#postwar headcanons
Screw it, can we just get a script for part of an episode of A-town at this point?
[For those of you just tuning in: A-Town is the shitty postwar sitcom inspired by the life of Jake Berenson, to the eternal annoyance of Jake Berenson. The main character is a kid named Brandon A., who lives with his nuclear family — mom Dr. A, dad Mr. A, sister Daisy A. (secretly a yeerk named Zeptron 420), dog Mopsy (secretly Brandon's friends in morph) — in Southern California at the height of the war. Brandon secretly leads a team of alien-fighting shapeshifters that consists of him, his best friend J.J., his cousin Trina, his sometimes-girlfriend Crystal, Trina's sometimes-boyfriend Liam, and Liam's stepsister Gina.]
We open on the spacious kitchen of a large suburban home. Mr. A sits reading the paper and smoking a pipe inside, while his son Brandon sits at the same table with a large set of schematics spread out in front of him. Dr. A, in a lab coat overtop a house dress, walks into the room.
Dr. A: Brandon, what's that?
Brandon: *throws himself bodily over the map* Nothing!
[cue laugh track]
Dr. A: Is that... Dear sweet heavens above, it is!
[The camera pans up to show Brandon is clearly failing to cover the floor plan for a Blade ship, and that Mr. A is now craning around the side of his paper to see what the commotion is about.]
Dr. A: Honey, our son... is doing... *loud gasp* Dunces and Dragoons!
Mr. A: *drops his pipe on his paper in shock* *lights the paper on fire, must hastily tamp it out* Dungarees and Dingbats? My own SON?
[cue laugh track]
Brandon: Mom, Dad, I would never! I'm just... I'm only... It was... *directly to the camera* I have no choice — they think I'm playing Dunkin' and Dragnet! *to Dr. A.* There's this alien invasion, Mom, and me and cousin Trina are two of the only six people who have the power to —
Mr. A: *very high pitched* It's affecting his mind already! Look at him, he's lost the plot!
[Cut to a set that looks like the waiting room for a dentist's office. Brandon's older sister Daisy is standing near the front of a queue that stretches the length of the room. Like almost everyone else in line, she is wearing a t-shirt for The Gathering; hers is bright pink and cut into a crop-top, paired with a pink miniskirt and platform heels. The walls are adorned with posters that have slogans like "Do your part for the Yeerk Empire today! If you see a suspicious animal: slay, slay, SLAY!" and "Don't forget to sign up your host's friends and family for our Eternal Member perks program!" Visser Six-Hundred is at the front of the line, typing names into a computer.]
Visser Six-Hundred: Next!
Daisy: Um, hi? I'm Daisy, and after you guys lured me into the Gathering by promising I'd get to meet shirtless Tom Welling — which still hasn't happened, by the way — you stuck my head in a pool and then this total jerk named Zeptron 420 took my body? And anyway, Zeptron never showed up after that last feeding, and I was just wondering...?
Visser Six-Hundred: Not my problem.
Daisy: No, I get that Mr. Welling is a very busy man, but I don't think I'm supposed to go anywhere without Zeptron controlling me?
Visser Six-Hundred: Also not my problem. You have any idea how backed up we've been around here since the kandrona shortage started? Leave now, check back in next cycle, and if Zeptron's not back by then we'll call you.
Daisy: Okay, but...
[camera pans to Daisy's face; the actor, does a very convincing job of realization dawning on the world's silliest airhead]
Daisy: K-thanks-bye! *runs for it*
[Cut back to the A family kitchen. Dr. A is taking Brandon's temperature.]
Dr. A: Looks normal to me. Maybe he isn't getting Durkins and Drainage syndrome yet.
Mr. A: Yeah, if anyone has brain rot it's that darn dog. Thing ain't right, I'm telling you.
[Cut to Mopsy, a fluffy grey-and-white terrier. The dog is currently staring intently at a copy of For Whom the Bell Tolls, which is propped open on the floor.]
Dr. A: What do you mean, ain't right?
Brandon: Yeah, Dad, 'ain't' isn't a word!
[cue laugh track]
[Cut back to Mopsy, who has clearly overheard this conversation and has attempted to hide the book by sticking it underneath a laptop computer, and is playing innocent by staring at the screen instead.]
Mr. A: Just look at her! She's playing Minesweeper!
[The camera zooms in on the screen, revealing that this is in fact the case. An extreme close-up of one of the dog's paws moving across the computer track pad is paired with a shot of the screen going to Xs as she hits a mine. A dog's upset whine is heard.]
Brandon: Come on, she's not even doing well.
J.J.: *in voiceover meant to indicate thought-speak* You try avoiding mines with these tiny paws, loser!
Dr. A: You know, maybe we should get that checked out.
J.J.: VET? Not the vet!
Brandon: *out loud* Don’t be such a baby!  Get control of your morph, man!
Dr. A: Then again, maybe the Dungenous Drags are getting to him.
Brandon: Uh, I mean...
J.J.: *runs for it*  Bye!
Brandon: I mean, after her!
[While Dr. and Mr. A chase "Mopsy" around the house, J.J. maneuvers Brandon into being the only one in the room when he demorphs. Brandon has to hastily morph into Mopsy to avoid being found out. Trina and Liam stop by Brandon's house to ask Brandon a question, and Brandon maneuvers Liam into being Mopsy just as Mr. A is pulling out the pet carrier. But then human Trina rushes into the room, creating a diversion by claiming a "hairspray emergency", and Mopsy runs off. It's at that point that the B plot intersects with the A plot.]
[Daisy walks into the house. She's wearing black skinny jeans, fingerless gloves, and rainbow hair extensions. There's pop punk music blasting from the giant headphones slung around her neck.]
Mr. A: Get the— *watches Mopsy escape out the front door* Dang it!
Daisy: Dad, you might have noticed I’ve been going through some changes lately.  Like I’m becoming a whole different person.
Mr. A: Honey, at your age, it's perfectly normal.
[Mr. A pulls out a box of tampons, seemingly from nowhere, and hands them to Daisy.]
[cue laugh track]
[Liam-as-Mopsy runs around the side of the house, now pursued by J.J. Trina is running after J.J.; together they complete two entire loops of the house. Meanwhile, Brandon is on the phone inside, everyone else passing by in the background. There's presumably an unseen swap, because Liam-as-a-human is seen chasing a different Mopsy, pursued by an enraged-looking Trina who is now holding a knife, while she is in turn pursued by Gina, who appears to be trying to talk her down. There's no audible dialogue, but we cut to Crystal on the other end of the phone, standing in her living room.]
Crystal:... got it! *hangs up the phone* *yells up the stairs* Hey, Mom?
Crystal's Mom: *enters the room* Yes, Crystal?
Crystal: You're looking a little unwell. Why don't you...
[Crystal touches her mom's arm. We hear the tinkling piano notes used to indicate someone is being acquired, and glitter effects briefly fill the screen.]
Crystal's Mom: Now that you mention it...
[She passes out onto the couch, apparently as a side effect of being acquired. This has never happened before, but with this show it's generally best to avoid asking too many questions.]
[Cut back to the A house. Daisy and Dr. A are standing in the kitchen.]
Daisy: Mom, do you ever feel like the whole world's out to get you? Like, do you ever suspect there's a giant conspiracy of alien invaders who are...
Dr. A: *distracted* Oh honey, did you get passed up to be Prom Queen again?
[Dr. A drops a kiss on Daisy's head, before running off in pursuit of Mopsy, who has gotten ahold of the knife and is trying to use it to pick the lock on the back door.]
[Cut to the exterior, where Liam and Brandon are watching the knife blade repeatedly stab through the door six inches off the ground.]
Brandon: You cheated on her again?
Liam: *sighs* Yeah, I cheated on her again.
[Cut back to the interior. Cue ominous music, as the chase speeds up. We see Trina-as-human again, gloating over who we can only assume is Liam-as-Mopsy. They struggle, and she makes an exaggerated face of shock as the dog is meant to have bitten her. Mopsy goes running off again, only to be caught by J.J. There's a scuffle, they roll behind the bushes, and a human Liam emerges holding J.J.-as-Mopsy. Brandon comes running outside with an expression of horror, and Gina dive-tackles both Liam and J.J.-as-Mopsy. Using extreme close-ups, we get only tiny hints of the scuffle, but the human J.J. and Liam would suggest that Gina has now ended up as Mopsy.]
[The montage sequence becomes something straight out of Scooby Doo, with all of the characters sprinting between doors and various mini-encounters including one where two copies of Mopsy are seen backing into each other and yapping in horror, running off in opposite directions before Dr. A can see their error. Why anyone is bothering to morph the dog at all remains an open question.]
[The montage ends with a clang as Mr. A shuts the door of the pet carrier on a Mopsy. The camera pans to a scratched and dirt-covered Brandon, then Trina, then Liam, then Gina... It's J.J. in the pet carrier. As the camera pushes toward J.J.'s fluffy little face frozen in an expression of horror, there's a smash cut to Crystal-as-Crystal's-mom standing in a vet's office talking to a middle-aged woman.]
Crystal: No, I did not lose your hamster — I know exactly where he is. I left him in the same room as Mr. Tyrus's ball python, and... *leans around a door frame to look off camera* *winces at what she sees*
Middle-Aged Extra: Y-yes?
Crystal: You can still see him... He's that big lump right in the middle...
Middle-Aged Extra: *screams* *faints*
Crystal: *to the camera* Brandon better hurry up. If she thinks that's bad, she should see what I did to the parrot.
Parrot: *off camera* And f[bleep] you too, you [bleep] [bleep] [bleep]!
[J.J.-as-Mopsy gets loaded into the car. The music is getting ominous, and all is looking lost, when suddenly Daisy runs out in front of the minivan.]
Daisy: Mom, Dad, I can't take it anymore! I've had someone inside me, and his name is Zeptron!
[Thus, the day is saved and J.J. is snatched from the jaws of a routine pelvic exam by Mr. and Dr. A cutting the vet visit short to instead rush Daisy to the doctor for remedial Sex Ed. Only Brandon realizes what she's talking about, judging by the expression on his face, but the camera doesn't linger there. Instead we see the minivan pull up to the vet at top speed. Mr. A gets out only long enough to thrust the pet carrier into the arms of Crystal-as-Crystal's-mom, and then the car drives off. It screeches to a stop at a near-identical office, only the poster of a dog wearing a stethoscope out front has become a poster of a uterus wearing a stethoscope. Dr. A walks in, dragging Daisy by the arm and shaking her head.]
[Cut back to the vet's office, where J.J.-as-Mopsy licks Crystal-as-Crystal's-mom on the cheek. Cue laugh track. Cue awww sounds.]
[As the credits fill half the screen, we get one last scene of Brandon standing outside Daisy's door. He's obviously nervous, rehearsing a conversation. Brandon leans against Daisy's door and it swings open, causing him to stumble into the room. Cue laugh track.]
Brandon: Hey, Daisy? About what you said earlier...
[Daisy is sitting with her back to the camera. When she does turn around, we get a slow reveal that she's back in pancake makeup, blond hair, and a pink sundress. She has the Myspace page for The Gathering open on the computer in front of her.]
"Daisy": *long pause* Yes, Brandon? You are my human brother, and I am happy to assist.
Brandon: Uh. *slow close-up on his face, as he clearly realizes what has happened* Never mind.
"Daisy": *another long pause* I'm sorry to hear that, Brandon. Human minds are often imperfect, are they not?
[cue laugh track]
[credits fill the screen]
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mercurygray · 6 months
hiya! HC idea for TDS: seeing themselves/partner in civilian clothing for the first time post war. my immediate hc was ron putting on non-uniform clothing for the first time, maybe when he’s visiting family. he obviously still wears uniform, but i remember reading that in peacetime military members can wear normal stuff when off duty :) but literally any character.
oh and if that’s not fitting then just a quick compliment for TDS & Passing Clouds! sometimes that fan universe of yours is almost canon to me.
i hope anon asks are okay, had a little search on your blog and couldn’t find anything against it.
Anon asks are enabled and encouraged on this blog, Kind Anonymous Friend! (I appreciate you trying to check first!)
I'm reminded of a Normal Rockwell Saturday Evening Post Cover every time I think about this - it's called Imperfect Fit:
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The gentleman in this image is Air Force (note the crusher cap, wings, and insignia on his bag) But I think about Ron - or Dick - going home and finding out that the suit doesn't quite fit the way that it used to, because he's grown and changed, but also because the uniform has so much defined how he sees himself and carries himself that to be out of it feels like he's lost a part of himself.
But Ron trying to meet up with Billie for dinner, and seeing her in a really nice dress for the first time? Someone get the man a chair.
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Postwar! Levi is so incredibly excited when you’re pregnant, it overwhelms him. It makes his heart hurt. It makes his stomach turn every time he thinks of it.
He’s had strong emotions before of course, he’s had his stomach turn with an anxiety, he’s had his heart hurt with sadness, he’s anticipated things good and bad, but he’s never felt excitement, let alone to this extent.
Seeing the round of your stomach slowly grow over the months makes tears well in his eyes. They well in his eyes at the fact that he finally created life instead of destroying.
But he still can’t help but feel a little proud when he feels your guys child kicking in your stomach, knowing that his child will be strong, that they will inherit a least a little bit of their father’s strength.
But he is so excited when he is setting up the nursery with room, even if building the crib irritates his leg. He loves placing his hand on the small of your back as you paint some small birds on the nursery walls. He loves organizing and cleaning everything so perfectly that it has an unnatural shine.
He is so excited that it makes him nervous during his final day of your pregnancy. He loves seeing how big your stomach has gotten, he loves packing the hospital bag with you, he loves the final moments of his child moving inside of you.
(Though he isn’t excited about the actual labor, he’s quite nervous actually.)
But when his little baby girl is placed in his arms, all that excitement melts away into realization.
He’s a father. He helped bring life into this world. He now has someone that depends on him. He has a little baby that loves him unconditionally. He has someone that sees him as completely clean and pure.
He has a child.
“Hello little Kuchel.” He says softly to the sleeping child, the excitement creeping back into his gut.
Tags: @lucysarah-c @humanitys-strongest-bamf @levi-ackerman-ds @shayewrites + any other mutuals
Join my taglist.
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stillackerman · 5 months
postwar!levi x reader
You're preparing for the event, which requires formal clothes.
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You're watching how Levi is trying to fix his white ascot. He's been fighting with that piece of fabric for a few minutes now, still not satisfied with the result. You can almost sense his frustration in the air. You always can. And you also know that he won't ask you for help. His pride will never allow him.
You're getting up from the chair and coming closer. You look at his mirror image, your eyes meet, and you smile a little before speaking:
“Let me help you.”
Levi doesn't say a word, but he turns to you, giving you a free hand. You focus on the task, and slowly take care of this, everything must be perfect, the way he likes it.
You feel his eyes on you, focused the same way on your beauty as you're on the ascot. You're almost blushing; even after all this time, his gaze makes you feel weak on your knees.
When you've done, you look at him, putting your hand on his cheek and tracing his scars with your thumb.
“You look really handsome,” you whisper.
“Tch...” You know Levi resists the urge to roll his eyes.
“I mean it!” You assure him, and to confirm it, you give him a sweet kiss. You feel how he relaxes at the touch of your lips.
And when you pull away, you see he's even more handsome than before. His skin gains some color, and he has happy sparkles in the eyes.
“We should go,” he says. “We can't be late.”
You nod. Levi takes the cane in one hand, and he gives you the free arm. You grab it, and both of you leave the room, looking like the most beautiful couple in the world.
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wizardemotions · 8 months
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i had to get the slytherins out of my head. also the dynamic i personally imagine for eighth year drarry
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starrylevi · 10 months
🐚 A tiny bit of dadvi! Inspired by this tiktok 🐚
You watch Levi as he wheels his way across the boardwalk, stopping every once in a while to pick up something buried in the sand. You wait for a few seconds before walking over to him, gently putting a hand on his shoulder and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. “Hey, whatcha doing?”
“Seashells.” Levi mumbles to you.
“Hm?” You don’t quite hear him.
Levi sighs and repeats himself. “Seashells.”
Your eyebrows knit together in confusion. You glance over and see a small pile of seashells in his lap.
Levi answers your silent question as he follows your gaze. “They’re not for me. They’re for Armin.”
You take in his words and remember that Armin’s birthday is tomorrow. “That’s so-“
“Don’t. Please don’t.” He cuts you off before you make a big fuss and you giggle in response.
“Okay.” You snicker. “Do you need help?”
“I can carry the seashells for you.” You offer him.
He seems to contemplate it. “Okay…Thank you.”
You give him a beaming smile. “You’re welcome.”
You see a hint of pink on his cheeks before he mumbles a couple more words. “Love you.”
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myloveismylevi · 7 months
Just a lil weepy thinking about post-war dadvi, his little boy (5? 6?) wanting to make tea for his Dad the way he’s seen him do it a million times, because he just loves him so much and admires him and wants to make him the happiest Dad in the world, but he’s still so little compared to the world around him, so he pulls a chair over to the counter and climbs on it, putting water in the teapot, opening the canister of tea leaves, and pulling a teacup - Levi’s favorite teacup - out of the cabinet. but his hands are small, and when he tries to climb down from the chair the cup slips from his hand and breaks on the kitchen floor.
So, naturally Levi comes hurrying (as much as he can on his stiff knee) into the kitchen to see what produced the noise, and finds the chaos his little one has produced on the counter, and him, kneeling on the ground, with shards of porcelain in front of him. And when his father stands in the doorway, he looks up at him, tears collecting at his lash line.
“I’m sorry, Daddy…” he’ll whimper.
“What happened?” Levi’ll ask in his usual monotone voice, but there’s a softness behind it.
And the boy will try to explain, tears rolling down his face, feeling so awful for making a mess, and for breaking his Dad’s favorite cup, and for not being able to take care of Daddy the way Daddy takes care of him, because he’s got Levi’s same bleeding heart beating in his chest, the one that wants to take care, the one wants to be strong and independent. But also his introspection, his emotion, his sensitivity and empathy.
And Levi’ll be transported back to his own childhood, the teacup that belonged to his mom, the one that they had to sell, the one he tried to get back, but couldn’t. And his heart will ache so bad to think that his child, his sweet perfect angle of a thing, feels even a fraction of the hurt he felt over a piece of porcelain, because of his utter devotion to him.
And he’ll take the boy in his arms, and he’ll hold him close, and he’ll tell him patiently and gently, in his Levi way, that a cup is just a thing, and what matters most is that he wasn’t hurt. And how much he appreciates the boy wanting to do a nice thing for him, but that what he was doing was dangerous, and how important it is that he be more careful, because stoves are hot, and chairs can tip, and broken porcelain can cut one of his 10 miraculous sweet little fingers, and there are thousands of teacups to replace what broke but nothing in all of eternity could replace the boy, living and breathing, that he holds fast to his chest. (His voice is quiet, words grammatically simple, and his tone is steady but his heart is physically ACHING and flailing in his chest from how much love is trying to squeeze into it rn)
And Levi tells his son, in plain English (Eldian? Idk?), that he loves him, and that he always will, because with a tiny mind and heart at stake, there’s no room for beating around the bush with that talk like he often does. And he tells him that his parents will help him to do whatever he wants to do, and to ask for help next time.
Because if only someone’d told Levi, when he was that small, that they would help him. If someone has just loved him, and ALWAYS been there… how much easier he could’ve breathed all those years. The prospect of not having to constantly be afraid to feel. To fail.
It’s all he can think about - how he can do better, give more, than what he had - even in a moment as seemingly small as this.
(I’m sorry.)
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remyfire · 10 months
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I love episodes where they're on a date and make it everybody else's problem
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mollywog · 11 months
PLEASE tell us more about your vision of Haymitch’s Halloween propo 👀👀
Omg yessssss!!!! Thank you for asking!!
For reference
Plutarch reaches out to all the Victors to try and get them involved in Government propos, specifically ones focused on history/tradition/holiday/unity.
The Victors from District 12 are the first to get the request and all three flat out refuse to participate. Plutarch gives it a week and then calls Haymitch to try again.
Haymitch handles the government calls for the three of them: although Katniss and Peeta are no longer minors, Haymitch was technically both their legal guardians at one point and beyond that still views himself as their Mentor.
Furthermore, Haymitch and Plutarch have a rapport, they’re both strategists and enjoy the challenge of dealing with the other. When Plutarch realizes he’s getting nowhere, he makes a vague reference to the terms of Katniss’s banishment - he says it in a light jovial manor, but Haymitch recognizes it for the power play it is, so he relents, agreeing that he will do a short segment about District 12’s Harvest Festival, but ‘the kids’ will absolutely not be involved: no questions about them and they won’t be on camera.
Plutarch isn’t all that put out about just having Haymitch. For some reason Haymitch has a great Q Score - he’s the nation’s drunk uncle - there is something comforting about him still being alive and still being the same person they’ve know for the past three decades. (His proximity to the star-crossed-lovers doesn’t hurt his appeal either.)
Haymitch doesn’t know this and plans to do the bare minimum to fulfill this duty. He doesn’t clean his house or take any mind to what he’s wearing and turns up the grouch/drunk factor when the crew arrives in hopes this will deter Plutarch from ever asking again - but ‘Grumpy drunk’ is Haymitch’s ‘brand’ and Plutarch eats his footage up. (Haymitch immediately realizes his mistake, so when Plutarch calls for another propo, he readily agrees. This time Haymitch cleans himself and the house and makes a big deal of ‘acting proper’ - Plutarch deems the footage ‘virtually unusable’ and never asks again)
But back to the Fall Fest Footage:
The crew shows up and there are too many people. The director actually remands two of them to a different room while they’re shooting in Haymitch’s house. They just sort of seem to be in the way, lingering in the edge of shots, it’s strange.
Not to mention - It’s shot in August but the director insist it needs to appear to be fall: they put a fire in the hearth and dress Haymitch in a thick sweater. The trees are green and it’s in the 90s but they insist he keep the sweater on for the outdoor shots. (Addition courtesy of @thelettersfromnoone)
When the segment comes out, Katniss and Peeta are eager to watch with Haymitch.
That’s when he understands.
In the footage taken in his home, he’s positioned with the kitchen slightly out of focus in the background: you can make out the figures of two people (a stocky blond apron-ed man and a slight woman with a braid) seemingly cooking a meal in his home.
The actors also appear in the corner of other shots with Haymitch and beyond that, Plutarch has added voice over bits to shots of some blond dude rolling out cookie dough and and a woman with a dark braid demonstrating archery to a gaggle of smiling children. They never refer to Katniss and Peeta by name but the voice over vaguely references ‘the District’s other Victors’ as the actors follow several paces behind Haymitch. Later suggests that apple dumpling are ‘a treat worthy of the Star-Crossed-Lovers of District 12’ as the actors approach a sweets booth.
Haymitch is outraged (mostly because he should have expected something like this)
Katniss can’t stop pointing out ‘blatant inaccuracies’ that the casual observer wouldn’t notice but are ‘egregious’ to her. Things like: ‘Peeta would never knead like that!’, and ‘I’m not that tall and no one smiles at me like that!’ and ‘those trees don’t even grow in 12!’
Peeta thinks it’s fucking hilarious.
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Please tell us more about a town it sounds great. (Also, Jordan and Sarah probably watch that. I can just imagine Rachel's reaction to suddenly getting it after being forced to watch half an episode one afternoon with no context)
Okay, so! Other headcanons about A-Town, the shitty postwar sitcom based on Jake Berenson's life (to Jake Berenson's eternal annoyance):
The love triangles have love triangles. Trina (the main character's cooler and more competent cousin) is constantly dating Liam, only to cheat on him with J.J., only to start dating J.J., only to cheat on J.J. with Liam. Jordan's of the opinion that girl should just get herself two boyfriends, but of course then the show would run out of plot.
Gina, Liam's stepsister and the Ax stand-in, is so friggin weird if you pay close enough attention. It's probably just a side effect of bad continuity, but at various times she a) implies she's over 300 years old, b) has various lines that imply she's an andalite in morph c) has various lines that imply she's a yeerk in morph, d) apparently killed a visser off-screen through means so horrifying they can't be described, e) can reprogram computers by licking them, and f) may or may not have eaten Liam's aunt, depending on how ironic certain lines are meant to be.
Sort of like Batman and Robin having exposition-conversations as they walk up the side of a building, most episodes will have a scene with the actors doing a voiceover overtop footage of two or three pigeons sitting on a power line. The most popular clip of the show on YouTube is the one where the "Crystal" pigeon visibly takes a shit midway through a tearful love confession to "Brandon." (Spoiler alert: she cheated on him with Liam.)
The alien controlling Daisy, Brandon's sister, is named Zeptron 420. One of the stranger B plots involves Zeptron falling in love with a banana slug, carrying it around, writing it bad poetry, and eventually trying to stuff it into the ear of a cow so that they can be together forever. The slug falls out and the cow accidentally tramples it; Zeptron is heartbroken, at least until the post-credit scene where we now see her falling in love with a freshwater eel.
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lance-space-mommy · 2 years
Orange Guitar
Many students in Midoriya’s class took an interest in music. Jiro knew how to play more than one instrument, not including her singing. Bakugo played the drums. Kaminari and Tokoyami played guitar. Momo was familiar with the keyboard. Midoriya found it awesome so many people had a little hobby on the side.
Midoriya had a point in his life where he had an endless list of hobbies. When he was at his lowest in middle school, he filled the void with countless activities. Midoriya did martial arts, wrote his own stories (mainly All Might fanfiction), hero analysis (quirk analysis), skateboarding, ice shaking, ran a hero blog, at-home yoga, and the list continued. Inko watched her son purse many different activities fondly, letting him figure out what he wanted to do with his life.
Even though Midoriya was seen as weak and pathetic, he was incredible at everything he did. Midoriya won ice skating competitions. Midoriya learned difficult skateboarding tricks. His hero blog blew up and was extremely popular. His hero analysis spanned over 13 books. Midoriya trained his body to handle more complex and taunting positions and poses in his yoga programs. Midoriya bumped up levels steadily in his martial art classes. Midoriya’s writing because popular as well, often being seen on accounts that recommended fan fiction.
Midoriya put one hundred and ten percent into everything he did. He wanted to prove to himself he wasn’t worthless. He wanted to prove that he was just as capable as anyone else to do any basic hobby. While being physical was always a good way for him to produce endorphins and boost his mood, Midoriya found one specific hobby capturing his attention the most.
There was something so exhilarating about it all. The freedom to play anything and everything. The sensation of memorizing which hand positions made which chords. The callous that grew on his fingers from constant playing. It was addictive. Midoriya would often head to a studio to mess around and get most of his practice in. Living in an apartment with thin walls meant playing instruments was forbidden.
Midoriya learned most things on his own and gained enough revenue from his competition winnings to buy his own guitar. It was a sexy instrument. As much as Midoriya hated to admit it, everything about the guitar reminded him of Bakugo. He remained in denial even as he paid for it in cash. Despite the sight of the guitar, Midoriya was in love with it for many other reasons.
Now with Midoriya being in U.A. and having all his time dedicated to hero work, he dropped almost all of his hobbies. He applied his ice skating training to his hero training, but didn’t skate and didn’t complete. Midoriya didn’t keep up with martial arts, focusing more on gymnastic-type moves in his fighting style. Midoriya stopped writing fan fiction, focusing mainly on his hero analysis. Midoriya stopped skateboarding, replacing that time with running and extra training.
Whenever class 1-A split up into the two groups for the school festival, Midoriya was dying to reveal he played guitar. Besides, he wasn’t coordinated when it came to dancing. It feel awkward to him unlike how he felt with executing fighting moves. Despite his desire to be a part of the band, he was thrown into the larger crowd of dancers. Thankfully, he was able to learn a dance routine very well because of his experience as an ice skater. It was still two completely different things, but using prior knowledge never failed to give him a push.
Time flew by and the war was over, the world was healing, and life somewhat went back to normal. Midoriya finally had the biggest weight fall off his shoulders and he could think about the little things again. They were in their second year with new dorm building and new room arrangements. It was no surprise Midoriya was on the same floor as Todoroki and Katsuki. He wasn’t complaining, he didn’t have to worry about Aoyama’s stalking or Mineta’s advances.
Midoriya also changed a lot because of the war. His room still had the big All Might poster from Sir Nighteye and couple figures, but almost everything else was packed away. He’d have a room dedicated to merchandise whenever he buys a house or rents and apartment, but keeping it in a safe place was the best for him.
One thing he did bring to the dorms from his room back at his mom’s apartment was his guitar. He did want to pick it back up. He had found himself longing for the callouses on his fingers to be caused by excessive guitar playing. The only awkward thing is he would probably disturb the people sleeping above him, below him, and beside him.
Midoriya looked at his guitar at a loss on how to play it in the dorm. He wasn’t about to rent out a studio so he could play it. Suddenly he realized he could just use headphones and felt like slapping himself in the face. Grabbing his amp and connecting it to his guitar, Midoriya then took his headphones and connected them to the amp. He could practice in peace.
As time passed, Midoriya found he finally felt more connected to his hobby. He purchased a customized Eraserhead guitar strap. Midoriya also had a Dynamite sticker, a Shoto sticker and an All Might sticker. Accessorizing is always fun. Finally the guitar was spunked-up a bit.
It was the weekend, more specifically the one day a week they got off at U.A. High. No one had any plans and it was supposed to be a relaxing day. Midoriya looked at his guitar and knew he was going to perfect the one cover he was working on. Midoriya moved out onto the small balcony they had with his guitar. The sun was warm and the breeze was chilling.
Midoriya had his amp on the lowest setting. Loud enough for him to hear, but still quiet enough to not disturb anyone. It was a different experience to not have his playing blast out his ear drums. Midoriya took a deep breath and started playing, enjoying himself.
The song she chose to play was fairly popular, but not in Japan. He heard the tune on social media. He followed a lot of heroes outside of Japan, since he was a fanboy. It was an edit of an American hero. The beautiful melody captured Midoriya’s attention. The song was Midoriya’s new obsession. It didn’t take long for him to master the song so he could play it without even looking at his finger placement.
Midoriya was able to play the bass part on his phone so he’d have the complete sound. He was no singer and he was far from good at English, but he could hum to his heart’s content. He swayed, letting the cords vibrate in his chest.
Todoroki and Bakugo were planning on doing some studying since exams were coming up. They decided inviting Midoriya would make sense as he was incredibly smart. They all had their own weak points and strong points. One persons strength could make up for the others weakness. They all equaled each other out.
They were used to walking right into his room unannounced so when Todoroki opened the door the two stilled at the sound of music. They made their way into the room and saw Midoriya out of his balcony with the guitar. He was humming, gently dancing to the music with closed eyes. He was clearly lost in the music, by the way he was acting.
Suddenly he stopped humming and started playing the best part of the song. His head bounced as he played, a joyful smile on his lips as he played. Midoriya mindlessly bounced to the beat with closed eyes. The sun glowed against his skin, mesmerizing,  Bakugo and Todoroki.
The two had seen everything that Midoriya had gone through. Watching him dance and play the guitar with a real smile made their hearts pound in their chests.
Bakugo and Todoroki were knocked out of their daze with a shout. Midoriya had turned around and spotted the two, eyes wide. Initially his eyes had been filled with fear, but settled into relief. Danger sense hadn’t gone off so he didn’t expect anyone to magically be in the room.
“Kacchan. Shoto. Did I disturb you?” questioned Midoriya, worried he had been too loud.
Todoroki shook his head, still speechless. Bakugo was able to get over his shock and approached Midoriya. “Hell no. Where did you learn to play?”
Midoriya smiled, setting his guitar down and turning off the amp. “I mean I could play since I was in middle school, but I didn’t start playing seriously until lately.”
“Well you’re really good. You should’ve played for the school festival,” complimented Todoroki, sitting down on Midoriya’s bed.
Midoriya blushed, putting his equipment away. “Thank you. I’m still a bit rusty, but I hope to improve.”
Bakugo nodded, crossing his arms with an evil smirk. “Good, because I wanna see if you can keep up with my drumming.”
“Really!” gasped Midoriya, his jaw falling with excited eyes.
Todoroki stepped in before Bakugo barked out some nonsensical nonsense. “I’d like to listen to you play a lot more.”
Midoriya crashed onto the bed beside Todoroki, turning his head to his best friend. “Feel free to just come in and listen. I usually have my headphones on, but I can start playing out loud if you like it enough.”
Todoroki nodded, closing his eyes as he felt comfortable enough to nap. Midoriya smiled at the quiet confirmation and turned to Bakugo. “Kacchan, what did you need?”
“Studying,” stated Bakugo shortly, crushing Midoriya with his weight.
Midoriya sighed happily, snuggling into his side. “Okay. Exams are coming up pretty soon.”
The three all remained cuddled together, now enjoying the breeze coming in from Midoriya’s balcony. It was in moments like these that solidified the trio’s bond. They had already been inseparable, but in moments like these, nothing could break the unconditional love they had for one another.
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I feel like cannonverse Levi would feel very awkward around fathers day when he becomes a father.
A whole day devoted to him where you and your kids praise him? You bit through blush reaches his ears.
But seeing your guys kids trip over their own feet to make him happy on that day, it makes him thankful for everything he’s done in life.
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starrylevi · 10 months
Thinking about civilian!reader falling in love with postwar!levi. He would tell you the events that occurred before you met him as you softly brush the scars on his face. If he didn’t have permanent reminders, it would be difficult for you to believe the person he was before and what he’s gone through. The man in front of you now is so soft and so gentle. He was slaying titans before and now you’re wheeling him out onto his porch, sharing a cup of tea with him and admiring the garden you helped him grow. You would accompany him to his weekly trips to his favorite tea shop and he’d educate you on all the blends. Every once in a while he’d pull you onto his lap and give you a soft kiss on your cheek, making you giggle. He’d do little things for you that make you happy. His past would be nothing but a ghost. And every time it would dare come back to haunt him, you would be his light and bring him back to the present with your comforting arms.
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lietwice · 1 year
thinking a lot about garak's journey of identity post-canon. and how important little things are. and the impact Julian could have. he says Julian sticks out because his hair is different. and it is, but seeing Julian go around with his curls makes Garak feel like maybe it would be ok to grow his hair a bit longer than the standard military cut. he sees Julian being unapologetically soft with a neighbourhood child, and thinks maybe it would be ok for someone to know he cares enough to share his food with someone one day. he sees children alone in the streets, and understands the pain of not having a parent to turn to, and he thinks perhaps it would be ok to try to fill the gap, because that's what Cardassia needs. and it's different to before, but so are lots of other things. and he isn't betraying his planet by changing.
it's such an important thing for him to understand. he's always going to see 'serving cardassia' as the most important thing he can do. so for him to reconcile who he is now with the ability to do that.... it's just so important and necessary for him. he doesn't have to become the person he used to be in order to serve the new cardassia.
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remyfire · 6 months
Love when I download new headcanons straight from the ether. No I did not see any evidence proving or disproving this. I received it in a vision. I will not allow it to be questioned.
Anyway my iteration of teen Trapper liked dancing. A lot. He and his pals couldn't always get into the decent dance halls because they were not simply gonna let in a pack of kids from the slums, but they'd find their way somewhere all the same, rubbing shoulders with the disgraced and degenerates and disadvantaged in one big melting pot where they could dance the night away. Louise was a pretty good partner, but it wasn't the same kind of escape for her as it was for John, who took to swing dances like a duck to water—the Balboa, Lindy Hop, all of it.
He fell out of practice, of course, once he was hit by the whammy of marriage, college, med school, residency, kids, surgery, never enough time, always on his feet as it is. But it's still in him, waiting for the right space, the music, the partner, and amount of warm-up time to get it all bubbling up again.
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Hello! I just finished reading all your writing.. i feel like your characterisation of coop is just so good!
Lately i’ve been fixated on how Cooper would feel about a plus sized partner.. (definitely not just because I’m plus sized myself)
Part of me feels his postwar ghoul self would be feral (pardon the pun) for a woman with a soft squishy body, especially a soft tummy and ass he can sink his fingers into, because someone like that would be so rare in the wastelands, and because it would be so different to his own physique
(Anon, I have a secret to share with you before we even get into headcanon territory; I'm a size 14-16ish, myself, so I definitely relate. I try to keep my reader-insert characters as nondescript as is reasonable in order to keep them accessible, but honestly? Every single character I've ever written is fat, or at least midsized. I feel like my use of words like "soft" and "plush" to describe them, plus references to tummies and bellies, might expose me a bit on that front. Thanks for reading and thanks for the ask!)
Prewar!Cooper Howard just loves women in general, all shapes and sizes. Big fan. He appreciates the female form in every one of its many variations. Back home, he knew plenty of bigger girls, curvier girls, and dated several before he met and fell head over heels for Barb. Once the two of them move to California, there's a noticeable decline in the variation of body types around him, and while he finds the women around him beautiful as well, he also finds himself sort of missing the higher concentration of softer ladies.
After she gives birth to Janey, Barb is pretty self-conscious about her body, but Cooper is quick to reassure her that she is just as beautiful as she was before (even moreso to him since she's grown softer in such nice places, frankly, but he doesn't think that's a proper thing to say out loud). She experiences a lot of pressure to be conventionally thin in her role as an executive, and while he supports her ambitions and what she wants to do with herself, it makes him feel terrible to see her so down on her body sometimes when he loves her (and it) so much.
Post-divorce, I think that a bigger partner, especially someone comfortable in their looks, their personal style, would be a welcome change to him. Like I said in my response to the question about him with a partner with body hair, I think he'd enjoy being with someone who wasn't so "L.A. perfect"; more authentic, at least to him.
He really loves a soft belly on a woman, and it's a treat that's been denied to him for so long. Of course, his favorite place to cum is inside you in whatever form he can get it, but he also likes to spurt all over your breasts and tummy, the sight of the mess cooling on your skin enough to get him going again more often than not. It drives him doubly crazy if you play in it a bit.
Also likes a good tit fuck. Likes it even more if you've got big enough breasts to do it while you sit on the floor in front of him. Getting to smoke a cigarette and sit back and watch you jerk him off with your tits is high up on his list of favorite ways to relax after a stressful day, especially if you tease the head of his cock with your lips and tongue.
Finds big nipples/big areolas very sexy; if you've got either (and definitely if you've got both), you might end up having to fend him off of your chest every once in a while with as often as he'll like to suck and lick and nip the poor things until they're all puffy and sore.
Enjoys using his ability to still pick you up and toss you around as a way to show off to you. It makes him feel virile and strong, so I hope you don't mind a little manhandling from time to time...
The Ghoul is always very pleasantly surprised to see anyone with some substance to them, physically; it's not necessarily that fat or midsize people don't exist, but the incidence of folks who are malnourished, stunted, and emaciated has certainly increased as the centuries have crept by.
He has always been a fairly lean and wiry guy, and life has given him more and more hard edges, so he adores a plush partner; round face, full lips, soft overall features. Big, soft hair, even. It's such a fascinating contrast to himself, to everything around him. The Wasteland is so harsh and strips every last bit of life it can out of every last thing that inhabits it, so to see someone so vivacious and supple...you are spellbinding to him before he even gets to touch you, to say the least.
When he does get to touch you, he wants to be respectful, trying his hardest to control his urge to rip your clothes away and grip your supple skin in his bare hands. He's trying so hard to reconnect with the more tender, gentlemanly part of himself, if it even still exists. But you seemingly have no idea how wild you drive him, how badly he wants to pin you down and feel your warm, pliable form beneath his, kind and sweetly flirty as ever despite how thin his self control is wearing. It's not long before the feeling he's trying to ignore consumes you both and he becomes intimately familiar with just how soft your body really is.
The man already had a breeding kink long ago, but it comes back with a vengeance if he meets the right person. He already finds himself drawn to your wide hips and thick thighs, but once he's fallen for you, once he's decided that you're his and he wants you to be his forever, they take on a whole new light. All he can think about his how good those wide hips would feel in his hands as he pumps you full, how beautiful your little tummy would look adorned with a baby bump.
Big fan of thigh-fucking, especially if you're not particularly rad-resistant; its a nice way for him to put you on your back, your legs on his shoulders the way he likes, pumping away at you in a way that feels natural without having to worry about making you incredibly sick or hurting you if he can't pull out in time. Or if he produces a lot of precum, which he is prone to. You both love and hate it, the head of him bumping and teasing against your clit depending on the angle, but never stimulating you enough to make you cum yourself. Fortunately, he's quite faithful about planting his head between your thighs and finishing you off once he's done.
If you are rad resistant, he still loves it; in fact, he loves it even more because he can fuck your thighs until he's about to finish, and instead of coating your stomach and mound, he can shove his weeping cock inside you at the last second and breed you, the sudden, wet heat around him making him cum even harder. Best of both worlds.
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