#prince sidon fic
thezoraprince · 1 year
Nails - Sidon x reader
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“How about an imagine about Sidon/Bazz being curious about nail painting? Like say Y/N is painting their nails but the boys are confused why they can’t do anything until their nails dry, cue the conversation between human/Hylian nails and Zora claws!” - @rocklover719​
we need some lighthearted content right now, and this was a PERFECT request to post <3 (i’m starting to accept ToTK a little more now, and maybe it won’t take me as long as it took me to like BoTW :’) )
as always, you go above and beyond with these requests, Rocky <3 ilysm <33333
y/n - your name
Sidon’s entranced by your preciseness
the way you carefully trace around your cuticle with the colored polish…
he’s mesmerized
eyes gleaming from the luminous stone lighting up the room
he smiles at you
in a daze
completely lost in thought
‘Oh, how I love you.’
you look up at him after finishing one hand
catching him staring
you’re laughing as he shakes his head back into reality
“Sorry, I couldn’t help but notice the color. It’s such pretty shade. So… you!”
“Thank you.”
you finish up your other hand while he gathers his things
“I’ve got some errands to run. Would you like to come with me?”
Sidon beams, his smile glistening more than ever
“Would you mind to carry these, y/n? I have so many things to bring with me today.”
“I’m so sorry, but I can’t really touch anything right now…”
and he tilts his head
“My nails aren’t dry yet.”
and then he gets it
“How long should that take? I’m just curious.”
“Not too long. But I can’t really do anything until they’re finished.”
he sits down with you
“That’s fine. I can wait.”
you give yourself at least 30 minutes
nail polish can be like that sometimes
and Sidon sits there with you
he hand feeds you a snack while you wait
both of you laugh about it
when you’re finally ready, you take the items he tried to give you earlier
and before you walk out the door, Sidon holds you back
“This may sound like an odd request, coming from me, but when we get back… would you do my nails too?”
your smile grows so big
“Of course!!”
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asksidon · 2 years
hi hi! im a big fan of your writing n was wondering if you could squeeze in a lil scenario thingy! <3
fem! plus size reader gently rejects someone then gets the classic "whatever your fat/ugly anyway" response. used to those comments, it doesnt make the reader super distraught but she does emotionally shut down for the day. how would the prince react/comfort the reader?
[[ I'm kind of in love with this, so I'm going to drabble it. And thank you so much! <3 ]]
After a busy morning of work, Sidon has decided to stop by a tea shop that you happen to frequent as well; no other shop can beat the taste and value of their tea or the cute atmosphere inside the space. Neither of you have interacted, though you've noticed him before and never quite had the heart to join the admirers that make a point of stopping him for a selfie or a quick chat. He has smiled at you before - and you could swear he has even winked at you once - but your interactions haven't gone beyond that.
You hear him walk in before you see him, because the shop fills with excited murmurs and whispers. You see one very young hopeful approaching him for a photo before the barista can even take his order. Shaking your head slightly, you turn your attention back to your novel and go back to minding your own business.
That is, until another patron of the shop approaches you. A twenty-something male you've never seen before. He gives you what you decide is a nervous smile and proceeds to compliment your choice in books, then asks if he might buy you another tea and join you at your table. You hate to let people down, but something about the guy just gives you an "off" vibe. You gently tell him that you're leaving soon, and he questions you as to where you're going. Caught off-guard, you stammer something about an important meeting. Unknown to you, Sidon is waiting in the background for his tea hearing the whole thing - not making a point of eavesdropping, but he's nearby and knows what's going down.
Sidon's jaw drops a little when he hears the guy respond with an insult about your weight and walk away. Back at his own table, the unnamed guy says something to make his buddies laugh, and they all look over at you. Sidon is about to approach you when the barista gets his attention to let him know his order is up, and by the time he's fought through the crowd and turned back around, you've left.
Frowning to himself, Sidon leaves the shop and looks around its immediate vicinity to see if you're still around. Not finding you, he leaves and comes back in a few days around the same time to look for you. You're at your usual table reading, determined not to let anyone bully you out of your favorite place. Thankfully, since it is an off time on a weekday, the shop is not as full.
Your heart fills with dread when someone takes a seat across from you. As you've expected the worst, your eyes widen in shock when you look up and realize it is him. Prince Sidon. "Hello," he says. "I've seen you around so often, I feel I should know your name by now."
You feel yourself blush as you say, "Y/N... My name is Y/N. Hello, Prince Sidon, your royal highness." Since you are not standing to curtsy, and to do so might be awkward, you give him a head bow.
"There is no need for all that. I invaded your table, after all, Y/N." He flashes a grin. "I hope I'm not overstepping, but I heard what that... well, that idiot said to you the other day, and I had to know that you're okay."
"Oh," you say, surprised anyone noticed, as noisy and busy as the shop was that day. "Don't worry, I don't take things like that too much to heart." It seems like the best response to give, one that will make you seem strong. You certainly didn't feel strong after it happened.
"Good. Because you shouldn't." He leans back in his chair and regards you with a gentle look as he sips at his milk tea (which, he informs you, is matcha coconut and his favorite). "Someone like that really doesn't deserve your time, and if I judged right, you didn't know him personally before that instance?"
You nod your head. His curiosity about the situation catches you off-guard, but not in a bad way like the other day's incident.
"So, he must have thought you were pretty - as you are - if he came and asked you out based on your appearance. Some people don't know how to handle rejection in a mature manner, I suppose. Not that I would know anything about that. I'm always a gentleman." He winks at you for certain this time, and you smile.
"I don't doubt that, sir," you say.
"Sidon," he corrects you. "Anyway, I'll let you get back to reading, Y/N. If that idiot shows up again, try and get his name for me, will you? Frankly, I'm a bit bored with all this desk work I've been doing lately and would love a good brawl."
You're genuinely smiling by this point, and he gives you one of his own in return.
That's how you became friends with the prince, and he's been known to sit at your table several more times since then. He's pleased to know that no more idiots have bothered you, but his promise of a brawl still holds, if one does.
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newtabfics · 1 year
Vah Ruta's Anger. Sidon x Fem!Reader Comfort Fic.
Summary: Totally didnt just make a comfort fic about storms cuz my area was hit by a bad thunderstorm with tons of lightning everywhere that totally didn't make me think about Zora Domain after Vah Ruta reactivated and I imagine that maybe there was a Hylian who happened to be visiting at the time and got paralyzed with fear from it and maybe a certain fish prince just i dunno comforts them ahahahah
Word count >1000
The loud booming cry of the Divine Beast shook the domain to it’s core. The storm stirred slowly before lighting began to strike at the trees surrounding the domain.
The Zora people quickly took shelter. Bazz gasped and hurried the Hylian woman into the domain, making sure she was alright before training his eyes on the dam.
“Stay indoors,” he ordered the people within the shop. “Wait until further instruction as I get an assessment of the situation.”
With that, the guard left. “Are we going to die?” Finley asked her mother, stirring unease within the people.
“I doubt that,” The Hylian said, smiling to the girl. “I mean, c’mon. Have you seen the Zora guards? And the prince?” The small Zora’s eyes began to sparkle with excitement. “The guards are heroes, friend. They’ll keep you safe.”
Finley beamed and nodded then pouted. “But…my beloved.”
At the Hylian’s blink, her mother sighed. “An old legend. Actually, would you like to hear it?” She nodded to the Hylian’s shaking hands. “It might distract you.”
“I’d like that,” She confessed.
Though stories brought comfort as they waited, the Hylian’s body flinched at every rumble of thunder, making it acutely obvious she was terrified, but her face remained a smile, as if comforting the nearby Zora children she sat with as the mother told her and everyone who’d listen the legend of the Bank of Wishes.
The guard soon returned and assured everyone the storm was not reaching the domain, only the forests surrounding. Caution was to be taken but it was warranted given the circumstance. He then approached the Hylian.
“I’m sorry. Because of how dangerous it is, it might be best if you stay here until the storm has passed,” He amended.
“That’s alright. Thank you. If there’s anything I can do to pull my weight around here, please let me know,” She sighed, flinching again at a particularly loud lightning strike.
As the night wore on, she found herself hiding away from the eyes of the Zora people in the storage rooms. Her body shook as she cupped her ears, trying to muffle the loud sounds.
She tried to shoo away the fears, belittling herself for such a childish fear. Even the elder Zora spat at her behavior. She knew…She knew and yet, here she was, hiding in the storage room like a child.
“In here?” A voice muttered from outside. She vaguely swore she heard little Finley’s voice in response before the door opened. “Thank you. I’ll take care of it.”
“Do you really think there’s a ghost in there?” The girl muttered as the larger Zora ducked into the room, looking around before locking onto the Hylian.
He could only stare at her, her face stained with tears as she kept curled up tight, hands covering her ears. She was unaware of his presence.
Finely poked her head in and blinked. “Your highness,” She whispered to Sidon as he glanced at her. “That’s Y/N, the merchant.”
He nodded and put his finger to his lips and gently gestured for her to leave. She nodded, closing the door gently before hurrying off. She couldn’t wait to tell her mother how she was the one who ensured the prince’s new bride.
Sidon smiled as he sat down in front of her, gently patting her knee. He chuckled at the Hylian’s quick jerk away from him, pressing herself even further into the wall. He held his hands up. “You’re alright. I’m here because Finley thought she heard a ghost in here. Happy to see that’s not the case.”
Y/N gulped thickly. “U-Uhm…”
Sidon nodded and looked to the window up high, listening to the thunder. “It’s scary when Vah Ruta summons storms like this. It still terrifies me.”
“Y-You?” she mumbled.
He nodded. “ The day of the Calamity, my sister was slain inside the beast. The malevolent forces that controlled it summoned a huge storm that raged for days. I was still about the age of Finley when that happened–”
“I’m sorry,” She said quickly, trying to wipe away her face. “I didn’t mean t-to burden you more.”
“Burden?” He asked in surprise. “Why is your fear a burden?”
“It’s not fair to you.”
Sidon weighed these words before smiling and moving closer. “Come here,” he said gently, holding out his arms. She stared at him in surprise. “I didn’t say that for pity. I said it because I’m scared too. The last time this happened, I lost someone. Our fears are two sides of the same coin.” He gestured for her to come closer.
Hesitantly, the Hylian moved closer before he scooped her up, holding her close. “There. Now we can hold onto each other until we’re okay again.”
She blushed at the contact,  yelping when another huge bolt struck outside and hid in his neck. Her body trembled as she clung to him. “I…I’ve always been scared of them. It got e-easier when I grew up b-but…”
He smiled. “But the bigger storms just affect you differently?” she nodded into him, making him smile as he rubbed her back. “I understand. You needn’t worry though. I won’t judge you. From what I hear, you did well at keeping a calm demeanor.”
“This is why Hylians are vile things,” A voice echoed in her mind, making her whimper.
“Though, I heard about the elders through the children. Bazz even reported what they’d said. I did scold them.”
“You didn’t need to,” She mumbled. “I’m…old enough. I should be over this childish fear.”
“It’s childish to be fearful of nature?” He challenged, making her flinch. Sidon smiled gently. “Will staying in my room with me help you? Staying with you helps me.”
It was then that Y/N finally took in the trembling of his hands. It was just barely noticeable. She only realized it when he’d tucked her hair behind her ear and felt his claw twitch ever so slightly against her skin.
“Y-Yeah,” she gulped. “I’d…like that.”
“Then it’s settled. When you’re ready, you’ll come to my room where we can hold each other.” Her face went bright red, making him blink. “What?”
“If my mother heard that, she’d be screaming,” She chuckled lightly. “She wouldn’t stop teasing us about how I managed to end up in a prince’s bed.”
He barked a laugh at that, making her smile softly as she clung to him. Together, they waited for the trembling to subside.
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spaceistheplaceart · 1 year
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when the sparring becomes homoerotic! 😳
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h34rtcake · 25 days
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yaoi stuff from 2023
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metamatronic · 3 months
Champions Resurrected AU / Prelude 1: Mipha
i was gonna post this on AO3 and I still might if I write more, but here’s a brief written retelling/continuation of the Mipha & Sidon reunion comic (warnings: canon typical violence? just in case)
The crackling noise that shook through Zora’s Domain that morning was mistaken for thunder at first. Zoras chatted amongst themselves, puzzled over lightning in a cloudless sky. Even King Dorephan, who had lived long enough to experience nearly every natural oddity that occurred near the Domain, leaned forward on his throne to peer into the vast blue.
“There, Father! Do you see it?” Sidon, always eager to abandon their discussions on politics, pointed toward the falling beam as it cut through the sky. “A falling star during the day. How rare!”
“I doubt it,” Dorephan rumbled. “I’ve seen many falling stars. I’ve never seen one like that. Something is strange about it.”
“Your Majesty, we are under attack!”
Sidon only winced a little at the sharp voice, before straightening up on instinct. He watched his father shoot his advisor an amused look as he rushed in.
“I doubt that as well, Muzu,” Dorephan chuckled. “If so, our enemy’s aim could certainly use some work!”
“Your Majesty!” Muzu cried, wringing his hands. “Please, consider the possibility at least!”
Sidon tuned out the conversation, walking out to the balcony and watching the dazzling light as it descended. Now that he was really looking, it had a faint blue glow to it that seemed to be dimming as it approached the ground. Its movement was strange, bobbing through the air like it was adjusting its course. A Rito, perhaps?
Sidon certainly hoped not as he watched the light plummet behind the rocks and into the Bank of Wishes. He hadn’t met many, but from what he’d heard, the Rito weren’t particularly keen swimmers. His fins itched as thoughts of warbled squawking and the charging of Lizalfo shock arrows plagued his mind.
“I will go investigate,” Sidon said, loudly enough to cut off whatever tirade Muzu had been in the middle of.
“Sire! Surely you’re joking!” Muzu said. “You cannot be so reckless! Ever since you took on Vah Ruta, you’ve been acting as though you are invincible, insisting you handle things yourself. If you keep acting as such—”
“I am very fast and very capable. I will be back if it is anything too dangerous, I assure you!” Sidon said with a grin. He was already stepping backward towards the edge of the balcony. “You have my word.”
“My Lord!” Muzu cried as Sidon winked, before leaping gracefully off the ledge and into the waters below.
By the time Muzu had made his way to the balcony, the only trace of the prince was a slice of red cutting effortlessly through Ruto Lake.
‌▲ ▲‌ ▲
Mipha groaned, opening her eyes and immediately regretting it as she was buffeted by the fierce wind. As she grasped uselessly at her surroundings, every nerve suddenly sparked to life as she realized she was falling. Fast.
Her right fin was pulled open by a gust and she spun with a yelp, being tossed violently through the air. It reminded her of swimming down a waterfall, the dizzying feeling of the current and gravity pulling you relentlessly toward the sharp rocks below.
“Always keep your eyes forward, my dear Mipha,” her father’s voice echoed, pulling her back to her youth when she’d foolishly closed her eyes and nearly missed the lake below. “The most dangerous thing you can do is let your fear steer you.”
Prying her eyes open, she extended her fins and clumsily straightened herself. She felt a wave of nausea hit as the faded blues of distance gave way to the vibrant greens and purples of the earth below. A long leap off a waterfall, she told herself, that’s all this was.
Mipha bit her lip as she took in the surroundings. Even from this height, she could recognize her home, even if the sight brought her little comfort in her current situation. She was positioned over the Zora River now but could feel the wind knocking her around. Even a few feet off target could spell the end, and Mipha was already more acquainted with death than she ever wished to be.
With a shaky breath, she pulled her arms to her sides and flattened her fins, picking up speed until the world blurred. The wind whistling past her was nearly loud enough to hurt but was soon muddled by the familiar sound of rushing water and bubbling air pockets. She opened her fins quickly to slow the pull downward, relenting only when the pull of gravity faded to the gentle current of the river.
When the bubbles finally cleared, Mipha found herself upsetting close to the rocky bottom of Zora River.
She could still feel her heartbeat everywhere, behind her eyes and at the ends of her fins. She fought the tears pricking her eyes, shaking as the adrenaline slowly filtered from her system.
It was only after she’d allowed herself a moment of reprieve that it clicked.
She had a heartbeat. She could see the small bubbles pushing around her as she moved the water around her. She was here, alive.
“How is this…” Mipha stared at her hands, unmistakably solid, and forgave the tremor in her voice. “What happened?”
A warm light had descended into the depths of Vah Ruta. Mipha had known instantly what it was—could feel the warmth of Hylia even through the coldness of her spirit. She briefly said her goodbyes, before capturing the light in her hands and fading away.
In all honesty, Mipha hadn’t been certain what would come after that. But hurtling toward the ground at high speeds had not been it.
“I should…what should I do?” Mipha waded anxiously back and forth beneath the turbulent current. “Should I return to the Domain? Would that cause some sort of issue? Perhaps I should return to Vah Ruta…”
Despite her fondness for her Divine Beast, Mipha couldn’t suppress the shudder that ran through her at that. Surely after committing one hundred years to her tomb, the Goddesses would forgive her stalling her return a bit.
“I’m not even sure how much time has passed since Link’s victory over Ganon…” Mipha mumbled quietly. “For all I know, thousands of years have passed. Perhaps I’ve been reincarnated? Though I don’t think one usually reincarnates as an adult. Or with their memories, for that matter.” Even passing fish seemed to eye her warily as she fidgeted in place. She groaned.
“Oh, just make up your mind, Mipha!” she scolded quietly, squishing her face. “Right, then I’ll return to the Domain and ask around. Surely someone will be able to fill in the details.”
With that, Mipha propelled herself upwards into the main current, pivoted around the bend, and smashed headlong into something.
It was large and red, but that was all Mipha could make out past the stars in her eyes. The direct hit to the nose had shocked her system, leaving her nearly blind in the water. Dazed, she pushed upwards until water gave way to cool air. She shook her head, which only served to worsen the ringing in her ears.
Thankful at least that her sight returned, Mipha blinked and almost doubted her newly restored vision. A Zora nearly twice her size was treading water in front of her, rubbing his nose and saying something Mipha couldn’t quite make out.
“…a…logies, I must h… let the cur…nt…rry me too quickly. Are you injured? I can help you back to the Domain if you are. Again, I apologize for…” The large Zora trailed off as he looked down, blinking owlishly at Mipha.
He was familiar in a way that pulled deep at Mipha’s soul. She could see the lines of others—parts of her father, her mother, even some of herself—but it was the way his eyes lit up with an almost childlike hope that solidified what her heart already knew.
“Sidon?” She asked.
Sidon’s face split into a blinding grin.
“Sister!” He swam forward, before jolting to a stop. His eyes snapped behind her, and it was as they widened in horror that Mipha heard the charging of a shock arrow being knocked.
Spinning, Mipha reached for her trident and was met with empty air. Frantic, she launched a weak spray of water at the Lizalfo before being yanked away. She heard the arrow loose, then the sickening thunk as it embedded into skin.
She looked up at Sidon, who was hunched over her protectively. He winced, undoubtedly from the arrow lodged in his shoulder, and turned to the Lizalfo with gritted teeth.
“No!” Mipha cried. She pulled Sidon underwater, doing her best to ignore the pained yelp as she tugged on his injured arm to urge him lower.
“If I hadn’t struck the arrow with water and activated the shock before it hit you, your injury would be much more severe. We must dive deep enough that the shock radius won’t hit us if he fires again.”
“It’s just one Lizalfo, Sister!” Sidon said, but she could hear him hiss a little as he swam. “I promise, I’ve handled much worse!”
“There is never just one Lizalfo, Sidon,” She chided. “This should be deep enough. Let me heal you.”
She swam behind him, frowning at the scars that littered his body. “I need to remove the arrow before I can begin. I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright,” Sidon says, his smile strained slightly with pain. “It’s not the first time that this has happened.”
“That is what concerns me,” Mipha said quietly. She yanked the arrow out quickly before pressing her hands to the wound, pooling her energy into her palms. “I have no doubt you have defended our domain bravely, Sidon. I’m so incredibly proud of you. I only wish I could have been there to heal you and protect you from harm.”
“Sister…” Sidon said quietly. He moved to turn, but Mipha tutted at him and he stayed still, tilting his head down to stare at the riverbed below.
“It has undoubtedly been difficult since your…since you failed to return from Vah Ruta,” Sidon said. “But your unending kindness and devotion have been a beacon of hope for our whole kingdom. None more than me. You may not have known it, but there was never a moment you weren’t with me.”
He tilted his head to the side, peering over his shoulder as Mipha worked. “If I may ask, Sister, how is it that you’ve managed to return? Not that I’m ungrateful, I assure you! But…”
“In all honesty, I’m not sure myself,” Mipha said, quietly lifting her hands as the last threads of her healing magic settled into Sidon. “One moment I was aboard Vah Ruta, a spirit, finally content to move on knowing the war was won and our people were safe. Then, the next moment, I’m hurtling toward the ground, several thousand feet in the air. I’m at a loss for explanations.”
Sidon spun around quickly, eyes sparkling. “That glowing comet in the sky, that was you? That is amazing! Extraordinary!” He grabbed her hands, smiling wide. “This must be a gift from the Goddess! Payment for your hard work and sacrifice, no doubt! No one would be more deserving than you!”
At that, Mipha paused. “Do you think…The other Champions, would they have also…?”
“Perhaps so,” Sidon said, scratching his chin. “I can’t say I’ve heard anything, but admittedly I don’t keep very informed on foreign affairs. Perhaps someone else in the Domain has heard something? Or…!”
Sidon snapped to attention, smile glowing impossibly brighter. “I’ll send for Link! Surely he’ll know, as well-traveled and sociable as he is, and I have no doubt he will be thrilled to see you again! Perhaps we could even call the engagement back on!”
Mipha sputtered bubbles at Sidon’a grin. “S-Sidon! There is—was never any engagement! Link and I are friends, th-that’s all!”
Sidon frowned, looking thoughtful. “But I was positive the Zora armor was for him. It looked like a perfect fit!”
“Oh, you found that then?” Mipha said, voice pitching up an octave. “That was, erm, well it was a rash decision really. I thought better of it, hence why he never found out about it! So really, there’s no need to tell him it was even made!”
“Ah, so you didn’t end up confessing anything,” Sidon said, nodding. “Your diary entry was unclear, so I wasn’t sure whether the two of you had made proper arrangements or not. Poor Link remembers very little from that time, unfortunately, and even showing him the passage didn’t seem to help.”
“You…You read my diary?” Mipha mumbled in disbelief. She then swayed a little, realization hitting her. “Link read my diary?!”
“Did…Did anyone else?”
“Father, Muzu, and a very talented Rito bard named Kass.”
Mipha made a noise like a tea kettle and Sidon looked immediately abashed, glancing away. “Er, I do hope that was alright? Father said you likely wouldn’t have minded, and I wanted so desperately to preserve your legacy.”
“Well, then I have a few words for Father,” Mipha huffed. “Reading a girl’s diary, really! How uncouth.”
She swam past him before turning, holding out a hand for Sidon. It felt a little silly now, offering to guide a Zora so much larger than herself. He must be about her age now and had clearly grown into a capable warrior. But in those eyes, Mipha could only see her young brother, still anxious to speak to others or swim too far from her side.
If Sidon took offense to the gesture, he showed no sign of it as he took her hand tightly. But then he let go, swam beside her, withdrew his trident—Mipha almost thought it was her own, but reconsidered when she noticed how large it was—and set it horizontally behind his back. He tilted his head toward it, but Mipha simply stared in confusion.
“I imagine falling from the sky was a harrowing experience, and I cannot begin to think of how taxing being revived from the dead must be,” Sidon clears his throat, eyes drifting to the side. “Allow me to carry you back. It will be easier to dodge enemies if we travel together, and I assure you I am capable. I am one of the fastest swimmers in the Domain, after all!”
Mipha stared at him a moment more before his action clicked into place. She’d done the same things for him when he was young—using her own trident as a handgrip for a much smaller Sidon as they traversed the waterfalls. Muzu had worried endlessly about it, convinced that Sidon would slip or that his grip would falter and he would go coasting off the side of a cliff. But she’d insisted that she trusted Sidon’s strength and courage, and her father had agreed to allow her to continue.
Now, Sidon swam nervously in front of her, offering his trident to her in the same gesture. She felt her heart swell, seeing that even after all these years, he hadn’t forgotten their time together. She smiled, tears threatening to spill from her eyes again as she dove behind Sidon. He turned to look, smile faltering for a moment before Mipha set a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Forgive me, Sidon. I was overcome with emotions. I trust you, and thank you for your kindness.” She tightened her hands around the trident, and the feeling of cool Zora steel beneath her hands for the first time in a century sent a chill through her. “I’m ready when you a—re!”
Mipha bit down a yelp as Sidon shot through the water at near-blinding speeds. It took her a moment to adjust, and even the familiar Zora River left her speechless as it whipped by. She now had no doubt her brother was the strongest swimmer she’d ever met—it was as if the water itself was pushing him forward like a jet stream. It was exhilarating, almost like learning to swim all over again, and Mipha couldn’t contain the joyous laughter that pulled its way out of her.
She was here, really here, feeling the water on her scales and the cool metal under her fingers. She could see the fish and plants move as they swam by, could see the trail of bubbles in their wake. When they broke the surface of the water, cutting effortlessly up the falls of the Domain, she gasped, taking in the view.
She was with her beloved brother, in her beloved home, and she was alive.
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cyanferret21 · 10 months
Child of Lightning AU
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Prince Sidon in my style, brought to you by the latest update of the series: “Blood dark as a storm”
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littlefreakelio · 2 months
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my sidlink fic is finally complete!! please read the deranged product of a very tired lit major 😭 the boys are finally happy 🫶
https://archiveofourown.org/works/52230064/chapters/147216226 or search "Tightrope" by littlefreakelio on ao3!
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lily-alphonse · 4 months
"And Deeper We Drown" by Lily Alphonse
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Category: M/M
Rating: Explicit (Graphic sexual content, blood, injury)
The end of Starcrossed Sidlink is finally here! I didn't think I could get it finished by the end of Zora May but I got mega inspiration at the last minute and wrote my butt off. In case you missed it, I'm linking both parts here. More detailed content warnings are listed in AO3 tags.
Part 1: For a Night We Go Deeper Words: 13,908
Sidon and Link are the honored heroes of Zora’s Domain. Through their shared hardship and Link’s extended recovery in the domain, the two have become fast friends. But on what could be their final night, the night of the Champion’s Ball, everything changes between them.
Part 2: And Deeper We Drown Words: 13,664
Link disappeared after the night he and Sidon shared. After almost a year he has finally returned to Zora's Domain, but the reunion is nothing like Sidon had hoped...
And Deeper We Drown I wrote specifically for Zora May, starting and completing it all in the month of May which is crazy for me because I write slow. Each chapter represents one of the prompts, covering Tears, Bite, Courtship, Comradery, and Sky. This is an insane rollercoaster of everything from heartbreaking romance, to puns, to literal fighting, to absolutely filthy smut.
Hope you enjoy!
xoxo Lily
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t1meslayer · 3 months
Drowning (Ch. 1 - "Mipha's Lament")
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Let's get ready for my favorite pastime:
Getting sad about fictional fish people all over again
Fandom: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (part of my "Pre-Tears of the Kingdom" series)
Characters: Link/Zelda, Sidon (and other Zora in passing)
Summary: Prince Sidon brings Zelda and her loyal knight to a grand ceremony in the heart of Zora's Domain. However, his sparse invitation doesn't prepare Link for the emotional turmoil to come.
This story is rated 'Mature' for themes of dealing with grief and, in the coming Chapter 2, major character death.
Click through the Read More below to get a preview of the latest chapter. Thanks for reading <3
"Link, please! Quit fussing."
Zelda pulls the collar of her knight's Royal Guard uniform. Link gasps at the jolt to her eyeline, blue as the Silent Princesses woven into her short, golden hair. He devolves into a blushing Bokoblin.
The princess huffs.
"Honestly." She finishes fastening the emerald-set buttons that hold his uniform's navy tabard together. He remains still, bewitched by a Gorgon's glare. "It has only technically been 100 years since we attended a Zora ceremony. You and I both know you've not forgotten your manners."
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thezoraprince · 1 year
Accident - Sidon x reader
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“Can I request Sidon and Link headcanons of there girlfriend being super adventurous and loves fighting monsters, but one day she’s meets her match, and gets fatally injured, like she could’ve died injured?” - anon
Sidon would be a MESS!!! this man would be sobbing while he sat next to you in bed, but somehow still manage to be the most positive person in existence. he would 100% take care of you. but you gotta tone it down for him. he can’t handle seeing you like this.
enjoy <3
(Link will be posted here)
y/n - your name
it seems like the Lynel on Polymus Mountain was causing trouble yet again
you grabbed your gear
and you set off
Sidon was busy for the day
or you absolutely would have brought him along
you peered out from behind a rock at the Lynel
luckily it hadn’t heard you coming up the path
you smirked before crouching back down, grabbing your bow and a bundle of bomb arrows
you got ready
and off your arrow went
you missed
‘What? How cou—’
before you can even finish your thought, the Lynel knows you’re there
slowly, it walks over
and you prepare yourself
it’s a battle
you fight your hardest
that Lynel was probably too much to take on
you manage to crawl your way back to the domain
Gaddison’s the first to see you
and she’s quick to carry you home
soon, Sidon knows
and he RUSHES to be with you
“Y/n, my darling!”
you’re in bed, bandages everywhere
he practically sobbing at how wounded you are
“I’m so thankful you’re alive.”
he does scold you a bit for being so… courageous
but he does everything he can to help you get back to your usual, lively self
he puts off meetings and princely duties 
just so he can be your full-time caretaker
“I love being able to take care of you, y/n. I do. But… please don’t do anything like that again.”
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elliethecat · 5 months
You can't convince me otherwise that if Sidon got any sort of break from his duties that he wouldn't play an instrument. I could just see Sidon playing the Violin, Viola, or Piano, though he would be a bit bad at playing string instruments because of his pretty nails 🥰
Anyway I think that Sidon would give Link a performance of a solo and (even if it was bad) Link would shower him in praise lmao
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newtabfics · 1 year
Prince Sidon x First Sight
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He stared at her for a long time as she bowed gracefully before his father, King Dorephan. She was a sight, blushing shyly, her Hylian ears even darkening.
Link and Zelda both smiled encouragingly to her as she cleared her throat and introduced herself as a bard, a friend of a Rito named Kass.
"I actually was in the castle when Link was there too," She laughed nervously.
"What?!" Sidon asked suddenly. "The castle was swarming with malice and you were just there?!"
Dorephan glanced over as she said, "Well, yeah!" She quickly slung her bag onto the ground and dug through it, pulling out varying cooking and camping supplies before finding a decayed harp. "I was looking for this. See, my great-grandfather was actually Kass' teacher and the court bard. He had stories about the many holy instruments inside. I mean, they're mostly replicas because the actual heirlooms are probably sealed in some secret vault..." She looked longingly towards Zelda.
"Once we're done with our business here, we'll go," The princess sighed as though she was laughing at her own child.
Y/N smiled big and nodded. "Anyway, this is a replica of the harp said to have been wielded in song to fight the evil Calamity of the ancient past."
Sidon blinked as he approached, humming. "It doesn't have any strings."
"Well yeah!" She laughed. "You're funny, your highness."
Link's elbow lightly jutted against Zelda as a small smirk curled up, Zelda nodding as she did her best to keep a neutral expression as she refocused her conversation with the king.
Sidon smiled as she eagerly told him everything about the legendary harp, wanting to know all he could, if only to bask in her glow for a bit longer.
Suddenly, he wished his sister were alive, if only to ask her when she realized she was in love with Link.
Tabby: I can't help it. I needed to write the gross fluff aaaaaa! I love the idea of Sidon just stumbling over himself with how in love he is. Also, I will do more of these in the future. I'm just being careful not to overload myself. See ya tomorrow!
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"Something I'm Not" by TotallyHuman_Exe
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Fandom: Botw/Totk
Content: M/M
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 7,993
Link closed his eyes as he listened to the far-away tones. For a second he wished he was inside again, to listen to it properly. But only if it was empty there, except for himself. And perhaps with Sidon too, his company appreciated. Wanted, he realized. He wanted Sidon beside him. He wanted… “I don’t want people to only see me for something I’m not.” “Something you’re not?” Sidon asked softly. “But surely, you are a hero-” “No.” Link snapped. The banquet the Zora throw to celebrate Vah Ruta’s defeat is nothing short of torture for a recuperating Link. He can’t wait for this night to end, until Sidon finds him.
Link/Sidon smut with a healthy doze of existential angst (cough and shark teeth) + identity issues thanks to canon-typical amnesia!
Set during BOTW, if that wasn't obvious :))
>> Read on AO3!! <<
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prisiidon · 4 months
Lighthouse 🌊
"He didn’t mean to stir the Zora Prince beside him, yet the membrane of their eyelids flicked open to the disturbance in the once turbulent water..now calm. "
A Liodon ficlet (Prince Sidon/my zora oc Lionel) that i finally fixed up for Zora May! 🐟 Jysk i p much never write 😅
Words: 432 ⬇️ ficlet below the cut!
Push, and pull.  Keep me under. Keep me afloat.  Swim towards the tide, Sink, yet rise.  Don’t ever- 
The awakening isn’t violent, just a small jolt amongst the treads and gentle brush of limbs. No longer restless, shaking or gasping, only a dull ache in Lionel's chest over the waves he tried to still.
His gills worked perfectly fine to breathe underwater. Yet come night, he’d only suffocate, unanchored and weightless… until the night terrors came to drown him. 
He didn’t mean to stir the Zora Prince beside him, yet the membrane of his eyelids flicked open to the disturbance in the once turbulent water..now calm. A life rope then stretched across, pulling him close and breathing life back into his lungs. 
“Good morning, Lionel~.” 
The rippled murmur of a familiar voice lifted him from what felt like a watery gallow, back to the surrounding glow of day above. 
Bokeh blur of luminous stone fixtures, rounded grandeur room upon the high cliffs. An ethereal haze that hung quietly over the domain, far from all the worry down below.
All in a quick, wary glance, for his attention was all on the prince, shining upon him like the dawn sun seeping in from over the mountain range. 
Oh Hylia, he was stunning. Skin peppered with marks and beads of water much like his, yet the prince glistened, just like his royal garments in the morning light. Lionel, utterly captivated by the red shade of desire, felt his face flush with a dull blue. 
..It was blinding.
They were just… too different. Both leaders, yet wrapped deep and hidden in mangroves far underneath. Lionel was war, Sidon was peace. Lionel was the storm, while Sidon was the clearing. The prince looked past all that. A beacon in the midst of a typhoon.
How long had it been? The two used to share a sleeping pool together as children when his father Kahn, the scorned former general, rarely visited the domain. It had been too long, much too long. Too much had changed. Both were no longer the same.
Even as a fond grin piqued to gentle, wet lips lightly pressing against Lionel’s forehead, he could not still the violent tide in his ribs pushing and pulling within. Nor the comforting brush of a hand against his cheek could quell the doubts flooding in. 
This was different. This was personal. Not what should be just a military alliance. A distraction. The currents of reality rushed in, pulling him down and snagging him on the sea rocks where the lighthouse could not glow.
... -Let go.
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shade-pup-cub · 10 months
A concept I have been playing with.
What if Wild and the Chain meet Champion during AOC? What if afterwards, Champion and Mipha have a daughter? What if TOTK happened to Champion first, Ganon won and the Chain arrived too late to help, but Champ got to tell Wild about his/their daughter? What if Wild was able to save her and bring her to his era?
Only one way to find out…
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(8year old Neela with her Uncle Sidon)
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