#poverty gap
fallofcorruptbritain · 5 months
Awaab's Law: Tenants in mouldy homes in Rochdale told they breathe too much - BBC News
Corrupt Britain in the 21st century:
Many poor people forced to live in uninhabitable property, children die from the poor conditions, and then told they "breathe too much" by the landlords.
How does a 'civilised', wealthy country and its government allow people to be treated like this?
What the hell is wrong with Britain?
Is it so preoccupied with rubbish 'reality' TV shows and so-called 'celebrities' that it doesn't care about the ACTUAL reality of poverty and the tragic lack of decent, affordable homes for its own citizens?
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birdhism · 1 month
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I'm so tired...
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queerism1969 · 1 year
If your employees can’t afford rent off your wages then you shouldn’t be in business.
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A new report is detailing how poorly all levels of government are doing when it comes to addressing poverty in Canada.
Food Banks Canada issued a first-of-its-kind "report card" for all provincial and territorial governments on how it is addressing food insecurity, poverty and reduction efforts.
According to the report published on Tuesday, Canada overall received a D+ for its efforts.
"All governments in Canada are proving quite frankly inadequate in their approach to poverty reduction across the board," Kirstin Beardsley, CEO of Food Banks Canada, told CTVNews.ca in an interview. "We need to see more action everywhere."
Full article
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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thoughtportal · 1 year
Solutions to the current housing market problems.
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psychologeek · 9 months
Mind the Gap
(For day 1 of Whumptober )
She is fifteen and trying to make sure it's ok.
She's fifteen and nothing really matters but her brother's joy.
She is fifteen, which is like being fourteen only worse - because her friend is dead no longer there to talk to.
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ciderjacks · 3 months
speaking of sexism it’s not a coincidence that every female dominated job is underpaid and you’re a fool if you’re pretending that’s not intentional. The majority of people in poverty being women isn’t some sad accidental thing that no ones at fault for. The pay gap too. They’re intentionally keeping us down, keeping us poorer, limiting our opportunities, criminalizing resistance to sexist violence, effectively keeping rape legal despite that it should be prosecuted, yet enforcing police control and violence around abortions. All this so they have power over us.
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earthupinflames · 11 months
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a-typical · 1 year
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It's 80,000 BC. You are immortal. The world is still frozen in an ice age.
You decide to save $10,000 EVERY DAY, never spending a cent.
*82,023 years later, it's 2023. You still don't have as much money as Elon Musk.
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Poverty is an anomaly to rich people. It is very difficult to make out why people who want dinner do not ring the bell. One half of the world, according to the saying, do not know how the other half lives. Accordingly, nothing is so rare in fiction as a good delineation of the poor. Though perpetually with us in reality, we rarely meet them in our reading.
- Walter Bagehot, editor of the Economist
A curious comment, this, from one who greatly admired George Eliot and visited her regularly in St. John’s Wood, where they would discuss the money markets and the pain she felt in composing her novels.
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fallofcorruptbritain · 3 months
Funny how that 30 years takes us back to the last years of the Tory governments of Thatcher and Major...
"Vote Tory = Vote For Poverty".
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justaholeinmysoul · 8 months
The main example of how the mass thinking nowadays is UScentric and unfiltered from context is the age discourse. The whole boomer thing.
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khalesci · 8 months
things that dany would change immediately after taking the throne:
adopting linear primogeniture inheritance laws like in dorne
more extensive laws regarding consent in regard to marriage and adding an age requirement to marry
more protections for bastards and requirements for fathers of bastards to monetarily provide for their children and their mothers on a regulated basis
no more taxes on the poor, tax the rich instead bc it's very clear that a lot of these fucks are just hoarding wealth like jfc no wonder the kingdom went broke if they were pulling all their money from the people who have none to begin with meanwhile joffrey's wedding had like 77 courses for dinner
portions of food, clothes, etc. from imports and exports will be set aside and regularly distributed to those most in need, especially during the winter
schools!! teach these kids to read and write ffs maybe then the populace can help take better care of itself
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I really feel like we spent too much time trying to appeal to the non-existent empathy of rich people when talking about increasing poverty because the response has always been something along the lines of, 'not my problem.'
Now, the areas of the highest income are getting robbed where I live and all I can do is shrug. This is one of the most inevitable results of increasing poverty in the US and it could have been avoided if those with the most power actually worked to *do* something about it, but those with the most power never thought it was something that would affect them.
They are now becoming the victims of their own inactions, and I'm having a hard time sympathizing with them.
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"A society cannot sustain itself when so few have so much while so many have so little."
Scroll down and look at the graph
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ausetkmt · 2 years
Poverty, Politics and Profit (full documentary) | FRONTLINE - YouTube
Many people have no idea why there is such a huge wealth gap in america. This gives us a brief peek into the reality of classism and financial disinfranchisement.
This is not a game, and we as people who are victimized by this scheme have asked until we are blue in the face. Now we get a look behind the financial curtain. We are not locked out - we are PLANNED OUT
Today we help you understand why the dollar is worth less in the hands of POC. There is a lot of money circulating but it's not being directed to your circles; Find out Why by Watching this
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