#prince protection program
steventhusiast · 2 years
little fantasy-ish royal au drabble yayy
prince steve’s parents are detached yet controlling of him, so every so often he rebels and sneaks out of the castle to go visit events and areas in the kingdom he knows will be densely populated. he wears plainer (but still obviously expensive) clothes as well as a thin but long scarf he bunches up around his neck to hide as much of his face as he can, and lets his hair fall naturally rather than his signature styled look. the disguise is barely there, but as long as the attention stays off him and no one gets too close, he never gets caught.
until this time. he’s at some type of crowded market, with everything from herbs to crystals to food being sold there, watching distantly and leaning against a wall. he likes to listen to the people speak so casually and carefree while he’s out, and yearn for the easy companionship people seem to have. but as he’s watching a couple lean against each other as they argue fondly about which baked goods to buy, someone leans on the wall next to him. he glances to them, and finds it’s a man in plain clothes with long dark curls, studying him.
“i was intending to ask for one’s name, but i suspect i already know it.” the mystery man says with a quirked brow, and prince steve adjusts his scarf to cover more of his lower face.
“i know not what you mean.” he tries to play off the observation, but in response he gets a smirk from the man.
“his royal highness is not interested in one peasant’s name? one should not have expected more, i suppose.” the man sighs and drops his head forward slightly. his dramatics cause some curls to fall in his face, and prince steve feels his cheeks redden slightly for a reason unbeknownst to him.
“you may speak plainly, sir.” prince steve suggests to fill the silence.
“only if you speak plainly, your highness.”
“and my name is eddie, though i like ‘sir’ in certain situations as well.” and with that, the man winks and pushes off the wall. he saunters toward a stall held by a small group with what looks to be tarot cards, dramatically flicking his hair back as he goes.
prince steve sighs, and continues to yearn for a life he cannot have, but this time with a slight blush on his cheeks.
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no thoughts just a red, white & royal blue/ princess protection programme au
(seriously though… just imagine henry as rosie and alex as carter ohmygod)
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if I had a nickel for every book i’ve read in the past year where a grown ass man starts hitting on a 17 year old girl i’d have 2 nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice
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Boeing’s deliberately defective fleet of flying sky-wreckage
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I'm touring my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me TOMORROW (May 2) in WINNIPEG, then Calgary (May 3), Vancouver (May 4), Tartu, Estonia, and beyond!
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Boeing's 787 "Dreamliner" is manufactured far from the company's Seattle facility, in a non-union shop in Charleston, South Carolina. At that shop, there is a cage full of defective parts that have been pulled from production because they are not airworthy.
Hundreds of parts from that Material Review Segregation Area (MRSA) were secretly pulled from that cage and installed on aircraft that are currently plying the world's skies. Among them, sections 47/48 of a 787 – the last four rows of the plane, along with its galley and rear toilets. As Moe Tkacik writes in her excellent piece on Boeing's lethally corrupt culture of financialization and whistleblower intimidation, this is a big ass chunk of an airplane, and there's no way it could go missing from the MRSA cage without a lot of people knowing about it:
More: MRSA parts are prominently emblazoned with red marks denoting them as defective and unsafe. For a plane to escape Boeing's production line and find its way to a civilian airport near you with these defective parts installed, many people will have to see and ignore this literal red flag.
The MRSA cage was a special concern of John "Swampy" Barnett, the Boeing whistleblower who is alleged to have killed himself in March. Tkacik's earlier profile of Swampy paints a picture of a fearless, stubborn engineer who refused to go along to get along, refused to allow himself to become inured to Boeing's growing culture of profits over safety:
Boeing is America's last aviation company and its single largest exporter. After the company was allowed to merge with its rival McDonnell-Douglas in 1997, the combined company came under MDD's notoriously financially oriented management culture. MDD CEO Harry Stonecipher became Boeing's CEO in the early 2000s. Stonecipher was a protege of Jack Welch, the man who destroyed General Electric with cuts to quality and workforce and aggressive union-busting, a classic Mafia-style "bust-out" that devoured the company's seed corn and left it a barren wasteland:
Post-merger, Boeing became increasingly infected with MDD's culture. The company chased cheap, less-skilled labor to other countries and to America's great onshore-offshore sacrifice zone, the "right-to-work" American south, where bosses can fire uppity workers who balked at criminal orders, without the hassle of a union grievance.
Stonecipher was succeeded by Jim "Prince Jim" McNerney, ex-3M CEO, another Jack Welch protege (Welch spawned a botnet of sociopath looters who seized control of the country's largest, most successful firms, and drove them into the ground). McNerney had a cute name for the company's senior engineers: "phenomenally talented assholes." He created a program to help his managers force these skilled workers – everyone a Boeing who knew how to build a plane – out of the company.
McNerney's big idea was to get rid of "phenomenally talented assholes" and outsource the Dreamliner's design to Boeing's suppliers, who were utterly dependent on the company and could easily be pushed around (McNerney didn't care that most of these companies lacked engineering departments). This resulted in a $80b cost overrun, and a last-minute scramble to save the 787 by shipping a "cleanup crew" from Seattle to South Carolina, in the hopes that those "phenomenally talented assholes" could save McNerney's ass.
Swampy was part of the cleanup crew. He was terrified by what he saw there. Boeing had convinced the FAA to let them company perform its own inspections, replacing independent government inspectors with Boeing employees. The company would mark its own homework, and it swore that it wouldn't cheat.
Boeing cheated. Swampy dutifully reported the legion of safety violations he witnessed and was banished to babysit the MRSA, an assignment his managers viewed as a punishment that would isolate Swampy from the criminality he refused to stop reporting. Instead, Swampy audited the MRSA, and discovered that at least 420 defective aviation components had gone missing from the cage, presumably to be installed in planes that were behind schedule. Swampy then audited the keys to the MRSA and learned that hundreds of keys were "floating around" the Charleston facility. Virtually anyone could liberate a defective part and install it into an airplane without any paper trail.
Swampy's bosses had a plan for dealing with this. They ordered Swampy to "pencil whip" the investigations of 420 missing defective components and close the cases without actually figuring out what happened to them. Swampy refused.
Instead, Swampy took his concerns to a departmental meeting where 12 managers were present and announced that "if we can’t find them, any that we can’t find, we need to report it to the FAA." The only response came from a supervisor, who said, "We’re not going to report anything to the FAA."
The thing is, Swampy wasn't just protecting the lives of the passengers in those defective aircraft – he was also protecting Boeing employees. Under Sec 38 of the US Criminal Code, it's a 15-year felony to make any "materially false writing, entry, certification, document, record, data plate, label, or electronic communication concerning any aircraft or space vehicle part."
(When Swampy told a meeting that he took this seriously because "the paperwork is just as important as the aircraft" the room erupted in laughter.)
Swampy sent his own inspectors to the factory floor, and they discovered "dozens of red-painted defective parts installed on planes."
Swampy blew the whistle. How did the 787 – and the rest of Boeing's defective flying turkeys – escape the hangar and find their way into commercial airlines' fleets? Tkacik blames a 2000 whistleblower law called AIR21 that:
creates such byzantine procedures, locates adjudication power in such an outgunned federal agency, and gives whistleblowers such a narrow chance of success that it effectively immunizes airplane manufacturers, of which there is one in the United States, from suffering any legal repercussions from the testimony of their own workers.
By his own estimation, Swampy was ordered to commit two felonies per week for six years. Tkacik explains that this kind of operation relies on a culture of ignorance – managers must not document their orders, and workers must not be made aware of the law. Whistleblowers like Swampy, who spoke the unspeakable, were sidelined (an assessment by one of Swampy's managers called him "one of the best" and finished that "leadership would give hugs and high fives all around at his departure").
Multiple whistleblowers were singled out for retaliation and forced departure. William Hobek, a quality manager who refused to "pencil whip" the missing, massive 47-48 assembly that had wandered away from the MRSA cage, was given a "weak" performance review and fired despite an HR manager admitting that it was bogus.
Another quality manager, Cynthia Kitchens, filed an ethics complaint against manager Elton Wright who responded to her persistent reporting of defects on the line by shoving her against a wall and shouting that Boeing was "a good ol’ boys’ club and you need to get on board." Kitchens was fired in 2016. She had cancer at the time.
John Woods, yet another quality engineer, was fired after he refused to sign off on a corner-cutting process to repair a fuselage – the FAA later backed up his judgment.
Then there's Sam Salehpour, the 787 quality engineer whose tearful Congressional testimony described more corner-cutting on fuselage repairs:
Salehpour's boss followed the Boeing playbook to the letter: Salehpour was constantly harangued and bullied, and he was isolated from colleagues who might concur with his assessment. When Salehpour announced that he would give Congressional testimony, his car was sabotaged under mysterious circumstances.
It's a playbook. Salehpour's experience isn't unusual at Boeing. Two other engineers, working on the 787 Organization Designation Authorization, held up production by insisting that the company fix the planes' onboard navigation computers. Their boss gave them a terrible performance review, admitting that top management was furious at the delays and had ordered him to punish the engineers. The engineers' union grievance failed, with Boeing concluding that this conduct – which they admitted to – didn't rise to the level of retaliation.
As Tkacik points out, these engineers and managers that Boeing targeted for intimidation and retaliation are the very same staff who are supposed to be performing inspections of behalf of the FAA. In other words, Boeing has spent years attacking its own regulator, with total impunity.
But it's not just the FAA who've failed to take action – it's also the DOJ, who have consistently declined to bring prosecutions in most cases, and who settled the rare case they did bring with "deferred prosecution agreements." This pattern was true under Trump's DOJ and continued under Biden's tenure. Biden's prosecutors have been so lackluster that a federal judge "publicly rebuked the DOJ for failing to take seriously the reputational damage its conduct throughout the Boeing case was inflicting on the agency."
Meanwhile, there's the AIR21 rule, a "whistleblower" rule that actually protects Boeing from whistleblowers. Under AIR21, an aviation whistleblower who is retaliated against by their employer must first try to resolve their problem internally. If that fails, the whistleblower has only one course of action: file an OSHA complaint within 90 days (if HR takes more than 90 days to resolve your internal complaint, you can no have no further recourse). If you manage to raise a complaint with OSHA, it is heard by a secret tribunal that has no subpoena power and routinely takes five years to rule on cases, and rules against whistleblowers 97% of the time.
Boeing whistleblowers who missed the 90-day cutoff have filled the South Carolina courts with last-ditch attempts to hold the company to account. When they lose these cases – as is routine, given Boeing's enormous legal muscle and AIR21's legal handcuffs – they are often ordered to pay Boeing's legal costs.
Tkacik cites Swampy's lawyer, Rob Turkewitz, who says Swampy was the only one of Boeing's whistleblowers who was "savvy, meticulous, and fast-moving enough to bring an AIR 21 case capable of jumping through all the hoops" to file an AIR21 case, which then took seven years. Turkewitz calls Boeing South Carolina "a criminal enterprise."
That's a conclusion that's hard to argue with. Take Boeing's excuse for not producing the documentation of its slapdash reinstallation of the Alaska Air door plug that fell off its plane in flight: the company says it's not criminally liable for failing to provide the paperwork, because it never documented the repair. Not documenting the repair is also a crime.
You might have heard that there's some accountability coming to the Boeing boardroom, with the ouster of CEO David Calhoun. Calhoun's likely successor is Patrick Shanahan, whom Tkacik describes as "the architect of the ethos that governed the 787 program" and whom her source called "a classic schoolyard bully."
If Shanahan's name rings a bell, it might be because he was almost Trump's Secretary of Defense, but that was derailed by the news that he had "emphatically defended" his 17 year old son after the boy nearly beat his mother to death with a baseball bat. Shanahan is presently CEO of Spirit Aerospace, who made the door-plug that fell out of the Alaska Airlines 737 Max.
Boeing is a company where senior managers only fail up and where whistleblowers are terrorized in and out of the workplace. One of Tkacik's sources noticed his car shimmying. The source, an ex-787 worker who'd been fired after raising safety complaints, had tried to bring an AIR21 complaint, but withdrew it out of fear of being bankrupted if he was ordered to pay Boeing's legal costs. When the whistleblower pulled over, he discovered that two of the lug-nuts had been removed from one of his wheels.
The whistleblower texted Tkcacik to say (not for the first time): "If anything happens, I'm not suicidal."
Boeing is a primary aerospace contractor to the US government. It's clear that its management – and investors – consider it too big to jail. It's also clear that they know it's too big to fail – after all, the company did a $43b stock buyback, then got billions in a publicly funded buyback.
Boeing is, effectively, a government agency that is run for the benefit of its investors. It performs its own safety inspections. It investigates its own criminal violations of safety rules. It loots its own coffers and then refills them at public expense.
Meanwhile, the company has filled our skies with at least 420 airplanes with defective, red-painted parts that were locked up in the MRSA cage, then snuck out and fitted to an airplane that you or someone you love could fly on the next time you take your family on vacation or fly somewhere for work.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Tom Axford 1 (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Blue_sky_with_wisps_of_cloud_on_a_clear_summer_morning.jpg
CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en
Clemens Vasters (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:N7379E_-_Boeing_737_MAX_9.jpg
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
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➤ when they find out you have a fwb | the dateables
1.3k words | gn!reader | nsfw | suggestive
c/w: jealousy, pining, masturbation
read more: the demon brothers | when solomon is your fwb
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Barbatos first learns about your arrangement from Asmodeus, and he hesitates to inform his young master about it. Perhaps it's not their place to discuss your private life, but he decides that transparency is best. The subject inevitably comes up one morning when Diavolo asks for an update about the exchange program. He's anxious to know how the students are adjusting to life in the Devildom. Admittedly, he's not concerned about Solomon or the angels as much as he is about you. You're an ordinary human with only Lucifer and his siblings to protect you outside of school hours. He remembers how upset you were when you first arrived and he doesn't want resentment to linger.
Diavolo chokes on a mouthful of coffee when Barbatos informs him that you’re in a relationship with one of your classmates. (He uses the term relationship loosely since he's seen no evidence that you spend much time together outside of your physical arrangement.) Diavolo clears his throat and remarks how wonderful it is that you're making friends so quickly. The smile on his face looks forced. He leaves the rest of his breakfast untouched and carries on with his preparations for the day. He feels a burst of happiness when he sees you at RAD, and he ignores the bitter jealousy that burns his throat when he sees your friend. He has no logical reason to interfere, and he knows it's petty when he considers the subtle ways he can try to keep you two apart. It feels like an abuse of his power, but the more he thinks about it, the more justified he feels. He doesn't get much work done because he's so distracted thinking about the best way to approach you about deepening your relationship. You're his guest in the Devildom; if you want to turn to someone for pleasurable company, why not the prince himself?
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Barbatos keeps a close eye on you and your friend once he discovers your secret. He tells himself it's because his young master would want him to and not his own jealous curiosity. He has no evidence to suggest the other demon means to harm you or that you're not being treated well. On the contrary, some days your eyes seem just a bit brighter and there's a secretive smile on your face. His keen eye for detail notices that sometimes you walk with the slightest limp in your gait. Your spirit and body are radiant in the aftermath of pleasure and he realizes he wants you for himself. He decides your time is wasted with your current choice of companion. He finds new reasons to seek you out because your friend is reluctant to approach you when the demon lord's butler hovers nearby. He feels a bit smug that your suitor is so easily deterred. See? You can do better than that weak excuse for a demon.
Barbatos eagerly learns more about your favourite foods and drinks, the types of books you like to read and your hobbies. He knows your class schedule and surprises you with mid-morning snacks of freshly-brewed tea and baked treats he makes specially for you. He plans to court you properly, so he can give you everything your other lover didn't; you deserve so much more than rushed fumblings in dark, dusty storage closets.
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Solomon was wrong about you. In a world of demons, he believed you would naturally turn to him if you missed parts of your life in the human world. He’s the only other human here, and it seemed logical that you would lean on him for support or comfort. He remembers the first day he met you; if he could sense your fear, he knew the demons could too. That’s why he’s genuinely shocked to learn that not only are you and the demon brothers actually getting along, but that you’ve started fucking one of your classmates too. Asmo giggles at Solomon’s slack-jawed expression when he tells him.
It’s only a few days later when he happens to spot you coming out of a dark utility closet in your slightly-wrinkled uniform. He plasters a wide grin on his face and pretends not to notice. He offers to walk you to the cafeteria for lunch as a chance for you two to catch up. He sniffs the air discreetly while you chatter on about something funny the brothers did that morning. He's too distracted to pay attention to what you're saying, though. Underneath the whiff of hastily-reapplied fragrance, he detects salty sweat, musk and a hint of cologne he knows you don’t wear. He wonders what other traces your friend left behind. Did he suck bruises into your skin where the collar of your shirt covers them? Are you sticky from demon cum that dripped down your thighs? It bothers him more than it should that some random demon gets to touch you like this. He can’t stop thinking about it. After trying and failing to sleep that night, he jerks off while he fantasizes about what it might be like to pull you into an empty classroom and hear your voice beg him to fuck you. You're already friends, and he can offer you secrecy or discretion if that's your preference. All he needs to do is think of how to persuade you to let him be your dirty little secret instead. If you give him a chance, he promises you won't regret it.
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The first time Simeon sees you with your fling, he's leaning close and whatever he whispers in your ear makes you smile. You bite your lip and nod, and Simeon's perplexed because he's never seen you act this way with someone before. Oh, he's just a friend. The second time Simeon sees you with your fling, he's leading you by the hand into one of the club offices after school. It's a stroke of bad luck, really. He forgot his textbook in one of the classrooms, but he pauses outside the door you disappeared through. He might be an angel, but he's not innocent. He knows exactly what you and your friend are getting up to. It makes his throat dry and he feels hot all of a sudden, and he spends the rest of the night trying to concentrate on his homework instead of the soft, muffled noises he heard through that door. The next day is even worse. There's a noticeable spring in your step and if he leans over you at just the right angle, the small purplish mark barely hidden by your shirt collar reminds him all over again how you got it in the first place.
He didn't think you'd seek out the company of demons that way, especially not with some random classmate you barely spend time with outside of your little dalliances. He understands that humans are lustful and impulsive creatures. Are you so desperate that you would turn to a stranger to satisfy your physical needs? He's not sure why he cares so much. Maybe it's because you're a kind, bright soul in this strange kingdom of endless night. Maybe it's because you stir things in him that he tries to ignore: longing for companionship, desire for a loving hand to touch him instead of his own. Jealousy makes his tone sharp and his heart ache. He goes to bed imagining what taking you out on a date might be like, and he wakes up hard with his hand around his cock as memories of your sweet, pleasured sounds echo in his mind. He can't remember the last time he was so easily led astray by temptation. He wonders if you're more demon than human because he's powerless to resist you.
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koolades-world · 20 days
Can you please do headcanons with an MC who's secretly a witch hunter and takes advantage of the exchange program to kill witches on their bounty list or whatever? If it's possible can it be everyone including the undatables and my our son Luke?
this is such a cool concept omg??? sign me up!
enjoy <3
Witch Hunter Mc
honestly, he doesn’t care
as long as it doesn’t interfere with your schoolwork and you don’t bring the problems home
you can continue witch hunting happily
he is literally over the moon!
you can help him get out of debt by just taking care of the witches for him
although just make sure to let him know you don’t work for free either haha
at first he doesn’t care much about you since he didn’t think he’d even properly get to know you
but once you tell him, he thinks you’re pretty cool since that’s something right out of a manga
he makes sure to show you which ones you remind him most of!
he makes sure to give you any useful literature he finds
after you get back, he always asks you how things went
if you never need to unwind, he’s got cuddles and a relaxing evening just for you
he thinks it’s incredibly hot
it’s asmo, after all
he might beg to join you once or twice. it’s up to you if you’d like to indulge him or not haha
he always makes sure you’ve eaten at least somethijg before you head off
it’s hard to focus on an empty stomach and he knows it
he always waits up for you if things go late, and heads to bed at the same time as you
as usual, he could care less
however, he always gives you wishes to be safe and return home in one piece
he’s not sure what he’d do without you
he’s probably the most tentative about your occupation
his whole goal is to unite the three realms
but after you explain it to him, and he leans you’re only taking down the ones who’d done bad, he gives you the green light
since it’s barbatos, he saw this coming
also long as what you do doesn’t interfere with the agenda of his prince, he’s alright with you doing whatever you please
would even be more than willing to help you out if you promised him favors to use in the future
if you ever get injured, he’s one of the ones you want to go to
he’ll patch you up, judgment free
he knows it’s just part of the occupation, but everytime he sends you off, he gives you a forehead kiss and asks you to be safe <3
he’s so scared for you
he’s grown to love you so much and would be very upset if something happened to you since that line of work is dangerously
he gives you a blessed charm to carry with you in order to protect and give you good luck <3
he’s not entirely sure how to feel
he knows some very lovely witches, but understands you’re probably hunting the not so nice ones
if he ever has any leads, he’ll be sure to share them with you
he’s not stupid but the idea that that job makes him think
he didn’t even know it was an occupation until you told him about it
he will pretend he doesn’t care but then send you a cute care package from anonymous but branded with his family crest
she lets you know if you ever need help, she might be the one you could go to
it was be an excellent way to test her traps and put them to good use
if you have any ideas, she’d be willing to hear you out and bring them to life
he draws one main thing away from the interaction
humans are confusing!
however if you ever need him as backup, he won’t hesitate
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mochatsin · 1 year
A scenario where you find yourself in the middle of trouble against demons who would either want to eat you, ruin the exchange program, and the list goes on. Sometimes, they don’t even need a reason to hurt you. Thankfully, one of the brothers arrives in time before it could get worse. Or tldr, the brothers SNAP as they save you
TW: implied torture and violence note: It’s funny because by the time I finished Satan’s part, there’s a chat on my Obey Me about MC getting full marks on their Curses and Hexes subject because of him and I think it’s a funny coincidence it's like the game can hear me. ------------
In his meeting with Diavolo, they both speculated that a faction must be growing against him, and the best way to sabotage the royal prince is to destroy the exchange program after all. 
Lucifer knows that Solomon can handle himself, but you? He’s not so confident. Sure, you can wield magic and form pacts, but there’s a long way to go and stronger enemies to face. You still didn't have the ability to summon them when you needed it without borrowing magic from the sorcerer. 
So when he heard that you haven’t been home and they couldn’t find you anywhere? His heart was banging in his ears. 
You were in charge of dinner for tonight and went out to buy some food to cater to everyone’s requests. But it’s been how many hours since you’ve left and no one can seem to contact you. Mammon went to fetch you from the grocery where you usually buy what you need, only to find your cracked D.D.D. on the ground along with some blood stains.
Lucifer immediately notifies Lord Diavolo and summons all his brothers. The aura around him is intense and his presence is demanding, rightfully so when the human under his protection suddenly went missing. 
“I want EVERYONE to find them. We are not stopping until they are safe and sound in the House. Even if our hands get dirty. Understood?” He demands, and the brothers are happy to obey with that last part.
They were willing to tear apart the entirety of Devildom just to find you. 
Lucifer ends up finding a lead first, after torturing the poor rebel he found in the dark woods to locate the hideout. He heads straight in while his brothers take care of the rest of the demons. 
You were chained by two guards in a cell. The leader wanted to have you killed in front of the royal prince, to see the horrified look on Diavolo’s face, so he kept you alive long enough.
However, Lucifer barges in the cell, with the head of the leader at his hand before tossing it aside. There is no shred of mercy in his eyes. 
“Let them go. That is an order.” 
In a blink of an eye, the demons are nothing but a puddle of red, and Lucifer is already next to you trying to undo your chains.
“Just look at me, MC. Look into my eyes.” he didn’t want you to see the leftover gore. 
With the injuries and bruises on your skin, he can tell you tried to put up a fight when you were being taken. 
“MC… I’m sorry, I couldn’t get to you sooner. But I’m here now. You’re safe in my arms, so rest…”
All the stress and tension he was feeling was gone the moment you sank into his arms, and he embraced you for as long as he could. As if you’d disappear again if he lets go. 
You don’t care about the blood staining his clothes, or the screams coming from the demons outside the cell you were in. You are safe now. 
One of the largest enemy forces against Diavolo disappeared in a single night.
A couple weeks ago, he suffered a really bad losing streak during his gambling nights. And he pissed off the big guys more since he tried to cheat his way out of it, before running away from the illegal casino with the money. 
He spent the next few days suffering from Lucifer’s punishments when he was caught, and hiding from those demons he owed money to. 
One night he receives a letter, with a very familiar stamp on it. He wanted to throw it away until he saw red stains on the envelope, so he opened it. 
“I’ll take away your greatest treasure if you don’t give me back my money.” Was written in blood. Your blood. 
He panics when he realizes that he hasn’t seen you since you both left RAD. You went home ahead since he still had to do cleaning duties in the classroom as part of Lucifer’s punishment, but he found it odd that you weren’t in your room. Now he knows why. 
He desperately tries to contact you, calls are left unanswered and text messages are filling up the inbox you haven’t opened. 
There was only one place he knew they’d take you, so he quickly runs to the casino where he last gambled.
Maybe it wasn’t wise of him to run off on his own, since he found himself surrounded by demons and that you were nothing but bait to lure him in their trap. 
But he is the Avatar of Greed, and if they thought that a bunch of lesser demons could get in his way then they are about to be reminded of how wrong they are. 
Mammon doesn’t seem so intimidating given his reputation, but that doesn’t mean he won't drive his fist through the demon’s skulls when they threaten your life as payment for measly debts. You’re priceless to him, and those threats are nothing but insulting. 
The demons that took you held you in a vault so you wouldn’t escape, and you watched as Mammon practically pulled the iron door apart to open it. 
He was panting, already in his demon form. He was drenched in blood and a bit bruised, though some wounds were already healing and while others had completely vanished. He didn’t care about those though when he saw you.
“MC! Y-your arm is bleeding!” He rushed as if you were gravely injured. Humans are fragile after all. He won’t listen to you even if you said you were fine as he checks you for any other injuries. 
He doesn’t admit that he worried, but you saw the fear from his eyes that was washed over with relief when he finally found you. 
He stopped making risky gambles and bets out of fear that more demons would target you as compensation. He also became more protective, if that was even possible in the first place. As long as he’s alive, he’ll make sure your safety is now his priority.
The only way you could bring Levi outside was if you offered to play that new AR Game. Mononoke Land was all the hype right now, so asking him to go out so you can catch spirits was perfect. 
You both had a blast going around town, at least this way you get to explore some parts of Devildom with Levi and enjoy his company.
You both stopped by a lake, since your human stamina can’t catch up to Levi who hasn’t sat down for a single second just so he could catch spirits that appeared on his phone. 
“MC look! I’ve never had this one before!” He was so excited to show you what he caught but when he turned around, you weren’t there on the spot he left you “MC?” 
Surely you wouldn’t ditch him here right? He did feel bad that he spent more time focusing on the game than paying attention to you, since you were the one who invited him out after all. 
He could hear the splashing of water and finds you walking in the middle of the lake, lured in by a siren’s song. Those kinds of things don't work on Levi, but he forgot how effective it was on human ears that you were immediately put under its spell. 
Quickly, Levi transformed and jumped into the lake. He never knew that these waters were infested with sea dwelling demons and sirens until he saw them trying to drag you into the lake. He regrets not paying more attention to where the game brought you both to. 
Luckily he’s the best among the brothers when it comes to the waters, so he was quick to save you when the siren started dragging you deeper in the water to drown you. 
It wouldn’t want to let you go and it intended to bring Levi down with it, so with a quick flick of his tail, the water started staining red. Not exactly a good idea when it started attracting more demons towards you both. 
You were unconscious from the siren’s song, and Levi doesn’t want to expose you to more harm than necessary. He brings you to shore to keep you safe, before diving back in to slaughter the rest of the fish.
These sea dwellers are nothing but shrimp compared to Levi, the Grand Admiral of Hell's Navy. Water is his element and he is quick to tear them to shreds when any of them tried to get to you. 
You wake up to Levi shaking you, both of you drenched from head to toe. You don’t remember what happened, the last thing you recall was hearing someone sing and it all blacked out. 
He wraps his arms and tail around you tightly “D-dont scare me like that MC! Jeez… this is why we should shut ourselves indoors…” 
He doesn’t want to tell you what happened. But the blood red lake is all you need to know what transpired. 
You both decided to have a small study session together in the library. You were struggling a bit with the subject of Curses and Hexes, and Satan is more than happy enough to teach you the basics. 
Satan always talks about his pranks with Lucifer that revolve around curses, plus he’s the most knowledgeable out of the brothers so he was the perfect fit for a tutor. 
It was unlike you to be late for your study sessions though. Satan has been waiting for a while now in the library, long enough for him to stand up and search for you. He memorized your schedule, so he knew which classrooms to search in.  
Before he could even enter the room, he could hear a lot of mockery and laughter. But the voice he could recognize was from you, and you sounded hurt. He wasted no time barging in. 
You were just on your way to the library to meet up with Satan, until two demons from your class cornered you. They poked fun of your grades, despite the fact you’ve only been learning for a few months. They said awful things, and called you insulting names to the point tears threatened to fall. 
“Pathetic human, can’t even master something as basic as this. You’re nothing without the demon lords. Why don’t we give you a hands-on learning experience about curses?”
Before they could even chant a single phrase, Satan barged in his full demon form, the impact from slamming the door was enough to crack the walls around it.
“Say one more word from your mouth, and I’ll rip that jaw of yours off your head and fill up your throat with your teeth.” He threatened as he made a beeline towards you, kneeling down to face you.
“Mc… oh kitten, please know that nothing they’ve said is true. You don’t have to be perfect in everything, even in grades, to impress me.” He was so gentle with you, wiping the tears from your eyes with his thumb. 
“I’ll have one of my brothers pick you up, okay? I just need to teach a certain demon a hands-on lesson.” he escorts you out of the classroom before he closes the door behind him. You hear the click of the lock, and just as you reached the end of the hallway you heard a lot of screaming. 
He may be the secretary of the student council, but his wrath knows no patience. He’s not waiting for an order from Lucifer or Diavolo, not when he can show these demons what to expect when they mess with his precious human.
When he gets home, he checks you for any wounds. Claw marks and scratches ran across your skin, and it took all his self control not to go back to RAD and finish what he started. But he tends to you first, kissing each wound and tears as he comforts you. 
Satan spent the next few days reminding you that you’re special to him. He would whisper sweet nothings to you when you two are alone. “If you need my help, please never hesitate to reach out to me. It brings me joy whenever I can offer you my assistance.”
Whenever you ask him why the demons are constantly coughing out frogs if they try to approach you, Satan would just smile and deny it. 
“Maybe they got cursed? Who knows.” 
Asmo wanted to take you shopping for make-up today. He insisted on giving you a makeover and after you finally said yes, he wanted to take you to several stores to see which kinds would suit your complexion best.  
You were in charge of carrying all the products that Asmo bought for you as he dragged you to another store. Most of the time though, you would sit down waiting for him to finish retouching his makeup. Every time he makes eye contact with himself in the mirror, he would take out his powder, lipstick, or comb to make sure he stays perfect.
Both of you were unaware of a succubi that’s been following you ever since you got to the mall. She has been boiling with jealousy because ever since you showed up, you were the point of all of Asmo’s attention. But now you’re all alone, a perfect time to see for herself who her rival is. 
You feel sharp nails grab the hair from the back of your head, and instinctively you drop all the bags at hand to try to pry off whoever was holding you. She yanks and pulls your head back as she hissed.
“I can’t believe that the Avatar of Lust fell for such an ugly human like you. Even laying my eyes on you makes me sick! I don’t see what he loves so much about you.”
“Then maybe you don’t need those eyes after all darling.” You hear Asmo from behind, but you can’t turn your head to his direction. Not while the succubi still has a grip on your hair.
It didn’t last though, you felt the grip loosened and heard a blood curdling scream. You wanted to turn to look at what’s happening behind you but Asmo stopped you “Sweetie, please don’t turn around. I don’t want you to see me all… messy.” 
You focus on picking up the bags that you dropped, trying to ignore the screaming and growing puddle of red that’s bleeding through the tiles. 
Asmo wraps an arm around you after you grab everything, taking you away from the scene. He still has that cheerful smile on his face and was somehow spotless from head to toe, as if nothing happened. The only evidence is the blood if he must’ve forgotten to remove under his nail polished fingernails. 
Remembering all those words, you insisted that you both go home now and Asmo agreed. He’s a little pouty seeing your frown, it’s not a good look on you. He’s tired of seeing that look on your face whenever you look at yourself in the mirror, which is why he wanted to bring you here today. If only that demon didn’t have to come and ruin it. 
“Darling… You know that you’re beautiful right? And I’m not saying that just because. I have exquisite taste after all! and I’ve seen a lot of pretty things and pretty faces. But you’re the best by far” He reminds you, and it makes you smile. He starts making a habit of telling you everyday.  
You didn’t ask about the succubi, Asmo wouldn’t tell you anyways. But you saw everything up in Devilgram though. Someone was able to record the whole thing where Asmo has stirred quite the scene when he claws out that poor succubi’s eyes behind you. Maybe that’s why he didn’t want you to look. 
It’s a miracle you didn’t get any blood on your clothes. Though you remembered how Asmo offered to wash your jacket for you so maybe you weren’t so lucky.
“Gosh! I’m so glad that video got my good side, but I do NOT pair well with blood.” He whines. Eventually, Lucifer had Barbatos take the video down quickly for damage control.
Ever since Diavolo took over Devildom, he made laws that banned humans off the menu for demons. Even if it’s been centuries since then, with new delectable food alternatives, there are still those who crave for the blood of humans.
You and Beel promised to go out on a small food trip, a reward for him after he won his recent Fangol game. You’re willing to accompany Beel anywhere he wanted to go, so he took you to dessert shops you’re both unfamiliar with. 
He seems to be having a time of his life getting to try out these new stalls! And you’re in charge of making sure he doesn’t eat the entire stock every single time.
Beel made a promise to save some sweets for Belphie, so he made a quick stop to that shop that sells Devil Honey Cookies while you wanted to check the shop across the street. Though when he came back, he couldn’t seem to find you anywhere. He entered each shop to find you but to no avail,
He never thought to search some of these shady stalls, the kinds that would hang fresh butchered bats and hog heads on the window display. He knew this stuff made you uncomfortable, so he was considerate enough not to bring you here.
That was until he overheard some demons whisper to each other “the chef said there’s a new item on the menu tonight. Something we haven’t had in a long time. A fresh human.” 
Beel dropped the honey cookies and ran straight to the kitchen, where he found the butcher sharpening his knife with you strapped to the table. You were taken away to the butcher’s shop while he was away, since the demons have been craving the meat of human flesh for centuries now. 
The blood in his veins is boiling, the air around the kitchen is suddenly heavy to breathe as he transforms. 
“Y-you’re not supposed to be here!” The chef demands, pointing the sharpened blade at Beel. He never spared the demon a glance, using his two fingers to bend the knife like a toothpick. The chef couldn’t dare to move and simply watched as Beel untied you from the table. 
The low growls from him when he saw how the restraints bruised your skin, you can tell that nothing you’d say will help sooth his nerves. Then you heard his stomach roar. 
“MC… I need you to go out of the kitchen first. I’ll meet you out front okay?” 
Once you leave, Beel turns to the chef. The last thing that poor soul saw was all the hunger in his eyes. “Bon appetit.” 
From outside, you heard this sickening CRUNCH that sent shivers down your spine. After a few minutes, Beel walks out the store as he licks his lips clean. 
“Why don’t we call it a day MC? I’m feeling kind of full now.” 
Belphie doesn’t like looking back at his old self. Back when he hated all humans. The one that manipulated and lied to you, then rewarded your help by killing you with his bare hands. 
It took a lot of apologizing and making up for it to get him to how you both are like right now. But he knows that sometimes the pain lingers. When you shiver if his hands get too close, the times he finds you rubbing your neck, or how you stopped running down the stairs since you’re afraid of falling; those were all your tells.
He knows that he’s not the only demon out there who was against having human exchange students. Those demons are far less patient and more ruthless than he is, and he’s afraid that they might do something worse if they get their hands on you. 
Belphie has been trying to look everywhere for you, but you’re nowhere in your classrooms. Confused, he calls up Beel trying to ask for your whereabouts.
“What do you mean? MC said they’ve been looking for you after you sent them a letter.”
“... what letter? I never sent them one though”
“That’s odd. MC said you were asking to meet them at the rooftop.”
Belphie hightailed it to the roof, knowing that a demon must’ve forged his name and handwriting just to trick you. When he got to the rooftop, he found the doorknob jammed locked. 
He tried to kick the door open, but doors built in RAD were built to be so sturdy and he wasn’t as strong as his twin. He thought about calling Beel over to help, but all sense of reason jumped out of the window the moment he smelled something oh so familiar. 
The smell of your blood. He can never forget the scent, especially when it lingered in his fingertips for so long after the incident. He quickly shifts into his demon form to finally kick down the door, yelling for your name. 
A demon was dragging you by the hair, trying to take you to the edge to ‘throw out the trash’ while you begged for it to let you go. 
You felt its grip on you loosened, enough for you to get up and see Belphie holding onto the demon’s wrist. 
“MC… I need you to go out and call Beel over.” He says, unable to look at you. He was afraid that he might see that fear in your eyes again if he did. So he waited until you left and closed the broken door behind you. 
The grip he has on the demon tightens up until the point it’s wrist snaps, but he looks unfazed even with all the screaming. 
“You know… I used to be just like you. I used to tell myself that I would tear apart those humans to shreds. All the things I did. They didn’t deserve that… but I know who does.”
It’s late at night in the House of Lamentation. After managing to calm down the brothers from the fuss, you try to find Belphie and see him in the bathroom trying to wash his hands. You both lock eyes and before you can say a word, you break the silence. 
“… Thank you, Belphie. I wouldn’t know what would’ve happened if you weren’t there.” 
He looks surprised, assuming that you might’ve been afraid of him after his earlier behavior. But his lips formed a smile “anything for you, MC”
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docgold13 · 2 months
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Heroes & Villains The DC Animated Universe - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
Goons of Gotham
There was no shortage of goon, miscreants and scoundrels in Gotham City, far too many to list individually in this project.  That said, here are several of the more prominent goons that batman has had to contend with throughout the years.
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Germs and Bell
A pair of neurotic goons in the employ of Roland Daggat, Germs and Bell handled the illegal dirty work that allowed Daggat to conduct his illegal affairs while keeping his hands clean and maintaining plausible deniability.  Unsurprisingly, this did not work out well for the pair of ne’er-do-wells and both ended up defeated and apprehended by the Dark Knight.  
Actor Ed Bagley Jr. provided the voice for Germs while actor Scott Valentine voiced Bell.  The cads first appeared in the fourth episode of the first season of Batman: The Animated Series, ‘Feat of Clay Part One.’    
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Carlton Duquesne 
A renown mobster in Gotham City, Carlton Duquesne ran highly successful protection rackets for The Penguin. Duquesne teamed up with the Penguin and Rupert Thorne in a potentially lucrative scheme to sell illegal weapons to the war torn nation of Kaznia.  The operation was taken down by the mysterious Batwoman and Duquesne and his coconspirators were sentenced to prison.
Actor Kevin Michael Richardson provided the voice for Carlton Duquesne with the character appearing in the animated feature, Batman: Mystery of The Batwoman.  
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Ma Mayhem
The villainous Ma Mayhem was an old-fashioned criminal in the futuristic Gotham City. With her two sons in tow, Ma Mayhem committed several robberies that eventually led to her running afoul of Batman (Terry McGinnis).  Although Batman initially struggled in dealing with the villains, the hero eventually prevailed and Mayhem and her two boys were captured and incarcerated.
Actress Kathleen Freeman provided the voice for Ma Mayhem with the matriarchal menace  first appearing in the nineteenth episode of the second season of Batman Beyond, ‘The Egg Baby.’  
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Captain Clown
Not much is known about Captain Clown, other than it was absolutely terrifying.  It was a powerful android of unknown origins that The Joker had obtained and dressed up as a sea-faring clown.  The android was programed to follow The Joker’s instruction and aided the Clown Prince of Crime in his scheme to use a garbage barge to embank all of Gotham with his toxic laughing gas.  
It was quite difficult for Batman to defeat Captain Clown, only succeeding when he was able to trap the android in an industrial car crusher that compacted it into a cube of metal and wires.  Distraught over his robotic minion’s demise, The Joker exclaimed ‘You’ve killed Captain Clown!’
The frightening android appeared in the fifteenth episode of the first season of Batman: The Animated Series, ‘The Last Laugh.’  
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A former Special Forces operative, Jim Tate later acquired advanced degrees in electronics and engineering, with which he made an impressive career as a small arms weapons designer.  After he was fired from Wayne/Powers, Tate became desperate to maintain his tony lifestyle.  Utilizing his training and expertise in experimental weaponry, he became the villainous Armory yet was ultimately taken down by Batman.  
Actor Dorian Harewood provided the voice for the Jim Tate with the character first appearing in the tenth episode of the first season of Batman Beyond, ‘Spellbound.’ 
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An explosives expert and arsonist, ‘Nitro’ Nelson took great glee in blowing things up.  He was hired by Roland Daggett to set off a series of bombs that would level the Park Row neighborhood of Gotham.  Actor David L. Lander provided the voice for Nitro, with the villain appearing in the twelve episode of the first season of Batman: The Animated Series, ‘Appointment in Crime Alley.’  
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Nelson Nash was a student at Hamilton High School who was frequently bullied by a fellow student.  Pushed too far, Nelson decided to get his revenge by stealing a Galvanic Lifter Machine so to destroy his tormentor’s car.  This Galvanic Lifter Machine (nicknamed a ‘golem’) was an enormous robotic loading device with a roughly humanoid shape.  The machine was operated by way of a neural-syncing headband that enabled the operator to control it through mental command.  
After destroying the car, Nelson used the Golem to menace another classmate he had a crush on.  At this point Batman interceded and debilitated the Golem unit with an electrified battarang that caused it to short circuit and shut down.  The feedback into the neural headband caused Nelson to be shocked into unconsciousness.  When he awakened, however, he found that had somehow cultivated psychic powers that enabled him to control the Golem even without the rural headband.  
Actor Seth Green provided the voice for Nelson Nash with the young villain and his robotic companion first appearing in the fourth episode of the first season of Batman Beyond, ‘Golem.’  
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An early subject outcome of Doctor Dorian's experiments, Garth was a gorilla with enhanced intelligence and other rudimentary human-like capabilities.  Not as refined a subject as Dorian’s later creation, Tygrus, Garth did prove useful as muscle to execute the scientist’s schemes.  
Actor Jim Cummings provided the voice for Garth, with the brute appearing in the thirtieth episode of the first season of Batman: The Animated Series, ‘Tyger Tyger.’ 
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Ian Peak
An ambitious and unscrupulous television journalist, Ian Peak was the host of ‘The Inside Peak,’ an infamous tabloid newscast that dished the dirt on the influential people of Gotham City.  After stealing an experimental intangibility belt from a scientist, Peak used the belt to garner all manner of secrets regarding the luminaries of Gotham.  He even discovered Bruce Wayne’s secret identity as Batman.  Unfortunately for Peak, however, the belt ultimately caused his body to lose structural integrity and he perished when his body defended down into the earth’s core.  
Actor Michael McKean provided the voice for Ian Peak with the villainous paparazzi appearing in the eighteenth episode of the second season of Batman Beyond ‘Sneak Peak.’   
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Doctor Belson
Gregory Belson was a transplant surgeon who had previously worked in the  cryogenics laboratories at GothCorp where he was a colleague of Victor Fries.  A series of poorly thought through investments resulted in Belson’s finding himself in a dire financial situation.  Mr. Freeze was able to leverage Belson’s debts as a means of getting him to conspire with him in a dastardly plot.  This resulted in the craven Belson meeting a fiery end.  
Actor George Dzundza provided the voice for Dr. Belson, appearing in the animated feature, Batman & Mr. Freeze: Sub-Zero.
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The Repeller
Dr. Suzuki was a researcher working in the medicinal technologies department of Wayne-Powers.  He and his colleague developed the ISO field generator rings which could generate a magnetic forcefield around a living being.  Suzuki stole the device and used it to commit crimes as the villains ‘Repeller.’  Batman was ultimately able to surmise the Repeller’s true identity and take the villain down.  
Actor Gedde Watanabe provided the voice for the Repeller with the villain appearing in the second episode of the third season of Batman Beyond, ‘Untouchable.’   
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Vincent Starkey
Also known as ‘The Shark’ Vincent Starkey was a mobster and drug dealer who had previously been put away by Detective Harvey Bullock.  When Bullock was receiving death threats, he was certain that the recently paroled Starkey was behind them.  Aided by Batman, The Shark was taken down as he was starting up a new narcotics racket.  Although it turned out that it was actually Bullock’s landlord who was behind the death threats.  
Actor Gregg Berger provided the voice for Vincent Starkey with the villain first appearing in the fourth episode of the fourth season of Batman: The Animated Series, ‘A Bullet for Bullock.’  
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The mysterious mercenary known only as Falseface possessed the ability to shape the contours of his face so to imitate any man of his size and stature. The villain was hired by the terrorist organization known as Kobra to smuggle a deadly virus into Gotham.  The plot was thwarted by the combined efforts of Batman and Stalker.
Actor Townsend Coleman provided the voice for Falseface with the villain appearing in the twenty-first episode of the second season of Batman Beyond, ‘Plague.’  
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Montague Kane
Doctor Montague Kane traveled around the world publishing works on debunking the supernatural.  He showed a particular interest in magicians, revealing to the public the non-magical ways of how their illusions worked. 
The stage magician known as Zatanna was aware of Kane's reputation.  Revealing the secrets of stage magic was very much frown upon and Zatanna was eager to stump him with a trick he would not be able to figure out.  Although Zatanna was practiced in real magic, she relied on traditional sleight of hand in her stage act.  And she had created an illusion utilizing mirrors that would make it appear as though ten million dollars had disappeared from the Gotham Mint.
Kane was actually a cheat and a thief.  He learned how Zatanna was planning to pull off her trick and seized upon it as a means to steal this money for himself.   And Kane's expertise of illusions allowed him to rig the trick so that it would seem the money was there, while it was already stolen.
Kane and his lacks tried to make a quick getaway with the stolen money but were stopped by Batman and Zatanna.  Kane was delivered to the police and Zatanna was cleared of all charges.
Actor Michael York provided the voice of Montague Kane with he villainous skeptic appearing in the fiftieth episode of the first season of Batman: The Animated Series, ‘Zatanna.’
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Charlie ‘Big Time’ Bigelow was an ambitious hoodlum and former friend of Terry McGinnis.  Three years prior to Terry becoming Batman, Charlie and Terry were arrested for burglary.  Charlie was eighteen and tried as an adult, resulting in a three year prison term; whereas Terry was still a minor and hence avoided jail time.  
Following his release, Charlie fell in was a gang of thieves who planned to steal an experimental chemical from a Wayne-Powers facility.  
The robbery went awry and Charlie ended up doused in the mutagenic chemical.  This caused him become physically deformed, yet also bestowed him super human strength and durability.  Going by the alias of ‘Big Time’ Charlie used his newfound powers to become a super villain and had multiple altercations with Batman.
Actors Stephen Baldwin and Clancy Brown provided the voice for the villain, first appearing in the fourth episode of the third season of Batman Beyond, ‘Big Time.’  
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Mutro Botha
The killer known as Mutro Botha was a top lieutenant within the mysterious Society of Assassins.  When the Society found itself hunted by Curaré, Botha attempted to extort Batman into protecting him.  The plan did not work and Botha ended up killed by Curaré.  
The legendary Tim Curry provided the voice for Muto Botha, with the desperate criminal appearing in the fifteenth episode of the second season of Batman Beyond, ‘The Final Cut.’  
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We interrupt your usual program of Astarion to bring you Aemond Targaryen, my newest obsession. (song listened to while writing this is Shatter Me by Lindsey Sterling)
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You spot your lord husband staring out the window at the city beneath. It's quieter than usual, the usual bustling of merchants now a whisper and fewer lights flicker in the dark. The city knows war is about to break out in full force soon, the common folk speak of it in hushed whispers, and you can feel the tension in the air.
"Aemond," you call out softly, announcing your presence as you make your way over to him. He remains silent, still looking out the window even as you settle beside him.
He's never like this, the rumours might be true after all.
You're not sure what to say, you don't even know what exactly happened at the Small Council today but you have an inkling of what went down. You'd seen Queen Alicent scowling as she briskly walked out of the room, Ser Criston Cole hurrying alongside her, heard the other members mutter something about your lord husband, their prince, and give you harsh glares. Concerned and furious, you'd searched for Aemond, only to be denied entry into your shared chambers by his guards no matter how much you tried to force your way in before storming off to the godswood to cool off.
You'd waited and waited until nightfall before approaching your shared chambers once more, and now here you are, right next to him and still he refuses to see you. You play with your sleeves anxiously, wanting to know what had happened but at the same time wanting to give him the space he needed.
"My pri—"
"Aren't you going to leave me too?" His words come out harsh, like arrows that pierce through your heart.
"Leave?" You ask, confused.
"Did you not hear me clearly the first time?" He snarls, features twisting in fury.
"Why would I leave you?" You reach out to touch him but he slaps your hand away, eye narrowed.
"Because I'm a monster who wants war, a kinslayer who wants to kill the rest of my kin, a bloodthirsty prince who—" The rest of his words get caught in his throat. Tears prick the corner of his eye but he swallows the urge to break down in front of you. His throat bobs as he lifts his head high, just like his mother always taught him to. Show no weakness, lest others take advantage of you.
"You're none of those." You shake your head. "You're a prince who wants to protect those he loves, you see the threat looming over their heads and want to remove it as soon as possible, you're my dragon prince who just wants to see those he cares about safe, and that's why I fell in love with you."
He snorts, pushing you away. "Lies. All of them."
Still you persist, your fingers gently brushing against his arm and he flinches slightly. He chews his bottom lip, hesitantly lifting his eye to meet your gaze. You hold the connection, resting your hand on his forearm. This time he doesn't move.
"I would never leave you." The tone of your voice leaves no room for argument and for a moment, Aemond is taken aback by your ferocity. Then he gives you a small smile, resting his hand on top of yours. His thumb runs over your smooth skin, feeling the size of your hand against his, feeling the warmth that resides in it.
You're still here. Even after everyone has left him.
His lip trembles, struggling to hold back the dam that wants nothing more than to burst forth. His throat feels tight, his smile wavering and then you pull him into a hug, burying your face into his chest.
You're all he has left.
His arms wrap themselves around you, holding you tightly as he presses his lips against the top of your head. Tears start to roll down his cheek silently, with him biting back the sobs that clog his throat. He doesn't want to show such weakness in front of you, and yet you always manage to coax it out of him.
Gently, you lead him to your shared bed, cradling his face between your palms, your thumb wiping his tears away. Your soft lips press against his, a quick peck before you slip the eyepatch off, and then another kiss on the sapphire sitting in his empty eye socket.
"If the world was ending, I would want nothing more than to be next to you."
The words are but a whisper, spoken within the walls of your shared chambers for no one but him to hear, and are more than enough to shatter the dam. Your dragon prince weeps, sobs wracking his slender frame and tears stain the fabric of your clothes. You continue to cradle him in your arms, your heart aching with each cry that spills from his lips.
His fingernails dig into your sleeves as he clings onto you like you're his lifeline while you run your fingers through his silver-gold hair. You feel him lean into your touch, almost keening. He needs you just as much as you need him, he needs you to be there to catch him when he falls, to be the shoulder for him to cry on, to be the only witness to his weakness.
You patiently wait for him to let it all out, sitting in silence until he lifts his red puffy eye to meet yours. He swallows, letting you coax him into lying down and buries his face into your chest.
You smell nice, like home, like comfort, and he knows he's secure in your arms. Just for tonight, your roles are reversed. You're his shelter, his haven, and only in your arms does he allow his walls to come down.
"Promise?" He asks, his voice thick with sorrow. He sounds so small, so vulnerable, nothing like the prince he is outside of these doors.
"Promise." You nod. He sighs, relaxing against you and places a palm on your cheek. You rest your hand on top of his, keeping it there as your fingers intertwine, connecting the both of you.
"I won't ever leave you too," he whispers, letting his eye close.
"I know, my dragon."
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I discovered my best friend is following ARO on Instagram. When I confronted her over this horrific betrayal, she said, “I think I like her now!” My devastation knows no bounds.
I was discussing this with my boss, a fellow royal watcher, and we decided I need to make a PowerPoint presentation, complete with citations (we are lawyers, after all), “shining a light” on MM’s numerous atrocities and proven lies over the years. I thought you would be invaluable in such a venture. Any suggestions to include would be very much appreciated!
Old ask from March 18th
Ok, so I didn't mean to sit on this one for (checks calendar) 6 MONTHS. ohhh, that's worse than I thought. Sorry, anon. Your ask got completely buried.
Anyway. I actually have been keeping a list of Meghan's lies and falsities. I don't remember when I compiled it (I feel like it might've been a 2022 thing) and I forgot I had it for a very long time. We'll probably need to crowd-source some updates to this list.
So buckle up, y'all.
Grew up an only child
Never had relationships with Sam or Tom
Grew up poor eating Sizzler buffets for splurge dinners
Didn't know who Diana was
Didn't know that Diana did Panorama interview
Lied about having a SAG card to be cast in Suits
That she was being written off Suits because she was marrying Harry
Doesn't have any family except Doria
Paid for college herself with student loans
International relations and theatre degrees from Northwestern
Merch tour of Aussie with Jess
Didn't want to serve Archie on a silver platter
Couldn't do a photo call at the hospital after Archie's birth
Wasn't in contact with Oprah
Wasn't working with UK Vogue
Lilac blazers
Couldn't wear the same color as anyone else
Could only wear neutral clothes
Wasn't dressing her child like a Victorian ghost doll
Going to get her UK citizenship
Gave up her Hollywood team
Spectacle wedding for the public
Eloped three days before with the Archbishop of Canterbury
Loves her engagement ring
Received permission from Queen to name her Lilibet
Loves Africa
Loves charity work and philanthropy
Red carpet for wedding
No tabloids in the US
All Americans have a 5am work ethic
Paparazzi chases
Korean spas as a kid
Collaboration with Scobie on FF
People letter
Archewell donations and income
Family she never had
Gave up everything
IVF twins
Pregnancy announcement not at Eugenie's wedding
Loves kids
Dog too old to fly
Dog hit by car
Couldn't decorate with royal collection
Kate made Meghan cry
Warm friendly relationship with Queen
Best boss ever
She made her own banana bread
Suicidal thoughts night of Cirque du Soleil
Advised by Obamas
Children refused titles because of racism
She refuses children's titles
Pen pals with Hillary Clinton
Witnessed the LA riots
Independent grassroots journalism
Hit the ground running
worked at the embassy when she only attended a study program
Didn't know she had to curtsy to the Queen
Didn't know how to curtsy
BRF took her passport, car keys
Not allowed to go out unless just for work
Climate change/private jets
Evicted from Frogmore
Royal Family refused to help Meghan with her mental health
That Meghan was silenced
Privacy in LA
Archie was denied 24/7 protection because he wasn't a prince
Family gossip about Archie's skin color
Palace forced Meghan to take her name off Archie's birth certificate
Egg in wedding food
Not allowed to have scents in church
Meghan said the palace was locking up the birth certificate
Angela refused hair trials
Bond girl
Fire in Archie's nursery
Linked, not ranked
Archie too young to fly (summer after his birth)
Lied about her age (to work in Hollywood, narrative since corrected since marrying in)
Belly padding
Bot farms on social media
Zoom calls with Cambridges during lockdown
Zoom calls with the Queen during lockdown
Flowers on Philip's casket at funeral were from Sussexes
Sussexes were invited to the Beckham wedding
Royal christening for Lili
Lili baptized
Invited to the diplomatic reception before The Queen's funeral
BFF/dog-walking buddies with Jennifer Aniston
Photoshops the children's appearances
Jimmy Fallon interview in Dec 2022
Time 100th Anniversary coverage
Bodyguard 2
she’d have 40 photographers taking pictures when she did Archie’s school run.
Sussexes declined invitation to Westminster wedding
She made the strawberry jam herself
50 jars of jam
"The Bench" was a bestseller
Visiting/staying with Oprah (Oprah was across the country at her father's bedside)
All the times she said she'd be a secret presenter at Hollywood award shows
Can't tailor her clothes to fit because they're from small brands/labels.
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thejaymo · 5 months
You can now apply to be one of the first members of the American Climate Corps.
“You’ll get paid to fight climate change, learning how to install those solar panels, fight wildfires, rebuild wetlands, weatherize homes, and so much more,” Biden said at a press conference on Monday at Virginia’s Prince William Forest Park, originally built in 1936 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Civilian Conservation Corps, a model for the Biden administration’s new program. “It’s going to protect the environment to build a clean energy economy.”
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inhuman-obey-me · 8 months
Diavolo with 🕶 and MC please? I excited to see what you’d do with that?
"I saw a little thing I didn’t like you tried to hide." - Diavolo/MC
Tumblr media
There is a whistling through the rustle of the tree branches, high-pitched and ringing in your ears like alarm bells.
Just the wind, you try to tell yourself -- but the wind has never sounded so uncannily steady with its song. Nor, usually, do you expect to hear faint words hidden in its screaming -- Die. Die. Die. But that too, surely, is just a trick of your mind?
Well, this is the Devildom, after all. The strange and unexpected are to be expected.
You don't know how to tell your lover, crown prince of this very land, that his realm still unsettles you from time to time. He has always tried his very best to make you comfortable here. He himself is proof that terrors are not always so terrifying. His wings, gilded black and extended so wide that they could have blocked out any sun if one existed here, had terrified you the first time you'd seen them in full. But, so too does the expanse of them feel gentle and loving when he wraps those wings around you, a dark cocoon in which you share your secret passions.
You love him, and you love his realm. Scary though it may be, it's beautiful, too, and you try to focus on that. This world is not so dangerous as your human instincts would have you think.
Still -- did the trees you pass on your way home always look like these?
You realize it for certain when a whisper of the breeze against your face sends a chill shivering through your whole body.
Die. Die. Die!
This is not the way home. And you are not alone here.
"Who's there?" you call out, keeping your voice as steady as you can. You have been warned not to show fear -- demons can sense it, and they love the smell of it upon their prey. "Show yourself."
Die! Die! Die!
The whistling twists into a hideous laughter, and a wavering silhouette begins to coalesce before you, its form shimmering back and forth between handsome man and beautiful woman, though you know this creature is neither.
"Puny human, daring to command me?" Its words crackle like static, caught between channels of fury and delight. "Well, I am right here. But you are the one keeping secrets, lost little lamb."
To your surprise, you recognize this voice. It is one of your classmates at RAD, one that you had always found generally pleasant towards you. "Bealphares? What do you mean?"
"I never minded Lord Diavolo's plans for harmony between the realms. I didn't object to the exchange program, when so many others did. I didn't think humans were so bad. But then, today, I saw a little thing I didn't like you tried to hide," it trills, the end of its tirade whipping back into a shriek. "Did you think a pathetic little human like you has any right to our prince?"
In an instant, the air leaves your lungs as if pulled, your ribs crushing inwards at the sudden emptiness, and you drop to your knees. You try desperately to cast a spell to protect yourself, but your breath is too empty to form the words. Bealphares steps closer, cupping your face in its hands as it leans in close to hiss, "The prince of demons belongs with a demon."
"Stop there, Bealphares."
A great shadow falls over you both, as terrifying as the day you first saw it, and Diavolo's commanding presence swoops neatly down beside you. His golden eyes glow wild with a kind of anger you've rarely ever seen in him, and the air around him grows hot with raw magic.
"Lord Diavolo!" Bealphares releases you at once, scrambling to bow before its prince. You gratefully gasp in the crisp night air as the lesser demon anxiously spits out, "I-I can explain!"
"Very well. Explain." Your beloved's cold expression does not change, glaring down at your attacker. "Explain to me, Bealphares, spirit of air, why I've arrived to find one of our human exchange students on the verge of death at your hands. That's a grave offense, to try to attack one of my guests, here in the realm I rule."
Diavolo's voice rumbles like the deep shaking of a volcano, and his fangs glint dangerously in the moonlight as he speaks. Are they longer than usual? Sharper, too, you think -- though it's hard to tell, as the light distorts around the little embers that begin wisping out with each word.
"I will give you your chance to try to justify yourself. But keep this in mind -- I have the power to tell truth from lies. And if I do not find your answer to my satisfaction, Bealphares, I will carry out your punishment personally."
He takes a heavy step between you and the demon -- protective in one sense, threatening in another. His wings are outstretched so wide that you can hardly even see the other past them, with golden veins weaving glowing energy throughout. Though you cannot see, you hear the wind of the demon's voice faltering in the heat of the air as it whimpers, failing to form words.
"Now, go on then. Explain."
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lorkai · 9 months
Thinking about Diavolo, sweet prince Diavolo who achieved so much in so little time, who united the three worlds with his exchange program. And I'm mostly thinking about the time when he'll finally be crowned king, it's a luxury party and every single subject from his realm, every single demon from the seven layers of hell are present, are chatting and dancing and having the time of their life.
Diavolo looks one way and sees the brothers messing around and having fun. Well, more fun than usual, though Lucifer gives them quite a stern look when they're too loud.
Barbatos, on another side, looks at him proudly. He looks at Diavolo like a father looks at his son.
Like Diavolo's father should look at him. But he isn't even here, he's still sleeping in his mausoleum and this gives him mixed feelings, as he wanted his father there. As for once he wanted his acceptance, even if his father would hide his praise behind crude words.
Diavolo already is a good ruler, he had to be since he was a very young demon to protect his people and guide them to a better life. He knows this, he's good, he's perfect. Barbatos made sure to always let him know this, always by his side ever since he was a child.
But seating in his father throne feels wrong, wearing officially his crown feels wrong. He feels like a withering flower, helpless but with a smile plastered in his lips while he listen to every single demon who comes to him to congratulate him and wishing him well. He wants to run and hide, and never leave his room again. But he don't. He can't. He has to be strong.
He closes his eyes just for a minute but when he opens them again, there you are. Face almost touching his, eyes glistening with genuine excitement as you throw yourself into his arms and hug him, playing with his hair and kissing his cheeks without a care in the world, without caring if demons are looking your way. And it's a gesture so innocent and pure that he almost cry, he knows that you know that he's in pain, silently letting his thoughts win and he knows you're distracting him.
And it works so well. With you in his arms the world seems to spin again at its normal speed, he's no longer a withering flower he's a tall and beautiful sunflower, and the smile in his face is large and natural. He's going to be ok as long as you're by his side.
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miachangedblogs · 8 months
TWST Become Human
Warning!!! This contains: Spoilers for Detroit Become Human + twisted wonderland. Later on would have NSFW, fem reader, noncon/dubcon etc!!
Riddle Rosehearts
Status: Human
As the only child of the two most astound doctors of Twisted Wonderland, it’s no wonder his parents are so protective over him. Raised to know more than five languages, always the top of his class and even managing to remember all 810 of the Queen of Hearts rule by the age of 10, he’s sure to to become something great. Imagine the surprise and horror of everyone when he got in an freak accident and was almost pronounced dead on the spot?? It’s a miracle he survived such a horrible fate. Ever since the incident, the Rosehearts family became very private, even more than before. They invested in multiple androids to guard Riddle as they made sure not even a scratch were to adorn his features. But.. it’s so strange…
But why can’t he remember what happened before the accident?
Trey Clover
Status: Human
One of Riddle’s only friends in this world and the only friend his parents allow Riddle to have; The Clover family is known worldwide for their delectable pastries and equally sweet hospitality to anyone and anything, even androids. Everyone is welcome in the Clover bakery! Trey’s big brother like personality makes him so hard to hate! And so hard to notice his weirdly observant and weirdly… obsessive nature? There’s no way someone as humble and kind as him could be someone so malicious. But as the taste of poison is hidden by the sugary batter, his ‘flaws’ are quickly overlooked. If not, his unique magic can always help him out.
Cater Diamond
Status: Android
Bought as a playmate for Riddle, Cater immediately Fails as he’s deemed “obnoxious” and “rude” by Riddle. Trey seems to hold sympathy for him though, the two becoming quite close as a human and an android without emotions could get. Though, even as an android, Cater’s programming makes him seem so real. Perhaps the expressive and seemingly real emotions creeped Riddle off.
Some speculate he’s a deviant, but no need to worry! Cay-Kun is soooo harmless! Just ask his siste- wait what? Sisters? Since when did he have those?? You must be hearing things. Come on, hold still and give a big smile to the camera, yeah?
Ace Trappola
Status: Human
No one knows how or why Ace managed to snag a job at the Rosehearts estate. His rebellious nature and constant rule breaking always ends up with him collared by the Riddle, and yet he’s never fired. His favorite pastime by far would have to be screwing up Deuce’s work, sabotaging his coworkers hard work to put himself above him. Deuce is just too gullible, there’s no way people would actually choose him over the clear winner of the Ace Trappola! His eyes filled with clear distain and disgust whenever Cater calls the two “besties”, even making a nickname for the two, “adeuce”. Gross. Don’t fucking group him with that idiot. He’s clearly way better. Don’t you think?
Deuce Spade
Status: Human
Wanting to be a police officer when he grows up, Deuce eagerly jumped at the opportunity to work within the walls of the Rosehearts Manor. After all, it would look great on his resume. He always seemed to have a clear distain for androids. Perhaps it’s his mind already conditioning him to be prepared to fight against deviants when he ultimately joins the forces. Even with this clear bias, he remains respectful towards any androids that reside amongst the manor. Although not the sharpest tool in the shed, he tries his very best!
Leona Kingscholar
Status: Beastmen
Being the second born prince of the Afterglow Savannah, Leona was constantly watched by eyes from all around the world, yet never truly basking in the spotlight. Even within the shadows his every move was constantly criticized. He would be forgotten if not for the constant ‘tantrums’ he used to throw. Refusing to go to his lessons, family dinners, important meetings and so on. One day, it all stopped. No one knows how or why until Leona emerged after months with a scar adorning his left eye. Rather than sympathy, his people cheered at the seemingly calm Prince. How cruel. He should be feeling enraged, betrayed at his own people’s lack of empathy, but right now he’s just so tired. He doesn’t know why but he just doesn’t have the energy to feel anymore.
Ruggie Bucchi
Status: Android
A lowly hyena android who’s desperation led to him snatching the scorned Prince’s wallet. Of course he was caught immediately, his fate to be destroyed publicly for his audacious actions. Leona however, had different plans for him. To put it simply, he was amused. Perhaps it was his audacity that let the Prince show mercy, or maybe it was the droplets of blue smudged all over Ruggie hands. Either way, Ruggie managed to secure the role as Leona’s informant amongst the villagers of the Afterglow Savannah as well as his personal servant. At least it pays well I suppose.
Jack howl
Status: Beastmen
He cannot stand injustice towards anything, especially the ones androids face in the hands of humans. The deviants at first creeped him out but he learned to respect them to a degree. He wouldn’t necessarily go out of his way to help them escape to Canada, nor would he befriend them, after all they were deviants. Who knows if they’re the violent type? He will however protect them if he saw some kids throwing rocks at it or adults being unreasonably physical with them.
Azul Ashengrotto
Status: Human
The heir of his mother’s multi million restaurant business housing many android servers, Azul Ashengrotto isn’t a stranger nor is opposed to androids. His two “bodyguards” (and regrettably best friends) are androids after all. Besides, androids are very profitable! He also runs a benevolent business where he can grant any of your wildest dreams and wishes. Want to be thinner? Or perhaps after the heart of a young woman? Indeed he’ll be able to help! Just sign your name riighhhht here. Oh, and make sure you do abide by the contract. People who don’t have a tendency to… disappear. We certainly wouldn’t want that, would we?
The leech twins
Status: Android
After the grief of none of their eggs surviving, Mr. And Mrs. Leech desperately contacted every android company for a custom Androids that would resemble what would be their children. After years of prototypes and programming, one unnamed company managed to come up with two twins for the new parents.
Unfortunately, the robotic nature of their ‘children’ were not enough for the two, leading to some tweaking in their code.
The Leech family announced their twins as mermen to the public, hiding the true nature of their children. The only ones who know are the Ashengrotto family who swore to secrecy to keep their mouth shut about the whole situation. It is common knowledge in the sea that those who oppose the Leech family meet a gruesome fate. It’s not like they have a choice really.
Kalim Al-Asim
Status: Human
As the eldest son of the Asim family, the heir of all the wealth, Kalim has been spoiled rotten since birth. It’s no wonder his perception of money and people are distorted. The public views him as spoiled, entitled, overly bubbly and dumb. He may be naive, yes, but he’s not dumb.
Jamil Viper
Status: Human
A servant of Kalim Al-Asim from birth to his destined death. Kalim’s “best friend”, “playmate”, “right hand man”, “advisor”. He’s heard it all. He could only grit his teeth and smile politely. As always, Jamil was tasked to taste test Kalim’s food, only to find himself at death door. He watched in anguish and rage at the amount of people swarming the young heir instead of him. The one about to die.
After the hospitalization, Jamil has become more quiet. More alert. At first his parents grew concerned, though Kalim’s father kept trying to reassure that nothings wrong. Overtime Jamil learned to put on a mask for his parents to ease their concern. It’s nothing new to him anyways.
Sometimes he wishes it was Kalim instead…
Rook Hunt
Status: Human
Rook Hunt is most popular for being Vil’s unofficial manager and best friend. One of the most loyal people in Vil’s life allowed Rook to be able to house every single secret of Vil. Paparazzi have tried numerous times to get him to fess up, even offering him millions. Rook would always just smile with his fox-like grin and brushed them off with a swift change of topic. It is also to be known that Rook is known to have a “morbid” curiosity regarding anything that isn’t human. His curiosity doesn’t have any bad intentions, no underlining malice whatsoever. He just sees beauty in everything. It’s more fascination than anything. This does cause him to come off as creepy and overly eccentric, his mere presence causing unease to those around him.
Epel felmier
Status: Human
A country boy who came to the big city for education but more so excitement. His small town, Harveston was known to be one of the only places that didn’t house androids. It wasn’t a matter of the people despising androids, Harveston was just a traditional town. A small town that barely even used modern day farming equipment. They simply just wanted to keep tradition. You could imagine his surprise when he saw just how realistic and smart androids were. He doesn’t have an opinion on them, not yet. All he cares about is working hard for the blast-cycle he’s so desperate to buy.
Idia shroud
Status: half human, half android: Cyborg
An unnamed incident had caused the death of Ortho Shroud and severe injuries to Idia Shroud. Idia’s parents could only save the eldest via trading off his damaged human parts with android scraps, successfully producing the first recorded cyborg Twisted Wonderland has ever known. He’s still human, just some of his limbs and bone structure being held up by metal. As soon as he recovered he began working day and night to make a replica of his deceased brother. His grief made him spiral into a deep denial as even though he was the one to build Ortho, he fully believed he was the same old Ortho from back then. He began insisting that everyone treat Ortho as human, snapping at anyone who dares to call his little brother an “android Assistant”. Can’t you all see he’s alive?? How audacious.
Ortho Shroud
Status: Android
A bright young boy who cares deeply for his brother. Much is unknown.
Lilia Vanrouge
Status: Fae
An Ex general and now the right hand man to the prince of Briar Valley, Malleus Draconia. Not much is known about this Fae, not much is known about anyone from Briar Valley in general. People do say he’s incredibly friendly, much more approachable than the Prince. Even with his bubbly exterior, people tend to be on edge in his presence. Perhaps it’s the sharp fangs, the hint of mischief in his eye, or maybe it’s the knowledge of his past as the most feared general. Nowadays multiple rumours circulate him such as him being a rockstar, a vampire, even an android. How amusing. Perhaps all are true, perhaps none. Who knows, really?
Sebek Zigvolt
Status: Android
Loud and boisterous, an overly protective and aggressive android brought in by Lilia to be Malleus’s body guard. He has a clear disdain towards deviants and humans, constantly belittling both. I’m his mind, the hierarchy seems to be Fae first, then android, then everyone else. You can be sure that he will never become a deviant with his strict nature. Although Sebek does seem to be alarmed at the threat of becoming a deviant. He can’t help but feel scared… Scared? No, that’s not right. Androids can’t feel... Can they?
*. ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚
Warning!!! This contains: perv Idia, noncon thoughts, masturbation, gross Idia, fem reader.
You just can’t believe your luck.
You’ve rubbed your eyes again to make sure it was functioning correctly, re reading the huge words “accepted” printed dark blue on the letter.
“Welcome to STYX mechanic number 0962! How’s your day been?” An android radiating with enthusiasm greeted you immediately, hovering towards you. A little peeved at your label you couldn’t help but frown just a bit. Behind him stood a tall, pale man; you could only assume it was Idia Shroud, the heir of STYX. You tried to push down your panic and unease, every ounce of confidence immediately evaporating. Ortho ushered you inside the huge building, talking endlessly about his brother, STYX, your role in STYX and just how happy he is to meet you.
Ortho is a clear deviant. That much is very clear when you first met him. Though nice and friendly, you ought to keep your guard up. You make a mental note; be cautious around Ortho.
“-re you listing Ms. 0962?” Ortho stops in his tracks as he tilts your head towards you.
“Hm? Oh yeah, sorry Ortho.” He giggled as he continued to hover around.
“You’re so silly Ms. 0962. I can see you and my brother becoming great friends!” You could only awkwardly smile and nod as you continued your walk with him, not noticing the constant glances from Idia directed right at you.
It’s been a month since your employment in STYX. You’ve tried making attempts to socialise with coworkers but they always give you such short answers, talking to you only when it’s absolutely necessary. It didn’t help that your boss was such a pain. Always giving you short responses, constantly glaring at you as if your very existence threatened him in some way. At least the pays good and your boss’s android assistant keeps you good company? You don’t even know anymore.
You were working on some papers when the door to your office opened.
It was your boss.
Mentally groaning, you got up to bow and gave him a nervous smile.
“Hello Mr. Shroud. What can I do for you?” Idia only glared at you as he swiftly turned around, beckoning you to follow him. Hastily you put down your belongings to catch up, jogging towards him.
“You’ll work on an “important client”. Try not to mess up.” Your boss went on about what it is and what is expected but all you could focus on was the speck of blue staining his jaw. You reached into your pocket and pulled out your handkerchief with a smile.
“You got some thirium on you Mr. Shroud. Here, lemme wipe it o-” just as you were about to wipe it off with your handkerchief, Idia snatched the cloth out of your hand.
“I’ll do it myself later.” Sneering, he puts it in his back pocket and continues to walk you to your office. You shrink at the cold attitude, awkwardly playing with the hem of your shirt.
Idia suddenly stopped in his tracks as he got his key card out to open a room filled with thirium bags and thousands of tools you never even knew nor heard of before. Walking inside you notice a huge box of what you assume to be the container of the android. Your boss rudely shoves a crumpled paper in your hands.
“The code to the box.” He explains as he swiftly heads out of the room, not even sparing you a second glance.
“G-goodbye Mr. Shroud!” You bow one last time as the door closes in front of you without a response. Sighing at the lack of response, you stare at the crumpled up paper and back at the box containing your new project.
Idia panted heavily as his hands pumped his dick desperately, chasing after his release. The other hand pressed the handkerchief into his nose.
God you were cute.
To be completely honest, hiring you was an honest mistake, a product of his carelessness and lack of sleep finally catching up to him. Your resume wasn’t anything noteworthy, if anything, you were severely under qualified for this job. Alas idia was too tired to notice his mistake when he accidentally pressed hire on his computer. He wanted nothing more than to smash his keyboard just thinking about the scolding he’d get from his parents.
Truly a blessing in disguise.
With a shaky moan Idia came all over his desk, gasping for air as he stayed slumped on his seat. After a few minutes Idia sat upright, groaning as he shoved the handkerchief into his pocket for future use. Grabbing handfuls of tissue he lazily cleaned himself up, mind hazy still thinking of you.
He wonders if you’d like pomegranates.
*. ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚
I love the idea of android twst and wanted to put my two cents on it! Shout out to the lovely @cvlutos for the amazing concept and fleshing out go check them out lovelies! Currently unfinished so sorry! To be honest I probably won’t make new parts for this but we’ll see. If you have any thoughts, requests or questions please send them my way!!
That’s all for today!! Tune in for more sweethearts!
Bitter dreams<33
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anna-the-undertaker · 3 months
The Price You Pay
Mammon x MC
MC gets hurt, and Mammon is pissed.
Warnings: mentions of blood and injury, insinuated torture, death
Everyone conveniently forgets that Mammon is the second most powerful of the avatars of sin. His nonchalant attitude, rebellious nature, and notorious failures overshadow his true capabilities. For the Avatar of Greed, this reputation had its pros and cons. On one hand, they believed him to be a fool; on the other, they never saw him coming.
One of his abilities was the power to always know the true worth of an object, deed, or debt. He could immediately determine whether artifacts, jewels, or gold were genuine, or if a service or action was worth the debt owed. Anything of value, he would know.
Mammon often did work for Diavolo on behalf of Lucifer, making deals to boost the future Demon Lord's reputation or acting as a debt collector. Despite his sticky fingers, he knew better than to try anything shady during official transactions for the crown. These weren't the same as stealing Lucifer's wallet or Levi's figures. If he did, the punishment would be far worse than being strung up by the Avatar of Pride.
Years after MC arrived in the Devildom and turned his and his brothers' world upside down, long after he and MC had started a romantic relationship, Mammon was tasked with collecting an artifact gifted to the future Demon Lord. It was an act of good faith and support for Diavolo’s ascension by one of the many noble houses.
This noble house, in particular, was known to oppose Diavolo's exchange program. While many shared their views, they had never acted against the Prince, fearing Barbatos and the Sins first born.
Upon being presented with the artifact, however, Mammon knew it was fake. The replica was detailed, but nothing could escape his gaze.
"What the fuck is this, huh? Ya think ya can just hand over this fake, and I wouldn't notice? You'll be hearing from Barbatos," Mammon barked as he stormed out.
Days passed, leaving the situation to the Demon Lord and Lucifer. Handling dissenting nobles required delicate care to avoid rebellion or war.
Mammon, meanwhile, was at one of his modeling gigs. He planned to surprise MC with a road trip in the human realm, having noticed their homesickness. He'd already gotten permission from Diavolo and Lucifer as a reward for his help, and because they couldn't say no when MC was involved.
In his changing room, the familiar he'd given to MC appeared, squawking frantically.
"Hey! Hey, hey, hey! Chill out! What's wrong with ya?" Mammon yelled, confused. Then it dawned on him: this familiar wasn't supposed to leave MC's side unless it was an emergency. His heart raced.
His D.D.D rang, Lucifer’s name glowing on the screen. Mammon answered faster than ever, panic gripping him.
"What's goin' on? Did they rally the other noble houses? Did they attack? Is MC okay?"
Lucifer’s silence was heavy. "Stay calm and listen carefully. I need you to come to the hospital immediately."
Mammon's blood ran cold. Rage took root in his mind. If it were one of his brothers, he knew they could defend themselves. But this was MC.
His D.D.D shattered under his grip, the call severed. He bolted from the room, his speed amplified by his barely contained emotions. He was outside the hospital in an instant, where his brothers waited.
He tried to push past them. "Where is MC!? Take me to them now!"
"Mammon!" Lucifer's hands gripped his shoulders, holding him back. "They are being operated on. The damage is significant, but they will live. You need to calm down."
Mammon’s anger turned toward his brothers. "Why weren't any of you with them? We're supposed to protect them! Why didn't they summon one of us? Why didn't they summon me?"
Lucifer’s eyes tightened with emotion only Mammon could decipher—an expression of powerlessness.
Satan spoke up. "The attacker used a suppression spell, making MC unable to use their magic. It was premeditated. MC is important to us and the Demon Lord, making them the perfect target."
The silence that followed was heavy. Mammon felt more angry with himself than anyone else.
"Who found them?" he whispered.
"If you hadn't gifted MC a familiar, we might not have known what happened or where they were," Lucifer answered. "The familiar guided us to them before coming to you."
Hours passed, and little was said even after the angels, Solomon, Diavolo, and Barbatos arrived. It felt like an eternity before the doctors came to take them back.
Mammon was the first to enter MC's room. They were unconscious, looking worse for wear. Bruises littered their body, and bandages covered their torso, speckled with blood. He could smell it in the air. The beeping of the monitor and the sounds of the respirator created a haunting song ringing in his ears. He gently rested his hand on their cheek, his thumb moving in gentle strokes. He buried his nose in their hair, inhaling their scent, tears pricking his eyes.
"Wait for me, okay?" he whispered, unsure if they could hear him and pressed a searing kiss to their temple.
Then he stood, feeling as if his entire body was on fire. A dark aura overtook him, and no one tried to stop him as he made his way outside.
The Devildom's sky was dotted with stars, the moon casting its gaze like a massive eye, offering no comfort. An infernal incantation slipped from his mouth, summoning a murder of crows as his true form emerged.
"Find the bastard," he ordered. The crows scattered, and he took flight. It didn't take long before they found their target. Mammon crashed through the roof of their hideout, dust billowing around him.
The noble's guards lunged at Mammon, weapons drawn and faces twisted with determination. But with a snap of Mammon’s fingers, they all fell lifeless to the ground, their bodies collapsing like marionettes with severed strings. Mammon then raised his hand, and a dark, malevolent spell engulfed the room, sucking all light away and plunging it into a pitch-black void. The noble found himself trapped within this inescapable darkness, his breaths echoing in the suffocating silence.
Mammon’s voice cut through the void, dripping with disdain. "While you were trying to hide yourself and the artifact from the Demon Lord and his allies after you fucked up during our last meeting, you somehow believed you wouldn’t be found."
The noble’s voice trembled, yet he tried to maintain a facade of confidence. "I am in the business of souls. If we are on peaceful terms with the humans, my livelihood would be at stake. But if this is about the artifact, go on and take it then. There are other ways to get what I want."
Mammon’s eyes blazed with fury, his aura crackling with barely contained rage. "Oh, I'm not here for the artifact. You owe a blood debt and won't be leaving here until I have received every last drop."
The noble's bravado faltered, fear seeping into his voice. "Come now, your Highness, Prince of Greed. Surely you can just take the artifact, yes?"
"Not good enough!" Mammon’s voice boomed, growing deeper, more demonic. "Someone laid their filthy hands on MC... MY HUMAN! No amount of money or artifacts or jewels in the Devildom can pay for that transgression, my lord. No, for that... I want your flesh."
The noble’s face paled, his eyes wide with terror. "Flesh...?"
Mammon's grin was cruel and predatory. "It matters not to me where on your anatomy it is withdrawn from. If you don't have the stomach to take it for yourself, my familiars here..." He gestured, and millions of pairs of golden eyes, now stained red, appeared all around them, their hunger palpable. "...are very adept at tearing flesh from bone, and as you can see, they are quite ravenous at the moment. But! A grim short or a gram shy, and I will savor the fact that you won't leave here alive. Am I clear?"
The noble was silent, frantically searching for an escape, but there was none. The void was absolute.
"Good. I was hoping you'd resist," Mammon barked out a command to the crows in high infernal. They descended upon the noble, their claws and beaks ready to tear their organs from their body. Mammon turned and left, the noble's screams echoing behind him as he stepped into the night, his fury only partially sated by what he had wrought.
Days later, the noble's dilapidated corpse was found strewn through the trees, dangling in little pieces. The scene was macabre, the remains a grim reminder of the wrath that had been unleashed. Crows circled overhead, a harrowing warning.
The air was thick with the scent of decay, and the gruesome display left no doubt about the message: MC was not to be touched. The flapping of countless wings and the haunting cries of the crows drove the point home. This was the fate awaiting anyone who dared harm MC, so long as the Avatar of Greed breathed.
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
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a/n: a continuation of this AU because there's no way they're letting lucifer & co have all the fun.
protecting what matters most | the dateables [the demon brothers]
1.4k words | sfw | gn!Reader
content/warnings: family dynamics and slice of life. fluff and angst, mention of character death and passage of time, mentions of raising children, platonic relationships with the demon brothers and dateables.
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— Diavolo considers the pros and cons of allowing Lucifer and his brothers to continue visiting you in the human world after the exchange program ends. You helped lay the foundation for long-lasting peace between the realms, after all. Relations with the Celestial Realm aren't as chilly as they were previously, thanks to the glowing praise and endorsement of Simeon and Luke.
— Diavolo decides that maintaining a positive relationship with you can't do any harm. He also knows that Lucifer asking for permission for his family to visit you is only a formality. He knows they'll find ways to sneak out of the Devildom to see you whether he gives them permission or not.
— Diavolo misses you too, if he's being honest with himself. He remembers you fondly when Barbatos serves him a blend of tea from the human world, or when he scrolls through the gallery on his D.D.D. and comes across photos of you from various parties you attended at his castle. He denies those feelings at first but they're impossible to ignore when Lucifer and his siblings start seeing you on a regular basis. They return to RAD after a short weekend trip to see you and their moods are soaring. They share stories and pictures and videos with him, but it's not the same. They explore the human world with you and get to be part of your short but fulfilling life—who wouldn't be jealous?
— Diavolo contacts you personally and suggests catching up somewhere, just the three of you (of course, Barbatos will be there too). He brings up the possibility of visiting you too, when his busy schedule allows it. He ignores the shifty side-eye that Barbatos shoots him, and you accept his offer eagerly but you're worried about distracting him from his duties. His warm laughter makes you smile, and he reaches for your hand across the table and pats it gently with his own. You didn't think he'd let the brothers keep you all to themselves forever, did you?
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— Uncle Dia likes to surprise your children with impromptu visits at seemingly random times. Sometimes Barbatos contacts you in advance to schedule play dates for your family and the Young Master. Diavolo holds your children's hands as he leads them through whatever amusement park or family-friendly outing he's planned. You mention casually that your children are better behaved than Diavolo is at times, and Barbatos nods in silent agreement. There are times when Diavolo arrives on his own, looking a little guilty when he explains he found a fun excursion he thinks your kids would enjoy. Barbatos shows up a few minutes later looking very annoyed that the prince managed to escape his paperwork again. It's too late for Barbatos to drag him away now; even he's not capable of refusing the sad, pleading eyes of your children begging for Uncle Dia to play with them for a little while longer.
— (Diavolo is generous with his gifts for your family. Too generous, despite your protests. Hotel Corvo suites are always available for you to use, all expenses paid for, because it pleases him to know that your family is safe and comfortable when you travel together. He collects a small amount of human world vacation properties that are also available for your family to use whenever you'd like. The demon brothers conveniently plan their own holiday to visit you when you go on vacation. Diavolo joins as well if he can convince Barbatos that they all deserve a break.)
— Your children flock to Uncle Barb (or Bah-Bah when they're very young) like little chicks. He is surprisingly gentle and mild-mannered with all of them, confident in his ability to care for them and infinitely patient with their wide-eyed wonder and innocent curiosity. When they're toddlers, he sits at a child's sized table with them and sips water from a plastic tea cup. He teaches them how to brew tea properly when they're old enough to enjoy it. Some of your favourite photographs are of him and your children baking together in the kitchen, and your youngest braiding dandelions into his hair. To Barbatos, watching your children grow up is like watching the young prince grow up all over again. Being in your family's presence is soothing for his old, weary heart.
— (You tell Barbatos early on that you don't want him to ever tell you about the future. You're not sure what he already knows and you don't want to know. He honours your request to a certain extent. There are rare instances when he shows up unannounced, usually in the late evening or early morning hours. He anticipates your heartache and sleepless nights following the tragedy or misfortune he hoped wouldn't come to pass. He makes tea and sits with you, offering you his company in silent apology for not being able to spare you that pain.)
— Uncle Sol is a menace. He is a somewhat regular visitor at your home and is always eager to lend a hand with the most mundane tasks. He insists that he likes babysitting your children if you need him to, and he's your children's second-favourite babysitter if Uncle Levi can't come over. Yours is the family Solomon will never have, and he considers any opportunity to spend time with you a blessing. He insists on helping you in the kitchen too. You try to ban him from cooking, but your empty threats fall on deaf ears. Sometimes you wake up to the smell of something wafting from the kitchen. He has the decency to look a little guilty when you find him at the stove with one of your children sitting on the counter next to him. It surprises and horrifies you that one of your children loves his cooking. (You don't know now, but each generation of your descendants will have one resilient soul who also loves his food.) Your children learn from a young age one very important rule: if a stranger is in trouble, call the police; if you or your family is in trouble, call Uncle Solomon. For all the headaches and mischief he causes, he never fails to show up when he's needed most.
— (Solomon considers your happiness and safety one of his priorities. You learn after your wedding that nearly every demon gave your spouse some version of the shovel talk, but you’re surprised to learn that Solomon did too—and apparently his was the scariest. You don’t know about all the sneaky ways he helps your family over the years, but he agreed to your one stipulation: no violence in front of the children.)
— Uncle Simmy and Uncle Luke are the best! You're genuinely shocked when they invite you to the café they opened together, located conveniently in your family's hometown. Simeon teaches your children how to cook properly when he visits, and he tells them fantastical stories loosely based on your own adventures in the Devildom. Luke helps your children make sock puppets to act out little plays they all come up with; if Simeon finds a way to include them in his newest volume of TSL, it's his little secret. You don't see the angels as often as the demons. Sometimes they invite your family to enjoy brunch at the café before it opens, or they stop by after a long day to join you for dinner. Luke takes lots of pictures and videos (since Simeon still can't figure that out himself). He shares them with Barbatos who posts them in the special group chat the demons all share for that sole purpose.
— Luke introduces Michael to your family one morning when he happens to be visiting the café the same time that you are. Your children don't hesitate to crowd around his chair and ask him rapid-fire questions about his hair and his pretty clothes and the yummy cake on the table in front of him. He looks between you and your children awkwardly, but he asks Simeon for extra forks so they can have some too. He offers a hesitant smile when he leaves the café nearly an hour later. Starting the year you meet him for the first time, your children receive holiday and birthday gifts from Uncles Simmy, Luke, and Mikey.
— (Each generation passes down old and new photos of the demons, angels and the whimsical sorcerer who cherish and protect your family. Your distant relations point to old photos of Luke, with his cherubic face and small stature, and coo about how cute he was back then. Luke, grown up now and dedicated to his guardianship of your family, blushes and smiles fondly at so many wonderful memories. The moment is short-lived and he grumbles when Simeon ruffles his hair affectionately like he used to.)
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