#posts unworthy of my originals tag
geturasstomars · 1 year
what music should i listen to while im getting my wisdom teeth out
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raemeh · 2 years
@lunarrosette I’m sorry if this is a second notification for this Art. If not yay I wasn’t going insane. If so again I’m sorry just reposting it
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Awkward oakworthy here.
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suzyq31 · 7 months
Thanks for the tag @nodirectionhome-ao3! I almost feel unworthy as I really am not writing much now and feeling a lot of conflict about how to move forward in fandom, but it's still fun to have a chance to chat about what I am writing (even if it's slow).
List the titles your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing
Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
Then tag 10 writer friends
Maybe Tomorrow: The epilogue is all that's left! This is a hard story to categorize, but essentially Harry and Hermione are fixing up Potter Manor the first Christmas after the war, on Christmas Eve they wake up to find themselves seemingly in the future, or some possible alternate reality. Friends to lovers, time travel, domestic fluff and plenty of angst thrown in.
Untitled James and Lily. A one shot sitting in my drafts. Mischief and games, and a first kiss. Possibly going to connect it to At The Beginning.
Found. I've actually pulled this from Ao3 and it's become a personal project instead. It's a spin off from my Seasons Series. Second generation, original character, coming back from the dead and other fun stuff. Harry/Hermione.
Iris. Another project I'm unsure of. It's still online, but may take it down in future to also write for myself instead of an audience. It's the first long story I ever attempted, and was a tad ambitious with it. Harry and Hermione. Hidden child, post war, angsty as hell. And a mystery plot that is slowly driving me insane as I try to weave in the appropriate clues.
Don't really know at this point. @bettertoflee and I have lost steam on In Between which is supposed to be a steamy, fake dating, 8th year Harmony. Life is just hectic and neither of us are feeling overly motivated. I have several vague James and Lily ideas floating in my brain, as well as a few original short stories I'd like to experiment with...but lately writing has been a chore and my creative muse feels depleted!
As you can see the theme is that I have all these Harry and Hermione WIPS, yet no will to work on them, or at least continue posting (sigh). And I would like to write more James and Lily, yet keep freezing. So fun times all around!
Upcoming Scenes, Events, Details
So it's just the epilogue left. One detail is that so far it's only one scene and not very long, but still, I am so excited to finally wrap this up and reveal some stuff. It's probably the story that has meant the most to me on a personal level, and it feels so good to have finished something that I worked hard on and am proud of.
There is a kiss that I am very eager to write. Plus some group dynamics that I'm having fun experimenting with.
Now that I'm not writing this for an audience there has been some freedom with being able to let go of certain details and it feels great to just jump around and have fun with it. I'm working on a scene of a cute "first" date that makes me all fluttery ❤️ Also Ron will be making another appearance soon, and I do love writing him.
There are some cute scenes I'm excited to write, but they are a ways away and I don't want to say too much. I will say there is a kiss that I am also very excited to write in this one to! Let's just see if I ever get through all the "mystery" bits.
Well, if we could summon the energy/ability, there is a smut scene in In Between that I know I'm eager to write, or read, who knows which of us will make it happen 👀 I would also very much like it if my desire to write would come back as I keep getting snippets of Jily banter in my head that would be good to get down.
Not sure if anyone will be interested in reading any of this, but yes a glimpse at the chaos of my writing life (at least fandom wise).
Anyone who wants to participate, consider yourself tagged! But will also add a few that I am curious about! @glitterwitch1 @myst867 @annonymouslyblonde
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jennilah · 10 months
so pins are the new about-me pages I guess
let's make one, shall we?
⬇ Click through to learn more about me than you want to! ⬇
Hi! My name is Jenna :)
For the most part I just like to talk about stuff that makes me happy. My favorite movies, shows, games. Some places I go and stuff I do. The usual personal blog stuff.
I am a 3D animator for film and tv. I genuinely adore my job and think I get to work on some pretty rad stuff! Once in a while you’ll see me sharing trailers and reels, or just talking about it in general.  You can check out my vfx work in my tag, or on my website.
I’ve been using tumblr since 2011, you are simply not getting rid of me that easily.
In that time, I have gone through several fandoms and have made so many memories in each one. People may remember when I was big into Supernatural, record-holder as my longest-lasting fandom, as many of us were. I may have since put that part of me in a nice little box with a nice little bow labeled “happy memories,” but I am still thankful to those who have stayed with me ever since. 
I typically get extremely deep into a new fandom every few years. I apologize to people who don’t care to see it, I try to tag it all for your blocking needs! You can see my up-to-date current obsessions labeled in my blog bio! ☝
I am also a shameless, unrelenting shipper so block any of those tags that might bother you too. (I love imagining characters in love, what can I say)
Art Stuff
My drawings tag (all polished art, original and fanart mashed together.)
My doodles tag (non polished sketches, junk drawer of doodles. Things I deem unworthy of my drawing tag.)
Other social media links
Big ole list of other tags to be found here
In addition to my current main fandom, I also have several other interests that I talk about less often but do still come up occasionally. For your reference, intrigue, or blocking needs, here are some of those things:
-Slashers -Godzilla -Undertale / Deltarune -Marvel -Half Life / Portal -Deux Ex -Action and Animated movies in general  -Pokemon -Zelda: Breath of the Wild -Splatoon -My twitch streamers like Jerma, Kitboga, Criken, Charborg, & Wayneradiotv 
Stuff I do
I also love playing games and going to the movies. And I also love convention-going and costume-making! I am not a serious cosplayer by any means, but I do enjoy trying to whip something up based on my current favorite characters.
I also have a passion for VR! I think it is an incredibly immersive and fun gaming & long-distance social experience. Sometimes I’ll post screenshots from my VRChat adventures
I also love birds. They’re so cute and I love trying to identify them. I like the idea of birdwatching but I am too casual to get up early and go to parks. I am an amateur birder if anything!
And I also love tattoos and dinosaurs and space idk.
I think thats it.
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petrichorium · 11 months
on plagiarism
when all of this began, i confess i never imagined i'd be involved this closely. i've been a bit on the fringe of it, with many mutuals involved and my own name dragged into the fray briefly but ultimately trying to keep my distance. but in a brief moment of curiosity (or weakness, perhaps) i let myself do some digging and discovered that i, too, was plagiarized by a former mutual whose work i admired greatly.
one of the most beautiful things about this community is how collaborative it is. we are a group of people with mutual interests who found each other on the vast sprawl of the internet, and our creativity is something which grows as a result of each of us working together. the kind of plagiarism i discuss today is hard to spot, easy to dismiss, and above all else painful for the victims. it is difficult to express how nauseating it feels to see someone take an idea and run with it without permission, consideration, or credit, all while it remains so subtle that you feel nobody will believe you.
Plagiarism, by definition, is "to steal and pass off the ideas or words of another as one's own; to use another's production without crediting the source; to commit literary theft; to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source" (from merriam-webster, because wouldn't it be ironic if i didn't clarify?). Note, please, the use of "idea." Nobody is fool enough to think plagiarism must be exact 1:1 wording. If you're claiming that, you're very certainly being purposefully obtuse.
the evidence i present below is clear, in my opinion. i'm not going to leave names out of it—the accused has already outed herself and has claimed to have left her blog, so I have no reason to coddle her, and equally there is no sense in reporting or engaging with it in any way. it shouldn't have to be said, but don't harass her; whether or not her blog is truly abandoned, any asks could still make it to her. Obviously sending harassment at any time is childish, cruel, and reprehensible, and nobody is deserving of it.
The plagiarist is @/shiinleaf. there is another player in this game, @/seoafin, who also fell victim to the same scenario twice. seoafin made her own callout post (politely lacking in names) and shiinleaf made her own response, both of which I will link now.
[seoafin's post regarding plagiarism]
[shiinleaf’s response in defense]
I also want to say, to be honest, I wouldn't give much of a damn about this if not for the context. i wrote a one sentence textpost and shiinleaf made her own imitation a week later, then elaborated upon it. the single sentence (and a few tags) is all that i provided; while the lack of interaction and credit hurt, i wouldn't much care...
if not for seoafin's experiences. make no mistake, my evidence here is intended to support hers; to bolster her arguments and to provide further proof of shiinleaf's actions. While her claims might be subtle, my own are more blatant, and help to establish a clear pattern of behavior which is neither respectful nor considerate of fellow authors. This is further proven by the hate that seoafin received for speaking up—the very reason I’m choosing to come forward. While the initial crime might be something unworthy of speaking about publicly, I won’t stand by while a fellow victim is harassed and gaslit in her own askbox.
anyway. im done grandstanding. I have screenshots and links so let's get into this.
i preface this by saying that while i was vaguely aware of this situation—as i was up until recently mutuals with shiinleaf (xin) and only mutuals-in-law with seoafin (morgan) and, thus, friends with many people with full knowledge of and involved in the entire debacle—i largely made an effort to keep out of the situation, despite (in a situation which i really can't get into) my name being dragged into it in private, resulting in me soft blocking xin.
my interest was reignited last evening, however, after many vague posts by mutuals which made me check shiinleaf's blog out of curiosity. i saw that xin had gone through and reblogged nearly all of her old writing, and near the top a post caught my eye.
the post was a brief textpost about the honkai: star rail character Jing Yuan, later elaborated upon in a followup reblog. This had been posted in July, and something about the phrasing and the timestamp made me pause.
I have made a few posts in the past about characters who "like brats," specifically not "to tame." I remembered making one about Jing Yuan many months ago. So, I went digging in my blog's archive, and sure enough I found it.
Here are the two initial posts side-by-side. My post is dated July 19th at 11:37pm. Xin's is dated almost exactly a week later, July 27th at 5:13am. Additionally, I've provided a screenshot of the first sentence of the followup reblog; note the specific usage of "brats"/"bratty", "not taming," and "likes the chase."
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[link to xin's initial post] [link to xin's follow-up reblog]
[link to my post]
As the final nail in the coffin, here is a video of my post with proof that Xin saw it: she gave it a like. Note that this post was reblogged once and had only six likes; it wasn't a popular post whatsoever.
Finally, an interesting thing to note (though not altogether suspicious) is that xin states in the tags of her followup reblog that she has written a "7k word fic" about the concept discussed. She later states in a reblog from the 23rd that this fic was her fic Filler, one which she also has stated that she began on the 19th of July—the same day as my initial post. These coincidences, unfortunately, only keep adding up.
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[link to xin's recent reblog of the plagiarized post]
[link to xin's recent reblog of Filler]
(note: the precise timeline of Filler does not line up exactly with the premise that it was created solely due to my post; the screenshots provided of the fic's document predate my own post by many hours. However, I am not claiming that the entire fic is based upon my post. That would be absurd, it's literally one sentence and a few tags. By xin's own admission, however, the fic was based upon many things including the premise potentially provided by myself—it is entirely within the realm of plausibility for her to have begun Filler and allowed my post to impact her writing of it, especially seeing as she, without a doubt, saw my post within hours of beginning the fic)
Now, I'd like to make myself perfectly clear here. This incident, were it isolated, would not make me call someone out. I understand that this community is full of authors inspiring one another. My post was a brief, fleeting idea which I did not elaborate upon; what she potentially did with that idea, to be frank, was absolutely phenomenal, and I am by no means whatsoever taking credit for ANYTHING beyond my initial post. Xin has stated that Filler in particular was a deeply personal fic for her, based upon her cultural and familial experiences—I would never dream of taking away from that. I think it's a fic that she should be proud of, and frankly I’d feel honored if I played any part in its creation.
However, it is abundantly clear in my opinion (from the fact that my post was liked, from the evident timeline, and from my own wording being ripped almost exactly) that xin drew inspiration from me and made no effort to give me the proper credit. This was not collaboration but rather a purposeful choice to use my own idea as a jumping off point and pass it off as her own. We weren't mutuals at the time, but I had seen her in my notifs frequently; had she added to my post, I would have been delighted. And my dms are also open, if she had been concerned about my response she could have asked me for permission. Unfortunately, she did neither of those things, and so here we are.
More importantly, however, I come forward with this—as stated initially—with the intent to defend seoafin (morgan), who came forward with her own post regarding xin's plagiarism. [morgan's post linked here again] please note that morgan took care not to mention xin, her blog, or directly link any xin's relevant fics. However, my own experience only bolsters the credibility of morgan's accusations. Once again, i wouldn't be coming forward if i were the only victim, but morgan has been inundated with asks since she made the accusation and i found it vital to support her claims. From vitriolic harassment to gaslighting to death threats, the response to morgan's post has been troubling, and i (futilely, im sure) hope that my own post will put an end to this. a clearly established pattern has been shown—three instances among two different authors of xin taking inspiration without credit—and i think it's fair to say that my evidence is solid.
i'll leave with another soapbox paragraph to match the beginning. up until this incident... i had been mutuals with xin. i had seen her in my notifs for months before i followed back, including when she chose to steal my idea. i held great respect for her work; i considered her a very talented author, and to an extent I still do—I genuinely can’t emphasize enough that I’m sure hardly a fraction of my impact potentially made it into Filler, and it remains one of my favorite Jing Yuan fics out there. my heart aches at how this turned out, not simply for her plagiarism but for her actions since she was found out. I simply can’t wrap my head around everything that’s transpired these past few weeks.
thank you all reading. i hope i didn't drag on too long. im done now i promise 🫶🏻
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somepoetwannabe · 6 months
i think the issue with this post
is that a. endogenic systems can be disabled. they can suffer from other disabilities without having a dissociative disorder. some even became systems as a way to cope with their disabilities.
and b. most endogenic systems don’t claim to have a dissociative disorder at all.
not to mention a large amount of medical professionals and researchers these days are not as quick to dismiss plurality-without-trauma as you seem to claim in your post? here’s some science for you to back that up (a systemic review of 13 studies…)
just sending this because you posted in they “syscourse” tag. the “system discourse” tag. so we’re assuming you’re open to discourse, conversations, and learning new things since you posted in a discourse tag.
We are! Currently I am forming a full explanation of my own stance of endogenics, in reply to a system of mixed origins who I think gave a rather interesting reply to us on how they believe endogenics (and other origins) may form. We are always up to learning. I do not think it is progressive to ignore endogenic voices. I will check out these sources once I get the time, I am currently working through the sources provided by the system we asked for an opinion from. Thank you for them, you are always welcome to have a differing opinion on this page. As for a response... A. I do not claim people who claim to be endogenics cannot be disabled, and I'm not sure where you got this in my post. Feel free to elaborate in another ask if you wish B. I am currently looking into what actually classifies as a disorder so that I can accurately disprove or prove my own idea of whether what endogenics claim to experience would count as a disorder. Please bear with me on this, I hope you can understand! Again, I am always up to hearing other opinions on such topics! There is no voice unworthy of hearing
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moonlight-tmd · 10 months
Imagine if the jettwins 'abducted' (by leading him away from the rest of their teams lmao) bee? like, they'd try to convince bee to reconsider prowl as a spark mate, or to promise not to become boring and responsible. bee would be shocked then amused, then explain everything to the twins and that they have nothing to worry about.
also, what's Jazz and Prowl's reaction to this lmfao
Hah, yeah. They would totally pull him to the side when no one's looking and question him. It all depends on what continuity this is in.
I like my "Bee died and Prowl got depressed" headcanon for ProwlBee; original and continuation of it. Btw i added the tag #revival!prowlbee to every post related to it so you can find it easier on my blog.
I imagine Prowl was halfway into his recovery when the Elite Guard visited, he and Bee weren't dating yet. Sentinel got fuckin spooked by Bee and Optimus playing along. The jettwins literally almost trampled the poor bug in attempt to tackle-hug him. Jazz had to save him from them, he gave Bee a big hug and a ruffle on the helm before the twins snatched him away to welcome him back.
This was also the first time Jazz has seen Prowl smiling since the incident. It was truly a miracle. Jazz has heard Prowl's confession back when he was mourning Bee's death, he didn't say anything and let Prowl recover first, he knew something was gonna happen sooner or later.
Now the next time they visit is when Bee and Prowl are together, they've been officially dating for maybe 2 weeks now.
Jazz is hella proud of them. Things went down and they pushed thru it together, good for them. The jettwins however... yeah, their surprise is directed towards a different emotion. They see Bee and Prowl basically clinging to each other on the couch and they immediately know the threat of someone fun being in a relationship. So when everything is going smoothly and nobody's paying attention to the scout at the moment they snatch him and bring him behind the plant and interrogate him.
They didn't really see Prowl when their team visited after Bee's death, they only heard about how Prowl was doing from Jazz. Bee is kind of hurt when they suggest him reconsidering his relationship with Prowl but he brushes it off and tells them that nothing will change and they still will do pranks together. They had a group pinky-promise in the first place, and pinky-promises are not to be broken.
I don't think Bee would tattle on them like this to Prowl cuz he doesn't want Prowl feeling unworthy of being his sparkmate or something so he never mentions anything happening. There is however one thing that has occurred after that... the teasing.
The ungodly amount of romance teasing from the Jettwins. In private and in public. As i said in this post, they would recite the tree rhyme and tease him when they do pranks.
Jazz is a mix of amused and disappointed. Prowl is just amused and bashful, he loves hearing that Bee loves him and Bee's reactions are adorable. Bee is just full on embarrassed and hates it with passion. He doesn't hate everyone knowing he loves Prowl- he would shout it from the highest skyscraper if given a chance, he just hates the twins teasing him like this.
If we go the non-angsty ProwlBee route then;
Jazz would surely be surprised cuz he didn't expect Prowl to find a love interest in such outgoing and hyperactive fella like Bee. No offense, Jazz likes Bee- the little man is funny, has groove and enjoys some nice sax tunes with him. He's happy for them, opposites do attract after all, huh.
The Jettwins are a disaster like in the previous post. They are scared Bee will turn all mature and responsible and lose all his fun because if it so they snatch him and the interrogation happens.
Both Jazz and Prowl are amused by the little teasing shenanigans the twins and Bee have. They both know nothing bad will happen from it but it's still amusing to watch- Prowl might act more affectionate when the jettwins are around just to mess with them. Bee is both blessing and cursing Prowl for doing this. This feels good but he wants to have peace, damn it! Don't hype them up!
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Night Terrors
Originally posted: November 21, 2022 Rating: Teen Relationship: Gabriel/V1 (GabV1el) Warnings: Trauma Tags can be found on AO3. source
Blood leaked from the deep gashes between the individual plates of his armor, dripping from his once-graceful form and pooling on the ground beneath his hands and his knees as he presented himself to the Holy Council, his pitiful, once graceful and downright menacing form practically begging for forgiveness from the cowards that ruled over him and the others with an iron fist—an iron fist built on lies and on hollow threats. Forgiveness that he wouldn’t simply just generously be given. Gabriel’s dimming wings—formerly a blazing azure, now nothing more than a husk of their former selves—fell to his sides, covering up the most obvious wounds in hopes that his weakness wouldn’t be given away—in hopes that he might be able to worm his way out of the inevitable punishment that befell all those who were deemed unworthy. 
They knew, though. 
They knew he’d lost to something as inferior; something as weak; something as disgusting and pathetic; something with such an insulting form as a machine—no, a mere object—and let it continue its rampage across Hell. Something that offended the Father’s very creation with its so profane and so painfully obviously unnatural frame shouldn’t have been able to surpass the might of the Light itself. 
Perhaps Gabriel was nothing more than a weakling and a fool. The Light was perfection. If he were this weak, if he could so easily squander such a gift, then perhaps it was a mistake for him to even have it in the first place. 
Quiet voices from the crowd gossiped about his failure. It was all so familiar, like a broken record, and yet Gabriel never realized the falsehood that was the world around him. It was a recreation of something long gone, yet the pain still lingered, and it manifested in his thoughts, his senses, and even in his sleep. He couldn’t wake up. He didn’t know. It went on and on.
Gabriel tipped his gaze up hesitantly, meeting the eyes of one council member who stood imposingly and forebodingly above his kneeling being. Their robes and their hood seemed to flow in spite of the lack of wind. Everything else surrounding them was blurry and dreamy; nothing else about this memory mattered besides what was about to happen.
The voices grew louder, until the angel standing above him motioned for the rest of the council to shut up and let the fallen Judge of Hell speak. His words would mean nothing in the long run. His throat seized up. Beads of sweat formed underneath his helmet, fear and anxiety gripping his heart and his lungs like an iron vice. Faint echoes of those around him quietly calling him unworthy and a traitor under their breaths seeped into Gabriel’s soul, subtly straining it as he tried as hard as he could to convince himself to speak in spite of the sheer, unspeakable terror he felt. Sharp, tingling chills ran up and down his spine. They all surrounded him, waiting for him to speak—to drop down and beg for the mercy he was unworthy of.
“H-Holy Council,” Gabriel stammered, his echoing, once-proud voice catching the attention of those listening. Not a strong beginning. He did what he could to push down the anxiety he felt. “My devotion to our creator is absolute,” he continued, the sounds of shallow breaths escaping the confines of his helmet; “I have never strayed from the will of the Father, but—but a machine—“
Bad move. He could already feel his life slip away as the angel standing above him gritted their teeth beneath their mask. Their next words worsened, and perhaps even confirmed his fears.
“You dare imply that the might of the Father could be shaken by mere objects?” their voice boomed, resonating in Gabriel’s very skeleton as he bowed his head and listened to the remarks of the crowd.
The memory grew more and more distorted. The feeling of blood and the smell of iron caught in Gabriel’s throat, and he could barely remember what people’s voices even sounded like, yet it somehow hurt more and more every single time the event replayed in his dreams, almost like a broken record. He couldn’t even remember what the angel standing above him said, and the nightmare aligned with such, but he knew their words preceded a pain worse than any torment Hell could ever offer.
As the light left him, it was as if someone had set his entire body aflame. He felt as though he was burning from the inside out. Agonized whines and screams left his coarse, dry throat, distorted and muffled by the helmet covering his face. He could feel furious tears stain the edges of the numerous eyes that hid beneath the sigil of the “Holy” cross on smooth silver. His wings and his regal halo flickered in and out of existence.
Then he awoke, his lungs still burning and his throat still as parched as a desert. He could still taste blood. His wings trembled, folding in front of himself, as to protect him from the world around him as he curled up into a fetal position, attempting to hide. There was nothing to hide from, though. Why was he so scared? It wasn’t real. It was just one of those—one of those—agh, he didn’t know the word for it. It didn’t matter, though. He was a coward for being so afraid of something that was nothing more than a memory; a memory of something he brought upon himself; a memory of something he probably deserved… 
His failure came at his own fault, didn’t it? Therefore, his punishment was just. He was the one who betrayed the will of the Light, after all.
He deserved this.
These thoughts still lingered, a feeling of religious guilt weighing him down even after the deaths of all seventeen members of the Council at his very hands. At first, he had relished in the sense of freedom and in the sounds of their pained cries as he finally dealt to them what they had dealt to so many others, but now, as the feelings remained, he felt more and more trapped with each passing moment. He spent every moment thinking it might be his last, and that he was wasting his precious time with a so-called “inferior” being. Why had he caught such feelings as his own, though, towards a thing like that? What was so special? None of this made any sense. He hated that lack of an understanding. He wished there was someone out there who could help him; someone who could relate to everything he experienced then and everything he experienced now. Maybe not everything, but at least some of it. Maybe then he could finally understand.
A cold, gentle hand brushed against his shoulder. Gabriel flinched and moved away from the source of the touch as fast as he could, lifting his head and splaying his wings as if to emphasize his previously unmatched power, only to catch the monocular yellow glow of an outwardly concerned machine’s headlight piercing through the darkness of the old, collapsed building they’d decided to take up residence within for the night. 
V1’s arm drooped in a disappointed fashion and their eight wings folded behind their back as they came closer, with Gabriel instinctually attempting to squirm away as the Council’s voices continued to echo in his head, calling him a traitor, a heretic, an insult to God’s will, and a mere mistake, both for this—whatever “this” was; perhaps the emotions he felt towards the machine—and for the past that haunted him. Maybe “haunted” wasn’t the correct term, though. He could barely remember most of his life up until a certain point, yet the words and ideals of the Council still festered within the metaphorical hole they’d drilled into his head. 
How long had he been like this? What was wrong with him?
Gabriel choked on his words. He wanted to say something, but he didn’t know what that “something” was. 
V1 came closer. The archangel eventually dropped his guard and began to let slip soft cries, the painful blades of guilt and of regret that pierced his soul finally getting the best of him. He leaned into the tiny machine from his sitting position, embracing them tightly with his arms as he buried his helmeted face in their protruding stiff, metallic chest. Unsure of what they were supposed to do with this, and quite frankly startled and alarmed by their sudden inability to move, V1 simply tried to return the hug as Gabriel broke down sobbing, his wings curling forwards as they drooped. Gabriel felt even more guilty just for this alone. He felt as though he’d committed an unforgivable crime, even though he had no reason to abide by the beliefs that had been seared into him anymore.
Though they didn’t speak a word, V1’s message was clear; they wanted to help, in spite of them having been born with the explicit purpose of being the most efficient death machine ever built by the now-gone civilization of man. 
“…thank you,” Gabriel spoke softly, sighing out a shaky exhale. “I’m well aware that you will not understand, however… I feel… I feel weak just letting myself admit this. It sometimes feels as though the past is still here; happening at this very moment; weighing me down every waking second of my life.” His voice faltered and his eyes felt as if they burned beneath his helmet. “I cannot move on.”
Unexpectedly, V1 pressed some of its fingertips against Gabriel’s forehead, perhaps as if to point at his brain, and nodded twice—slowly. They understood. In spite of it all, they understood. Perhaps they experienced something similar, and simply couldn’t utter a word thanks to their apparent inability to speak.
They set their head on Gabriel’s shoulder, their wings curving forwards as Gabriel’s own wings flinched. The pain began to relieve. While it would never disappear, he finally began to accept his feelings. He felt as though he belonged here—as long as wherever “here” was involved V1. The one individual across all of the stars who he’d willingly spend his last moments with, if those last moments were ever to finally catch up with him. 
It was so wrong, yet it felt so good—and to Gabriel, that was all that mattered now.
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pb-dot · 1 year
Author Ask Tag
If you know me and my presence here, it should come as no surprise that I love talking about the stuff I write. So, when @mthollowell-writes tagged me in this thing, I wasn't going to say no.
1 What is the main lesson of your story (e.g. kindness, diversity, anti-war), and why did you choose it?
The Clockwork Boy and the series I hope it becomes is a story about unity and collaboration. The forces arrayed against them are considerable, but since both The Spire and The Clockmen are filled with inveterate backstabbers, the scrappy underdog of Jake, Adrian, and The Northwest has a fighting chance, not only for survival but the future of the city. My "thesis" if you will is that The Spire and The Clockmen are doomed to fail in the long run because the glue that holds them together is that the participants can each profit from each other's strength. This means that nobody has an incentive to show weakness, lest they be judged unworthy of the group, and nothing resembling mutual trust can develop. The Northwest and the rest of "team hero," on the other side, rely on each other to compensate for their weaknesses and vulnerabilities which inherently builds trust.
This theme emerged from the place I held in life when writing the initial draft, I believe. I was, and am in many ways still in a fairly vulnerable spot in my life. I am seeking treatment for both physical and mental health problems as well as employment despite challenges in the above-mentioned departments. It's easy for me to feel self-conscious about having to rely on external factors such as doctors and other healthcare professionals, but I have found much solace in the works of the effervescent Philosophy Tube, and one of her older videos, in particular, have shaped this insecurity into some neat thematic stuff in the book I write, for which I am eternally grateful.
2 What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding (like real-life cultures, animals, famous media, websites, etc.)?
A lot of the world of Hearts In Clockwork has been inspired by colonial-era Europe, England in particular, but I am aiming more for a wider pastiche than a direct reference. There's also some bits of steam punk aesthetics to the setting, but due to severe disruptions of the coal supply, much of the borderline impossible steam-powered technology is mostly for show.
3 What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, help readers grow as a person?
My main characters are still kind of figuring out their place in the world around them per the last book, so their needs are very personal. Jake wants to belong somewhere and 13/Adrian wants to know who he was before becoming a Clockman, or barring that what kind of a person he wants to be now that he is free. It is my goal to transition these goals into grander goals as the series progresses, as Jake is motivated to oppose The Spire and The Clockmen by his bonds with Adrian and The Northwest, and Adrian attempts to end the conflict brewing in the setting as nonviolently as possible in direct defiance of his original design. I base this progression on the idea that problems, even some problems viewed as personal, might be best solved by trying to change the world in some way. It is a counterargument to the "Clean Your Room"-crowd, I suppose.
4 How many chapters is your story going to have?
The Clockwork Boy currently sits on 24 chapters and one epilog chapter. It's approximately where I want it lengthwise.
5 Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it?
It is original content. My goal is to get it published, preferrably through a smaller indie outfit.
6 When and why did you start writing?
This question is a bit ambigious. If it's when I started writing period, I've done it as long as I've known how to. My motivations have never been entirely clear to me, but I do believe it comes from a need to be seen and heard in some way.
As far as when and why I got into The Clockwork Boy, I started that during National Novel Writing Month in November 2022. My initial motivation was frankly that I hadn't found any genre novels with intrigue, politics and a gay romance in a while, so I decided to try writing one myself.
7 Do you have any words of engagement for fellow writers of Writeblr? What other writers of Tumblr do you follow?
Like Share And Subscribe Seriously though, this is the most useful piece of advice I've ever gotten so I'm going to pass it along:
Your Writing Is Probably Fine, you've just been staring at it for Too Long.
as well as
If it doesn't Feel Like A Book that's just because you recognize that you wrote it. Other readers will not have that problem.
As for my Pound of Tags: @covenscribe, @stesierra, @leisoree, @hollyannewrites @ettawritesnstudies
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geturasstomars · 1 year
holy fuck ten year old me would think im hot shit
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yooniesim · 1 year
Because I trust you to give it to me straight- what is your opinion on time zone reblogging? It is driving me NUTS. I see the same posts on my dash over and over with the tzr or whatever tag and I can't tell what the heck timezone they're doing it for because it's so random. Also...no one likes your content so much they need to see it half a dozen times a day so someone in another time zone might see it. And THEN if I want to scroll someone's blog, I see the same posts over and over because their mobile dash is their same posts reblogged continuously. I just don't understand the phenomenon. To me it's narcissistic, like you're so desperate for notes and validation youre forcing everyone to see your posts again and again. Yes I could block the tag but it doesn't just make the posts disappear, it hides them with a viewing disclaimer which is also annoying. I personally wish it wasn't such a trend in this community. I unfollow people over it at this point.
Oh I get you nonny. I actually do it myself but usually it's either once per day or once the next day after I post the original post. I do think it helps ppl see your post, especially if you post it at a bad time initially (like during school/work hours or on a holiday for example, when a lot of ppl aren't really on tumblr). I don't actually do it for an actual timezone I just do it randomly whenever I remember lol. But generally around 12 hours or so since it was first posted? Oh and if it's a cc post sometimes tzr helps cc finds blogs see it cos sometimes the tagging doesn't work i find. That's the most practical reason I've found for it. But I generally think one time a day is plenty enough to get the post out there for your mutuals that haven't seen it yet.
However I also don't really get the point of doing it 5-6 times a day, or setting it up for like, every four hours to be reblogged. It spams the dash and ppl's blogs the way you described. And I have unfollowed ppl too that do it like constantly. Idk if I'd go so far as to call it narcissistic but I do find it funny when it's like a non cc post with like 300+ notes and like four to six hours later the person tzr it, especially if they do it over and over? I don't blame them for it but I kinda encourage ppl not to get into that mindset bc it doesn't seem very fun ya know? It seems stressful in a way. I don't find that kind of behavior narcissistic no, more like it's showing the person's stress or worry that they won't get "enough" notes. Which i don't see as a negative towards them as a person as much as kinda the toxic environment we're all in that makes you feel unworthy or a flop if you don't get notes. It's hard but I think excessive timezone reblogging just winds up doing the opposite for you though as people will wind up getting annoyed and unfollowing. So for general simblr advice I'd say, 1 tzr a day is plenty enough, if that lol. Anything past that is just gonna see diminishing returns and annoyed followers. Do you agree nonny or do you think tzr should be gone entirely? 🤔
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gifsbysimplysonia · 9 months
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Happy hoelidays, lovely! ❄️ Just a small gift for you! ❤️
Even after months and months of being with Ari, it still crept up on you sometimes, being so flustered over how completely smitten he was with you.
He was a straight up Greek god come to life, he could have anyone that he wanted, and he wanted you.
Talk about hitting the beautiful beefcake lottery.
You smiled a little at the thought before your eyes wandered to the other end of the sofa.
The foot rub Ari was giving you was so concentrated and good, that you expected to find him staring at your feet, all furrow-browed and focused.
And he was focused, but on your face, which had those very familiar-by-now pterodactyl-sized butterflies taking flight in your belly.
"Stopppp," you whined, sinking lower against the arm of the sofa as you resisted the urge to hide.
Sometimes it was a lot having Ari look at you like he wanted to eat you and protect you forever, all at once.
His laugh was quiet and warm, the look in his eyes tender as he smiled and shrugged. "I can’t help it."
"You always look like you want to eat me," you blurted, your face burning as you stifled an embarrassed groan.
"Oh I do." Ari waggled his eyebrows at you, but the look in his eye was…sinful. Wanting.
Desire made manifest.
Whining some more, despite the way your pussy fluttered under his avid attention, you pulled one of the throw pillows over your face.
You felt Ari's hands retreat from your feet, and the sofa shift under the movement of his big body, and then he was tugging the pillow from your face and tossing it aside before crawling over you and sinking his warm weight against you.
"Deal with it, honey," he murmured as he caressed the curve of your cheek with his knuckles. "It’s what you signed up for, forever."
He reached for your hand, gently holding it aloft and gazing down at the diamond sparkling on your ring finger.
Pressing a kiss to your skin, he smiled at you, your favorite kind of smile, all soft and doting and just for you.
You went pliant then, your nerves and embarrassment fading away entirely as you tipped you face up and caught Ari's lips against yours.
Ok so guess what, Siri?? I just went through my DRAFTS programming posts for the rest of December and GUESS WHAT I FOUND??? Lmao apparently cuz you sent this a while back, it saved to the date that you SENT it, not the date I feedbacked and SAVED it to my drafts so this is repetitive, but here are my original reactions, lmao. I'm sorry I'm SUCH a mess.
OMG @stargazingfangirl18 is an angel! Back at work today and so I'm on Desktop. I have NO IDEA why my mobile app doesn't let me know when I have Inbox stuff / asks but I visit Tumblr dot com on Desktop and saw I had one so I went to see and THIS is what was waiting for me?!?!
Siri! How incredibly kind and thoughtful are you?? Also, are you psychic? LoL cuz
The foot rub Ari was giving you was so concentrated and good
I've been having problems with my feet lately so THIS? Actually sounded like Heaven (although it's funny cuz I have a "thing" about feet that my mom thinks comes from her keeping me in booties all the time as a baby lol but if I cared enough about someone, I suppose I'd let them see my weird Hobbit feet and nobody is changing Ari's mind about ANYTHING)
very familiar-by-now pterodactyl-sized butterflies
If you're not psychic, you might be intuitive cuz I constantly use the word "pterodactyl" in my life (just usually to describe my hiccups lmao)
Sometimes it was a lot having Ari look at you like he wanted to eat you and protect you forever, all at once.
The way I would ABSOLUTELY POOF into Thanos dust lol just on the spot!
Desire made manifest.
This is just an excellent turn of phrase, I really love it :)
And I'ma always mark out for any mention of "pu$$y flutter" because I never knew that phrase til your Tumblr tags and it brings me joy every time I read it now lol
Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. Siri, I am so unworthy of your attention and kindness, but I am so grateful to have this sweet drabble! Thank you so so so so much for thinking of me. Honestly makes me a bit teary eyed cuz I just don't come across that kind of thoughtfulness often.
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jaybarou · 7 months
I'm turning some of my most AU fanfics into Original short stories in the hopes of selling them to a publisher. (And thus get some cred to send my CV to Publishers and leave my job)
While I unfic them all, I'll post them here and you can read them with the tag #limited edition. I'll delete them after a few days
<1,5k words
"You shave that beard of yours and we could repeat that time we had to get your hammer back.” Loki huffed. Thor stopped pacing. Loki looked for a second intrigued and at Thor’s look, appalled. “No, Thor. I won’t. Don’t make me.” Thor only grinned.
“What!? What did I do now!”
It was not a promising start when the god of thunder made the tents of your archaeological digging site rattle first thing in the morning.
“You know what you did.”
“Mothers everywhere will sue you for using their phrase.”
Honestly? Yes, he knew what he had done. It was not the first time Odin sent his main minion to steal any power left from the times of the wild magic. The visit was expected. It was Thor who didn’t know at all what he was doing. So the mortal approached the god with his friendliest face. Damn it all, but he was invested in this, it had to go well.
“This amulet is not meant for human hands. You mortals are once again playing with things you don’t understand.” Thor made the artifacts and tools on the worktable jump with a fist against it and the amulet jingled, attracting the god’s eyes.
So Thor had seen the magic trinket. How perfect. The mortal’s hand hovered over the grip of a tool on his belt.
“You are right!” the human said conciliatory. “That’s why I’m studying it, to understand it! It was just found.”
“It must be taken to Asgard…”
“No,” the human said decisively.
“Mortal…” Thor rumbled, and with that wide chest and the thunder thing, it was quite impressive.
“No, listen to me. It is not working. I’ve been told this amulet was made on Earth by Earth magic, so Asgard has no right to take it from us. I also told you that it is not mine. It was unearthed, but I have to give it back.” The human was being rational, he had his reasons, as most of the time…
“You have the means to make it yours, human, I’m no fool.” He extended his hand. “Give it to us in good faith and this discussion can end here.”
“No can do.” The man crossed his arms. “I’m not going to risk my career to steal a relic I have not been able to  properly study, just to hand it to you and remain empty-handed. And just because you still think that us lowly humans can’t understand all your fancy magic.”
“You dare! That amulet is dangerous! YOU are dangerous around that amulet. And you are speaking of things you don’t understand.” Thor was close to losing his patience.
“Again with the not understanding…” the mortal mumbled. “Look, you Asgardians just think you are the supreme rulers, which is pretty funny, since you took all the magic from our plane.”
“We are not supreme, but we are the protectors, human, which is the reason why I must take this…”
“Hey, hey, hands off. Look, we have seen each other in other excavations, we are practically friends, aren’t we? How about a friendly wager?”
Thor just jumped to grab the amulet. The human was faster. In a moment, his archeology hammer was hovering over the amulet. Those things had a reputation for volatility.
Thor gave him the stink eye. The human was not hiding his amusement at their respective hammers.
“Ok, then, it will have to be an unfriendly wager. What do you say?”
“I’m listening.” Thor gritted his teeth.
“I’m the most eligible bachelor of this digging, who knows, maybe the whole Midgard. So, it shouldn’t be too hard to convince the fairest maiden of Asgard to marry me: Freja, right?” The human smirked. “Or are humans cattle to you, gods, unworthy of a bond with a god, even after humans gave you their faith and trust for centuries?”
After a pregnant pause, the human just went for broke. “So brutish. No wonder you remain single. How many courtings did you fail already?” he said with a widening of his smirk.
“And if I do this, you’ll hand over the amulet?” Thor said, moments away from splintering the grip of his own hammer.
“And I’ll throw in the toy of the kiddies’ menu to the bargain if you like. The marriage can be rescinded afterwards, I just want to prove that you all think of yourselves as gods even if you won’t admit it. You’ll officiate it, make it Aesir instead of human. A human wedding would mean less than a pinkie promise to her, I’m sure.”
“A fasting of hands?”
“That’s the thing.”
“I’ll be back.” Thor rumbled again before leaving.
“Sayonara, baby.” The human waved.
“Forgive me for laughing, but the human is not wrong.”
It was never a promising start of the day when the moody son of the God-king barged in with that kind of fury in his eyes.
“Not wrong, Loki?!” Yes. Exactly that kind of fury.
“You won’t find a single Aesir man or woman willing to marry that gnome halfling. In fact, you won’t find an Asgardian willing to marry any human, much less Freja, much less she and some earth-digging lowlife.” Loki didn’t let the thunderer start a rant again. “And it is because no matter what Odin says, all of Asgard knows its superiority: Asgard, the land of the gods. It was a terrible deal and you only accepted because he mentioned your latest break up or even you would have seen how impossible it was.”
Thor just paced.
“You might be right.”
“What did I just hear?”
“I must get that artefact back.”
“No, I don’t think that’s what I heard. And it is an amulet, not an artefact.”
“If I don’t, another human might find it.”
“And use it as jewellery! Thor, that amulet is useless for most creatures. It is one of the many ‘the chosen one’ out there, it will not have any value in our hands and if the chosen… You are not listening.”
“We must contain it in the vaults of Asgard! It is dangerous!”
“I resign, counselling Odin was hard, but with you is like counselling a brick wall. For all you care I might suggest that you shave that beard of yours and we could repeat that time we had to get your hammer back.” Loki huffed, elbows on his knees, hands on his face and tired expression.
He also looked at Thor from between his fingers.
Thor stopped pacing and Loki looked at him fully, irritated.
“What? You often say you want a repeat of ‘the goat’s pull’ but I don’t get to want a repeat of ‘I do’? You are no fun, thunderer.”
“He knows my face, but…”
Loki looked for a second intrigued and at Thor’s considering expression, appalled.
“No, Thor. I won’t. Don’t make me. I solve enough Asgardian problems, don’t drag me into this, you won’t like it.”
Thor only grinned. Norns, Thor was an idiot if he really thought he could force Loki to do anything.
“Indeed, it is, sparkles!”
It was never a promising start when Thor got things to go his way this easily. Everything had gone smoothly. Loki had showed up in female form wearing the most beautiful dress he had found, the human had said his vows, smiling all the time and completely taken by the beauty of Loki's disguise. Too easy.
The human threw the amulet at Thor and it was caught mid-air. The thing was dull, not alive with the blue shine described by the ancient legends of trolls.
“What is this foolery?”
“I told you I could not make it work. I think it is a dupe or a prototype or something.”
“This is not the amulet, this is outrageous.”
“Oh, Thor, it is not like we gave him Freja either.” Loki said, changing back from his curvaceous form into a much leaner himself.
Thor looked at the human, slightly worried about his reaction to the trickery.
“No, you gave me something so much better.”
Loki only chuckled and looked at how Thor frantically turned the book where both had had to sign. There it were, their full true full names written down, unmistakeable and valid even in the unselee court. The bonding wouldn’t have been real if Loki had signed with a fake name. Why? He looked into his counselor’s eyes.
“This kind of union is powerful, if done with the right purpose in mind. It grants a long life, luck, happiness and power. Lacking access to Idun’s apples same as all non-Asgard born, I needed your permission for this bond, son of Odin. And you wouldn’t have given it if it was a  mortal and me.”
“But, this is not right… This is not…” Thor turned to look at the not-quite mortal with a mixture of disbelief and anger.
“Don’t look at me, Mr. ‘Playing with things you don’t understand’. You would have patronized me for so long that we’d have had to officiate the wedding at the geriatric.” The human tucked himself under Loki’s chin and hugged them closer. “Thank you for the fake amulet, love.”
Definitely not a promising start.
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krinsbez · 2 years
Random Thoughts
-Y'ever notice how three and a half of the six service branches of the US Armed Forces have mottos that are "Semper something"?
-Sidenote, I think the USCG has the best march of the lot.
-If someone can periodically bully me about sitting down and writing the prompts for Pulptober 2023, please? I didn't feel up to it last October and it becomes easier to put off and harder to make myself do as time goes on.
-Speaking of writing projects, I decided to throw a bunch of my random superheroverse concepts that didn't have much to them, and somehow ended up with three fairly coherent themes; the nature of identity, the question of duty, and the combination of magic and science. Does this say something about me, or are those three themes just incredibly broad?
-If I ever get a proper day off again, I may write the above down and post it; would it be better to do it all at once or in pieces?
-I have tried both models before with original content and I cannot decide which got better results.
-Sidenote: obviously I always get...whichever is the good feeling neurochemical when someone Likes or RBs my posts, and especially when it's something I posted rather than an RB, but there's something special about having one of my old things I think of as long forgotten show up in my Activity.
-Granted, I will also sometimes feel disappointed when it's "just" a Like, because my brain always immediately jumps to the conclusion that someone *added* something for no reason, which is very unworthy of me.
-Especially since I very rarely add anything to what I RB; in fact I sometimes decrease, since I am bad at tags. Ah, well, Is What Is.
-Something I say a lot recently.
-BTW, I want to post some Work Stories in the near-future. Yes, I know I thought I was done with that, but I have some really good ones recently.
-I feel bad I haven't done as much Uncle Gushing. Like, I haven't posted anywhere near as much about the adorableness of my niece as I did for her older brother. Granted, I was unemployed when he was born, but still it doesn't feel right.
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residentblackheart · 5 months
it me trying to revamp this account \_(°v°)_/
I will be posting a few things about my fics on here but will not really post any chapters on here because that is so much work T^T. I am also trying to actually reduce the fics I am writing for but I am totally failing (as usual).
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Series: Tales of the 2nd Year Teacher
Kusakabe Atsuya/Original Female Character Rumours about a teacher for the 2nd Years of Kyoto Metropolitan Curse Technical College, short Jujutsu Tech, reached the ears of the Students of their Sister School they of course wanted to know everything they could before meeting the legend herself. Learning about everything they could by asking their own Teachers, especially when they figured out that Kusakabe was dating said 2nd Year Teacher.
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Series: Two Sides To Every Story
Leon Kennedy/Original Female Character Natalia Bard had not thought that her last day at her workplace would be one of the of the last days she would have left in Raccoon City. She fend for herself through the city until she met other survivors in the RPD. Days after she is found by someone she had never seen in Raccoon City, the Rookie that should have never arrived had found her now they have to be a team to survive this nightmare.
Old Stuff
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Tags: use of Y/n
Theo Raeken/Biracial!Plus-sized!FemaleReader
Suspended (NSFW) Theo and Reader are dating but never had sex, after Reader is suspended from school, he makes her feel wanted and needed.
Isaac Lahey/Insecure!FemaleReader Tags: self-harm, death
Worthless p1 (ANGST) After the Death of Allison, Isaac leaves without saying goodbye. Reader is all alone and no one cares about her. When he comes back after a year she's different from what he remembers.
Worthless p2 (ANGST) After the Death of Allison, Isaac leaves without saying goodbye. Reader is all alone and no one cares about her. When he comes back after a year she’s different from what he remembers.
Nikolai Lantsov/Grisha!FemaleReader
Unworthy (FLUFF) Nikolai confronts Reader about not being good enough for her but she shows him that he is.
Tom Riddle/Soft!Slytherin!FemaleReader
Softie (FLUFF) Tom isn't used to Reader even after being friends with her for years, she was too kind for him and too passionate.
Lorenzo de Medici/Princess!Wife!FemaleReader
Princess (NSFW) After Reader's father, the King, was killed, her Mother sent her away to another land, marrying the oldest of the Medici house, was her only option as their mothers were good friends. The first time that Lorenzo saw his wife was as if he knew that she was perfect, he wanted to make children with her and with no one else ever.
George Weasley/Small!East-Asian!Hufflepuff!FemaleReader
Heigth (FLUFF) First day of Hogwarts and Reader is reminded that she had to deal with George Weasley once again, Fred had enough of his brother pining for the Hufflepuff and locked them in a room until George spilled his secret.
Remus Lupin/Original Female Character
Soaked Clothes (NSFW) Faye & Remus have an interesting Prefect duty
inspo for this "masterlist" from @extralively more will be added later!!
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Me when I'm writing on my sideblog: Man, having a sideblog is so much better than using a tag for your stuff like is the de facto rule on tumblr. It means people can just follow your sideblog and not bother with the things you repost on your mainblog. I'm a genius, ready to revolutionize this website
Me when I accidentally repost something to my sideblog, or worse, save it as a draft in my sideblog so it's literally impossible to reblog on my main blog unless I somehow find the original post: I am a filthy worm, unworthy of kindness' light
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