fabioricarte · 2 years
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9 anos muito bem vividos, segundo ela! 😂🙏🙌🏻😘🎉 Te amamos filhota! Parabéns! Que o Senhor te cubra com toda sorte de bençãos Espirituais, muita Graça e Sabedoria diretamente do Reino dos Céus! #primogenita #familia #Amor #Pai #caminho #Verdade #vida https://www.instagram.com/p/CqCTU3HsepB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wonder-worker · 6 months
"In total, Leonor governed Navarre as lieutenant, with some minor hiatuses, from 1455 to 1479, making her the effective ruler of the realm for nearly twenty five years. Out of her female predecessors, only Juana I served a longer period; however, Juana I was detached from the governance of the realm and physically distant from Navarre. Leonor however, remained in the kingdom throughout her lieutenancy, making her the female sovereign with the highest record of residency in Navarre.
One of the enabling factors for Leonor’s constant presence in the realm was the “Divide and Conquer” power-sharing mechanism that she employed with her husband, Gaston of Foix. Blanca and Juan had a similar division of duties, but unlike her parents’ often contrary objectives, all of Leonor and Gaston’s actions can be seen to be working toward their joint goals of obtaining the Navarrese crown and politically dominating the Pyrenean region. In order to achieve their ambitions, the couple were adept at working as a team even when physically seperated or carrying out divergent duties.
Politically, it appears that they took on different areas of negotiatiion. Gaston was the designated emissary to the French court, which was entirely appropriate as one of the French king’s leading magnates. One important example of his involvement in negotiations of this type include Gaston’s visit to the French court in the winter of 1461–62 to negotiate the marriage between their heir and the French princess, Magdalena, which ensured Louis XI’s backing for Leonor’s promotion to primogenita. Gaston also conducted negotiations on behalf of his father-in-law, Juan of Aragon, with the King of France, with a successful outcome in the case of the Treaty of Olite in April 1462, which was intimately connected to the marriage that Gaston was orchestrating for his son and Magdalena of France.
Even though Gaston normally took on the role of intermediary with the French crown, there are two letters issued by Leonor during her marriage in December 1466 as lieutenant of Navarre that show her involvement in French affairs. These letters were written during a period of extreme crisis, when Juan II’s difficulties in Catalonia were matched with Leonor’s continuing struggle with the Peralta clan in Navarre. In these letters, Leonor was playing on her familial connection to Louis XI, in hopes of his aid and backing, asking him to “commend this poor kingdom and the said princess to him [Louis XI] as one who is of his house.” Moreover, these letters show Leonor’s independent interaction in crucial diplomatic negotiations with France, both in receiving embassies directly from Louis and in sending her own personal ambassador, Fernando de Baquedano, with detailed instructions on how to proceed.
Gaston appears to have been more engaged with marital negotiations for their numerous offspring than Leonor. However, this may be due to the fact that the couple overwhelmingly chose French marriages for their children. Only three of Leonor’s children did not contract a French betrothal: Pierre who became a cardinal, a daughter who died young, and Leonor’s youngest son, Jacques (or Jaime), who married into the Navarrese nobility. Given the fact that Gaston was more intimately connected to the French court and the nobility of the Midi, it seems reasonable that he would take on the role of chief negotiator for these matches. All of the marital arrangements for their children were made in order for Gaston and Leonor to achieve their joint goals, the acquisition of the throne of Navarre and the consolidation of their power and influence in the Pyrenean region.
Another area where Gaston necessarily played a more central role was militarily. Robin Harris acknowledges Gaston’s successful military career and notes that after his useful military service to the French crown, “the comte was permitted by the [French] king in the last years of his life to employ his military resources in order to further his family’s interests in Navarre.” Gaston also performed many military services for his father-in-law; the agreement of 1455 that promoted Leonor and Gaston to the successors of the realm required Gaston to go to Navarre on Juan’s behalf and retake those areas that had fallen to the rebels “for the honor of the King of Navarre as well as for his own interests and those of the princess his wife."
However, there is some evidence for Leonor’s involvement in one military foray. In the winter of 1471, Leonor took part in a daring attempt to seize the capital, Pamplona, from her opponents, the Beaumonts. Leonor participated in an attempt to storm one of the city gates with a group of armed supporters. Moret notes that “this surprise was reckless; for it exposed the person of the princess to obvious risk and was somewhat rash.” Moreover, the element of surprise was ruined by the cries of her supporters shouting “ Viva la Princesa !” which alerted the Beaumont troops to the threat, and Leonor and her supporters were swiftly ejected from the city.
Like her mother, the noted peacemaker, Leonor was also involved in moves to reduce the civil discord in the realm. Zurita credited Leonor with “making a great effort to resolve the differences of the parties and subdue the kingdom into union and calm.” Leonor represented her father in negotiations for a truce with the supporters of the Principe de Viana on March 27, 1458, at Sang ü esa. Zurita notes, “The princess Lady Leonor was there at that time in Sangüesa and signed the treaty with the power of the king her father.” Leonor was instrumental in the forging of another truce that was contracted in Sangüesa, in January 1473, and she was also present at a conference with her father and her half-brother Ferdinand in Vitoria in 1476 “accompanied by the nobility of Navarre to renew the treatties . . . and attempt to arrive at a stable peace.
Although both spouses were named to the lieutenancy of Navarre, the documentary evidence clearly demonstrates that Leonor appears to have taken on the bulk of the administration of the realm. This was entirely appropriate as it was Leonor, not Gaston, who had the hereditary right to the crown. Moreover, it was logical for Leonor to remain in Navarre so that her husband could look after his own patrimonial holdings and continue to serve as a military commander for the King of France.
Leonor was an active lieutenant but she struggled to implement her rule fully across the kingdom, as many areas were dominated by the Beaumont faction who were opposed to her and her father Juan of Aragon. This meant that at times, she had no control or access to certain key cities in the realm, including the capital, as mentioned previously. Her grandfather’s impressive seat at Olite was the center of her sister’s court, but Leonor eventually regained her hold on the castle and used it as one of her primary residences between 1467 and 1475. Sangüesa remained an important base for Leonor, and she was also associated with Tudela on the southern edge of the kingdom.
Leonor’s difficulty in implementing her rule across the whole of the kingdom is illustrated by a prolonged struggle between the lieutenant and the town of Tafalla, which consistently refused to send representatives when she called together meetings of the Cortes. Tafalla was a center of Beaumont strength, which had supported her brother Carlos in his struggle with Juan of Aragon and was thus bitterly opposed to her appointment to the lieutenancy. Between 1465 and 1475 there is a series of missives from Leonor both summoning representatives from the town and then expressing disappointment when they failed to arrive. During this period, Leonor appears to have called a meeting of the Cortes at least six times, but the town consistently refused to send envoys to the assembly. There is a sense of increasing exasperation and anger in these documents at the repeated failure to participate in these important events. At one point, in late 1471, Leonor personally came to the town to give advance notice of her intent to call another Cortes the following summer, perhaps to circumvent any excuse that the town did not have sufficient time to send representatives, but Tafalla still did not participate in the assembly.
As her authority was contested, Leonor was keen to stress her agency and her position in the documents that she issued. However, at times she even struggled with the chancery; between 1472–73, Juan de Beaumont retained the seals of the kingdom and refused to let Leonor have access to them. In 1475, she granted a reduction in taxes to the important city of Estella acknowledging the reduced capacity of the city to pay after the population had shrunk from the effects of war and flooding. In this document she stressed her efforts to assist all of the urban centers of the realm, to help them recover from the years of civil conflict and devastation, “the other good towns of the said realm have been refurbished by our certain knowledge, special grace, our own change and royal authority.
Leonor’s address clause drew on all of her family and marital ties as a means of establishing her authority:
 “Lady Leonor, by the grace of God princess primogenita , heiress of Navarre, princess of Aragon and Sicily, Countess of Foix and Bigorre, Lady of Bearn, Lieutenant general for the most serene king, my most redoubtable lord and father in this his kingdom of Navarre.”
The signet that Leonor used for the majority of her lieutenancy as well as her sello secreto had heraldic devises that mirror her address clause, bearing the arms Navarre, her family dynasty of Evreux, her husband’s counties of Foix, Béarn, and Bigorre, and finally the Trast á mara connections to Aragon, Castile, and Léon.
To sum up, Gaston and Leonor’s ability to divide up roles and responsibilities demonstrates the couple’s effective partnership, using each partner in the most appropriate arena. Moreover, this division was entirely necessary as the couple’s widespread territorial holdings and the demands of balancing the complicated and difficult political situation both within Navarre and the Midi and between France, Castile, and Aragon meant that both partners needed to be fully engaged and active in order to achieve their mutual goals and further their dynastic interests.
Even though Leonor and Gaston generally employed this mode of “Divide and Conquer” that left Leonor primarily responsible for the administration of Navarre while Gaston oversaw his own sizable patrimony, the couple did work together as a unit whenever possible. Documentary evidence shows that Gaston came to stay with Leonor in Navarre for short periods, particularly during the autumn of 1469 and 1470. There is also some additional evidence to indicate an earlier reunion in 1464, which appears to indicate a desire on the part of the couple to be together. Gaston and his party were stuck in the mountain passes between Foix and Navarre on his way to visit Leonor. The princess issued a series of orders to dispatch men and pay for additional recruits and mules in the mountains in order to clear the passes and roads for Gaston, including one order for 300 men to be sent to help. Gaston’s death in 1472 took place on another journey to see his wife in Navarre; he died en route of natural causes in the Pyrenean town of Roncesvalles.
 Overall, Gaston and Leonor worked together with the mutual goal of obtaining the crown of Navarre, throwing the weight of Gaston’s power, wealth, connection, and military forces behind Leonor’s hereditary rights and were willing to fight off opposition from their own family in order to succeed. They worked in partnership, with each partner taking on the most appropriate role; Leonor was responsible for the governance of Navarre, and Gaston supported her militarily and financially. They both worked on diplomatic efforts to achieve their ambitions; Gaston used his position as a powerful French vassal and general to gain support while Leonor negotiated with her Iberian relatives to maintain their rights.
[...] Tragically perhaps, Leonor hardly had a chance to enjoy the position of queen regnant when it finally came her way. Leonor’s death, only a few weeks after her father’s in February 1479, meant that her rule as queen lasted less than a month. Leonor changed her address clause to reflect her altered position as “Queen of Navarre, Princess of Aragon and Sicily, Duchess of Nemours, of Gandia, of Montblanc and Peñafiel, Countess of Bigorre and Ribagorza and Lady of Balaguer.” Ram í rez Vaquero points out that most of these titles were disputed; several were titles that should have come to her as part of her paternal inheritance from her father but in reality would have gone to her half-brother Ferdinand de Aragon. In addition, the French titles that Leonor had held as Gaston’s wife had already been passed to her grandson. It appears that Leonor had enough time to mount a formal coronation, on January 28, 1479, at Tudela, firmly establishing herself as Queen of Navarre, even if only for a brief moment. Moret remarked that “out of all the kings and queens of Navarre she was the one who reigned the shortest, although she may have been the one who desired [the crown] most.”
-Elena Woodacre, "Leonor: Civil War and Sibling Strife", The Queens Regnant of Navarre: Succession, Politics and Partnership, 1274-1512 (Queenship and Power)
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turuin · 2 months
Day 9
Giorno 9 - ieri
Non ho ricontrollato il numero, quindi questa è la mia personal challenge di oggi: sarà giorno 9 o giorno 10? Se ne parla domani, ormai.
Totale caffè bevuti, sempre due. A pranzo, al ristorante del centro commerciale senza troppa convinzione; ma, tra i secondi, vedo "frittura di totani e gamberi" e mi è partita "You only live twice" (versione cantata da Mark Lanegan, in fondo al post, bellissima) in testa, per cui daje e pranziamo così immaginando di farlo in un ristorante sul mare.
A cena, avrei tanto voluto seguire un consiglio mirabile di @vivenda e prepararmi una melanzana che avevo da un po' da consumare ma la melanzana non era d'accordo (muffa sul picciòlo, il resto pareva buono ma meglio non sfidare la sorte) e ho seguito comunque un altro suo consiglio con delle zucchine, venute benissimo. Cena estremamente soddisfacente, ultima birra SG bevuta, "fino a qui tutto bene" come diceva Hubert ne L'Odio di Kassovitz.
Notte più o meno tranquilla (per uno che si sveglia ogni cinque minuti e dorme con luce e tv accesa), stamattina avevo formicolio da cattiva circolazione a mani e braccia. Questa cosa non mi piace neanche un po' e vedrò di indagarla meglio, probabilmente al mio rientro.
Sono uscito molto presto per ritirare un pacco consegnato ad un punto ritiro Amazon. Si tratta del regalo di compleanno della primogenita, che sarà il 14 di Agosto (quindi glielo daremo in Calabria). Si tratta della "Casita" di Encanto versione Lego, con tutte le stanzine: costa un capitale, lo abbiamo preso con un po' di sconto in offerta perlomeno ma... a 18 che famo, direttamente l'auto? Che poi, magari! Ad avercela, quella disponibilità... ma si vedrà. E' ancora a metà strada per i 18.
Vado! A sfidare un'altra sonnolenta giornata di lavoro estiva.
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londonlingo · 1 year
Terms for different familial relations
Here’s a list of words in various languages that refer to different members of your family that don’t exist/we don’t use in English:
La pubilla (Catalan) = the eldest daughter
O/A caçula (Portuguese) = the youngest child
O primogenito/ a primogenita (Portuguese) = the eldest child
Avunculus (Latin) = the maternal uncle
Matertera (Latin) = the maternal aunt
Patruus (Latin) = the paternal uncle
Amita (Latin) = the paternal aunt
Also various cultures call people older than yourself as uncle/aunt as a sign of respect/kindness. For example, kids in Brazil will often call adults tio/tia even though they are not related.
I believe Russian does this but as I don’t speak Russian please feel free to leave a comment talking about this. The same is the case for different desi cultures. Please shed some light in the comments.
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mewling-central · 1 year
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An excerpt from the Maznaǵamazmë Ohlaa or The Decree of the Coast, written in the Imperial Mewling script. Translation below
Ańos Nawḿḿaveemë tu-rin i-arun ëdu-tuńo tuyos Neezhmazzhëm Rafewjëm su-twańos neńachër, Taańaseeḿëpabraamë Mitooca Tarazhatf́aneewe Neezḿëm riḿachim shi-rin su-arun satu-tuńo sïduyos mariȷ́asë fav́ateezo, Fezmi Woleḿa Veeneezḿë po Neezzhoyv́abaḿu Arsi Aḿḿëneezḿëm shtoḿë, po Talazḿasolsazmë Aaneezḿë Osmunda Ëzzhińńachiini Mazhatḿum Zḿuzhatḿum shatḿub́anizḿë, cay ohlaa Neezḿë Ńawzmë Erfeezoma ratsï as, po aȷ́ala i usofdir ye weenifdir, po i ërïmë Nerimmazmë azamrï neńazmi ratoshtë tashnav́apdir.
"On the twenty-fourth day of the Bright Summer Moon in the eight-thousand eight-hundred thirty-seventh year of Thought in the sixth Great Precession, coinciding with the five-thousand six-hundredth year of the reign of Emperor Mitooca Rhodolite of House Dreamweaver, child of Former Empress Wollemia of the South and Empress Consort Neezzhoyv́abaḿu Opal, and who has begotten Osmunda Spinel, Princess Primogenita and Heir Apparent to the Verdant Throne, does this decree come into law by order of His Majesty The Emperor, and thus henceforth shall not be contested nor dismissed, and so shall be recognized throughout the whole of the entirety of the Pushmar Empire as divine law."
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manoomagoo · 5 months
Oggi è il compleanno di mio papà. Siccome sono una pessima primogenita mi sono ridotta ad oggi per pensare a un regalo che gli facesse piacere. Naturalmente non mi è venuto in mente nulla di originale, così, presa dallo sconforto, sono andata in un negozio di dolci e ho acquistato più o meno 1Kg e mezzo di caramelle alla liquirizia e gliele ho consegnate prima di cena, come pensierino da parte mia e di mia sorella. Giuro su tutti i dischi degli Oasis che non lo ho mai visto così contento! Negli anni gli abbiamo regalato libri, week-end fuori porta, accessori per l'auto, bretelle, cinture, attrezzi da lavoro ma non è mai stato così contento come quando stasera si è trovato davanti tutta quella liquirizia solo per lui!
Morale della favola: se volete sorprendere qualcuno, scoprite quali sono le sue caramelle preferite e regalategliele.
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donaruz · 2 years
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13 Dicembre: SANTA LUCIA
Una Dea che viene da lontano portando una spiga di grano e .. tanti doni!
Dalla Svezia all’Austria, dalla Boemia alla Spagna, dal Brasile alla Finlandia, in moltissime parti del mondo il 13 dicembre si festeggia Santa Lucia.
E secondo molte tradizioni, nella notte tra il 12 e il 13 Dicembre, la Santa passa di casa in casa a portare i doni...proprio come Babbo Natale!
La storia dice che Santa Lucia nacque a Siracusa, probabilmente intorno al 283 d.c., e morì il 13 Dicembre del 304.
Su di lei sono nate diverse leggende, con un comune denominatore: Lucia era una dolcissima ragazza dagli occhi bellissimi, che fu perseguitata per la sua grande fede.
La sua storia è intessuta di elementi leggendari, che testimoniano l'enorme venerazione di cui Santa Lucia ha goduto e gode.
L'iconografia la rappresenta nell'episodio dello strappo volontario degli occhi.
Altri attributi possono essere una spada oppure anche una tazza da cui esce una fiamma, una fiaccola o un mazzo di spighe.
Fatto sta che nel giorno che precede la sua festa, in molte parti di Italia e del mondo, i bambini le scrivono una letterina chiedendole dei doni. Preparano cibo e carote sui davanzali delle finestre per sfamare la Santa e il suo asinello e poi vanno a dormire attendendo il mattino.
In Svezia e in Danimarca è abitudine che la mattina del 13 dicembre la figlia primogenita si vesta con una tunica bianca e una sciarpa rossa in vita e, con il capo coronato da un intreccio di rami verde e sette candeline, porti caffè, latte e dolci ai familiari ancora a letto, accompagnata dalle sorelle più piccole vestite con tunica e cintura bianche.
La Santa è stata più volte messa in relazione con la Dea greca Demetra o con la romana Cerere, i cui attributi principali erano il mazzo di spighe e la fiaccola.
"Luce degli occhi, della vista", "luce del mondo", "luce cosmica": le espressioni rivelano non solo una chiara simbologia spirituale di grandissima intensità, ma soprattutto quella visione cosmologica delle civiltà passate e delle moderne culture contadine in cui s'alternano luce e buio, vita e morte, in un percorso che nella sua circolarità è garanzia di un eterno fluire e ritornare delle cose.
La festa di Santa Lucia anticipa la festa del ritorno della Luce, Yule, che si celebra il 21 Dicembre, con il solstizio d'Inverno.
Buona Santa Lucia a tutti e Buon Onomastico a tutte le Lucia, Lucio, Luciana, Lucy!!!!!
🌾 ✨ 🔥 🌟 🥕
#ilcerchiodellalunaofficial #santalucia #saintlucy #FestadellaLuce #deediluce #lightgoddess
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mucillo · 2 years
"Marina Cvetaeva" a "Rainer Maria Rilke"
Rainer, ho ricevuto la tua lettera il giorno del mio onomastico: il 30 luglio, perché una santa ce l’ho anch’io, benché mi senta la primogenita del mio nome, e senta te come primogenito del tuo.
Il santo chiamato Rainer aveva certamente un nome diverso.
Tu sei Rainer.
Dunque, il giorno del mio onomastico, il regalo più bello – la tua lettera!
Del tutto inattesa, come ogni volta: non mi abituerò mai a te (né a me!), e neanche allo stupore, e neanche al mio pensare a te.
Tu sei ciò che sognerò stanotte, che stanotte sognerà me.
(Sognare o essere sognata?)
Io sconosciuta in un sogno estraneo.
Non aspetto mai, ti riconosco sempre.
Il giorno in cui qualcuno ci sognerà insieme – allora ci incontreremo.
Rainer, voglio venire da te anche per il mio nuovo io, quello – quella – che può nascere soltanto con te, soltanto in te.
E allora Rainer, non arrabbiarti con me, sono io, io che voglio dormire con te – addormentarmi e dormire.
Splendida espressione popolare – quanto profonda, quanto autentica, quanto priva di ambiguità,
esattamente come ciò che esprime.
Semplicemente dormire, e null’altro.
No, ancora: la testa sprofondata nell’incavo della tua spalla sinistra, il braccio intorno a quella destra, e null’altro.
No, ancora: e fin dentro il sonno più profondo sapere che sei tu.
E ancora: il suono del tuo cuore.
E – baciare quel cuore.
La bocca l’ho sempre sentita come mondo: volta celeste, Il corpo l’ho sempre tradotto in anima,
l’ho reso magnifico a tal punto che all’improvviso non ne è rimasto nulla.
Perché ti dico tutto questo?
Per paura, forse – che tu mi ritenga comunemente passionale.
“Ti amo e voglio dormire con te” – all’amicizia non è data tanta concisione.
Ma è con un’altra voce che io lo dico, quasi nel sonno profondo.
Il mio suono è diverso da quello della passione.
Tutto ciò che mai dorme desidera saziarsi di sonno fra le tue braccia.
Fin dentro l’anima (gola) sarebbe il bacio. (non incendio: voragine).
Rainer, si fa sera, ti amo.
Ulula un treno. I treni sono i lupi, i lupi la Russia.
Non un treno – la Russia intera sta ululando verso di te.
Rainer, non arrabbiarti, oppure arrabbiati quanto vuoi: stanotte dormirò con te.
Uno squarcio nel buio – ci sono le stelle – concludo: finestra.
(Alla finestra penso, non al letto, quando penso a te e a me.)
Gli occhi spalancati, perché fuori è ancora più buio che dentro.
Il letto è un vascello, ci mettiamo in viaggio.
Non occorre che tu risponda.
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condenadoshqs · 1 year
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los directivos analizan datos de cyrene “cy” ferebee para recibirle en su segundor año de curso. se encuentra estudiando antropología e historia. en st ignatius of laconi y ha sido asignade a la mansión seis. todos los datos parecen ser correctos en lo que estampan sello para declararlo como procesado. sin embargo, días después expediente desaparece y en su lugar dentro del archivo, una hoja con la firma de una sociedad secreta queda como demostración de lo que fue robado. ¿ganar o perder? todavía nadie lo sabe.
VIOLETA bienvenide al universo de condenados. ¡nos encanta tenerte entre nosotres! esperamos que tu estadía en el grupal sea larga y que disfrutes de cada cosa que esta maravillosa historia tiene para ofrecer. esperamos la cuenta de tu personaje en las próximas 24 horas.
nombre: Violeta
pronombres: ella
edad: 25
país / zona horaria: España, GMT+2
triggers: non-con, o cualquier tipo de abuso si no es consensuado entre users.
¿aceptas que tu personaje reciba cualquier tipo de intervenciones? síp.
¿algo que agregar? ♡
nombre completo: Cyrene “Cy” Ferebee faceclaim: Kiana Ledé pronombres: ella edad: 23 fecha de cumpleaños: 11 de julio. lugar de proveniencia: miami, estados unidos descripción psicológica:  sensible y consciente del mundo que la rodea; para inumerables dolores de cabeza para su hogar, Cy siempre ha sido un chica muy centrada y ha tenido una fuerte consciencia social y ha aprovechado su voz y sus privilegios —monetarios, en este caso— para ayudar a los que ella creía necesitados. al final, Cyrene creció con un fuerte sentido de la honestidad y de la lealtad, y ahi yacen sus prioridades morales. sin embargo, no todo lo que brilla es oro, y Cyrene no es otra cosa que humana: orgullosa y testaruda, en lo que a ella le concierne tiene un fuerte sentido de la individualidad y, aunque quizás sea la primera compañera de clase en acercarse a mantener una conversación poco profunda sobre el día de hoy, hay ocasiones en las que es tremendamente hermetica. es distraída y transparente, tanto en la forma de expresarse verbalmente como en la comunicación no verbal que puede ejercer con su rostro o su cuerpo, y tiene una increíble confianza en sus convicciones.  descripción física: aquí, aquí y aquí unas imágenes. es común ver su cabello recogido en trenzas africanas, aunque cuando no las lleva, este está por debajo de los hombros y decorado por unos bonitos rizos, se lo tintó en un acto de rebeldía antes de empezar el curso. de tez morena y complexión media-grande, siempre ha sido un blanco fácil.  tiene el ombligo perforado y ambos brazos llenos de tatuajes de pequeño tamaño
historia: TW. muerte, pérdida de memoria. siendo la menor de tres hermanas, y con una gran diferencia de las otras dos, poco recuerda Cyrene sobre su infancia. recuerda hata los nueve años, sí, haber sido una niña feliz, con unos progenitores atentos y cuidadosos aunque siempre ocupados, y unas hermanas ausentes —una de ellas, famosa diseñadora de moda, residía en parís; la otra, formándose en Harvard como abogada, que fue ella, y no la primogenita, quien está planeado que herede el negocio familiar por el que son conocidos los Ferebee— pero cariñosas, que siempre que venían a visitarla le obsequiaban con montañas y montañas de regalos; sin embargo, cuando su madre falleció, en una fecha inexacta en el cerebro de Cy, todo en el hogar de los Ferebee se convirtió en caos: su propia mente decidió, como les explicó a ella y a su familia tiempo después un terapeuta, resguardar en lo más recóndito de su memoria los acontecimientos como método de autodefensa y como reacción natural al trauma y que si bien era posible que recuperase la memoria con los meses o años, también era muy probable que nunca lo hiciera.  de hecho, no lo hizo. es conocedora de los recuerdos anteriores al fallecimiento de su madre, aunque de una manera un poco confusa por ser memorias muy tempranas, y por supuesto que es consciente de que esa mujer ha muerto, pero no el día, ni la hora ni cómo ocurrió. nunca pidió detalles. pensó que si su cerebro decidió que era mejor no recordar, era por algún motivo. no obstante, a consecuencia de la muerte de su mujer y al ser Cyrene el único miembro de la familia que todavía quedaba en el hogar, el señor Ferebee depositó en ella todo el amor y cuidados, mimos y caprichos, del mundo y la absolvió de muchas responsabilidades por ese mismo motivo. en ese descuido fue cuando Cyrene empezó a interesarse por dar voz a las personas que no podíán, adentrándose en el mundo del activismo, sobre todo en la lucha contra el machismo y el racismo. como hija de la casa Ferebee, ingresar a un grado en st. mary magdalene es, más que una costumbre, una obligación.
dato adicional opcional: ELIMINADO POR ADMINISTRACIÓN.
¿estudiante matriculado o becado?: matriculado
facultad: st. ignatius of laconi.
carrera: antropología e historia.
año de curso: segundo.
extracurriculares: miembro del club de poesía, de árabe y de esgrima.
¿cuál es la sociedad secreta de su interés? ELIMINADO POR ADMINISTRACIÓN.
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relasimmer · 2 years
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Como parte fundamental de este linaje el haber nacido mujer representa una gran responsabilidad siendo la primogenita la encaminada a heredar el legado en el consejo y abrir camino a la nueva generación.
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Por tal motivo las hermanas menores aunque no reciban esta responsabilidad deben de recibir una rigurosa educación magica y en diversas artes.
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Pues no se puede quedar a la suerte la perpetuación del linaje. Si bien es verdad que cada una puede tener una libertad mayor gracias a su lugar de nacimiento, todas deben estar preparadas para ocupar el lugar de su madre, pues nunca se sabe qué pueda pasar.
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bananacipher · 2 years
Joder a veces se me olvida que tengo tumblr JSJAJSJAJA. Bueno, les presento sho, a mi sobrina mayor Selene y mi hija primogenita Linda. Ambas son un pan de Dio' 💕💕💕
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onde-eu-possa · 2 years
me vi ali.
dez dias atrás recebi a visita de uma dor que não sentia há tempos: vi a pessoa por quem me apaixono todos os dias ir embora, também apaixonado, por outra pessoa.
depois de uma certa idade essas dores ficam diferentes, não é como se eu pudesse me trancar no quarto e chorar o dia todo ouvindo fresno no meu mp4. precisava dobrar as roupas, tomar um banho, cumprir meus horários e prazos do trabalho. e foi o que fiz, simplesmente me levantei e segui.
dois dias depois uma borboleta nasceu no nosso quintal, já fazia um tempo que viamos o casulo ali ansiosas pra conhecer a belezinha, e então ela foi embora.
minha primogenita, no auge dos seus 5 anos de idade, perdeu o brilho naquele dia, deitou na cama e não disse mais nada, como se estivesse com um nó na garganta. quando perguntei o motivo da sua dor, ela chorou e eu me vi ali, mas não consegui explicar pra ela o quanto a vida é cheia de borboletas.
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giorgiaanaisnin · 2 years
Mi chiamo Giorgia, Ho tre bellissimi figli, la primogenita si chiama Sophie è appena fatto i 18 anni, l'ho avuta giovanissima, il secondo si chiama nicholas e a 13 anni ,
Il mio unico ometto in una famiglia matriarcale e per finire abbiamo la piccolina che si chiama Anais Angela che ha 4 anni, Loro sono i miei tre diamanti i miei tre pezzi di cuore questa è la cosa più importante che volevo scrivere, sono nuova di Tumblr che non ho mai utilizzato e Spero di divertirmi e di conoscere e interagire con persone empatiche.
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marisoldsantiago6 · 2 years
Nombre:Valentina Guerty Lopez De Santiago.
Descripción física: morena,ojos redondos color negros, pelo lacio negro con un hoyuelo en la mejilla.
Edad: 6 años.
Peso: 21 kilos 
Comportamiento: tranquila,abrumada cuando toma decisiones y comienza a pensar en el futuro. 
Rasgos de personalidad: creativa, ambicionada y amable.
Observación externa.
Bueno pues voy a observar a mi prima se llama Valentina Guerty, pero le gusta que le digan Vale, es hija unica por lo tanto es la primogenita.Ella sabe que edad tiene y en que grado va, donde vive y como se llama su escuela, a pesar de que ya esta grande siempre carga su oso de peluche para todas partes y dice que tiene un olor muy especial. 
El lugar en donde ahora la observo es en mi casa, estoy en un sillón en la parte de arriba de mi casa a lado de mi hay una ventana donde pega mucho el sol y donde se puede ver parte de la ciudad, es muy tranquilo pero casi siempre pasan muchos carros.
Hay una pared es color roja y la otra blanca con sillones color gris y rojos.
Familia estilos de crianza y límites de acuerdo a la edad.
Esto quiere decir que los estilos de crianza son aquellas estrategias que utilizan los padres y las madres para educar de "mejor manera a sus hijos". Y el objetivo de los límites es que los niños sean conscientes de que tienen que ser responsables de sus acciones, lo cual esto les permitirá integrarse a la sociedad. Reduce el conflicto,genera confianza y mejora la comunicación. Lo que veo. Fecha:20 de Octubre. Hora:2pm. Lugar Valle Dorado 200 Corregidora Querétaro. Ella tiene una familia de 3 integrantes Sus papás no están divorciados y tampoco sufre maltrato. Ella es la primogenita por lo tanto es muy ansiosa, colaboradora y es muy conformista aunque le falta un poco de autocontrol.
Tiene un estilo de crianza parental autoritario ya que sus papás le dicen que obedezca y respete. Límites. Observe que su papá si le dio su espacio para decidir que dulce quería y ella lo escogió con mucho gusto.
Su mamá le dijo que se portara bien que ahorita regresaba por ella a lo cual ella no lo hizo así que llegando su mamá le dije que no se había portado bien y su mamá le dijo que llegando a su casa le castigaría sus lego Ninjago con lo que tanto le gusta jugar a lo que ella le respondió que estaba bien y que ya no lo volvería hacer.
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Lo que infiero. Bueno pues que los estilos de crianza son muy importantes, porque la forma en que los padres interactúan con los hijos, va ser la base de su desarrollo social y emocional.
Lo que sentí ese día fue que estaba muy estresada por que no sabia de que tema hacerlo me abrume porque también tenia que hacer la línea de tiempo ese día y sentía que no lo iba a terminar, pero al final mi mamá me dijo que no tenía ni por que estar así que todo era su tiempo y que todo iba a salir bien. Marisol Guerrero de santiago. Vespertino.Puericultura. Cbts.118. Observación 2. 21/10/2022.
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campadailyblog · 1 month
Arianna Meloni, scalata al potere della sorella d’Italia: “È lei il vero motore del nostro partito”
È la primogenita e guida le scelte di FdI “ma Giorgia a parlare in pubblico è più brava”
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andredelimasilva · 1 month
Cíntia Abravanel, primogênita de Silvio Santos, é primeira a falar sobre morte do pai: 'Estou com saudade e o Brasil também'
Cíntia Abravanel, primogênita de Silvio Santos, é primeira a falar sobre morte do pai: 'Estou com saudade e o Brasil também'
*🇧🇷👏*São Paulo,19 de Agosto de 2024**🇧🇷 *
*🇧🇷*E hoje é Segunda-Feira19/08/2024; e...que Possa ser com às GRAÇAS de DEUS e AMÉM!*🇧🇷*
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