prayantis · 2 years
Dad Cash HCs I have
After the death of basically his ENTIRE family, when Jimmy finds him he’s super protective of him
Does that dad grab of the neck
Not one for “I love you”s but he definitely loves Jimmy
Buys stuff he thinks Jimmy will like
“Watch your fucking language”
When he WAS in Jimmy’s life before (everything) he’d mess up with the bottles and have to remake them like, 5 times
Would drop everything to go to Bullsworth and yell at the teachers cause Jimmy told him too
Jimmy finds that pic of young him and Ramírez and asks why he’s grabbing his tit
Jimmy also realizes Cash IS actually his father then too
Cash lets Jimmy take a sip of beer cause he asked
Jimmy will never ask for a sip of beer again
Teaches Jimmy how to use a gun
Then proceeds to GIVE him a gun (Jimmy’s mom takes it away but still-)
Jimmy introduces the gang to Cash
Gary asks to see baby pics of Jimmy, and Cash delivers
Cash, very emotionally distant but trying to show that he loves Jimmy: I’d kill god for you
Jimmy: thanks
Jimmy goes to Vice City to stay with Cash for a couple of days during breaks
Cash almost kills a skullyz in front Jimmy before Jimmy is like “chill”
Cash throws Jimmy a 20 once in awhile
Jimmy: wait this ain’t enough!
Cash: make it enough
Jimmy looks through his photo albums and TRIES to get Cash to open up but still has barely learned anything abt him
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prayantis · 1 year
Cash is the type of dad that Jimmy calls and is like “you wanna pick me up earlier” and then Cash is “ok” and gets him
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prayantis · 2 years
What if cash never had to run away and left his wife and son?
For starters, Jimmy would probably have Cash as his last name instead, or he’ll pull a Hispanic and have BOTH last names.
Mallory (Jimmy’s mom) would also stay with Cash and not marry like, 7 rich guys. Jimmy would also have a better home life with him ACTUALLY having a real father figure. Jimmy would still be getting expelled from schools though but that’s cause he’s Jimmy.
Cash would work a lot of odd jobs here and there, with him averaging at least two jobs to support his family. Jimmy wouldn’t get to see him much cause of this but they’d definitely have their bonding times even with Cash’s jobs. Considering Cash stays, the events of manhunt don’t happen so our homeboy Cash doesn’t get beaten up a bunch in one day/night lol.
Cash would also try to be involved in Jimmy’s education since Cash as a teen too got expelled from a couple of schools and doesn’t want Jimmy to go down that same path.
Every parent teacher meeting Cash is just SCARING the poor teachers cause he has a resting bitch face and an asshole voice.
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prayantis · 2 years
Love to see werewolf Gary stuff-
Didn’t know he was a werewolf until he was 13
First time he turned on a full moon he almost killed Pete
Can’t wear sliver anymore and forces Jimmy and Pete not to have not on them at all times
You know how puppies have a lil playful bite? Yeah he does that
He likes to bite Petey’s arm at random times
Jimmy’s reflexes are fast enough that he can’t bite him but Jimmy normally lets him chew on his arm
Skips school on a day of the full Moon and the day after
This leads to rumors of him being a werewolf but only couple of people ACTUALLY believe it while the others just think it’s silly fun
Eats a lot of meat now
Tried to convince Edna to give him raw meat once
And she straight up did-
Jimmy gets him a lot of dog/wolf themed stuff after he learns about it
Jimmy found out by finding Gary mid transformation on a full moon
Afterwards Gary officially told him cause Jimmy had already seen-
Pete’s been in the know as Gary was 13 and helps him try to hide it
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prayantis · 2 years
And i thinked of other hcs and i should thank you Bully its one of my top 4 games and nowdays i really tired so replaying again its always Fun and well manhunt its my favorite horror game,but about the hcs maybe jimmy's mom always sigh or become a little Sad when someone calls Jimmy James because its remember her about cash^^
Since Cash left mysteriously, only leaving money and a note telling her not to look for him she has been saddened over his disappearance from her life
She tries not to look so sad while she looks at important documents for Jimmy that say James
But she fails and sighs
Jimmy showed her his school ID that had his full name and she just looked so sad about it
Jimmy doesn’t know why this is but tries to make sure she doesn’t have to see it and often hides it from her or scratches James out
The name also contributes to her distance to her son, he just looks so much like him sometimes 
Doesn’t help that Jimmy acts like him a lot either
Cash was also the one to come up with the nickname Jimmy to end confusion with her calling James and them both looking at her
She hopes that Jimmy doesn’t find out about his biological father any time soon since she fears he’ll be ashamed of his name as well
It’s not everyday that you learn the man you’re named after is a murderer that’s been in jail for your whole life
Whenever the subject came up of Jimmy’s real father she’d yell and tell him to stop pestering her with questions that didn’t matter
It seemed like she was mad but really the memories of Cash once cherished, had now grown bitter in her mind
TLDR; She has big sad when James = Jimmy
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prayantis · 2 years
(hey its been some time i Hope you missed me^^) what would be cash reaction of seeing Jimmy with both arms full of tattoos
Cash: you know I didn’t raise you like this
Jimmy: that’s cause you didn’t raise me at all!
Cash: touché
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prayantis · 2 years
Hc that Danny is into super fucked up looking animals/bugs and infodumps to Leo ((with pics)) as Leo cries out in fear upon seeing the new horrific creature Danny thinks is cute x
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prayantis · 2 years
Headcanon that Jimmy’s full name is James Jr “Jimmy” Jimothy Hopkins
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prayantis · 2 years
Headcanon that bullworth has someone doing piercings. Just someone in the bathroom with a piercing gun charging 5 for each ear (and other body parts)
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prayantis · 2 years
Cash’s family hcs cause I see no one talking abt them
The family that was killed consisted of: Cash’s half siblings (two sisters and a brother) and his uncle
Cash is the eldest son in the family
His father was a whore, alcoholic and was never at home
Their mothers left them with the father and Cash’s bio mom died when he was 5
Cash was a single mother of 3 by age 12
They developed a very close relationship due to this
His half sisters were named Kim and Jessica who was nicknamed Jessie by Cash
His half brother was named Tod but everyone called him Toddy
His uncle Brian would take care of them sometimes but was also out of the house most of the time
Cash left home at 18 to join the military
Young Cash + Parentification = angst
When Cash was discharged from the military he didn’t want to face his family and decided to just start anew
Cash went to the military to make his family proud
Based off of the Skinz’ dialogue, I do believe Cash is Hispanic, he’s just lightskin guys-
Cash is the oldest, Kim is younger by 4 years, Jessie 5 and Toddy by 7 years
Cash never found their bodies and couldn’t perform a burial; but he did do a service for them and poured 4 beers out for them
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prayantis · 2 years
Gary: you’re such a beta petey
Jimmy: who taught you that?
Gary: my sigma of a brother duh, may he rest in sigma heaven
Pete: I don’t think that exists-
Gary: way to crap on his sigma-ness petey!
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prayantis · 2 years
Hey How you doing Hope that you are okay^^,i thinked what you think that is cash opinion's about the gangs since he is almost mute lol
Thank you!! I’m fine, just recovering from being sick lol!!
The hoods
Kidding kidding, but Cash doesn’t think much of them
Literally just some guys who are all bark and no bite
(Off topic but even the fandom has widely forgotten them)
The Skinz
With Cash being the Hispanic king he is, he doesn’t like them
Let’s be honest we don’t like them either
The Skullyz
Literally just Mexican guys with weapons
The drugs are cool n all but Cash did enough drugs in college
Thinks the Satan worshipping is weird but at least they believe in something
The babyfaces
Most of them could do with a visit to darkwoods penitentiary asylum section
Except for that ONE pedo guy
Cash would kill him again
The wardogs
Crazy fuckers
Just weirdos who need a better hobby than just militarism and American propaganda
“When Ramírez said he’d built a team one day this is NOT what I had this mind!”
Secretly judges them for listening to Ramírez’s crazy ass
The Smileys
Knew some of them during his stay in darkwood
Thinks they could’ve changed if they had gotten the help they needed
But Jesus are do they love violence-
S. W. A. T. / Carer City Police
Knew there was a good reason not to like cops
Yk besides them locking him in a cage-
Cash could’ve told you they were corrupted years ago
Spits on a dead one for his revenge on cops
“You know cops are the biggest gang allowed.”
Fucking dicks
Been hating on them from the moment they beat him up
AND for not letting the man leave to freedom
They did NOT have to gang up on Cash every damn time
Got what they deserved
*Cerberus members screaming* “that’s the sound of motherfucking justice.”
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prayantis · 1 year
Hc that one time Leo broke a rib and was obvious to this fact, thinking that it was his kidney sticking out of his chest until Danny’s like “…no…. that’s a rib….”
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prayantis · 1 year
I feel like Leo is the type to do something BADLY on purpose so he wouldn’t have to do it again, on the most random stuff too
Danny: you left stains on the dishes and they all smell like raw meat
Leo: I told you I didn’t know how to do them!
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prayantis · 2 years
So hey lol,Sorry to bother you but i remember cash basically kill all Hunter from all gangs but in divided they fall you can still hear gunshots when cash is running away so can you do a hcs for why cash didn't killed all the wardogs? And i love your content❤️ made me play manhunt and Bully again
First off, THANK YOU FOR UR KIND WORDS I TRY secondly, this is my time being requested hcs so bare with me!!
Cash isn’t a outwardly violent man unless you come at him first
Cash by this point is just so over this game that they’re playing
Cash had also killed THEIR LEADER which they wouldn’t be too happy about
The Wardogs as well to Cash are just kinda, weirdos with too much free time, not very scrumbaggy compared to the other gangs
Cash was also exhausted from all the killing he had to do beforehand since this whole game takes place in one night guys-
AKA Cash says fuck it, and just bails
By this time it’s either, take on 15 rage filled military men or run away
Considering Cash was also part of the military he just has a little bit of a bias to NOT fuck them up if they’re not fucking Jim up
Plus with Ramírez and Cash’s shared past and the fact that Cash shot him-
He feels like it’s the least he could really do since Ramirez was his friend at one point
Then Robin rolls up and Cash is like “damn okay”
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prayantis · 2 years
Leo is most definitely a pyromaniac
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