#pov irene adler
topsyturvy-turtely · 2 years
Fluffbruary with turtely
(missed days edition)
Day 24
[day 23] [day 25]
prompts: art | needle | slip by @fluffbruary <3
fandom: BBC Sherlock
will be uploaded to "That Stuff Called Fluff" on Ao3!
A/N: i'm so sorry about the slow updates! then again it's kind of an extra treat in march right?
I had just halfheartedly started a sketch of the surroundings - it wasn't all too exciting if I'm honest - when they caught my eyes. Two men, obviously a couple. The tall one with dark curls... only softening his eyes when he laid them on his partner. The shorter one a strong posture... taken apart every time the taller touched him. They were adorable.
Quickly I flipped my current page to a new untouched one of my sketch-pad. I sharpened my pencil hurriedly, looked at them and started sketching. They were standing but constantly moving nonetheless. The taller said something, the shorter, probably a bit older, man, judging by his greying hair, throwing his head back laughing. An almost unnoticeable smile dancing on the other man's lips. The younger pointing at someone and talking what seemed incredibly fast for a whole minute. Quickly I tried to eternalise the other's amazement in his eyes on paper. Then the older added something and it was the younger man's turn to stare at the other with puzzlement. They looked into each other's eyes for an eternity and I tried my best to put their chemistry on paper. Then they kissed, and while other people might feel like they were intruding their privacy, I analysed their faces closely and my eyes almost never left them. When they finally parted, I realised they were holding hands and I saw they had rings on each of their left hands. Engaged, then, I concluded. Another quick sketch, and when I looked up the next time I was unaware of my smile - until it fell. They were gone.
I looked at my sketch, a chaotic combination of meaningful moments between a couple. And suddenly I realised: I couldn't keep it. I needed them to have it. So I grabbed my sketchbook, put it under my arm, looked out for a curly and a greying blond head and ran. Leaving my scaffold and other art supplies behind but I didn't care. I caught up to them and grabbed one of them by his arms. Surprised and confused they turned around. A bit out of breath I said, "I- I saw you standing over there and you caught my attention. Here!", I handed them my drawing. I had drawn them laughing, their intense eye contact, their kiss, their intertwined hands with their engagement rings on - the sketches overlapping, with my attempt to capture it all. Their eyes wandered across the paper and grew: they liked what they saw. I couldn't hide a proud smirk. The blond man looked up, "That is stunning. Would you sell that? How much is it?"
I waved my hand. "This is a fifteen minute sketch with no details. I don't usually do this, but it's for free. You are a beautiful couple by the way. Consider it my engagement gift!", I turned around, not wanting to give them a chance to pull money out and insisting on paying.
"Wait!", a deeper different voice called out. I turned around again. Curly Hair seemed impressed I had caught up on their engagement. "Please. Sign your art at least."
I looked at the sketch, indeed - no signature - and nodded. Quickly I placed my initials in the corner. "The residents call me 'the woman artist' around here, because I am the only female one around.", I explained. "But you can call me Irene."
"Thank you, Irene." they said in unison. They looked at each other, eyes thick with love, and I had to grin again.
"You're welcome, darlings. Have a great day!" I said and finally turned around, already scanning the crowd for another subject.
But I knew, they'd be my favourite for a long time, maybe forever.
A/N: if someone feels inspired to draw this chaotic sketch - please do! just tag me when posting! it would be an honor 🙏🏼 feel free to contact me if you have more questions ❤︎
tag list! (tell me if you wanna be added or removed💚) @justanobsessedpan @helloliriels @fluffbyday-smutbynight @inevitably-johnlocked @hisfavouritejumper @rhasima @forfucksakejohn @ohlooktheresabee @turbulenttrouble @so-youre-unattached-like-me @totallysilvergirl @peanitbear @train-mossman @loki-lock @smulderscobie @timberva @grace-in-the-wilderness @chinike @pansherlock @the-smol-bean-libby-blog @jawnn-watson @whatnext2020 @escapingthereality @missdeliadili @kettykika78 @musingsofmyown @7-percent @speedymoviesbyscience @astudyin221b @francj15 @almosttinycowboy @ladylindaaa @we-r-loonies @mxster-jocale @sherlockcorner @noahspector @our-stars-graveside @jobooksncoffee @baker-street-blog @psychosociogentleman @quickslvxr @macgyvershe @myladylyssa @johnlock2708 @battledress @a-victorian-girl l @dreamerofthemeadow @oetkb12 @ohnoesnotagain @mutedsilence
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gregorovitch-adler · 4 months
A Chemical Defect
The mild sunshine in the afternoon hit softly on Sherlock's face, lifting his mood quite a bit. He took in the fresh breeze as he kept walking along the pavement, with John by his side, towards 221, Baker Street.
"How would you define love?" John asked, carrying a grocery bag in his hand to their way home.
Sherlock was carrying the other bag.
The two of them had been out shopping, because it was time they went to the supermarket this week. And because it was a Sunday. Sherlock had oddly felt like accompanying John today, so he did.
They had been talking about what romantic attraction was like, how it felt, etc., when they were shopping. Though what had triggered that topic exactly, Sherlock had no idea.
Sherlock parted his lips and blinked, feeling thrown off by this sudden question. How should he respond?
"How would I know? I'm just a sociopath." He couldn't think of anything else to say.
John shook his head immediately at that. "No, that's not true at all. 'Sociopath' isn't even the correct term. And I know that you feel things." John let out a bitter laugh. "God knows I've personally witnessed you feel it."
They had arrived at their apartment building.
Sherlock turned to look at him with his eyebrows knitted and nose scrunched. "When?"
John turned around to face him too with disbelief in his expressive, blue eyes. "When? Seriously?" He shook his head again and opened the door to get in.
Sherlock followed him, and now they were both climbing the stairs leading to their flat.
Sherlock's hands were trembling, and his heart raced as his stomach churned in horror.
Did John know how Sherlock felt for him? Shit. Now what? How was Sherlock supposed to explain himself? Why did John bring this up today? Was this supposed to be a call-out? Oh no.
They both walked into their flat, closed the door, and John went straight to the kitchen with the bag in his hand.
Sherlock went to the kitchen too. It was dimly-lit with natural sunlight coming from the outside.
The table was a mess from Sherlock's latest experiment. Now John had also spread everything out that they had just bought, adding to the mess even more.
John was arranging everything properly in the fridge.
What was Sherlock to do now? Might as well out with the truth, he thought. It was time.
"Turns out I was in love. With you." Sherlock paused. "I still am," he added, as he set the bag of groceries on the kitchen table. He kept staring at John - whose back was facing him - holding his breath.
You were right, John. You always are.
John stopped in his tracks with a pack of yoghurt in his hand. "Come again?" John placed the pack in the fridge, closed it, and finally looked around at Sherlock.
They were both facing each other now.
"I won't repeat myself, John," he said briskly, bracing himself on the kitchen table, waiting for John's reaction.
"What about The Woman?"
Sherlock's initial reaction was to flinch in self defense. Disappointment followed through shortly.
Here he thought John was talking about the two of them.
The Woman. Why now?
Sherlock closed his eyes as a faint memory of a beautiful face with soft, feminine features showed up.
The violin tune that he had composed was playing in the background in his mind.
Sherlock shook his head and opened his eyes. He took a deep breath and swallowed. "Ancient history," he blurted out.
Truth meant a complete and accurate information about something. He was not going to hide anything from John.
"So, there was a history." John folded his arms across his chest.
Sherlock sighed deeply. "Doesn't matter now."
John slammed one of his hands on the kitchen table. "It matters to me, Sherlock! I've spent ages wondering why you looked so abnormally interested in her when she was practically a stranger - especially when you'd specified that you weren't interested in relationships - and more importantly, where I went wrong if you were interested in romantic entanglements, after all. So, yes. It does matter even now. Very much." His chest was heaving with his face flushed.
Sherlock felt his jaw drop. "John? I never thought you -"
"Yes, you idiot. I feel the same. Have been for ages. So tell me: did you or did you not feel for Irene Adler?"
"I did."
John's face fell and his eyes looked considerably sadder than before, so Sherlock continued hastily, "Doesn't mean I didn't care about you, then. Because I did. A lot.
"And now you're so important to me that if you were to leave this place, right now, I'd feel lost. In the middle of a barren desert." Sherlock swallowed. "I've felt this way about you for ridiculously long. I am in love with you. Is that clear enough, now?" His voice broke with desperation at the last sentence.
John quickly walked up close to Sherlock and grabbed his waist. Sherlock wrapped his arms around his shoulders and sighed. John rested his head against Sherlock's chest and they both fell silent for a few seconds.
John looked up at him with a soft gaze. The amount of sentiments in those eyes was unbelievable. Sherlock was looking at him in wonder.
"Yes, it is," said John, in a voice just above a whisper.
Sherlock placed a hand on John's cheek as he ducked to kiss him. John moved one of his hands from Sherlock's waist to his nape as he kissed him back with abandon.
Sherlock hoped that any feelings of jealousy, disappointment, etc., between him and John would fade away now.
They had each other by their sides. They knew they would handle their future lives better from now on.
Prompt: Jealousy by @calaisreno
Tags: @jamielovesjam , @peanitbear , @helloliriels , @topsyturvy-turtely , @gaylilsherlock , @totallysilvergirl , @lisbeth-kk , @keirgreeneyes , @nowiamcoveredinyou , etc.
Let me know if you want to be added/removed from the tags. :)
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chaos-and-sparkles · 4 months
I yearn to talk about my Dracula!Holmes au, and the universe has seen fit to give me free will and internet access, so talk i shall.
Listen. Hear me out just hear me out.
We literally have Johnathan motherfucking Harker whose written POV we read Dracula from for like a solid half of the book, right. Well, no more, he's John Watson now babeyyy, a retired army man now gainfully employed as a lawyer who's off overseas to act as estate agent to the strange and eccentric client who has expressed interest in moving to foggy London... Count Holmes! [insert jazz hands]
Instead of being Evil(tm) and plotting to take over London or whatever, my guy is just Autistic. Also riddled with ADHD and in desperate need of some enrichment in he goddamn enclosure. He will also in fact be trans, because. Of course. Vampirism as a metaphor for queerness and the social ostracization that follows as a punishment and having inherently queer narratives intertwined in them etc etc... anyhow! Count Sherlock Holmes, vampire detective!!!
(I do also want him to be aroace, or aroacespec at least, but I'm willing to negotiate for the Johnlock and the Johnlock alone.)
Mina Harker here is of course the one and only Mary Morstan, although it is clearly a lavender marriage, because we aren't cowards in this household and so Mary gets to be gay with her Lucy equivalent here, just as god intended. I haven't decided who her Lucy equivalent will be yet but this au is still young (technically I've been going insane about it in my mind for like a month or two but whatever) and there's no reason we can't make up an OC for her Lucy.
John Watson, resident gay doctor lawyer, of course, is smart enough to realize the enigmatic Count Holmes' vampiric secret within like one adventure, but he sure is going to have a slow burn of realizing just how gay he is for said enigmatic Count Holmes. We, of course, get to witness this tooth rotting bullshit firsthand as we read his diary entries and some later letters to Mary.
And instead of being one long gothic horror narrative, it's just adventure of the week with your friendly neighborhood crime solving vampire, the various other mythical creatures who do said crimes, and Just Some Guy.
Just, every Sherlock Holmes adventure adapted into this au with other supernatural elements. The guy from the Red Headed League is a local villager being bamboozled by a leprechaun, the Silver Blaze thing is about a kelpie. Everyone including Sherlock was operating on the assumption that Irene Adler was a siren, but actually she was just a regular human, and instead of unlearning misogyny (bc I don't see trans vampire Sherlock living so long through changing times and society and being sexist), Sherlock has to learn not to underestimate the intelligence of humans.
Also, he's just really excited to have this new human, John, living in his castle. So curious, too, about humans, he has sequestered himself from them for such a long time and John seems like a very interesting one. He's probably the first friend Sherlock has had in a long time, too.
Also. Instead of being warded off or harmed by garlic, to Sherlock, garlic is just the vampire version of cocaine. He just gets high as fuck off garlic. Could live on the stuff. And the reason people think he's warded off by garlic is just because he was seen getting high off his ass, turning into a bat, and flying away in loop de loops upon consuming garlic one (1) time. And everyone thought it's his weakness. And he never bothered correcting them bc Why Would He. He's basically getting free cocaine left and right from villagers who are scared/wary of the supernatural Count Holmes and only go to him when there's no other option, and it's no bother to leave people he's not investigating alone.
I genuinely do think cocaine!garlic addicted Sherlock has so much comedic potential, it really is so beloved to me. Just imagine, if you will, an extremely put-upon John Watson caring for Batlock who has gotten high off his ass and refuses to stop flying into his own antique chandelier.
I was also thinking that it would be funny to have Mrs. Hudson and Mrs. Turner in place of Dracula's sexy vampire roommates or whatever those three were lmao (I couldn't think of a third character, sorry)
Also. Obviously. Van Helsing has got to be Moriarty, by virtue of opposition. I do think their whole deal has a lot of potential to be very funny and entertaining also. I am also considering it might be fun to have Lucy's other suitors be the Scotland Yarders, like Lestrade, Gregson and what have you, but that risks missing out on the very fun possible dynamic of "Sherlock being exasperated with the dumbass out of their depth Yarders he keeps helping" raised to like the hundredth degree so. I honestly would like people's thoughts on that.
Anyway so YES, Dracula au please and thank you. Maybe with endgame QPR Johnlock? Yes? Please? Queerplatonic husbands Johnlock is my shit.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 5 months
Five Fics Friday: May 3/24
Happy Friday everyone! Hope you guys had a wonderful week and are looking forward to settling down with one of these fantastic fics to read! Enjoy!
Hyperballad by PlantsAreNeat (G, 893 w., 1 Ch. || Angst, Feels, Drugs, POV Sherlock) – Sherlock has bought cocaine after his doubts and fears about his and John's new relationship prey on his mind. Not exactly a danger night, but not not one either.
Conductor of Light by rsong912 (E, 8,513 w., 1 Ch. || Developing Relationship, POV John, First Time, BAMF Irene, John is a Mess, Sherlock's Big Feelings, Hurt Sherlock, Angst with Happy Ending) – After the incident with Moriarty at the pool, John is amazed at Sherlock's reaction to John being in danger. He never flirted with the detective again after that first night at Angelo's, but maybe it's time to try once more. He does, with spectacular results. But when Irene Adler enters their lives, it has a disastrous effect on their budding romance.
A Midnight Clear by khorazir (T, 13,120 w., 1 Ch. || Christmas-Carol Inspired || Post S3/Post-TLD / TFP Doesn't Exist, Christmas, Angst, Fluff, Pining, Canon-Typical Violence, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss, Implied / Referenced Drug Use, Magical Realism) – It’s Christmas Eve, and Sherlock is working. Because that’s what he does. He doesn’t need Christmas, or holiday cheer, or even company. He’s fine on his own, thank you very much – until a series of strange encounters on his way back to Baker Street makes him reconsider.
Best Laid Plans by TheMadKatter13 (E, 57,366 w., 9 Ch. || Omegaverse AU || Post-TRF Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Violence, Angst, Marking, Scenting, Time Skips, John's Blog, Nesting, Hurt/Comfort, Torture, Mounting, Biting, Breeding, Bonding, Knotting, Mpreg, Mating Cycles, Alpha Sherlock, Omega John, Omega Jim, Possessive Sherlock, Alpha Moran, Kidnapping) – After the detective's suicide, anyone with eyes could see that there was no John Watson without Sherlock Holmes. Only a rare few even realized there was a flipside to that coin: that there was no Sherlock Holmes without John Watson. Unfortunately, Jim Moriarty is one of those rare few, and while kidnapping his blogger had drawn out out the genius so well the first time, new intel on the 'alpha' doctor has the omega criminal arranging a little bit of 'playtime' between his alpha and his bait while they wait for the not-quite-dead to arrive.
Are We Dating? by AindyGhosh (G, 2,288 w., 1 Ch. || LOKI SERIES || Lokius, S02E05 Rewrite, Flirty Mobius, Flustered Loki, Fluff) – Now that the thought had taken root in Don’s mind, it refused to let go, clinging on to him like a limpet. As it was, Don was infamous in his friends’ circles for his lack of a brain-to-mouth filter. Therefore, it didn’t come as a surprise to him when he just gave in, and verbalised the one doubt that had been making rounds in his head since the moment he had talked to Loki. “Are we dating?” It was only logical to deduce that. And Don couldn’t believe this God-like person had been interested in him enough to agree to date him.
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variousqueerthings · 10 months
And I’ve been flouting the principle of my people ever since
FINAL EPISODE FINAL EPISODE FINAL!!!!! "Time Of The Doctor," let's do it: it's ASDA's Own Brand "Parting Of The Ways"
sexism rank objectification (female character is ogled/harassed/turned into a sex joke by the doctor and/or a lead we’re supposed to root for and/or the camera): 4/10
sexism rank plot-point (lead female character is only there to serve plot, not to have her emotional interiority explored, or given agency to her emotional interiority): 2/10
interesting complex or pointlessly complex (does the complexity serve the narrative or does it just serve to be confusing as a stand-in for smart, this includes visually): 3/10
furthers character and/or lore and/or plot development (broader question that ties into the previous ones, at least two of these, ideally three should be fulfilled): 4/10
companion matters (the companion doesn’t always have to be there, but if the companion is there, can they function without the doctor– and overall per season how often is the companion the focus or POV of the story): 3/10
the doctor is more than just “godlike” (examines the doctor’s flaws and limitations, doesn’t solve a plot by having it revolve entirely around the doctor’s existence): 3/10
doesn’t look down on previous doctor who (by erasing or mocking its importance, by redoing and “bettering” previous beloved plotpoints or characters, etc.): 5/10
isn’t trying to insert hamfisted sexiness (m*ffat famously talked a lot about how dw should be sexier multiple times, he sucks at writing it): 4/10
internal world has consistency (characters have backgrounds, feel rooted in a place with other people, generally feel like they have Lives): 4/10
Politics (how conservative is the story): 4/10
FULL RATING: 36/100 (if I can count….)
Now there's a saying that goes something along the lines of being Bad is not bad. Boring is bad
well this episode is Bad and Boring. but at least the music is great!
OBJECTIFICATION: there's a woman who's the high priest of a religious organisation (it's in fact the religious organisation that filters back in time and causes all the trouble for the Eleventh Doctor this whole era) and guess what????
she's sexy
shocking, really. she's the amalgamation of the River Song/Queen Liz The Tenth/Nefertiti with a sprinkle of Irene Adler Bullshit given one last Hurrah!
genuinely she's meant to be at the centre for quite a complex arc of powerful leader with whom the Doctor has an uneasy alliance to years long antagonism with a dash of strange friendship to sticking up for one another at the last Conflict, and all I can tell you about her is that she is sexy, allegedly
OH also that she's apparently a psychopath too
there's also non-consensual kissing, which I've opted to put in the "sexiness" category, but belongs just as much here!
PLOT-POINT: Clara calls the Doctor to be her pretend boyfriend for Christmas (at least she has a family, and while we've not properly met them before now outside of her dead mum in flashbacks, I can buy these people in this estate!)
and from there Clara's feelings about things is uh. The Doctor is great and please don't leave me behind, which the Doctor does... twice!
but this is no Parting Of The Ways/Dooms Day big dramatic event -- Clara is not the focal point here, or her emotions about her life and what it means to be whisked away from it on these adventures, no matter how dangerous, or how it affects her relationship with just-met family, or anything to do with class or feelings of self-worth or or or... no nonoooo what this episode suggests is that she fancies the Doctor
and she has another similar Moment to Parting Of The Ways in which the Doctor changes in front of her (the big emotional moment is with a hallucinated Amy Pond, Clara is kind of just... also there), and she asks him not to, even though to her, as far as I've seen this season, the Doctor is a really good mate, whom she already knows regenerates, because she's seen all 11 of their lives, so where is this emotion coming from? Idk, I guess because she thinks Eleven is hot, or something, that's all I can come up with. general human angst about things not being the same? whatever it is, it's not grounded in anything character-based that I've seen
the point is that things happen and she does some things but none of this is about her and she could as well not be in this story
COMPLEXITY: ARGH okay so me calling this Parting Of The Ways redux -- the Doctor lands on Trenzalore (without knowing it's Trenzalore?) after a bunch of pointless buildup that is way too similar to Pandorica Opens and once again gathers the greatest hits of Daleks, Cybermen and... Slitheen (this has happened twice, does M*ffat know the Slitheen are a family and not a species? gosh I'm getting pedantic now, but you ain't seen nothing yet, because I've just watched all of Eleven's era and had to suffer through things that could have been good but instead were.... this!)
and other species, Sontaran uh... oh Angels at the beginning and... just take my word for it, other species. because there's a Signal, and the Signal is beaming out a Question, and the Question is... it's still Doctor Who, that's still The Question, which the Answer is a Code Word that will bring back the Time Lords from where they're hiding. so many things are Capitalised, because everything is given Capital Importance All The Time
Anyway, this is all centred on a... town called Christmas. because it's a Christmas episode. we're really going to have to get into some cultural Christianity type judgement at this point I feel, although I do acknowledge this isn't a M*ffat fault so much as the fact that there is a Christmas special. one day the Doctor is going to travel with someone who's idk. Jewish. Hindu. Muslim. Druze. Sikh. Take your pick
I do think M*ffat is worse than RTD for inserting Christmas as this all-important Universal Type Thing, whereas at least in Christmas Invasion it was just like... we're celebrating a local family's Christmas traditions. Runaway Bride? fucking hate Christmas. Titanic episode a bit shakier, but makes fun of Christmas, which I enjoyed
eh The Next Doctor... shakier. anyway, it's shaky, where was I?
A TOWN CALLED CHRISTMAS! where you can only tell the truth, which will not matter at all to the plot, I think? unless I missed something massive while yelling NO STOP FUCKING WHAT???? at the screen
and the Doctor and all these species enter into a several hundred years long stalemate, where the Doctor allegedly can't leave because... they'll bomb it to get rid of the signal that indicates where the Doctor must answer the Question to bring back the Time Lords I think? and then the people of Christmas will die
and they can't invade Christmas because the Doctor is single-handedly defending it, which the Doctor can do now I guess
but then at the end the Doctor can't because he's old and it's been hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years in this frankly boring as fuck town that never changes and has zero personality, and the Daleks invade, and then Doctor regenerates (he was afraid he couldn't because due to technicalities this is the last regeneration, except we know it's not -- not mad at that, I get it, give it some emotion, makes sense) and uses the energy to just blow up all the Daleks
IIII am not convinced that regeneration energy can blow up all the Dalek ships, dunno... but it's not the stupidest part of this episode, which is really just the Doctor's whole *waves hands* Thing about this town that needs to be this way because the Plot Demands It and the surrounding aliens and the Doctor is so very interesting and powerful and rather than dig into the plot, we have a Voice Over giving quick explanations to tie us in from one scene to the next
I'm not sure we ever find out who that is? but M*ffat LOVES a Voice Over, almost as much as he likes a not-so-cryptic mysterious prophecy wrapped in a simple rhyming sche- OH YEAH WE GET THAT TOO
If I'd known to count these from the beginning I would have done so, because frankly it turned out to be one of my biggest pet peeves of the era. why is this thing happening? oh see, there was a prophetic Rhyme said at some point by any rando so it's gotta, sorry. Prophetic Rhymes. gotta Prophecy, because it's in a rhyme that could have been put together by a five year old, that's how you know it's extra Prophetic
anyway then the Crack In The Wall/Universe reappears in this place and is just vibing with the Doctor for all these years, and at the end Clara kneels down next to it and asks it to... save? the Doctor... I've gotta be honest I must have faded out at that point, because I cannot remember if it's explained
. how does Clara come up with the idea to do this?/what is her connection to the crack in the wall that she'd think it was sentient or even that important to events or idk... capable of doing what it later does?
. how does it become sentient??
. uh what does it do other than be kind of spooky and suck up a few daleks?
. where does it go?
. why was it there?
OH and the Daleks infiltrate that Religious Organisation and take over all of them/turn them into the human Daleks we saw back in Asylum and it's... idk whatever, I never cared about this organisation (but we'll get to that)
and then the Doctor regenerates into Peter Capaldi
the point is, I couldn't help but think of Nine's final episode, staying behind to protect the earth, as every character we met in this two-parter has died doing the same. in this episode Eleven stays to protect... some people in some place who have no real character other than as reflecting onto the Doctor. Rose and Clara are both sent away, and both come back, but for Clara that's not part of her arc, it's just that she arrives at key moments to witness the Doctor Doing Stuff
all of the emotional weight behind Parting Of The Ways is superficially recreated in this story, right down to big old Massive Dalek Spooky Voice, which I think epitomises M*ffat's writing. stay on the surface and it'll feel epic and big and complex and like it's emotionally doing something and going somewhere, look at it the tiniest bit closer and it's just... Flash Scene after Flash Scene
CHARACTERS/LORE/PLOT: And then the Doctor regenerates into Peter Capaldi. nothing else important happens in this episode. Clara and the Eleventh Doctor end statically (no real Anger anger about being abandoned twice, it's a short little argument and then they hug the first time and the second she's just... there at the end)
no new info really on the Time Lords/Gallifrey. the name being a Code Word might be new actually
um. Christmas is just some place at the end, why is it safe now?
COMPANIONS MATTER: Sorry Clara you got pulled into the Bullshit of a patented M*ffat finale episode
“GODLIKE” DOCTOR: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurgh the Doctor can single-handedly hold off fleets of Daleks, Cybermen, Angels, Sontarans...... Slitheen... I guess... etcetc... and yes they can't bomb the place from orbit, but wow what a way to render all of the main players in DW as apparently utterly boring when up against specialist boy of all time
also the episode cloaks itself in so much grandeur (the most successful layer of which is of course Murray Gold's score), and so much alleged mystery and Oh The Doctor Is So Interesting for a story in which, I cannot stress enough, despite my large write-up above, Barely anything happens!
back into pedantic mode but having just watched Eleven's whole era, which had a few great episodes, a bunch of mediocre ones, and wahaaay too many absolutely unwatchable ones, I find the speech at the end to be entirely too meta self-aggrandising. what are the important things about Eleven, what do we take away? that it was all super awesome and "I'll never forget when the Doctor was me" said straight at the camera -- I'm shocked he didn't wink
yes, Nine had "you were fantastic and so was I" (paraphrased I know), and Ten had "I don't want to go," but it's based in what's been going on with the characters up until that point in various ways, and also wasn't preluded by seasons of narrative that made you want to claw your brains out, so that a line about not wanting to forget a single moment makes you go "actually I'd be happy to forget a fair bit"
this probably feels different if one really enjoyed this Era outside of select episodes, but since I have sooo much baggage tied into it and it hasn't mysteriously improved upon rewatch, it makes me want to shake M*ffat by the scruff of his neck
PREVIOUS DOCTOR WHO: mmmm as far as I'm aware there's barely anything here, apart from youknow. Daleks and Cybermen and a throwaway about TenToo being down to "vanity issues" which I can take, because the Doctor often trivialises things in order not to discuss them
I guess all the callbacks were for Day Of The Doctor, but still. kind of an oddly connectionless regeneration episode. it's your last Hurrah and it's tying up all of M*ffat's loose ends unsatisfactorily and in a rush before getting the heck outta dodge (because who cared about this town where the whole thing is set, really???)
oh and "reverse the polarity"
“SEXINESS”: OHHHHHHH WELL YOU SEE! YOU REMEMBER! that woman I mentioned who's the allegedly mysteeeerious powerful leader of the Religious Organisation?
well she just can't resist the sexy sexy Doctor. her introduction scene includes all of this within idk. ten seconds: Hey babes. New body, give us a twirl. Nice though. Tight.
it is important to note that although the audience can't see it, the Doctor is technically naked when she says these things, because there's a pointless plotline where they have to briefly beam onto the planet and can't bring anything with them, including clothes, so they... hologram them on???
the Doctor also does this in front of Clara's family who all see him naked and don't really interact with this beyond grandmother being visibly into it, and Clara pushing the Doctor into the kitchen and saying "he's Swedish"
also actually, in the beginning of the episode Clara calls asking the Doctor to "be her boyfriend" (omitting the word "pretend" by accident) and he responds by going "Ding Dong"
it's just... really M*ffat's Greatest Hits
I wrote the words WHY IS THIS BEING SEXY??? AGAIN???? several times in my notes, including one bit where he insults Religious Lady enough to make her angry enough to reverse her Dalek brainwashing/death... whatever just to slap him (I think this also doubles as a sexist moment, because the Doctor starts the insulting by pointing at Clara and going that is a Woman! meaning Clara is just representing People better by not being cowardly, but like... why frame it like that, when there's been all this badly-written non-tension between you two), at which point he grabs her and dip-kisses her without her consent
Religious Lady, winded: Kiss me when I ask The Doctor: Well you’d better ask nicely
she smiles, clearly kind of turned on by that bit of misogyny
oh so sexy
INTERNAL WORLD: Town called Christmas? Nonsense, no personality, nothing. Big Religious Organisation that engineered the whole set of events of this era? as bland and boring as when we met them back in s6 (seriously what do they stand for, I still don't know who they are in any meaningful way). Clara's family? yeah I'll give it that, she has a family, which is, again, more than can be said for Amy
POLITICS: I've already done my Christmas Spiel. the other thing is something I said in the review for the last episode, which is that "ordinary" people don't matter. the people of Christmas, Clara, her family, they're just set-dressing for the really Important people (Big Religious Organisation, Dalek Commanders, The Doctor) to do their Important People Things
how do they feel about it? what part of the story do they affect? why do we care about these people?
no, the important thing about this story is apparently the Gods, the Military, the Religious Institutions, who also aren't represented by ordinary people for that matter, but by their Structures and the Leaders Who Uphold them... as practically Inhuman
FULL RATING: 36/100 (if I can count….)
listen... Capaldi is here. and yes, he starts underground in terms of the bar and has to claw his way up, but I know he does it!
meanwhile what can I say about the end of an era?
there were some good'uns. we'll get to that on a bigger summing up, but I will not lie, they were there. not... when M*ffat was writing
it was around this time (actually earlier s7) that I stopped watching, and I'm glad I did, because I can watch it now and enjoy the good without taking the bad so much to my very emotional teenage heart
this episode shouldn't exist, if I'm being honest. they should have ended Eleven's run in the 50th Anniversary, which, while very very flawed, was at least suitably actually epic and is the episode that sets up a lot of the next arcs
the most I can say for this is that it leaves behind a lot of the baggage of s5-7 -- not tying it up suitably, but at least ending it. don't need to care about cracks in walls, the silence and their weird cult, Trenzalore, or The Question... at least I bloody hope not!
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Omgggggg! My fic Hell Hath No Fury just reached its 10,000 hits milestone!! This is the 68th of my 90 currently-posted stories to have achieved this, and beyond just being a huge and exciting milestone point (I celebrate every 10K hit milestone for my fics, just to exclaim and wonder at it out loud and say thank you!), this one is particularly cool to me!
I’ll explain: there are basically two things I’m somewhat known for as a Johnlock writer. One is my Sherlock POV in general, and the other is my specific love for fixing the canon. I wrote SO many series 3 fix-its starting from 24 hours after HLV aired with Deductions of a Lesser Mind, right up to two weeks before TST aired, with Munich (interesting side note: I’ve been watching Munich and Hell Hath No Fury race each other to the 10K hits milestone for several weeks now and Munich only just won by three days!). 
When I write a fix-it fic, the point is always very specifically to address at least one thing that I wasn’t, personally, satisfied with in the canon - the most obvious being that Sherlock and John aren’t together, but lots of other things, too - and try to find new paths to achieving fixes that I would personally rather see. Series 4 was a LOT harder to fix than series 3, I’ll say. The levels of misunderstanding and hurt between Sherlock and John just heap on and on and on without resolving any of the previous layers and it’s just so much to address, fix, explain away, resolve, all of it. The first story I wrote after all three episodes of series 4 had aired took me a lot longer to write than 24 hours, because it was just so much to process and absorb before I could emerge onto the “okay, now I’m ready to address this stuff in the form of fiction”. That first story was A Case for Domestic Propinquity, which basically tackles the essentials: Sherlock and John not being together, Baker Street being a wreck, life with a baby underfoot, John not living there, and some - but not nearly all, or in any real depth - of the crap that happened between them in series 4, particularly on John’s side. The third story I wrote, From the Bottom of the Well, specifically tackles the straightwashing issue and the weirdness of how Irene Adler was shoehorned in there. And so forth. 
This story, this second-out-of-the-gate series 4 fix-it that I wrote, went into a much deeper and thornier depth than the first one. Hell Hath No Fury addresses the topics of Sherlock’s family history, how incredibly fake I personally found Mary’s death scene to be, and takes a hard, realistic look at the sort of danger a child would be in at Baker Street. This story gives that an even harder twist, with kidnappings and a very, very vengeful antagonist (no spoilers!), and resolves it in a way that probably a lot of people felt was painful. It was painful to write, and it’s the only time I’ve gone that particular route on a “fix” for that situation. But it’s a story that I’m quite proud of - especially, in fact, of the Holmes family history side. It’s a dual POV format, with John’s POV telling the John-Sherlock-Rosie parts of the story, and Vee Holmes (Sherlock’s mother)’s POV telling the side about the Holmes family, featuring a lot of Mycroft and long overdue conversations. It’s one of my more plot-dense stories - a parallel in many ways to my second series 3 fix-it fic, Act IV. I wrote it for and dedicated it to a fellow author, personal friend, and intellectual extraordinaire, @totallysilvergirl.
Many of the stories I’ve been proudest of just in terms of the writing quality, have not been fandom favourites, or even just favourites among my own collection. This story is one of those, and I’ve always understood why. It’s not a fluffy romance or porn with just enough plot to hang it on. It’s gritty and difficult, yet I’m personally quite proud of it. I never thought to see it read 10,000 times, and I’m humbled. If you’ve read this story, thank you. If you’ve read it and liked it, thank you even more! 
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The Marvelous Holmes Paradox
https://archiveofourown.org/works/57678577 by Nishatt12345 **Summary:** In Victorian London, famed detective Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson are stunned when a mysterious 15-year-old from the future, Peter Parker, appears after touching a strange artifact. Peter’s arrival and eerie resemblance to Holmes set off a chain of events that unravel a hidden connection between them. As Holmes investigates, he discovers Peter is his own son in a future timeline that now threatens their reality. With the artifact revealing dark secrets and altering their world, Holmes and Watson must race against time to uncover a conspiracy that could reshape history itself. “The Marvelous Holmes Paradox” is a suspenseful blend of mystery and marvel, where every twist and revelation brings Peter and Sherlock closer to an explosive truth. Words: 3938, Chapters: 2/8, Language: English Fandoms: Iron Man (Movies), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Sherlock Holmes (Downey films), Sherlock Holmes (1984 TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: John Watson, Tony Stark, Sherlock Holmes, Peter Parker, Pepper Potts, Ned Leeds, Aunt May Parker (Marvel) Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, Sherlock Holmes & Peter Parker, Sherlock Holmes & John Watson, Irene Adler/Sherlock Holmes, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark Additional Tags: Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Peter Parker is a Little Shit, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Victorian Sherlock Holmes, POV Sherlock Holmes, sherlock loves Peter read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/57678577
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taegularities · 2 months
wait so did entertainer jk liked or had a teeny tiny crush on oc at some point? like this guys known for a man who would never commit n is a fuckboy but since i read it from his pov he sounded like he was surprised smitten for oc or is this just how men blabber shit and think about all this with no feeling?
the last bit omg 😂 some might, but not every man.. entertainer jk's a special case as your resident sociopath. it's hard to explain bc he wasn't so sure either — if you remember, he had a hard time figuring out if it was a crush or not until he concluded it wasn't. maybe it was something similar, but certainly not in a lovey-dovey, "i wanna be your bf" kinda way. he had pretty physical intentions with oc, he was insanely attracted to her.
i don't know how many of you know the sherlock lore, but it's a bit like with irene adler — jk thinks highly of himself, putting others below him. oc is the only one who resisted his charisma (she didn't have to, but you get my point), responded with wit and composure and could actually match his level of charm. the mystery element also added to jk wanting to unravel her and to be the one to break her walls bc she seemed like she was guarding herself from the world.
so yeah, whatever kind of sick crush it was, the man definitely had impure intentions with her and never had the urge to get into a relationship with her or commit or anything. he felt extremely satisfied when he'd finally gotten her naked, the way he'd craved from the beginning bc she had this 'can't wrap me around your finger' vibe and he thought everybody breaks at some point.. and then he tested it out. he's pretty wack :/
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ao3feed-jimlock · 6 months
Traumatized by consultants
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/j97KP0t by ksdruxmd A side story for my main story where Sherlock and Jim are married. John needs a fucking break from life. Words: 2227, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 13 of Sheriarty my love Fandoms: Sherlock (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: John Watson, Sherlock Holmes, Jim Moriarty Relationships: Sherlock Holmes & John Watson, Sherlock Holmes/Jim Moriarty Additional Tags: Humor, Attempt at Humor, Comedy, Traumatized John Watson, POV John Watson, John Watson is so Done, Alternative universe - married AU, Phone Sex, Overhearing Sex, Phone Calls & Telephones, Married Couple, Sherlock Holmes & John Watson Friendship, John needs a BREAK, Mentioned Irene Adler (Sherlock Holmes), Mentioned Mrs.Hudson, Spoilers for upcoming chapters read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/j97KP0t
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musical-chick-13 · 6 months
Fanfic Ask Game: 🩷 🤎
Thank you!!! 😊
🩷 Pink: Do you find a certain character (or characters) easy to write? More difficult -- and if so, do you avoid writing that character (or those characters) when possible?
Ooooh! I won't say that any character is "easy" to write, exactly (because my brain loves to overcomplicate things, lmao), but basically any woman with severe emotional issues who feels things very deeply or intensely is usually the easiest to write. This, plus the fact that the relevant ship is the one I've been writing for the longest, is why I love writing River so much. (And that love is part of why I decided to make my current project dual pov and include her.)
The most difficult? Honestly, probably Irene Adler (the BBC Sherlock version). She is FAR too smart, cool, and socially competent for me. I didn't really realize™ until now, but...yeah, I think I have been avoiding writing from her perspective, actually. I should fix that.
🤎 Brown: How did you decide to write (or why are you writing) a certain fanfic? (Asker, feel free to choose a specific story you're curious about. You can also let the answerer choose the story.)
Most often, the reason I write anything is, "I had an idea, and it tortured my brain to where I had to put it in a Word document to keep my sanity." But the fic I wrote last Christmas (where River is grieving her parents) was...I was not doing well, emotionally. I was processing a lot of complicated feelings about a ton of personal stuff, as well as about the idea of human connection as a whole, and I just needed to get it out.
Fanfic ask game!
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riversong912 · 6 months
<a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/55040740"><strong>Conductor of Light</strong></a> (8513 words) by <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/users/rsong912"><strong>rsong912</strong></a><br />Chapters: 1/1<br />Fandom: <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Sherlock%20(TV)">Sherlock (TV)</a>, <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Sherlock%20Holmes%20*a*%20Related%20Fandoms">Sherlock Holmes &amp; Related Fandoms</a><br />Rating: Explicit<br />Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply<br />Relationships: Sherlock Holmes & John Watson<br />Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Irene Adler (Sherlock Holmes)<br />Additional Tags: Developing Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, POV John Watson, First Time, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson in Love, BAMF Irene Adler, fuck around and find out, Sherlock Holmes Has Feelings, Hurt Sherlock Holmes, Angst with a Happy Ending, John Watson is a Mess, Not Canon Compliant<br />Summary: <p>After the incident with Moriarty at the pool, John is amazed at Sherlock's reaction to John being in danger. He never flirted with the detective again after that first night at Angelo's, but maybe it's time to try once more. He does, with spectacular results. But when Irene Adler enters their lives, it has a disastrous effect on their budding romance.</p>
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ao3feed-irenelock · 2 years
The Science of Sensation
Warning: Some M/M works might show up here because the Sherlock/Irene tag is used in ref to S/I as a side pairing, past pairing, etc. Currently there is no way to filter and exclude feeds on Ao3 to get only S/I F/M works.Solution. Read at your own risk.
by TheScienceOfFangirling
"Love was just chemistry, simple and destructive. Why would sex be any different? It was horrifying to even consider that Mycroft might be right. Yet who was he to deny the most obvious of facts? He had no experience. Naturally, he didn’t know. He hated not knowing."
Sherlock decides to do something about his lack of knowledge about sex. In his mind palace, he turns to the one he believes is most capable of teaching him: The Woman.
Words: 3959, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Sherlock (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, Irene Adler (Sherlock Holmes)
Relationships: Irene Adler/Sherlock Holmes
Additional Tags: POV Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock's Mind Palace, Mind Sex, Light Dom/sub, Smut, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Sherlock masturbates, Sherlock learns about sex, Sherlock Holmes Has a Praise Kink, Sherlock Holmes Has Feelings, Minor Sherlock Holmes/Victor Trevor, Victor Trevor freeform, Irene teaches Sherlock about sex, Sherlock Has a Plan, Dom Irene Adler, Sherlock Holmes Loves John Watson, Sherlock Being Sherlock, Sherlock is a Mess, Happy ending literally, Sherlock is kind of bisexual, but mostly gay, Casual Sex, Sherlock learns about masturbation, It's an experiment, Eventual Sherlock Whump, Eventual Johnlock, Sherlock is Alone, more tags will be added, Blindfolds, Sherlock (TV) Season/Series 02, Sub Sherlock Holmes, Virgin Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock-centric, Minor Irene Adler/Sherlock Holmes, Irene Adler Ships Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Implied/Referenced Drug Addiction
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/42116532 via AO3 works tagged 'Irene Adler/Sherlock Holmes' https://archiveofourown.org/works/42116532 Remember to check out http://adler-holmes.livejournal.com
Need an Ao3 invite? Don't want to wait? Get one via LiveJournal or Dreamwidth
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tiger-moran · 1 year
I get why Holmes/Watson shippers probably really love Lyndsay Faye's stories and I do like the Adler and Lestrade stories in this collection (in fact the Lestrade story is the main reason I got this, because I have another book with it in but don't like any of the other stories in that and I got this so I could possibly keep this one and get rid of that one. Her Irene and Godfrey interaction is also good in this so overall yes this is the better book. Also it's thinner so takes up less space than that other one so that's an advantage too) but I'm finding her habit of having almost every character regardless of who they are and what they're talking about having sections where they go on at length about the interaction and relationship between Holmes and Watson really weird, it feels so unnatural and shoehorned in to me. If you wanted to keep going on about that why didn't you just write from an omniscient POV or something instead of having characters keep going out of character to talk about the ~amazing bond~ and ~married couple bickering~ between two other characters?
Also there are too many Americanisms in these for professionally published stories.
Also the Hopkins one (which I've also read before in another book but didn't like enough to keep) and the Wiggins one are both pretty depressing, do we really need two stories involving dead children in one anthology? (It also doesn't help I couldn't really care less about Wiggins anyway, but it also felt like a significant thing that happened in that was just... not addressed? Also Lomax, I had no idea who that character was before this and I can't say this made me care, I found his story very tedious.)
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maryholmes94 · 1 year
Английские розы - The English Roses (5003 words) by Mary_Holmes_94 Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: Sherlock (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Irene Adler/Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes/Molly Hooper, Mary Morstan/John Watson Characters: Irene Adler (Sherlock Holmes), Molly Hooper, Mary Morstan, Eurus Holmes Additional Tags: Love, Falling In Love, Post-Episode: s02e01 A Scandal in Belgravia, Pre-Episode: s03e02 The Sign of Three, Siblings, POV Irene Adler, POV Molly Hooper, POV Mary Morstan, POV Eurus Holmes, Secrets, Doubt Summary: Четыре внутренних монолога четырёх неповторимых героинь "Шерлока"
Four little monologues - Irene, Molly, Mary and Eurus
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inevitably-johnlocked · 11 months
Five Fics Friday: Oct. 27/23 (Spoopy Edition)
Happy Friday everyone!! It's almost Spoopy Day, so I've gone through my MFL offline list, picked four random fics that came up in my "Halloween" term search, and I'm promoting them here for you today!
AND the boosted fic this week is a mystery, so it works!!
Happy Haunting!!
Reichenbach Falls by VeeTheRee (M, 551,435+ w., 105/303 Ch. || WiP || Gravity Falls /  Multifandom AU || Alternate First Meeting, Gay Sherlock, Mutual Pining, Unilock, Summer Romance/Love, Fluff, Insecure Sherlock, Villain Mary, First Kiss, Slow Burn, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Canadian John, French Canadian Lestrade, Insecure Sherlock, Mystery, Domestic Fluff, Developing Relationship Summer Love, Light Angst, BAMF! John, Case Fic) – Two Canadians, two Brits studying in Canada, and an upkeeper walk into a Mystery Shack…. and live there. Summer holidays are here, and the step-siblings, Irene Adler and Sherlock Holmes, find themselves in a boring town called Reichenbach Falls, Oregon, USA. It isn’t as boring as it seems, however, once Sherlock stumbles upon a mystery journal, and the author is unknown. The journal contains ciphers, a strange colour wheel, and information about magical creatures that are said to be looming in the Northwestern forests. With mysteries to solve in hand, he and Irene set out to get to the roots of the town, and the abrupt disappearance of the author of the journal. But they’re not alone - John Watson, quite the handsome nephew of the Mystery Shack owner Greg Lestrade, is on their side to help out, plus mess with Sherlock’s feelings, in a good way. Shenanigans, romance, fun, danger, and deductions ensue. Oh, and there’s also occasional SuperWhoLock and two dorky Winchester brothers to spark up the action later on. Part 1 of the Reichenbach Falls series
One Good Scare by blueink3 (M, 17,386 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Holmes Family, Parentlock, Misunderstandings, Family, Fluff and Angst, Jealousy, Halloween, Happy Ending) – Mummy invites Sherlock, John, and Rosie to the country for her birthday, which just so happens to coincide with the annual Harvest Festival, an event Sherlock loathes. With John seemingly making the wrong move at every turn and with ghosts hiding in each of their closets, what will it take for their (Halloween) masks to finally come off?
the napoleon by darcylindbergh (E, 24,823 w., 4 Ch. || 1980′s AU || Halloween, Action & Romance, Costumes, Costume Parties/Masquerades, Mutual Pining, First Kiss / Time) – Halloween, 1989: John and Sherlock both have big plans for the night, but serial killers have the worst possible timing.
From a Well, Dark and Deep by Vulpesmellifera (M, 32,691 w., 18 Ch. || Post S4, Supernatural Elements, Horror / Milld Body Horror, Bed Sharing, Possession, Hand Holding, Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Friends to Lovers, Coming Out, Alternating POV, Nightmares, Caring John, Happy Ending) – Sherlock Holmes is desperately trying to reconcile his newfound memories and feelings within his transport—a transport that won’t quit with the nightmares and the strange, fiddly anxieties that crop up at the most inopportune moments. On the advice of his psychiatrist—not that he’s thrilled to be taking the man’s advice, but needs must—he's going to mark the anniversary of Eurus’ torments. That explains why he visits the well. What he finds at the well, though, is entirely unexpected. Meanwhile, John Watson has finally come to terms with something he’s ignored his entire life. He’s ready to share that something with Sherlock, except Sherlock isn’t acting himself. It's not the time for confessions, and John determines he must get to the bottom of his best friend's affliction before he can reveal anything. Part 3 of Vulpes' Halloween Johnlock
This Is Family by SaraStarchild (T, 39,840 w., 16 Ch. || Hereditary AU || Psychological Horror, Body Horror, Demonic Possession, POV Third Person Limited, Protective Mycroft, Cults, Mycroft Whump, Sherlock Whump, Major Character Death, Graphic Violence, Retelling) – When the Holmes family's secretive mother and matriarch, Ellen Holmes, passes away, the family she leaves behind – father Martin, sons Mycroft and Sherlock, and daughter Eurus – begins to unravel cryptic and increasingly terrifying secrets about their ancestry. The more they discover, the more they find themselves trying to outrun the sinister fate they seem to have inherited. This is, pretty much, a word-for-word retelling of the 2018 Ari Aster film, Hereditary. Part 1 of Sherlock Halloween Stories
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ao3feed-sheriarty · 1 year
Rosie and the pride month
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/CboeKUk
by Sherlockholmesfan2021
Little Rosie celebrating the pride month with her Dads!
Words: 305, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Sherlock (TV), Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms, Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes (Downey films), Sherlock Holmes (1984 TV), Sherlock (TV) RPF, Miss Sherlock (TV), Шерлок Холмс | Sherlock Holmes (TV 2013), Young Sherlock Holmes (1985), Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson (TV 1980), Sherlock Holmes (US TV 1954), Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson (TV Russia), The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes (1970)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Rosamund Mary "Rosie" Watson, Mycroft Holmes, Greg Lestrade, Molly Hooper, Mary Morstan, Mrs. Hudson (Sherlock Holmes), Janine (Sherlock), Irene Adler (Sherlock Holmes)
Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Sherlock Holmes & John Watson, Mary Morstan/John Watson, Mycroft Holmes/John Watson, Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper, Mycroft Holmes & Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Holmes/Jim Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes & John Watson & Rosamund Mary "Rosie" Watson, Sherlock Holmes & Rosamund Mary "Rosie" Watson, John Watson & Rosamund Mary "Rosie" Watson
Additional Tags: Johnlock Roulette, TJLC | The Johnlock Conspiracy, POV Sherlock Holmes, Established Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Sherlock Holmes Has Feelings, Bottom Sherlock Holmes, Developing Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Sherlock Holmes & John Watson Friendship, Sherlock Holmes Loves John Watson, John Watson Loves Sherlock Holmes, Untold Cases of Sherlock Holmes, POV John Watson, Top John Watson, Sherlock Holmes and John Watson Being Idiots, John Watson Whump, John Watson is a Good Doctor, Gay Pride, Pride, Writer's Pride Month 2021, Gay Male Character, Canon Gay Relationship, Gay Character, Gay Parents, LGBTQ Character, Pride Parades, Gay Sex
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/CboeKUk
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