#pota 2024
1emon1ime · 1 month
A routine check-up - Dr. Cornelius (1960's POTA) x Female Reader
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ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58315063
( Ok, so I just HAD to write this because I couldn't find anyone else who made one yet. He is so hot-- !? And I have always sort of loved the idea of being a powerless/mute/feral human where another species has all of the control. Anyway, enjoy!
Rating: 18+ MDNI
Warning: Pet play (kind of?), dubcon, power imbalance, regression etc basically you (reader) are a mute/feral human who cannot consent and the ape leaders have all of the power over you. But you enjoy being touched up by Corn ♡
Taken from the wild and housed in the human containment facility, you now live your life in a cage every day to be experimented on by apes. A new face comes to take you into the examination room and he is quite different from the others.
"I'm here for specimen number 37."
The guards nod in acknowledgement, recognizing the name of Cornelius. He responds, "Zira has informed us of your visit for a routine check-up. Proceed with your research, and be careful with the specimen."
Cornelius approaches the cage and carefully opens it, his movements slow and deliberate to avoid alarming you. He gestures for you to come out.
Baring your teeth at him, you slowly back up into a corner. He is unfamiliar and many of the apes in the human containment facility are abusive, uncaring for your well-being. Of course you would be distrustful of a new face.
Since your capture, you had been housed here, alone in your pen for several months now, your naked body only kept clean by an ape hosing you down every day, throwing some slop into your food dish. You had no mental stimulation apart from the few times a week where they would put you through some sort of 'test'. You hated these check-ups, you were not ready to hand yourself over to him without a fight, even though you knew that punishment would come at your resistance. It always did.
He stops his approach, recognizing the defensiveness nature of your reaction. He regards you with a mixture of caution and fascination, sensing your instinctive distrust.
"Easy now," he speaks, keeping his voice gentle and calm. "I'm not here to harm you.” 
Truthfully, he did not care much for these creatures. From an early age, he had been taught that they were nothing more than pests, vicious animals. But there was a striking resemblance in the recent fossilized remains that he had discovered. Cornelius just had to compare the two. Zira had offered one of her test subjects as a comparison, she had said that this one was quite ‘tame’, agreeable, with a willingness to work and yet Cornelius still could not coax you out of the cage. Had he gotten the wrong subject, perhaps?
He offers you a sugar cube, notices how you hesitate for a moment before cautiously taking it. He observes your reaction, glad that the sugar seems to have piqued your interest.
"There," he hushes, a hint of a smile on his lips. "See? I'm not going to hurt you.” 
You look back at him, eyes widening slightly in anticipation for what he had to offer.
“I'll make sure you're comfortable and unharmed during this examination." He says, more to himself than anything. He knows that humans cannot speak. Cannot understand complex language.
The gorilla guard in the back smirks at his failed attempts to lure you out. Clearly, the archaeologist hadn't much experience with these humans.
"You gotta be rough with them. Never give these animals a chance or they will attack you." He laughs.
Cornelius brushes off the guard's comment and moves closer to you, holding out his hand. He had his own technique, he never liked how brutal the guards could be. They may have been animals, but they could still feel pain.
"Come on, then," he coaxes. "Let's go to the examination room, and I'll make sure you get another sugar cube when we're done."
He carefully places a collar and leash around your neck, ensuring that it's not too tight and won't harm you. He then leads you to his examination room, taking a few moments to assess the setup before turning to face you. 
"Alright," he says, gesturing for you to sit on a padded table in the centre of the room. "Please sit,” he pats the table, you recognize the signal as you had been taught. “and we can begin this comparison."
All he has is a leash around your neck, he hopes that it is enough and that he wouldn't need to restrain you further--
Your eyes dart to the other, larger examination table to the left, that you had been placed on many times. The one with the straps and restraints attached to it; you cower upon seeing it. Unwanted memories flooding of all the times you had been under that blinding, florescent light. Head throbbing as they tugged at you, the sound of medical equipment clinking together-- It was too much to see it again.
You wanted to run, but he reassured you, calmly. gripping onto one of your arms and shushing you.
We will only be sitting on the small table today.
As you sit, nervously, Cornelius takes a few steps back and studies your features, particularly focusing on your facial structure and bone anatomy. He occasionally looks over a set of documents and diagrams next to him, presumably related to the fossilized remains he mentioned earlier.
Dr. Zaius would scold him again if he ever brought it up; he had been told to discard the evidence, burn it. Acknowledging that similar these humans were in any way to apes themselves. It was forbidden by all means.
They were lesser. Pests, animals. 
"Now then," he says, breaking the silence. "Let me take a quick look at your teeth."
Cornelius moves closer to you again, his focus now shifting to your teeth. He takes hold of your chin, gently and carefully guiding your head to the side so he can get a better look. His fingers are warm and surprisingly gentle as they touch your skin, his touch almost comforting in a small way.
"Open wide," he instructs, his voice still soft but authoritative. He taps his own mouth and again, you understand the gesture you had been taught to obey.
Cornelius peers into your mouth, examining your teeth closely. He looks at their shape, size, and condition, comparing them to the notes he's taking. He makes a few observations, nodding in acknowledgement.
"That's it, good--" 
Cornelius' eyes quickly flit over your body, taking quick note of your sex.
"girl. Good girl."
He reaches for his papers again.
"Ah, a female specimen," he muses to himself, making a quick note. "The physical features and bone structures are slightly different than the males we've discovered."
After finishing his examination of your teeth, Cornelius steps back again, his gaze lingering on your features. He takes a few more moments to scrutinize your body, careful eyes tracing over the curves and features that distinguish you as a female. Contemplating the differences and similarities he's observed between you and the fossilized remains and of… himself. 
No, no. He quickly brushes it off. He is to remain professional here at all costs. 
"Now, I need to look at the rest of your physical features," he says, his voice slightly firmer. "Please stand up and extend your arms." He makes the command signal.
You comply and stand up, slowly extending your arms as Cornelius instructed. He steps closer once again, moving slowly as to not startle you. He begins to observe and compare the proportions and bone structures of your arms.
"Hmm," he muses, his eyes fixed on your arms, taking out a measuring tape to record the length of the bones. "Yes, quite interesting. The humerus and ulna seem quite similar in length, although--"
There is one problem. The fossils he had, seemed to be from a male specimen. It would have made more sense to compare them with a male human.
Had he perhaps taken the wrong subject? It said here on his documents, number 37. They couldn't have gotten it messed up again--
Well, it was too late to discard all of this now. He would finish examining your body and take records anyway. Perhaps they would prove useful in the future.
He takes a few steps back again, his expression contemplative. A strong, muscular frame, fitting for survival in the wild. You had not been captive long enough for your muscles to atrophy, as a lot of the other human animals had.
That is where you had been caught, out in the fields, brought in from the wild several months ago. The tale of your capture had been quite brutal and yet, you were not as skittish as the other wild-caught ferals.
Despite the clinical nature of the examination, there is a subtle hint of admiration and intrigue in Cornelius' gaze. He regards your  body with a mix of scientific curiosity and appreciation for the rarity of finding a specimen like you.
"Alright," he says, breaking the brief silence. "We're almost done. I just need to take a look at your back and spinal region next."
As Cornelius moves behind you to examine your spine, he notices your slight shiver at his touch. He realizes that despite your feral nature, there is an undeniable response to his touch.
"Are you cold?" he asks, his voice gentler than before. "Or is my touch making you uncomfortable?"
Cornelius knows that he will get no response, yet reassures you anyway, continuing to gently feel your back and spine. He notes the subtle trembling at his touch as his hands ghost over the area that connects your spine to your neck. He wonders if it's related to fear, cold, or perhaps another reaction he hasn't considered.
Observing your subtle response, he notices how you seem to lean into his touch, almost seeking it out. He raises an eyebrow, intrigued by your behavior. Despite your feral nature, there's a certain sensuality in your reaction to his touch.
"Interesting," he muses, his hands continuing to move over your neck, rubbing circles, as if you were a pet. "It seems you're not as resistant to physical touch as I thought."
He continues his examination, but his touch becomes a bit less clinical and more... soothing. He can't help but be intrigued by your reaction, the way you close your eyes and nod, seemingly enjoying the contact. His fingers move over your skin, the touch growing a bit more gentle and caressing.
"Does this feel good?" he asks, his tone softer than before. "You're remarkably responsive for a feral."
He knows that he shouldn't be doing this, it's wrong to treat these animals in any way other than contempt, they can't even consent, for goodness sake. But he can't stop his fingers continuing to caress you, running under your chin and stroking you softly. His touch slowly becoming more intimate and less clinical. Despite the professional aspect of the examination, there is something almost erotic in the way he touches you.
His hands begin to explore your back further, moving from your shoulders down to the small of your back, his touch growing more gentle. He can't deny the sensations he feels, the way you respond to his touch stirring something in him.The little mewls you let escape your mouth as he runs his hands over your bare flesh.
"Such a responsive and sensual creature..." he says to himself, his voice a low rumble. 
Cornelius' hand continues to move lower, his touch now trailing over your thighs. He takes note of your low moan, a wave of heat coursing through him at the sound.
"Sensitive, too," he murmurs under his breath, fingers gently caressing your flesh. "I believe we're going to need to continue this examination further."
Cornelius steps closer to you, the heat of his body radiating against your back as his hands explore your front. What is he doing, he doesn't think he can stop himself at this point. His hand remains on your thigh, his touch now becoming more deliberate and exploratory. His breath is hot against your ear, causing you to shiver slightly.
"There's more I need to examine," he says, his voice low and sultry. There's a sense of urgency to it. "Turn around for me."
Cornelius steps back and motions you to face him, giving a slight tug on your leash. His hand leaves your thigh, but the absence of his touch is quickly replaced by a strange sense of anticipation. 
You wonder what he could possibly be doing... None of your previous examinations had gone quite like this. While Dr. Zira could be quite... touchy, something told you that this was going to be different still.
He watches you expectantly, his eyes locked on yours, waiting to continue the "examination".
As you face him from the front, Cornelius feels a rush of excitement surging through him. The way you respond to his touch... it's unlike anything he's experienced with any other specimen before.
"Now," he says, his voice gruff and filled with a hint of desire. "I need to examine the front of your body."
Cornelius closes the distance between you and he. His hand reaches out slowly and gently grasps your hips, pulling your body closer to his own. He looks down at you, his eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and arousal. He continues to explore your body with his hands, his touch becoming more familiar as he moves down to your stomach, hips, and thighs. His fingers linger on certain spots, caressing and squeezing gently, as though trying to commit every curve and muscle to memory.
He notices your squeak when he accidentally touches a particularly sensitive spot, and a small smile curves his lips. He can't help but sense your craving for touch, the need for physical contact that was previously lacking in your caged, solitary existence.
"A little sensitive there, are we?" he says, his voice amused, but not mocking. 
His hands continue to move over your body, slowly and deliberately, as though he's trying to coax more responses from you. He notices the way you lean into his touch, the way your body reacts to his caresses.
"You seem to be quite... touch deprived," he says, his voice dropping to a deep, low murmur. "You must have been longing for physical contact like this, hmm?"
As Cornelius explores your body, the air grows thicker with tension. You can feel his desire radiating from him, and the intensity of his gaze only heightens the anticipation. You can't deny your own arousal, the heat and need building within you. The touch you had been denied for so long.
His hands slowly trail up to your chest, cupping your breasts in his palms. He squeezes gently, his thumbs teasing your nipples, coaxing them into stiff peaks. He notices the way your breathing changes, the way your body responds to his touch.
He continues to tease your nipples, his fingers gently pinching and rolling them, eliciting more responses from you. He's enthralled by your reaction, the way you push yourself into his hands, your eyes closed and lips parted in pleasure.
"Do you like that?" he asks, his voice rough. "Does it feel good?"
You nod, offering a silent acceptance.
Cornelius' hand moves lower, his fingers slowly travelling down your stomach and then lower, until they're dipping between your thighs. He strokes your folds, feeling the slickness there. He slips a finger inside you, feeling the heat and tightness, and a small groan escapes your lips, hips instinctively bucking forward for more.
"So tight," he murmurs, his eyes locked on yours as he pushes a second finger in.
His fingers continues to probe and explore, his movements slow and deliberate. He pushes deeper inside you, and you let out a moan, unable to hold back. As he works his fingers in and out of you, you can't help but writhe against him, desperate for more friction.
As he continues his exploration of your body, the air thick with arousal, you're overwhelmed by the sensations. Cornelius' hand is between your legs, his fingers buried inside you, working you closer and closer to the edge. You're so close, the tension building in your core, and all it takes is a few more thrusts of his fingers and a brush of his thumb over your clit to send your touch deprived body spiralling over the edge. 
Your release crashes over you in waves, and Cornelius is there to guide you through it, his fingers slowly withdrawing, but his embrace is still firm.
"That's it," he says, his voice gentle and encouraging. "Just let go. I've got you."
After a few moments, you're able to catch your breath and compose yourself. Cornelius is holding you, his body pressed close to yours. His grip loosens and his hands slide down your sides, resting on your hips.
Cornelius finally releases you, and takes a step back, still holding the leash in one hand, his eyes sweep over your body for the final time.
"We'll continue later," he says, his voice low and heavy with promise. "You should get some rest. Come on, back to your pen."
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wetsocksinbed · 4 months
a list of things I thought about the new movie
it’s a shame we didn’t get to know anything about Cornelius
i want to know what happened to the original Nova from War. Clearly she was important enough to Maurice and the others that they continued to call all female humans “Nova”
i fully believe that Noa is a descendant of Caesar. You can’t convince me otherwise
Mae frustrated me. On one hand I can see from her perspective why she’s right. She’s essentially doing for humans what Caesar did for apes in Rise. On the other hand, unlike Caesar, she clearly doesn’t believe that apes and humans can coexist.
i hope the next two movies in the trilogy explain what happened to Caesar’s second son after Caesar’s death
I hope we see more Mae in the future. As an ally, not an enemy. They’re clearly setting up for another “humans vs ape” war, and I don’t want Mae to be on the wrong side
im really hoping they keep the original premise from the 1970’s movies where eventually humans and apes coexist
not sure how I feel about the possibility of time travel/space travel being brought back. It worked for a 1970’s movie but I feel like it would come off as tacky
if they kill Noa off like they did Caesar, I’m throwing myself off of a cliff
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artzyleen · 4 months
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✨ Owen Teague at the London premiere for KOTPOTA ✨
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now headed to watch Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes lol, it's been divisive unfortunately, so i'm excited to see where i land on it, given that Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is currently in my top 3 movies of all time. anyway, i'll see y'all with a review in like 3 hours probably lol.
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ceviamaviart · 3 months
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talasterism · 2 months
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another day another artfight attack! today doing double of Dabih n sunder who were made by @enniesways even if they graciously handed over Dabih for me to play as an NPC
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matsui-sinclair · 3 months
She almost didn’t believe echoes existed. They were something that elders often fretted over, sure, but half the time she was convinced they were just stories made up to scare the little ones. Pests that will infest our land and steal our crops if you lead them back home, so don’t stray too far. Be wary of outsiders. She never knew anyone who had actually seen one. And here was one right in front of her.
inspired by soona and noa's conversation about echoes, this fic is about soona's mother seeing a couple of echoes by the river when she was younger. enjoy!!
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youdontknowe · 3 months
Come someone recommend me a super long slow burn fic or something? x reader or just a really good Oc? I need to find something cus I’ve run out of pota and Peter (Abigail 2024) fics and I’m just not coming up with other fandoms I like when I look on ao3 💀
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6mommymilkers9 · 24 days
I'm backkkkk!
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Okay, so a lot of things have happened since I've been gone, but I'm finally back!
Feel free to hit up my inbox with any requests; but first, there are a couple things to go through!
Current interests are
Kingdom/Rise of The Planet of The Apes
Abigail 2024
My current OC. Dredrel, a sarcastic, unlikeable janitor. An outcast from his own people, catching the eye of the reader. [Any questions, feel free to ask!]
I do have rules and regulations to my writings, they are in my pinned post!
Have fun with your requests! Allow the creativity to flow! Just let me allow your thoughts come to life!
I do not mind spam likes, comments or requests! I love the attention haha!
This is a safe space! Any fandoms or thoughts are allowed here! [Again, within reason!]
Requests may take time! I do have a family to take care of and will work diligently on each request!
Thank you!
Thank you for your support; and most importantly, your patience!!
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lonelysmile · 8 months
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hotstreak2k3 · 5 months
10 days til Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes comes out in theaters. 🐒🦍🦧
Check out the newest trailer!
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banmitbandit · 26 days
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Pots 'N' Picks Week 2024: Day 3: Modern AU
24 likes Izutsumi senshi told me to post this to the job account but i couldnt remember the password. so take it. 15 comments CH1LWPUCKP4771 oh no!!!!! is dad okay??? that fish he's reeling looks like it's bigger than he is!!! -Izutsumi it was. tasted good too. --M_Chils so he caught it? ---C_Tims No. *She* caught it. *After* I fell in. ----MissFlerChils Bon voyage, Fish Fear Me hat... best birthday present we ever got him. UL71M8M0N57R wish i could have joined you guys! praying senshi gives me the recipe! -C_Tims No offense, Laios, but you weren't invited. It was a date. --UL71M8M0N57R OH! why was Izutsumi invited, then? ---C_Tims She wasn't. -PotsNPicksOfficial freshly caught fish, cleaned and descaled, 1/2 onion, 2 lemons (1 sliced, 1 halved) 500g new pota... (See more)
Chilshi is catdads to me.
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tez144 · 4 months
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes (2024)- Review
Planet of the Apes keeps evolving for the better.
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Planet of the Apes is my all-time favourite franchise. It’s not hyperbole to say my excitement and expectations were at absolute peak for the 10th Apes film. And it didn’t disappoint.
Director Wes Ball puts out a banger of a film that is character driver, emotional, and has a clear focus on the story that is being told. Compared to the previous 3 films (Rise, Dawn & War) which were world-changing epic events, this is a smaller scale story that also does a fantastic job at world building, and tackling larger concepts of community, society and extreme theological diversity. This is filmmaking at its best; the motion-capture and CGI is outstanding, the score is iconic POTA and every actor, whether ape or human, hit their marks and give it 100%.
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The story is centred around young chimpanzee Noa who is a member of the Eagle Clan, a community of Apes who keep and train eagles. The Eagle Clan are remote and have no contact nor much knowledge of the history of the wider world. As Noa goes on his adventure and learns of the world and their history, including the great ape Caesar, the audience does as well. It’s a great way to introduce the characters, allow us to form a connection with them, and learn where the Ape society and where the world has progressed to. It also allows it as an entry point into the story and world for anyone who hasn’t seen the previous films, which can be a difficult task for the 4th instalment of a film series (or 10th overall).
Kingdom picks up “many generations later” after the events in War. That wording itself says a lot about the world we are being introduced to. Time is no longer measured in years, or centuries. The human concept of time has been lost and is measured in a societal construct of generations.
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I picked up many easter eggs from the previous films, ranging from replicating scenes, props and sounds. I’m sure I’ll pick up more on a second viewing. If you know the POTA lore and timeline(s), these easter eggs keep the film in the guidelines, whether it be Ape customs or specific moments we see in the future, as its moving towards the time-period set in the original 1968 film. Are these just fun easter eggs, or am I reading too much into them being a POTA nerd? Probably the latter.
I have a couple of nitpicks about how small parts of the story don’t quite connect, but that is very minor. Another point to note is the first teaser trailer made it sound like Noa had visions of the future “when I sleep, I see strange things...not memories. New things. I see everything”. This whole story line has been cut from the movie. I’d be very curious to see that version of the film.
I could talk about this movie for hours, but I’ll hold back. Go and see it.
4.5 / 5 - Apes continue to be strong.
- Stay up to date on all my latest content on my Facebook page, Film & Flask.
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honestly, it's like. an amalgamation of every Apes movie so far, with maybe wayyyyyy too much of Tim Burton's Apes movie in it. but it is, at least, like, actually good. it's a good popcorn flick but it literally gives up halfway through an already unoriginal idea that's immediately obvious the second you hear the protagonist's name. kind of an entirely unnecessary movie bc nothing actually happens in it that changes anything about the world of the Apes or our perspective on them or our understanding of them in a way that we haven't seen before? this also doesn't really have anything to say? which really makes it somehow be the least original and most uninteresting Apes movie.
My ★★★ review of Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes on Letterboxd
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avorbl · 4 months
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Only Boo! (2024) Episode 9 Part 2 - Potae and Payos in the van
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caesar-luver · 2 months
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Scarecrows in Planet of the Apes (1968) and Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes (2024)
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They also look a lot like the structures Caesar was tied to in War for the Planet of the Apes (2017)
In the original 1968 PotA movie, the recently crash-landed Taylor, Landon, and Dodge see scarecrow-like structures covered in ape hair at around 25 minutes in. In KotPotA this year, similar looking structures are seen around the bridge Noa, Raka, and Mae cross at 1:09 before they’re ambushed by Proximus’s men.
sorry the quality is crusty, I don’t know how to work around streaming platform’s automatic screenshot blocking features so these pics pulled from shitty Youtube videos lol
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