#prednisone posting
hidefdoritos · 11 months
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[IDs: The front and back of a pair of dark jeans. I outlined cute, simplified dinosaur silhouettes all over the left leg. End IDs.]
The dino jeans are done.
It's almost 3 am.
This took like 8 hours.
I love them!
Why do I do this to myself.
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loartacc · 9 months
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Updated Kinzenth art while i made his rider. Wings are a bit funky,, but improvement from the old one I guess? (I finally added scarring to the tail bc at the time i??? For some reason didnt???)
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area51-escapee · 1 year
It feels like once a month every month my brain tries to convince me I have OCD and I have to take it out of my skull and spray it with a pressure washer like a satisfying deck cleaning video until it starts acting right again
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kaneninez · 1 year
I am suddenly allergic to sunscreen, and I need to know if there are other people like me, please!
I broke out in hives and had trouble breathing to the point where my body began to contract, and I lost control. How do ya'll deal with this allergy when you're pale as fuck and used to wear it every day? 🙃 Do I need to start wearing jedi cloaks?
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lifblogs · 2 years
Prednisone makes me famous.
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hidefdoritos · 5 months
So far it seems like the 2 NyQuil + 20 mg Melatonin combo is taking care of making me sleep through the steroid effects. I wake up pretty reliably at 4 am and have to start another podcast episode to go back to sleep. My eyes are extremely dry.
However I've been sleeping in until 10 or 11. Today I go back to class, so up at 7:30. Off work for the rest of the week bc I CANNOT drive in this condition. Would ram a tree without ever thinking to take my foot off the gas.
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
@ms-demeanor ‘s post about reacting to the epinephrine in dental shots just yeeted me back into a core memory circa 2018 when I was first prescribed my epi pens (I carry 4 at all times, yay, mast cell dysfunction) and the doctor in the ER realized my tendency toward biphasic anaphylaxis was in part triggered by the sulfite solution in the epi pen.
You could see him doing the thousand yard stare of dread inside his own head while outwardly yelling for more steroids.
And that’s the story of how my backpack came to be filled with a metric fuckton of dye-feee Benadryl and Prednisone. Because fuck me, I guess.
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cleolinda · 2 months
Medications I am taking for my current ordeal
Prednisone: Steroid. Reduces the inflammation of my herniated disc. Knocked out 99% of the pain. MVP. Mood elevation for a couple of weeks (wanted to deep clean the whole house), then it started to make me kind of mentally scattered and easily agitated. Spinal doctor discontinued it so I can have a Big Steroid in two weeks.
Tylenol: A good time. Helps pain a lot. Does more for me than actual opioids. Watch your liver.
Flexeril: Muscle relaxer. Will make you (me) groggy for days afterwards without actually doing much. Mostly made me not care that things hurt. Did keep me from deep-cleaning the house. It was that or a tranquilizer dart.
Meloxicam: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory. Leg is a little fussy but 90% of the pain is at bay. Makes me loopy and kind of groggy but it’s only for two weeks. Acceptable.
Tizanidine: Muscle relaxer. No perceptible benefit, feels like being drunk, makes me post about politics. Discontinuing immediately.
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suratan-zir · 7 months
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Tsapa didn't want to be in this ASMR video and run out of the frame. (yeah, his snout and under his chin needs to be cleaned more frequently. It's because his supplementary food gets kinda sticky.)
My beautiful boy has a pituitary gland tumor. But this is not a sad post, at least not intended that way. This is a success story. And an encouragement to potential rat owners to always try everything before giving up.
So. In December, after Tsapa's brother, Plyam, had to be put to sleep due to a spinal cord tumor, Tsapa became very passive and depressed. Or so I thought. I attributed his depression to the fact that he misses his closest friend (rats do get depressed sometimes when they lose cagemates).
But then he started developing hind leg degeneration, which was quite early for his age and also was the first symptom his late brother had, so I got really worried. Long story short, after a couple of days it became difficult for him to drink from the water bottle and lick liquid food, it was obvious that he has a pituitary gland tumor.
We started treatment, almost too late. He had seizures in my hands and I thought I'm going to lose him that day.
It's been nearly three months. Tsapa has no seizures, no difficulty eating or drinking, no symptoms other than mild hind leg degeneration. All thanks to Cabergoline. He's on combination of three meds, the best scheme for treating pituitary tumors in rats. Cabergoline every 72 hours, prednisone and antibiotics daily. Prednisone to control inflammation in his skull and antibiotics to prevent infections due to the immunodeficiency from prednisone. But Cabergoline does the heavy lifting, without it Tsapa would've been dead within days or weeks at most after his symptoms started.
He still has a very short life expectancy, yes. And in my experience, rats on Cabergoline do just fine until they die suddenly and unexpectedly. But these are still months of life, treats and scritches, of time together with him. Cabergoline is very pricey. Also, it only works on prolactinomas, it won't do anything for any other type of pituitary tumor. But when it does work, it works like a charm, so it's always worth a try.
Thank you for coming to my RAT talk.
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iceicewifey · 1 month
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figured i should probably post this here too… _(:3」∠)_
it’s been a hot minute since i’ve had commissions open and i’ve never done them thru ko-fi before, but i decided to go ahead with opening pitter patter pop comms to help pay my mom back for andi's vet bill, more about her under the cut. 💗 more info can be found on my ko-fi page linked in my bio, but i’ll be doing five slots. shares are appreciated if you can’t commission me at this time, but please don’t feel pressured to! my mom is flexible, so there's no time limit.
shares appreciated! examples of my works on my carrd under the portfolio tab, visit my ko-fi if you're interested!
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brief cw for vet talk under the cut, but the tl;dr is that andi's all good. 💗
i posted about it briefly, but andi had a vet visit yesterday for the hot spots that popped up again, but all went well! she’s on prednisone again plus an antibiotic since one spot looked like it was just starting to get infected according to the vet that saw her, but she’s been doing really well. my mom was nice enough to come up and take her plus front the vet bill which was $155 as shown in the invoice below.
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This is the counterpart to my post about Peter and glasses.
I could have included some more details or doodles of Kaine's like, various mobility devices as he gets older but: this is supposed to be glasses-focused. and also... my hand doesn't want me to do that.
closeups below:
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baby Kaine. Even though I claimed that this drawing is solely about glasses, it's also to show that Kaine's hair gets darker as he matures and it was much redder when he was young. And only mild myopia at 12 lol
I'm not gonna go into the whole timeline here but if you haven't read Dr. Warren's notes on Kaine's development for windowverse (major CW for a lot of stuff, please read the tags) the tl;dr is that Kaine is 12 when he gets taken out and then rapidly aged to adulthood. I did this on purpose rather than going along with the 616 canon. my AU my rules etc.
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Anyway here's Kaine 3 years later, when he's 24 and is freed from Warren. Still mildly nearsighted but also starts developing a specific kind of cataract because he's been on various corticosteroid and other medications that fuck with his body (probably better than his body killing him) (maybe) It's a posterior subcapsular cataract btw and it develops basically over the span of a few months, overlooked by the people around him and by himself.
He is actually in the hospital (no longer with Warren) when this happens, partly because of an adrenal crisis from oops suddenly stopping prednisone cold turkey after three years. Everyone's a little preoccupied...
His skin should probably not be so clear here now that I look at this lol but I was more focused on his eyes and hair than his various lesions and acne/skin picking...
Oh, his droopy eyelid is from physical trauma btw. A combo of nerve damage and his orbit/brow bone and surrounding area having healed wrong from a pretty bad break/injury (related to his busted up nose). It's not Bell's palsy and he can still move the left side of his face for the most part but the area around his eye especially is definitely weaker
jumping forward another few years —
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by 2015 Kaine can't really see much out his left eye, aside from like... light glare and stuff like that. Bottom left is Kaine in 2014, hair still in the process of darkening as it grows Very Rapidly.
During the windowverse equivalent of The Lost Years and Redemption, from late 2012 to early 2015, Kaine is really underweight (nothing new to him, really...) and very sick and unmedicated, and also dealing with things like the long-term chronic effects of ending steroid medications, withdrawals, etc etc etc... not doing so hot...
He also gains a lot more scars over this time period.
Top right is mid to late 2015, around September probably, don't know why I wrote 2016. Kaine keeps his hair long for a few months in Houston then buzzes his hair in November 2015:
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After some shit happens. Post-werewolf mauling, basically. Included a mask on this one since he is on (steroid sparing) immunosuppressants and needs to be more careful... at Donald's urging lol
Kaine also wears sunglasses inside pretty often (along with stuff like ear plugs, which I forgot to draw lol) since, like Peter, he is sensitive to bright lights and is also just in general a little more prone to sensory overload than Peter is. So those are supposed to be Tom Ford Marko FT0144 sunglasses, aka James Bond sunglasses lol (Kaine does not know this, of course)
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Anyway, astigmatism in his right eye is getting kind of noticeable (it's more than that but...) He also has acquired some optic nerve damage in his already blind eye because of a combination of factors, so that eye actually is totally blind now
Anyway 2016:
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After some stuff happens, Kaine ends up back in New York (with Aracely), things are hectic, finally settle down... very late in 2016 Kaine finally goes to the eye doctor
Unsurprisingly the eye doctor wants Kaine to get cataract removal surgery. Also unsurprisingly, Kaine refuses.
Anyway his indoor frames are based on Gucci's men's cat eye glasses, which technically only come in tortoiseshell but I decided that it's My AU and I make the rules and I can say that Gucci also made these in black, in windowverse. and also kaine's size. lol.
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$450 💀
Like Peter, Kaine has tinted lenses. Unlike Peter, they are not Transitions/photochromic. So indoors he has lighter shades with a gradient to almost clear at the bottom, no polarization or anything like that.
For outside—
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These are just Kate Spade Genice sunglasses with the lenses replaced w/ black mirrored polarized lenses. Though I don't think I made them flat enough—
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My justification for Kaine being able to wear itty bitty designer shades (seriously, why are the arms on kate spade frames so short?) is that he has a couple million dollars and he can do whatever he wants. (Like have the arms replaced.) These specific shades also have pretty large lenses so I figure as long as the arms are lengthened, they should fit.
And also I like them and I want him to wear them.
Anyway jumping ahead like 8 years to when Kaine is in his mid 30s—
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More Tom Ford frames. Ingrid, this time, with prescription lenses presumably lol
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I'll be honest I did consider giving Kaine a prosthetic eye, but... in this context I think the only reason he'd ever get eye surgery would be if it was a life-threatening emergency, and tbh even with issues like glaucoma and complications from the cataract, it's not clear to me that it would ever be life-threatening unless he managed to get an infection, which I guess is possible, but idk? Eye pain is def not enough motivation for Kaine to have it removed, especially since surgery would increase his risk of infection on account of being immunocompromised on the long-term.
If I were to go that route, windowverse Kaine is the type to have an expensive and glamorous eye made btw, because he is already going to draw attention, he cannot look "normal," regardless of how realistic a professional prosthetic can be, and people are going to stare at him regardless, so I think he would prefer to do something that feels, like... well, like him.
Anywayyyy... I've left it as just an eternal cataract for now but if it turns out that would cause actual dangerous problems I will have them take his eye out...
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As far as his working eye goes, in his mid-30s his eyesight is definitely worse, and he's pretty nearsighted, but it's definitely still basically fully correctable with prescription lenses (issues w/ depth perception and lack of binocular vision notwithstanding). But without, he has to look pretty closely at stuff like food labels to be able to read it and even then it can still be blurry.
Those frames are Gucci as well btw
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again, lenses replaced with darker, polarized lenses to suit his needs wrt light sensitivity etc.
Kaine's temples are also starting to thin a tiny bit but it's not very noticeable yet.
This is also four years after he and Aracely moved into a luxury motor home and adopted a stray cat, and his meds are not too awful to keep track of (yay for patches), and actually make him feel comparatively better, so he's like... doing alright for himself. Even his eyebrows are healthier (because he isn't compulsively ripping them out from stress)
Jumping forward another 5-7 years:
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I made these frames up on account of it's 10 years in the future. Continuing the cat eye trend.
Kaine starts letting his facial hair grow out at some point between 36 and 40, probably just because shaving is kind of a hassle and he has arthritis (etc), and it's not like it will ever grow very long... he also goes fully gray very quickly upon reaching middle age lmao — Peter doesn't start going gray until a few years after Kaine, and even then doesn't really get grayer than a big skunk stripe before he dies. Ben goes gray in his 50s, but may or may not still be bleaching or coloring his hair at that point lol
Kaine's hairline is obviously also receding a bit more obviously now, unlike his brothers... :/ damn them (okay Peter's got a tiny bit of a receding hairline by 48 but only barely)
But Kaine is... dare I say... kind of happy? He's in a good place in his 30s and 40s, emotionally and relationship-wise, with his whole platonic soulmate thing with Aracely, and the random stray cat she adopted, and their expensive motor home and so on. His vision may be getting worse and he is retired because of his many disabilities but he's like... pretty okay.
Anyway Kaine is very undeniably going blind by the time he's 40 and he's started to learn braille around age 41 as he accepts that.
...probably his lenses should be thicker but I can barely draw glasses as it is..........
In addition to whatever specs he's wearing, he finally gets a tactile cellphone for emergencies around this time, basically only for speed-dialing Aracely, Ben or Peter, or 911.
I figure he prefers tactile stuff like braille or buttons because it's all touch-based and he doesn't like dealing with TTS or dictation (for multiple reasons) and doesn't like screen readers (mostly for sensory reasons), but he does occasionally use those things because sometimes tactile feels worse than listening to a robot, and obviously screen readers can be more useful for specific situations.
ANYWAY Kaine probably has like a BlindShell 2 or MiniVision (non smart) or whatever the hell.
It's worth saying: Kaine can still see out of his right eye, but he can't clarify images well, mostly just moving shapes and blurry silhouettes and colors and light. He can still read really massive text if it's close enough to his face (with glasses) or like, really huge signs, but not with crispness or clarity, and probably still causes some strain. Anything else is illegible.
Still sensitive to light and being dazzled though, probably actually worse now, so still wearing tinted lenses both outdoors and indoors.
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Does orientation & mobility around age 43, once someone finally thinks to refer him to a low vision specialist... He does get a cane but not the typical long cane people associate with blindness. He mostly navigates okay on his own since he can still see a little, and the cane is mostly for his chronic pain and other health problems... but he's definitely a lot slower than he used to be, as well as easily startled, and prefers to have Aracely with him if he's out and about.
But all things considered, he's not doing too terribly for a guy who wasn't expected to survive past 30.
So, Anyway, mid 40s:
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(aka the cutest part of this drawing)
Another frame I made up. Just nude acetate and bronze wireframe...
And a puppy lol (American Doberman)
When Kaine is around 45, since he does have some problems navigating, especially if he's alone, and Aracely can't be around him all the time, Aracely convinces Kaine to get a service dog
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Warren's Jackal mask in windowverse was a black leather Anubis mask, not a green bat thing, so the blurry silhouettes of black Dobies make Kaine... stressed, which is why a brown Dobie with uncropped ears (and a Dobie because they drool less)
It takes a while to train her of course, and lots of money too... but they do
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So once Brownie is a year old, Kaine has his very own seeing eye dog 🐶
There are like... more details but I want to actually draw Brownie and Kaine's gear for her, so I'll just leave that for some other time. also this post is way too long as it is lmao
Peter probably does bitch a little bit about the breed choice but he can deal with it.
that's it for now.
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tacosaysroar · 4 months
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I feel like I post about my neighbor’s gardenias every year, so you’re probably tired of hearing about them, but my god are they in rare form right now. The smell would lift you off your feet and float you around the corner like Pepe Le Pew.
Ebunnyzer Scrooge is now officially living in the guest room. We still have toys (on the highest shelves) and boxes to move, but it’s safe for her and it’s given her a new space to explore. Plus, how cute is she in this old doll bed?
Slowly but surely, prednisone is making this poison ivy/oak/sumac or whatever it was go away. Fingers crossed on no unpleasant side effects before my 12 days are up.
Mass text from the trainer at 10:30 p.m. saying he no longer works for the gym. He says we’re free to reach out for details and he hopes to keep working with us. There’s popcorn-eating drama happening there. Like, jumbo sized. Deeply curious. But in the meantime, who’s covering my 6:00 workout tomorrow?
These Quest cheese crackers are my new snack obsession.
Adelaide got me a very pretty coleus in a cobalt blue pot for (belated) Mother’s Day, which is now outside in the (partial) sun.
A scant 4 days until my next NFA visit ❤️
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alpinezro · 2 months
just want to say, sorry for any weird or emotional posts ive made in the last few weeks!
due to the severity of my allergic reaction(s) i was on a VERY high dose of the steroid prednisone which was administered to me in a really weird and inconsistent way. because steroids play on the hippocampus (emotional regulation and memory) it made me really mentally unstable.
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"However, steroids are also known to increase irritability, anxiety and aggression and cause mood swings, manic symptoms and paranoia, particularly when taken in high doses. High doses, especially when taken orally, can cause nausea, vomiting and gastric irritation."
i experienced all of these symptoms to a pretty extreme degree, but its just the payoff for surviving! without the steroids i would've gone into shock and had to be hospitalized long term. knowing the side effects, having to take benadryl, and smoking copious amounts of weed helped me through it :-)
its out of my system now and i'm feeling a LOT better! sorry for being emo!
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lifblogs · 2 months
I'm bored and waiting for my throat to not be as swollen, so I'm gonna list my OCD compulsions.
Rereading my own fics whenever I get a comment on them (I wish I was kidding)
Counting, so much counting, even with filling up cups or water bottles
All cups for taking medicine have to be rinsed 3 times with the water running into them for 3 seconds before they can be filled and drunk from (I also do this with the cats' water bowl)
Counting to 20 with washing my hands, and starting over again if I lose count from getting distracted, even though I know very well that I wash my hands longer than the necessary 20 seconds
Skin picking (don't even get me started there)
Rereading my own posts again and again and again and again
Having difficulty journaling because my brain will focus on one phrase (usually a negative one) and I will actually write it out on repeat.
Rereading the same sentence in a book on loop as I try to wrap my mind around it.
Mental echolalia, as in I'll be watching a show, a character will say a line, and I have to repeat it in my head at least 4 times before I can move on.
I'm sure there's more I can't remember right now. Just since my diagnosis a couple years ago and learning more about the illness I"m realizing how much it rules my life. Especially since I'm on prednisone right now! Long courses/high doses of prednisone worsen OCD, so there's a fun fact for you.
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hidefdoritos · 11 months
oh boy I've just been inspired by Two Crow Collective but I don't need any new clothing right now so I have plans for a grand design. once my hands stop shaking so much.
I have plain black shorts (peeled the Nike logo off them) and I often wear them to work (because boys are correct that shorts + hoodie provides idea temperature regulation).
I'm gonna paint on one leg a horizontal candle that's burning at both ends.
And in Gothic script above and below it, all caps, BURNT OUT.
This is being added to my post-prednisone projects pile posthaste.
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compo67 · 11 days
I get nervous when you go a long time without posting! Just know that you're missed. 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
Aw, anon, thank you. <3
I'm so grateful for this ask.
I'm doing all right. Job hunting, doctor appointments, and taking care of my dad have taken up a lot of my time. I did get one day this week where I had no where to be, so I wrote a tiny bit of Photo Op.
I'm not sure why I still can't write. My heart's just not in it a lot of the time. But this goes for a lot of things I usually like doing--painting, reading, knitting. I think job hunting sucks the life out of me.
I've been on LinkedIn a lot (sigh) to attempt networking. I hired a job coach to do a job search audit and redid my resume after their feedback. I'm looking for a full-time permanent HR Assistant job, but it's slim pickings. Sometimes I'll find a posting that sounds like a good opportunity--then I see they want 3-5 years experience (for entry level!!) or their glassdoor reviews are overwhelmingly negative.
/face palm/
my own health has taken a weird turn? my a1c is way up, my liver enzymes are up, my inflammation markers are up... ughhhhh. my rheum told me to call my liver doctor ASAP, since she's concerned about my enzymes and she noticed that my nails look yellow. liver, what are you up to???
i often feel like i'm on fire, especially my hands. i might have to do another round of prednisone, if my hepatologist gives me the all clear. but y'all know i hate prednisone.
okay. deep breath.
i miss y'all. i will do my best to be on here more. fandom is something so important to me. it's a big part of my life. i just need to find my way back.
thank you again, anon. <3
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