#pretending to be each other's friend
mettywiththenotes · 1 year
We don’t talk enough about Dabi putting his arm around Hawks when they meet in the liberation army
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iwoulddieforienzo · 7 months
Personally I think percabeth is at its best when Grover is in it. I don’t necessarily mean in a polycule way I just think it’s great when he’s around
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raplinenthusiasts · 1 month
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💐 @cordiallyfuturedwight
{© namuspromised}
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blueteller · 21 days
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Classic Clown-To-Clown Communication
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citruslllad · 1 year
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friends who beat the shit out of cops together
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that-vampire-loser · 3 months
Pro aaron neil friendship forever
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abyssruler · 2 years
cyno x gn!reader
“You’ll like him, I promise!”
“If he’s anything like you, I suppose.”
“Well…” You trail off, imagining you and your brother growing up and constantly being told how different the two of you are, from your personalities down to your looks. “Anyway! He can be a bit of a dummy, but he means well.”
Cyno nods, a thoughtful frown on his lips as he crosses his arms and waits for your brother to arrive at your meeting spot.
You spy the eye-catching ahoge from a mile away. You beam, raising your hand in a wave and turning to your partner beside you—only to blink as you realize that he left without your notice.
The sound of steel against steel in the distance blares an alarm in your head. Frantic, you whip your head to the direction of the sound and find two very familiar individuals duking it out.
Oh no.
“Big brother Haitham, stop!”
They both freeze at the sound of your voice for two completely different reasons.
Al-Haitham pulls you behind him and points his sword at your very confused partner, uncharacteristically slow to connect the dots. “Choose your next actions carefully, Cyno.”
Cyno completely lowers his weapon as he switches his gaze between the two of you as if in disbelief that Al-Haitham, the so-called Akademiya lunatic who he’s barely spoken two words to, is your older brother. You, the light of his life—but also an Akademiya drop out who only managed to get in through sheer luck after your random answers on the entrance examination turned out to be right—were related to him?
…Or so he would have thought a minute ago before his world was turned upside down and his partner’s brother wasn’t the most suspicious person in Cyno’s eyes.
My brother is really smart like you! He’s really nice and he used to help me study for my tests back when I still went to the Akademiya. A little, um, mean—but he’s actually a good person!
Hah, mean. A large understatement. It would equate to a scholar calling the General Mahamatra benign.
He suppose he should have expected it from you. You do have the tendency to think the best of people, even when they don’t deserve it.
“Brother.” You tug on Al-Haitham’s arm to bring his sword down, but he refuses to do so, unwilling to take his eyes off Cyno. Huffing in annoyance, you stomp on his feet and feel immense satisfaction when he turns his head to glare at you.
“This isn’t the time—”
“He’s Cynie!”
There’s a joke to be made about a pin dropping in the silence after your words and your brother’s dawning look of realization and the skepticism that follows.
He whirls his head to Cyno and points, “That’s Cynie?”
You nod with a growing smile, delighted that your brother finally lowered his sword so you can come up to Cyno and drag him close by the arm. “Cynie, meet my brother, Haitham!”
“…I told you not to call me that in front of others.”
“But it’s cute!”
“Only when we’re alone.” To this, he sends a baleful glare to Al-Haitham that your brother returns with a glare of his own.
“Oh, please. My sibling has told me everything that’s happened in your relationship,” then, as if to add salt to the wound, he strictly emphasizes, “Cynie.”
A muscle in your partner’s brow twitches.
“It’s great that you two are getting along!” You exclaim with a smile that could rival the sun.
They can’t say no to that face. They both have no choice but to reluctantly grumble a hesitant ‘yes…’ that has your eyes shining bright.
“I have our outing planned for today! I saw a promo in a restaurant that said if you can finish some kind of large meal in under an hour, you don’t have to pay for it! Not too sure how big it is, but I know I can eat it all. I also passed by this really cool place yesterday…”
They let you drag them by the arm across the city, shooting glares at each other and throwing subtle barbs when they think you aren’t looking.
You called that day the ‘brothers-in-law bonding day’. They hated every second of it and vowed to never talk to the other again.
Unless you asked them to, of course.
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presdestigatto · 6 months
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Looking at the timestamps, this was one month before Max’s first f1 race, and they last karted together in 2012 3 years prior. I have so many questions, like, were they cool at this point of time? Clearly they were friendly enough for Max to joke like this, but you can also notice that Charles only replied to Esteban LOL
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aroaceleovaldez · 6 months
i think a lot about how Leo didn't use his cabin on the Argo II, and instead just always slept in the engine room or on deck (or let's be real, probably in the walls once or twice). And how Nico and Reyna never even got cabins on the Argo II, since they were unexpected passengers and so probably had to just sleep in the sickbay (if they slept at all, which they probably insisted they didn't need to - or fell asleep in odd spots around the ship) and so were forced to be roommates for a little bit before their quest, or shared a room with someone else on the ship.
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heavenlyascent · 24 days
I can hate on Rebirth for its flaws any day of the week but I can never truly hate it because it unequivocally gave us on screen proof that not only are Tifa and Aerith best friends but also that they undoubtably love each other.
Like there's no playing around with this like people do with the OG. It's not in subtext or in silent background moments where you see them together. Tifa and Aerith are friends, they care so much for each other that on the brink of death one of the people Tifa imagined calling and reaching out for her was Aerith.
They say, to Cloud and the audience's faces, that they are friends. Aerith was ready to punch that one girl in the face for trying to be catty with Tifa.
I don't EVER wanna hear from this fandom again that Aerith and Tifa do not care about each other or that they would let Cloud of all people get in between them. They were close in the OG and they're close in the Remake. FIGHT ME.
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anarchang3l · 1 year
The best adventuring party bit is definitely Lou has never seen a movie but the SECOND best adventuring party is Ally signing off with “See You in the Stars” and Brennan screaming because it has big OG Hi Intrepid heroes energy.
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nellasbookplanet · 4 months
The funniest kind of critical role "critique" is always going to be the 'they present themselves as if they aren’t rich/a company no I will not give any examples' crowd. Like what does this even mean. They start literally every single episode with informing you they are professional voice actors. They have clearly advertised sponsors. They have an entire line of merch and an animated show. The production value of the set is bonkers. They run a charity foundation. Do you want them to start every episode with a blaring siren and a warning saying 'beware! company run content! we make money!!' Are you just angry that they are friends having fun as they make a living. Do you have any understanding of how money works.
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Prompt 18
Jaskier wants Geralt to notice him already, and when Geralt makes yet another dig at Jaskier's clothing, Jaskier comes to the only reasonable explanation that this must be the only thing holding Geralt back. Jaskier decides to start dressing less and less extravagant, and it seems to be working! Geralt stares at him all the time, now! He even watches his performances! But he still doesn't react to Jaskier's innuendos or flirts*, nor does he walk across the camp and kiss him silly. *(It has been YEARS of this, so it's not exactly new behavior, he supposes.) Jaskier decides the final push is to start dressing more like Geralt, since that's surely what Geralt likes. He'll dress in black! ... Black. Maybe he'll just start with a dark grey. Geralt meanwhile is horrified at Jaskier's sudden wardrobe change. It gets blander and blander, more bleak and cheap, until he's starting to wear exclusively black. Geralt is worried. Is Jaskier... going through something? Geralt keeps waiting for Jaskier to bring it up, but he won't. Jaskier is a man of opulence and colors so bright they practically glow. To see him in such monochrome apparel is disconcerting, to say the least. The day Jaskier wears all-black and doesn't sing, Geralt has had enough and has to confront his friend about what appears to be a depressive episode or mourning period.
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hearteyes-wheeler · 4 months
i think mike and max hang out together sometimes without the rest of the party and max teaches him how to skateboard
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thatsnotmygunflash · 8 months
Are there any Professor Snart fics out there? The thought came to me and now I'm lying on the floor trying to get my brain to reboot.
Think about it. The gossip surrounding the hot new English professor. The casual but professional outfits. The captivating lectures. The charming smiles. The corny jokes. The starry-eyed students. The never-ending string of faculty friends and students visiting when he's in his office. The abundance of award-winning books he's written (James Patterson who?). The Dean is ready to offer him tenure if Len agrees to add another class or two to his roster because they have so many students begging to be in his class. He goes to his students' poetry slams to encourage them and has a writing workshop for inspiring authors. He sponsored a scholarship in his name for LGBTQ+ students. He volunteers to help with the theater department. Not long after he's hired, Professor Leonard Snart seems to be the only thing anyone wants to talk about at Central City University.
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gayemeralds · 1 year
i think about eggman meeting eleven year old sonic for the first time, tricking him into becoming his friend to fetch the chaos emeralds together, and for a fleeting moment considers actually being his friend. he gives the kid a name, shoes, knowledge of mechanics, a means to communicate. for just a split second, history could be altered, the robotnik legacy could finally heal, but greed is the kindling at eggmans core and he burns every bridge he’s ever built. eggman creates sonic and in turn sonic creates eggman and they fulfill a cycle eggman knows he could have stopped but couldn’t bother to try. it’s about how they’re each other’s first friends. it’s about how they named each other. it’s about almost stopping a cycle of violence and hatred and it’s about greed corrupting. some people want to be saved and others don’t. and it’s about learning the difference.
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