#prepared your tissue folks–
protective-mama-bear · 7 months
How did everything gone wrong?...
Warning: angst–
In Bobby's underground dungeon, there would be one certain cell that would be busy drawing on their drawing book and it is none other than... CraftyCorn.
Her eyes were fill with exhaustion from the lack of rest and probably crying, how can't she not? Especially when seeing her critter friends were being tortured by their own friend, Bobby. Crafty never thought Bobby would do this, the sweet and loving bear.
She still remember when how Bobby invited her into her house for a tea party, especially when Bobby mentioned she made a 'special' cake. But what more worse is that... Crafty have a crush on Bobby.
Bobby may not know, knowing the red bear is more focus about affection or love but not in romantical way. She felt so much hurt...so much, knowing the Bobby that she love have done this to her friends... especially to her.
She can still remember Bobby crazy and obsessive smile, causing Crafty stomach to turn in a bad way. She sighed softly, pausing her drawing then looked down at her missing legs cause by Bobby.
She was quiet for a moment then she pulled out a photo, a photo before this hell happen... a photo where Bobby was still good.
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Crafty could feel tears weiling up in her eyes as she sniffled softly, her ears drooping down as she stare longingly at the innocent and loving red bear...the red bear that she used to love. If only she could confess her love to Bobby but she knew that will never happen...
[The critter that took the photo is Kickin and Hoppy. Also, Bobby's heart-shape pupils used to be much softer and not bright crimson, like now.]
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orqheuss · 1 year
💚 Sebastian Sallow headcanons 💚
Sebastian has a habit of rambling. Asking him any personal question about his feelings is a surefire way to get him to ramble about whatever he is researching at that current moment with nervous energy instead of answering. It's not only when he's nervous, to be fair, he just has a tendency to ramble in general. The boy is a Nerd. You will always find him around the castle with his nose in a book, so any opportunity to talk about the thing he is currently interested in, he's taking it.
High key ADHD. Boy cannot be still to save his life. He's always moving in some way, be it tapping his foot, twirling his wand, playing with your fingers-- he's moving some body part. It can definitely be annoying at times, but you can't help but let him continue, especially when he has that cute consentrated face.
He's a lightweight. It doesn't take much for him to get absolutely plastered, and when he's that sloshed he has endless amounts of energy. It's like taking his normal golden retriever-ness and ramping it up to 100. I'm talking climbing on tables and singing Scottish Gaelic folk songs (he's fluent in the language) with a full conjured folk band (fiddle and all) until Ominis drags him to his bedroom. He always gets invited to parties.
Can speak, read, and write many languages, but his favorite is latin. Again, he's a huge nerd, so he learns as many languages as he can so he can read any book he encounters. He teaches his friends latin and sometimes likes to leave them little notes that no one else can read. You can bet he made up a secret language that only he and Anne knows; not even Ominis can crack it. 100% tried to learn Parseltongue out of spite because Ominis said it was impossible to master if you weren't born with it. Sebastian knows a few words after making his friend repeat phrases tediously over and over until he got at least some of it, and it drives him insane that Ominis was technically right (Ominis is very smug about this).
Sebastian is super affectionate with his friends. He grew up in a house that valued physical touch and comfort, so random hugs and little touches are second nature. He'll guide your hand when learning new spells because he used to do the same to Ominis in first and second year, ruffle yours and Ominis' hair when he's feeling playful, bump his shoulder against yours in the hallway when he's feeling mischievous, and sometimes fully lay across the both of you, feet in one persons lap and head in the other, and make you play with his hair when he's tired, sad, or stressed.
A big softy around animals. He's not much of a cat person and won't really go out of his way to pet them or play with them (unless they initiate first) but he will never turn down playing with a dog. He has always wanted one of his own, but his parents died before they could get one and Solomon hated house pets. He likes to hang out with the nifflers the most in beasts class-- he finds them adorable and their energy hilarious. Sebastian sometimes carries little shiny things he finds around the highlands for them.
The Mom Friend™️. Always has what you need in his pockets. Have to sneeze? Here's a tissue. Need a vial for some potion ingredient? Say no more. Have a headache? He has a potion just for that. He has everything. Honestly, you wouldn't be surprised if he put an extension charm on his robe pocket for that exact purpose. The boy always has to be prepared for anything, even the absolute worst case scenario.
So clumsy. He'd trip over air if he wasn't careful. When he's dueling he's perfectly fine, but just walking around or talking with his friends? He's accidentally running into walls or knocking things over. It's never on purpose or because he's incompetent, it's just that he gets so wrapped up in what he's talking about that he doesn't notice his hand gestures getting too close to the potion he's brewing or see the turn just up ahead. Ominis makes a lot of jokes that Seb needs his echolocation charm more than he does, but it's all in good fun.
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mgparker · 2 years
keep your eyes on me [preview]
joel miller x f!reader snippet
warnings: HELLA angst (i’m a sucker for angst), stab wound, mentions of blood and violence, preview of one-shot
this one-shot will be posted sometime this week or next week. here’s a little sneak peak.
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You hit the ground hard enough to send Joel spinning faster than you’d ever seen him move. His stance was sure, gun back in his hand before you could even see it move toward his belt, ready to take on whoever else had threatened him. No, you. Until he finally saw you.
Black dots began to fog the corners of your vision.
“Hey, hey, hey, hey,” Joel pocketed the weapon and rushed toward you. “Hey, Y/N, look at me.”
You tried. Your eyelids were too heavy.
A noise of panic left the back of his throat. “Open your eyes,” Joel grabbed your face roughly. “Look at me now!”
Startled, a bit of awareness came back to you and your eyes shot open.
“What happened?” Joel demanded, scanning your body with urgency. His eyes zeroed in on your hands that were pressed against your wound.
Shakily, you pulled them away. For a moment, Joel was back in the same nightmare he’d have every night. Except there was no waking up this time. No, this—this was cold, hard reality.
Blood coated your shaking palms.
“One of those fuckers got me good,” you hissed. Joel was mercilessly pressing his hands against your stomach now.
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we can see where i’m going with this… prepare the tissues, folks.
— elle <3
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bagofshinyrocks · 9 months
Rooftop Rendezvous
Prompt: Feeling kinda down, you stop by your boyfriend's place.
Featuring: Miles Morales (Earth-1610) x GN!Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: reader is struggling with school/family stressors; shite white kid spanish (i took it in high school, so if there is a blaring inaccuracy or idiocy, please comment/message me, i beg you)
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Are you busy rn?
Nah, what’s up
Not feeling great. Can I come over? Don’t wanna be alone rn
Yeah of course. Couch or roof
Roof. Heading over now
Be safe. See you soon
Miles frowned at his phone and started getting ready for your visit. Some snacks, some drinks, and some beach towels to sit on. There should still be some lawn cushions up there, too, as the other folks in their building treated the roof as a communal area with communal items.
You visiting him was no rarity. You two hanging out on the roof wasn’t either. But it had been a hot minute since you had come over for a reason other than “i just missed you :(”
Instead of paper towels, he grabbed the box of tissues that sat on the coffee table.
A prickle at the back of his neck. The familiar sound of your footsteps on the stairwell.
“Hey, baby,” he called from the little sitting area he had prepared for you two.
You looked tired, but the tension seems to lift from your shoulders upon seeing him. You quickly make your way to him and fall into the cushions and beach towels with a big sigh.
“Hi, Miles. Missed you.”
He pulled you in and hugged you tightly. Your fingers dug into the clothes on his back and you both squeezed. Squeezing like if you squeezed hard enough you would become one person. 
Despite your best efforts, he heard you sniffling.
Your boyfriend pulled back and looked at your face. The tell-tale wobble of your lip. The welling in your eyes. The tension in your body. One tear betrayed you, then a whole flood of them as you crumpled up. Face shoved into your knees and hands clutching your head.
“Oh, babe,” he sighed, pulling you back into his arms.
“I’m sorry, Miles. I didn’t mean to-”
He shushed you and ran his hand up and down your back, slowly coaxing you into sitting upright and holding him back. Your head rested on his shoulder, tears wetting his jacket. Your fingers rested on his hips, fiddling with the hem of his shirt and gently touching the warm skin beneath. Reminding you that he was real. And right here with you.
“I’m sorry that you’re sad, cariño. Anything I can do to help?”
You hummed and shook your head. “No… just sitting here helps.” A beat of comfortable silence. “Thank you.”
“Por supuesto, bebé. Uh- Si hay alguna cosa que quieres, dime.”
Your eyes flicked up to him, and your tear-stained face crinkled up in a smile.
“Your mamá see your examen?”
He huffed quietly. “Sh- cállate. I just need to get back in the groove.”
“¿Necesitas practicar más?”
He shut you up with a gentle kiss to the corner of your mouth. Then to your cheek. Then a gentle thumb rubbed where he had kissed, either making sure it absorbed into your skin or trying to wipe off the tears.
“I love you,” you whispered, almost to yourself.
He smiled, that sweet expression that always made you smile back.
“A lot, mi venadito, my little deer. You’re a really good boyfriend.”
Miles puffed out his chest and made a bunch of self-congratulating sounds that faded into gibberish. He was really bad at taking compliments.
Your hand squeezed his face, forcing his lips to pucker and him to stop talking for a minute. He leaned in and gave your cheek a kinda gross kiss, which made you wrinkle your nose. You let go of his face and he gave you a better one on the other cheek.
“I love you, too, baby. And I’m trying to be a good boyfriend for you.”
His arms wrapped around you, and pulled you further into him. One hand rubbed up and down your back, the other sat assuredly on your flank. Nothing handsy, just keeping you close.
"You are a good boyfriend, Miles."
Things were nice and quiet. Gentle wind through the laundry lines. The humming of cars and air conditioning units. Music from a party below. Miles began to hum along, rocking you two back and forth. Whispering one third of the words, and mumbling nonsense for the others.
Breath was steady. Heart beats were calm and synced. Eyes comfortably shut.
“You wanna talk about it, cariño?”
“Mm.” You raised your head up and took a deep breath. “I’ve just got a lot on my plate right now. School, work, family, friends. Just… so much.”
Miles nodded.
“I just feel that – you know how I feel. Trying to do both things, you feel like you can’t do them both right. You half-ass both of them.”
“I know the feeling, baby.” 
He knew it so well. Usually, you were the one comforting him over this distress. Juggling them all, you’re told to let one or two of them drop. Drop the ones that aren’t as important, the rubber balls, so you can keep the prioritized ones, the glass balls, up in the air. But you can't drop anything when it seems that everything you juggle is a fabergé egg. It's not easy when you need to pick between being a good son to parents who love you and saving Brooklyn from the villain of the week. 
“And I feel that by failing at any of these, I fail the others. How can I be a good kid if I’m not getting good grades? How can I be a good friend if I’m stressed and venting to everyone and bringing down the mood? Ya know?” Your voice cracked and Miles squeezed you tight as the tears started again.
“I know, baby.”
“And there isn’t a lotta stuff I can do to fix it. I can’t take any of these off my plate. So like, there isn’t a way to fix this except to keep my head above water and keep treading. And just-”
“Wait for things to get better.”
You nodded, then burst into another set of tears. “But I can’t just sit around and wait. I need to actively work towards my future. I need to actively work towards bettering things.”
He gently shushed you, squeezing and rocking to calm you down.
“Breathe, breathe first, baby.”
You caught your breath and gulped down the water he offered you. Gentle hands blotted your face with tissues.
“Baby, you keep working yourself up.”
“I know, I know.”
“I know how you feel. Of all people, I know how you feel.” He kissed your temple. “And you are doing amazing.”
“I love you, Miles.”
“I love you, too, baby. Let’s just sit here for a while.”
You settled your head on his shoulder, the two of you looking out over the city. One of his arms were slung around you, holding you close and occasionally poking you in a ticklish spot, giving you a kiss as an apology. And the other hand held yours. Settled over his chest. Squeezing occasionally. And you two took turns kissing the others hand.
Burdens weren’t so oppressive, or all-consuming, when you’re with someone you love.
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Enjoy reading this? Here's a link to my other works! Thanks for reading :-)
Posted: 2023 Dec 13
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Official Man Suang synopsis is out and has revealed the following:
The movie is *officially* confirmed to be a romance which also confirms the original synopsis about it being a love story between Chatra (Mile) and Khem (Apo).
The POV character that's being used to connect the audience to the story is most likely Khem, but the story overall has three major characters: Khem, Wan, and Chatra.
Khem and Wan are best friends who went to Man Suang to investigate the truth behind it, implying that they're spies. 🤯
Chatra is not just an ordinary Taphon drummer. He seems to have an ulterior motive and we'll find that out as the story progresses.
There's gonna be murder, rebellion, and betrayals so prepare your tissues folks. 😭
Here's the official trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrqMcFD1osQ&t=15s
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void-wolfie · 1 month
Hello my favorite angst author. I have a request for you.
Reader and Jenna are friends and have feelings for each other, but neither of them made the move to make it into something more. Reader got jealous one day seeing Jenna with someone else even if nothing happened J and other person. Both got into an argument and it blew up horribly, ended with both of them saying nasty things to each other (even though secretly they both loved one another). A little too late though because reader got into a car accident and didn’t make it. No happy ending on this one.
I know this is a little too angsty but I honestly think you’d crush this one. Hopefully you’ll think about my request! Even if you decide not to do it, it’s fine too. You’re so good with your words that I’ll honestly just like it even if you were posting a cake recipe or something.
Have a good day Wolf Mom!
happy ending or not? i guess only time will tell 😉
for now, here's the cake recipe you asked for 😂
🔗Vanilla cake with chocolate frosting: (instructions below, but link here for those who are interested)
1/2 cup (or 113g) of unsalted butter (preferably at room temp)
1/2 cup (or 120g) of vegetable oil (or any other neutral cooking oil such as canola or avocado)
1 + 1/2 cups (or 300g) of granulated sugar (aka normal sugar for you non-baking folk)
4 large eggs (preferably at room temp)
1 tablespoon of vanilla extract
3 cups (or 375g) of all purpose cooking flour (or 375g or 3 + 1/3 cups of cake flour if your fancy)
1 tablespoon of baking powder
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 + 1/4 cup (or 300ml) of buttermilk (once again, preferably at room temp)
chocolate frosting (measure with your heart on this one... is there ever such a thing as too much chocolate?)
big ass bowls (or whatever mixing bowls you can find)
2 cake pans (most likely 8", but hey, whatever works for you I guess)
mixer - can be handheld or a stand mixer, not technically required but trust me it makes life so much easier
preheat oven to 350 F (or 175-177 C)
prepare the pans: very lightly grease the sides and line the bottom with parchment paper (set these aside for now)
in your bowl mix together: butter, sugar, and oil (vegetable or avocado depending or whatever you picked)... mix together until well combined and creamy
add in eggs and combine together (preferably with mixer - you want those eggs destroyed)
add and mix in vanilla extract
in a separate bowl mix together: flour, baking powder, and salt
slowly add in dry ingredients and buttermilk while mixing - for this is best to alternate between adding some dry ingredients, mixing, adding some buttermilk, then mixing and repeat until everything is well combined (don't use the mixer for this)
evenly divide the batter into the two pans and bake (at 350F or 175C) for around 30-35 minutes. you will know when they're done when you can stick a toothpick in the middle and pull it out with crumbs (no wet batter)
once you pull out, let the pans to cool for 10-15 minutes
after the 10-15 minutes, you should be able to flip the pans upside down and the cakes should fall out (be careful as the pans may still be hot)
after the cakes are out of the pans, leave to cool completely
once cooled, decorate and frost however your heart desires (I recommend an ass load of chocolate frosting and maybe some sprinkles if your feeling fun, but that's just me)
** if you've made it this far, congrats, you're special :) what do you get for being special??? Nothing. however you do get to know the above story request will be coming out soon :) have your tissue boxes prepared, it's going to be a rough one 😉
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sitp-recs · 10 months
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HP Rec Fest, Day 5
Here we are with prompt #5 from @hprecfest! Big fan of this one although I must admit that I lost track of almost all the HP fics I’ve read back in my pre-AO3 days. A downside of indulging mlm fic at home in your early teens is that you can never trust your browser history lol anyway, I’m very pleased with today’s picks because these two brilliant yet devastating fics felt quite transformative for me back then, and I think they deserve special recognition for that alone. They’re two of the saddest stories I’ve ever read and tbh I don’t think I can handle this brand of hardcore angst anymore. Well I hope you folks are in the mood for it today! 😇
Day 5) A non-AO3 fic:
Nightingale by michi_thekiller (NC-17)
God loved the birds and invented trees. Man loved the birds and invented cages. -Jacques Deval
this is make up break up angst taken to a whole new level 💀 gosh, the ways this fic ruined me with the heartbreaking depiction of post-war trauma. only for those with a strong heart, as for mine it belongs to this doomed Draco and this sad and lonely Harry who can’t help but long for him. painfully raw but also thought-provoking, pls check the tags before giving it a go then come scream with me
Rare pair
If You Are Prepared by Cybele (Snarry, NC-17)
A task he can't refuse. A boy he doesn't want to refuse.
this series is an epic tragedy that has haunted me ever since I first read it back in the 00s. it’s the masterpiece that made me truly feel for this ship for the very first time, not only due to its urgent, devastating, ill-advised war romance but also thanks to Cybele’s sexy and gripping storytelling. a masterclass in tension and angst, grab some tissues for the MCD finale ⚠️
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ziggyz-eyepatch · 6 months
Some kinds words on grief.
"Alright, here goes. I'm old. What that means is that I've survived (so far) and a lot of people I've known and loved did not. I've lost friends, best friends, acquaintances, co-workers, grandparents, mom, relatives, teachers, mentors, students, neighbors, and a host of other folks. I have no children, and I can't imagine the pain it must be to lose a child. But here's my two cents.
I wish I could say you get used to people dying. I never did. I don't want to. It tears a hole through me whenever somebody I love dies, no matter the circumstances. But I don't want it to "not matter". I don't want it to be something that just passes. My scars are a testament to the love and the relationship that I had for and with that person. And if the scar is deep, so was the love. So be it. Scars are a testament to life. Scars are a testament that I can love deeply and live deeply and be cut, or even gouged, and that I can heal and continue to live and continue to love. And the scar tissue is stronger than the original flesh ever was. Scars are a testament to life. Scars are only ugly to people who can't see.
As for grief, you'll find it comes in waves. When the ship is first wrecked, you're drowning, with wreckage all around you. Everything floating around you reminds you of the beauty and the magnificence of the ship that was, and is no more. And all you can do is float. You find some piece of the wreckage and you hang on for a while. Maybe it's some physical thing. Maybe it's a happy memory or a photograph. Maybe it's a person who is also floating. For a while, all you can do is float. Stay alive.
In the beginning, the waves are 100 feet tall and crash over you without mercy. They come 10 seconds apart and don't even give you time to catch your breath. All you can do is hang on and float. After a while, maybe weeks, maybe months, you'll find the waves are still 100 feet tall, but they come further apart. When they come, they still crash all over you and wipe you out. But in between, you can breathe, you can function. You never know what's going to trigger the grief. It might be a song, a picture, a street intersection, the smell of a cup of coffee. It can be just about anything...and the wave comes crashing. But in between waves, there is life.
Somewhere down the line, and it's different for everybody, you find that the waves are only 80 feet tall. Or 50 feet tall. And while they still come, they come further apart. You can see them coming. An anniversary, a birthday, or Christmas, or landing at O'Hare. You can see it coming, for the most part, and prepare yourself. And when it washes over you, you know that somehow you will, again, come out the other side. Soaking wet, sputtering, still hanging on to some tiny piece of the wreckage, but you'll come out.
Take it from an old guy. The waves never stop coming, and somehow you don't really want them to. But you learn that you'll survive them. And other waves will come. And you'll survive them too. If you're lucky, you'll have lots of scars from lots of loves. And lots of shipwrecks."
-Reddit stranger
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latmwdcore · 3 months
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Hesperides station whirls to life right around the eighth to tenth system hour, as is customary onboard. Astra, however, has yet to integrate herself into this routine; back in her home system, Helios, the fifth or sixth hour ante meridiem was more familiar- or perhaps, that is just how the Collins family operated.
It was one of many culture shocks she had experienced while aboard- far too accustomed to early opening hours of storefronts, it took around a week or two for Astra to realize that she got no customers before eight- save for Setteth, who was also an anomaly by station standards- so it was pointless to get up at five and prep the diner. a tough lesson learned.
Another thing she hadn't accounted for was just how differently late " Aunt Cassie " ran the diner. She left big shoes to fill, no doubt, Astra was ready to stuff tissue into the toe box in need be- but she hadn't prepared herself for the legacy Cassiopeia Collins had left on the deep space station. 
Not one meal served could end without a passing mention of her name, and every time, Astra felt an estranged feeling of longing. She and Cassie had never been close, barely met, and her family would not spare a single credit towards visits to where she had settled- she was rarely ever discussed in a setting that wasn't Astra being told to shape up, or she'd end up like Cassiopeia, the one who cracked under the pressure.
Because of that, Astra did not feel very connected to her memory of Aunt Cassie, if at all. In truth, it was hard not to see her as another expectation set by others; be like Aunt Cassie, fulfill every role she took up, honor her memory. And Astra is nothing if not the dedication she puts into her responsibilities. 
That brings us to today, Astra's first day off since she opened the Milky Way Diner back up. She and Ka'el's schedules lined up just perfectly for this moment- it was as if the black holes right outside the station had aligned just for them. Though, as Ka'el stood in front of Astra's door on the block, something felt off.
" Sugar- are you just about done getting dolled up ? As much as i- and believe me I do- love seeing you with your hair up all nice, it's been an hour since we were supposed to go out "
There's a teasing lilt to her voice- honeyed words from a practiced tongue. Ka'el leaned on the wall besides Astra's accommodations, arms crossed across her chest and broad shoulders strained against her casual attire. Despite her words, there's no real rush- besides her own, eager to spend every moment she could with her partner. 
" i'm almost ready- just. Just give me a second! " 
Before Ka'el could ( rightfully ) respond that this had been the nth time she'd asked for a second, Astra was hurrying out of the door and straightening out her apron. Ka'el's good-humored expression twisted into one of confusion as she looked Astra up and down, an eyebrow raised as she moved her hand to her hip with a flourish.
" Your diner uniform ? Didn't we agree today was your day off- not to mention, our date ? "
A second passed, before Astra fully registered the words, and awkwardly laughed off the ( mild ) glare from her girlfriend. Suddenly very aware of what she was wearing, she patted down her attire, stuffing her hands in the front pocket of her apron, before pulling out all sorts of paper receipts, sauce packets, and napkins, in a frantic search for something-
" Don't be too alarmed- I did not forget our date ! I just promised the elderly naru two blocks down i'd whip her up a quick something before I clocked out for the day- it'll be quick, promise "
Finally fishing out the diner keyset, she gives them a quick toss before catching them in the palm of her hands and jingling them in an attempt to grab the correct one. 
" You've gotta learn how to say no- folks here are so busy when they're up and about, they rarely notice they're taking advantage of you. "
Ka'el chastises lovingly, as her free hand reaches up and brushes her cheek with her knuckles tenderly, the gesture reciprocated as Astra gingerly leans into her touch. 
" I know- I know. Just this once "
With a small plea, a pout, and a gaze from under her eyelashes is all it takes for a small, playful groan to pass through Ka'el as her fanged grin makes an appearance
" You know for a fact I can never say no to you, sugar... but make it snappy, you hear ? Can't be queuing up at the diner every time I want to take my girlfriend out on a date " 
Ka'el tuts, pressing her lips to her forehead with a slight grin drawn on her lips as they both make their way to the diner, Ka'el's tail wrapped Astra's waist as she took confident, graceful strides, though shortened to match Astra's pace.
The same old song and dance of opening up the diner and starting on the pre-work ensued- with Ka'el resting her elbows on the countertop and her head in her hands, observing Astra's efficient movements. She was a wonder to witness when prepping dishes- even more when she could take her time catering the meal for the individual. 
But there was an undeniable exhaustion in her eyes, poorly concealed eye bags she assured were just the poor lighting casting shadows on her face, even if it was perfectly lit in the kitchen. her usual motions were slower, more calculated, when she usually already had it incorporated, second nature practically. What tipped Ka'el off that something really was wrong was the recipe book Aunt Cassie stored in a cabinet.
" Taking a page out of your auntie's book ? "
Ka'el calls out, tapping Astra's forearm, as she hadn't given a response straight away. Usually, she always had a witty response locked and loaded for her every teasing, playful remark- something Ka'el found endearing.
" Mmm... something like that "
She responded noncommittally, stirring the ladle with some difficulty- the strain of her muscles evident as Astra struggled. At this, Ka'el took initiative, standing behind her as she gripped the ladle and her hand with her own, while turning the heat to low with the other. 
" Sugar- you're exhausted. You haven't had a break in weeks, and I know you're just settling in but- "
Astra cuts Ka'el off, twisting her body around to face her. Ka'el's expression softens at the sight of her saddened features, placing her palms against her hips.
" I'm- I'm fine, Ka'el. It has just been- a bit tough settling into the new lifestyle, is all "
Ka'el frowns, her thumbs drawing comforting patterns on her clothed hips as she urges her to continue. If only she wasn't so easy to talk to, Astra laments internally. She sighs, resting her head on Ka'el chest, almost as if hiding her shameful expression.
" I- I cannot be what my aunt was to this place, this diner- I cannot be her to them, and I never will be. I mourn her death like a stranger- I cannot help but lament what could've been, if she had survived that stroke- perhaps the community would not have taken such a big loss, and I wouldn't have been a crude replacement so soon after her passing " 
The words from her lips fall as freely as the tears that had been bottled up, Ka'el maneuvering Astra's arms to wrap around her firm figure, as she rests a hand on her head, lightly scratching at her scalp.
" These people- this community needed someone like my aunt, not like me. I am an ill-fitting replacement- one who cannot meet their expectations "
Her sobs and hiccups are met with Ka'el's comforting hum as she allows the poor girl to vent out her feelings. Once she'd cried out all her sorrows, the ka'ettri pulled away, resting her clawed hands on her cheeks tenderly, a stern but loving look swimming in her honey eyes.
" Astra- you do not have to replace your aunt, or meet anyone's expectations- you do not have to be anyone you are not, the folks here are enamored by you, and your habits, and your way of showing care not only for the community, but for this diner- you run a tight ship at that, sugar "
The last comment is made with playful undertones, a giggle drawn out of Astra as Ka'el leans in and places a chaste kiss on the corner of her mouth.
" We all mourn the loss of Aunt Cassie, but it's undeniable that you were the right person to take over- we do not expect you to continue in Cassie's footsteps- what you make of this diner is your choice and yours alone. You are not a replacement- you are your own person, free of the weight of expectations other than your own. Let yourself live a little, indulge yourself "
As she speaks, Ka'el presses her forehead to Astra's, holding her tender gaze.
" You got that, sugar ? "
A small nod comes from a flushed Astra, as Ka'el smiles triumphantly, leaning in and stealing a kiss from her cushioned lips.
" Atta girl- now, let's get this soup to that elderly woman, so I can take my sweet girl on a date, hm ? "
She teases, beginning to stir the ladle and scooping some of the delicious, if lukewarm soup into a takeout container. The smile on Astra's face is contagious, as she wipes her tears in a swift motion.
" Of course. "
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- brings her own kitchenware to cook in people's kitchenettes when they're sick ( particular about her tools )
- hosts potlucks / cookie exchanges, and just community events- speed dining, or ice cream social type stuff
- too lenient on substitutions- sometimes ends up making an entirely different dish in no time whatsoever.
- keeps the menu short with handy recipes that she's mastered but caters to different alien's dietary restrictions.
- has multiple things stored in her apron front pocket and uniform folds, including but not limited to :
* cake testers and tongs
* sauce packets, napkins, paper receipts written over with pen.
* plating spoons
* a small contraption that sort of looks like a swiss army knife, with a hand thermometer and a precision scale tied into one ( roswell's invention, made special just for astra )
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pupintransit · 5 months
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I'll be real with you, this has been a rough couple of weeks.
A general theme with what I write about is not romanticizing gender affirming surgery. Yes I feel better about what I see in the mirror, and I vastly prefer how my vulva feels on my fingertips over my penis and testes, but that doesn't mean everything has been a positive experience. Quite the opposite in fact! You can research and mentally prepare for the pain and agony all you want, but nothing can truly prepare you for actually going through the motions.
We'll start off with what's been most pressing on my mind. I can't cum. Oh sure, masturbation feels better and I'm sure I'm still physically capable of climaxing, but I can't seem to get there. It's... troubling to say the least. Folks I know who had surgery at the same time as me or after, with the same surgeon mind you, have already climaxed at least once before. When's my turn? Who knows! What I do know is that my clit hurts if I don't touch it right and I have too much irritated tissue at the front of my canal to feel comfortable trying dildos or vibrators. I suppose I should be optimistic that I had sensation as early as week 5, but that doesn't necessary help my mood at all.
Instinctively I know that everyone heals at different rates, and maybe if I try to cum with penetration rather than my clit I'll actually get there. I"ll be seeing my nurse later this week so I'll be able to quiz her about if my clit is ready for showtime yet, and if it's safe to try sex toys. But this goes back to understanding something academically vs. viscerally. I am going through the motions of healing, I knew that regaining sexually function would be a challenge and I was ok with that pre-op. I'm less ok with it post-op. It's hard to internalize being patient with myself, but it's really easy to internalize that I'm falling behind in my healing. My old therapist would be furious with me.
Next problem? I have a UTI. Again. As in, not even two weeks after my last one. You ever have the urge to piss battery acid every fortnight? Then I wouldn't suggest contracting UTIs. I don't 100% know how I got the things but I have a few theories, and from now until the end of time I'm gonna stock my fridge with cranberry juice. What's extra fun is that this most recent UTI happen the week after my infected hematoma finally cleared up. If we include the meds i left the hospital with, this is the 4th course of antibiotics I've been on since my surgery. I'm just shy of seven weeks post-op, so this is averaging about one infection on my genitals every two weeks. And they fucking hurt.
Oh also i can't sit down for longer than 45 minutes before i start to fiercely ache. That's not due to the UTI, it's my stupid ass body healing slower than a star dying out.
Folks, if you're considering lower surgery then I'd urge you to plan for post-operative depression and gather a support network to help you through how you're feeling. This kind of regretful feeling is normal, and despite everything I've done to prepare for it and counteract it I've still found myself in the thick of it. My cock and balls never hurt like this, never got infected. I seldom had difficulty orgasming. I catch myself wanting to rewind time and stop myself from doing this every few days. I truthfully don't miss having those body parts but I miss not hurting all the time, and it's difficult to separate those concepts. You'll probably go through similar emotions if you decide to do this too, but you'll be ok in the end. Stay strong, keep realistic expectations, and lean on your support networks.
And once you do come back and tell me what your secret is because i have really been struggling to do all that.
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dr-extinguisher · 1 year
[The sound of static crackles as a video started to play, Dr.Extinguisher shows on the film, the camera quality is poor, the room he's in is dark and you can barely tell most of the mans features. Finally, after a few moments of shuffling around the man spesks.]
[The deranged mans voice stuck in a constant shout. His googles reflecting the camera on them.]
[He flicks on a light the footage grainy, showing some civilian in blood stained, grimey paper scrubs shorts chest exposed with a dotted line down the middlf.]
[Extinguisher laughs madly, stopping at a moments notice. Reaching for medical gloves, he stretches them on over his hands. He grabs a scalpel from his instrument table, approaching the body and pushing the blade into the person's chest who after awhile of him following the line snaps awake. Clearly, not numbed the person starts screaming.
In response, he grabs a damp rag shoving it over the person's mouth till they stop moving, not dead but simply unconscious.]
[ He barks out before continuing with the incision, the snapping and breaking of tissue and muscle sounding in the video, finishing down the line he sighs. Clearly pleased with his work, he puts his scalpel down, he pulls back the flesh and turns back the camera]
[He picks up a bone saw from the table, cutting into the civilians ribcage and snapping off ribs to reach their heart, he grins madly at the visible organ]
[He pushes the needle into the vein, injecting the contents inside. He puts the needle back on the table, walking over to the camera]
[The camera cuts to him in the future]
[The camera cuts off, the static blaring as the film cuts once more to Dr.Extinguisher, further in the future clearly, the man was walking outside in the dark, a trash bag slung over his shoulder]
[The man barks out a cruel laugh, he adjusts the trash bag over his shoulder]
[He covers the camera by pushing the lens into his chest, the film finally stops]
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theonlyoasis · 7 months
“Alright, here goes. I'm old. What that means is that I've survived (so far) and a lot of people l've known and loved did not. I've lost friends, best friends, acquaintances, co-workers, grandparents, mom, relatives, teachers, mentors, students, neighbors, and a host of other folks. I have no children, and I can't imagine the pain it must be to lose a child. But here's my two cents.
I wish I could say you get used to people dying. I never did. I don't want to. It tears a hole through me whenever somebody I love dies, no matter the circumstances. But I don't want it to "not matter". I don't want it to be something that just passes. My scars are a testament to the love and the relationship that I had for and with that person. And if the scar is deep, so was the love. So be it. Scars are a testament to life. Scars are a testament that I can love deeply and live deeply and be cut, or even gouged, and that I can heal and continue to live and continue to love. And the scar tissue is stronger than the original flesh ever was. Scars are a testament to life. Scars are only ugly to people who can't see.
As for grief, you'll find it comes in waves. When the ship is first wrecked, you're drowning, with wreckage all around you. Everything floating around you reminds you of the beauty and the magnificence of the ship that was, and is no more. And all you can do is float. You find some piece of the wreckage and you hang on for a while. Maybe it's some physical thing. Maybe it's a happy memory or a photograph. Maybe it's a person who is also floating. For a while, all you can do is float. Stay alive.
In the beginning, the waves are 100 feet tall and crash over you without mercy. They come 10 seconds apart and don't even give you time to catch your breath. All you can do is hang on and float. After a while, maybe weeks, maybe months, you'll find the waves are still 100 feet tall, but they come further apart. When they come, they still crash all over you and wipe you out. But in between, you can breathe, you can function. You never know what's going to trigger the grief. It might be a song, a picture, a street intersection, the smell of a cup of coffee. It can be just about anything...and the wave comes crashing. But in between waves, there is life. Somewhere down the line, and it's different for everybody, you find that the waves are only 80 feet tall. Or 50 feet tall. And while they still come, they come further apart. You can see them coming. An anniversary, a birthday, or Christmas, or landing at O'Hare. You can see it coming, for the most part, and prepare yourself. And when it washes over you, you know that somehow you will, again, come out the other side. Soaking wet, sputtering, still hanging on to some tiny piece of the wreckage, but you'll come out. Take it from an old guy. The waves never stop coming, and somehow you don't really want them to. But you learn that you'll survive them. And other waves will come. And you'll survive them too. If you're lucky, you'll have lots of scars from lots of loves.
And lots of shipwrecks.”
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srkshaju · 8 months
Swades (2004): A Journey Back to Roots, Finding Purpose, and Building Community
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In the bustling world of Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan has donned many hats: romantic hero, action star, comedic genius.
But amidst the glitz and glamour, one film stands out as a testament to his depth and versatility: Swades (2004).
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More than just a movie, Swades is an experience. It's a poignant journey of Mohan Bhargava, a successful Indian scientist working at NASA, who returns to his village in India after years of chasing the American dream.
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What awaits him isn't just nostalgia, but a stark reality of poverty, neglect, and a sense of lost identity.
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Driven by a deep sense of responsibility, Mohan embarks on a mission to revitalize his village. He tackles basic issues like electricity and sanitation, and encourages the community to embrace self-reliance and education.
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His journey isn't easy; he faces resistance, skepticism, and even mockery.
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But Mohan's unwavering determination and genuine love for his people inspire them to rise above their circumstances.
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Swades is not just about Mohan's personal transformation; it's a celebration of the human spirit. The film showcases the power of community, the resilience of the underprivileged, and the simple joy of human connection.
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It reminds us that true success lies not in material wealth or professional achievements, but in making a meaningful difference in the lives of others.
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Beyond its heartwarming narrative, Swades stands out for its technical brilliance. Ashutosh Gowariker's masterful direction captures the essence of rural India with breathtaking cinematography and evocative music by A.R. Rahman.
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The film's soundtrack, a blend of traditional folk melodies and contemporary beats, perfectly complements the emotional journey.
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Swades is a film that stays with you long after the credits roll. It challenges our definitions of success, rekindles our hope in humanity, and compels us to question our own priorities.
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It's a reminder that even the smallest act of kindness can create ripples of change, and that true happiness lies in connecting with our roots and making a positive impact on the world around us.
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If you're looking for a film that will touch your heart, inspire your soul, and leave you pondering the true meaning of life, Swades is a must-watch. It's a cinematic gem that transcends cultural barriers and speaks to the universal human experience.
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So, grab your tissues, settle in, and prepare to be transported to a village in India where one man's journey becomes a testament to the power of love, hope, and the unwavering human spirit.
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Here's why Swades is a must-watch:
A unique story: It's not a typical Bollywood film, offering a deeper exploration of social issues and personal growth.
Stellar performances: Khan delivers a career-defining performance, supported by a strong ensemble cast.
Heartfelt storytelling: The film beautifully captures the human experience of connection, purpose, and community.
Visually stunning: The cinematography showcases the beauty of rural India, adding depth to the story.
Timeless themes: Swades tackles universal themes that resonate with audiences across generations and cultures.
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Share your thoughts on Swades in the comments below!
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savage-rhi · 2 years
Immortal Shield Chapter 42: Eripere II
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Tagging: @seradyn​
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Time was but a mere concept Caelan couldn’t grasp. She ran through the city streets of Altissa until her legs burned, and her muscles yearned for respite. There were so many faces that flew past her, that all she could register were blurry shapes. Buildings melted into a messy hue of colors. It was all too much.
Caelan’s mind couldn’t fathom the basics of reality. Not with how exhausted her body had been running on fumes. She hadn’t felt this tired since the incident with Serpo. Ironically she found herself wishing to be back in that situation versus her current predicament. At least there was a light at the end of the tunnel, in the form of Ardyn during that time.
Caelan ducked into a dark alley, keeping herself small and inconspicuous. She pressed her back to a textured wall and closed her eyes. Panting heavily, Caelan tried to ease her senses. It seemed her brain would never escape the drowning sea of thought coming at her. There was panic throughout the capitol. She could hear the commotion far and wide. Average folks trying to make sense of a chaotic disruption through no fault of their own.
Suddenly, Caelan felt a palm cover her mouth. She screamed into the flesh, feeling her body quickly turn around. She made a fist with her right hand and punched her assailant square in the jaw. A painful yelp registered in Caelan's ears while she stumbled away.
“Try it again, I dare you!” Caelan yelled. Despite the deep sting of her palms being sliced, Caelan summoned her blade to her right hand. She was more than prepared to stab whoever this was. Not in the mood for games given what she had just endured.
“It’s reassuring you haven’t lost your touch, but did you really need to do that?”
Caelan’s breaths became uneven. The mellow rich voice had her freeze in place. Her body instantly became warm at the familiar cadence. Her eyes squinted, unable to see much down the alley. Upon hearing footsteps draw closer, Caelan immediately lunged her weapon forward out of defense. The sword pressed against the throat of the imposter.
Coming out of the shadows with her blade to his flesh, Ardyn revealed himself. He flinched upon feeling the steel nick his skin. The heat from his own blood made Ardyn let out a breath. While his eyes bore into Caelan’s--hypnotizing her into remaining still--Ardyn slowly moved away from the blade.
"How in--"
"Shh," He interrupted.
Ardyn leisurely took his right index finger and pressed at the tip of the sword. He walked towards Caelan, all the while Ardyn’s finger slid down the length of the blade and to the hilt. His hand covered Caelan’s fingers, offering a familial grasp. A strong resonating silence fell between them. Ardyn allowed Caelan time to register he was here. Not the raging man she had seen back at the court, but himself. He felt his legs grow weak the longer he stared at her.
“Darling,” Ardyn sighed in relief. His smile betrayed all feelings of euphoria he felt towards her.
“You--!” Caelan choked out.  Her right hand weakly dropped her sword. The weapon disappeared before it hit the ground.
Caelan felt Ardyn’s hands immediately go to her face. His fingertips traced over her skin with reverence, a worship she recalled when they first became intimate. Caelan couldn’t help but lean into his touch. She closed her eyes, afraid that when she’d open them he’d be gone again.
Ardyn glared, his grip tightened around Caelan’s cheeks while he shook his head. He couldn’t believe the sorry state she was in. Caelan hadn’t looked herself in the courthouse. Now that he was close and personal with his beloved, Ardyn could see the damages. Her skin was pale. Her eyes were sunken, and he could feel more of Caelan’s jawline from the loss of fat and tissue. The temptation to go back to the courts and slaughter all who were responsible was strong, but Ardyn yielded to his heart. He was touching her again. That’s what mattered most.
“My sweet girl, what have they done to you?” Ardyn murmured. His voice was filled with the deepest of concerns. His heart skipped a beat, watching her eyes open.
“Your eyes are blue.” Caelan whispered. Her gaze bounced between Ardyn’s lips and the striking cerulean orbs that were peering deeply back into her. Out of all the curses she had ready for him, of all the questions that rampaged through her mind, Caelan’s thoughts were blank. All she could focus on was Ardyn. His warm breath. His touch. His scent. Everything that was an indication he was alive.
“That they are.” Ardyn smirked. His nose nudged hers, nuzzling for a time as he leaned forward.
Heavy breaths blended while Ardyn and Caelan deeply kissed. Hands and tongues wasted no time getting reacquainted. Fingertips locked into hair and bodies melted against each other. Relieved whimpers and groans reverberated past both their mouths. Had circumstances been in better standing, their intimacy would’ve blossomed more. The separation had been hard on them both.
As much as it pained him to no end, Ardyn was the first to part ways. He swallowed, then calmly took Caelan’s right hand into his left, and gestured with his head.
“We have to go, quickly!”
There was no hesitation on Caelan’s part. She gave a nod and sprinted alongside Ardyn through the narrow passage of the alley. Adrenaline once more offered its aid to her.
“Did you really kill them back there, Prompto and Gladio?” Caelan couldn’t help but ask as they came to the end. Ardyn had them both make a hard left. They were now in a plaza when a sudden tsunami of bodies came lunging past them. People left and right were evacuating. Screams and yells hit both Caelan and Ardyn’s ears with a storm of noise.
“No, no, no!” Ardyn shot off rapid-fire while he shoved people out of the way. “I might’ve maimed them a little, but I assure you they’re not dead. Most of the people in the courthouse I didn’t kill.”
“I don’t understand!” Caelan furrowed her brows, trying to keep up with Ardyn. She was finding it difficult with all the people coming and going. “What the hell did you guys do?”
“I’ll explain everything as soon as we get to the boat!”
“What boat? Ardyn, tell me what the hell is going on!” Caelan didn’t anticipate herself screaming at him, but she did. It was enough to get Ardyn to stop in his tracks. He didn’t say a word, but his eyes offered peace. The promise was enough to get Caelan to yet again comply and follow his lead. They ran through crowds of people for several minutes. Their hands remained strongly connected, not wanting to lose the other among the herd.
When it was safe, Ardyn brought Caelan close to a building that had several boxes and an assortment of items near the front. They hid behind some of the large crates. He forced Caelan to look at him, his hand guiding her chin upward.
“I know you’re reasonably upset,” Ardyn paused. He took a hold of Caelan’s hands, concentrating while he healed her cut palms. A warm glow encircled the wounds while flesh mended.
“You will have your time for wrath, but we need to leave the country. If we don’t get you out of here, you’ll die. The moment we set foot on Lucis soil, you’ll be safe.”
“How do you know that?” Caelan furrowed her brows, her heaving became more prominent while she thought back to the day the Accordo Troopers exported her. She could still feel the heavy punches and their aftermath radiating against her skin. She could smell the metallic interior of the truck she had been tossed into, and how the cold of it nipped the flesh of her arms. Caelan wanted it to go away. She wanted to go away.
“They took me away from you, on my own homeland. You were dead in my arms. I mourned you! Damn it, I mourned you! They ripped me away! I can’t--I won’t be taken away again!”
“And you won’t!” Ardyn raised his voice for emphasis. “I assure you, you’re not staying here! You’re coming with me!”
The stress from everything Caelan had experienced thus far was catching up with her. The tension her body endured from starvation and basic decency made her emotions vulnerable. Everything was amplified tenfold. Caelan started to cry, shaking her head out of disappointment in herself. She hated feeling so weak.
"You don't get it!" Caelan exclaimed. "You were dead. You were dead and I couldn't keep you safe--you're supposed to be gone!"
“Cahl, please. I’m here. I’m right here, sweet girl.” Ardyn pulled her into a tight embrace. He buried his face into the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent. His fingers traveled through Caelan’s hair, trying in vain to soothe his adored.
How strong do you want her to have to be? The thought went through Ardyn’s mind several times. He hated having to ask her so much during this time. The clock was ticking, and Ardyn knew they needed to make haste.
“I made arrangements with the king. You have to trust me when I say I will tell you everything when we are out of the woods. I need you. I need you to survive this. Do you trust me, Cahl?”
Caelan had no choice in the matter, but she believed in Ardyn and his convictions. He sounded like he knew what he was doing. She started to nod, feeling her emotions settle down.
"Okay, yeah. Yeah I do." Caelan felt the warmth of Ardyn’s lips upon her cheek while he gave her a reassuring peck.
“That’s my girl.” Breaking the hug and the kiss, Ardyn grabbed a hold of her again to run.
They ran for what felt like hours. Dodging through people, traffic, and the occasional trooper that tried to get in the way of their escape. As they drew close to the end of Altissa’s territory by the seas, the number of soldiers began to grow to the point where both Caelan and Ardyn had no choice but to halt and fight back. No longer able to dodge and trick their way out of an altercation.
Caelan somehow found in herself the strength to defend Ardyn. Her resistance--though considerably weakened--arouse from slumber. She summoned her blade and hacked down a series of troopers that were set on seizing Ardyn. Shortly after, Ardyn defended Caelan from a rush of attacks coming from behind. Raksasha brimmed with a fierce energy that matched the protectiveness of its master. Ardyn charged at another trio, letting out a ferocious cry while his crimson blade continued to taste blood. The couple ran as soon as the danger passed, only to be met with more attackers.
Their journey to freedom was perilous and filled with blood and broken bodies. The likes of which Ardyn and Caelan had encountered before, but this time the urgency was far grand. The struggle to escape rivaled that of their final confrontation with the Einherjar. Somehow through it all, they had each other's backs. Their respective abilities were in sync as they blocked, parried, and struck whoever was brave and foolish enough to take them both on at the same time.
Eventually, there arrived a calm where no troopers could be seen lurking in the shadows. Ardyn and Caelan took advantage of the opportunity to collect their bearings, allowing themselves to have a break from their continuous battle.
In the distance, Ardyn could see they were approaching the border. Where the endless waterfalls of Altissa paved way into the ocean. He stopped to look behind. The capital was growing more into a speck as woodland replaced human infrastructure. The salted smell of the sea became prominent, offering another wave of relief. This would all be over soon.
“We’re getting close!” Ardyn exclaimed. The solace in his tone pulled Caelan away from the temptation of passing out.
“How much further?” Caelan asked in between breaths.
“I’d say about another ten minutes if we sprint,” Ardyn said as a matter of fact. His brows knitted into a concerned stare, watching Caelan nearly fall over. He quickly rushed to her side, coaxing her to use his body as support to upright herself.
“You should let me carry you.” Ardyn offered. He felt her body shudder against his touch. “You’ve fought well, but you’re barely holding on my dear.”
“No,” Caelan shook her head. “No. I got this. I’m not going to be dead weight in the middle of this mess.”
“Cahl, you’re no such thing,” Ardyn reassured. He carefully used his left hand to cup her face, guiding her to look at him. “I’ve wanted to carry you again for a long time. Please grant me the honor.”
How can I say no when you stare at me like that? Caelan sarcastically thought to herself. She sighed, nodding against Ardyn’s touch. There was no point in fighting him. Much less fighting the fatigue that was ever-growing. She backed up a little, giving Ardyn the necessary space to scoop her into his arms. Before he could proceed, a whip-like crack descended upon their space.
Ardyn was struck in his upper back by a bullet. He let out a snarling yell, tumbling forward and nearly knocked Caelan back. Caelan caught Ardyn's chest with her palms. Her hands desperately scrambled to his face as Ardyn knelt down from the impact.
“Ardyn!” Caelan brushed his long strands of red hair from his face. His eyes were shut tightly, teeth gritting against each other while he endured the radiating pain that traveled throughout his nerves.
“I’ll be fine!” Ardyn managed to choke out. He opened up one eye to look at her. “Defend yourself first!”
The moment Caelan rose up from Ardyn with her blade in hand, she felt her left leg being impaled by the same enemy. A single bullet ripped through her flesh, leaving a clean exit wound below her knee. Caelan screamed out. Fear rushed through her eyes upon seeing another group of Accordo Troopers make their descent. There had to have been sixteen in total.
Violently and with no thought, Caelan attempted to hack at the oncoming invaders while she sprinted for them. She fought valiantly, taking down a few men but neglected to think out her next moves. Suddenly, Caelan felt her sword being knocked from her hand followed by a punch. The impact was strong enough to make her fall to her knees. The same man who had punched Caelan prepared to assault her again, until Ardyn showed up and stabbed Raksasha through the attacker's chest without a second thought. He wasn’t going to let anyone touch her again no matter the consequence. Enraged Ardyn fought back. Every so often he’d teleport to warp strike and impale, taking the soldiers by surprise.
Whether he was growing tired or cocky, Ardyn slipped up. He took a few hits to his arms and sides. It was enough to stop him from using his tricks. With reluctance, and knowing neither he nor Caelan could keep up, Ardyn snapped his fingers. Six royal arms were summoned to his aid, and Ardyn quickly gestured toward their intended kills. None of the remaining troopers stood a chance. He watched one by one as the bodies fell. The phantom blades were too quick to be countered by mere footmen.
Once the final corpse collapsed, Ardyn discarded Rakshasa. The blade dissipated and he limped over to Caelan. Ardyn had been injured many times in his long life, but being mortal, the wound to his back became a throbbing irritation of fired nerves. He was reminded of being gored by the Behemoth. A small smile crossed Ardyn's lips at the memory. He ignored the pain, not giving Caelan a chance to find her own feet while he scooped her up into his arms.
"I don't want any protests coming from you." Ardyn said with a weak laugh.
Despite his suffering, Ardyn refused to let Caelan journey the rest of the way on her own. He wouldn’t let her go. Not like when the crystal forcibly tore him away from Aera’s body after both sustained life-threatening wounds from their assailants. The memory haunted Ardyn as he stumbled, almost dropping Caelan in the process. He wouldn't let another loved one be torn from his side.
“Ardyn, I can walk. It’s okay--I’ll be okay.” Caelan tried to reassure him. Her voice was faint as her body curled more into his chest while he carried her like a bride.
“No, you stay put and hold onto me.” Ardyn firmly said, gripping her body tighter to him. Even if she wasn’t injured, Ardyn knew they didn’t have much time together. He needed to make every second count.
“Put your arms around my shoulders.” Ardyn commanded. He felt Caelan adjust in his grasp. The weight of her arms traveled around his neck. Her hands clasped to lock herself in place, and her head nuzzled underneath Ardyn’s jaw.
I can do this. Ardyn said to himself. He wouldn't let Caelan fall where he failed with Aera.
“I got you,” Ardyn murmured. He gently patted her where he could, reminding himself Caelan was still here. “I got you, sweet girl.”
The afternoon glow of the sun shined through the trees, indicating the morning had long passed since Caelan’s trial. The cool mist of the beach from afar offered sanctuary as Ardyn continued to travel with Caelan in tow. The rising temperature didn’t bother him any for they were closing in on Accordo’s outskirt docks. The ocean would blanket him from much of the sweltering heat.
The relief Ardyn felt upon seeing the boat up ahead had him sigh contently. Caelan had long been asleep in his arms. He smiled down at her, giving a gentle shake to coax her into waking.
“Cahl, look ahead.” Ardyn whispered. “We made it.”
The noise caused Caelan to adjust in Ardyn’s grasp. She wanted to go back into the dark and be at peace. Alas, her eyes stirred before her mind could beckon them to stop. Caelan turned her head against Ardyn’s chest, staring at the boat from afar. It was a beautiful black and white yacht that radiated an expensive aura. From the style though, Caelan had a feeling it didn’t belong to Ardyn but someone else.
“Did you steal this?” Caelan let out a tired laugh to which Ardyn smirked.
“Not quite,” He mused. “I’m simply borrowing it.”
“Knowing you, it means the same thing.” She muttered.
As Ardyn walked closer, Caelan noticed two people running around preparing the ship. Their features began to take shape in her vision. The distinctive blond spikes of Prompto’s hair accompanied by him waving had Caelan visibly confused. Seeing Gladio further added to her puzzlement.
“T-they’re alright?” Caelan was flabbergasted as her arms tightened around Ardyn’s neck and shoulders. He suppressed a hiss. Her touch added pressure to his back, causing his wound to flare up.
“I told you, no harm came to them. It was all theatrics, harmless fun!” Ardyn reassured. It didn't take long before he brought them both onto the yacht. He was eager for them to get going.
Prompto quickly adjusted the seats on deck after everyone was accounted for. Shock, awe, and worry plagued his face while his eyes darted over both Caelan and Ardyn. Dirt and dried blood caked their clothes and bodies. To say they looked grisly was an understatement.
“You guys look like you’ve seen better days!” Prompto forced himself to say, not wanting to continue gawking. “We were beginning to think you weren’t going to make it!”
“I’d argue we are right on schedule, all things considered!” Ardyn grunted, gently putting Caelan down on the white-colored seats. He knelt in front of her, watching Gladio approach the ship's wheel to start the engine up from the corner of his eye. There was a cold rage brewing inside of the king's shield, and Ardyn braced himself mentally for what was to come. He settled his gaze back on Caelan.
“Cahl has been wounded! I can heal her, but I’m going to need something for my back.” Ardyn called out to whoever was listening.
“Right away! Lemme go below deck, I’m sure we still have meds from the last fishing trip Noct and I took.” Prompto exclaimed. He didn’t waste time opening the door that led into the body of the yacht, descending a small flight of stairs and into the main dwelling.
As the ship began to take off, Ardyn lifted up the pant legs of Caelan’s clothes, scrunching them past her knees and to her thigh. He made a face upon seeing the bullet wound on her left leg and began assessing the damage. The bleeding wasn’t profuse but still worrying. He didn’t want to give it time to become infected. There was only so much his own powers could do regarding that.
Ardyn wasted no time as he brought both his hands to cup around Caelan’s leg, giving a tight squeeze. She let out a pained yell, soon met by Ardyn muttering thousands of hushed apologies under his breath. A warmth began to radiate at the spot, pooling into Caelan’s body and soothing her nerves.
“A-Ardyn,” Caelan gasped out. She winced as his right hand traveled to minor scrapes and bruises that were nearby. “I'm worried about you, how’s your back?”
“Don’t fret about me. Once Prompto returns, I’ll--!” Ardyn’s eyes widened. He felt himself being dragged from Caelan. Gladio grabbed Ardyn from behind and flung him across the deck.
“Ardyn!” Caelan yelled out.
“You asshole!” Gladio exclaimed. He limped over to Ardyn, giving him a square kick to the chest. Ardyn heaved out, and quickly tried to find his footing.
“You went against the plan we had! You were not supposed to attack the courthouse! You stupidly put us in the line of fire, and got many innocent people killed!”
“I did--” Ardyn winced. “What I had, to protect the person I cherish most! When those old idiots said they were going to kill Cahl, I lost it! The plan was still a success! I have no regrets about spilling blood for her sake! I wouldn’t expect a subpar imbecile like you to understand! Wouldn't you have done the same for your king?!”
“False equivalents will get you nowhere with me!" Gladio spat. The bitterness of his voice was heavy as were his eyes. He was seeing red the longer he stared at Ardyn. "Beating me up was one thing, but it was another to stab me in my damn legs with those damned swords!”
“Gladio, enough!” Prompto yelled from below deck. He quickly made his way up the stairs and checked the status of the ship, seeing Gladio had set it to autopilot once they made it to the open seas. Prompto briefly looked down at the potions he had, wondering if he should’ve brought more.
“We’re in the middle of the ocean! There’s no help for miles!” Prompto pleaded.
“Can it Prompt!” Gladio pointed at his friend accusingly.
“You still made it out in one piece, you oversized ape! Obviously, you healed yourself!” Ardyn seethed, and gestured towards Gladio’s body, pointing out he had not a scratch on him.
“I don’t want to fight you, not in the presence of my beloved! Cahl's been through enough! We can settle our score elsewhere!”
“Noct may carry a torch for you, but I certainly don’t! You’re a careless bastard! You picked the wrong day to screw with me!” Gladio rushed towards Ardyn, shoving Prompto out of the way as the latter attempted to stop the fight.
Ardyn held up his arms to block, not wanting to harm his attacker. The weight of Gladio’s fist pummeled through Ardyn’s weak attempt at a defense, hitting him square in the jaw and knocking him onto his knees. Ardyn could feel his consciousness falling in and out of time. White specks began to overtake his vision. If he endured more, Ardyn knew he’d succumb to the dark. He was too tired to fight back even if he had the will.
Right before Gladio was about to make another strike, Caelan body-slammed the larger man. She sent him tumbling to the end of the ship deck. Heaving and with ferocity in her eyes, Caelan limped over to Gladio. She stared him down as he looked up at her. Gladio gritted his teeth, making a fist.
“Why do you care for that--!”
“Touch Ardyn again, and I’ll rip off whatever defines you as a man. Leave him be!” Caelan interrupted. Her threat was absolute. To further make her displeasure known, Caelan spat at Gladio. She purposefully missed by a few inches, not wanting to waste fluids on his hide.
Caelan stumbled toward the white seats of the yacht. Her body felt weak from the sudden assault. A numbness began to take root in her legs. Before she hit the ground, Ardyn quickly sprinted to catch her. She slouched against his body, his arms protectively wrapped around her.
“Cahl, are you alright?”
“Yeah,” Caelan murmured with a nod. “I promise I will be. I'm good.”
Upon given reassurance, Ardyn cast daggers at Gladio. His blood was boiling. He wanted nothing more than to punish the kings shield for making Caelan spend what little energy she had left.
“Why don’t you both go below deck? There’s a bed. You guys can rest and recoup.” Prompto piped up before another altercation had the potential to spike. He walked over to Ardyn, handing him the medicine he had gathered then backed off to give the couple space.
“You have my thanks,” Ardyn said quietly. He shot Gladio a scornful glare, tucking the potion bottles into the pocket of his pants, and guided Caelan to safety. As angry as Ardyn was, Gladio wasn't worth it right now.
Gladio was beside himself, collecting his bearings while he sat up and rose to his feet. His brows knitted out of concern, seeing Prompto glaring at him.
“Did you really have to do that?” Prompto sighed, shaking his head in disappointment.
“Look, just--don’t answer. Okay?” Prompto went to the wheel of the ship, deciding to calm himself by driving the yacht for a while. It was better than blowing up at his friend. Prompto understood Gladio had every right to be upset. Ardyn should’ve waited until after departing the courthouse to make his move. However, Prompto easily saw things from Ardyn’s perspective. Had that been Cindy, Prompto knew he wouldn’t have had the strength to stand by. He doubted Gladio would've been idle if his sister Iris was in the hot seat. Explaining this to his friend however would be a waste of time.
Gladio watched Ardyn and Caelan tend to one another below deck while he passed the entry door. He wasn’t sure what it was, be it the way in which Caelan looked upon Ardyn fondly, or how she cupped his face with her hands, but her kind gestures induced an epiphany. Gladio had known her before.
When Gladio had fought Caealn at the palace, there was a familiarity in her fighting style. He knew he had seen it somewhere. Gladio couldn’t place it on anything recent and dismissed the thought entirely. He was too concerned for Noctis to dwell on a hunch.
A rush of memories from the Dark Decade came crawling back to him.
“I bet you a hundred gil that says you’re full of shit!” Gladio hollered to his assigned companion.
Despite knowing the hunter for a few short hours, he had taken a liking to her. Gladio had come to admire her wit and the speed in which she took down daemons. They were making progress paving the road for fellow Lucians to travel through. An undertaking no one back at the base wanted to volunteer for, except them. The natural camaraderie that developed between the two had Gladio wondering if he had met his partner before back at Insomnia.
“Why not make it two hundred?” Caelan countered with a laugh, bagging up some scrap to trade later. “When we come upon that daemon nest, I’m telling you in three minutes I’ll have thirty of them down. Just you watch!”
“That’s unheard of unless you got a death wish!” Gladio countered with a huff.
“You’re not far off the mark! Most hunters this and day and age long for death.” Caelan shrugged. She sprinted back to her partner. There was an inquisitive look in her gaze while she finished her thoughts.
“I mean, why else would a crownsguard such as yourself be out here? You must be after something similar. That, or you’re having an existential crisis.”
“I should be asking you the same thing!” Gladio remarked. He crossed his arms, smiling at her. “Word of mouth says you came all the way from Lestallum. I find it interesting you traveled from where it was safe just to help with this suicidal mission. There any truth to the rumors?”
“You heard correctly!” Caelan nodded for emphasis, defining that it was her choice in full. No one else made the decision for her.
“So, aren’t you going to tell me why you’re here?” Gladio raised a brow. He smirked watching her bravado die down some.
“You really think it’s wise to ask something so deep at the start of a relationship?” Caelan teased. Gladio laughed, and she found herself admiring how hearty his voice sounded.
“Well, you asked me something personal. It’s only fair.” Gladio shrugged.
“I suppose you’re right,” Caelan shook her head, letting out a sigh. “Let’s just say daemons in the grand scheme of things, are the least of my worries.”
“Sounds like a personal problem arose in the city?”
“Several,” Caelan scoffed. Not at Gladio, but the situation in which she was trapped.
“Daemons are like animals. They live a simple life. Consume and carry on. Humans make matters more complicated. At least in my experience.”
“I take it you’re being pursued?” Gladio wasn’t one to show deep concern. At least when it came to aquaintances. Given the heaviness of his partners tone, he did feel a sense of worry on her behalf.
“You sound like a cop with each passing minute,” Caelan chuckled. She breathed out, giving Gladio a once over. “Everyone has people that don’t like them, and that’s the extent I’m willing to share. Since I’ve been so forthcoming, aren’t you going to tell me why you’re here?”
Gladio furrowed his brows. He didn’t like being put under the spotlight. It was one thing when the guys did this to him, but another from a complete stranger. However, Gladio felt he did owe her something. He let out a deep breath, and looked ahead.
“A friend of mine has a tough journey ahead of him.” Gladio said firmly. “If I don’t pave him a path, there’s no way he’ll succeed. Helping out with the daemons in this area, will ensure he has a shot when the time comes.”
Caelan didn’t need all the details to understand how much Gladio cared for his friend. It was there in his tone and the way he carried himself. She admired that about him. Though he was a brute--and seemed standoffish to most--Gladio did have a heart. Caelan looked forward to reporting that finding to the other hunters. Gladio wasn’t the only person she made bets with as of late.
“You’re a good friend Gladio,” Caelan said sincerely. She gave him a firm pat on the back to which he looked down at her. “And friends easily die out here. Is your buddy worth it?”
“Yeah,” Gladio smiled at her as he nodded. “He’s worth the sacrifices I make.”
“Then you won’t lose.” Caelan said as a matter of fact. “I mean you’re gonna lose our bet, but your long term goal I’m sure you’ll live to see it through!”
“Has anyone told you that you’re absurd?” Gladio sighed, shaking his head as he tried to suppress a snort.
“All the time!” Caelan chuckled.
“You never told me your name back at Hammerhead.” Gladio spoke softly. He could’ve sworn she blushed from the remark. He smirked at the thought, then adjusted the flashlight on his vest.
“Name’s Cae. That’s all you need to know. The rest is classified.”
“Won’t forget it.” Gladio laughed. His voice became flirtatious, deciding to test the waters.
“Maybe I’ll unlock your secrets one day.”
Caelan raised her brows at him and laughed. “I’d love to see you try, casanova!”
“Bet!” Gladio winked.
Man, how could I have forgotten? Gladio thought to himself. He felt his mind returning to the present. While Gladio sat with the memory replaying in his head, other events with Caelan returned to him. Gladio felt his face growing hot. He recalled that the woman Ardyn had been consumed by, at one point held him close while they were unclothed. They were alone together in a tent, awaiting their impending demise by taking solace in each others bodies. The rest of the details were a blur. Gladio remembered they both had drank a lot before becoming intimate. He also remembered their last conversation. They both told each other their intimacy was a one time deal. Neither of them wanted to grow attached when the likelihood of dying was absolute.
At present, there were no strong attachments Gladio felt toward Caelan. That didn’t stop him from feeling a wave of mixed emotions. He looked down at his hands, shaking his head in disbelief. Everything made sense. Especially Ardyn’s less-than-savory behavior toward him. Given how close the two appeared, Gladio had no doubt he had been brought up in conversation. The humiliation at that was enough to slap some sense into himself. Gladio swallowed his pride, and made his way below deck.
“Gladio, what are you doing?” Prompto did a double take from his post, feeling his nerves crawl over his body. He was ignored, but quickly went to the entrance to observe. This time around, if a fight was going to happen, Prompto was determined to nip it in a bud before it had the chance to become heated.
At the bottom, Gladio observed Caelan put herself in the middle. He still couldn’t believe someone was ready to put themselves in harms way on Ardyn’s behalf. Sighing, Gladio shook his head at her.
“Let’s start over,” Gladio muttered as he glanced between the couple. “Do you two need anything from the kitchen?”
Ardyn and Caelan looked at each other with bewilderment. Either of them were unsure about trusting Gladio after the stunt he pulled earlier. Nevertheless, it wasn’t important. Not when so much else was going on.
Ardyn cleared his throat and got the shields attention.
“Cahl hasn’t drank much in a long time. Water would be great.”
Gladio nodded to Ardyn, and ventured past the couple to the kitchenette of the ship. He was soon out of sight.
"What the hell was that about?" Caelan asked, looking behind her.
Ardyn shrugged. "I don't know, but I surmise we should count our blessings. C'mere."
Ardyn took Caelan by the hand and led her to the yachts small bedroom, wasting no time to pull her close to him as they lied next to each other upon the mattress.
Their breathing synced while they relished in several truths: Ardyn hadn’t died. Caelan wasn’t executed, and they were together again. Neither could stop touching the other. Scared that the moment they parted contact, it would be over for them both.
“Are you ever going to tell me what’s happening?” Caelan muttered against Ardyn. The more comfortable she grew, the more tired she became. It was becoming difficult to keep her eyes open.
“You’ll know soon enough when we reach Lucis.” Ardyn reassured. He pressed his lips to her forehead. “Rest right now. I’ll join you.”
By the time Gladio arrived with the water they requested, he found both of them sleeping. He sighed and gently put the glasses on the ground next to the mattress. He made sure the door was closed before checking to see how Prompto was fairing with driving the yacht.
For the first time, Gladio began to feel sorry for Ardyn. He knew what awaited the pair when they’d reach Lucis grounds. His hands balled up into fists. He never allowed it sink in until now. Gladio wished he could've easily discarded his newfound feelings, but his own guilt made sure they remained.
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sail-away-to-space · 1 year
Alright, here goes. I'm old. What that means is that I've survived (so far) and a lot of people I've known and loved did not. I've lost friends, best friends, acquaintances, co-workers, grandparents, mom, relatives, teachers, mentors, students, neighbors, and a host of other folks. I have no children, and I can't imagine the pain it must be to lose a child. But here's my two cents.
I wish I could say you get used to people dying. I never did. I don't want to. It tears a hole through me whenever somebody I love dies, no matter the circumstances. But I don't want it to "not matter". I don't want it to be something that just passes. My scars are a testament to the love and the relationship that I had for and with that person. And if the scar is deep, so was the love. So be it. Scars are a testament to life. Scars are a testament that I can love deeply and live deeply and be cut, or even gouged, and that I can heal and continue to live and continue to love. And the scar tissue is stronger than the original flesh ever was. Scars are a testament to life. Scars are only ugly to people who can't see.
As for grief, you'll find it comes in waves. When the ship is first wrecked, you're drowning, with wreckage all around you. Everything floating around you reminds you of the beauty and the magnificence of the ship that was, and is no more. And all you can do is float. You find some piece of the wreckage and you hang on for a while. Maybe it's some physical thing. Maybe it's a happy memory or a photograph. Maybe it's a person who is also floating. For a while, all you can do is float. Stay alive.
In the beginning, the waves are 100 feet tall and crash over you without mercy. They come 10 seconds apart and don't even give you time to catch your breath. All you can do is hang on and float. After a while, maybe weeks, maybe months, you'll find the waves are still 100 feet tall, but they come further apart. When they come, they still crash all over you and wipe you out. But in between, you can breathe, you can function. You never know what's going to trigger the grief. It might be a song, a picture, a street intersection, the smell of a cup of coffee. It can be just about anything...and the wave comes crashing. But in between waves, there is life.
Somewhere down the line, and it's different for everybody, you find that the waves are only 80 feet tall. Or 50 feet tall. And while they still come, they come further apart. You can see them coming. An anniversary, a birthday, or Christmas, or landing at O'Hare. You can see it coming, for the most part, and prepare yourself. And when it washes over you, you know that somehow you will, again, come out the other side. Soaking wet, sputtering, still hanging on to some tiny piece of the wreckage, but you'll come out.
Take it from an old guy. The waves never stop coming, and somehow you don't really want them to. But you learn that you'll survive them. And other waves will come. And you'll survive them too. If you're lucky, you'll have lots of scars from lots of loves. And lots of shipwrecks.
-GSnow (Reddit comment)
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"5 Mind-Blowing Benefits of Sticking to Your Fitness Schedule
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Are you worn out of starting a fitness regimen best to lose motivation and fall back into old habits? It's a not unusual battle that many people face in relation to keeping a regular fitness routine. In a world packed with busy schedules and endless distractions, staying devoted to your fitness dreams might appear to be an uphill struggle. However, the rewards of sticking to your fitness schedule are mind-blowing. In this newsletter, we're going to delve into the excellent advantages that anticipate folks that live committed to their health journey.
The Power of Consistency
Building Physical Endurance and Strength
Consistency is the important thing to unlock your frame's full potential. When you persist with your health agenda, you gradually increase your physical endurance and power. Whether you are hitting the gym, going for a run, or training yoga, regular workout challenges your muscle tissues, making them stronger over time. This now does not best complement your overall performance at some point of exercises but additionally improves your usual everyday sports.
Boosting Mental Clarity and Focus
Physical exercising does not just gain your body; it's an effective tool for your thoughts as nicely. Engaging in regular exercises will increase blood go with the flow to the brain, promoting the discharge of neurotransmitters that decorate cognitive characteristics. This results in stepped-forward mental readability, awareness, and a sharper capability to tackle demanding situations each in your non-public and expert existence.
The Transformative Impact
Achieving Weight Loss Goals
One of the maximum sought-after benefits of preserving a health schedule is accomplishing weight loss desires. By always conducting bodily activity and combining it with a balanced food plan, you create a calorie deficit that aids in dropping undesirable pounds. Over time, your body undergoes a transformative technique, not best helping you look higher but additionally boosting your confidence and self-esteem.
Elevating Mood and Reducing Stress
Life's demands can regularly lead to strain and anxiety. Regular exercise acts as a herbal stress reliever with the aid of triggering the release of endorphins, which can be called “sense-right” hormones. These endorphins assist elevate your mood, reduce stress, and combat feelings of depression. Committing to your fitness ordinary can lead to a more superb and emotionally balanced lifestyle.
The Long-Term Gains
Enhancing Longevity and Quality of Life
Imagine residing in an extended, healthier lifestyle with an excessive first-class lifestyle for the duration of. Sticking to your health timetable performs a big position in achieving this aspiration. Regular exercising reduces the chance of chronic illnesses, which include coronary heart sickness, diabetes, and high blood pressure. It also improves bone density and muscle mass, contributing to your normal proper-being and sturdiness.
Fostering Discipline and Determination
Consistently adhering to a fitness timetable calls for subject and resolution. These features go beyond your exercises and seep into everything in your lifestyle. The commitment you display to your health and health dreams spills over into your working ethic, relationships, and personal improvement. By nurturing discipline and resolution, you place yourself up for fulfillment in all areas of your life.
Conclusion: Embrace the Transformation
In conclusion, the blessings of sticking to your fitness schedule are sincerely thoughts-blowing. From improving your bodily energy and mental readability to reaching weight loss goals and fostering durability, the rewards are abundant. As you embark on this adventure of self-improvement, maintain in thoughts that consistency is your pleasant ally. Embrace the transformation, project yourself, and gain the countless blessings that a devoted healthy ordinary brings.
So, are you prepared to take the jump and decide on your fitness journey? The desire is yours, and the consequences are waiting so that it will be found out. As the pronunciation goes, "The handiest terrible exercise is the only one that didn't take place." Start these days, and let the mind-blowing blessings reshape your existence for the higher.
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