#powder is 11
eela · 2 years
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phantom thieves approval rating in the gutter.. lives on the line... That reminds me, the home shopping program is airing today
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davey-in-a-minivan · 4 months
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attor · 1 month
wish i was in bed so badly but for some reason i decided to start making curry when i got home from class...fucked up that i thought this was a good idea
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vaniliens · 4 months
"the joy of creating lies not within the finished piece itself but the process." i say, as if im not about to start crying any time soon
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blood-and-breath · 1 year
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my man so happy to be back home
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justablah56 · 1 year
currently experiencing the simple joys (eating hot cocoa powder)
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heckyeahponyscans · 2 years
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UK G1 My Little Pony comic #11, 1986 - Your Own Page
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n1et · 11 months
I made myself hot chocolate from scratch today. It was really nice; reminded me a bit of my trips with my godfather.
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seenibunnies · 2 years
actually forget gentrified smores, next time they should do a bake off technical on terrible food people came up with as children but also gentrified
like gentrified crisp and ketchup sandwiches: artisan sourdough bread sliced into triangles with handcooked plain crisps for one. and the other filled richly with tomato chutney passing for ketchup. and one piece of curly parsley placed on top (not meant for eating because it would be too spicy for paul and prue’s mouths).
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bredforloyalty · 1 year
just made pancakes (like american style) and omgg they're so fluffy i've never been able to get them this fluffy before
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goddessofroyalty · 2 years
Just wanna say how much I love disparity between AJayce/OViktor against OJayce/AViktor~ In one you get an AJayce who fits alpha standards to a T and a OViktor who may by his hometown’s standards not be conveniently beautiful, seems to still have a few admirers (Even if some are just for his family’s power)~ While with OJayce/AViktor they both seem to be disappointments in the beauty standards of where they come from (probably to the point of bullying) and from that can empathise with each other on that experience~
Now with OJayce/OViktor it gets even sweeter (and gayer???) then ever before~ (AJayce/AViktor is just looking like canon so been there done that, still good though)~
Also last thought, by Zaun standards is OClaggor a snatch?~ Of age of course~
It is absolutely one of the strong points of Jayvik and omegaverse. Each designation combination creates a completely different dynamic even without changing their base characterisations just because of how broader social things affect them and their relationship. Even the power exchange between them can get these super interesting elements (like AJayce/OViktor is more all social power goes to Jayce while AViktor/OJayce has... Jayce is more socially powerful because he's not from Zaun while Viktor is more socially powerful because he's an alpha).
But even on an individual character level - Alpha Jayce signing his notes with his name is very much that first-appearance-arrogance where it's turns it into a bit of a twist when he so quickly brings Viktor on board as his equal; Omega Jayce on the other hand it gets more a connotation of someone who doesn't want his work stolen from him so is trying to make it clear It Is His (which also creates an interesting lens with how quickly he recognises Viktor and always acknowledges his part). Conversation an Omega Viktor plays into how all their work is assumed to be Jayce's with him only as support; while an Alpha Viktor really shows how it's because he's from Zaun that people are discrediting him in favour of Jayce.
OJayce/OViktor is very much the sweetest version of dynamics and I feel like the most light-hearted. AJayce/AViktor is yeah... basically the canon (which is the reason I don't tend to do it - I'd just remove the omegaverse and write them canon).
Claggor is attractive in Zaun by either designation beauty standards. Although I do think he's the kind of one where it takes until after puberty when his body kind of 'settles' that it truly hits people (I mean most probably predicted). As a teen I think he's another very puppy fat heavy person but as an alpha he takes after Vander where his face starts to square off and he gets more the... strongman physique. As an omega it's after puberty he settles into the broad plump hourglass.
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viovio · 2 years
grrr want some scramble btw
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davey-in-a-minivan · 8 months
:) happy six month pasithea endingversary :) what are YOUR top 5 episodes :)
HIIIIII okay when i asked you "top five" i was like oh this should be easier than favorite or top three, five is plenty!! but now i am trying to narrow it down to top five and struggling. i'm gonna go with
ep 16 bad idea - FOR OBVIOUS REASONS but this is definitely the one i've relistened to most bc it just makes me so happy
a passage - i think the heat death of the universe will come before i stop thinking abt this one. they put cocaine in it
ep 1 you are mistaken - really iconic first episode and also probably the ep i know best :)
ep 10 evelyn - i think this episode was the point of no return for me, like, the other becoming sophie is sooo juicy but the moment when you hear evelyn's voice and are like OH SHIT. OHHH OF COURSE IT'S HIM. and then!!!! after the whole conversation when you realize what jane is doing!!!!!!!!!!!! the first time i listened i remember saying out loud "no. she is not going to--" AND THEN SHE DID. AND THEN IT WENT SO BADLY. DELICIOUS.
ep 33 jane and sophie - it's just such a lovely ending <3 <3 <3
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six-of-ravens · 2 years
well, today fkn sucks
went to the bulk barn, spent more than expected (whoops), come out and a bird has shit on my car, decide I'll go to the gas station and get a car wash, pay $12 for gas bc I forgot you can't JUST buy a car wash and I don't want to be driving in circles trying to find a place where you can, realize afterwards there's a pylon in front of the entrance, ask the cashier about it and she's like "oh yeah the car wash is out of order" and refuses to refund me bc the car wash I bought is "good for 2 months" even though this is Alberta and by the time their dumb car wash is fixed it'll be too cold to wash your car anyway, so I come home and decide I'm gonna just wash the bird shit off myself, on the way home remember there was a paper taped to the pump but the wind had blown it so that the text wasn't visible to me, and I thought it was unimportant bc it was specifically taped to the part of the pump where you scan your membership thing, but in hindsight it probably said the car wash was out of order AND the cashier must think I'm an idiot Karen for buying a thing I can't use and then asking for a refund even though I wasn't rude just disappointed AND
anyway yeah I spent $23 for gas I didn't need and a car wash I can't use and literally blew my entire weekly grocery and spending budgets in one day and I'm NOT CRYING I'M NOT CRYING I'M NOT CRYING
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fingertipsmp3 · 25 days
Yesterday I was musing about how I haven’t really had a bad nightmare since I went on SSRIs and then I proceeded to have a full blown night terror
#it was so so bad on so many levels#in the first part of my dream i had ordered edibles and shroom powder to be sent to my house (not surprising; i would do this)#and they got delivered by a man who looked completely judgemental of me#but i didn’t care because there was a hot woman there who made me shroom tea#it tasted terrible but i drank it all anyway. and had a weed gummie. and she had a ‘weed patch’ as well that she was trying to get me to put#on my stomach. but i was worried it’d be too potent#since my actual body was sober; i didn’t feel any of the effects of this drug within the dream (obviously) but i was operating under the#assumption they were going to kick in so i was really anxious#then this woman was going through my stuff and she found dead bodies?? like dessicated bodies of multiple people#and i was like ‘i don’t know who the hell that is. i guess they belong to whoever lived here before’#we weren’t in my actual house; we were in like a massive old four-storey house with an attic which i think was where the bodies were#in the dream this was MY house#then for whatever reason i went on a trip with this person i used to be friends with to her childhood home#which was suddenly in a really creepy neighbourhood#she suddenly had a sister who was maybe 11 years old and catatonic due to being demonically possessed. and this kid seemed to be the head#of a cult basically. she had something called the ‘angel guard’ under her thrall. and when i asked what the angel guard were#my friend was just casually like ‘oh they bury you alive’ WHAT?????#then someone unpeeled the weed patch and smacked it on me and i woke up just as i was about to be buried alive#i think there was more to it than this. there was also a creepy woman but i can’t remember the significance of her#it was just such an unnecessarily scary dream. i woke up at like 6am TERRIFIED#i haven’t had a nightmare in so long lol i’m unequipped to cope. especially since my dreams have gotten so much more vivid#now that i’m medicated. i feel like i’m fine with the vivid dreams most of the time but when they’re this bad.. no#personal
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bibleofficial · 2 months
real talk when does a bender end & become just … abuse
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