#posting this bc i saw a moot wanted to learn
waywardmillennial · 1 month
watchergate & where we go from here...
To start at the end, I purchased my annual Watcher TV subscription on April 20th because I wanted to support them when it felt like so many others were not. I'm cancelling another subscription to make this work with my budget, and I'm very happy with this!
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Watcher has always made high quality, entertaining content that I love, and I'm happy to support them as they try to grow like they've always wanted to so they can bring on more creators and give us more diverse art.
So, moving forward, I'm going to be posting about Watcher TV when it comes out - spoiler parties with the sexy moots! - and I'll be blocking any and all haters I see. 💜💜💜
(read more bc ofc this got long)
To walk this back and give a little history/context, *ahem* [sotto Byron voice]
April 12, 2024: Watcher announced they had a surprise coming for us in a week's time. The news came in the form of a very spirited ad-read in the Mystery Files s2 finale. And afterwards there were a few blogs posting about it, but I commented to a friend that my dash had been devoid of Watcher posts (oh, how that sweet summer child would grow to long for a day such as that).
There were some corkboard theories, and I broke down the new logo design, but nothing big happened until the following Thursday.
April 18, 2024: I saw the leak for the announcement. It was on reddit and a sock tumblr blog was made sending the link out to people. I didn't post it or share it because it wasn't my news to share. I wanted to wait to see how they were going to explain it.
Maybe I should have said at the time (but it's fine if you don't believe me now I guess) but I was hoping Watcher TV would become like their enhanced Patreon replacement, where the new shows like "Puppet History Karaoke" and "Road Files" would be exclusive, and some other perks like early access. [note: if Apollo is laughing at him right now, I'd kindly request he stuff that red ball somewhere Helios doesn't shine]
I imagined some people would be mad at the streaming news but it didn't prepare me for how bad it would get...
April 19, 2024: Most of us know what happened. The announcement was not well received. Watcher's silence right after wasn't helping, but I don't think many people were willing to give them any grace for their pre-planned trip to the UK and instead demanded answers immediately.
Do I think maybe their announcement could have been timed better? Or maybe given a different tone? Perhaps. But either way what they were trying to communicate was not what people chose to hear, and the response from many viewers was, to choose a very formal phrase here, absolute bonker banana balls insane.
The main anti-streamer "arguments" I saw basically boiled down into these categories:
"high production tv quality content is what they want to make, but we don't want that - we only want them to sit in a blank room and talk to each other with blue and yellow text like the bfu days!!"
"Steven's the one behind all this bc he's rich and greedy and only eats gold"
"they already make enough money off their patreon why are they doing this?? they should have consulted [insert other yt-er here]"
"they've become the capitalist elite that we swore to destroy! so we have to tear them down from their thrones!!"
Even now, feeling better than I have in days, I don't have the energy to say why each of those takes completely misses the point of who they are as a company, as creators, and as human beings. But there are some eloquent posts in my #watchergate tag, or my other post, if you're interested.
April 22, 2024: We got the Watcher update - giving people access to all videos after a month on the new streamer - and that seemed to placate a lot of viewers and those on the fence. But it was also the day I learned about that horrible petition against Steven, and I'd been following all this drama for several days (foregoing some self-care) and so I had a little meltdown...
Even though the new setup is closer to what I'd hoped for like 10 days ago, I hate how we arrived at it. It's shown people that they can bully creators to get them to compromise on their company. In fact, I've seen accounts celebrating this.
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Opinions like this have given me trust issues when it comes to the Watcher fandom at large now. As many of my beloved mutuals have said, I'm going to be wary of accounts that follow me and be applying that blocking feature liberally.
I can also only imagine how things like this must have broken some of the trust that the Watcher crew feels for us - fightingfuries really said it best. If they do start distancing themselves on socials and things, I wouldn't really blame them.
I don't have more to say, other than I'm going to support them as much as I can, for as long as they continue to make content. I'm going to send the team a care package. And I hope in time we'll earn back their trust.
Now I'll let Ryan Bergara play me out...
As for the question of why we decided to launch our own platform, when we started Watcher in 2020, we wanted to create shows that we were proud of, that we had ownership over, and that would provide you the caliber of content that we felt you deserved. However, we were finding it harder and harder to stay relevant to advertisers and the constantly changing YouTube landscape. We faced some incredibly challenging decisions. We didn't want to compromise our content to ensure they met advertising requirements. And we definitely did not want to lay people off that have brought Watcher to life behind the scenes. And we didn't want to bring Watcher to a close, which would have happened if we stayed solely on YouTube. - An Update, April 22, 2024
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aftokrator-official · 8 months
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Screenshotting because it's not rebloggable anymore (omitting OP's name for that reason) but this post - more specifically the replies to it - have been bothering me since I saw it a day or so ago and I finally decided to come back and engage lmao. (Source link from OP)
OP's totally right. OpenAI is a garbage company with garbage business practices but this is not the way to do this, people. I'm glad y'all have so much faith in the legal system here, but I don't, and if this goes through it's not going to harm the entities you want it to harm. believe me.
(i am not against AI when used ethically but i think that is a moot point here bc i do not believe OpenAI is an ethical developer of AI tech. anyway)
Here's the "rebuttal" that has been irritating me so much I couldn't leave it alone:
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First of all, unless I've missed something big, OpenAI has never disclosed the contents of the proprietary dataset they use to train their LLMs. We have no idea whether ChatGPT was trained on George RR Martin's books or not. Presumably, neither does George RR Martin. So all we have to go on is that ChatGPT "knows" characters and details from ASOIAF. Okay.
The problem is that ASOIAF is a massively popular series with some massively popular multimedia adaptations and spinoffs, and processing the text of the novels is far from the only way ChatGPT could have learned to produce those details.
Let's try a little experiment.
GPT-2 is an open source model released by OpenAI when they were just starting out. It works more or less the same way as ChatGPT and its ilk, just on a vastly smaller scale. It's much, much more limited, but the underlying algorithms work on the same concepts. So, what would GPT-2 give us if we ask it for a summary of a hypothetical GRRM novel?
I typed up the first paragraph here, and GPT-2 gave me the rest. (GPT-2 isn't a chatbot, but works more like autocomplete, so I didn't prompt it directly.)
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Okay, I have a feeling that plot doesn't make much sense as a prequel, but hey, it's AI (and an elderly one at that), it's not going to be particularly good at this left to its own devices. And look, it DID pull out a few details specific to ASOIAF - Jon Snow, the Night Watch, the Wildlings. So case closed, right? GPT-2 must have had ASOIAF novels in its training data too, just like its nasty little great-grandchild.
Except we know what was in GPT-2's dataset - it was trained on a 40GB corpus of data scraped from publicly-available web pages, specifically pages linked from Reddit. We don't have all the exact texts that were used, but we DO have the top 1000 domains contained in the dataset. All of which is a hell of a lot more information than we have on ChatGPT.
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What websites are ranked #75 and #160 in the list of 1000 domains? Why, it's Fanfiction.net and AO3. Hmm, I wonder where it learned about the very popular fictional characters from George RR Martin's novels! (Certainly not just from fanfiction, either - sites like IMDB and Wikia were ranked much higher in the list of sources, and entertainment news and fan wiki articles would also contain a lot of text about ASOIAF/GoT.)
You can certainly argue that using these websites as training data is also unethical or should be illegal - but that's not what's being argued in this lawsuit. As far as I know, ChatGPT has never spat out a perfect recreation (or even a vaguely paraphrased recreation) of any of GRRM's writing, so the only evidence for violation of his copyright in this case is the generation of what is essentially a machine-created derivative work. That is really, really worrying, even if you don't think the machine should be allowed to do that. I'm not a lawyer, just a fanfic writer and software developer, so I have no idea how legitimate the legal argument here is... but it's going down a road that is very dangerous for fandom, whether you believe it is or not.
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oddogoblino · 4 months
hey i just wanted to say sorry for what i did
i know what i did was wrong and yet still im doing the wrong thing
tbh i honestly didn't wanted to start back the same thing again but move on but.....it did and now i have people on my back again
i am asking for forgiveness and i promise that i will never ask for art EVER again i promise
Alright I'll answer this one tho I'm kinda concerned on how you managed to send more asks after I blocked your other ones 2 times tho uhm (sorry for long post, bad habit of mine)
Idk if you saw what I was saying truly but your asking for art isn't the issue, it's how you can treat others when you do it. It's stressful for artists when someone tries to make them feel bad about not giving them something. I'm hopeful you've learnt/you'll learn to ease up on this behaviors tho as other artists said you treated them the same way.
Tho while I'm at it- feel free to be more confident in admitting you're asking for fanart for yourself, nothing wrong with it! Also it's good to ask if someone's doing requests first before asking if they haven't made a post for it before. Ik some were asking for requests tho my friend wasn't, so always good to check before you ask so you can know it's alright to & you won't waste your time and wont feel awkward/bad!
Again, idrc abt whatever else you've got going on. My only warnings to other artists was due to worrying how you may treat people I care about with me knowing smth that could've saved them from possible stress. Lies and guilt trippings aren't fun to deal with QuQ You've never wronged me before my post, so there's no real forgiveness to seek from me personally.
I get being excited to see your things be drawn by super cool people, just try to be a bit more considerate. Artists are people just like you and their art is more for their enjoyment than others tbh. You can give compliments to the artists too so you can make their day ^^☆ it's very rewarding emotionally to share kindness!
I didn't even expect my post to get around how it did tbh- my posts usually don't so that was shocking for me. I just kinda expected a few of my moots to see it and quietly block you so they can carry on comfortably tbh. They're all I care abt most of all, I love them /p /gen
If someone harassed you bc I said anything abt the matter, I'm sorry and I hope they leave you be soon- block people if you need to. I'm sorry if I worded anything wrong too
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studymustelid · 5 months
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Hi, I decided to make a studyblr bc I saw this guy write a blog post while I was looking for some python stuff and it reminded me that tumblr exists (also! This is my side blog! If you get a like from a rando and are confused it is probably me!)
I'm 23 & in grad school doing grad school things
I'm learning python, r, and sql rn
I'm also learning Spanish, a bit, on the side. I'm gonna post regularly as I learn new things. Also trying to get a job so we'll see how that works out.
If anyone else in in grad school and wants to be moots that'd be cool. I'm doing some health data stuff basically. I also really like drawing, splatoon, and birding. :)
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idyllic-affections · 9 months
HI just popping in bc of that recent post
i think it'd be really cool to see reader putting him into place but just add so much fucking angst in that too KHFKDJD, again, 2 traumatized people who meet in unfortunate times and instead of helping each other even tho both parties are aware of how fucked the other is they just... Somewhat destroy each other more?
because, as you've said, reader is so used with worse, but that doesn't mean it doesn't annoy them right? maybe reader snapped at scara because they were at the limit of their patience? I'm sure they'd feel empathy towards him, after all, poor guy is going through all of this and he's just part of dottore's bigger scheme, but the moment scara acts out, hurts them, they saw red and it just happened..
they didn't intend to do it, neither did scaramouche. they both did something that just, triggered their body's instinct because they both went through hell... I like the idea reader would be looking at their hands when scara visibly winces in pain or even sheds some tears but they clench their jaw and proceed with what they're doing. They've done worse, and they'll continue doing it because it's their just.
For scara and reader, it's just another normal day in the lab.
Sorry I just had a brain rot for that I'm so in love exploring unwell characters
HI MOOT HELLO you're so right btw i also love exploring unwell characters... the basis of every long fic i write is literally exploring Mental Illness HELSPDJSKG
scara and [name] could be so good for one another. they could be so helpful. ideally, they'd be something of a catalyst for recovery to one another... but neither of them are at that stage yet. neither of them are ready for recovery, because as you've said, this is normal for them, so they just make one another worse. constantly.
(i think dottore does this on purpose btw. it's something of a social experiment. he could do the maintenance, but... why would he, when there is the potential for a very fascinating encounter?)
[name] is very kind. it's an important theme in this fic. they're extremely empathetic, often regarded as some kind of saint among sinners by the unfortunate victims of dottore's endless curiosity. even though they have done very very awful things to keep themselves alive (which will also be explored in the fic teehee), they're regarded as just... very kind. very gentle. everything they do is always gentle.
and the day in particular in which [name] has to attend to scara's needs, they also happened to meet collei for the first time. the scared, crying, eleazar-ridden child that collei was.
they also, prior to that, were involved in a... very bloody experiment earlier in the day.
so, yeah. they've just about had it by the time they have to see scara.
they're so used to being passive all the time. they have to be. they're relatively strong, but... they can't defend themselves against any of the harbingers (or maybe they can, and they've just fallen victim to learned helplessness. who knows? 🫶), but being injured just triggers such a strong sense of fight or flight within them, because they're used to it being the segments that act out against them. they aren't used to scara acting out. they aren't used to sandrone's robots acting out (which they also help out with, just much more rarely).
put in that situation, they just can't help it when they tell him to stop acting like a fucking brat. they can't help it when they--very cruelly and insensitively--tell him that if he wants to be dottore's science project again, that's fine by them! why should they care what happens to him?!
the rest of his maintenance is carried out in heavy silence, of course. at least he stopped acting out. whoops. they could have been nicer, but they were just spread so thinly that day in particular.
they don't say anything when he whimpers after they prod a tender spot a little too hard.
he's used to it. he's used to it. he's used to it.
they just dissociate to get it over with faster. they don't like to think about being responsible for his tears. they don't like to think about how they're surely no better than their boss.
they don't really like thinking about those things in these situations, so they dissociate to fix it.
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officialtayley · 1 month
after some thinking i realize my initial ask probably comes off far snarkier than i intended it to be. i 100% understand why you wouldve assumed that the post was about you, as i probably wouldve too. i just wanted to clarify to you because one i hate being misinterpreted and two i dont want you to think i believe you did anything wrong. as i said i do appreciate you defending me, as well as addressing that i was in the wrong(which i wont deny, i definitely let it go further than it shouldve). i guess i just wanted to let you know bc i do feel guilty that i made you think you were wrong or like you needed to make a post clarifying where you stand. thank you for reading to me ramble aimlessly, yall have every right to feel however you feel, same way that i do.
i assume ur the person from twitter so i'm going to address u as such. if ur not then.... oh well.
i wouldn't have thought there was any issue with me had i not ended up blocked by you and also soft blocked by someone i was moots with. that, to me, and probably to anyone if they were me, looks like i am being blamed in some fashion and naturally does look like i am responsible for what my anons say or i uphold their opinions on it all.
i watched it all happened in real time, i had to figure it all out in real time. all i saw was that someone i was moots with saying "oh you little shit" and about not being in their messy era etc etc and immediately i was soft blocked, saw i was unable to see someone's reply and learned it was you (i assume it's u from twt based on how this is worded) and was told about the few tweets.
you can block me for any reason in the world, who cares, it just caught me completely off guard to be the one blocked when i didn't actually do anything for once in my life. keeping all that in mind, there's not really any other way to interpret the tweets considering the actions that came with it, knowing there was discussion about it on my blog & it still very much looks that way.
anyway. this is long so i'll shut up, i just don't like being the one to basically take the heat for what my anons want to say. i don't know what ur initial ask was (idk if it sent or if i answered it and i don't remember what one it was) but i appreciate you sending this in. i'd also like to apologise, and apologise for ppl judging you so harshly.
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0ruka · 2 years
Today an interesting topic came up in the discord chat regarding this Halloween fanart of Nom-nim 👇
OHGODMYHEART (*my live reaction dfgh we all got inflicted some emotional damage after watching it.)
It had a wholesome start but it really felt like a punch in the guts at the end.
In short Marc and Steven are giving out some candy to some kids for Halloween. They even have their own costumes on and things go well, until a candy falls to the ground by accident. Marc crouches dow to pick it up for one of the kids that has a blanket on ( faceless ghost). Marc says smiling “Trick or Treat”, the kid doesn’t talk but hands him a piece of paper. Marc unfolds the sheet and looks up in silence, the kid dissapeared and the final panel reveals that it was Randall’s fish drawing.
I said it was interesting how they kept bringing Randall back at random (happy) moments to make it clear that Marc still hasn't found closure for his death. He's learned to push it deep down to keep fighting the game of life. After seeing that fanart this thought came to mind.
“ he's learning to live again, to enjoy the little wonders of life, coming to terms with himself, Steven and Jake and Layla...but he still has a long way to go regarding his past”
A moot in the chat said:  i wonder what would happen if Randall gets to grow up. Will he horde all of mom's attention and leave marc alone? Will he be a good brother to marc? Will he gloat and bully marc cuz he knows mom is on his side?
“ For what we saw, Randall could have been more introverted or shy and he also  really looked up to Marc and that doesn't change in most siblings hfdjk but it's interesting to think that, as time went on, he might be a lil resentful for some of Marc's attitudes towards him: like how he teased him with his drawing or that playful roast (?
If he were to reach puberty, Randall also would also want to be percieved as his own person. Oustide the shadow of his older brother that apparently knows it all/is better or  is accustomed to lead the way.”
“ Thats the thing, Randall didn’t get to grow up. So i’m a little curious how he'd turn out as an adult, and we all know how adult Randall turns out in the comics. (but then again marc and their parents were very different people in the comics)”
Thanks to this i remembered that some fanfics HAVE developed the idea of Randall growing up. 
Sometimes as an extra source of angst for Marc, but I've also seen them have him meet Marc so that HE has a chance to apologize and break-down in a cathartic way. Randall in this case, helps him work through Marc's self-hatred and low self-esteem, revisiting the memories of that painful day.
They could also revisit other memories: how life was after his death, what changed, what made Marc the person he is today, how Steven and Jake kept fighting and protecting him at the best of their abilities., Marc’s life as a mercenary, his servitude for Khonshu and his own sins. And also Layla, how she managed to chip some of his walls, how she showed him that he was worth loving, how they worked together on their missions, how they cared and protected eahother. 
But deep inside, Marc was always ready to leave it all, to dissappear for the sake of others, to isolate himself bc he thought that he didn’t deserve a life, didn’t deserve love and care.
Imagine how many people told Marc it wasn't his fault? How many people tried to make him reconsider this self-talk.
But he still can't let go of those words that stayed clawed onto to the back of his skull, whispering relentless every time he had the life of others in his hands.
So the chance of meeting with Randall would had a strong impact on him. Randall could be the only person whose words could break that cycle.                A desperate measure, but the one and only that could make him really believe the things many had tried to tell him before or even in his present days:
 “You were just a child, it wasn’t your fault”
I think near-death situations or dreams may be the only places where this situation can happen.
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planetdream · 2 years
Hello!! I am really interested in learning Astrology but I don't know where to start. Astrology just seems to pique my interest. Can you give me advice? Thank you, Dreamie!
hello baby! thank you for being comfortable enough to ask me this! also im so sorry i didn't answer this sooner :( (gonna pretend like this was sent recently and not many weeks ago just sitting in my drafts)
i think for newer people, it can be a bit overwhelming, especially with the amount of information and where to get it from. plus, you probably have a way of learning that really helps you process information, so learning—actually learning—is different from everyone. so my advice to you is strictly my opinion, and from things that have helped me over the years to become the astrologer i am today :)
i. find books! ultimately, this will be your best bet. i firmly belive that if you're serious about astrology (especially beyond simple natal chart readings), you need to read! your local library might have a lot of entry-level astrology books (or something similar) that will help you on your journey. but it's really all about research! here is a google drive folder with quite a few astrology books! other books i like are:
-> astrology in theory and practice by bill duvendack
-> the rulership book by rex e. bills (there's a free copy of this somewhere online)
-> the only astrology book you'll ever need by joanna martine woolfolk (it's not the only, but it's a pretty decent starter/intro book)
ii. social media (twt, insta, etc) astrologers are cool—but a lot of astrotwt is very drama-filled, like always. you'll also have to "weed out" bad/inaccurate information—which is why i don't like astrology accounts on Instagram, they typically have a lot of false information/its only sun sign/popastrology :( still mentioning this bc it is an option.
iii. websites! the internet has vast amounts of websites with so much astro knowledge.
-> if you're more into natal charts, and the astrology of the self, these websites are a few i like: thedarkpixieastrology, starscopestoday.
-> wanna know about transits? or maybe some entry-level knowledge on degree theory* [here and here]? what about asteroids? the houses? aspects? also, get yourself familiar with the different types of astrology: methods and branches (if you want, bc there's so much more where that came from).
-> astro.com / astrowiki and astro-seek.com also have tons of functions to play around with :)
*degree theory is hard, so take ur time with them. but its also one of my favorite things in astrology so :)
there are so many sites tbh, we'd been here all day if i had to list them all and i don't want to overwhelm you at all—if you ever need something specific, lmk—i talk a lot about natal charts/astrology of the self on here but my knowledge of astrology is wayyy beyond just that. ex; dark astrology, business astrology, using astrology to find things, or get a job, etc etc etc.
that being said! you can always ask me! i know sometimes it takes me a while to answer asks (especially if i make a long reply) but i love getting asks related to astrology and im always willing to help!
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bbugyu · 2 years
i saw someone else post this and thought it would be fun to do! what aesthetic would you assign or use to describe to some of your mutuals? ps i love your writing :]
oh omg!!! this is so cute!!! yes absolutely i'll do this. these arent gonna be established aesthetics tho bc that would be too easy im just gonna ramble about how they make me feel.
to my moots i'm so sorry if ur not here i'm just including the folks i talk to outside of tumblr because they're the ones i have the best knowledge of 💔 love all of you though!!!
@secndlife - karol is like nights that bleed into early mornings. like staying up too late and deciding to make coffee because you would rather sit on the roof with a blanket and watch the sunrise than go to sleep. she's like hand arranging bouquets of flowers in clear glass vases for the kitchen counter. she makes me want to pull out my ukulele and sing soft gay love songs by kehlani.
@babiemingoo - krys is all fun and games without the "until." like walking to a convenience store on a whim because you want instant ramen and chips. like going minigolfing and trying to get a hole in one by trying to pop your ball over a bush. like dancing in the living room without caring about your downstairs neighbors. she makes me want to sing out loud on the streets while it's raining.
@ahloveisboo - jo is like the comfort of a fresh white duvet. like sleeping in and waking up to sunshine streaming in through the window, and bringing a cup of tea back to bed. like singing along to music while you do dishes on a day off. like cuddling with a cat while you read a book, even though the cat keeps putting their paw on the page. she makes me want to keep learning and growing.
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heartshaped-lou · 3 years
Hii it's me again, I saw your translate post sooo I wanted to ask you abt Italian bc I want to learn it so could you tell me basic words you think I should learn? 🥺✨
oh!! your first language is spanish if i remember correctly, right? if that's the case, it shouldn't be too hard since lots of words have the same origin and thus are similar and/or of the same gender!
yes/no: sì/no
thank you: grazie
you're welcome/no problem: di niente/nessun problema
good morning: buongiorno (il giorno= day)
hello: ciao
louis is the sun: louis è il sole (oh wait this isnt considered basic words, is it)
how are you?: come stai?
water: acqua
tank top louis is the loml: louis in canotta è l'admv (amore della mia vita) ((no but "admv" sounds so bad i hope my italian moots dont see this LMAO)
wall: muro
sunflower: girasole (literally means gira=to turn, rotate, sun=sole. love this word)
strawberry: fragola
defenceless: indifeso
love is only for the brave: l'amore è solo per i coraggiosi 🌈
pride: orgoglio
sunshine: raggio di sole
+bonus: some fav swear words (=parolacce) <3
fuck you: vaffanculo
dickhead: testa di cazzo
and the always there, always useful, simple but effective cazzo which means dick, but we use it like fuck is used in english(?)
so for example what the fuck are you saying is translated to che cazzo stai dicendo
this is definitely not a useful list i am so sorry ajxjsjsj but if you ever should have any question about any word/sentence/anything at all don't hesitate to write to me both here and in the dms!! 💘
Send me a word in english and I'll translate it to my native language!
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spookyscarykittycat · 3 years
Hey!! I am s o late, I apologize. I saw the grandma post and honestly grandmas do that, I can relate. BUT IM HERE TO HELP YOU FEEL BETTER ABOUT YOURSELF, if you’ll let me.
Okay FIRST OF ALL, the too-tall thing? Your height does not determine your value, and there’s absolutely NOTHING wrong with being tall, I promise. In addition? You’re Desi (so am I) so imma say this: India’s average female height is like 5 feet, which to the rest of the world, isn’t very tall. The standards for height vary across the globe and again, do not determine your value. Also, tall ppl are just absolutely STUNNING. (IM NOT PUTTING DOWN SHORT PEOPLE YALL ARE ADORABLE ILY)
SECONDLY, you studying “too much” is NEVER EVER a bad thing, and tbh it isn’t even a thing. You can’t study too much, learning is extremely valuable and important. It can help you achieve so many dreams, and you can support whoever you want. Keep studying!! I’m so proud of you for doing it!!! (Just don’t stress yourself out :))
AND LASTLY, you “can’t do anything right??” Well first of all, you clearly did something right with your blogs, bc they’re amazing, and the fact that you study a lot means that you’re incredibly smart as well. It sounds like you’re doing everything right. Don’t give up on anything, you’re so loved, I promise with every fiber of my being. I’m so proud of you.
We love you Anu,
-moot too afraid to come off anon 😃
Darling first of all-
I love you. I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH. You have no idea how big I'm smiling rn, and I wanna cry the sweetness is too much- 😭😭😭😭😭 I AM SO LUCKY TO HAVE YOU AS A MOOT, WHOEVER YOU MAY BE <3
I always thought these were all flaws, being too tall, studying a lot, and just wanting an overall good future. I realize now how wrong I am. You, and others like you have helped me realize that I am a good person in my own, silly little way.
THANK YOU FOR BEING PROUD OF ME!! The validation is what I really need, and I rarely get it outside of this hellsite (affectionate).
I love you with all my being. Thanks for writing this whole thing. I'm adding it to my pinned list!!
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sunshinetoshi · 3 years
1K 😳😳😳 omg is this my bug sis' world domination agenda bcz yes i support 👍 ahem i got a bit sappy here so :")
*inserts read more*
lol ok where should i even start from hmmm anyway cONGRATS ??? 1 THOUSAND OMG DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I ANTICIPATED THIS MOMENT BECAUSE YOU DEFINITELY DESERVE THEM, AND EVEN MORE 🥺 everything about you and your blog is fascinating like, every time i read one of your works, the first reaction is 'wow'. they're all so 😌👍 amazing, omg how am i even mutuals with such a talented human </3
oH AND i'm going to steal this opportunity to talk a lot more bcz i won't be online for rest of september because exams :(( starting with your outfit that you posted aND OMG YES YOU LOOKED SO PRETTY !!! also ik you love ushi but that outfit really gave me kuroo vibes yk like, ice cream date with kuroo ?? or just a beach day with him ?? it could be either one of the boys tbh <3
and i saw ur reblog about why did you follow me ask game or smn but uhh lmao idk, not like i remember since i don't have a good memory but i'm pretty sure it's your wonderful works ( also you because yes i wanted to be friends with you ) aND I DO NOT REGRET IT AT ALL YES <33
and i was playing furries my beef oven yesterday evening, what a glorious song, tchaikowhiskey could never <3333
ALSO I PROMISE THIS IS THE LAST PARAGRAPH SKDJFDSF your soulmate drabbles from your 900 event skjhdf they're so cutee aaaaaa ik i haven't been interacting but they're all in my drafts. ( i mean, i learnt it all for you ) exams better end asap because i want to read them all over again and scream in the tags 😩
stop my lul sis literally wrote me this love letter my heart is full akjdjdjd you're the best inez 🥺🥺💖💖 thank you so much im sobbing in the best way wow <33
ice cream date w kuroo you know i'm down yESS!! this thought will now carry my whole day and i love it HAHA
:(( you're the sweetest ahh!!! pls you're one of my longest and beloved moots you know that <33 im so so happy we're friends (I THINK YOU STARTED FOLLOWING AROUND MY EMBARRASSING MOMENTS W STRANGERS FIC LMAOO BC I WILL NEVER FORGET YOUR CONTRIBUTION AJDHHD POOR FROG GUY)
bestie he may not be beef oven but at least tchaikowhiskey has walnuts of hours !!
YOU ARE ONE OF MY BEST SUPPORTERS PLS YOUR TAGS ON MY FICS ASCEND ME but plsss if there's anything to learn from me it cant be the drafts amount nooo BAHAHA
thank you again bb you dont understand how soft this made me. and i'll wear it if you wear yours 👑
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thrillridesz · 4 years
saw this and think it's real fun so could you pair your moots with a tbz member who they're most similar with in terms of personality?
hello! i’m sorry this is a little late but i finally found a bit of time to sit down answer this ^^ also please don’t be offended if i didn’t include you here, i just went with the names i thought of immediately when the tbz member comes to mind! ><
sangyeon - @moondustaeil
i’ve said this a lot of times and i’m going to say it again. of all my moots, amber is the closest in terms of personality wise to sangyeon! they both make people feel really safe around them and can always be depended on. they are also mature beyond their years and tbh amber just gives me sangyeon vibes...
jacob - @ihearttbz
riane is so sweet and kindhearted, just like jacob. they are both complete angels and they were they talk is just really soft and comforting somehow? i feel like they are both the ones to look out for everyone else before themselves and are people you would love to engage in 3am talks with and talk about anything at all.
younghoon - @jyeonvoir 
i know i said elsie gave me juyeon vibes and i dang near paired her with juyeon again here but at further thought, i thought she might be more like bbang instead. like younghoon, i think elsie can be rather reserved at first but when you start to talk to her, she’s actually really nice and easy to talk to. i’m not actually sure how to explain it but it’s a gut feeling for this one, somehow pairing her with juyeon on this one would feel wrong.
hyunjae - @bobagyu
these 2 people are so funny and their humour is so direct and similar that sometimes i wonder if i’m talking to hyunjae 2.0 but rose ver. the way rose talks and responds to things reminds me a lot of hyunjae. you guys know how hyunjae is always so straightforward and is known to speak his mind? that’s rose as well.
juyeon - @sankyeom
belle and juyeon are alike because i always saw them as the highly talented type but are also incredibly low key and humble about their own achievements. juyeon seems like the kind of guy to really be dedicated to his work, giving himself very high standards and idk why but that’s how i see belle as well. there’s also this softness to the both of them that kinda makes me want to give them a big hug.
kevin - @kpophours
anna is a perfect example of someone who knows when to be serious and when to play around, just like kevin. i feel like her advice is always pretty sound and what she says is what i can imagine kevin saying as well. we haven’t been talking lately but i rmb being so relaxed around her and even at our first convo, i didn’t feel awkward at all. 
chanhee - @tidalstorm
seeing amal’s tags on her posts always makes me think of chanhee for some reasons and just the way she talks too? like she’s sweet and friendly but internally i feel like there’s this sassiness that i normally would associate with chanhee. it’s like they have a soft aura but there’s a little bit of a kick to them as well!
changmin - @atbzkingdom + @fluffytbz
i know we always think of changmin as a very happy go lucky kinda guy ( bruh as im typing this he’s having a vlive LMAO ok by anyways ) and i feel like dee is like that but i think beneath that happy go lucky exterior, they’re both also very introspective people who are actually very mature in their thinking and very intellectual as well. they are people who know how to have fun and you think that that is all there is to them when it’s not the case.
rosie is a huge ball of fluff like changmin tbh!! they’re both so cute and adorable and i think that the way they talk is also quite similar? you know how changmin’s voice is always so upbeat even though he may just be talking in a very casual manner? yeah, i think that’s how i imagine rosie to sound like! honestly? mad changmin vibes from this girl
haknyeon - @mae-gi-writes
at first i wanted to say kevin but after a little bit more thinking, i’m going to say haknyeon. i feel like haknyeon and mae are the kind of ppl you’d turn to if you just want to be completely random and weird around bc you can trust them to act just the same around you. they are both the type of the people you’d love to be best buds with and when you hang around them, you never know what you’re gonna get because one moment they can be quiet, the next they can be the wildest and most boisterous ppl you meet.
hyunjoon - @aveluant1a + @thepixelelf
yu is basically hyunjoon and every bit as cool and chill and catlike as he is imo. she’s not someone of many words, like hyunjoon but when she does say stuff, it’s always very meaningful and well thought out. sometimes her perspective on stuff are from povs that i’ve never thought of exploring at all so talking to her always feel like im learning something new along the way and it’s just like how i think talking to hyunjoon would be like as a guy who had so much happen to him both good and bad.
idk if casey knows this but she’s one of the very first tbz writers that i followed and i’ve read her earliest works and i just rmbed being so awestruck by them? the artistry is actually unbelievable and when i read her stuff, i feel like i can detect this flair in her work that i like to associate with hyunjoon. like they’re both very committed to their work and have this individualistic, unique flair in them. they way she interacts with ppl is also very calm and logical, like hyunjoon which i admire as well! (p.s idk if you rmb but i think i once requested a juyeon drabble from you (#59) and it’s still one of my fav tbz works on tumblr EVER  )
sunwoo - @beomberry
didn't need to think twice lol for sunwoo lol, it’s def gonna be anie. they both care so much for the ppl around them and also put in a lot of effort in everything they do like have you seen anie’s works? the headers and the story... everything is so well executed and you can see how much effort she puts into them. but the biggest similarity is that they’re both not afraid to be themselves and i think that’s what i like so much about them.
eric - @chaoticdeobi + @sunkisseddwoo
yo the amount of energy bea has is freaking insane sometimes. it’s a sort of radiant energy that she exudes that makes you want to hang around with her and just befriend her. talking to bea always makes me so happy and i sometimes catch myself smiling as i’m texting her because that’s the kind of effect she’d have on other ppl! in that aspect, she's like eric imo bc i get the same feeling when im like watching crack tbz videos that feature eric ><
alesha, i would say resembles the softer side of eric. the more mellow but nonetheless cheery version of eric, if that makes sense? alesha is honestly a very lovely person and i think she really takes the time to build on her relationships with others, such as being there for others and making them feel valued much like how i think eric is like!
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willsilvertongue · 3 years
♣️ mwah mwah mwah
miss seed!!! just the person i wanted to see ty for gracing my inbox 💕💞
You’re my: go-to source for my daily dose of hilarity thanks to your anons DKJSLF no but in all honesty you're my daily dose of insightfulness bc i love seeing what you have to say about things, and also still hilarity bc you're genuinely very funny How I met you: again this is such a weird question since we all met online but alyssa tagged me in a post of recommended blogs for you to follow so i guess there!! Why I follow you: took a look at your blog which was very pretty and saw that you rbed poetry and text posts and stuff from a few shared fandoms. also noticed the comments you'd leave in the tags so i was like. this is a quality blog. also i discovered you were muslim which is always a bonus i love my muslim moots <3 Your blog is: everything i've listed already but it's even more exciting now bc of the s&b content. you put the best stuff on my dash and the mal defense period was SO fun (not for you probably i'm sure it got exhausting 💀) Your URL is: gonna say this about every beloved character but ICONIC! the gasp when i saw you changed it... but he's such a valid choice i'm glad you're associated with mal now Your icon is: VERY pretty i love them and i love the peach/beige colour and the sky in the background a lot A random fact I know about you: you take political science i think? or something politics/political i remember you complaining about readings once General opinion: very thankful to have you as a mutual i love it when we interact and again i truly love seeing what you have to say about stuff! even when it's 1D drama dskjfd i've learned so much and still know nothing A random thought I have: these are just things i am wishing for my mutuals but i hope your original writing is going well and that you get a week of brainless-free anons 😌
Mutuals send me “♧“ and I’ll do this!
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renegade-castiel · 3 years
got tagged by @t4tdeancas thank u tavi
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 (lol not doin that) people you’d like to get to know better!
1. name: devan, but i go by dev!
2. gender: girly :)
3. sign: libra
4. height: 5′8″
5. time: 12:00 am rn!
6. birthday: sep 29
7. favorite band/s: lany, the 1975, FLEETWOOD MAC, arctic monkeys, the nbhd
8. favorite solo artist/s: hozier, halsey, ARIANA GRANDE, miley cyrus, im sure there’s more I just can’t think of them
9. song stuck in my head: f2020 - avenue beat
10. last movie i watched: Ocean’s 8!!! Saw it before ever seeing Ocean’s 11 which is prob gonna piss off some movie snobs but.... women do it better. sorry!
11. last show i watched: bridgerton
12. when did i make this blog: this month, actually! (edit: not me thinking it’s still december) I have a private (main) tumblr I’ve had since ~2011 but made this after the shitshow of the finale
13. what do i post: mostly supernatural, but also star wars, marvel on occasion, as well as anything else I see on my dash I like
14. last thing i googled: bridgerton family names & ages lmfao
15. any sideblogs: no 
16. do i get asks: sometimes!! most of them come from @glittercas which makes me happy bc moot!!
17. why i chose this url: actually 2 reasons!! 1) renegade - styx is one of my fave oldies and it’s been featured in spn before. 2) renegade means “a person who deserts and betrays an organization” which obviously fits castiel
18. following: 236
19. followers: 57
20. average hours of sleep: either like 4-5 or like 10-11 lmao my sleep schedule is so fucked up
21. lucky number: 13
22. do i play any instruments: no but I want to learn the guitar!
23. what am i wearing: a matching pajama set that has lil dogs on them
24. dream job: a nonprofit career maybe in an arts museum or something
25. dream trip: in the U.S, i want to do a cross-country roadtrip where I go to as many national parks as possible. Outside of the U.S., I just want to tour Europe
26. favorite food: it changes... I really love banana pancakes, chicken alfredo, caprese salad, red velvet cake... all completely different but have special places in my heart
27. nationality: american
28. favorite song/s: they change... of all time probably Dreams - Fleetwood Mac. Currently tho it’s Slide Away & Angels Like You, both by Miley Cyrus 
29. last book i read: I started midnight sun but never finished... it’s been a hot minute since I read an actual, physical book
30. favorite fictional universe: it would prob be a tie between star wars and the mcu? idk i haven’t really thought about it
tagging: promise I won’t get mad if you don’t do it lmao it’s long! @quiteaccurate @kenobians @save-the-sloths @plantdadcas @mirrorsball @profoundsbond @glittercas @theselfhatingangelofthursday @heller-jensen @afterallthisfreakingtime
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musicdork · 3 years
hello am SO TIRED, painting took so much outta me. i painted my room all by myself and it took about half the day wowie. but it is DONE and now i just need to decorate💪🏼💪🏼 i saw ur post about only sleeping four hours and EXCUSE ME, U BEST BE HAVING MORE SLEEP THAN THAT U NEED IT FOR NUTRIENTS(that makes sense) also where r my manners i just relized i have YET to send in anything about ur mans josuke??? heres a tik tok that i think u will like. i’m a silly billy 100% so—https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJbM9NGV/ i hope u have seen clone high (or at least the memes u kno)
oh i wanna read stone ocean SO BAD, but also i want to try and attempt to be a good noodle and read all the parts beforehand yknow😖 but when stone ocean anime comes out...u best be knowin..i will Look and Simp all the way.. also v nice about the rewatches!!! diu is genuinely such a feel good part, the most out of all the other parts imo. its upbeat, its colorful, its silly, gah. so good. not 2 mention those bombass ops. UNF the songs r so good. i like how ur rewatching part five :) i think vento aureo is my personal comfort part(despite the tragic events AAAAAA) the visuals and the location and the characters..so beautiful. its physically satisfying for my eyeballs to look at u know?
ohhh man not me listening to the kakyoin playlist before i went to bed last night...not me catching feelings and being IN my feelings while listening to the playlist and desperately wanting to cuddle with him as i fall asleep....n most of the songs in the playlist i knew already i felt so cool dude😎
thats awesome abt college!! and VERY NICE WITH UR DOUBLE MAJOR LIKE UHHHMMMM thats so intense??? crazy. what a smart person. u got it in the bag bro. also its my second yr in college rn, and i aspire to be a professional musician :) but the motivation IS lacking, i dont blame u. esp with covid restrictions making everyone work online and cut off different real life interactions, its fucked and screwing everyone up. no cap. but ANTWAY how was ur day?? i hope it was nice ??!?!! :) did u do anything interesting? even if it was watching tv rolled up in a blanket? (im doing that rn)
(guess who saw ur kakyoin reblogs?? and LOVED THEM??? thank u for the food..,.i am a bad noodle i need to find some fire josuke to reblog. just for u)
-from the tiredest secretive mostnt strnskslymyn andjfoeorngswo ANSON 😗😗😗🤙🏼 🥰
i got sleep dont u worry!! but hell yea, you got the big job out of the way >:D painting a room sounds tiring i,,, you poor soul hhh
AND MY BROTHER GAVE ME A WEIRD LOOK LIKE “wtf u laughin at” he wanted to see, and he did, but he didn’t get it slkfemsnekj i didn’t get it too much either?? i’ve only seen,,, 3 or 4 episodes of clone high but i know who that Bastard is and i laughed my ass off. i’m also listening to a playlist i made for josuke atm uwu i am really glad you liked the kak playlist!! you are a Legend for knowing most of the songs. i only know some bc of the memes :’)
it’s very valid that you’re trying to read jojo chronologically. i’m just,, impatient LMAO. i plan on actually reading all of it but it’ll probably end up like how i read haikyuu,,, i’ll be fixated for a week or so, put it down for like 3 months, then remember that i wanna read it, read One (1) chapter, then put it down for another 2 months, then bLAZE THROUGH IT LMAO. reading digital manga has been kinda odd for me,, i tend to procrastinate a lot,, but yes!! part 5 has some amazing visuals and i am jealous like?? i wanna go to itally??? i’ve kinda always wanted to go i shove down my hetalia phase and i even tried to learn italian!! but,, didn’t last,, haha,, i still appreciate the culture and all that tho <3
sm...smart? homie i am failing two classes im, im no way smart i just like torturing myself i think. i can be over ambitious too sefklslek bUT YO?? YOU WANNA BE A MUSCIAN?? :0 THAT’S HELLA POG TF!!! you better invite me to your concerts in the future or i am suing you Somehow. wait do you play an instrument or do you sing?? :0 either way, you my friend are So Cool what the hell. i get to be moots with u?? im gonna cry-- i’m kinda glad covid happened only for the reason that it gave me extra scholarship money, very pog. other than that it needs to go away lmao.
but skdelk my day was Okay at most. i was sleeping for a good bit of it,, it kinda fucked up my plans for today honestly. i’ll try to get my day together eventually,, i hope your day was good dude!! am glad i can keep u well fed hehe
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