#posts on instagram or tiktok too
jiminsfault · 9 months
petition to make all manga readers shut the fuck up online!! Blurting out major plot points and joking about it without giving a spoiler warning is literally so mean, let me enjoy a show in peace!!
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mmehrunesraz0r · 1 month
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sketchy-tour · 2 months
Getting emails from tiktok sometimes feels like it's an ex partner begging me to come back. Tempting me with names of people I had followed during the short time I used the app.
Sorry tiktok but never again lmao. It was great for when I was new to WH and could see a lot of cool art and videos. Not so cool when I started drowning in drama videos.
I'll stick to just using tumblr 🥰 Much more control over what I wanna look at.
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vanilla-extracter · 6 months
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e77y · 3 months
I’m so mentally stable it’s insane. I have OCD ordinary citizen disorder
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kindahoping4forever · 2 years
5SOS: started this together in 2019, ended with this special song @ sierradeaton 🖤 thank you for all the love on “Older”
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arikihalloween · 7 months
can I colour some of your peacekeeper drawing(s) for fun
Yes you can :3
I do have to redo her ref but if you need the colors here they are !
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Alternatively, know that people are allowed to draw their oc on the asks with yn ! YN is meant to be a placeholder for you afterall :3
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seagull-scribbles · 10 days
Sometimes there is no bigger torment then being reminded that your family will never be the loving and supportive idealism you experience in your dreams 💕
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I feel like a lot of people who interact with fandom and art recently beg for the creators permission to either confirm the characters are gay or to say it’s ok to think of them that way. I don’t know where this came from but people are clearly forgetting either their roots of random ships that don’t make sense or the fact that if it’s for personal use and not hurting anyone, do whatever you want. I promise it doesn’t matter if the creator ships two characters or not. 
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mettywiththenotes · 4 months
I don't know how to say this exactly but if you're in a fandom here and continously wonder "why is everybody unenthusiastic/quiet/dead even though this media is ongoing and apparently popular", chances are the majority of the fandom is on twitter and you are missing a whole lot of shit
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Possible controversial thoughts in here: teen device use.
Look. I absolutely understand that teen electronic device use is an Issue.
However can we address the source of the problem? Rather than just stating "kids are addicted to their screens". Can we stop, and ask why they're running to social media and online platforms?
What is it in the devices that gives them what they're missing in their irl lives?
I understand there's a portion of kids who are in fact addicted to screens (especially as the ages get lower and exposure to devices in childhood is greater), however a lot of teens, especially undiagnosed neurodivergent and queer kids... Turn to the internet to find a community they may not otherwise have. And they lose hours in it because they can't connect to their irl family due to unacceptance from their parents.
I'm saying this as a mentally ill young adult who has very few in person friends who I truly feel like I can connect with: the internet is one of the few places I've felt accepted in some capacity. It's where I first found out I'm autistic. Found community in the LGBTQ community. Made friends. That kind of thing. One of the only places I haven't been *actively bullied* for being "weird".
A LOT of kids who don't feel accepted at home/school/etc find spaces on the internet. It's classic escapism presented in a different way. Just how there has always been outcast kids, this is a similar situation.
Maybe it's not always the devices. Sometimes it's something society is doing. Can we talk beyond "devices are ruining our kids" and start asking why?
Adults, please start role modelling what you want to see. It's all well and good telling kids off for having high screen time, but if someone sees you on your phone at the dinner table, they'll probably mimic it.
Yelling at teens and saying they're addicted to screens isn't going to stop them from using their devices (especially not if their school has a BYOD policy for the majority of their work). It's just going to make them not trust you anymore.
Show compassion first. Attempt to understand. And then find solutions. Please.
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chthonicillness · 2 months
one of my posts got screencapped and posted on a dark academia instagram. leave me alone i am just a community college student who wears a lot of black
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asterjaxx · 4 months
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loudlyunladylike · 1 year
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learnt I've breeched into instagram today, big day for loudly enjoyers
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elderwisp · 23 days
Yellow, Cyber, Pink 🫣
first of all HIII omg ty 💗 second LMAOOO i had a feeling i’d get cyber 💀😂 i swear i do other stuff like read and going to cute coffee shops! i just keep up with my queue quite a bit so it looks like i’m active LMAOO but also i this is the only form of social media i use after limiting my time on tiktok and deleting my twitter!
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hallufabrication · 7 months
Woe! Adam edit be upon ye
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