wildlyplanted · 5 months
Snap back
Make a cup of tea or coffee because this is a long one :)
The other day, I was watching the YouTube channel of a couple I follow. They just welcomed a baby, and the latest vlog was the woman showing her 3 weeks postpartum body, which looked unbelievably great, and for some reason, I felt a little uncomfortable while watching.
I asked myself, "why?" as I thought back to all the similar vlogs I’ve viewed. I think the postpartum vlogs that make me uncomfortable are the ones where the woman seems to be having a quick “snap back.”
“But why?” I asked myself, again. Then it dawned on me. Most of the women I know didn't recover as quickly as some of the women I see in vlogs and on social media. I think this notion and perpetuation of "snapping back" is detrimental to women, especially while they’re in such a vulnerable state, having just given birth.
In this particular vlog, the woman mentioned (multiple times) how she still needs to lose weight, criticized and pointed out areas of her body, including her stomach, even though her body was recovering, remarkably. This blew my mind because I was thinking "Oh my goodness, you grew a baby in your uterus, of course it’s still swollen! You just brought life into the world! Stop!!”
In my sensitive opinion, I think the conversation around postpartum should not be focused on a mother’s body and how fast she is, “snapping back” and I don’t think women should offer up their postpartum bodies for debate. These “snap back” vlogs and social media posts can cause women to be subjected to unfair comparisons by their partner, causing feelings of inadequacy and stress. Comparison shouldn’t happen, but I can guarantee it does.
Instead, the focus should be on mothers receiving an abundance of support from their partners and the trusted people around them in caring for a new baby, eating well, getting ample rest, feeling ease and calm, feeling confident in expressing the status of their mental and emotional health, and overall feeling extra taken care of.
I understand that for some women, the healing process happens nicely, and they feel good enough to exercise as soon as they're cleared by the doctor, and they're in a good space. I also understand that many women who give birth for the first time have been shocked to find out that 6 weeks is not entirely accurate for how long it can take a woman to heal because the dominant narrative is the quick “snap back.”
I'm so thankful and appreciative that more mothers are sharing their childbirth and postpartum journey and showing how different it can look from what we see on social media. Showing that it can be a long way down the road before you feel comfortable in your body again, or before that favorite outfit fits the way it used to.
Additionally, I’m grateful to all the women who are bringing to the forefront, important conversations about healing after having a baby. As someone who has yet to give birth, I want to know as much as I can about the process, keeping in mind that each woman’s experience is unique to her. Something that I’m surprised to only have recently found out is that before a woman even thinks about any sort of working out, she should first take care to strengthen her core and pelvic floor, and only after that, begin working out again.
Hearing and seeing different narratives are so important, because for example, I had no idea that Pelvic Floor Specialists existed until a couple of years ago. I also had no clue that so many women experience Diastasis Recti and when that is the case, they should absolutely not do any typical ab workouts because it will make it worse and most definitely cause setbacks and issues. Working with a Pelvic Floor Specialist is the appropriate procedure.
I’m quite stunned that the medical community does not do women justice regarding postpartum. Why aren’t all mothers given a proper exam to determine if she has Diastasis Recti? Why aren’t all mothers referred to a Pelvic Floor Specialist as a place to start after they’ve been cleared for movement? I’m not sure if insurance would even cover the cost of the specialist.
If men were the ones to give birth, the postpartum period would be 6 months, not weeks and every sort of specialist would be offered up to them, along with insurance covering it all!
Not only is 6 weeks an inefficient and unreasonable amount of time, in my opinion, for a woman to heal– it’s definitely not enough time for a mother to even begin thinking about losing weight or “snapping back.” I would imagine, she just wants to be able to sit and stand without being in pain.
The last point I would like to make, is that I don’t think men truly know how painful and traumatic childbirth and postpartum healing is. Even though more women are sharing about the realities of childbirth and the aftermath, I think so many more don’t share because their journey doesn’t look like what we see on YouTube and social media.
Not enough women are talking about how terrible it feels (I can only imagine) to have swollen and painful private parts, a swollen uterus, hurting when peeing, bleeding a river up to 6 weeks, in some cases, pain during breastfeeding and experiencing issues like Diastasis Recti. Now add on top of that, being expected to perfectly care for your baby, knowing exactly what to do at all times, enduring sleepless nights with little help in some cases, leaking milk and standing in a body that you don't feel comfortable in and can hardly recognize. Then add even more on top of that, being the main person your baby clings to for survival and support and fighting unhealthy thoughts about how your body looks like or what it will look like weeks and months down the line. Imagine how mentally and emotionally taxing it is to love your child and at the same time not like what carrying and birthing your child has done to your body. It’s A LOT!
Welcoming a baby into the world will always be a heavier burden on the mother and just straight-up unfair to her in so many ways. The “snap back” narrative just adds more unreasonableness and should be done away with!
*Shout out to the loving partners who play an equal part in caring for the baby and who help alleviate some of the mental and emotional stress that women experience during postpartum.
Where you can find me/how to contact me:
IG: wildlyplanted
YouTube: Wildly Planted (this is a work in progress, but I’m finding direction)
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pathofthecopperfox · 2 years
My Little Widowmaker.
Being a mother when your own died half a decade ago. There are scars that therapy could not heal. Conversations and questions i will never hear out loud. The voices of a ghost rattle in my brain if i let them linger for more than a moment.
Her namesake is an homage to how we met.
If we had a boy he would be named after the cowboy her father had.
She came out a girl thus named after the purple assassin sniper i had.
Having brought a life and soul earthside through natural birth with no anaesthetic, it was wild in reflection to think how truly heavy our healthcare system wants to dart needles into our backs, telling us the pain is beyond pain. Animals in the wild birth without pain medication every day.
The gas was a lovely crutch until it stopped working towards the end of labour.
They needle person was busy so they couldn't get to me in time.
So what was the feeling like?
I went from 4cm to 9.5 in 20 minutes.
What felt like a bucket ripped open inside me.
The red carpet premiere was about to start.
My hardwire took over and pushed without me trying to.
Her heartrate was dropping.
They rolled be back and forth over that bed. Still her heartrate dropped.
The vaccume was attached to her head, my strength was nearly depleated. And when it finally was they cut me from hole to hole to get her out.
She was purple as her namesake.
Still and quiet.
And then. A cry.
She is now just shy of 6 months old and we have a bi weekly debate wether grover or elmo is our favourite monster.
We now reside in the old lilyfield house.
I cast my spells in the fireplace when she sleeps. Rune sigils of protection etched on brick with ash.
As much as i have tried to run from the ghost of the past I offer my hand to her, my daughters middle name is that of the ghosts. A name no one knew her by but her family in chile; Leocadia
My little Widowmaker. My Amelie 💜
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aajkaakhbaar · 2 years
Benefits of postpartum fitness and tips for starting
The delivery of a baby is such an exciting time for families. Mothers get to finally see the little bundle of joy that has been growing for nine months and fathers get to see their child for the first time. After all the excitement, it can be no wonder that many new parents want to rest after childbirth and not think about anything else until they are ready. This can be very tempting. However, it is important to know that there are many benefits of fitness after giving birth in order to keep yourself healthy during this time period as well as set up a good foundation for future fitness routines with your baby.
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skincareroutine · 11 months
contemporary retelling of medea but its in the form of a murder slasher and it takes place in an orphanage or like foster home n its a young girl who gave birth who was possessed by a ghost but the twist is that the mother when she got back from the hospital postbirth she had postpartum depression n contemplated suicide because idk n she felt no connection to her kid and anyway the ghost in the house possesses her and cares for the child for years but the more time the spirit spends in her the more the lines blur between humanism and ghostism like sometimes her hand will phase thru objects like knives or the tv remote when she goes to grab it n it gets worse n that kind of wakes the dormant mothers soul that the spirit was suppressing. the mothers postpartum depression in only like intensified cus she spends all these years suppressed and she only gets angrier and then idk im making this up as i go if u didnt get that.
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tattooyeol · 1 year
I had so much postbirth/breastfeeding related hairloss that's growing out now that it looks like I'm wearing a small toupee on top of my normal hair
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examexpert · 28 days
Chapter 23 Postpartum Complications
Chapter 23  Postpartum Complications     Complete Chapter Questions And Answers   Sample Questions   MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The perinatal nurse is caring for a woman in the immediate postbirth period. Assessment reveals that the woman is experiencing profuse bleeding. The most likely etiology for the bleeding is: a. Uterine atony. b. Uterine inversion. c. Vaginal hematoma. d. Vaginal laceration. ANS:…
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I heard new people are joining this hellsite
Like happy postbirth, I guess
Remember to post with Reckless Abandon
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newswireml · 2 years
Post-birth surfing was my source of joy, and parental guilt | Health & wellbeing#Postbirth #surfing #source #joy #parental #guilt #Health #wellbeing
I was in my late 30s when I fell madly in love with a fellow surfer. The relationship was tumultuous, but because the biological clock was not ticking in our favour, less than a year in we decided to try for a baby. Weeks later I stared in disbelief at the double lines of the pregnancy test. First try – I was one of the lucky ones. What was life going to look like now? As an avid surfer for five…
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devoteddoveshc · 4 years
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rosaleenwolf · 5 years
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Pregnancy , birth and rebirth. Thank you all for the love ! #bestnine2019 #bodypaint #pregnancy #postbirth #baby #modeling #bestlife #love https://www.instagram.com/p/B6vVZ5-Jnwj/?igshid=1h6h3p0rt1ilf
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simply-ellas-stuff · 2 years
All of Young Alicent's shit I could understand. I like to try and see both sides and I've kept a decently good handle on seeing both sides.
Even in ye olden times in our world, people knew better than to rush introducing a fresh newborn baby to the world, usually they gave it days before the rest of the court got to see the baby, but Alicent is literally risking the lives of Rhaenyra and her innocent-of-any-crime-or-ill-intent newborn fresh-human-being-who-just-spawned-into-this-world child because she wants to be petty.
Fuck this. Fuck her.
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vvaane · 3 years
Hi, i’m Evon. Yea that’s the best way to start writing about a god damn serial killer, a proxy or whatever you guys call us. It’s late at night and you might be wondering why someone like me would write a book, dont i have people to kill? Cops to run from? Watch my back maybe? Nah man i used to do that before... that happened. Do you ever contemplate about your life? You know things like: what if i didn’t do that? what if i stayed silent? what if what i said once changed the whole story? Yea i know, a lot of what ifs. What can i say, i like to think. I may be a monster who kills like killing machine but i still have 'me' time.
I think i’m just rambeling now but yea another thing about me is that i like to talk, maybe too much sometimes. I wasn’t always like this though, as a child i was very quite and kinda depressed. Childhood isn’t my best memory to be honest, all i remember is wasting it on suffering and building up rage, until of course, i snaped.
Usually if someone asks me about that time of my life, i kill them without hesitation but in this case no one asked me so here we fucking go. Appriciate this because i’m not gonna talk about my shity life ever again. I was born on a beautiful day of summer, 4th of july 2000. I don’t have memories of my family, the only thing i know is that my mom commited suicide because of postbirth depression and dear old dad didn’t even bother to raise me or to even be in my life, good i killed him. Anyways, i spend my childhood at a church, raised in the name of this so called god, yea that place as holy as it sounds like, it wasn’t. Everyone feared the priest. What can i say, he was the best, always beating and torturing us many times even if we didn’t do anything wrong, my best and only friend was killed by this motherfucker. I myself got in trouble many times just because i 'wasn’t a man'. I don’t know how are you supposed to be a man at 13 years old but sure. You got 3 chances to 'go on gods way' if u didn’t make it you were send to a room that looked like an old basement of a castle. The room was dark and the only light you were seeing was from a little window, the door was big and scary honestly, when you first come into the room you would see a big statue of that bitch Mary. There the priest would give you 3 options: beat you, tie you in chains and not feed you for a week or put you in isolation for up to half a year. That guy was crazy and i’m pretty sure he hated children. Every kid would choose to be beaten because it lasted a short period of time compared to the other options. I was a maniac since i was little so i tried everything, being beaten till i was unconscious which isn’t that bad compared to the other things, i was beaten with everything you can imagine, chains, belts etc. I still have scars all over my body from that. Many kids weren’t strong enough and died. Their bodys were thrown in a room and from there they would be put then in the crematorium like they were nothing. Next i was tied and not fed, let me tell you, you get so hungry at one point you would even eat youself and i have seen one kid bite into his own arm somehow. Now the last and worst, isolation.I’ve been in isolation for maximum 2 months, i was put in a diferent room, this one had no windows so no light would come in, i felt like i was in a box, i had no bed, no nothing, i would eat once every 2 days half a bread. Many kids who went there didn’t come back. My friend was always send there even if he didn’t choose that. Dear Mike died when he was 15, i was 14 at the time.
Anyway, believe it or not that prepared me for what was next to happen. How do u think i survived the proxy training? That shit is hard but i will get there in a minute. After my friends death i felt like i wasn’t myself, i felt like some other me was taking control over my mind and body. When the priest found out about this change in my behavior he said i was possesd my some kind of demon and he performed this so called exorcisms on me that consisted in bathing me in holy water, tyeing me to the bed and saying many prayers. Useless. It wasn’t any of that. I actually had a second personality, a manifestation of my darkest and deepest thoughts and ideas. It was really hard for me to get used to this other me, over the time i even gave him a name: Devon. He became my best friend, he was the the only one who understood me. I faked being a normal kid so that the priest won’t try to take Devon away from me. I didn’t take any meds so day by day he was stonger and stronger, over the years we did many things, we destroyed a lot, first it started slow with plates and glasses but then i started to kill some animals around the church and the fact that i enjoyed it scared me at first. After i started doing this things i always felt watched, usually i was dizzy and sometimes i started to hear whispers even if i was alone in a room.
Years went by fast if i think about it, like if they were nothing, winters were the hardest because it was always cold and with all the tortureing sure it wasn’t the best thing. I was 18 when that event happned, i still remember every detail. It was summer, the weather was really hot, i was in my room when Devon took control out of nowhere, he wanted me to escape, to be free, to take revenge for every single thing they've done to me. He was right, i had to do something to get out and i wasn’t only gonna do that, i had to kill the priest and burn this place down. That church was what you guys call hell. If it’s hell then it has to burn. All day i wondered through every room in search of gasoline and matches, eventually at exactly 7:45pm i found what i needed, i stared at the objects like they were my saviours. Devon took control again and everything started, i poured the gasoline on every hallway of the church until the priest saw me, he wanted to hit me but i managed to fight him for a while, he was stronger than me so i ran away with the gasoline, i took a hatchet just to know i have something to defend myself with. I lit the match and threw it, i enjoyed the view of this place burning, i felt like i was able to dream again, i felt free and i didnt care who was still in there, the only thing that mattered was the fact that i got revenge and that im finally free. The view was ruined by the priest who was running in the woods. Of course i chased him with the hatchet until i lost him for a minute but then i heard a scream so i went in that direction. the adrenaline was overwheliming, i felt so powerful like i could do anything. After running for like a good 10 minutes i saw the priest dead with his killer getting off of him. The anger i felt in that moment is unimaginable, he stole my victim, the only person i wanted to kill with my hands, he took that away from me. I started running towards him with my hatchet. He stayed still like he didnt care, as i got closer to him i saw that he had the same weapon as me. I stopped and he smiled at me:
-You remind me of myself when i was little.
-I don’t fucking care what i remind you of, you just killed my victim!
-I’m Toby, Ticci Toby, nice to meet you...
- Evon, i said hesitantlly. Why are u doing this?Being nice.
-Thats a rule i have to follow, don’t kill or be rude to other killers.
Thats what changed everything, right after that i saw this faceless man behind Toby, he wasnt scared at all. This creature began speaking to me somehow.
-Child, i can give you a new home and i can let you be who you are, you don’t have to be afraid!
I didn’t have a place to go to so i accepted, i didnt know the training was gonna be so hard and long though. First i had to fight every proxy and that Masky guy left a scar on my face that went over my eye and my eye changed colour, from brown it went bloody red. Then i had to learn how to kill, how to survive, how to run from cops, it was hard for me but Toby helped me a lot. We got close and he took me with him every time Slends would give him a job. He was the youngest before i came in the picture. He told me his story, i told him mine. I had a friend after a long god damn time.
Now i’m 21 and i’m one of the best proxys Slender ever had. Toby is still the best of the best and to be honest he deserves the title. That’s my story. Now that you know it you should be prepared because i might come for u next.
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Funeral of Henry III: Part 4 Arrival of Nobility
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HH the Maharaja of Oderira arrives at the Cathedral with his boyfriend Mr. Sanja Patel
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The Duke and Duchess of Bordeaux arrive with the Duchess sporting her postbirth bump, behind them is Lady Lia Bordeaux
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Last to arrive is Prime Minister Marco Sepulveda and his daughter Katalina, who has been seen making waves with her behavior with HIM Emperor David as of late.
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expfcultragreen · 4 years
I think god's (/the-whole-shebang-ie-here-and-the-hereafter-and-whatever-else-there-is, all the forms, yaddayadda) relation to any given material quantity could be described as somewhat umbilical in nature,
So god isnt dead, some people just cut the "umbilical noose" for themselves or it is cut chemically by environmental factors (maybe intentionally)(seems like it can never be fully severed but if you're hanging on by a thread you might accidentally die numbing that injury)
(Of course i dont think umbilical cords can regrow and this connection seems amenable to medicine and healthy living, also no umbilical cord stays connected postbirth but, we as a cosmos were never born of god, we're always in god, arent we. Even the christians believe god is everywhere and in all things and we are in a sort of physical exchange with god who provides for us endlessly as we exist within it. Which sounds a lot more like the existential experience of a fetus in an amniotic environment than, i dunno, a whole material entity that was ...seeded, by the big bang of gods outside input getting the expansion rolling.
Just saying.)
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shahlaatahira · 4 years
05:55 on the 05/05/18 life changed & River-Tahira was born. Happy 2nd Birthday Bubba ✨ . . . . I consider myself to be very self aware but this experience taught me A LOT about myself. I wasn’t sure if this Podcast was very ‘Shahlaa Tahira’ brand, but let’s just say it’s the raw uncut ‘Shah’ only a handful of people know. #HowDidWeGetHere is a Podcast with hosts Professor Tanya Byron & @claudiawinkle who dissect how my childhood has impacted me as a mother. Produced by: Somethin’ Else available on @spotifyuk @applepodcasts . . . . . . #postbabyjourney #workingparent #relationships #MumandDad #MumPodcast #MomPodcast #ParentPodcast #RelationshipPostBaby #NewParents #workingmumslife #mumssupportingmums #badassmom #postbirth #postbabylife #multitaskingmama #multitaskingqueen #multitaskingmom #mindfulness #mindfullife #mindfulliving (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_0PQt0AJhW/?igshid=ovydjwcqpbqn
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Planning out which breakout sessions I want to attend next week! #postbirth #warningsigns #postpartum #perinatal #hmhbga #atlanta #mortality #breakoutsession #conference #alwayslearning #continuingeducation (at Atlanta Marriott Century Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpAwhgqH266/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1l2xe7au2de70
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