#prinxiety x thomas
sandersontheside · 2 months
What Your Favorite Sanders Sides Ship Says About You
Inspired by Eldena Doubleca5t's excellent series!
Prinxiety: You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of getting dunked on. Also, you probably watched BBC Merlin at some point.
Analogical: Your ideal relationship dynamic is two cats on opposite ends of the same couch.
Anxceit: Your addiction to edgy boys got so bad that one day you decided: [spongebob meme] What’s better than ONE edgy boy? TWO edgy boys!
Dukexiety: I’m not saying you for sure see a therapist, but I am saying with as much love as possible, that maybe you should.
Moxiety: You are touch starved. You don't want to be hugged, you want to use another human being as a weighted blanket.
Logicality: Your ideal relationship dynamic is sitcom wife x sitcom husband.
Intruality: Either "I can fix him" or "I can make him worse" depending on which side you're projecting on
Royality: Your ideal relationship dynamic is himbo x himbo, and you have so much ADHD.
Remrom: 🚨 FBI OPEN UP 🚨
Logince: How's that crush on your much more extroverted best friend going?
Intrulogical: Looking back on your childhood, you can pinpoint The Master from Doctor Who as the beginning of your crippling addiction to the most unhinged characters known to fiction.
Lociet: Half of you came here from shipping L and Light in Death Note, and half of you came here from shipping Sherlock and Moriarty in BBC Sherlock.
Dukeciet: You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of committing arson together.
Roceit: Your ideal relationship dynamic is just that tumblr post that's like "go fuck yourself" "fuck me yourself, coward."
Mociet: I'm not saying you for sure have daddy issues, but I am saying I would be surprised if you didn't
LAMP/DLAMP(polycule): You don’t like to make decisions.
Nicomas: And, finally, you are a firm believer in keeping things canon and keeping things wholesome. You just want good things for Thomas, and really, who wouldn't?
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littlerat2 · 4 months
"Is now a good time to tell you we're dating?"
Ship: Romantic Prinxiety
Warnings: Kissing. I think that's it but as always, please feel free to let me know if there's any I should add!
Word Count: 822
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56439292
Summary: Just some fluffy Prinxiety I wrote very late at night. Probably a little OOC, but it was like, 4 AM, so shhh. Originally wasn't gonna post it, but my friends really liked it, and one threatened to eat my social security card if I didn't XD
Authors Note: Thank you so so so much to @logan-the-artist and @cats-soups for beta reading this fic!! And thank you guys for your kind words, and also for just like, being fuckin' awesome people!
Virgil awoke missing the warmth Roman provided. They’d spent the night cuddling and watching Disney movies, and Virgil had actually gotten some good sleep. But now his prince was gone. He wasn’t there to kiss the pinch out of Virgil’s browline, and play with his hair.
He wasn’t having it.
He got up to look for his prince, shivering as his feet touched the cold floor. He checked the time. It was ten AM, about two hours before he usually got up. He briefly considered going back to bed, but goddamnit, he missed Roman, and he wanted a kiss.
So he walked out of his room and down the stairs sleepily. He was met with Patton, who was tidying up in the kitchen, humming a happy little tune.
“Oh, hey there, kiddo! You’re up early!”
“Morning, Pat,” Virgil mumbled with a yawn. “Have you seen Roman?”
“He’s in the living room with Janus and Remus,” Patton smiled. “Logan might be in there, too. I’m not sure.”
“Thanks,” Virgil said, offering a sleepy smile as he walked towards the living room.
That was a problem. Roman and Virgil hadn’t told the others they were dating yet. Not for Roman’s lack of trying. He’d been ready to tell the others for a few weeks now, but Virgil insisted they wait just a little longer. He wasn’t sure why. He knew the others wouldn’t care, but that didn’t calm his nerves. Thankfully, Roman was being very patient. He said they’d tell the others when Virgil was ready.
Virgil wasn’t ready to tell the others, per say. He didn’t want to have that awkward conversation just yet. But he was ready to stop hiding. And he really wanted to kiss Roman’s stupid face.
Then it was settled. He’d decided. He was going to kiss Roman’s stupid face in front of everyone. And then, he wouldn’t have to hide the fact that he wanted to kiss his stupid face ever again.
He stepped into the living room. Janus and Remus were listening to Roman talk about a podcast about gay vampires Virgil had gotten him into. He waved his hands wildly with each passionate word.
Virgil loved how passionate he could get. He loved listening to him talk about his interests. And he loved that he got to share this interest with him. He loved how excited he was to share with Janus and Remus, just like Virgil had been with him.
He made eye contact with Roman. The way his expression softened, just enough for Virgil to notice, and no one else. Oh, it had him smitten.
He all but sprinted towards Roman. He stood on his tiptoes, pulling Roman down by the collar of his shirt. He pressed his lips to Roman’s, his heart pounding in the way it always did when they kissed.
He could feel Roman’s initial surprise fade into contentment, if the way he smiled against his lips was anything to go by. Virgil smiled too, as Roman wrapped his arms around his back, warm and gentle.
He could feel Janus’ and Remus’ eyes on him and Roman, but oddly enough, he didn’t quite care. All he really cared about right now was the lips under his, and the man they belonged to. They were addictive.
He wanted to remain ensnared by Roman’s mouth, but figured he should probably let the taller man return to his conversation. So he leaned against Roman’s chest with a content hum, enjoying his warmth for half a second before looking up at him. A smirk grew on the prince’s face, his eyes alight with mischief, trained on something behind Virgil.
He turned around, seeing Janus’ and Remus’ mouths agape, shock plastered on their faces, as well as Patton’s, who had emerged from where Virgil did just a moment ago.
Roman burst into bright laughter that made Virgil’s chest warm. “Is now a good time to tell you we’re dating?”
The other three just gaped at them for a moment longer, not saying anything even as Logan walked in, his brows furrowed in confusion at the scene.
“Would anyone like to explain why we’re staring at Roman and Virgil?” He asked.
Janus just sputtered for a moment, before giving up. Remus took this as an opportunity.
“I- you- Virgil is dating my brother?”
“You didn’t know?” Logan asked, and Virgil shot him a look.
“You knew?”
“I may be trash at social cues, Virgil, but even I have picked up on the smirks you two share during dinner and movie nights,” Logan deadpanned. “And, my room is right next to yours. You two keep me up all night talking. You aren't exactly quiet.”
Virgil winced lightly. “Sorry about that.”
“That's quite alright. It’s well worth it.” Logan smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling softly. “You two have seemed far happier than I've ever seen you. I'm glad.”
“Aw, thanks, Lo.” Virgil elbowed Logan softly.
“Of course.”
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helllonursee2 · 3 months
It’s was like sandersides😭 Roman x Virgil and
Everyone had powers and Roman was this super hero and Virgil wasn’t and he was like a faceless YouTuber who made videos reading real crime and he had like a deep voice?? Their college roommates and have a cat😭
Virgil’s dad is a cop and so is his brother Remy(sleep)
The author also made like a sequel to this fix but with the roles switched and Virgil was a super hero.
The author is on tumblr and has fan art on their page😭😭
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jthezombshark · 1 year
Don’t ask me I thought This ye here was funyy
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stardustsides · 2 months
Love is a Beach
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Patton and Janus broke up months ago. The problem? They still haven’t told their friends, and their annual beach trip is looming. Not wanting to break the news and ruin the vacation, they come to an…unconventional agreement.
Pairings: Moceit, background Prinxiety
Content Warnings: Drinking/flashback to underage drinking, drunkenness, breakups, lmk if i missed anything!!
Word Count: ~2100
Author’s Note: The second chapter is here!! Writing the flashback in this chapter made me miss freshman year of college so bad actually i need to go back i fear.
Janus stood in the emptiness of the master bedroom and stared at the space where Patton had been. The late afternoon sun spilled across the polished hardwood floor, painting the room in a hazy gold. Muffled from downstairs, he could hear him telling Virgil that he would cook after all tonight, which didn’t surprise him in the slightest. He knew from six years of being in a relationship with the man that he cooked under stress. Memories of coming home to their apartment to find Patton in the kitchen surrounded by trays upon trays of cookies came flooding back to him, and his heart gave a painful tug.
He blew out a careful, measured breath and sat on the corner of the bed. He hadn’t been lying—Patton really was a terrible actor, which provided two massive problems for Janus: one, because they had to keep the charade up all week, and two, because Janus secretly found Patton’s complete inability to lie one of his most endearing qualities.
Really, this had been a terrible idea to begin with, but when he had come over to the apartment to pick up his things, he couldn’t help but notice the deep circles under Patton’s puffy red eyes, his unkempt hair, his rumpled shirt. No matter how upset with each other they still were, when Patton had turned to look at him, the only thing that he wanted to do was close the space between them, take him into his arms, and smooth down his hair. Even now, he hated seeing him so upset. And so, he did the only thing that he could think to do:
Propose the world’s worst plan.
They still hadn’t told the others about the breakup yet. It was getting to the point where it was starting to worry Janus, so he could only imagine how much it was destroying Patton. If the bags under his eyes were any indication, he had been turning the question of how to tell them over and over in that worrywart way of his. And so, the plan was concocted: by keeping the act up until after their vacation, they both got to enjoy one final week of normalcy with their friends, and it gave them time to cool down enough that when they did break the news, they could at least present a united front.
And, though he wouldn’t admit it, the selfish part of him wanted to avoid the crushing finality of telling everyone for as long as possible.
It seemed like a good idea at the time, but then again, his brain had always seemed to turn to mush when it came to Patton.
The bastard was impossible not to adore.
And so, here he was, sitting on the edge of the bed that he would be sharing with his ex-boyfriend for the next week, in a lovely little house that he could so clearly picture the two of them sharing a life in, surrounded by all of their closest friends.
One week. That was all he had to get through.
One week, and then everything would change.
Dinner was, of course, delicious.
Janus twirled his spaghetti around his fork and tried to look as nonchalant as possible, situated directly next to Patton. He cut a sidelong glance at him—at the very least, he seemed a fraction less tense than a few hours ago, which he supposed was an improvement. He had been white-knuckling the steering wheel on the ride over.
His face was also prettily flushed, the way it always was after a few glasses of wine, which Janus was valiantly trying to ignore.
“This is wonderful, dear,” Janus said as naturally as he could. Patton started a little.
“Thank you!” He responded, the flush creeping down to his neck and beneath the collar of his shirt. A small, traitorous part of Janus’s brain wondered how far down it went. “…honey.”
“I was thinking we could all head down to the beach at around ten tomorrow?” Roman cut in brightly. “Make some sandwiches, bring a cooler?”
“Sounds good to me,” said Virgil, picking at his salad. In spite of himself, Janus had to fight back a smile. Roman could have suggested they all walk over hot coals at six AM sharp, and Virgil would have readily agreed.
“Everyone good for margaritas after dinner?” Roman asked. He had worked as a bartender in college, and as such, always took it upon himself to make drinks for the group at large. Not that Janus complained. Roman knew exactly how Janus liked his drinks–syrupy sweet, the alcohol nearly undetectable–and scarcely teased him for it.
Patton nodded so emphatically that a bit of white wine from the glass that he was holding nearly sloshed over the side, and understanding hit Janus like a stone sinking in water. He’s planning on getting drunk.
Janus could hardly blame him–the thought had crossed his mind too, as a way to cope with the comically uncomfortable situation the two of them had found themselves in–but Patton was a notoriously chatty drunk.
The first time they had all drank together as a group was in freshman year, sitting in a cramped circle around Roman and Patton’s shared dorm room, playing some drinking game that Roman had found online and nursing some truly disgusting vodka mixers with whatever beverages they could scavenge from the vending machines. It had been two years before he and Patton had started dating, and at the time, Janus had been determinedly ignoring the way his stomach swooped at the sound of his laugh like a bird dipping and gliding in the air. He knew fully well from his older sister what happened to friend groups when two of the members started dating. Despite having only met in August, these were some of the closest friends that Janus had ever had, and he wasn’t willing to give it up on the off chance that Patton liked him back.
On his left, Logan took a shot of New Amsterdam, his face scrunching up in disgust as the others cheered. On his right, Patton, leaning against his dresser and eyes slightly unfocused, shushed them halfheartedly, mumbling something about keeping quiet for the RA. Remus reached to the deck of cards in the center of their lopsided circle, and drew the top one, crowing, “Queen!”
“Whaddoes that one do again?” Virgil asked, readjusting the weighted dinosaur from Patton’s bed he was holding in his lap. He hadn’t relinquished it all night.
“I gotta ask someone a question, then that person asks someone else a question, and so on. First person who doesn’t want to answer drinks. Logan–what’s the worst grade you’ve ever gotten in a class?”
Logan blushed beet red and glared down into his red solo cup, as if trying to divine the answer from his rancid blue Gatorade mixer. At last, he mumbled, “A B. Plus. In junior year English.”
They all roundly booed him.
Logan straightened up and cast his gaze around the circle. “Um…Patton. What is the worst thing you’ve done in the past week?”
Patton’s eyes immediately widened, and he looked guiltily down at the floor. “Yes’trday, I…killed a spider.”
“The horror,” said Remus.
“I didn’ mean to, it jus’ startled me!” Patton said, the alcohol slurring his words together. They had never gotten drunk together as a group before, and Janus suspected that this may be Patton’s first time getting drunk at all.
“‘S alright, Pat,” Virgil snorted, not much more sober than Patton was. “‘S your turn.”
Patton immediately perked up. “So I ask a question?”
“Yep!” Roman said from Patton’s other side.
“Can be anything,” Remus added.
Patton thought for a moment, then turned to Janus so suddenly he startled. Patton’s face was inches away from his, eyes glittering, a pretty flush on his cheeks. ”Janus!” he chirped, and nearly tipped forward into Janus’ lap. “Do you like me?”
The reaction was immediate. Remus choked on his drink, and Roman made a noise that was somewhere between a hysterical laugh and a delighted gasp. Logan’s mouth fell open as he gaped at Patton, and Virgil, despite his inebriation, tugged at Patton’s hand firmly and gave him a pointed glare, hissing, “Pat.”
Janus sat rooted to the spot, the world seeming to tip beneath him. He couldn’t tear his gaze away from Patton, looking at him so earnestly with those melted chocolate eyes, his lips slightly parted. He was so close that Janus could count the freckles on his face.
He could feel the response on his tongue; could feel the shape of the words, the weight of them. He opened his mouth, and managed a humiliating sound that was something like a frog croaking, which made the twins laugh even harder.
Yes, his brain screamed at him. Yes, I do, and if you keep looking at me like that, I might fall in love with you, too.
Instead, he took a sip of his drink.
Now he sat on the couch, margarita in hand and trying his best to ignore the way his nerve endings lit up at every square inch of Patton’s body pressed against his side.
They were all a few drinks deep by now; the twins had insisted on playing drinking games, despite the fact that they were certainly getting too old for such things. Still, it was a welcome distraction: facing off against Roman and Virgil with Remus in a game of pong as Logan and Patton watched bemusedly from the couch was a welcome distraction. At some point, though, he had tapped out, swapping places with Logan, and now he found himself on the couch with Patton.
The room had gone pleasantly fuzzy around the edges; Janus closed his eyes, allowing himself to savor the feeling. His friends were together, the house was quaint and cozy, and Patton was leaning against him, his warmth as comforting as Janus remembered. He could almost pretend that everything was as it should be; that he and Patton were still together, and that they could sit like this again, curled up on each other, not having to worry about jumping back as if the other had burned them.
Janus shoved the thought away; it wasn’t fair to Patton to let himself pretend. They had broken up, and Patton had probably moved on by now. Regardless of whatever lingering feelings Janus still had for him, he needed to respect that.
Patton shifted, and his head lolled gently against Janus’ shoulder. He had been strangely quiet all night—at least he was keeping his lips sealed about the agreement—but Janus was being very much reminded what a cuddly drunk Patton was.
He supposed he should be grateful; if Patton hadn’t decided to sit next to him, it might have seemed suspicious. But him sitting here brought on a new host of problems, chief of which is that Janus would have given anything for the two of them to stay there forever.
He blinked rapidly, trying to clear his mind. The breakup was his own fault, after all; if he had wanted this forever, then he should have stepped up when he had the chance. But still, that wouldn’t have been fair to Patton.
Things are better this way, he told himself firmly. He had been repeating the words over and over again for the past few months, hoping that one day, he’d believe them.
He shifted, and found himself nose-to-nose with Patton, who was blearily blinking up at him through long eyelashes. Janus didn’t know how long he had been staring at him like that.
“Hello,” Janus said, hoping that the flush in his cheeks could be chalked up to the alcohol. “Enjoying the party?”
“Mmmhm,” Patton mumbled sleepily. “Dr’nk too much.”
“I can see that.”
Patton’s brow furrowed, face scrunched up in a pout. “Mean.”
“Honest.” He could feel Patton’s soft curls tickling his chin. “Perhaps we should get you to bed.”
“No,” he whined. “‘M comfy.”
“You won’t be when you wake up on the couch tomorrow with a terrible hangover.”
He poked Janus in the arm. “You’re comfy.”
“Patton,” Janus said, sterner this time. This—whatever this was—couldn’t happen. “Come on, let’s get up.”
“You going to bed?” Roman asked from the pong table, wincing as Logan sank a shot into one of his cups.
“Mhm,” Janus said, looping an arm around a very reluctant Patton. “Someone had a bit too much to drink.”
“‘M fine,” Patton insisted, an argument that was made less convincing by the way he started hiccuping.
“Bed, Patton.”
Remus snorted. “Don’t let him trip up the stairs!” He called after them.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Janus said back easily, even as Patton stumbled over his own feet.
They were almost to the landing, Patton tucked against Janus’ side, when Janus heard him mumble, almost too quietly for him to hear it, “I wish you din’ break up with me.”
If Janus hadn’t been so focused on getting him safely to bed, he might have accidentally dropped him. A million emotions clawed their way through his body, filling up his heart: guilt, longing, anger towards himself.
He pushed them all down and readjusted Patton under his arm. “I promise, Patton. It’s better this way.”
TAGLIST: @bluejay-of-the-west @scare-amor @harmonialcollisions @emoprincey @dragonboots @just-my-interpretation @spicycreativity @infawrit10 @emophoenixreborn @6-paris-6 @thedeadandthedecaying @moceit @lily-janus @instantromannoodles @betamash @nandysparadox @halfhissandwich @sanderssidesthehouse @littlerat2 @giraffeboat
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maxphilippa · 10 months
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drew these two goobers cuz sanders sides has been my emotional support lately
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moonbeam-dragon · 9 months
Prinxiety Fluff Drabble
Virgil wasn't huge on touch. He just never enjoyed it. He had gone a long time without any sort of hugging or even brushing someone's hand. It didn't upset him. He liked his space. He liked his privacy. He liked feeling cold and set apart.
He wasn't with Janus and Remus anymore. He wasn't exactly with Roman, Logan, and Patton at the time, either. He didn't have anyone emotionally close to him, so he didn't let anyone physically close to him. He didn't feel a need to touch humans.
That was until he accidentally took Roman's hand. Virgil blamed Patton for the situation that followed. Virgil hadn't minded it. He'd been flustered and irritated. But the touch itself didn't hurt. In fact, it felt great. Roman's hand had been warm and soft, only slightly calloused. He wanted that kind of gentle, calming contact again. But that meant asking for it. That meant having to be close to one of them. So that was a no. He didn't need anymore touch.
Virgil tucked his face into Roman's shoulder, absorbing the prince's warmth.
It had been such a long day of trying to create something. Videos demanded ideas, which triggered stress and anxiety. By the time they'd come up with something good and started on it, Roman and Virgil were exhausted. Virgil was still shaking from the small anxiety attack they'd managed to give Thomas. They never meant to upset him so much. It was part of the process. Granted, that had been happening less and less lately. He supposed that was good.
The stress had thoroughly exhausted both Sides and they'd retreated to their own rooms. Logan and Patton were used to it. They hardly ever ate dinner as a group anymore. They didn't really need to eat anyways. It had just been a nice thing that they could do to be together. Now Virgil only really ate when he stole snacks to eat while watching endless conspiracy videos. They heard Logan and Patton in the kitchen, eating dinner themselves. They didn't care to join. Neither had the energy to have any sort of social interaction. Virgil only gathered the energy to put on his skeleton onesie, go to Roman's room, and collapse next to the prince.
Somehow, Roman had enough strength to move their bodies closer. Virgil didn't object in any way. Roman knew what he was and wasn't comfortable with. Besides, it wasn't often that Virgil was comfortable with being so close. It was a special moment to cherish if the emo let himself be cuddled this way.
So Roman lay there, holding Virgil to his chest, cozy.
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virglsweb · 11 months
Hot take:
Dead Girl Walking is literally prinxiety
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pas-de-duex · 3 months
Prinxiety Week Day 7: Music
Read it on ao3 here! It has an additional chapter with the extra prompt: Concert!
Trigger warnings: anger, jealousy
Virgil Storm was on top of the world.
Underneath the bright lights, in front of roaring crowds, sweaty from performing his latest hit, he felt better than ever.
Right now, watching one of his biggest fans on a date, he felt like shit.
He had absolutely no right to feel this way.
It wasn’t even that Roman was a groupie or anything (gods know he had plenty of those). Roman was just a huge, huge fan. He went to every concert, every meet and greet, and every interview Virgil’s band gave in the greater Miami area. Hell, Virgil had even seen him in Atlanta, Georgia one time! Roman was a consenting adult who had every right to go on a date with whoever he so wished.
So why did Virgil feel so shitty seeing him with some guy who looked like he should have a wife and kids at home, not sitting with Virgil’s newly acquired crush in a witchy tea restaurant that had recently opened up downtown?
Virgil was supposed to be picking up some new guitar picks from Logan in five minutes. Instead he found himself marching into said restaurant, and sliding into the booth next to Roman.
“Hey Roman.”
Roman turned to him in shock.
“You-you, you- you-“
“Well hey kiddo! You must be that Virgil Storm Roman keeps telling me about.”
“Let me tell ya, Roman here LOVES your music! He's got posters of you all over his room! He owns every cd, record, hell even cassette tape you’ve ever released! He’s been to a ton of your concerts! Why, he even dragged me to one in Atlanta last year-“
“Patton!!” Roman stared daggers at the other man, while Virgil gave a satisfied smirk. “Ahem, sorry, you’ll have to excuse my friend Patton here. He just moved to Miami from Atlanta and we are, um, catching up.” Roman gave Virgil a sheepish smile.
“Hey, no worries. Just thought I’d come say hi to my biggest fan. I’ll get out of your hair if-“
“No! Uh, I mean, would you, would you care to join us? I mean- you don’t have to if you don’t want to, I mean, I’m surprised you even remember me, let alone that you know my name, I MEAN-“
Roman put his head on the table in shame.
Virgil felt his phone buzz. It was no doubt Logan wondering where the heck he was.
“Yeah, I've got some time.”
He quickly shut off his phone and took a menu from Roman.
“So, how long have you two known each other?”
“Oh Roman and I have been friends since kindergarten! I moved away to Atlanta for college, but we’re still the bestest of friends!”
Patton ended up doing most of the talking. Roman spent most of the time avoiding Virgil’s eyes, and Virgil spent most of the time staring at Roman.
“Well this was great, Roman! Now that I’m finally home we’ll have to do this more often! Oh and it was nice to meet you, Virgil!” Patton gave Roman a hug and waved to Virgil before heading
“So, just to make 100% certain, he’s not your boyfriend, right?”
“What? Patton? No! He’s just-he’s just a very good friend. I prefer guys that are,”
“Tall, dark, and mysterious?”
“Well…y-yes I suppose so.”
Virgil smiled and put his arm around Roman’s shoulders. “Wanna run an errand with me then, babe?”
Roman blushed. “Uh, sure! It’s a date! I mean, not a date, I mean-“
“It’s a date.” Virgil kissed Roman’s cheek and started walking towards Logan’s music store.
“Finally! Never have I ever had such trouble getting in contact with someone over guitar picks! Oh, hello Roman. Why do you consistently order 3,000 of them Virgil! If you wouldn’t sign them and throw them into the crowds, maybe you wouldn’t have to keep ordering so many!”
“Wait, time out, you know Roman?”
Logan looked like he was about to take off his tie and beat Virgil to death with it.
“That’s what you took from all that? Yes Virgil, yes I know Roman! I think I would know my own brother-in-law very well!l
Logan was dangerously close to murdering Virgil.
“Um; how about those guitar picks, Logan? I’m sure Virgil is happy to take them off your hands-“ Roman murmured the rest of his sentence.
“What was that, babe?” Virgil asks.
“I said I’m sure you're happy to take the guitar picks and maybe-“ he murmured again.
“Logan’s not going to get them until you tell me what you want,” Virgil said coyly.
“I said you’re happy to take them off your hands thenmaybeyoullsignoneandgiveittomebecauseivebeentooverfifteenofyourconcertsandnevercaughtoneofyourguitarpicks.”
Virgil laughed. Logan rolled his eyes and went to grab the box of guitar picks.
“Of course I’ll give you one, babe. But it wouldn’t be authentic if I didn’t get to play you something first.”
He swiped a pick from Logan’s jar on the counter, and went and grabbed an acoustic guitar off the wall.
“Hey! That’s a vintage 1966 Martin 18! You’d better be careful with that!”
Virgil ignored his friend and sat on a stool Logan conveniently had near the wall. He strummed a few cords and then began to sing.
“At last, my love has come along, my lonely days are over, and life is like a song!”
Roman could’ve swooned. Virgil finished up his song, took out a sharpie, and autographed the pick. He hung the guitar back on the wall, then got down on one knee and presented the pick to Roman.
“Roman… would you do me the honor of going on a proper date with me?”
Roman took the pick with shaking hands.
“Yes, yes a thousand times yes!!”
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fascinationsublime · 2 years
Okay but imagine bully!Roman calling Virgil "Gerard gay" and Virge being like ...and what about it? What's wrong with being gay? Are you saying it's a bad thing?
And Roman is fucking stunned that he would just admit to it like that. And immediately starts backtracking because oh shit he actually might have a chance with his crush. Like "No! No it's not bad! I don't always say mean nicknames!" and Virgil just gives him a look like 'are you for real? all you do is insult me. give me one example of a not mean nickname.'
And Roman's like 'oh shit think!' "I called you J.Delightful! That's not an insult."
"J.D. was a murderer...I looked it up."
Queue Roman's internal screaming: 'You looked it up?! He looked it up!? For me!?! Because I called you that?!'
Roman sheepishly: "I mean he's also technically the romantic interest of the movie...not that- I- Right yeah I'm gonna go! Bye!"
And Virgil's just left there to rethink every interaction he's ever had with Roman. Like 'that time he called me scare-amor I thought it was a pun on the band Paramore but the word paramour means secret lover or- or! Amor means love in Spanish. Roman speaks Spanish!' just a thousand miles per minute like 'and he called me 'my chemically imbalanced romance' which like rude and also MCR. But also his- HIS! chemically imbalanced romance?! Does Roman...like me?! What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck'
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phantomhunting · 5 months
We're Here and We're Queer // Sanders sides modern teen AU
CHAPTER 1 - queer teens have immense crushes on each other and wont fucking CONFESS ALREADY.
<Next chapter coming soon>
CW: implied abuse, and intrulogical being intrulogical (mostly Remus)
Ships: Logan x Remus, Roman x Virgil, Remy x Janus, Emile x Patton
Patton was sitting in his room in front of the mirror, trying to make his light cyan hair look good, but it was too messy. He sighed, the reflection of his soft blue eyes staring at him from the mirror. "I hate this" he whispered. He sighed again and got up, going to his closet and taking out his favorite top, a baby blue vest with a white button-up. He put it on and grabbed his school bag and walked downstairs to get some breakfast.
There wasn't much to eat at home, even though the Mor family (which Patton was part of) had a lot of money. He decided to eat some overly-sugary cereal with lactose free milk (because he's lactose intolerant). When Patton finished eating, he could hear his father walk up the stairs. He quickly washed the dishes he used and placed them neatly on the dish rack. He checked the time, '8:10' was what the clock read. "You're late to school again." his father exclaimed as he entered the room. Patton started breathing heavily, scared of what his father might do. "I-i was just leaving!" He grabbed his bag and ran out the house before his father could do anything. He ran all the way to school, not wanting to be even more late.
- - -
Virgil was sitting in the back of the class with his small dagger shaped fidget, barely listening to the teacher. He was waiting for the break so he could hang out with his friends. He and his older brother, Logan, have recently moved into this city, and a group of students have accepted them in as one of their own. Virgil always doubted if they actually liked them or if it was just because they're new, but at least he'll make the most of it. After two long and boring math classes, it was finally break time. Virgil put all his stuff in his locker and grabbed his food from his bag. He ran to the back of the school, which was where the group always stayed while in there. Roman, Patton, and Remus were already sitting and chatting there. Virgil was hesitant to approach, not wanting to intrude. Then, he suddenly felt a hand touch his shoulder. He jumped and let out a squeak, turning around to see... His older brother, Logan!
"Lo.. don't ever do that again" he tried to sound intimidating but he was so much smaller than him. "What did you get?" Logan asked, pointing at Virgil's lunchbox. "Oh- umm, it's just some bread with a piece of cheese on it" Virgil answered. "You know, you need to eat more than that, Virg" Logan's tone seemed harsh, but Virgil knew Logan cared a lot about him. They both walked over to the group, and sat down next to them.
"Virgil! Logan!" Patton called, happy to see his friends. "Hello!" Remus called as well, only happy to see Logan. "Hi..!" Roman whispered quietly to Virgil, blushing slightly. "Hey, Roman.." Virgil responded, hoping his makeup hides his red face. "Ree, is that new?" Virgil asked, pointing at the collar on Remus' neck. "Why won't you ask your brother~?" Remus responded, making a flirty face to Logan. "Ew- you could've just said yes" Virgil wanted to throw up thinking about his brother and Roman's brother having... Adult times. Remus scoffed. "Has anyone seen Barry? We were supposed to study now but he's not responding to my texts." Logan quickly changed the topic. "Probably still asleep, he oversleeps constantly" Remus responded, taking out his bottle (that's full of some blue liquid that seems full of sugar) and taking a sip. Logan is disgusted by the drink, but moves on, "he's usually here by now..." he checks his phone's notifications again. "Ugh, why does it matter? We're having a conversation here now" Remus rolled his eyes.
There was silence for a few seconds, only the sounds of Patton's chocolate chip cookies in his mouth were heard. "Wassup nerds" Janus sat next to his younger brother, Patton, and placed his bag of oatmeal cookies besides him. "Good morning, Jan" Remus smiled. Virgil and Roman rolled their eyes, they both disliked Janus a bit too much. Janus flashed a sarcastic smile back at them both, raising the tension.
"hey, Remus, may i speak to you in private?" Logan asked, cutting the tension. "Ooo~" Remus smirked. "About a serious topic. Now." Logan hurried. "Alright alright" Remus got up, and Logan followed. They both walked inside the building, they were out of sight in a moment. "Well.... Uh, Roman, did you see the vid i sent you?" Virgil asked, attempting to start a conversation without Patton or Janus. "I did! Wait- we're talking about the dnd one, right?" Roman hurried to clarify, and Virgil nodded, "yeah so i did watch it, it seemed really interesting! I'd love to do a game with you some day" Roman blushed. Virgil smiled awkwardly, wanting to show Roman his years of campaign planning just for him, but he knew it'd seem weird. "Hey, lovebirds, there are more people sitting with you" Janus exclaimed, signaling at himself and his brother. Roman and Virgil both burst into denying chatter, while Patton giggled to himself. They all spent the rest of the break talking about some math teacher that got pregnant from a different teacher. Remus and Logan didn't come back.
- - -
At the end of the school day, as Patton walked out, he saw two cute boys talking right outside the school's gate. He took a deep breath and approached them. "H-hey! My name is Patton, and I think you look really cool, wanna be friends?" He asked, seeming as innocent as a baby. The taller one chuckled, "sure. Im Remy, this is my twin brother, Emile" he smiled, and took a sip out of his coffee. Emile smiled a bit, already knowing he's got feelings for Patton, he always saw him around, hanging with hus classmate, Virgil, and he always seemed so sweet and caring. It was obvious he liked puns, just perfect for him. "He's awkward" Remy whispered to Patton, and preceded to be slapped by Emile. Patt giggled, but in a friendly way rather than a bullying way. Thats when Janus whispered into Patton's ear, "we need to get home, bitch" and laughed.
"LANGUAGE!!" Patton shouted. Janus just kept laughing. "Sorry, uh, this is my brother, Janus" he explained to his new friends. "Is Janus your actual name?" Emile asked, his sweet honey colored eyes glowing with curiosity. "Nope, its Julia. But i really hate that name, so i changed it. Too feminine" Janus explained, grabbing Patton's hand, "now, me and my beloved brother need to head home. See ya!" he dragged him off to the bus stop.
- - -
"he was amazing!!" Emile called, flapping his hands. "His brother was hotter." Remy replied, sipping his coffee like the bad bitch that he is. "Sometimes i really dont get how you're my twin brother and not some distant uncle of an uncle" Em joked. "What can i say, I'm the Picani with the most personality" Remy flipped imaginary hair (his hair is too short). "Pfft, yeah, right. You dont even know what you're gonna do next week, i already know what im learning in college." Emile joked as they both started walking home.
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denki420 · 25 days
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(Click for being quality)
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ijustwannadraw0716 · 5 months
While I work on drawing projects lemme just throw some more angst at you guys cause why not lol
Roman tapped his fingers against his phone, anxiously staring between the screen and the doorway. He needed to leave soon and continue his mission, he only had one open spot where he could attack, but he couldn't do it. Not before hearing about Virgils position. It was a rough attack, but Logan had assured he could find the information needed to locate Virgil. Logan would find him.
His phone lit up with a musical tune, the ring startled Roman. He jumped and nearly dropped his phone. He fumbled a little, but quickly pressed accept and brought it up to his ear.
"Well?" He breaths, heart hammering hard against his chest as he waited.
Logan cleared his throat. "Virgil survived." He confirms, his tone detached yet, Roman could barely tell, his body sagging in relief at such information.
"Oh thank Disney! I-" Roman felt his voice crack a little before he shook his head with a breathless laugh. "Alright, I have to go, thank you Logan."
Logan stared at his phone as it disconnected. He let it fall in his lap while Patton ran a hand over his shoulder. He shrugged it off, pressing his lips together.
"I shouldn't have done that." He murmurs slowly. Patton shakes his head.
"Roman will save the city," His voice trembles as he talks, breaking at the end. Logan inhales sharply. "Its...it's for the city."
"It's logical," Logan chokes. "I know."
Chubby arms wrap around his shoulders and he doesn't bother to push them off, tightening his grip on his phone.
It's over.
Roman had saved the city from the villian once again, having them thrown in prison once and for all. He returned to the base, energy soaring his veins, skipping excitingly. His muscles burned but it was worth it to come home to his beloved thunderstorm.
Though, he does say, walking into the living area, everyone seemed to have grim looks on their faces.
He paused for a moment, his accomplishments seeming to die where he stood, an eery dread running through him as he eyed the group.
Virgil was nowhere to be found.
He frowned, eyeing Logan, who didn't, dare say, couldn't look at him and took a step closer. "What's with all the sour looks?" He asks, furrowing his brow before letting out a cheerless laugh. "Did Remus pour too much lemon juice into the cake again?" He tries to lift the tension, yet his humor falls flat, and he watches as Logan takes in a sharp breath before standing abruptly. All eyes fall on him, and he steps forward. Roman watches as he takes on his professional posture and frowns further.
"Missles had hit the foundation of the northern building, erupting in a powerful explosion that took few lives but caused many injuries."
"Logan-" Roman begins, clenching his fists as he continued with his monotone discussion, and a sinking feeling in his chest knew where this was going.
"Remus managed to deter anymore destruction from being done. Unfortunately, as the scavengers were searching for casualties..." Logan seemed to choke on his words and Roman felt his fists tremble.
"Where is he?" He grinds out. "Where's Virgil?!"
"He's dead Roman."
Roman chokes on nothing, his heart screeching to a stop while his blood drew cold. He shook his head and pointed a finger at the man.
"You said he was alive!" He snaps, tears burning at his eyes as pure fury scorched his insides. "He's alive! I don't believe you!"
"Roman," Janus tries softly. "Logan had to tell you he was alive. It would have compromised the mission. It's protocol."
"Screw protocol!" Roman sneers. "Where is he?!"
"Virgil is dead." Logan says firmer this time, as if his hands weren't trembling by their sides. "He died Roman. He's gone. The building collapsed on top of him, there was no saving-"
Roman punched Logan Square in the jaw.
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corescorner · 2 months
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F2 for @punk-logan
I haven't made any personal designs for canonverse sides, so I think these are a good start, maybe I'll do full coloured portraits.
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anxietybeans · 2 years
I want a fanfic about the sides all being reincarnation as humans and following them there life until they all find each other like it starts with them saying their goodbyes as Thomas is in a hospital bed then poof reborn all apart but the twins and when as they go through school everyone slowly meets or like patton meets virgil in middle school but virgil has to move but they still text and then they meet again their senior year of high school and everyone meets including Thomas and yes there would be ships
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stardustsides · 1 year
and if i were to write a multichapter moceit fic in which the sides are all on vacation together and patton and janus broke up months ago but didn’t have the hearts to tell the others so they have to pretend that they’re still together for the entirety of the trip (with background prinxiety in which virgil is crushing HARD on roman). what then
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