added to P5 with Royal)
 3. Persona 1 is the only game to have an entire party made only by people in the same school year (with all the nine party-members not only being in their 2nd year but also being in the same class).
 4. Futaba is the only teenager party-member to not attend school during their main game. Although she starts going to Shujin Academy by the time P5 Strikers takes place (where she is in the 2nd Year)
 5. The oldest overhaul cast (including the adults) is obviously P2. However, even if not including characters that don’t go to school in this, P2 continues to be the oldest (with an average of 2,25)
 6. The oldest party is (to the surprise of none) the one from P2:EP (with an average of 3,86) and, if only counting party-members that are students, the oldest would be, by technicality, P2:EP again (since there’s only Tatsuya - a 3rd Year - although he kind of dropped out). If we were to considered only parties with more than one student, Persona 2 continues to be victories with P2:IS (that has an average of 2,5)
 7. The youngest overhaul cast (including children) is P4 (with an average of 1,81). And even when only counting party-members, P4 is still the youngest (with an average of 1,57), which makes a lot of sense since the IT has three 1st Years
 8. General Cast from youngest to oldest: P4 (1,81) < P1 (1,93) < P3 (2,04) < P5 (2,08) <  P2 (2,89)
 9. Party-members only from youngest to oldest: P4 (1,57) < P1 (2) < P3 (2,01) < P5 (2,11) <  P2:IS (3) < P2:EP (3,86)
- Obs: So, after the edit, P3 general cast (2,13) surpass P5 (2,08) if you exclude Ken
So here are the "sprites" I edited :D
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quillisadoll · 2 months
I just finished I'm assuming the main ark with the twins
If you don't want spoilers skip this post
I just I just
This ark was beautiful I am so happy the twins are trying to be their own people now, well they still have a lot to learn but it's so :( I'm so happy for them.
And yes I knowww Tamaki gets with Haruhi in the end but I'm really hoping hikaru at least tries to get with Haruhi.
I am very attached to these characters and seeing them finally have character development is so nice. In the anime we had very little to go off of we had the Halloween episode and the summer eps AND THAT'S PRETTY MUCH ALL WE GOT IN CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT
I am very excited to write a essay and or make a YouTube video discussing these boys
(guys read my tags I'm funny in my tags)
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laeteria · 4 months
Re-watching Aninana (S1EP1)
Hi, I have literally nothing to do on the train (which is like 4 hours a day), so I might as well watch one of my favourite series ever: IDOLiSH7. This is also kinda a compensation for the time when I said I would post about i7: Third Beat, but I never did after the 1st episode.
I'll simply write down things I remember from past me, notable things in the episode, and a few comments after this round of re-watch. I'll also try to keep it spoiler free!! For new watchers, the notes might give you some points to think about because I obviously didn't write them down without a reason.
Updates may be slow: I am a sad university student.
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Past me things:
When I watched this anime for the first time, I just wanted to say that this was my first ever male idol anime I watched. My expectations were low.
I tried so hard to remember everyone's names in the first episode… I even paused the episode for it to catch everyone's name, lol.
Yes, I am one of the people who clicked the episode away to see if I was watching the right anime when they were playing basketball.
Notable things in the EP:
The basketball game already gives away a lot actually. Not only how Mitsuki and Iori seem to be close siblings, but also how Riku seems very tired after the match. Don't forget that it's a three-on-three and Yamato is the referee as if he doesn't want to insert himself into the picture.
MAN. When Iori started to wonder if Tsumugi was the daughter of the president, it was Sogo to say that it didn't matter.
Mitsuki seems to be very shaken by the news that not all of them are going to debut, only three of them.
Once again, Iori comes at Tsumugi because she has broken their trust and it's Sogo again who says she can't help it.
Yamato is the first one to count himself out because he was only doing this for his revenge.
Sogo, who is always looking out for the people around him but himself…
To be honest, Tamaki is so brazen, but it fits him (and his age).
Riku talking to Iori and how great it is to be able to work together with them, and Tamaki also looking serious when these words are spoken.
Sogo giving the bottle to Tamaki, so he could make up with Mitsuki is so Sogo like. (Mending the relationships here.)
Personal comments (after re-watch):
I forgot how much I love WiSH VOYAGE!
While everyone does look very serious, it hits me so hard to see their feelings align for the first time. I know it's just the first episode and it's probably because I have seen this series many many many times already, but I can't help but get slightly emotional...
I also really love how Tsumugi pinpoints the strong points of everyone in this episode because you will only see their appeal grow and notice them becoming a better version of themselves throughout the series. It's a masterpiece.
Together with the scene of deciding their group name, I think the first episode was very impactful.
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noxiatoxia · 8 months
hi i wrote this like bulletpoints bc im not making this an essay. tldr youre kinda right but kinda wrong and this isnt new but kaorus issues DO get resolved we just dont really see him say "hey!! my issues are resolved :)) ". he lives through the things he was anxious about and survives so we can see it gets resolved. just in a shitty way.
ep 16/karuizawa arc> kaoru tries to help hikaru and himself to have their own individuality by experiencing different types of relationships and increasing their emotional maturity
ep 21> kaoru describes the cindrella metaphor. the dynamics in the club are the carriage. (haruhi/tamaki as daughter/father noted)
>tamaki is the one leading the carriage, aka the dynamics. hes the "leader" in a sense.
>once tamaki realizes he likes haruhi, they wont be platonic like a father/daughter anymore aka->
>the dynamic is gonna change
>hikaru also likes haruhi
>in this situation, hikaru might care a lot about haruhi and might not take this well especially after "replacing kaoru" (i assumed this is how kaoru feels bc hes later relieved when hikarus w haruhi and he still seeks out kaoru to make sure he's ok)
>this complete dynamic change is going to seperate the host club
>but hikaru seeks him out first after haruhi and hikaru are trapped
>he is sure that the dynamic issues and a group break will happen when the dynamic between haruhi and tamaki change and time passes by (whichever comes first) but so long as he's hikarus first choice he's fine with it
>kaoru assumes tamaki creates a family scenario so everything can be platonic as long as possible, but is shocked to see that tamaki wasnt willingly doing this he was just fucking stupid
>this creates a crack in kaorus way of thinking, his ~deep~ theory is just a conspiracy (that he made up due to anxiety but he doesnt realise it yet)
>hani say "kao and kyo are as oblivious as tamaki" implying that they trust the host club to stay together in face of struggle
ep 25
>the host club is facing the struggles kaoru was scared of and in a sudden, unprepared way. tamaki is leaving (might leave and then leaves), kyoya's family suddenly seems disappointed aka he might pull away from the club entirely, in the end theres a lot of changes in the club. they lose hani and mori first in the battle (graduated), then kyoya isnt coming (pulling out for future plans/family pressure), they are running after tamaki as a trio when hikaru gets hurt.
>in the pumpkin patch when doubt is highest and they are thinking about how this is surely the end, we see haruhis flashback to her dad about not hesitating when the time is right. even though she doesnt have the need to continue, she still does because she /wants/ to. AND she succeeds. this would show kaoru that there is no "spell" or some uncontrollable event that would lead to the end of their friendship, and that he can keep it alive just by working on it
>the fact that the show ended the way it did (with tamaharu happening TO keep the dynamics alive + all members working their hardest just to keep it all going) wouldve been enough to curb kaorus worries because it was physical proof that even when the things that he feared happened the group didnt fall apart and even got stronger
>so he lives through his fears becoming true and it gets resolved symbolically. obv i would want there to be a 40 min episode where kaoru goes to theraphy and resolves his issues including the incest kink but the last few episodes were rushed as fuck
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Hi! Never disagree with me about the carriage ever again I'm going to fucking kill you. (<- this is a joke i am joking im not mad at u u are my friend)
I've talked about this before -- about what the last episode symbolizes in terms of the carriage allegory. But it was an old post so many people probably haven't seen it.
To showcase why I disagree we need to first realize what the carriage allegory actually stands for.
In short, the carriage is the anime's way of implementing Kaoru's depression arc from the manga. If you're unaware of that, the tl;dr is very similar to episode 21 just without Cinderella metaphors. Scared Hikaru will leave him, scared he'll lose his friends, etc. Except in the manga, Hikaru and Kaoru actually talk about this, culminating in Hikaru dyeing his hair but reassuring Kaoru they'll always be together.
In my mind, the carriage is obviously a stand-in for this. But... It's also trying to serve to be a plot device to set up the end of the show.
My guess is the creators probably thought Ouran would get a 2nd season but it didn't get greenlit, so they had to wrap things up very suddenly, which is why the ending feels as rushed as it does. This is just a theory though.
The carriage, as it is presented in episode 21, clearly is setting up a major plot point: the dissolve of the host club. And since we as an audience are lead to believe Kaoru's word is to be believed, we're also like "oh, shit, is the host club gonna fall apart?"
cuz keep in mind, through this episode and episode 16, the show presents Kaoru in such a way that makes him seem "smart" and "wise" and that his ideas hold some sort of weight to them.
So, to recap, the carriage allegory in the anime is two things: 1, a character-driven arc about Kaoru's fears and 2, a plot device to set up the ending of the show.
This is where the "resolved" thing gets tricky.
The carriage is resolved on a plot-level. By the carriage hikaru, kaoru, and haruhi were one falling into the pumpkin patch, yet still saving tamaki in the end, shows that even though the "spell" ended, they still managed to get their happy ending. The club did not fall apart.
But, keep in mind, Kaoru's side of this equation -- about the fears of growing up, drifting apart, being different from his brother -- are not touched on.
To say it was resolved because of the pumpkin patch thing I think is just...wrong. At best it's incredibly lazy writing.
Tamaki & Kyoya had character-driven arcs, too. Ones that were presented throughout the whole show. And those actually got resolved in the final episodes. Yes, they were still open-ended endings, but they were acknowledged. That's what I'm pissed off about when it comes to the carriage. It doesn't get fucking acknowledged ever again. Not even a little bit. The best we get is symbolism that only, as I said, solves one half of the puzzle at best.
for further reading here's this post and this post.
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Damn, the post I just reblogged (confidants with their associated Personas/demons) made me think intensively about an AU I made with my good friend from the fandom long time ago and now I feel like I need to brag about it to get it out of my brain XD
Okay so first, a controversial opinion: I think Atlus is actually trying too hard with separating Persona series (especially neosona) from mainline SMT. Like I totally see WHY they might want to separate it as much as possible since despite I only played (tbh still playing) one mainline SMT game and I already started to ask myself some questions about how actually Persona universe worked that any big apocalypse that would wipe out that universe never happened yet, despite Persona is a parallel universe to mainline games (I mean P2:IS was close but still it was "inside work" by Nyarly a.k.a evil side of human nature instead of a result of main SMT deities' intervention) and that questions might lead to finding major plot holes so I kinda get what Atlus is doing that but it still feels kinda wrong, you know?
Anyways, the thing I actually miss in neosona games is the coexistence and duality between Persona users and Demon Summoners like in P1 and P2 where Tamaki was using her Summoner abilities and experience to help the protags and that was super cool imo
Anyways, back to AU concept - Philemon's reset didn't seemed to wipe out the SMT elements in Persona universe completely as in P2:EP Kuzunoha Agency still works and there is still mentioned that Tamaki and Chef Todoroki are summoners. And that means that most likely Demon Summoner Program made its way to neosona universe as well despite Philemon's reset
Okay so AU would be about Detective Agency still working in neosona times and Tamaki probably still operating as well and that there are still coexistence between Persona users and Summoners even in P5 times
And actually Mishima and Hifumi didn't had their Personas for a reason
They already didn't need them. They were young summoners trained by Tamaki and operating in secret so much, that they didn't even told Akiren about it despite they knew he is Persona User- at least at first
Like think about it - Mishima is canonically very skilled and interested in IT (he made a complex site by himself from scratch) so it would make sense for him to quickly learn how Demon Summoner Program works, same with Hifumi since she is one of the best shogi players and we saw in canon that's she's very good in logical thinking. I think she would learn how that program works immediately as well
I imagine that maybe the Kuzunoha Agency wanted to investigate the mental shutdown cases by themselves and they ended up recruiting the two high schoolers with summoning potential to do so or something (like Chef Todoroki was most likely dead at that point since he was already elderly in P2 so maybe Tamaki was alone and needed some help and new faces). Tbh that would be hilarious to see how much these two tries to keep a secret from Akiren and Persona Users (maybe either Tamaki didn't allow them to speak about that or they just didn't wanted to worry Akiren even more), like Mishima trying to act dumb and clueless but he would actually knew about what is going on but from a different perspective 😆
And here's how they would find out - they would ran on each other in some Palace - Phantom Thieves in their outfits and Mishima and Hifumi with their pack of demons 😆 The conversation would be hilarious though: "Akiren? Why are you dressed like that?" "It's a long story, but what are you two doing here and why are you working with Shadows, are you crazy? And how did you got there, do you have a Persona as well?" "What are you saying dude? That's not some Shadows, they are demons! Besides we don't need Personas, the Program is all we need" "They are...what??? Who are you again???" 😆😆
Anyways after that there would be Persona Users- Demon Summoners solidarity once again like in good P1-2 times and I imagine Mishima and Hifumi actually helping out and working with the Phantom Thieves despite they were never Persona Users and maybe help them out during a final battle as well
So yeah, that's the only AU I can actually forgive Mishima and Hifumi not being a Persona Users 😅
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7nessasaryevils · 2 years
BL Tag Game
Thank you @i-got-the-feels and @sereinartemishan for tagging me! As long as it takes me to get to these, I do love being tagged in asks and games like these!
I'm going to talk about all the characters in the shows, not just the couples, so be warned :D
All-Time Favorite BL Character and Why? Pat Jindapat- do i need to explain? the utter beauty of this boy realizing his own feelings and then being so good to go as far as to apologize to the girl he's confessed to because he recognizes he used her as a way to make himself feel better? chef's kiss! pat is one of the greenest flags in my BL list and i will go to my grave, singing his praises and crying over him
Tankhun Theerapanyakul - he whacked Vegas in the head with a tray and immediately became my utter fave. and then to learn that he's actually the smartest and speak perceptive truths..ugh my love! but watching him worry for pete and grow from someone who refused to leave his house and then willingly run out to search for porsche and porchay...i will snap the neck of anyone who tries to hurt him
Pran Sirichedewat - oh god....god god pran... love of my life pran. pran is me without the guitar ability and the Pat. watching him in ep 4 cry in silence and then force a smile onto his face like its ridiculous to be in love with someone who could never love him back...that hit me so hard and i recognized a kindred spirit
One Character You Want to Punt Into the Stratosphere Have two! Kim/ Kamol from Unforgotten Night...i'm not even sorry.
Best Music Moment BBS beach goodbye (Our Song) - true i'm using the OST but listening to this song invokes such feelings in me? i am always sad and happy because i remember the week after ep 11 and how i was numb and then after ep 12, to learn that it's been a ruse...i just...i fucking love it
Rooftop Kiss - i'm dead if i do not add this here...will not explain. do not need to
Porsche's breakdown ep 12 - this scene with its plot makes me cry but the music just brings such beauty to it. a gentleness that we wouldn't expect to see in a mafioso. but gentleness is kinn's way with porsche and this gentleness and trust is enough to break porsche and i just...fucking gorgeous
Honorary Mention to Not Me's kiss in Ep 8 (also on the rooftop!!! absolutely gorgeous!)
A Popular Het Text You'd Like To See As A BL OHSHC and KinnPorsche- @bestiesincrime got me on this brainrot and i both love them and hate them but yeah Kinn as Kyoya (oh god kinn with glasses help!), Porsche as Haruhi (i never did like tamaki and haruhi sorry and please porsche already hates damn rich people), Tankhun as Tamaki (tell me anyone else who could pull off Tamaki i dare you), Arm and Pol as the Twins (they're not twins but lord their chaos energy) Kim as Mori (silently glaring his way through life) and Pete as Honey (cute and cuddly....but will snap your neck too). please also acknowledge that the minor family is also the ladies from Lobelia Academy. sigh...
for all my desis...truly i can't think of any good bollywood movies id want to turn into a BL because most of the good b-wood movies i've watched aren't about couples. but i do think a BL version of Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara would be lovely!
BL Scene that Makes Me Laugh Tankhun tray-whapping Vegas in the head is the reason I breathe.
Also every sex scene from Unforgotten Night....you want me to take this seriously? when I had KP? HAH!
Biggest Disappointments Dear Doctor... Was such a disappointment because it had such a lovely plot (grim reaper and doctor fall in love) but the execution was utter shit. you have a doctor who seems to think that no one can die and is unbearably selfish towards someone he claims to love.
Not Me...post ep 10 and the crucifixion of Gram: i just...ugh...im sorry the show was lovely and beautiful and i loved the plot but after ep 10 i just...watching it felt like yanking my teeth out
2 Random Characters That Would Make Hilarious Exes Jang Jae-Young (semantic error) and Pat (BBS) oh please these two would meet in a bar and just cry and then drunkenly do karaoke and then go back to their loves of their lives because they would never break up with their babies
Who Would Be The Funniest People to Watch A BL with and Which One? @smasmashie @myooniverse @siredsong oh god i'd watch kinnporsche with you guys and it would be the fucking funniest thing :D
Best Wardrobe Moment? Character or Otherwise PETE'S ALL BLACK OUTFIT THAT I WILL NEVER SHUT UP ABOUT
Tankhun's entire wardrobe (which i could never pull off) especially that cape!
All of Kinn's suits and outfits....help its beautiful
Pran's sweaters! so soft and fluffy and ugh i want them!
Jimmy’s outfit in the first episode of Vice Versa; man walked in with half his tits out and suspenders and I fell in love
Tagging everyone involved with this also my wife @ablazenqueen @soulfalleninbuttland @topcatnikki @thebroccolination @arisprite @mygeekcorner @thecookiemonster77 @faillen
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mihai-florescu · 2 years
the way we're both ainana posting at the same time its 2021 all over again
also the scene of sogo asking tamaki to write songs for mezzo absolutely destroyed me i will not be the same from now on
🤝🤝🤝last september literally feels like a decade ago im not even joking
And yesss this ep was soooo good, finally a fucking break (well, ignoring the liveshow incidents) but finally the stakes arent. Life or death lmao. I empathized with Sogo in that scene so hard *i* was anxious on his behalf but of course Tamaki and the rest of idolish7 would support him! And then the outro? Killed me dead
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ask-tamaki-uchida · 2 years
After parting with Reiko, you had to say goodbye to your demons. They specifically wished to see you again. Would you want to see them? (whichever tamaki applicable)
If: No. I...I appreciate what they did for me, but no. I'm sick and tired of the Expanse and Demons and Guardians and everything else that isn't normal. I would be fine if I never saw or heard from a single demon ever again. P1: I'm not sure, to be honest. What I said earlier was a bit harsh but...I still don't like thinking about that stuff. IS/EP: We agree that it would have been best to at least forge a light bond. Now that we've grown up, and experienced demon-related incidents three times, we agree that having demonic allies, no matter how painful the memories, will help in the end. Post EP: It's been quiet...too quiet. I don't know what's going to happen next, but I'm not going to go into the next disaster unprepared. I'm finding my old demons.
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ritsukageyamas · 5 years
that scene where tamaki says that kyoya is finally showing his true colors and then the painting of small purple flowers that kyoya made blooms into a giant rainbow rose is the gayest and best thing i’ve ever seen in my life!
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elibean · 4 years
fire force is so stupid i love it
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mrsmarymorstan · 2 years
DAYUM! The Queer As Fuck Sasaki and Miyano Dub Cast Continues! I think I'm just gonna call this a Master Post? Some of these are assumptions based on Rainbows in Social Media Bios, others are from Wiki or just general posts/interviews I'm seen with them before. Post will be updated as more information comes to light.
But for now:
Sasaki - Kellen Goth (He/Him) - Bisexual
Miyano - Joshua Waters (He/They) - self-identifies as LGBTQ+
Hirano - Brandon McIniss (He/Him) - Bisexual
Kuresawa - Kayleigh McKee (She/Her) - Trans Woman
Tashiro - Y. Chang (He/Him?) - Gay
Hanzawa - Brendan Blaber (He/Him)- Bisexual, Polyamorous
Shirahawa - Oscar Seung (He/Him) - Gay
Sasaki's Mum - Terri Doty (She/Her?) - Pansexual
Satoko - Kristi Rothrock (She/Her?) - I do not have confirmation on Kristi's identity but looking at Kristi's instagram I get 0 CisHet vibes lol
Ogasawara - Jonah Scott (He/Him) Bisexual
Confirmed Background:
Aaron Dismuke and Ricco Fajardo voice the actors in the smutty audio drama Miyano listens to in EP. 2. I do not know their sexualities, but shonen fans will be pleased to know that they voice Senku & Taiju in Dr. Stone, and Tamaki & Mirio in My Hero Academia. They are roommates.
Other Staff:
ADR Director - Emily Fajardo (She/Her) - Unknown
Script Adapter Episode 2 - Heather Walker (She/They) - Unknown but met their husband whilst organising open mic nights at the local gay bar, which is not the most Heterosexual of activities
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falling-pages · 4 years
heyy!! first off i hope you’re having a lovely day/night and are taking care of yourself :) i noticed your requests were open buuut i don’t exactly know how your requests work or your rules for requests and such so if any of this sounds unappealing to you then feel free to disregard it!!
i was wondering if you could do (headcanons or drabbles, whichever is more comfortable for you) for the hosts and how they would react if an s/o had an encounter with a toxic ex??
sorry if it’s troublesome but you’re one of the few people i’ve seen on here who write for ohshc and i recently had a run in with one of my, not so pleasant ex’s, and i’m still a bit shaken up by it. and once again no pressure or anything and if this doesn’t sound like something you’d want to do or isn’t something you take then feel free to ignore this :)
ty for your time love <3
Hi anon! Your request was so polite and lovely, it really made my morning :) my requests work just like this! Unless I post a prompt list or something, feel free to just slide in and send me a prompt! I have a stash of my own I’m working on but I always want to hear from you all and I’m always looking for ideas!
Thanks for sending this in! I really like this idea; it really showcases each of the hosts’ personalities. I’m sorry you had a bad run-in with your ex. I hope you take the time you need to find peace and comfort away from them, and I want you to remember that you are worthy of all the pure love in the world. I’m recovering from a toxic relationship too, so my messages are open if you need someone to talk to 💖
I listened to “You should be sad” by Halsey while listening to this.
Hosts running into your toxic ex:
1. Tamaki’s greatest wish in life is to have a family. A whole, complete, loving, annoying family. He made that happen at Ouran, and he wants to make it happen with you, too. When he loves, he loves with all his soul.
2. So he doesn’t understand why partners cheat. It literally astounds him. You’re in a relationship with this beautiful person you love, and you’re going to throw it all away?
3. So when he sees your ex and remembers all the things you told him they did to you, it takes everything in him not to go up to them and just tell them off.
4. You’re out shopping when you see them, and you silently duck behind Tamaki’s tall frame.
5. He instantly perks up and asks you to point out who it is, keeping you hidden behind him. 
6. When you show him, he pulls you to his chest and wraps his arms around you, burying your face in his shirt so you can’t see them.
7. Petting your hair and whispering sweet assurances in your ear.
8. “You’re with me now. You don’t have to be afraid.”
9. “They don’t deserve you. They never did.”
10. “You make me so happy. I would never dream of hurting you.”
11. “I’ll never leave you.”
12. You stay cuddled in his chest until your ex passes, with Tamaki sending them a death glare until they’re out of sight.
13. Tamaki buys you anything you want to help you forget about it.
1. RIP to the person that hurt you, because he will ensure their demise
2. When you first tell him about your ex, he will do a little background research on them and learn their habits to make sure whenever you go out that you don’t run in to them
3. However, one day you do happen to run into them
4. Kyoya curses himself for not doing more research
5. You try to act like everything is normal, but he notices
6. The only thing keeping him from sicing his bodyguards on them is the tight grip you have on his hand
7. You go off to the bathroom to catch your breath and clear your head
8. He goes right up to them and threatens them within an inch of their life
9. “Listen here you bastard. I know everything about you. I know your SSN. I know where you live and what you like to do. If you ever, ever hurt them or go near them again, I will not hesitate to make your life a living hell.”
10. He scares them off
11. And when you come out of the bathroom and see they’re gone, you know he did something
12. “What did you do?”
13. “Don’t worry, I took care of them.”
1. She will also give them a piece of her mind
2. She’s not one to take insults lying down
3. She yelled at Yoshio Ootori, after all
4. And those men in ep. 8
5. She won’t embarrass you or make a scene
6. But if they happen to walk too close to you
7. She might stick out her foot
8. They might “trip”
9. And end up with a broken nose
10. Oh whoops how could that have happened
11. But she will lovingly rub your back to help you calm down
12. And will make you your favorite food for dinner that night
1. That boy is a little ball of anger anyways
2. So Heaven help if you ex sees you two together
3. The night you told him everything about your ex, he held you until you fell asleep
4. And silently promised you and himself that he would make them pay for hurting you
5. Hikaru has two modes
7. And
9. You have to l i t e r a l l y hold him back when you see them in public
10. He will go buck wild on their ass
11. If your ex is male, he will tear him to pieces
12. He will knock them on their sorry ass and punch them until they regret the day they were born
13. Lights out mf
14. He is so furious that this person hurt you--you, the one he loves more than anyone in the entire world--that he will not stop fighting until the guy is bleeding from every orifice
15. You’re embarrassed at first
16. But you kinda like the lengths he went to to protect your honor
17. If your ex is a girl
18. He was raised to never hit a woman
19. So he will just glare at her so hard she’s sure to be seeing stars
20. And wrap his arms around you and give you a kiss to make it obvious that you are his
21. Once they’re gone, he keeps you wrapped in his arms to give you a steady anchor
22. With whispered promises of “I will always be here”
23. And kisses pressed into your hair
1. Kaoru doesn’t get enough mischievous credit
2. Remember the refreshing battle? He can pull a few tricks even without Hikaru around
3. Sure, he’s more quiet and reserved than his brother
4. But if your ex even dares to show their face when he’s around
5. Then he will make it obvious who you are currently dating
6. As soon as your ex sees you he will pull you into a makeout session
7. Doesn’t matter where you are
8. School
9. Mall
10. Hitachiin fundraiser event
11. He doesn’t care
12. Sloppy, sloppy makeout session
13. He will kiss you so hard that you forget your ex is even around
14. If you’re comfortable with it, his hands will wander, just to prove the point
15. While he enjoys kissing you because you’re you, he also wants to show your ex how much you upgraded
16. Because now you’re dating a person who is protective of you and loves you with his whole heart
17. And isn’t afraid to show it
18. And who wants nothing but your love in return
1. Dead. 
2. Plain and simple.
3. Dead.
4. Mitsukuni will see that this person makes you sad
5. And they’ll probably end up in a dungeon somewhere
6. Never seen or heard from again
7. And then he’ll just pop back up with you
8. “Where did you go?”
9. “Bakery!”
10. *slyly washes his hands of the remains*
11. Buys your silence with ice cream
1. Ya know that meme??? The “haha, I’m in danger” meme?
2. Yeah, that’s your ex when Takashi gets his hands on them
3. He knows you wouldn’t want much attention brought to it
4. But he feels the way your hand tenses when you see them
5. He sees the way you freeze when they walk by
6. He knows just how awful they were to you
7. And so that night when you get home, he sits down with you and untangles every knotted string connecting your heart with that person
8. He listens to you talk, holds you when you cry, and helps you figure out the healthiest way to cope with what that relationship did to you
9. He runs his fingers through your hair as you snuggle against his chest, feeling warm and safe and loved and cared for
10. You fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat
11. He is extra nice to you the next day
12. He knows you’re still healing
13. He’s just glad you’ve allowed him there for the ride
14. He does research to find the best ways to help you heal
15. Buys books and watches TedTalks and attends online forums
16. He brings up therapy as gently as he can
17. And points to his research saying it might help
18. And he’ll go with you if you want
19. Or he will support you from afar if you want to go alone
20. All that matters is that he’s there beside you for the journey
21. He will never let that person near you ever again
22. And if they ever show up
23. His fists will make them regret the day they ever hurt you
You inspired me to write a whole one-shot with some of the hosts! I’ll put that out soon. Thanks for the suggestion, anon :) <3
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ohshcscenerios · 3 years
The following post is sponsored by my MoriHaru brainrot.
When we talk about the ship MoriHaru the conversation usually leans on Takashi’s perspective. The evidence discussed is usually proving why Takashi loves Haruhi and why his feelings are valid. However, what about Haruhi? Does she like Takashi? Is she even interested in him? It’s only fair to assess if she could return his feelings.
My answer? Yes, I believe Haruhi did like Takashi. In fact, I feel there are many examples in the manga that suggest Haruhi had feelings for Takashi. (I’ll provide the examples below under a “continue reading” divider so my post doesn’t clog your feed)
Example A: 
In ep. 7, when the hosts spent the evening at Kyoya’s beach resort and they were on the search for Mitsukuni, Haruhi tried to comfort Takashi while their friends left him alone. They all knew Takashi was worried about Mitsukuni but Haruhi was the only one who tried to encourage him. 
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Takashi silently thanked her by patting her head and smiling and Haruhi returned a smile. She even blushed.
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Example B:
When Takashi said her name (ep. 7) without honorifics Haruhi didn’t take offense or consider it rude, considering they didn’t really have a friendship at this point in time but was still merely club mates. (Remember how she exploded when Mitsukuni called her “Haru-chan” in the first episode?)
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Instead, she actually liked it and thought it felt nice to hear him say her name.
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Example C:
In ep. 8, when the host club went to a real beach, and the boys join a contest to discover her fear we can see that Haruhi “returned the favor” by presumably addressing Takashi by his given name. 
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Example D: 
In vol. 9′s extra episode the hosts plan a secret operation to reconstruct Haruhi’s apartment with expensive materials so she can unknowingly live in a luxury. However they need her to leave so they can get to work. Tamaki and the twins beg her to go to the store but she bluntly refuses but when Takashi asks she can’t say no. 
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Tamaki even comments on it, saying that he is hurt by her favoritism. 
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Example E:
In vol. 5′s extra episode, when it’s discovered that Takashi becomes more talkative and honest when he’s tired, we see Takashi telling Haruhi he thinks she’s cute.
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Her reaction should be noted because she appears to be losing her sh*t. When Tamaki and the twins call her cute she’d rather brush them off as annoying comments but when Takashi called her cute... she freaked. 
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Example F:
In vol. 15 ep. 71, when Takashi and Mitsukuni announced they will be graduating Ouran soon, Haruhi wasn’t happy about it. She didn’t want them to graduate - or rather leave - just yet.
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And in the very next frame, while the hosts are posing for their guests with big smiles, Haruhi is still visibly very upset over the news. 
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Anyway, that’ my weekly MoriHaru post. Thank you for your time. 
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akashinu · 3 years
Rating: General Audiences
I haven't really been writing much for the last month or so since I've been so busy with work and youtube things, so I decided to practice with some KyoTama :)
It's short, it's sweet, it's about that scene in ep 24 where Tamaki tells Kyoya that he wants to start the host club when they go to high school. It's going to follow various private moments between Tamaki and Kyoya pre-canon and onwards that capture their evolving feelings for each other.
LMK what you think and subscribe to the fic to be notified every time I post a new chapter
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