mermaid886 · 1 year
Another awesome Dad Snape pic, shared on Potterland’s Facebook page. Artist/AI program unknown, if yours, please comment so I can credit you properly!
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Представьте себе, что вы на настоящем пиру в замке Хогвартс, и в честь праздника все столы расставлены так, что вы можете усадить рядом с собой друзей с любого из Факультетов! 🏰 ⠀ Кого из друзей пригласите на пир, и чем будете угощаться?🥨 ⠀ Отмечайте в комментариях!✨ ⠀ ❤️💛💙💚 ⠀ Imagine you are at a holiday feast in Hogwarts castle. This time you may seat with your friends from any of Four Houses.🏰 ⠀ Whom would you invite to this feast, and what do you want to eat todeather?🥨 ⠀ Tag friends and write in comments!✨ ⠀ #founders4 #hogwartscastle #hogwarts #hogwartsfounders #hogwartsfood #harrypotter #harrypotteredit #hogwartsfeast #gryffindor #hufflepuff #ravenclaw #slytherin #slytherclaw #hogwartshouses #hogwartsismyhome #хогвартс #castlesofinstagram #potterland #hogwartsmystery #potterfan #medievaltimes #fantasycastle #fantasyartwork #fantasyphotoshoot #medievalfantasy #гаррипоттер #foodstagramming (at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUxSdRKqJmj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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snockoatl · 6 years
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🐲 #thewizardingworldofharrypotter #harrypotter #potter #potterhead #harrypotterworld #gringotts #bank #muggles #dragon #potterland #orlando #universalstudios (en The Wizarding World of Harry Potter)
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paopuofhearts · 7 years
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CLEOPATRA If it be love indeed, tell me how much. MARK ANTONY There's beggary in the love that can be reckon'd. CLEOPATRA I'll set a bourn how far to be beloved. MARK ANTONY Then must thou needs find out new heaven, new earth.
For the Halloween Prompt:
Should Percival be Antony or Julius Caesar to Credence’s Cleopatra? Alternately, Credence is Antony.
[Warning: minor scene of Credence/Grindelwald attempted noncon, defined as a creepy pass of pressuring.]
Grad school is kicking my ass so I’ve literally only managed to push all this out. It’s completely unedited and unrevised, so I apologize – but I’m way past the deadline so I feel like I need to get something out to you! I’ll probably go back over this during winter break [hopefully by then I’ll be able to focus on all this writing instead of thesis and platform and portfolio writings instead].
Annual Humanities Division Halloween Haunt!
The garish orange was blinding against the dark black background of the gaudy poster and made his eyes hurt. Furry brown bat cut outs clashed against the construction paper, fluttering off the sides as a silver cauldron of green bubbles frothed and spilled along the bottom edge. It was a horrifying eye sore – with several others posted up and down the corridor, garish pieces slathered together as if an embodiment of the holiday itself threw up all over the walls of the hallway. He had spotted a few others in the other buildings as well, dangling off community boards and hanging precariously next to unsuspecting classroom doors. He had even caught a glimpse of similar atrocities draped in the café he visited on his morning coffee run – how anything managed to make its way through the hidden labyrinths to the sacred depths of the hallowed Arts basement was anyone’s guess. No doubt there were more littering the upper levels of the Literature department as well.
But it did its job, at the very least – it pulled focus, enticing the grad students suffering through the mid semester slog of research to take a break and join the holiday festivities. It was exactly why Modesty had done up his face with a flourish of glittery makeup and shoved him out the door before taking off to her own undergraduate party with friends from her OChem class.
Apparently he needed those.
Dress code: Recognizable historic / literary figures!
None of those awful stereotypes! No appropriation allowed!
Be creative, not boring!
The encouragement had been tacked on underneath the poster, pinned to the door of the large house across from the library on campus – a mindful afterthought that hadn’t managed to make its way to the other posters. The vivid exclamation points made his heart shudder in his chest, turning the blood in his veins to ice as his palms began to sweat.
Go as Cleopatra, snag yourself a king, Chastity suggested. She had forced him into an awful thing: a white jumpsuit made to imitate layers of linen – a “modern take” on the Prince Of Egypt adaption the Theater department had developed into an experimental straight play. He hadn’t been able to see it, but the outfits Chastity had worked on were nothing short of amazing. How she snuck one back from the mysterious void of the storage rooms, he would rather not know.
[“I made them. It’s only fair.”]
Modesty had straightened his hair, setting a golden circlet in the shape of a snake upon his brow and settling half a dozen wiry gold bracelets across his arms and wrists. She had even gone the extra mile to paint his eyes – deep, shadowy kohl and bright, vibrant blue. He was pretty sure the design was based on Elizabeth Taylor, not actual hieroglyphics. Someone was bound to tell him off – if not for the improper design, then at the very least for the fact that he was some pale pasty white kid decked out in ridiculously vague allusions to ancient Egyptian attire.
It was a nightmare, and he hadn’t even stepped through the doors yet.
But it was too late. A loud and rambunctious group of students rambled up, hands blindly reaching for the door as they raucously giggled at each other. Shrinking away, he couldn’t avoid being jumbled up into the widespread wall of costumed bodies, tossed out into the fray of the party inside. The music was blaring, a cacophony of stilted techno thumping against the walls as a woman droned in a shouted monotone. It was dark, the only lights coming from glow-in-the-dark stickers flung across the sparse bits of furniture and glow-in-the-dark paint splattered across the walls, dim purple UV lights strung up against the crown molding of the ceiling seams. It was tacky and disorienting. Trying not to stumble into some sanctimonious argument of Dracula vs. Lestat and the merits of the Cullen family, he quickly stepped into the next room.
This room was a bit brighter, though just as awkwardly decorated. Several table lamps were placed strategically in the corners and beside cheap beige chenille couches, covered in gauzy red scarves that threw the room into a bloody shade of red. Speakers were hidden beneath the tables, droning out strange atmospheric noises of wallowing and wails, reedy whistling of a nonexistent wind eerily pressing around the room. The Poe atmosphere was effective, but it had to be a fire hazard of sorts – though none of the occupants seemed to care. There was a heavy scent of smoky incense, curling wisps creeping against the darkened corners. He attempted to hide within such an alcove, tentatively sidestepping toward one such area to get a better view of the room, when a hand shot out to grab his wrist.
“Are you Cleopatra?” He spun around, coming face to face with a sturdy young woman assessing him curiously. Her short hair was done in a thick braid that barely reached her shoulders, and a plastic bow was slung unevenly across her back, the string pressing against her chest.
“Yes?” he answered warily. This was it – he was going to get yelled at, he was going to get kicked out, he was going to get –
“Great! We’ve been looking for a Cleopatra. I’m Tina – History department.” She grabbed his hand without warning, dragging him toward a corner by a tall bookshelf. “You?”
“Credence,” he said faintly, wondering why she of all people would need a Cleopatra. “Literature.”
“Even better! That’s his department too!” Before he could ask for clarification he was being welcomed into a small circle of loitering students huddled together over a book. Of course.
“It’s Minimalism. Its short, its ordinary, its mundane. The man is on an escalator for the entirety of the story,” the shorter man groused, crossing his arms over his chest with a huff.
“Its Maximalist! It’s a long rambling piece of nonsense full of digressive dribble!” a chubbier man exclaimed, waving his hands about enthusiastically. The first rolled his eyes.
“You aren’t even studying modern literature – “
“Post modern literature, Percy!” an energetic redhead crowed, easily slinging an arm over his shoulders. “And anyway, who cares? Where’s the fun in being stuck on an elevator? Now being stuck in Croatia – “
“Teeny!” A blonde woman shoved her way between the two, pretending she hadn’t interrupted such an important discussion as she pulled the strange woman that had kidnapped him to the other side of the circle. “Oh! You found one!”
Credence glanced at them nervously.
“Hello!” another redhead piped up. “That’s a wonderful outfit – a male Cleopatra, brilliant idea!”
“Thank you?”
“Perfect for our Marc Antony!” They pointed to The Minimalist, dressed in a deep brown leather chest plate – supple and buttery, shining smoothly as it hugged his form in all the right places. Gold paint swirled in intricate patterns threading between the golden rivets piercing the pieces together, matching the red wrist guards clasped on his arms and the thick red pteruges strips layered against his thighs, strands of golden fringe flickering as he moved. He wasn’t a history major, so he couldn’t judge the accuracy, but it was an impressive outfit that lovingly emphasizes the wonderfully sculpted ripples of muscle outlining his body.
“Percival Graves,” The Minimalist introduced himself, offering a hand.
“Credence Barebone,” he replied, allowing his hand to be taken into a gentle but firm handshake.
“This is Tina, Newt, and Theseus as our local Katniss, Peeta, and Gale,” the blonde woman continued. “My name is Queenie, and this is Jacob – “
“Hephaestus and Aphrodite,” the cheerful man cut in adoringly, grinning up at her like a lovestruck fool.
“Nice to meet you.”
“So what are you studying?” Newt asked curiously.
“Reformation literature.” Credence shifted, unsure of their reaction.
“Like – religious stuff? All that Milton and Pilgrim’s Progress?” Theseus prompted.
“I – well, technically.” Credence shrugged. “I study Reformation comedies. Like – the Country Wife. It’s a – little more – controversial.”
“Is that code for raunchy and promiscuous?” Theseus teased, waggling his eyebrows and laughing loudly as Jacob snorted. His brother – at least, Credence presumed they were related, given their matching appearance – elbowed him sharply in the ribs.
“Play nice,” Tina reprimanded with a frown, before turning her attention back to him. “My sister and I study modern history. I study counter cultural movements in America during the 1970s and 1980s, and my sister studies the impact of ethnic studies in education.”
“They’re with us!” Newt clarified. “I study the effects of nature on city development, and my brother here is studying the Balkan Wars.”
“I tried to convince Percy to join me, but he stuck with his boring post modern literature,” Theseus lamented.
“Modern literature,” Percival corrected. Theseus waved him off.
“What’s your opinion on it?”
“I – “ Credence flustered, unsure how to answer such a vague question correctly without disappointing any of them.
“Ignore him. He isn’t worth it,” Percival insisted, slipping his hand against Credence’s elbow. “Why don’t we go grab a bite to eat – let him gather his manners?”
Percival threw a reprimanding glare at the man, who cackled in response. Credence could feel the heat of Percival’s hand drifting to press against his lower back, carefully maneuvering him toward what he could only presume was a kitchen. It was comforting, if a bit embarrassing. He felt a shiver trailing down his spine.
The kitchen itself was a travesty that also made him shudder – fluffy white clouds of fake spider webbing cascading across the dining table in billowing curtains, plastic spiders dangling precariously in squished upon droves. Punch bowls and jello molds upon the table held all sorts of mismatched creepy crawlers – worms, octopus’, skeletons. Chain link centipedes were plastered to the cupboards, preschool levels of artwork sloppily thrown together. Cheap junk food haphazardly thrown into grotesque displays were crammed to cover every inch of available counter space. The Art department would have a field day with such an eyesore.
At least it smelled clean – the sharp scent of fake pine and a lingering undertone of bleach creeping through the atmosphere.
“What would you like – pretzels and chips?” Percival asked dryly, raising an eyebrow at the sad excuse for food as he peered over the offerings. He leaned over a gelatin mold, wrinkling his nose in disgust. “You think they would get a little creative with the goods.”
“Picquery set up the good stuff in the upstairs office room,” someone called out behind them. They turned to see a young man in a bright blue sweater and dull orange pants grimacing as he tried to pluck a lego Cthulhu from his scoop of jello. “Abecedarians!”
“Think you should have gone with Captain Haddock if you’re using such language, Abernathy,” Percival tutted, twining his fingers with Credence’s and leading him out of the room. “Of course Sera set up her own area – come on then, she knows what she’s doing, most of the time.”
They weaved in and out of the crowd, clambering up the stairs to the second floor. There were no Halloween decorations, though there was quite a bit of commotion coming from the last room. They quickly made their way in.
Credence was pleasantly surprised to find far more tasteful decorations and treats displayed. Carved pumpkins sat grinning on either end of the lace covered table, smaller painted ones lining the tops of bookshelves. Fairy lights shaped like bats hung in loops along the walls, while a colony of paper ones spread in flight across the ceiling Fake candles were placed between books on shelves and cascaded from corners, illuminating white skulls and gray gargoyles peeking out of the shadows. The corner seams were filled with thin, knotty sticks and black vines, black roses artfully tacked onto them. Even the food was themed – a chocolate cake set like a graveyard with marshmellow skeletons, hot dogs wrapped in crisped biscuits like mummies, chocolate cookies slathered in icing with finely cut strawberries and blueberries set to look like eyes. There were so many twisted and grotesque foods Credence could hardly keep track.
“Percival, how nice of you to show up.” A tall woman slid up next to them, draped in deep red and white folds of a dress, a copper sword strapped to her back. He hair was wrapped in a shimmering metallic scarf to match. She stood proud and regal, scrutinizing Credence with a keen eye.
“Abernathy was singing your praises downstairs,” Percival said with nonchalance, pulling Credence to his side. He slung an arm around his shoulders – made slightly problematic, given the height difference neither had noticed. “Your department has outdone itself yet again.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere, Graves. Who’s your lovely Cleopatra?”
“Credence Barebone, English department – Reformation period. Who are you supposed to be tonight?”
“Oya, Yoruba goddess of storms. Does Credence Barebone know how to answer for himself?” she shot back, eyeing Percival with disdain. Credence settled himself, ducking his head in a way that gave an appearance of submission, but tilting it in a way that could also imply a challenge. He had plenty of practice in meek deference, but refused to waver under some stranger’s judgment.
“What do you study?” he asked – an innocent enough question, on the surface. She lifted her head, catching his game, a faint smile gracing her face as she turned her attention back to him.
“Remixed classical art. My current thesis is on the impact of Kehinde Wiley and Harmonia Rosales have on the interpretation of traditional pieces in a modern context of racial perspective. Have you heard of them?”
“Ah – no,” Credence admitted, shifting uncomfortably. She flashed her teeth, a wide smile too sharp and dangerous to be friendly. Like lightning – beautiful, but able to shred a man to pieces.
“Shame.” She turned back to Percival. “Do try the werewolf brains – the paper mache was quite an effort.”
Credence kept his head down as he watched her leave, a swirling hurricane of wild force that commanded the room. A trio of girls in the doorway parted for her like the Red Sea, giggling in awe as she strode past. A friend of Percival’s and a force to be reckoned with, and he had just blundered the whole first impression away.
“Never mind her,” his Antony said, nonchalant as he snagged a plate from the edge of the table. “We were going to open up a law firm together, once upon a time. She’s still a bit bitter we didn’t pass our LSAT.”
“Theseus too. And Tina.” He picked at the food, taking small scoop of gelatinous brain, red food coloring dripping from the spoon. “Speaking of Theseus and Tina, what should we bring back to them?”
Credence tilted his head, nitpicking at the edge of his own plate.
“The – um – spider crackers?”
“No, come on – pick something you actually want. And please don’t say the caprese eyeballs.”
Credence studied the array on spread before them, a feast of holiday goods for the taking. His gaze settled upon a collection of cookies, dark chocolate brownies cut into circles, a dollop of sprinkle covered crème upon it, a coned chocolate kiss settled gently on top.
“The witch hats.” Percival shot him a crooked grin, wryly amused.
“A good choice.” Credence watched as Percival piled food upon the plate, bits and pieces of everything stacked high. Rather than following suit, he quietly left his plate on the corner. “Ready to head back down?”
“I need to find a bathroom.” They started back out the door, Credence trailing behind. He watched others pass by, laughing and nudging each other as they walked up and down the stairwell.
“Bathroom should be on your left.” He was pointed down a long side hallway, where several people lingered. “Come find us again when you’re done.”
The line was taking forever. He shuffled from foot to foot, beginning to grow impatient as he waited. Perhaps it would have been better to have simply gone back to the corner with his new found friends. Could they be considered friends yet? At the rate it took to get into the bathroom, perhaps they would think he had ditched them. It would have been better if only he had stayed –
A hand fell upon his shoulder, squeezing tightly.
“Well aren’t you a cute little thing.” Credence turned around, shrinking away. Before him stood a tall man with pale hair and paler eyes, decked in a toga and crowned with laurel. A Caesar – what were the odds of that?
“My apologies, where are my manners. Gellert Grindelwald – assistant professor for the modern literature department.” The man took Credence’s hand, bowing as he placed a kiss upon his knuckles. Old fashioned and uncomfortable, to say the least. “And to whom do I owe the pleasure of such a beautiful Cleopatra?”
He squirmed away, twisting out of Gellert’s grip.
“Credence,” he answered reluctantly, not wanting to be impolite. Yet his hand continued to roam, tracing across his shoulder and down his back.
“Credence. A lovely name for a lovely face. What’s a beautiful thing like you doing at a party like this, hm? Who did you come with?”
“No one.” He could feel the bottom of his stomach drop at the honest admission. The hand clawed at his belt, eager and excited.
“Oh? Perhaps you’d like some company then?”
“I’d rather not,” Credence admitted, still trying to move away. Gellert just moved closer, crowding into his space.
“A pity. Does that mean you have company here?”
“Yes, actually.”
“I can promise you I am much more entertaining than anyone else you’d meet here.”
Credence fidgeted, unsure what to do. Gellert continued to croon, attempting to convince him to leave. Several moments later, with panic flooding his veins and pulsing beneath his skin, itching to get away, he caught the eyes of his knight – his gladiator, his Antony. Gellert turned to track his line of sight, displeased at such a distraction. His face contorted with fury and disgust when he realized who was headed their way. With a sneer, he grasped the collar of Credence’s outfit, the strain on the outfit almost enough to tear it apart.
“I could ruin him,” Gellert hissed harshly into his ear. “I could ruin all of you. Now play along like a good little boy.”
The two wandered over, Percival standing tall and menacing and in need of a dramatic flair of a cape, while Theseus brooded behind with a sharp glare.
“Credence. We were wondering where you’d had gotten off to,” Percival started, leveling a cold tone as he stared unblinkingly at Gellert.
“Didn’t realize you got stuck with this asshole,” Theseus started, crossing his arms over his chest.
“He isn’t – that bad,” Credence attempted.
“He’s a fucking asshole who gets off on torture porn,” Percival growled, glaring furiously at Gellert.
“Now Percy darling, just because I didn’t invite you back to my little dungeon last Christmas – “ Gellert drawled, voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Fuck off, you prick,” Theseus interrupted loudly, shoving Percival to the side. “Leave the kid alone.”
Credence felt Gellert’s fingers dig into his back, nails scratching through the fabric. The hand clawed at his skin tightly – painfully. Credence stood as still as he possibly could, thinking of the cold marble statues outside the library, tall and unfeeling.
“He’s hardly a child,” Gellert pointed out. “What do you think, Credence – would you rather be off with these foolhardy Neanderthals, or continue our lovely conversation, hm?”
His body was frozen, heavy like lead, unable to move. He stared unblinking at the floor, wishing to be anywhere else. A beat of silence, and Theseus huffed in annoyance, nudging Percival as he turned and left. Percival frowned, but followed after, figuring it to be a lost cause. He glanced back once more, dark eyes piercing through the dim light, but Credence held his head down. Perhaps if he stayed quiet, Gellert would get bored –
“See, what did I tell you?” Gellert trailed his hand down, soft and gentle as it caressed the thin fabric of his outfit. Gellert’s face drifted closer, voice dropping several octaves into a whisper. “Now, where were we? I do believe you were about to tell me of this young Margery – “
His body blocked the hallway, and Credence shrunk back, plastering himself against the wall. Another hand found its way to his waist, a hand settling against it and sweeping downward.
In a fit of panic, Credence lashed out. His mind blanked, nerves firing too fast to keep up. Within seconds, he had shoved Gellert into the wall, pinning him there with a hand wrapped around the man’s neck. He felt wild with the adrenaline rushing through his veins as an overwhelming tempest of fear and rage tore through his bloodstream. His hand twitched and tightened against the pale column of Gellert’s throat.
“Come now, Credence,” Gellert rasped, both hands wrapping around Credence’s wrist. “Control yourself.”
“I don’t think I want to,” Credence growled, pushing harder against him. He could still feel the creeping tremors twisting against his skin, an unsettling film of disgust plastered against his body, seeping beneath his costume and into his bones.
“Mr. Barebone.” His head snapped to the side, locking eyes with none other than Seraphina Picquery herself. Her face was stone still as she took in the scene, mouth a firm line. “Perhaps it’s time you take your leave.”
Anger burned through him, a fierce spark of vengefulness blazing into a firestorm against his ribs. In a burst of blinding fury, he slammed Gellert’s head back into the wall, releasing him as he crumpled to the ground, clawing at his throat as he gasped for breath. Credence shuddered, face twisting as he snarled before shoving past Seraphina, a dark cloud bolting for the door. She watched him go, then turned her attention back to Gellert. The man smirked, chuckling under his breath.
“He’s a miracle, isn’t he?”
“Get out before I call the cops on you,” she sneered, rounding her shoulders back as she turned to the main room. “Everyone out! This party is over.”
Credence made his way to the library, the cold air biting through the whirlwind of his emotions and leaving him feeling like a naked, helpless child. Horror slithered across his skin, twined in the breeze that slid through the thin white linen hanging off of him. He stumbled into the bushes, heaving as he dropped to his knees. He blindly fumbled for his phone, dragging his body up against the brick wall of the library. His shoulder pressed against the rough stone, part of his outfit snagging against it.
Hey Cree. Chastity picked me up and took me to some haunted house they’re doing. We’re staying with Eve and the crew tonight. Hope you had fun!
He leaned heavily against the wall, swallowing hard. If he went home, he would be alone – the very last thing he wanted to be. But it wasn’t like he had anywhere else to go. He didn’t have friends, didn’t have pets, didn’t have anyone waiting for him to keep the vivid memory of hands creeping up his thigh and words whispered in his ear as the world closed in on him in the darkness –
His head snapped up, eyes widening as he spotted none other than Percival, stopped on the walkway before him. He craned his head and saw the others making their way across the square on the other side of the street, laughing obnoxiously as Tina and Queenie burst into song. It looked as though they had taken their leave as well – the party dying down as the clock struck midnight, as it were. Which meant that Gellert –
Another wave of nausea had him doubling over, though his body seemed to be done with even attempting to dry heave. A bout of dizziness struck him, his hands gone clammy, body shaking apart. The next thing he knew was a distorted shuffling as a pair of sandals made their way into his view.
“Credence, are you alright?” A hand made its way toward his shoulder, and he flinched.
“Alright, it’s okay,” Percival assured, taking a step back. “Take your time. Here, try to match your breathing with my counting, alright?”
His mind was whirling far too fast, skipping over the numbers being listed as he tried to think of what to do. One, Percival was here, trying to calm him down, three, but why, he had left Percival, five, had gone off with Gellert, surely Percival hated him, eight, thought less of him, ten, wanted nothing to do with him, eleven, but maybe he could redeem himself, twelve, that’s why Percival was here for him, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen…
Slowly, Credence managed to come back to himself. Percival watched with a careful eye as the young man brought himself back from hyperventilating, steadily regaining his awareness. After a few more moments, once Percival had calmly made his way to thirty, Credence straightened himself, though he still refused to look up.
“Thanks,” he whispered, voice rough from – whatever had happened.
“Do you want to tell me what that was about?” Percival prompted, not bothering to skirt around the issue. He was worried, of course, and wanted to know – so he wasn’t going to ignore it. Better to be blunt. But if Credence didn’t want to talk, he wouldn’t push.
“It was – “ Credence glanced up from behind his fringe of hair, wary like a caged animal.
“You don’t have to say anything,” Percival assured with a shrug. There was a beat of silence as Credence assessed the situation.
“Gellert tried to – do things.” Percival frowned, gritting his teeth as he surveyed the area in hopes to find the man walking by. What he wouldn’t do to punch that smug bastards face in –
“It’s my fault. I – I should have listened to you.”
Percival placed his hand upon his back, a solid weight and comforting warmth that guided him back to the walkway.
“Do you live with anyone?” he asked. He bit his lip, shaking his head. “I’m going to give you some options, alright? Would you like me to walk you home and stay with you, or would you like to come to my place?”
“My sisters – if they – I don’t know how they would react to someone being there,” he managed to say. Percival nodded understandingly.
“Would you like to stay with me tonight?”
“But I – “
“It’s not a problem, that’s why I’m offering,” he cut in calmly. He thought of his options, before finally caving in with a nod. “Let me call a cab then.”
The ride was a blur of lamplights flashing against his eyelids and the soothing hum of the taxi sailing down empty streets. Percival kept his distance, but let his hand rest between them, palm opened upward if Credence so chose to take it. So far, he was more content to huddle against the cool plastic of the door, leaning his head against the window pane.
Percival’s face was washed with a pale white light, brightened like a spotlight as he gazed down at his phone with furrowed brow. His fingers struck the screen in quick succession, pounding out rhetoric toward Seraphina, skipping words like stones on a lake of ice in an attempt to crack through her tight-lipped wall of excuses to figure out what truly happened. His face twisted in fury, and he finally flung the phone to the floor, unable to contain his ire.
The noise made Credence jump, head turning to see what had happened.
“It’s nothing.” Percival crossed his arms, straightening his back as he leaned against the seat. He looked almost regal – Credence could almost picture it, shifting the world away and painting in the crushed velvet and glittering gold of a palanquin, enshrining Percival in a mystic abyss of light curtains, sun shining through to offer but the glimpse of his strong silhouette peering through.
“You’re a very good Marc Antony,” he said, tilting his head to the side. The picture changed, warping in on itself, swirling into an arena. A sword as firm as his stance, solid and steady, face set in determination. Shoulders down and back, ready for whatever the world would throw at him. A soldier, a gladiator, a knight as it were – brave and steadfast in heart and mind.
[“You are a child unworthy of the grace of the Lord.”]
“Credence?” Percival’s hand came into view, gently brushing against his own in the space between them. “You’re shaking.”
“I – “ There was a moment, standing on the brink of something overwhelming, the edge of a cliff into the unknown. Terror pressed against his heart, squeezing tightly and shrinking his ribs, wrapping around his lungs so he could hardly breathe.
They slid as the cab turned a corner sharply. The moment collapsed, tension exiting is a rush.
It was over. Credence turned back to the window, watching the streetlights pass them by.
“It’s nothing.”
The corners of Percival’s mouth dragged downward, but he made no move to speak into the silence. Instead, he simply pressed his fingers into the spaces between Credence’s, filling the gaps and holding tightly. Credence bit his lip, but let himself be held. It was – nice. Too nice, perhaps. But – nice. Percival’s hands were nothing special – just as warm as his own, just as soft in the hidden places, just as rough in the calloused pads and knuckles. They were smaller, but wider – complimentary to his own, in a way.
They stayed like that, in comforting quiet, to the point where Credence began to lull off, nodding against the window as his eyes fluttered shut. But eventually, their journey came to an end. Just as he was about to dive into sleep, the car pulled to a stop.
“We’re here,” Percival muttered, clutching his hand before letting go to get out. Reluctantly, Credence did the same, managing to maneuver himself out of the car to sidle over to Percival’s side. Percival took his arm gently, carefully guiding him up the driveway and into the house. It was a nice home, to be sure – the typical American dream of a white picket fence and a small white porch.
Credence didn’t pay much attention, instead letting his mind drift.
“Are you hungry?” He shrugged, uncaring. “Alright. Well, here – sit down. I’ll grab you a blanket.”
Percival disappeared into the depths of the other rooms, leaving Credence standing awkwardly in front of a pristine leather couch. It looked far too expensive to even glance at, never mind touch and rest upon. Hesitantly, Credence ran a finger along the sewn seam of the side. It was smooth as silk, dipping beneath his fingertip – gaudy and ostentatious as a black leather couch was, it was also quite beautiful.
“It won’t bite, you know.” Percival stepped toward him, sandals shuffling against the wood floors. He carried a large pillow in his arms, a thick blanket tucked beneath it. “You can sit, it’s fine.”
Credence obediently did as told, sliding onto the seat as Percival took his place beside him.
“Do you want to talk, or just sleep?” As much as Credence wished to stay up, filling the space between them with poetry, waxing lyric on language and literature, delving into the depths of their respective fields – he was exhausted after the events he suffered through, and could feel sleep pulling at his eyes, tugging at his mind, dragging him away.
“Sleep, I think.”
“Lay down then.”
Percival gazed at Credence’s face, watching as the moonlight pouring through the curtains graced his pale face. The young man was quite beautiful, bathed in silver, curled up under soft black blankets.
He would put Cleopatra herself to shame.
Okay first off apologies; I took this prompt while I was teaching abroad this summer, and when I got back I started grad school and realized I’d need more than one job to pay for it, so I have been absolutely swamped with work. I didn’t finish everything I wanted with this – but I wanted to post something out here, just to get it out here, so that the prompt was filled before Thanksgiving season. I’m so sorry I’m late with it.
Anyway! Gosh this prompt hit on all my academic enjoyments so I probably went way overboard on that instead of, you know, focusing on the Anthony / Cleopatra / Caesar bit in a more direct way. Like, overall I kind of followed the general plotline of how Plutarch wrote that mess of a threesome, with a hefty dose of Shakespeare’s classic tragedy take thrown in – Cleopatra gets all hung up on Anthony, tries to appease Caesar so Caesar stops going after Anthony, Anthony thinks she doesn’t love him, Cleopatra realizes mistakes were made. And then I tried to make the ending a bit happier, where they come back together and Caesar kind of just disappears. Probably too much influence and reference to cram into what I tried to keep as a light and abstract outline, so it probably ended up seeming more like it was just “woo Halloween costumes and some sad pathetic plot”, so. Apologies.
I also got really into the whole academia setting and spent way too much time dreaming up headcanons for that [wherein Seraphina, Percival, Tina, and Theseus were all Law focused undergrads who ended up failing their LSATs, so they went into grad school research with things they enjoyed most from their undergrad work, hoping to find work through that. Queenie and Newt kind of just followed their siblings along, though they’re the ones who got into grad school because they’re actually paid for their research, and then they met Jacob, who’s been doing research studies for far too many years, and foreign exchange student Gellert, who’s just all sorts of red flag levels of creepy. Credence took up grad school in hopes of getting funding to publish a textbook on Reformation literature so he can support his two sisters in their undergrad schooling, though Modesty will likely be the big breadwinner out of all of them since she’s the one going into Med school, but that’s also pretty expensive, so].
Anyway. It was my first attempt at any sort of holiday prompt type thing [the only other time I filled out a prompt was as an Anon on some Kink Meme way back in the LJ days; either way, I’m not much in on this practice]. Hopefully it wasn’t too terrible and did something for you. Woo.
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xcziel · 5 years
fandom is so weird.
like I have never seen even one Harry Potter movie - I've read every book ofc, the latter ones on the night they were released and then never again (the only ones I've read more than once are the first two)
I've never been 'in' the fandom, what I know about it is purely from the books, histories of fandom drama, and the occasional foray into drarry fic
And what I know about Fullmetal Alchemist is literally nothing beyond posts and meta on tumblr - never looked at a manga or anime, never even glanced at one fic
- which is not unusual, these days, I think. I've experienced a lot of fandom properties that I'll probably never explore the source material for in exactly the same way
I just subscribed to this truly righteous crossover WIP because I am dying to find out what happens next ??!?
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gazouillages · 7 years
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- #dobby a trouvé un nid de #chaussettes, Dobby est liiiiiiibre.... - Euuuuuh Dobby... faut que je t'explique 2/3 trucs à propos des chaussettes 😬 #dobbytheelf #elf #freetheelves #harrypotter #potterland #docks #funko #pop #funkopop #popvinyl #popaddict #funkomania #funkoaddict #funkoporn #funkodoll #doll #dollies
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themusicsweetly · 7 years
Why does that gif of Bree and Claire look like they're at Hogwarts and Bree is none too happy about it?
@everythingyouweretooafraidtoask HAHAHAHA it does look Hogwarts-ish, doesn’t it? 😂😂😂 My crack AU canon now is that Hogwarts suddenly started doing parent-teacher conferences and they both have to endure one with Snape (who Bree thinks is a son of a banshee)
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(GIF by @lulu-tan79 and can be found in THIS post)
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bynini67 · 4 years
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Potterland 😉
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whatfineprint · 6 years
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8 Things I’m Grateful For In 2018 1. My trip to the UK. Though it was not the best nor the most memorable, I finally visited Potterland of which I thought was impossible.
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mustafaokutan · 7 years
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🖊J.K.Rowling/Harry Potter ve Lanetli Çocuk . . Bu kitabı Harry Potter kitabı gibi beklemiyordum ve zaten öyle olduğu için aldım. Filmleri çıktığı zamandan beri izlediğimiz bu serinin + bir kitabı olarak nitelendiriyorum ve tiyatro tarzı olması nedeniyle bu kitabı çok sevdim. . . . 📌 Harry,Ginny,Ron,Hermione,Draco artık hepsi büyüdü ve yerlerini çocuklarına devrettiler.. Albus ve Scorpius’un ana karakterler olarak gönlümüze taht kurmasının yanında;Rose ve Lily’de bu hikayede kitapta yer alarak  Scorpius üzerinden bizi güldürmeye yetiyor.. Tabiki Harry Potter Serisinin yerini dolduracak tek bir kitap değil ama gerçekten tek başına çok kaliteli bir + kitap olmuş.. Albus da tıpkı Harry gibi.. Harry ve Albus’un arasındaki o aşılmaz durum.. Zaman Dödürücü ile  Cedric Diggory’i anıp Delphi’yi çözümlemeye çalıştık.. Albus ve Scorpius’un arkadaşlıkları ve yaşadıkları gerçekten bizi sürükleyici bir yolculuğa götürecek.. 📸 📚✏ Fotoğraf Sahibi 📝 @thehemdem teşekkür ederiz.👏👌✔ Galerisini takip etmelisiniz.🔍 _______________________________________ ⏩etiket📚 #kitapokufotografcek 🕊Paylaştığınız fotoğraflar ilk fırsatta sayfamızda paylaşılacaktır. Gizli hesap iseniz mesaj atın. 🕊Fotoğraflarınızı✏ 😍instagramda✏ 😍 facebookda✏ gebzevecevresifotograflari 😍tumblrda✏ yayınlıyoruz. 😍 twitterda✏ (ayın ilk 10'u ve okuduklarım) aynı anda kişisel facebook hesap okutanmustafa Binlerce Kitap Fotoğrafı Yorumu #rowling #harrypotter #potterland #albus #ron #ginnyweasley #hermoniegranger #rose #lily #cedricdiggory #hp #potterstore #albusseveruspotter #likebook #bookish #booklife #booklike #vscobook #vscocam #vsco #likereading #pottermore #kitapkahveyasam #kimneokudu
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paopuofhearts · 7 years
Game Of Thrones AU where, in the most nebulous sense possible, Credence is Sansa and Percival is Baelish. Maybe Newt is Jon Snow, Tina ia Danaerys, Queenie is Tyrion, and Grindelwald is Cersai. I dont know those are meaningless to the main point of this post. ((Being that I have a mighty need for Sansa/Baelish in terms of Power Play and Not Romance. Which I think would be awfully fitting for Credence/Percival.))
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barefootjakki · 8 years
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Fifty points to....? #crochet #potterland
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andromeda-1922 · 8 years
Always 🔏⚡🕶
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charincharge · 5 years
Rules: answer 21 questions and tag 21 people
Tagged by: harry styles enthusiast and jewish mother @ihopeyoucontinue4ever
Nicknames: My 4 year old nephew calls me Char Char. Everyone else just calls me by my name.
Zodiac sign: Libra to the max.
Height: 5’8″
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor. I’d never really felt like I truly identified with a house untli the first time I went to Harry Potterland, my sister pulled out a Slytherin sweatshirt and was like -- here, get yourself some merch, and I’ve never been so horrified in my life. I threw it back in her and was like I AM A GRYFFINDOR HOW DARE YOU?! It was latent. But it was there. Now I’m house pride for life.
Last thing I googled:  How tall is Nick Jonas (Google says he’s 5′6″ FYI)
Favorite musicians: I like a little bit of everything. My dad once said if someone found my iTunes they would have NO idea who it belonged to. My most played artists are Led Zeppelin, Britney Spears and Florence + The Machine. But catch me only listening to Taylor Swift for the next three months until Lover becomes a part of my soul.
Song stuck in my head: Taylor Swift “Death By A Thousand Cuts”
Following: 575 but I keep trying to unfollow dead accounts...
Followers: Just shy of 1k. Just a baby lil blog.
Do you get asks: I used to all the time, but I think my followers wouldn’t even know what to ask me at this point (what even is this account but a mishmosh of fandom nonsense and shitposts, really?)
Amount of sleep: Never enough.
Lucky number: 17
What are you wearing: All black. 
Dream job: Writing YA novels while simultaneously running a successful television show.
Dream trip: Australia (but I’m too scared to fly from Australia to LA, thanks, LOST)
Instruments you play: Piano 
Languages you speak: English and the tiniest bit of Spanish. My most useless skill is reading/writing Latin.
Favorite song: Ever?!?! I feel overwhelmed just thinking about that.  
Random fact: All the men in my family have married in and divorced out. (With the exception of my sister’s husband, but.... there’s still time....)
Dogs or cats: I have the best dog, so ... dogs. 
Aesthetic: I once saw a post that was like -- crying on a marble floor eating birthday cake in a pink fur coat -- and I’ve never felt my aesthetic described more perfectly. 
Tagging whoever would like to do this because lord knows I don’t have 21 friends to tag on this hell site?! I maybe have two -- @writerlyn @un-serial-writer
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So, my brother got a puppy.
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Her name is Reilly and she half poodle half bernese mountain dog. She’s pretty small (for now). She naps a lot. Her least favourite toy is duck. She plays with a rag.
She lovessss biting fingers, toes, shoes, shoelaces. She peed in the house. Just a few drop though.
Reilly likes me a lot. She follows my beagle around. She’s going be huge. Reilly has my brother and sister in law wrapped around her paw.
When makes noises she sounds like a lamb. My brother’s mother in law, was surprised she wasn’t named Nala. (Note: Lance & Stacy love the lion king).
This is not how expected my brother to become a dad. And I also made a sex joke to my about she’ll need learn about the door being closed. She also bit me. (Puppies bite people cause they’re teething. Also, this doesn't really go with talking about Reilly. But my brother stole a knight in shining figure of mine he was supposed to give to me. Also, he got me 2 magnetic Ravenclaw bookmarks, from Harry Potterland. (Cause him & Stace went to california for their honeymoon)
Sorry if this is TMI.
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